HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-2019 Planning Commission MinutesOctober 7, 2019
Planning Commission Minutes
The Planning Commission met Monday, October 7, 2019 at 5:00 PM at the City
Municipal Complex, 161 N. Section Street in the Council Chambers.
Present: Lee Turner, Chairperson; Art Dyas; Rebecca Bryant; Harry Kohler; Hollie
MacKellar; Richard Peterson; Buford King, Development Services Manager; Hunter
Simmons, Planning and Zoning Manager; Mike Jeffries, Planner; Carla Davis, Planner;
Samara Walley, Planner; Emily Boyett, Secretary ; and Ken Watson, City Attorney
Absent: Clarice Hall-Black; and Robert Brown, Council Liaison
Chairman Turner called the meeting to order at 5 :00 PM and announced the meeting is
being recorded.
ZC 19.14 Public hearing to consider the request of Wendall Barnhill for an
amendment to the East Park PUD, Tom Granger. The property is located on the
north side of Parker Road just west of US Hwy. 98. Mr. Simmons gave the staff report
saying the site is approximately 12.64 acres with 42 residential lots and one commercial
lot proposed. He explained the request will increase the overall acreage, commercial
component, and greenspace but decrease single family lots, overall density , and road
length. He noted the commercial lot is proposing B-2 uses and standards. Staff
recommendation is to APPROVE with the following conditions:
1. In addition to accessory structures, also prohibit accessory dwellings.
2. To make use of the rearranged greenspace, add a walking trail on the site plan.
3. Provide an easement to access the pump station.
4. Provide proof of western easement that provides secondary access directly to
Greeno Road.
Mr. Dyas noted the north arrow is not correct. Mrs. Bryant asked why accessory
dwellings need to be prohibited versus meeting the current regu lations and Mr. Simmons
exp lained the applicant is already prohibiting accessory structures and requesting a higher
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing.
Gary Gover of 300 Linco ln Street -He cited safety concerns with the existing fire station
and traffic increase with the new developments. Mr. Simmons noted this site will be
providing a second access which will be directly to Greeno Road; however, the
commercial lot may require additional improvements to be constructed.
Having no one else present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE with the
following conditions:
1. In addition to accessory structures , also prohibit accessory dwellings.
2. To make use of the rearranged greenspace, add a walking trail on the site plan.
3. Provide an easement to access the pump station.
4. Provide proof of western easement that provides secondary access directly to
Greeno Road.
Harry Kohler 2nd the motion and the motion can-ied unanimously with the following vote:
A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, and
Richard Peterson. NAY -none .
October 7, 2019
Planning Commission Minutes
ZC 19.15 Public hearing to consider the request of Rosetta Wasp and Mildred
Brown to rezone property from R-2 Medium Density Single Family Residential
District to B-3b tourist Resort Commercial Service District, Larry Smith. The
property is located at the northeast comer of S. Ingleside Street and Nichols A venue, at
309 S. Ingleside Street. Mr. Simmons gave the staff report saying the property is
approximately 1.6 acres and is in the Medical Overlay District (MOD). He stated there is
currently a single family residential house on the subject property. Staff recommendation
is to APPROVE with the following condition:
1. Re-plat to remove old setbacks and add new setbacks that reflect the new zoning
(B-3b, if approved). This will not require another case and can be approved at
staff level.
Mrs. Bryant noted this is a large lot and asked what else is could be done with the
remainder of the lot. She questioned the infringement upon the surrounding residential
properties. Mr. Simmons stated buffers will be required along abutting residential
properties as required by the Landscape Ordinance. Mr. Peterson questioned the parking
and Mr. Simmons said the applicant has proposed parking behind the existing building.
Mr. Turner cited concerns with lack of s idewalks, current on-street parking issues,
lighting, and promoting Downtown. Mr. Dyas noted this property is in the MOD and the
Commission recently recommended allowing restaurants in M-1 zoning district. Mr.
Jeffries stated parking requirements are based on use and will have to meet all
Mr. Smith addressed the Commission saying the site plan is just conceptual, but the
applicant wants to use the two existing structures. He said they also want to work the
parking around the trees. He stated commercial us es are already allowed because the
property is in the MOD.
Chris Cullen, the applicant, said he understands the zoning change is forever, but he loves
the location and the existing home. He said his wife is from Fairhope and they just
moved here from Birmingham and want to open a second restaurant.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing.
Reuben Odom of 767 Northrop Avenue-He stated he thinks a restaurant is a good idea
but suggested a one-way drive-through. He also said sidewalks are needed.
Shelly Jenkins of 398 S. Ingleside Street -She asked if this will affect surrounding
properties from building single family residential homes on their properties. She also
stated concerns with traffic and the area becoming an entertainment area.
Gary Gover of300 Lincoln Street-He noted there has been an increase of pedestrians
and cyclists on the east side of Greeno Road but there are no provisions for them, and he
would like to see the City provide support and infrastructure.
Having no one else present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing.
Mrs. Bryant asked if sidewalks could be connected to existing sidewalks.
Hollie MacKellar made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE with
the following condition:
1. Re-plat to remove old setbacks and add new setbacks that reflect the n ew zoning
(B-3b , if approved). This w ill not require another case and can be approved at
staff leve l.
2. Sidewalks shall be required at the time of development.
October 7, 2019
Planning Commission Mi nutes
Rebecca Bryant 2nd the motion and the motion caITied unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar,
and Richard Peterson. NAY -none.
SD 19.37 Public hearing to consider the request of Cottage Lane Fairhope, LLC for
plat approval of Cottage Lane Fairhope, an 8-unit condominium subdivision, David
Shumer. The property is located at the southwest comer of the intersection of Bishop
Road and Edwards A venue. Mr. King gave the staff report saying the property is
approximately 1.23 acres and is zoned R-4 Low Density Multi-Family Residential
District. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE with the following conditions:
1. Memorialize approval of case number SD 18 .08 Cottage Lane Fairhope Multiple
Occupancy Project (MOP) that installed the various improvements to the site.
2. Applicant shall submit a formal plat for recording based upon the unit lines shown
on drawing "SP".
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, he closed the
public hearing .
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE with the
following conditions:
1. Memorialize approval of case number SD 18.08 Cottage Lane Fairhope Multiple
Occupancy Project (MOP) that installed the various improvements to the site.
2. Applicant shall submit a formal plat for recording based upon the unit lines shown
on drawing "SP".
Richard Peterson 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: AYE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar,
and Richard Peterson. NAY -none.
UR 19.21 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 Utility Review and approval of the
proposed installation of two small cell sites, Tim Hawkings. The project will be on
Quail Loop and at the so uthwest corner of the intersection of Gayfer A venue and Patlym1
Drive. Mr. Jeffries gave the staff report saying the project will consist of installing mini
cell towers or cell antennas to be co-located on existing utility poles. Staff
recommendation is to APPROVE with the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work, as stated
in the staff report.
2. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
3. The applicant shall follow the design/color for each site as dictated by staff per
the "Site description and locations" section of the staff report.
4. The applicant is responsible for any Aid-to-Construction costs for new utility
poles or work needed to accommodate a co-locate .
5. The City of Fairhope reserves the right to modify or add requirements such as but
not limited to cut sheets of proposed poles/fixtures , additional drawings, site
locations, design/colors, etc.
Richard Peterson made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE with
the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work, as stated
in the staff report.
October 7, 2019
Planning Commission Minutes
2. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
3. The applicant shall follow the design/color for each site as dictated by staff per
the "Site description and locations " section of the staff report.
4. The applicant is responsible for any Aid-to-Construction costs for new utility
poles or work needed to accommodate a co-locate.
5. The City of Fairhope reserves the right to modify or add requirements such as but
not limited to cut sheets of proposed poles/fixtures, additional drawings, site
locations, design/colors, etc.
Art Dyas 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following vote:
A YE -Rebecca Bryant, Harry Kohler, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, and Richard
Peterson. NAY -none.
Mr. Jeffries stated case number IR 19.07 Hermitage Court Subdivision has been
withdrawn by the applicant.
Old/New Business
Side Stream Storage, Richard Peterson -Mr. Peterson stated the Fairhope Public
Utilities will be proposing the first 3 sites to install side stream storage systems which
will help prevent overflows due to excessive amounts of stormwater. He stated the sites
will be on Twin Beech Road, Quail Creek Drive, and Woodlands Drive.
ZC 19.08 Greeno Road Corridor (GRC) Overlay Districts, Hunter Simmons -Mr.
Simmons said staff is revisiting ideas and having more conversations regarding the
proposal. He stated the revisions will likely require the moratorium to be extended. Mr.
Dyas asked how many citizens have contacted staff since the last meeting and Mr.
Simmons said only 1 person has reached out. Mr. King stated most of the concerns are
regarding existing ordinances. Mr. Dyas suggested having another meeting to encourage
residents to have public engagement with staff. Mr. Simmons said looking at specific
prope1iies with individuals would be beneficial and Mrs. Bryant agreed.
Having no further business, Richard Peterson made a motion to adjourn. The meeting
was adjourned at 6: 17 PM.
Lee Turner, Chairman