HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-1948 Regular MeetingIV SATE OF ALABATTA County of Baldwin The Town Council of the To,m of ; ai rhone pet in reZ,1lar session at the Town :all October 18, 1948 with the Vfollo-•ring members present; Ya.yor, T.J.Klumpp, Councilmen: Y.O. Eergl-',n, J. T. Eradford, Lrad .'ier^eyerI Ea-B.. Overtop and Ira Steele. Tlie m; rutes of the previous regular meet • ng were read and approved. Councilman Overton offered -the folloc,ing resolution and moved its ado-tion 2nd by Councilman Bradford. 1,11EREAS, the street along the ':.ater Front in Sea Cliff is impossible to maintain and is too narrow and'is irfproperly located and the Town desires to provide adequate street facilities and has surveyed and located a right of ;-ay at apnroximately half r-ay betiTeen the bay and Rio Volanta and desires to construct a street or. such right of fray, THEREFOPt- BE IT 1fLr_f OLVED that the Town exchange the Street right of gray as formerly located along the Bay for the right of :iay as recently surveyed and proposed for developrrent as a I)W::lic street and in corsicerat: on for the the conveyance of the ne7, right. of way w` 11 when said ne-vr street is constructed, con- vey the old rig1^t of v,ay to the adjoining property o,�rners to each one that segment of right of i•ray across his lards.. hesolution aCopted. Yotion by Councilman everton secorded by Councilman S.teele that the Council meet at 9:30 Al.", Cctober 19, 1948 to inspect the property of the proposed V dome in Volanta and determine the advisability of granting permits for Beer and Liquor Licenses. Notion by Councilman IT a, secorded by Councilman Ber.glin that the House TTumbering Plan as proposed by Jack Ponder, Chairman of Corrrni ttee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce, be approves'. Proti on carried. r°o tion by Councilman Berglin seconded by Councilr.:an Overton that the �°ethod=i st Chli-rch be allowed to 1: uild according to, present Ordinance -except it be 15' from Fels Avenue. Irotion Carried. Motion by Councilman T;ier.eyer secorded by Councilman Brad- ford that the new bonds for the Clerk and Assistant Clerk be increased to 4,5000 and `2000 respectively. Yotion carried. It t•:as lily moved and seconded t1-at the meeting adjct,rn. Motion carried. - Approved Attest; Clerk T.ruyor Thereupon Councilman W.O. Keeble moved the final adoption of the ordinance which motion being seconded by Councilman H.P. Kamper 'was put upon its passage and was unanimously adopted, vot4lnq for the same, Llayor Howard Ruge, Council- men J.H. Bennett, C. A. Gaston, H.P. Kamper, W.O. Keeble and J. 0. Stimpson. Voting against, none; thereupon the Yayor declared the ordinance duly aOo pted and signed the same in approval thereof. It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjo4rn. Motion carried. Approved Mayor Attest: Jerk INFORMATION IN REGARD TO $81,000 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, SEWER BONDS SELLING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, AT 2:00 P.M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Assessed Valuation, September 30, 1949.................••• $1,469,291 General Obligation Bonded Indebtedness.......... ... 6,000 Sinking Fund for Bonded Indebtedness* ..............$6.000• Net Bonded • Indebtedness.... .... .............. None General Obligation Warrantsoutstanding (to be 1,000 paid July 24, 1950).................................... Average Annual Principal and Interest Requirements on 660.53 $81,000 Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $�5, Annual Income from 5-mill tax (100% collected) . . . . $7,346.45 The bonds are full faith and credit general obligations of the City and were authorized at an election by a vote of 211 to 3. The City will pledge as additional security for the bonds a 5-mill con- stitutional tax. The approving bond attorneys will express no opinion as to the pledge of the tax, but the City is to make a pledge of it for whatever it may be worth. Population, Estimated -- 3,400.