The rhirhope Planning and
at tho City Administration
May 69 1974 at 5900 P.M.
Zoning Commission mot in regular session
Building, 387 Fairhope Avenue, Monday,
hembers Present: Chairman John Parkor, Mayor James P. Nix, council-
man Sam Boy, Harford Field, Dr. Pierce Frederick, Chester Billie,
Cecil Pitman, Ray Gibson and Jack Kirk.
Minutes of previous regular meeting were approved.
CASE NO. S-4-74 - Hoquest for final approval of least of The Sun Sub-
division on the East Side of Groono Road.
Motion by Mayor Nix seconded by Ray Gibson that final approval be
givon subject to 60 ft. set back from present right-of-way and a re-
vised plat showing the 60 ft. set back. Motion carried.
CASE NOS. Z-2-74, 14gersoll proporty, Z-5-74, Amos Wagner property,
Z-6-74, Tom Broom property and Z-7-74, Vernon property, all located
between Fairhope Avenue and Edwards Avenue on the host side of
Groono road, presently Zoned Rr1, requested B-1 Zoning. This being
a public hearing on the rezoning a number of residents wore present
protesting the rezoning. Owners of the proporty presented thoir case.
A veto was taken of proporty owners in the area with 15 in favor of
rezoning and 20 against the rezoning. A vote was then taken of those
within the immediate area with 6 in favor and 3 against the rezoning.
Decision: Motion by Ray Gibson seconded by Sam Box that the Planning
Commission recommend to the City Council that the four applications ,
for rezoning from &.1 to B-1 bo doniod for the following reasons as
raoommended by the Planning Consultant:
1. Except for tho Ingersoll ease which has a speciflo use proposed
for the premises all of the other casos are of a speculative
nature. As such, the ohange would constitute a grant of privl-
lego to a group of individuals as contrasted to the general
welfare of the community.
2. Since three of the pareols under petition are occupied with
single family houses there are no substantial reasons why the
property oannot oontinue to be used in accord with existing
3• It appears that the change requested is out of scale with the
needs of the neighborhood or City. There is a considerable
amount of property in the City which is zoned for commercial
use that is either vacant or in some other use.
4. There is no evidence to indicate that the basic land use pattern
has changed nor that the present zone district boundaries are
illogleally drawn in relation to existing conditions.
5. At present, Greeno Road serves as a major traffic artery
and will be probably be widened and improved to a four lane
facility in the future. To permit strip commercial devel-
opipent with unrestrioted ingress and ogress would create,
hazardous conditions. Further, the effeetive)P,ess of the
roadway to Function as a major traffic oarrier would be
substantially reduced if strip oommoroial development is
Upon being being to vote, all members were in favor of the motion.
with the ezoeption of Mr. Pitman -who voted against the motion.
Mr. Pruitt, Planning Consultant, presented Comprehensive Plan
as prepared by the South Alabama Regional Planning.
Mr. Harford Field presented a,suggestod revised listing of Zoning
Rostriotion with a proposed motion and requested that Commission
members study the listing and point out their disagreements or
suggestion, if any, at the study mooting to -be held on Wednesday,
May 159 1974 at 7:00 P.M. at the Fire Hall.
Meeting adjourned.