HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23-1961 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin T4he:Ctty Council of the.Gity ofr Fairhopa= matt in regular session at the C it y Hall,. Monday, October 23, 1,961- at 7:.30 P.M. with the foI I owing members presetn« Mayor Schneider, Councilmen: Boone, Gaston, Poser, Nelson and. Schermer.. The minutes of- the ppevi ous regi lar meeting were read and approved. Mr. David FuAIer, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Thomas Hospital and other members of the Board met with the City Council, Motion by C ounc i I man Poser seconded by Counc i I man Gaston that the City Counci I authorize payment' of $1.0,000.00 to Thomas Hospital Tm accordanckt with a previous Resolution as spread on the: April 25:, 195:9 minutes of the City C ounc i I . Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Poser seconded by C ounc i I man Gaston that the City Counci I. authorize payment to, the Hospital from money in toe Electric Fund of the: City. Motion carried. Letters from Mr. Sam Price, Jr, and Mr. James R. Hathcock pertaining; to request fora position of Commanding Officer, Alabama State Militia, Fort Re i I Armory, were read to the meeting. Mayor Schneider appointed Council- men -,Boone and -Gaston andiMr. L. E. Blatchford as a committee to study propos*ls and report to the next regular meeting; of the City Council* This tieing the date and t-ime set for opening of bids on Water Tank, the following bids were receivedt R.. D. Cole Mfg. Co., Newman, Ga. 500,000 Gat Tank $107.245•00 600,000 " " 120:990.00, 75:0,000 " L40,310.00., 1,00G,00o " W 169,995.00. Pittsburg D Moines Steel Company 500-000 Gal. Tank, $1.10,870.00 600,000 m '* 128#030400 750;000 1.3G,580.00 t,0000000 " " l66,L40.00 Chicago Bridge and Iron Company 500;,000' Cal. Tank $ 99,800.00 600,000 " " 112,800.00- 750,000 " " 117r6oa.OG 1,000,000 " "' 143•600.00. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Nelson that bids be held for financial study and action taken within thirty days. Motion carried.. This being date and time set for opening bids on street sweeper, the following bids were .received: Robert P. S.tap Machinery Company $9,952.00 May Machinery Company 9,150.00, Ray -Brooks Machinery Co. Single - 10,600.00 Ray -Brooks Mach inery Co. Twin 11,700.00. Florida Georgia Tractor for Co.. 10,520.00 Elgin Corp. 9,670.00 Motion by C ounc i I man Nelson seconded by Counc i I man Poser that the C i ty accept low bid of $9,150.00 submitted by May Machinery Company for an Elgin: White Wing Three greet Sweeper. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Boone seconded. by Councilman Schermer that the area of Nichols Street between Section and Church Streets be turned over to Byrd L. Moore and Company to prepare plans and assessment information in accordance wi th the City of Fa i rhooe contract since 51/, of the property owners have signed petitions to have this work accomplished. Upon being put to vote the following vote was recorded: Voting For: Councilmen: Boone, Gaston,Nel son and Schermer. Voting Against: Councilman Poser. Motion carried. �4 Motion by Councilman Boone seconded by Councilman Poser that the following R.esolut i on be adopted: BE ITT RESOLVED BY THE C ITY COUI- IL OF THE C ITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the C i'ty' s fi scab agent, Hugo Marx and Company be authori zed to proceed with a $1,500,000.00 bond program and issue.$1,000,000.00 in bonds to accomplish proposed Gas, Water and Sewer extensions. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds be sold at Public Auction at par on Tuesday, November 21., 1961 at 2:00 P.M. at the City Hall. The F i scab Agent is to forward the notice of sale of bonds: to the C i ty C ounc i t for approval . The City Council reserves the right to refuse: or reject any or all bids. Resolutiorr,unanimously adopted. Councilman Boone introduced the following Ordinance which was seconded by S ounc.ilman Gaston and read to the meeting. Ordinance 2 BE IT CRDA I NED BY THE C I TY COUNC I L OF THE C I TY OF F A IRHOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS:: Section 1. Whenever paving is cut for any utility service there sha I I be a charge of- $30.00 for replacing paving. Sect iron 2 - This paving is to be accomp I i shed by C i ty f orces and, -F-paid for before final connection will be made. Section 3. All Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance: are hereby repealed. Section 4, This Ordinance: shall go into effect immediately upon its passage. Councilman Nelson introduced the following, Ordinance which was seconded by C ounciIman Poser and read to the Meeting. Ordinance # ZY-2— An Ordinance to amend Section 3 of Ordinance #132 as amended, SECTION! 3. Them sha l.1 be a+ charge of $75.00 for each sewer permit issued, which sum sha11 cover the cost of inspection and suitable adapter. The charges. for sewer shall be included in the bill for water services, and no person shall be permitted:, to pay for water or sewer charges without paying for both. The proposed Liquid Petro.l:eum Ordinance was tabled until the next regular meeting of the Council: Application of Mr. W. F. Hawie for Beer Permit at the Fairhope Casino was tableduntil the next meeting of the City Council. It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved 67-, Mayor Attest: _._._ i t y I e r k t�k