HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-25-1948 Special Meetingl�
Minutes of special meeting of the Town Council of the
Town of Fairhope, held at the Town Hall, June 25, 1948, present
Howard. Ruge, lKayor, Councilmen C.. 0. Gaston, H. P. Kamper, and.
W. 0. Keeble, absent, Councilmen, J. H. Bennett, and J. 0. ,Stimp-
BE IT KNOVYN that under Ordinances of the Town Council of
Town of Fairhope, being Street Improvement Ordinance #181 and Or-
dinances supplemental thereto, and particularly Ordinance #1P2,
#183, and #184, the last, adopted June 8, 1948, the TrTa,yor of the
Town of Fairhope did call a special Meeting of the Town Council of
Town of Fairhope, to be -held at the Town Hall_, at 11:00 A. T-".,
June 25, 19489 for the purpose of receiving and opening bids for
the surfacing of certain streets and avenues and portions of streets
and avenues named in said Ordinance #181 and 7#183 and .for the pur-
pdse of letting a contract .for the surface of the said streets in
accordance with said 8rdin.ance #181 and Ordinance supplemental
thereto, and did give notice thereof and consented to the holding
of such special meeting, all in words -and figures substantially as
To H. P. Kamper, J. H. Bennett, C. A. Gaston, W. 0.
Keeble, J. 0. Stimpson, members of the Town Houncii of Town of
Fairhope, a meeting of the Town Council of Town of Fairhope is here-
by called, and you are hereby notified of the call for such meeting,
to be held at 11:00 A. M. June 25, 1948, at the Town Hall, in the
Town of Fairhope, for the purpose of receiving and opening of bids
for the surfacing of streets and avenues and portions of streets
and avenues named. in and provided by Ordinance #181 and Ordinances
supplemental thereto, including Ordinance #183 and #1°4, advertise-
ment for bids having been given as provided in said Ordinance #184,
in, the form and for the time and in the manner provided in said
Ordinance publication in the Fairhope Courier, in its issues of
June loth and 17th. And for the purpose of accepting any such
bid as may be the lowest and best bid and to the interest of the
Town of Fairhope and of the citizens thereof. You will attend.'
said. meeting at said time and place. This 15th day of June, 1948.
Howard Ruge,
I hereby acknowledge receipt of notice of the foregoing
call for special meeting of the Town Council of the Town of
Pairhope and waive6further notice thereof, and consented that
the said meeting be held at the said time and place and for the
purpose above stated. This June 15, 1948.
C. 0. Gaston, Councilman
H. P. Kammer, Councilman
W. 0. Keeble C uncilman
J. A. Bennet, councilman
J. 0. Stimpson, Councilman.
The Mayor presiding called the meeting to order and
announced that a quorem was present, and that the Council Nas opened
for the purpose of transacting the business for which the same was
Bids for the surfacing of streets and avenues and por-
tions of streets and avenues as provided in Ordinance #181 and
Ordinance supplemental thereto including Ordinance #183 and #184
under which advertisement for bids was published in the Pairhope
Courier, in its issues as aforesaid, were received and opened, and
the bid of S. R. Batson, doing business as S. R. Batson Construction
Company, being the lowest and best bid, on the work uronosed to be
done under the said Ordinances, and advertisement, the following
resolutions were offered by "'ouncil man Gaston, the same having been
second by 6ouncilman Kamper, was put upon its passage and adopted,
voting for the same Howard Ruge, Mayor, C. A. Gaston, H. P. Kamper,
and W. 0. Keeble, ('ouncilman namely, viz:
"BE IT RESOLVED" by the Town Council of the Town of
Fairhope that the bid of S. R. Batson,, doing business as S. R.
Batson ConstructionC�ompany, for the work, labor and material in
the surfacing of streets and avenues and. portions of streets
and avenues named in Ordinance #181 and #183 and Ordinance supple-
mental thereto be and the same is hereby accented.
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED" that the Mayor of the Town of
Fairhope be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter
into contract with the said S. R. Batson, doing business as afore-
said, substantially in words and figures as following::
BA LT" UN C CT�:'T'Y .
This memorandum of agreement made and entprpo intp on
this the 25th t?ay of Jane, 1041, by and bptvleen the Town of rair-
hope, herein called the Town, and 3. R. PAtron, doing 'business
as S. R.Batson �onstrnction Comrnrzy, herein calif-0 the Contraetor,
VT7,REAS, the Town epsirp.t, to imnrnvp and surface rprtain
streets ar.d wenu.es and -nortions of strppta inc fivpnues in the
Town of Pbi.rhope, described and enumerated In Pxh.ihi,t "A", hereto
attached and made a part of this contract, nnri the Contractor de-
sires to frrrish and deliver all mntpriqls Pre, to An rod nprrprrr+
all work and labor in the imnrovement and surfRcIr.+ o-" acrid gtrAnta
and avenues' and portions hereof;
NOWT T RPF'CR?9, it Is aprepd between the n!rt .es hereto
as follows s
1. The Contractor rromisps and ngrpAq to -l'iz.rnish and
deliver all mstortsls and to eo arl nerfnr+i, all Mork and ligbor re-
quired to, by furni_s'ed an(' deTlvored, done and np-rf'crMed inand
about the lmrrovempnt and 3urfracing of the alid qt-nets qrcq avQnups,
and portions of streets and avenues, all. In Pecordance Prith the
advr,rtisement for bldg of the Town of Fa1rhope, cony of whieb is
hereto attached, narked Fxht_bi.t Mall ane. okarle a part nP this ab-
stracts and in accordance with the ContrPotor's ?)9d, a nory of
Which is hprr-to attached, ^parked Fxhirit "C'x, and made ^ Cart r)f
this contract, the originals of ,rhich are nn fi1a in the
the T-:,i..n Clerk of the Torn. of F"Rlrhore.
P, The Town agrops and nromlies to nav to the Contractor
for such materials and labor Tibor the works nrp r.rmnlntPd in
accordance with the Provisions of this Contract, the nri ne a 4 set
f'or*h in said Proposal, marked Exhibit "C" above referred to, ray-
ment to be made as followings
The Town gill bay for all slap and asphalt when the same
is delivFred uron the job, TTncn comrlptlon and acne rtance 'hy the
sown, of the surfnCing -;rovided for herein, the Town will. pay to
the Contractor the remainder of the price snecified in rxhil,it
3. The said surfacing shill be dome in accrrrinrnce to
the laws of the S)tate of Alabama, and the crrdi.n*ncP of the Town of
Faairhope relating, thereto, and esarrecially Street Tm-rovemPnt Or-
dinance numbered, ;'1181 of Tfay 1,11x 1.94P, and ordinances and resole-
tions supr,Ienental th.,,rto, and uncer the direct avrary sion, and
to tr-� ent;_re satisfaction, of the Town Council of the 'Pawn of
Fairhope, subject at all timps to the inspection and approval of
the Torn Engineer.
k. The d4eci sion f the "own Council.. of the Town of vair_
hope or its duly constttutef7 agent or ren.rP4cntative uron any
question connected with the execut,icn of this Agreement or any failure
or delay in the n.rnseeuti.on of the Fork �!r the Contractor shill be
final ane' conclusi-.re.
The Contractor shall lmm+�diately comanon
the. surfacing of the said streets and arrenups ens' rcrtions of streets
and avenues, rith radpc�uate labor nr.d er».ipment apewi11, nroseeute
the saM.a to completion within wrrkl.ng days from (late. And
for each c'aays delay beyond the time snPctfi_.d herein for comrletion
the. Contractor shah paxq to the Town, as lama'ga!s, thA sum c�F
dollars, ;;rovided the Town Council may extpnd the ti^rp rnr eom-
pletion, and may waive the neraalt'v herein nrotrided.
6. The Contractor shall. furni_sr to the Tnvm Fond and
sufficient performance and labor and matoriaal. -onds; thf rremiurn on
which. shall be oaid by --he Cor;traac"nr, arr+ the F"o4rn shall reimr»rse
such Contrneto- for the amol:ant of the *re? ilzrn, not to PRCpPM one
cent per' Square yard of the surfaacine done order this Cnntraet, and
which such reimbursement is and shall be in adcTit ion to the bid
price of the Contractor ;7.Pt rut in Fxhibit "C" hereof.
of the Town Council has cnu!!.P.e thesfr rrespnts to by e-xPelltPA
Howard Rugeq its 'Aayor, and its Cornorptp IlenIq to be bprAto 9-rflIM0
and the said S. R. Patson has hereto ,;et his hand and seal this
the day and year first above written.
T OWAT r m r � T"q TT rl T:r, ,
Street and Avenues and portions of Streets and. Avenues
to be surfaced under this contract.
No. 1. Volanta Avenue from Fast Corporate limits to robile B*
Noe 2. Grand Avenue from Section Street to west line of Lots
11 in Bloc,>s 3 and 4 of Airey Heights.
No. 3, Gayfer Street from section Street to Bon Seccur Avenue.
No, 4. I°airwood xoulevard from Section ;street eastward to end
of development; from Fairhope Avenue northward and east-
rard to end of development.
rorth Street from I'ummit
to :bay View.
St. dares Street from Bay
View to Church Street.
No. 7, Summit Street from south 1'ne of Lots 1 Block 119 Lots 6
Block 10 of division 1 to St. games Street.
too. 8. Young Street from NE corner of SE* of SEj of SW* of
Section 17 Township 6 South Lange 2 East to Nichols Street.
,1o. 9. Norphy Avenue from Church Street to Section street;frorr
NE corner of West 2/5 of north J of SWj of SEJ of Section
17 Township 6 South :ange 2 East to Greeno Boulevard;
Morphy Avenue from Section Street to FE corner Lot 31
Block 3 of Central Bark Addition.
Fio.10. eels Avenue from uectior. Street to Oswalt Street.
Noll, Gaston Avenue from Church Street to Section Street.
No.12. white Avenue from Church :street to Oswalt Street,
N0.13. P'ichols Street :'rom Summit Street to Section Street.
No.14. Section. Street from White Ave. south to Corporate li, its.
No.l j. Ingleside Avenue from Uorphy Avenue to F='airhor)e Avenue;
from SE corner of Lot 11 to NE corner of Lot 13 of Green
No.16. F'aixhope ;venue from Ingleside Avenue to Greeno Boulevard.
lNo.17. School -street from Iforphy Avenue to Mchols Street,
No.18. Nichols Street from Yobile Avenue to east line of Freedom
Street thence to Equity .street.
No.19. Fier Street from Lobile Bay to Pome10 Street.
No.20. .Ettel Street from 1.19orphy avenue to Fels avenue.
Pomelo Street from Pecan Street to Nichols Street,
Church Street from Fels Avenue to Nichols Street,
Pecan Street from Reach Vie;,! Avenue to Pomelo Street.
No.24. Satsuma Street from Pier Street to Fiehols atreet.
Saled proresn't-s t.l lie rpneil-�,e.d by the (1101irtoll
of i1i',sirhopo, Alzbq-ma at the office of the Tom Clerk until 11110
A. 1. June ^51 104�, and ther m7blicly mnrrod for aprroximatolys
1. 661483 anuarp (-'p qnnO clay bnsp efmmeted to
six inchev, ?nr q dth of 22 fr,ptt or such other width Ps my
be directed.
2. 63,509 squqrp ynrrls fNf PPf-me to be �rr!IPM at 9
width of e2l feat' or such other wifth a-; may be rllrpt*tAa.
3, or sirvim surfAc.4'! 'hitiimirml
treatment to be aprli-e, at ,-) r1dth of 20 fPfbt mr mich other width
as may be dlreetpe!.
4* The Town resarves the ri-11.t �`n Incrogivo or Aecronso
thr, above qii9nt1tips by P5`'4 at no &,ange I.n the unit,
prices bid.
No c1Par-J.nc!,, dralmFm, nr midine will. be remilred under
this contract; howpvpr bid nri-ce for base cotirsn will inel&e the
hard bladin-p of VIP existing sub Prade rri.or to e4pro3it4lne,
"'he perform nee of the ibovA rnrlr shall strict enm-
Pliance with Aimban-e. Ststo, ITIRhway arecIficntinr
fatertal for lh-Asr, cfmrse %113. be Nvilal-P4 by 1-.h+-$ Town
In a nit located' within the cornorate Limit rf tho '"own of-Fa1rhoro
at no expense to the contract or; vmter rjan r-111 �, ,P Farrlsbed by the
town to thp contractor the .-nrromte Ti-Ats with no Pxnpnge
to the contractor.
1, Cprtifloe b or bidder nnrt for not leis than 5,1 of the
amount of bid ft-Ost accomrany each nrnnoval. 'AftformAnee IP'hor and
bond will be required, but the 7own o-,' 701rbnra mwjj.j abqnrb
the cost thereof to a maximum of 10 per square yard,
and III blds. own 0' Irhnre res,-rves flip rirht "Ploct any
Plans ar-.1 cteel At I:hp
of the Town Clprk.
Ilown or
TT Fr7f,,,Tr-i-,j OIRT)AT77rj) thAt Wfl rn+4(,e-,
for the op
"OP"(7 bY t1-.),P T�irn "'ouzo
"t '"eting fhprer�f
hm pt
Clerk r,,f +�jj
7own of F i rhnne Ala, -.)a
Yn"T'IIICI of the
icrrn o r !hIrhf,"ft to lit r±aa
lown of
Dear SUrs
In resnmqp to yraur iijcj
imnrove "..rits
h P TPA 1 r!2r
O"ue 1.1nd
J"L, to ftrnljpb
fit I;
'ilP linit rrleeq
(1) hpproxl%qtejv 6jO-Pl six jr1ch
. . . . . . . . . W-0) nor
squ-pro y"'Ird,
"RI nf.,u? nrlmo
C077t or MA-3 7 1 ,�h` r!"r t s
�Ppri=izatsiy 6o AO� scivare rfift -irqjp h14.1'"
per mqijarp yAr.
in the evrm."k'; we n!v
st oo M c4c"'t"-m"!t wljl 7v-, N .,t'lari rl-c!rmilnf, nrmv4 on#
Of the Itove mPntlor.e,7 tf)
EUXLQ-2 lnr�
tr-, the Standare pr t.'hP AlskbR--n,
1,""ry truly vr%iirs 41
PAT"T, TT, r"M,
General "Innager,