HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-06-2012 Planning Commission MinutesFebruary 6, 2012
Planning Commission Minutes
The Planning Commission met Monday, February 6th
, 2012 at 5:00 PM at the City
Administration Building, 161 N. Section Street in the Council Chambers.
Present: George Roberds, Vice-Chair; Bob Clark; Jennifer Fidler; Dick Charles; and Tim
Kant. Jonathan Smith, Planning and Building Director; and Emily Boyett, Secretary
Absent: Lee Turner, Chairperson; Jean Wilson, Debbie Quinn and Gary Moore
Vice Chairperson George Roberds called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and announced
the meeting is being recorded. The minutes of the January 3rd , 2012 meeting were
considered and Dick Charles moved to accept the minutes as written and was 2nd by Bob
Clark. Motion carried with two abstentions by Tim Kant and Jennifer Fidler.
UR 12.04 Request of Southern Light for an 11.52.11 utility review and approval of
the proposed underground installation of approximately 633 linear feet of fiber
optic cable for the Fairhope Public Library, Andru Bramblett. The project will run
along the east side ofN. Bancroft Street to service the Fairhope Public Library at 501
Fairhope Avenue. Nancy Milford gave the staff report saying the project will consist of
directional boring, sidewalk cuts, and the placement of hand holes. Staff
recommendation is to approve conditional upon the applicant following the general
comments related to utility work as stated in the staff report. The floor was opened to
public comments and no one wished to speak. Mrs. Fidler asked if the City would be
able to place an irrigation line in the same hole as the cable and she wanted verification
that pedestrian access would be provided around the construction. Mr. Bramblett
responded pedestrian access would be provided during construction and he said they
would work with the City on the water line. Tim Kant moved to accept the staff
recommendation to approve conditional upon the applicant following the general
comments related to utility work as stated in the staff report. Dick Charles 2nd the motion
and the motion carried unanimously.
UR 12.05 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 utility review and approval of the
proposed installation of approximately 2124 linear feet of cable along the west side
of Third Street, Jeff Hadley. The project will run along the west side of Third Street,
from Gable Street to Sibley Street. Nancy Milford gave the staff report saying the project
is located in County right-of-way and the installation will be by directional boring and
trenching. The staff recommendation is to approve conditional upon the applicant
following the general comments related to utility work as stated in the staff report. The
floor was opened to public comments and no on was present to speak. Dick Charles
moved to accept the staff recommendation to approve conditional upon the applicant
following the general comments related to utility work as stated in the staff report. Tim
Kant 2nd the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
SD 12.01 Public Hearing to consider the request of Moore Surveying for Final Plat
approval of the Jabez Addition to Fairhope, William Hyatt. The project is located at
the southwest corner of the intersection of Dyer Road and Jubilee Trail. Nancy Milford
gave the staff report saying the property is located in the City of Fairhope and is zoned R-
2 Medium Density Single Famiiy Residential District. The property is approximateiy
0.88 acres ,vith three lots proposed. The staff recommendation is to approve the Final
Plat for the fabez Addition to Fairhope contingent upon the following two conditions:
February 6. 2012
Planning Commission Minutes
1) A note shall be added to the plat stating a BMP Plan shall be provided at the time
of building permit; and
2) The submittal of a flow model that meets the approval of the City of Fairhope
Water & Sewer Superintendent, after the acceptance of the utility lines by the City of
Ms. Milford stated a flow model has been received but there are stipulations from the
engineer regarding building separation. Mr. Roberds opened the public hearing; having
no one present to speak, he closed the public hearing. Tim Kant moved to accept the
staff recommendation to approve the Final Plat for the Jabez Addition to Fairhope
contingent upon the following two conditions:
1) A note shall be added to the plat stating a BMP Plan shall be provided at the time
of building permit; and
2) The engineer's stipulations on the flow model regarding building separation.
Dick Charles 2nd the motion, and the motion carried unanimously.
Discussion of County Road 13 -Jonathan Smith stated he had provided the following
information to the Commissioners regarding County Road 13: a letter from Mr. Smith to
the Commissioners seeking their opinion on taking over maintenance of County Road 13;
a letter from HMR, LLC to the Baldwin County Highway Department during the
preliminary approval of Magnolia Commons Subdivision; a copy of the Magnolia
Commons Traffic Study; and a letter from Baldwin County to the applicant of Magnolia
Commons regarding the requirement of a turn lane for the subdivision. Mr. Smith said
this discussion is to see if the Commissioners want to keep County Road 13 a small
residential style collector street, and possibly make a recommendation to the City Council
that the City maintain the portion of County Road 13 from Fairhope Avenue to Hwy.
I 04. Mrs. Fidler questioned taking over all the way to Hwy. 104 and asked about just
going to Gayfer A venue. Mr. Kant said he is only interested in taking over to Gayfer
A venue for now. Mr. Charles asked if Mr. Smith had spoken with the County Engineer
and Mr. Smith responded yes, they met on site and the County is requiring a turn lane for
any development with 50 units or more. Mr. Charles said that residents in that area have
said the traffic is increasing and he feels it is a safety factor as to whether the turn lane is
needed or not. He also stated it would be easier to install turn lanes now. Mr. Clark
stated his take was that Co. Rd. 13 was opened to help move traffic and with future
development there is a good possibility for it to become a bottleneck without the turn
lane. He recommended keeping the speed limit as slow as possible and he cited Walmart
as an example of where the turn lanes work well and keep the traffic flowing nicely. Mr.
Smith said he feels like the County is trying to take a proactive approach to traffic
movement and circulation throughout their jurisdiction, and he is just trying to get some
ideas. Mr. Kant asked how this fits into the City's Complete Streets plan. Mr. Smith
stated this is a County right-of-way, and the County has not adopted Complete Streets
and so this neither violates it nor embraces it. Mr. Kant stated the City will own Co. Rd.
13 once 50% of the property is within City Limits it will automatically become the
City"s. Mr. Smith said if the City had control over the right-of-way, the Complete Streets
could probably be implemented fairly easily. Mr. Smith stated the City relies on Traffic
Studies and the engineers, and eventually there will be a need for a turn lane as
determined by a traffic engineer. Mrs. Fidler said she is not sure what should be done.
She said the County Engineer is recommending a turn lane which is strong; however, she
wants to keep the residential feel to the road. .'.V1r. Roberds said it will help with the
February 6. 2012
Planning Commission Minutes
traffic now and in the future and he is in favor of the turn lane. Mr. Kant said a three lane
road does not fit in the Comprehensive Plan or keep with the feel of Fairhope. Mr.
Charles noted with the pressure of Rock Creek and other existing developments to
connect to Co. Rd. 13 for an exit to the east will increase the traffic as well. Mr. Smith
said the County has been working with the City on this and giving us time to decide how
to proceed.
The floor was opened to the public. Leslie Stejskal, owns property on Co. Rd. 13, said
there is not a traffic problem and he is concerned that a turn lane will increase the speed
and is not in favor of a turn lane. Gary Gover, 300 Lincoln Street, ask the Commission to
consider the school buses or County transit system for a safe pick-ups and drop-offs.
Old/New Business
Northern Greeno Road Corridor Committee -Dick Charles said the Committee has
had lots of discussion but needs fresh ideas. He said they will need a consultant in the
near future and to have public input. Mr. Smith said the City has numerous options for
consultants if it approved by the City Council. Mr. Kant asked what type of uses the
property owners would like and Mr. Charles said there have been all kinds of
recommendations. He said he and Mrs. Fidler are looking at a request to put more
plantings on the eastern side of the corridor.
Pedestrian and Bike Trails Committee -Mr. Smith stated the City's striping plan has
caused some the members to re-activate this committee. Debbie Quinn asked to put this
on the agenda because several members have asked to be removed from the ~ommittee
and new members are being added. Two new members that have been proposed by Mrs.
Quinn are Gary Moore and Jeff Hudson. The committee currently consists of Mike
Grout, Millie Peterson, Jane Finger (Chair), Jonathan Smith, and Jennifer Fidler. Mr.
Kant stated the Council has recently formed a new committee and he recommended that
Mr. Smith check to see that the two do not conflict with one another. Mr. Smith said he
did not think the two committees are the same but he would double check. Mr. Clark
asked where the City is on the striping and noted that it seems to be taking a long time.
Mr. Kant responded the engineers have signed off on the plan and if the weather allows
they should start tomorrow.
MS4 -Jennifer Fidler said this is a permit that the Federal Government requires which
pertains to stormwater. She said she would like to adopt some policies for construction
that are low impact on City property. She said this would be for driveways, parking pads,
infrastructure, and anything that is constructed on City property. Mr. Smith stated he has
been working with several people regarding these type issues and the City is becoming
more aggressive with low impact development and incorporating it into our regulations.
He added the City recently found a grant that would possibly also help us implement
some low impact development regulations. Mr. Kant stated that Daphne has already
adopted revisions to their plan and Spanish Fort is right behind them.
Having no further business, Dick Charles moved to adjourn and was 2nd by Bob Clark.
Motion passed unanimously and the meeting was duly adjourned at 5 :45 PM.
February 6. 2012
Planning Commission Minutes
George Roberds, Vice-Chairperson