HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-1958 Regular MeetingSTATE OF ALA.BAMA
County of Baldwin
The Waterworks and Sewer Board of the City of Fairhope met on Monday,
May 19, 1958 with the following members present: A. C. Mannich, Chairman,
R. Roy Moyers, R. R. Teamer, George C. Oy$on, Frank VViggins and Floyd
Swearingen, Attorney.
The Board discussed the proposed water contract and connection with Spanish
Fort Estates, Inc., Second Addition and made the following changes:
That the ne%w contract shall supercede the two earlier contracts and that
upon the signing of the new contract the two prior contracts be declared
null and void. That the new contract shall exclude all references to the
obligations to the Boards being responsible for bearing the cost of main—
tenance. However, the Board desires to maintain the lines and be reimbursed
therefor, also the Board does not bear the cost of repairs. The Board:
feels that each subdivision which this contract shall cover will be specific—
ally named giving the Bookand Page where plats are recorded and the proper
subdivision name.
The minimum charge per month shall be $3,00 for the first 3W00.0 rather
than 42,00 as in the other contracts, subsequent gallonage shall be upon the
same basis as is then the charge for other Fairhope customers. This would
eliminate the Boards being obligated to furnish water for an indefinite term
of time upon the present prevailing Fairhope rates if Fairhope sees fit to
increase its own rates on its own customers. The charge for connection shall
be �60.00 per customer, the connecting line to be used shall be a minimum
of 3/.L inch. In the fourth WHEREAS paragraph the words wells, pump and tank
replace the present wording of "well and pump".
'ay 19, 19j�3
`,r. C eorye Fuller, Jr.,
psn i sh 7ort C stares, Inc..
aph:�e, H lt�b�:na
1-'�eer 'Ar. i=ui ler:
The Fai rhope ,pater and -Ie-ft-r Board has this afternoon iet and dis-
cussed the proposed :a ter cant r,,c t and connec t i can with y+x,r new addition
to Spanish Fort Estates, being the <:,oc,^nd A:dciition.
It is the desire- of the Board that the new contract shall supercede
the two earl ier contracts and that upon tr:e siq,ninc, of the new contract
the two prior contrac }s be declared null and void. It is also the 1ioard' s
desire that the new detract shall exclude all references to the oral iva-
bons to the �:nards being responsible for bearinS the cost of maintenance.
However, the Board desires to maintain the lines and be reimbursed there-
for. a I so the '2ovrd does not ties i re to bear the cost of repairs. 1'he
`hoard feels that each subdivision Wiich this contract shall cover will be
specifically named giv;ng the Book and face where plats are recorded and
the proper subdivision name.
The ^iinimum charge per month des;r d by the Board is ";'3,OU for the
first 3,000 rather than $2.00 as in the other contracts, subsequent gal lonr-
a(-a snail be upon the sane basis as is then the charge for other f=ainc�)pe
cuss -iers. This wv>uld eliminate tt,e Hoards being obl i ,ated to furnish
water for an indefinite tern of t inee upon ti,e present prevai l tnL =a irhope
rates if r a 1 rhope sees fit to increase its own rotor on its rxwn customers.
The r"urge for c -annect i can des's ra%d by 3 he Board sha l I be � 60.0 3 per custc ,r,
the connect in, 1 me to be used shell be a minimu^s of ;SA, inch. In the
fourth WIE EAS paragraph the Board desires thz t the Zrds :�rel l s, pump :tic±
tank re; l ace the present warding of 'well and trump".
These are the changes desired and if they -eet with your approval
please let us know imrediateiv so that we may have the contract drafted
for s i gn i s,g.
Very truly yours,
A. C.. 'Aann ich, Cha i rm<---n
c� t C'r t n� :: e^rrer ��c►a; rd