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07-27-1948 Regular Meeting
STATE OF ALABAP11A County of Baldwin The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope met in regular session at the Town Hall, Tuesday, July 27, 1948 with the following -members present: Mayor, Howard Ruge, Councilmen: J.H.Bennett, C. A. Gaston, H. P. Kamper, W. 0. Keeble and J. 0. Stimpson. - The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Councilman Stimpson seconded by Councilman Gaston that the application of Robert Nahrgang to construct driveway at Hill Top Apartment and connect drain to storm sewer at apartment on Block 10 be allowed. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Keeble that the application of Owen Minnich to construct cottage on Minnich property 25' from the west side of Section Street be allowed. Notion carried. Councilman Gaston, moved the adoption of the following resolution seconded by Councilman Kamper:. Whereas, at the regular meeting of the Town Council of June 22nd, 1948 sufficient of paving contract of Town of Fairhope with S. R. Batson & Co. having been completed to warrant the payment the sum of $12,000 thereon to the Contractor. The Town Council did authorize the Mayor and Town Treasurer to pay said sum and the same was paid June 267 1948 and said action of the Council in authorizing the same was inadvertently ommitted from the minutes of the said meeting. Now therefore be it resolved that the Clerk be authorized and directed to ammend the minutes of said meeting to properly show such authorization. Be it further resolved that the payment of the said sum to said Contractor be and is hereby ratified and confirm- ed. Resolution adopted. Councilman Bennett moved the adoption of the following, resolution seconded by Councilman Stimpson. It appearing that S. R. Batson & Co. having completed approximately 97000 sq. yds.af paving under its contracts with the Town and desires payment for 80000 sq. yds. that heretofore there has been paid and advanced thereon $25,321.87. Now therefore the Mayor and Treasurer are authorized and directed to pay to the Contractor the sum of $11,500.00 on said contracts. The payments hereby authorized and heretofore made shall not be construed as an acceptance of the work or release of the Contractor. Resolution adopted. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Stimpson that the amount paid by the Electric Department to the General Fund, in lieu of taxes, be increased from 0325 monthly to $1000 monthly, that such monthly payment W. C. Beebe, Gen $ 50.00 Raymond Stapleton, Elec. 220.00 J.P. Bailey, Elec. 220.00 Marvin Nichols, Elec. 215.00 Earl Howes, Elec. 190.00 H. W. Odom, Elec. 190.00 George Dyson, W & S 220.00 Councilmen: J.H. Bennett 5.00 C. A. Gaston 10.00 H.P. Kamper 10.00 W. 0. Keeble 10.00 J. 0. Stimpson 10.00 Road Dept. $1052.66 Electric 461.00 till & S 552.19 Donations: Organic School Elec. 23.50 W & S 19.00 Public School Elec. 11.93 W & S 2.40 Public Library Elec. 4.87 W & S 2.00 Country Club Elec. 1.71 Commings Hall Elec. 7.89 W & S 2.40 White Way Lights 50.55 Red Cross Bldg. Elec. 1.11 W & S 2.00 Ball Park Water 1.50 Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Kamper that the application of Fairhope Hardware and Supply Co. to erect sign on Fairhope Avenue Building be allowed. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Stimpson seconded by. Councilman Kamper that the application -of McKean Hardware to erect awning be allowed. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Stimpson seconded by Councilman Kamper that the application of F. Thornton to erect sign at Moon N' Sixpence building be allowed. Motion carried. Motion by Councilman Kamper seconded by Councilman Stimpson that the application of Charles Stromberg to construct driveway on Mobile Avenue be allowed subject to Town specifications. Mtti.on carried. Motion by Councilman Gaston seconded by Councilman Stimpson that the Mayor appo'nt a committee to meet with Mr. Ponder of the Chamber of Commerce to consider house numbering in Fairhope. Motion carried. It was duly moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Approved_-----�© I,Zayor Attes . er