HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-2019 Planning Commission MinutesDecember 2, 2019
Planning Commission Minutes
The Planning Commission met Monday, December 2, 2019 at 5 :00 PM at the City
Municipal Complex, 161 N. Section Street in the Council Chambers.
Present: Lee Turner, Chairperson; Art Dyas; Rebecca Bryant; Harry Kohler; Hollie
MacKellar; Clarice Hall-Black; Richard Peterson; Robert Brown, Council Liaison;
Buford King, Development Services Manager; Hunter Simmons, Planning and Zoning
Manager; Mike Jeffries, Planner; Carla Davis, Planner; Samara Walley, Planner; Emily
Boyett, Secretary; and Ken Watson, City Attorney
Absent: none
Chairman Turner called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM and announced the meeting is
being recorded.
ZC 19.16 Public hearing to consider the request of The Retirement Systems of
Alabama to establish an initial zoning of TR Tourist Resort District conditional
upon annexation into the City of Fairhope, Scott Hutchinson. The property is
approximately 7 .23 acres and is located on the south side of County Road 34 between
Point Clear Court and Poviner Place, to be known as Watershed West. Mr. Jeffries gave
the staff report saying the applicant is proposing a IO-lot subdivision on the subject
property is the request is approved. He noted the public hearing is still open from the
November meeting. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE with the following
1. Subject property development zoned shall be labeled as low-rise residential zone.
2. Subject property use shall be limited to single-family residential use only.
3. Future development shall be in substantial conformance to the simultaneously
submitted subdivision request SD 19.41 Watershed West, a IO-lot major
4. This approval does not determine the applicability or property interpretation of
any existing easements, covenants, restrictions or other private contact rights, and
accordingly does not abrogate, limit, or impair any such existing easements,
covenants, restrictions, or private contact rights which may impose greater
restrictions than this approval, the Zoning Ordinance, the Subdivision
Regulations, or other law.
Mr. Turner stated the public hearing is still open.
Virginia March of 18001 Woodland Drive -She stated when she purchased her lot, she
was told the property would always be golf course.
Tracy Frost of 18204 Woodland Drive-She said she is not anti-development but this is
the wrong place for this development and it will ruin Point Clear. She stated concerns
with noise, traffic, safety, and quality of life.
Pat Achee of 365 Poviner Place -He stated the property is not contiguous to TR zoned
property and Mr. Dyas explained it is not required to be contiguous for an amendment.
Carol Sullivan of 513 Owls Nest Place -She stated the covenants do not allow this
development on this property. She added the marina is no longer open to tourist and so
the request does not meet the requirements. She also voiced safety concerns with traffic
and the cart path and stated there has been no County approval for right-of-way access.
Adam Miliam of 251 Galaxy Street He said this is not good golf course design and the
history and intent of the property will be a factor in court. He explained the spirit of the
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ordinance and the letters of the words have to be considered when reviewing a case like
this and the TR District was to be a resort oriented development and this is not.
Having no one else present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing.
Scott Hutchinson of Goodwin, Mills, and Caywood, addressed the Commission saying
they cannot uphold previous promises of past property owners regarding the property's
use. He said the parcel was carved out 13 years ago for this development and is now
being finalized. He stated there is still a marina as defined by the ordinance. Mr.
Hutchinson explained the vehicle and cart safety concerns are no different is this situation
than any other golf course. He noted RSA works with golf course professionals and all
County and City requirements will be met. Mr. Dyas asked how restrictive covenants
react with the TR District and Mr. Watson answered they do not prevent the City from
enacting the Zoning Ordinance. He explained the law doesn't put the Planning
Commission or City Council in a place to interpret the law. Mrs. Bryant stated the
Commission is not required to or qualified to determine the restrictive covenants or
interpret the law. Mr. Dyas said the County enacted zoning districts in 1991 and all
unzoned districts could have been zoned but nobody wants anything done until something
is being done in your backyard. He said if a request meets the requirements, then
approve it and if you don't like the requirements, then change them. Mr. Turner said he
agreed with Mr. Dyas but he added the applicant can still develop the site without being
zoned. He said he does not favor this design with the golf course on both sides because
there is no refuge from the course. Mr. Dyas said health, safety, and welfare is a concern
and this development does not meet these. Mrs. Hall-Black said safety is a concern and
this project feels forced and this is not the right location for it. Mr. Peterson stated
property owners have the right to develop their property and if it meets the requirements
then approve it and if you don't like what they want, then buy it. Mrs. Bryant asked if the
property can be developed if it is in the County and Mr. Turner responded yes, but it can
be denied ifthere is fear it is detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the
community. Mr. Brown said this request is an abuse of the TR District and it is no
benefit to the City. Mrs. Bryant noted this is a small development and the Commission
sees much larger requests and she encouraged the community to get involved with
projects even when they are not in your backyard.
Hollie MacKellar made a motion to DENY the request due to concerns with health,
safety, and welfare. Art Dyas 2nd the motion and the motion carried with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar,
Clarice Hall-Black, and Robert Brown. NAY -Richard Peterson.
SD 19.41 Public hearing to consider the request of the Retirement Systems of
Alabama for Preliminary Plat approval of Watershed West, a 10-lot subdivision,
Scott Hutchinson. Mr. Hutchinson requested to table the request.
SD 19.42 Public hearing to consider the request of Glenn and Sally Boom for plat
approval of Wildwood at Montrose, a 2-lot minor subdivision, Seth Moore. The
property is located at the southwest comer of the intersection of Adams Street and
Second Street. Mrs. Walley gave the staff report saying the property is approximately
1.18 acres and is zoned RSF-2 in Baldwin County Planning District 16. The applicant is
also requesting a waiver to Article VI, Section D. Sidewalks and Article VI, Section G.
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Fire Hydrants. Staff recommendation is to TABLE (with the applicant's consent) to
allow the applicant to submit the following:
1. Submission of plans and profiles of a fire hydrant within 450' of the subject
property and resubmission of the application to reflect a major subdivision
containing a preliminary plat approval request in lieu of concurrent preliminary
and final plat approval;
2. Revision of the preliminary plat to reflect a 15' drainage and utilities easement
along the western perimeter of Lot 1; and
3. Acceptance of the waiver request to allow sidewalk installation at the time of new
construction, with this requirement to be reflected on the preliminary plat.
Mr. Dyas asked which street sidewalks would be built on if required and Mrs. Walley
responded both frontages would be required to have sidewalks. Mr. Dyas questioned
why sidewalks are being required when there may never be sidewalks in the area and Mr.
King explained sidewalks are a requirement and the Commission has utilized the
pedestrian easement multiple times to accomplish satisfy requirement.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, Mr. Turner
closed the public hearing.
Mr. Moore addressed the Commission saying the lot sizes are 20,000 square foot. He
said the utility easement is only 10' along the west side of Lot 1 to avoid the easement
being in the footprint of the existing house. He agreed to adding the pedestrian easement.
Mr. Moore explained the closest fire hydrant is at Main Street and Adams Street and to
add another hydrant would cause detriment to the existing oak trees. He said Daphne
Utilities has not put in any fire hydrants on the east side of Main Street and all the lines
are small service lines. Mr. Turner said he is uncomfortable to divide the lot without a
fire hydrant. He noted the ISO rating for the City is also affected by creating new lots
without providing fire protection. Mr. Brown asked if this request was a family
subdivision would these requirements be met and Mr. King responded yes. Mr. Moore
requested the application be tabled.
Art Dyas made a motion to TABLE the request at the request of the applicant. Rebecca
Bryant 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following vote: A YE
-Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Clarice Hall-
Black, Richard Peterson, and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
SD 19.43 Public hearing to consider the request of 68V Tracery 2019, LLC for Final
Plat approval of Tracery, a 43-lot subdivision, Steve Pumphrey. The property is
located on the west side of Lawrence Road just north of Sky Lane. Mr. Jeffries gave the
staff report saying the property is approximately 31.93 acres and is zoned R-2 Medium
Density Single Family Residential District. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE with
the following conditions:
1. Remaining items referenced in the comment section of the staff report are
corrected to the satisfaction of Kim Burmeister or the Development Services
2. The warranty period of the sanitary sewer lift station shall not commence until
start-initial start-up of the lift station and upon approval of the Water and Sewer
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, he closed the
public hearing.
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Mr. Turner stated the entrance does not have any landscaping and Mr. Jeffries explained
the landscaping and street trees are covered by the bond. Mrs. Bryant asked if there is an
enforcement mechanism to make sure the work is done and Mr. Jeffries responded staff
will not sign the plat until everything is done. Richard Johnson, Public Works Director,
stated bonding the trees is common because the trees would not survive during home
construction, so they are usually put in when the homes are sold. Mr. Turner asked if the
sidewalks will have to be constructed within 2 years and Mr. King said the regulations
have never been changed. Mr. Johnson said the bond is only good for 24 months and
then the sidewalks become the City's problem. Mrs. MacKellar said she hardly ever sees
damaged sidewalks in neighborhoods but the ones along Scenic Hwy. 98 need repair.
Mr. Johnson said Public Works is constantly repairing sidewalks so just report any to get
on the list.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE with the
following conditions:
1. Remaining items referenced in the comment section of the staff report are
corrected to the satisfaction of Kim Burmeister or the Development Services
2. The warranty period of the sanitary sewer lift station shall not commence until
start-initial start-up of the lift station and upon approval of the Water and Sewer
Robert Brown 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar,
Clarice Hall-Black, Richard Peterson, and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
SD 19.44 Public hearing to consider the request of Firethorne Development, LLC
for Final plat approval of Phase 5 of Greenbriar at Firethorne, a 30-Iot subdivision,
Steve Pumphrey. The property is located on the west side of Quail Creek, The Villas.
Mr. King gave the staff report saying the property is approximately 13.9 acres and is
zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). He stated this is the last phase of the
development. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE with the following condition:
I. Completion of punch list items shall be to the satisfaction of City of Fairhope staff
prior to placing approval signatures on the final plat.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, he closed the
public hearing.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE with the
following condition:
I. Completion of punch list items shall be to the satisfaction of City of Fairhope staff
prior to placing approval signatures on the final plat.
Harry Kohler 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following vote:
A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Clarice
Hall-Black, Richard Peterson, and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
SD 19.45 Public hearing to consider the request of the City of Fairhope Planning
and Zoning Department to accept Resolution 2019-02 for a proposed amendment to
Article IV, Section H. Multiple Occupancy Projects in the Subdivision Regulations,
Buford King. Mr. King gave the staff report saying the amendment will create a
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preliminary and final plat process to provide a closeout process for multiple occupancy
projects. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE as presented.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing.
Larry Smith of S.E. Civil Engineering, LLC -He stated concerns with the time this
amendment will add to small projects. Mr. King said a waiver could be requested for
small projects and Mr. Smith responded he would like to see the waiver written into the
regulation. Mr. Watson said it is very hard to write a regulation to cover every situation.
Mr. Turner said a sentence can be added to clarify the requirement. Mr. King
recommended tabling the request until the language is refined.
Having no one else present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing.
Robert Brown made a motion to TABLE the request. Richard Peterson 2nd the motion
and the motion carried unanimously with the following vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca
Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Clarice Hall-Black, Richard
Peterson, and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
ZC 19.17 Public hearing to consider the request of the City of Fairhope Planning
and Zoning Department for amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Non-
Conforming Structures and Master Development Plans for PUD (Planned Unit
Developments), Hunter Simmons. Mr. Simmons gave the staff report saying the
proposed amendment for Article V, Section A. PUD-Planned Unit Development
includes additional design criteria for review, required preapplication conferences, and an
expiration of the site plan if construction has not begun. The proposed amendment to
Article VII, Section B. Non-Conforming Structures is to restrict non-conforming
structures from being expanded. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE as presented.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, he closed the
public hearing.
Mr. Dyas asked why PUDs would revert to R-A Residential/Agriculture zoning upon the
expiration of the approval and Mr. King explained R-A is a place holder zoning as
written in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Peterson asked if the amendment can be used for
existing PUDs and Mr. Watson responded no. Mr. Dyas asked how many undeveloped
PUDs are currently approved and Mr. Simmons said he counted approximately 60
parcels. Mr. Simmons explained he would like to see PUDs come before the
Commission conceptually the first time and then a second time once fully designed. Mr.
Brown stated concerns with the 3 acre requirements for PUDs.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE as presented.
Clarice Hall-Black 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar,
Clarice Hall-Black, Richard Peterson, and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
Old/New Business
SD 16.27 Request of Dewberry Engineers, Inc. for a 1-year extension of the
Preliminary Plat approval of Fairhope Falls, Phase Three, Steve Pumphrey. Art
Dyas made a motion to approve a I-year extension of the preliminary plat approval for
SD 16.27 Fairhope Falls, Phase Three. Robert Brown 2nd the motion and the motion
carried unanimously with the following vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry
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Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Clarice Hall-Black, Richard Peterson and Robert
Brown. NAY -none.
SD 16.34 Request of Dewberry Engineers, Inc. for a 1-year extension of the
Preliminary Plat approval of Old Battles Village, Phase Four, Steve Pumphrey. Art
Dyas made a motion to approve a I-year extension of the preliminary plat approval for
SD I6.34 Old Battles Village, Phase Four. Robert Brown 2nd the motion and the motion
carried unanimously with the following vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry
Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Clarice Hall-Black, Richard Peterson and Robert
Brown. NAY -none.
SD 16.37 Request of Dewberry Engineers, Inc. for a 1-year extension of the
Preliminary Plat approval of The Verandas, Phase One, Steve Pumphrey. Art Dyas
made a motion to approve a I-year extension of the preliminary plat approval for SD
16.37 The Verandas, Phase One. Robert Brown 2nd the motion and the motion carried
unanimously with the following vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler,
Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Clarice Hall-Black, Richard Peterson and Robert Brown.
SD 17.03 Request of Dewberry Engineers, Inc. for a 1-year extension of the
Preliminary Plat approval of The Verandas, Phase Three, Steve Pumphrey. Art
Dyas made a motion to approve a I-year extension of the preliminary plat approval for
SD 17.03 The Verandas, Phase Three. Robert Brown 2nd the motion and the motion
carried unanimously with the following vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry
Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Clarice Hall-Black, Richard Peterson and Robert
Brown. NAY -none.
SD 18.25 Request of S.E. Civil Engineering, LLC for a 180-day extension of the plat
approval of Garner Subdivision, Larry Smith. Art Dyas made a motion to approve a
180-day extension of the plat approval for SD 18.25 Gamer Subdivision. Robert Brown
2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following vote: A YE -Art
Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Clarice Hall-Black,
Richard Peterson and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
ZC 19.08 Greeno Road Corridor (GRC) Overlay Districts, Hunter Simmons -Mr.
Simmons said staff is requesting the City Council extend the moratorium at the
December 23 rd meeting as requested by the citizens. Mrs. MacKellar asked if there has
been much feedback from the citizens and Mr. Simmons responded there has been very
little. Mr. Turner said there was a meeting in Barnwell and most of the concerns seem to
be with existing regulations and drive-thru regulations. Mr. Dyas said the citizens are
meeting and are not happy. He added they are only focusing on the negative aspects of
the proposal. Mr. Simmons stated staff is making some changes to help simplify the
ordinance. Mr. Turner suggested simplifying to a build-to line, drive-thrus, and parking.
Mrs. Bryant said she would like to see bullet points showing the existing regulations
versus the proposed. Mr. Simmons said there may need to be a special Commission
meeting to get an amendment approved before the moratorium expires.
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Family Subdivisions, Buford King -Mr. King said staff is working on an amendment
to create a process for Family Subdivisions that would be similar to the County's
requirements. Mr. Dyas said it should be a staff level approval. Mr. King said it would
also restrict re-subdividing for one year.
Having no further business, Robert Brown made a motion to adjourn. The meeting was
adjourned at 8:31 PM.
Lee Turner, Chairman etary