HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-1948 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALABAMA County of Baldwin The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope met in regular session at the Town Hall, Tuesday, July 13, 1948 with the following members present: Mayor, Howard Ruge, Councilmen: C. A. Gaston, H.P. Kamper, W.O. Keeble and J. 0. Stimpson, Councilman J.H. Bennett being absent. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were allowed: The Texas Co., Gen. $ 185.07 Trailway Oil Co., Gen. 7.16 Albert Lyons, Gen.- 88.65 Ruge Service Station, Gen. 31.16 Mary Ann Cafe, Gen. 2.40 Alabama Stationery Co., Gen. 2.88 McKean Paint & Hardware, Gen. 5.25 Gaston Motor Co., Gen. 31.76 M & S Service Station, Gen. 1.50 Motor Clinic, Gen. 1.25 Fairhope Hardware and Supply, Gen, 9.35 Lighting xx Fixture and Electric Supply, Elec 237.18 Line Material Co., Elec. 84.62 Turner Supply Co., Elec. 804.50 Fuel Oil Supply Co., Elec. 451.50 Wilder Ring Free Oil Co., Elec. 41.25 Klumpp Motor Co., Elec. 1.20 Ruffles Co., Elec. 2.41 Fairhope Hardware and Supply, Elec. 5.16 Riviera Utilities, Elec. 114.87 Sangamo Elec. Co., Elec. 130.00 Matthews Electric Supply, Elec. 390.19 Riviera Utilities, Elec. 2236.92 The Tropical Paint Co., Elec. 36.41 Moore -Handley Hardware, Elec. 188.52 Fairbanks -Morse & Co., Elec. 62.50 Mueller Co., Yd & S 7.76 Ponder Co., W & S 175.85 Klumpp Motor Co., W & S 13.50 Albert Lyons, W & S 5.25 Ruge Service Station, W & S 2.50 Mathieson Chemical Corp. W &•S 49.50 The Dorr Co., Tel & S 87.18 McKean Paint & Hardware, W & S 12.30 Ruffles Co., W & S 21.13 W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Co., W & S 364.55 Fairhope Hardware and Supply, W & S 27.93 Standard Equipment Co., W & S 168.40 Pay Roll for month of June: Howard Ruge Gen. 100.00 Elec. 165.00 W & S 6o.00 R. C. Yohn Gen. 220.00 Marie Moore Gen. 15q.00 M. D. Cox Gen. 210.00 J.N.Pope Gen. 210.00 Floyd Phillips Gen. 185.00 J.H. Arnold Gen. 185.00 E. E. Newell Gen. 170.00 ORDINANCE NO. 183 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND MODIFY AN ORDIN- ANCE ENTITLED "STREET IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE OF 1948, NUMBERED ", AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, ON 19481 AND TO FINALLY CONFIRM SAID STREET IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE OF 1948,AS HEREIN AMENDED, AND TO GIVE TO THIS ORDINANCE AN OFFICIAL DESIGNATION. WHEREAS, in and by an ordinance entitled "Street Improvement Ordinance of 1948, numbered , duly adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, at a meeting thereof duly held on 19481 the improvements of certain streets, avenues and alleys within the corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope, Ala- bama, was determined upon, ordered and authorized; AND WHEREAS, said Improvement Ordinance of 1948, was duly published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Fairhope Courier, a newspaper published in the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, said publications appearing in the issues of said paper of and 1948; AND WHEREAS, copies of said "Street Improvement Ordinance of 1948, numbered , were sent by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the persons last assessing for town taxation the property to be assessed for such improvements at their last known address, more than ten (10) days -before the meeting of the Town Council therein provided for, said copies being so mailed 1948; AND WHEREAS, in and by said ordinance and the notices thereof it was and is ordered and provided that the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, meet at o'clock P.M. in the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, at the office of the Town Clerk thereof on the day -of , 1948, for the purpose of hearing and that at such time it would hear any objections or remonstrances that may be made to said improvement, the manner of making the same or the character of material or materials to be used; AND WHEREAS, this being the date, time and place so fixed by said ordinance and the notices thereof for the hold- ing of such meeting and to hear any such objections, protests or remonstrances that may be made, and those present being called upon to protest, object or remonstrate in person, by attorney or by petition against such improvements, the materials to be used or the manner of making the same should they so desire, and said persons -having been informed that the Council would consider any and all such objections, protests or remonstrances; AND WHEREAS, an objection and protest having been made to the making of said improvements, said objection or protest being made by less than a majority in frontage of the property owners to be affected thereby, there being no further or other objections, protests or remonstrances against such proposed improvement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF FAIEHOPE, ALABAMA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the protest, objection and remonstrances as made against said proposed improvement be and the same hereby is overruled. Section 2. That Section 1 of said "Street Improvement Ordinance of ,1948, numbered , heretofore adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Ala- bama, at a meeting regularly held on , 1948, be and the same is hereby amended and modified so as to read as follows: "Section 1. That it be and hereby is determined upon, ordered and authorized by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, that the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, design or cause to be designed, contract for, execute and cause to be executed, improvements to and on the following streets, avenues, alleys, highways and other public places within the corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, viz.: No. 1.Volanta Avenue from East Corporate limits to Mobile Bay, No. 2.Grand Avenue from Section Street to west line of Lots 11 in Blocks 3 and 4 of Airey Heights. No. 3.Gayfer Street from Section Street to Bon Secour Avenue. no. 4.Fairwood Boulevard from Section Street eastward to end of development; from Fairhope Avenue northward and east- ward to end of development. No. 5.North Street from Summit to Bay View. No. 6.St. James Street from Bay View to Church Street. No. 7-Summit Street from south line of Lots 1 Block 11, Lots 6 Block 10 of division 1 to St. James Street. No. 8.Young Street from NE corner of SEA- of SE7- of SW-f of Section 17 Township 6 South Range 2 East to Nichols St. No, 9.Morphy Avenue from Church Street to Section street; from NE corner of West 2/5 of north J of SWf of SE-J of Section 17 Township 6 South Range 2 East to Greeno Boulevard; Morphy Avenue from Section Street to NE corner Lot 3, Block 3 of Central Park Addition. No.10.Fels Avenue from Section Street to Oswalt Street. No.11.Gaston Avenue from Church Street to Section Street. No.12.White Avenue from Church Street to Oswalt Street. No.13.Nichols Street from Summit,Street to Section Street. No.14.Section Street from White Ave. south to Corporate limitt. No.15.Ingleside Avenue from Morphy Avenue to Fairhope Avenue; from SE corner of Lot 11 to NE corner of Lot 13 of Green Subdivision. No.16.Fairhope Avenue from Ingleside Avenue to Greeno Boulevard. No.17.School Street from Morphy Avenue to Nichols Street. No.18.Nichols Street from Mobile Avenue to east,line of Freedom Street thence to Equity Street. No.19.Pier Street from Mobile Bay to Pomelo Street. No.20.Ettel Street from Morphy Avenue to Fels Avenue. No.21.Pomelo Street from Pecan Street to Nichols Street. No.22.Church Street from Fels Avenue to Nichols Street. No.23.Pecan Street from Beach View Avenue to Pomelo Street. No.24.Satsuma Street from Pier Street to Nichols Street. Including all street, avenue and alley intersections and public places; all as per plats filed in the office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, by clearing, filling, grading, leveling, graveling, paving, sidewalking, curbing, guttering, draining and the construction of storm water sewers or drains, or lateral storm sewers in connection with -such improvements for the purpose of properly draining such portion of said streets and the property abutting thereon, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto. Section 3. That the said "Street Improvement Ordinance of 1948, numbered ", as herein and hereby amended, be and the same hereby is re -adopted and in all things ratified and confirmed. Section 4. That this Ordinance is hereby termed and designated, shall be known and may be citdd as "Street Improvement Confirmatory Ordinance of 1948." Duly adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, at a meeting thereof regularly held on the day of 1948. As Mayor of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama. ATTEST: As Clerk of the Toxin of Fairhope, Alabama (Affix Town Seal)