HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-24-1948 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA
County of Baldwin
The Town Council.of the Town of Fairhope metin regular
session at the Town Hall, Tuesday, August 24, 1948 with
the following members present: Mayor, Howard Ruge,
Councilmen: J.H. Bennett, C. A. Gaston, H.P.Kamper,
W. 0. Keeble and J.O. Stimpson.
The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read
and approved.
Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman
Stimpson that the application of Owen Yinnich for build-
ing permit on the Minnich property.on South Section Street
be allowed. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Stimpson seconded by Councilman
Bennett that the application of B. G. Sawyer for permit
to cut curb and construct drive according to specification
be allowed. Motion carried.
Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Kamper
in response to a petition by interested parties for a
sidewalk on West side of Church Street from Fairhope
Avenue to the sidewalk in front of Public School, the
Mayor be directed Jo investigate the probable cost of
such improvement a d make report at next Council meeting.
Motion carried.
Councilman Gaston offered the following resolution and
moved its adoption seconded by Councilman Bennett.
WHEREAS the Waterman Steamship Company
has proposed to honor our'Town by christening
one of its fine new Freighters with the name
of Fairhope and
EHEREAS we are sure all Fairhope C*tizens
share our appreciation of this high distinction,
BE IT RESOLVED that we, Howard Ruge, Mayor,
and Councilmen J.H.Bennett, C.A. Gaston, H.P.
Kamper, W.O.Keeble and J.O. Stimpson on behalf
of ourselves and of the Citizens of Fairhope,
express to the Waterman Steamship Corporation
our sincere appreciation for the honor; that
we assure the Corporation of our best wishes and o
our hope that the S.S.Fairhope may bring profit
to its owners as it brings honor and distinction
to our Town.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution
be spread upon our minutes and published in the.
Fairhope Courier and The Mobile Press Register
and that signed copies be delivered to Mr. E.A.
Roberts, Chariman of the Board of the Waterman
Steamship Corporation and Mr. Norman Nicholson,
President of said Corporation.
Resolution adopted.
Motion by Councilman Bennett seconded by Councilman
Stimpson that the application of Mrs. Allegri for build-
ing permit on Lot 3, Block 13, Division 1 on South side
of Delmar Street be allowed provided it be erected 101j
Motion car le ee V;aiI w�
Motion by�Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman
Keeble that the application of J. A. Hawkins to retail `
beer at Fairhope Farmers Supply as now located on Section
Street be allowed. Motion carried. _
Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman .
Kamper that the Mayor be authorized to purchase such
lights and poles as are needed for Football Field.
Motion carried.
It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn.
Motion carried.
At s
BF IT RESOLVED by the 'Town (3ouncil of the 'Town of
Fairhope, that for the purposes of the general election to be
held in the 'Town of r'airhope on the 3rd lio.nday in September,
being the 20th day thereof, for the election of town officers,
the town be divided in to wards numbered oneand two; that ward
numbered one shall consist of that part of the town of :Fairhope
lying north of Fairhope Avenue, and ward numbered 2 shall con-
sist of all that part of the town of Yairhope lying south of
r'airhope Avenue; the voters residing in each of saia wards shall
vote at the voting place provided for such wards; that
be ana is hereby designated as ppthe voting
glace in ward numbered one; that
be and is hereby designated as the voting pl ce in ward numbered 2.
Motion by Councilman Kamper seconded by Councilman
Keeble to request the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation
to deed to -the Town for right of way purposes the N. 10'
of Block 13, Division l,'and that the Town agree to re-
fund to the Corporation any amounts that may be required
to pay lessees for improvement on such land.
Motion carried.
Coun i an Stim o offered following e-and
mov 'ts adoptio econded uncilman n tt.
Councilman Bennett offered the following resolution
seconded by Councilman Stimpson• Resolution adopted.
(Resolution posted and copy attached to
these minutes)