HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-2014 Planning Commission MinutesAugust 4, 2014
Planning Commission Minutes
The Planning Commission met Monday, August 4, 2014 at 5:00 PM at the City
Municipal Complex, 161 N. Section Street in the Council Chambers.
Present: Lee Turner, Chairperson; George Roberds, Vice-Chair; Bernie Fogarty; Bob
Clark; Jennifer Fidler; Dick Charles; Councilmember Diana Brewer; Hollie MacKellar;
Jonathan Smith, Planning Director; Nancy Milford, Planner; and Emily Boyett, Secretary
Absent: Tim Kant
Chairman Lee Turner called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and announced the meeting
is being recorded. The minutes of the July 7, 2014 meeting were considered and Dick
Charles moved to accept the minutes with corrections and was 2nd by George Roberds.
Motion carried with one abstention by Bernie Fogarty.
ZC 14.08 Public hearing to consider the request of Preble-Rish, LLC for an
amendment to the Fairfield, Phase VI PUD (Planned Unit Development), Steven
Pumphrey. The property is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of County
Road 44 (a.k.a. Twin Beech Road) and Boothe Road. Mr. Smith gave the staff report
saying the subject property is approximately 9.2 acres; however, the applicant is only
proposing to modify Lot 18 of the previously approved PUD, which allows 5 attached
townhome units. The new owner is requesting 2 duplexes and one single unit. The
drainage for this portion of the site was included in the design of the original PUD and
the drainage infrastructure has been installed. The applicant states there is a decrease in
the building coverage of approximately 4,845 square feet; therefore, it appears there will
be less impact regarding storm water with the proposed configuration. Mr. Smith stated
there are few changes to the lot and no increase in density. Staff recommendation is to
approve as requested contingent upon the following condition:
1. Finished floor elevations for a 100 year storm event shall be placed on the
building footprints.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, he closed the
public hearing. Mr. Charles asked the reason for the change and Mr. Smith responded he
does not know. Mrs. Fidler asked which way the water flows on the site and Mr. Avent
answered to the north. Mr. Turner questioned if additional drainage will be needed and
Mr. Smith stated all of the drainage for the site is already installed. Mr. Turner said this
request is better than what is already approved. George Roberds made a motion to accept
the staff recommendation to approve as requested contingent upon the following
1. Finished floor elevations for a 100 year storm event shall be placed on the
building footprints.
Dick Charles 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
SD 14.09 Public hearing to consider the request of Preble-Rish, LLC for
Preliminary plat approval of the Phase 1A of Greenbrier and Phase 1B of Silverleaf
at Firethorne, a 79-lot subdivision, Steve Pumphrey. The property is located on the
east side of State Hwy. 181 across from Bay Meadows Avenue. Mr. Smith gave the staff
report saying the property is approximately 34.78 acres for Phase 1A of Greenbrier and
41 lots are proposed. Phase 1B of Silverleaf is approximately 19.68 acres with 38 lots
proposed. Mr. Smith state the drainage plan has been provided and a traffic study has
been conducted. The traffic study indicated a southbound left turn lane on SR 181 shall
August 4, 2014
Planning Com mi ssio n Minutes
be constructed after the full build out of Phase 1 of construction. H e added there are
additional requirements as the site is further deve loped . The applicant has also agreed to
berm and heavily landscape the development along Quail Creek Drive in the first phase
of development. Staff recommendation is to approve contingent upon the following
1. All landscaping, tree preservation and the pedestrian plan shall meet the approval
of the City of Fairhope Horticulturist.
2. The tree preservation/green space easement shall be shown on the plat.
3. The applicant shall show documentation of the aerator.
4. The applicant shall provide a letter or documentation from ALDOT that the
project is in compliance with the Highway 181 Access Management Plan prior to
the issuance of building permits or land disturbance permits.
John Avent of Preble-Rish, LLC was pres ent for the applicant. Mr. Roberds asked if the
retention to be built will only accommodate this phase and Mr. A vent answered no , they
will be constructing all of the lakes in this phase. Mr. Roberds asked if the applicant has
considered using any LID (Low Impact Development) techniques to reduce to retention
areas. Mr. A vent responded yes, but the City does not have any guidelines at this time.
Mr. Roberds said the Commission would consider anything that is proposed to them. Mr.
Charles asked if a traffic light will be required and Mr. A vent responded not for the
construction of this phase. He add ed they have been working clo sely with ALDOT and a
permit must be obtained prior to any construction. Mr. Turner questioned the distance
between the proposed entrance and Quail Cre ek Drive. Mr. Avent stated h e was not sure
but approximately ¼ mile. Mrs. Brewer asked for the construction timeline and Mr.
A vent stated these two phases will be built at the same time. Mrs. Fidler stated there
have been flooding issues with Club Dri ve and she asked how this development will
drain . Mr. A vent stated the stormwater from this de velopment will not outfall to Quail
Creek but to the south. Mrs. Fidler asked if the site contains grady soils and if the water
will hold in the lakes. Mr. A vent responded mo st of the site is sandy and the lakes are
designed to hold the water.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing.
John Ardrey of 111 Lake Ridge Drive -He asked if this development will connect to
Quail Creek and when co nstruction will start. Mr. Turner stated the C ity has an
ordinance which states no connections are allowed to Quail Creek Drive and there are not
any other locations that would be suitable for connection. Mr. A vent said construction
will beg in within 30 days .
Having no one e lse present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing .
Dick Charles made a motion to accept the s taff recommendation to approve contingent
up o n the following conditions:
1. All land scaping, tree preservation and the pedestri an pl an sha ll m eet the ap proval
of the City of Fairhope Horticulturist.
2 . The tree preservation/green space eas e ment shall be shown on the plat.
3. The applicant sha ll s how documentation of the aerator.
4. The applicant shall provide a lette r o r documentation from ALDOT that the
proj ect is in compli ance wit h the Highway 181 Access Management Plan prior to
the issuance of building permits or land d isturbance permits.
Bernie Fogarty 2 nd the motion and the motion carried unani mou sly.
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Planning Commission Minutes
SD 14.10 Public hearing to consider the request of Creekwood, LLC for Preliminary
and Final plat approval of Broadway-Hwy. 32, a 2-lot minor division. The property
is located on the south side of Co unty Road 32, across form the J. Larry Newton School.
Mr. Smith gave the staff report saying the property is approximately 43.38 acres and is
unzoned in Baldwin County. Staff recommendation is to approve contingent upon the
following conditions:
1. The note regard ing the finished floor elevation shall be clarified as to the
applicability to the lots.
2. A fire flow test meeting the approval of the City of Fairhope Water and Sewer
Superintendent shall be submitted.
3 . All applicab le testing for Water and Sewer shall be submitted.
4. The appl icant shall work with Dan McCrory with regards to the possible
requirement for a fire hydrant.
5. The applicant shall correct some minor inaccuracies on the plat regarding plat
certificates and the electric utility.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak, Mr. Turner
closed the public hearing. Dick Charles made a motion to accept the staff
recommendation to approve contingent upon the following conditions:
1. The note regarding the finished floor elevation shall be clarified as to the
applicability to the lots.
2. A fire flow test meeting the approval of the City of Fairhope Water and Sewer
Superintendent shall be submitted.
3. All app licable testing for Water and Sewer shall be submitted.
4. The applicant shall work with Dan McCrory with regards to the possible
requirement for a fire hydrant.
5. The applicant shall correct some minor inaccuracies on the plat regarding plat
certificates and the electric utility.
Jennifer Fidler 2 nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
UR 14.05 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 Utility Review and approval of the
proposed installation of approximately 1,850 linear feet of underground fiber optic
cable, Jeff Hadley. The project will run along the south side of Manley Road and
throughout Saddlewood, Phase 1 Subdivision. Mr. Smith gave the staff report saying the
method of installation will be trenching and directional boring. Staff recommendation is
to approve conditional upon the app li cant following the general comments related to
utility work as stated in the staff report. Dick Charles made a motion to accept the staff
recommendation to approve conditional upon th e app li cant following the general
comments re lated to utility work as stated in the staff report. Bob Clark 2nd the motion
and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Turner recued himse l f for from the next agenda item due to a conflict of interest and
left the room. Dick Charles took over as chairman. George Roberds and Diana Brewer
announced they are abstaining from this item due to a conflict of interest.
UR 14.06 Request of Fairhope Single Tax Corporation for an 11.52.11 Utility
Review and approval of the proposed installation of approximately 1,355 linear feet
of sidewalks. The project wi ll run along Booth Road and Bishop Road. Mr. Smith gave
the staff report saying the Fairhope Single Tax proposed to construct approximately 926
August 4, 2014
Planning Commission Minutes
linear feet of 5' concrete sidewalk on the west side of Booth Road from Nichols A venue
Extension to Spring Run Drive and approximately 384 linear feet on Bishop Road just
north of Morphy A venue. Staff recommendation is to approve the location, character and
extent of the proposed projects contingent upon the comments form the City of Fairhope
Superintendents in the staff report. Mr. Charles opened the floor for public comments.
Gary Gover of 300 Lincoln Street -He asked what the distance is between the pavement
and the sidewalk. Mr. Fidler stated on Bishop Road it is approximately 8' and the
proposed sidewalk will connect to the existing. Mr. Smith stated the drawings show 6';
however, they will have to work around several issues. Mr. Fidler stated she has spoken
with several residents in the area who have requested these sidewalks . Bob Clark made a
motion to accept the staff recommendation to approve the location, character and extent
of the proposed projects contingent upon the comments form the City of Fairhope
Superintendents in the staff report. Hollie MacKellar 2nd the motion carried with
abstentions by Lee Turner, George Roberds, and Diana Brewer.
Old/New Business
LID (Low Impact Development) -Mr. Smith stated the DCNR grant deadline is
approaching and the there will be a Special Planning Commission meeting to satisfy the
grant requirements. He stated all required notices and advertisements will be met.
Traffic Operations and Management Update -Mr. Smith stated staff is working with
Neel Schaffer.
Comprehensive Plan Update -Mr. Smith stated the RFQ was sent out and staff should
be receiving responses soon. He stated the committee and staff will grade the responses
and give a recommendation to the Mayor.
Firefly Informal Subdivision -Mr. Smith stated staff received an informal review from
Preble-Rish, LLC this week and there was a misunderstanding regarding the date it would
be heard by the Commission. Andy Bobe addressed the Commission saying it is a 30 lot
subdivision on 80 acres adjacent to Sandy Ford. He stated they are proposing to use LID
techniques and the drainage will not meet the City's current standards. He explained they
would like to use sheet flow and pervious pavement and sidewalks as part of their
drainage. The Commissioners stated concerns with only one access in and for the
additional traffic on South Drive. Jacob Cunningham stated he is trying to do something
different and use LID. He stated he has spoken with the Sandy Ford POA and they
seemed receptive. The Commission suggested talking to the neighbors along Fly Creek
and in Sandy Ford. Mr . Turner stated he liked the large lots and use of LID techniques.
Bernie Fogarty made a motion to adjourn and was 2nd by Dick Charles.
Having no further business, the meeting was over at 5:55 PM.
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