The Fai'nhope Planning and Zoning Commission met in re-
gular session Tuesday, September 7, 19711at 5:00 P.M., at
the City Hall i n Fa"irliope.
Present: Chairman Parker, members: Gates, Frederick,
Arnold, Box. Absent: Members Macon, Kirk, Pitman, Bung.
Visitors: Robert Bateman and Ack Moore.
Minutes of previous meeting approved as read.
Old business: None.
New Business: Application of Mobile College, Mobile, Ala.;
by Walter M. Wilson, agent,to rezone from R-2 to R-3 lots 4 -
�_� through 10 and 12 through 23, Gooden's Subdivision as recor-
ded June 25, 1955, map book 4, page 159.
Motion by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Gates that the
Fairhope Zoning Commission accept the above application for
advertising for public hearing at the next regular meeting.
Motion carried, unanimously.
Mobile College, by Walter M. Wilson, Agent submitted re -
subdivision of lots 4 through 10 and 12 through 23 of Gooden's
Subdivision, renamed Azalea Woods.
In discussion, Mr. Wilson withdrew changing of name; agreed
to delete Mr. Arnolds name from new plat as he has no part in re -
subdivision and that all certifications would show name of present
surveyor; new plat to show set -back lines and Nor th Arrow;
that letter from utility superintendent attesting to availabiliry
of utilities including sewer would be submitted.
The consensus of the 4'em following this discussion
was that a new re -subdivision application following the require-
ments listed in the subdivision regularions should be submitted
at the next meeting for consideration by this group.
Ack Moore presented plat of Rock Creek S!D in Montrose
for preliminary approval.
Motion by Mr. Frederick, seconded by Mr. Gates that pre-
liminary approval be given Rock Creek Subdivision contingent
upon return of Mr: Moore to the Commission -with a = revised,'plat"
eliminating 30 foot R.O.W. shown between lots 3 and 12, re-
naming Rock Creek Drive to a non -conflicting street name; and
providing a 30 foot easement along Rock Creek. Motion carried
A letter from George Dyson, Building Inspector to Planning
Commission concerning two lots on Kurlane Drive which have paving
and sanitary sewer but are not shown in any approved subdivision
plat and requested advice on issuance of building permits.
Mr. Arnold moved that the records show -that problem pre- a
sented in letter from Mr. Dyson, Building Inspector, dated Sept.
7, 1971 was considered and it was agreed that Mr. Dyson had the
authority to issue building permits if he sees fit to do so. Mo-
tion seconded byMr. Frederick and on being put to a vote was car-
ried unamimously.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned.
Eloise Wilson, Secretary