HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-1961 Unadjourned MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin The City Counci I of the City of fai rhope met in unad journed session at the City Hall:,, Monday, August 21,- 1961 at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present:. Mayor Schneider, Counc i I men: Boone, Gaston, Nelson, Poser and Schermer. The Mayor called the meeting to order stating that the purpose of the meet- ing was to discuss the opening of Church Street then turned the meeting over to Councilman Poser who t4eia presented a suggested plan to open Church Street w which included installation of a six foot chain link fence: from Mr. Stearns property to Morphy Avenue with a fourteen foot opening directly across from the Grammar School main door with marked safety cross walks in the street to the fence opening. In addition a uniformed Policewoman would be stationed at, the school from 7130 A.M. until after school closing hours to handle street traffic and assist the children; a hand operated traffic light would, be in- stalled at Fels Avenue and Church Street with marked cross walks and a roll- away school street sign; and that marked cross Walks with roll -away street signs would, be installed at five other important cross walks in the area Leading to the school. This plan aimed at keeping the children out of the street except to cross to the playground and that the. -policewoman would be there to take care and instruct them in street crossing. Mr. Poser outlined that the playground could be made a year round recreation center with tennis and basketball courts,, that the fence would keep children from running quickly out into the street to follow a ball and that the -playground could still be used for a parking area for school functions with access from Morphy Avenue and the fence: opening in front of the school. Councilman Poser then read the following R esol.ution and opened the meeting for a generali discussion. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that authorization be, and is hereby granted for the employment of a.Police- woman to handle the school; children and the street traffic at the Public Grammar School from the hours of 7:30 A.M. to after school closing hours on each school day during the regular session. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City will authorize the construction of chain lank fencing at the Grammar School: Play Ground running parrallel to Church Street and on the East side of the street from the North boundary line adjacent to Mr. Stearns fence -to Morphy Avenue and that there wilt: be a four- teen foot opening in this fencing directly opposite the main door of the school. A petition to keep Church Street closed was presented to the Council by rep- resentatives of the Grammar School P.7A~. The Mayor then rmaxwu d resumed Chairmanship of .the: meeting. Councilman Netsorr moved that the street remain closed. Motion died. for Ifack of second: Councilman Boone moved that the Resolution as read by Councilman Poser be amended] to include that barricades will not be placed on Church Street closing the street to traffic and moved its adoption as amended. Motion seconded by Councilman Gaston. Councilman Schermer moved that the motion be tabled for further study by the committee, Planning Boord and the School'Boaird. Councilman Poser seconded the motion. The Mayor called for a vote with the following results& Voting Fors: Councilmen Schermer and Poser. Voting Against& Councilmen Boone, Gaston and Mayor Schneider. Councilman Nelson not voting. Motion defeated. The Mayor then ca I l ed for a: vote on C ounc i I man' 3 Boone' s motion to\ adopt Resolution as amended, with the foIIowing .re8jvts: Voting Fort. Councilmen Boone and Gaston. Voting Against: Councilmen Schermer, Poser and Nelison. Motion defeated. It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried.. I Approved Mayor Attest:, r ty ler �9 Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Boone that the: follow- ing Resolution be adopted. Motion carried. BE IT. RESOLV ED BY THE C 17Y COUNC I L OF THE C ITY OF FA IRHOPE, ALABAMA a's fo11owsr WHEREAS, there is on deposit in the Surplus Fund of the Natural Gas System of the City sufficient funds.to redeem prior to maturity $20,000.00 principal amount of Natural Gas Revenue Bonds, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for bondholders to be notified not less than thirty days prior to the redemption date. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: I. That the City hereby elects: to redeem from Surplus Revenues on hand Bonds.Nos. 495/514 inclusive, maturing February 1, 1974, at par plus accrued interest plus,a premium of one yearl's interest. 2. That the Trustee be and is hereby instructed to pay such bonds when presented, with funds -out of the Surplus Fund of the Natural Gas System. 3. That Hugo Mars and Company be authorizer) to negotiate with the, bondholders im an attempt to save the cost of publishing a notice of redemption but that if such notice must be published, that said Hugo Manx and Company, be and is hereby authorized to publish an appropriate notice of redemption in accordance with the terms of the authorizing Ordinance. Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Poser that the following bills be approved, -'for payments Motion carried. R i v i era Utilities $10, 349.01 Abie Stratis 26,00 Herbert Forster 17.50: Walter A. Hoffman 1.00 Fa i rhope Courier 97.36. Virgil Herston 20,00 Burroughs Corp. 254.00 Fa i rhope Service Center 12:00 Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. 64.28, Standard Equipment Co. 966.78 Garden Center 4.67 Steele and Associates. 200,75 Dresser Mfg. Co. 106.87 Waller Bros. 33.93 K I.umpp Motor C o. 226.08 Walter Kidde Sales: and Service 71.95 Dialgas 58.67 Victory Electric Co. 243.84 Hand s Welding 1?7,00 Davis: Meter and Supply 290.86 M & S Service Station 34.88 Joe Schneider and Son, Inc. 910.75 Clarence E. farrier 35.00 Donald S. Lavigne, Inc. 24-53 Fairhope Welding and Machine Wks. 7.00 Hill-Soberg Co. 269.10 Coastal Concrete C o. 121.03 Ray-Brooks.Machinery 4o, 6,02 Radcliff Materials, Inc. 36.00 Jansen Mfg. Co. 4.75 Sportsman• s Store 51.78 Ala. League of Municipalities 180.00 Indianapolis Badge and Name Plate Coo 13.95 Nix: and Fleming Supply Co. 182.03 Flexible Pipe Tool Co. 127.41 Fa i rhope C I ay Products C o. 180.00 F. H. Ross & Co. 19.13 Turner Supply C o. 8.91. Thoss Sporting Goods Co. 13.90 Southern Auto Parts 25.70 Southern Meter and Supply 92.06 C oasta t Concrete Co. 126.38 Western Lumber and Supply 1,072.50 Wi ttichen Chemical Co. 76.50 Western Auto Store 1.66 Radcliff Materials., Inc. 36.00 Jansen Mfg. Co. 57.07 Ernest M. Bailey 10,00 Material Sales Co., Inc. 105.21 Andrews R s:taurant 60.30 Moore Supply Co. 125.40 Ha I Lett Mfg. Co. ?8.42 Ray -Brooks Machinery Co. 11,62 Matthews. Electric Supply Co. 107.51:1 Hatfield, and, Co. 819.77 H i I li-Soberg Coo'. 150,07 Jno. S. Huffman, Ins. 1.76G Green -.Nurseries y0, a0 Go F. A. Transportation 29.91- Poser Printing Co. 9.85 Mueller C o. 116.08 City Mkt. & G-rocery 1,26 Fa i rhope Pharmacy •90 Universal, Controls: Corp. 355.00 Standard Oil Co. 545.87 Texas: Refinery Corp. 42.30 Moore -Handley Hdwe. 17.08 Fairhope Hardware 51.29 Marine Specialty Co. 107.58 Bedsoles 8.38 Standard Service Station 49-47 Busy Bee Garage q.00 McKean P"nt and Hdwe. 16.06 E. G. R ickarby 112.20 Ma I ter Supply Co. 21.10 Melton Garage 151,,48 Odomts Store 11.31 Byrd L. Moore and Coo, 2,629#12 United Gas Pipe Line Co. 4,249.23 Fairhope 'title and Survey 150.00 Motion by Councilman Nelson seconded by Councilman Schermer that the meeting adjourn in unadjourned session to meet on Monday. August 21, 1961 at 7130 P.M. at the C i ty Ha11 to discuss. the opening of Churdh Street. Motion carried. Approve mayor Attest -�-T Q City Clerk �/0