HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03-2019 Planning Commission MinutesJune 3, 2019
Plannin g Commi ssion Minutes
The Planning Commission met Monday, June 3, 2019 at 5:00 PM at the City Municipal
Complex, 161 N. Section Street in the Council Chambers.
Present: Lee Turner, Chairperson; Art Dyas; Rebecca Bryant; Hollie MacKellar; Richard
Peterson ; Robert Brown; Buford King, Interim Planning Director; Nancy Milford,
Planner; Mike Jeffries, Planning Technician; Emily Boyett, Secretary; and Ken Watson ,
City Attorney
Absent: Clarice Hall-Black, Harry Kohler, and Charles Johnson
Chairman Turner called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM and announced the meeting is
being recorded.
Mr. Turner announced Mr. Johnson has submitted his resignation from the Commission
due to his wife's health.
ZC 19.07 Public hearing to consider the request of Mullins, LLC to rezone property
from RA Residential Agriculture to PUD (Planned Unit Development), to be known
as Live Oak Estates, Joe Rector. The property is located on the southwest comer of the
intersection of St. Hwy. 181 and Bay Meadows A venue , at 19401 St. Hwy. 181. Mr.
Jeffries gave the staff report saying the applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 38
acres to allow 107 single family dwelling units and a future commercial portion. Staff
recommendation is to APPROVE with the following conditions :
1. 1. The commercial parcel uses are the same as the uses listed in Table 3-1 of the
Zoning Ordinance for B-4 Business and Professional District.
2. The Accessory Dwelling setbacks shall be: Front -Behind the rear building line
of the principal structure, Rear -5', Side -5', Street side -No nearer than the
principal structure, Maximum total lot coverage by accessory structure -25% of
required rear yard, Maximum height -30 ' but no taller than the principal
structure, and Minimum structure separation from the principal structure -1 O'.
3. Development on the commercial parcel shall go through stand-alone Site Plan
4. Reflect 12 ' Drainage/Utility Easements instead of 10 '.
Mr. Dyas said a PUD is supposed to be innovative and not just to get higher density. Mr.
Jeffries explained the applicant is requesting a PUD to allow for residential and
commercial uses. Mr. Dyas asked if the widening of St. Hwy. 181 will impact the
proposed commercial area and the detention pond and Mr. Jeffries responded no , the
applicant has met with ALDOT and the additional right-of-way acquisition will be on the
east side of the highway. Mrs. Bryant said it is hard to compare the existing density in
the area with what is proposed. Mr. Jeffries said the design was based on Twin Beech
Estates , which received final approval in March. Mr. Turner said he saw this area as a
transition from Twin Beech Estates' high density to a lower density like the existing
properties on Bay Meadows.
Mr. Rector addressed the Commission saying the site was designed to mirror Twin Beech
Estates and save the large oak trees on Bay Meadows. It also provides a central
greenspace and detention area to be usable . He said the pond will be an amenity .
Mrs. MacKellar asked how the commercial will benefit the residents of the development
and Mr. Rector stated the spec ific use has not been determined at this time , but the
June 3, 2019
Planning Commi ss ion Minutes
applicant has mentioned personal storage. Mr. Brown asked the density of Twin Beech
Estates and Mr. King responded it is 3 .18 units per acre which is the same as the
proposed development.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing.
Mark Roshetko of 9727 Derby Lane -He gave a brief history of the site. He explained
the residents in the area do not want this development to change the character of Bay
Meadows. He noted it does not have street lights or sidewalks , nor do they want them .
He stated a similar request was denied in 1999 and he wants this request to be denied .
Elliot Sylvester of 9849 Bay Meadows A venue -He said his family just moved to Bay
Meadows A venue for the quietness of the street. He stated his opposition for the
Martha and Gloria Monckton of 9571 Bay Meadows Avenue -She stated the previous
owner did not want this type development on the property. She said the Mayor ran her
campaign on keeping Fairhope the same and she has failed. She stated the entrance
should be on St. Hwy. 181 and not on Bay Meadows A venue.
Doug Wright of9763 Bay Meadows Avenue-He stated Bay Meadows Avenue is a
small two lane street and he had concerns with traffic and tree preservation. He said he is
not in favor of the request and these developments are destroying what makes Fairhope
Joy Willer of 19316 St. Hwy. 181 -She stated she is not against progress but has
concerns with congestion.
Julie Comer of 9551 Bay Meadows A venue -She noted the City installed two speed
bumps on Bay Meadows A venue a year ago to cut down on the cut-through traffic and
this development will increase the traffic. She stated she did not like the commercial
aspect of the project and does not want a traffic signal at Bay Meadows Avenue and St.
Hwy. 181.
Having no one else present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing.
Mr. Turner stated there is not much he likes about the proposal. He said the PUD district
is to be something special , not just about getting higher density. He suggested larger lots
to allow a transition from Twin Beech Estates to Bay Meadows A venue. Mrs. Bryant
stated she would like to see serviceable uses in the commercial portion to support the
residential density. She added the protection of the trees along Bay Meadows Avenue ,
the central green, and the useable pond were favorable attributes. Richard Johnson,
Public Works Director, clarified a traffic signal will be installed at Bay Meadows Avenue
and St. Hwy. 181 regardless of this development. He explained ALDOT has required it
as part ofFirethome PUD and ALDOT will not allow this property ingress/egress to St.
Hwy. 181. Mr. Turner stated the property will be developed at some point, but he would
like to see larger lots. Mr. Brown said he agreed with the Commissioner 's comments.
Mr. Rector asked for specific items to address so they can come back with another design
and Mr. Turner stated larger lots and Mrs. Bryant said a more innovative design with
diverse lots.
Art Dyas made a motion to TABLE the application as per the applicant's request.
Rebecca Bryant 2nd the motion and the motion carri ed unanimously with the following
vote : A YE -Art Dyas , Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
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Plannin g Comm iss ion Minutes
ZC 19.08 Public hearing to consider the request of the City of Fairhope Planning
and Zoning Department for an amendment to Article V. Special Districts and Uses
in the Zoning Ordinance to establish a Greeno Road Corridor Overlay District. Mr.
King gave the staff report saying the proposed document will establish an overlay district
for Greeno Road. He explained the amendment will establish the following five districts
to regulate development along Greeno Road: Northern Edge District, North Village
Center/Parker Road Village Center, Gateway District, Fairhope Avenue Village District,
and Southern Edge District. He stated staff is not requesting the Commission act on the
amendment tonight , only review it and give feedback.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing.
Bobby Green of 415 Maple Street -He submitted a letter of his comments to the
Commission. He stated the proposed amendment was poorly written and rushed without
affected property owners or citizen input. He said it severely restricts development and
pushes developers to the unzoned county . Mr. Turner suggested marking up the
proposed amendment and submitting it to staff for consideration.
Anna Miller of 257 Wesley Street -She asked why residents were not notified and
Mr. Turner explained this is not a zoning change and individual property owners are not
notified for ordinance amendments. She was in favor of the lighting, drive-through
limits, and buffers between residential and commercial uses. She had concerns with
residential roads becoming access roads.
Ron Ross of 811 Gayfer A venue -He had concerns with buffering incompatible uses
from noise and light pollution.
Having no one else present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing.
Mr. Turner stated he would like to see the ordinance simplified to be easier to interpret
and enforce and Mr. Dyas agreed. Mr. King stated staff will work to simplify the
amendment and will bring it back at the July 1st meeting.
SD 19.19 Public hearing to consider the request of Martinet Family Trust for plat
approval of Martinet Subdivision, a 2-lot minor division, Seth Moore. The property
is located on the south side of the intersection of Cains Lane and Laraway Lane. Ms.
Milford gave the staff report saying the site is approximately 1.99 acres with 2 lots
proposed . The applicant has submitted a waiver to the sidewalk requirements. Staff
recommendation is to APPROVE contingent upon the following conditions:
1. Removal of the existing shop building on Lot 1.
2. Granting a waiver for the sidewalk exemption and adding a pedestrian easement if
the Planning Commission desires this for future residents.
Mr. Moore was present and stated the note has be en added to the plat.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, Mr . Turner
closed the public hearing.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE contingent
upon the following conditions:
1. Removal of the e xisting shop building on Lot 1.
2. Granting a waiver for the sidewalk exemption and adding a pedestrian easement.
Rebecca Bryant 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas , Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
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Plannin g Co mm iss ion Minutes
SD 19.23 Public hearing to consider the request of Rivers and Mandy Calvert for
Preliminary and Final Plat approval of Calvert Family Subdivision, a 4-lot
subdivision, Stewart Smith. The prope1ty is located at the southwest corner of the
intersection of River Park Road and Meadow Road. Mr. Jeffries gave the staff report
saying the propelty is approximately 10 acres with 4 lots proposed. The project was
approved by Baldwin County as a family subdivision. The applicant is requesting a
waiver to the street frontage requirements. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE
conditional upon the following :
1. Approval of the waiver request from the Subdivision Regulations Aliicle V ,
Section E.3.a. "all lots shall front upon a paved , publicly maintained street."
Mr. Smith was present to answer any questions.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, Mr. Turner
closed the public hearing.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE conditional
upon the following:
1. Approval of the waiver request from the Subdivision Regulations Article V ,
Section E.3.a. "all lots shall front upon a paved , publicly maintained street."
Richard Peterson 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
SD 19.25 Public hearing to consider the request of Riverwood Estates, LLC for
Preliminary plat approval of River Place, a 23-lot subdivision, Chris Lieb. The
propelty is located on the west side of River Park Road just south of County Road 32.
Mr. Jeffries gave the staff report saying the propelty is approximately 24.2 acres with 23
lots proposed. The staff recommendation is to APPROVE conditional upon the
1. Add note on plat that the detention/common areas shall be maintained by the
propelty owner's association and not by Baldwin County or the state of Alabama.
(As noted on sheet 6 of the drawings.)
2. Add curve and line data to the plat.
3. Provide a copy of the County 's review and the County's Engineers Certificate of
4. Closeout testing reports shall include mandrel tests on all HDPE storm water
drainage pipes.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing.
Crandall Langley of 16885 River Park Road -He stated concerns with light pollution,
trespassing, and traffic. He requested a fence be built along his propelty line that abuts
the subject propelty. Mr. Turner stated the Commission cannot require a fence be
Helen Horton of 16720 River Park Road -She had concerns with headlight shining into
her house from the proposed entrance, additional traffic , and propelty values. Mrs.
Bryant noted the entrance seems to be situated between the property lines across the
Jo Owens of 16772 River Park Road -She noted concerns with increased traffic and
asked if a turn lane could be constructed. Mr. King explained the propelty is unzoned
county land and the Commission can only review the application against the Subdivision
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Planning Commission Minutes
Regulations. Mr. King suggest she speak with the Baldwin County Highway
Having no one else present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing.
Mr. Lieb stated he would pass the fence request to the developer.
Richard Peterson made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE
conditional upon the following:
1. Add note on plat that the detention/common areas shall be maintained by the
property owner's association and not by Baldwin County or the state of Alabama.
(As noted on sheet 6 of the drawings.)
2. Add curve and line data to the plat.
3. Provide a copy of the County's review and the County 's Engineers Certificate of
4. Closeout testing reports shall include mandrel tests on all HOPE storm water
drainage pipes.
Robert Brown 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: AYE-Art Dyas , Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
SD 19.26 Public hearing to consider the request of Taylor D. Wilkins, III, for plat
approval of Gayfer and Bishop subdivision, a 3-lot minor division, Larry Smith.
The property is located on the northwest comer of the intersection of Gayfer Road and
Bishop Road. Mr. King gave the staff report saying the property is approximately 1. 79
acres with 3 lots proposed. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE with the following
1. A note shall be added to the plat stating an aid-to-construction fee may be
required to provide sewer to one or two of the lots.
Mr. Smith stated he is agreeable to the condition.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, Mr. Turner
closed the public hearing.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE with the
following conditions:
1. A note shall be added to the plat stating an aid-to-construction fee may be
required to provide sewer to one or two of the lots.
2. A 1 O' sidewalk easement shall be added to the plat.
Richard Peterson 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
SD 19.27 Public hearing to consider the request of TH Fairhope Falls 2018, LLC for
Final plat approval of Fairhope Falls, Phase Two, a 34-lot subdivision, Steve
Pumphrey. The property is located on the south side of County Road 48 and west of
Fish River. Ms. Milford gave the staff report saying the property is approximately 27.05
acres in unzoned Baldwin County and 34 lots are proposed. Staff recommendation is to
APPROVE contingent upon the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall complete the final punch list (including the incomplete
landscaping) to the approval of the City of Fairhope Supervisors.
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Pl anni ng Co mmi s sio n Min utes
2. The Planning Commission approval of the waiver request asking for approval to
not submit the sanitary sewer video for the Baldwin County Sewer System or the
applicant shall supply the sanitary sewer video.
3. The surveyor shall sign the plat.
4. The applicant 's representative shall provide planning staff a copy of the final
inspection approval by Baldwin County of the proposed subdivision and the storm
sewer video .
5. Submit a copy of the st01m sewer videos for Fairhope files.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, Mr. Turner
closed the public hearing.
Robe1i Brown made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE
contingent upon the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall complete the final punch list (including the incomplete
landscaping) to the approval of the City of Fairhope Supervisors.
2. The Planning Commission approval of the waiver request asking for approval to
not submit the sanitary sewer video for the Baldwin County Sewer Syste m or the
applicant shall supply the sanitary sewer video .
3. The surveyor shall sign the plat.
4. The applicant's representative shall provide planning staff a copy of the final
inspection approval by Baldwin County of the proposed subdivision and the storm
sewer video.
5. Submit a copy of the st01m sewer videos for Fairhope files.
Hollie MacKellar 2 nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas , Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown . NAY -none.
SD 19.28 Public hearing to consider the request of The Verandas, LLC for Final
plat approval of The Verandas, Phase 4, a 32-lot subdivision, Steve Pumphrey . The
property is located on the southwest comer of the intersection of State Hwy. 104 and
Lawrence Road. Ms. Milford gave the staff report saying the property is approximately
57.64 acres in unzoned Baldwin County and 32 lots are proposed. Staff recommendation
is to APPROVE contingent upon the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall complete the final punch list (including incomplete
landscaping) to the approval of the City of Fairhope Department Heads.
2. Planning Commission approval of the waiver request asking for approval to not
submit the sanitary sewer video for the Baldwin County Sewer System or the
applicant shall submit the sanitary sewer video.
3. The surveyor shall sign the plat.
4. The applicant's representative shall provide planning staff a copy of the final
inspection approval by Baldwin County of the proposed subdivision and storm
sewer video.
5. The required completed subdivision bond package shall be provided .
6. Submit a copy of the storm sewer videos for Fairhope files.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, Mr. Turner
closed the public hearing.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE contingent
upon the following conditions :
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Planning Commission Mi nut es
1. The applicant shall complete the final punch list (including incomplete
landscaping) to the approval of the City of Fairhope Department Heads.
2. Planning Commission approval of the waiver request asking for approval to not
submit the sanitary sewer video for the Baldwin County Sewer System or the
applicant shall submit the sanitary sewer video.
3. The surveyor shall sign the plat.
4. The applicant's representative shall provide planning staff a copy of the final
inspection approval by Baldwin County of the proposed subdivision and storm
sewer video.
5. The required completed subdivision bond package shall be provided.
6. Submit a copy of the storm sewer videos for Fairh ope files.
Richard Peterson 2 nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
UR 19.15 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 Utility Review and approval of the
proposed installation of approximately 1,932 linear foot of underground fiber optic
cable, Wade Mitchell. The project will run along Fairhope Avenue, N. School Street,
Equality Street, N. Bancroft Street, Pine Street and N. Section Street. Mr. Jeffries gave
the staff report saying the project consists of the proposed underground installation of
approximately 1932 linear feet of fiber optic cable and overlashing of approximately 900 '
of aerial fiber optic cable to existing copper cable within the City of Fairhope's RO W 's.
The installation will be a directional bore or aerial where indicated on drawings along
Fairhope Ave to N. School St. to Equality Ave. to N. Bancroft St. to Pine St. to N.
Section St. The project will require the installation of 3 flush to grade handholes and 2
pedestals as indicated on the drawings provided. The proposed utility construction falls
within the Corporate limits of Fairhope. Staff recommendation is to APPROVE
conditional upon the following:
1. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work, as stated
in the staff report.
2. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
3. A tree is proposed to b e trimmed on the south side of Fairhope Ave . to the west of
Ace Hardware. Paul Merchant the City 's Horticulturalist shall be contacted to
oversee the trimming of the tree .
Mrs. Bryant stated the referenced tree is very significant and wants to make sure the work
does not damage it. Mrs. Boyett stated the City has a new right-of-way inspector to
monitor the work and pre-construction meetings are held to make sure everyone is on the
same page.
Rebecca Bryant made a motion to accept the staff recommendation is to APPROVE
conditional upon the following:
1. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work, as stated
in the staff report.
2. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
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Planning Commission Minutes
3. A tree is proposed to be trimmed on the south side of Fairhope Ave. to the west of
Ace Hardware. Paul Merchant the City's Horticulturalist shall be contacted to
oversee the trimming of the tree.
Robert Brown 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
UR 19.16 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 Utility Review and approval of the
proposed installation of approximately 636 linear foot of underground fiber optic
cable, Wade Mitchell. The project will run along S. Summit Street, St. James Street,
and S. Bayview Street to service Knoll Flats at 72 Fairhope Avenue. Mr. Jeffries gave
the staff report saying the project consists of the proposed underground installation of
approximately 636 linear feet of fiber optic cable and 1.5" HDPE conduit within the City
of Fairhope's RO W's. The installation will be a directional bore where indicated on
drawings along S. Summit St. to St. James Ave.
to S. Bayview St. Not all work is continuous. Some areas of work are only under roads.
The project will require the installation of 6 flush to grade handholes as indicated on the
drawings provided.
The proposed utility construction falls within the Corporate limits of Fairhope.
Staff recommendation is to APPROVE conditional upon the following:
1. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work, as stated
in the staff report.
2. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE conditional
upon the following:
1. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work , as stated
in the staff report.
2. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
Richard Peterson 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE -Art Dyas, Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
UR 19.17 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 Utility Review and approval of the
proposed installation of approximately 1,231 linear foot of underground cable and
conduit, Wade Mitchell. The project will run from 8 S. Summit Street to 50 S. Bayview
Street, via St. James Street. Mr. Jeffries gave the staff report saying the project consist of
the proposed underground installation of approximately 1231 linear feet of copper
communications cable and 1.5" HDPE conduit within the City ofFairhope's ROW's. The
installation will be a directional bore where indicated on drawings along St. James Ave.
to S. Bayview St. The project will require the installation of 4 flush to grade handholes
and 2 pedestals as indicated on the drawings provided. Also, this project is the removal of
associated aerial facilities for the removal of Fairhope Utility poles.
The proposed utility construction falls within the Corporate limits of Fairhope.
Staff recommendation to APPROVE conditional upon the following:
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Planning Commi ss ion Minutes
1. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work, as stated
in the staff report.
2. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
Art Dyas made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE conditional
upon the following:
1. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work, as stated
in the staff report.
2. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
Richard Peterson 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote : A YE-Art Dyas , Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
UR 19.18 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 Utility Review and approval of the
proposed installation of approximately 630 linear foot of underground fiber optic
cable road crossings, Wade Mitchell. The project will run throughout Fox Hollow,
Phase 2. Mr. Jeffries gave the staff report saying the project will consist of the proposed
underground installation of approximately 63 0 linear feet of fiber optic cable and 1.5 "
HDPE conduit within the City of Fairhope's RO W's. The installation will be a directional
bore where indicated on drawings in the Fox Hollow Phase II Subdivision. The project
will require the boring under the road in this new phase of Fo x Hollow in various
locations as indicated on the drawings provid ed to provide service.
The proposed utility construction falls within the Corporate limits of Fairhope.
Staff recommendation to APPROVE conditional upon the following:
3. The applicant shall follow the general comments related to utility work , as stated
in the staff report.
4. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
Robert Brown made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to APPROVE
conditional upon the following:
3. The appl icant shall follow the general comments related to utility work, as stated
in the staff report.
4. Applicant and applicant's contractor shall follow the Right of Way Installation
Permitting and Work Procedures document provided by the Building Official.
Richard Peterson 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously with the following
vote: A YE-Art Dyas , Rebecca Bryant, Lee Turner, Hollie MacKellar, Richard Peterson,
and Robert Brown. NAY -none.
Having no further business, Robert Brown made a motion to adjourn. Richard Peterson
2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously. Th e meeting was adjourned at 8:05
PM. ~
# dJ-
Lee Turner , Chairman