June 4, 1973
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting, June 4, 1973 at City Administration Building,
387 Fairhope Avenue at 5:00 P. M.
Members present: John Parker, Chairman, Sam Box, Mayor Nix, Cecil Pitman, Chester
Billie and E. J. Kirk.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
I. Mr. W. 0. Hayes presented plans for storage Warehouse to be located at
3 North Brown Street. Plans met building and parking requirements.
Motion by Mr. Nix seconded by Mr. Pitman that permit be granted. Motion
II. Crittendon Enterprises presented plans for combination apartment building
and photo studio. Motion by Councilman Box, seconded by Councilman Billie
that plans be approved subject to provision of parking for tenants of the
building on the property and a maximum 18 ft. wide access drive open onto
South Section Street.
III. Mr. Frank Manci requested preliminary and final approval of subdivision on
Blue Island Avenue, no building involved. Motion by Mr. Pitman, seconded
by Mr. Billie that since plans met all requirements of subdivision regulations
that final approval be granted. Motion carried.
IV. Mr. Justin Bostrom requested approval of building permit on Nichols Street.
Motion by Mr. Kirk seconded by Mr. Nix that approval be granted. Motion
V. Major Homes requested approval of building permit for 16 unit apartment
house on Fairhope Avenue. Motion by Mayor Nix, seconded by Mr. Pitman
that permit be granted. Motion carried.
VI. Discussion followed on proposed Ordinance of City Council repealing
Ordinance #224 --- an Ordinance requiring commercial building applications
to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a building permit.
Mayor Nix advocated the change to allow the Building Inspector to issue
these permits, contending there was unnecessary dealy to citizens. The
Commission agreed to the intent of the repeal with the suggestion that the
Building Inspector was going to be exposed to public pressures he possibly
shouldn't have to incpr and the understanding the Building Ispector should
refer major commercial and industrial building permits to the Commission
for their thoughts before permits are issued.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.