HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-10-1961 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN The C i ty C ounc i I of the C i ty of Fa i rhope met i n regu I ar sess i on at the., City Hall, Monday, July IQ, 1961., at 7s3Q P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Jbee Schneider, Counci Imens Boone, Qastorn, Nelson.,. Poser and Schermer., Mot on by Counc i [man Schermer seconded by Ccunci [man-, Gaston, than the minutes of the previous. regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. The minutes of the special meeting of July 3, 1961 were read and approved. Mr, Huggins submitted pet t.t i ons for paving Sstsuma Street from Pier to Laureir and Orange Street from Pomelo to Mobile Avenue. R#ferred to the Street Committee for study and act i orr, at a tarter date. Mr. Pitman appeared before the Council requesting building permits on Lots 33 and 34,. Un i t 2,. Park, Terrace Subd iv isi on-, I t was poi nted out to him by Mr. Woo I ey, Chairman of the -Planning Board, that permits wou I d be issued on h i s mak,i ng Bond as requ i red by Sec t ion. 32.2(c) of the C i ty Sub- d ivisiom regulations. Motion By Counc i Iman Boone seconded by Counci Iman Neltson thaet the? fol Iowing Rgsoluttion be adopted. Motion carried, BE 17 REWLV ED. BY THE 'C ITY C OUNC I L OF THE C I TY OF FA I RHOPE, AL ABAMA, THATs WHEREAS, on to -wit, the I4th day of January, 195,9, CECIL PITMAN and FR,ANCES PITMAN, his wife,, did convey to the CITY CF' FA IRHOPE, the right and. easement to const ruc t` ut i I i ty I i nes i n Park, Terrace, Subd iv i si on, Un i t One, by deed; recordedin Deed Book.274, Page 4281; and WHEREAS*, the pbons of the City have been changed, and the City does no longer need or desire to use this easement; and WHEREAS* this easement may be ae c4oud. on the title to sari d property of the said Cecil Pitman and/or FRANCES PITMAN, and the CITY OF FAIRHOPE desires to convoy sand property backk, to the said CECIL PITMAN AND FRAMES PITMAN, his wife.; NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved that the CITY OF FA IRHOPE convoys by quit-cIarim deed said easement back to the seid CE IL PITMAN and FRANC ES PITMAN, and that the Mayor and City C I erk be authorized to execute said quit -claim deed in the name of the CITY OF FAIRHOPE. Motion, by C ounc i' I man Gaston seconded by Counc i I man Poser that the City place Ad in Gulf States Publication. Motion carried. Motion by C ounc i I man Schermer seconded by Counc.i I man Boone that the City have Planning Board Books painted as requested. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Schermer seconded by Councilman Boone that the follow- ing Resolution be adopted: 1�q