Minutes for Meeting September 8, 1975
The Fairhope Planning and Zoning Commission met in regular session
on Monday, September 8, 1975 at 5:00 PM at the City Administration Building;,
387 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, Alabama, with Chairman .John Parker presiding.
The following members were present: Mayor Nix, Mr. IEarford Field,
Mr. Chester Billie, Mr. Jack Kirk, Mr. Cecil Pitman, Mr. Barney Shull,
and Dr. Pierce Frederick. Member Ray Gibson was not present at the meeting.
The minutes of the August 4, 1975 meeting was approved as recorded.
The application of .'r. Darnell Id. Alley for rezoning was presented.
Mr. Alley's request was for a change in zoning from R-1 Single Family
Dwelling to B-1 Local Shopping District, for tine property identified as
hots 17 thru 20, Block 15, Vo.l.anta Subdivision, Located at the southeast
corner of Perdido and Section Street. After a discussion on the trafic
problem in that area, t•layor Nix made a motion to recommend to tine City
Council rezoning; to B-1 Lots 17 thru 20, after the owner of the property
has provided in writing to the Planning Commission a letter of commitment
that the deed of sale will sti.pulate no ingress or egress of trafic on the
Section Street frontage, and that no commercial structure wi.l.l he erected
on Lots 19 and 20, to be used solely for parking for any commercial. enter-
prise established on Lots 17 and 18. Mr. Iiarfor.d Field seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Mr. Ack Moore presented a resubdivisi.on for Dr. Pierce Fr.ederich of six
(6) Lots into four (4) lots in order to meet size regulations. This is an
existing plat on the southside of Rosa Avenue between Ron Secour and Section
Street. There are seven (7) lots which wortld be converted into four (4) Lots,
thereby meeting square footage requirements. Mr. Barney Shull moved to
grant preliminary and final plat approval for the resubdivision. Mr. Jfarford
Field seconded the motion. Motion carried.
;Er. Matt Dial presented his plat which had previously been approved,
with the exception of three (3) lots on the eastside of Blue Island, which
have now been converted into one (1) lot. Mr. Dial had already met all of
the necessary requirements with the exception of Dr. Fred erlcl:'s signature
on the plat and square footage of the three (3) Lots on the corner. of Cayfer
and Blue Island which were made into one (1) l.ot so that tyre square footage
requirements would be met. Mr. Cecil. Pitman moved to grant approval. of plat
as presented. Mayor Nix seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Mr. Acl: Moore presented a pre.li.mi.nar.v sketch ��n hehal f of IIr.. Gates for
informal discussion. Mr. Gates waists to open lots on the east and wc,.:;t side
of h'il frc:d numbered one. (1) thru nine (9) , and ten (10) and el even (1 l) on
the northside of Kurl.ane. Mr. Gates was seeking agreement to proceed with
" Page Two
preparing a preliminary plat. It was agreed by the Commission that it would
be alright to go ahead with preliminary plans based on the sketch presented.
Mayor Nix moved to advertise for public hearing on the rezoning of the
south side of Morphy Avenue from B-2 to B-1. Mr. Ifarford Field seconded
the motion. Motion carried.
A review followed on the Capital Improvements Program and Budget.
It was decided that recommendations on the Capital Improvements Program
and Budget would be held over until the next commission meeting after
all of the Board members can review it and decide what areas they felt
needed to be changed with each member encouraged to present his thoughts
in writing at the next meeting.
A brief discussion followed on the enforcement of zoning ordinance and
subdivision regulations. Chairman Parker stated that lie hoped the City
staff was keeping a "tight ship" in this area and that the Board's efforts
didn't count for much if the City staff doesn't thouroughly implement the
results of Commission deliberations.
Mr. Russ Kilgore was present to discuss with the Commission members
their opinions on the Possibility of changing zoning; of: his property.
Mr. Kilgore's primary objective is to get it rezoned from R-2 to R-3, in order
to develop the land for multi -family dwellings at,the nortliwest corner of
Section Street and Pecan Avenue. The Commission informed Mr.. Kilgore
that they saw no reason why Mr. Kilgore could not go ahead t71th his plans
for preliminary application with a reasonable possibility it would be
favorably acted on if sufficient development details were provided.
There being; no further business to come before the Pl.ann.i.ng; Commis , ton,
the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitte
T.y�in Adams
Fairhope Planning Commission
.�vC ,c.. Y c
I, cQ ---Chairman
City of Fairhope
P. O. DRAWER 429
August 5, 1975
Eulalie T. Fell Estate
ATTN: Mrs. Eloise T. Wilson, Executrix
Mrs. Helen T. Humphreys, Executrix
Miss Gaynor Turner, Executrix
Montrose, Alabama 36529
Dear Ladies:
RE: Lot 1, Square 3, "Village of Montrose"
The Fairhope Planning & Zoning Commission, having jurisdiction of
land subdivision in the area covering Lot 1, Square 3 of Village of Montrose
subdivision, herewith grants plat approval to the attached plat by C. W.
Arnold dated April, 1974 for purposes of estate settlement only. This
restriction is noted on the plat.
No transfer sale of any one of the eight (8) lots in this
resubdivision is authorized by this document until such time as the plat is
submitted for approval and found to fully comply with Subdivision Regulations
of the City of Fairhope then in effect. Said regulations requiring, among
other requirements, that a sanitary sewer system connection be available to
each lot or approval by the Baldwin County Health Department for septic tank
installation on each lot.
We hope this will meet your needs for purposes of estate settlement
of the Eulalie T. Fell estate. If we can be of any further service, please
call on us.
Sincerely yours,
r t
John S. Parker, Chairman
Fairhope Planning & Zoning
CC: Mayor James P. Nix
Mr. George E. Fuller, Jr.
Mr. C. W. Arnold