HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-26-1934 Regular Meetingr t STATE OF 11UBklii. Nhe Town CAur c ll o,f the Town of Za it hope , County of Baldwin, Alabama,, net in regule r session at low -!all 'at 7%o r clock P. u . , on the 26th day of ilovGmb er, ,1934, vdhen and wherethe fol- �d lo::ing mer-bers were present,.. to.'ivit' !Io;vard 'Rage, L.ayor; the -same constituting the fullber- x R hir of the To. Counc,-il, The folloving Ordinagce Igo. 124 and entitled f cruj QRDj:TIJTC TLC 41D L:ODIFi Ah ORDDI 'T i:TIE�Q ti- TT URDI:TiTCDAICE tIT: OF.00TOSLR, 22; 1934, �1Ul tLD 122", bS r1DOPT- IBY T•t TON '010 TC I1 OY TrLu TO',T.. OF-' '_qAIi IIOPE, >ALABAL;A, . ON OCTUBER 22, 1934, :":;D TOF1',�.I,LY C011.LIM SAID .STRRET =OV.6=IT -ORDIK.�RCFi OF OCTOBER 22, 1934, AC IMRFMI L.',MD , 4M TO GIVE TO `THIS ORDILINC} ,N, GFFICIAL DESICIU- TIMtt, M a J w introduced br �y - � read in full by was intr�d the Clerk and considered by the Council, said ordinance being as follows 5 J 1 f, ()RI?I ICE NO. 124. ttF ,�X ORDTiI,�"1�;C� . TO . �'�.F. TD..AIM - iLODlr''Y" �:I OI�DIIJ`-- , . AIIC.3*419 IZITITIoM, "JT€I -_7.T LMOMMiT ORDLia= OY OCTOBER '22, 1934, 1M,, ERED 12211, as AWPT- .M BY TfX M..'N CCtTTCIL OF Tu Tu,m OF r.AiailopL, 0I1 OCTO�i;A remit- 9 1934, Ai-1) TO FrIInLLY CGi'ZIF L SAID STREET L2RCVr.,�-10T ORDII 4I'CE OF GCTOEER 2-;, 1934, aS 'F RED-4 ii►._&Di i), .-aM TO AVE TO TFFIS 0-IMETAIME IU' OFFIC I,iL DESIGH&TIOIy . . -1=1 ; in and by en ordinance entitled "Street Improve? meat. Ordinance of Octobter 22, 1934, numbered 122f, duly adopted by th:o. Town Council of the Town. oaf. Fair:�ope,, Alabuua, at a,meet thereof duly held on October a2, 1934, the improvements of certain streets, avenue-s and alleys within the corporate limits of tie; Town of "Fairhope, Alabama z;as deteruined upon, ordered and authorized; I, b1;D AMRE.�a, said Imp over, eat Qr4i.nance of Octobet 22; 1934, was duly publis:ied once a week for two consecuti-ve weeks in the Fairhope, Couridr, a newspape'D published in the Tomm of Fairhope, �2 �-v 7/J and pe, ,ring in' the is s je s of said paper of Alabamp said -public ,tzons ap .�.,. l; 1934; Copies 6f.L said TMStreet Improvement Ordinance of October 22, 1934, numbered 12211, r.ere cent by registered nail, postage prepaid, to the persons last assessing for towm taxation t;l e property to be ossessed for such improvements at their la., t knovu address, more than . ten (10 ) days before the -meeting of the T v:n Council therein provided for, said copies be.inG so ma'iied :�"�• b 1934; ti AND ,zMPE4S, in. and' by said ordinance and the notices thereof it was, and is ordered. and,. provided that the 'Tom. Council, of the 'Town; of Fsirhope, Alabama, meet at 7Wtclock, F. 1� . in the I. To:vn of Fairhopa, Alab_.ma:, -at the office, of the Tov,-n dlerk thereof on the �6th day of, riovembe.r., 1934, for tn:: purpose .;off hearing and that at such time it would hear any ob jections qt - remona tiencss. that 'may be made etc said improvement, t1w-, manner' of ,mel;irf,,. the same Qr. the craracter' of, material or materials to be used;. II.M ;AREAS thin ,be ing_the date, time and place .so fixed by -said ordinance: and the notices. thereof for the holding; of , such meting and to hear ncy such objections, protests or remonstmnoes that, may be made, and those present being called upon to protest, object or remonstrate in persona by attorney or by "petition tiCainat` such im;�rov©meats, the materials to be used or the manner of makinC the same should the;; so desire, and said persons having been irk. -- formed that the Council •rould consider any an4 ell such objections, protests or remonstrances; AID ,=RF�A.S, an objection -and protest having b een mtide to the making of said improvements, said objection or protest heir; made by less than a majority in frontage of the property owners , to be affected thereby, ` there being no further or other objections. ; protests or remonstrances against such proposed improvett-ent; NO-7, THER ,FORE, 3E IT ORDA7.L;ED BY TH4L TOWD1. COMMIL OF THE TOU11 OF FAIRHORE;, AL&,BAI,-A., AS 3oction 1. That the protest, objection and. remonstrance as made against said proposed; tGmprovemeAt be and the sane ,h'erebyy is overruled. • Section 2. That -Section l of eaid *'Street Improvement Ordinance of October 22, 1934, numbered 122„1, heretofore adopted by, the 5own Council of the Toxin pf .Fairhope, Alabama, at a meeting regularly held on October: 22, 1934, be and the same is hereby amendedand madif ied so as to read as follows "Section 1. That it be and hereby is determined upon,, ordered and ,authorized by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Alabama$ t4at the Town of Fairhope,., Alabama, design or clause to be designed, contract for., execute and -cause to be executed, improvements to and on the folloowing " streets, avenues, alleys, highways and other public places within the corporate limits of the ,.- To= of Fairhope, Alabama, viz,:-,: ( } t Fairhope Avenue, from 1harf. on �.est to School Street on East. ,`Tidth ,Curb to curb -24 ft:, 34 ft.,, 40 ft., from bottom of Mierf hill to Bancroft Street,; 20 feet from Bancroft Street east to, SPho_ol 'Street, (B ), Section Street, from ,Borth City L mita to ;bite Avenue on south. ;lidth -• 20. ft. from city limits on North ta- .:hite avenue on South, except from curb to curb there curb is ,on both sides of 'street; Z5 ft from Fairhope Ave. to `I,.orphy Ave.., 20 ft. from iilbxpphy Ave,*,6 to White Aver, and it ..is "propooed to widen Section Street from, Fairhope .Ave, to Delemare St.. so that this short block.�can �e made. approximately 35 rt. % .(C) Fels .venue, from Section St. to Mobile tivenue. Width - curb tq curb 27 ft.", 20 ft. , there:,there is no curb \ (D ) White Avenue., from Mobile Street. "to Bay Vieux t Street.tidth - 20 fast., � � (X) �Kagnolr"a :.Ave., .. from Section Stxeet to 1'airhope Avenue. Width - 20 feet. r , (F) ,Bey Vievi Street`, from White A.'venue ,on South to forth line o� Swift, Addi-tion. Ii dth -'20 feet (G) Summit Street, ^fro= Fairhope Avenue to Kiefer Street. Width - 2C feet (x) Hiefer Street, from Bay View Street an; West to Summdt Street on ;East . Width 20 feet. C',ru,hch ;street, from. Fairhope" Ave. on north to }9 Fels hue, on South. Jidth - 20 feet. Mobile Avenue, from Fairho.pe-Ave. on north to �Beacb~ View, thence on Beach: View to Gity� Limits o-n South. Width -curb to curb 26 ft., from .Fairhope Ave.. to Fier Street.., dth - 20 ft. _on`Beach Yie:v. (K) Delemare street, from Church Street to .Section Street. VTidth 20 feet. Including all'street, avenue and alley' intersections and :public places; all as.per plats filad in the office of the yudge of Probate. of Balclvri�. County, Al4l ama, by filling, grading, leveling, graveling, paving; sidevlalking•,' .curbing,' ," construction gutteringdraining and the of storm ��ater sowers or drains, or.laterdl-storm-sewers in connection with suchimprovements for .the,, purpose of properly :draining , M --3 such `portions of said streets and the property abuttin - thereon, together with all necessary appurtenances thereto. Section 3.. That the said "Street ,Improvement Ordinance of October 22, 1934, numbered 12Z", as herein and hereby arladde�L, be and the see hereby is re-ddoptod rind in all things ratified and confirmed. Section. 4. That this Ordinance is hereby -termed and designated, shall be knovm and may be cited as 11btreet Improvement. Confirmatory 'Ordinance of November 26, 193411. `Duly adopted by the Toxin Council of the,Torn :o:f Fairhope, Alabama, .at a meeting thereof regularly held o.j*the 2Fth day of November, 19M. As Llayo r of tFia Tor7n of Fa z rhopa., AT""LST : - Alaba= ,', y GG 01- dl � t l- p sClerk o .e Tcova of Fait= hope, Alabama. (af f iK Towzi Seal) 3 c It vetz moved b y 7: jand -seconded by that �L11 vxrl.es of the' Torn Counail of the Town of Fairhope, klabama, Y;b..ich =ight pravent, unless suspend ed, t bia f ina i pas.seGa omd adapt, ion of •s s id ordinance at this meet- in-, be. and the v,me `are' hereby susNnded for the purpose of per- mit tn; themr- sage and adoption of said ordinance at this ` meeting-. �. .. is Tha question being upon the adoption of said Inot ion � nd t the suapeaaiowi of such rules, the roll was called with the follow- ing re swlts Y i a The mayor declared said motion carried ,end such rules sus- t pended 'Councilman . - then noted that. said ®r- • Idi113nce ba now. placed. upon its f i nag Pa.s.4-a.-='ouncilman' seconded the motion. Y The question being put upon the pie -AnS of said ordinance Upon its final passag. , tap roll was called with the fallowire re-- s Sluts : S "-aiL 7A cz a-w NliYO The mayor declared the- motion carried; Councilt en - thereupon moved that the sefd nrdirance be -finally passed and -adopte.d as introduced and read. Counailman ' seconded the not ioa t M t tie question being pub° upon: the final y)as'saL�a an4 adoption of said ordina;noe , tha roll. �r�.s called, vritb the f ol.lo►7inc results.: . r - ` 0 NAYS: -3- The mayor thereupon declared said motion carried and the ordinance finally passed and adopted. said ordinance in approval thereof The following Ordinance No. The mayor thereupon signed 125 and entitled "AN ORDL'TIZICE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSU 17GE OF SPECIAL ASSESSL%.-IT STREET IL1rPROVZVIENT BONDS OF THE TUM2 OF F&IRHOPE., ��L"�:� , IN THE SUIT OF 042 , 000.00 , FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR THE PLYIENT OF THE COST OF THE IIt..:PROVE- 071ITS CONSTRUCTED UNDER OR Ta BE CONSTRUCTED UNDER "STREET IUPROVZMEUT ORDINANCE OF THE 22HD DAY OF OCTOBER, L9344, NU13ER 122'19 AND ORDINANCES SUPPLEMENTAL THERETO; TO PROVIDE FOR THE: NULBERING, DENOMINATION. DUE DATZS, RATE OF INTEREST ON, PLACE OF PAYMENT FOR THE SAID BONDS; TO PROVIDE FOR THS EXECUTION OF SAID BONDS; TO PROVIDE FOR A LIEN THEREOF AND TO EXEMPT THE TOWN FROU GENEFIL LIABILITY THERE- UNDER; TO TR&NSF=E AND CO TVEY THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST OF THE: TOWN IN AND TO THE ASSESS- t1ENTS AND THE LIEN UPON THE PROPERTY BE.PTE 'ITE . BY SUCH 111PRO V.,M T; TO PROVIDE THE FORD OF SAID BOND AND FOR THE EXECUTIOiI THEREOF; TO PROVIDE FOR THE SALE OF THE SAID BONDS; TO EKEEPT SUCH BONDS FROIJ %RATION; TO PROVIDE AGAINST IRREGUL&RITIES AFFECTING THE VALIDITY OF THE SAID BOIIDS; TO GIVE SUCH BONDS THE' PROP ERTIES .AND PROTECTION OF GOI MHiRC IAL PAPERY AND TO GIVE 'THIS ORDINANCE All OFFICIAL DESIGNATION, RAID FOR OTHER PURPOSES." was introduced by a_ Q - �%� , read in full by the Clerk and considered by the Council, said ordinance being as follows: 62 �i11" 1. �"'IC .�C • l w 5 p TT 04:2, 000.00 , FO° - _ UP, ' i:t'+ C� FOR THE Pry _ OF THE OC.-aT OF THEROVE- ':> `0'7 Tii`UCT ) U2.1DER OR TO BE ..:1TRUCTED .STl Jl 11 .,� T THE l�dG Dom` ' "�. ; -,�. r,, Ja, , �,.+.. 'iIL T GX i'Ixi C 5; TO iJR0111DE F( a 4.: 3; T4 Pi GVIDZ- FOR LIB (� Gai --aL I,L�,B IL1TY TO TiY'.$.L�� i.�1 J:�t1 I1: �. L.. �CiJ Vi� i ' iiy 7U\w-i , ;.'" ': iJD INTEREST OF TIC TO'r'L INhi D `�'0 T_'l: THE LIEN U 0�� ITT-r; PROPERTY MTEFITBD BY 67"T IlLPRO"FE-LI 1T; �C �ROVIDL THE FaP.'NI OF S iID 30i1D 1.D FOR TI � -: L TTIO r T :r.,RE- OF; TO 'PROVIDE. FOR TIM ;EaLE Of, T1 E a.dD BCIyDJ; TO -, CMd T SUCH BO_'MS FRO..' LC ZTIOT1; TO PROVIDE INS' IRRF,GLTLLRITI 3 iLFFECT.INT TIM' Vt LIDI`I'Y OF T1:u 5),ID BOIUDS; TO GIVE L CH BO. D;� MEE�'- ERTILa A1,M PRO `I'E CT IGTI OF C Oit 1:-.:N' RC Ih°L PAPER, k1AD TO GIVE, THIS OBDIIsr"CE �LN OFFICLZ DE,3IGiLA.TIOI'4, ��D FOR OTIT-LiI iURi'OS S. BE _ _ iiCPED �. TG. 1 C : � CIL C ' MiE TO t.` OF I' IRiiCPL, ..t :section 1. That for Via purpose of >?rovi.ding for the pa ynent of the cost of the improvement of portions of cer- tain streets, avenues, alleys, hiShi,^jays a;zd other public ?-laces within thie corporate lirsits of the Town of Fairhope, �labar;_a, by ri_lling, greding, leveling, graveling, paving`, sic{ewalking, curb ing, ��uttering, .raining and the construction of storm rater sewers or drains or lateral storra sewers in soiulection : ith sus h impr ove Y�3e nt s for the ;;urp o se of dra in in the portions of the streets, avenues, alleys, highways and other public -elates so i? proved and the property abutting thereon, together with all necessar;,7 appurtenances thereto, as deszLred or caused to be desired, determined upon, ordered and authorized, construct- ed or authorized to be constructed under and by virtue of "atreet Iniprovec; ent Ordinanse of raumbe r duly adopted by ;e To�:ri Cou_zcil of the Town of Fairhope on the q--J/ day of 193 , and ordir,an&as supplemental thereto, the tiu7i e of tiie s id co A havins? been assessed against the property served or benefited by such improvements, there sage ll be issued by the To -an of Fairhope, Alabama, its Special .ssessr:>ent ;street Iinprovecrient Boi,ds to the amount of ; 42,OCC.00, being the amount necessary after deducting the a,iount p-id by the propert-r owners to .y the cost of said iraprovements, including all interest and other eXpenses i-lcurred by the construction thereof .ltiThe Town Council has and does hereby esti- h > ,, ,ove,,.iQ rtN sue• nett ion the said bonds shall be nivabere d from l to 40", both ineluSive, eaVh to be in the denort,inatior_ of to y shall bear date July lst, 10J54, and shall bear interest at the mtP of 4 par ,:;'�;, n y':nbl,� of J ri, 'rjr lst, 14 `55, and seia' d r annually thereafter on July lst and lst in eash year. The said bonds shall be due and tr )rabls 7isV follows: BO:uD t31_0UH1 . 1:�iTURIiY. 1, 2, 3, 44, 000.00 July lst, 1935; 5)6,7, 4,000.0G, July= 1st, 193E; 4, 000.00 July lst, 1937; 13)14y1 r'u� 4,C70.%J �Li1�; tat, 1938; 1n71? �1�,wC, 4,Cuv.00 July Zst, 1939; 1, , `' , 24, 41-, 000.60 July let, 1�T40; 25, 26,2,7, 2P , 4,000.00 JJul�r 1st, 1941; 20 30D31"72, 4,000.nn Duly 1st, 19421 3 ,34,35,36,37, 5,000.00 y 1et, 1941 '� 9,d0,41,4?, 5,000.00 July lst, 1944. The type of said bonds s'^all be. sj)ecial obligation, serial, bearer, coupon bonn_s. The said bonds shall be rnyable to bearer, provided, hovrever, that as to ,L)rinci al only said ")ondc sbP.11 be subject to registration in the 'narie of the holder on the of the zaid Town of Ftairlope in the office of its Clerk_, such red-Jstr^.tion being; noted on the bac? of the bond by th.e Clerk, ai'ter {.,!-,ich no transfer shall be valid un Otis r_nade on said bcolIts and sirn.ilarly no+cc. on the bond, but s,,c}:i bond rray be discharged iron.. such registration b, being transferred to bearer, :after eT: ich it shall be transferable b;; deliverer,' but it i.iay ugain be cml The said bonds s~alZ be payable in any coin or cur- rensy ,;t.y,ich on the recrective dates of 11 �~_;tent of the rinci-pal of and interest on the bonds. is lei. l ter -tier for the paynent of puulis and private debts at the office of the Treasurer of the Toiran of Fair-ope, Fairhope, said bonds shall be signed by the Idayor and by the 'Clerk, and the corliorate se=�l of the said Town of Fay rhupe shall be affi�� ed thereto. The interest coupons attached to said bonds shall ba executed with the fac siz_ile signa- tures of the I�iayor and Clerk of the said. Totm and the s is offi- cials by the execution of the said bonds shall adopt as and for their own proper signatures their respective fac-simile signa- tures appearing on the said bonds, provided, however, that in case anI% of the officers whose signatures appear on the bonds or cou- pons shall cease to be such officers before the delivery of such bonds, sucIi signatures or counter -signatures shall nevertheless be valid arid ,sufficient for all purposes the same as if they had retrained in office until such delivery. Section 4. That; the said bonds be and are hereby i ued. under an Act of the Legislature of .labai':a ii�bered 639, Senate Sill 410, apy)roved ; eptember 10, 1927, acts 1927, page 53 to 774, 4ild under an Act of the Levier to -C o" ri.l:abama ai:,.aabered 478, aerate Bill 193, approved , epte,,�aber 10, i927, "ots 1927, page 534 to 552, and Ar-andatory iicts subsec,uent thereto, and said bonds shall be pay ble as to both yprwcipal and interest from the proceeds of a special assess iient levied or to be levied and assessed upon real estate which has been sr ti,aill be specifisa:lly benefited by certain street iziproverrients, said special assessment to be a lien or charge against the property improved and against the funds collected from t'lne a:ssessE,rents levied against the property improved, and the bonds When issued shall convey and transfer to the o�7,ner thereof all of the right,, title and interest in and to the assessment and the lien upon the respective lots or parcels of land, which lien and assessment shall stand as security for the said bonds to enforce the collection thereof by foreclosure in any court of coiripeteat jurisdiction, but the said Toa:'n shall not make any assessiae}1t in excess of the increased v_:lue of the property benefited by the i.aproveiaents aforesaid, and the said bonds �> tie seil riot be the general obligation of the 'f��� on, no shill l� To rn be in an.y way liable to the holders of such bonds in case of failure to collect the same. ;�ection 5. iha said bonds and interest coupons sh,17_1 be in substan ti,- lly the f o llowinE, fom, to -,[.`.,it Tr:. T f r'R 40 DULY 111934 i�To. : 1,000 00 The Toz,;r_ of F a irhope , in the County of Baldwin, .eta t e of ilabama , for value received, hereby ­)roriises to pay the bearer (or if this bond shall be registered then to the holder her.eo, regis- tered accordiinE to the p tovisions indorsed hereon) the sum of one thousand, (�1000.00 ) dollars on the ist da; of July, , Wit; interest, mean-0jI,Lile at the mate of 4% per annuu, pa :-7., le semi- annually on the lst days of January and July in each year, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest couIons as the s�.Me severally Lint- re, both prL cipal and interest beinL payable in any coin or currency .which on the respective dates of y)ayraent of the principal and interest onthisbond, is legal tender_ for the peynent of public ,and picivate debts, at the office of the Wotan Treasurer in - airiroy%e, subject to the limitations herein contained. This bond is one of a series of bonds a gre'gating ,�42, 000.00 and is issued pursuant to the Luni_c i . l Bond Code and ublic iraproveinent _.ct of lG2? and is IAya'h le as to both principal and iiterest front the jrroceeds of special assessnents levied and assessed upon real estate vahich =as been or will be s.)ecifically benefited by certain street in.provemen_ts made under the authority of ordinances duly adopted by the Town Cour.-c'ii of said Tmm of Fairhope, and is a lien or aha ree against the property benefited and against the funds collected from the assessi,3ents levied agaiiist the r-roperty ir.rroved -end this bond does convey and tratisfer to tra o.ner riereof ali right, title-' and interest :n and to the assessr,iant and the lien upon- the res) cti-,e lots, or parcels of land Inich, lien and assessT:!ent shaall stand as seaurity for this bond and coulpons aii.d the series of .OLi.iCh it is a Dart, ith the. power to enforce the doil=:ction thereof bNr fareclovure in any court of co,,:,.-'etent jurisdiction, but no assessr,ea nt shell be made in excess of the in- creased value of the r>roperty benefited; but this bond :is not the �nerai obligation of the Town nor shall the Tov,,n be in an-! �Vay li- :ble to the older of thin bond in case of fei li ne to collect the It is '!ereby certified thst : vc.ry requirrx:iemt of t}1e Con- stitution :and 1_aws of "labama relatiiig to the issue hereof !-.,as beer, duly eo4plied with and t _-lt t1�e indebtedr~ess evidenced by thi: bond, as secured and aut,_orized to be paid, is it no ),:ray affected by the limitation pro7ided in erection 225 of the Co L titution of the � to to of _ iabar_a nor by any other, pro ri.s icra of titu- 'f' '` 1,T 4( '] r � � said �J l.' n J tion`anor_ by r JT linitation provided by j ,3tatute of t'-ie estate of 4 19- "Carla, and t'_c � a s'ai17icient c"$mmunt "€' 3 been or '�`Lll ) assessed a ai zSt t Ae 'r0'Jrrti es b@nefited by t'�e ji!,i �revements , for tJI i ', - mt;nt of ' tl.-- r,-i,,,ciiz l and interest onthis bond F:nd the ssue of �';'�yy'��F ,_e a -. wJ1L41.t4Vi , tlla �Cl.t� i+ :sal to 1-,- hereto affixed, thi ' )o,.na to be 4i yned by its � I -�- 1- -n 0 1, i 10 , "in C 19 1�,_ and c, u �_s _'`ems C, _r the s a 7o �3 r YwC 00 J-� C�i tree -' e .'Lr-it day of J(--._, the To,�m_ of Fair - hope, in ;t-:.�te of Alabarikil -will I Ln any ccLi or carrency .-:,)_ich is then legal t,_,nder for the -_x�:ynent of and private debts, at the office of the Tour Tr�i.,surer iL FaiThoDe, ,Llabama, out of ti-le fu.adc ocilested by the said T(mi ^Lro--- the proceeds of special assesq,1Le.,_--Lts levied �jrid f_� ,sessed ul,)on. _r,_al estate. which ha-1 been or r3illbe ',)enefited by certain street iiTiprovements in the Town' of beicif_, '3i:: rionths' interest then dui on its loci I �Lbses�;t,ent �;trvet Iuprovament Bond 141UL-,"Der dete"L Daly lst, 19M. .t tie request ()-'I" i_older, -511--, Jit�ia bond is hereb-\r converted into a 'bol--d' but as to y�rinciTal only-, and, shall be (as to odly) to tne re-istered. holder I km.4 or to his le -al representative, provided t -'�i,:at j-'u -,j a17 j be discliarged c i (istratioxi by trans-fer-l-ed to be,-:,,rer -:-,fter ,!I_ict, -'ron s, 11 1 re6 $ it shall b@ain be turp.nsferable, by delivery. It PF, hot"ev ey: be 3..c-ain registered as before. Date of 3Qi n c., wl-ose r- re�-i is Aature of Town ....ction &. -2"(;, said bonsI'D bein- is6ued shz;L.'-! be - sold litthe ;qanner -r'rovided by Law and for a sum. authorized by 18. W , or _la:r be delivered to the �ontraotor, who shall do the ,cork in nt for this bon.-,, i- issued in the manner _e and such -f)rioe :mas is authorized by the laws of the ;Mute of Ala bama 6ection 7. -.o iie6ularity iii the proceedings auth- orizine, the issuance of bonds nor tie o,�Iission or nele(,,t of C, any officer"charted vjith tn.e execution of any dutiesL,-,.,.osed I- " IT law shall !:affect the, validity of any of the said bonds. Section B. Juc h b o nal s shall h -a I'Te all the proper- ties and ' _)rote- -ction -1. of .,conriercial r?per. "ection 9. T..,Li3 orCtinance sh,,all be desi6natad, ,�)e and ray be referred to and clted as ",s­ecial "ssessuant- " Street I._,,i1,,D ;rovei'e_?A -3ciod CrdinaAlce ofQ'i' Tuab ,r 57 Section 10, L11 ordinances, or yx�rts of ordinances, in conflict hareviitr, , are expressly repealed, Duly adwpted by the Town Council of tie Town of Fair- dope, Alabaia, at a regular uieetin.g�thereof held on — 1934• Ole us Mayor of the Town of labama . A3 C .er - of t_ �;: To vn- of Fair- . hope, Alabama. (To AT 3ea1) '__ It -:;Tas moved by anC� Seconded b-,- (� that all les of the Town Council of the 07rL of 2airl- rare , �i.labaw , which mi6ht preve_lt, unless suspend- ed, t_:°' filactl r,-'ssazye and adoption Chi :aid ordi_1Afica at tILia rleet-- L L, }ld 'the S iu"_e are -_ei'e.0 y suopended for u._e-'ur—Ose Q i per- i _14; U �e L_'ic+ s 35 1 N. 11u ci �� ?Z ICT1 Tre question being; upvli the adoption of said action and ti...ST)en-,!_ors l of such rule, tii�.e roll a'S, C21-_ _til t':. iC3�_iQtilt- Tiw:;- ,.__ y'ui' deClo,r,ed szai%'_ iljot o 1 c i .,1 _d such ru1eS S! 3- L1ui'L. Llt?1uri _ cv t 1eYi i."GATE t'i�at S'?id CtL— di _. be .c r,l': ced �a1 ur1 its: "i n=�.1 pc.s s : Colin^ i lr_lan seconded tine Liotio_.. 7rr- rho 34uest ion being; put upon the -;1 -'.c nr c' .- hid ordina ice iron its fin:'_ ,ass.a- e, the roll was called .r:ita the follo "In re- _ or declared the, r_o , cr carr ie __. Gcu nczL_R_ --1 _ thereupon rioved that t i d or finance :e/fin,�lly arld adJyated as introduced and read. �cunei1non � �- y ec:, - J� seconded the notion. The :juestion being put uyon the ,in8.l passane and=c'crrtion cf sai0< r�Jin"nce, tine roil eras cailea <i to tj% follo,,ainr. reollIts: R _n -:iiJ: 4 0 0 r NAYS : -3- The rayor thereupon declared said motion carried and the: ordinance finally passed and adopted. The mayor thereupon signed said ordinance in approval thereof. The minutes of regular meeting November 12, 1934 and special meeting November 16, 1934 were approved as read. Co.unoilmanWgaton made a motion to adopt the following tesolution, motion was seconded by Councilman Klumpp. WHEREAS,•the water forks and 6ewerage works and Sewerage System Revenue Bonds, .,heretofore authorized to be issued under ordinance number No. 120, have been approved and printed and are ready for execution and delivery, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor Howard.:Ruge and Towh Clerk, Gladys Lowell be and gre heresy authorized and directed to execute and deliYer the same in accordance with ordinaces�sheretofore adopted by this council. Motton by Councilman Stimpson,a#e onded by Councilman Elumpp that the Cleric be instructed to pay $250.00 on account to J. B. Converse & Co., Inc. for engineering services rendered, tarried. un motion by councilman 5timpson seconded by councilman Berglin Gaston Motor Company was granted a permit to hang two signs in front of thekr filling station acco.ring to application filed. It was moved by Councilman and seconded by Councilman adjourns Motion carried. ATTEST: 11ayor. ownCer . that the meeting 5-5- ( SELL )