HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-29-1938 Regular MeetingState of Alabama
County of Baldwin
The Town Council of the Town of Fairhope met in regular
session at the Town Hall, Mondays November 291, 1938 at
7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Howard Ruge,
Mayor, Councilmen 11.0. Berglin, H.P. Kamper, Sam Dyson,
C.A. Gaston and J.O. Stimpson, the'same constituting the
full membership of the Town Council.
The Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved
as read.
The following ordinance No.146 and entitled
"An ordinance to.prohibit the running at large with-
in the corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope,
Alabama, of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas
and any and all other domestic fo*l, and to provide
a penalty therefor'',
was introduced by Councilman M.O. Berglin , read in full
by the Clerk and considered by the Council, said ordinance
being as follows:
An Ordinance to prohibit the running at large with in the corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope,
Alabama, of chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas
and any other domestic fowl, and to provide a penalty
Section 1: That it shall be unlawful for any person
' owning or having in their possession or under their con-
trol any chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas or any
other domestic fowl, to permit the same to run at large or
to stray from their premises, in the corporate limits of
the Town of Fairhope, Alabama.
Section 2: Any person violating this ordinance shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be fined not less than
$1.00 nor more than $10.00, and may also be sentenced to.
hard labor for the Town of Fairhope for not more than ten
(10) days.
Duly adopted by the Town Oduncil of the Town of Fair -
hope, Alabama, at a regular meeting thereof held on the
29th day of November, 1938.
As Ijayor of the Torpn of
Fairhope, Alabama.
of Fairhope, Alabama
It was moved by Councilman"M;O. Berglin and seconded
by Councilman H.P. Kamper that all rules of the Town Council
of the Town of FAirhope, Alabama, which might prevent, url
less suspended, the final passage and adoption of said or-
dinance at this meeting, be and the same are hereby suspend-
ed for the purpose of permitting the final passage and
adoption of said ordinance at this meeting
The question being upon the adopting of said motian
and the suspension of such rules, the roll was called with
the following results:
AYES: Mayor Ruge, Councilmen C.A. Gaston, H.P. Kamper, J.O.
Stimpson, Sam Dyson, and K.O. Berglin.
Nays: None
The Mayor declared said motion carried and such rules
Councilman J.O. Stimpson then moved that said ordin-
ance be now placed upon its final passage. Councilman Aam
Dyson seconded the motion.
The question being put upon the placing of said ordin-
ance upon its final passage, the roll was called with the
following results;
AYES: I`.ayor Ruge, Councilmen C.A. Gaston, H.P. Kamper, J.0.
Stimpson, Saxe Dyson, and Y.O. Berglin.
NAYS: None.
The motion declared the motion carried. Councilman
IT.O. '13erglin thereupon moved that the said ordinance be
finally passed and adopted as introduced and read. Counc41-
ilman C.A. Gaston seconded the montion.
The question being put upon the final passage and adopt-
ion of said ordinance, the roll was called with the follow-
ing results.
AYES: 'mayor Ruge, Councilmen C.A. Gaston, .i.P. Kamper, J.O.
Stimpson, Sam Dyson, and 11.0. Berglin.
NAYS: None.
The mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and
the ordinance finally passed and adopted. Thermayor there-
upon signed said ordinance in approval therof.
It was moved by Councilman C.l.. Gaston and Seconded by Council-
man Y.O. Berglin that Ruffles and Sons application for ware-
house building be granted.
'lotion carried.
That the committee appointed to confer with the Fairhope Single
Tax Corporation concerning the permit granted Converse Farwell
to use a portion of the park land that it seemed best to permit
title to the land involved to ±evert in the Fairho-ne Single
Tax Corporation donor of the lands as provided for in para-
graph 6 of the terms of the convd�yance of such lands.
It was moved by Councilman H.P. fia.rlper and Seconded by Council-
r,,a.n Sam Dyson that the report be accepted and such invest-
ment of title consented to. 1-otion carried.
It was moved by Councilman C.A. Gaston and seconded by Council-
rnn I:'L.O. Berglin that the application of the Standard Oil Co,
to erect a Auto Service- Station on the corner of rairhope
Avenue and Church Street be referred to a committee and
report back to the Council. Motion carried.
The following committee was appointed by the Mayor; Council-
man Sam Dyson and J.O. Stimpson.
It was moved and duly seconded that the meeting adjourn.
Motion carried.
_ter -Yn- 3938
Approved �-
7 Mayor
At est