HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-2009 Planning Commission MinutesDecember 7, 2009
Planning Commission Minutes
The Planning Commission met Monday, December 7, 2009 at 5:00 PM at the City
Administration Building, 161 N. Section Street in the Council Chambers.
Present: Jean Wilson, Chairperson; Dick Charles, Vice-Chair; Bob Clark; Tim Kant; Lee
Turner; Jennifer Fidler; Fran Slade; Lonnie Mixon. Jonathan Smith, Planning and
Building Director; Nancy Milford, Planner; Chris Gill, Attorney; Emily Boyett,
Absent: Gary Moore
Chairperson Jean Wilson called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM. The minutes of the
November 2, 2009 meeting were considered. Dick Charles moved to approve the
minutes as written and was 2nd by Jennifer Fidler. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairperson Wilson announced that agenda item B. SD 09.15 would be heard first, due to
the large turnout of the public.
SD 09.15 Final Plat approval of Phase II of Fairhope Village, a two lot minor
division, Steve Pumphrey of Volkert & Associates, Inc. The property is located on the
south side of Parker Road just east of U.S. Highway 98. Chris Gill addressed the
Commission saying this case was before them on September 8, 2009 and was approved
with the following three conditions 1) Submittal of a satisfactory flow model 2) Plat shall
be signed by the surveyor 3) Applicant shall add a stream/wetland buffer to the plat that
meets the requirements of the current City of Fairhope Subdivision Regulations. Mr. Gill
indicated he was contacted by Mr. Corte’s attorney and legally the applicant contends the
project could not be approved based on the PUD contract. Mr. Gill stated that conditions
1 and 2 have been met and the Staff Recommendation is to approve as requested. He said
the issue is buffers versus setbacks and the PUD Ordinance 1317 addresses buffers and
setbacks for this property. The PUD Ordinance 1317 states Single Family Lots Where
Rear Yards Abut Wetlands – Rear Setback – 30’. Mr. Gill said the applicant would have
to submit a written request to change the PUD. The Commission discussed amending
requirements to developments that have not been started. Steve Pumphrey said a lot has
been invested in this project and he questioned why developers would apply for a PUD if
it would be ever changing. Lee Turner asked if the applicant would just change the
wording from “setback” to “buffer”. Mr. Pumphrey stated that a buffer can not be
touched and even though it seems simple to change the wording, it would be costly to
redo the plat and plans for this project. Mr. Mixon added with the damage that will be
done downstream by this project what is the economic cost of this change. Chairperson
Wilson stated the issue is the legal impact of changing the wording. Chairperson Wilson
opened the public hearing and Paul Ripp, 22985 Highridge Road, came forward saying
this project is ruining Fly Creek and that Mayor Kant and Jennifer Fidler should not be
allowed to vote on this case because of their involvement with the previous tree and
right-of-way issues. He added the Commission should not be entertaining this bad
behavior and he will be filing a lawsuit in the coming week. Gordon Cooper, 22651
Alice Lane, stated he is the President of the Flying Creek POA which has twenty-eight
lots and is downstream from this project. He said his subdivision was designed with 450’
deep lots so 200’ could be left natural to protect Fly Creek. He added that since Publix
December 7, 2009
Planning Commission Minutes
has been built there have been breaches that have deposited red clay and siltation into Fly
Creek, which could cause possible flooding. Mr. Cooper said he was at the previous
meetings and did not know why Mr. Corte’s agreement to abide by the new regulations
was not put into the contract. Jackie Wavrunek, 22440 Sea Cliff, showed pictures of
breach that occurred on February 14, 2009. She said 50’ buffers are needed to prevent
the creek from becoming a drainage ditch. Debra Green, 415 Maple Street, stated that
she attended the previous meetings and heard Mr. Corte agree to meet the City’s
ordinances. She noted the City has multiple lawsuits against it and the Commission is
giving the impression that it gives into the developers. She added that she also felt
Mayor Kant and Jennifer Fidler should not vote on this development. Lonnie Mixon said
the State law clearly states that the Mayor makes the appointments to this Commission
and that the Mayor sits ex-officio on the Commission. Jim Horner, 117 Volanta Avenue,
said he is a member of the Fairhope Environmental Advisory Board and he remembers
Council President Bob Gentle asking Mr. Corte to meet the new stormwater regulations
and Mr. Corte agreeing. He stated the Commission voted in September to adopt 50’
buffers and it is the Commission’s responsibility to protect the citizens and they need to
stand up for the City. Having no further comments Chairperson Wilson closed the public
hearing. Chairperson Wilson asked what can be done with verbal commitments made to
the City Council. Mr. Gill stated he was not at that meeting and can not speak to the
discussion that took place and there was nothing in the Council minutes about it. He said
the PUD stands as the agreement between the City and the Developer and in this case the
PUD specifically addressed setbacks and buffers. Mr. Mixon asked about having a 40’
buffer. Mr. Smith stated he did not feel that would satisfy the citizens. Dick Charles
questioned whether a lot line goes to the wetland delineation line and if a buffer does not.
Mr. Smith responded yes that was correct. He added that if the developer ever wanted to
amend the PUD then the Commission and City Council could require a buffer be put in.
Fran Slade stated everyone on the Commission wants the 50’ buffer, but they are held to
the approved PUD plan. Mayor Kant added that this project has gone through the
approval process and the City Council is the deciding body for zoning approvals. He said
the City Council wanted a setback not a buffer. Chairperson Wilson said the case before
the Commission is for plat approval and they cannot revise the PUD. She added that Mr.
Corte will have to decide to change it. Bob Clark said the Commission is legally
handcuffed on this one and the Commission is also thinking about lawsuits. Mr. Gill
stated his recommendation is to approve as requested. Mr. Mixon said he does not
believe they are legally handcuffed because he can’t see why Mr. Corte’s statement
would not be considered a verbal contract. Lonnie Mixon moved to grant Final Plat
approval with a 50’ buffer along the wetlands and was 2nd by Dick Charles. Motion
failed to pass with the following votes: AYE – Dick Charles, Lonnie Mixon and Fran
Slade. NAY – Mayor Kant, Jennifer Fidler, Bob Clark, Jean Wilson, and Lee Turner.
Bob Clark moved to accept the recommendation of staff and legal counsel to approve as
requested. Lee Turner 2nd and the motion passed with the following votes: AYE – Mayor
Kant, Jennifer Fidler, Bob Clark, Jean Wilson, and Lee Turner. NAY – Fran Slade, Dick
Charles and Lonnie Mixon.
December 7, 2009
Planning Commission Minutes
Page I of I
E mily Boyett
F rom: Jackie Wavrunek (jwavrunek@bellsou lh.ne1 J
Sent : Friday . Decembe< 04, 2009 9:45 AfA
To: Em.ly Boyett
Subject : Oec. 7 Planning Commission Meeting
To: Emily Boyett, Planning Administrative Assistant
C ity ofFairhope
I would like to be on the Dec. 7 meeting agenda to ~ address the severe damage that has
been inflic ted Fly Creek by Shoppes offaitbope Village development on the Fly Creek water
I want to do thi s through photo documentation of numerous breaches from the s ite from 2008
through 2009. The intent is to give a se, of these phot os to the commission members.
As I mcntione~ 1 have talked to Ojck Charles about 1his and he wan ted it known that he \\'31\ts
me to do this. There seems to be much misi.nformation about the impact the development has
bad, and continues to have, on Fly Creek. This photo-documentation leaves no doubt about the
extent of the damage a lready ea used and the vulneraiJility of the creek to furtber development,
particul arly v,;lhout the protecti on of buffers.
Jackie \Vavnmek. President
Fly Creek Preservation Association
Publi c Hea ring S ign Up S heet
Fa irhope Planning Commiss io n Meeti ng
Decembe r 7 , 2009
Pha se II of Fairhope ViUagc
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December 7, 2009
Planning Commission Minutes
SD 06.38 Preliminary Plat approval for a one year extension of Stone Creek, Phase
Two, Steve Pumphrey. The property is located on the east side of Highway 181, just
south of Twin Beech Road. Nancy Milford gave the staff report saying the site is
approximately 34.75 acres with 66 lots proposed. She stated preliminary plat approval
was granted by the Commission on November 6, 2006 and a twelve month preliminary
plat extension was granted on October 6, 2008. Staff recommendation is to approve with
the following twelve conditions:
1) The most current ISO requirements for fire flow are met.
2) Articles of Incorporation are provided.
3) Drainage requirements (a letter and/or a revised drainage plan stating that the new
drainage requirements have been met. This documentation shall include a watershed
4) BMP Treatment (a letter stating the requirements will be met.)
5) Submission of an Operations and Maintenance Plan signed and stamped by a
Professional Engineer.
6) All required maintenance and Financial Guaranty agreements and bonds shall be
7) A street lighting plan shall be submitted.
8) A letter signed and stamped by an approved professional traffic engineer, stating that
the latest versions of the traffic requirements of the Subdivision Regulations are met.
9) Tree Survey and Landscape Plan must be submitted. The applicant shall meet all of
the tree requirements per the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. A tree
protection plan and barrier detail shall be submitted for all required street trees over 20”
10) All final plans shall be submitted on disc in an ADOBE PDF format.
11) Storm Sewers shall be videoed (reflecting a time and date stamp) and reviewed and
approved by staff.
12) The Engineer’s certificate on the plat shall be revised with the new wording provided
in the Subdivision Regulations, Article IV, Section D, 18.
Steve Pumphrey, engineer, addressed the Commission saying the reason for the request is
due to the slow economy. Jennifer Fidler asked if the buffer issue would apply to this
situation as well. Mr. Smith confirmed that this is similar to the Fly Creek PUD
situation. Lee Turner moved to accept the staff recommendation to approve with the
twelve conditions. Dick Charles 2nd the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
IR 09.04 Informal Review of proposed Front and Rear Setback Variance for Quail
Creek Estates, Unit V, Quail Creek Joint Ventures. The property is located off of
Quail Creek Drive, just north of Covey Drive. Jonathan Smith gave the staff report
saying the site is approximately 23.41 acres with 57 lots and is zoned R-2 Medium
Density Single Family Residential District. The Commission approved the final plat on
January 2, 2006 and the minimum lot size is 11,122 square feet which is above the
required minimum lot size of 10,500 square feet for R-2 zoning. Mr. Smith stated the
applicant is requesting a waiver for the front and rear building setbacks to be 30’ instead
of the required 35’ (5’ front and rear setback variance). If granted the wavier would
provide and additional 10’ of allowable building footprint area. Mr. Smith explained
December 7, 2009
Planning Commission Minutes
there are three ways this request can be handled. The first is to allow the Board of
Adjustments to hear the case. The second is for the applicant to request to rezone to PUD
zoning. The third is to replat the phase and request the reduced setbacks. Ack Moore
addressed the Commission on behalf of the applicant saying the developer wants 10’
more in order to build houses with a larger footprint and it would be more consistent to
change the setbacks for the entire phase. Mr. Charles asked if any other phases in Quail
Creek have received variances and Mr. Moore responded they have not, but the other
phases have larger lots. Mr. Moore said when this phase was originally designed it was a
cul-de-sac, but was redesigned because the Commission wanted a looped street. Mr.
Charles asked why the developer wants to build bigger homes when houses are not
selling now. Miles Jones, applicant, said they just want a larger footprint. Mr. Smith
stated if the applicant was to replat this phase and resubmit then lots would be lost due to
the wetlands on the property. Bob Clark stated he felt the Board of Adjustments would
be the fastest and best way to handle this request. Mayor Kant added the Board could
approve a blanket variance for any lots owned by the applicant. Chairperson Wilson said
the City and the developers have been working together for years and will hopefully be
able to reach a solution.
Chairperson Wilson announced that the next two cases would be heard together.
UR 09.10 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 Utility Review of a 2” conduit with fiber
optics for broadband services, Chris Dodd. The project will run along the west side of
Scenic 98 from Nelson Drive to Orange Avenue, along the south side of Orange Avenue
to Liberty Street, along the west side of Liberty Street to the south side of Fels Avenue.
UR 09.11 Request of AT&T for an 11.52.11 Utility Review of 200’ of cable, Chris
Dodd. The project will be located at 170 Pier Avenue. Nancy Milford came forward and
gave the staff report saying the staff recommendation was to approve both as requested
with the following two conditions: 1) All cable tie ins should be located outside of the
drip line to protect the right-of-way 2) All mechanical equipment should be screened.
Jonathan Smith stated he recommends the screening be achieved by painting the connect
boxes green. Dick Charles moved to approve the staff recommendations with the two
conditions. Lee Turner 2nd and the motion passed unanimously.
Old/New Business
Sign Ordinance Amendments Discussion – Jonathan Smith – The Planning and
Building Department staff has prepared several amendments to Article IV, Section G.
Signs in the Fairhope Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Smith noted the following changes: a
reduction in maximum height allowed for freestanding signs from 20’ to 8’; establishing
provisions specifically addressing political signs; establishing a 30 day time limit and
maximum allowed face area of four square feet for temporary signs; reducing the face
area allowed for certain real estate signs; reducing the additional maximum allowable
face area for Complex Signs from 50 square feet to 20 square feet; and a provision to
allow A-Frame signs in all commercial districts. Mr. Smith stated a small sub-committee
would be an efficient way to handle these changes and Jennifer Fidler and Bob Clark
agreed to be on this committee.
December 7, 2009
Planning Commission Minutes
Subdivision Regulations Amendment Discussion – Jonathan Smith – The Planning
and Building Department staff has prepared an amendment to address issues relating to
lot access standards in the CBD and to Article VII (Waivers) in the Fairhope Subdivision
Regulations. Mr. Smith stated a small sub-committee would be an efficient way to
handle these changes and Lee Turner and Mayor Kant agreed to be on this committee.
Tree Ordinance Amendments – Jonathan Smith – The Planning and Building
Department staff and the Tree Committee are working on amending the Tree Ordinance
and incorporating it into the Fairhope Zoning Ordinance.
Jennifer Fidler stated the Commission needs to look at putting a time frame on PUDs. If
a PUD is not completed within 2 or 3 years then the approval would expire and the
Commission would be able to make them come into compliance with all City
requirements. Mr. Smith said that he is working with Chris Gill on a type of Sunset
Clause for PUDs.
Dick Charles moved to adjourn and was 2nd by Lonnie Mixon. Motion passed
unanimously and the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:32 pm.
________________________ ________________________
Jean Wilson, Chairperson Emily Boyett, Secretary