HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-2013 Planning Commission Minutesc\ug:ust 5. 20 I 3
Plannmg Ctrnunission iv1inutes
The Planning Commission met Monday. August 5th . 2013 at 5:00 PM at the City
:\-1unicipal Complex, 161 N. Section Street in the Council Chambers.
Present: Lee Turner, Chairperson; George Roberds, Vice-Chair; Tim Kant; Jennifer
Fidler; Bob Clark; Bernie Fogarty; Dick Charles; Councilman Rich Mueller; Jonathan
Smith, Planning Director; Nancy Milford, Planner; and Emily Boyett, Secretary.
Chairman Lee Turner called the meeting to order at 5 :00 PM and announced the meeting
is being recorded. The minutes of the July 1. 2013 meeting were considered and Dick
Charles moved to accept the minutes as written and was 2nd by George Roberds. Motion
carried \vith one abstention by Jennifer Fidler.
Dick Charles made a motion for Item A and Item B be heard as a consent agenda and
Item C and Item D be heard as a consent agenda. George Roberds 2nd the motion and the
motion carried unanimously.
UR 13.10 Request of the City of Fairhope Water & Sewer Department for an
11.52. 11 review and approval of the proposed installation of approximately 1,000
linear feet of water line, Dan McCrory. The project will run along the east side of
County Road 13. from Thoroughbred Run to 16346 County Road 13.
UR 13.11 Request of the City of Fairhope Water & Sewer Department for an
11.52.11 review and approval of the proposed installation of approximately 13,789
linear feet of water line, Dan McCrory. The project will run along County Road 13.
from Fairhope Avenue to St. Hwy 104 and along St. Hv,.:y. 104. from County 13 to US
hwy. 98.
Jonathan Smith gave the staff reports. Staff recommendation for UR 13 .10 and UR 13 .11
is to appro\e. subject to staff comments listed in the staff reports. Dick Charles made a
motion to accept the staff recommendation for UR 13 .10 and UR 13 .11 to approve,
subject to staff comments listed in the staff reports. George Roberds 2 nd the motion and
the motion carried unanimously.
ZC 13.03 Public hearing to consider the request of Preble-Rish, LLC to establish an
initial zoning of PUD (Planned Unit Development) concurrent with conditional
annexation into the City of Fairhope, to be known as the Villas at Point Clear
Subdivision, Steve Pumphrey.
SD 13.10 Public hearing to consider the request of Preble-Rish, LLC for
Preliminary Plat approval of the Villas at Point Clear Subdivision, a 25-lot division,
Steven Pumphrey.
Jonathan Smith gave the staff report saying the property is located on the south side of
Battles Road. just west of the intersection of Section Street and Battles, and is unzoned
outside the City of Fairhope. The applicant is proposing a 25-lot subdivision contingent
upon receiving Planned l 1nit De,elopmcnt (PL1D) zoning in the City of Fairhope. The
Planning Commission approved a preliminary plat for the site in 2005 fc)r a cnndornirnum
dc\ dopment \.\ ith pri,c1te streets. gates and fences with 6 buildings and a totai of 54 units
August 5. 2013
Planmng C,)nums,ion Mmut<:s
development with private streets, gates and fences with 6 buildings and a total of 54 units
and the applicant has received several extensions to keep the multi-family development
approval current. The applicant is now proposing 25 single family lots with private
streets; a 35' building height: maximum total lot coverage of 40% for the principal
structure and accessory structures combined: and 4' sidewalks along both sides of the
streets. Mr. Smith stated there is not a sidewalk along Battles Road and staff would
support the installation of a 5' sidewalk as a conditional of approval. Staff
recommendation for ZC 13.03 is to approve contingent upon the follmving condition:
I . A note shall be added to the PUD site plan and the preliminary plat stating
that fences shall not be placed within the 25' utility easement along lots 1 17.
Staff recommendation for SD 13 .10 is to approve contingent upon the following
1. Submittal of a financial guaranty and subdivision agreement for street trees in
front of lots;
2. The Operations and Maintenance Agreement with the developer shall be
dated; and
3. A note shall be added to the PUD site plan and the preliminary plat stating
that fences shall not be placed within the 25' utility easement along lots 1-17.
Steve Pumphrey of Preble-Rish, LLC addressed the Commission saying the approved 54-
unit is still active; however, the developer wants single family now. He stated there is an
overhead power line that will be relocated and put underground and the fence along
Battles Road will be taken dm.vn and rebuilt. Mr. Pumphrey explained the neighbors and
adjoining subdivision has concerns with the proposed connection into their development;
however, the access has always been platted and the owners would like to keep it. He
also stated the adjacent neighborhood requested stricter covenants and those changes
have been made.
Mr. Turner opened the public hearing.
David Daniell of Daniell, Upton & Perry, P.C. came forward and addressed the
Commission on behalf of the Azalea Ridge Property Owners Association (POA). He
stated the residents of Azalea Ridge are concerned with the proposed stub-out and
connection to their subdivision. He explained Azalea Ridge is a private. gated
community and the POA maintains and owns the streets and common areas and allowing
this new development to connect will cause additional costs to the Azalea Ridge POA.
Mr. Turner stated the Planning Commission has no enforcement pm"er for restrictive
covenants. Mr. Daniell stated if the stub-out is permitted. two Azalea Ridge property
O\vners \Vill be immediately affected. t\fr. Daniell contended the Villas at Point Clear are
trying to use the equity of Azalea Ridge to promote the new development.
Joe McGilberry of 6411 Beaver Creek Drive, stated concerns with the size of the lots in
comparison to the lots of Azalea Ridge and the impact to property values if the
connectivity is allowed. He stated the Azalea Ridge POA \vill lose control of their
subdivision and the two developments will appear as one if the connection is granted.
Aubrey King of 6501 Beawr Creek Drive stated he is the Azalea Ridge POA president
and he has received multiple letters from concerned property ov,ners in A.zalea Ridge.
lk said the followmg characteristics were in all of the letters and these arc why the
August 5.2013
Planning: Cornrnts,i,m M111utcs
residents chose to live in Azalea Ridge: security. privacy, quietness. quaintness, and
minimal traffic. Mr. King stated the traffic \\ill increase approximately 45% by adding
25 lots and this will cause Azalea Ridge to lose its quaintness. He said the connection
will not be a quicker route to the golf course or to the Grand Hotel.
William Johnston of 6820 Beaver Creek Drive explained he chose to live in Azalea Ridge
because it is a gated community. its beauty. and the architectural design. He stated he
supports all of the objections stated by the POA and he said the connection will be a
traffic disaster for Azalea Ridge.
Richard Crum of 63 81 Beaver Creek Drive stated concerns with traffic, safety. and the
location of the detention pond.
Ken Duncan of 6600 Beaver Creek Drive said Azalea Ridge is an exclusive
neighborhood and any connection will a detriment to the neighborhood. He said he does
not care what is built on the property as long as it is not connected.
John Taber of 6440 Beaver Creek Drive stated he is not concerned with what is built on
the property but does not want the City to allow them to connect to a private street. He
also stated concerns \vith traffic and safety.
Having no one else present to speak, Mr. Turner closed the public hearing. Mr. Fogarty
asked how connectivity issues have been handled in the past and Mr. Turner responded it
has been done in different ways. Mr. Charles stated one connection was denied in Rock
Creek and Mayor Kant explained hvo other connections were granted. Mr. Turner
referenced Quail Creek was required to connect with Steel Branch; however, Trentino
was only required to have a pedestrian connection. Mr. Pumphrey stated the connection
has always been there and this request is only changing the layout and use. Mayor Kant
asked if the applicant has permission to connect and Mr. Pumphrey and Mr. Bill Bru
responded yes. as per the restrictive covenants. Mr. Bru stated he paid to have this
connection and there has never been an objection to the connection and the property \Vas
bought with the intent to connect and the previous owner and developer set it up this way.
Mr. Turner said he would at least like to see a pedestrian or golf cart connection. Mrs.
Fidler suggested installing another gate between the two subdivisions. Mr. Mueller stated
if the layout is approved then it will just be a road to nowhere and there should at least be
a turnaround put in until the issue is solved. Mr. Pumphrey stated the road will go
through and connect because the covenants give approval to do so. Mr. Daniell stated the
covenants do not allow it without 75% of the POA agreeing to it. Mr. Roberds asked if
the Azalea Ridge POA owns the right-of-\vay and Mr. Pumphrey responded yes. Mr.
Daniell stated the area in question is for utilities and not a road. \tr. Smith stated the
Commission has required other connections and it is obvious that the original design set it
up to be a connection and this is an issue between the individual property owners. Mr.
c·Iark stated this should not be part of the Commission's decision tonight Mrs. Fidler
stated the proposed sidewalks are only 4' wide but the streets will be private so she does
not have any issue with them. Jennifer Fidler made a motion to accept the staff
recommendation for ZC 13.03 and SD 13.10.
Staff recommendatilm for IC 13.03 is to approve contingent upon the foliowing
Augu,t 5. 2013
Planning C,,mm,,swn \1mut.:s
1. A note shall be added to the PUD site plan and the preliminary plat stating
that fences shall not be placed within the 25' utility easement along lots 1-17;
2. A temporary turnaround shall be provided at the end of Polo Field Road; and
3. A 5' sidewalk shall be installed along Battles Road.
Staff recommendation for SD 13 .10 is to approve contingent upon the following
I. Submittal of a financial guaranty and subdivision agreement for street trees in
front of lots:
2. The Operations and Maintenance Agreement with the developer shall be
3. A note shall be added to the PUD site plan and the preliminary plat stating
that fences shall not be placed within the 25' utility easement along lots 1-17;
4. A temporary turnaround shall be provided at the end of Polo Field Road; and
5. A 5' sidewalk shall be installed along Battles Road.
Rich Mueller 2nd the motion and the motion passed with the following vote: A YE -Tim
Kant Jennifer Fidler. Bob Clark, Bernie Fogarty, Lee Turner, and Rich Mueller. NAY -
Dick Charles and George Roberds.
SD 13.11 Public hearing to consider the request of Preble-Rish, LLC for
Preliminary Plat approval of Stone Creek Villas, a 57-lot subdivision, Steve
Pumphrey. The property is located on the east side of St. Hwy. 181, just south of the
intersection of County Road 44. Jonathan Smith gave the staff report saying the property
is inside the City of Fairhope and is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). The
applicant is proposing 57 single family residential lots and the proposal is in conformance
with the approved site plan. Staff recommendation is to approve contingent upon the
following conditions:
I. The applicant shall submit a revised copy of the Covenants and Restrictions
addressing the 30' wetland buffer;
2. Submittal of the "re-delineation'· of the wetland area;
3. The following notes shall be added to the plat:
a. Accessory Structures: Not accessory structures shall be allowed on the
individual lots.
b. Fire Protection: A loop feed system shall be used.
c. Impervious Coverage: Shall not exceed 40% for individual lots.
4. Mark up comments made by staff shall be made to the revised construction
Steve Pumphrey of Preble-Rish, LLC was present to answer any questions. Mr. Turner
opened the public hearing. Having no one present to speak. t\·1r. Turner closed the public
hearing. George Roberds made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to approve
contingent upon the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall submit a revised copy of the Covenants and Restrictions
addressing the 30' wetland buffer;
2. Submittal of the --re-delineation" of the wetland area:
3. The following notes shall be added to the plat:
a. Accessory Structures: Not accessory structures shall be allowed on the
individual lots.
b. Fire Protection: A loop feed system shall be used.
~-lmpervious Coverage: Shall not exceed 40%, for indi, iJual lob.
:\ugust 5. 2013
Pl:mnmg l '01111n1,wm Mmute,
4. !\-fark up comments made by staff shall be made to the revised construction
Dick Charles 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
SR 13.09 Request of Two Moore, LLC for Site Plan approval of 154 N. Section
Street, a mixed use development, Joan Moore. The property is located on the east side
of Section Street. just south of Oak Avenue. Jonathan Smith gave the staff report saying
the property is zoned B-2 General Business District and is in the Central Business District
(CBD). The applicant is proposing mixed use, \Vhich is allowed with in the current
zoning designation. l\fr. Smith stated the building is a 1940's style building and the
applicant is proposing extensive structural, mechanical and electrical modifications to the
existing building and a new addition. Staff recommendation is to approve, contingent
upon the following conditions:
1. A re-plat of the property to remove a conflicting lot line shall be submitted to
the Planning Department;
2. Civil drawings shall be submitted and in compliance with the City of Fairhope
officials and utility superintendent:
3. The submittal of a revised erosion control plan meeting the approval of Kim
Burmeister, Code Enforcement Officer: and
4. The submittal of screening details for all mechanical equipment
Chris Reebals, of Christopher Architects, LLC was present for the applicant to answer
any questions. Dick Charles made a motion to accept the staff recommendation to
approve. contingent upon the following conditions:
1. A re-plat of the property to remove a conflicting lot line shall be submitted to
the Planning Department:
2. Civil drawings shall be submitted and in compliance with the City of Fairhope
officials and utility superintendent;
3. The submittal of a revised erosion control plan meeting the approval of Kim
Burmeister, Code Enforcement Officer; and
4. The submittal of screening details for all mechanical equipment.
Rich Mueller 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
New/ Old Business
Lee Turner announced the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee has been appointed
and the members will be as follows: Rich Mueller. Kevin Boone, George Roberds. Bob
Clark. Jennifer Fidler, and Lee Turner. He stated the Committee will meet prior to the
next Commission meeting.
Having no further business, Dick Charles moved to adjourn and was 2nd by George
Roberds. M~.::-2 unanimousiy. lhe meeting""' dul)~e/ at 6:05 PM.
,;>/ ------· ~ i ,_ --·········
Lee Turner. Chairman Emily BQ,Yftt, Se.er