APhIL 19, 1963, 4P.L. CITY hALL - �
Present: Chairman Woolley, members Frederick, Poser, Gaston,
Kirk, Bung, Dyson, Schneider
Absent: Member Pitman
Visitors: Mr. Arnold, Craig, Council, G. Dyson, C.A.. Gaston,
hickarby, Boone, Byrne, 1rs. Ora 1alcolm, Barbara Gooden.
Purpose of meeting: discussion of building sites for municipal
building program.
Letters offering sites were read from L. B. Overton, Ed Warley
John S. Huffman and John Craig.
Claude Arnold reported fmrther on the Bayou Charbon site, stat-
idg that site cost, including the pmrchase of approximately
8 acres of adjoining privately owned land amounted to around
w118,000.00; this cost included only the preparation of the
site for the installation of utilities, streets and building.
Resultant building area would be more or less a strip one
quarter mile in lengfih and between 200 and 250 feet in depth.
T e engineers did not recommend the extention of Bancroft
Street through this site.
C. A. Gaston of the y'airhope Single Tax Corporation stater.
that the Colony would hold a referendum for removal of restric-
tions on this land if used for municipal purposes either now
or in the future but that first the City should agquire a firm
option on the school land, the Planring Commission should
recommend to the Council a request for this removal of restric-
tions and the Council, if approving, should refer the request
tothe Colony Council for action.
Motion by Mr. Bung, seconded by Mr. Frederick, that the Fairhone
Planning,—nnd Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council
(1) the acquisition of the 8 acres more or less of private
land as specified int the engineers report, (2) acquire a
firm commitment of land from the School Board, (3) request the
Colony Council to hold a referendum on the removal of restric-
tlons on the Bayou Charbon land.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Committee of Iuir. Poser, S. Dyson, and Bung were directed
to investigate sites offered by M.r. Overton, orarley, Huffman
and Craig.
Due to error in advertised notice of special meeting, the special
meeting called for April 26, 1963 was el'minated. The date of
the next regular meeting was changed from Yay 3 to T�:ay 10, 1963.
ffe,ettngad journed.