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10-23-2023 City Council Agenda Packet (Amended)
CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA MONDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2023 – 4:30 P.M. – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 1.Discussion of Reimbursement of Expenditures prior to Issue Debt 2.Committee Updates 3.Department Head Updates City Council Agenda Meeting – 5:30 p.m. on Monday, October 23, 2023 – City Council Chamber Next Regular Meeting – Monday, November 13, 2023 – Same Time Same Place 1 CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2023 - 6:00 P.M. – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 1. Approve minutes of 09 October 2023 Regular City Council Meeting and minutes of 09 October 2023 Work Session. 2. Report of the Mayor 3. Public Participation – Agenda Items – (3 minutes maximum) 4. Council Comments 5. Public Hearing – Ordinance – Amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1253 and Ordinance No. 1736 Hill Top PUD. Request of Jade Consulting, LLC, acting on behalf of the owner, Two Hands Design and Development LLC, amend Lot 29 front setback from 100’ to 30’. The property is approximately 1.14 acres and is located on the west side of Section Street and south of Petiole Dr. PPIN #389630. 6. Public Hearing – Ordinance – An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1253. Request of Ryan Baker, Walcott Adams Verneuille Architects, acting on behalf of the owner, Phillip Goodwyn, to rezone property from B-4, Business and Professional District to B3a, Tourist Resort Lodging District. The property is approximately 0.15 acres and is located at 491/493 Pine Avenue. PPIN #14838. 7. Site Plan Review and Approval – Request of the Applicant, S.E. Civil, LLC, acting on behalf of the Owner, FST RW LLC, for Site Plan Approval of Vatan Mixed Use Development. The property is approximately 0.52 acres and is located on northeast corner of Magnolia Avenue and N. Church Street. PPIN #: 15164. 8. Site Plan Extension Request - Owner, FST Robert N Graham LLC, and SE Civil, LLC requesting a one-year extension of the Site Plan approval that was granted for the property located on the southeast corner of County Road 48 and US Highway 98. This Site Plan was approved on December 12, 2022. 9. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope, Alabama enters into an agreement with the State of Alabama, acting by and through the Alabama Department of Transportation relating to a project for Sidewalks along Parker Road from CR-98 to SR-42 (US-98); Project# CRPES- 0223( ); CPMS Ref# 100076864 (Preliminary Engineering Agreement). 10. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope, Alabama enters into an agreement with the State of Alabama, acting by and through the Alabama Department of Transportation relating to a project for Sidewalks along Parker Road from CR-98 to SR-42 (US-98); Project# CRPES- 0223( ); CPMS Ref# 100076865 (Construction Agreement). 2 City Council Meeting 23 October 2023 Page –2– 11. Resolution - That the City of Fairhope authorizes the submission of a Land and Water Conservation Grant to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs for Construction of Park Facilities at North Triangle Park; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to sign all required grant application documents on behalf of the City. 12. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope hereby accepts the Gulf Coast RC&D Council's grant award for financial assistance for the Community Pollinator Garden Revitalization on South Mobile Street; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to sign all required grant documents on behalf of the City. 13. Resolution – That the City Council authorizes the submission of an FY24 ATRIP-II Grant to ALDOT requesting grant funds to construct dedicated left and right turn lanes on Volanta Avenue at U.S. Hwy 98, acceleration/deceleration lanes on U.S. Hwy 98 and signalize the intersection; and authorizes the Mayor to sign all required grant application documents of behalf of the City. Total estimated project cost is $1,682,000.00 with the City’s estimated cost of $301,000.00. 14. Resolution – Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to accept the subgrant from the Alabama Emergency Management Agency from the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program in the amount of $57,680.00 to purchase and install state-of-the-art siren warning systems for mass notification. 15. Resolution – That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute a Service Agreement between Baldwin County Commission and the City of Fairhope for connectivity to the County Extranet and for Communications and Information Systems (CIS) services at no cost for the initial implementation defined in Exhibit A, but has the option to implement additional services in the future based on the CIS Rate Schedule. 16. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope hereby approves the services outlined, as presented in the Engagement Letter, to be performed by Hand Arendall Harrison Sale as Bond Counsel to the Fairhope Airport Authority and the City of Fairhope in connection with the proposed issuance of the Fairhope Airport Authority Improvement Revenue Bond, Series 2023; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute same on the behalf of the City. 17. Resolution – That the City Council approves a contract extension for (RFQ No. PS015-22) Natural Gas Engineering Consulting Services with Magnolia River Services, Inc. for Cast Iron Pipe Replacement Phases 1-6 with a not-to-exceed amount of $500,000.00; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute contract amendment. 18. Resolution – That the City Council approves the selection by Mayor Sherry Sullivan for (RFQ PS24-005) to O'Donnell & Associates, Inc. for Professional Hydrogeologic Services for Development of a Fourth Shallow Well at Fairhope Wellfield #3; and hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $17,000.00. 19. Resolution – That the City Council approves the selection by Mayor Sherry Sullivan for Professional Architecture and Engineering Services for (RFQ PS24-004) Fairhope Municipal Pool Rehabilitation to Watermark Design; and allow Mayor Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. 3 City Council Meeting 23 October 2023 Page –3– 20. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the selection of Overstreet & Associates Consulting Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for (RFQ PS24-006) for New Sidewalks on Parker Road; and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. 21. Resolution – To award (Bid No. 23-037) to General Maintenance Contractors of East Alabama, Inc. d/b/a GMC Underground for Cast Iron Pipe Replacement - Phase 1 with a bid proposal not-to-exceed $1,321,215.67. 22. Resolution – To award (Bid No. 24-001) to Equix Energy Services, LLC for Cowpen Creek Boring with a total bid proposal not-to-exceed $56,738.00. 23. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of one (1) New Pumper Fire Truck for the Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department. The total cost not-to-exceed $860,000.00. 24. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope has voted to procure Tyler Technologies Time and Attendance Software as a replacement to Kronos System from Tyler Technologies as Sole Source; and authorizes procurement based on the option allowed by the Code of Alabama 1975, Section 41-16-51(13). The cost will not-to-exceed $117,113.00. 25. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the FY2024 Annual Flower Procurement. The total cost not-to-exceed $111,353.36. 26. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Renewal of the Microsoft 365 Licenses that is on the Omnia Partners (Contract #2018011-02) with SHI International Org. and therefore does not have to be let out for bid. The total amount not-to-exceed $80,961.73. 27. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement for FY2024 Potting Soil from Sungro Horticulture Inc. as sole source and manufacturer. The cost will not-to-exceed $69,634.60. 28. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the 2023 Lighting of the Trees stage, miscellaneous equipment, and labor costs to Sound Associates, Inc. with a total not-to-exceed cost of $13,000.00 for the City of Fairhope's Lighting of the Trees Celebration on November 16, 2023. 29. Resolution – That the City Council approves a three (3) month extension of the Osprey Initiative, LLC contract for a total not-to-exceed cost of $3,136.26; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute the contract extension. 30. Resolution – That the City Council authorizes and approves the hiring of the new Mechanic/Clerk to allow the current Mechanic/Clerk (Pay Grade 6), who is retiring at the end of January 2024, to work with and train the new employee prior to his leaving. The temporary position will expire upon retirement of the current Mechanic/Clerk. 31. Resolution – Reappoint James C. Bailey as a Director to the Educational Building Authority of the City of Fairhope, Alabama - St. Michael Catholic High School. 4 City Council Meeting 23 October 2023 Page –4– 32. Recommendation - The Street & Traffic Control Committee made a recommendation to install a speed table on Summer Lake Street between Twin Beech Road and the tree median. 33. Recommendations - The Street & Traffic Control Committee made recommendations to (lower the speed limit in the downtown business area to 15 mph; boundaries being Oak Avenue to Morphy Avenue (North & South) and Mershon Street to Summit Street (East & West); and to change the intersection of South Summit and Nichols Avenue to right-turns only using a safety island. 34. Request - Lindsey Simmons of the Junior Auxiliary of the Eastern Shore is requesting permission for a road closure of Bancroft Street from the intersection of Fairhope Avenue to Oak Avenue on Sunday, December 10, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the "Jolly Jog" a proposed half-mile fun run for families to raise funds for the organization. 35. Request - Fairhope East K-6 Parent Teacher Corporation, Fairhope West Parent Teacher Partnership and J. Larry Newton Parent Teacher Organization requesting permission to close streets in downtown Fairhope on Saturday, March 2, 2024, from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for the 8th Annual "The Pirate Dash"; and request electricity at the starting/ending point of race on the bluff (Henry George Park), along with barricades at major road intersections to protect runners. 36. Request – Mary Riser, Executive Director of Fairhope Film Festival requesting use of the Welcome Center on Section Street as our Box Office from Wednesday, November 8, 2023 through Sunday, November 12, 2023. Times are listed on letter of request; and signage and additional publicity in City notifications from October 1, 2023 through November 12, 2023; and a minimum of 6 pole banners to be hung 14 days prior to and during Festival (from October 26, 2023 through the end of November 13, 2023). 37. Application for Restaurant Liquor License by Brian Culwell, KATFU Restaurant Group, LLC, d/b/a Plane and Level, located at 61 N. Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532. 38. Application for Restaurant Liquor License by Misty Rider, R Bistro, LLC, d/b/a R Bistro, located at 19270 US Scenic Hwy 98, Fairhope, AL 36532. 39. Application for Special Events License by Kamal Constantine, Southern Buyers Group, LLC, d/b/a Piggly Wiggly Wine Walk, November 8, 2023, Fairhope Civic Center, 161 N. Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532. 40. Public Participation – (3 minutes maximum) 41. Adjourn Next Regular Meeting – Monday, November 13, 2023 – Same Time Same Place 5 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p .m ., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope , Alabama 36532, on Monday, 9 October 2023. Present were Council President Jay Robinson, Councilmembers: Jack Burrell , Corey Martin, and Kevin Boone , Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell , and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Councilmember Jimmy Conyers was absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Robinson called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Pastor Marshal Frye of Celebration Church, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited . Councilmember Burrell moved to approve minutes of the 25 September 2023 , regular meeting; and minutes of the 25 September 2023, work session. Seconded by Councilmember Boone , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Mayor Sullivan addressed the City Council regarding the following items: 1) Announced the new Human Resources Director Hannah Noonan; 2) Mentioned the Baldwin Pops Concert on Sunday evening ; 3) Recognized Josh Turner (son of Lee Turner) for hi s efforts with the Fitness Court for applying for the BCBS grant by Fairhope Rotary and seeking funds from the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation. Mr. Turner presented Mayor Sullivan the checks from both entities; and said this will be a wonderful project for the City. The following individual spoke during Public Participation for Agenda Items: 1) Carole Tebay, 98 Paddock Drive , addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item o. 21: a resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Safe Harbor Animal Coalition, Inc. for an appropriation of $5,000.00 to help Trap , Neuter & Return "TNR") local area cats. Ms . Tebay mentioned Fairhope being named as a Bird Sanctuary . She was against trapping and releasing cats. Ms. Tebay said the cats should have permanent indoor home s. Councilmember Burrell thanked Council President Robinson for serving as President thi s past year . Councilmember Martin thanked Council President Robinson for serving as President and for th e fall weather. 6 9 October 2023 Councilmember Boone gave Council President Robinson an atta-boy . He said that First Friday Art Walk was great. Council President Robinson thanked the City Council for allowing him to serve as their President. He commented it gave him time to meet more with Mayor Sullivan and see what is done behind the scenes. Council President Robinson asked everyone to keep a family in their prayers who lost a child to an accident last week. Councilmember Burrell moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1783, an ordinance to annex the property of Utility Board of the City of Foley d/b /a Riviera Utilities and the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation (containing 1.7 acres , more or less), located on Gayfer Road Extension, Fairhope , Alabama. Tax Parcel 46-06-14-0-000 - 001.521. (Introduced at the September 25 , 2023 City Council Meeting) Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion for final adoption passed by the following voice votes: A YE -Burrell , Martin, Robinson, and Boone. NAY -None. Councilmember Martin moved for final adoption of Ordinance No . 1784 , an ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1510 known as the Personnel Rules , Policies and Procedures Ordinance , Section 7 Time Off From Work, amending Section 7.04 Sick Leave Pay Upon Retirement; Option to Convert Unused Sick Leave to Retirement Service. (Introduced at the September 25 , 2023 City Council Meeting) Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion for final adoption passed by the following voice votes : A YE -Burrell , Martin, Robinson , and Boone. NAY -None. Councilmember Martin introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution to adopt the 2023-2024 Holidays . Seconded by Councilmember Burrell , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. * * * * * 7 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4856-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA, THAT THE FOLLOWING 2023 -2024 HOLIDAYS WILL BE OBSERVED BY ALL CITY PERSONNEL EXCEPT EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES: Veterans Day Holiday Thanksgiving Holidays - Christmas Holidays New Year's Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Mardi Gras Day Memorial Day Juneteenth Day Independence Day Labor Day Friday,Novemberl0,2023 Thursday & Friday, November 23 & 24, 2023 Monday & Tuesday, December 25 & 26, 2023 Monday, January 1, 2024 Monday, January 15, 2024 Tuesday, February 13, 2024 Monday, May 27, 2024 Wednesday, June 19, 2024 Thursday, July 4, 2024 Monday,September2,2024 DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robin son, Council President Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City Council approves the following list for the Fairhope Police Reserve: Justin Rogers , Drew Craze , Allen Bishop , and Chris White; and Police Chaplains: Arthur Bosarge, Micheal Kouns , and Reggie Whiddon . Seconded by Councilmember Martin , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 8 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4857-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the following list for the Fairhope Police Re erve : Justin Rogers , Drew Craze, Allen Bishop , and Chris White ; and Police Chaplain : Arthur Bosarge, Micheal Kouns , and Reggie Whiddon. Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Adopted on this 9th day of October, 2023 Jay Robinson, Council President Council President Robinson stated beginning at Agenda Item s o. 9 through o. 22 , and o . 34 and o. 35 are budget appropriations and approved in the budget. Council President Robinson said he would entertain a motion to amend the Agenda for these items to go to Consent Agenda ; and authorize the Mayor to execute the contracts. Counci lmember Boone moved to amend the Agenda to approve Agenda Items No. 9 through No . 22 , No. 34, and No . 35 by Consent Agenda . Seconded by Councilmember Burrell , motion passed unanimously by voice vote . Councilmember Burrell moved to approve Agenda Items No . 9 through o. 22 , No. 34 and o. 35 by Consent Agenda; and to authorize the Mayor to execute the contracts. Councilmember Burrell requested Council President Robinson to read each Entity and its appropriation. Seconded by Councilmember Martin, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Consent Agenda A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Downtown Fairhope Busines s As sociation for an appropriation of 24 ,000.00 to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope. 9 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4858-23 WHEREAS , the Downtown Fairhope Business Association serves a public purpose and the publicity that the Downtown Fairhope Business Association gives the City of Fairhope is a public ervice; and , WHEREAS , We, the Downtown Fairhope Business Association agree to work with the Mayor, and/or her agent(s); advertise regionally and promote the City of Fairhope. WHEREAS, the term of sa id contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice . WHEREAS , payment shall be made in the total amount of $24,000.00 from the City of Fairhope . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Downtown Fairhope Business Association. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council Pres ident A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with the Eastern Shore Art Center for use of City Faci lities and for an appropriation of $20,0 00 .00 for funds to sup port and sponsor the educational programs through The Art Center's Academy of Fine Arts. * * 10 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4859-23 WHEREAS, a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Eastern Shore Art Center for contract funding educational programs through the Academy and Community Outreach Program which provides art education and hands-on learning, on and off site, to all elements of our community: children, youth, adults, seniors, and special needs audiences, making an appropriation of $20,000.00; and WHEREAS , the Eastern Shore Art Center must continue First Friday Artwalk and all publicity as a community event; continue to provide summer art program for the Fairhope- Point Clear Rotary Youth Club (formerly known as the Boys and Girls Club); and provide low cost art classes for local youth and senior citizens ; and WHEREAS , the City of Fairhope approves the request from the Eastern Shore Art Center to use the streets (Section Street north of Magnolia to Oak Street and Oak Street to Bancroft and Equality) during their Outdoor Art Show, which is held during the annual Arts & Crafts Festival, to use the streets (Fairhope Avenue from Bancroft Avenue to Church Street and Section Street from De La Mare to Magno lia Avenue) for the annual Grand Festival of Art in October; and requesting closure of the streets at 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the festival for set-up; and security to be provided, after hours, by the Fairhope Police Department; and WHEREAS, the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice ; and WHEREAS, payment shall be made quarterly in the amount of $5,000.00; until contract either expires or is cancelled. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Eastern Shore Art Center for funds to support and sponsor the educational programs through the Art Center's Academy for Fine Arts . DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 11 9 October 2023 A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Ecumenical Ministries Incorporated for an appropriation of $10 ,000.00 to support the needs of Fairhope residents. RESOLUTION NO. 4860-23 WHEREAS , in Fairhope, Alabama, Ecumenical Ministries Incorporated (EMI) is a public , non-profit , non-denominational , United Way social service agency ; and, WHEREAS , EMI's mission is to improve the quality of life in Baldwin County by meeting basic needs , encouraging personal growth, effecting social and economic justice and celebrate our common life ; and , WHEREAS , EMI provide services to the socio-economic and those in cns1s situations and have no place to turn for help on the Eastern Shore, including Fairhope and South Baldwin County. The services rendered include: • Emergency Aid -Direct assistance for medical , food , utilities , rent, clothing , childcare, transportation and other emergency needs . • Meals on Wheels (MOW'S) -Volunteer's deliver nutritious , warm meals six days a week. Meals are ubsidized based on need and funding - Fairhope area has nine routes . • Home Repair -These projects include plumbing , electrical work, rebuilding floors , installing windows and doors , roofing , building wheelchair ramps and more . This program is for the elderly and disabled. • Food Pantry -Our pantries provide a week's supply of food based on the size of the family and their situation. • Prescription Assistance -This program allows under-insured and non- insured per ons to receive life sustaining medications at reduced or no cost through pharmaceutical companies ' indigent care program. EMI also provide prescription assistance through the Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy in Mobile. • Church-based Community Organizing -This program empowers poor and moderate income families to participate effectively in our democratic system and allow community members the opportunity to address the issues affecting their lives: paved streets , lighting , sewage, recreation , and drainage . 12 9 October 2023 • EMMY 'S Thrift Shop -Through our emergency aid center vouchers are given at no cost. With these vouchers , people can receive such items as appliances , furniture , clothing, etc. WHEREAS , Ecumenical Ministries Incorporated has served Fairhope residents since 1969 on a continuou s basis and successfully demonstrated the capacity to operate a neighborhood based on social service agency improving countless lives. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to establish a contract for services between the City of Fairhope and Ecumenical Ministries Incorporated to appropriate the sum of $10 ,000 .00 to be used for the needs of Fairhope residents . DULY ADOPTED THIS THE 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Trailblazers for an appropriation of $5 ,000.00 to support the Smart Walks and the Walking School Bus Program . * * * 13 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4861-23 WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Trailblazers , making an appropriation of 5,000.00 to help people shape their communities to be vigorous, healthy , and flourishing for generations to come by implementing a model Walking School Bus program that can positively reduce the soaring rate of childhood obesity by giving parents a supportive solution for assisting their children with walking to school instead of taking a bu or riding in a car. WHEREAS , Baldwin County Trailblazers will continue its monthly Smart Walks to area schools that involves over 100 students and an equal number of parents and grandparents . The Smart Walk program has been a success. WHEREAS , the outcome the program will achieve is to have a significant percentage of students participate in the daily Walking School Program and to be a model for use with other schools. WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice . WHEREAS , payment shall be made in the amount of $5 ,000.00 from the City of Fairhope. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Trailblazers. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council Pre s ident 14 9 October 2023 A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope-Point C lear Rotary Youth Club for an appropriation of $57,000.00 to help manage and operate the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club facility. RESOLUTION NO. 4862-23 WHEREAS, a contract hall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope- Point Clear Rotary Youth Club , making an appropriation of $57,000.00 to help support the programs and activities to b etter serve our community and its youth by helping to manage and operate the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club facility. WHEREAS, the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club , agrees to work with the Mayor, and/or her agent(s), to better meet the needs of our community's youth through programs and activities ; i.e., quality after school and summer programs which 1s an absolute necessity for our community. WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but the contract shall b e cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made quarterly in the amount of $14,250 .00 from the City of Fairhope ; until contract either expires or is cancelled. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute contract between the City of Fair hope and the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club to help support the programs and activities to better serve our community and its youth by helping to manage and operate the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club facility. ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 15 9 October 2023 A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Care House , Inc . for an appropriation of $5 ,000.00 to help with continuing support for children who are victims of sexual and severe physical abuse; and to help with the distribution of the child abuse prevention cun-iculum. RESOLUTION NO. 4863-23 WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and Care House, Inc., making an appropriation of $5 ,000.00 to help with continuing support for children who are victims of sexual and severe physical abuse; and to help achieve normalcy through our counseling and advocacy program for children and families who come to us after being victimized. This appropriation will also help with the distribution of the child abuse prevention cun-iculum , "Keeping Our Kids Safe" and prevention presentation held throughout Baldwin County . WHEREAS, the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice . WHEREAS, payment shall be made in the total amount of $5 ,000.00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and Care House, Inc. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and The Fairhope Film Festival for an appropriation of $6 ,000 .00 to help bring sustained economic growth from the film industry to the Alabama Gulf Coast through its Fairhope Film Festival. 16 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4864-23 WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Film Festi va l, making an appropriation of $6,000.00, to help bring sustained economic growth from the film industry to the Alabama Gulf Coast through its Fairhope Film Festi va l. WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made in the total amount of $6,000.00 from the City of Fairhope. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Film Festival. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Mobile Bay National Estuary Program for an appropriation of $15,000.00 to support activities related to Stormwater education and watershed management. 17 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4865-23 WHEREAS, a contract sha ll be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Mobile Bay ational Estuary Program, making an appropriation of 15 ,000.00 to support expanded activities related to Stormwater education and watershed management. The Mobile Bay ational Estuary Program continues to support City environmental resource management efforts: Fairhope Gullies , Create a Clean Water Future, and Watershed Management Plan for the Volanta Gully Watershed. WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made quarterly in the amount of 3,750.00, until contract either expires or is cancelled . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce for an appropriation of $23,500.00 (which includes $15 ,000.00 for the Annual Leaders Council Program and $2,500.00 for Centennial Celebration) to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope. 18 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4866-23 WHEREAS, the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce serves a public purpose and the publicity that the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce gives the City of Fairhope is a public service; and , WHEREAS, We , the Eas tern Shore Chamber of Commerce, agree to work with the Mayor , and/or his agent( ), advertise (regionally and nationally) and promote the City of Fairho pe and to enhance City revenues through economic de velopment including sales & use taxes , lod ging taxes , business licenses , etc.; and to promote public arts and crafts for residents and visitors through the annual arts and crafts festival. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce to promote the City of Fairhope. The contract shall be for one year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but may be canceled at any time. The contract shall call for a one-time payment to the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce in the total amount of 23,500.00 ($23,500.00 which includes $15 ,000.00 for th e Annual Leaders Council Program and $2,500.00 for Centennial Celebration) from the City of Fairhope . ATTEST: Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City Clerk Adopted this 9th day of October, 2023 Jay Robinson, Council Pre id ent A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin Pops for an appropriation of $3 ,000 .00 , in-kind services in the amount of $8,400.00 , and resources including personnel , but not security after normal business hours. 19 9 Octob er 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4867-23 WHEREAS , contract shall be exec uted between the City of Fairhope and the Baldw in Pops , making an appropri ation of 3,000.00, in-kind services, and resources including per onnel , but not security after normal business hours ; and provides an exce ption to the Sign Ordinance by allowing banners for their C itywide events and to be di splayed 10 days prior those events to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope; an d to pro vide free concerts yearl y for the residents of Fairhope , a lso performs at the City's July 4th ce lebration and the Founder 's Day Concert and when ava il ab le participates in the Veteran Day parad e. The following is the breakdown of the two concerts [total in-kind services $8,400 .0 0]: July Concert, Bluff $3000 Concert fee services) 200 Facility rental fees (in-kind serv ice s) $4000 [stag in g, sound, portables] Total: $7200.00 October Concert, Bluff -$200 Facility rental fees (in-kinds -$4000 [staging, sound, portables] Total: 4200 .00 WHEREAS , th e tenn of sa id contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 Octob er 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but th e contract shall be cance ll ed at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment sha ll be made in the amount of $3,000.00 from the City of Fa irhop e. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin Pop s. ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A . Hanks, MMC City C lerk Jay Robinson, Counci l President 20 9 October 2023 A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Pirate Booster Club, Inc. for an appropriation of $10,000.00 to be used to assist and benefit all sports athletic programs ; and to approve the use of the Fairhope Civic Center for the Annual Drawdown and Silent Auction. RESOLUTION NO. 4868-23 WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Pirate Booster Club, Inc., making an appropriation of $10 ,000.00 to be used to assist and benefit all sports in both men's and women's athletic programs. This also includes the use of the Fairhope Civic Center for the Annual Drawdown and Silent Auction ( date to be announced) which includes the use of associated rooms as needed , placement of a tent in the parking lot (all rental expenses paid by the Club), and use of the facility 's tables and chairs in the tent. WHEREAS, the tenn of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made quarterly in the amount of 2 ,500.00, until contract either expires or is cancelled. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Pirate Booster Club , Inc. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council Pre sident 21 9 October 2023 A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Baldwin C ounty Econom ic Development Alliance for an appropriation of $20,000.0 0 to support economic development facilitation w ithin the City of Fairhope. RESOLUTION NO. 4869-23 WHEREAS, a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the B aldwin County Economic Development Alliance, Inc., making an appropriation of $20 ,000 .00 to assis t with economic development faci litation within the Ci ty of Fairhope . BCD EA is pleased to continue it s relationship with th e C it y of Fairhope . BCEDA 's c harge is to develop and faci litat e new job creation opportuniti es fo r all communi ti es in B a ld win County. BCEDA will work with City Leadership to co ntinu e to develop new job creation opportunities in but not limited to the following : IT , Software Development , Aerospace, Aviation and Medical sectors . We will continue to work with the Mayor, City Staff and City Council to identify, develop and promote designated areas of Fairhope for future job creation . BCED A will continue to promote and market the City of Fairhope , advising national and international corporate decision makers of all that Fairhope has to offer them a s a top site-selection location. BCE DA will continu e to advise and assist the Mayor and City Leaders in developing a place and atmosph ere in Fairhope that encourages, fo ter , and faci litates entrepreneur ship . BCEDA will work with lo ca l, regional , an d statewide workforce development partners to communicate current and future training and edu cation requirements to Coastal Alabama Community College and The Academy at the Fairhope Airport. WHEREAS, the tenn of said contract shall be for one (1) year , beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract ball be cancelled at any tim e upon notice . WHEREAS , payment is to be made quarterly in the amount of $5,000 .00 from the City of Fairhop e . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance , Inc. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Coun c il President 22 9 October 2023 A resolution authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Safe Harbor Animal Coalition , Inc. for an appropriation of $5,000 .00 to help Trap , euter & Return "TNR") local area cats . RESOLUTION NO. 4870-23 WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and Safe Harbor Animal Coalition, Inc. ("SHAC''), making an appropriation of 5,000.00 to help Trap , Neuter & Return ("TNR") local area cats. The City has found that it is a good and u sefu l purpose of public funds to enter into a contract with SHAC to assist in the growing feral and community cat populations within the City . Trap-Neuter- Retum is the humane , effective approach for contro lling free-roaming community cats. TNR resu lt s in significant, measurable, and positive outcomes for cats , communities , and organizations such as City shelters and animal control. WHEREAS , the term of said contract sha ll be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made in the total amount of $5 ,000.00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and Safe Harbor Animal Coalition, Inc. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President A resolution that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute a contract between the City of Fairhope and Thoma Hospital for use of the City facilities (rental and cleaning fees), including street and parks, depending on availability and permission from the Rental Facilities Manager; but they wou ld be responsible for any incidentals , damages , or security if necessary. 23 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4871-23 WHEREAS, Thomas Hospital serves a public purpose and the health education that the Thomas Hospital gives the City of Fairhope is a public service ; and , WHEREAS, We , Thomas Hospital , agree to work with the Mayor, and /or her agent(s), to promote the City of Fairhope and to contribute time , employees, and other resources putting on health related programs , meetings and programs affiliated with Thomas Hospital , throughout the year in the Fairhope community, schools or at the hospital facilities. Many events, schools, and Fairhope programs are sponsored by Thomas Hospital. The Thomas Hospital Auxiliary provides hours of service to the hospital that benefit Fairhope citizens ; and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute contract between the City of Fairhope and Thomas Hospital for use of the City facilities (rental and cleaning fees), including streets and parks, depending on availability and permission from the Rental Facilities Manager; but they wou ld be responsible for any incidentals, damages , or security if necessary. ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President The request of the Eastern Shore Optimist Club requesting an in-kind donation ($2,000.00) to use the Fairhope Civic Center for the Dogwood Trail Pageant and Scholarship Program. The request of the Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation ("FEEF") requesting an in-kind donation ($2 ,500.00) for Golf Green Fees and Cart Fees for the Mayor 's Golf Tournament. Councilmember Martin introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Intelligent One Field GPS Paint Robot from Turf Tank for a not- to-exceed amount of $52,700.00. Seconded by Counc ilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote . 24 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4872-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Intelligent One Field GPS Paint Robot from Turf Tank for a not-to-exceed amount of $52,700.00. [2] Purchase includes total cost for robot, installation, allotment of paint, and one year of customer care. [3] Turf Tank is sole source for the robot and is exempt from formal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975 , Section 41-16-57 Municipal or County Contract for Certain Services Exempt from Com petiti ve Bid Requirements which states: "The government body can document that the sole source goods or services are of an indispensable nature, all other viable alternatives have been explored, and it has been determined that only these goods or services will fulfill the function for which the product is needed. ADOPTED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President Councilmember Martin introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Subscription for Weather Forecast and Warning Service from USA Coastal Weather Research Center with a not-to-exceed amount of $4,200.0 0 ; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a contract. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimou sly by voice vote. 25 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4873-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Subscription for Weather Forecast and Warning Service from USA Coastal Weather Research Center with a not-to-exceed amount of $4 ,200 .00; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a contract. [2] Services include the following: • Interactive pin-point forecasts twice daily Monday through Friday. • Notification of severe weather including but not limited to thunderstorm , tornado wind , and freeze events. • Tropical weather information. • Unlimited access to the Coastal Weather Research Center website. • Consulting and special weather reports upon request. ADOPTED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President Councilmember Martin introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Support Renewal for the Kronos Timekeeping System from Kronos Inc. with a not-to-exceed amount of $28 ,810.99. Seconded by Councilmember Burrell , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 26 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4874-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: [l] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Support Renewal for the Kronos Timekeeping System from Kronos Inc. with a not-to-exceed amount of $28 ,810.99. [2] Purchase is through Omnia Partners (Contract #18220) and therefore does not need to be let out for bid. [3] FY24 Renewal Cost represents an 8% increase over the FY23 Annual Support Renewal in the amount of $26,655.65. ADOPTED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City Council approves the selec tion of Axis Engineering Group , LLC for Profes sional Services for Design Services for Utility GIS Interface -Phase I (RFQ PS24-002); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contrac t with a not-to-exceed amount of $17,000.00. Seconded by Councilmember Martin, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. * * 27 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4875-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That the City Council approves the selection of Axis Engineering Group , LLC for Profe ssional Services for Design Services for Utility GIS Interface -Phase I (RFQ PS24- 002); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to- exceed amount of $17,000 .00 . DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council Pre sident Councilmember Boone introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City Council approves the selec tion of Krebs Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for Water Distribution System Capacity Expansion (RFQ PS23-03 l ); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $495 ,000 .00. Seconded by Councilmember Martin , motion passed unanimously by voice vote . RESOLUTION NO. 4876-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the selec tion of Krebs Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for Water Di stribution System Capacity Expansion (RFQ PS23-03 l); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to- exceed amom1t of $495,000.00. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 28 9 October 2023 Councilmember Boone introduced in writing, and mo ve d for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City Council approves the selection of Jackson Thornton Certified Public Accountants & Consultants for Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Wastewater System Development Charges (RFQ PS24-001 ); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $12,000.00. Seconded by Councilmember Martin, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4877-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the selection of Jackson Thornton Certified Public Accountants & Consultants for Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Wastewater System Development Charges (RFQ PS24-001); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $12,000.00 . DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President Counci lmember Martin introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City Council approves the selection of Sawgrass Consulting , LLC for Professional Engineering for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak Repair (RFQ PS24-003); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $21,900.00. Seconded by Councilmember Burrell , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 29 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4878-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the selection of Sawgrass Consulting, LLC for Professional Engineering for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak Repair (RFQ PS24- 003); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to- exceed amount of $21 ,900.00. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute Extension No. 1 for RFQ No. PS019-22 Professional Consulting Services for Grants and Grant Management with Grant Management, LLC with all terms and conditions as original bid award; and extends the contract until October 17, 2024 with a not-to-exceed amount of $24,000.00. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote . RESOLUTION NO. 4879-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute Extension No. 1 for RFQ No . PS019-22 Professional Consulting Services for Grants and Grant Management with Grant Management, LLC with all terms and conditions as original bid award; and extends the contract until October 17 , 2024 with a not-to-exceed amount of $24 ,000.00. ADOPTED ON THIS 10TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 30 9 October 2023 Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute Extension o. 1 for (Bid No. 039-21), Three Year Pest Control for City Buildings , with Redd Pest Solutions , for an additional one year to extend the referenced contract until October 20 , 2023 , with same terms and conditions as original bid award. The cost not-to-exceed $12 ,371.04. Seconded by Councilmember Martin , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4880-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to exec ute Extension o . 1 for (Bid o. 039-21), Three Year Pest Control for City Buildings , with Redd Pest Solutions, for an additiona l one year to extend the referenced contract until October 20, 2023 , with same terms and conditions as original bid award. The cost not-to-exceed 12 ,371.04. ADOPTED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Counci l President Counci lm ember Martin introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation 's (FEEF's) request to allow its 2023-2024 Annual Premium Sponsors limited use of the pavilion locat ed on the leased K-1 Center premises is approved as outlined in the attached 2023-2024 Sponsorship form for Bronze, Silver or Gold. Seconded by Councilmember Boone , motion passed unanimously by voice vote . 31 9 October 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 48 8 1-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation's (FEEF's) request to allow its 2023-2024 Annual Premium Sponsors limited use of the pavilion located on the leased K-1 Center premises is approved as outlined in the attached 2023-2024 Sponsorship form for Bronze, Silver or Gold. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Jay Robinson , Council President Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Councilmember Burrell moved to grant the request of Marsha P. Jordan , Executive Vice President, Baldwin County Home Builders Association requesting permission to put up directional signs for their annual Parade of Homes scheduled for two weekends , October 14th and 15th , and October 21st and 22nd , 2023 with the caveat that they do not put signs in flowerbeds. Seconded by Councilmember Boone , motion passed unanimously by voice vote . Items: The following individuals spoke during Public Participation for Non-Agenda 1) Russell Hawes , 104 Ashley Drive , addressed the City Council regarding the Marina at the Municipal Pier. He mentioned it being a transient marina with 36 slips not rented out. Mr. Hawes stated that the marina and restaurant should have separate leases . Councilmember Burrell commented they manage the marina and we get a very little percentage; and funds are used to repair marina after a storm. 2) Doug Greengard, Wakefield Avenue , addressed the City Council regarding his opposition to some books in the teen section of the Fairhope Public Library ; and said a month ago it was brought to your attention that these books were in the youth and young adult sections and needed to be removed . Mr. Greengard said this is a violation of Ordinance No . 1477 . 32 9 October 2023 3) McKenna Durnin, 209 Hemlock Drive, addressed the City Council regarding statements that were made to her opposition to some books in the teen section of the Fairhope Public Library . She said this was a speech she wrote for her Debate Class reduced for the City Council meeting. Ms. Durnin said her words were twisted that she wrote. 4) Vivie Hector, addressed the City Council regarding her opposition to some books in the teen section of the Fairhope Public Library. Council President Robinson stated that none of us want inappropriate stuff for children; and we do not run the Fairhope Public Library, it is a separate entity. 5) Doug Greengard addressed the City Council and said for the City Council to pull back the funds that were appropriated. 6) Stephanie Durnin, 209 Hemlock Drive, addressed the City Council and asked does the Library Board get appointed by the Mayor or the City Council. She mentioned books and posters in the LBGQ Section. Ms . Durnin said the Library Board agree s with the freedom to read and supports the Library staff. Councilmember Boone moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Burrell , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 33 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN ) ( ) ( The City Council met in a Work Session at 4:30 p.m ., Fairhope Municipal Complex Counc il Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 9 Octob er 2023 . Present were Counci l Pre sid ent Pro Tempore Corey Martin, Counci lmembers: Jack Burrell and Kevin Boone , Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and C ity C lerk Li sa A. Hanks. Council Pres id ent Jay Robinson , Counci lmember Jimm y Conyers, and C ity Attorney Marcu s E . McDowell were absent. Council President Pro Tempore Martin ca lled the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The following topic s were di sc u sse d : • The fi rst it em on the agenda was th e Presentation on th e Litter Getter Project and Osprey Initiati ve by Code Enforcement Officer Kim Burme ist er who gave an update on th e Winn D ixie R e tention Pond . She mentio ned a GOMESA grant that is 100 percent funded to purchase 12 co ll ectors for storm drain s. • The ex t item on the agenda wa the Pre entation on the D emo of Heil RevAMP Electric Side Loader by Publi c Works Director Richard Johnson. See Power Point Presentation titled "Rev AMP The future of R efuse Collection is now." He gave an update on the City tryi ng out one of the e trucks and bow it worked. • Ca leb Leach, P.E. and Mark Smi th , P.E. with Krebs Engineering , Inc . began the Water W e ll Expansion Di sc u ss ion . See Power Point Prese ntat ion titled "Fairhop e Wate r System Improvements Pro gress Up date." Thi s prese nt ation wi ll give a summary of existing water ystem , water demands (h istori cal and projected), construction progress for Ph ase I impro vements , sc hedul e for Phase 2 improvements , and planning for future improvements. The Ci ty Counci l asked about reusing wastewater and reclaim in g surface water. • Councilmember Burrell said the Airport Authority meeting is tomorrow . Councilmember Burrell commented be was op po sed to cos igning on the new termina l; and attorneys nee d to look at new contrac t. • Recreation Directo r Pat Whit e addressed the City Counci l and introduce d the new Marina Manager Mark Redditt. Mr. White explained Agenda Item No. 23; and answered any questions if needed . He told the City Co uncil hi s department uses 1,340 man hour painting. • Gas Superintendent Wes Bo yette addressed the C ity Council regarding Agenda Item o . 29 ; and answered any questions if needed. • IT Director Jeff Montgom ery addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item o. 25 ; and an swered any qu estions if needed . 34 Monday, 9 October 2023 Page -2- • Community Affairs Director Paige Crawford addressed the City Council regarding Hannah Legg and the murals in Arts Alley. Ms. Legg explained she used anti-graffiti finish on the murals. She announced the City hired another part-time shuttle driver. Ms. Crawford explained Agenda Items No . 9 through No. 22 , No. 34 , and No. 35 are appropriations ; and answered any questions if needed. • Public Works Director Richard Johnson addressed the City Council and gave an update on the following projects : Track at Founders Park, Roof Project at City Hall and Civic Center, Road Paving Project, and the Haven Project. • Electric Superintendent Ben Patterson addressed the City Council and mentioned Public Power Week was la st week . He explained Agenda Item No. 24 ; and answered any questions. Mayor Sullivan said that it pinpoints weather for our area. • Water and Wastewater Superintendent Daryl Morefield addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Items No. 26 and No . 27 ; and answered any questions if needed . • City Treasurer Kim Creech addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Items No. 28 and No . 30 ; and answered any questions if needed . Councilmember Burrell questioned the grant contract. • Mayor Sherry Sullivan addressed the City Counci l regarding Agenda Items No. 32 , No . 33 , No. 34, and No . 35; and answered any questions if needed . She commented the FEEF resolution is only for Bronze , Silver, and Gold sponsorships . There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting was duly adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 35 The fl!ltl!l r.e 0f refl!.lse 1:0llectian is now . -...... 1(Il@ RevAMP '". ·=- d ;~~~;!~!~ -I ,,.,. ~,, City of Fairhope, AL Junecof 1~~~2ff@ronmental 36 Heil RevAMP eASL ~ a zm:a. CIMNNY Route -June 19th • Demo Driver: • Site: Fairhope, AL • Starting Mileage: 8369 • Ending Mileage:8387 • Total Mileage:18 • Battery state of charge (Start): 96% • Containers Serviced: 120 • Battery State of charge (EOD): 86% • Avg. # cans in single charge-1200 • Type of Service: Trash/Waste • Daily Payload Tonnage: PROPRlfTARY AND CONFIDE-N TIAL 37 CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Environmental Solutions Group I 2016 Environmental Solutions Group All Rights Reserved 38 CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Environmental Solutions Group I 2016 Environmental Solutions Group AD Rights Reserved 39 • Total Number of Conta iners Serviced:120 Times on route: 8:30 AM to 9:36 AM • Total Hours : 1.1 Hours • Conta in er Serviced per Hour: 109 CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Mobile ·roplex at ;rook!ey q UOOKLl't A(IIOPl(X MO ■,L, DOWNTOWN AIRPORT 11,vur"o"1 1NOUITll!Al AlillA Gaillard Island © GD G Malbis l) Bel orest [ill HOUSTONYILll @] R •ttln.ci Wh,.,-f I 2016 Environmental Solutions Group Environmental Solutions Group I.!.) Q ll;J @ Elhs " IEl Loxley rm f HI !ill GD s Silverhl @I ff) @I q CID Wales West mi RV ReGort & K-,bo•,c 1,ro..,, o ... au, ..... All Rights Reserved 40 CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Spnng Run Dr South rri [ndodonlics rc. ,1 nto Oral SurgNy T & Dental Implant~ Wolfe ·Bayv1ew Funeral Home • Fairhope Chapel Autumn Or 0 ;;: 0 ::: ~ Sprong Run Oakwood Ave Sprong Run Dr I ., Q. "' l ., Q. Song Grove BIi Environmental Solutions Group •2-r-- I 2016 Environmental Solutions Group All Rights Reserved 41 06/19/2023 08:25:31 M1 Evenl: 3315691106 Vehicle : 3rd Eye ES(l Demo I Rev AMP I ASl·PD186aRll·RV0001 Sto p ID#: o Name ; Typ e: Statu s: Unl<no\'.'n Stop Route : Stop Address: 212 Soulhehase Ct, Fairtlope, AL 36532 Contract: Customer Number: Confidence Level : - CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Environmental Solutions Group I 2016 Environmental Solutions Group All Rights Reserved 42 Heil RevAMP eASL d d •~c ... ...., 7 PROPRIE •ARY AND CONF-IDfNTIAI 43 8 PROPF Heil® RevAMPTM Electric Automated Side Loader Tho Futuro of Refuse Collectioo is Now. Discover What Sets The Heil® RevAMPT"' Apart <I Fmt. p,ec198 ann motcn erobl es hg,ly prodUdllle nt.use coOecbOn " le on route <I ~. smooth operat.on rt!duOl!S d1ver 1at~ <I Noatm kid<~ ows lot l~cotect,on o1 refi.Mln elley,,B)-s and Ugh: areas (I Fuly nc:i,m s yQU!e! ar>d no hydr:iulc: hosos oc tubes 11131 CM 103k 01 ~ d 47 k'Mi Batte,y, Up 10 00A avalal:le Bl 100V d l"4ora than 1.200 contalnefs on an ovemlght battery c:norge ('6-8 ~ <I No po.-r Ired trom a cha9ss diesel engine <I Type 2 AC cha-glng .,,11n 208/240 VAC stwip po.- r PANEL (I An octric moter is usod to drivo tho ~ic<I panel <I Pack-.-1,,ough innova101 /pat nt pendirg) provides fuJ. ejllCt capabilty (no tll-to--d.Jnl)) <I Fukjec;t daEign mp,o,,-es stabl rty 81 lhe lanol <I Body flxed to frame •'S f0f" shortaring ,ww,g. srrptfed body nSlallal.on d urge enlranCa pofllS f« easy acoess beh i'ld the ejector d The a,g . tapered from 30 inches 10 24 r>ehes. mqures less energy than a typical corrpactor ram <I Sell-c I bndging fl Stu'dy o ~ lows refuse msterol to dump~ rt -..N ie In ope;alion.. oo llul the hoi:)per dE<lr'Sq.,idJy <I Surf lr03tmonl on the hOppef Md auger Is <leSgned ~ • ;c:,ltj• IO< ~ rrotef I ID., 44 &connected ~ Collect ions Benefits Key Benef its of an Electric Body Electric arm and auger reduc s the energy required. This m ans you use I fu I and Iner o your cha is rang . Onboard battery option con be pair d with any chassis fuel type. Or choo th int grot d pow r configuration with your pr i rr d EV cha is . Eliminate leaks on route th.at generate expensive clean -ups and angry cu tom r . Hom own rs and driv r: both agr that o qui ter gorbog truck i a b tter garbage truck. be hat a hydra lie body c nn 45 IMPROVE YOUR SUSTA I NABILITY. IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE . The Heil RevAMP electric side loader is more environmentally friendly than any other standard automated truck on the market. 100% eleciric on-rou1e -NO hydraulics -NO hydraul ic leaks d Fuel sav i ngs of up 1o 35% on d iesel chass is; 100% fuel sav ings on electr ic chass is d Eas il y charge overnight w ith plenty of energy for a day 's work d GHG reduct ion o f 41 tons /year/tr uck on d iesel chass is d Lighter body (less than 16,400 lbs .) -less f uel consumed -better pay load 46 GET AMPED ABOUT FUEL SAVINGS -- Fue l Consumption When the RevAMP body is configured with a diesel-fuel chassis, fuel consumption is reduced by up to 35% when compared to an hydraulic body. This pa i ring can result i n dramatic fuel sav i ngs per year . -Chass is Rang e When the RevAMP body is configured with an electric-powered chass is, range is extended due to el i mi nation of the power take off from the EV chassis. 47 INFINITELY CUSTOMIZABLE CONFIGURATIONS TO MAXIMIZE YOUR ROUTE PRODUCTIVITY Available with electric powered chassis, with the option to integra te into the chassis to use a common battery pack Available with conventional diesel chassis Available with CNG chassis 48 DISCOVER WHAT SETS THE HEIL REVAMP APART -· EJECTION PANEL • l<:,cc' des gn II proves ~•.10 ", t c land I ti Sooy ,cd to rar~c al ow~ 'or ~t or1cn ng wtr ng s r,,c • cd body ns<1lla:,011 I --C:::," .. . .. LIFT ARM ti .i~: 8-s o u c;c c •,me a d ore rsc a 'TlO' on cno·· ~s 1, gh, produc· .~ re sc col cctoon .,.,+111c on ro .. ·c (d o Jrrn ,,c.-01.1 a ows ·or · co cc11on c · re l us in a L"f"·ay-, and othc r gh• areas '1 fulfy c cc1r c a·rT' ,s rcma• dbly qu c· and lias 'JO hydraul c hc~cs or tubes'''°' can ca or brc,, 49 ENERGY # ,:6 1//• 3d'0 "Y Up 10 400A 3/ll'lablc al ·oov ore• n • 200 con'.i nc s 0·1 n cr..:11119 I bi;·:cry c. a•gc ( ooro• 6-8 t ou1s lo Chdrgc) c pe-:.-cr rcqu red 1ron a cl ,1ss s drcscl c g c fl ;) pc 2 AC c rg _ ,., • 208 240 VA.C she cov,'C' AUGER co auger dpcrcd rro 30 rnchcs o 2,1 11c cs rcqu res lc,s cr,c•gy • in a 1J,~1ca c•or r 'T\ d Sc cc • "9 hopoc• to a,o o Mate• al b dg g ~ S• ... rd; cnc'css auger dcs,gn O\VS • 1c re JSC •n •c· •o dumo O', r • .vh c ., opera• on so' .,, I, C hoppe, C Cdr5 qu C. d Sur·acc • Jt c 'on tnc hoµpc i!nd ilugc: rs de ,g cd s0<.-c.f cally •o .irsn a't..:1 d 50 li.f&Connected ~ Collections " ' I One Drop Every 10 Seconds till Gallons P r Day: 0.11 ~ G lions P r Year : 27.S Cost Per Gallon: $8.SO 1s Co Per Y ar: $234 No More Hydraulic Leaks The Cost Of Hydraulic Leaks ''' ' '' '' One Drop Every Second Stream till Gallons Per Day : 1 1 till Gallons Per Day : ~ Gallons Per Y ar : 1.7 ~ G Uons Per Y< ar: ,000 Cost er G llon: 5 50 Cost Per Gallon : .0 $ Co Per Y . $2 338 $ Cost Per Year: . 51 /Ef& Connected ~ Collections'M Charging Time Cost Infrastructure Slow s n/a 6-8 hours s Available Charging Charging Considerations Fastest $$$ Consult your pow r company Heil RevAMP uses level 2 52 3 rd Eye Digital 17 17 PROPRI[ TARY AND CONflDE N flAL 53 Safety-How it Works: Triggered Events • Event Recording Device • Records all installed cameras • Audio is recorded as desired • Gathers Information From: • Outside the vehicle • Live tracking of truck (GPS) • J1939 Information -Speed , Telemetry 8 Seconds Before 18 PROPRl[TARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 4 Seconds After 18 54 Public Safety-Exoneration 19 PROPRI fARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 55 20 Verif-Eye-Positive Service Verification Failed Set-Outs tl Property Damage Claims Blocked Containers Overloaded Containers Identifying Container Location Recycling Contamination zffl 't 'f 12,, 56 I I El•<@) Ci-' Track~nJJ,& Quantifying a Fleet in ,_ . CERTIF-EYE™ ,, • Tracks key data points about the vehicle's activity and travels ~ • Engine Hours-Total time the engine was running "Ignition On" t•X•X•X•>~ . 0dometerValue-Current Odometer reading 9.\9 Distance Traveled-Total miles driven ~ • FuelConsumed-Totalgallonsburned • All values are summarized by: • Data can be consumed via: • Hourly • Reports • Daily • Delimited data file (csv) • State/Province • API Feed • On/Off Road 57 ESG Proprietary & Confidential I © 2018 I Environmental Solutions 58 59 • • • • • KREBS ENGINEEQING OVERVIEW OF DISCUSSION Summary of Existing Water System Water Demands (Historical and Projected) Construction Progress for Phase I Improvements Schedule for Phase 2 Improvements (May 2024) Planning for Future Improvements PROG RESS U PD ATE FOR FA IRH OP E W A TE R SYSTEM IM PROV EM EN T S I 2 60 Mobile Bay KREBS ENGINEEAING WTP N0.4 • Rock Creek "O co 0 0::: 0 C Q) Q) C, WTP N0.1 • • WTP N0.6 WTP NO . 5 • T"" co T"" >, co ~ .c Ol i: Highway 104 WTP NO . 2 .. Fairhope Ave. •WTP N0.3 Silverhill C .R. 32 C .R. 28 Magnolia Springs 0 Highway 98 1 2 --MILES SUMMARY OF EXISTING WATER SYSTEM • Avg. Demand = 6.1 MGD • Peak Demand = 9.2 MGD • IOWells:Total Raw Water Capacity of 11 MGD • 6 Treatment Facilities : 9.2 MGD Treatment Capacity • 5 Water Storage Tanks (6.3 MG of Storage) • Most Existing Piping is 8-inch or Smaller PRO GRE SS UP D ATE FO R FA I R H OP E WATER SYSTEM IMPR OV EM EN T S 61 HISTORICAL WATER DEMANDS -FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 EX ISTING RAW WATE R CAP ACITY -11 M GO 10.0 C C, EX ISTI NG TREATMENT CAPACI TY . 9.2 M GO ~ 9.0 0 z 8 .0 ct ~ AVERAGE PEAK ING FACTO R: 1 .6 U.I 7 .0 C a: U.I 6.0 ~ ~ 5.0 4.0 I I 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 YEAR --Avg D.1v Dmnafld --Peak Day Demand - -fx Trea tment CaOKt\V --f..x Well Capac ity --Lmear (Avg. Day Demand) --Linear (Pt>ak Dav Demand) KREBS PROGRESS UPDATE FOR FAIRHOPE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ENGINEERING 62 0 I!) 2 o' z ct 2 w 0 a:: w ~ s: KREBS ENGINEERING 25 .0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2014 2016 2018 2020 PROJECTED WATER DEMANDS -FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 2022 2024 2026 2028 YEAR 2030 2032 2034 --Peak 0a\' Demand •H~•· 2% Growtn --3% Growth --5% Growth --upon. tPeak Dav Demand) 2036 2038 2040 2042 PROGRESS UPDATE FOR FAIRHOPE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 5 63 Mobile Bay Point Clear KREBS ENGINEERING WTP N0.4 • Rock Creek "O (1) 0 a::: 0 C Q) ~ c., WTP N0.1 • • WTP NO . 6 WTP N0.5 • ..... co ..... >, (1) ~ .c Ol ::i: Highway 104 WTP N0.2 .. Fairhope Ave . Weeks Bay WTP N0.3 '-----,J Silverhill C.R. 32 C .R .28 Magnolia Springs Highway 98 MILES PHASE I WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) • • • • WTP No. 3 Expansion Connection to Daphne 24-lnch Water Ma i n 12-lnch Water Main PROGRESS UPDATE FOR FAIRH O PE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS I I 6 64 PHASE I WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS KREBS ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS FOR WATERTREATMENT PLANT NO.3 • Overall Project: 65% Complete • FWPS Building: 90% Complete • Concrete: 95% Complete • Equipment: 90% Complete • Electrical : 30% Complete • March 2024 Completion PRO GRESS UPDATE FOR FAIRH OP E WATER SYSTEM I MPROVEMENTS 8 65 PHASE I WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Photo fro m WKRG -Mob il e KREBS ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS FOR CONNECTION TO DAPHNE WATER SYSTEM • Completed in September • 6 " Connection Near High Demand Area • Estimated of Capacity: I MGD (Approximate) • No Pump Station Required (32 ' Difference i n Elevation ofTanks) PROG RESS U PDATE FO R FA IRH O PE WATER SYSTEM IM PRO VEMENTS 9 66 , . PHASE I .-WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS KREBS ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS FOR 24-INCH WATER MAIN • 24-inch Diameter Water Main • Total Length = 19 ,900 Feet (3 .8 Miles ) • $6.5 Million • 70% of Pipe has been Del ivered • 9,700 Feet (49% Of Total) Installed To Date • Estimated Completion -March 2024 I I I I , I P ROG RES S U PD ATE FO R FAIR HO PE WATE R SYSTE M IM P RO VEMENTS 10 67 KREBS ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS FOR 12-INCHWATER MAIN • 12-lnch Diameter Water Main • Total Length= 8,000 Feet ( 1.5 Miles) • $1 Million • All Pipe Has Been Delivered except for HPDE for Creek Crossing • Beginning Work this Month • Estimated Completion -March 2024 PROGRESS UPDATE FOR FAIRHOPE WATER SYSTEM IM PROVEMENTS II 68 KREBS ENGINEERING WHATTO EXPECT UPON COMPLETION OF THE PHASE I WATER S:Y.STEM IMPROVEMENT-S? • Includes a NewWell (No. 11) atWTP No. 3 • Will Increase WTP Capacity by Approximately 1.7 MGD • Will Increase Total Water System Capacity from 9.2 MGD to I 0.9 MGD • Daphne Connection Can Be Used to Provide Additional Capacity PRO G RESS UPD A TE FO R FAIRHOPE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT S 12 69 KREBS ENGINEERING PHASE 2 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (MAY 2024 COMPLETION) • Develop New Well at WTP No. I • ExpandWTP No. I Capacity • Develop New Well at WTP No. 3 • ExpandWTP No. 3 Capacity by I MGD • Goal of ExpandingTotal System Capacity from I 0.9 MGD to 13.8 MGD by May 2024 PRO G RESS UPDATE FO R FA IRH O PE WATER SYSTEM I MPROVEMENTS 13 70 KREBS ENGINEERING PHASE21MPROVEMENTS INCREASE CAPACITY ATWTP NO. I Develop New 0 .9 MGDWell Increase Tray Aeration Capacity Increase Finished Water Pump Capacity Increase Chemical Feed Capacity Increase Distribution Capacity Leaving the WTP Increase Treatment Capacity from 2.4 MGD to 4 MGD PROG RESS U PDATE FO R FAIR HOP E WATER SYSTEM IMP ROV EME NT S 14 71 I I KREBS ENGINEERING 0 w J: (/) z u:: 1o ---+---- TREATMENT BUILDI NG NEW 4MGD PUMP S NEW FIN ISHED WATER FLOW METER VAULT C HEMICAL TA NKS I FUTURE • SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE ----- [ BUILDING ~-- EX. ELECTRICA~ 16" FIN ISHED WATER TO DISTRIB UTION SYSTEM NEW WELL NO. SB (600GPM) LEGEND ---- (~) EX IST ING FACI LI TIES NEW FACI LITI ES NEW PIPE EX IS TI NG PIPE EX . GENERATOR PHASE 2 IMPROVEMENTS ATWTP NO. I PROGRESS UPDATE FOR FAIRHOPE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS I I I 15 72 KREBS ENGINEERING PHASE 2 IMPROVEMENTS AT WATER TREATMENT PLANT NO. 3 • Develop I New Well • Increase Finished Water Pump Capacity • New Raw Water Transmission Main from New Well PROGRESS UPDATE FOR FA I RHOPE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 16 73 KREBS ENGINEERING 0 l!) 25 .0 20.0 ~ 15.0 c' z ct ~ w C a: w < 10.0 ;: 5.0 o.o 2014 2016 PROJECTED WATER DEMANDS WITH FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS-FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA Phase 2 Improvements (13 .8 MGD) Phase I Improvements (10 .9 MGD) 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 YEAR 2030 2032 2034 2036 --PeakOdyDem,1nd -----2"(.G,owth --3'HiG rowth --5%Growth --Ph.1'Sif'l --Phdse2 --E:cpcn.(Pect._DayDemand) 2038 2040 2042 PROGRESS UPDATE FOR FA I RHOPE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 17 74 KREBS ENGINEERING PLANNING FOR FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS • Water System Evaluation • Hydraulic Modeling • • Pilot Well Exploration o Vicinity of St. Michael Way o MorphyAve o Nichols Street Identify Recommended Water System Improvements • Technical Memorandum to Summarize Water System Evaluation and Recommended Improvements PROGR ESS UPD AT E FO R FA I RH OP E WATER SYSTEM IMPR O VEMENTS 18 75 QUESTIONS? KREBS MONDAY, OCTOBER 9 , 2023 PROGRESS UPDATE FOR FAIRHOPE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 19 ENGINEERING 76 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1253 KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ORDINANCE NO. 1736: A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT KNOWN AS THE HILL TOP PUD BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFF AIRHOPE, ALABAMA as follows: Whereas , the City of Fairhope, Alabama , has approved a request to rezone property to PUD -Planned Unit Development, with Ordinance No. 1736 on the 22nd day of December 2021 to establish the Hill Top PUD; Two Hands Design and Development, LLC, made an application to amend Ordinance No. 1736 to amend said Ordinance, and Now Therefore, after appropriate public notice and hearing , the Planning Commission of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, has forwarded a favorable recommendation to amend the Hill TopPUD ; The Hill Top PUD , is generally located on the west side of South Section Street, South of Petiole Drive, in Fairhope, Alabama. Hill Top PUD PPIN #: 389630 and all parcels included in Slide 0002746-D and Slide 0002893-F Legal Description: (Case number ZC 23.05) COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 30 , TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 2 EAST , BALDWIN COUNTY , ALABAMA; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00 °-04'-39" WEST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 30 A DISTANCE OF 979.00 FEET ; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89°-54'-50" WEST A DISTANCE OF 40.00 FEET TO A 1/2" REBAR ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SECTION STREET (AKA COUNTY HIGHWAY NO. 3)(80' R/W), SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89 °-54'-50" WEST A DISTANCE OF 621.70 FEET TO A CAPPED REBAR (CA0092LS); THENCE RUN NORTH 00 °-02'-30" EAST A DISTANC E OF 328.94 FEET TO A CAPPED REBAR (FAIRHOPE); THENCE RUN SOUTH 89°-19'-16" WEST A DISTANCE OF 457 .8 1 FEET TO A CAPPED REBAR (HMR); THENCE RUN SOUTH 00 °-16'-30" WEST A DISTANC E OF 457.43 FEET TO A CAPPED REBAR (MOORE); THENCE RUN SOUTH 89 °-53'-32" WEST A DISTANC E OF 201.05 FEET TO A CAPPED REBAR (WATTIER) ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 30; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00 °-16'-36" WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE A DISTANCE OF 645.05 FEET TO A CRIMP TOP PIPE ; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89°-41'-54" EAST A DISTANCE OF 1,284.76 FEET TO A CAPPED REBAR (KOUNTZ) ON THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID SECTION STREET; THENCE RUN NORTH 00 °-03'-43" EAST ALONG SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE A DISTANC E OF 787 .02 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING . THE DESCRIBED PARC EL CONTAINS 25 .88 ACRES , MORE OR LESS. 1. That, in Case Number ZC 23.05, Lot 29 of the Hill Top PUD shall develop in substantial conformity with the attached site plans attached as "Exhibit B ". Any substantial deviation from the attached site plan , as determined by the Director of Planning , will require re-approval by the Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama , as a PUD amendment. 2. That, the fo llowing amendments have been made to the PUD : 77 Ordinance No . --- Page -2- Lot 29: Use: Lot 29 will have its own access from South Section Street. Developer proposes a unique opportunity to create within a similar footprint , and in accordance with the Hilltop Building Standards , a Community House. Designed to foster connections and serve as common ground for the surrounding neighborhoods. Allowed uses within the Community House would include a cafe (potentially offering coffee , bakery goods , beer and wine, and limited food items), bed and breakfast suits , fitness, yoga , arts, crafts, small gallery, or professional office space . This development strategy allows the opportunity to create community green space and outdoor dining possibilities. In design of the Lot 29 structures with the topography and shape of the lot, the second floor may be below the main floor. The structures on Lot 29 shall have a maximum structure height of two stories . Residential uses will be restricted to above or below the main floor. Main floor shall be designated as the floor at street level. Structures shall have a maximum building footprint of 3,600 square feet or a total 5,600 square feet (both floors). Cafe and market use shall provide for no more than 65% of the total density . No other use shall provide for more than 50 % of the total density. The intent is to create a design that is compatible with the unique environment of this site . The setback is being reduced to 30' to allow the building to have a better relationship with both the street and the pedestrian access from the existing sidewalk. At least one portion of the building is encouraged to be adjacent to the 30 ' setback. This building location also ensures the parking will occur either on the side or behind the building . This will also retain a landscape zone between the building and the street , surrounding the building in trees similar to the current landscape setting. By placing the building closer to the street it also helps maintain the integrity of the existing waterway located west of the property. The building may be residential , commercial or a mixture of both. The building will complement the adjoining residential development by incorporating residential scale, proportions , rooflines and details on the primary building elements. Creativity to introduce commercial design elements into the residential aesthetic will be encouraged . Building height shall be a maximum of 30 ' to the mean roof of the primary roof area, and measured from the average existing grade along the 30 ' setback for the length of the building. Landscaping for Lot 29 shall meet the design requirements of the City of Fairhope based off the determined use . Additional planting buffers will be installed along adjacent property lines as buffers to preserve privacy. In the event that this development strategy is determined not to be feasible Lot 29 would revert to the same designation as the remaining lots . Setbacks : Front -30 ', Rear -30 ', Side -1 0', and Street Side -20 '. Principle Structure Lot Coverage : 3 ,600 SF. Building Height: Maximum building height shall not exceed two stories. Lot Size: 49 ,258 SF. 78 Ordinance No. --- Page -3- The Planned Unit Development (PUD) known as Hill Top PUD is hereby amended. It shall hereafter be lawful to construct on such property any structures permitted by Ordinance No. 1253 and to use said premises for any use permitted or building sought to be erected on said property shall be in compliance with the building laws of the City of Fairhope and that any structure shall be approved by the Building Official of the City of Fairhope and that any structure be erected only in compliance with such laws , including the requirements of Ordinance No. 1253. Severability Clause -if any part , section or subdivision of this ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such holding shall not be construed to invalidate or impair the remainder of this ordinance, which shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding such holding. Effective Date -This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its due adoption and publication as required by law . Adopted and approved this 23rd day of October, 2023 By: ____________ _ Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore Attest: By: ------------Lis a A. Hanks . MMC City Clerk Adopted and approved this 23rd day of October, 2023 By: __________ _ Sherry Sullivan , Mayor 79 City of Fairhope City Council October 23, 2023 Planning Commission unanimously (5 Ayes, O Nays) voted to recommend approval of ZC 23.05 ZC 23.05 -Hill Top PUD -Project Name: PUD Amendmen t Site Data: 0 .15 Acres Project Type: Setback Adjustment from 100' to 30' Jurisdiction: Fairhope PlanningJurisdiction Zoning District: PUD - PPIN Number: I 389630 General Location: West side of South Section Street, South of Petiole Drive Surveyor of Record: Jade Consulting LLC Engineer of Record: Jade Consulting LLC Owner I Developer: Two Hands Design School District: Fairhope Elementary School Fairhope Middle and High Schools Recommendation: Approval Prepared by: Michelle Melton 80 Pap4 of6 APPLICATION FOR ZOIOBG DISTRICT CHANGE Property Owner / Leaseholder Information Name'f wo Hands Design and Development LLCPbone Number: 251 -209-5533 Street Address: _2_33_8_9_M_a_in_S_t_. ___________________ _ City: Fairhope State: AL Zip: _....;3=6=5=32:;...._ ____ _ Applicant / Agent Information If different from above . Notarized letter from property owner is required if an agent is used for representation. Name: JADE Consult ing, LLC Phone Number: 251-928-3443 Street Address: 208 N. Greeno Rd Ste . C City: Fa jrho.pe State: Ula.---Zip: ~3~6-5~32~----- Current Zoning of Property: ___ C_i-"ty_P_U_D_,_D_is_lri_·c_t _17 __________ _ Proposed Zoning/Use of the Property: _PU_D_am_en_d_m_e_n_t ________ _ Property Address: Hill Top Phase I & II Parcel Number: 0546-09-30-0-000--040 .031 Property Legal Description: 1S!ON PHASE ONE SLIDE 2746-C & D Reason for Zoning Change: Property Map Attached Metes and Bounds Description Attached Names and Address of all Real Property Owners NO NO within 300 Feet of Above Described Pro rty Attached. NO Character of Improvements to the Property and Approximate Construction Date: ____ _ Zoning Fee Calculation: Reference: Ordinance 1269 I certify that I am the property owner/leaseholder of the above described property and hereby submit this application to the City for review. *ff pro is owned by Fairhope Single Tax Corp. an authorized Single Tax representative s 1gn thi • • Peny C. Jinright, 111 , PE (agent) Property Owne r/ Leaseholder Printed Name , } 'ZJ l -z__ NA Date Fairhope Single Tax Corp. (If Applicable ) 81 7/12/23 , 2:13 PM Parcel Summary • AssuranceWeb Property PROPERTY TAX Baldw in County , Alabama Current Date : 7/12/2023 Tax Year: 2023 A Values and Taxes are estimates and are subject to change . Click here for the current amount due . Parcel Info PIN PARCEL ACCOUNT NUMBER OWNER MAILING ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXEMPT CODE TAX DISTRICT Tax Information 389630 46 -09 -30 -0-000-040 .031 347177 TWO HANDS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT LLC P O BOX 700 , MONTROSE , AL 36559 0 396 .4' X 466 .9' IRR LOT 29 HI LL TOP SUBDIVISION PHASE ONE SL IDE 2746 -C & D SEC 30 -T6S ·R2E (WO) IN#1824659 IN#1840265 Fa irhope • Fa irhope School Tax TAXES ARE DUE ON 10/1/2023 PPIN YEAR 389630 2023 Total Due: $ 2,033.20 LAST PAYMENT DATE .. N/A•* PAID BY Property Values Total Acres TAX TYPE REAL TAX DUE $2,033 .20 Subdivision Information HILLTOPPH1 PAID $ 0.00 Use Value $0 $221 ,000 so $221,000 $22 1,000 S44 ,200 Code Name HILL TOP SUB PHASE ONE land Value Improvement Value Total Appraised Value Total Taxabht Value Assessment Value lot 29 Block Type/ Book/ Page IN / N/ A / 1738698 S/T/R 30-6S -2E https://baldwinproperty.countygovservfces .com/Property/Summary?taxyear-2023&ppin=389630 BALANCE $2,033.20 1/2 82 7/12/23 , 2:13 PM Detail Information TYPE REF DESCRIPTION LAND 0.000 Acres Building Components Tax Sales 0 NO TAX SALES FOUND ... © 2023, All Rights Reserved . Parcel Summary -AssuranceWeb Property LAND USE TC HS PN APPRAISED VALUE 9110 -VACANT RESIDENTIAL 2 N N $221 ,000 https ://baldw inproperty.eountygovservices .eom/Property/Summary?taxyeara2023&pp in=389630 2/2 83 NOTARIZED AUTHORIZA TlON OF OWNER 1/We ,lwo \.\~"ch V-t,:c.,n ~ O.t~<lop(\-\t.n+ Ll.C... as the sole or joint fee simple title holder(s) of the property described as parcel 05-46-09-30-0-000-038.000, approximately 4.8 acres. in City of Fairhope, Baldwin County. Alabama authorize, Two Hands Design and Development. LLC & JADE Consulting, LLC and/or their consultants to act as our agent to seek City and/or County PUD, subdivision, Rezone, site plan/development, DOT, DEP approvals, and/or all regulatory approvals in connection therewith, on the above referenced property. ST A TE OF Alabama COUNTY OF Baldwin By: As Its: Address: Two Hands Design & Development, LLC. Owner -e5e3 H1rn1:horne LMe Fairhope, AL, 36532 Phone: Sl -J ?SJ-553~ Fax : --------- Email : rpn~"'.l\:cJ(o, t t 04,f """'-B ~ '1Ao 0 1 \ • C.o...v-\ ~ The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .J:}__ day of c,rc.~ , 2023 by Twi \-fc.,..,d ~ Ou ,·a n ;, 0Nt.l op~tnr /"Jr.~o~ 1','t.l ~~ its Owner, who is personally known to_ m_e or who has produced _____ (type of ID) as identification and who did not t~irFi ,,,,m ,,,, an Oath ' ,,,-:. -.J\CKE~ ... '',, .... '" ......... +. '.; ,~·-·· ·•. ~~ , . t,t. L.. _ ~ 2 ,!9/~0TA~),\ ~:, V U(.J....MJ "-1\.A.O ~ i -• -: : -j • --. .. .... ., \ L\C / if :: NOTARY PUBLIC -STA TE OF l~bo.' • ••• · .. • ····.£ .... ~ ,, STA-re~,,, Le.s l: t V,'c. k er) K no x 111 "11 ''''' NAME OF NOTARY -TYPED OR PRINTED COMMISSION NO : ........_u;...;i __ S=-\.f...,_ ___ _ My Commission Expires September 6, 2026 84 Summary of Request: JADE Consulting, on behalf of the Owner, Two Hands Design and Development, LLC , requests an amendment to the Hill Top PUD originally approved in December 2021 by Ordinance 1736 concurrent with annexation . The amendment pertains to Lot 29 only and more specifically to the Front Setback. Lot 29 is a standalone lot within the subdivision that is to be developed in accordance with Ordinance 1736. Ordinance 1736 states that the Front Setback for Lot 29 is "100' from Section Street centerline." Applicant desires to amend the Front Setback to "20' from Section Street centerline." Figure 1: Original Site Plan excerpt with 100ft front setback line . 1 ZC 23.05 Hill Top PUD Amendment-September 7, 2023 85 Figure 2 : Potential Amended 30ft front setback line . Comments: The Hill Top Subdivision was approved by the City of Fairhope Planning Commission although it was not within the corporate limits of Fairhope at the time. As such , Baldwin County Highway Construction setbacks were in effect for South Section Street (aka County Highway 3). The rights-of-ways were intended to be dedicated to Baldwin County for maintenance prior to the subject property's annexation. Now that the subject property is within Fairhope's corporate limits, the City's setbacks are applicable. The Applicant originally requested a 20' setback. However, at the Development Review Committee ("DRC") meeting on August 9, staff suggested a 30 ' setback and the Applicant accepted this change. A 30' front setback is in sync with the front setbacks for the rest of the lots within the subdivision and aligns with the highway setbacks of deve lopments to the south along Section Street. 2 ZC 23.05 Hill Top PUD Amendment-September 7, 2023 86 r:~===~~~~~~----=--_--...,.........., Figure 3 : Aerial with 30ft setback at The Colony. 3 ZC 23 .05 Hill Top PUD Amendment -September 7, 2023 87 Lot 29 has its own access from South Section Street. The use for Lot 29 is thoroughly described in Ordinance 1736 and is not changing. Lot 29 will have a "Community House " designed to "foster connections and serve as common ground for the surrounding neighborhoods." Potential uses are a combination of cafe , art and/or fitness studio, residential , and professiona l office space . Nothing beyond the front setback is being amended on Lot 29 . Figure 4 : Rendering of Community House . Recommendation: • Steff reeon,n,ends APPROtlAL for Ease 2€ 23 .85 to en.end the front setbeek to lot 29 from 1:08' to 30'. Staff and Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL for Case ZC 23.05 to amend the front setback for Lot 29 from 100 ' as measure from the centerline of Section St to 30 ' as measured from the property line ; AND add the two proposed paragraphs clarifying the intent of Lot 29. 4 ZC 23.05 Hill Top PUD Amendment -September 7, 2023 88 Vi e we r M a p July 12 , 2023 1:2 ,257 0 0 .0 17 5 0035 0 .0 7 m1 polygon Layer polygonlayer polygonlayer D Parcels Lot Li nes 1111 Override 1 1111 Override 1 1111 Override 1 r&1 0 0.03 0 .06 0 .12 km Centerlines Conflicts KCS B11dw,n Cour1y Podo m1 1ry Misc -Coastal Control Li ne □ County Boundary Coc,,,ngM2010 89 90 ll) S!NGLH>IMJLY NOTES LL ae AESTRICT'fD ~ NlO ----21 AHO l0-37 SHA JKT ll) THE I I.DIS I-USES AIID AAE SUI D9IT1AI. OF HIU. TOP HQI.. ,OR AUDWABlE I\ESTIUrn~s ~-TM INTtEREZO 2 SEHClf 29 SUMMARY 91 -EX 2<1"RCP (N) INV.116 BT (S)INV 8725' 92 ~DE Co NS ULT ING JINRIGHT & ASSOCIATES DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS August 14 , 2023 Mr. Hunter Simmons City Planning Director City of Fairhope 451 Pecan Street, Ste. 200 Fairhope , AL 36533 RE: Hill Top PUD Amendment-Lot 29 Set back JADE No.: TICKLE-1642A Ordinance No. 1736 Dear Mr. Simmons , We respectfully request the City to consider amending the Hill Top PUD . We specifically want to amend the language under the LOT 29 section of the referenced ordinance. Now that the property has been annexed into the City Limits , th is, amendment would add the ability to reduce the front set back of Lot 29 and encourage the building to be more pedestrian oriented . We have enclosed example site plans and renderings of the proposed development. We request this below paragraphs be inserted below the 2nd paragraph of the LOT 29 section of the ordinance. "The intent is to create a design that is compatible with the unique environment of this site . The setback is being reduced to 30 ' to allow the building to have a better relationship with both the street and the pedestrian access from the existing sidewalk. At least one portion of the building is encouraged to be adjacent to the 30 ' setback . This building location also ensures the parking will occur either on the side or behind the building. This will also retain a landscape zone between the building and the street, surrounding the building in trees similar to the current landscape setting. By placing the building closer to the street it also helps maintain the integrity of the existing waterway located west of the property. The building may be residential, commercial or a mixtu re of both. The building will complement the adjoining residential development by incorporating resident ial scale , proportions , rooflines and details on the primary building elements . Creativity to introduce commercial design elements into the residential aesthetic will be encouraged . Building height shall be a maximum of 30 ' to the mean roof of the primary roof area , and measured from the average existing grade along the 30 ' setback for the length of the building." We also need to amend the Setbacks section of the ordinance ; Front -100 ' JFOffi SeetieR StFeet CeRterliRe 30 ' Would you please advise on what additiona l information you would like for us to provide so that this amendment may be present to the City of Fairhope 's Planning Commission and City Council for consideration . Respectfully, Perry C. Jinright, Ill , P.E., LEED AP Managing Member POST OFFICE BOX 1929 • FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA 36533 TELEPHONE (251) 928-3443 WWW JADENGINEERS.COM 93 11 ROI A CE 0 . 17 3 B IT r TH CITY F r IR II PE, \lJ M as follow : Th rd1n n e kn wn as the with 1hc Zo nin g M p of the ii in re p l l that certain pr pe ance (No . I pe. eand th • belo : Afier I nale pub Ii eanng o f lh Pluru1111g ·omm issi o <If or11ble recommend 110n , The pr pert y ttfllilhop Fairhop nerally I 1 on Pets I Dri e and n rth of P e, airhopc, Rill Top . uhrll I Ion Phase On and 1'wo P (, # 40 land !Lil p r ls included o .'lid Le al De criptlon: a oum ·r 7 21.14 OMMt: s 00° 27 6-I •ether ltcrcd f I. 1 h ehcd as "Exhibi1 "i • plan Th pmpcny must dcvcl p i ual c n onnaoce wit pl and upp rting docum nt s. n11ul d 1ation from Ian , a delc nnin ed by the Director g, wi ll n:quirc re-a nnlng C mmissi n and th i,' fth Ii of Fa irhop e, Al bama, as a l'UD amendment I : here h II be 7 lo I tal. 94 rdinance . 1736 Page -2- U • ln general, the project is restricted for residential use . The use are peciftcally described ilhin tbe S.ile Piao and Master Devel pmenl Plan ihat include : plan . 36 Single Family R id n1inl Lots Mixed-se Lot ln2le Fa mfh • Nesid cnt ia l Developme nt: Lots: Lots 1-2 & Lots J0-J7 shall b based on R-1, Low Density ingle-family Residential District , w1lh minor d1flerenc 11lu trated n th ire Plan . ~ Lots shal I be single family re idcnlial. Setb ; Front -o·, Rear -30 ', Side -10', and Street Side -20 ". Principle Structure Let Coverage: Shall not ex eed 48% of the total lot. Buildjng Hejght: M{l)(imum building height shall not exceed 30'. inimum I t size shall be 15 ,000 square feel. Lo t 29: e · Lot 29 will bav~ its own ess from Soulh Section Street. Developer propos a unique opponunity to creal with10 a similar foolprint . and in accordance wid1 tbc Hilltop Building Standards, ornmunity House. Designed to foster conne lions and erve a common J,'Tound for tbe ·urrounding neighborhoods . All owed uses wi1hin the Community H u ·e would include a <.-afe (potentially offering coffee, bakery goods, beer nd 1\line, and lim ited food items), bed and breakfast suit • fitne s, yoga, ans, crafts, small gallery, or profcssmna l office space. l11is development . trategy allows the opportunity to create 11ommunity green space and utdoor dining possibilitie . In design oftbe Lot 2 structure with the topography and shape of the lot. the econd tloc,r ma be below the main floor , The strucrore on Lot 29 shall hav a maximum structure he igh t of I wo stom:s. Residential uses will b restri led t above r belo\ the main fl r. Main n or ~ball be de: ignatcd as th floor at street I vel. Structures shall ha a maximum build ing foolprinl of3 ,600 square feet or a total 5.600 square fe t (both floors). Cafe end market uses shall provide for no more than 65°/o of the total den ity. N ther u shall provide for more than 50% of the totul densily. Laadscaprng for Lot 29 shall meet tJ10 de ign requirements of the ity of Fairhope ba ed off lhc detemJined use . Addiiional p lanting buffers will be installed along adjacent prop rty line a buffer to preserve privacy. In the event that thi. development tralcg is determined not l be feas1bl I .ot 29 w uld reven to tbe ame designation as the remaining lots. etbac • fron1 -100· from Section Street centerline, Rear -30', Side 10 '. and treet Sid 20'. 95 Ordinance No . 1736 Page -J- Bu ildin Hei ht: Maximum building height shall nol exceed two stories. Lot ize: 49,25 SF . Th e prop erty Is hereby lnltlnll y zon ed Plann ed Un it. Developm ent (PUD co ne urreo t with aoo en ti oo into th e City of Fairhope. This property shall hereafter be lawful lo construct oo such property any stru ctures pennitled by Ordinance No . 1253 and rouse said premise fi r any us.: permitted or boildiog sough1 r b erected on said prop rty shall be in compliance wilh the ui lding laws of lh c ity of Fairhope end that any slruc lure hall be approved by the Building fficial of the ily ofFairh pe and that any trucl:ure be erected onl y in compliance with such law&, incl uding lhe requirements of Ordinance No . 1253 . SeverabiJHy C l ■u e -if any part, Ii n or subdivision of this ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, uch holding hall not be con trued 1u invalidate or impair the remainder of this ordinance, which shall continue in full force and efTect no twith landing uch nolding. Effec ti ve Date -This rdinanc shall 1ak e1Tcc1 immediate!>• upon its due adoption o.od pub lication as required by low . Adopted and approved lhi 22nd day of December, 2021 . Aue L: 96 (TY OF FAIRHOPE P.O. ORA WER 429 F IRHOPE AL 36S33 2S1/928-2136 Rev i d 06 /2006 PETITIO FORA NEXATIO STATE OF ALABA COUNTY O BA D We , th und er ign e R( , owner() of the land in fee imple d • • attached XH!BlT perty being without the orp rate Limit irh pe, Alabama, but being to th e 'aid orporate Limit ; and uch pr pe "'i1hin the corporate limit s ri sdiction of any other municipality, do , by th h reb petiti n the ity of a , a municipal corp ration, that sai d property b the ity of Fairhope, Alabama . The ubj ct land i d lin t d on th e map attached hereto a EXHIBIT B. This petiti n i filed und r uth rity of e tion l 1-42-21 , ode of Alabama 197 , a amend d . 0 Thi petition i for R~ 1 Zoning ~Tb condition of the Petition i that zonin bee tabli bed a ___ P_,;_U_D ____ _ oncurr nt with noe ation. (Zoning Rcquc I) Is this property olon property ___ Yes ~ o. If thi prop r proper the airhop ingl Tax Office mu f ign as a p tition r . Signalu f p pert being anne ed : Hill Top Pha _se_l &_11 ________ _ P tit:i n r u nt Phy i al ddre s: P titi an r' urrent Mailin ddr . 23389 Main Slreel 23389 Main Street Montrose , Alabama 36532 Mon tro e Alabama 36532 Teleph ne umb er( : 251-278-5533 ------------------------Home \ rk aunty ax Parcel umb r: __ s_ee_lis_t _________________ _ Backroom : :mray :Library :Mail :POP - ,nr,.,01..h ~"'tl 'n.n ,..,..t;;i .... :U1l1&"(0 n P t ·I mnv mhnv •t:'\)./ S:n.m,r r n r t h . "~ n,h 't1t• ,tt .. , h ., ,,. ••• I ,, ' l ,.. 97 D D D D D D d /2 iz of prop or quare r l) __ 2_5_.8_8_a_c ___________ _ If pr p rty is o cup 1ed give numb r of h u ia uru 13 lots sold, som unde construction Num re iding in each unit and their race __ o _______ _ If pr rty is un up ied. give pr p cd use ____________ _ l d loped as a subdi I i n, give nname Hill Top Phas I & II umb r of lots \ itbin p d ubdi i i n 37 -------------- t:ary Public • • tc and un , hereb y m d to th rg ing o me, thi da ng first duly worn, h the have luntaril ,ti non thi day same bear date . Notary Public My 1, a l ry Public in and for said State and unty, her h -------------e rti that m /are igned to the fi rgoing P titian and who is/are known lo be and, being first duly worn, a kno~ ledge that h h th e have t li1ion on this day same bear date . ( cal My mmi i n e pire _______ _ l, _____________ a t ry Public in and for aid Stale and un , h re b rtifythat ____________ wh nm i are ignedtothcfi r in° Petiti n and who is/arc known to me thi day ppeared before me and, being first duly worn, a knowled that h / he/th y have luntarily c ut d this Petition on thi day amc b ar dat . Giv n und r my Hand and cal this __ day of _____ , 20 __ , (Seal) t ry Public My c mm · ion expire _______ _ 98 Exhibit A COF • ll-5, tllilt mmrtDWEU.-. lll!Sllll!lfflt JINIIJOHT & ASSOC IA TES D£VELOPMENT ENG!Nl!US ~•o..»ll ... N S\tC t-'~~w-1.,1 PO 19%9 f ~.~ '~ l' ,,__ tUl)fll-1C,0 Et.k ('llll921-""6.S -- VIONITY MAP &. UNOERL YING ZONING HIU. TOP SUBDMSION ±25.88 AC SlNGl£•FAMILY RESIDErmAL DEVELOPMENT S. SECTION STREET FAIRHOPE, Al 99 City of Fairhope City Council December 13, 2021 Plannin) mmi n un nimo11sly (7 Aye , 0 Nay l <l tor mm n appn val of Z 21.14 ZC 21.14 -Hill Top PUD Project Name : Hill Top Subdivision Phase I and II SlteDota : 25.88 acres Project Type : Zoning Change with Conditional Annexation Jurisdiction : Fairhope Planning Jurisdicti on Zoning District : Unzoned to PUD (Planned Un i t D v lopment) PPIN Number: r PHl on Sl i de 2746-C; PH2 is PPIN 40591 General Location : West side of Section Street on Petiole Drive and north of Petiole Drive Surveyor of Record: Engineer of Record: Trey Jun right, Jade Engine ring Owner I Developer: Hilltop Fairhope , UC School District : Fai rhope West lementary School , Fairhope Middle and High School s Recommendation : Approved w/ Conditions Prepared by : Hunte r Si mmons 100 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1253 KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA as follows: The ordinance known as the Zoning Ordinance (No. 1253), adopted 27 June 2005, together with the Zoning Map of the City of Fairhope, be and the same hereby is changed and altered in respect to that certain property described below : After the appropriate pub li c notice and hearing, the Planning Commission of the City of Fairhope, Alabama has forwarded a favorable recommendation, The property ofFST/Phillip Goodwyn (containing 0.15 acres, more or le ss, and zoned B-4) and located at 491 Pine Avenue, Fairhope, AL. PPIN # 14838 Legal Description: (Case number ZC 23.04) 50' X 131.9' PARCEL "A" OF JOHN T & SUZAN M RUDOLF SUB SLIDE 2430-D IN THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE FST GR SEC 37-T6S-R2E (AFF) LEASE IN#843808 IN#843807 IN #952536 A map of the property to be rezoned is attached as Exhibit A. The property is hereby rezoned B-3a, Tourist Resort Lodging District. This property shall hereafter be lawful to construct on such property any structures pennitted by Ordinance No. 1253 and to use said premises for any use pennitted or building sought to be erected on said property shall be in compliance with the building laws of the City of Fairhope and that any structure shall be approved by the Building Official of the City of Fairhope and that any structure be erected only in compliance with such laws , including the requirements of Ordinance No. 1253 . Severability Clause -if any part, section or subdivision of this ordinance shall be held uncon stitutional or invalid for any reason , such holding shall not be construed to invalidate or impair the remainder of this ordinance, which shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding such holding. Effective Date -This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its due adoption and publication as required by law . Adopted and approved thi s 23rd day of October, 2023 Attest: By: _________ _ Lisa A. Hanks. MMC City Clerk By: __________ _ Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore Adopted and approved this 23rd day of October, 2023 By: __________ _ Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 101 City of Fairhope City Council October 23, 2023 Planning Commission unanimously (5 Ayes, 0 Nays) voted to recommend approval of ZC 23.04 ZC 23.04 -491 Pine Avenue Project Name: Rezoning to B3-A Site Data: 0.15 Acres Project Type: Zoning Change Jurisdiction: Fairhope PlanningJurisdiction Zoning District: B-4 PPIN Number: 14838 General Location: East side of North Bancroft Street, on the North side of Pine Avenue Surveyor of Record: Walcott Adams Verneuille Engineer of Record: Walcott Adams Verneuille Owner I Developer: Goodwyn School District: Fairhope Elementary School Fairhope Middle and High Schools Recommendation : Approval Pre pared by: Michelle Melton Legend Roads Q Parcels C corporate limits Zonl n&Cl ■nl~l lon B-2 • General Business District • B-3a • Tourist Resort Lodging District • B-4 • Business and Professional District • R-2 • Medium Density Single-Family R-5 -High Density Dwelling Residential P1am ing Jurisdiction N ~ WWE s 102 Pac• 4 of 6 APPLICATION FOR ZONING DISTRICT CHANGE Property Owner / Leaseholder Information Name : Philli Goodw n Phone Number: 334.296 .2438 Street Address: 497 Pine Street City: Fa i rho e ____ State: AL Zip: -'3--"6-'-5"'"'32""-----d l Applicant / Agent Information If different from above . Notarized letter from property owner is required ff an agent is uaed for represenlebon. Nrune : Ryan Baker, Wal c~m~ Vetoeuil e Architecu Phone Number: 251 -928-604 1 I Street Address: One South Schoo l Street City: Fairho e ~--State: AL Zip: _3_6_5_32 ______ _ 1 ______ _ Current Zoning of Property: __ 8_4 ________________ _ Proposed Zoning/Use of the Property: 83a / Short Term Rental Property Address : 49 1/493 Pine Ave, Fairho e AL 36532 Parcel Number: 05-46-03-37 -0-007 -069 .5 05 Property Legal Des ription: Bus iness and Profess ional Distr __ ict--'------- Reason for Zoning Change: ___ _ Current! has two addresses inte nd to use subdivided un it for short term rental Property Map Attached XYES NO Metes and Bounds Description Attached X YES NO Names and Address of all Real Property Owners within 300 Feet of Above Described Property Attach ed . X YES NO Character of Improvements to the Property and Approximate Construction Dat : No Zoning Fee Calculation: Reference: Ordinance 1269 I certify that I am the property owner /leaseholder of the above described property and hereby submit this application to the City for review . •If property is owned by Fairhope Single Tax Corp . an authorized Single Tax representative shall sign this application . Phil ip Goodwyn ~~~;;::.--~~ Property O v.1 r!1lseholder Printed Name S~ 1.; ~ ~ 7 /1_/~i,3 --~~ ~ Date Fairhope Single Tax Corp . (If le) r, 1 • .. · ·'l> ~ . ,•· ~ 'tf··· .... :-a;. ,•· ~ 103 July 14 , 2023 Authorized Agent Form WALCOTT ADAMS V ER N E U ILL E ARCHITECTURE I I TERIORS ONE SOU TH SCHOOL STREET FA IRH O P E, AL 36532 251 -928 -6041 FAX 251-928-6045 WWW . WA VA R CH I TECTS .C O M I/We authorize and perm it the authorized agent listed below to act as my/our representative and agent i n any manner regarding the issuance of a bu il ding permit/ Rezoning which relates to property described as the tax parcel ID# l isted below, located i n the Ci ty of Fairhope . 46 03 37 0 007 069 505 Parcel ID#: JL j__ -__ -__ -__ • _ • _ _ _ _ __ . __ _ 491 / 493 Pine Ave Fairhope, AL 36532 911 Property Address (Include city): ______________________ _ Ryan Baker Property Owner Philip Goodwyn Name: ______________ _ Name : ______________ _ Walcott Adams Vemeuille Architects Malling Address: ___________ _ Malling Address : ___________ _ One S. School Street, Fairhope, AL 36S32 497 Pine St, Falrhope, AL 36532 251-928-6041 334-296-2438 Phone#: ______________ _ Phone#: ______________ _ philip@gooodwynbuilding .com Email : _____ __,, __ """""' ______ _ ~,,., ... ~~ ryan@wavarchitects .com Email : ~ Signature :----~_,.___ __________ _ NOTE: In order to verify the proi:;erty owner's slenature, please either provide a copy of t r o!s drivers license/state issued ID OR have the owner's signature above notarized . roperty Owner : initi al ins ide the box if a copy of your drivers license/state issued ' ID will be attached In lieu of the notarized signature . ~ Nota Public State of__,.~---..U\"'"""".,_~_...v)t ..... rt......_ ___ _ Countyof_., ... M ........ oOLW=..i..& ... u:iYY\........,e:f!./--,#----- Subscrlbed and sworn to by the property owner lls1ed above befo,em ~of ,jLU.,Y/1. Ui/:3 . Notary Signatu • LXf l fi {XL,UJ---' - 104 Assessment Summary Requnt# 1855062 Baldwin County Assessment Summary Teddy J Faust Jr, Revenue Comm issioner PO Box 1549, Bay Minette, Al 36507 251-937-0245 Assessment By SCOULSON Date July 14 , 2023 Gnmtee(a)/Owner(s) FST GOODWYN , PHILLIP LAND FST GOODWYN , MICHELLE R Grantor(a) In Care Of Mailing Address Physical Addreu 1533 GILMER AVE , MONTGOMERY, AL 36104-5619 491 PINEAVE I request the following change(s) by signing this assessment: CL2 FOR 2024 RENTAL Included Parcels 340189 46-03-37--0-007-069 .505-901 Tax Year 2024 I do solemnly swear that the foregoing Ost of property returned by me (if not his own property, here state the capacity in which he returns such property for assessment) is a full and complete return of all the property owned by (here state 'me ' if the property returned Is his own property and , if not his own property, state the name of the person, corporation , or estate for Whom the property is returned), or in which (here designate the owner for whom return Is made) had any interest whatever, the situs of which for taxation , or exemption from taxation, is in this county, on the first of October of the present tax year , so help me God . (ALA Code 1975, § 40-7-8) sworn and subscribed before me th is the 14th day of July, 2023. Teddy J Faust Jr, Tax Assessor --PROPERTY TAXES IN THE PREVIOUS OWNER'S NAME IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, EVEN IF A TAX BILL IS NOT RECEIVED- 105 Assessment Summary Request# 1855063 Baldwin County Assessment Summary Teddy J Faust Jr, Revenue Commissioner PO Box 1549, Bay Minette , AL 36507 25i-937-0245 Assessment By ACOMETTI Date July 14, 2023 Grantee(a)/Owner(s) FST GOODWYN , PHILLIP LAND FST GOODWYN , MICHELLE R Grantor(s) In Care Of Mailing Address Physical Address 1533 GILMER AVE, MONTGOMERY, AL 36104 -5619 491 PINEAVE I request the following change(s) by sign ing th is assessment CL2 FOR 2024 RENTAL Included Parcels 340190 46-03-37-0-007 -069 .505-902 Tax Year 2024 I do solemnly swear that the foregoing list of property returned by me (if not his own property , here state the capacity in which he returns such property for assessment) is a full end complete return of all the property owned by (here state 'me' If the property returned is his own property and , if not his own property , state the name of the person, corporation , or estate for who m the property is returned), or In which (here designate the owner fo r whom return is made) had any interest whatever, the situs of which for taxation , or exemption from taxation , Is In th is county, on the first of October of the present tax year, so help me God . (ALA Code 1975, § 40-7-8) Person Making Assessment and/or Exemption Application Sworn and subscribed before me th is the 14th day of Ju ly, 2023. Teddy J Faust Jr, Tax Assessor "'PROPERTY TAXES IN THE PREVIOUS OWNER 'S NAME IS YOUR RESPONSIBI LITY, EVEN IF A TAX BILL IS NOT RECEIVED•• 106 L.EAS E BA LOWIN CO'JITY, Al.ABMIA I\) f<ARRV ll'OUVE. JR. PROBATE JUDGE o Flodlctrt. os.m:= 01 :«l:33 PM O> Deed Tu: $!.50 ~ =-;~$1 00 ~ 2"- ™18 t:EAS1!, WADE=~ !JAY Ol' MAY 2023 · BY~ ilawE!>I FAIIJJloP!l SINCl!J! TAX CORPORA110l<, -wsoe.•, Ol':F4IKIIOPI!, BALOWIN COUNTY, AU.BAMA, Al-.'!> ________ _ l'h11tp L. Go¢?'ri, & Mkhelloll Qoost,,')'11, -""· as ~in oommoi,·withrlgbr., ofSUMTOnbip _4_~1_&_4_93_J>_in_c _A_ .... _ue ______ CF F~ lll!J\EINAFtllR l>ESklNATED AS nm "J..ESSB6. • "'Tl'HESSET!I, IBAT Tim .SAlll FMWOPi SlNClll! TAJ( COIU'OlAIION; POR Al'll IN CONSIOEMUON OP Till! ANNUAL UNTALS AND COVl!!IANr$ l!E8.liINAFTI!ll &ET :ro11.m HAS lHlS CAY LllASED TO A.'ID SAID L8SS£E TAl!J!N POSl!ESSIOtl 01 Ill! fOtWWINGDESCIUBl'Jl PJ\IIC!t OP LAND, TO "'11': Unit ONE and Un~ TWO, The Ruchery, A Condominium, aa;,ordlnQ ti) the documenls of record In-the Offioe of 1he Judge of Probate of Balclwtn County, Alabama, as follows: Dedaration of Condominium of The Ruchery, a Condomlnlum, recori!ed as Instrument 1284708, lncludlng the A«:llllect'sCerllficalion and Drawings as Exhibit "B" thereof, and the By-Laws of The Ruche!y Owners Association . Inc. as Exhibit 'C' thereof, together with an undivided inlere$t In the common elements of The Ruchery, a Condominium, applicable to such Units under such Declaration and aB interest in (mited comn'MJfl elements designed to serve only such UnUs; 1111d subject to all the tenns. condi'Jons. resbictlons, reseivations , limitations, e;isernents and righb as set forth therein ancl in the Attlcles of lncorpomlion of The Ruchery OWners Association, Inc., recorded as lnslrument 1264717 and suoh rules and regulaflon as may be adopted by such corporation. /and5 of Iha Feimope Single T•r Corporat/o(). ◄8--03-37-0--007.009.505901 (Unij 1) 46--03-37-0--007--069.505902 (Unh 2) 10I. Tim 1Eruld OF l<lNBTY--NlNI! (99) '\V,RS Flt.OM 1lU3 D~'ll! 31./IIJECT 70 THE TnMS, CCHl!IIONS AND COVENAllTS lll!Rl!lH ,rr.,JJ;ll. 1'WJECl10NS J:ll>IOA'IED FOll. MOllTOAGel!(S) WIU. BE ENFO&CED IF MORTGAGl! INSlRUMEl<IS AIU! UCOII.Dl!D Ill l'llDllATli (l)n.t.l.-aba21pa.fbe.J'~lb-p.70:~lll~• ..... ,•aq,a1~C11U.fint.S.,...,~t1~~..&.J.11-.la:,ar,&:,..i nla,.f_.._ .... ..._...,._,(ll(..,...elWNp .. e....,.Cc:.uacia_'IDlllrlls•~~r:4•bil&a.trmak0€il:rll-'sllJ•~- ftr,tlcad ...... ill'loc:aiiaa-.::dtlflfil.~lilz:lof~nc:lif;ts.ia11.•:ltub1taft1ak)'wfibCaJ'Ofl~a:l...ht..darart.tq11ri,cl\m&,lrbii....t ..,._W;iQ&UOll,.,Wck~dioi.-t-M""-w1t.~ftUIDIIA:lrtGllff8..l..._pri:,;:t:r,d'8diat~-~-W1NeaJN6:b!t. .. t.-.or-,..._,~\ill tw111:S1...U:•t.ot1...-.adJ..._•cmt:.ordiisac1y-,.,,....,..:._,.._.,._w lliaUllll!•._..__,i,._.,N(bii; ~'lr'fdlla.JO .. ,..,_ • ..,.tl .. btn.ll:&1-~-.,&'lllt1°""'1111l~ff0lib.l!'t~~..,.tti,et•ni•11p110 4M:pm::ipkstlemd.mdlhll • ..,,_..s..,.e...c..,.,-..,~ .. -....... ~---•• (l)t.n.,...,_ac•~•,._._,, ................... _._.OCICIIPl,....._-,..,:i::ablt-..,_udanti.:ic.atltacty.tlWlt:qic,Oll111ty.t 8l1-trn,~$clltofA.llbe-.,Cl4~.,_..wt1.::Lnic:W'IU\,J.,1Ct•ciia:.t.caloaet,~lMtctlitbkftrny..w.liaaotucbd-;,h.Mor~ Wc:MMy'C'ltUI..,.._ O)Lll~.CU.~.!&e.~111,ayO.tc:1l111Mia~ .. J/akl,epl:~1&'liTb.~mlb:i.wiJ,-,all111111t~-~i....did --~ed,.,._lfrafdfy~a:idtrlldib..,.,-,Ollll:lktllyl.&Mew,on.Cka~~1ol"Oj:w1Jlllll;cplha!lw.tc.tc•=t,,~tf t11o-.....-...c1.11-.llc!&J19'~tl)S-,.~.~Dat:!'lrill.ttCity•JIOll-lmplma:m-,-r11•l ~(tuOSJ'ltlld.wk~av.b7 L...-up11G.ftll-.d.~-.icd•-ltllfR:oth~,-N.•iOV,,Caomika.clll.-cqual•11di-..rpll.\s11u.acc-Jpal'ICll't:.1r.&,l'CCCMW.t-lin-cirat ,_.._•111111,•ira~t:if-,H~tai,l:~l!J" ....... ._..,._"'8ri,""'.,.._~11&"<111"_,k_,..,,,...~r..C~aa ica-"l~•ftGfflt.tu.rspn::iplllf)'fbr~,.tfl~t,,Jk•.oiJDtl11,b!;lu•fflllll .. Qi.~t,.l,oilGlll)llleapllM~l,pcii,H110tr'I --..61r ........ ~oflhl11~,•l!be-■~,~ .. .,,Ol'••lf'"'l--9ro.y.,._imlattx._.btk,,_.•lbelud-~•~ b,ipt.....,..aad,m.,a!~.w=MJ4 (.f)Thtnldlop&S'-alt~Ol,~~i:&~_,4-Wf'IINlll.t.W .. _..id'.~4,Ulft»ctof~IICl.ll-,.itt)'Lallft\lOOlfw: lllnd~d...-.~li•~ed•.,,_.:Ml'iolillllltlolf1«-a:i11~..--.bl.i& .. ,U.Jtbet.d~••nlllf\#b!M .... lb.l.cfi\ol _..,,., .. _ (J)'l\ll~f.-dieu1p:;t:1,Whi•~.tGabc,1,bwl!Wti.lJ~it•-•d'iK___.IIJMl:l;mma!l,•----.ual1 -.e ·mi.c.Mrw.n id...._ •• .,.~•hMC~wttll .. mir.-plk,aof .. 11-lf~• ...... ■"rM~61tli0wplftHA;llll tU!INftli61 "l!i•lricl11"-UiY- (')ltli....U1~•1:im ■rffti:._., ....... 1a ..... i.-.61illt.ill .. ,., .... wao•MwUllt,a.-,et .. .chu-ocadiUIIJof l!d, ._.,Nl.aldW,IIQ~~fiift.peri:,lofc,l)dityl.f.-may4ccilrt;1.~a=,tpt~~1'1fflolbynfi~-.O.•lr1it~IO '-M411-,a--...(alda~9f .. '-,"'lmlJat1bs-..._.,ef-.!li-.... --•1---«ddd~-.a--tdffllt p.yma.111 hlc,W:dn.,!1111ttDIDCN-~:.J---•....SbftbsSla:&lllJJabk111:,lti&Lesta:Jblll.~1.liatlwlMJnladiM-iltask.c11=-t.d.-..t ==:=-=u.::=:.-:-.:~~=--~,;:::;:ac:=:~=:r=== ~_..or.___Kt.,.,_~ .. -.--"'-..1i.._,, .. ein:t.a••~•iWath-fw&;r,a~,-"-6:a•dklfflCl30..,. • ._. _..,rlb-... ,Jlilct.11141a:sftlUlf'dltp,i,,pmyhi1a:lc...._l'bf,Ltt,ocftkC11111*aocludt,NaM,.-) .... ~ ............ 1--~~~~~~.:-=:::::::::::~~!:::: .. t-,.:::::~1= .... ..W\y~·-• ....... lilrlluw: ........ 'Nlka,Aa~ol~l..,_._,_~~--~,IIJ'll!dOI~,-,. eM11&id.aiebtlliiud,r;ucftia°IM-=ccrr1bt.t-.1AFU~dtb1"Plll"l•e.,..-dANf,'fltt~•faitai11wttfllltJ:fiN.•t..&.,.,... ftllla.-ol'.Wak,_,...a_.b(-.....,.,Ait,__,..IOtllci-,~.!it..--.Dfmil~e4,.,.~a~dOrut"f .. )• iabcntl•Witlitldlnd't)l~1t1'hflloltealilw.atttW1odic,p11)"tlldffiqo~to6.t~J.N.l.& .. W...if_,., .. k:pli,4ettiie ~-:=.-::,::~::=~..:~~~::--:i: .. ~ rr:cmdJuM,i,l,lc1C1:kM:.W,r:.lto,e,,,td,lkla,urtWN,-J'IW1DfllCO'IIIIC'lftNOll&le-1111ne']'b.Az,r1.!1.4..U~~1"tflu,yddidlr.,., ~rmlllap.cdlu:llba._,ftQ.koa1ila~-.t:cMptlo&i11(1ha.._.,_ C,)n..llriklo;•!h:_,.7u:C.,lj100daqr-.diltU.-tllls~ell:harb)'-.lrQll,c)lac(afill~ar...,..H,.md'fll:4Mllmoflll.,...moa, ....... ,lill1Mt41t.tr1.sakf.41a!lkaddlitlll))l"'lbl.Wltlmo.~aadi1Med-ot~_..,.ftN!li!QIH,-Y ....... ~il:-i.su't ~•tsa-..t._,.alh;'-,-WWcif~Oler.oo,WUit .... il',lua...._~i,e,pu,,:bat:b:~•--~Uaot1 ~,._t....,_,•llid-~1itk.1Ddillwk-.,__.,.,.>'ia&1111b~l..::taa!"lalE-cabl°"'r:!~,pcn!t. (1)11M.~•iillp'Iu:~Wk'Mbllcta111~ ... kmllMIIStllW-"'4.lllll.a1-o~plope('--.a..tiab,....1rb•tl:tltc.dMMClitlk il:11 ~~Dlll-~116c~~ds ......... .,,,.._IIOltRft1'&4al~.il:t,r ibt..._..,-._......,_yda.Jir,a.._-, ada#tbcW4lla\kl>r-nJ.._~6ca.ddiatallaa.. (.'t)'n,sMlq•Srr.flitTa~rctc:'Mlta:rwliflom.-p--Nvf'.O«-,~fzf-W~~ it:-~JQCIOI.Cfcm,t)', C:D.~ ~.::".:::.Mt.~....._ ft& lll'a 4d°t,\U, pnppll iio .t ll{liJ,C.xq$i ilw t ~--~-~ ~ idl::i""tllld lht m..., 107 LEASE THIS LGASE, MADI! THIS 121h OAYOF ~-~ BY AND BETWEEN fAlRHOl'E SINOLE TAX CORPORATION, ''LESSOR", OF FAIRHOPE, BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA. AND ______ _ . Philip L. Goodwyn & Michelle R. G~n, married, as tellilnts in common with rights of survivorship _ --------------------491 & 493 Pine Avenue OF __ F_a_irh_ope.._.,,_AL ___ , HEREINAf"fBR DESlGNATl!D AS THE "LESSEE." WITNESSETI-1: THAT THE SAID l'AIRHOPll SINGLE TAX CORPORATION; FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF TiiE ANNUAL RENTALS AND COVENANTS RBREINAFJ'ER SE'T FOR'lli HAS ffllS DAY LEASED TO AND SAID LESSEE TAKEN POSSESSION OFTRE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND. TO WIT: Unit ONE and Unit TWO, The Ruchery, A Condominium, according to the documents of record In the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, as follows : Declaration of Condominium of The Ruchery , a Condominium, recorded as Instrument 1284 708, including the Archirect's Certification and Drawings as Exhibit •e• thereof, and the By-Laws of The Ruchery Owners Association, Inc. as Exhibit •c· thereof, together with an undivided interest in the common elements of The Ruchery, a Condominium, applicable to such Units under such Declaration and all interest in limited common elements designed to serve only such Units; and subject to all the terms , conditions. restrictio ns . reservations, limitations, easements and rights as set forth therein and In the Articles of Incorporation of The Ruchery Owners Association, Inc., recorded as Instrument 1284717 and such rules and regulation as may be adopted by such corporation, lands of the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation. 46-03-37-0-007-069.505901 (Unit 1 l 46-03-37-0-007-069.505902 (Unit 2) FOR 1llJl TERM OF NlN!lTY-NINE (99) YEARS FROM THIS DAT!l SUBJECT TO TRll. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND COVENANTS HERBIN STAtto. PROTECTIONS INDICATED FOR MORTGAGEll(S) WILL BE ENFORCED IF MORTGAGE INSTRUMENTS ARE RECORDED IN PROBATE. (I) The Looiccahallpoym lbe F~ SinalebxCorpoation, itUIIOOOSIOflOC ........ ,neqml poymo,lll, on 11,c fi"'d•ys •fl-andJ.lyoocb year, lh<=w vah& of •id land to be -by Ibo c:orponuoo •~ iu l!xeculM Council, undor"" avowed priacipl• or .. fiJdog ,he,..,. of it, lands .. to oquall%o tbo wying ldvlotaac of location and aatur&I quoliues of di,r.,,,,,,i tratU andoo,"'<rt UlU> tl,o ttouuryo!tht Co,p<>n,tioo all values .u..hing to ,uoh landl .lflho Lc,;,or ~'ffll information wJt.icn caoses-tbc Lcaor to bDlil:W: the: tipp111hod valu.e 1ndfor iuet: on the kiased propen.y will ~ diff,rent thin 1hoto th.at Md been predictod. the .__ DIIY nbmira coma,d blll l<Jr mll whic'1 more ac..-ly lib,a ICCOWII of1hc hk•IY oppniotd .. "" ond/0< ...... 111d !he te,,oe ,h■ll be obligated ID PIY this bill Mllun 30 days alttt ttie dale of the bill. Tbe l<o'" )Mrooy expmilly ■a,,,e, WI !he rml shall be doturnincd by tho Corpora lion uro• 1hc prioc!plc rtalCd, and 1Joall be expended by lite Co!porMiOc. wb)OCI 10 tile c:oNlitbl, ben:inafte, 1'"""1. • (2) Leuee lgft'.Ci not &o authoria 0t pennil lny nu.i!ance Lii IJK: ktil:hold land, to comply wQ 11ny .ipplic1ble law, aod ordinwleci oftbc City of Fairhope:, Colll'ty of Baldw"' ud Sl.lltoof Al.abo.m&.11!.d 1\trtbdlF"S tbat1he. Le1Jet; will. by no acl or omwion to act, rt.oder Leuor habit for any violAtion ofsucb eity Jaws orordiM.nct:I orcowrtyorskl< law.. (3) In con,identlou of tbe•Jlfl'Cmtnl ofdit Le,... to poy Ille reotals hcmn provlck4, the Fuli<lpc Smgk iu Cupon!ion will pay all W<CI Ul)On die land loa>od eod the ..-.,..,..,.,.. and '"""'""' propeny (moneys 100 ondill uc.epkd) held by l.ei$Ot: opoo the Ind hereia ltased; or will aooe1" from tl1t X...,cc oo rCIII, r<cciplf of the 11>.in& •lllhoritiet, i>r taXes paid tD Swc, Coullly, Sdlool DiNrictl, ct Cil)' upon Ille .,.,.,......., !Ind potSOoal p,-oporty (mor,eya .. d <=lit a,,opl<d) held by 1-opoo lhe land hadn leucd O< If 111 ""1t due be paid, will gm: I <:<ltifi,..e In ■mo11111 equal IC suoh IICCoJl<llble taX Tee<iptl n,mslning, recdvable from bean:r 11 r.c., nlue on rCIII, or in dudw)e of ■ny -... lo Ill< Co,pontioo: ""'v\ded !hat the Lt-will 1ppoiot who-, .. , be designolOd by 1he Coq,onmoo M i<sMe'1 'll'fl< ID n:brD Lessee's property for IUllion wbere pennittoo by law 10 IC do; lh■t in.., c.,,,. wll the C«pa,.ilon l>o bound to &ccq,t IU r=tpt> on motO tbllla fair M8CQCd va1Dllion ofthcprope,ty. on the ba&i1 tcqund by law, 01101 ~amount :l:>ranyycarth3nthcnint i>r 1hat )'Cll'On Ow: lud on which m:h impm,emea13 Hd JlfflO"ll JIIOl"ny an, held (4) The Fairhope SiJlile TIJI Cc,q,ontion ■e-io...,.ldco,tionoftht co.....,, ofuid lu,ebcRwilhcvidcnccd. that no part of the,..., poidby te-o upoothc l,i.ad hm:witb leued. Mlll W appmprialed N dMdt:ndi 10 its meuiben or any other ponom. b\11 tbat 1U aball bo admi!UICOmd b ■ tru..,t fllod for the cq•J benefit of those 1_,_, iu land&. (5) The Coq,o,&bon lunm •-• lblt In the dmribatioo of the benefit, Mri<h iu pwpooc is to_.. for ..,idonts "'°" ilS ia.ds, no <li"'D<tion shill be made botw ... indivlduola .,1,o an: membcts oflhc C<xpon<ioo, wilb the exctptlon of lho riabl of mcnb<o as ponlc~llh ia lie -1 of the Cotponlioo; all aball be - .,;th.atrict equality. (6)11 L, nmtuaJJy 1greed ,ba,timedofthccucJJCCorthis lease. In the t\.'CntLeuce WU fail lO pay rem whcostmc is due or violat.eaoyoftbeothttcOil.ditiotwofthiJ lw<Md ow breachtemains llDOOflOcilod fou penod of(90) llays, 1-or may declan, 1 default &Dd pvo......,, noti<:e thereofb7 n:9ist,,-ed tnlil, "';,, eqni,..lent, to Laseeand toanymodpeoe (of the itrc,ro..-oflhe lca,cd land) 11 lh< wi.-ofoocb rnortaaaee kno..,,to Leaocand willldd i,u,at <Wlsard r•11po,.,.a1 from d11e deto, lO! to """"cd the thca 1ep1 inlctcol..,. declared by 1he Slato of Alabama; die 1-or wll i.ve • Lita for the reol ancl the intfflc thereon IO. lht d•tt of reina:tatcm:nl ofthe kase or aleashcrciD pmvided. whic.ht\ttrlutocc1n. In 1hc:ew:niuat;e fi1l1 la comaarat-deflC..ienty Within 90daysof &J\Y bn:ach thBJeof, L"30T wees to no<lfy -IJldlor Leuee by~ mail, ll tic IHI tnowr, -promod ID tbe Corpc,1111oo, of ...t, deliwllaod ~ lrcreby plllJ to ITl!r1glgee 111d/or .,._ 60 dlt,s b<gu>rllll& !ro<II the dal< of such oouce, to -lo-e's cleliulL rutlbl,,, tlit JDOfllllP ondfo, 1-. wiU be gi>en 30 dl:,s'"'"""' notice oflhe time, pi.co, and lmlll ofalc of1hc property. In IUCb ... nt, tx, I.e....,,..., ... dtensl>l(and lMstt -) 11 dio LoNor', optioa 10 ro...-tlt, l<ucd land, ..U 1aid monpg,:d ~""'"""'""• me! 10 bkepoo,e,oit>n of die 11.,.hold. Said .. i. shall be b<ldti publitu!C11ttbe fiool doo, of llo,BoklwinCountyCowthouse in Fairhopo, Al<l>oml, for cash to Ille blptst biddo,, aflor gmng 30 days wrid<oo 001it;o oftlul lime, place, and tOfflll of ,ale togelhtT will> • dc,aq,li"'1 of the property to be 101d by publicatio••onr.e a week. ftl'1hrcc 00111cculive wtien. in I llCWIJll.PU or-gtMta..l circobdon in Fairhope:1 Alabama,, and Lessor, i1s 1,aint or altorncy, may -""'11 sale 11',d ex•Mt m 111< 1111110 or1he 1e$Ne prtlpCJ COD"'J'UCC of the property ID Che purclwer. The proccrdo of aid ale &hall spply mot to Ibo J)lymtnl oflheeosl or .. id sale, including a ,... ... hie attorney', i:c, oecoad"' 1bepayu,e01ol'lhe unount of1aid inddrt..in-(mcluding • "'"""'8blo ,aomey~ fee) ,nd ;......., wblcb i> ...,....., b>· -• to the bold<rt lhetoof, lhinl to lhc pt)-of any -ID lhc Co,po,ation, -,d the bolaPCC, if any, to bo paid 10 the Leaee... 11x: Nle. of tho irq]rovemena by tbc forcSQilll proce.dore sball t~ut alJ ripu under ~1 We. However. the purcbticl'" •t such We, ■t purdtucr'1 opt.i,on, m■:, cc~ 1UJY i.mprowmeou on tbe laQd. widuo a raatonable time. TIie temeda wu&ained hen:in an: nae. eich11iw and tbt: taaor fCK1Va rhe right to ymue eny rcmtdiea available co ii lllt law . In such event, the l..cuorU.11 be entitled 10 RCOve:ra ftUOlllbJe tttome)' fee . Any and all e~ alJIOC.iated wit.II any def1CJ1:ney, DO<ice~ _......, colio<lioo cfrcrtl, c<c. borome tire: mporwl>t1lry llld obliption of Ibo Leu,e. (?) Tbe Faidiope Sin,.te ·ru. CorpoNtloo agrect thU in cese. of iu chnolutlOD,. either by volwu.ry a« of iii rt1tmber1 « otborwiso, and tr.: dw,non of iu useb: ■rr()ng its membcr:I, die t.c.a,c, ifa rncmber, lhalJ bt cct.kltld to hive tM land betttJ1de5cribed and tcucd· or so nJChof ha& u.e leuc~ maydesigna!c~ ineludod in tb~ Jcute.•, portion, 1M ill actlll,I nlue at tht bmt. uchHive of improvanents lhtfton, and if it ~cccds ln Vllue suclt ponion, to purcbue the UtQ.a. al tueh vatuatiMI.. [f nd. a rnePlba-, the 1..euoe may at .such time acqult9 title 10 tb: land hcrclll leued by paylna: lO ihc Carponlim it1 actual value cxolmiYII of iraprovemt:l'IU ~011 iL. (ll) Tho Ftirllope Single Tu Cotpoali<>o belie,... !It title lo the leod1 -u, Jeuod to be &QOII, ■nd wlll u,e c.,,ry .....,., mean, in lb -to mairu■in lhe same; but ~ is distinclly uadomood thttttbe Corpotttion, OCLinJ only wilh !ho beo<volcotpmpos, IC""""' l■od 1nd Mlminillu ii lorlhc bcncfu of those who miy de&i.re it, use, lhaD DOI be held liablo i>t 1ny lollsc1 """ltiog from defects in ks uUo. (9) The Fliri,op< Single Tu c«poration reacrvos thoriaht lo ,uun,e po11,,ooionohJl or ■ny pnnion of the l&rut hetcu1dctcribcd, fo, pubH< -ooly, on puymem of the apprlir.od wlue or the 1q,ro\lCIM.nts lhereoa The 1Cflll5 of this J)hpaph do not •pply during tho time • mortp.p CJtiS11 on tht loaschold iml2tf;t and d1t J,q,rowroct1ts.th11'90ri. 1'111'1 ~"I pr-,p,,r~d by Folrlwpl: &,,g{~ Tac Corportttlon JUFolrlt.,,,.,A..,,_ P>t<clofl 108 (10) bouJd it bocoffle ne,:emry to delermine tho vaJi,e of 1dd l,nd, or of the imp,,•emoe11 thetoon, In oompli-with tlio provu1ooa of dlllSet l , 7, or 9, ofll>k lcuc. same llblll he determined by llu<e _....... cenifted by the Stile or Allboma, to bo aelectod u lollows: Tbo Qxponlion and the Lelloe eocll cbool' °"'' 1111d lk ..W to kllOlec<edby"" <wo. Sbould uy lulff lliil to .. .,. hll claocowithia thirty daysallerwritten rotJCt by ........... ,,_II lo do,o, 111oCo,poalioo may ,....onefbrhin (l l)Upoo...,...,,rc:q-ofthcl.asec,11:is nd lll)l-ldint«c!lnldcncedhem)'wiUbeasignedtoindivid111ls,colpOl1lio,>t,portncnluc,lotlSIOCMlions . R«jUOII wiU ,-monewy --if &Dy, -if 1ppliaible, ud will be ac«>mp1nied by an opprakal ,_ .. 1y compldcd by a 8'aok of Al,bo>,,o cenifiod appraiocr. If con,paritnoofAlcl price ud opprai1al mdleatet addnionll land value ia itlcloded in ults prica, thtoadditloaal-ma ybocbarpd ;,,_,.,,.. ""'1, Para-,i I paid, ""lll)disal by lloldwiACowlty-Commiuionc,. If a monpp uilU, thtn tho_,_...,.. "lll'l""'UJipa,cnL Sk>aldthe '-- dcuc to plKc 01J'/ (om, or ... actioao 0< ...nicUvc co'IC!lanU upoo tho lcuchold io....,._ od>o, 0... IOOM (-4 by uy ""'""11 o.-duancc1, "1o -lltol.l litsl obllin tho prior WTioco co-nt of Ille Lwor. An orientation on tlte lease musl bo c..,.iltled by a,w Le,.,, prior to imwlce of new"-Upoo ... ...,.... of thil 1cuc _,., tho 1.es,or.....,..,..111e tichlto iuuc iucurret11 lcl& (l 2) Sumco riahl> only an, hereby "11aed. All oil. gas and mineral ni:f>t, ar,: r<l<m>d by Lcsao,, (ll) Tbo l.uoee ollo.11 001 &JUI o, -•,Y .. y --~ public 0< pn .. tc, ia, oo, °' under tbe leucllold inle!t1I .,;.-Ml oblaJninc the--• co-1 or lhei.e-. (14) This loaoe my be tenl!Wted by tho Loi,.. ah,, six months' no<iu lo ffliQ& IO the eo.po..tioo and the pe~ ofall -.._ to Ille end ofN<h tlx monllu period. A 1-Um& fi led 11,o r<qUir<daoticc or .i..;,. to wmoder. maydispoH of .. y ~tben,on, (.ubjocl lO tbt Clo<poolio:l'a lioa lbr,_) bul ifuot ao cli,po,edoJ; Ille laod 1ballcomc tothec«poraJlo n, tog,<bcrwilh llJI)' bq>ro vemtllll mnlia!q thettoo, wilho,,r .. y clalll' oflbo ~ 1-oo acoo1111< of suet, im!>f...a,ciu; tlio Corpont""' may dccli nr IO accepc I panial sum,odu of• louchold wbac tho ponioa tum:lldered ar maloed, ould oot, bt os opi,,ioo, be desinble to olbot L<11St<L 'Ibo 1mn1 or thia JIIAlr1llh do not apply durinJ Ille tin>t 1 ....,_ •• " on lb< lmdiold interest aod ~ -or ., , mor111,..thlt""'9 title u, ,nu>torb.ciolio< actioct« by bill-o f-oale ia li<• of fimclowR. tr..,....gce dalreJ, •-lease will bei,sucd lo-withoot rcqui«mtOC b oricataboa c1k(l in r.np.ph 11 . Wbca morta•aoc xll6 the lt:uc:.hcld iAt.cn::11 ud i.tnpfOVCO"CJU thcll pltlC[aph 11 ..,,,tics. (I)) Th■ "-shall be bindilta upoo Ille bcirl. ,tpm<ntaliv.., ..,._ u,d 111igno of tho i.-. IN WITNESS WH6Rl!OI', THE PAR TI ES HEit£ UNTO HAVE SET Tl!EIR HANDS IN DUPUCATE 00S~ DAV OF M 2023 :~~ STATE OF ALABAMA ) BALDWIN COUNT Y ) 1, the und ersi gned Notary Publi c in and for said County in sai d State , hereby cert ify that mer and Reuben Davidso m President and Secretary of Fairhope Single Tax Corporati on, a corporation signed to the for egoing conveyan ce and who are kn own to me, acknowledged before me on this day, that, be in g informed of the contents of the conveyance, they as such officers and wi th full authori ty, exe cuted the same vo luntarily for and as the act o f said corporation . Gi ven under my hand this .fl:._day of ~ • L-t..J 7 n r ~ z --,?._ <rnQ. C« (~>!1) STATE OF ALABAMA ) BALDWIN COUNTY ) I, Notary•itn"'lff'ffEI. --------. PAMELA COX HILL IOTARY fUlUC, ALA8A/,IA STATE AT vroE MY COMJ.ISSION EXPflES DEC OB, 2026 Coun ty in said State, he reby certify that A otary Public, in and for said Philip L. Goodwyn & Mi chelle R Goodwyn wh ose name(s) is (are) igned to the fo regoing instrument and who is (are) known to me , acknowl ed ged before me on thi s day that , be ing informed of the contents of the instrumen t, be (she) (they) executed the sam e vohmtarily on the day the same bears date. FSTC9/09 c;;,,. w,damy iw>d trus / 2J!/i., of ~ a/)'22, -f2 CJ!!X No ta ry Public PAMELA COX HILL OOTARYPUBIX,AlASAW.STATEA IAAGE MY COMl.tSSION EXPIRES DEC. 00, 2026 1ltfl docw_, ,-po,..t t,,, Fa,,..,,. Sinp T,u Ctwpa,vrfo• JJ6 Fairltop, A..-..nMit Pqo2of2 109 Summary of Request : Applicant, Ryan Baker of Walcott Adams Verneuille Architects, on behalf of Owners FST/Phillip and Michelle Goodwyn, requests the subject property be rezoned from 8-4, Business and Professional District to B-3(a), Tourist Resort Lodging District . The property is approximately 0.15 acres and is located at 491 Pine Avenue. Applicant desires to utilize the subject property as a short-term rental, which is allowed in B-3(a). There i s a B-3(a) property ("The Castle") to the north although not directly adjacent. The subject property backs up to City owned property that is part of the Cowpen Creek watershed and basin for Big Mouth Gully. !J -.... 0 CL u L <t [D z f- in ... II JI '-.1 l 'I J S1 Figure 1 : Map of subject and adjacent properties with zoning. 1 ZC 23.04 Rezoning 491 Pine Avenue from B-4 to B-3(a) -September 7, 2023 110 Comments : The subject property abuts the Central Business District ("CBD ") but is not within the CBD . The Owners also own 493 Pi ne Avenue as a residence . Previously, the subject property was a condominium duplex ca l led "The Ruchery ." The Owners intend to keep the structure as a duplex and as is for the i mmediate future . B- 3(a ) zoning allows for a two-family dwelling; whereas B-4 does not; thus, the change in zoning will make the current situ ation conforming. Figure 2 : Google Street View last visited on August 24, 2023. Owne rs, so long as they res i de at 493 Pine Avenue, can combine the lots that make u p 491 and 493 Pine Avenue and create a Bed & Brea kfast, which is allowed by right. Bed and Breakfast or Tourisr Home -a bu si ness where lod ging and/or meal s are provi ded incidental to a princ ipl e si ngle-famil y dwelling, where no cookin g or dining facilities are provi ded in indivi d ua l roo ms, and where the owne r re ides on th e p re mi es . A hote l/motel is also allowed by r ight; however, the latter use would most likely benefit from the addition of more u nits and any addition of units will requ i re a MOP approval. Other potentially popular uses such as a bar or restaurant are permitted only on appeal and subject to special conditions . B-3(a) restricts commercial activities to restaurants and the restaurant would have to be attached to or an integral part of the complex. 2 ZC 23 .04 Rezoning 491 Pine Avenue from B-4 to B-3(a) -September 7, 2023 111 Table 3-1: Use Table for B zo nings !zoning District luses Ca"gories Specific Uses .. .!:. -~ <: ' "i" . ~ (X) m !:C en !Dwelling Single-family • • • • • Two-family • • • • Townhouse 3 :, :, Palio Home Multiple-family Aparonmt 0 0 Manufactured Home Mixed-us, • • • • • Accessory Dwelling :, :, :, :, :, Estate ---I Office Gmeral • • • • Professional • • • • Hom, Occupation 3 :, , :, :, -Retml Grocery • • • Con,·mience Store :, :, ,, Gmttal ). ttchandis e • • • Shopping Centtt • Automobile Smice Station 0 0 Outdoor Sales Limited 0 Outdoor Sales Lot 0 GardmCent« 0 0 3 ZC 23.04 Rezoning 491 Pine Avenue from B-4 to B-3(a) -September 7, 2023 112 Table 3-1: Use Table for B zonings (Continued) 0 ..0 -. ~ r . • sq- CJ IIl co !l? co !Sff\'ice Convalescent or-~ursing Home 0 0 0 0 Clinic 0 0 0 Outdoor Recreation facility 0 0 • 0 Day Care 0 0 0 0 General Personal Sm ices • • M ortuary or Ftmeral Home 0 0 Automobile Repair • Indoor Recreation • • 0 Dry Clean~ l aundiy • 0 Personal Storage 0 3 3 Bed & Breakfast • Hotel r,. otel 0 • • Boarding House or Donnitety • • • R ecreational \' ehicle Park 3 3 Restaurant 0 • 0 • Bar • 0 • Entertainment Venue • 0 r,. Mina 0 0 Kennel or Animal Hospital 0 0 \\anhouse Junk Yard or Salvage Yard 4 ZC 23.04 Rezoning 491 Pine Avenue from 8-4 to B-3(a) -September 7, 2023 113 to•ol o• f WO Unltt unit One 1,t noor _,_,qb lfld flooi-----1..U,.__iq.fJ total !J r, t Sq " ~sq..tt 8a \CCn-, -1.!!,1_9q t• Unit l•o ___!!tl,_sq. It. --1.:...t.!,__tq.11. fl. ~-q.11 . i -I I I l.!.h.l. I '· --~ -. ~. -- I I I .J Figure 3 : The Ruchery As-Bui/ts recorded as Instrument 1247800. 5 SCCONll, FL~q FUN it°Al.1. 1/,• Ill l"-o"' 5KXlHD ll.000 ...... ior 1 ZC 23.04 Rezoning 491 Pine Avenue from B-4 to B-3(a) -September 7, 2023 114 There is an existing Easement Maintenance Agreement recorded as Instrument #: 1284698. Its entirety is w ithin the packet . In sum, there is a 15ft driveway easement that is part of Parcel B (493 Pine Ave.) and serves as ingress/egress to Parcels A & B. The Agreement runs with the land in the event Parcels A and B have different owners. The Agreement also addresses utilities located or potentially located within the easement and the cost and maintenance thereof. I ,- 1 I t I I = I .. ' ~ ; I : i . -' ~ . ... . -~ i ' ~~DO ·-·--... ·--- l':ONOO .... ' El I II .. • I P arcol 0 B " 1 .,. ............ ~ OS"4ea 7 a• E -· 41 Ml A EIIIDC H C -- I .--., I • I - --u I ( _ ... _..... .. ,,.,...,,,,,.._._ ~ ~--=s=·=~~ ' ---.,_ - Figure 4 : Re-Plat dated December 2009 and recorded as Slide 2430-D. The Zoning Ordinance defines B-4 Business and Professional District as follows : "8-4 Business and Professional District: This district is intended to provide opportunity for business establishments of a professional nature and is restricted to offices and businesses, which provide specific corporate functions or professional services to the general public." See Art. Ill, Section A(14). 6 ZC 23.04 Rezoning 491 Pine Avenue from B-4 to B-3(a) -September 7, 2023 115 The Zoning Ordinance defines B-3(a) Business and Professional District as follows: "B-3a Tourist Resort Lodging District: This district is intended to provide commercial and resort areas at appropriate locations to serve the needs of tourists visiting the Bay Beaches and related recreational and cultural attractions. Commercial activities restricted to restaurants, which are attached to or are an integral part of the complex are permitted." See Art. Ill, Section A(12). A Re-Zoning Request is considered a Zoning Map Amendment and the application is reviewed pursuant to the Criteria in Art. II, Section B(l)(e). (1) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan; Response: The 2015 Comprehensive Plan states that downtown Fairhope is the ultimate Village Center. The subject property is within downtown and meets the form, function, and design standards because it is a source for both tourists and locals. It accomplishes this as B-4 and as B-3(a), but probably more so as B-3(a) since the subject property will cater more to tourists; whereas B-4 is business establishments of a professional nature and is restricted to offices and businesses that provide specific corporate functions or professional services to the general public. (2) Compliance with the standards, goals, and intent of this ordinance; Response: Meets. The current use is non-conforming in B-4, but will be compliant in B-3(a). (3) The character of the surrounding property, including any pending development activity; Response: Meets . Owners have stated that they do not have any further development plans currently. (4) Adequacy of public infrastructure to support the proposed development; Response: Meets. Already an existing structure with utilities and there are no plans for any additional demands on infrastructure. (5) Impacts on natural resources, including existing conditions and ongoing post-development conditions; Response: Meets. Th is zoning change will not negatively impact natural resources or current/future conditions . (6) Compliance with other laws and regulations of the City; Response: Meets. Any future development is subject to all applicable laws of the City. (7) Compliance with other applicable laws and regulations of other jurisdictions; Response: Meets . Any future development is subject to all applicable laws. (BJ Impacts on adjacent property including noise, traffic, visible intrusions, potential physical impacts, and property values; and, 7 ZC 23.04 Rezoning 491 Pine Avenue from B-4 to B-3(a) -September 7, 2023 116 Response: Staff does not anticipate any significant issues relating to this criterion currently. (9) Impacts on the surrounding neighborhood including noise, traffic, visible intrusions, potential physical impacts, and property values. Response: Staff does not anticipate any significant issues relating to this criterion currently. Recommendation : Staff recommends approval of ZC 23.04. 8 ZC 23.04 Rezoning 491 Pine Avenue from B-4 to B-3(a) -September 7, 2023 117 ,__ ·---~u.,f~~-...... J,, ... 1U ..... ._ ............. '""""......,.. ........... M... -. ... -.-..i~ 0 k Stth t --..... , ..... _ ---., .... ._ _ .. _ UNO'i'Al.Ol'fHlt~~QI0:11 n.~~-=ll~~~y-= COTTA.OE ~ ~ ; l '1 El CONDO --- El --------------6 El CONDO l,ljflf .fW'O I I j ~ ~ I I ./CMr I ~JI ! I -( PINE AVENUE L k..a. PI M StrNt ......... ...,. ........... IDNMAMD•wia ~SHIPAHOPIOtCATIOH ST A Tl 0, Al.AIAM.U __, ........... •••~ .. _.....,....., .. ..,........,_., ... 111111....,.w.....,•••.,,. .._..,. ..... __..,__ ... _.,.... ... ~ ....... ,__.,.,.,._Md ,_.,.... ............... .._... .............. llftlll' ........ ..._ ............. ....,..,...~ ....... UM .. ,_., ......... ,__.. .. _ .............. 111...,....~ --~~-r~;g-~ tTATIOf'~ cou,nv O,HI.OWN Parcel «e•• T•:. Pltaf Nurnotf1 0$-40W1.cMI07-ott.lOI ..,.._.., t11.1•1.,.._,u RESIDENC E - ~~!{~~~=-~:::...-::;:::::-: ~~ ............................. ,.,...,,,,...,.,,_......, .......................... .._,,,_. ...... ,... .... .....,, .. .., ...... .,., ........ ~:~--=~-.~,~;~.-- ... ~u~ j ! a I flAl■Of'~ _,,,,. .......... ...,._ AM0.0 a .u.tOCMTU ............. .-..CA. INC.. • -• ....... IINII ................... 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Mell~ UlOWIH COUNTY fAJ "'JUICaMIMIOt ........,_,7 ..... 7 ......... ~---...... -----....... .........., .............. ..._...,..._,. .. o-,i ..... lll .. Q1.,,.,..._.....__._._..,_ ... ~ ..... ~ .. ....,Otll ........ ._ .. ,:u~----....... -~-ta., ....... ,.... ........ _..:tMfle,■, ............ ...... .............. .-... •• ""'"1,,,~ TIMN'I---...... ... WIM4.11ULIMl• ............ ~.,_,.,., ....... 1lUfNtte• _......_._,_..,..._,..___..111'..,.,..-■-"I._ .. _N■oflW ... ._, ■--. .. ,..,._,._ ...... --.1,u ........ .-... -".-::--.---. u,,..,.. .... ,...,.......,~ro•tt,... .... ~..__.. .. ., _,_ ............................. ~1,----..,_ ~ _..,.-.M_,..._...,...,n1,1♦1 ... IIJ,.WIM ................... o.,...,_, .... 11, '"--. llwW\ ...... hM...,.... c.n.,. ~ ~ .....,..._ .................... ~ C£!ll'BCAJ.I..Df..Jil0,U.l'll r:v&IC &TA'fl!OI"~ c:cMIN'IYQl'IALOWIIO .JlsM••F~-7::iiar-~•-"""'~""•""--__,_ ~~ ..... IUM..LSlf.tlKM.~noHMI' MN.CAOOI. Ill ~ ..... ,....,• N111CMt11 • ... ■---olUM ...... ~ .......... ..,, .. ,.,_,.....,.._... .. ,. .......... ............... .._.. .. ,. .... .,,,........., ..... _ .... ..,.,... ...... ~~-==-~-~~~A ~ ~ .,.~......_ ..... ,_ llff IIOHDl'MU:_~-- A Re-Plat of Parcel "A" Tax Parcel Number 05-48-03-37-0 -007-069.50 5 and Parcel u eH \ ' ... ,, ~T.E.QOIQI~ OfflCW.JUOOIOiFMDUfl _.,_ Tax Parcel Number 05-48-03-37•0-007-069.508 Located '" tho SW ¼ of Section 17, T6S -R2E for I, ., ... ,_ etrtf< -~,....... ............... .... ___ ....,_..,.,,_UM. ...:. ... rMOWASNfOLIIUIITUl,l(M. ..... ..,,... ............. .......,.~ ............ , .. ~ .. ..... ~ ................. (Ill--■,..,. .... _.__,,.,......._ ...,.,,__,,,_..., .. ....,......_.ol.__Cll ......... --■1: ...... _. .J.Qb.n I. & Suzan M. Rudolf ............ ....., ........... ___., ...... MIi ... .... -~..,,,,.,. .................... -1.:__.,.,-=-=uu.L..-- .,~ ¥'1'~PIUl($t 1./a/4,,.1 ~~1!11,b,,,. ... .,.., • - 118 Articitfil Zonmg Districts Zonins: District u' .6 i: 1: UScs Catexorics / ~ J ~ SDCCifie Uses "' °' (>-ft1rinD Si•-t..wniJv • • • Tw~&milv Townhouse • Patio Home Multa>lc-family / Anoutment Mllllll facturcd Home Mixc,J- ACCCSSOIY Dwcllin,. &lair Civic E!ement•nt Stbool • • """"""-~School • • Eduatioo Facilitv • • Lirnrv • • Place ofWonhin Ccm<torv 0 0 0 HMnital Pub lic ......,5,_.,. • • • Coounon~s--• • • Commuoitv Coaler or Club 0 0 0 Public Utility 0 0 0 0 Off,ce General ProfCJ.Sional Home ~Jet'.unll.ritm • • • • lldail Orncnv Conv.::nicncc Slore Gcntral Mcn:lwldiie Snnnnin2 Cenller AulOIDObile Service Station Ouldoor Sales Limited Ouldoor Sala Lot Garden Cmtcr Service Coovllltscent or Nuniru, Home 0 0 0 Clinic 0 0 0 Ouidoor Rem:atioo FaciU ly 0 0 0 Day Care 0 0 0 GaM:ral Pcrilxml Serv ices M-or Funeral Home Aulomobilc A'"""ir Indoor Rccn:atioo Drv Cleaner / Laundrv p.,...._1 Stone: Bed & Brcalcfut Hotel / Motel Mnantino HOUK or Donnitnrv Recn:atiooal Vduclc Pori< Rt:slaurlnt Bar Entet111inmcot Vmuo Mariu Kennel or Animal H......;tal Wan:bouJt. Junlc Yard or SilvHc Yard Mallilcnuina Limiled Liebl C'rma:al Fond .Procc$$in2 RwaJ A.,.;,.•kurc • Rural Maile.ct • Plant"N u"""" • • Pcnniucd subjtct to general onlinantc sl8ndards and condilions. • Permitted SLbjctt lo pedal cooditions lislcd in the ordinance 0 Permitted ooly on appeal and s ubjcc:t lo special condirion1 F..-URHOPF. Zc»JNG ORJJIN.,4NCE 19 Table 3--1: Use table :c 12 "- ~ ;;; 'f ";' '9 °' °' "' °' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S«lio11B Allowed U ~ .D Q ~ (.) 0 ~ 6 ~ ;i; i <'/ i2 ~ 5: "' :!: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • = • • • • • • • I!! • • • • • • • • t! • • • • • • • • • • 0 ·" • • • • -5 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '?; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 • • • • • • l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 Cl. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -g 0 0 0 0 .. 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J rHE RUCHERY, A ~ IIMlr_.,,tM}IIOft.~ 122 C(l'l'flP' m.oo~ 1'1'.au. tJtVAltON --~·.....: IUt.l t/1"• ••---• ~u: ~L~ !•u lll~A1h')N ~w ,,..~ • •·~•• 4 ol 7 123 """""'~'Wlllt.N,t ...._..,.,.,,. 'A~l!On~ 3HJ l JI 124 lo11H iiun) HOU'f!UU lllfl&... -------r---='.!!••=Y·'1 =fhtc:J'!u[:.3!,in~--7r------:.:::::: .. L ---:.;;J 125 .,. !t-'-U. SEC!llm 11 \d v.~ " •·-r __ ... ,, ... ---- 126 DRIVEWAY EASEMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN This Driveway Easement Maintenance Agreement is entered into on the&ri· day of J)fil , 2011 , by and ·between JOHN T. RUDOL F, A/K/A JOHN THOMAS RUDOLF and SUZAN MEGREZ RUDOLF , hereinafter collectively referred to as "RUDOLF". WHEREAS, RUDOLF is the owner of certain leasehold property located in Fairho1I«~l~__:: Baldwin County, Alabama , and described as follows, to wit: • I i Commence at the point of intersection of the East r.o. w. of Bancroft Street and the Southr.o.w. of said Oak Street in theCityofFairhope, Alabama and run thence East, i§f along the South r.o .w. of said Oak Street , a distance of 132 feet; thence run South, =-.'1,l.,..,. .a!S::::~ a distance of 132 feet for a Point of Beginning : continue thence South, a distance of 1:·§e .... 132 feet; thence run East, a distance of 165 feet; thence run North, a distance of 132 a:;~..., ... feet; thence run West, a distance of 165 feet to the P .O.B. Tract contains 0.50 acres , ~!; 11 i more or less and lies in the NW 1/4 of Section 17, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, !:~~:.! .. Saint Stephen's Meridian, Baldwin County , Alabama . I .. .::~c!~ ... WHEREAS, RUDOLF has caused the above described parcel of property to be replatted and divided into two separate parcels of property known as Parcel "A" and Parcel "B", as is shown on a replat of said property, dated the 24 th day of April, 2009, and recorded at Slide No . 2430-D, in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Baldwin County, Alabama, a copy of said replat is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof; WHEREAS, Parcel "A" of said replat is described as follows , to wit : Commence at the point ofintersection of the East right-of-way of Bancroft Street and the South right-of-way o_fOak Street in the City of Fairhope, Alabama and run thence East, along the South right-of-way of said Oak Street , a distance of 132 .0 feet ; thence run South, a distance · of 132.0 feet to a round head bolt marker for a· POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence run South ·89 °55'30" East, 50.0 to .an iron pin marker ; thence run South, 131.9 feet to an iron pin marker on the North margin of "Pine Street"; §: I . ' I I a.: 127 thence run North 89°54' West, along-the North margin of said street, 50.0 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run North, 131.9· feet to the Point of Beginning. Parcel contains 0.151 acres, more or less (6,595 sq.ft.), and lies within the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, Baldwin County, Alabama. TOGETHER WITH a 15 foot wide Driveway Easement to provide_ ingress and egress described as follows, TO-.WIT: Commence at the pointofintersection of the East right-of-way ofBancroft Street and the South right-of-way of Oak Street in the City of Fairhope, Alabama and run thence East, along the South right-of-way of said Oak Street, a distance of 132.0 feet; thence run South, a distance of 132.0 feet; thence run South 89 ° 55 '30" East, 50.0 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run South, 32.7 feet to an iron pin marker for a POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence run East, 15.0 feet to a nail and cap marker; thence run South, 99.25 feet to a nail and ·cap marker in the North face of a 36-inch Oak Tree on the North margin of "J:>ine Street"; thence run North 89°54' West, along .the North • margin of said street, 15.0 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run North, 99.2 feet to the Point of Beginning. Easement lies within the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, Baldwin County, Alabama. WHEREAS, Parcel "B" of said rep lat is described as follows, to wit: Commence at the point of intersection of the East right-of-way of Bancroft Street and the South right-of-way of Oak Street in the City of Fairhope, Alabama and run thence • East, along the So_uth right-of-way of said Oak Street, a distance of 132.0 feet; ~ence run South, a distance of 132 ~0 feet to a round head bolt marker; thence run South 89°55'30" East, 50.0 feet to an iron pin marker for a POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence continue South ·89°55'30" East, 114.8 feet to an opentop iron pipe marker; thence run South, 132.0 feet to a concrete block marker on the North margin of "Pine • • Street"; thence run North 89°54' West, along the North margin of said street, 115.0 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run North, 131.9 feet to the Point of Beginning. SUBJECT TO a 15 foot wide Driveway Easement over and across a p<;>rtion of the West margin thereof to provide ingress and egress. Parcel contains 0.348 acres, more or less, (15,161 sq.ft.), and lies within the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 6 South, Range 2 East, Baldwin County, Alabama . WHEREAS, said rep lat shows a "15 Foot Wide Driveway Easement", which is a part of Parcel "B" and which provides ingress anq egres~ to bQth Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" and is described as follows, to wit: 128 Commence at the point of intersection of the East right-of-way of Bancroft Street and the South right-of-way of.Oak Street in the City of Fairhope, Alabama and run thence ~t, along the South right-of-way of said Oak Stre~t, a distance of 132.0 feet; thence fl:111 Sou~ _a distance of 132°.0 feet; thence run South 89 ° 55'30" East, 50.0 feet to ail iron p~n marker; thence run South, 3')..7 feet to an iron pin marker for ·a POINT OF BFGINNING: Thence run East, 15.0.feet to a nail and cap marker; thence run South, 99.25 feet to a· nail and cap marker in the North face of a 36-inch Oak Tree on the North margin of "Pine Street"; thence run North 89 ° 54' West, along the North margin of said street, 15.0 feet to an iron pin marker; thence run North, 99.2 feet to the Point of Beginning. Easement lies within the Northwest Quarter .of Section 17, Township . 6, South, Range 2 East, Bal _dwin ~ounty, Ala~ama. . ' WHEREAS, RUDObF. anticipates that Par~l "A" and Parcel "B" will, at some time in . the future, be· sold :to different persons or entities, ~d for that reason, RUDQLF wishes t<? enter into this Driveway Easement Maintenance Agreement defining the rights ~d obligations which the future leasehoid .owners of Parcel "A" ~d Parcel "B" ha~e regardfog said 15 foot wide driveway easement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the swn of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and ' ' • other good and valuable consideration and the covenants and agreements contained herein, RUDOLF does hereby agree .and bind themselves as follows ·: 1. The above described ~•15 Foot Wide Driveway Easement" shall be a part of the leasehold property known as Parcel "B", however, said "15 Foot Wide Driveway Easement" shall provide ·ingress and egress to both Parcel "A" and Parcel "B". 2. This Aweement shall be deemed to be a covenant running with the land and shall be binding upon the future leasehold owners of Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" and their pers_onal • representatives, successors, and .assigns. . } 3_. The lel:lSehold owners of Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" shall share equally in the ordinary and necessary maintenance and repair of said easement and shall maintain said easement in a like o~ simil~ condition as exists at the time of the execution of this Agreement. 129 4. Should any utili!ies or other similar impro~ements need to be placed within the easement which shall be for the m:utu~l benefit of both Parcel "A" and Parc~l "8", then, and in that .event, the leasehold owners of both Parcel "A" and Parcel "8" shall be ·equally responsible ' . . . . for the cost of placing such improvements within ·the easement and shall al~o be equally respon~~ble for returning the easerrieQt to the same condition as it existed prior to such improvements being placed w~thin the easement. 5. Should any utilities or other similar improvement$ need to be placed within the · easement which shall be for the exclusive be~efit of either Parcel "A" or Parcel "8", then; and in that event, the leasehold owner of the parcel which ~hall benefit from such improvements shall . • J . . .. . .• be solely r~sponsible for the cost of placing such improvements within the easement at)d shall . also be· solely responsible for the cost of returning the easement to the same condition as it · . existed prior to such improvements be~ng placed within th~ ease_~ent. • 6. Should the leasehold owner of Parcel "A" or Parcel "8", their agents, employees, contractors, or subcontractors, cause ,ariy damage to said easement, without any fau _lt of th_e other leasehold qwner, then, and in that event, that leasehold owner causing the damage shall be sol ·ely responsible for the repair of such damage. . . . 7. Should it be necessary for one leasehold own_er to pursue legal action against the other leasehold ·owner, for the enforcement of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, then, and in that.event, the prevailing p~ in such le~al acti~n shall be entitled to recover all reasonable ·costs incUITed in ·pursuing "this legal action,' including, but not limited to, a 'reasonable attorney's fee. 130 K This· Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the terms and <;onditions o( the 99 year ground lease i~sued to each leasehold owner by Fairhope Single Tax Corporation and the laws of the State of Alabama . 9. The terms and conditions ofthis'Agreement shall be amended only upon the joint agreement of the leasehold owners of Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" and in the event that any dispute . • ' . shall arise regarding the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement , or any amendment to this Agreement , sudh • dispute shall be resolved by a court of competent jurisdiction in Baldwin County , Alabama . , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have ·hereto set our hands and seals on this the~y of --!:I-~-..~---, 201 ·1. JOHN T .. RUDOLF ,A/K/A- JOHN THOMAS . RUDOLF su;AN MEOREZRUDF 131 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN I, ~ L ~ , a Notary Public in and for said County in said State, herey certify that JOHN T. RUDOLF, AIK/A JOHN THOMAS RUDOLF, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day that, being infonned of the contents of said Driveway Easement Maintenance Agreement, he executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date . Given under my .hand and seal on this the~ay of May, 2011. My Commission Expires: 1/cJEf Jo(4 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN ~L~~ Notary Public I, &rd l) ~ a Notary Public in and for said County in said State, hereby certify that SUZAN MEGREZ RUDOLF, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day that, being infonned of the contents of said Driveway Easement Maintenance Agreement, she executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Given under my hand and seal . on this th~ day of May, 2011 . 6ro(~.~ Notary Public .. · . 132 ORDINANC E NO . 1336 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 1253 KNOWN AS THE ZON ING ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINE D BY THE CITI COUNCIL OF THE C1TY OFF Al.RHOl'C, ALAB.~MA as follows : The ordinnnce )mown the Zoning Or-OiollJlce (No , 1253), adop ted 27 June 2005, together with the Zoning Map of1he Cit) of Fairhope, be and the same bereb ' clmnged and al tered in resp::t:t lo that certain property described below: After tbe appropriaie public notice and heari ng of the P lnnning '311d Zoning Commission of the City of Fairho pe, Alabama h~ forwa ed an unfavoral1le recommendation . Short-Term Renfal -l el udes any person firm , entity, partnc.r.;hip, trust, corporation, association, or orgnni28:tion fiult is ren ting a dwelling for I ss than 30 clays are not al lowed in R-1, R-2, and R-3. Sho rt-term Rental shall only be allow din lh R-4, R-5 , B-1 , B-2, B-3 aod l3-3b zoning dislrl . Sho rt-term rental6 shall b soqject to the Busi ness Lic.ensc Code of the City of Fairhope . Scvern l.Jili ly Clau e -if any part, s tion of •ubdivision of this ordinance hall be held w:iconstitutional or invalld fo r any reason. such holding fillall not be construed ro in aJida tc or impair Lh.uemaindcr oflhis orchnnnc , which shal l continue in full force ahd effect notwithstand ing such holding . Effective D ate -This ordinance t-hall take effect irnmediRtely upon its due 11doption end pub li catio11 as required by law. Ado pted aud approved this 23rd day of __ J"-'ul=v,__ _ _, 2007. 133 City of Fairhope Planning Commission October 23, 2023 Planning Commission unanimously (6 Ayes, 0 Nays) voted to recommend approval of SR 23.05. SR 23.05 -Vatan Mixed Use Development - Project Name: Vatan Mixed Use Development -Site Data: -0 .52 acres Project Type: ---Site Plan Review Jurisdiction: Fairhope Planning Juris diction Zoning District: -B-2 PPIN Number: f: 5164 eneral Location: ortheast corner of North Church St. nd Magnolia Ave . Surveyor of Record: -S.E . Civil LLC Engineer of Record: S.E . Civil LLC Owner I Developer: ... FST RW LLC -School District: Fairhope Elementary School Fairhope Middle and High Schools Recommendation: Approve with Conditions ... Prepared by: Mike Jeffries Legend -Roads □Pa~s C Corporate limits Zonlnt Clu,lflatlorl 8-2 -General Business District • B-3b -Tourist Resort Commercia l Service Ols lrlct • B-4 -Busmess end Professiona l District • P-1-Partting R-2 -Medium Density Single-family • R-4 -Low Density Mul tl-Famity R-5 -High Density Dwelling ReSldenllal Planning Jufisdlction .. . -. W E __ ........ ..___._ ....... ...._.l~1m t ::~::.:.:.:.:.:..:..:.-:..-+--======::.-1---~ ::======~ z 134 APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL Application Type: 0 Site Plan Attachments: 0 Articles of Incorporation or List an associated investors Date of Application: _B12_1_12_02_a ____ _ Property Owner / Leaseholder Information Name of Property Owner: FST RW LLC Phone Number: Address of Property Owner: 71 N. Section Street, Suite B City: Fairhope State: AL Zip: 36532 Proposed Site Plan Name: Vatan Mixed Use Development Site Acreage: 0.52 acres Sq. Footage: 28,550 sq. ft Parcel No: 05-46-03-37-0-006-036.502 Current Zoning: B-2 (CBD ) Authorized Agent Information Name of Authorized Agent: SE Civil. LLC Phone Number: 251-990-6566 Address: 9969 Windmill Road City: Fairho e State: AL ____ Zip: =3 =6 =53=2=--- Contact Person: David Lavery -dlavery@ secivileng.com Engineer/ Architect Information Name of Finn: SE Civil , LLC _____ .Phone Number: 251-990-6566 Address: 9969 Windmill Road City: Fairhope_______ :.:=-----Zip: =3-=6-=5=-3=2~-- Contact Person: David Lave .com I certify that I am the property owner /leaseholder of the above described property and hereby submit this site plan to the City for review. •If property i w ed by Fairh Single Tax Corp. an /◄tha;;~~gl~ax representative shall sign rthi~·s~-p=li=--caJ:1.·o'.!~::,:_ • .:.JT=-~~~~~~- Property Owner /Leaseholder Printed Name -IY-7.. 3 Date Fairhope Single Tax Corp. (If Applicab ) by ~~-b._,,..,,,~_..idSM;JI[ 135 STATE OF ALABAMA DOMESTIC LIMITED LIABILITY COMP ANY (LLC) CERTIFICATE OF FORMA TIO PURPOSE: In order to form a Limited Liability Company (LLC) under Section l0A-SA-2.01 of the Code of Alabama 1975, this Certificate of Formation and the appropriate filing fees must be filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. The information required in this form is required by Title lOA. 1. The name of the limited liability company (must contain the words "Limited Liability Company" or the abbreviation "L.L.C ." or "LLC," and comply with Code of Alabama , Section I 0A-1-5 .06. You may use Professional or Series before Limited Liability Company or LLC (or PLLC or SLLC) if they apply : RWLLC 2. A copy of the Name Reservation Certificate from the Office of the Secretary of State must be attached. 3. The name of the registered agent (only one agent): David Ryan ----------------------- Street (no PO Boxes) address of registered office (m ust be located in A lab am 71 N. Section Street, Suite B Fairhope, AL 36532 BALDWIN *COUNTY of above address : Mailing address in Alabama of registered office (if different from street address): ____________ _ 4 . The undersigned certify that there is at least one member of the limited liability company. LLC Cert of Formation -11/2021 Page 1 of 2 (For SOS Office Use Only) Ala b a ma Se c . Of S t a t e 001 -044 -188 DLL Date 10 /1 2/2022 Time 11 :20 :00 File $1 00 .00 Cou n ty $1 00 .00 ------- To tal $200 .00 136 DO ME STIC LIM ITED LIABILITY COMP ANY (LLC) CERTIFIC ATE OF FORMATIO 5 . Check only if the type app lies to the Limited Liability Company being formed: _Q Series LLC comp lying with Title 1 0A, C hapter SA , Article 11 _Q Professiona l LLC comp lying with Tit le l 0A , Chapte r SA , Article 8 _0_ Non-Profit LLC comp lying with Section 1 0A-SA-1.04( c) 6 . The filing of the li mite d liabili ty company is effective immediately on th e date rece i ved by the office of the Secretary of State , Business Services D ivision or at the de layed fi ling date (ca nnot be prior to the filing date) specified in this filing comp lying with Sectio n 1 0A-1-4.12 Th e undersigne d specify 10 / 12 / 2022 as th e effective date ust be on or after the date filed in the office of the Secretary of State , but no later than the 90th day after the date this instrnment was signed) a nd the time of fi ling to be 11 : 20 ® AM or O PM . cannot be noon or midnight -12:00) _O_ Attached are any other matters the members determi ne to include herein (if this item is checked there mu st be attachments with the fi li ng). 10 I 12 / 2022 Date (MM/DD/YYYY) David Ryan Signature as required by 1 0A-SA-2 .04 Member Type d tit le (organ ize r o r atto rn ey-in-fact) *County of Registered Agent is requested in order to determine distribution of County filing fees . LLC Cert of Formation -11/202 1 Page2of2 137 Additional Details Organizers ----------------------------------- Organizer David Ryan Street Address 71 N. Section Street, Suite B Fairhope , AL 36532 Mailing Address 71 N. Section Street, Suite B Fairhope , AL 36532 138 John H . Merrill Secretary of State P .O. Box 5616 Montgome ry , AL 36103-5616 STATE OF ALABAMA I, John H. Merrill, Secretary of State of Alabama, having custody of the Great and Principal Seal of said State, do hereby certify that pursuant to the provisions of Title l0A, Chapter 1, Article 5, Code of Alabama 197 5, and upon an examination of the entity records on file in this office , the following entity name is reserved as available: RWLLC This name reservation is for the exclusive use of David Ryan , 71 N . Section Street, Suite B , Fairhope , AL 36532 for a period of one year beginning April 08 , 2022 and expiring April 08 , 2023 RES015531 In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol, in the city of Montgomery, on this day. April 08 , 2022 Date John H. Merrill Secretary of State 139 Summary of Request: Request of Applicant, SE Civil, LLC, on behalf of owner, FST /RW LLC, for Site Plan Approval of Vatan Mixed Use Development . David Lavery, P.E., is the authorized agent and engineer for the project. The subject property is zoned B-2 General Business District and is within the Central Business District . Subject property is approximately 0.52 acres and is located at 301 Magnolia Avenue on the corner of Magnolia Avenue and Church Street. It is the intent of the Applicant to have a dedicated 1,200ft2 retail/commercial component in each first floor of the two (2) structures facing Magnolia Avenue with one (1) residential unit occupying the second and third floor of each structure . The remaining five (5) structures will be single family dwelling units . In total, seven (7) residential units and two (2) commercial units are proposed on one lot with shared areas under common ownership. This project was the subject of BOA Case 23 .02 i n which the "use " was clarified . In short, mixed use , residential , and retail/commercial are allowed by right to some degree in B-2 , but having all of the uses on one (1) lot with not every structure being "mixed use " per se is a different concept. This combination of use was approved in BOA Case 23 .02 . 1 ·, I - Figure 1 : Site Plan --i we i. "'rr ,uu...; ..... .. SR 23 .05 Vatan Site Plan -October 2, 2023 140 SITE ANALYSIS ROO-) l.....xl!IAJM aWIUl t HeJGHr. LAND USAGE Figure 2: Site Data Tables Setbacks: 8-2 only has a front setback at 20ft; however, this being located in the CBD allows for non - residential buildings to be built at the right-of-way line, unless a courtyard, plaza, or other public space is provided . Unit 2 is mixed use and has a courtyard . The rest of the units are built to the lot lines . This being a corner lot the setbacks for the front and side are the same pursuant to Article V, Section B{4)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance . Building(s): The buildings meet the height restriction of B-2. Architectural elevations are provided as attachments . Front elevations are shown in Figure 3. The buildings will be 40 ft tall pursuant to the dimension standards of the CBD . However, the subject property fluctuates in elevation from 97 ft to 111 ft above sea level. The Applicant is developing the subject property using the existing natural topography. Applicants are to use the average elevation of each condominium lot, which will result in the structures following the existing grade. "Building Height" is defined in the Zoning Ordinance as "the vertical distance measured from the average natural elevation of the lot to the mean point of the roof of the building." Thus, the structures may appear to be different heights, but, in fact, they all will be 40 ft tall or less . Materials for the building are primarily brick, stucco, metal roof and overhangs. 2 SR 23 .05 Vatan Site Plan -October 2, 2023 141 Figure 3 : Elevations from Magnolia Avenue Landscaping Plan: There is an extensive landscaping plan that has been reviewed . Revised plans, if any, shall be received prior to sending the Site Plan to City Council for final approval. (Ordinance #1444, Section20.5- 4(6)). Parking: Parking meets the requirements of Zoning Ordinance . Fourteen (14) spaces are provided and only seven (7) are necessary . All parking is located mostly behind the buildings and in garages that have a direct pedestrian connection to the primary entrance off Magnolia Avenue . Units 6 & 7 have garages situated to the side . Sidewalks: This Site Plan includes an interior sidewalk for Unit 2 and the required 8' sidewalks along Magnolia Avenue and Church Street. Applicant is tying into existing sidewalks wherever possible . Part of the sidewalk i n front of Units 3 and 4 is cinched in to 6' in order to accommodate heritage trees. There is also an existing 5' sidewalk close to the corner of Magnolia and Church in the Magnolia ROW that the Applicant desires to keep to 5' i n order to protect two (2) heritage trees. A request to City Council for parts of the sidewalks to be less than 8' pursuant to Article V, Section B{4)(e) Zoning Ordinance is included in the packet . Some areas of the sidewalk may be less that 6 feet to avoid cr itical root zones . o Elevated stairs located in the ROW are proposed to access the buildings fronting Church St. to minimize disturbance to existing heritage trees. A Hold -Harmless shall be required prior to any land disturbance or issuance of anu building permit. Locations, intensity, and heights of exterior lights: All lighting fixtures will be for each individual unit. No parking lot or driveway pole lights will be provided . All light fixtures will be installed so that no light or glare is allowed to spill onto the right of way or adjacent property. A photometric plan was not provided, however, will be required at time of building permit application . Mechanical equipment: Mechanical equipment has been finalized, reviewed, and accepted, and all appear on the Site Plan . HVAC equipment is screened . 3 SR 23 .05 Vatan Site Plan -October 2, 2023 142 Dumpster location and screening: Units 3-7 are strictly residential and have trash receptacles located in each garage . Units 1 and 2, which are mixed -use have a residential trash receptacle located in each garage and a screened commercial receptacle located to the rear of the units . The development will have a private trash service that will gather the garbage from outside locations for each unit within the development. Trash receptacles will not be rolled out to any public right-of-way . I I COMM EC SC GA I RESI OEN TW. I ECEP T,A,tl.E I I I I I UN IT t 140 I I I I I I I I I I / 1 / 118 / / / / I ( ' \ I I l I / I I I I ( I I Figure 4 : Dumpster and HVAC Enclosures . I Hv"£ttcu1~ S(lR'ff,;EJ) t I I I I I j r r I I UNI T j J I I I 1SHlpoR I 21 SO D OOR I •l1 Fl~ I 505 sari PAT I J j I r I I I ' ' I : Fences: There is various fencing on the site . Since the underlying zoning is B-2 and non -residential then side fencing on the site shall not be mor than 12' tall. The plan has landscape fencing at 3' and the east side of the site has 10' fencing made of multiple materials . 4 SR 23 .05 Vatan Site Plan -October 2, 2023 143 p,,:· J'EF91';N) --.L 4 ~~~~N FENCE SECTION Figure 5: Fence and Wall Details. D SOR EEl'I Al I EIGHT M. SlD E. REF C1\ll l 3 NG ,.._L Ef 4/A1 00 r J I I t I LANDSCAPE FENCE Storm water: The terrain of the site falls from east to west with elevations ranging. Runoff flows westward across the surface of the site and enters the N. Church Street ROW where it enters City storm sewer lines through inlets located along N. Church Street . Runoff will be directed to a series of area drains and drop inlets located along N. Church Street. The underground storm pipes will carry the runoff to an existing City inlet on the east side of N. Church Street near the Magnolia Avenue intersection where it will continue through Fairhope's storm sewer network. Retention facilities are not required for this development. An HOA will be formed that will be required to maintain any and all stormwater facilities and structures located outside of the publicly accepted ROW . Submitted plans have been approved. location and size of all signage: A sign plan was not provided . It is the intent to have minimal signage . A sign plan shall be in compliance with the Sign Ordinance . Erosion control: An Erosion Control plan was submitted with the application and is acceptable . Utilities: A utility plan was submitted and has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate providers . The contractor is responsible to get electricity to the take off pole. Risers for gas meters will be installed based on the locations provided by the applicant. ADA Requirements: ADA requirements have been met, but will be inspected during construction construction . 5 SR 23 .05 Vatan Site Plan -October 2, 2023 144 Traffic: A traffic impact study is not warranted for this project pursuant to letter dated August 21, 2023, from S.E. Civil. Article II, Section C.2 .d. (Site Plan Rev iew Criteria) Criteri a -The application shall be rev iewed based on the following criteria : (1) Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan ; The property is currently zoned B-2 and the uses currently proposed (residential and office) are allowed in B-2. (2) Compl iance with any other approved planning documents; Will be met prior to vertical construction/applying for building permit. (3) Compl iance with the standards, goals, and intent of this ordinance and applicable zoning districts ; The standards of the zoning ordinance have been, or shall be by condition of approval, met. (4) Compl iance with other laws and regulations of the City ; Meets (S) Compliance with other applicable laws and regulations of other jurisdictions; Meets (6) Impacts on adjacent property including noise , traffic, visible intrusions, potential physical impacts, and property values ; Meets (7) Impacts on the surrounding neighborhood including noise, traffic, visible intrusions, potential physical impacts, and property values ; Property is zoned B-2, which allows for such things and the site does not abut conflicting uses. (8) Overall benefit to the community; No Conflicts. (9) Compliance with sound planning principles; Meets (lO)Compliance with the terms and conditions of any zoning approval; Meets (ll)Any other matter relating to the health, safety, and welfare of the community; Nothing noted (12) Property boundaries with dimensions and setback lines ; Meets (13) Location of proposed buildings and structures indicating sizes in square feet; Meets (14) Data to show percentage of lot covered with existing and proposed buildings ; Meets (15) Elevat ions indicating exterior materials; Front elevations were provided. (16) The locations, intensity, and height of exterior lights; Meets (17) The locations of mechanical equipment; All relevant requirements are met. (18) Outside storage and/or display; Meets (19) Drive -up window locations (must be away from residential uses/districts and not in front of building); n/a (20) Curb-cut detail and location(s); Provided. (21) Parking, loading, and maneuvering areas; Meets (22) Landscaping plan in accordance w ith the City Landscape Ordinance; 6 SR 23.05 Vatan Site Plan -October 2, 2023 145 Meets (23) Locat ion, materials, and elevat io n of any and all fences and/or walls; Meets (24) Dump ster location and screen ing; and Meets (25) Location and size of all signage . A signage plan is underway and the plan shall conform to the Sign Ordinance. Recommendation: Staff recommends conditional approval of case SR 23 .05 with the following conditions : 1.} No part of any building shall extend beyond 40' from the natural elevation of each building pad. 2.) Signage plan shall conform to the Sign Ordinance . 3.) Provide a Hold-Harmless agreement for staircases proposed i n the ROW . 7 SR 23 .05 Vatan Site Plan -October 2, 2023 146 ATTACHMENT TO APPLICATION FOR VATAN SITE PLAN AND MOP (FOR PROPERTY PIN #15164) LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF MAGNOLIA AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET IN FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA (8-22-23) The proposed Project for the Property (named "Vatan ") is depicted on the attached Site Plan and MOP applications . Vatan is a mixed-use development comprised of 7 architecturally compatible and separate structures and will constitute a land condominium created and administered in accordance with the Alabama Uniform Condominium Act. The dedicated retail/commercial component of Building 1 fronting Magnolia A venue comprises approximately 1,400 square feet on the first floor and is intended to serve one or more small scale retail/commercial tenants , and the second and third floors of Building 1 ( consisting of appro x imately 3,000 square feet) are intended for a single residential use. The dedicated retail/commercial component of Building 2 fronting Magnolia A venue comprises approximately 2 ,980 square feet on the first and second floors and is intended to serve one or more small scale retail/commercial tenants. The third floor of Building 2 ( consisting of approximately l , 730 square feet) is intended for a single residential use . The remaining 5 Buildings in Vatan (facing Church Street and internal to the Property) range from approximately 3,500 square feet to approximately 2 ,300 square feet , and each of them is primarily intended for a single residential use. At the Board of Adjustments meeting for Vatan earlier in 2023 , allowance was made for calculating the height of each Building on the basis of each Building 's individual footprint. The mixed-use Buildings facing Magnolia A venue are 40 feet in height in accordance with the calculation methodology used by the City of Fairhope , and the remaining 5 Buildings are 35 feet or less in height in accordance with the City of Fairhope 's calculation methodology. Substantial planning has been undertaken to ensure that the Project is consistent with the applicable regulations within the zoning for the Property and the Central Business District of Fairhope. Project attributes include : a. a single entry/exit to and from the Property for vehicular traffic , promoting traffic safety; b. on-site parking that is twice the minimum number of spaces required in the CBD; c. dedicated golf cart parking for certain Buildings located on the Property ; d. a site plan and design that makes every effort to preserve the trees located both on the Property and in the Magnolia A venue and Church Street right-of-ways ; e . the Project is complimentary of the residential , commercial and mixed-use developments in the immediate vicinity of the Property ; and f. the Project is supportive of and promotes multiple of the objectives specifically applicable to the CBD in the Fairhope Zoning Ordinance , including : • generating high levels of pedestrian and bicycle traffic; • providing a mi x of uses ; 147 • strengthening non-automotive connections to adjacent neighborhoods; • buffering surrounding neighborhoods from any adverse impacts of activities in the CBD; and • providing a small park/green space for Property occupants The Site Plan and the arrangement of structures on the Property compliment the natural topography of the Property , which ranges from 111 feet above sea level to 97 feet above sea level. The Site Plan, Project design and Project configuration are all intended to promote the highest and best use of the Property and to also further enhance the CBD and general downtown area of Fairhope. 148 0 1 ~, n VatanMixed ~ Civil o ~ Use Development AER IAL WITH CONTOURS Engineering ...Jo i2 u & Surveyi ng _,. __ .... 1~.t.1.-)0f,N K~ 149 I i i°'E i I i i I j i i i i ........._T;,,,,TCM CW,T(»jlJDMQt : I i I·-.., .... .._l ..,,'°' "°=f-= I i i i I j I ~ ~----btiklw. C lbetoteyo,.1dlf. UNIT> FFE•106.12 UtoSF ! ! SITE PLAN NOTES • • NOT!: PRIOR TO INSTAUJNO SUWAU<S M..ONO CHUACH ! ! ~! =~=~~~.:~~~SHALL 1 • WORKS DtRECTOR, TIE ARBORIST, ANO THE ENGINEER OF I AU.\IIIClllllC,MO IMJ'OWU--.U.~Y-lMIOTYOl'r~...u.AnCINI NC>00CIS,.-.&.M0,8KANG/liDl7f9T#OllflDI l M.1.CUM&)Olll~OIWIIOIMI.TO••\.M.191onew.i11NOWO ________ _l _____________ L_ ... ______ ·----. .... P""-----'"l"""'lr-·--· :=!/:~~TIO~F~~~~~~:~=~r;; I , MJ..--.,.r:._,,.Nt/O_.VW'IVlMIMCI.CPQM'-"l.Ul~NOffit 4. r.ll'Gn!IJCnMS-~l.liffll/111910NAINO:lNC,~CM -.ocAtlDAI~ MJ..ooef--...NINQ.UDIOllflMlaolatllO 0 0 MAGNOLIA AvtNUE 66 FT.~ (PUl!IUC) 0 UNITS l'FE•1CM88 UUSF UNrT7 FFE•105.87 1,,20SF UNIT 1 FFE•109115 2.0lOSF j I J ., EXAMINE THE RElATIONSHtP OF THE SIDEWALK Willi THE TREE ROOT MOUNDS. IF THERE ARE ROOTS THAT INTERFERE WI™ THE SDEWAU< ELEVATIONS, A TREE WEU.. CURB OR 6tDEWAU( MODIFtCATIONS MAY BE REQUIRED. SITE PLAN LEGEND l'T~-aw«ffl'f 0 c::::::J c::::::J MUIIMtun,_,..._TMYMJ c::::::J SITE ANALYSIS IIIJ __ ,_I .Ul#ICP1,:.1•1 I .. ,.,. I . ~-l-~JOIIAl.l .. lC,C,-To. INCUOfGlll.ll"IC)fLll«TII) ta"'-ll,MUT'il .. SfOMl~-.,-.:-...,,oca_.,l"f'C.,.~ ,01t11T1\JOlll"'-l~ ........... .II000ll::WG'l'WlM~MJM:1111r-.a ll'l~.fHJlt""-L.N"f/lOG.,II.OI.M.LCIOITa...u,NINCUJDlOIN ..... 90. t. lMI-YOl'DISlklaJN'>ITOG•~--~AU.0:WI..., ~ltW.J.NW:--,TON.,._.#fO...OCUU.Tl"'IIOlt'ION(W,llllfrlO'MJIII. 1. ~-=T-:u--~NCCLINl.ffllftl.W.,,..PUl,v,tf.fHJ-0 I. =====c:=:-.:i:.-~DITMI.IDWl1"N I MGCN'-MG-..flAIJ.law.A.•l'M"°"'IW:~IIIC>LCICIII. --•. TMllrTl:•a:MDN,:IOt 111'0!'..._#'l,a,,u,t#..~•IICIIII g_ :::::""c::.=......:tlOfill~l«INa,IIM1tC.....-OO'Mlff U Al.l..,_Mll.0.W'IONQA81A"'":t~ it ~IHl,U.-~,c)llc:et-...o.flU.~~ 'It ~r:.:,~~-::.~-Tawl.•JIMl9!TCNlffl. •. COll~-9W4ICl'l'-~llt~llO.WwmQII' ~f--MCff'f 11~~.ICCINIIOIJICWt<'fSCOIC1'N.IC1a)O,N11M.LMATMalilll.-...c:a ~01'"-""0lmNO •. Df'O.NIICMCIII~~-~ M.,.,.,.()11' THlAOCII-IIIIOftOJIIAY,outNG ~90tllU.llltatl't .... .,....,__, .... ,_.,.lffl0NC<D.U,,NITIDl1!0N 1't. H.l.~~~1.H'.1-.i.ll'Mftl. ~ j ~ I ~ • 1et-am=T1Dffll:rrML•IDIQll,O,D1fflll..CTf'rlilY OMMiD10,11UTUTtD, 1------'----,----'-------i ~QHTIIO'l'IQ.CIIITCICM't.Oll; ............ Y l'llliNOO..-.O T~Dlo~ I ~ ti N;llN411,...,MIMl,OITO...-r~()ll' ...... 1~,._ 1---------+l----------i II. ll-eCOlffll.lC10ll.llw.t.~~ .... """""11'4,0l'.,.....,..CCll>IO'nCIHI JallllKlllll .111Sa AT'"'4111ft...,,_IDG\ITIJTa.__,IIClll,llC ...,_,11¥>1.LNN..l.'f .. ~~ Cff'fO,fMN)N ..,_.. ~1:.:~==--==~~,,,, '" '" JI. .--to~~VT\ITltlAT~~Al'GO.C.- =·ir=~~~~~N#J-IICUY""' JII comw:fflllt-...u!TO'ftCMOt~'OIIOM:TLOCA~AIC>~ ~~.,.c.;~_,..,..-DACT.._IMIT'l'DmWa a. TM!o.Noall«l!IMI.W:ffiTHlHCl:0,--\IIIA:aOTMJIJl-.:NOTII> ~---------------~ a =~'==.o":-,-falM~L#l'QITN#J~TICIN-.-0 PARK ING DATA ---..... TOT"'LM:CIUlfllD(l~w ' TOTM.llflOro'CllO w . LAN D USAG E ~,.,.,,.f.MllftllOOP) If ~TIIO,oc::o.#NCY.._..N-..OU!lln..tU.lfll!~ .... \o>l ... a MCONITMCTO.~MIWI TOTIIS~~l'Ol'tlfMIINfM.1 FR l l -~ -N --- z :5 a. w I-in ..., Mff .,.,, .... ~ .. C01 150 MATCHLINE -THIS SHEET ----------- 1 , ..,.~ : :.:- ' I -I l ~ ~...._..befOW. Callbefor9youdlg. UNITS FFE•UM 118 1,757SF UNIT4 FFE•105.28 1,525SF UNIT3 FFE•105.82 2,390 SF b ·-, .. - . • -:: . --F~·-,,~i:m;.;. r-1 I H"•-~ ';,~=,,;;,,-;;;;;-;;t=_=1,~=::, I ~ • !:",-~" .,.,._ ~ a1 : --• -I ~ I I UNIT7 FFE•105.87 1.420SF I -·-~ I I UNIT2 I I --ORAtt-•.a I ~~L---------~ .. - ' ~I. jBD ! -Ji I~ ---'-,;,:oil-'~~-""' , , ,1 ~ . ., . ..l ~ : .... _lj ~ Ul'l'T1 FFE•109 ~ 2.0JOSF ~ -tr-·--~~ -----'i. \::::::, --· ___.__,..__,____~_ \ -~- MAGNOLIA AVENUE 66 FT. R/W IPUBllCI GRADING & DRAINAGE Pl.AN LEGEND l2!!IIl!!!1. I 6 I l ,.,..T'I--..ON.fltlll'IC9! 1"1"1T».WINONLfffOl'QI I: I I I .,,.,.,...,, ........ ,.,. ::er::. l,,T.,...JO .. ..,, .. JIC:jl>.,.... .. ••••• ■ ■ ■ ·-------MATCHLINE-THIS SHEET NOTE: PRtOR TO IN STALLING SIDEWALKS ALONG CHURCH STREET ANO MAGNOLIA AVENUE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A PRE-INSTALLATION MEETING WITI-1 niE PUBUC WORKS DIRECTOR. THE ARBORIST , AHO THE ENGI NEER OF RECORD. THE PURPOSE OF 1l-tf: MEETING IS TO REVIEW THE SIOEW.AU ELEVATIONS FOR COMPUANCE Wini ADA ANO TO E>cAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP OF TIE SDEWALX WITH THE TREE ROOT M<XJINOS. JF THERE ARE ROOT8 TliAT INTERFERE WITH THE SIOEWN..K ELEVATIONS , A TREE WELL, CURB OR SDEW.AU M00tACATIONS MAY Sf REQUIRED. GRADING & DRAINAGE NOTES I fMlCONT....cYOllll..rCM.LTHl~'llunuTY~Mll•Atl....at711Ga18 ~-IUA ..... t10NTOfllO.llttl/AACf .. lDlDCl'TIDNOFUT1.fflll lf '"""-l.lMI :=n~~:,::~':;t_lXIITINOUft..lNIMt(H00Wu:t 1 ...U.CUTOl'lt'I..LkOPU........_ ... ,01111,v,TIUtuc.ua:~,.,...,&.O'M =-=~~NCOlll'llll""'MCUUXllA/INTIIYA.WMCAN~ J 1111.1..,.,__.NOT~OO\CMOeYll.lLCIIIGIOIIIIM~wtlfWJ. -CU..!'a..l'QUO,,ftl'IIOII.MDn~'lltnt!UIIC!ICN'I.~ .. w,~:=,::~:~~)#«,AI.OOT I .STOllll~lt¥t.l.MAl,o.u)WI• M:P,CtAU•P91M.DO'l'9"Cll'ICATICWS. ICP£.AIJING~l"llt~"°""' ~-•-PDIWCGl'Qt.TIQ& 11-4,..,,.0,, .... ~Y-H.TPID•~r,-OIOflffJl I M.l.CU'IJIIIUICll.cotCM;TW.TOt¥.-.._,1,1,1"' MtM,Y~NO,lll'IWJtlJTMOF-.-11 T IDIIITWOOJIMlolOll11IU:n.flllTO•~A.C1111"""'81AIIClllm.#C DIITWO,....to•CllilrMOCUTTOMNOWIIC,A.•t...,Dl-. 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IIIFllllllOMCIIOl1Q.c,l,l,..-oitf"Clft~'IIONO,'IMI~ A IIIU.lltilATICNl,t#IIM'.l'tlllN()fDfONIM)lltM,NN • CO'ffMCTOlll~~AIU!NaKl,....._TO,ntlflOW-. ,., ~-~-119ClUTD!Dll'----·~INCU.ONO IIIIMC)illll.OIJ-t:IOITINO""-"-&kl!I/Nln,.~l,llllllUNIIYO•lllWC,,W:, TOJl4_0,_'!' t------■ .rf-!. 1 l =,;:. ~ff .... -M --~ .. _,., CO2 151 4 SCREEN FENCE SECTION K.<U.•tr ••·-4' UNru l : 1-ICf'tllT fUJOR :tl2'101'1JfCl l'UIOll :;9:::r , I ' ' ' I UNrT2 I I ,211WT 1nR.001!1-~ !~==~~ l ~9Qf"TGltoRMIE I 13'1D'1AAllO I I , I I , I =• U lt CH.IIICM ~- .:ra:~~11 I , I MAGNOUAAVf",OE 6'FT.R/W,/PUIUC) I I EB --"'"' OUICH l nw:tT aaoM!IIOII I -- ,-HJ.f!M(;t, tQlt[[H•"'-- 1 ... C,<t,t Al 4J. l'H!"lNn • ~ SCJ!t:<..M ~-,. .. ...a WA..L ICOlT rouo.,:;"""•"'- """"' t.u ~ '!l(CIIII D'l'A ... ;11 1'011 l.111 -S Cl"tlt!'.1 -'«) •· ,,,,_,. ,0 ,1.oc ------+- -:.,_ L. I , / \ ' , \ \ I I 1 Site Plan UJ O< ::::, t-u UJ !:: I u O< < u ..I J: ~ t:IF c cu E a. .2 0 0 ai C > Cl) cu 0 0 ~ cu -0--' C/1 c< z=> 0 Cl) .I: a. ~l u 0 ~.I: ::, ~ <·-6~ >=E ~:M-:-:i:· ...,_, .. 22-2 14 AuJ121TH, 2023 SIT£1'1.AN 5UBMITTAL Al.00 152 153 154 155 ,,,11,n;~, -·'."'' ' .\~'~1(( •'-4-,,I\,,, • 156 157 158 159 160 161 )> ~ ...... ~ 0 ~ I 0 ~ .,_ ihi! C ' Bnf-~, iEm ',,, ii~! ',,l'-----'l,~. -----1 _f_ I' I _J_J _ • 3,i U;§ u·· : I ~~,-L _ i ;11 ti~ -r a ' i----' ~!'--=--'-"---+-,' .-:-'1.::-~~~ ~ ~, ~ b m ~ l ~~t .. -------------------------------=• ', TOl'~aU'ICt4 I VATAN Mixed Use Development Church and Magnol ia Fairhope AL (IUllNl:MI \ ':~= \ ,_ I I r.:" WHLC I ARCHITECTURE •,I 162 I :l =~··■ (') VATAN )> • t 0 § .~, ::, ::, Mixed Use Development ~ ~ ;;. ~ 0 ,~, 11'• 2 ::: I (') 0 Church and Magnolia 0 ::::-.-, 0 Fairhope AL 0 ••• I• ::, IS : ... Ill I nwHLC •:11 A"CH IT ECTU "E 163 I\,) ■ -1,. !~ ., rn lj (J) • ,;::O . -I . -I ~ ~I :l :g·•■ 0 VATAN )> . ' 0 ! ;~t ::, ::, Mixed Use Development ~ ;;. ~o r~I (jf, 2::: 0 I n Q Church and Magnolia 0 Fairhope AL --' ... 1, ::, IS : ... u, I nwHLC 'Ill A~CHITECTU ~E 164 ~EE PROTECTIO"I -- ·-=------- ·•-::,:•·1--,·--- -~~.::.--- • =-==..~~~~- C co I • co > MAATtflERE L.Af,IOSCAPE & DESIGN P.O.IOX 401 FNRHOf'E,Al.36$3.) VA.TAN CHURCHITREET I MA.OHOI..IAA.Vf.. FA.IRHOPE ,AL MT?.8f10f2023 - OAAWNIIY: ~ L1 SCALE:1~10' l 165 I i ' ~r _j)· __ .... ! i -! ____ ..i __ 0 , ~ (D , (D r; r ~ (D -l 0 FM. l @ MAGNOUA AVENUE 66 FT. Rf,,N (PUBUCI TREE REMOVAL LEGEND -~ X ~EE REMOVA L r~ Jill .. .,,,_ : DEMOLITION LEGEND -- ! ,,. ....... _ I e,:_-....... :::=z;:,.:::,::o..=: ~ I '-'---L) / )! I '-..<. ~ ~ C..'I : ~s-, ~?: I -9/cs:;-I I I I I I I I TREE BARR ICADE IICAU:N'l'I l1ZZZl c::::;J c:.::::::;:i UJ UJ c::z I-~ GO a. z _, Q~ t::o _, :E 0 UJ ~c:: □ _,, 001 166 PROPOSED TREE CARE PLAN as of June 21, 2023 I. Assignment Components II. A. Assess the health and structure of the live oak trees located at this site. B. Develop a basis plan of care for the trees to mediate the impact of proposed construction near these trees. C. Assess construction and site plans to recommend alternatives to reduce the impact upon the trees . D. Develop a tree protection plan using the approved plans prior to the start of construction . E. Communicate with contractors as needed to explain the tree protection plan, reevaluate the tree protection plan as needed due to changes with construction plans, and assess any contractor damage to these trees, develop remediation plans, and determine the cost of any damage and/or cost of treatment for these trees. F. Monitor the trees before, during, and after construction . G. Provide a written report for items A-D. Care Components A. Tree health and structure assessment for the 5 trees on the Right of Way (ROW) and 1 tree on the property. The assessment will not be a tree risk assessment but rather a basis assessment looking for defects that could require a formal tree risk assessment. B. Using the current plans, determine areas that will require air excavation to map and/or prune roots as needed. C. Collect a soil sample(s) for testing. The results will be used to determine a prescription for fertilization . D. Determine if the use of a tree growth regulator will have benefit and apply as needed. E. Using the approved plans, determine pruning needs for limb removal and/or reduction to provide clearance for the buildings and any space needed for construction purposes . F. Standard pruning to remove deadwood one-inch diameter and larger, crossing limbs, cracked or broken limbs, and hanging limbs . Reduction pruning of over-extended limbs as needed . Pruning will follow ANSI A-300 Part 1 standards . 167 G. An application of mulch up to 12-inches deep in areas that will not be fenced off from construction and sufficient roots are present. H. The installation of a fence, to protect tree roots, outside of the building's footprint and any over-dig construction areas where sufficient roots are present. I. Consult with contractors before, during, and after construction as needed . Review construction plans, make recommendations, and develop or review existing tree protection plans. Assess any damage, develop a remediation plan, and determine the responsible party as needed . Application for tree pruning or removal permits. 168 Dave Lavery From: Sent: To: Jamie Rollins <jamie .rollins@fairhopeal.gov> Wednesday, September 13, 2023 4:08 PM Richard Johnson ; Dave Lavery Cc: Subject: Mike Jeffries; Michelle Melton; Hunter Simmons Re : Vatan Mixed Use Development We met on-site today. The sidewalks are a difficult one . It is obvious that many measures are being taken to preserve the trees on-site. A consulting arborist has been working with the project and I agree with his assessment that removing 12-14 inches of material in the critical root zone of the trees will be very impactful to the trees. Maybe not today but time will tell that tale. The middle tree is my biggest concern . Could we find a way to do wooden boardwalk: or something less impactful there? Thanks , Jamie Get Outl ook for i OS From: Richard Johnson <richard.johnson@fairhopeal.gov> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2:57:54 PM To: Dave Lavery <dlavery@secivileng.com> Cc: Mike Jeffries <mike .jeffries@fairhopeal.gov>; Michelle Melton <michelle.melton@fairhopeal.gov>; Hunter Simmons <hunter.simmons@fairhopeal.gov>; Jamie Rollins <jamie.rollins@fairhopeal.gov> Subject: RE : Vatan Mixed Use Development Dave: I have reviewed the proposed drainage for the subject development - I have no issues or concerned . I will get you a copy of the "As Builts " for this portion of the Church Street Drainage . As discussed -sidewalks as shown are acceptable, however, I recognize that post approval and during construction we may have to make some modifications to mitigate tree impacts and/or meet ADA com pliancy requirements . All approvals are conditioned on final approval by the City Horticulture Supervisor's for compliance with the Tree & Landscape Ordinance . Thanks, RDJ Richard D. Johnson, PE Public Works Director rich a rd . joh nson@fai rho peal . gov Office: 251-929-0360 Cell: 251-423-7418 From: Dave Lavery <dlavery@secivileng.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 1:44 PM 1 169 To: Richard John son <richard .johnson@fairhopeal.gov> Subject: RE : Vatan Mixed Use Development Good afternoon Richard , I revised the civil plans for Vatan so that the site drainage would connect to the grate inlet to the north of our site i nstead of the catch basin near the corner of Magnolia and Church . Please let me know if you have any comments on the revised plan set . Thank you, D ave Lavery, PE 9969 W indmi ll R oa d Fairhope, Alabama 36532 25 1-99 0-6566 phone www .s ecivil.pro Civil alCivil :-:~::;i~: .. ~~•,.;..;;::~ From: Dave Lavery Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 12 :30 PM To: richard .johnson@fairhopeal.gov Subject: RE : Vatan Mixed Use Development Good afternoon Richard , I received a comment from Wednesday's DRC to follow up with you on sidewalk layout, drainage plan, and any potential additions/improvements. The civil plans are attached . Please let me know if you have any comments that need to be addressed . Planning has asked that I respond by Thursday morning at 9 :00 so please let me know as soon as possible if you need add it ional information of if you have any comments that might requ i re plan revisions . I'd be happy to come in early next week and look at the plans with you if that makes it any easier . Thank you, Dave L avery , PE 9969 W indmi ll Road Fairh ope, Al abam a 36 532 251-990-65 66 phone www.secivil.pro ~ili~aa~i~i! 4 tl\...,.tf'i --~•1' ~r""CfC I' 2 170 From: Dave Lavery Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 2:12 PM To: richard.johnson@fairhopeal.gov Subject: Vatan Mixed Use Development Good afternoon Richard , We are working through the design for the Vatan Mixed Use Development on the northeast corner of Magnolia and Church . Attached are current versions of the site plan and grading and drainage plan . Do you have any comments on the sidewalk layout, the storm connection, or anything else you see that needs to be addressed? Or if it would be easier to go over this in person I would be happy to come by . I also had a question on the existing storm sewer on the east side of Church Street. Our survey (attached) shows a 15 " CPP stubout {I think it's actually RCP) on the north side of a catch basin near Magnolia, and further north there is a 15 " CMP stubout on the south side of an inlet. Those lines are pointing towards each other, but aren 't shown connecting in our survey . With the inverts we shot, I don 't think they would be connected, but can you verify? I currently show our storm coming into the ROW near the north side of the property line and going to the inlet to the south , wh ich is further away than the inlet to the north, but we 'll have to tear up more sidewalk, curb , and street to connect to the north inlet. Are you okay with us connecting to the south? Thank you, D ave L avery , PE 9969 Windmill R oad Fairhop e , Al a bama 365 32 2 51 -9 90-6566 phone www .secivil.pro ~J.~~G\Ett 3 171 September 5, 2023 City Council City of Fairhope 451 Pecan Ave. Ste. 200 Fairhope, AL 36532 Civil Engineering & Surveying Re: SD 23.26 & SR 23.05-Vatan Mixed Use Development Sidewalk Width Reduction Request Dear Council: I would like to request a reduced sidewalk width of 6 feet for portions of the proposed Va tan Mixed Use Development. The site is located on the northeast comer of Magnolia Avenue and Church Street and is within the Central Business District (CBD). The minimum sidewalk width within the CBD is 8 feet, but can be reduced to 6 feet with City Council Approval. Within the Church Street Right-Of-Way there are multiple heritage Live Oaks between the proposed buildings and the street. The available space from the existing curb to their trunks is between IO and 13 feet. Reducing the sidewalk width to 6 feet in the vicinity of these trees will reduce the impact to the roots of these trees . Additionally, in the Magnolia Avenue Right-Of-Way near the intersection there is existing 5 ' sidewalk which is immediately adjacent to 2 heritage trees. I would like to request that this sidewalk near these trees be allowed to remain in place with no requirement to increase the sidewalk width. Please see the attached sketch depicting the proposed sidewalk widths within the Right-Of-Way Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, ~ ~ David Lavery, PE dlavery@secivileng.com 9969 Windmill Road Fairhope, Alabama 36532 251-990-6566 172 EXISTING 5' SIDEWALK NEWS' SIDEWALK I-§' W...J W ID 0:: ::, I-a.. (/) - G~ 0:: ::, . J: t: u co (0 NEWS' SIDEWALK I I I I I I .(,(,(,W'""""~~Jl _ -_ __ll,.(V.(V'"'""'~-'/ ... -.. .......... .-----l l l"i' l'l' UNITS 26" LIVE O K UNIT3 36 " LIVE OAK UNIT2 TRANSITION 5' SIDEWALK TO 8' SIDEWALK IN RAMP D REPLACE 5' SIDEWALK W/ 8' SIDEWALK MAGNOLIA AVENUE 66 FT. R/W (PUBLIC) RIGHT-OF-WAY SIDEWALK EXHIBIT 0 15 30 30 SCALE 60 173 August 21, 2023 Hunter Simmons City of Fairhope 451 Pecan Ave. Ste. 200 Fairhope, AL 36532 Civil Engineering Surveying Re: Vatan Mixed Use Development-Traffic Impact Study Note Dear Hunter: This letter is to serve as back up information as to why a Traffic Impact Study is not warranted for this project. According to the subdivision regulations a traffic impact study is required if a project will increase the average daily traffic by 1,000 trips or generate 50 trips or more during any peak hour period. The proposed project will add 7 new residential units and 2,619 square feet of office space. Per the attached chart we have an average daily traffic of70 trips and a total of 8 peak hour trips for this development. If you have any questions, please let me know . Sincerely, ~ ~ dlavery@secivileng.com 9969 Windmill Road Fairhope, Alabama 36532 251-990-6566 174 Instructions: Trip Gene ration Rates from the 8th Edition ITE Trip Generation Report Enter Numbers into the "Expected Units" NA: Not Available KSF 2' Units of 1,000 square feet in the Corresponding Yellow Column DU : Dwelling Unit Fuel Posi tion : # of vehicles that co uld be fueled simultaneously Occ.Room : Occu pied Room Expected Units Rate Weekday PM Pea k ¾PM ¾PM (independent Calc ulated PM Peak Des c rip ti on I ITE Co de Un its Dai ly Traffic Period Rate In Out variable) Daily Trips T ri ps - T otal PM In PM Ou t Notes WaterporVMarin e Te rminal 010 Berths 171 .52 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA Commercial Airport 021 Employees 13 .40 0 .80 54% 46% 0 0 NA NA Commercial Airport 021 Avg Fl ights/Day 104 .73 5.75 56% 44% 0 0 NA NA Commercial Airport 021 Com. Flights/Day 122.2 1 6.88 54% 46% 0 0 NA NA General Aviation Airport 022 Employees 14 .24 1.03 45% 55% 0 0 NA NA General Aviation Airport 022 Avg . Flights/Day 1.97 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA Genera l Avia ti on Airport 022 Based Aircraft 5 .00 0 .37 45% 55% 0 0 NA NA Truck Terminal 030 Acres 81.90 6.55 43% 57% 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 3 Studies Park&Ride w/ Bus Service 090 Parking Spaces 4.50 0 .62 22% 78% 0 0 NA NA Park&Ride w/ Bu s Service 090 0cc. Spaces 9 .62 0 .8 1 28% 72% 0 0 NA NA Light Rail Station w/ Park 093 Parking Space 2.5 1 1.24 58% 42% 0 0 NA NA Light Rail Station w/ Park 093 0cc. Spaces 3.91 1.33 58% 42% 0 0 NA NA Genera l Light Indu strial 110 KSF ' 6.97 0 .97 12% 88% 0 0 NA NA General Li ght Industria l 11 0 Employees 3.02 0 .42 21% 79% 0 0 NA NA General Heavy Indu stria l 120 KSF' 1.50 0 .68 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 3 Studies. Genera l Heavy Industrial 120 Employees 0 .82 0 .88 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Industrial Park 130 KSF ' 6.96 0 .86 21% 79% 0 0 NA NA Industrial Park 130 Employees 3.34 0.46 20% 80% 0 0 NA NA Manufacturing 140 KSF 2 3.82 0 .74 36% 64% 0 0 NA NA Manufacturing 140 Employees 2 .13 0 .36 44% 56% 0 0 NA NA Warehousing 150 KSF 2 3 .56 0 .32 25% 75% 0 0 NA NA Warehousing 150 Employees 3 .89 0 .59 35 % 65% 0 0 NA NA Mini Warehouse 151 KSF' 2.50 0 .26 51 % 49% 0 0 NA NA Mini Warehouse 151 Storage Units 0.25 0 .02 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Mini Warehouse 151 Employees 61.90 6.04 52% 48 % 0 0 NA NA High -Cube Wa rehouse 152 KSF 2 1.44 0 .10 33% 67% 0 0 NA NA High-Cube Wa rehouse 152 Employees NA 0.66 35% 65% 0 0 NA NA Utilities 170 KSF ' NA 0 .76 45% 55% 0 0 NA NA Utilities 170 Employees NA 0 .76 90% 10% 0 0 NA NA Single Family Homes 210 DU 9.57 1.01 63% 37% 0 0 NA NA Single Family Homes 2 10 Vehicles 6.02 0 .67 66% 34% 0 0 NA NA Apartmen t 220 DU 6.65 0 .62 65% 35% 0 0 NA NA Apartment 220 Perso ns 3.31 0 .40 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Apartment 220 Vehicles 5.10 0 .60 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Low Rise Apartment 221 Occ.DU 6.59 0 .58 65% 35% 0 0 NA NA High Rise Apartment 222 DU 4.20 0 .35 61% 39% 0 0 NA NA Mid-Rise Apartment 223 DU NA 0 .39 58% 42% 0 0 NA NA Renta l Townhouse 224 DU NA 0 .72 51% 49% 0 0 NA NA Caution-On ly 1 Study. Resd . Condo/Town house 230 DU 5.81 0 .52 67% 33% 7 .0 41 4 2 1 Resd . Condo/Townhouse 230 Persons 2.49 0.24 67% 33% 0 0 NA NA Low Rise Resd . Condo 231 DU NA 0.78 58% 42% 0 0 NA NA High Rise Resd. Condo 232 DU 4 .18 0.38 62% 38% 0 0 NA NA Luxury Condo/Townhou se 233 0cc. DU NA 0.55 63% 37% 0 0 NA NA Mobile Home Park 240 DU 4.99 0.59 62% 38% 0 0 NA NA Mobile Home Park 240 Persons 2.46 0.26 63% 37% 0 0 NA NA Retirement Community 250 DU NA 0 .27 56% 44% 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 1 Study Eld erly Housing-Detached 251 DU 3.71 0 .27 61% 39% 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 1 Study. Congregate Ca re Facility 253 Occ.DU 2.15 0 .17 56% 44% 0 0 NA NA Caution-On ly 2 Studies Elderly Housing-Attached 252 Occ.DU 3.48 0 .16 60% 40% 0 0 NA NA Caution-On ly 4 Studies 175 Recreational Homes 260 DU 3 .16 0 .2 6 41 % 59% 0 0 NA NA Residentia l PUD 270 DU 7 .50 0 .62 65% 35% 0 0 NA NA Hotel 3 10 0cc. Room 8 .9 2 0 .70 49% 51% 0 0 NA NA Hotel 310 Room s 8 .17 0 .59 53% 47% 0 0 NA NA Hotel 310 Employees 14 .34 0 .80 54% 46% 0 0 NA NA All Suites Hotel 3 11 D ec.Room 6.24 0 .55 42% 58% 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 4 Studies All Suites Hotel 3 11 Rooms 4 .90 0.40 45% 55% 0 0 NA NA Bus iness Hotel 312 0 cc. Room 7.27 0 .62 60% 40% 0 0 NA NA Caution-Onl y 4 St ud ies Bus iness Hotel 3 12 Em pl oyees 72.67 7 .60 60% 40% 0 0 NA NA Motel 320 Dec.Room 9 .11 0 .5 8 53% 47 % 0 0 NA NA Motel 320 Rooms 5 .63 0.47 54 % 46 % 0 0 NA NA Motel 320 Employees 12 .81 0 .73 54% 46% 0 0 NA NA Resort Hotel 330 0cc. Room 13.43 0.49 43% 57 % 0 0 NA NA Daily Rate for Saturday. Resort Hotel 330 Rooms NA 0.42 43% 57% 0 0 NA NA City Park 411 Picinic Sites 5 .87 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA County Park 412 Acres 2.28 0 .06 41 % 59 % 0 0 NA NA State Park 413 Picnic Sites 9 .95 0.65 43% 57 % 0 0 NA NA State Park 413 Employees NA 4 .67 4 3% 57% 0 0 NA NA Water Slide Park 41 4 Parking Space 2.27 NA NA NA 0 NA NA NA Caution-Only 1 Study. Beach Park 415 Acres 29 .8 1 1.30 29% 7 1% 0 0 NA NA Campground/RV Park 416 Acres 74 .38 0 .39 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 1 Study. Regional Park 417 Picnic Sites 61 .82 9.60 4 1% 59% 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Peak Hour. Regiona l Park 417 Employees 79 .77 10.26 45% 55 % 0 0 NA NA National Monument 418 Employees 3 1.0 5 5.58 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Peak Hou r. Mari na 420 Berths 2 .96 0 .19 60% 40% 0 0 NA NA Ca utio n-Only 2 Studies Go lf Course 430 Employees 20 .52 1.48 48% 52 % 0 0 NA NA Golf Course 430 Holes 35 .74 2.78 45% 55% 0 0 NA NA Minature Golf Course 431 Holes NA 0 .33 33% 67% 0 0 NA NA Golf Driving Range 432 Tees NA 1.25 45% 55% 0 0 NA NA Caution-On ly 2 Studies. Mu ltipurpose Rec . Facility 435 Acres 90 .38 5.77 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Ca ution-Onl y 1 Study. Live Theater 441 Seats NA 0 .02 50% 50% 0 0 NA NA Movi e Theater w/o matinee 443 KSF ' 78 .06 6.16 94% 6% 0 0 NA NA Ca ution-Only 1 Stud y. Movie Theater w/o matinee 443 Movie Scre ens 220 .00 24.00 41 % 59% 0 0 NA NA Movie Theater w/o matinee 443 Seats 1.76 0.07 75% 25% 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Peak Hour. Movie Th eater wlo matinee 443 Employees 53 .12 4.20 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Movie Theater w/ matinee 444 KSF ' NA 3 .80 64% 36% 0 0 NA NA Caution-On ly 1 Study. Movie Theater wl matinee 444 Movie Scree ns 153 .33 20 .22 40% 60% 0 0 NA NA Movi e Theater w/ matinee 444 Seats NA 0 .14 53% 47 % 0 0 NA NA Horse Track 452 Employees 2 .60 NA 50 % 50% 0 NA NA NA Dog Track 454 Atte ndees 1.09 0 .13 66 % 34% 0 0 NA NA Arena 460 Employees 10.00 NA 50% 50% 0 NA NA NA Ice Rink 465 Seats 1.26 0.12 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Caution-On ly 1 Study. CasinoMdeo Lottery Establishment 473 KSF ' NA 13.43 56% 44% 0 0 NA NA Amu se ment Park 480 Employees 8 .33 0 .50 61% 39% 0 0 NA NA Zoo 481 Acres 114 .88 NA 50 % 50% 0 NA NA NA Zoo481 Employees 23 .93 NA 50 % 50% 0 NA NA NA Tennis Courts 490 Courts 31 .04 3.88 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Tenn is Courts 490 Employees 66 .67 5.67 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Ra cque t Club 491 Courts 38 .70 3.35 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Ra cqu et Club 4 91 KSF " 14 .03 1.06 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Ra cquet Club 491 Employees 45.7 1 4.95 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Health Club 492 KSF ' 32.93 3.53 57% 43% 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 1 Study Bowling Alley 494 KSF' 33 .33 3.54 35 % 65% 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 1 St udy . Recreational Com . Center495 KSF ' 22 .88 1.45 37 % 63% 0 0 NA NA Ca ution-1 stud y . Recreational Com . Center 495 Employees 27 .25 3.16 44% 56% 0 0 NA NA Military Ba se 501 Employees 1.78 0 .39 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Ele mentary School 520 Students 1.2 9 0 .15 49% 51% 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour Is PM Peak Hour. Ele mentary School 520 KSF' 15.43 1.21 45% 55 % 0 0 NA NA Elementary School 520 Employees 15 .7 1 1.81 49% 51 % 0 0 NA NA Priva te School (K-12) 536 Students 2.48 0 .1 7 43% 57 % 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 2 studies. Middle/ JR. High School 522 Students 1 .62 0 .16 49% 51% 0 0 NA NA 176 Mid dl e/ JR. Hi gh School 522 KSF 13.78 1.19 52% 48% 0 0 NA NA High School 530 Students 1.71 0 .13 47 % 53 % 0 0 NA NA High School 530 KSF ' 12 .89 0 .97 54 % 46% 0 0 NA NA High School 530 Employees 19 .74 1.55 54 % 46% 0 0 NA NA Ju nior/ Comm. Co ll ege 540 Student s 1.20 0 .12 64 % 36 % 0 0 NA NA Junior/ Comm. Co ll eg e 540 KSF ' 27.4 9 2.54 58% 42% 0 0 NA NA Junio r/ Comm. Co ll ege 540 Em ployees 15 .55 1.39 58% 42% 0 0 NA NA Unive rsity/Coll ege 550 St ud ents 2 .38 0 .2 1 30% 70 % 0 0 NA NA University/Coll ege 550 Employees 9.13 0 .88 29% 71 % 0 0 NA NA Church 560 KSF ' 9 .11 0 .55 48 % 52 % 0 0 NA NA For Weekday Synagogue 561 KSF ' 10 .64 1.69 47% 53 % 0 0 NA NA Cautio n- Onl y 1 Stud y. Daycare Ce nter 565 KS F2 79.26 12.46 47 % 53 % 0 0 NA NA Daycare Center 565 St ude nts 4.48 0 .82 47% 53 % 0 0 NA NA Daycare Ce nter 565 Employees 28 .13 4.79 47% 53 % 0 0 NA NA Cemetery 566 Employees 58.09 7 .00 33 % 67 % 0 0 NA NA Pri son 571 KS F' NA 2.9 1 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Pea k Hour. Ca ution-Only 1 Study . Prison 571 Employees NA 0 .23 28 % 72 % 0 0 NA NA Library 590 KSF ' 56 .24 7 .30 48% 52 % 0 0 NA NA Library 590 Employees 52 .52 5.40 47% 53 % 0 0 NA NA Lodge/Fratern al Organization 59 1 Membe rs 0 .29 0.03 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Caution-Onl y 1 Stud y. Lodge/Fra tern al Orga nization 59 1 Employees 46.90 4.05 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Hospita l 610 KSF' 16 .50 1.14 42% 58 % 0 0 NA NA Hos pital 610 Beds 11 .8 1 1.31 36 % 64% 0 0 NA NA Hospital 610 Employees 5 .20 0 .33 3 1% 69 % 0 0 NA NA Nursing Home 620 Beds 2 .37 0 .22 33 % 67% 0 0 NA NA Nursing Home 620 Employees 4 .03 NA 26 % 74 % 0 NA NA NA Pe ak Hour is PM Peak Hour. Clinic 630 KSF ' 3 1.45 5 .18 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 2 Stud ies . Clinic 630 Emolovees 7 .75 1.23 41 % 59% 0 0 NA NA Ge neral Office 710 (E quation) KSF ' Equation Equation 17% 83 % 0 0 NA NA Ge neral Office 710 KSF ' 11 .01 1.4 9 17% 83 % 2 .6 29 4 1 3 Corporate Headquarters 714 KSF ' 7 .98 1.40 10% 90% 0 0 NA NA Peak Ho ur is PM Peak Hour. Corporate Hea dquarters 714 Employee s 7 .98 1.40 10% 90% 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Pe ak Hour. Single Te nant Office Bldg 715 KSF ' 11 .57 1.72 15% 85% 0 0 NA NA Peak Ho ur is PM Pea k Hour. Single Te nant Office Bl dg 715 Em pl oyees 3.62 0 .50 15% 85 % 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Peak Hour. Me dical Den tal Office 720 KSF ' 36 .13 3 .4 6 27% 73 % 0 0 NA NA Medica l Denta l Office 720 Em pl oyees 8.9 1 1.06 34 % 66 % 0 0 NA NA Government Office Bui lding 730 KS F' 68 .93 1.21 3 1% 69 % 0 0 NA NA Peak Ho ur is PM Pea k Hou r. Cautio n- Onl y 1 Study . Gove rnment Office Building 730 Em pl oyees 11.95 1.91 74 % 26 % 0 0 NA NA State Motor Ve hi cles Dept. 73 1 KSF ' 166 .02 17 .09 NA NA 0 0 NA NA State Motor Veh icles Dept. 73 1 Employees 44 .54 4 .58 NA NA 0 0 NA NA US Post Office 732 KS F' 108.19 11 .12 5 1% 49% 0 0 NA NA US Post Offi ce 732 Em ployees 28 .32 2.84 5 1% 49% 0 0 NA NA Gov . Office Com pl ex 733 KSF ' 27 .92 2.85 3 1% 69 % 0 0 NA NA Ca utio n-Only 1 Stud y . Gov . Office Complex 733 Employees 7 .75 0 .79 31 % 69% 0 0 NA NA R&D Ce nter 760 KSF ' 8 .11 1.07 15% 85% 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Peak Hou r. R&D Ce nter 760 Employees 2 .77 0.41 10% 90 % 0 0 NA NA Bui ld ing Material s/Lumber 8 12 KS F' 45.16 4.4 9 47% 53 % 0 0 NA NA Bui lding Materia ls/Lumbe r 8 12 Employees 32 .12 2.77 51 % 49% 0 0 NA NA Free-S tanding Discou nt Su perstore 8 13 KS F' 53 .13 4.61 49% 51 % 0 0 NA NA Fre e-Standing Di scount Store 815 KSF ' 57 .24 5.00 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Free-Standing Discount Store 8 15 Employees 28.84 3.48 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Hardware/Pa int Store 816 KSF ' 51.29 4.84 47% 53 % 0 0 NA NA Cau tio n-Only 3 Stud ies Hardware/Paint Store 816 Employees 53 .2 1 5 .05 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Nursery (Garden Cen ter) 817 KS F' 36 .08 3 .80 NA NA 0 0 NA NA 177 Nursery (Garden Center) 817 Employees 22 .13 1.99 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Nursery (Wholesale) 818 KSF ' 39 .00 5 .17 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Nursery (Wholesa le ) 818 Employees 23.40 0.47 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Shopping Center 820 (Equation) KSF Equation Eq uati on 49% 51 % 0 0 NA NA Sh opping Center 820 Rate KSF ' 42 .94 3.37 49% 51 % 0 0 NA NA Factory Outlet Center 823 KSF 26.59 2.29 47% 53 % 0 0 NA NA Quality Restaurant 931 KSF 89.95 7.49 67% 33 % 0 0 NA NA Low Turnover -More than 1 hour Quality Restaurant 931 Seats 2 .86 0 .26 67% 33 % 0 0 NA NA High Turnover/Sit Down Rest 932 KSF ' 127.15 11 .15 59% 41 % 0 0 NA NA Big variation on Daily High Turnover/Sit Down Rest 93 2 Seats 4 .83 0.41 57 % 43 % 0 0 NA NA Fast Food w/o Drive Thru 933 KSF ' 716 .00 26 .15 51 % 49% 0 0 NA NA Fa st Food w/o Drive Thru 933 Seats 42 .12 2 .13 64 % 36% 0 0 NA NA Fast Food w/ Dr ive Thru 934 KSF ' 496 .12 33.48 52% 48% 0 0 NA NA Fast Food w/ Drive Thru 934 Seats 19 .52 0.94 53 % 47% 0 0 NA NA Dri ve Thru Only 935 KSF ' NA 153.85 54 % 46% 0 0 NA NA Only 2 studies Drinking Place 925 KSF ' NA 11 .34 66 % 34 % 0 0 NA NA Quick Lube Shop 941 Service Bays 40 .00 5 .19 55 % 45% 0 0 NA NA Automobile Care Center 942 Service Bays 12 .48 2.17 NA NA 0 0 NA NA Daily Trips for Saturday . Caution-Only 1 Study . Automobile Care Center 942 KSF ' 15 .86 3 .38 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Daily Trips for Saturday . New Car Sales 841 KSF ' 33.34 2 .59 39% 61 % 0 0 NA NA New Car Sales 841 Employees 21 .14 0 .96 48% 52 % 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Peak Hour. Automobile Parts Sales 843 KSF ' 61 .9 1 5.98 49% 51 % 0 0 NA NA Gasoline/Service Station 944 Fuel. Pos ition 168.56 13 .87 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Daily Rate from 4th Edition ITE Serv .Stalion w/ Conven .Mkl 945 Fuel Pos ition 162.78 13 .38 50% 50 % 0 0 NA NA Have auto repa ir and service Serv.Stat .w/Conv.Mkt.&Carwash 946 Fuel Pos iti on 152.84 13.94 51 % 49% 0 0 NA NA Self-Service Carwash 947 Stalls 108.00 5.54 51 % 49% 0 0 NA NA Caution -Only 1 Study. Tire Store 848 Service Ba ys NA 3.54 42% 58% 0 0 NA NA Tire Store 848 KSF ' 24 .87 4.15 43% 57% 0 0 NA NA Wholesal e Tire Store 849 Serv ice Bays 30 .55 3.17 47% 53% 0 0 NA NA Supermarket 850 KSF ' 102 .24 10.50 51 % 49% 0 0 NA NA Daily based on small number of studies (Caution) Convenien . Mkl. (Open 24 hrs) 851 KSF ' 737 .99 52.41 51 % 49% 0 0 NA NA Convenien . Mkl. (Open 16 Hrs) 852 KSF ' NA 34 .57 49% 51 % 0 0 NA NA Convenien . Mkt w/ Gas Pumps 853 KSF ' 845 .60 59 .69 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Average size= 3,000 sqft Di scount Supermarket 854 KSF ' 96 .82 8 .90 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Daily Trips for Saturday. Caution-Only 1 Study. Wholesale Market 860 KSF ' 6 .73 0 .88 53 % 47% 0 0 NA NA Caution-Only 1 Study. Discount Club 857 KSF ' 41 .80 4.24 50% 50% 0 0 NA NA Similar to "Sams" or "Pace" Home Improvement Store 862 KSF ' 29 .80 2.37 48% 52% 0 0 NA NA Electron ics Superstore 863 KSF ' 45 .04 4 .50 49% 51 % 0 0 NA NA Toy/Ch ildren's Superstore 864 KSF ' NA 4 .99 50% 50 % 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is for Saturday. Apparel Store 876 KSF ' 66.40 3 .83 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Drugstore w/o Drive-Thru 880 KSF ' 90 .06 8.42 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Drugstore w/ Drive-Thru 881 KSF ' 88 .16 10.35 50 % 50 % 0 0 NA NA Furniture Store 890 KSF ' 5 .06 0 .45 48 % 52% 0 0 NA NA Video Arcade 895 KSF ' NA 56 .81 52 % 48% 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Peak Hour. Caution-Only 1 Study . Video Rental Store 896 KSF ' NA 31 .54 50% 50% 0 0 NA NA Peak Hour is PM Peak Hour. Walk-in Bank 911 KSF ' 156.48 12.12 44 % 56 % 0 0 NA NA Daily based on 1 study & PM Peak based on 2 studies . Drive-in Bank 91 2 Dri ve-in Wi ndows 139.25 27.41 49% 51 % 0 0 NA NA Drive-in Bank 912 KSF ' 148.15 25.82 50 % 50% 0 0 NA NA 178 NA: Not Available DU: Dwelling Unit KSF2' Units of 1,000 square feet Fuel Position: # of vehicles that could be fueled simultaneously 179 21-Aug-23 180 Dave Lavery From: Sent: Curti s Coope r <Curtis.Coope r@ fa irhopeal.gov > Tuesday, Augus t 29, 20 23 7:51 AM To: Dave Lavery Subject: Re : Magnolia & Chu rc h Fire Flow Whe n I get back to th e office I w ill send yo u so methi ng on this. Get Outlook fo r iOS From: Dave Lav e ry <dlavery@secivileng .co m> Sent: Tuesday, August 29 , 2023 7 :43 :28 AM To: Curtis Cooper <Curtis .Cooper@fairhopea l.gov> Subject: RE : M agnolia & Church Fire Flow Good morn i ng Curt is, Sorry to pester you on this , but P&Z requested a response to the below comment by EOD . Can you provide a comment that we can submit to satisfy this requ i rement? Fire Flow Modeling (We realize that these tests were suspended due to water conservation . Please follow up with sewer and water to schedule testing .) Thank you , Dave Lavery, PE 9969 Windmi ll R oad Fairhop e, Ala bama 36532 251 -99 0-6566 p h one www.secivil.pro Civil ngineering & Su:rv ing From: Dave Lavery Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 10 :11 AM To: Curtis Cooper <Curtis.Cooper@fairhopeal.gov> Subject: RE : Magnolia & Church Fire Flow Curtis, We submitted to Planning and Zoning and noted that we are unable to perform a Fire Flow Test until we Phase 1 of water conservat ion , but they commented that we need to follow up to schedule testing. Can you provide an email that we will be scheduled for a fire flow tes t when water conservation reache s Phase 1. Thank you , 1 181 Dav e Lavery , PE 9969 Windmi ll R oad Fairh op e, Alabam a 36532 25 1-990-6566 phone www.se civil.pro Civil ngineerjng & Surv ing From: Dave Lave ry Sent: Monday, August 21 , 2023 3 :16 PM To: Curtis Cooper <Curtis.Cooper@fairhopeal.gov > Subject: RE : Magnolia & Church Fire Flow Curtis , Did you ever get a chance to check if there is fire flow data available i n this area? Please let me know . Thank you , Dave Lavery , PE 9969 Windmi ll R oad Fairhope, Alabama 36532 2 51-99 0-6566 pho ne www .secivil.pro Civil ngineerJng & Su.rv ing From: Curtis Cooper <Curtis .Cooper@fairhopeal.gov > Sent: Wednesday , August 16, 2023 3 :48 PM To: Dave Lavery <dlavery@secivileng.com > Subject: Re : Magnolia & Church Fire Flow N o I didn 't today . We had we'll iss u es . A nd yes until we ge t to phase 1 of water con servatio n Get Outlook for iOS From: Dave Lavery <dlavery@secivileng .com > Sent: Wednesday , August 16, 2023 3 :08 :19 PM To: Curt is Cooper <Curtis.Cooper@fairhopeal.gov > Subject: RE : Magnolia & Church Fire Flow 2 182 Were you ab le t o look i nto th is? If you don 't have data available, would we need to wait to do a fire flow test until the moratorium is ended? Thank you , Dave Lavery, PE 9969 W indmill Road Fa irh ope, Alabama 36532 25 1-990 -6566 p hone •ivil ngineerin & Surv ing From: Curtis Cooper <Curtis .Cooper@fairhopeal.gov > Sent: Tuesday , August 15 , 2023 4 :21 PM To: Dave Lavery <dlavery@secivileng.com > Subject: Re : Magnolia & Church Fire Flow I wi ll lo ok tomo rro w Get Outlook for iOS From: Dave Lavery <dlavery@secivileng.com > Sent: Tuesday, August 15 , 2023 4 :13 :56 PM To: Curtis Cooper <Curtis.Cooper@fairhopeal.gov> Subject: Magnol ia & Church Fire Flow Good afternoon Curtis, Do you have any fire flow data available near Magnolia and Church? We are working on an MOB submittal for the parcel on the northeast corner of that intersection . Thank you , Dave L avery , PE 9969 Wi ndmi ll Road Fairhop e, A la bama 36532 25 1-990-6566 phone www.secivil.pro Civil ngineerin & Surv ing 3 183 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jay Robinson Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St. PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) 251-928-6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov August 29, 2023 S.E . Civil Engineering & Surveying Dave Lavery 9969 Windmill Road Fairhope, AL 36532 Regarding your availability request for PPfN 15164 , 301 Magnolia Ave, comer of Magnolia Ave and Church St. Water: Water is available through Fairhope Public Utilities. Sewer: Sewer is available through Fairhope Public Utilities. Electric: Electric is available through Fairhope Public Utilities. Gas: Gas is available through Fairhope Public Utilities. All utilities: Aid to construction will be determined upon review of final plat and must meet current utility specifications . ~ Tim Manuel Water & Wastewater Assistant Superintendent Sidney Grose GasDepn J &Fz Electrical Superintendent 184 ~at&t August 29 , 2023 Dave Lavery S .E . Civil Engineering & Surveying RE: Service Availability -Vatan Mixed Use Development Dear Mr. Lavery, AT&T Alabama 2155 Old Shell Rd Mob ile, AL 36607 www.at t .com T : 251.471.8361 F: 251.471.0410 w.mitchell @att.com This letter is in response to your request for information on the availability of service at the above location by AT&T. This letter acknowledges that the above referenced property is located in an area served by AT&T. Any service arrangements for this location will be subject to later discussions and agreements between the developer and AT&T . Please be advised that this letter is not a commitment by AT&T to provide service to this location . Please contact me at the phone number included in this letter with any questions . Thank you for contacting AT&T. Sincerely, tZ&~ Wade Mitchell Manager, OSP Planning and Design AT&T Alabama 2155 Old Shell Rd Mobile, Alabama 36607 Gulf District/ Mobile Office ~ PA)U o Spon50f of U,e U.s, Olympie T .. m 185 Octob er 4th , 2023 Mike Jeffries City of Fairhope Development Ser vices Manager 451 South Pecan Street Ste. 200 Fairhope, AL 36532 --- RE: Starbucks Greeno-Site Plan Extension Dear Mike, Civil Engineering & Surveying S.E . Civil woul d li ke to request a 1-year extension to Starbucks Greeno . We are requesting this extension due to a construction blacko ut date set fo r th by Big Lots. Big Lots does not want construction to be going on during th e holi d ay season for fear it would impact th e busiest part of th eir year. T h erefor e, an agree m ent could not b e worked out to b egin/ compl ete construction this year. The si te plan approval was on Decem ber 121h, 2022, and expires D ece m ber 12th of 2023. We anai cipate construction to begin in January of 2024 and to conclude in July of 2024 . We would like to formally b e placed o n the agenda for the next available city council meeting for an extension . Please let me know if you need an y additional information at thi s ai me. s Planning Director 251-990-6566 9969 Windmill Road Fairhop e, Alabam a 3653 2 2 51 -990-65 66 186 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED , BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE AS FOLLOWS: That the City of Fairhope, Alabama enters into an agreement with the State of Alabama, acting by and through the Alabama Department of Transportation relating to a project for: Sidewalks along Parker Road from CR-98 to SR-42 (US-98); Project# CRPES-0223( ); CPMS Ref# 100076864. (Preliminary Engineering Agreement) Which agreement is before this Council, and that the agreement be executed in the name of the City of Fairhope, by Mayor Sherry Sullivan for and on its behalf and that it be attested by the City Clerk, Lisa A. Hanks, and the official seal of the City be affixed thereto . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that upon the completion of the execution of the agreement by all parties , that a copy of such agreement be kept on file by the City. I, the undersigned qualified and City Clerk of the City of Fairhope, Alabama do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of a resolution lawfully passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Fairhope therein , at a regular meeting of such Council held on the 23rd of October, 2023 , and that such resolution is on file in the City Clerk 's Office . ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore 23rd of October, 2023 , and that such resolution is ofrecord in the Minute Book of the City . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City on this ___ day of October, 2023 . Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk 8 187 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FORA FEDERAL AID PROJECT BETWEEN THE STATE OF ALABAMA AND THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE Baldwin County Project No. CRPES-0223( ) CPMS Ref# 100076864 PART ONE (1): INTRODUCTION This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the State of Alabama (acting by and through the Alabama Department of Transportation), hereinafter referred to as the STA TE ; and the City of Fairhope , Alabama, hereinafter referred to as the CITY. WHEREAS , the STA TE and the CITY desire to cooperate in the sidewalk along Parker Rd. from CR-98 to SR-42 (US-98); Project# CRPES-0223( ); CPMS Ref# I 00076864. NOW, THEREFORE , it is mutually agreed between the STATE and the CITY as follows: PART TWO (2): FUNDING PROVISIONS A. Project Funding: The STA TE wi ll not be liable for Federal Aid Funds in any amount. The project will be limited to $32 ,000.00 Federal funds unless the Eastern Shores Area Metropolitan Planning Organization agrees , subject to the approval of the STATE, to reprogram the allocated Federal funds for the Eastern Shores Area sufficient to pay 80 % of the project cost. An y overruns not covered by the MPO will be borne by the CITY from CITY funds. In the event of an underrun in project costs , the amount of Federal Aid funds wil l be the amount stated below, or 80% of eligible project costs , whichever is less. B. The estimated cost and participation by the various parties is as follows: FUNDING SOURCE ESTIMATED COSTS CRP Funds (Eastern Shores Area Dedicated) $ 32 ,000.00 City Funds $ 8,000.00 TOTAL (Incl Indirect Cost) $ 40 ,000 .00 It is further understood that this is a cost reimbursement program and no federal funds will be provided to the CITY prior to accomplishment of the work for which it is requested. Furthermore, no federal funds will be reimbursed for work performed prior to project authorization. Any cost incurred by the CITY relating to this project which is determined to be ineligible for reimbursement by the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) or in 188 excess of the limiting amounts previously stated will not be an eligible cost to the project and will be borne and paid by the CITY. C. Time Limit: This project will commence upon written authorization to proceed from the STATE directed to the CITY. The approved allocation of funds for projects containing Industrial Access funds shall lapse if a contract has not been awarded for construction of the project within ( 12) months of the date of the funding approval by the Board and the approved allocation shall be returned to the !ARB for re-allocation. A time extension may be approved by the IARB upon formal request by the applicant. The approved allocation of funds for projects containing Federal Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside funds may lapse if a project has not been authorized by FHWA within (24) months of the date of the funding approval by the Governor and the approved allocation shall be returned to the ST A TE for re-allocation. A time extension may be approved by the STA TE upon formal request by the applicant. Failure to meet other project milestones , as set forth in the TAP Guidelines , may result in an approved allocation being returned to the ST A TE. PART THREE (3): PROJECT SERVICES A. The CITY will furnish all Right-of-Way for the project. Associated Right-of-Way acquisition costs will not be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. The Right-of-Way acquisition phase is hereby defined as the appraisal fees , appraisal review fees and the cost of acquisition incurred. All work accomplished under the provisions of this agreement will be accomplished on property owned by or which will be acquired by the CITY in accordance with applicable Federal and state laws , regulations , and procedures. Any exceptions to this requirement must be approved by the STA TE in writing prior to incurring costs for which reimbursement is requested by the CITY . In cases where property is leased or easements obtained , the terms of the lease or easement will not be less than the expected life of the improvements . Acquisition of real property by the CITY as a part of this project will conform to and be in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance & Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (49 CFR 24 , Subpart B), all federal environmental laws , and all other applicable state and federal laws . Any property acquired shall be in the name of the CITY with any condemnation or other legal proceedings being performed by the C[TY. The CITY shall follow all Federal regulations related to the Management, Leasing , and Disposal of Right-of-Way , uneconomic remnants and excess Right-of-Way as found in CFR 23 § 710 Subpart D. Proceeds for Leases and Disposals shall be credited to the Project or to the Title 23 Collector Account. No change in use or ownership of real property acquired or improved with funds provided under the terms of this Agreement will be permitted without prior written approval from the STATE or FHWA . The STATE or FHWA will be credited on a prorata share, as provided in Part Two, Section B , any revenues received by the CITY from the sale or lease of property . B. The CITY will relocate any utilities in conflict with the project improvements in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws , regulations , and procedures. Associated Utility costs will not be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. C. The CITY will make the Survey, perform the Design, complete the Plans and furnish all Preliminary Engineering for the project with CITY forces or with a consultant approved by the STATE. Associated Survey , Design , Plan Preparation , and Preliminary Engineering costs will be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. 2 189 If any Associated Survey , Design , Plan Preparation , and Preliminary Engineering costs are an eligible cost to the project, the CITY will develop and submit to the STA TE a project budget for approval. This budget will be in such form and detail as may be required by the STATE. At a minimum, all major work activities will be described , and an estimated cost and source of funds will be indicated for each activity. A signature line will be provided for approval by the Region Engineer and date of such approval. All cost for which the CITY seeks reimbursement must be included in a budget approved by the STA TE in order to be considered for reimbursement. Budget adjustments may be necessary and may be allowed, subject to the approval of the STA TE in writing, in order to successfully carry out the project. However, under no circumstances will the CITY be reimbursed for expenditures over and beyond the amount approved by the STA TE. The CITY will undertake the project in accordance with this Agreement, plans approved by the STA TE and the requirements , and provisions, including the documents relating thereto , developed by the CITY and approved by the STATE. The plans , including the documents relating thereto, is of record in the Alabama Department of Transportation and is hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement by reference. lt is understood by the CITY that failure of the CITY to carry out the project in accordance with this Agreement and approved plans, including documents related thereto , may result in the loss of federal funding and the refund of any federal funds previously received on the project. Projects containing Industrial Access funds or State funds , with no Federal funds involved , shall have completed original plans furnished to the STA TE in accordance with the Guidelines for Operations for Procedures for Processing State and Industrial Access Funded County and City Projects , and attached hereto as a part of this Agreement prior to the CITY letting the contract. D. The CITY will furnish all construction engineering for the project with CITY forces or with a consultant approved by the ST A TE as part of the cost of the project. Construction Engineering & Inspection cost are not to exceed 15%, without prior approval by the State. Associated Construction Engineering & Inspection costs will not be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. E. The STATE will furnish the necessary inspection and testing of materials when needed as part of the cost of the project. The CITY may request the use of an approved third-party materials inspection and testing provider, as approved by the ST A TE. PART FOUR (4): CONTRACT PROVISIONS A. The CITY shall not proceed with any project work covered under the provisions of this Agreement until the STA TE issues written authorization to the CITY to proceed. B . Associated Construction cost will not be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. For projects let to contract by the STATE, the STA TE will be responsible for advertisement and receipt of bids , and the award of the Contract. Following the receipt of bids and prior to the award of the Contract, the STA TE will invoice the CITY for its pro rata share of the estimated cost as reflected by the bid of the successful bidder plus Engineering & [nspection and Indirect Costs (if applicable). The CITY shall pay this amount to the STATE no later than 30 days after the date bids are opened. Failure to do so may lead to the rejection of the bid. For projects let to contract by the CITY, the CITY shall comply with all Federal and State laws , rules , regulations and procedures applicable to the advertisement, receipt of bids , and the award of the contract. The CITY will , when authorized by the STATE, solicit bids and make awards for construction and/or services pursuant to this agreement. The CITY shall not solicit bids until the entire bid package (plans , specifications, estimates , etc.) has been reviewed and approved by the STA TE. Following receipt of bids, the CITY will provide all bids to the STATE with a recommendation for award. 3 190 The CITY s ha ll not award the contract until it has received writte n approval from the STATE. For projects w ith approval by the STA TE to use CITY Forces, the Construction for the project will be performed by the CITY at actual costs for la bo r, materials , and equipm ent, as approved by the ST A TE. The purc hase of project eq uipment an d/or services financed in w ho le or in part pursuant to thi s Agreement wi ll be in accordance w ith app licable Federal a nd State laws, rule s, re g ulati o ns , a nd procedures , includin g state competitive biddin g requirements applicable to counties and municipalities in the State of Alabama w he n the purchase is made by any such e ntity. C . If nec essary , the C ITY wi ll file an A la bam a Department of Env ironm ental Management (A D EM) National Pollutant Di sc harge E limin ation System (NP DES) Not ice of Re g istration (NOR) (Code C hapter 335 -6-1 2) for this proj ect w ith o ut cost to the State or this proj ect. The CITY wi ll be th e permittee of record w ith ADEM for the permit. T he CITY and th e co ntractor w ill be res pon s ibl e for co mpliance with the permit and the State wi ll have no ob li gation regarding the pe rmit. The CITY w ill furnish the State (Reg io n) a copy of th e permit prior to any work be in g performed by the co ntractor. The CITY w ill secure a ll permits and lic e nses of every nature and description applicable to the proj ect in any manner and wi ll conform to a nd comply w ith t he requirements of any such permit or li cense, and with eac h and every requirement of an y and all agencies , and of any a nd a ll lawful a uth o riti es hav in g jurisdiction or requirements applicab le to the proj ect or to the project act iv itie s. D. The CITY w ill comply w ith the Alabama Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction , Latest Edition , on this proj ect and wi ll e nsure that work associated on this project meets the sta nd a rds of the Alabama D epartment of Transportation and the project will be built in acco rdance w ith th e approved plans. E. S ubject to the lim itations o n damages applicable to municipal corporations under A la. Co de § 11-47-1 90 (1975), the CITY shall ind emnify, and ho ld harml ess the State of Alabama, th e A labama Department of Tra nsportatio n, its officers , offic ials , age nts , se rvant s, and emp loyees fro m and against (1) claims, da mages , losses , and expenses , including but not limited to attorneys ' fees arising out of, connected w ith , resu ltin g from or related to the work performed by the CITY , or its officers , emp loyees , contracts, age nts or assig ns (2) the provision of any se rvices or expe nditure of funds required , authorized , o r und ertaken by the C ITY pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, or (3) any damage , loss , expense, bodil y injury , or death , or injury or destruction of tangible property (other than the wo rk it se lf), including loss of use therefrom , and including but not limited to attorneys ' fees , caused by the negligent, careless or un ski llful ac ts of the CITY its age nts , servants , representatives or emp loyees , or the misuse , misappropriation , mi sapplicati o n, or misexpenditure of any so urce of funding, co mp e nsat ion or reimbursement by the CITY, it s agents , se rvants , representatives or employees , or anyone for w hose acts the CITY may be li ab le. F . The CITY wi ll be obligated for th e p ay m e nt of damages occas io ned to private property , public utiliti es or the genera l public , ca used by the legal liabili ty (in accordance with Alabama and /or Federal law) of the CITY, its age nts , servant s, e mpl oyees or facilities . G. Upon co mpl etion and acce ptance of thi s proj ect by the State, th e CITY wi ll ass ume f ull ownership and responsi bility for the proj ec t work and maintain the proj ect in acco rdan ce w ith app li cable State law a nd comply with the Department 's Loca l Road Mai nte nanc e Certification Policy. 4 191 PART FIVE (5): ACCOUNTING PROVISIONS A. The CITY will , when appropriate, submit reimbursement invoices to the STATE for work performed in carry ing out the terms of this Agreement. Requests for reimbursement will be made on forms provided by the STATE and will be submitted through the Region Engineer for payment. The CITY may invoice the ST A TE not more often than once per month for the funds due for work performed under this Agreement. Invoices for payment wi ll be submitted in accordance with state law and will indicate that the payment is due , true, correct, unpaid , and the invoice will be notarized. Invoices for any work performed under the terms of this agreement will be submitted within twelve (12) months after the completion and acceptance by the STA TE for the work. Any invoices submitted after this twelve-month period wil l not be eligible for payment. B. The CITY will not assign any portion of the work to be performed under this Agreement or execute any contract, amendment or change order thereto , or obligate itself in any manner with any third party with respect to its rights and responsibilities under this Agreement, without the prior written approval of the ST A TE. C. The CITY wi ll establish and maintain a cost accounting system that must be adequate and acceptable to the STATE as determined by the auditor of the STATE. All charges to the Project wil l be supported by properly executed invoices , contracts , or vouchers, as applicable , evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges , in accordance with the requirements of the STA TE. All checks, invoices, contracts , vouchers , orders or other accounting documents pertaining in whole or in part to the project will be clearly identified , readily accessible and to the maximum extent feasible , kept separate and apart from all other such documents. The CITY wi II report to the ST A TE the progress of the project in such manner as the STATE may require. The CITY w ill a lso provide the STATE any information requested by the STA TE regarding the project. The CITY wi II submit to the STA TE financial statements, data, records , contracts and other documents and items of an y respect related to the project as may be requested by the ST A TE. The CITY wi ll permit the STATE, the Comptroller General of the United States, and the Secretary of the US DOT, or either of them or their respective authorized representatives , to inspect, at any time , vehicles and equipment utilized or used in performance of the project; any and all data and records which in an y way relate to the project or to the accomplishment of the project. The C ITY will also permit the above noted persons to audit the books , records and accounts pertaining to the project at any and all times , and the CITY wi ll give its full cooperation to those persons or their authorized representatives, as applicable. The CITY wi ll comply with all audit requirements set forth in the 2 CFR Part 200 requirements , or the most current version of those requirements under federal law. D. The CITY will retain all books , records , and other documents relative to this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years after project termination, expiration of Federal interest, or close out, and the STA TE, the Comptroller Genera l of the United States , and the Secretary of the US DOT, or either of them or their respective authorized representatives, will have full access to , and right to examine any of said materials at all reasonable times during said period . E . Any user fee or charge to the public for access to any property or services provided through the funds made avai labl e under this agreement, if not prohibited by a Federal , State or local law, must be app li ed for the maintenance and long-term upkeep of the project authorized by this agreement. F. An audit report must be filed with the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts, upon receipt by the CITY, for any audit performed on this project in accordance with Act No. 94-414. 5 192 PART SIX (6): MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. By entering into thi s agreement, the CITY is not an agent of the STA TE, it s officers , employees, agents or assigns. The CITY is an independent ent ity from the STA TE and nothing in this agreement creates an agency relationship between the parties. B . It is agreed that the terms a nd commitments contained in this agreement shall not be constituted as a debt of the State of Alabama in vio lation of Article 11 , Section 213 of the Constitution of Alabama, 1901 , as amended by Amen dment 26. It is further agreed that if any provision of this agreement sha ll contravene any statute or Constitutional provision or amendment, either now in effect or which may, during the course of this agreement, be enacted , then the conflicting provision in this agreement sha ll be deemed null a nd void. C. By signing this contract, the contracting parties affirm, for the duration of the agreement, that they will not violate Federal immigration law or knowingly employ , hire for emp lo yment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien within the State of A labama . Furthermore, a contracting party found to be in violation of this provision s hall be deemed in breach of the ag reement and s hall be responsible for all damages resulting therefrom. D. No member, officer, or emp lo yee of the CITY during their tenure of employment, and for one year thereafter shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds , profits , or benefits therefrom. E. The terms of this Agreement may be modified by revision of this Agreement duly executed by the partie s hereto. F. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon the delivery of a thirty (30) day notice of termination . G. Nothing shall be construed under the terms of this Agreement that shall cause any conflict with Section 23-1-63, Code of Alabama, 1975. H. Exhibits A, E, H, M, and N are hereby attached to and made a part of this Agreement. 6 193 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by those officers , officials and persons duly authorized to execute same, and the Agreement is deemed to be dated and to be effective on the date hereinafter stated as the date of its approval by the Governor of Alabama. ATTEST: City of Fairhope, Alabama By:------------- City Clerk (Signature) By: As Mayor (Signature) Type Name of Clerk (AFFIX SEAL) Type Name of Mayor This agreement has been legally reviewed and approved as to form and content. By: William F. Patty, Chief Counsel RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Matthew J. Ericksen , P.E. Southwest Region Engi neer Bradley B. Lindsey, P.E. State Local Transportation Engineer Edward N. Austin, P. E. Chief Engineer STATE OF ALABAMA , ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION John R. Cooper, Transportation Director THE WITHIN AND FOREGOING AGREEMENT IS HEREBY EXECUTED AND SIG ED BY THE GOVERNOR ON THIS __ DAY OF ______ , 20 __ KAYIVEY GOVERNOR, STATE OF ALABAMA 7 194 EXHIBIT A STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 PARTICIPATION BY DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES IN FEDERAL- AID PROGRAM Policy . It is the policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 shall have the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in who le or in part with Federal funds under this AGREEMENT. Consequently , the DBE requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 apply to this AGREEMENT. DBE Obligation. The recipient of funds under the terms of this AGREEMENT agrees to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds provided under this agreement. The recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26 to see that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises have the opportunity to compete for and perform contracts and shall not discriminate on the basis of race , color, national orig in , or sex in the award and performance of U.S. Department of Transportation assisted contracts. Failure of the recipient of funds under the terms of this AGREEMENT, or failure of its subcontractor (if a subcontractor is authorized) to carry out the DBE requirements of this AGREEMENT shall constitute a breach of contract, and may result in termination of the contract by the ST A TE, or such other remedy may be undertaken by the ST A TE as it deems appropriate. 9 195 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 EXHIBIT E TERMINATION OR ABANDONMENT a. The ST A TE has the right to abandon the work or to amend its project at any time , and such action on its part shall in no event be deemed a breach of contract. b. The ST A TE has the right to terminate this AGREEMENT at its sole discretion without cause and make settlement with the CITY upon an equitable basis. The value of the work performed by the CITY prior to the termination of this AGREEMENT shall be determined. In determining the value of the work performed , the STATE shall consider the following: 1. 2. The ratio of the amount of work performed by the CITY prior to the termination of the AGREEMENT to the total amount of work contemplated by this AGREEME T less any payments previously made. The amount of the expense to which the CITY is put in performing the work to be terminated in proportion to the amount of expense to which the CITY would have been put had he been allowed to complete the total work contemplated by the AGREEMENT, less any payments previously made. In determining the value of the work performed by the CITY prior to the termination , no consideration will be given to profit, which the CITY might have made on the uncompleted portion of the work. ff the termination is brought about as a result of unsatisfactory performance on the part of the CITY, the value of the work performed by the CITY prior to termination shall be fixed solely on the ratio of the amount of such work to the total amount of work contemplated by this AGREEMENT. CONTROVERSY In any controversy concerning contract terms , or on a question of fact in connection with the work covered by this project, including compensation for such work, the decision of the Transportation Director regarding the matter in issue or dispute shall be final and conclusive of all parties. CONTRACT BINDING O SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS a. This contract shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. b. Should the AGREEMENT be terminated due to default by CITY , such termination shall be in accordance with applicable Federal Acquisition Regulations. 10 196 STD CONTRACT EXIDBITS REV. 9/19/16 EXHIBIT H Pagel EQUAL RIGHTS PROVISIONS During the performance of this contract, the CITY for itself, its assignees and successors in interest agrees as follows: a. Compliance with Regulations The CITY will comply with the Regulations of the Department of Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assigned programs of the Department of Transportation (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations , Part 21 , as amended by 23 CFR 710-405(b), hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees , and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees to comply with the following non-discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race , color, national origin); and 49 CFR Part 21. The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. § 4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); • Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 , (23 U.S.C. § 324 et seq .), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , (29 U.S .C. § 794 et seq.), as amended , (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27 ; • The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 , as amended, (42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); • Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, ( 49 USC § 4 71 , Section 47123), as amended , (prohibits discrimination based on race , creed , color, national origin, or sex); The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL l 00-209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 , The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , by expanding the definition of the terms "programs or activities" to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal-aid recipients , sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities, public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131- 12189) as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at49 C.P.R. parts 37 and 38; 11 197 EXHIBIT H Page 2 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 • The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U .S .C. § 47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin , and sex); Executive Order 12898 , Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which ensures discrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs, policies , and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low- income populations ; • Executive Order 13166 , Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency , and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI , you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended , which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities (20 U .S.C. 1681 et seq). b. Nondiscrimination [n accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended , 42 U.S.C. § 2000d , Section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of I 975, as amended , 42 U .S.C. § 6102 , Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 , 42 U.S.C. § 12132 , and Federal transit law at 49 U.S .C . § 5332 , the CITY agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race , color, creed , national origin , sex , age , or disability. The CITY will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 2 I .5 of the Regulations , including employment practices where the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. The CITY will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24 , 1965 as amended by Executive Order 11375 , and of the rules , regulations (41 CFR, Part 60) and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. c. Solicitations In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CITY for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor, supplier or lessor shall be notified by the CITY of the CITY'S obligation under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race , color, religion, sex or national origin. d. Information and Reports The CITY will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations , or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto , and will permit access to its books , 12 198 EXHIBIT H Page 3 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 records , accounts , other sources of information and its facilities as may be determined by the STA TE or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations , orders and instructions. Where any information required of a CITY is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish thi s information, the CITY shall so certify to the STA TE, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate , and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information . e. Sanctions for Noncompliance In the event of the CITY'S noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions provided for herein , the STA TE shall impose such contract sanctions as it may determine to be appropriate , including but not limited to , 1. withholding of pay ments to the CITY under contract until the CITY co mpli es, and /or 2. cancellation , termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. f. Incorporation of Provisions The CITY will include the foregoing provisions a . through f. in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unles s excepted by the Regulations , orders or instructions issued pursuant thereto. The CITY will take such action with respect to any subcontract, procurement, or lease as the STA TE may direct as a means of enforcing such provision s, including sanctions for noncompliance; provided , however, that in the event a CITY becomes involved in , or is threatened with , litigation with subcontractors, suppliers , or lessor as a result of such direction , the CITY may request the STA TE to enter into such litigation to protect the interest of the STATE. g. Equal Employment Opportunity -The follow in g equal employment opportunity requirements apply to the underlying contract: 1. Race. Color, Creed. National Origin, Sex -In accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, and Federal Transit laws at 49 U.S.C. § 5332 , the CITY agrees to comply with all applicable equal emp loyment requirements of U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations , "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs , Eq ual Emp loyment Opportunity, Department of Labor," 41 C.F.R. Parts 60 et seq., (which implement Executive Order No . 11246 , "Equal Emp loyment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order No. 11375 , "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," 42 U.S.C. § 2000e note), and with any applicab le Federal statutes, executive orders, regulations , and Federa l policies that may in the future affect construction activities undertaken in the course of the Project. 13 199 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 EXHIBIT H Page 4 The CITY agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed , and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race , color, creed , national origin , sex, or age. Such action shall include, but not limited to , the following : employment, upgrading , demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising , layoff or termination ; rates of pay or other forms of compensation ; and selection for training , including apprenticeship. In addition , the CITY agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. 2. Age -In accordance with Section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 623 and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the ClTY agrees to refrain from discrimination against present and prospective employees for reason of age. In addition , the ClTY agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. 3. Disabilities -In accordance with Section 102 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended , 42 U .S.C. § 12112 , the CITY agrees that it will comply with the requirements of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Regulations to Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29 C .F.R. Part 1630 , pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. ln addition , the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. COST PRINCIPLES The STATE'S cost principles for use in determining the allowability of any item of cost, both direct and indirect, in this AGREEMENT, shall be the applicable provisions of Volume I, Federal Acquisition Regulations , Parts 30 and 31. The CITY shall maintain costs and supporting documentation in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations, Parts 30 and 31 and other Regulations referenced with these Parts where applicable. The CITY shall gain an understanding of these documents and regulations. The applicable provisions of the above referenced regulations documents are hereby incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth. EXECUTORY CLAUSE AND NON-MERIT SYSTEM STATUS a. The CITY specifically agrees that this AGREEMENT shall be deemed executory only to the extent of moneys available , and no liability shall be incurred by the STATE beyond the moneys available for this purpose . 14 200 EXHIBIT H Page 5 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 b. The CITY , in accordance with the status of CITY as an independent contractor, covenants and agrees that the conduct of CITY will be consistent with such status , that CITY will neither hold CITY out as , or claim to be , an officer or employee of the ST A TE by reason hereof, and that CITY wi II not, by reason hereof, make any claim , demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the ST A TE under the merit system or any other law of Alabama, including but not limited to workmen's compensation coverage , or retirement membership or credit or any Federal employment law. This paragraph also applies in like manner to the employees of CITY. CITYS' CERTIFICATIONS The CITY by acceptance of this contract certifies that the rates or composition of cost noted in Article IV -PAYMENTS are based on the current actual hourly rates paid to employees, estimated non-salary direct cost based on historical prices , the latest available audited indirect cost rate , and estimated cost ofreimbursements to emp loyees for travel (mileage, per diem, and meal allowance) based on the current policy of the CITY. The CITY agrees that mileage reimbursements for use of company vehicles is based on the lesser of the approved rate allowed by the General Services Administration of the United States Government or the reimbursement policies of the CITY at the time of execution of the AGREEMENT. The CITY agrees that no mileage reimbursement will be allowed for the purpose of commuting to and from work or for personal use of a vehicle. The CITY agrees that the per diem rate will be limited to the rate allowed by the STA TE at the time of execution of the AGREEMENT. The CITY agrees that a meal allowance shall be limited to CITY employees while in travel status only and only when used in lieu of a per diem rate . The CITY shall submit detailed certified labor rates as requested, and in a timely manner, to the External Audits Section of the Finance and Audits Bureau of The Alabama Department of Transportation. The CITY agrees that material differences between rates submitted with a proposal and rates provided as certified for the same proposal are subject to adjustment and reimbursement. 15 201 EXHIBITM STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 CERTIFICATION FOR FEDERAL-AID CONTRACTS: LOBBYING This certification is applicable to the instrument to which it is attached whether attached directly or indirectly with other attachments to such instrument. The prospective participant/recipient, by causing the signing of and the submission of this Federal contract, grant, loan , cooperative AGREEMENT, or other instrument as might be applicable under Section 1352 , Title 31 , U. S. Code , and the person signing same for and on behalf of the prospective participant/recipient each respectively certify that to the best of the knowledge and belief of the prospective participant or recipient and of the person signing for and on behalf of the prospective participant/recipient, that: a . No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid , by or on behalf of the prospective participant/recipient or the person signing on behalf of the prospective participant/recipient as mentioned above , to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency , a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress , or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan , the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension , continuation , renewal , amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan , or cooperative agreement. b . If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency , a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan , or cooperative agreement, or other instrument as might be applicable under Section 1352 , Title 31 , U. S. Code, the prospective participant/recipient shall complete and submit Standard Form- LLL , "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352 , Title 31 , U . S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10 ,000 and not more than $100 ,000 for each such failure. The prospective participant/recipient also agrees by submitting this Federal contract, grant, loan , cooperative agreement or other instrument as might be applicable under Section 1352, Title 31 , U.S. Code, that the prospective participant/recipient shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts, which exceed $100,000 and that all such subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 16 202 EXHIBfTN FUNDS SHALL NOT BE CONSTITUTED AS A DEBT STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 It is agreed that the terms and commitments contained herein shall not be constituted as a debt of the State of Alabama in violation of Article 11 , Section 213 of the Constitution of Alabama, 1901 , as amended by Amendment umber 26. It is further agreed that if any provision of this AGREEMENT shall contravene any statute or Constitutional provision of amendment, either now in effect or which may , during the course of this AGREEMENT, be enacted , then the conflicting provision in the AGREEMENT shall be deemed null and void. When considering settlement of controversies arising from or related to the work covered by this AGREEMENT, the parties may agree to use appropriate forms of non-binding alternative dispute resolution. TERMINATION DUE TO I SUFFICIENT FUNDS a. If the agreement term is to exceed more than one fiscal year, then said agreement is subject to termination in the event that funds should not be appropriated for the continued payment of the agreement in subsequent fiscal years. b. In the event of proration of the fund from which payment under this AGREEMENT is to be made , agreement will be subject to termination. NO GOVERNMENT OBLIGATION TO THIRD PARTY CONTRACTORS The ST A TE and CITY acknowledge and agree that, notwithstanding any concurrence by the Federal Government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the underlying contract, absent the express written consent by the Federal Government, the Federal Government is not a party to this contract and shall not be subject to any obligations of or liabilities to the STATE, CITY , or any other party (whether or not a party to that contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from the underlying contract. The CITY agrees to include the above clause in each subcontract financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided to FHWA. It is further agreed that the clause shall not be modified , except to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to its provisions . 17 203 STATE OF ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GUIDELINES FOR OPERATION SUBJECT: PROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING STATE AND INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FUNDED COUNTY AND CITY PROJECTS No work can be performed and no contracts can be let prior to having a fully executed project agreement, submittal of project plans to Region and notification from the Region that advertisement for bids can be made, or, in the case of force account projects, work can begin. A project agreement will be prepared and furnished to the County/City upon receipt of grant award letter signed by the Director or Governor. The Region will prepare and submit a F-7 A Budget Allotment request upon receipt of a project funding agreement at the time it is submitted to the County/City for their execution. The County/City will submit plans prepared and signed by a registered professional engineer showing work to be performed. Plans must match the project agreement description. It is not necessary for the Region to perform an in-depth review of plans. The County/City will submit a certification signed by a Registered Professional Engineer stating that the plans have been prepared so that all items included in the plans meet ALDOT specifications. The County/City will include a letter certifying that the County/City owns all right-of-way on which the project is to be constructed. Upon receipt of the executed agreement, the executed F-7A, final plans from the County/City, and right-of-way certification, the Region may notify the County/City to proceed with advertising the project for letting or proceed with work in the case of a force account project. In the case where a County/City is using an in place annual bid, the County/City will furnish the Region a copy of their bid and this bid price will be used for reimbursement. 1-20 Rev. 10/2017 18 204 Where the County/City is letting a contract locally, the County/City will furnish to the Region the three lowest bids with their recommendation for award. The Region will review the bids, and, if in order, advise the County/City to proceed with award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. The County's/City's estimate for reimbursement will be based on the bid prices concurred in by the State and supported with documentation that the contractor has been paid for work performed (copy of cancelled check). A certification will be submitted with County/City final estimate stating that the project was constructed in accordance with final plans submitted to the State and with the specifications, supplemental specifications, and special provisions which were shown on the plans or with the State's late t specifications which were applicable at the time of plan approval. The County/City will notify the Region when the project is complete and the Region will perform a final ride-through to determine whether the project was completed in substantial compliance with original final plans. Final acceptance will be made by the Region with a copy of the letter furnished to the Bureau of Local Transportation. All required test reports, weight tickets , material receipts and other project documentation required by the specifications , applicable supplemental specifications, and special prov isions will be retained by the County/C ity for a period of three (3) years following receipt of final payment and made available for audit by the State upon request. If an audit is performed and proper documentation is not available to verify quantities and compliance with specifications, the County/City will refund the project cost to the State or do whatever is necessary to correct the project at their cost. All County/City Industrial Access or State funded projects let to contract by the State will follow normal project procedures and comply with all current plan processi ng requirements. RE OMM E OED FOR PPRO L: - PPRO AL:_,_. ___ ,...._~----=- ER 1-20 R . 10/2017 19 205 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE AS FOLLOWS: That the City of Fairhope, Alabama enters into an agreement with the State of Alabama, acting by and through the Alabama Department of Transportation relating to a project for: Sidewalks along Parker Road from CR-98 to SR-42 (US-98); Project# CRPES-0223( ); CPMS Ref# 100076864. (Construction Agreement) Which agreement is before this Council, and that the agreement be executed in the name of the City of Fairhope, by Mayor Sherry Sullivan for and on its behalf and that it be attested by the City Clerk, Lisa A. Hanks, and the official seal of the City be affixed thereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the completion of the execution of the agreement by all partie s, that a copy of such agreement be kept on file by the City . I, the undersigned qualified and City Clerk of the City of Fairhope, Alabama do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of a resolution lawfully passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Fairhope therein , at a regular meeting of such Council held on the 23rd of October, 2023 , and that such resolution is on file in the City Clerk 's Office. ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore 23rd of October, 2023 , and that such resolution is of record in the Minute Book of the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City on this ___ day of October, 2023. Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk 8 206 CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT FORA FEDERAL AID PROJECT BETWEEN THE STATE OF ALABAMA AND CITY OF FAIRHOPE Baldwin County Project No. CRPES-0223( ) CPMS Ref# 100076865 PART ONE (1): INTRODUCTION This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the State of Alabama (acting by and through the Alabama Department of Transportation), hereinafter referred to as the STA TE ; and the City of Fairhope , Alabama, hereinafter referred to as the CITY. WHEREAS , the STA TE and the CITY desire to cooperate in the sidewalk along Parker Rd. from CR-98 to SR-42 (US-98); Project# CRPES-0223( ); CPMS Ref# 100076865. NOW, THEREFORE , it is mutually agreed between the STA TE and the CITY as follows: PART TWO (2): FUNDING PROVISIONS A. Project Funding: Funding for this Agreement is subject to availability of Federal Aid funds at the time of authorization. The STATE will not be liable for Federal Aid Funds in any amount. The project will be limited to $200 ,000.00 Federal Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) funds unless the Eastern Shores Area Metropolitan Planning Organization agrees , subject to the approval of the STA TE, to reprogram the allocated Federal funds for the Eastern Shores Area Metropolitan Planning Organization sufficient to pay their proportional share of the project cost. Any overruns not covered by the MPO will be borne by the CITY. In the event of an underrun in project costs , the amount of Federal Aid funds will be the amount stated below , or their proportional share of the project costs , whichever is less. B. The estimated cost and participation by the various parties is as follows : FUNDING SOURCE ESTIMATED COSTS CRP Funds (Eastern Shores Area Dedicated) $ 200 ,000.00 City Funds $ 140,000.00 TOTAL (Incl CE&I & Indirect Cost) $ 340,000 .00 It is further understood that this is a cost reimbursement program and no federal funds will be provided to the CITY prior to accomplishment of the work for which it is 207 requested . Furthermore, no federal funds will be reimbursed for work performed prior to project authorization. Any cost incurred by the CITY relating to this project which is determined to be ineligible for reimbursement by the FHWA or in excess of the limiting amounts previously stated will not be an eligible cost to the project and will be borne and paid by the CITY. C. Time Limit: This project will commence upon written authorization to proceed from the STATE directed to the CITY. The approved allocation of funds for projects containing Industrial Access funds shall lapse if a contract has not been awarded for construction of the project within (12) months of the date of the funding approval by the Board and the approved allocation shall be returned to the lARB for re-allocation. A time extension may be approved by the IARB upon formal request by the applicant. The approved allocation of funds for projects containing Federal Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside funds may lapse if a project has not been authorized by FHW A within (24) months of the date of the funding approval by the Governor and the approved allocation shall be returned to the ST A TE for re-allocation. A time extension may be approved by the STATE upon formal request by the applicant. Failure to meet other project milestones , as set forth in the TAP Guidelines, may result in an approved allocation being returned to the ST A TE. PART THREE (3): PROJECT SERVICES A. The CITY will furnish all Right-of-Way for the project. Associated Right-of-Way acquisition costs will not be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. The Right-of-Way acquisition phase is hereby defined as the appraisal fees, appraisal review fees and the cost of acquisition incurred. All work accomplished under the provisions of this agreement will be accomplished on property owned by or which will be acquired by the CITY in accordance with applicable Federal and state laws , regulations , and procedures. Any exceptions to this requirement must be approved by the STA TE in writing prior to incurring costs for which reimbursement is requested by the CITY . ln cases where property is leased or easements obtained , the terms of the lease or easement will not be less than the expected life of the improvements. Acquisition of real property by the CITY as a part of this project will conform to and be in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance & Real Property Acquisition Policies Act (49 CFR 24 , Subpart B), all federal environmental laws, and all other applicable state and federal laws. Any property acquired shall be in the name of the CITY with any condemnation or other legal proceedings being performed by the CITY. The CITY shall follow all Federal regulations related to the Management, Leasing , and Disposal of Right-of-Way , uneconomic remnants and excess Right-of-Way as found in CFR 23 § 710 Subpart D. Proceeds for Leases and Disposals shall be credited to the Project or to the Title 23 Collector Account. No change in use or ownership of real property acquired or improved with funds provided under the terms of this Agreement will be permitted without prior written approval from the STATE or FHWA. The STATE or FHWA will be credited on a prorata share , as provided in Part Two , Section B, any revenues received by the ClTY from the sale or lease of property . B. The CITY will relocate any utilities in conflict with the project improvements in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws , regulations, and procedures. Associated Utility costs will be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. 2 208 C . The CITY will make the Survey , perform the Design , complete the Plans and furnish all Preliminary Engineering for the project with CITY forces or with a consultant approved by the STATE. Associated Survey, Design , Plan Preparation , and Preliminary Engineering costs will not be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. If any Associated Survey, Design , Plan Preparation , and Pre I im inary Engineering costs are an eligible cost to the project, the CITY will develop and submit to the STATE a project budget for approval. This budget will be in such form and detail as may be required by the STA TE. At a minimum , all major work activities will be described , and an estimated cost and source of funds will be indicated for each activity. A signature line will be provided for approval by the Region Engineer and date of such approval. All cost for which the CITY seeks reimbursement must be included in a budget approved by the STATE in order to be considered for reimbursement. Budget adjustments may be necessary and may be al lowed, subject to the approval of the ST A TE in writing, in order to successfully carry out the project. However, under no circumstances will the CITY be reimbursed for expenditures over and beyond the amount approved by the STA TE . The CITY will undertake the project in accordance with this Agreement, plans approved by the STA TE and the requirements , and provisions , including the documents relating thereto , developed by the CITY and approved by the STA TE. The plans , including the documents relating thereto , is ofrecord in the Alabama Department of Transportation and is hereby incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement by reference. It is understood by the CITY that failure of the CITY to carry out the project in accordance with this Agreement and approved plans , including documents related thereto , may result in the loss of federal or state funding and the refund of any federal or state funds previously received on the project. Projects containing Industrial Access funds or State funds, with no Federal funds involved , shall have completed original plans furnished to the ST A TE in accordance with the Guidelines for Operations for Procedures for Processing State and Industrial Access Funded County and City Projects , and attached hereto as a part of this Agreement prior to the CITY letting the contract. D . The CITY will furnish all construction engineering for the project with CITY forces or with a consultant approved by the STATE as part of the cost of the project. Construction Engineering & Inspection cost are not to exceed 15%, without prior approval by the State. Associated Construction Engineering & Inspection costs will be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. E. The STA TE wi II furnish the necessary inspection and testing of materials when needed as part of the cost of the project. The CITY may request the use of an approved third-party materials inspection and testing provider, as approved by the ST A TE. PART FOUR (4): CONTRACT PROVISIONS A . The CITY shall not proceed with any project work covered under the provisions of this Agreement unti I the ST A TE issues written authorization to the CITY to proceed. B. Associated Construction cost will be an eligible cost as part of this Agreement. For projects let to contract by the STATE, the STATE will be responsible for advertisement and receipt of bids , and the award of the Contract. Following the receipt of bids and prior to the award of the Contract, the STATE will invoice the CITY for its pro rata share of the estimated cost as reflected by the bid of the successful bidder plus Engineering & lnspection and Indirect Costs (if applicable). The CITY shall pay this amount to the STATE no later than 30 days after the date bids are opened. Failure to do so may lead to the rejection of the bid . For projects let to contract by the CITY , the CITY shall comply with all Federal and State laws , rules , regulations and procedures applicable to the advertisement, receipt of bids , and the award of the contract. The CITY wi II , when authorized by the ST A TE, 3 209 solicit bids and make awards for construction and /or services pursuant to this agreement. The CITY shall not solicit bids until the entire bid package (plans , specifications, estimates , etc.) has been reviewed and approved by the STA TE. Following receipt of bids , the CITY will provide all bids to the STA TE with a recommendation for award. The CITY shall not award the contract until it has received written approval from the STATE. For projects with approval by the STA TE to use CITY Forces, the Construction for the project will be performed by the CITY at actual costs for labor, materials , and equipment, as approved by the ST A TE. The purchase of project equipment and /or services financed in whole or in part pursuant to this Agreement will be in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws , rules , regulations, and procedures , including state competitive bidding requirements applicable to counties and municipalities in the State of Alabama when the purchase is made by an y such entity. C. [fnecessary , the CITY will file an Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Notice of Registration (NOR) (Code Chapter 335-6-12) for this project without cost to the State or this project. The CITY will be the permittee of record with ADEM for the permit. The CITY and the contractor will be responsible for compliance with the permit and the State will have no obligation regarding the permit. The CITY will furnish the State (Region) a copy of the permit prior to any work being performed by the contractor. The CITY will secure all permits and licenses of every nature and description applicable to the project in any manner and will conform to and comply with the requirements of any such permit or license , and with each and every requirement of any and all agencies , and of any and all lawful authorities having jurisdiction or requirements applicable to the project or to the project activities. D. The CITY will comply with the Alabama Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction , Latest Edition , on this project and will ensure that work associated on this project meets the standards of the Alabama Department of Transportation and the project will be built in accordance with the approved plans. E. Subject to the limitations on damages applicable to municipal corporations under Ala. Code§ 11-47-190 (1975), the CITY shall indemnify , and hold harmless the State of Alabama, the Alabama Department of Transportation , its officers , official s, agents , servants , and employees from and against (1) claims, damages , losses , and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys ' fees arising out of, connected with , resulting from or related to the work performed by the CITY, or its officers , employees, contracts , agents or assigns (2) the provision of any services or expenditure of funds required, authorized , or undertaken by the CITY pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, or (3) any damage, loss , expense, bodily injury , or death , or injury or destruction of tangible property (other than the work itself), including loss of use therefrom , and including but not limited to attorneys ' fees , caused by the negligent, careless or unskillful acts of the CITY its agents , servants , representatives or employees , or the misuse , misappropriation , misapplication , or mi sexpenditure of any source of funding , compensation or reimbursement by the CITY , its agents , servants , representatives or employees , or anyone for whose acts the CITY may be liable. F. The CITY will be obligated for the payment of damages occasioned to private property , public utilities or the general public , caused by the legal liability (in accordance with Alabama and /or Federal law) of the CITY , its agents , servants , employees or facilities. G . Upon completion and acceptance of this project by the State , the CITY will assume full ownership and responsibility for the project work and maintain the project in accordance with applicable State. 4 210 PART FIVE (5): ACCOUNTING PROVISIONS A. The CITY will, when appropriate, s ubmit reimbursement invoices to the STATE for work performed in carrying out the terms of this Agreement. Requests for reimbursement will be made on forms provided by the STATE and will be submitted through the Region Engineer for payment. The CITY may invoice the ST A TE not more often than once per month for the funds due for work performed under this Agreement. Invoices for payment will be submitted in accordance with state law and will indicate that the pay ment is due , true , correct, unpaid , and the invoice will be notarized. lnvoices for any work performed under the terms of this agreement will be submitted within twelve (12) months after the completion and acceptance by the ST A TE for the work. Any invoices submitted after this twelve-month period will not be eligible for payment. B. The CITY will not assign any portion of the work to be performed under this Agreement or execute any contract, amendment or change order thereto , or obligate it se lf in any manner with any third party with respect to its rights and responsibilitie s under this Agreement, without the prior written approval of the STA TE. C. The CITY will establish and maintain a cost accounting system that must be adequate and acceptable to the STA TE as determined by the auditor of the STA TE. All charges to the Project will be supported by properly executed invoices , contracts, or vouchers, as applicable , evidencing in proper detail the nature and propriety of the charges, in accordance with the requirements of the STATE. All checks, invoices , contracts, vouchers, orders or other accounting documents pertaining in whole or in part to the project will be clearly identified , readily accessible and to the maximum extent feasible, kept separate and apart from all other such documents. The CITY will report to the STATE the progress of the project in such manner as the STATE may require . The C[TY will also provide the STATE any information requested by the STATE regarding the project. The CITY will submit to the STA TE financial statements, data, records , contracts and other documents and items of any respect related to the project as may be requested by the ST A TE. The CITY will permit the STATE, the Comptroller General of the United States, and the Secretary of the US DOT, or either of them or their respective authorized representative s, to inspect, at any time, vehicles and equipment utilized or used in performance of the project ; any and all data and records which in any way relate to the project or to the accomplishment of the project. The CITY will also permit the above noted persons to audit the books , records and accounts pertaining to the project at any and all times, and the CITY will give its full cooperation to those persons or their authorized representatives , as applicable. The CITY will comply with all audit requirements set forth in the 2 CFR Part 200 requirements , or the most current version of those requirements under federal law. D. The CITY will retain all books , records , and other documents relative to this Agreement for a minimum of three (3) years after project termination, expiration of Federal interest, or close out, and the STA TE, the Comptroller General of the United States, and the Secretary of the US DOT, or either of them or their respective authorized representatives , will have full access to , and right to examine any of said materials at all reasonable times during said period. E. Any user fee or charge to the public for access to any property or services provided through the funds made available under this agreement, if not prohibited by a Federal , State or local law , must be applied for the maintenance and long-term upkeep of the project authorized by this agreement. F. An audit report must be filed with the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts, upon receipt by the CITY , for any audit performed on this project in accordance with Act No. 94-414. 5 211 PART SIX (6): MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. By entering into this agreement, the CITY is not an agent of the STA TE, its officers , employees, agents or assigns. The CITY is an independent entity from the ST A TE and nothing in this agreement creates an agency relationship between the parties. B. It is agreed that the terms and commitments contained in this agreement shall not be constituted as a debt of the State of Alabama in violation of Article 11 , Section 213 of the Constitution of Alabama , 190 l , as amended by Amendment 26 . It is further agreed that if any provision of this agreement shall contravene any statute or Constitutional provision or amendment, either now in effect or which may, during the course of this agreement, be enacted , then the conflicting provision in this agreement shall be deemed null and void. C . By signing this contract, the contracting parties affirm , for the duration of the agreement, that they will not violate Federal immigration law or knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien within the State of Alabama. Furthermore, a contracting party found to be in violation of this provision shall be deemed in breach of the agreement and shall be responsible for all damages resulting therefrom. D. No member, officer, or employee of the CITY during their tenure of employment, and for one year thereafter shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds , profits , or benefits therefrom. E. The terms of this Agreement may be modified by revision of this Agreement duly executed by the parties hereto. F. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon the delivery of a thirty (30) day notice of termination. G. Nothing shall be construed under the terms of this Agreement that shall cause any conflict with Section 23-1-63 , Code of Alabama, 1975. H. Exhibits A, E, H, M, and N are hereby attached to and made a part of this Agreement. 6 212 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by those officers, officials and persons duly authorized to execute same, and the Agreement is deemed to be dated and to be effective on the date hereinafter stated as the date of its approval by the Governor of Alabama. ATTEST: City of Fairhope, Alabama By:------------- City Clerk (Signature) By: As Mayor (Signature) Type Name of Clerk (AFFIX SEAL ) Type Name of Mayor This agreement has been legally reviewed and approved as to form and content. By: William F. Patty, Chief Counsel RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Matthew J. Ericksen, P.E. Southwest Region Engineer Bradley B. Lindsey, P.E. State Local Transportation Engineer Edward N. Austin, P. E. Chief Engineer STATE OF ALABAMA, ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION John R. Cooper, Transportation Director THE WITHIN AND FOREGOING AGREEMENT IS HEREBY EXECUTED AND SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR ON THIS __ DAY OF ______ , 20 __ KAY IVEY GOVERNOR, STATE OF ALABAMA 7 213 EXHIBIT A STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 PARTICIPATION BY DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES IN FEDERAL- AID PROGRAM Policy. It is the policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 shall have the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds under this AGREEMENT. Consequently, the DBE requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 apply to this AGREEMENT. DBE Obligation. The recipient of funds under the terms of this AGREEMENT agrees to ensure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds provided under this agreement. The recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26 to see that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises have the opportunity to compete for and perform contracts and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of U.S. Department of Transportation assisted contracts. Failure of the recipient of funds under the terms of this AGREEMENT, or failure of its subcontractor (if a subcontractor is authorized) to carry out the DBE requirements of this AGREEMENT shall constitute a breach of contract, and may result in termination of the contract by the ST A TE, or such other remedy may be undertaken by the ST A TE as it deems appropriate. 9 214 EXHIBITE TERMINATION OR ABANDONMENT STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 a. The ST A TE has the right to abandon the work or to amend its project at any time , and such action on its part shall in no event be deemed a breach of contract. b. The STA TE has the right to terminate this AGREEMENT at its sole discretion without cause and make settlement with the CITY upon an equitable basis. The value of the work performed by the CITY prior to the termination of this AGREEMENT shall be determined. 1n determining the value of the work performed , the STA TE shall consider the following: I. The ratio of the amount of work performed by the CITY prior to the termination of the AGREEMENT to the total amount of work contemplated by this AGREEMENT less any payments previously made. 2. The amount of the expense to which the CITY is put in performing the work to be terminated in proportion to the amount of expense to which the CITY would have been put had he been allowed to complete the total work contemplated by the AGREEMENT, less any payments previously made. In determining the value of the work performed by the CITY prior to the termination, no consideration will be given to profit, which the CITY might have made on the uncompleted portion of the work. If the termination is brought about as a result of unsatisfactory performance on the part of the CITY, the value of the work performed by the CITY prior to termination shall be fixed solely on the ratio of the amount of such work to the total amount of work contemplated by this AGREEMENT. CONTROVERSY ln any controversy concerning contract terms , or on a question of fact in connection with the work covered by this project, including compensation for such work, the decision of the Transportation Director regarding the matter in issue or dispute shall be final and conclusive of all parties. CONTRACT BINDING ON SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS a. This contract shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. b. Should the AGREEMENT be terminated due to default by CITY , such termination shall be in accordance with applicable Federal Acquisition Regulations. 10 215 STD CONTRACT EXIDBITS REV. 9/19/16 EXHIBIT H Page I EQUAL RIGHTS PROVISIONS During the performance of this contract, the CITY for itself, its assignees and successors in interest agrees as follows: a. Compliance with Regulations The CITY will comply with the Regulations of the Department of Transportation relative to nondiscrimination in federally-assigned programs of the Department of Transportation (Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21 , as amended by 23 CFR 710-405(b), hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees to comply with the following non-discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: • Title YI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race , color, national origin); and 49 CFR Part 21. The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. § 4601 ), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); • Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973 , (23 U.S.C. § 324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , (29 U.S.C. § 794 et seq.), as amended , (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27 ; The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 , as amended , (42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); • Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 , ( 49 USC § 4 71 , Section 4 7123 ), as amended , (prohibits discrimination based on race , creed, color, national origin , or sex); The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , by expanding the definition of the terms "programs or activities" to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal-aid recipients , sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); • Titles II and Ill of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities , public and private transportation systems , places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131- 12189) as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at49 C.P.R. parts 37 and 38; 11 216 EXHIBITH Page 2 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 • The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U .S.C . § 47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin , and sex); Executive Order 12898 , Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations , which ensures discrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs , policies , and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low- income populations; • Executive Order 13166 , Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency , and resulting agency guidance , national origin discrimination includes di scrimination because of limited English proficiency (LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI , you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed . Reg. at 74087 to 74100); Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 , as amended , which prohibits y ou from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities (20 U .S.C. 1681 et seq). b. Nondiscrimination In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended , 42 U.S.C. § 2000d , Section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 , as amended, 42 U.S.C . § 6102 , Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 , 42 U .S .C . § 12132 , and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C . § 5332 , the CITY agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race , color, creed , national origin , sex, age, or disability. The CITY will not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulation s, including employment practices where the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. The CITY will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246 of September 24 , 1965 as amended by Executive Order 11375 , and of the rules , regulations (41 CFR, Part 60) and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor. c. Solicitations In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CITY for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor, supplier or lessor shall be notified by the CITY of the CITY'S obligation under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the ground of race , color, religion , sex or national origin. d. Information and Reports The CITY will provide all information and reports required by the Regulations , or orders and instructions issued pursuant thereto , and will permit access to its books , 12 217 EXHIBIT H Page 3 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 records , accounts, other sources of information and its facilities as may be determined by the STA TE or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with s uch Regulations , orders and instructions . Where any information required of a CITY is in the exclusive possessio n of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information , the CITY shall so certify to the STA TE, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. e. Sanctions for Noncompliance In the event of the CITY'S noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions provided for herein , the STA TE shall impose such contract sanctions as it may determine to be appropriate, including but not limited to , 1. withholding of payments to the CITY under contract until the CITY complies , and /or 2. cancellation, termination or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. f. Incorporation of Provisions The CITY will include the foregoing provisions a. through f. in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless excepted by the Regulations , orders or instructions issued pursuant thereto . The CITY will take such action with respect to any subcontract, procurement, or lease as the STA TE may direct as a means of enforcing such provision s, including sanctions for noncompliance ; provided , however, that in the event a CITY becomes involved in , or is threatened with, litigation with subcontractors, suppliers , or lessor as a result of such direction , the CITY may request the ST A TE to enter into such litigation to protect the interest of the ST A TE. g. Equal Employment Opportunity -The following equal employment opportunity requirements apply to the underlying contract: 1. Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Sex -In accordance with Title Vll of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, and Federal Transit laws at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the CITY agrees to comply with all applicable equal employment requirements of U.S . Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations , "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs , Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor," 41 C.F.R. Parts 60 et seq., (which implement Executive Order No. 11246, "Eq ual Employment Opportunity," as amended by Executive Order No. I 1375 , "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," 42 U.S.C. § 2000e note), and with any applicable Federal statutes , executive orders , regulations , and Federal policies that may in the future affect construction activities undertaken in the course of the Project. 13 218 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 EXHIBIT H Page 4 The CITY agrees to take affirmati ve action to ensure that applicants are employed , and that employees are treated during employ ment, without regard to their race , color, creed , national origin , sex, or age. Such action shall include , but not limited to , the following: employment, upgrading, demoti o n or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising , layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation ; and selection for trainin g, including apprenticeship. In addition , the CITY agrees to comply with an y implementing requirements FTA may issue. 2. Age -In accordance with Section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 , as amended , 29 U .S.C. § 623 and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the CITY agrees to refrain from discrimination against present and prospective employees for reason of age. In addition , the CITY agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. 3. Disabilities -In accordance with Section l 02 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended , 42 U .S.C. § 12112 , the CITY agrees that it will comply with the requirements of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commiss ion , "Regulations to Implement the Equal Employ ment Provi s ions of the Americans with Disabilities Act," 29 C.F.R. Part 1630 , pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities . In addition , the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue. COST PRINCIPLES The STATE'S cost principles for use in determining the allowability of any item ofcost, both direct and indirect, in this AGREEMENT, shall be the applicable provisions of Volume I , Federal Acquisition Regulations , Parts 30 and 31. The CITY shall maintain costs and supporting documentation in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations , Parts 30 and 31 and other Regulations referenced with these Parts where applicable. The CITY shall gain an understanding of these documents and regulations. The applicable provisions of the above referenced regulations documents are hereby incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth. EXECUTORY CLAUSE AND NON-MERIT SYSTEM STATUS a . The CITY specifically agrees that this AGREEMENT shall be deemed executory onl y to the extent of moneys available , and no liability shall be incurred by the STATE beyond the moneys available for this purpose. 14 219 EXHIBIT H Page 5 STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 b. The CITY , in accordance with the status of CITY as an independent contractor, covenants and agrees that the conduct of CITY will be consistent with such status , that CITY will neither hold CITY out as , or claim to be , an officer or employee of the STATE by reason hereof, and that CITY will not , by reason hereof, make any claim , demand or applicat ion to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the ST A TE under the merit system or any other law of Alabama, including but not limited to workmen's compensation coverage , or retirement membership or credit or any Federa l employment law. This paragraph also applie s in like manner to the emp loyees of CITY. CITYS' CERTIFICATIONS The CITY by acceptance of this contract certifies that the rates or composition of cost noted in Article IV -PAYMENTS are based on the current actual hourly rates paid to employees, estimated non-salary direct cost based on historica l prices, the latest avai lable audited indirect cost rate , and estimated cost ofreimbursements to emp loyees for travel (mileage, per diem , and meal allowance) based on the current policy of the CITY. The CITY agrees that mileage reimbursements for use of company vehicles is based on the lesser of the approved rate allowed by the Genera l Services Administration of the United States Government or the reimbursement policies of the CITY at the time of execution of the AGREEMENT. The CITY agrees that no mileage reimbursement will be allowed for the purpose of commuting to and from work or for personal use of a veh icl e. The CITY agrees that the per diem rate wi ll be limited to the rate al lowed by the STATE at the time of execution of the AGREEMENT. The CITY agrees that a meal al lowance shall be limited to CITY employees while in travel status only and only when used in lieu of a per diem rate. The CITY shall submit detailed certified labor rates as requested , and in a timely manner, to the External Audits Section of the Finance and Audits Bureau of The Alabama Department of Transportation. The CITY agrees that material differences between rate s submitted with a proposal and rates provided a s certified for the same proposal are subject to adjustment and reimbursement. 15 220 EXHIBIT M STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 CERTIFICATION FOR FEDERAL-AID CONTRACTS: LOBBYING This certification is applicable to the instrument to which it is attached whether attached directl y or indirectly with other attachments to such instrument. The prospective participan t/rec ipient, by causing the s igning of and the submission of this Federal contract, grant, loan , cooperative AGREEMENT, or other instrument as might be applicable under Section 1352 , Title 31 , U. S . Code, and the person signing same for and on behalf of the prospective participant/recipient each respectively certify that to the best of the knowledge and belief of the prospective participant or recipient and of the person signing for and on behalf of the prospective participant/recipient, that: a . No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid , by or on behalf of the prospective participant/recipient or the person signing on behalf of the prospecti ve participant/recipient as mentioned above , to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency , a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress , or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan , the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension , continuation , renewal , amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan , or cooperative agreement. b . If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencin g or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency , a member of Congress , an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with thi s Federal contract, grant, loan , or cooperative agreement, or other instrument as might be applicable under Section 1352 , Title 31 , U. S. Code, the prospective participant/recipient shall complete and submit Standard Form- LLL , "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352 , Title 31 , U. S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10 ,000 and not more than $100 ,000 for each such failure. The prospective participan t/rec ipient also agrees by submitting this Federal contract, grant, loan , cooperative agreement or other instrument as might be applicable under Section 1352 , Title 31 , U.S. Code , that the prospective participant/recipient shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts , which exceed $100 ,000 and that all such subrecipients shal I certify and disclose accordingly. 16 221 EXHIBITN FUNDS SHALL NOT BE CONSTITUTED AS A DEBT STD CONTRACT EXHIBITS REV. 9/19/16 It is agreed that the terms and commitments contained herein shall not be constituted as a debt of the State of Alabama in violation of Article 11 , Section 213 of the Constitution of Alabama, 1901 , as amended by Amendment umber 26. It is further agreed that if any provision of this AGREEMENT shall contravene any statute or Constitutional provision of amendment, either now in effect or which may , during the course of this AGREEMENT, be enacted , then the conflicting provision in the AGREEMENT shall be deemed null and void . When considering settlement of controversies arising from or related to the work covered by this AGREEMENT, the parties may agree to use appropriate forms of non-binding alternative dispute resolution. TERMINATION DUE TO INSUFFICIENT FUNDS a . If the agreement term is to exceed more than one fiscal year, then said agreement is subject to termination in the event that funds should not be appropriated for the continued payment of the agreement in subsequent fiscal years . b. In the event of proration of the fund from which payment under this AGREEMENT is to be made , agreement will be subject to termination. NO GOVERNMENT OBLIGATION TO THIRD PARTY CONTRACTORS The ST A TE and CITY acknowledge and agree that, notwithstanding any concurrence by the Federal Government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the underlying contract, absent the express written consent by the Federal Government, the Federal Government is not a party to this contract and shall not be subject to any obligations of or liabilities to the STATE, CITY, or any other party (whether or not a party to that contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from the underlying contract. The CITY agrees to include the above clause in each subcontract financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided to FHWA. It is further agreed that the clause shall not be modified , except to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to its provisions . 17 222 STATE OF ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GUIDELINES FOR OPERATION SUBJECT: PROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING STATE AND INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FUNDED COUNTY AND CITY PROJECTS No work can be performed and no contracts can be let prior to having a fully executed project agreement, submittal of project plans to Region and notification from the Region that advertisement for bids can be made, or, in the case of force account projects, work can begin. A project agreement will be prepared and furnished to the County/City upon receipt of grant award letter signed by the Director or Governor. The Region will prepare and submit a F-7A Budget Allotment request upon receipt of a project funding agreement at the time it is submitted to the County/City for their execution. The County/City will submit plans prepared and signed by a registered professional engineer showing work to be performed. Plans must match the project agreement description. It is not necessary for the Region to perform an in-depth review of plans. The County/City will submit a certification signed by a Registered Professional Engineer stating that the plans have been prepared so that all items included in the plans meet ALDOT specifications. The County/City will include a letter certifying that the County/City owns all right-of-way on which the project is to be constructed. Upon receipt of the executed agreement, the executed F-7A, final plans from the County/City, and right-of-way certification, the Region may notify the County/City to proceed with advertising the project for letting or proceed with work in the case of a force account project. In the case where a County/City is using an in place annual bid, the County/City will furnish the Region a copy of their bid and this bid price will be used for reimbursement. 1-20 Rev. 10/2017 18 223 Where the County/City is letting a contract locally, the County/City will furnish to the Region the three lowest bids with their recommendation for award. The Region will review the bids, and, if in order, advise the County/City to proceed with award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. The County's/City's estimate for reimbursement will be based on the bid prices concurred in by the State and supported with documentation that the contractor has been paid for work performed (copy of cancelled check). A certification will be submitted with County/City final estimate stating that the project was constructed in accordance with final plans submitted to the State and with the specifications, supplemental specifications, and special provisions which were shown on the plans or with the State's latest specifications which were applicable at the time of plan approval. The County/City will notify the Region when the project is complete and the Region will perform a final ride-through to determine whether the project was completed in substantial compliance with original final plans. Final acceptance will be made by the Region with a copy of the letter furnished to the Bureau of Local Transportation. All required test reports, weight tickets, material receipts and other project documentation required by the specifications, applicable supplemental specifications, and special provisions will be retained by the County/City for a period of three (3) years following receipt of final payment and made available for audit by the State upon request. If an audit is performed and proper documentation is not available to verify quantities and compliance with specifications , the County/City will refund the project cost to the State or do whatever is necessary to correct the project at their cost. All County/City Industrial Access or State funded projects let to contract by the State will follow normal project procedures and comply with all current plan processing requirements. RECOMME DED FOR PPRO L: - PPRO AL: ---+--..-c........:<......;;;_ ____ =-- D TE 1-2 0 R . l0/201 7 19 224 Lisa A. Hanks, MMC From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Lisa and Jenny: Richard Johnson Monday, October 9, 2023 1 :41 PM Lisa A. Hanks, MMC; Jenny Wilson Sherry Sullivan; Kimberly Creech; Nicole Love FW: CRPES-0223( ), Sidewalk Along Parker Road from CR 98 to US 98, City of Fairhope CRPES-0223( ) 100076864 FAIRHOPE PE .pdf; CRPES-0223( ) 100076865 FAIRHOPE CN .pdf Will you place this on the next available Council Meeting requesting the authorization of the Mayor to sign/execute. This is ESMPO Funded sidewalks on Parker Road from Scenic 98 to US Hwy 98. Thanks, RDJ Richard D. Johnson, PE Public Works Director rich a rd . johnson@fairhopeal .gov Office: 251-929-0360 Cell : 251-423-7418 From: Goodman, Tommy <goodmant@dot.state.al.us> Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2023 9:47 AM To: Richard Johnson <richard.johnson@fairhopeal.gov> Cc: Dees, Robert B. <deesr@dot.state.al.us>; Phelps, Jason S. <phelpsj@dot.state.al.us>; Taylor, Macy <taylormac@dot.state .a I. us> Subject: FW: CRPES-0223( ), Sidewalk Along Parker Road from CR 98 to US 98, City of Fairhope Richard: Attached are the original preliminary engineering and construction funding agreements between the Alabama Department of Transportation and the City of Fairhope for the above-referenced project. Please review the agreements , and if you find it acceptable , please have it executed and returned to this office. A certified resolution affixed with the city seal which authorizes the mayor to sign the agreements should be included with thi s document. The city seal should also be affixed to the signed agreements. A hard copy of the original unexecuted agreement will not be placed in the mail. You will need to print the attachments and have the agreements executed and returned to this office for further approval and 1 225 distribution. After all the required signatures have been obtained, a co py of th e agreements wi ll b e returned to you . P lease let me know if you have any questio ns or nee d add itional info rmati on. Thanks , Tommy Thomas W. Goodman , Jr., P.E. Local Transportation Engineer-Mobile Area ALDOT , Southwest Region 1701 1-65 West Service Road , North Mobile , Alabama 36618 Office : (251 ) 450-2630 Cell : (251 ) 331-4515 Fax : (251 ) 479-9661 F rom: Phelps , Jas on S.<phelpsj @ dot.state.al.us > Se nt : Wednesday , Octob er 4 , 20 2 3 11: 12 AM To : Goodman, To mmy <goodmant@ dot.state.al.us > C c: D ees , R obert B. <deesr@ dot.state.al.us >; B eas ley , Aubrey G <beasleyag @dot.state .al.us >; B ee be, Vinc ent E . <beebev@ dot.state.al.us>; Taylor, Macy <taylorrnac @dot.state .al.us> Subj ect: CRP ES -0 223() 100076865 FAIRHOP E CN Good morning , Tommy. 2 226 Please find attached two agreements (PE and CN) for the above referenced project. Barret and I felt it would be best to keep the PE and CN separated due to the PE being set at 80/20 while the CN is not. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thanks, Jason 3 227 RESOLUTION NO. --- AUTHORIZING THE SUMBISSION OF A LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION GRANT TO THE ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARK FACILITIES AT NORTH TRIANGLE PARK WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope proposes to construct park facilities at North Triangle Park to provide for the health and well-being of the general public; and WHEREAS, the City intends to make application to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs for grant assistance to construct the park improvements from the Land and Water Conservation Fund; and WHEREAS, the total proposed project cost is estimated to be $1,000 ,000.00 and, the City is applying for Land and Water Conservation Fund assistance in the amount of $500,00 0.00 ; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Fairhope will hold m reserve $500,000.00 , or 50 % of the total proposed project costs , in cash matching funds; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that in the event a grant is awarded , the City of Fairhope understands that it will sign assurances to comply with all applicable Federal and State laws , rules and regulations and that the property acquired and/or developed with Land and Water Conservation Fund assistance will be maintained for public outdoor recreation in perpetuity as required by Section 6(f)(3) of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , THAT THE City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign all required grant application documents on behalf of the City. DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD D AY OF October, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin, Council President Pro Tempore 228 KA Y IVEY GOVERNOR K ENNE T H W. BOSWELL DIRECTOR ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND LAND &WATER CONSERVATION ~ FUND ~ FY 2024 L WCF Application 401 Adams Avenue , Suite 410 I Montgomery , Alabama 36 104 Post Office Box 5690 I Montgomery , Alabama 36103 -5690 229 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 Title VI (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.): "NO PERSON IN THE UNITED STATES SHALL ON THE GROUNDS OF RACE, COLOR OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, BE EXCLUDED FROM PARTICIPATION IN, BE DENIED THE BENEFITS OF, OR BE SUBJECTED TO DISCRIMINATION UNDER ANY PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY RECEIVING FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE." Title VI is directed at recipients of Federal financial assistance and concerns itself with nondiscrimination to the ultimate beneficiaries of that assistance . Regulations of the U.S . Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental federally assisted programs on the basis of race , color, national origin, age , or handicap . Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program , activity , or facility operated by a recipient of this Federal assistance should write to : Director, Office of Civil Rights U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington, DC 20240 Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 2 Revised 08/25/2023 230 State Administering Agency Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Application Procedures The application consists of the items listed on the Grant Application Checklist and any additional documentation in support of the proposed project. Matching Requirement The federal share for the LWCF Program is up to 50% of the total eligible project costs up to the grant ceiling of $500 ,000. The non-federal share , or project balance , may come from state , local , and/or private sources. Submission Instructions Please submit one copy of your full application by one of the methods identified below. Maps must be no larger than 11 "x17". By Mail : Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Federal Initiatives and Recreation Division Attn: Nora Powell Mays , Programs Specialist Post Office Box 5690 Montgomery, Alabama 36103-5690 By Courier: Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Federal Initiatives and Recreation Division Attn: Nora Powell Mays , Programs Specialist 401 Adams Avenue , Room 410 Montgomery , Alabama 36104 By E-Mail: nora.mays@adeca .alabama.gov and latoya.edwards@adeca.alabama .gov DEADLINE -12 Noon on November 15, 2023 Regardless of the submission method chosen, the application must be received by the Federal Initiatives and Recreation (FIR) Division by the time and date above. Applications received on November 15, 2023, will be timestamped upon receipt. We recommend a read receipt on your email or check with ADECA staff to confirm the application has been received. Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 3 Revised 08/25/2023 231 Project Location Map This map must clearly depict the location of and entrance to the site/outdoor recreation/park area and highlight/outline the entire site/outdoor recreation/park area in the boundary . The project location map must display the location of the project in relation to the city or county area and the surrounding highway/road network . Highways/roads must clearly be labeled on the map . This map must be sufficiently detailed so that State and Federal officials can visit the site without local assistance. Please note that maps must be clear and concise and no larger than 11 "x17" in size . Preliminary Site Plan The site plan should give a general layout of the park or area to be developed and include the following items: • location and size of proposed facilities and development included in the phase for which LWCF assistance is being requested ; • location and size of existing facilities regardless of the source of funding ; • any known future development beyond and including this project ; • location of any existing power lines or other utilities within the site boundary area ; • location and measurements of any easements or rights-of-way ; • location of floodplain if applicable ; • site acreage to the nearest tenth of an acre ; • title block to include the title of project , name of sponsor/applicant , and date prepared ; • north arrow ; • public access points • legend identifying any symbols used and a scale ; and • signature of the chief elected official and the date signed . Maps and drawings must be clear and legible and no larger than 11"x17" in size . Upon project completion , a final site map will be required for all LWCF assisted projects . The project sponsor should inform the architect/engineer of this requirement prior to entering into a contract for services. LWCF Property or Project Boundary Area Map The LWCF Property or Project Boundary Area Map shall clearly delineate the area to be included under the conversion provisions of the LWCF Act (see Page 8). An acceptable LWCF boundary map is required for all acquisition and/or development projects prior to National Park Service (NPS) approval. Prior to the date of final reimbursement , the State , NPS , and the project sponsor may mutually agree to alter the identified boundary to provide for the most satisfactory unit intended to be administered under the provisions of the Program . For acquisition projects , LWCF protection is afforded at the time LWCF reimbursement is provided . No changes Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page4 Rev ised 08/25/2023 232 may be made to the LWCF boundary after final reimbursement unless the project is amended as a result of a NPS approved conversion . The area subject to LWCF protection will be the entire park, open space, or recreation area being developed or expanded. In no case will the area covered in the LWCF boundary be less than that acquired with LWCF assistance, or the area already protected as the result of a previously funded project at the proposed project location. The LWCF boundary map and/or attachments as appropriate shall depict the following and must be submitted prior to project approval : • Official park/site name , location, and LWCF project number. • Sufficient detail so as to legally identify the lands to be subject to the provisions of the LWCF Act. The following methods of identification are acceptable : deed references ; adjoining ownerships ; adjoining easements and rights-of-way ; public streets ; adjoining water bodies or other natural landmarks ; metes and bounds ; and surveys. Where one or more of the above methods are not readily suited for identifying the area , measurements from permanent locators may be used. A formal survey is not required . • All known outstanding rights and interests in the area held by others . Known easements, deed/lease restrictions , reversionary interests, etc . are to be documented , including any area(s) under lease, name(s) of lessor and lessee , and term remaining on the lease(s). When at the time of project application , it is known that outstanding property rights held by others are being or will be exercised in the foreseeable future and impact only a portion of the area to be subject to the provisions of the LWCF Act , the impacted area must be clearly excluded from the LWCF boundary area depicted on the map and accompanied by an explanation . The remaining project area must meet all LWCF program criteria for eligibility and be a viable public outdoor recreation area. • Must include the total acreage to nearest tenth of an acre of the area within the LWCF boundary and subject to the provisions of the LWCF Act. • North arrow. • Signature of the chief elected official and date signed . • Park 's latitude and longitude from the park 's center and be identified in degrees , minutes, and seconds. • If the subject parcel is part of, adjacent to , or in close proximity to an existing LWCF protected area , also show the location of these other area(s) including the acreage and name and number of the LWCF project for cross -reference purposes . • Identification/description of all public access points to the parcel. • Identification of any pre-existing uses (buildings , cemeteries , etc .) to determine if any should be excluded from LWCF protection. • The map must clearly show key features/uses such as : roads with names indicated , bodies of water , structures/improvements , utilities , restrictions/easements/rights-of- way , wetlands , trails , and any other characteristics to aid in understanding the protected outdoor recreation resources . • Indicate the owner of the land subject to LWCF protection and show the general ownership and nature of adjacent properties (public conservation land/recreation land , investment property, industrial housing, residential , etc.). Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 5 Revised 08/25/2023 233 • If the area is under lease , the term and/or expiration date of the lease must be identified . If there is a lease agreement between two local public agencies , the requirements of the LWCF boundary area remain valid after the lease ag reement expires . The owner of the property assumes the responsibility for comply ing with LWCF boundary requirements. The chief elected official of the public agency which owns the property must also sign and date the map and cosponsor the project. • Must be no larger than 11 "x17" for future admin istrative use such as copying and scanning. Energy Conservation Elements Project Location: Locate facilities in areas that are accessible by foot , b icycle , and/or public transportation . Consider locations well connected to the larger region and close to amenities and previously developed areas already served by infrastructure . Facility Construction : Design enclosed support facil ities utilizing mechanical heating or cooling systems to meet the thermal insulation standards of the American Society of Heating , Refrigerating and A ir Conditioning Engineers or other equivalent standards. Design facilities to minimize the use of mechanical , electrical , and lighting equipment. Consider site characteristics and building orientat ion to allow the utilization of the sun and wind to reduce the need for artificial cooling or heating (passive solar heating and cooling). Also consider the building envelope , high-tech windows and doors , cool roofing , LED lighting , etc. Grounds Maintenance : Incorporate the use of low maintenance ground cover whenever feas ible. LWCF assistance may be available to install energy efficiency improvements or alternative energy sources to support an outdoor recreation area . This includes but is not limited to solar energy systems , earth berms , window shading devices , energy lock doors , sodium vapor lights , insulation , windmills , on-site waterpower systems , bioconvers ion systems , and other energy efficient design methods and materials. Converting an existing power system to a more efficient system is also allowable . S ite Selection Site selection should include more acreage than that required for the development of the proposed project and the proposed development should be compatible with the site characteristics . Construction Start Date Once funds have been committed to a LWCF development project, the project sponsor has 180 days to begin construction . Failure to comply with this regulation may result in the project being terminated . Activit ies Eligible/Ineligible for Fund Assistance Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 6 Rev ised 08 /25 /2 023 234 The purpose of the LWCF Program is to provide outdoor recreational opportunities for the general public through land acquisition , development, or a combination of acquisition and development. Types of acquisition and/or development projects that may or may not be eligible for fund assistance include, but are not limited to, the following: ACQUISITION Water-based public recreation projects such as frontage on the ocean , rivers , streams , and lakes Land for creating water impoundments Natural areas and preserves Urban land for day use (picnic areas, playgrounds , etc .) Historic sites, structures , and museums Areas used primarily for semi-professional and professional sports and athletics Areas used for construction of indoor facilities Partial holdings in an existing recreational facility DEVELOPMENT Renovation of existing outdoor recreation facilities Sports and playfields Field lighting with concrete or metal poles only Picnicking and swimming facilities Boating , fishing , hunting , camping areas, and trails Surfacing of parking areas and access roads Professional facilities Indoor facilities and mobile recreation units Support facilities not associated with development of an eligible activity Development of prime or unique farmland (Prime farmland is defined as land which is presently under cultivation or has been under cultivation within the last five years.) Eligible Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Eligible Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Park roadways should not exceed the size needed to serve the proposed recreational facility . NOTE: Park roads may not be used to access private or commercial facilities; they must be dedicated as park roads. Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 7 Revised 08/25/2023 235 Post-Completion Responsibilities All lands acquired and/or developed in whole or in part with LWCF assistance must be operated and maintained for public outdoor recreational use in perpetuity . Such lands cannot be converted to any other use without the written approval of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Director of ADECA. Prior to project close-out , the following "Limitation of Use" provision must be incorporated into the deed for land acqu isition projects , land acquisition and development (combination) projects , and development projects: NOTICE OF LIMITATION OF USE This property has been acquired or developed with Federal financ ial assistance provided by the National Park Service of the U . S . Department of the Interior in accordance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 , as amended , 54 U.S.C . 200301 -200310. Pursuant to a requirement of that law , this property may not be converted to other than public outdoor recreation uses (whether by transfer , sale , or in any other manner) without the express written approval of the Secretary of the Interior . By law , the Secretary shall approve such conversion only if he finds it to be in accord with the then existing Comprehensive Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan and only upon such conditions as he deems necessary to assure the substitution of other recreation properties of at least equal fair market value and reasonably equivalent usefulness and location . Once the LWCF boundary has been identified and ag reed upon by the project sponsor, ADECA , and the NPS , all facilities constructed within the LWCF boundary must comply with the rules and regulations of the LWCF Act and the Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance Program Federal Financial Assistance Manual. This also applies to improvements developed entirely with local funds . In addition , the park s ite cannot be converted to any other use without the written approval of the Secretary of the Interior and the Director of ADECA. This regulation applies to park sites developed in whole or in part with LWCF assistance. All utility lines located within the park boundary and electrical power lines below 15kV must be placed underground. This includes any future development within the park boundary . A s ign acknowledging that Federal LWCF monies were used to acquire and/or develop the public outdoor recreation facilities must be in evidence at all Fund-assisted park sites . The acknowledgment sign must also include the required non-discrimination language and must comply with the specifications established by ADECA. All public recreation facilities constructed within the LWCF assisted park must comply with the Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (P .L. 90-480), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , as amended , and the Americans with Disabilities Act. All LWCF assisted project s ites must be programmed , operated , and maintained in a manner that encourages public participation . Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 8 Re vi sed 08 /25/2 023 236 @ f . Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Application Checklist - Please use this checklist to ensure that all required parts of the application are included prior to submitting to ADECA. □ Letter on entity letterhead signed by the Chief Elected Official □ Application Cover Sheet □ Resolution adopted by the legal entity of the applicant authorizing the submission of the application and committing all matching funds required to complete the proposed project (sample provided in Appendix A) □ Completed and signed Project Narrative □ Responses to the rating criterion □ Project Cost Estimate □ Detailed Project Budget with Narrative □ Risk Assessment □ LWCF Bidding and Contracting Compliance Questionnaire □ Verification of SAM .gov Registration □ Location Map □ Preliminary Site Plan □ LWCF Property Boundary Map (see Boundary Map Specifications at https://adeca.alabama .gov/lwcf/lwcf-information-and-application-documents/) □ Building Floor Plans (if applicable) □ Schedule of project activities (18-month period) necessary for project completion to include measurable milestones and who will be responsible for each (Please include beginning and end dates) □ Proof of ownership or other control or tenure such as copy of deed to property , plat , and/or legal description of the property proposed for purchase and/or development NOTE: If real property is to be acquired with grant funds , the acquisition must comply with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (The Uniform Act). Implementation regulations for The Uniform Act are found in 49 CFR Part 24 . You may not acquire property until after the grant agreement has been executed and consultation with Recreation Programs staff has occurred. □ Leases , MOA's , MUA's , etc . Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 9 Revised 08/25/2023 237 □ Use schedule (school parks) □ NPS Form 10-904 Application & Revision (A&R) Form □ Standard Form 424 , Application for Federal Assistance □ Standard Form 424C , Budget Information for Construction Programs □ Standard Form 424D , Assurances for Construction Programs □ Standard Form -Project Abstract Summary □ NPS Form 10-903 Description and Notification Form (DNF) □ Environmental Assessment: □ Concurrence from the U.S . Army Corps of Engineers □ Concurrence from the U.S . Fish and Wildlife Service □ Concurrence from the Alabama Historical Commission □ Approval to cross a public highway or a public utility right-of-way (if applicable) □ Water obstruction & encroachment permit (if applicable) □ Environmental Assessment (if applicable ; format can be found at https ://adeca .alabama.gov/lwcf/lwcf-implementation-documents/ under Environmental) □ Floodplain/Wetland Map Overlays □ Proof of flood insurance (if applicable) □ Recreation Area Inventory Form (Appendix B; a separate form must be completed for every public recreation area within the applicant's jurisdiction to receive full points) □ Letters of endorsement , support , and commitment ; other documentation of citizen participation (see sample information in Appendix C) YOU MUST INCLUDE A COPY OF THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST WITH YOUR APPLICATION. Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 10 Revised 08/25/2023 238 Appl icant 's Name (C ity , County/State Agency): Address : County: FEIN : DUNS Number: Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) (if applicable): Project Title : Project Description : Park Name : Park Address : Latitude and longitude from center of park in degrees , minutes , and seconds : Number of acres to be acquired and/or developed with LWCF assistance : St ate Senate District (for project location): St ate House District (for project location): App Ii cant Contact Name and Title : Phone and Email : Grant Administrator Name, Title , and Organization : Phone and Email : Application Cover Sheet ---------------------- ---------------------- Full 9-digit ZIP code : ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- Full 9-digit ZIP code: ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 11 Revised 08/25 /2 023 239 Project Narrative Provide a brief, yet informative and thorough, narrative description of the proposed project on this page . The narrative should highlight the major aspects and present an overall snapshot of the project. Click or tap here to enter text. Estimated Cost of Project: $Click or tap here to enter text. (Local Official's Signature) (Typed Name) Amount of Funds Requested: $Click or tap here to enter text. (Cannot Exceed 50%, $500 ,000 .00 maximum) (Title) (Date) Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 12 Revised 08/25/2023 240 LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND APPLICATION RATING SHEET FOR ADECA USE ONLY MINIMUM CRITERIA Rating Criteria Yes No ADECA Comments Eligible Sponsor Adequate Citizen Participation Proposed Activities Eligible Adequate Control and Tenure Adequate Property Boundary Map Signed Authorizing Resolution No LWCF Program Violations No ADECA Non-Compliance Issues No RTP Program Violations Not Taking Unique Farmlands Program Criteria Points Available Points Awarded Operation and Maintenance of Existing Parks -25 to +25 Project Feasibility 50 Meetinq Regional Needs 100 Citizen Participation 50 Underserved Populations 20 Subtotal: 245 Incentive Criteria Points Available Points Awarded Donation or Discount Sale of Land 20 Recreation Facility Inventory 15 Historical , Archaeological , Cultural 25 Protects Natural and Cultural Resources 20 Connectivity 20 Passive or Family-Oriented 25 Joint Effort 40 No Previous LWCF 30 Renovation or Replacement of Aged Facilities 30 lnclusivity and Accessibility 30 Leveraging 30 Health Disparities 20 Subtotal: 305 Total Program and Incentive Criteria Points: 550 ADECA: Reviewed by _______________ Date: _____ _ Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 13 Revised 08/25/2023 241 LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROGRAM CRITERIA Address the Program and Incentive Criteria by responding to each. Do not leave any spaces unmarked. Any questions that are not applicable to your project should be marked with "N/A." Additional space to expound upon each question is provided . Applications must include a discussion of each criterion in support of the points earned . Points may not be awarded in full but will be awarded according to how well the responses detail how the project will address each category. The responses to each criterion must be reasonable and verifiable based on facts/documentation and not supposition. Recreation Programs staff will assign scores to each criterion to provide for consistency in interpretation and application of the evaluation criteria in the scoring process for all applications. Operation and Maintenance of Existing Parks: -25 to 25 Points A pre-award on-site inspection of the proposed project site will be conducted to determine that a proper level of operation and maintenance is upheld to gauge future level of care. For any projects that are planned at presently undeveloped sites , an inspection of other parks maintained by the applicant will be conducted . Project Feasibility: 50 Points The determination of project feasibility is based on the professional knowledge of the Recreation Programs staff which will analyze all aspects of this application packet. This includes, but is not limited to , scope, land use, park system assessment , service area , budget , environment, and method of approach. A pre-award on-site inspection will factor heavily into this assessment. Meeting Regional Needs: 100 Points Applicant's Region from Chapter 4 of the SCORP : Click or tap here to enter text. You may add additional rows to the tables if necessary. Barriers to Participation: 20 Points The project incorporates or is associated with strategies to address one or more of the high-priority barriers highlighted in the region's Barriers to Participation table in Chapter 4 of the SCORP and in a manner consistent with Table 4.1. Points will be calculated at 5 points per barrier addressed up to 20 points. The project addresses barriers to participation . □ Yes □ No If yes , list the barriers as detailed in Chapter 4 of the SCORP : Barrier to Participation Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 14 Revised 08/25/2023 242 Describe how the project will address barriers to participation: Click or tap here to enter text. Unmet Demand : 40 Points The project's scope incorporates development or enhancement of facilities that address unmet demand within the region . List the facility and unmet demand index number for each of the items that this project addresses for your region as determined by the Unmet Demand for Local Facilities table in Chapter 4. Points will be calculated at half of the total unmet demand number up to 40 • t ooin s. Facility Score Facility Score Describe how the project will address unmet demand : Click or tap here to enter text. Level of Service Gaps : 40 Points The project incorporates development or enhancement of facilities that fill level of service gaps within a region . List the Level of Service Gap Scores for all facilities included in the project scope as listed in the region 's Outdoor Recreation Facility Level of Service Gaps table in Chapter 4 . Points will be calculated at the total of the level of service qap score up to 40 points. Facility Score Facility Score Describe how the project will address level of service gaps : Click or tap here to enter text. Citizen Participation: 50 Points Citizen participation is a minimum requirement for partaking in the LWCF Program . Applicants demonstrating a high level of citizen participation in all phases of the project , including development, construction , and maintenance will earn a higher rating than those only documenting citizen participation in the planning and application stages . At least one public meeting for the presentation of the project to the public should be advertised no less than one week prior to the event in a local newspaper, posted in public areas frequented by citizens residing within the service area , and/or announced on the Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 15 Revised 08/25/2023 243 sponsor's official social media pages and websites. A sample advertisement is attached (Appendix C). No fewer than one meeting must adhere to the Citizen Participation Procedures (Appendix C) for the proposed project to be eligible for funding. However, it is encouraged that more than one meeting be held to present the project , solicit input , and gauge public interest. Points for this section are awarded based on the level of public engagement beyond the minimum requirements. The project was presented at an advertised public meeting with ample opportunity for citizens to provide feedback . □ Yes □ No Date , time , and location of the advertised meeting: Click or tap here to enter text. Date the advertisement was posted and names of the locations , websites , and/or publications: Click or tap here to enter text. Type of additional meetings held ; date , time , and location of each additional meeting ; method , name , and location of each meeting notification : Click or tap here to enter text. Minutes of all public meetings for this project are attached. □ Yes □ No Concurrence forms with names , addresses , and organizations represented at each meeting is attached : □ Yes □ No Underserved Populations: 20 Points The project has been planned through a process that has specifically solicited engagement of and received input from minority populations . This may be accomplished through consultation with civic organizations with causes relevant to this requirement , experts credentialled in fields relevant to this requirement , and/or community meetings held specifically for this requirement. The project has been presented to and consultation has been received from civic organizations with causes pertinent to this requirement: □ Yes □ No Detail the name of the organization and its cause , date and location of the meeting , along with pertinent feedback gained from the consultation : Click or tap here to enter text. Concurrence form with names , addresses , and organizations represented at each meeting is attached : □ Yes □ No The project has been presented to and consultation has been received from expert(s) credentialed in fields relevant to this requirement: □ Yes □ No Detail the name(s) of the expert(s) and field of expertise/study , date , and location of the meeting , along with pertinent feedback gained from the consultation : Click or tap here to enter text. Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 16 Revised 08/25/2023 244 The project has been presented to and consultation has been received from community meetings held specifically for this requirement: □ Yes □ No Detail the type of meeting , date , location along with pertinent feedback gained from the consultation : Click or tap here to enter text. INCENTIVE CRITERIA The scores assigned by ADECA's Recreation Programs staff will be based on the responses to the criteria along with the supporting documentation for each. Donation or Discount Sale of Land: 20 Points The project involves a donation or discount sale of land for recreational use . Points are awarded on a sliding scale based upon the significance of the donation or discount as determined through ADECA staff assessment. The donation must be large enough to accommodate the activities included in the application and occur after the project approval. Previously donated land does not qualify . -Does the project include a gift of land? □ Yes □ No -W ill the donation occur after the award? □ Yes □ No Describe the nature of the donation or discount sale of land: Click or tap here to enter text. Recreation Facility Inventory: 15 Points The applicant has completed a Recreation Facility Inventory for all existing recreational sites within its jurisdiction . Incomplete Recreation Facility Inventory forms will only receive partial points . Each site should have a separate inventory form . -Number of recreational sites the applicant maintains , owns , and/or operates. Click or tap here to enter text. -Number of recreational facility inventory forms included in this application . Click or tap here to enter text. Development that Compliments Historical, Archaeological, Natural, or Cultural Resources: 25 Points The project incorporates low-impact or restoration practices in the des ign , construct ion , and operation of recreation infrastructure that protects , contributes to site interpretation , or will increase ecotourism to sensitive cultural and natural resources . Describe the rationale and method . Click or tap here to enter text. Protects Natural and Cultural Resources: 20 Points The project incorporates acquisition and protection of priority cultural and/or natural resources that are in danger of imminent loss . Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 17 Revised 08/25/2023 245 -Provide documentation verifying the priority nature of the cultural resource and discuss any attachments to the application supporting the claim . Click or tap here to enter text. -Provide documentation verifying the presence of priority sensitive natural resources identified in at least one of the following information sources and discuss any attachments to the application supporting the claim. • Alabama Wildlife Action Plan (https:l/www.outdooralabama .com/sitesldefaultlfiles/Research/S WCSI AL_ S WAP _FINAL %20June2017.pdf) • United States Fish and Wildlife Service Strategic and River Reach Units for Aquatic Species of Conservation Concern in Alabama (http://www. alh2o. orglshusl) Click or tap here to enter text. Connectivity: 20 Points The project incorporates safe multi-modal physical connections within a community , between communities , or across regions or involves thematic or programmatic connections that heighten awareness or regional assets . Describe connectivity of the project: Click or tap here to enter text. Development of Passive or Family-Oriented Recreation: 25 Points The project has the primary goal of passive or family-oriented recreation facilities. The project provides for the development of: -Passive recreation □ Yes □ No Describe the passive recreation activities/facilities . Click or tap here to enter text. -Family-oriented recreation □ Yes □ No Describe the family-oriented recreation activities/facilities . Click or tap here to enter text. Joint Effort: 40 Points The project incorporates partnerships among two or more governmental entities and will serve two or more jurisdictions . Points may also be considered if it is demonstrated and documented with support letters that a substantial commitment, financial or otherwise , from local citizens, civic or fraternal organizations , interest groups, or other agencies will be utilized in the planning , development, construction , maintenance , and operation of the facilities being constructed or renovated. Joint effort of two or more governmental entities? □ Yes □ No Documentation , support letters , and/or memorandums of understanding attached? □ Yes □ No Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 18 Revised 08/25/2023 246 Names of the governmental entities in partnership : Click or tap here to enter text. Describe the nature of the partnership and the types of assistance committed by each party : Click or tap here to enter text. Commitments from other organizations?□ Yes □ No Names of other organizations committing to assist project: Click or tap here to enter text. Types of commitment from other organizations : Click or tap here to enter text. No Previous LWCF Project: 30 Points The applicant has never received a Land and Water Conservation Fund grant. If you are unsure , please contact ADECA's Recreation Programs staff. Previous LWCF Project? □ Yes □ No If yes , list the LWCF assisted park names and associated grant numbers . Click or tap here to enter text. Renovation or Replacement of Aged Facilities: 30 Points The project renovates, updates , or replaces well-maintained facilities that have exceeded or neared the end of their useful life . Renovation or replacement? □ Yes □ No If yes , describe the nature of the issues with each facility to be assisted and how each will be improved. Click or tap here to enter text. lnclusivity and Accessibility: 30 Points The project achieves universal accessibility or the highest level of accessibility practicable for the site . If yes , describe the facility improvements or design and how it will be used to improve the inclusivity and accessibility of the outdoor recreation opportunities available or developed with this project. Click or tap here to enter text. Leveraging: 30 Points The project involves additional funds, in-kind services , and/or materials in excess of the minimum match requirement. Points awarded are on a sliding scale based upon the significance of additional match as determined through LWCF staff assessment. Additional match .□ Yes □ No Amount of minimum match required : $Click or tap here to enter text. Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 19 Revised 08/25/2023 247 Amount of additional match provided: $Click or tap here to enter text. Describe the source of additional match provided and how it will be applied to the grant. Click or tap here to enter text. Health Disparities: 20 Points The project is designed to serve in helping alleviate a documented health disparity in a county or service area. Provide documentation verifying the priority nature of the health disparity and discuss any attachments to the application supporting the claim . Click or tap here to enter text. Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 20 Revised 08/25/2023 248 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE The LWCF provides up to 50 percent of the project cost, not to exceed the grant ceiling of $500 ,000.00 . The project sponsor is responsible for the balance of project costs . ELIGIBLE COSTS 1. Design, engineering , construction oversight services (may not exceed 10% of the total project construction cost). 2 . Direct labor 3 . Special tradesmen secured under a service purchase contract 4 . Rental of equipment 5 . Construction contracts 6. Project materials 7 . Signage 8 . Land acquisition 9 . Professional project administration (grant consultant) (may not exceed 5% of total project cost). PROJECT DEVELOPMENT BUDGET BUDGET ITEM TOTAL LWCFSHARE MATCHING SHARE Acquisit ion Construct: Construct: Construct: Construct: Construct: Construct: Equipment Rental Labor, donated or in-kind Signage Supplies/Materials , purchased Supplies/Materials , donated Administration (cannot exceed 5% of the total project cost) Engineering (cannot exceed 10 % of the total construction cost) TOTAL PROJECT COST Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 21 Revised 08/25/2023 249 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST LWCF PROJECT Project Location: ________________________ _ Project Sponsor/Applicant: ____________________ _ Project Description: ______________________ _ Is concurrence from Alabama Historical Commission attached? Yes No Is concurrence from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service attached? Yes No Is concurrence from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers attached? Yes No Was the property acquired before January 1971? Yes No If "No" explain property acquisition process {Use additional sheets if necessary): Note : If you have not received the concurrence letters by the application deadline, submit copies of the request letters. Concurrence letters must be forwarded to ADECA's Recreation Programs upon receipt. Concurrences more than three (3) years old cannot be used and new concurrences must be obtained. REQUIRED LETTERS OF CONCURRENCE AND RELEASE OF CONDITIONS Mobile District Corps of Engineers Chief, Regulatory Branch US Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 2288 Mobile , Alabama 36628-0001 Phone Number: 251-690-2658 Alabama Historical Commission Ms . Amanda McBride Environmental Review Coordinator The Alabama Historical Commission only accepts Section 106 projects by email. Instructions and the required form can be found on their website at https ://ahc.alabama.gov/section 106 .aspx Nashville District Corps of Engineers Western Regulatory Field Office 2424 Danville Road , South West , Suite N Decatur , Alabama 35603-4219 Phone Number: 256-350-5620 US Fish and Wildlife Service Mr. Bill Pearson Field Supervisor US Fish and Wildlife Service 1208-B Main Street Daphne , Alabama 36526-4419 Phone Number: 251-441-5181 E-mail : bill_pearson@fws .gov Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 22 Revised 08/25/2023 250 APPENDIX A (SAMPLE) RESOLUTION WHEREAS , the APPLICANT proposes to (acquire/construct or have constructed) recreational resources at (park name/facility name) to provide for the health and well-being of the general public ; and WHEREAS , the APPLICANT intends to make application to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs for grant assistance to (acquire/develop) (insert brief project scope and park name/facility name) from the Land and Water Conservation Fund ; and WHEREAS , the total proposed project costs total $_.00. The APPLICANT is applying for Land and Water Conservation Fund assistance in the amount of $_.00 , or _% of the total proposed project costs which will be used to (insert brief project scope) at (park name/facility name). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the APPLICANT will hold in reserve $_.00 , or _% of the proposed project costs for the purpose of matching the Land and Water Conservation Fund assistance , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event a grant is awarded , the APPLICANT understands that it will sign assurances to comply with all applicable Federal and State laws , rules and regulations and that the property acquired and/or developed with Land and Water Conservation Fund assistance will be maintained for public outdoor recreation in perpetuity as required by the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965. SIGNATURE ATTEST (DATE) (DATE) Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 23 Revised 08/25 /2 023 251 APPENDIX B RECREATION AREA INVENTORY FORM PROJECT SPONSOR: PARK NAME : PARK ADDRESS : LONGITUDE IN DEGREES , MINUTES , SECONDS : LATITUDE IN DEGREES , MINUTES , SECONDS : PRIOR LWCF ASSISTANCE : PRIOR RTP ASSISTANCE : RECREATION ACTIVITY MEASURE SITE Acres Leased Acres Acres Owned Acres Total Acres Acres Boatino-Fresh Water Lanes Lanes Boatino-Salt Water Lanes Lanes Boating-Launch Ramps Ramps Boatino-Berths Berths Boatino-Boat Lift Lifts Camping-Developed Sites Units Camping-Primitive Sites Acres Campino-Semi-Primitive Sites Units Courts-Basketball Courts Courts-Tennis Courts Courts-Multi-Purpose Courts Fields-Baseball Fields Fields-Softball Fields Fields-Football Fields Fields-Soccer Fields Fishing-Fresh Water Bank Linear Feet F ish ino-Piers Linear Feet Fishing-Salt Water Beach Linear Feet Golf Holes Holes Golf-Drivino Tees Tees Miniature Golf Holes Huntino-Bio Game Acres Huntino-Small Game Acres Hunt ino-Total Acres Hu nt i no-Waterfowl Acres Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 24 Revised 08/25/2023 252 RECREATION ACTIVITY MEASURE SITE Picnic Pavilion-Family Units Picnic Pavilion-Group Units Picnic Tables Units Playground-Developed Units Playground-Undeveloped Open Space Acres Running Track Units Senior Citizens Center Units Emergency Shelter Units Shooting-Skeet & Trap Positions Shooting-Target-Pistol Positions Shooting-Target-Rifle Positions Archery Range Positions Support Facilities-Concession Stand Units Support Facilities-Park Office Building Units Support Facilities-Restrooms Units Support Facilities-Parking Spaces Support Facilities-Maintenance Building Units Swim ming-Lake/River Square Feet Swimming-Pool Square Feet Swimming-Wading Square Feet Swimming-Bathhouse Units Splash Pad Square Feet Trails-Exercise Miles Trails-Nature Miles Trails-Bicycling Miles Trails-Equestrian Miles Trails-Hiking Miles Trails-ORV/ATV Miles Trails-Walking/Jogging Miles Skate Board Park Square Feet Dog Park Acres Outdoor Stage Units Amphitheatre Units Rodeo Area Acres Natural Area Acres Passive Park Acres Visitor Information Center Units Interpretive Center Units Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 25 Revised 08/25 /2023 253 APPENDIX C CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PROCEDURES An essential component of establishing an estimate of need for a specific project is to obtain input from the local public. Its function as a planning aid cannot be overstressed . Citizen participation reduces the likelihood that unneeded facilities will be constructed . The key to a successful citizen participation process is engaging the public and communicating alternatives. To be effective , citizen input must be representative of the applicant's jurisdictional population , significant enough to have an impact on the proposed project , and widespread enough to include a proper sample size of citizens . It is best if citizens are involved in the process of setting priorities for project alternatives rather than reacting to a completed plan . However, if public meetings have not been held for the purpose of establishing recreational priorities, the public must be involved in evaluating proposed acquisition or development alternatives. The following guidelines have been formulated to provide direction in holding open meetings : • At least one public meeting for the presentation of the project to the public should be advertised no less than one week prior to the event in a local newspaper, posted in public areas frequented by citizens residing within the service area , and/or announced on the sponsor's official social media pages and websites. A sample advertisement is attached. • The proceedings of project related public meetings must be documented in an official record maintained by the applicant. These minutes must be maintained by the applicant on site and included with the application . The minutes must include a summary of the meeting , number of people in attendance , alternatives discussed , levels of opposition , and the source of the opposition . • A record of the names , addresses , and organizations represented of those in attendance should be kept and included with this application . • A concurrence form shall be distributed at the beginning of the meeting and participants should be encouraged to complete the form before the end of the meeting . A sample concurrence form is attached . More than one meeting may be held to present the project , solicit input , and gauge public interest. However , at least one meeting must adhere to the above guidelines for the proposed project to be eligible for funding . Additional types of public engagement may include , but is not limited to : • A city council and/or county commission meeting . • An advertised public meeting called specifically for the purpose of presenting and discussion of the proposed project. • A regularly scheduled recreational advisory board , or equivalent organization , meeting . • Regularly scheduled meetings of community or civic organizations . • Regularly scheduled meetings of outdoor recreation clubs. • Conduct a public opinion survey. Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 26 Re vi sed 08 /25/202 3 254 SAMPLE ADVERTISEMENT The Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (Public Law 88-578) requires that citizens be afforded the opportunity to express their views concerning the recreational needs of their community. To provide a forum for discussion , an open meeting is being held at __ --'(L=-'O"--C""'"A-'-T'--'-IO-"--'--'-N.._] __ , at ___ p .m . on ___ ____._(=DA'-'-T-'--'E=] ___ _ sponsored by ____ ...,.(A-"P'"""'P'"""'L=l--=c..C-'-'A-'-'N-'-T.._] ___ _ The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the (acquisition and/or development) of recreational facilities at [INSERT PARK NAME AND LOCATION]. Anyone wishing to support or oppose the proposed park acquisition/improvements is invited to voice their opinion at this meeting or submit written comments to [INSERT ADDRESS AND CONTACT] within two weeks following the meeting . Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 27 Revised 08/25/2023 255 NAME LWCF PUBLIC HEARING ATTENDANCE FORM PRO JECT NAME DATE RESPO NSE TO PROP OSAL ADDRESS Phone Suppo rt Oppose Number Alabama Land and Water Conservation Fund Page 28 Revis ed 08 /25/2023 256 Project Description Provide a brief, yet informative , description of the proposed project on this page . Click or tap here to enter text. The proposed project will consist of the construction 1.5 miles of trails , outdoor classrooms , overlooks , and educational signage at the North Triangle Park. The location is a large track of C ity owned land bound by Veterans Drive on the south , US Highway 98 on the east , Fly Creek on the north and Scenic Highway 98 on the west. The trails will provide a new recreat ional amenity in the area , and will offer residents a chance to commune with nature . The project will establish a un ique recreational opportunity for hikers , runners , walkers , cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts . Estimated Cost of Project: $1 ,000 ,000 Amount of Funds Requested : $500 ,000 (Cannot Exceed 50%, $500 ,000 .00 maximum) ___ Mayor _____ _ (Local Official 's Signature) (Title) Sherry Sullivan (Date) (Typed Name) 257 View Burden Statement ASSURANCES -CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS 0MB Number: 4040-0009 Expiration Date : 02/28/2025 Public reporting burden for this collection of inform ation is estimated to average 15 minutes per response , including t ime for reviewing ins truct ions , searching existing data sources , gathering and maintaining the data needed , and completing and reviewing the collection of information . Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information , including suggestions for reducing this burden , to the Office of Management and Budget , Paperwork Reduction Proje ct (0348-0042), Washington , DC 20503 . PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR COMPLETED FORM TO THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . SEND IT TO THE ADDRESS PROVIDED BY THE SPONSORING AGENCY . NOTE: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have questions , please contact the Awarding Agency . Further , certain Federal assistance awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances. If such is the case , you will be notified . As the duly authorized representative of the applicant:, I certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance , and the institutional , managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project costs) to ensure proper planning , management and completion of project described in this application . 2. Will give the awarding agen cy , the Comptroller General of the United States and , if appropriate , the State , the right to examine all records , books , papers , or documents related to the ass istance ; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives . 3. Will not dispose of, modify the use of, or change the terms of the real property title or other interest in the site and facilities without permission and instructi ons from the awarding agency . Will record the Federal awarding agency directives and will include a covenant in the title of real property acquired in whole or in part with Federal assistance funds to assure non- discrimination during the useful life of the project. 4 . Will comply with the requirements of the assistance awarding agency with regard to the drafting , review and approval of construction plans and specifications . 5. Will provide and maintain competent and adequate engineering supervision at the construction site to ensure that the complete work conforms with the approved plans and specifications and will furnish progressive rep orts and such other information as may be required by th e assistance awarding agency or State. 6. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency . 7. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest, or personal gain . 8. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. §§4728-4763) relating to prescribed standards of merit systems for programs funded under one of the 19 statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM 's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 C .F.R. 900 , Subpart F). 9. Will comply with the Lead -Based Paint Poison ing Preve ntion Act (42 U .S .C . §§4801 et seq .) which prohibits the use of lead-based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residen ce structures . 10 . Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to non- discrimination . These include but are not limited to : (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P . L. 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the bas is of race , co lor or national origin ; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 , as amended (20 U.S.C . §§1681 1683, and 1685-1686), wh ich prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex ; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29) U.S .C . §794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps ; (d) the Age Discrim in ation Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S .C . §§6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age ; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P .L. 92 -255), as amended relating to nond iscrimin ation on the basis of drug abuse ; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention , Treatment and Rehabil itation Act of 1970 (P .L. 91-616), as amended , relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism ; (g) §§523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S .C. §§290 dd -3 and 290 ee 3), as amended , relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records ; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U .S .C . §§3601 et seq .}, as amended , relating to nond iscrimi nation in the sale , rental or financing of housing ; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statue(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made ; and U) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statue(s ) which may apply to the application . Previous Edition Usable Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form 424D (Rev . 7-97) Prescribed by 0MB Circular A-102 258 11 . Will comply , or has already complied , with the requirements of Titles II and Ill of the Uniform Relocation Ass istance and Real Property Acquis ition Policies Act of 1970 (P .L. 91-646) which provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acqu ired as a result of Federal and federally-assisted programs . These requirements apply to all interes ts in real property acquired for project purposes regardle ss of Federal participation in purchases . 12 . Will comply w ith the provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C . §§1501-1508 and 7324-7328) which limit the political activ itie s of employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal funds . 13 . Will comply , as applicable , with the provisions of the Dav is- Bacon Act (40 U.S.C . §§276a to 276a -7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C . §276c and 18 U.S.C . §874), and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C . §§327- 333) regarding labor standards for federally-assisted construction subagreements . 14 . Will comply with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a special flood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood in surance if the total cost of insurable con struction and acquisition is $10 ,000 or more . 15 . Will comply with environmental standards which may be prescribed pursuant to the following : (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P .L. 91- 190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514 ; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodpla ins in accordance with EO 11988 ; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management prog ram developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (1 6 U.S .C . §§1451 et seq .); (f) conformity of SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFIC IAL APPLICANT ORGAN IZATION I City of Fairhope Federal actions to State (Cle an Air) implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C . §§7401 et seq .); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 197 4 , as amended (P .L. 93-523 ); and , (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 , as amended (P. L. 93-205). 16 . Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C . §§1271 et seq .) related to protecting components or potent ial components of the national wild and scenic rivers system . 17. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Sect ion 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 , as amended (16 U.S .C . §470), EO 11593 (ide ntification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S .C . §§469a-1 et seq). 18 . Will cause to be performed the requi red financial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Aud it Act Amendments of 1996 and OM B Circular No . A-13 3, "Audits of States , Local Governments , and Non -Profit Organizations ." 19 . Will comply with all appl icable requirements of all other Federal laws , executive orders , regulations , and policies governing this program . 20 . Will comply with the requ irements of Section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protect ion Act (TVPA) of 2000 , as amended (22 U.S.C . 7104) which prohibits grant award recipie nts or a sub-recipient from (1) Engaging in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of time that the award is in effect (2) Procuring a commercial sex act during the period of time that the award is in effect or (3) Using forced labor in the performance of the award or subawards under the award . TITLE ,V,ayor I DATE SUBMITTED I I I SF -4240 (Rev. 7-97) Back 259 APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE SF-424 -MANDATORY 1.a. Type of Submission : 1.b . Frequency : 1.d. Version : r8J Application r8JAnnual r8J Initial D Resubmission 0Plan D Quarterly 2. Date Received: D Funding Reques t OOther I D Other 3. Applicant Identifier: I Othe r (specify): Other (specify): I I I I 4a . Federal Entity Identifier: I 4b. Federal Award Identifier: 1.c. Consolidated Application/Plan/Funding Request? I Yes D No r8J I Explanation I 7. APPLICANT INFORMATION: a. Legal Name : !city of Fairhope b. Employer/Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN): c. UEI : 1636001254 I IMWRPCJENTWL 4 I d. Address : Street 1: Street2 : 1161 North Section Street I I City : County/ Parish : jFairhope I lsaldwin State : Province: IAL: Alabama I I Country : Zip / Postal Code : lusA: UNITED STATES I 136533 -0000 e. Organizational Unit: Depart ment Name : Division Name : I I I f. Name and contact information of person to be contacted on matters involving this submission : Prefix : First Name : Middle Name: I I !Nicole I I Last Name : Suffix : !Love I I I Title : !Grants Coordinator I Organizational Affiliation : I Telephone Number: 1 (251) 928-3126 I Fax Number: I Emai l: lnicole .love@fairhopeal.gov 0MB Number: 4040-0020 Expi ra tion Date: 02/28/2026 D Revision D Upda te STATE USE ONLY : 5 . Date Received by State : I I 6. State Application Identifier: I I I I I I I I I I I I I 260 APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE SF-424 -MANDATORY Ba . TYPE OF APPLICANT: I C : City or Township Government I Ot her (specify): I b. Additional Descriptio n : I 9. Name of Federal Agency: lus National Park Service I 10. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: I CFDA Title : !Land and Water Conservation Fund I 11. Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project : Construct park facilities at North Triangle Park 12 . Areas Affected by Funding : 13. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: a . Applicant: b . Program/Project: 101 I 101 I Attach an additional list of Program /Proje ct Congressiona l Distri cts if needed . I I Add Attachment 11 Delete Attachment 11 View Attachment I 14. FUNDING PERIOD : a . Start Date : b . End Date : 110/01/2024 I 109/30/2026 I 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: a . Federal ($): b . Match ($): I 500, ooo. oo l I 500 , ooo . oo j 16 . IS SUBMISSION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? D a . This submission was made available to the State under the Executive Ord er 12372 Process for review on: I I (8J b. Program is subject to E.O . 12372 but has not been se lected by State for review . D c. Program is not covered by E.O . 12372 . 261 APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE SF-424 -MANDATORY 17 . Is The Applicant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? Yes D No !ZI I Explanation I 18. By signing this application , I certify (1) to the statements contained in the list of certifications•• and (2) that the statements herein are true , complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances•• and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false , fictitious , or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18 , Section 1001) •• I Agree IZI •• This list of certifications and assurances , or an internet site where you may obtain this list , is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions . Authorized Representative : Prefix : First Name : I I !sherry I Middle Name: I I Last Name : lsullivan I Suffix : Title : I I !Mayor I Organizational Affiliation: I I Telephone Number: I (251) 928-2136 I Fax Number: I I Email : lsherry .sullivan@fairhopeal.gov I Sig nature of Authorized Represen tative : I I Date Signed : I I Attach supporting documents as specified in agency instructions . I Add Attachments 1 1 Delete Attachments 1 1 View Attachments I 262 APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE SF-424 • MANDATORY Consolidated Application/Plan/Funding Request Explanation : 263 APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL ASSISTANCE SF-424 -MANDATORY Applicant Federal Debt Delinquency Explanation : 264 RESOLUTION NO. ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT AWARD FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM THE GULF COAST RC&D COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE COMMUNITY POLLINATOR GARDEN REVITALIZAITON WHEREAS , the City of Fairhope was awarded a grant from the Gulf Coast RC&D Council for the City of Fairhope Community Pollinator Garden Revitalization located on South Mobile Street , Fairhope, Alabama; and WHEREAS , the total project cost is $8,808.25 , of which the grant amount is $6,912.12 ; and the City will be responsib le for $1,896.13 supplemented from Horticulture's budget ; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City of Fairhope hereby accepts the Gulf Coast RC&D Council's grant award; and authorizes the Mayor to sign all required grant documents on behalf of the City. DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin, Council President Pro Tempore 265 10/13/23 , 9:28 AM Application • Grant Ufecycle Manager Application City of Fairhope Community Polli nator Garden Revitalization Process : Gulf Coast RC&D Council Grant Application Contact Info Request Documents o Applicant: Ms . Nicole Love nicole.love@fairhopeal .gov 407-312-1362 ,· Contact Email History Organization: City of Fairhope 63 -600 1254 251-928-2136 161 N. Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 (D If your organization information does not appea r correct , please click the edit (pencil) icon . --------- c. Pub lic Profile I ~ Collaborate o [j Application ~ Document Viewer ~ Application Packet 0 Question List (D Fields with an asterisk (·) are required . v Application Questi ons RC&0 GrantApplication The RC&O Grant Appl ication is intended to help organizations make Alabama a better place to li ve , work. and play. You must be a 501 c3 Non- Profrt Organizatio n or unit of government/public entity (i .e. school , park, fire department, se nior center, etc.) to be eligible for funding . The grant application deadline is June 30, 2023 ; no la te app licallons will be acce pted . RC&D's grant minimum is $5,000.00 and th e maxim um is $15 ,000 .00. The RC&D Counci l gives grants on a re imburseme nt basis ; therefore, you will receive you r fun ding once th e project is comp lete and the co rrect documentation has been submitted as agreed upon in the cooperative agre eme nt. No purchases are eligible for reimbursement if purchased before October 1, 2023 , and/or the cooperative agreement has been signed . If your application is approved fo r funding , you will be able to begin your project on October 1, 2023, and/or when the coopera ti ve agreement has been signed. A grant agreement must be signed withi n 30 days of be ing Issued to the grantee . You have un til August 1, 2024 , to complete you r project . To view Gu lf Coast RC&D's Grant Pr iorities, Requirements, and Restrictions click here. All programs and ass istance of RC&D Cou ncils are ava ilab le without regard to race , color, nationa l origin , gender, religion , age , disabil ity, political beliefs, sex.ual orientation. and marital or family status . Directions • how to apply for funding: All applications must be in compliance with the RC&D Counci l's mis sion and comp ly with all federal and state laws . • The application must be filled out In full . • Required Fields : House and Senate Distri ct numbers -https:/lwww.sos .alabamagov/alabama-votes/elected-official-map . Subm it you r application before the grant window closes -no la te appl ications wiH be accepted . Project Name• ame of Project. City of Fairhope Community Pollinator Garden Revitalization Address of Project Location• S. Mobile Street, Fairhope , Alabama . (map attache d) Funding Category• ~ General Fund Ed ucat ional Fund Which RC&D Counci l(s) will your project impact?• Select the RC&D Council to whi ch you are applying . Select any additional RC&D Councils that your project will affect If you are applying to the Assoc iation a minimum of 3 councils must be selecte d for this question . https ://www.gra ntinte rfac e .com/RequesUSubmission/ Application?request=996001 B&atRequestT abs=ContactTab 1/4 266 10/13/23, 9:2 8AM I • ~ij'ft~~~U :: Cawaco RC&D Coosa Valley RC&D ~ Gulf Coast RC&D Mid-South RC&O Northwest RC&D Tombigbee RC&D = Wiregrass RC&D County• Baldwin Please list any additional counties your project might cover* Type ·o• if no other counties will be covered . 0 House District* Application -Grant Lifecyde Manager Find District: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/elected-official-map 94 Senate District• Find District: https :/lwww.sos .alabama.gov/alabama-votes/elected-official-map 32 Project Category' Sen ior Citizen Project Education Project Community Project Disaster/Health or First Responder Project Technology Project Business Improvement Project Job Training or Creation Tourism, Recreational, or Park Project •.!, Conservation of Natural Resources Project Description' Please thoroughly describe your project and the need you are trying to meet. Al so , explain here what you plan to purchase w ith the fund ing. Pollinators are "keystone species ' that are in worldwide decline due to habitat loss, invasive species , parasttes, and pesticides. One species, the Monarch Butterfly, has been listed as endangered due to popu lation decline . Each fall , hundreds of millions of monarch butterflies migrate from the U.S. and Canada to Mexico , and then ret urn in the spring with the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay being an important migratory stopover. Around 2005 the City of Fa irhope created a butterfly garden on the bluffs of Mobile Bay that includes an educational kiosk that provides information about native plants and butterfly species. The kiosk was donated by the Point Clear Rotary Club . The garden is situated along the Eastern Shore Trail which Is a popular passive recreation trail and is also highly visible to those who travel along Scenic Highway 98. Over the years , the garden has suffered from a lack of upkeep and has become overrun with invasive species, particularly the highly aggressive invasive v ine , Kudzu . The City of Fairhope , the Fairhope Environmental Advisory Board, and the Point Clear Rotary Club are proposing to revitalize and expand this important native garden by eradicating all invasive species , salvaging any native species that remain, and planting new native species that will support all types of pollinators, especially the Monarch Butterfl y. Kudzu is extremely difficult 143 characters left of 2 ,000 What is/are the objective(s) of the project?' Please explain what goal(s} you hope to achieve by completing th is project. The overall goal of this project is to revitalize and expand an existing pollinator garden by removing invasive species (especially the aggressive invasive vine , Kudzu) thereby allowing existing native vegetation to re~stablish. New native plant species will be planted to create a fully functioning pollinator garden tha t will provide ha bitat to attract all pol linator species, especially the endangered Monarch Butterfly. A successful pollinator garden should have plants at all levels of strata, beginning with groundcovers, annual and perennial flowers, shrubs, vines, and finally, at the upper level, trees some of which are alre ady existing under the invasives. The -1 .5 acre (0 .3 miles) garden will also be used as an educational opportunity to Fairhope residents on the positive attributes of native species and pollinator gardens. Kudzu is extremely prolific along the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay including on City of Fairhope owned properties . The City is interested in 1 493 characters left of 2,000 Media Statement• A med ia statement includes a brief summary of the project to be used in press re leases and social med ia posts . This should not exceed 3 sentences . https ://www.grantinterface .com/Request/Submission/Application ?request=9960018&atRequestTabs=ContactTab y V 2/4 267 10/13/23 , 9:28 AM Application -Grant Lifecycle Manager The City of Fairhope together with th e Fa irhope Envi ronmen tal Advisory Board and Po int Clea r Rotary Club will revitalize and expand an existing butterfly garde n on the Eastern Shore Trail . Th is will includ e removal of invasive species and replanting of n atives to attract all pollina tor spe cies, especially the endange red Monarch butterfly. j s characters left of 350 Projected Project End Date• Please provide the closest estimated date your project will end , and project documentation w ill be ab le to be su bmitted t o close out your grant. Please note you will have an opportunity to update this date throug hout your grant process . cl 04/30/2 02 5 Grant Amount Requesting from RC&D* $ 13,742.50 Total Estimated Cost of Project• $ 16,742.50 If your project is not fully funded will you be able to complete your project?* Yes Na •~· Unsure Project Budget Request Lis t your projected budg et for your project. • Budget Ite ms -sho uld be th ings yo u will be purchasing with yo ur grant funding. Be vaguely specific when listing your budget items as we Know things come up and budget items to support th e same project might change . ... For Exam pl e -If you are needing to pu rchase gardening equipment, li st •gardening equ ipment' as your budget item vs listi ng you need 4 shovels and 3 wheelbarrows . Use the Project Description box/question (above) on the application fo rm to describe and ex pla in what you w ill be purchasing with your fund ing . • Total Amount Requesting from RC&D -This sh ould equa l the total amount of money you are requesting from RC&D. Please note that once a budget item is submitted with the application, and If your application is approved, you will be required to show proof of payment for each budget item listed to be eligible to get full reimbursement. Grant minimum is $5,000.00 Grant maximum is $15,000.00 0 Project Budget Request Table 0 Requested Budget Item 0 Amount Requesting 0 Requested Budget Item 1 A Consultant contract far re moval an $ 6 ,000.00 ~ Requested Budget Item 2 A Na ti ve plant purchase . $ 2,042 .50 ~ Requested Budget Item 3 A Shipping costs far plant purchase $ 700 .00 0 Requested Budget Item 4 A Ed ucational Kiosk $ 5,000.00 0 Requested Budget ttem 5 A $ 0 Total Amount Requesting from RC&D [@ 0 [@ 13742.5 Total Cost of Project Total Estimated Cost of Project -should be how much th e project will cost in tolal , not just what you are re questing from RC&D . ~•For Example -You are wanting to purchase playgro und equipmenl. The total cost of the equ ipment is $50 ,000 .00. This should be the amount you specify for this question . e::) Total Cost of Project Table e::) Budget Item • Total Cost of Project e::) Budget Item 1 • Total Cost of Pr oject A 1s142.5o ~ Total Cost of Project Add itional Documentation Upload additional docu mentatio n that would support your request for grant funding . ~ Total Cost of Project Amount $ 16,742 .50 [@ 16742.5 https ://www.grantinterface .com/Re quest/Submission/Application?request=9960018&atRequestTabs =ContactTab 3/4 268 10/13/23, 9:28AM Applica!ion -Grant lifecycle Manager Examples of ad<l itional documentation . quotes, pictures , further descriptions, or materials that describe/support your project. Poll inator garden attachments for grant applicaUon.pdf [1.1 MiBJ @ Lo go Upload Upload a copy of your organization's logo. If your Organization does not have a logo please provide a picture . FAIRHOPE LOGO-colOI' (002).JPG [22 MiB] @ Authorized Signature• By electronically signing this application the applicant applying for funding agrees the project they are requesting funding for can be completed in the fiscal year in wh ich they are applying . The applicant also understands no funds will be re imbursable if spent prior to October 1, 2023. Type your name in the text box provided if you agree to the above statement. The person executing the electron ic signature agrees to the use of electronic signatures in accordance with Sections 8-1 A-1 through 20 of the Code of Alabama (1975). Nicole Love https ://www.g rantinterface .com/RequesUSubmission/Application?request=9960018&atRequestTabs=ContactTab 4/4 269 Nicole Love City of Fairhope Community Pollinator Garden Revitalization Gulf Coast RC&D Council Grant Application City of Fairhope Jamie Rollins 161 N. Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 Ms. Nicole Love Pr i nted On : 9 October 2023 info@fairhopeal.gov 0: 251-928-2136 nicole.love@fairhopeal.gov 0: 407-312-1362 Gulf Coast RC&D Council Grant Application City of Fairhope 1 270 Nicole Lov e City of Fairhope FollowUp Form Terms & Conditions Project Name Name of Project City of Fairhope Community Pollinator Garden Revitalization Amount Awarded $6,912.12 Approval/Decision Date 09/27/2023 This agreement details the responsibilities of the RC&D Council (hereinafter called the "Grantor") and your organization (hereinafter called the "Grantee"), and the terms and conditions of the grant that has been awarded to your organization. The purpose of this agreement is to implement the project as described in the submitted and approved application. Please note that the Grantor requires this agreement to be signed and submitted . 1. No funds will be available until after October 1st of the funding fiscal year for the approved project as described in the application, contingent on funding . Funds are subject to availability based on quarterly appropriations and are subject to proration if ordered by the State Finance Director. 2. The grantor agrees to provide assistance in planning and implementation as requested , needed, available and agreed to by the grantor. 3. This agreement may be revised upon the mutual consent of both parties . 4 . The Grantor may take appropriate action to ensure compliance with the terms of this agreement, which may include termination , suspension , or other remedies deemed necessary . I. Use of Funds * The grant is to be used solely for the project as described in the Grantee's Application. The grantee will use funding only on a project that will have public benefits and spend grant funds only on items included and approved in the project proposal. The grantee will contact the grantor if the scope of the project changes for approval for anything that was not approved in the application . II. Regulatory Compliance Cooperation * The Grantee will cooperate with the Grantor in supplying additional information or in complying with any procedures which might be required by any governmental agency in order for the Grantor to establish the fact that it has observed all requirements of the law with respect to this grant. The grantee agrees to comply with all provisions of the Federal Civil Rights laws and regulations . Ill. Grant Reporting * The grantee agrees to submit an electronic report on the use of grant funds and progress on the program for which funds were requested, utilizing the RC&D's on line grant system . The grantee will receive an email notification and instructions for fil i ng the report prior to the report's due date . The grantee also agrees to comply with any requests that the Grantor may make in the future to supply interim reports should they be necessary for any reason . Printed On : 9 October 2023 Gu lf Coast RC&D Council Grant Application 2 271 Nicole Love City of Fairhope A. Documentation Submission will consist of: 1. Financial documentation such as -receipts or invoices, AND proof of payment, such as canceled checks or bank statements . (Please note that financial documentation will NOT be accepted if dated before October 1st of the fiscal year being awarded funding.) 2 . Photos in the form of JPG or PNG 3 . Any news publications on line or in print made during the project. 4. Proof of credit to the Granter on all published, printed, or social media relative to the funding for this project. 5. Proof of credit to the Granter on websites or through social media if RC&D assistance is related to websites , etc . IV. Recognition * The grantee agrees to credit the Granter on all published , printed , or social media relative to the funding for thi s project with the approved RC&D Council logo with no stretching or alterations . The grantee also agrees to credit the RC&D Council on websites or through social media if RC&D assistance is re lated to websites, etc . with the approved RC&D Council logo with no stretching or alterations . Projected Project End Date * Note this is pulled from your application . If you would like to make changes you may do this now. There will be opportunities to make changes to th is on your check-in reports throughout the grant process . 04/30/2025 V. Timeline * The project will be completed as clo se to the projected project due date as possible and no later than August 1st of the fiscal year in which being funded. If the project is not executed by the August 1st deadline or in a respectful amount of time without communicating to the granter for an extension to submit for reimbursement grant fund s can be canceled and reallocated for public benefit. VI. Acceptance of Terms & Conditions * RC&D grant funding is conditional upon the Grantee's acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth herein. By selecting the "I Accept Grant Term s and Conditions" below the Grantee agrees to accept and comply with the stated terms and conditions of this grant. Authorized Signature * The electronic signature on this document of the person authorized to make legal contracts for the Grantee w i ll r ep resent the Grantee's acceptance of this award and agreement to comp ly with the stated terms and condition s of this grant. Please signify your agreement to the foregoing terms and conditions by typing in your Name , Title, and Date in the spaces below . You must be an authorized officer of the Grantee duly empowered to make legal cont r acts for Grantee . The person executing the electronic signature agrees to the use of electronic signatures in accordance with Sections 8-lA-1 through 20 of the Code of Alabama (1975). Name* Job Title at Grantee Organization * Date * Printed On: 9 October 2023 Gulf Coast RC&D Council Grant Application 3 272 Nicole Love File Attachment Summary Applicant File Uploads No files were uploaded Printed On : 9 October 2023 Gulf Coast RC&D Council Grant Application City of Fairhope 4 273 Butterfly Garden Budget Price Unit Number of Units Total Price Notes Invasive Species Removal 6000 .00 1 1 6000 .00 *hire contractor Native Plants Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) 3.85 1 gallon 45 173.25 Redring Milkweed (Asclepias variegata) 3 .85 1 gallon 45 173.25 Dune sunflower (Helianthus debilis) 3.50 1 gallon 45 157 .50 Blazing Star (Liatris pauciflora var. secunda} 3 .10 1 gallon 45 139 .50 Dotted Horsemint (Monarda punctata) 3 .10 1 gallon 45 139 .50 Narrowleaf lronweed (Vernonia angustifolia) 3 .10 1 gallon 45 139 .50 False Rosemary (Conradina canescens) 3 .95 1 gallon 45 177 .75 Common Blanket Flower ( Gaillardia pulchella) 3 .10 1 gallon 45 139 .50 Grassleaf Aster (Pityopsis graminifolia) 3 .10 1 gallon 45 139.50 Woody goldenrod (Chrysoma pauciflosculosa) 3 .10 1 gallon 45 139.50 Seaside Goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens) 3 .10 1 gallon 45 139 .50 Saltmarsh Mallow (Kosteletzkya pentacarpos) 10.00 1 gallon 45 450 .00 Shipping costs 700 .00 700 .00 Total 540 8808.25 Total grant award 6912.12 City of Fairhope funding 1896.13 274 RESOLUTION NO._ AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN FY 2024 ALABAMA TRANSPORTATION REHABILITATION AND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM-II (ATRIP-II) GRANT APPLICATION WHEREAS, the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is accepting applications from municipal governments for Fiscal Year 2024 Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program-II (ATRIP-11) Grants; and WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope has identified the need to construct dedicated left and right tum lanes on Volanta Avenue at the intersection with Greeno Road (U .S . Highway 98), acceleration/deceleration lanes on US Hwy 98 and signalize the intersection; and WHEREAS, the total project cost is estimated to be $1,682,000.00, and, if funded, the grant will pay for 100 % of Construction and CE&I Cost at an estimated $1,381,000.00 and the City would cover 100 % of the Preliminary Engineering, ALDOT PE Review and Utility Relocation Cost at an estimated $301 ,000.00; resulting in an approximate 78 /22 project cost share; and WHEREAS, if funded , the City will see this project through to completion and will be responsible for providing long-term maintenance of the new facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That by this Resolution the City of Fairhope authorizes submission of an FY24 A TRIP-11 Grant to ALDOT requesting grant funds to construct dedicated left and right tum lanes on Volanta Avenue at the intersection with Greeno Road (U.S. Highway 98), acceleration/deceleration lanes on US Hwy 98 and signalize the intersection. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , That the City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign all required grant application documents on behalf of the City. Attest: Lisa Hanks , MMC City Clerk DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Corey Martin , Council President Pro Tempore 275 ATRIP-11 Project Funding Worksheet Project Sponsor: City of Fairhope, Alabama County: Baldwin ------------------------------- Project Description: The proposed project would entail the addition of dedicated turn lanes (left and right) to Volanta Avenue at the intersection with Greeno Road (a.k.a. U .S . Highway 98), acceleration and deceleration lanes on US Hwy 98 and signalization of the intersection of the two roads in Fairhope, AL. Project Funding Per Scope Scope ATRIP-11 Funds (Cost to the Project) Sponsor Funds (Funds Other than ATRIP-11 )# Preliminary Engineering $ 0 .00 $ 156,087 .00 PE Rev iew (2% up to $20k)* $20,000.00 N/A Right-of-Way $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Ut iliti es N/A $ 125 000 .00 Construction (Incl CE&I) $ 1,360,769.00 $20 ,000 .00 Contin~ency (up to 20%) $ 0.00 N/A * Required as a Cost to the Project if the PE is being completed by the Sponsor Project Funding Totals Per Source (Fie lds are ca lculated ) Total ATRIP II Amount Requested: $ 1 380 769 .00 Total Sponsor Contributions: $ 301,087 .00 Total Project Cost: $ 1,681,856.00 # If there are any federal funds included in the sponsor funding, provide the type of federal funds (i.e. HSIP, IM CMAQ, etc), how those funds will be utilized, and who will be responsible for any required matching funds. N/A 8/2023 276 SPONSOR: CITY OF FAIRHOPE DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2023 Project Description: INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING AUXILIARY LANES AND TRAFFIC SIGNALS Project Location: US-98 AT VOLANT A AVENUE ITEM DESCRIPTION ALDOT UNIT EST QTY UNIT PRICE Clearinq & Grubbing 201-A LUMP SUM 1 $10 ,500 .00 Removinq Concrete Sidewalk 206-C SQYD 756 $31 .50 Removinq Concrete Driveway 206-C SQYD 35 $47 .25 Removinq Pipe (All Sizes) 206-D LIN FT 28 $52 .50 Removing Curb and Gutter 206-D LIN FT 0 $26 .25 Removing Concrete Headwalls 206-E EACH 2 $1 ,312 .50 Unclassified Excavation 210-A CUYD 2000 $15 .75 Borrow Excavation (Loose Truckbed Measurement)(A2 or 210-D CU YD 2500 $26.25 Better) Foundation Backfill , Commercial 214-8 CUYD 28 $84 .00 Roadbed Processing 230-A RDBD STA 12 $525 .00 Planinq Existing Pavement 408-A SQYD 10000 $4.20 Crushed Aggregate Base Course , Type B , Plant Mixed , 6" 825-8 SQYD 1000 $15 .75 Compacted Thickness Bituminous Treatment A 401-A SQYD 1000 $2.10 Tack Coat 405-A GAL 1150 $5 .25 Superpave Bituminous Concrete Wearing Surface Layer , 1/2" 424-A TON 1200 $115 .50 Maximum Aqqregate Size Mix , ESAL Range C/D Superpave Bituminous Concrete Upper Binder Layer , 1" 424-8 TON 150 $136.50 Maximum Aaareqate Size Mix , ESAL Range C/D Superpave Bituminous Concrete Lower Binder Layer , 1" 424-8 TON 275 $126 .00 Maximum Aaareqate Size Mix , ESAL Ranqe C/D 24" Side Drain Pipe 535-A LIN FT 400 $105 .00 24 " Side Drain Pipe End Treatment , Class 1 619-A EACH 2 $1 ,575 .00 48" Roadway Pipe (Class 3 R.C .) 530-A LIN FT 0 $157.50 60 " Storm Sewer Pipe (Class 3 R.C.) 533-A LIN FT 0 $210 .00 Inlets Type S 621-C EACH 4 $5 ,250 .00 Mobilization 600-A LUMP SUM 1 $52 ,500 .00 Slope Paving 614-A CU YD 3 $787 .50 Concrete Sidewalk , 4" Thick 618-A SQYD 750 $89.25 Inlets , Type S1 or S3 (1 Winq) 621-C EACH 0 $5,250 .00 Concrete Curb , Type N 623-8 LIN FT 0 $42 .00 Concrete Driveway , 6" Thick 618-8 SQYD 42 $105 .00 Combination Curb & Gutter, Type C (Modified) 623-C LIN FT 1200 $31 .50 Concrete Median Or Safety Barrier , Type 4A (Modifie d) 629-A LIN FT 0 $472.50 Steel Beam Guardrail, Class A , Type 2 630-A LIN FT 0 $31.50 Guardrail End Anchor , Type 8 630-C EACH 0 $1 ,575.00 Guardrail End Anchor , Type 13 630-C EACH 0 $3 ,150.00 Topsoil 650-A CUYD 549 $15 .75 Seeding 652-A ACRE 1 $1 ,575 .00 Mowinq 652-C ACRE 1 $525 .00 Solid Soddinq (Bermuda) 654-A SQYD 200 $8.40 Mulching 656-A ACRE 1 $1 ,050 .00 Temporary Seeding 665-A ACRE 1 $1 ,050 .00 Temporary Mulchinq 665-8 TON 1 $1 ,050 .00 Polyethylene 665-E SQYD 500 $5 .25 Hay Bales 665-F EACH 100 $8.40 Sand Baqs 665-G EACH 100 $5 .25 Silt Fence 665-J LIN FT 1000 $5 .25 AMOUNT $10 ,500 .00 $23,814.00 $1 ,653.75 $1,470 .00 $0 .00 $2 ,625 .00 $31 ,500 .00 $65 ,625 .00 $2 ,352 .00 $6 ,300 .00 $42 ,000 .00 $15 ,750.00 $2,100.00 $6 ,037.50 $138 ,600 .00 $20,475 .00 $34 ,650 .00 $42 ,000.00 $3 ,150 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $21 ,000 .00 $52 ,500 .00 $2 ,362 .50 $66,937 .50 $0.00 $0 .00 $4,410 .00 $37 ,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $8,646 .75 $1 ,575 .00 $525 .00 $1 ,680 .00 $1 ,050.00 $1 ,050.00 $1,050 .00 $2 ,625 .00 $840 .00 $525 .00 $5,250 .00 277 ITEM DESCRIPTION ALDOT Sil t Fence Removal 665 -0 Inlet Prote ction , Staqe 3 Or 4 665-P Wattle 665-Q Geometric Controls 680-A Solid White , C lass 2 , Type A Traffic Str ipe (5" W ide) 701 -A Solid Yellow , C lass 2 , Type A Traffic Stripe (5" W ide) 701 -A Broken Wh ite , C lass 2 , Type A Traffic Str ipe (5" Wide) 701 -A Bro ken Yellow , Class 2 , TYPe A Traffic St ripe (5" Wide) 701 -A Dotted , C lass 2 , Type A Traffic Stripe 701 -B So li d Temporary T raffic Stripe 701 -C Traffic Control Ma rkinqs , Class 2 , Type A 703-A Traffic Con trol Leqends , Class 2 , Type A 703 -B Temporary T raffic Control Markings 703-D Pavement Markers , Class A-H , Type 2-C 705-A Pavement Marke rs , Class A-H , Type 1-A 705-A Pavement Ma rke rs, Class A-H , Type 2-D 705-A Pavement Markers , Class A-H , Type 1-B 705-A Type A Haza rd Marker Installation 881 Class 4 , Alu mi num Flat Sign Panels 0 .08 " Th ick Or Steel Flat 710-A Siqn Pane ls 14 Gauoe (Type Ill Or Type IV Background) Class 8 , Aluminum Flat Sign Panels 0 .08 " Th ick Or Steel Flat 710 -A Siqn Panels 14 Gauqe (Type IX Backqround) C lass 6 Aluminum Flat Sign Panels 0.125 " Th ic k (Type IV or XI 710-A Background ) Roadway Siqn Post (#3 "U" Channel Galvanized Steel) 710-B Roadway Siqn Post (S4 x 7 .7 Steel Beam ) 710-B Removal of Ex ist inq Roadway Sions 710-C Traffic Siqnal 718 Const ruction Siq ns 740-B C hannel izi nq Drums 740-D Cones (36 Inches Hiqh) 740 -E Barricades , Type Ill 740 -F Ballast for Cone 740 -M Portable Chanqeable Messaqe Siqn , Type 1 742 -A Remove Roadway Luminaire 751 -L Conduit , 1 1/4 Inch , Riqid Nonmetallic 750-E Roadway Light ing 750 -Z Estimated Costs Funded by ATRIP-11 Funded by City Total Funded by ATRIP-11 Total Funded by City Project Total UNIT EST QTY UNIT PRICE LIN FT 1000 $3 .15 EACH 0 $420 .00 LIN FT 400 $10 .50 LUMP SUM 1 $21 ,000 .00 MILE 1 $4 ,725 .00 MILE 1 $4 ,725 .00 MILE 1 $2 ,625.00 MILE 0 $2 ,625 .00 LIN FT 847 $2 .10 MILE 2 $1 ,050 .00 SQ FT 423 $5 .25 SQ FT 134 $10 .50 SQ FT 0 $3 .15 EACH 37 $5.25 EACH 20 $5.25 EACH 16 $5.25 EACH 40 $5.25 EACH 0 $183 .75 SQ FT 300 $23 .10 SQ FT 0 $26 .25 SQ FT 0 $36 .75 LIN FT 180 $21 .00 LIN FT 0 $126 .00 LUMP SUM 1 $2 ,100 .00 LUMP SUM 1 $420 ,000 .00 SQ FT 350 $10 .50 EACH 220 $52.50 EACH 120 $21 .00 EACH 4 $420 .00 EACH 120 $5.25 EACH 2 $5 ,250.00 EACH 2 $1 ,050 .00 LIN FT 0 $15 .75 LUMP SUM 1 $26 ,250 .00 Construction CE&I (15%) ALDOT PE Review (2% or $20,000) $1 ,380 ,769.01 $286,086 .93 $1 ,666,855.94 PE (13%) Utility Relocation AMOUNT $3 ,150 .00 $0 .00 $4 ,200.00 $21 ,000.00 $4 ,725 .00 $4 ,725 .00 $2 ,625 .00 $0 .00 $1 ,778 .70 $2 ,100 .00 $2 ,220 .75 $1,407 .00 $0.00 $194 .25 $105 .00 $84 .00 $2 10 .00 $0 .00 $6 ,9 30 .00 $0 .00 $0 .00 $3 ,780 .00 $0 .00 $2 ,100 .00 $420 ,000 .00 $3 ,675 .00 $11 ,550 .00 $2 ,520 .00 $1 ,680 .00 $630 .00 $10 ,500.00 $2 ,100.00 $0.00 $26 ,250 .00 $1,200,668 .70 $180 ,100.31 $20,000.00 $156 ,086.93 $110 ,000 .00 278 RESOLUTION NO. __ WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope has identified the need for state-of-the-art siren warning systems for mass notification ; and WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope presented an application to the Alabama Emergency Management Agency ("AEMA") for subgrant assistance to purchase and install state-of-the-art siren warning systems for mass notification from the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program ("HMGP") funds ; and WHEREAS , the Alabama Emergency Management Agency awarded the City of Fairhope the subgrant from the Ha zard Mitigation Grant Program CFDA #97 .047 ; HMGP 4503-0031 to purchase and install stat e-of-the-art siren warning systems for mass notification. The project has been approved for $57 ,68 0.00 with a Federal Share of $51,912.00 and the City of Fairhope responsible for pro viding $5,768.00 (10 percent of cost). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE , that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to accept the subgrant from the Alabama Emergency Management Agency from the Ha zard Mitigation Grant Program in the amount of $57,680.00 to purchase and install state-of-the-art siren warning sys tems for mas s notification. Attest: Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City Clerk Adopted on this 23rd day of October, 2023 Corey Martin, Council President Pro Tempore 279 STATE OF ALABAMA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY 5898 COU TY RO A D 4 1 • P.O. DRAWE R 2160 • CL A TO ,AL ABAM A 35046 -2160 KAY IVEY GOVERNOR 10/17 /2023 City of Fairhope PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL (2 05 ) 280-2200 FA X # (205 ) 280 -2495 Subject: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program HMGP DR 4503-0031-City of Fairhope Emergency Warning System Dear Ms.Love , JEFF SMITHERMAN DIRECTOR The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has notified this office that the above- referenced project is approved , and the federal funds obligated. The project has been approved for $57 ,680.00 with a federal share of Federal S51 ,912 .00 (90%) and non-federal share of $5 ,768.00 (10%). In addition , State Sub-recipient Management Cost in the amount of$ is set aside for the sub-recipient. Enclosed is a copy of the State-Sub-recipient Agreement ; execute and return one copy to AEMA Mitigation via US Mail and retain the other copy for your files. Please fully read this agreement and pay close attention to #1 and #17. Note that #17 on the State-Sub-recipient Agreement states: "The Sub-recipient will begin project work within 90 days of approval of the grant and complete all item s of work within the specified period of performance period of performance ending 05/02/2026 unless an extension is granted to extend the time frame. Please note your special conditions required for this project. This information can be found on the attached FEMA approval letter. Quarterly progress reports are required each quarter until project completion. The first quarterly progress report will be due on 01/01/2024 and will report on activities completed during 4th quarter Dates. Each subsequent report will be due on the first of the month following the end of each quarter (Jan 1, April I , Jul y 1 and Oct. 1). If you need additional information concerning this approval and the administration of this project, please contact Kristy Ray 205-351-1630 or Kristy.ray @ ema.alabama.gov . Sincerely , La 'Tonya Stephens Director of Recovery Operati o ns 280 HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM CFDA #97.047 HMGP 4503-0031 City of Fairhope Weather Radios State-Sub-recipient Disaster Assistance Agreement Th is agreement between th e State of Alabama (th e "S tate") and the City of Fairhope wi ll be effective on the date s ig ned by the State and the Sub-recipient. It shall ap pl y to all assistance funds provided by or through the State to the Sub-recipient as a result of a presidentially decl ared di saster occ urring within the State of Alabama. The designated repre se ntati ve of the Sub-recipient ce rtifi es that: 1. The Sub-recipient has ap pointed by re so luti on a s ub-recipi e nt 's lo cal agent/d es ig nated repre se ntative to act on the jurisdiction's beha lf [attach a copy of the resolution to the application]. 2 . He /She ha s le gal a uth ority to apply for federal assistance on beh a lf of th e S ub-recipie nt. 3. The Sub-recipient wi ll provide all nec essary finan cial and managerial resources to meet the terms and conditions of receiving federa l and state di saster ass istance . 4. The Sub-recipient will use the di saste r ass ista nc e funds so lel y for the purposes for w hich th ese funds are provided and as a pprove d by the Governor's Authorized Representative/State EMA Dire ctor or hi s or her designee. Allowable costs sha ll be determine d in accordance w ith the Robert T . Stafford Disaster Relief and E mergency Assistance Act, 44 CFR §206 and 2 CFR Part 200. 5 . The pay ments for approved projects w ill be on a cost reimbursement bas is and subject to rece ipt and approval of in voices. 6. The Sub-recipient is aware that ther e is no state funding available for miti gation cost shari ng and that the Sub-recipient will be required to provid e the full non-federa l s hare for such miti gati o n activities. 7. The Sub-recipient agrees to provide the necessary local s hare of fundin g for comp leti o n of the project. 8. The Sub-recipient w ill establ is h and mai ntain a proper accounting syste m to record expenditure of di saster assistance funds in accordance with generall y accepted accounting standard s or as directed by the Governor's Authorized Re prese ntative/State EMA Director or his or her de signee. 9. The Sub-recipient wi ll co mply with one of the following (as appropriate for the type of s ub - recipient) for all audit requirements: 2 CFR (Part 200.50 1 and 200 .501 ). 10. The local cost s hare funding w ill be available within the s pec ifi ed time . 11 . The Sub-recipient will g ive all state and federa l agencies des ig nated by the Governor's Authorized Representative/State EMA Director or his or her de signee access to and th e rig ht to examine all books, records, pap e rs and other documents related to use of disaster assistance funds. 281 12. The Sub-recipient wi ll maintain a l l do c um entation relating to th e project for three (3) years from the date of the Final SF 425 submitted to FEMA from AEMA . The SF 425 is the final expenditure report sent to FEMA from AEMA to close out the entire grant. 13. The Sub-recipient will return to the state, within 15 days of s uch req uest by the Governor's Authorized Repre sentative/State EMA Direc tor or his or her d es ig nee, any funds w hi c h are not s upporte d by audit or ot her federal or state review of documentation m aintained by the S ub- rec ipient for three (3) years from the date of the Final SF 425 submitted to FEMA from AEMA. The SF 425 is the final expenditure report sent to FEMA from AEMA to close out the entire grant. 14. The Sub-recipient w ill comp ly w ith al l app li cable codes and standard s relati ve to this proj ect a nd agrees to provid e maintenance , as a ppropriate. 15. The Sub-recipient wi ll comp ly with a ll a ppli cable provisions of fe deral a nd state laws , Exec uti ve Orders and re g ul atio ns govern in g thi s program. 16 . The S ub-recip ie nt will comp ly with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act w hi ch prohibits the use of lead based paint in the construction or rehab ii it at ion of re s idence stru ctu res. 17. T he S ub-recipient wi ll begin proj ect wo rk w ithin 90 days of approval of the award and co mpl ete all items of wo rk within the s pecifi e d period of performance (June 14 , 2023 thro ug h May 02 , 2 026) unle ss an extension is grant ed to extend the time fra m e. 18 . The Sub-recipient wi ll comp ly w ith a ll fe deral and state statutes and regulations relati ng to non- discrimination in c ludin g , but not limited to : (a) Tit le VI of th e Civi l Ri g hts Act of 1964 (P .L. 88- 352) which prohibits discrimination o n th e basis of race , color or nation al origin; (b) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 , as amended (20 U.S .C . §§ 1681 -1683 and 168 5 -1 686) w hi c h prohibits di scrimination on th e basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794) w hich prohibit discrimination on th e basis of handicaps ; (d) the Age Di sc rim ination Act of 19 75 , as a mended (42 U.S.C. §§ 6101-6107) wh ich prohibits discrimination on th e basis of age ; (e) th e Dru g Abuse Office a nd Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 93-255) as amended , re lati ng to nondi sc rimin ation o n the bas is of drug abuse; (f) the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention , Treatment a nd Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (P.L. 9 1-6 16) as ame nd ed , relating to nondi scrimination on the basis of alcoho l ab use or alcoholism; (g) §§ 523 and 527 of the Publi c Health Service Act of 191 2 (42 U.S.C . 290 dd-3 a nd 290 ee-3), as amended , re lati ng to co nfid e nti a li ty of alco hol a nd drug a bu se patient records ; (h) Tit le V III of th e Civil Rights Act of 1968 ( 42 U.S.C. § 3601 et se q.), as amended, re lati ng to nondi sc rimina tion in the sale rental or financing of housing; (i) a ny other nondiscrimination provisions in th e specific statut e(s) under which app li cation for federal assistance is be in g made, and G) th e requirements on any ot her nondi scrimination stat ut e(s) w hi ch may ap pl y to the app l icat ion. 19. T he S ub-rec ipient wi ll comply, or has a lre a dy comp lied , with the re quirem ents of Title s II and 111 of the Uniform Re location Assistan ce and Re a l Property Acqui sition Policies Act of 19 70 w hi c h provides for fair and equitab le treatm e nt of persons displaced or w hose property is acq uir ed as a result of federal or federally ass isted programs. 20. The Sub-recipient will comp ly w ith pro vis ion s of the Hatch Act limiting the political act ivi ti es of public employees. 282 21. The Sub-recipient will comply, as applicable, with provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act relating to labor standards. 22. The S u b-recipient will comp ly with the National Flood Insurance Program requirements , including, but not limited to , Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973. 23 . The Sub-recip ient will not enter into cost-plus-percentage-of-cost contracts for completion of Hazard Mitigation Grant projects. 24 . The Sub-recipient will comply with all environmental standards including but not limited to: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P .O . 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514 ; (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO 11738 ; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in floodplains in accordance with EO 11988 ; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved state management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1451 et seq.); (t) conformity offederal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955 , as amended (42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 , as amended , (P.L. 93-523); and (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 , as amended , (P .O. 93-205). 25 . T he Sub -recipient will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system . 26 . The Sub-recipient will comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and preservation of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq.). 27. The Sub-recip ient will not enter into any contract, with respect to this award , with a condition for payment to the contractor being the receipt of state or federal funds by the Sub-recipient. 28. T he Sub-recipient will not enter into any contract with any party , which is debarred or suspended , from participating in federal assistance programs. 29. The project 's scope-of-work will not be changed without prior written approval from FEMA . 30 . The Sub-recipient will not dispose of, modify the use of, or change the terms of the real property tit le, or in terest in the s ite or facilities without permission and instructions from FEMA. The Sub- recipient will record the federal interest in the title of real property in accordance FEMA directives and will include a covenant in the title of real property acquired in whole or in part with federal assistance funds to assure nondiscrimination during the useful life of the project. 31. The Sub-recip ient will comply with the requirements of FEMA with regard to the drafting, reviewing, and approval of construction plans and specifications. 32 . The Sub-recipient will provide and maintain competent and adequate engineering s upervision at the construction site to ensure that the completed project conforms with the approved plans and specifications and will furnish progress reports and such other information a s may be required by FEMA or the State. 283 33. The Sub-recipient will establish safeguards to prohibit emp lo yees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest or personal gain. 34. T he S ub-recipient will prompt ly reimburse the State in the event of a reduction in the approved amount described in the project application the amount of the reduction . If the Sub-recipient fails to promptly reimburse the State, the State may withhold from this award or any other federal award admin istered by the State which is awarded to the Sub-recipient any amounts owed to the State. 35. The Sub-recipient certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: A. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or vo luntaril y exclud ed from cover transactions by any Federal department or agency; B. Have not w ithin a 3-year period preceding this proposal been convicted or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federa l, State or Local) transaction or contract under a public transaction ; or violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery , bribery, fa lsification of destruction of records, making false statement, or receiving sto len property ; C. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a government entity (Federa l, State, or Local) with commiss ion of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph B of this certification; and D. Have not with in a 3-year period preceding this applicatio n or proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal , State, and Local) terminated for cause or default. I understand that a false statement on this certification may be grounds for rejection of this propo sa l or termination of the award. In addition, under 18 U.S.C. § I 00 I, a false statement may result in a tine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years , or both. 36. T he Sub-recipient certifies that it will provide a drug-free workplace by: A. Publishing a statement notifying emp lo yees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution , dispensing, possession , or use of a contro ll ed substance is prohibited in the Sub-recipient's wo rkpl ace and specifying the actions that will be taken agai nst employees for violation of such prohibition; B. Establishing a drug-free awareness program to inform employees about: (i) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (ii) The Sub-recipient's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (iii) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (iv) The penalties that may be imposed on employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; C. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the project be give n a copy of the statement required by paragraph (A); D. Noti fyi ng eac h employee in the statement required by paragraph (A) that, as a condition of emplo yment under the award, the emp lo yee must: (i) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (ii) Notify the employer of any criminal dru g statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than 5 days after such conviction ; E. Notifying the Award Official within IO days after receiving notice under subparagraph (D)(i i) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction; F. Taking one of the following actions, within 30 days of receiving notice under subparagraph (O)(ii), with respect to any employee w ho is so convicted: 284 G. Making a good-faith effort to continue to ma intain a drug-free wo rkplace through implementation of paragraph s A -F. The Sub-recipient s hall in sert in the s pac e pro v id e d be lo w the s ite(s) of th e performance of wo rk don e in conjuncti on with th e s pecifi c award . Place of performance (st reet, city , cou nty , state , zip code) 37. The Sub-recipient certifies , to the best of it s knowledge a nd be li ef, that: I. No Federal appropriated funds have bee n pa id or wi ll be paid , by o r on behalf of the Sub- recip ient, to a ny person for influencing or a tt empt in g to influence an offi cer or emp loyee of any agenc y , a Me mber of Congress, an officer or e mpl oyee of Congress , or a n employee o r a member of Congress in co nn ection w ith the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of a ny Federal award, the making of any Federal loa n, the entering into a ny cooperative agreement, or modification of a ny Federa l contract, award , lo an , or coo perati ve agreeme nt. 2 . If any funds other than Fede ral appropriated funds have been paid or w ill be paid to any person for influencing o r attempt in g to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress , an officer or employee of Co ng ress , or an employee of a member of Co ngress in connection w ith this Fede ral contract, award , loan , or cooperative agreement, the Award Recipient s hall complete and s ubmit Standard Form-LLL, "Di sc lo s ure Form t o Re port Lobbying," in accordance w ith it s in st ruction s. 3 . T he Sub-recipient shall require that th e lan g uage of this certification be in cluded in th e award documents for all sub-awards at a l l tiers (includin g subco ntracts, s ub-award s , and co ntracts under awards, loans, and cooperat ive agreement(s) a nd that a ll s ub-rec ipi e nts s ha ll certify a nd disclose according ly. 4. This certification is a material re prese ntat ion of fact upon wh ich reliance was placed w hen this transaction was made or entered into. Sub mi ssion of the certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imp osed by section 1352, Title 3 1, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to fil e the required cert ification s ha ll be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10 ,000 and not more than $100,000 for s uc h failure. 37. The Sub-recipient will provide copies of a udit reports that include funds provided und er this agreement to: State of Alabama Department of Examiners of Publi c Accounts P. 0 . Bo x 302251 Montgomery , AL 36130-225 1 a nd State of Alabama Emergency Management Agency P.O. Drawer 2 160 Clanto n, AL 35046 Attn: Hazard Mitigation 285 Attn: Audit Report Repository 38. Contracts must be of reasonable cost, ge nerall y must be competitively bid , and comply with Federal , State, and loc al procurement standards. FEMA will reimburse only fair and reaso nabl e costs of any contract entered into by the Sub-recipient. The Sub-recipient must consider costs , conflicts of intere st, and all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations when hirin g a contractor. Compliance with local procurement practices and the procurement competition requirements specified in 2 CFR Part 200 .3 I 7-200.326 are essential to successfu lly receiving Mitigation award funding. The Federal procurement regulation s ensure that sub-recip ient 's procure contracts in a manner that provides full and open competition , and provide financial and record-keeping requirements. In addition , the Sub-recipient should maintain a written code of standards for conduct gove rning the performance of employees, officers , or agents who select and award contracts. It is important that app li cants secu re contracts with reputable and qualifi ed licensed contractors. The Sub-recipient 's should conduct reference checks on a contractor's history of performance with the State 's contractor licensing board and with the contractor's previous c li ents before awarding contracts. Pursuant to 2 CFR Part 200.3 19 (a)(l )-(7), the Sub-recipient may not re str ict the bidding in order to disqualify a population of bidders. Some of the situatio ns considered to be restrictive of competition include, but are not limite d to: • Placing unreasonable requirements on firm s in order for them to qualify to do business • Requiring unnecessary experience and excessive bonding • Noncompetitive pricing practices between firm s or between affiliated companies • Noncompetitive awards to consu lt ants that are on retainer contracts • Organizational conflicts of interest • Specifying only a "brand name " product in stead of allowing "an equal " product to be offered and describing the performance of other relevant requirements of the procurement • Any arbitrary action in the procurement process If the Sub-recipient has a pre-qualified li sts of persons, firms , or products , it must keep s uch li sts current in order to ensure open and free competition during the bidding process , in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200.3 l 9(d), which states: "R ecipients and sub-recipients will ensure that all pre- qualified lists of persons , firms, or products which are used in acquiring goods and services are current and include enough qualified sources to ensure maximum open and free competition. Also, recipients and sub -rec ipients will not preclude potential bidders from qualifying during th e so licitation period. " Methods of Procurement The Sub-recipient may request that FEMA review its procurement process to determine whether the process meets the standards set forth in 2 CFR 200.3 17-200 .326. FEMA finds the following four method s of procurement acceptable: Small purchase procedures procurement, an informal method for securing services or s upplie s that do not cost more than $100 ,000 by obtaining several price quotes from different so urces . Sealed bids procurem ent, a formal method where bids are publicl y a dverti sed and so licited , and the contract is awarded to the respon s ible bidder whose proposal is the lowe st in price. This method is the preferred method for procuring construction contracts. Competitive proposals procurement, a method simi lar to sea led bid procurement in which contracts are awarded on the basis of contractor qualifications instead of on price . This method is often use d for procuring architectural or engineering professional services. In addition, this 286 method normally involves more than one source submitting an offer and is used when condition s are not appropriate for sealed bids. Noncompetitive proposals proc urement, a method whereby a proposal is received from only one source. Noncompetitive proposals should only be used w hen t he award of a contract is not feas ibl e und er small purchase procedures, sealed bids , or competitive proposals , and one of the fo ll owing circumstances app li es: • The item is ava il able onl y from a single source • There is an emergency requirement that does not permit a delay • So li citation from a number of sources has been attempted, and competition is determined to be inadequate A contract may be regarded as noncompetitive if the Sub-recip ient has onl y one responsive bidder. In this case, the Sub-recip ient is required to comp ly w ith 2 CFR Part 200 .32 l(f), which states in part: " ... A cos t analysis will be neces sary when adequate price co mpetition is la ckin g, and for sole so urce p roc ur ements, including co ntrac t modificati ons or change orders, unless price reasonableness can be establis hed on th e ba s is of a catalog or market price of a comm ercial product so ld in s ubstantial quantities to th e ge neral public or based on prices se t by law or r egulation. A p rice analys is will be used in all oth er in s tan ces to determin e th e reasonableness of th e p roposed co ntract price . " The Sub-recipient is required by 2 CFR Part 200.323(b) to negotiate profit as a separate element of the price for each contract in which there is no price competition and in all cases where cost a nal ysis is performed . Consideratio n shall be given to the complexity of the work performed , risk borne to the contractor, co ntractor 's investment, amou nt of s ub contracting, quali ty of the contractor's record of past performance, and indu stry profit rates in the surroundin g geographical area for similar work. FEMA provides reimbursement for four types of contracts: Lump s um contracts, for work within a prescribed boundary with a clearly defined scope and a total price Unit price co ntracts, for work done on an item-by -item basis with cost determined per unit Cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts, e ith er lump sum or unit price contracts with a fi xed contractor fee a dd e d into the pri ce Time-and-materials contracts , w he re t he contractor bills the app li cant for labor, equ ipm ent, materials , and overhe ad . These contracts should be avoided , but may be a llowed Time-and- materials contracts are allowed in circum stances whe n they are more cost-effective and ap p ropr iate for the amount and type of eligible work to be performed . The costs mu st be reasonable for the ty pe of work required. The Sub-recipient must engage in comprehensive active monitoring activities to ensure contractor efficiency. If a time-and-material s contract is awarded , the app l icants must: • Monitor and docum e nt contractor expenses ; • Have a cost ce ilin g or "not to exceed " provision in the co ntract ; and • Contact the S tate to en s ure proper g uid e lin es are followed. The Sub-recipient should work c lose ly with the State and FEMA when awarding the time-and- materials contracts to e ns ure e lig ibili ty requirements are met. Contract Scope of Work R eco mmendations The contract scope o f work should reference "eligible work," "work eli g ible under FE MA Mitigat ion regulation s, policies , and guidance," "work performed on public property and/or public rights-of-way," or other simi lar elements . Piggyback Contracts 287 FEMA does not favor "piggyback contracts." The variables associated with the scope of work and costs generally make this an option to be avoided. The competitive procurement requirements of 2 CFR Part 200 .319 are also a prime concern. If FEMA encounters a request for reimbursement of cost s derived from such a contract, the reimbursable costs for eligible work will be based on reasonableness. Prohibited Contracts In accordance with 2 CFR Part 200.323(d), cost plus percentage of cost contracts shall not be used . Use of such contracts may result in FEMA limiting the Mitigation grant to an amount determined to be reasonable based on the eligible work performed. Contracts that are awarded by an applicant to debarred contractors are prohibited pursuant to 2 CFR 200 .205(d) and Part 100 ; thus , no Federal fundin g can be awarded for eligible work completed . Additional Contract Requirements Contract payment provi s ions should addre s s the obligations between parties to the contract only and not include an y language that makes pay ment to the contractor contingent upon the applicant 's receipt of funding from FEMA. All contracts in excess of $10 ,000 must contain a provision for termination for cause and for convenience by the Sub-recipient, including the manner by which it will be effected and the bas is for settlement, according to 2 CFR Part 200.340 . For contracts over $100 ,000 the applicant mu st have the following minimum bondin g requirements , in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200.325(b)-(c): • A bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to five percent of the bid price ; • A performance bond on the part of the contractor for I 00 percent of the contract price; and • A payment bond on the part of the contractor for I 00 percent of the contract price. In accordance with 2 CFR Part 200 .318(11): "Rec ip ients and s ub-rec ipi ents will make awards only to responsible contrac tors poss ess in g th e ability to p erform successfully un der th e term s and condition s of a prop osed proc ur ement . Cons iderati on w ill be g iv en to s uch matt ers as contractor integri ty, compliance w ith public p oli cy, reco rd of past p erforman ce, and financia l and tec hnica l resources. " Documentation requirements are specified in 2 CFR Part 200.318 (i) and include , but are not limited to, rationale for the procurement method , contract type, contractor selection or rejection , and the basis for contract price. Signed for the Sub-recipient: Nicole Love Name (Typed) Title Si g ned for the State: Jeff Smitherman Director (Typed) Signature 14 Signature Date October 6, 2023 Date 288 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Region 4 3005 Chamblee Tucker Road ~. Atlanta GA 30341 ~; FEMA l,1\'n <t\V October 4, 2023 Jeff S mithe rm a n, Director A la ba ma Eme rge ncy M anage ment Age ncy 5 89 8 Co un ty Road 4 1 C la nto n, AL 35 04 6 -2 16 0 Attenti o n : Mich ae l Jo hn son, State Haza rd Miti gati on Offi ce r Refere nce: Hazard M itigation Grant Progra m (H MG P) P roj ec t 4503 -0 031 C ity of Fairhope Em erge ncy Wa rnin g Syste m Dear Mr. Smitherman: We are please d to in fo rm you that th e proj ec t referenced a bove has bee n a pp roved fo r HMGP f u nd in g in th e a mo un t of $57 ,680.00 w ith a fe d era l s ha re of$5 1,9 12.0 0 (90%) and a no n-fe d era l s ha re of $5,768 .00 (I 0%). Fi na ncial app rova l d oc um e nts fo r th e award a re enc lose d fo r yo u r record s. The following is the approved Statement of Work (SOW) for the above referenced project: T he C ity o f Fairh o pe pro poses to e nhanc e th e c urre nt m ass no tifi cati o n syste m by p urc has in g twe nty -one (2 1) mo untabl e du a l-s peaker remo te units , o ne ( 1) fixed m o unt mast er tra ns m itter with weath e r protect ion cab le, o ne (1) fi xe d master k it w ith weath e r protect cab les, a nd o ne (I ) Yagi repeater. T he speakers will be insta ll e d o n 2 1 ex istin g lig ht po les in t he Central Bu si ness Di stri ct. T he up grade wi ll e na bl e t he c ity to make notifi cati o ns regardi ng a ll hazard s w it h th e a bil ity to reac h a la rge r number of c it ize ns, t hereby redu ci ng injury, ha rm and loss of life. Site Locati o ns: Site Address GPS 1 27 S. Section S t. Fairhope, AL 36580 30.522500 , -87.902778 2 7 S. Church S t. Fa irhope, AL 36532 30.522362 , -87 .904699 3 12 N. Section St . F airhope, AL 36532 30 .523611 , -87 .902778 4 19 S. Section St . F airhope, AL 36532 30 .522810 , -87 .902890 5 21 N. Section St. Fairhope, AL 36532 30.523920 , -87.903200 6 24 N. Section St. F airhope, AL 36532 30.523960 , -87.902710 7 27 N. Section St. F airhope, AL 36532 30.522500 , -87.902778 8 323 De La Mare Fairhope, AL 36532 30.522222 , -87.903056 9 327 Fairhope Ave . F airhope, AL 36532 30.523056 , -87.903889 10 334 Fairhope Ave. Fairhope, AL 36532 30.522778 , -87.903611 11 387 Fairhope Ave. Fairhope, AL 36532 30.523333 , -87.903333 12 395 Fairhope Ave . Fairhope, AL 36532 30 .523350 , -87.903210 289 13 405 Johnson Ave. Fairhope, AL 36532 30.522260, -87.902790 14 408 Fairhope Ave. Fairhope, AL 36532 30.522778, -87.902500 15 420 Fairhope Ave. Fairhope, AL 36532 30.523056, -87.902222 16 400 Fairhope Ave. Fairhope, AL 36532 30.522970, -87.902800 The fo llowing project conditions must be met: Standard Conditions. Any change to the approved scope of work wi ll require re-evaluation for compliance with NEPA and Laws and Executive Orders. This review does not address all federal , state and local requirements. Acceptance of federal funding requires recipient to comply with all federal, state and local laws. Failure to obtain all appropriate federal , state and local environmental permits and clearances may jeopardize federal funding . If grou nd disturbing activities occ ur durin g construction , applicant w ill monitor ground disturbance and if any potential archeological resources are di scovered, will immediately cease construction in that area and notify the State and FEMA. Special Conditions: There are no special conditions to be met. Quarterly Progress Reporting: Per 44 CFR 206.438(c), recipients must provide a quarterly progress report to FEMA indicating the status and completion date for each project funded . The report s hould also include any problems or circumstances affect ing completion dates , scope of work, or project cost that may result in non-compliance with the approved grant conditions. Please includ e this HMGP project in your future quarterl y reports. Scope of Work Changes: The recipient must obtain prior approva l from FEMA before implementing changes to the approved project SOW . Per the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments , 2 CFR 200: • The Recipient mu st obtain prior written approval for any bud get revision which would re s ult in a need for additional funds. • A change in the scope of wo rk mu st be approved by FEMA in advance regardless of the budget implications. • The Recipient mu st notify FEMA as soon as significant developments become known , such as delays or adverse conditions that mi g ht raise costs or delay completion , or favorab le conditions allowing lower cost or earlier completion. Period of Performance: FEMA does not establish activity completion timeframes for individual s ubawards. Recipients are responsible for ensuring that all approved activities are completed by the e nd of the grant Period of Performance (POP). The POP for DR-4503 is 05/02/2026. Any extensions of the grant POP must be s ubmitted to FEMA 60 days prior to the expiration date. Project Closure: In accordance with 44 CFR, Sectio n 206.438(d) the Governor 's Authorized Representative (GAR) is required to "certify that reported costs were incurred in the performance of eligible work, that the approved work was completed , an d that the miti gat ion measure is in compliance with the provisions of the FEMA-State Agreement." Therefore , to c lose this project, the GAR shall se nd a letter 290 requesting closure to include the above certifications, as well as the following: • Date work on the project was full y completed. • Date of the recipient 's final site inspection for the project • Total final project cost, with the Federal and Non-Federal share • Identified cost underrun (Fed and non-Fed share) as applicable . • Documentation that any conditions of the grant have been complied with , to include programmatic , environmental , and/or other conditions as identified in the award letter or Record of Environmental Consideration (REC) • Photographs of the structure. • A copy of the Recipient s final site inspection report . The obligation report is enclosed for your records. Management reports are available in NEMIS. The obligated funds are available for withdrawal from Payment Management System on sub- account 4503DRALP00000315. If yo u have any questions , please contact your state hazard mitigation specialist. Enclosure(s): Obligation Report Supplemental Record of Environmental Considerations Sincerely , SHEMEEKA H JOHNSON Digitally signed by SHEMEEKA H JOHN SON Date: 2023.10 .06 09 :13:07 -04'00' Shemeeka Johnson, Chief Disaster Implementation Branch Mitigation Division 291 9/21/2023 10:49AM Disaster FEMA No Project No FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM Obligation Amendment State No Application ID Action No Supplemental HMGP-OB-01 No State Recipient ----------~---------- 4503 31 ·F 0 Subrecipient: Fairhope Subrecipient FIPS Code : 003-25240 Total Amount Previously Allocated $51 ,912 .00 29 Total Amount Previously Obligated $51 ,912 .00 Project Amount Subrecipient Management Cost Amount $51 ,912 .00 1 I $oog Comments Date : 08/28/2023 User Id : DBURKETT 3 AL St ate wide Project Title : City of Fairhope Warning System Total Amount Total Amount Avai lable Pending Obligation for New Obligation $0 .00 $0 .00 Total Obligation IFMIS Date IFMIS Status FY $51 ,912 .001 08/28/2023 Accept 2023 Comment : 4503-0031-F-DR-AL-HM Fairhope Grant POP 5/2/2026 Application 29 City of Fairhope Warning System Allocation 3 included in the August Spend Plan Federal share $51 ,912 .00 Supplement 3 approved HMO . Date : 08/28/2023 User Id : KRATLIFF Comment: 4503-0031-R (Appl ID 29) Obligate $51 ,912 .00 per State's application request dated 01/24/2023 Authorization Preparer Name: KAREN RATLIFF HMO Authorization Name: DEBORAH BURKETT Preparation Date: 08/28/2023 HMO Authorization Date 08/28/2023 Page 1 of 1 292 08/15/2023 11 :44 :08 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project HMG P-4503-0031-AL (1) Title : City of Fairhope Warn ing System NEPA DETERMINATION Non Compliant Flag : No EA Public Notice Date : EA Draft Da te : EA Fi nal Date : EIS Notice of Intent EA Fonsi EIS ROD Date : L evel : CAT EX REC-01 Comment SOW: City of Fa irhope , Baldwin County , AL, applicant proposes to install 21 pole mounted dual speaker warning system and associated features on existing light poles throughout the City's Central Business District (see attached PDF for site details). -vyin -08/14/2023 16 :41 :51 GMT CA TEX CATEGORIES Catex Category Code e1 EXTRAORDINARY Description Selected (e1) Construction , installation , operation , maintenance , and removal of utility Yes and communication systems (such as mobile antennas, data processing cable , and similar electronic equipment) that use existing rights-of-way , easements, utility distribution systems , and/or facilities . This is limited to activities with towers where the resul ting total height does not exceed 200 feet and where the FCC woul d not require an EA or EIS for the acquisi tion, installation , operation or mainte nance . Extraordinary Circumstance Cod e Description No Extraordinary Circumstances were selected ENVIRONMENTAL LAW/ EXECUTIVE ORDER Environmental Law/ Executive Order Stat us Descripti on Comment Clean Ai r Act (CAA) Completed Project will not result in permanent air emissions -Review concluded Coastal Ba rrier Resources Act Completed Project is not on or connected to C BRA Unit (C BRA) or otherwise protected area -Review concluded Clean Water Act (CWA) Completed Project woul d not affect any water of the U.S. -Review concluded Coastal Zone Management Act Completed Project is located in a coastal zone area (CZMA) and/or affects the coastal zone Completed State administering agency does not require consistency review -Review concluded Selec ted ? NOTE : All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock . Page 1 of 3 293 08/15/2023 11:44 :08 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY REC -01 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project HMGP-4503-0031-AL (1) Title: City of Fairhope Warning System Environmental Law/ Executive Order Executive Order 11988 - Floodplains Executive Order 11990 • Wetlands Executive Order 12898 • Environmental Justice for Low Income and Minority Population s Status Completed Completed Completed Description No effect on floodpla in/flood levels and project outside floodplain • Rev iew concluded No effects on wetlands and project outside wetlands • Review concluded Low income or minority popu lation in or near project area Completed No disproportionately high and adverse impact on low income or minority population - Review concluded Endangered Species Act (ES A) Completed Listed species and/or designated critical habitat present in areas affected directly or indirectly by the federal action Farmland Protection Policy Act (F PPA) Fish and Wildl ife Coordination Act (FWCA) Completed No effect to species or designated critical habitat (See comments for justification ) • Re view concluded Completed Project does not affect designated prime or unique farmland • Review concluded Comp leted Project does not affect, control , or modify a waterway/body of water · Rev iew concluded Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) Completed Project located within a flyway zone Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) Completed Project does not have potential to take migratory birds • Review concluded Completed Project not located in or near Essential Fish Habitat -Review concluded National Historic Preservation Act Completed (NHPA) Appl icable executed Programmatic Agreemen t. Activity meets Programmatic Allowance (enter date and# in comments)• Review NOTE : All times are GMT using a 24-hour clock . Comment EO 11988 : All sites are located within an Unshaded X zone per Baldw in County flood insurance rate map (FIRM) panel number 01003C0644M dated 04/19/2019 . -vyin - 08/14/202316:45 :33 GMT EO 11990: Project located outside the wetland per review of USFWS National Wetlands Inventory (NWI ) mapper, accessed 08/08/2023 . • vyin • 08/14/2023 16:45:46 GMT EO 12898 : FEMA has determ ined that the following types of activities have limited or no potential to affect minority or low-income populations and FEMA has no further EO 12898 responsibilities with regards to them . • vyin • 08/14/2023 16 :46:00 GMT ESA: Per review of A labama USFWS website listing of threatened and endangered species for Baldwin County , accessed 08/08/202 3. -vyin - 08/14/202 316:44 :11 GMT NHPA: Per the Programmatic Agreement for Alabama executed , November 06 , 2020 and modified October 26 , 2022 , the SOW meets Allowance I1.D .3.a as per SOI Page 2 of 3 294 08/15/2023 11:44:08 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY REC -01 RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION (REC) Project HMGP-4503-0031 -AL (1) Title: City of Fairhope Warning System Envi ronmental Law/ Executive Order Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (WSR) CONDITIONS Standard Conditions : Status Description con cl uded Completed Project is not along and does not affect Wild and Scenic River -Rev iew concluded Comment Qualified Wh itney Rooks . Wh ile the proposed SOW will occur w ith in the NRHP-listed Fa irhope Downtown Historic District , the proposed speakers will be installed on ex isting light poles so they won't cause an additional v isual impact. - wrooks2 -08/14/2023 15:40:21 GMT Any change to the approved scope of work will require re-evaluation for compliance with NEPA and other Laws and Executive Orders . Thi s review does not address all federal , state and loca l requirements . Acceptance of federal funding requ ires recipient to comply with all fed eral , state and local laws . Fa il ure to obta in all appropriate federal , state and local environmental perm its and clearances may j eopardize federal fund ing . If ground disturbing activities occur during construction , app licant w ill mon itor ground disturbance and if any potential archeolog ical resources are discovered , will immed iately cease construction in that area and notify the State and FEMA. NOTE : All times are GMT us ing a 24 -hour clock . Page 3 of 3 295 RESOLUTION NO. 4445-22 AUTHORIZING THE SPONSORSffiP OF A HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT APPLICATION TO THE ALABAMA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF STATE-OF-THE-ART SIREN WARNING SYSTEMS FOR MASS NOTIFICATIONS WHEREAS, the Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) is accepting applications from municipal governments for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope has identified the need for state-of-the-art siren warning systems for mass notification; and WHEREAS, if funded, the grant will pay 75% of the estimated total project costs of $57,680 .00 and the City of Fairhope will be responsible for providing 25% of the estimated total project costs or $14,420.00; and WHEREAS, the City's Public Utilities Department will provide oversight of the project, if funded; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, that by this Resolution the City of Fairhope authorizes submission of an HMGP grant to AEMA requesting grant funds to purchase and install state-of-the-art siren warning systems for mass notification . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign all required grant application documents on behalf of the City. A'ITEST: DONE, under the Seal of the City of Fairhope this 25th day of April, 2022 s Reid Conyers , J ., ouncil President 296 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 • 1. Type of Submission : • 2. Ty pe of Application : • If Revi alon , aelect appropriate letter(a): D Pre applicati on r8]New I r8J Application D Continuation • Othar (Specify): D Cha nged/Corrected Applica tion D Revision I • 3. Date Received : 4. Applicant ldllntlfler: I I I 5a . Federal Entity Identifier: 5b. Federal Award Identifier: I I I State Use Only: 6. Date Received by Sta te: I I 1 7. State Appl icabon Identifier: I 8. APPLICANT INFORMATION : • a. Legal Name: lcity of Fairhope • b. Empk)yerfTaxpayer ldentificatiOn Number (EIN/TIN): •c. UEI : 163-6001254 I IMWRPC JENTWL4 I d.Addntn: • Street 1: /P.O. Box 429 Street2 : I • City : I Fairhope I County/Parish : Jaaldwin I • State : JAL: Alabama Province : I I • Cou ntry : JusA: UNITED STATES • Zip / Posta l Code : 136533-0114 I •· Organizational Unit: Department Name : . Division Na me: I I I f . Name and contact information of person t o be contacted on matters involvi ng thi s application : Prefix : IMrs. I • First Name: !Jessica Mi dd le Name : IM I • Last Name: /walker Suffix : I I Title: I Organizational Affiliation : I • Telephone Number: 1251-929-8003 I Fax Number: I "Ema il: j jessica.walker@fairhopeal.gov I I I I 0MB Number: 4040-0004 Expiration Da te: 12131/2022 I I I I I I I I I I I I 297 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 • 9. Type of Applicant 1: Select Applicant Type : jc: Ci ty o r Township Gove r nmen t I Type of Applicant 2: Select Applicant Type : I Type of Applicant 3: Select App licant Type: I • Other (specify): I * 10. Name of Federal Agency: FEMA I 11 . Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbe r: I CFDA TIiie: • 12. Fund ing Opportunity Number: loR-45 0 3 (C ov i d-19) I •rrtte: OR-4503 Covid-19 Hazard Mi tigation Gran t Program Declared: May 21, 2 020 13. Competition Identification Number: I n1e: 14. Areas Affected by Project (Cit ies, Co unties, States, etc.): I I I Add Altactvnent II Delete Attachment 11 View Attactvnent I • 15 . Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: The purc hase and ins ta l l ation of state-of-the-art r e mo t e siren wa rn ing s ystems fo r mas s no tification. Attach supporting docu ments as specified in agency instructions . I Add Attact.mei 1t1 11 Delete Attachments 11 View Attachment& I 298 Application for Federal Assistance SF-424 16. Congres■lonal Di1trlcts Of: • a. Applicant 11 I • b. Program/Project I I Attach an additional list of Program/Project Congressional Districts if needed . I 1 1 Add Attachment 1 1 Delete Attachment 11 View Attactvnent I 17. Proposed Project: • a. Start Date: !os10112022 i • b. End Date : 104/30/20231 18. Estimated Funding (S): •a.Federal I 43,260.001 • b. App licant I 14,420 .00 1 • c. State "d. Local • e. Other • f. Program Income •g. TOTAL I 57,680.ool • 19. 11 Appllc:ation Subject to Review By State Under Executive Order 123n Process?! D a . This application was made available to the State under the Executive Order 12372 Process for review on I 1. D b . Program is subject to E.0. 12372 but has not been selected by the State for review . D c. Program is not covered by E.0. 12372. • 20 . Is the App licant Delinquent On Any Federal Debt? (If "Yea," provide explanation In attachment.) Oves ~No lf ''Yes", provide explanation and attach I I I Add Attachment 1 1 Delete Attachment 11 View Attachment I 21. •ey signing this application, I certify (1) to the statements contained In the l ist of certlflc:atlons " and (2) that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also provide the required assurances .. and agree to comply with any resulting terms if I accept an award . I am aware that any false , flctlti ou ■, or fraudulent statements o r claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative pena lties . (U .S. Co de , TiUe 218, Se ction 1001 ) ~ .. I AGR EE " The list ot certifications and assurances , °' an internet site where you may obtain this lis~ is contained in the announcement or agency specific instructions . Authorized Representative : Prefix : IMs. I • First Name: !sherry I Middle Name : I I • La st Name : l sull ivan I SulflX : I I • Trtle: !Ma yo r of Fairhope, Alabama I • Telephone Number: i 2s1-990-0100 I Fax Number : I I • Email : lsherry. sul livan(! fairhopeal. go"-/} I • Signature of Authorized Representative : ~ ~~A~'>)A JArf • Date Signed : l ~/JL , ,11,b ,.,.,. ' I _/ u 299 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute a Service Agreement between Baldwin County Commission and the City of Fairhope for connectivity to the County Extranet and for Communications and Information System s (CIS) services at no cost for the initial implementation defined in Exhibit A, but the City has the option to implement additional services in the future based on the CIS Rate Schedule. DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore 300 SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN BALDWIN COUNTY AND THE CUY OF FAIRHOPE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT nns AGREEMENT ('1Agreement") is entered into between the CITY OF FAIRHOPE (''CITY'') and BALDWIN COUNI'Y ("COUNTY"), (herein collectively referred to as the "Parties".) WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, the CITY is a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Alabama; and WHEREAS, the objective of the CITY is to, serve the citizens and taxpayers of the City of Robertsdale in an efficient and responsible manner; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY considers the goals and objectives of the CITY to be supportive and complimentary of those of the COUNTY; and WHEREAS, the Baldwin Cou nty Comrnunjcations and Information System Department ("CIS''), a department of the COUNTY, has the knowledge, ability and availability to offer services relative to commwtlcation information systems and fiber optic networks, as more specifically detailed herein, to the CITY; and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to have ClS provide such services as are more specifically detailed herein; and WHEREAS, providing such services by COUN1Y to CITY will provide , among other things, the enhancement of data sharing and collaborative efforts among the Parties; mid WHEREAS, the COUNTY has determined that providing such services to the CITY serves a public purpose and enhances the public good and wellbeing for all citizens of Baldwin County. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the Parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. Recitals, '111e above recitals and statements are incorporated as part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein . 2. G;rant of Authority. Subject to the te.nns and conditions set forth herein, the CI1Y hereby grants to the COUNTY, its affiliates, employees , agents, representatives, contractors, subcontractors, licen ees and invitees (hereinafter 11 County Representatives ") a revocable, non- exclusive, limited and temporary authority to access the CITY's computer system, individual computers, etc ., and to enter upon the CITY's real property ("Property'') needed to access in order lo fulfill the terms and conditions of thi s Agreement. 301 3. Services and Compensation. a. Initial Services. The CITY agrees to pay the COUNTY for the initial one-time and monthly recurring services as defined in the attached Exhibit A which are based on the fees/rates of the current COUNTY "Rate Schedule for Computer Networking, Telecommunications, and Related Services" which is attached as Exhibit B. These rates are subject to change from time to time as approved by the County Commission. Payment will be due as work is performed or as services are provided and will be invoiced by the COUNTY on a monthly basis. b. Additional Services . The CITY may, at its option, elect to subscribe to additional services contained in the attached schedule of services entitled "Rate Schedule for Computer Networking, Telecommunications. and Related Services" (see "Exhibit B"), which details the fees and/or charges for these Services. If the CITY and COUNTY wish to enter into an agreement for additional Services and otherwise based upon the same terms and conditions as outlined herein, the CITY shall identify to COUNTY, in writing, an agent authorized to request services and/or equipment to be installed and/or serviced and to make decisions as they relate to the user settings and security. The CITY authorized agent shall then make proper submission of the attached "Order Form" (see "Exhibit C"). If the COUNTY agrees to pro\<ide such services, proper acceptance by the COUNTY shall be evidenced by a signature of the COUNTY's authorized agent on the same "Order Fonn." 4. Effective D'ate, Duration and Tenn. This Agreement shall be effective upon the date of full and complete execution. The tenn of the Agreement shall be from the date of full execution, ex.tending twelve (12) months thereafter, and automatically renewing annually, unless terminated by either party with a ninety (90) day written notice. Upon termination or expiration of the term of this Agreement, all rights to en ter upon the Prope1ty under this Agreement shall cease, excepting only the limited need to enter upon the Property for removal and completion as referenced herein in paragraph nine (9). 5. Disclaimer of Warranties, COUNTY in no way warrants or guarantees the services and/or equipment installed and/or serviced under this Agreement. Reasons that may affect, intenupt, cause failure or otherwise limit the use of such services and/or equipment include, but are not limited to, the following: a power outage , a fiber optic line cable being cut, equipment not configured properly, and/or any event above and beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation, any govemment actions, fire, work stoppages, civil disturbances, interruptions of power or commumcations to COUNTY or any facilities used by or for COUNTY, failure of internet, hosting, telecommunications, or other services to COUNTY or facilities used by or for COUNIY, natural disasters, ac ts of God, or acts of terrorism or war, or the lines not being compatible with the software and/or equipment used by the CITY. COUN1Y makes no warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement or any warranty arising by usage of trade, course or dealing or course of performance or any warranty that tlte services and /or equipment will meet the requirements of the CITY. Without limiting the fot·egoing, the COUNTY does not warrant that the services and/or equipment will be without failure, delay, interruption, error, degradation of voice quality or loss of content, data or information. Neither lhe COUNTY not its officers, director, employees, affiliates or agents will be liable for unauthorized access to the COUNTY's or CITY's transmission facilities or premise s equipment or for unauthorized access to, alteration, theft or cleslruction of, customer's data files, programs, procedures or information through accident, fraudulent means, or equipments or any 302 other method , regardless of whether such damage occurs as a result of the COUNTY's or its agent's or vendor's negligence. Statements and descriptions concerning the services and/or equipment are informational and are not given as a warranty of any kind. COUNTY does not warrant or guarantee that the information sent, relayed, carried or delivered through any third parties' networks/s ervices will reach its destination or its correct address or recipient , or that the det ails of the recipient or sender are correct or accurate. COUNTY shall not be liable for, and shall be excused from, any failure to deliver or perfom1, or for any delay in delivery or performance of services due to causes beyond our reasonable control. 6. Right to Interrupt, COUNTY specifically reserves the right to interrupt CITY's use of the services and/or equipment installed and/or serviced under this Agreement for any reason that COUN1Y may deem necessary for proper function, maintenance, and safety of govern.mental functions. Notwithstanding this reservation of right and absent an emergency, the COUNTY will make every attempt to provide the CITY at least 24 hours notice of any such interruption, but will work with CITY, in instances when that is not feasible, to coordinate a time that will minimize the impact to CITY Operations. 7. Indemnity and HoldHannless. The CITY shall indemnify , defend and hold COUNTY, its officers, directors , agents , employees and County Representatives harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, judgments, costs, and expenses including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, for any and all personal injury (including death) and property damage of any kind or n ature whatsoever, incuned by or imposed upon COUNTY or any County Representative, as a result of any entry upon or activity conducted by, or any act or omission, by COUNTY or any County Representative, employee agent, or subcontractor arising out of providing the subject services, including but not limited to the construction, maintenance, upgrade, repair or removal of any information equipment from the Property and/or facilities repair or removal of any information equipment from the Property and/or facilities except for those claims, costs, losses, expenses, demands, actions, or causes of action which arise so lely from the negligence, willful misconduct, or other fault of the COUNTY. COUNTY does not and shall not waive any rights against CITY which it may have by reasons of this indemnification. This indemnification b y CITY shall apply to all damages , penalties, and claims of any kind, regardless of whether any insurance policy shall have been detennined to be applicable to any such damages or claims for dan1ages. CITY shall at all times comply with all applicable Federal, State, County, local and municipal laws and regulations and agrees to use the services and/or the equipment installed and/or serviced under this Agreement only for lawful purposes. CITY agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold haimless COUNTY, its officers, directors and County Representatives, against all claims, costs, losses, expenses, demands , actions, or causes of action, including reasonable attorney's fees and other costs and expenses of litigation, which may be asserted against COUNTY for failure by CITY to comply with such laws and regulations. 8. Further Liability. In no event or way will the COUNTY, its officers, directors , or County Representatives be liable for any direct, incidental , indirect, special, punit iv e, exemplary or consequential damages , or for any other damages , including but not limited to personal injuiy, wrongful death, property damage, loss of data, loss of revenue or profits , or damages arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the services and/or the equipment installed and /or serviced under this Agreement. The limitations set forth herein apply to claims founded in all areas, including but not limited to breach of contract, breach of wananty, and product liability , 303 and apply whcthef or not the COUNTY was informed of the likelihood of any particular type of damages . 9. Removal and Completion Upon Termination. Upon the expiration or tennination of this Agreement, city sball peaceably allow COUNTY immediate access to the Property in order to; (a) remove all materials , equipment, debris , waste, and improvements placed thereon by COUNTY or County Representatives (or resuJting from work under this Agreement); and (b) repair any dam.age to the Property and restore the Propeity to its condition on the date of this Agreement , nonnal wear and tear excepted. t 0. Temuoation for Breach, This Agreement may be terminated by either Party upon written notice should the other Party fail to fulfill any obligation of this Agreement and such failure is not cured within five (5) days after giving notice the Party in breach. 11 . Insurance, Prior to the services and/or equipment being installed and/or serviced under this Agreement, each party shall show proo f of the following: Each party shall carry, with insurers satisfactory to the other, throughout the term hereof, Auto Liability Insurance, including owned, hired and non~owned vehicles, with limits of not less than $1,000,000, combined single limit, for both bodily injury liability and property damage liability each occurrence; Commercial General Liability Insurance, including all contractual liability herewider, with limit s not less than $1,000,000, combined single limit, for both bodily injury liability and property damage liability each occurrence; and Worker's Compensation Insurance, meeting the statutory limits of the State of Alabama and Employer's Liability Insunmco fully covering all employees and supervisors participating in the installation and/or servicing of the services and/or equipment under this Agreement. All liability insurance shall name the other party as an additional insured. Prior to commencing operations hereunder, a Certificate of Insurance , evidencing such coverage satisfactory to the other party, shall be furnished to the other party, which shall speci ficaJly state that such insurance sball provide for at least ten (10) days' notice to the other party in the event of cancellation, termination or any change in such insurance policies . Should either party fail to furnish current evidence upon demand of any insurance required hereunder, or in the event of cancellation, termination or change in any such 1nsura.nce, the other pmty may, at its option , suspend this Agreement until insurance is obtained or tenninate this Agreement immediately without further action. 12. No Assignment, The Parti es ·ball not have the right to assign this Agreement or any rights or obligation hereunder without written pennission and consent by the other Party. Any attempted assignment shall be void. No assignment shall relieve the other Party of its liabilities and obligations herein. 13. Legal Compliance, CITY shall at all times comply with all applicable Federal, State, County, local and row1icipal laws and regulations. CIIT agrees to use the services and/or equipment installed and/or serviced under this Agreement only for lawful purposes. CITY will be responsible for any and all liability that may arise out of content transmitted by CITY to any person, whether authorized or unauthorized, using the services and/or equipmeut. COUNTY reserves all rights at law and equity to proceed against anyone who uses the services and/or equipment illegally or improperly. CITY hereby consents to the COUNTY forwarding any unlawful or improper communications and infonnation to appropriate governmental authorities and acknowledge that CITY has been 304 informed that the COUNTY may also forward communications and information to third parties in connection with lawful requests by governmental officials or by subpoena or court order. 14. Baldwin County Poljcy Statements, It is not the intention of either party to conflict with any Policies as adopted by the County, specifically Policy 5.1, Policy 5.2, Policy 5.3 and Policy 8. 10, copies of which are attached hereto as "Exhibit D''. Both parties agree to adhere to the e policies as they affect the uses under this Agreement , with the exclusion of Section 3 of Pol icy 5.1. However, it is the intent of the COUNTY that CITY maintains full authority, ownership, and control over all CITY data including without limitation. documents , emails, calendars, other Exchange Server data, and data within SQL databases. Furthennore, the COUNrY will honor, subject to the limitations required by law, CITY confidentiality. 15. Agencv. It i s neither the express nor the implied intent of the Parties to create an agency relationship pursuant to this Agreement; therefore, any actions of the parties shall not be considered or implied to create such agency. 16. No Waiver. The failure of either Party to insist upon a strict performance of any of the conditions and covenants herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in the terms, conditions and covenants herein con tained. 17. Termination. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement may be te11ninated by either party, with or without cause . In the event of termination with cause, such termination shall be accomplished by giving written notice and once notice of tennination is given , the permission herejn granted shall immediately and automatically teanioate ( except as noted in paragraph nine (9)). la the event nftermimition without cause, such termination shall be accomplished by giving written notice ninety (90) days before the date that termination shall take effect. 18. Notice. Every notice or response required by this Agreement to be served upon either party shall be in writing an.d shall be deemed to have be en duly given to the required party three (3) business day s after having been posted in a properly sealed and correctly addressed envelope when hand delivered or sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid as follows : The notices or responses to BALDWIN COUNTY shall be addressed as follows: Baldwin County 3 I 2 Courthouse Square, Suite 12 Bay Minette, AL 36507 The notices or responses to The CITY OF FAIRHOPE shall be addressed as follows: City of Fairhope PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, Al 36533 COUNTY and CITY m.ay designate such other address or addresses from lime lo time by giving written notice to the other pru.1.y as set forth in this Section . 305 19. Attachments. The following exhibits and/or attachments listed below are specifically included as a necessary part of this Agreement, and the same shall not be complete without such items, to wit: A. Exhibit A -Initial Services and Project Description B. Exhibit B -County Rate Schedule C. Bmibit C -Semple Order Form D. Exhibit D -County Policies In any event of a conflict between this doclllll.ent and the attachments referenced above, this document shall govern. 20. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the documents attached hereto constitute the full and complete agreement between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and said Parties shall not be bound by any statement, special condition or agreements not herein expressed. No alteration or amendment to this Agreement by the parties hereto shall be effective unless in writing, signed by the patties, and by reference incorporated into this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as technology and methods change at a rapid pace, it is imperative that modifications to the equipment be allowed, provided that the designated technical representatives of both Parties agree with such modification to take advantage of technological advancements or to overcome technical issues that may arise. Therefore , this Agreement will not need to be modifieid to implement such modifications , as long as the overall intent and scope of the project are followed and as long as the changes do not subi,iantially burden the resources of either Party. This Agreement, and the performance thereof, shall be governed by and construed according to tbe Laws of the Stale of Alabama 21. Miscellaneous. (a} This Agreement shall not be construed more strictly against one party than against the other merely by virtue of the fact that it may have been prepared by counsel for one of the parties , it being recognized that both COUNTY and CITY have contributed substantially and materially to the preparation of this Agreement. (b) This Agreement shall apply to and bind the successor and permitted assigns of the respective parties. ( c} The headings in this Agreement arc for convenience ofreference only and shall not limit or otherwise affect the meaning hereof. ( d) This Agreement may be executed in any number or counterpat1s , each of which sha11 be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement may be delivered by facsimile transmission. ( e) If any part, section, or subdivision of this Agreement shall be held unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such holding shall not be construed to invalidate or impair the remainder of this Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding such holding. (t) CTIY's obligations under this Agreement shall survive expiration or tem1ination of this Agreement. 306 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , each of the Parties ha s caused thi s Agreement to be exec ut ed in duplicate originals by th eir duly authorized representatives on th e res pective dates entered below. COUNTY: BALDWIN COUNTY, ALABAMA By : __________ _ Chairma n/Dat e ATTEST: County Administrator/Date CITY OF FAIRHOPE : By: ___________ _ Mayor/Date ATTEST: City Clerl~ate 307 State of Alabama County ofDaldwin I, _______________ , a No tary Public in and for the sa i d county in said state, hereby certify that, whose name as Chairman, and -------------~· whose name as County Administrator of the BALDWIN COU N1Y COMMISSION, as the governing body of BALDWIN COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Alabama, are signed to the forging instrument and who are known to me, ackn1owledged before me on this day that, being infonned of the contents of such instrument, they, as officer s and with full authority , ex ecut ed the same voluntarily for and as the act of said commission on the day th e same bears date. Given under my hand and official seal this_ day of ___ , 2023. STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN Notary Public My Commi ssion Expires: ________ _ r, ______________ _, a Nolary Public in and for said county in said state, hereby certify that __________ , whose name as . of The CifY OF P ATRHOPE, a Municipal Corporation , is signid to the forego ing ilL'strument and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on thi s day that, being info1med of the contents of such instrument , he/she, as such officer an• with full authority, executed the same voluntarily for and as the act of said entity on the aay the same bears date . Given under my hand and official seal this _ •ay of ___ , 2023. Notary Public My Commission Expires: _______ _ 308 EXHIBIT A Initial Services and Project Description Baldwin County Commission (County) and The City of Fairhope • The COUNTY will allow the CITY to connect to the Baldwin County Fiber Network {BCFN) at the Baldwin County (Fairhope) Satellite Courthouse located at 1100 Fairhope Avenue. The CITY will be responsible for any outside expenses for services or equipment associated with connecting to the BCFN. • The COUNTY will provide access to the basic services of the COUNTY Extra net. Those services currently include access to the COUNTY GIS Information , connectivity for the Police Department to the E911 ANI/ All Information transfer, and connectivity to the COUNTY Internal Video Conference network (requires the CITY have compatible Video Conference equipment at their location). • The main demarcation point ("DEMARC") connection on the COUNTY side will at the Fairhope Satellite Courthouse. The main DE MARC connection on the CITY side will be at the Fairhope Satellite Courthouse. Addlttonal DEMARC locations may be defined and Implemented as required If the CITY requests enhanced services In the future or It is determined to be beneficial to the operation of the Extra net. • The COUNTY will work with the CITY and their chosen contractor to engineer the best possible scenario for splicing/terminating connections that will provide the desired results of connectivity between the CITY fiber network and the BCFN at the Fairhope Satellite Courthouse. The CITY will be responsible for having their chosen contractor coordinate with the COUNTY CIS Department before making any connections or entrance to the COUNTY facilities. • The COUNTY will be responsible for providing, installing, and maintaining the network equipment to connect the Extranet from the main COUNTY DEMARC to the main CITY DEMARC. The network equipment Is already in place at the COUNTY DE MARC and the COUNTY will install a VPN/Firewall plus an eight port Ethernet switch at the main CITY DEMARC. • The CITY will be responsible for providing, installing, and maintaining the network equipment to extend the Extra net to each of their facilities and desktops that are desired to have access to the Extra net. The equipment must support the capability to route IP addresses internally, preferably utilizing multiple VLANs to route the different services, The COUNTY CIS Department can provide recommendations if requested. • The CITY and the COUNTY agree to work together and share resources for other projects related to fiber construction and communications from time to time where it is mutually beneficial to both organizations and If those resources are available at the time. 309 • The CITY and the COU TY will each be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of their respective fiber networks. • The CITY ls responsible for expenses associated with meeting their responsibilities as described above, but there are no initial one-time or recurring monthly charges that wilt be due to the COUNTY for the Initial. Services being provided in this agreement. In the future the CITY may at its option elect to subscribe to additional services which would have associated charges per the terms of this agreement. 310 EXHIBIT B BALDWIN COUNTY COMMISSION Communications & Information Sy stems Department Rate Schedule for Computer Networking, T elecommunications, and R elat ed Ser vic es (Effective D ate D ecember 6, 20 11) RECURRING CHARGES (These services are billed on a monthly basis): Co mputer Networking Servic es Personal Computers w/full services Personal Computers w/limited services Printers (on network print server) E-mail Fee Tele comm unic ations S ervic es Basic Dial-tone/Extens ion Add : Direct-dial (DID) Numb er Add: Voicemail Oth er Netw ork Ser vices Devic es on network wnntemet access only Network Security Camera Enterprise Blackberry Account Managed Access Control/Door Lock Video Conferencing Device Standard Virt ual Ap plication Server Service (specifi cations currently de fin e d by CI S) Microsoft SQL Data base Hosting Service (up to 10g b) Additional Disk Storage (a ll ocated in 50gb bloc ks) $ 48.00 per personal computer $ 22.00 per personal computer $ 42.00 per printer $ 6.00 per E-mail account $ 29.00 per te lephone number $ 13.00 per DID number $ 6.00 per voicemai l account $ 10.00 per device $ 52 .00 per camera $ 6.00 per Blackbeny $ 42.00 per door lock $ 48 .00 per device $90 .00 per virtual server $50 .00 per database $5 0.00 per 50gb bl ock N ON -RECURRING CH ARG ES (These charges al'e assessed and billed as they occur): Standa rd D evice Installation Rates . A one-time charge fo r the install ation of individua l devices will be billed according to the following schedu le: Personal Computer • Printer • Telephone • Security Camera $ 150 .00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 100.00 • Install ati on charge s for devices not li sted ab ove will be based on act ual t im e and materials . A one-hour mi nimum charge will app ly. • Moves and ch anges of devices will be billed base d on actual time an d materials. A one-hour minimum charge will apply . • To take adva ntage of economies of scale, charges for the installation of mul tip le devices within a single Agency , Office , or Department will be considered one project and will be billed according to actua l time and materials. A one-hour minimum charge wi ll app ly. Sta nd ar d Hourly Ra tes Minimum charges and/or multiple installations will be billed based upon the fo ll owing Standard Hourly Rate Schedule for each billable hour: • Technician & Operations Hourly Rate • Programmin g & Ana lysis Hourly Rate M iscellan eous Long di stance charges will be billed at th e prevailing County rate. $ 50.00 $ 65.00 Other costs specific to a Agency , Office, or Department will be passed through to the respective end user, and may be subject to an additional administrative fee . An exan1ple would be Off Premises Extension (OPX) line charges. 311 EXHIBIT B Attachment 1 Rate Schedule for Computer Networking, Telecommunications, and Related Services ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Recurring Charges In this application, recurring charges are defined as those charges for services rendered by the Communications & Information Services (CIS) Department (see Rate Schedule for Computer Networking, Telecommunications, and Related Services for a description of services) to external and/or internal customers on an on-going basis. Recurring charges will be billed each month , and shall continue until such tim e an agreement between CIS and the customer is reached to terminate service. Non-recurring Charges Non-recurring charges are defined as one-time charges that are usually applicable to installing , moving, or changing computer , network, or telephone-related devices. Computer Networking Services Full Computer Networking Services include connection on network; Intemet access; full shared-folder services; access to County Intranet and Extranet; and use of SharePoint services for the subscribing Department/ Agency. County furnishes required Microsoft cl ient licenses for network access , server access, anti-virus , and software patches . The CIS Department will provide labor for basic compu ter hardware and basic desktop software troubleshooting. Limited Computer Networking Services include connection on network, Internet access, basic shared-fo lder services , and access to County Extranet. The subscribing Department/ Agency is responsible for all software licenses . Telecommunications Services Direct-dial numbers and voice mail are features that are added to the basic extension dial-tone service . Depending on the level of servi ce desired , the following monthly recun'ing rate calcu lation(s) will apply: Assumption I: Assumption II: Basic dial-tone Basic dial-tone Direct-di al Add: Direct-dial (DID) Total Assumption III: Direct-dial with Voice Mail Basic dial-tone Add: Direct-dial (DID) Add: Voice Mail Total Long Distance Charges Long distance charges will be billed at the prevailing County rate . Other Charges $29.00 $ 29.00 13.00 $ 42 .00 $ 29 .00 13 .00 6.00 $ 48.00 Other costs and/or charges specific to an Agency , Office, or Department will be passed through to the respective end user, and may be subject to an additional administrative fee. An example would be Off Premises Extension (OPX) line charges. 312 .... • .. EXHIBIT C BALDWIN COUNTY Communications & Information Systems Order Form ' BAL_~W_IN COUNTY COMtv'!ISSlp_t;f < ,_· ·; :,,. Communications & lpformatio'n,Sl)ste'T's Depjrt~f;lf11: - •. • c -i'I ) , • ' , -• ·11SCQ\lrthouses11.uare '!. -~-;-. ' .. • Bay Minette, AP6S07 • . ·; .• j: .... Customer Information : Scope of Work: Company or Department _______________ _ ·Address Ci~/ST/Zlp- Contact Person Telephone E-mail address Additional Information RE.CURRING CHARGES '(bille,cf m®thly) ',: Computer Netwoddng:Servlres I --$0.00 I fnstall~tion Fees f. Telecommunications SeNices labor Olher Network Seivict>.s .--1. ,·, . so .oo 1 Miscellaneous Services L -.··'· ... RECURRING CHARGES __ .._$0"".oo~·'-11 l NoN,RECURRINa CHARGES · -, .. so.oo I so.ooj $0.ooj $0.00!, I -.. ----------. -.. -;- l . . . . . I ' 'I Reque st Date ___________ _ . atlmat ed ~rnpletlon !:)ate ________ _ General Ledger Account No.-------------------· ClS Work Order No, ______ _ Customer Approval/Date _,:_ __________ _ qsApproval/0atc ___ .:......------------ WORK SHEET FOR CIS SERVICES PRJCE QUOTE (see CIS flate Schedule) 313 EXHIBIT C WORK SHEET FOR CISSERVICES PRICE QUOTE (see CIS Rate Schedule) Quantity Computer NetworkingServices R!:9Ue5ted Unit Cost Total Persona1 Computers ,•I/full services O $48.00 $0.00 , Perso nalCo mµutersw/limlted services O $22.00 $0.00 Printers (on network print server) o $42 .00 $0.00 ,_E_-rn_a_i l ____________ o,.;.___,_.,;.S..;.6.00.;..;.... so.oo [_1o_t_a1_eo_m_p_,rt_e_rN_e_tw_o_rk.m_g_Se_~_k_~ __ 1: ..... .....,;. ___ _,__· I~ Quantity Telecommunlcatfons Services Rettuested Un it Cost Total Elasic Dia!Tone/Extenslon O $2!>.00 $0.00 llrect-dial (DID) Numbe r O $13.00 $0.00 ti • •; (I', ~ 1 • •'< :. .• -w• '( • t ~ • ._. , , • •• NON;~ECURRING €HARGES {qrie-t/me charges) • J, •, -r • ,.., •. • 1 '~ ~, •., \ _ • .., Device Installation Fees Pe rsonal Computer Printer Telepho ne Securify Camera Total Installation Fees Labor Rates ·rechnicians & Operations flrogramm ing & Anslysii _..( ' Quanlil~ 0 0 0 0 Estimated • Hours 0 0 Rate $~50.00 $50.00 $50.IO Hourly Rate $50.00 $65 .00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 Volcemail O $6.00 $0.00 .. I _Ti_ot_al_Te_leco_m_m_u_n_ica_ti_on_s_se_iv_ic_es_ ... ,_•. __ ._. ·---· ____ .-_· ...... J ~ ... 1 __ ro_ta ... l_La_bo_r_Ra,.te_s ____ , _-_, ______ :~_ ...... ·I ____ so_.o_o I Other Network services Oev !ces. on network w/lnternEt access only Nttwo r.k Securily Camera En taprise Black8erry Ai:count -Matr11gedAccess Contro!/Ooor Lock VfdeoConferencin~De vic~ Std Virttllll App. Seiver Serv ice MSSQl Da ta base HGsting (up to 10 gb} Add!tionalDlskStorage SO gb blocks) Total Other Network Services TOTAL RECURRING CHARGES Quantity R.eque~ted Unit Cost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $10.ClO $52.00 . $6.00 $42.00 $48.00 $90.00 , $50.00 : $50.00 ; Total so.oo so.oo $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 so.oo $0.00 $0.00 . $0.00 Mis<ellaneous Opti Point 420 Advanced Telephone Op tl Atvance Plu~ E Digital Telephone 600 Series HRO '· RP 624 S/L Digital Telephune Of>XService • Annual MS ES license (full se,v/ce} Annual MS El Ur.ens~ (limited servfi:e> .Other , Quont!!J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rate $345 .0I $169.00 $5.0.00 $125..00 $200.00 $2!6 .00 $122.00 : $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 so .oo $0.00 $0.00 io.oo $0.00 $0.00 hli ~-00 1 ------------; I • ___ __. _j _l_OT-Al_~_;_:_:~_i_RR-IN_G_llln;::a:,;•-..;g;;;a.--1--$0_.oo-'I !-·. ---.!- I ---• • I 314 EXHIBITD County Policies All poli cies co nce rnin g Elec tronic Use and Cy ber rul es and regulation s can be fo und at http s://baldwinco un tya l.gov /departm ent s/cis. These are the adopted policie s as of th e time this doc um ent was prepared , howeve r, th ese poli cie are subject to change from time to time by approval oft he Bald win Co un ty Co mm is ion. The link s to th ese policie are in clud ed as Exhibit D fo r refer ence purp oses , but the curr ent adopted poli cies of th e Baldwin Co un ty Co mmi ss ion will pr eva il. 315 RESOLUTION NO: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, That the City of Fairhope hereby approves the services outlined, as presented in the Engagement Letter, to be performed by Hand Arendall Harrison Sale as Bond Counsel to the Fairhope Airport Authority and the City of Fairhope in connection with the proposed issuance of the Fairhope Airport Authority Airport Improvement Revenue Bond, Series 2023; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute same on behalf of the City. Adopted on this 23rd day of October, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore 316 HAND ARENDALL HARRISON SAL E Fairhope Airport Authority Fairhope, Alabama October 2, 2023 City of Fairhope Fairhope, A labama R. Preston Bo lt, Jr. pbolt@handfirm .com DIRECT 25 1 694 6292 / FAX 25 1 544 1605 Re : Proposed Issuance of the Fairhope Airport Authority Airport Improvement Revenue Bond, Series 2023 The purpose of this letter is to outline the services to be performed by this firm as bond cow1sel to the Fairhope Airport Authority (the "Authority") and City of Fairhope (the "City") in connection with the issuance of the above-referenced obligation (the "Bond"). We understand that the Bond is to be issued by the Authority as evidence of a loan from a financial institution. In this transaction , we expect to perform the following duties : (1) Subject to the completion of proceedings to our satisfaction, render our legal opinion (the "Bond Opinion") to the lender and the Authority regarding th e exclusion of interest on the Bond for purposes of federal and State of Alabama income taxation. (2) Draft the basic proceedings and prepare and review agreements governing the issuance of the Bond. (3) Prepare and review other documents necessary or appropriate to the authorization , issuance and delivery of the Bond , coordinate the authorization and execution of documents , and review authorizing legislation . ( 4) Review legal issues relating to the structure of the issue , including (without limitation) compliance with federal tax requirements. (5) Prepare and submit on behalf of the Authority an Internal Revenue Service Form 8038-G. (6) Prepare and distribute to th e participants in the transaction a transcript of the proceedings pertaining to the Bond. Our duties in this engagement are limited to those expressly set forth above or as are otherwise required in order to permit us to render our Bond Opinion. In addition , we are not HAND AR EN DA LL H AR RISON SALE LLC 104 Sa int Francis St reet, Sui te 300 Mobile, Alabama 36602 25 1 432 55 11 251 694 6375 P.O. Box 123 Mobi le, Alabama 366 0 1 317 October 2, 2023 Page 2 retained to provide continuing advice to the Authority , the City or any other party concerning any actions necessary to assure that interest paid on the Bond will continue to be excludable from gross income for federa l income tax purposes. For example, our engagement does not include compliance with the rebate obligations with respect to the Bond. The Authority and the City have requested that we assist both pa11ies in connection with this financing. We have agreed that we can do so under the following conditions: (1) that both parties expressly consent to the joint representation ; (2) that the funding agreement that is part of the security and support for the Bond be substantially identical to the 2021 version of that document, without negotiation between the parties; (3) that no negotiations or disputes arise between the Authority and the City during the course of the transaction; and (4) that we would be unable to represent either party in the event of a subsequent dispute with respect to the transaction . We further advise that you obtain independent advice concerning the conflict presented by the Jomt representation. By your execution of the acknowledgements to this letter you are acknowledging the existence of a conflict and confirming your waiver of that conflict to permit us to represent both parties. Upon execution of this engagement letter, the Authority and the City will be our clients and an attorney client relationship will exist between us. We assume that the lender will retain such counsel it deems necessary and appropriate to represent their interests in this transaction . We fu1ther assume that all other parties understand that in this transaction we represent only the Authority and the City , we are not counsel to any other party, and we are not acting as an intermediary among the patties . Our services as bond counsel are limited to those contracted for herein; the execution of this engagement letter by the Authority and the City will constitute an acknowledgment of those limitations. Our representation of the Authority and the City will not affect, however, our responsibility to render an objective Bond Opinion. Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, it is common practice in bond transactions for various parties to consult with bond counsel concerning document provisions , structure issues, common practices and tax or other legal questions affecting the financing. To the extent we are able to consult the lender and its counsel without adversely affecting the interests of the Authority or the City we shall do so. We will not , however, undertake to represent the interests of any other parties. As you are aware , our firm represents many political subdivisions , companies and individuals. It is possible that during the time we are representing the Authority and the City , one or more of our present or future clients will have transactions with the Authority or the City . It is also possible that we may be asked to represent , in an unrelated matter, one or more of the entities involved in the issuance of the Bond. We do not believe such representation, if it occurs , will adversely affect our ability to represent you as provided in this letter either because such matters will be sufficiently different from the issuance of the Bond so as to make such representation not adverse to our representation of you , or because the potential for such adversity is remote or minor and outweighed by the consideration that it is unlikely that advice given to the other client will be relevant to any aspect of the issuance of the Bond . Execution of this letter will signify consent of the Authority and the City to our representation of others consistent with the circumstances described in this paragraph. 318 October 2, 2023 Page 3 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we understand that, although no commitment has been obtained, Trustmark National Bank is currently expected to be the lender and to purchase the Bond . We regularly represent Trustmark in connection with other matters , including loans to other public entities. If Trustmark is the lender in this case we will not be able to continue our representation of the Authority and the City unless the Authority, the City and Trustmark waive the conflict created by such representations. Based upon : (i) the terms, structure, size and schedule of the financing represented by the Bond; (ii) the duties we will undertake pursuant to this engagement letter; (iii) the time we anticipate devoting to the financing; and (iv) the responsibilities we will assume in connection therewith, we expect that our fee for this matter will not exceed $10,000.00. Our fee may vary: (a) if the principal amount of Bond actually issued differs significantly from the amount anticipated; (b) if material changes in the structure or schedule of the financing occur (including , without limitation, if the transaction does not proceed to closing during October or November , 2023); or ( c) if unusual or unforeseen circumstances arise which require a significant increase in our time or responsibility. If, at any time, we believe that circumstances require an adjustment of our original fee estimate, we will advise you. Our fee will include charges made or incurred on your behalf, such as local travel costs, photocopying, domestic long-distance telephone charges, telecopier charges, and computer-assisted research. We will not ask you to pay directly, or in advance, but may charge you in addition to our fee, out-of-pocket expenses such as overnight deliveries, conference line access, filing fees, recording fees and taxes . If we are asked to incur other expenses that would not be covered by our fee, we will so advise you. Our fee is usually paid at the Closing, and we customarily do not submit any statement until the Closing unless there is a substantial delay in completing the financing. In the event the transaction is terminated prior to the issuance of the Bond, or your or our engagement with respect to the Bond is terminated prior to any closing, we expect that you will compensate us based upon time spent and our standard rates for the City . I expect that I will be the primary lawyer on this matter; my time for this matter would be billed at $350 per hour. Time for any other lawyers and para professionals working on this matter will be billed at their standard rates. If the foregoing terms are acceptable to you, please so indicate by returning the enclosed copy of this engagement letter dated and signed by an authorized officer, retaining the original for your files. We look forward to working with you. RPBjr/sc 90773 1S_I Z{),;;'' R. Preston Bolt, Jr. For the Firm 319 October 2, 2023 Page 4 Acknowledgement and Agreement: Fairhope Airport Authority By: _____________ _ Title: ------------- Dated: ------------- City of Fairhope By: _____________ _ Title: ------------- Dated: ------------- 320 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City Council approves a contract extension for (RFQ No. PS015-22) Natural Gas Engineering Consulting Services with Magnolia River Services , Inc . for Cast Iron Pipe Replacement Phases 1-6 with a not-to-exceed amount of $500 ,000.00 ; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute contract amendment. [2] This will increase the original amount of contract from $500 ,000 .00 to one million dollars $1 ,000 ,000.00. ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 202 3 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin, Council President Pro Tempore 321 Issuing Da te ___ 1_0/_1_2_/2_0_2_3 __ Ci ty of Fairhope ProJect Funding Req uest Project Name Approve the Contract Extension for RFQ PS015 -2 2 Natural Gas Enq i neerino Consultin<1 Serv ices Project Location : Natural Gas System Presented to City Council : __ 1_0_/_2_3/_2_0_23 __ Fu nding Request Sp onsor : Wes Boyett, Gas Superintendent Project Cash Requirement Reque sted · Cost : $ 500,000 .00 Not-to-exceed Amount Vendor: Magnolia River Services Inc . (Vendor #5287) COF Project No. 2389 Please return this Routing Shee t to Treas urer by ASAP Resolution # : Approved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ ---i1JCT16'23PM2:17 cJJ.,J Project Eng ineer ..:.n;;_/a:;_ ___________________________________________ _ Order Date · ____ n_/a ___ _ Lead Time Department Funding Th is Project General Gas 2 Electric '-WateC Wastewat er L Sanitation C Department of General Fund Providing th e Funding Admtn -10 Fleet -46 Bldg-13 1 Golf-SO Pol,ce-15 C Fire -20 C ECD-24 C Rec-25 C Golf Grounds-55 0 Museum-27 [~ NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv,ce-85 C Project will be Fu nding Source : Expensed C Operating Expenses Cap,t at,zed XXX [7 Budgeted Capital Inventoried Unfunded Expense Code 002 -59500 GIL Acct Name Gas -Capital System Improvement Project Budgeted : $ 500 000.00 Balance Sheet It em-- Included ,n projected cash flow Bond Over (Under) budget amount: $ Loan . The m1ttal asse!tsment for study or the natural gas system leak-prone piping restoration projec t was es tuna ted as $500,000.00 Now that th e Natural Leak Survey and Atmospheric Co rrosion lnspecu.:>11 has been completecJ the ,~ma,ning engineering costs for the project will be a not-to - exceed amount of $500 ,000.00. This will increase the amount of the orig in.al contrac t from $500 ,000.00 to One Million Dollars ($1,000,00.00). Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract Cap!t al Lease : .amendment for the not-to-excee d amount of $500 .00.00 . Ci ty Council Pnor Approva l/Date? _______ _ Senio r Acco untant City Treas urer Purchas ing Memo Date · __ _,_10"'/--'-1-"3'-'/2c-=0"'2-"3 __ Purchas ing Memo Date . ___ 10~/~1~3./"2~0~2~3 __ _ Signatures n/a ------------- Cap Project r Civic-26 C Manna-34 C XXX Impact L Gas Tax Landsc-36 C Street-35 C Meter-19 Plan/Zone-12 C Adult Rec-30 ' l C -- L Federal -not to exceed amount State City Local Title Title Payment Mayor Delivered To Date : __ 1~0_/_13~/=20~2~3~- Fed Grant Year Year Term IT-16L HR-1L I 322 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members : Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell , ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech City Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) 251-928-6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To: From: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, City Treasurer Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 13, 2023 Re: Requesting Approval by City Council to Extend the Contract for RFQ PS015- 22 Natural Gas Engineering Consulting Services The Superintendent for the Gas Department , Wes Boyett, has requested to hire an engineering firm as a consultant as the City 's Gas Engineer for the natural gas system leak-prone piping restoration project. Magnolia River Services , Inc . was the awarded engineer for this project. The Mayor and Superintendent of the Gas Department established a not-to-exceed amount for the Natural Gas Leak Survey and Atmospheric Corrosion Inspection and the initial assessment and study of the project of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500 ,000.00). The Not-to-Exceed amount for the full project cou ld not be established until the Natural Leak Survey and Atmospheric Corrosion Inspection is completed . The Engineer has now determined that the remaining engineering project cost of what is now Cast Iron Pipe Replacement Phases 1-6 will be a not-to-exceed amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500 ,000.00 ). This will increase the amount of the original contract from $500 ,000.00 to One Million Dollars ($1 ,000 ,000 .00 ). Please place on the next City Council Agenda this request for approval of the Contract extension and allow the Mayor to execute a contract amendment for the not-to-exceed amount of $500,000.00. Enclosure Cc: Wes Boyett, Clint Steadham 323 City of Fairhope Contract Amendment RFQ No. PS0lS-22 Natural Gas Engineering Consulting Services This AMENDMENT OF CONTRAC T ("AM END MENT") is made this ___ day of _____ ~ 2023 for the purpose of increasi ng t he co ntract for RFQ PS0lS -22 Natural Gas Engineering Consulting Se r vic es da t ed November 02, 2022 ("Original Contrac t ") between the City of Fa ir hope an d MAGNOLIA RIVER SERVICES , INC.. (the "Parties"). 1. The Original Contract, which is attached hereto as part of this Amendment is described below : The Or igina l Contract was awa rded for a not-to -exceed amoun t of Five Hun d red Thousand Do llars ($500,000 .00). 2. The Parties agreed to amend the Original Contract to add extend the contract for the remainder of the p roj ect for Five Hundred Thousand Dollars {$50 0,000 .00). 3. Tha t amendment binds and benefits both Parties and any successors or assigns . This document, including the attache d original contract, is t he entire agreement between the Parties . All other terms and conditions of the Original Contract, remain unchanged . This contract will be increased Five hundred Thousand Dollars ($500 ,000 .00). The total cost of the contract shall be not-to-exceed One Million Dollars ($1,000,00 0 .00). IN W ITNESS WHEREOF , t he parties heret o h av e exec uted this Cont rac t Ame nd men t as of the day an d year first ab ove written . THE CITY OF FAIRHO PE, ALABAMA By : Sherry Sullivan , Mayor By : Lisa A. Hanks, MMC, City Clerk NOTARY FOR THE CITY I, the undersigned auth ority in and fo r sai d State an d County, hereby certify that Sherry Sull iva n as Mayor of the Ci t y of Fairho pe whose name is signed to the foregoing document and who is kn own to me, acknowledged before me o n this day, being informe d of the contents of the document she executed the same voluntarily on the date of the same bears date . Given under my hand and Notary Seal on this ____ day of _____ ~ 2023 . Notary Pu blic ___________ _ My Comm ission Ex pires _______ _ 324 If Corporation, Partnership, or Joint Venture Name of Corporation , Pa rtnership, or Joint Venture By : ______________ _ Signature of Officer Authorized to Sign Bids and Contracts for the Firm Ema il Address Bu siness M ailing Address City, State, Zip Code General Contractor's License Number NOTARY STATE OF ____________ _ COUNTY OF __________ _ Position or Title Foreign Corporation Entity ID (Required of out-of-state vendors) I, the un dersigned authority in and for sai d State and County, hereby certify that _________________ ,as ___________________ _ Type or Print Name of Bid Signer Type or Pr i nt Bid Signer Title Respectively, of _______________________________ _ Type or Print Company Name Whose name is signed to the foregoing document and who is known to me , acknowledged before me on this day , that, being of the contents of the document they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date . Given under my hand and Notary Seal on this ____ day of _____ ~ 2023 . Notary Publ ic ___________ _ My Commission Expire s ________ _ 325 Name: Wes Boyett CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: 10/12/2023 Department: _G_A_S _____________________ _ Expenditure Threshold** Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5 ,000 No restrictions Not Required N/A N/A Utilities $5 ,001-$10,000 Operational NON-Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than : Operational NON -Budgeted Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5,001 Utilities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5 ,001-$30,000 Operational Budgeted Three Treasurer N/A Utilities -$10 ,001 -$30,000 Over $30 ,000 Operational Budget * State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayor N/A Buying Group Over $30 ,000/$100,000 Ope r ational Budgeted Bids Council IReguired Professional Service Over $5,000 Budgeted or Non-Budgeted Mayor Select Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired *Budgeted i tems that meet or are under budget may be purchased with the Mayor and/or Treasurer 's approval if they are on the State Bid list or from an approved buying group. Items that are over budget must go to Council for approval and will requi r e a green sheet and resolution . **Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases . QUOTES Vendor Name Vendor Quote 1. Magnolia River $ 500,000 2. Click or tap here to enter text. $ _____________ _ 3. Click or tap here to enter text. $ ---------------- Check any applicable boxes: □ State Contract □ ALDOT □ Purchasing Group □ Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? 2nd Half of approved money for cast iron replacement 2. What is the total cost of the item or service? 500,000 3. How many do you need? Click or tap here to enter text. 4. Item or Service Is: IXI New □ Used □ Replacement □ Annual Request 5. Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Click or tap here to enter text. 6. Vendor Number: 5287 If you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page: www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? IXI Yes □ No □ Emergency Request 2. If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? 500,000 3. Budgetcode:59500 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin .Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda.Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR-004 -082522 326 RESOLUTION NO. --- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the selection by Mayor Sherry Sullivan for (RFQ PS24-005) to O'Donnell & Associates, Inc . for Professional Hydrogeologic Services for Development of a Fourth Shallow Well at Fairhope Wellfield #3; and hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute a Contract with a not-to- exceed amount of $17,000.00. DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin , Council President Pro Tempore 327 I City of Fa irho pe Project Fund in g Req uest COF Pro ject No. 2386 Is suin g Date : --'-'10""/""12"'/""20c.c2c.c3~_ Pleas e return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by : ___ A~S~A~P __ _ Project Name: A rove the Selection of O'Donnell & Associates for RFQ PS224-005 Professional H dro eolo le Serv ices for Develo me nt of Fourth Sha ll ow Well at Fairho e Wellfield #3 and Authorize Mayor to execute a contract. Project Location : _W~el_ll_fl_e_ld_#_3 _________________________ _ Presenled to Ci ty Cou nci l: __ 1_0_/_2_31_2_0_23 __ Fund ing Request Sponsor : Daryl Morefield, Water & Sewer Superintendent Sherry Sullivan, Ma yor Re so lution # : 'I Approved _____ _ Ch an ged _____ _ Rejecte d_...,.,.,_. ..... ,,._.,.. OCI 16'23AM8:40 ~- Project Cas h Requi rement Reques te d: Cost: ---=c$ ___ 1'-'7'-'-'-00c..0c.c,..c.0.c.-0 Not-to -excee d Amou nt Vendor: O'Donnell & Assoc iates (Vendor #4585) ProJect Enginee r: --'n"-lac...... ________________________________________ _ Order Da te. ____ n_l_a __ _ Le ad Time: -----"n'"'la'---------- Department Funding This Project Genera l C Gas 0 Electric D Wete 0 Wastewater 0 San itation C Cap Project 0 Impact C Gas Ta x C Fed Grant C Department of General Fund Providing th e Fund in g Ad min-10 C Bld g-13 C Fleet -46 C Gol f-50 C Pro1ect will be· Expen sed Capitalized Inventoried Police-15 C Fire-20 C Goll Grounds-55 D Museum -27 C' -------□ XXX E ---'--"-=----c Expense Code · 004010-59501 EC0 -24 C NonOeptFa c-75 D Funding So urce : Gil Acct Name : Wate r • System lmprve-Water Plant/Wells ProJect Budge ted : ~$ ___ 1_7~o_o_o_.o_o_ Ba lance Sheet It em- Included ,n proj ected cash flow [j -------- Over (Under) budget am ou nt:~$ ______ _ App rove the selection of O'Donne ll & Associate s, Inc. for RF Q PS24 ..C0 5 Pro fessional Hydrogeolog lc Services for developmen t of fourth shallow well at Fairhope Wellfie ld #3 a nd autho rize th e Mayo r to exec ute a contract fo r tM not-to-e11.ce•d amou nt of S17 ,00 0.00 . City Council Pr ior Approv al/Date? _______ _ Se ni or Accountant City Treasurer Landsc-36 C Rec-25 C Civic-26 C Street-35 C Meter-19 C Debt Serv ,ce-85 C Manna -34 C Plan/Zon e-12 C Adult Rec-30 D Operat ing Ex pense s C Budgeted Cap ital ___ X_X_X __ E Unfunded C ______ Federa l -not to exceed amount ______ State ______ City ---,-----Local Bond : _____ _ Loan : ------ Capital Lease : _____ _ Title Title Payment Year -------_______ Year _______ Te rm Purchas ing Memo Date ·_-~10=/~1~1/=2=0=2~3 __ Purchasing Memo Date : ___ 1~0~1~11~/=20=2=3~-- IT-16 C HR -t -C 328 of fArno. ,<i u t1\ d1,l't BA.~~ Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell , ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasure r 61 North Section St . PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) MEMO To: Lisa Hanks, City Clerk Kim Creech , Treasurer From: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 11, 2023 Re: RFQ PS24-005 Professional Hydrogeologic Services for Development of a Fourth Shallow Well at Fairhope Wellfield #3 The Superintendent of the Water/Wastewater Department , Daryl Morefield , is requesting the hiring for RFQ PS24-005 Professional Hydrogeologic Services for Development of a Fourth Shallow Well at Fairhope Wellfield #3. Per the City 's "Procedure for Procuring Professional Services for Projects Under $100K", under the section for "Variants to the Procedure ", the Mayor exercised Option 1 and chose O'Donnell & Associates , Inc . to perform the professional service . The work to be performed are the professional services associated w ith the project , which will include: • Project coordination between the C ity , the engineer, the drilling contractor and O'Donnell & Associates , Inc . • Specification review and comment. • Wellsite geologic services . • Construction Management of the production well installation and development. • Aquifer testing . • Groundwater modeling of source water delineations . • Contaminant Inventory of delineated source water assessment areas . • Preparation and delivery of two (2 ) source water reports , along w ith a copy submitted to ADEM as required for permitting the new well. O 'Donnell & Associates , Inc. has submitted a proposal for these serv ices for Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($17 ,000 .00). Please place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for City Council to Approve the selection by the Mayor for RFQ PS224-005 Professional Hydrogeologic Services for Development of a Fourth Shallow Well at Fairhope Wellfield #3 and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract with a not-to-exceed amount of Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($17 ,000.00). Cc : file , Daryl Morefield , Mayor Sherry Sull ivan 329 TASK AGREEMENT Task No. 19 -Proposal No. P932 Development of Fourth Shallow Well At Fairhope Wellfield #3 Background In light of our meeting with Mayor Sullivan and Krebs earlier this month and my phone conversation with Caleb Leach, PE , work on completion of a new shallow well at Well field #3 will move forward. To ensure there is no delay on completion of the new well, O 'Donnell & Associates, Inc . (OAI) prepared this proposal for the hydrogeologic portions of completing the new well. Scope of Work OAI will provide professional services associated with the development of a fourth well in the Fairhope Middle Aquifer at Wellfield #3. The work under Task 19 will include: • project coordination between Fairhope, the engineer, the drilling contractor and OAI • specification review and comment (set for preparation by the end of September) • wellsite geologic services as the pilot bore is advanced estimated* at one 8-hour day with daily report • construction management of the production well installation and development estimated* at 35 hours over five days with dail y reports (no test well is planned) • aquifer testing • groundwater modeling of source water delineations • contaminant inventory of delineated source water assessment areas • preparation and delivery of two source water reports to Fairhope with a PDF copy submitted to ADEM as required for permitting the new well. * The time estimates noted above assume the drilling contractor will have drilling equipment in good working order with minimal downtime due to equipment trouble. Fee The fee for services completed under P932 , Task 19, will be billed on a Time and Materials basis in accordance with our existing Fairhope Contract dated May 30, 2023 for an estimated fee of $17,000.00. SCHEDULE Work under this Task 19 will begin upon authorization from Fairhope. According to Krebs ' tentative schedule, will begin with specification preparation thi s month . Authorization can be given below and returning this Task Agreement or by issuance of a PO for the work. Proposal No. P932 Accepted and Authorized by: ~~ or Purchase Order#: ----------- Please complete and return to: Daniel J. O 'Donnell, PG O'Donnell & Associates, Inc. 600 Bel Air Blvd., Suite 130 Mobile, Alabama 36606 or send reply via email to: groundwater@oaiwater.com Date 330 • o" •:"'" ✓, ;:. u ~ Name : Daryl Morefield CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: 10/11/2023 Department: _W_a_t_e_r ____________________ _ Expenditure Threshold .. Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Und er $5,000 No restrictions Not Requ ired N/A N/A Util ities $5,001-$10,000 Operational NON -Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than: Operational NON -Budgeted Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5,001 Uti lities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5,001-$30,000 Operational Budgeted Three Treasurer N/A Utilities -$10,001 -$30,000 Ove r $30,000 Operation al Budget • State Bid List or Treasurer /Mayor N/A Buving Group Over $30,000/$100,000 Opera ti onal Budgeted Bids Council Reguired Profe ssi onal Service Over $5,000 Budgeted or Non -Budgeted M ayor Select Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired ~Budgeted items th at meet or are unde r budget moy be purchased with the Mayor and/or Treasurer's approval if they are on the State Bid list or from an approved buying group. Items that are aver budget m ust go to Council for approval and will require a green sheet and resolu t ion. uExpendlture Threshold fs a combined total of labor and materials, Including materials provided by the City. I/ the total amount Is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost Increases . QUOTES Vendor Name Vendor Quote 1. Dan O'Donnell & Associates Inc . $ 17,000.00 2. Click or tap here to enter text . $ ____________ _ 3. Click or tap here to enter text. $ ____________ _ Check any applicable boxes : D State Contract D ALDOT D Purchasing Group D Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? Professional Services 2 . What is the total cost of the item or service? $17,000.00 3. How many do you need? 1 4 . Item or Service Is: r8J New D Used D Replacement D Annual Request 5. Vendor Name (Lowest Quote):Dan O'Donnell & Associates Inc. 6. Vendor Number: 4585 ff you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page: www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the requ i red information . BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? r8J Yes D No D Emergency Request 2. If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? $2,000,000 .00 3. Budget code: 004010-59501 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin.Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda.Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR-004 -081522 331 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the selection by Mayor Sherry Sullivan for Professional Architecture and Engineering Services for (RFQ PS24-004) Fairhope Municipal Pool Rehabilitation to Watermark Design ; and hereby authorizes Mayor Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin , Council President Pro Ternpore 332 O~ fAifit;. ,-0 u t!\ dlABA~~ Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell , ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St . PO Bo x 429 Fairhope , AL 36533 251-928 -2136 (p) MEMO To: From : Lisa Hanks, City Clerk Kim Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 12, 2023 Re: RFQ PS24-004 Fairhope Municipal Pool -Professional Architecture and Engineering Services for the Fairhope Municipal Pool Rehabilitation The Director of Public Works , Richard Johnson , is requesting the hiring of a professiona l engineer for RFQ PS24-004 Fairhope Municipal Pool -Professional Architecture and Engineering Services for the Fairhope Municipal Pool Rehabilitation - Phase II Design Documentation . Mayor Sullivan was provided a list of firms to select from for the work and chose Watermark Design . The work to be performed is to professional engineering associated with the project , which will include facilitating a solution for the current facility 's potential structural degradation , while attempting to resolve the overlying moisture and humidity problems . The project will be broken down into three phases : Investigative Phase , Design Documentation Phase , and Construction . Phase II will encompass the Design Documentation and the Firm will provide the architectural and engineering services needed for this phase . Mayor Sull ivan was provided a list of firms to select from for the work and chose Watermark Design . Please place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for City Council to Approve the selection by the Mayor for RFQ PS24 -004 Fairhope Mun icipal Pool - Professional Architecture and Engineering Services for the Fairhope Municipal Pool Rehabilitation.and allow the Mayor to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. Cc : file , Richard Johnson , Mayor Sherry Sullivan 333 ~ ~~ "1t, B""~'t; Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St . PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) MEMO To: Lisa Hanks, City Clerk KimCreech,Treasurer From: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 10, 2023 Re: RFQ PS24-004 Architectural and Engineering Services for the Fairhope Municipal Pool Rehabilitation The Director of Public Works , Richard Johnson , is requesting the hiring of a professional engineer for the Architectural and Engineering Services for the Fairhope Municipal Pool. Per our Procedure for Procuring Professional Services , Richard Johnson and I are providing firms for the Mayor to select from for the work . The work to be performed is to professional engineering associated with the project , which will include facilitating a solution for the current facility 's potentia l structural degradation , while attempting to resolve the overlying moisture and humidity problems . The project will be broken down in to three phases : Investigative Phase, Design Documentation Phase . and Construction . This choice is for Phase ii. Please move this procurement of professional services forward to the Mayor for the selection of a professional service provider . The short list is : :5':7 ~ Oct 10, 2023 Watermark Design ____________ None . Submit another list Cc: file , Richard Johnson , Mayor Sherry Sullivan 334 CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Name : Richard D. Johnson/Pat White Date : 10/09/2023 Department : For Parks and Recreation -Volanta Park Pool Complex Expenditure Threshold** Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5 ,000 No restrictions No t Required N/A N/A Utilities $5 ,001 -$10,000 Op erational NON -Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than : Operational NON -Budgeted Three Cou ncil Reguire d Gen Govt -$5 ,001 Utilities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5 ,001 -$30 ,000 Operational Budgeted Th ree Treasurer N/A Utilities -$10 ,001 -$3 0,000 Over $30 ,000 Operational Budget * State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayor N/A Buying Group Over $30 ,000/$100,000 Operational Budg ete d Bid s Council Reguired l Profe ssiona l Service Over $5 ,000 Budgeted or Non -Bud gete d Mayor Select Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguiredl N/A N/A Reguired l Reguired *Budgeted items that meet ar are under budget may be purchased with the Mayor and/ar Treasurer 's approval if the y ar e an the State Bid list ar from an approved buying group. Items that are over budget must go to Council for approval and w ill require a green sheet an d resolution . * *Expenditure Threshold is o combined total af labor and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases . QUOTES Vendor Name Vendor Quote 1. Watermark Design (Thomp son Engineering) 2. Click or tap here to enter text. $ Awaiting Final Proposal (Due 10/12/23) $ ----------------3. Click or tap here to enter text. $ ---------------- Check any applicable boxes: D State Contract □ ALDOT □ Purchasing Group D Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? A&E Services (Phase II) Muni cipa l Pool Building Rehabilitation 2. What is the total cost of the item or service? TBD 3. How many do you need? Updated , New or Amended Professiona l Services Contract 4. Item or Service Is: IZI New □ Used □ Replacement □ Annual Request 5. Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Watermark Design (Thompson Engineering) -under current contract for assessment 6. Vendor Number: 5473 -WATERMARK DESIGN GROUP, LLC If you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page : www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Regist ration, and complete the re q uired information . BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? IZI Yes □ No □ Emergency Request 2. If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? $1,000,000 .00 (A&E + Construction Costs) 3. Budget code: 001250-50475 -Line 250 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin. Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda.Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR -004 -082522 335 RES OLUT IO N N O. __ _ BE IT RES OLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRH OP E, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1] That the City of Fairhope approves the selection of Overstreet & Associates Consulting Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for (RFQ PS24-006) for New Sidewalks on Parker Road ; and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER , 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Corey Martin , Council President Pro Ternpore 336 a1 ~~l c1lA a A~'h Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell , ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St . PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) MEMO To: Lisa Hanks, City Clerk Kim Creech, Treasurer From: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 11, 2023 Re: RFQ PS24-006 Professional Engineering Services for New Sidewalks on Parker Road The Director of Public Works , Richard Johnson , requesting the hiring for RFQ PS24 - 006 Professional Engineering Services for New Sidewalks on Parker Road . This contract will be for the preliminary engineering for new sidewa lks on Parker Road from Scenic 98 to US Highway 98 . This project will be funded through the ESMPO via Carbon Reduction funds , which are separate from the MPO 's Surface Transportation Funds . Mayor Sullivan was provided a list of firms to select from for the work and chose Overstreet & Associates , Consulting Engineers to perform the profess ional service. Please place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for City Council to approve the selection by the Mayor for RFQ PS24-006 Professional Engineering Services for New Sidewalks on Parker Road and allow the Mayor to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. Cc : file , Richard Johnson , George Ladd , Mayor Sherry Sullivan 337 RES OLUT IO N NO. ---- BE IT RESO LVE D BY THE GO VERNING BOD Y OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOP E, ALA BAMA, as fo ll ows: [1] That the City of Fairhope did request , receive , and open bids to procure services for (Bid No. 23 -037) Cast Iron Pipe Replacement -Phase 1 at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices , Fairhope , Alabama. [2] At the appointed time and place, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for Cast Iron Pipe Replacement -Phase I [3] After evaluating the bids with the required specifications , General Maintenance Contractors of East Alabama, Inc. d/b /a GMC Underground is now awarded (Bid No . 23-037) Cast Iron Pipe Replacement -Phase 1 with a bid proposal not-to-exceed $1 ,321 ,215 .67. DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin , Council President Pro Tempore 338 Ci ty of Fa irhop e Pro ject Fund ing Re quest CO F Project No . 2383 Is suin g Date : ___ 1-'0/-'1.c.2/~2~0-'-23'---_ Ple ase return this Routing Sh eet to Treasurer by : ---'A-'S=A'-P __ Project Name : A rove the Bid Award for Bid No . 23-037 Fa irho e Cast Iron Re la cement . Phase 1 to General Maintenance Contractors of East Alabama Inc . d /bla GMC Underground Project Locati on: Various • Gas Lines Resolutio n # • Presented to Cit y Cou ncil: __ 1'-0"'1"'2"'31~2-"0""2-'-3 __ Ap proved _____ _ Funding Request Sponsor: Wes Boyett, Gas Superintendent Ch anged __ c;_.. __ _ Rej ected _____ _ Project Cash Requ ire ment Reque sted · Cost : $ 11321 ,215 .67 Not -to-<!xcee d Amou nt Vendor: GMC Underground (Vendor #TBD) Proiect Engi neer: ..:.n::c/a=-------------------------------------'------- Order Date : ____ n""/~a'----Le ad Tim e : ---"n-'la'----------- Department Funding Th is Project General D Gas 0 Electric D Wal e □ W astew ater 0 Sanitation D Cap Pro ject C Impact C Gas Tax C Department of General Fund Providing the Fund i ng Landsc-36 C Adm•n-10 Fleet-46 C Bldg-13 C G Golf-SO C Police-15 C Fire-20 C ECD-24 Q Rec-25 C Civic-26 C Manna-34 D Street-35 C Meter-19 C Plan/Zone-12 D Adult Rec-30 0 Golf Grounds-55 D Museum-27 D NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv•ce-85 C Proiect w,11 be Expen sed Capitalized inventoried ________ Q ____ x_x_x ___ ~ --------'-~ Expense Cod e: 002 -59500 GIL Acct Name . Gas • Capital System Improve ments Proiect Bud geted : -'$'-----'1...,,3c.:c2""'1 ,c::c21.:.:s:.:..6::.c7_ Balance She et Item• Included in projected cash flow _______ _ Fu nding Sou rce : Over (Under) budget amount: _,$ ___ .:_. __ _ Ap prove the aw ard of Bid. No . 23-037 Fairhope Ca st Iron Pi pe Rep laceme nt ~ Ph aae 1 to General Maintenance Contrac tors or East Al abam a, Inc . dl/b/a GMC Underg round for the base bid amount of $1,J21,21S .67. Operating Expenses C Budgeted Capital ___ X_X_X ___ ~ • Unfunded C ----'----Federal -not to exceed amount -'---=---State ______ City ______ Local Bond : _____ _ Loan: _____ _ Title Title Fed Grant C IT-16C HR-17C Capit al Lease: _____ _ Payment _______ Term City Council Prior Approval/Date?--'-------- Sen ior Accountant Purchas ing Memo Date : __ .,_10:::l..,1..:.1lc:2c:Oc:c2"'3 __ City Treasurer Ma yor Purchasing Memo Date : ---'1"'0'-'/1'-'1'-'/2,,0,,,2:,.3 __ Req u~roved Date : 10/13/2023 • ~ t«rii'~ 339 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell , ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Marti n Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech City Treasurer 161 North Section St. PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928 -2136 (p) 251 -928 -6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To: From: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, City Treasurer Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 11, 2023 Re: Requesting Green Sheet and Approval by City Council to award Bid No . 23- 037 Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement -Phase 1 The Superintendent of the Gas Department , Wes Boyett , has requested to procure the construction to rep lace cast iron gas pipes with PE service lines. This bid is Phase I of six phases to complete the pipe replacements that are required by the federal government. A service bid was issued on August 20 , 2023 , posted to the City of Fairhope 's website , and viewed by 151 of 408 vendors who select to receive e-notifications . Two (2) responsive bids were received at the bid opening on October 5 , 2023 at 10 :00 a.m. Our recommendation is to award this bid to General Maintenance Contractors of East Alabama , Inc. d/b/a GMC Underground for the base bid amount of One Million Three Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Two Hundred Fifteen Dollars and Sixty -Seven Cents ($1 ,321 ,215 .67). Please prepare a Green Sheet and place on the next City Council Agenda this request to award Bid No. 23-037 Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement -Phase 1 for $1,321,215.67. Enclosure Cc: Wes Boyett, Clint Steadham 340 www.magnolia-river.com 256.773.9420 October 11 , 2023 Mr. Wes Boyett City of Fairhope Public Utilities 161 North Section St. Fairhope, AL 36532 RE: Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement Phase 1 Dear Mr. Boyett: MAGNOLIA® R V E R NOTHING RUNS DEEPER We have evaluated the bids received on October 5 , 2023 for the Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement Phase 1 which consists of the replacement of aging cast iron mains with approximately 24 ,164 feet of 2" PE gas main , 5873 feet of 4" PE gas main , and 321 ¾" PE gas service lines. The following contractors were the only ones providing bids for the project: GMC Underground Equix Energy Services Total Base Bid $1 ,321,215.67 $1 ,918 ,539 .00 The low bid was submitted by GMC Underground in the amount of $1 ,312 ,215 .67 . Based on this low bid amount , we recommend the award of a contract for construction of the Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement Phase 1 to GMC Underground in the amount of $1 ,321 ,215 .67 . S incerely , ~~ Robert Getman, P.E. Technical Lead 408 Bank Street NE Decatur, Ala bama 35601 0 MagR,ver O @Magnol1aR1ver e Magnol1a-R 1ver Engineering I Inspection I GIS I Software 341 City of Fairhope Bid Tabulation Bid No. 23-037 Citywide Cast Iron Gas Pipe Replace ment -Ph ase 1 Op ened October 5, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. Bid Documente Addendum Vandor Slgnad/ .,.,. Notarized Acknowledgad IYINI (Y/NI Equix Energy Serv""'5, LLC y y GMC Unce,ground y y Recommendation : Signa ture z.00:~Q Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Bid Bond / Certlftc:a Total 12. Add111-' (YIN) BaaeBld "A" S.W.-CNmllng y $1 .918,539.00 $325 00 y $1 ,321 ,215.67 S225.00 18. Rock 13. Addltlonal M. Addltlonll 11.Capplng Excavalion -17.Cancraa 18.Aephall S.W.-llaln &ew.''---Abandoned Gu •peclfled In the R-al•nd RN»val and VidMlnapacllon Video lnapactlon Main Tac:hnlcal ,_,._. Rapl«cemenl Bpecffl~ $275.00 $275.00 $1 ,500.00 $50,00 $15.00 $12.00 $200.00 $200.00 S250.00 $110.70 $10.00 $8.35 342 ITEM NO. 1. 2 . 3. 4 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 . 10. 11 . Proposal Schedule A -Base Bid -REVISED Labor and Equipment Only -Cost of Materia ls Not Included* (see "Scope of Work" section of the Contract) UNIT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PR ICE 3/4 " PE Service Installation 25 ,700 LF $15 .98 --- 2" PE Main Installation 24 ,164 LF $17 .9 8 --- 4 " PE Main Installation 5 ,873 LF $2 0 .75 --- 2" Steel Main / 2" Prefabricated Regulator $3,500.00 Station Installation 1 EA Hot Tap Main Connection , 2" through 4" 11 EA $1,750.00 Pre-construction Video Inspection of Sewer Mains (includes Locating and Cleaning) 30 ,037 LF $1.35 Pre-construction Video Inspection of Sewer Late rals (includes Locating and Cleaning) 321 EA $125.00 Post-construction Video Inspection of Sewer Ma ins (includes Locating and Cleaning) 30 ,037 LF $1.25 Post-construction Video Inspection of Sewer Laterals (includes Locating and Cleaning) 321 EA $100.00 Mobilization for Sewer Cleaning and Video Inspection $0.00 1 EA --- Service Tie-Over 161 EA $],1 25 .00 TOTAL BASE BID "A" *NOTES : 1 TOTAL PRICE $ 410 ,686 .00 $ 43 4 ,4 68 .72 $121,864 .75 $ 3,500.00 $ 19,250 .00 $ 40,549 .95 $ 40 ,125 .00 $ 37,546 .2 5 $ 32,100 .00 $ 0.00 $ 181 ,125.00 $1,321 ,21 5.67 1. Backfill , concrete , asphalt , silt fence and straw bales should be used in accordan ce with standa rd construction practices and should be included in the total linear foot cost. 2 . PE Service Installation includes installing tap , se rvi ce line , EFV, riser, regulato r, meter loop and stopcock plus testing /purging of the service line . The meter will be installed by the Owner. 343 .. 2 ADDITIONAL BID ITEMS ITEM NO . DESCRIPTION 12 . Additional Sewer Cleaning 13 . Additional Sewer Main Video Inspection 14 . Addit ional Sewer Lateral Video Inspection 15 . Capping Abandoned Gas Main 16. Rock Excavation as specified in the Technical Specifications 17. Concrete Removal and ReQlacement 18 . AsQhalt Removal and ReQlacement RESPONDER General Maintenance Contractors of East Alabama , Inc. NAME : p D-LA 6 MTON~MA SIGNATU ► eo~ TITLE : ea \J ICEes.10eNT DATE : Jo lo~ I :11)2.3 If UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PR ICE Hourly HR 22 5 .00 Hourly HR 200.00 Hourly HR 200 .00 Unknown EA 250 .00 Unknown CY 110 .70 Unknown SQ FT 10.00 Unknown SQ FT 8.35 RESPONDER General Maintenance Contracto rs of East Al abama, Inc . NAME : .JAMES N DELM1A12 J1::_ SIGN~~ TITLE : :Pe.EstDeNT DATE : 10 /o'{-lt~z3 1 I 344 ITEM V CONTRACTOR INFORMATION This Section must be printed, completed, and turned In with your bid response to Bid No. 23-037 Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement Phase 1 Business Organization Name of CONTRACTOR (exactly as it appears on W-9): General Maintenance Contractors of East Alabama, Inc . Do ing-Business-As Name of CONTRACTOR : GMC Underground Principal Office Address : 204 Orr Ave., Opelika, AL 36803 LOCAL Telephone Number: (334) 319-0283 Toll-Free ________ _ LOCAL Fax Number: Email address: pdelamar@gmcunderground.com ; jdelamar@gmcunderground.com Website : www .gmcunderground.com Form of Business Entity [check one ("X'1 Corporation _x_ Partnership Individual Joint Venture Other (describe): Corporation Statement If a corporation, answer the following : Date of incorporation: November 16th, 2005 Location of incorporation : _0=--pe"-'-'-h'""·k=a,'-'AJ...:::..::a.=:;bam=a"--------------------- The corporation is held : Publicly_ Privately L Partnership Statement If a partnership, answer the following : Date of organization: Location of organization : _________________________ _ The partnership is : General Limited Joint Venture Statement If a Joint Venture, answer the following: Date of organization : Location of organization: _________________________ _ JV CONTRACT recorded? Yes No Contact: Paxton DeLamar Email pdelamar@gm cunderground .com Phone (334) 319 -0283 Fax. ____________ _ END OF CONTRACTOR INFORMATION SECTION 345 Bid bond # STRK2023-092 ITEM XI BIO BONO Th e PR INCIPAL (Bidd er's name and add res s) General Maintenance Contractors of East Alabama , Inc . 204 Orr Avenue The OWN ER City of Fa irhope P .O. Drawer 429 Fairhope , Al 3653 3 Opelika , AL 36804 The PROJECT for which the Principal's Bid is subm itted : (Project name as it appears in th e Bid Documents) PROJECT NO.23-037 PROJECT NAME: Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement Phase 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned Principa l and Surety , jo in tly and severally , hereby b ind ours elves, our heirs , executors , administrators , successors , and assigns to the OWNER i n the PENAL SUM of five pe rce nt (5 %) of the amoun t of the Principal's bid, but in no event more than TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10 ,000 .00). THE CONDITION OF THIS OBIGATION is that the Prin cipal has submitted to the OWNER the attached bid , which is incorporated herein by reference , for the Project identified above . NOW, THEREFORE , if, within the terms of the Bid Document, the OWNER accepts the Principa l's bid and the Principal thereafter either: (a) executes and delivers a Constru ction Contract with the required PerfOmlan ce and Payment Bonds (ea ch i n the for conta ined in the Bid Documents and properly completed in acc ordance with th e bid) and delivers evidence of insurance as prescri bed in the Bid Documents , or fa ll s to execute and deliver such Construction Contract with such Bonds and evidence of Insurance , but pays the OWNER the difference , not to exceed the Penal Sum of this Bond, between the amount of the Principa l's Bid and the larger amount for which the OWNER may award a Construction Contract for the same Wort. to another Bidd er, then , this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it sha ll re main In full fo rce and effect. The Surety , for value received , hereby st ipulates and agrees thal the obligation of th e Surety under this Bond shall not in any manner be impa i red or affected by any extension of the time within wh ich the OWNER may accept the Principa l's bid , and the Surety does hereby waive notice or any such extens ion . SIGNED AND SEALED this -=5t,,_h,___day of ----=0'-"c""'to"-'b""e"-'r _____ , 20 23.._. Print Name and Tit le CORPORATION General Maintenance Contractors of East Alabama , Inc. Name of Corpora tion, Partnersh ip, or Joi nt Venture Business Ma ili ng Add ress : 204 O rr Avenue , Opelika , AL 36804 ema il pdelamar@gmcunderground .com pho ne (334)319 -0283 346 {General Contractor's Lice nse Number) vendors) FCCI Insurance Company {Name of Surety) President {Position or TiUe ) Alabama -Not Applicable Foreig n Corporation Entity Id (Required of out-of-state- Florida 347 -----------.... FCC I INSURA NCE GROUP GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these presents : That the FCCI Insurance Company , a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida (the "Corporation ") does make , constitute and appoint: Walter C. Dowdy ; J. Kyle Drumwright ; Angela J . Penn Each , its true and lawful Attorney-In-Fact , to make , execute , seal and deliver, for and on its behalf as surety , and as its act and deed in all bonds and undertakings provided that no bond or undertaking or contract of suretyship executed under this authority shall exceed the sum of (not to exceed $20 ,000 ,000 .00): $20,000 ,000 .00 This Power of Attorney is made and executed by authority of a Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. That resolution also authorized any further action by the officers of the Company necessary to effect such transaction . The signatures below and the seal of the Corporation may be affixed by facsimile , and any such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be binding upon the Corporation when so affixed and in the future with regard to any bond , undertaking or contract of surety to which it is attached . In witness whereof, the FCCI Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers and its corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed , this 23rd day of July , 2020 . I I ;_ ,n I I .... •·;.,..NcE ······ /IS) - Attest: ~ oU_ u/dd-/~~~~;~~:~~;;•... ~ Christina D. Welch , President {§( SEAL \\\ Christopher Shoucair, FCCI Insurance Company ~ \ 199-1 / f EVP , CFO , Treasurer, Secretary \ ···.:'°ioR,o.,_/ / FCCI Insu rance Company State of Florida County of Sarasota •• ••.... ::::::::·:::::: ......... •• Before me this day personally appeared Christina D. Welch , who is personally known to me and who executed the foregoing document for the purposes expressed therein . My commission expires : 2/27/2027 State of Florida County of Sarasota • • ~•111-'j ~y- ~-~ ._.Fe11N11y2r.m Notary Public Before me this day personally appeared Christopher Shoucair, who is personally known to me and who executed the forego ing document for the purposes expressed therein . My commission expires : 2/27/2027 Notary Public CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned Secretary of FCCI Insurance Company , a Florida Corporation , DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the forego ing Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked ; and furthermore that the February 27 , 2020 Resolution of the Board of Directors , referenced in said Power of Attorney , is now in force . Dated this 5th day of October 2023 {/7Q) . \.J--~ --::-----=------Christopher Sh ouca ir, EVP , CFO , Treasurer , Secretary FCCI l;isuran ce Company 1 -IONA-3592-NA-04 7/2021 348 REQUESTFORPROPOSAL(RFP)ADDENDUM Addendum No .: 1 Date of Addendum : September 7 , 2023 RFP Number: Bid No . 23-037 Revised Date , Time : September 7 , 2023 , 3 :00 PM Due Date, Time : October 05 , 2023 , 10 :00 AM Title : Bid No. 23-037 Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement Phase 1 SCOPE OF ADDENDUM This addendum details additions to the RFP based on an error in the original solicitation . Revisions to pre-existing language in RFP Bid No . 23-037 , are indicated either by strike through for deletions and underlining for insertions . Revision 1 CHANGE Page6 1 .13 CONTRACT TIME Tho BIDDER agrees to repair and roplaoo tho o*isting modified bituminous and gravel roof system with a new Thermoplastic Polyolofin (TPO) roof on the City Hall/Cii,cio Center Complex, in si*tY (60) oalendar days allowed for work, no o*oeptions for holidays, following a 15 day Notioe to Prooeod Period. 1. The Contract Time, as stated in the General Conditions, shall be two hundred (200) consecutive calendar days for each Section from the date of beginning as specified in the Notice to Proceed subject to time extensions for allowable delays as approved by the City of Fairhope . 2. The amount for liquidated damages, as set forth in the Bid Document, shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) per day for each calendar day after the specified date in the Notice to Proceed . This addendum shall become part of the RFP and MAY be returned with the RFP . RESPONDER ___________ _ NAME : r~xroN DEI-A,MAR SIGNATUR~ eo~~ TITLE : VICE PtlE.. Sf QE.NT DATE : IQ /03/1,01.;J T I 349 INVITATION TO BID ADDENDUM Adde ndum No .: 2 BID No . 23-037 Date of Addendum : September 20 , 202 3 Revise d Date , Time : September 20 , 2023 , 10 :00 AM D ue Date , T ime : Octobe r 05 , 20 23, 10 :00 AM Title : Bid No. 23-037 Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement Phase 1 SCOPE OF ADDENDUM This addendum deta ils additions to the INVITAT ION TO BID based on an error in the original solic itation . Revisions to pre-ex isting language in INVITATION TO BID, Bid No . 23 -037 , are ind icated either by strike thra~gh for deletions and underlin ing fo r insertions . Revision 1 CHANGE Page4 1.06 SITE EXAMINATION Thero will be a MANDATORY pro bid mooting on Tuesday , Soptombor 12 , 2023 , at 10 :00 ,I\.M. at tho Dolchamps Room , City of Fairhope Ci¥ic Center, located at 1e1 North Section Stroot , Fairhope , .'\L. This mandatory pro bid moot ing will servo as an opportunity for potential bidders to engage project stakeholders , ro 11iow plans and ask questions . There will be a MANDATORY pre -bid meeting on T uesday. September 12, 2023. at 10 :00 AM CST. at the City Services and Public Utilities Building located at 555 South Section Street, Fairhope. AL. Th is mandatory pre-bid meeting wi ll serve as an opportunity for potential bidde rs to engage project stakeho lders. review plans and ask questions . Questions Submitted in Writing: 1. Do we need to be pre -qua li fied w ith the C ity of Fa irhope pri or to bidd ing on th e cast iron replacement project (Bid No . 23-037)? A. No , pre-q ualifi cation is not required . Re qui re d qual ifi ca ti ons that a re re quested in the specificatio ns need to be included in your submitted bid package . Page 1 of 3 350 INVITATION TO BID ADDENDUM Addendum No .: 3 BID No . 23-037 Due Date , Time : October 05 , 2023 , 10:00 AM Date of Addendum : September 29 , 2023 Revised Date, Time: September 29 , 2023 , 02:50 PM Title: Bid No. 23-037 Fairhope Cast Iron Replacement Phase 1 SCOPE OF ADDENDUM This addendum details additions to the INVITATION TO BID based on an error in the original sol icitation . Revisions to pre-existing language in INVITATION TO BID , Bid No . 23-037, are indicated either by strike throblgh for deletions and underlining for insertions . Questions Submitted in Writing: Addendum 3 includes Proposal Schedule A -Base Bid -REVISED . All bid submittals are required to submit using this Proposal Schedule . 1. How many times should we expect to mobilize for the cleaning and CCTV inspection efforts? 1 for the PRE and 1 for the POST for the bid? A. For bidding purposes, one (1) mobilization should be expected . 2. In Section T of the Technical Specifications , Item 13 mentions inspecting stormwater. Will you please confirm that the storm drain pipes are included in the 30 ,037 LF that are included in the base bid schedule? If not , will we be cleaning and inspecting those pipes at the hourly rates in the fee schedule (items 11-13)? A. There will not be an expectation of the Contractor to CCTV any stormwater drainage . This will be needed ONLY for sanitary sewer main and laterals. 3. Does the City have a location that we can dispose of the sewer and storm drain debris that we vacuum out of the systems during the pipe cleaning? If so, where? A . Normal debris may be disposed of at the C ity's landfill at 555 South Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532. All sewer related debris must be taken to the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant at 300 North Church Street , Fairhope, AL 36532. 4 . Will we be able to hook up to and pull water from all fire hydrants in the target area for the pipe cleaning process? If so, will we be charged for water? A. Yes, water will be available through the City 's hydrants in the immed iate areas. We will require a meter to regulate water usage , but there will be no charge for consumption . 5 . Will the City consider adding a line item for sewer cleanout installation for instances where we cannot clear the address by launching our camera from the mainline and a cleanout doesn 't already exist? A. No , we will address these issues individually as they arise . 351 6. Does the City expect 100% of the addresses to be cleared on the POST inspections? If so, will the City be responsible for making point repairs to sewer mainlines and lateral lines when necessary (from existing damages such as roots, etc.) to complete the CCTV inspections or will the City consider reimbursing us for said point repairs? A. The City Sewer Department will assist in these repairs as needed . 7. Can the City provide us with maps of the sewer and storm drain systems in the area of this project? A. No. 8. What are the minimum and maximum pipe diameters of the sewer and storm drain mainlines? What is the material for sanitary sewer? A. Laterals are 4". Mains are from 6" -12". Both may consist of terracotta and PVC . 9 . Has the sewer main been cleaned recently , possibly in a regular maintenance program? A Some cleaning in the area has been done, the majority have not. 10. Can the addition of a service tie-over line item be added to the bid units? Also of the 321 services can you confirm how many will be re-runs versus tie-overs. A. Yes, this line item has been added to the attached Proposal Schedule A-Base Bid - REVISED. 11. Can a line item be added to the bid items for both concrete and asphalt removal and replacement per square foot? A. Yes , these line items have been added to the attached Proposal Schedule A -Base Bid -REVISED . 12 . Will the City be handling the cleaning of the sewer ma in? A. Yes, as needed to assist in the CCTV. 13. Will there be any drawings of the regulator station and a more defined scope provided? A. All regulator stations will be prefab supplied by FPU. RESPONDER SIGNATUR~ e oJ-..._ TITLE : ~ IC.& PQe;s10eNT r t 352 ITEM NO . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11. Proposal Schedule A -Base Bid -REVISED Labor and Equipment Only -Cost of Materials Not Included* (see "Scope of Work" section of the Contract) UNIT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 3/4" PE Service Installation 25 ,700 LF $15.98 2" PE Main Installation 24,164 LF $17.98 4" PE Main Installation 5 ,873 LF $20.75 2" Steel Main / 2" Prefabricated Regulator $3,500.00 Station Installation 1 EA Hot Tap Main Connection, 2" through 4" 11 EA $1,750.00 Pre-construction Video Inspection of Sewer Mains {includes Locating and Cleaning) 30 ,037 LF $1.35 Pre-construction Video Inspection of Sewer Laterals (includes Locating and Cleaning) 321 EA $125.00 Post-construction Video Inspection of Sewer Mains {includes Locating and Cleaning) 30,037 LF $1.25 --- Post-construction Video Inspection of Sewer Laterals {includes Locating and Cleaning) 321 EA $100.00 --- Mobilization for Sewer Cleaning and Video Inspection EA Service Tie-Over 161 EA $1,125.00 TOTAL BASE BID "A" *NOTES : 1 TOTAL PRICE $ 410,686 .00 $ 434,468.72 $ 121,864.75 $ 3,500.00 $ 19,250.00 $ 40,549 .95 $ 40,125.00 $ 37,546.25 $ 32,100.00 $ 0.00 $181,125.00 $1,321,215.67 1. Backfill, concrete , asphalt, silt fence and straw bales should be used in accordance with standard construction pract ices and should be included in the total linear foot cost. 2. PE Service Installation includes installing tap, service line, EFV, riser, regulator, meter loop and stopcock plus testing/purging of the service line . The meter will be installed by the Owner. 353 2 ADDITIONAL BID ITEMS ITEM UNIT NO . DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE 12. Additional Sewer Cleaning Hourly HR 225.00 13. Additional Sewer Main Video Inspection Hourly HR 200.00 14 . Additional Sewer Lateral Video Inspection Hourly HR 200.00 15. Capping Abandoned Gas Main Unknown EA 250 .00 16. Rock Excavation as specified in the Technical Specifications Unknown CY 110.70 17. Concrete Removal and ReQlacement Unknown SQ FT 10.00 18. AsQhalt Removal and ReQlacement Unknown SOFT 8.35 354 • GMC UNDERGROUND -~ 204 ORRAVE. OPE LIKA, AL 36804 [ffi~~~il [D) C\•.4 o SEALED BID FAIRHOPE CAST IRON REPLACEMENT PHASE1 BID NO. 23-037 FAIRHOPE, AL 555 S. SECTION ST. 355 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope did request , receive , and open bids to procure services for (Bid No. 24-001) Cowpen Creek Boring at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices , Fairhope, Alabama. [2] At the appointed time and place , bids were received and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for Cowpen Creek Boring [3] After evaluating the bids with the required specifications , Equix Energy Services , LLC is now awarded (Bid No . 24-001) Cowpen Creek Boring with a bid proposal not-to-exceed $56,738.00. DULY ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin , Council President Pro Tempore 356 City of Fa irho pe Pro ject Fun ding Request COF Proj ect No. 2390 Issuing Date · __ 1-'-o"",1""2"'-1=-20'"2'"3'--_ Please return t/1is Routing Sheet to Treasurer by : ___ A_S~A~P __ _ Proj ect Nam e: A rove the Award of Bid No . 24-001 Cow en Creek Sorin to E ulx Ener Services LLC Project Location : --'W.,_a=-t'-'e-'-r ___________________________ _ Resolution # : Pre sented to City Council: __ 1-"0"-/=-23=.c/-=2.,_0=-23"---Approved _____ _ Fu nding Request Sp on sor : Daryl Morefield , Water & Sewer Superintendent Ch anged _____ _ Rejected ➔o-½-icr-=-. Tt--'i1-i=6'--''"'12 3 A~8:4 o ProJect Cash Requi re ment Reque sted : Cost: $ 56 ,738 .00 Not.to-excee d Amount Vendor: Magnolia River Services Inc . (Vendor #5287) Order Dat e: --------. n/a Le ad Time . ---'-'n/'-'a'---------'- Department Funding This Project General D Gas C Electric D WateB W ast ewater D Sanitation D Ca p Project D Impact G Gas Tax 0 Adm ,n-10 Fleet-46 Department of General Fund Providing the Fund ing C Bldg-13 C C Golf-SO Pohce-1S C Fire-20 0 Golf Grounds-SS D Museum-27 D ECD-24 C Rec-25 C NonDeptFac-7S D Debt Service-BS D Civic-26 C Manna.34 C Landsc-36 C Street-35 C Meter-19 Plan/Zone-12 C Adult Rec-30 ProJect will be Fun ding Sou rce : Expens ed Capitalized Inventoried XXX Expense Code : 00 4010-59500 G/L Acct Name · Water . System Improve-D ist ri bution System Project Budg eted :_$~--~--- Balance Sheet Item- Included in proJ ected cash flow -------- Approve the aw ard of Bid No. 24-001 Cowpen Cre ek Bo ri ng to Equ x Energy Se rv ices, LLC to bore and inatall 600' of 12'' HOPE pipe at Co wpen Creek. City Coun cil Prior Approval/Date? _______ _ Se ni or Acco untant City Treasurer Operating Expenses C Budgeted Capital ___ X_X_X __ C2:' Unfunded C ______ Federal-not to exceed amount ______ State ______ City ______ Local Bond : _____ _ Loan : _____ _ Capita l Lease: _____ _ Title Title Payment Purch asing Mem o Date : ___ 1~0~/1~3~/=20~2=3~-- 10/13/2023 Kimree ch ~ Fed Grant O • IT-16 C HR-11= 357 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Counc il Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech City Treasurer 161 North Sect ion St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope , AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) 251 -928 -6776 (f) www.fa i rhopeal.gov MEMO To: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech , City Treasurer From : Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 13, 2023 Re : Requesting Green Sheet and Approval by City Council to award Bid No. 24- 001 Cowpen Creek Boring The Water/Wastewater Superintendent , Daryl Morefield , has requested to hire a contractor to bore and install 600 ' of 12 " HOPE pipe at Cowpen Creek. A service bid was issued on September 22 , 2023 , posted to the C ity of Fairhope 's website , and viewed by 156 of 412 vendors who select to receive e-notifications . Three (3) respons ive bids were received at the b id opening on Octobe r 5 , 2023 at 2 :00 p .m . The Water/Wastewater Superintendent recommends the award be made to Equix Energy Services , LLC . The bid response price is a Lump Sum Total of Fifty-Six Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty-Eight Dollars ($56 ,738 .00 ). Please prepare a Green Sheet and place on the next City Council Agenda this request to award Bid No. 24-001 Cowpen Creek Boring to Equix Energy Services, LLC. for $56,738.00. Enclosure Cc : Daryl Morefield, Clint Steadham 358 City of Fairhope Bid Tabulation B id No . 24-001 Cowpen Creek Bori ng O p ene d October 5, 2023 at 2:00 P.M. Vendor Equix Energy Services, LLC G MC Underground UnderGround , Inc . Recommendat ion : To the best of my knowledge this is an accurate Bid Tabulation Signature Eri n Wolfe, Pur chasing Manager Bid Documents Signed I Notarized (YIN) y y y Addendum I Vendor Compliance Acknowledged Lump Sum Price (YIN) (YIN) y y $56 ,738 .0 0 y y $73 ,200.00 y y $67 ,70 0 .00 359 ITEM Ill BID RESPONSE FORM Date: jQ_ / __QL / 2023 Bid No: 24-001 Cowpen Creek Boring Bids Due : Thursday, October 5, 2023, 2:00 P.M. DESCRIPTION 1 Lump Sum Price for Cowpen Creek Boring as described In $56,738.00 Scope of Work Bid will include all labor, materials , equipment, shipping and postage , overhead , profit, bonds , insurance and all other costs necessary to provide the complete services outlined within this CONTRACT and scope of work . Receipt of the following Addenda to these documents Is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned (CONTRACTOR to complete below): ADDENDUM NO . Addendum No . 1 DATE ISSUED 09-28-2023 ADDENDUM NO . DATE ISSUED Each bid must give the full business address of the CONTRACTOR and must be signed by him with his usual signature. Bids by partnerships must furnish the full names of all partners and must be signed with the partnership name by one of the members of the partnership, or by an authorized representative, followed by the signature and designation of the person signing. Bids by corporations must be signed with the legal name of the corporation followed by the name of the State of Incorporation and by the signature and designation of the president, secretary, or other person authorized to bind It In the matter. The name of each person shall also be typed or printed below the signature . A bid by a person who affixes to this signature the word "president," "secretary," "agent," or other designation without disclosing his principal, may be held to be the bid of the Individual signing. When requested by the City of Fairhope, Baldwin County , Alabama , satisfactory evidence of the authority of the officer signing In behalf of the corporation shall be furnished . The undersigned agrees to furnish the goods/services as requested by you for the City of Fairhope , Baldwin County, Alabama In your Invitation to bid , and certifies that they wlll meet or exceed the specifications called for. The undersigned has read all Information pertaining to this bid and has resolved all questions. It la also understood and agreed that all prices quoted are F.O.B. described In the bid documents and specifications. The undersigned also affirms he/she has not been In any CONTRACT or collusion among BIDDERS or prospective BIDDERS in restraint of freedom of competition , by CONTRACT to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding or otherwise. VVitness our hands and sea ls this Second day of_O_c_t_ob_e_r ____ _, 2023 . 360 I If Individual or Partnership (Name of In di vi dua l or Partnersh ip) (N ame of Representati ve Aut horized to sign Bids and CONTRACTS for he firm Print ) (Name of Partner Print) (N ame of Partne r Pri nt) Address __________________________________ _ Phone Number ( __________ Fax umb er ( E-ma il address --------------~Alabama Contractor's License No . ____ _ Foreign Entity ID (if outside of Alabama) _______________________ _ If Corporation or LLC company Equix Ene rgy Serv ices , LLC Sta te of Incorporation _F_lo_ri_d _a _______________________ _ Company Representative R. Don White --:(-::R-ep-r-es_e_n,-ta.,----,--,,--,,--:-:---,--:;:-::::--:---:-:===~:::--:-c:---,,---=c:--:----- Address 32410 Blue Star Hwy. Midway, FL 32343 Phone Number ( 850) 878-1212 ------------Fax Numb er(92Q)_4_7_1_-1_6...;.7_3 ____ _ E -ma ii add ress Dw hite@eq ui xinc .com AL Contractor's License No. 38774 ------- Foreign Vendor ld __ 6_1_7_9 ______________ _ (I ~ ~ :.th7u~ersi gne~ authority in_pnd for sajd State -an as )/ _ Ir a.'c.f.Lt!L.\ I_ respectrvely , of -, • ,. L , whose nam e is signed to the forego ing document and who is known tom . ac kn owledge efo re me on th is da y , th at , be in g informed of the co ntents of the document they executed the same vo lunta rily on the day the same bears date . Given under my hand and Notary Seal on th is~ day of kll,,t,K' . 2023 . . NOTARY PUBLIC ·-ltr111 , ;;I/I. f2ll..dt/l//)!/ MY COMMISSION EXtlRES -_,,,.., tdt ,d¼,?7 ...-~;.,,, •~,. JEGEN ANN MCDERMOTT (',<-~:\ Notary Public • State of Florida \\Wji Commission N HH 361089 '··•.!?.Lf:i .. / My Comm . Expires Mllr 27 , 2027 Bonded throuvh National Notary .Assn . 361 Sealed Bid Proposal for City of Fairhope, Cowpen Creek Boring Bid Number: 24-001 ~ received ~1 10 /oL//.}2> Mt\! Jo ·;)-Cf cvvi Purchasi~-S Depar~m~nt of the City of Fairhope -:i r~ • . .,:,. ~ . .. _I : •. ·.555 South Section Street Fairhope, Alabama 36532 Equix Energy Services, LLC 32410 Blue Star Hwy. Midway, Florida 32343 850-878-1212 Alabama State License Number: 38774 Exp: September 30, 2024 362 -· -ORIGtl IO:TLHA (512) 52"192 COLBY UCOONALO EClUX EtERGY SERVICESi,LLC 32410 Bl.lE STAR HIGHWAr ro ERIN WOLFE SHP DATE: 030CT23 ACTWGT: 0.25 LB CAD: 11413401MNET4640 BILL SENDER PURCH DEPT OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE I 555 SOUTH SECTION STREEf-, . ·_. -, tJ:,~ --~s1_,o./ot/l~•-FAIRHOPE AL 36532 w.) 529-81112 REF PO: -----------DEPT: II ■lllllllll-111111111111111111111111111 11:~ I 77361750 4911 XP MOBA fecPri~ Exp<ess CEIi WED • 04 OCT 10:30A PRIORITY OVERNIGHT 36532 AL-US BFM Se~kJ t,J 6-cloJe/ &-4/ ~ <' (Q:tq ~M -~ 363 RESOLUTION N O . ---- BE IT RESOL VE D BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FA IRHOPE, ALABAMA , as fo ll ows: [1 ] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of one (1) New Pumper Fire Truck , (E-ONE PTAL-TYPN Low Hosebed Pumper on a Typhoon Chassis) for the Fairhope Vo lunteer Fire Department. The total cost not-to-exceed $860 ,000.00. [2] This fire truck is avai lab le for direct procurement through H-GAC Cooperative Purchasing Schedu le, Contract No. FS12-19 JA06 , and therefore does not have to be let out for bid. [3] The budgeted cost for the fire tru ck is 775 ,000 plus $85 ,000 in loose equipment for necessary outfitting of the truck. Du e to build times , we budgeted one-third of the truck cost for FY24 ($258,334) along with the cost for l oose equipment of ($85 ,000.00). Subsequent budgets for FY25 & FY26 wi ll include ( 258 ,234) each year to accou nt for the remaining two-third s of the truck cost, which shou ld coi n cide with actual delivery of the fire tru ck. ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER , 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Cl erk Corey Martin Counci l President Pro Tempore 364 City of Fairhope Project Fund ing Request COF Project No, 2387 Is su ing Date __ 1'-0"1-"12"'-/=-20~2~3 __ Please return thi s Routing Sheet to Treasurer by : ---'A-=S~A'-P __ _ Proiect Name : A rove the Procurement of a New Pum er Fire Truck Pro ject Location : -'-F-'a"-lr-'-h'-'o'-"-'e'----------------------------- Presented to City Council : __ 1'-0-'-/=-23'-I~2-'-0=-23~_ Funding Request Sponsor: John Saraceno, Fire Maintenance Supervisor Tim Bung , Supervisor Vehicle mechanics Project Cash Requ irement Requested : Cost: $ 860,000.00 Not-to-exceed Amount Vendor: Sunbelt Fire Apparatus (Vendor #830) Order Date : ____ n_la ___ _ Department Funding This Project Resolution # • Approved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Rejected -+( .... lC~TF-. -1-s--·-2 3 AM8: 4~) Lead Time · n/a ---------,------ ,, General 0 Gas C Electric C WateG Wastewater C Sanitation 0 Cap Project C Impact C Gas Tax C Fed Grant C Admtn-10 Fleet-46 Department of General Fund Providing the Funding L Bldg-13 C C Golf-SO C Pohce-15 0 Fire-20 ~ Golf Grounds-55 D Museum-27 D ECD-24 0 Rec-25 C NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv•ce-85 C Civic-26 C Manna•34 C Landsc-36 C Street-35 C Meter-19 C Plan/Zone -12 C Adult Rec-30 D Project w•II be . Funding Source : Expensed Capi talized Inventoried _______ c XXX G -------- ________ L Expense Code : 001200-50470 GIL Acct Name : Fire • Purchases Vehicles & Equipment ProJect Budgeted . $ 343 334 .00 Balance Sheet Item-;: Included in projected cash flow Over (Under) budget amount: $ 516 ,666 .00 pprove e procuremen o a new pumper ire S860 .0 00 .00 for the Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department. The fire truck is on the H-GAC Cooperative Purchasing Schedule (Contract No. FS12-1 9 JA06) and therefore does not have to be let out for bid . The budgeted cost for the fire truck Is $775 ,000 plus $85 ,000 in loose equipment for neceasary outfitting of the truck. Due to build times, we buGgeted one.th ird of the truck cost for FY24 (S258 ,334) along with the cost for loose equipment of (SS5,000 ,00). Subsequent budgets for FY25 & FY26 will Include {$258,334) each year to account for the rema ining two .thirds of the truck cost, which should coincide with actual delivery of the fire City Council Pnor Approval/Date? _______ _ Senior Accountant City Treasurer Operating Expenses -------~ Budgeted Capital ---'-X"-X"-X'---~ Unfunded C _______ Federal. not to exceed amount ______ State . ...,., _____ City ------- Bond · -------Loan : ______ _ Capital Lease : _____ _ Local Title Title Payment _______ Year _______ Year _______ Term Mayor Purchasing Memo Date : --~1~01~1~1~/2~0~2~3~-Purchas in g Memo Date : ___ 1~0~I~11~/=20~2~3~--D . dToD ·-~===- Req~r,oved Date : 10/13/2023 IG~WeY) ~h Ap IT-16 C HR-1 'C 365 of fArno.. ~ CJ ti\ {11.,liBA~~ Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members : Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell , ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Sect ion St. PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928 -2136 (p) 251 -928-6776 (fl www.fa i rhopea l.gov MEMO To: From : Date : Re : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager October 11 , 2023 Green Sheet and City Council Approval of Procurement of a New Pumper Fire Truck The Fire Maintenance Supervisor, John Saraceno , is requesting procurement of a new Pumper Fire Truck for the Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department. The quote for one (1) E-ONE PTAL-TYPN Low Hosebed Pumper on a Typhoon Chassis is for Seven Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($775 ,000 .00). In addition , there is a quote for loose equipment for a cost of Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars ($85 ,000 .00). The total package cost for the new Fire Truck with all accessories is Eight hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($860 ,000 .00). This pumper fire truck is on the H-GAC Cooperative Purchasing Schedule, Contract No . FS12-19 JA06. and therefore does not have to be let out for bid . Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request to approve the procurement of a new pumper fire truck for $860,000.00. CC file , John Saraceno , T im Bung , Clint Steadham 366 Name: John Saraceno CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: 10/11/2023 Department: _Fi_re ____________________ _ Expenditure Threshold•• Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5,000 No restrictions Not Required N/A N/A Utilities $5,001 -$10 ,000 Operational NON -Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than : Operational NON-Budgeted Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5,001 Utilities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5,001-$30,000 Operational Budgeted Three Treasurer N/A Utilities -$10,001 -$30,000 Over $30,000 Operational Budget• State Bid List or Treasurer /Mayor N/A Buying Group Over $30,000/$100,000 Operational Budgeted Bids Council Regulred Profess ional Service Over $5 ,000 Budgeted or Non -Budgeted Mayor Select Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Regyired N/A N/A R1gylrgd Regulred *Budgeted items that meet or are under budget may be purchased with the Mayor and/or Treasurer's approval if they are on the State Bid list or from an approved buying group . Items that ore over budget must go to Council for approval and will require a green sheet and resolution . ••Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, Including materials provided by the City. If the total amount Is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases. Vendor Name 1. Sunbelt Fire apparatus 2 . Equip QUOTES $ 775,000 $ 85,000 Vendor Quote 3 . Clic k or tap here to enter text. $ ------------- Check any applicable boxes: □ State Contract D ALDOT 181 Purchasing Group D Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What Item or service do you need to purchase? New fire truck and equipment to outfit it 2. What is the total cost of the item or service? 860,000 3 . How many do you need? 1 4. Item or Service Is: 181 New D Used D Replacement D Annual Request 5. Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Sunbelt Fire apparatus 6. Vendor Number: 830 If you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page: www.Fa irhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMATION EYZ'\ I ilA.£l3t--r 00\1.DD-5o~10 1. Is it budgeted? 181 Yes D No D Emergency Request 2. If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? 850.00 3 . Budgetcode :50470 L\fle, 2.0 ::: ~ i5'i,'?~t\~of3y~ L1l'\l.?J0 :; ~ 'b5 1 COO ~~IUf Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin .Wol(e@Fairhop eAL.gov and Rhonda . Cunninqham@FairhopeALgov. PUR-004 • 082522 367 Ci SunbeltFire bel tF ire i-. SunbeltFire Serving you is our calling ·• @) .. Sunbeltfire.com 8050 McGow1n Drive I F,mhope, AL 36532 I Office: 800.642.8484 I Fax: 251.928.9933 Fairhope Volunteer Fire Department Fairhope, Alabama October 2, 2023 Please consider our proposal for the following, in strict accordance with technical specifications available upon request: One (1) or more E-ONE PTAL-TYPN Low Hosebed Pumper on a Typhoon Chassis $ 775,000.00 Pricing is based on Quote No. 125562 Loose Equipment, Listed Separately: $85,000.00 Total Price: $ 860,000.00 The above proposal pricing is valid for (21} calendar days on the H-GAC Cooperative Purchasing schedule, contract no. FS12-19 JA06 . At the expiration of this quote, please contact Sunbelt Fire, Inc., for updated pricing. The price quoted includes delivery and instruction & familiarization by a factory trained technician . Delivery shall be within 810 calendar days after receipt of order. Delivery is quoted in good faith and is subject to delays beyond the reasonable control of the manufacturer. Payment is expected in full upon delivery and acceptance . Statement of Origin and Bill of Sale , or Application for Vehicle ntle if applicable, constitute a receipt of payment in full and will be presented at time of receipt of payment or delivery & acceptance as applicable. The manufacturer reserves the right to make model and engineering changes where deemed necessary for improvement in design, or safety of users, without prior notice to the customer. Units will be built according to all FMVSS, DOT, and NFPA standards unless otherwise noted or requested . We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with Information . This proposal is our written documentation of agreement of terms. Please contact Sunbelt Fire, Inc., with any questions or concerns . Respectfully submitted, Territory Manager Sunbelt Fire, Inc. (via email) 368 .. QUOTATION Fa irhope Vol. Fire Dept. Fairhope , Alabama Quote No: I Sunbelt Fire , Inc. I I EQUIP: 10054-0004 EQ ============== EQUIPMENT LIST FOR TRUCKS ================= • --------==-=----EQUIPMENT LIST FOR TRUCKS =---------=------0.000 -- 01-25-2600 Adapter, TFT , AA5NJ-NF , 2 .5"FM x 1.5"M, Rgd , LW 1 44 .00 44 .00 01-25-5100 Adapter, TFT , AA7NF-NF , 1.5" DFM, Swvl , LW 2 62.00 124.00 01-25-5200 Adapter, TFT , AA7N J-NJ , 2 .5" DFM , Swvl , LW 2 70 .00 140 .00 01-25-8100 Adapter , TFT, AA6NF-NF , 1.5" OM , LW 2 34 .00 68 .00 01-25-8200 Adapter, TFT , AA6NJ-NJ, 2 .5" OM, LW 2 40 .00 80 .00 03-07-1300 Axe , Leatherhead FAY-6 6# Flat Head Yellow 1 76 .00 76.00 03-07-1800 Axe , Leatherhead PAY-6 6# Pick Head Yellow 1 82 .00 82 .00 03-10-1100 Axe Mounting Bracket, PAC #1011/1004 , Flat Head 1 176.00 176.00 03-10-1200 Axe Mounting Bracket, PAC #1012/1004 , Pick Head 1 212.00 212.00 07-01-1500 Bolt Cutter, Superior FlameFighter #BC36, 36" 1 96 .00 96 .00 09-01-1500 Tool Mnt, PAC 1004 , Handlelok, Clamp , Adj .125"-1 .75 " 20 91 .00 1820.00 09-01-3500 Tool Mnt, PAC 1040-5, Adapter, Storz, Lok 5" mount 2 101 .00 202 .00 09-02-1600 Tool Mnt , PAC K5003 lronsLok Kit 1 431 .00 431 .00 09-02-2010 Tool Mount, PAC K5010-12 , 8-12# Sledge Hanger/ Pocket Kit 1 140.00 140.00 09-30-3100 Nozzle Mounting , South Park, Tri-Loe , 1.5" 4 75 .00 300 .00 09-30-3200 Nozzle Mounting , South Park, Tri-Loe , 2 .5" 4 75 .00 300 .00 13-15-1200 Cap, TFT , A01ST , 5" Stz 2 134.00 268.00 17-01-1200 Crowbar, FlameFighter, PB-36 , 36" 1 58 .00 58 .00 17-05-1200 Crowbar Bracket Set, South Park , CHR55201 C, Chrome 1 101 .00 101 .00 17-10-2100 Irons Set, Leatherhead, K-LB30-5 , 30" Halligan, 6# Axe w/strap 1 446 .00 446.00 19-10-1300 Deck Gun , TFT ,CrossFire , XFC-42-2NJ-L Pkg , Tips+ 10" Stream 1 5069 .00 5069.00 Straightener 19-10-4300 Deck Gun , TFT, XFF-APL, Fxd Base , Thrd Base , Crossfire 1 427 .00 427 .00 23-05-1200 Elbow, TFT. AH3ST-N*, 4"Fx5"Stz 1 339 .00 339.00 24-01-0100 Handlight, Streamlight 44451 Fire Vulcan LED Litebox with Truck 4 338 .00 1352.00 Charger 25-02-1300 Extinguisher, Dry Chem , Amerex A411 , 20ABC , w/810 8kt 1 267 .00 267 .00 25-05-1100 Extinguisher, Water, Amerex 240 , Pressurized 2 .5G , w/810 Bkt 1 245.00 245 .00 35-01 -3100 Hose, Ponn Conquest, FC17X50**15N , 1.75" x 50 ', 1.5" Cplgs , 8 363 .00 2904 .00 Striped 35-01-3200 Hose, Ponn Conquest, FC25X50**25N , 2.5 " x 50 ', 2 .5" Cplgs , Striped 10 448.00 4480 .00 37-10-5200 Hose , SnapTite , TPX50X100*50S , 5" x 100', 5" Stz cplgs 15 1559.00 23385.00 37-10-5600 Hose, SnapTite , TPX50250*50S, 5" x 25', 5" Stz cplgs 1 725 .00 725 .00 41-05-1100 Hose Roller , TFT, A3820 1 211 .00 211 .00 41-20-1100 Hose Strap, Akron, 00780001(8) 1 688 .00 688 .00 45-20-1100 Interface Cable , FireCom , 4' (need radio model) 2 365 .00 730 .00 51-01-1100 Sprinkler Stop, Akron 10780001 (8) 1 475 .00 475.00 51-01 -1200 Rubber Mallet, Nupla SF-2 w/Fiberglass Handle 1 25 .00 25 .00 51-05-1100 Shovel, Nupla, #69107 , Scoop 27", w/o brckts 1 58 .00 58 .00 51-15-2300 Sledge Hammer, Leatherhead SLL-10-36 10# HiViz Yel w/Refl Tape 1 76.00 76 .00 51-16-0400 TNT Tool , TN635 6.5#, 35" Long 1 335 .00 335 .00 53 -01 -1100 Gas Can , Justrite 7120100 2 gal 1 56 .00 56 .00 53-10-1100 First Aid Kit, Brooks 25 Unit 1 73 .00 73.00 60-07-2800 Nozzle, TFT , ME1VPGl-212 , 1.5", Metro1 , Grip , 150@50 2 8 17 .00 1634.00 60-10-5500 Nozzle , TFT, ME22VPGl-354 , 2.5 ", Metro2, Grip , 250@50 2 910 .00 1820.00 60-10-680 1 Nozzle , TFT, ME22TO-262, 180@50 , 2 .5" Tip Only 2 669 .00 1338.00 60-90-1405 Shutoff, TFT , J140FP , 2 .5", Pistol Grip 1 379 .00 379 .00 369 1 63-05-1599 63-05-1600 63-05-1601 63-05-1602 65-05-1600 69-01-1200 75-10-1100 75-10-1400 77-30-1100 77-30-1400 77-30-1800 80-00-0001 83-01-1200 85-85-0001 85-85-0002 85-85-0003 85-85-0004 87-01-1400 89-10-1100 90-00-0001 90-90-0001 91-91-0001 95-20-3300 96-97-0001 96-97-0004 96-97-0005 99-99-0002 99-99-9999 U O , aypIpe , , . X . NY Hook , Leatherhead NYH-4, 4' Black, Chisel End NY Hook, Leatherhead NYH'-6 , 6' Black , Chisel End NY Hook, Leatherhead NYH-8, 8' Black, Chisel End American Hook , Leatherhead PLY-12AH-B, 12' Yellow, Rubber End PPV Fan, SuperVac , V18-BD-12 -AC-SP 18", DeWalt Batt. Salvage Cover , Husky HTV 12 x 14 10 oz Vinyl Siamese , TFT AY7NJ-NJ , gtd , 2 .5"F NHS LH x (2) 2 .5"F NHS RL Siamese , TFT AY9ST-NJ , gtd , 5"Stz S x (2) 2 .5"F NHS Spanner Set , TFT, A3810 , 4 Spanners , 8kt Spanner Set , TFT , A3845 , 2 Spnr, 3835 Hyd , Bkt Spanner Wrench , TFT, A3835, Hydrant Intake Valve , TFT AXD1ST-NX-*, 5" Stz x 6" LHF , w/ PRV Valve , TFT , AV5NJ-NJ , 2.5", Quarter Tum Hydrant Rope , CMC G11 Lifeline , Orange, 283111, 7/16 " x 100' Rope , CMC Redi-Line , 292763, R/W, 7/16" x 100' Rope Bag, CMC #4 , 430401 , Orange Rope Bag , CMC #4 , 430403 , Red Wheel Chock , Zico SAC-44-E w/SQCH-44-H Horizontal Bkt (2) Wye , TFT, AYNJ-NF , 2 .5"x(2)1 .5"M , Gated Traffic Vest , ANSI 207 , 5-Point BreakAway (1 for ea . seating position) Dedication Plaque , Cast Defrbrillator, Zoll AED Plus, EM21000010102011010 , w/ Case Honda EU2000i Generator Saw, Stihl , MS 462C-M , 20" Bar, Depth Limiter , (2) cha ins Saw, DeWalt, DCS690X2 , 60V Cut-off Saw, 9" Saw Battery , DeWalt 20-60V FlexVolt 9.0aH Traffic Cone , Fluorescent , Dual Refl Band, 28" Loose Equipment Surcharge (4%) Total 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 1 7 7.00 124 .00 138 .00 176.00 179.00 6550.00 128 .00 1238.00 1674 .00 178.00 243 .00 82 .00 2489 .00 452.00 123.00 81 .00 107.00 107.00 971 .00 423.00 37 .00 549 .00 2386 .00 1353.00 3021 .00 1137 .00 303 .00 29 .00 3237 .00 7 124.00 138 .00 176 .00 179 .00 6550 .00 512 .00 1238 .00 1674 .00 356 .00 729.00 164 .00 2489 .00 904 .00 246 .00 162 .00 214 .00 214 .00 971 .00 846.00 222 .00 549 .00 2386 .00 1353.00 3021 .00 1137 .00 1212.00 145 .00 3237 .00 84,170.00 370 FORM E -PUBLISHED OPTIONS Procurement No.: II FS12-19 Offeror Name: I Lone Stllr Emergency Group LLC I iSWiB!lll!ll 6Xlllltlll ill ~11 !:'25!0 E!.I I LADDER AND LOOSE EQUIPMENT GROUND LADDERS 7800-0002 Alco-Lite FL-10 1 O' folding ladder without shoes. $ 379 .00 7800-0007 Alco-Lite PRL-14 ' roof ladder. $ 639 .00 7800-0008 14' roof ladder, Ouo-Safetv 775-A. $ 882 .00 7800-0009 Duo-Safety 16' 875-A roof ladder. $ 683 .00 7800-0010 Alco-Lite PRL-18' roof ladder. $ 768 .00 7800-0018 Alco-Lite PEL-24' 2-section extension ladder. $ 1,303 .00 7800-0018 Extension ladder, Duo-Safety 800-A, 24 ' 2-section . $ 1,402 .00 7800-0023 Alco-lite PEL3-35' 3-section extension ladder. $ 2,301 .00 7800-0024 Alco-Lite PEL-35' extension ladder. $ 2,102,00 7800-0025 Duo-Safety 1225-A 35' 3-section extension ladder. $ 2,332 .00 7800-0027 Little Giant model 17 ladder. $ 1,070 .00 7800-0033 Duo-Safety 20' 2-section extension ladder 900-A. $ 1 424 .00 7800-0041 Duo-Safety 1200-A, 28 ' 2-section extension ladder. $ 1 719.00 7800-0045 Duo-Safetv 1200-A 35' 2 Section Extension Ladder $ 2 ,158.00 7800-0051 Duo-Safety 20' 875-A Roof Ladder $ 860 .00 7800-0085 14' roof ladder, Duo-Safety 775-DR. Includes fold ing steel roof hooks on both ends with prong feel $ 931 .00 7800-0089 Duo-Safetv 16' roof ladder 875-DR. Includes fotdin!l steel roof hooks on both ends with prong feet. $ 1,063.00 7800-0105 Ouo-Safetv 1525-A 45' 3 Section Extension Ladder w/stay po les. $ 3,698.00 nnc,c en, ljDUC"ll 7000-0016 TFT AX3ST-NX-RC Intake Valve 6"NST x s· Storz With Cap. Officer side intake. s 6 394 .00 7200-0000 Adaotar Chrome 3"MNST x 2 .S"FNST with Plug $ 301 .00 7200-0001 Adapter Chrome 3"FNST x 2 .5"MNST with Cap . $ 347 .00 7200-0002 Swivel Chrome Connector 4.5"FNST x 2 .5" FNST Lona Handle $ 348 .00 7200-0003 Chrome Swivel Connection S"FNST x 2.5'FNST Lnnn Handle $ 481 .00 7200-0004 Chrome Swivel Connector 5'FNST x 4 .5"FNST Lona Handle $ 517 .00 7200-0005 Chrome Swivel Connector 6"FNST x 4 .5"FNST LonQ Handle $ 656.00 7200-0006 Discharoe Adapter 2 .5"FNST x 2 .5"MNST Scee with Cap -SDecial adaoter with soecified thread . $ 213 .00 7200-0007 Adapter 2.5"MNST x 2.S"FNST Soec with Plua -Soaciol adapter with specified thread . $ 266.00 7200-0008 Adapter Wye 2.5"FNST x 1.S"MNST. $ 828 .00 7200-0009 Adapter Wve 4"FNST x (21 2 .5' FNST $ 1,060.00 7200-0010 Adant~r 2 .5• FNST x 2 .5' F British Instantaneous. $ 301 .00 7200-0011 Adaoter 2 ,5' MSNT x 2.5" M British Instantaneous. $ 228 .00 7200-0012 AdaDter Collector 5"FNST x (3) 2 .5"M British Instantaneous. $ 1,160.00 7200-0013 Adapter Collector 6"FNST x (3) 2.5'M BriUsh Instantaneous $ 1,347.00 7200-0014 Adapter 2.5'FNST x 4" Storz $ 508.00 7200-0015 Adapter 3"FNST x 4• Storz with cap. $ 534 .00 7200-0016 Adapter 3"FNST x 5• Storz and Insert cap . $ 654.00 7200-0017 Swivel connector S"FNST x 4" Storz with tethered Cap. $ 824.00 7200-0018 Swivel Connector 4" FNST x 4" Storz with Tethered Cap. $ 472.00 7200-0019 Swivel connector 4"FNST x 5" Storz with tethered cap. $ 593.00 7200-0020 Swivel connector 5"FNST x 5" Storz wtth tethered cap. $ 717 .00 7200-0021 Swivel Connector 8" FNST x 4" Storz with Tethered Cap. $ 664 .00 7200-0022 Swivel Connector 6" FNST x 5" Storz with Tethered Cap. $ 739 .00 7200-0023 Swivel Connector 3• FNST x 4' Storz 30 Dearee Elbow with Tethered Cap. $ 723.00 7200-0024 Swivel Connector 3'FNST x 5' Storz 30 uea Elbow with Tethered Cap. $ 802.00 7200-0025 Swivel Connector '4"FNST x 4" Storz 30 Deg Elbow with Tethered Cao. $ 49'4 .00 7200-0028 Swivel Connector 4" FNST x 5" Storz 30 0..0 Elbow with Tethered Cap. $ 607 .00 7200-0027 Adaoter 2 .S•MNST x 2 .5" Storz with 30 dearee droop and Insert cap. $ 232 .00 7200-0028 Adapter 5" FNST X 5" Storz 30 degree with tethered cap. $ 401 .00 7200-0029 Adapter Wye 5"FNST x (2) 2 .5' FNST $ 1177.00 7200-0030 Adapter, 5" FNPT X 6" MNST Chrome . $ 368 .00 7200-0031 1.s• Chrome Cao w/Chain. $ 26.00 7200-0032 Adapter 2.S"FNST x 2.5" Storz. Includes cap and connector. $ 229.00 7200-0033 Adapter 4 .5 Inch FNST x '4 Stortz $ 343 .00 7200-0034 Adapter vvve 4 .S"FNST x (2) 2 .s· MNST $ 1110.00 7200-0035 Adaptor 30 aeoree for rear 2 .5" discharge. To be 2 .5" FNST x 2 .5" MNST. Sh ip loose. $ 290.00 7200-0036 Intake 6" Elkhart Elk-0-Lite 9786 Piston Valve . Ship Loose. $ 3,000.00 7200-0037 Adaoter 4 Inch FBSS x 4 Inch FNST $ 416 .00 7200-0038 Adapter Storz 1.5 Inch x 1 .5 in ch MNST . $ 109.00 7200-0039 Adapter 1.5 Inch MBSS x 1.5 Inch MNST $ 82 .00 7200-0040 Chrome adepter for 2 .5" d ischarae. Includes 2.5' FNST x 1.5' IPT thread with cap. $ 102.00 7200-0041 Adapter 2.5FNST x 2 .5M Alberta Mutual Aid Threads (AMA 2.89X8T ip) with Cap $ 278 .00 2019 Equipment Fomi E 1 of 10 371 7200-0042 Adapter 2.5MNST x 2 .SF Swivel Alberta Mutual A id Threads (AMA 2 .99x8Tlp) with Plua $ 289.00 7200-0043 Intake 6" Nor1hline FSGR Piston Valve with intake Relief. sh ip loose $ 1 744.00 7200-0044 Adapter.75 FGHT (aarden hose) x 1.5" Storz $ 131 .00 7200-0045 Intake aated relief valve. 6'FNST x 6"MNST . $ 1,519 .00 7200-0046 SWivel Pyrolite connector 2.S"FNST x 2 .5" FNST locker lug. $ 148.00 7200-0047 Adapter Pyroltte 2 .5"MNST x 2.5'MNST. $ 83.00 7200-0048 Chrome Swivel Connector 6'MNST x 4"FNST $ 938.00 7200-0049 Adapter 1.5" FNPT x 2.5"F British Instantaneous. $ 222.00 7200-0050 Adapter 5" Storz x 12) 2.5' FNST swivels gated wye $ 817.00 7200-0051 Adapter 1.5' FNST x 2.5" FBSS $ 219.00 7200-0052 Adapter 5" FNST x 4" MBSS thread $ 323.00 7200-0053 Adapter Pyrolite 2.5"FNST x 2.5'FNST Swivel $ 142.00 7200-0054 Adapter wve suction 6'FNST x (3) 2.5" FNST $ 2 590.00 7200-0055 Adapter 2.5" MNST x 2 .5" FBritlsh Instantaneous $ 171 .00 7200-0056 Adapter 2.5FNST x 2 .5M (3.031x7Tip) with Cap $ 280.00 7200-0057 Adapter 2.5MNST x 2.5F Swivel X (3 .031X7TPI) with Plua $ 289.00 7200-0058 Adapter 2.SFNST x 2 .5M (3.232x5Tlp) with Cap $ 280.00 7200-0059 Adapter 2.5MNST x 2.5F Swivel (3.232x5Tip) with Plug $ 289.00 7201>-0060 Adapter 2 .5MNST x 2.5F (3.230x5TiP) with Cap $ 280.00 7200-0061 Adapter 2.5MNST x 2.SF Swivel (3.230x7TPI) with Plug $ 289.00 7200-0062 Adapter 4.5" FNST x 5" Storz. $ 347.00 7200-0063 Chrome adaptor for 2.5" discha!'lle . Includes 2 .5' FCSA x 1.5" NPSH threads with caps. $ 154.00 7200--0064 Swive l Connector 4"FNST x 4" StO!Z 30Oeg Elbow with Tethered Cap $ 729 .00 7200-0065 Adapter Connector 3"MNST x 4" Storz with Tethered Cap $ 519 .00 7200--0066 Adapter Gated \Nye Akron Model 1480 with 1.5'FNST x (2) 1.S"MNST. $ 1,426.00 7200-0067 An adapter 5' FNST x 5' Storz rigid with no elbow $ 166.00 7200-0068 A 2.5' MNST x 2 .5" FAMA with Plug Adapter $ 109.00 7200-0069 A 2.5" FNST x 2 .5" MAMA Wrth Cap adapter shall be provided . $ 156.00 7200--0070 A 4• FNST x 4" Storz Adapter shall be provided . $ 278 .00 7200-0071 Adapter 1.5" FNST X 1.0" MNST w/Cap. $ 129.00 7200-0072 A 2.5" FNST x 2 .5" M2 .962x8TPI With Cap adapter shall be provided. $ 192.00 7200--0073 A 4" MNST x 2 .5" FNST adapter shall be prt>11ided . $ 261 .00 7200-0074 Swivel Connector 6"FNST x 5" Storz with 30 dearee elbow and Tethered Cap $ 742 .00 7200-0076 A 5" FNST x 4" Storz adapter with a 30 degree droop shall be shiooea loose . $ 267.00 1200-oon Adapter 2 .5 Storz X 2.5 FNST with a 30 degree droop. $ 229.00 7200-0078 Adapter 1.5 FNST x 1.5 Storz for foam fills . $ 162.00 7200-0079 Swivel Chrome Connector 4"FNST x 2 .5" FNST Long Handle $ 232 .00 7200-0080 Swivel Rocker Lug Connector 6"FNST x 5" Storz with Tethered Cap $ 742 .00 7200-0081 Swivel Connector 4"FNST x 4" Storz 300eg Elbow without Tethered Cap $ 500.00 7200-0082 Adapter 2 .5"MBCT w/cap x 4' Storz $ 430.00 7200-0083 Adapter 2 .5"FBCT w/plug x 4• Storz $ 449.00 7200-0084 Adapter 1.5" FNST x 1.5" MNSH . $ 82 .00 7200-0085 swivel Connector 3'MNST x 5' Storz 300eg Elbow with Tethered Cap $ n4.oo 7200-0086 Adapter Chrome 3"FNST x 2.5'MNST $ 332.00 7200-0087 Swivel Connector 6"FNST x 5" Storz 30 deg Elbow with Tethered Cao. (Task Force Tip Adapt) $ 854 .00 7200-0088 Chrome Swivel Connector 6"FNST x 4'FNST Lona Handle $ 656.00 7200-0089 Swivel Connector 3"MNST x 4• Storz 300eg Elbow with Tethered Cap $ 487.00 7200-0090 Adapter 2 .5" female NST x 2 .5" male British Instantaneous with cap $ 16B.00 7200-0091 Adapter 2 .5" female NST x 2.5' Male Detroit standard threads. $ 156.00 7200-0092 Cap 2 .5" Detroit Standard Threads . $ 115.00 7200-0093 A 2.5' MNST x 2.5' FOetroit Standard with Plue Adaoter. $ 234 .00 7200-0094 Adapter 1.5" Female NST x 1• Male Mass Foresl!Y Threads. ( 1.429 00-11 threads per Inch) $ 92 .00 7200-0095 Akron 7980 Piston Intake Valve with 5" Storz outlet with cap. $ 3,298 .00 7200-0096 Akron 7980 Piston Intake Valve with 4' Storz ouUet with cap . $ 2,607 .00 7200-0097 Adapter 4.5" MNST X 5" Storz angled 30 degrees. $ 254 .00 7200-0098 A 2.5" MNST x 5' FNST with 5" Plug Adapter. $ 750.00 7200-0099 Adapter 2 1/2 M X 3.09-8 thread FM for Roswell , New Mexico. $ 429 .00 Intake 6" Elkhar1 Elk-0-Lite 9786 Piston Valve . Ship Loose. The valve shaft have an 8" female NST inlet a nd 5' swivel 7200-0100 with a locklnc Stoz Inlet $ 3,000 .00 7200-0101 Adapter 2 .5FNST x 2.5M British Columbia Threads (BCT 3.00x8TPI) with Cap. $ 270.00 7200-0102 Adapter 2 .5MNST x 2 .5F swtvel British Columbia Threads (BCT 3.00x8TPI) with Plug $ 535 .00 7200-0103 Inlet valve gated w/rellef and elbow. 4"FNST x 4" STORZ and cap. (Kocheck Model 40K40204l $ 3 ,410.00 7200-0104 Adapter 5" FNST x 4' MNST with cap. $ 418.00 7200-0105 Elkhar1 18' Pipe Extende r 8298EXw/8298 . $ 782 .00 7200-0106 Adapter 1.5 FNST x 1.5 Storz. $ 162.00 7200-0107 Adapter aluminum 3"FNST x 2.5'MNST with Cap. $ 347 .00 7200-0108 Adapter 4" FNST x s· Storz. $ 347 .00 7200-0109 Adapter, 4.5" FNST X 4 .5" MNST Chrome . $ 503 .00 7200-0110 Adapter 2 .5' female NST x 2 .5" male 3 .187 x 6 thread per inch with cap $ 223.00 7200-011 1 Adapter 2 .5" female NST x 2.5" male Cleveland 3.078 x 8TPI with cap. $ 273.00 7200-0112 Adapter 2.SMNST x 2 .5F Swivel (Cleveland 3 .078 x 8TPI) with Plug $ 557 .00 7200-0113 Adapter Connector 3' FNST x 4" Storz x 4' Storz x 2 .5' MNST x 2.5" FNST X 1.5" MNST with cap . $ 1.011 .00 2019 Equipment Form E 2 of 10 372 7200-0114 Chrome adapter for 2 .5" d ischarge . Includes 2.5' FNST x 1.5" NH thread without cap. $ 81 .00 7200-0115 Swivel Connector 6"FNST x 4" Storz with 30 degree elbow and Tethered Cap $ 7-42 .00 7200-0116 Adapter 2 .5FNST x 2 .5M A lberta Mutual Aid Threads {AMA 2 .99x8Tip) $ 165 .00 7200-0117 Swivel Connector 4"FNST x s• MNST with 30 dearee elbow and Cap. (Task Force Tip AH5NP) $ 960 .00 7200-0118 A 3" MNST x 2.5" FAMA adapter W/Plua . s 490.00 7200-0119 Adapter Gated Wye with 2.5"FNST x (2) 1.S'MNPSH . $ 1,684.00 7200-0120 Adapter, 4" FNST X 3.5" MNST Chrome with cap. $ 503 .00 7200-0121 Chrome adapter for 2 .5" d ischarge . Includes 2.5' FNST x 1.5" NPSH thread with CSP. $ 136.00 7200-0122 Adapter 2 .5" MNST x 5" Storz with cap. $ 519 .00 7200-0123 TFT model# AA5NT-NX adapter 5" FNST x 6" MNST with Tethered Cap. s 656 .00 7200-0124 Adapter 2 .5FNST x 2.5M British Columbia Threads (BCT 3.00x8TP ll without Cap, $ 174.00 7200-0125 Adapter 2 .5" (BCT)3.00x8TPI x 1 .5" NPSH with Cap, $ 215 .00 7200-0126 Adapter 5" Storz X 2.5" MNST with 2 .5" cap. $ 637.00 7200-0127 Swivel CoMector 6'FNST x 5" Storz with 30 dearee elbow and Black Tethered Cap $ 742.00 7200-0128 Chrome adaptor for 2.5' discharge , Includes 2 .5" FNST x 1.5" NPSH threads with caps . $ 154.00 7200-0129 Swivel Double 4"FNST x 4" FNST. $ 960.00 7200-0130 Adapter Chrome 4"MNST x 4"MNST. $ 267 .00 7200-0131 Swivel Double 4 "FNST x 4" FNST. $ 960 .00 7200-0132 Adapter Chrome 4"MNST x 4"MNST. $ 267 .00 7300-0000 Reducer Chrome 2.5"FNST x 1 .5"MNST. $ 107 .00 7300-0001 A 2.5 Storz x 1.5 Storz reducer shall be sh ioDeO loose . $ 99 .00 7400-0000 Chrome Intake elbow 2.5" MNST 45Dea $ 260.00 7400-0001 Chrome discharge elbow 3'FNST x 2.5"MNST 45 Dea $ 370.00 7400--0002 Chrome suction elbow 3"MNST x 2.5'FNST 45Deg $ 370.00 7400-0003 Chrome discharge elbow 3" 30 Degree . $ 348 .00 7400-0004 Elbow 30 aearee chrome swivel w/2.5"FNST x 2.5"MNST. $ 107.00 7400-0005 Chrome discharge elbow 2 .5", 45 degree . $ 280.00 7400-0006 Chrome discharge elbow 2 .5" FNST X 2.5" MCSA 45 -""' chrome $ 280 .00 7400-0007 Chrome discharge elbow 2 .5' FCSA X 2 .5" MCSA 30Dea chrome $ 322 .00 7400-0008 Chrome dlscharae elbow 3.0" FNST X 2 .5" MCSA 30Deg chrome. $ 381 .00 7400-0009 Chrome Elbow 4" MNST X 4" FNST W/Plua . s 687 .00 7400-0010 Chrome discharae elbow 4" 30 Dearee . $ 666 .00 Chrome Intake elbow 2 .5" MNST x 2 .5" Female 3.187 x 8 thread per in ch with a 2.5" Male 3.187 x 6 thread per inch 7400-0011 chrome plug with chain. 45 Dearee $ 358 .00 Chrome discharge elbow 2 .5' FNST x 2 .5" Male 3.187 x 6 thread pe r inch with a 2 .5" Female 3.187 x 6 thread per inch 7400-0012 chrome rocker lug cap with chain, 45 Dearee. $ 343 .00 Chrome discharge elbow 2.5" FNST x 2.5" Male 2.968 x 8 thread per Inch with a 2 .5" Female 2 .968 x 8 thread per inch 7400-0013 chrome rocker lua cap with chain, 45 Dearee . $ 343 .00 Chrome discharge elbow 2.5' FNST x 2 .5" Ma le 2 .99 x 8 thread per inch with a 2 .5" Female 2.99 K 8 thread per Inch 7400-0014 chrome rocker lug cao with chain, 30 Degree . $ 343.00 7400-0015 Swivel Comeclor TFT model AJ1 SP-NX 6"FNST x 5" Storz with 30 degree elbow and Tethered Cap $ 1,180.00 Chrome discharge elbow 2 .5" FNST X 2 5" Male 3.23 X 5 thread per inch with a 2.5" Female 3.23 X 5 thread per Inch 7400-0016 chrome rocker lug cap with chain, 30 Degree . $ 473 .00 Chrome Intake elbow 2.S-MNST x 2 .5' Female 3.23 x 5 thread per inch with a 2 .5" Male 3 .23 x 5 thread per Inch chrome 7400--0017 plug with chain , 30 Dearee $ 496.00 7500--0000 Ziamatic Air Pack Bracket (2PHS) Model #UN-6-30-2PHS . Sh iooea loose . $ 455 .00 7500-0001 Ziamatic Air Peck Bracket (FPHS) Model #UN-6-30-3-FPHS . Shlm,,oa loose . $ 462 .00 7500-0002 Universal air pack bottle bracket (EA). Shl<>OAd loose . $ 222 .00 7500-0004 Bracket SCBA Lifeauard SmartOock Gen2 restraint system . Ship Loose . $ 717.00 7550-0000 ABC Extinguisher 10# w/Bracket. $ 243.00 7550-0001 ABC Extinguisher 12# w/Bracket $ 382 .00 7550-0002 Extinguisher, 15# CO2 w/bracket $ 641 .00 7550-0003 Ext inguisher, ABC 20# dry chemical w/bracket. Amerex model A-411 $ 355.00 7550-0004 Extinauisher 2.5 Gall on Water Pressure w/Brackel Amerex model A240 $ 285.00 7550-0006 ABC Extinauisher 20# ABC w/Brackel $ 250 .00 7550-0007 Amerex Extinguisher 30# Of'A;hem w/Bracket. $ 965 .00 7550-0008 Extinguisher, ABC 20# dry chemical w/brackel Location : [#LOCI . $ 355 .00 7550-0009 Extinguisher MET-L-X model 30 w/brackel $ 1 228 .00 7600-0000 Axe bracket -shipped loose . $ 145.00 7600-0001 Flat Head Axe 6 lb. $ 93 .00 7600-0002 Pick Head Axe 6#. $ 116.00 7600-0003 Flat Head Axe 6# with Fiberglass Hand le . $ 198.00 7600-0004 Pick Head Axe 6# with Fiberglass Handle. $ 202.00 7600-0005 Pike Pole Fiberalass 6'. $ 205.00 7600-0006 Pike Pole Fiberglass 8'. $ 135.00 7600-0007 Pike Pole Fiberglass 1 O'. $ 259 .00 7600-0008 Pike Pole Fiberglass 12'. $ 273.00 7600-0009 Pike Pole Mounting Tube Style (Each) $ 325.00 7600-0013 Hooligan Tool 36'. $ 406 .00 7600-0014 Hooligan Tool Bracket !Eachl. $ 239.00 7600-0015 Wheel Chocks 32" NFPA Compliant -Pa ir of Zico AC-32. Up to 32" diameter Tires. Includes mountina bracket $ 680 .00 2019 Equipment Form E 3 of 10 373 7600-00 16 Wheel ch ocks 44 ' NFPA compliant, pa ir (PR) of Z-ICO SAc-44. Up to 44 ' diameter tires. Includes mounti ng brackets. $ 766 .00 7600-0018 Adjustable combination hydrant spanner wrench. $ 125.00 7600-0019 Spanner Wrench (2) #10 with Holder. $ 255 .00 7600-0024 Crow Bar 36". $ 28 .00 7600-0025 Crow Bar 50". $ 191.00 7600-0026 Crow Bar 60". $ 80 .00 7600-0027 Bracket for Crow Bar (Each) $ 350 .00 7600-0028 Cable Cutter Insulated 24 ' $ 385 .00 7600-0029 Bolt Cutter 24 ". $ 111 .00 7600-0030 Bolt Cutter 36". $ 766 .00 7600-0035 Jack Hydraul ic 5 Ton $ 128.00 7600-0037 Wheel Chocks Aluminum Zico AC-32 with mounting brackets . $ 417 .00 7800-0038 Salvage Cover 12' x 18'. $ 479.00 7800-0042 Booster Hose Spanner Wrench s 67 .00 7800-0052 Sheath for Axe Rescue Small Serrated Edge !Use with part no. 510989). s 80 .00 /U~UJJ vrnee1 1.,nocKs 1'1um "'"'"' Meavv Jncn.Kles 13raCKets . ~or use witn up to .,,.,, a1ameter tires. ::snioDtKJ loose. ~ 4211 .00 7600-0055 Snap-On Tool Box 26-7/8" x 37-1/2" Model KRA4008DPCM $ 2 452 .00 7600-0059 Bracket Extinguisher MOde l A810 for use with extinguisher mOdels A423, A408 , A331 and A240 . s 158.00 7600-0075 Saw Kit 16V Dewalt XRP Combo $ 1.724 .00 7600-0076 Pneumatic Chisel Kit Ajax 711RK $ 1164.00 7600-0079 Pneumatic Chisel Kit 911 RK $ 3,174 .00 7600-0080 Sledge Hammer 8# with Fiberglass Handle $ 83 .00 7600-0081 Hammer 4# w/fiberglass handle . s 55 .00 7600-0083 Rescue Knife V-Blade Kil $ 91 .00 7600-0084 12· Hacksaw with 12 Spare Blades. $ 133.00 7600-0085 1 o· Locking Pliers Vice Grip $ 47.00 7600-0087 Pike Pole Fiberglass 8 Ft w/ 0-Handle. $ 135.00 7600-0088 Pike Pole 8 Fl Firehooks Un li mited APH-8 pole . $ 195.00 7600-0089 Pike Pole 8 Fl Firehooks Unlimited New York hook RH-6 POie . s 208 .00 7600-0090 Flat Head Axe 8# with Fiberglass Handle $ 252 .00 7600-0091 Emergencv rope 150' .625 diameter Max Wear white w/ orange tracer. $ 369 .00 7600-0092 Rubber mallet with fiberglaaa handle. $ 68 .00 7600-0093 Wrench Storz adjustable with holder. $ 152.00 7600-0094 Craftsman Tool Set 283 piece set with Allen Kev set and 4 Drawer Tool Box. $ 1,145.00 7800-0095 Pike Pole 6 Fl Firehooks Unlimited APS-6 pole. $ 234 .00 7800-0096 Pike Pole 6' fiberglass Ziamatlc IBM-6 $ 232.00 7600-0097 Pike Pole 8' fiberglass Ziamatic IBM-8 $ 268.00 7600-0098 Pike Pole 12' fiberglass Ziamatic IBM-12 $ 341 .00 7600-0099 Pike Pole 8 Fl Firehooks Unlimited APH-8 pole with 0-Handle. $ 223 .00 7600-0100 Pike Pole 10 Fl Firehooks Unlimited APH -10 pole. $ 285 .00 7600-0101 Pike Pole 12 Fl Firehooks Unlimited APH -12 pole . $ 314 .00 7600-0 102 Pike Pole 8 Ft. Firehooks Unli mited APH-6 POie . $ 178.00 7600-0103 Pike Pole 6 Fl Firehooks Un limited hDfll'0lass MPH-8 pole . Includes gas shut-off end . $ 181 .00 7600-0104 Pike Pole 8 Ft. Firehooks Unlimited fiberglass MPH-8 pole . Includes aas shut-off end . $ 212 .00 7600-0105 Pike Pole 12 Ft. Flrehooka Unlimited fiberglaas MPH-12 Pole . Includes aas shut-off end. $ 322 .00 7600-0108 Pike Pole 6 Fl Akron UT-6-DWH with drwtall hook . $ 198.00 7600-0109 Pike Pole 10 Ft. Akron UT-10-DWH with drvwall hook . $ 214 .00 7600-0110 Pike Pole 4 Ft. Akron UT -4-0-DWH with drvwall hook and 0-handle . $ 198.00 7800-0 111 Pike Pole 12 f t. Akron PP -12 with USA standard hook. $ 254 .00 7600-0112 Pike Pole 8 Ft Akron PP-8 with USA standard hook . $ 213 .00 7600-0 113 Pike Pole 6 Fl Akron PP-6 with USA standard hook . $ 195 .00 7600-0114 Tire lnflator, large bore, heavy duty includes gauge . Reaisters from 10 to 160 psi , in 2 psi i ncrements. $ 155.00 7600-0 115 Pike Pole 8 Fl Firehooks Unlimited New Yor1< hook RH-8 POie . $ 218 .00 7600-0 116 Pike Pole Fiberglass 6 Ft w/ D-Handle. $ 159 .00 7600-0117 Pike Pole Fiberglass 12 Ft w/ 0-Handle . $ 195.00 7600-0 118 Pike Pole Fiberglass 4 Ft w/ 0-Handle. $ 152.00 7600-0 11 9 Trash Hook w/6' Fiberglass Pole & 0-Handle. $ 278 .00 7600-0120 Pike Pole 8 Ft Firehooks Unlimited New York hook RH -8 pole with steel shaft and pry end . $ 218.00 7600-0121 Axe Paratech Toocul $ 208 .00 7600-0 122 Spanner Wrench Akron SS-MP bracket with (4) Super Spanner wrenches . $ 255 .00 7600-0123 10 Ft. Flrehooks Unlimited New York Roof Hook (RH-10) with Fiberglass pole and chisel end . $ 300.00 7600-0124 8 Fl Firehooks Unlimited New Yolk Roof Hook (RH-81 with Fiberglass POie and chise l end . $ 249.00 7600-0 125 6 Fl F irehooks Unlimited New Yolk Roof Hook (RH -6) with Fiberaiass pole and chisel end . $ 227 .00 7600-0 126 Pike Pole 10 Ft. Firehooks Unlimited New York hook RH-10 fiberg lass oole . $ 228 .00 7800-0 127 Pike Pole 12 Ft. F lrehooks Un li mited New York hook RH -1 2 fibe rglass pole. $ 278 .00 7600-0 128 Pike Pole 12 Ft. Firehooks Un li mited New York hook RH-12 fibe rglass pole . $ 278 .00 7 600-0 129 Pike Pole 10 Ft. Firehooks Unlimited New York hook RH-10 POie . $ 228 .00 7800-0 130 Pike Pole 4 Fl Firehooks Unlimited New York hook RH-6 DOie . $ 195 .00 7600-0 131 Pike Pole 10 Ft. F irehooks Unlimited New York hook RH-6 pole. $ 234 .00 7 600-0 132 Trash Hook w/8' Fiberglass Pole & 0-Handle. $ 294 .00 7600-0 133 TFT Jumbo Spa nner W re nch set A38 1 o w/brackel $ 246 .00 201 9 Equ ipment F o rm E 4 of 10 374 Hard suction hose 6" X 10'. Smooth bore, black rubber hard suction hose for heavy duty service. Built with a spiral wire 7700-0004 he lix, and nylon fab ric re inforcement piles. Tube and cover are taut, black rubber that is age and abrasion resistant $ 1,537 .00 7700-0006 Booster hose 100' long , 1 • BOO PSI. $ 963 .00 7700-0007 Akron 1" soaom Pistol GriP Assault Nozzle $ 1 041 .00 7700-0010 Hard Suction Hose 3• X 10' with Pyrolite Couplinas. $ 407 .00 7700-0011 Hard Suction Hose 4 .5" X 10' with Pyrolite Couplings. $ 937 .00 7700-0012 Hard suction hose 5" x 1 0' With Pv rolite couplinas . $ 1,128.00 7700-0013 Hard Suction Hose 5" X 1 o· with Chrome Couplings s 1,328.00 7700-0015 Hard Suction Hose 6" X 1 0' with Chrome Couplinas. $ 1 845 .00 7700-0016 Hard Suction Hose Rack 2 .5" or 3' Hose (Each) $ 355 .00 7700-0017 Soft Suction Hose 6" x 4.5" with Lona Handle Chrome Coupl ings . $ 2 288 .00 7700-0016 Soft Suction Hose 6" X 15' with Long Handle Chrome Couplings. $ 1,970.00 7700-0019 Booster Hose 50 ' Lenoth 75" 800PS1 $ 583 .00 7700-0020 Booster hose, 100' lenatn of 3/4", 800 PSI. $ 842 .00 7700-0021 Booster Hose 50' Length 1• 800 PSI. $ 854 .00 7700-0022 Booster Hose so· x 1 • Reeltex (Each) Niedner Reeltex fabric booster hose With couplinas. $ 654 .00 7700-0023 Booster Hose 100' x 1" Reeltex (Each) Nledner Reeltex fabric booster hose with couplings. $ 1,002 .00 7700-0024 Booster hose 1.25" x 150' w/1 .5" NH coupling . $ 2,946 .00 7700-0025 Hose. double jacket 50' length 1.5" 600 PSI . $ 309.00 7700-0026 Double Jacket Hose 50 ' Length 2.5" 600PSI $ 479.00 7700-0027 Double Jacket Hose 50 ' Length 3" 600PSI $ 600.00 7700-0028 Elkhart 1" Pistol Grip Nozzle $ 1,154.00 7700-0029 Akron 1 • Pistol Grip Assault Nozzle $ 989.00 7700-0030 Akron 1.5" Assault Nozzle $ 1 068 .00 7700-0031 Nozzle, Akron 1.5" Distol ariP • 95 apm, $ 1,156.00 7700-0032 Pistol Grip Orv Chem Nozzle 1" BTFT-DC5 w/1 "NH Coupling $ 654.00 7700-0033 Nozzle Bracket (Each) $ 119.00 7700-0039 Air Hose .25 x 50ft Coupled with Male National Pipe Thread Ends. $ 59 .00 7700-0049 PVC Suction Hose 3" X 1 0' with Pyrolite Couplings $ 352 .00 7700-0050 Elkhart 262A Elk-0-Llte Stream Shaper $ 273.00 7700-0051 Elkhart ST-194 Elk-0-Lite Stacked Tips. $ 700.00 7700-0052 Elkhart SM-1250 Select-0-Matic Master Stream Nozzle $ 1,659 .00 7700-0053 PVC suctlon hoae 5• X 10'. LIGHTWEIGHT SUCTION ONLY HOSE $ 1,802.00 7700-0057 Akron 1.5 Pistol Grip Nozzle Pre-Mt 125 GPM Model 4820 $ 826 .00 7700-0058 Akron Apollo (3433) High Riae Monitor. Include a dual inlet around base, lift off, and direct mount base . $ 5 240.00 7700-0059 Akron high riser monitor suooort flange and lift-off for Apollo 3342 Monitor. ShiP loose . $ 828 .00 7700-0060 Akron Quad Stacked Deluge Tips (2499). For use with Akron monitors. Ship Loose . $ 676.00 7700-0061 Akron Turbomaster Nozzle (1755). Ship Loose . $ 2 026.00 7700-0062 Noule Hvdro-Foam 1.5" Williams Ranaer $ 2,824 .00 7700-0064 Booster Hose 100' x 1.5" RNltex (Each) Niedner Reeltex fabric booster hose with couplings. $ 1 028 .00 7700-0065 Nozzle Akron 5160 Manual Akromatic $ 1,498.00 7700-0066 Noule 1.5 20-9Sgpm TFT NH Threads Pistol Grip $ 474 .00 7700-0067 Hose 1.75" x 75' With 2.S" BSS couplinoa . $ 334 .00 7700-0068 Hose 2.5" X 100· With 2 .s· ass coupllnas. $ 762.00 7700-0072 Nozzle 2.5" TFT pistol grip with BSS coupling inlet $ 971.00 7700-0073 Akron Monitor Apollo 3423 oonabfe. $ 5,352 .00 7700-0074 Nozzle 1.5" Turbojet hiah pressure $ 590.00 7700-0075 Hard Suction Hose 6" X 16' with t'YfC)lite Couplings $ 2 625 .00 7700-0076 Booster Hose 1 inch x 200 feet with 800 PS I working pressure $ 1,062.00 7700-0077 Booster Hose 1.25" x 100· w/1 .s• NH Coupllna $ 2 318 .00 7700-0076 Akron Turbo Jet model 1736 Pistol Grip Nozzle $ 1,252 .00 TFT stacked tips w/stream shaper. Model #YST-4NN includes (4) four stacked tips: 2 .75", 2.5", 2 .25" & 2• with built in 7700-0079 stream straightener. $ 1,089 .00 7700-0080 Double Jacket Hose 50' Length 1.5" 600PSI Color. Red $ 321 .00 7700-0081 1720 Akron Turbejet Nozzle with Pistol Grip 1.5" Swivel Inlet $ 1,158.00 7700-0082 1736 Akron Turbeiet Nozzle with Pistol Grip 2 .s• Swivel Inlet $ 1,303.00 7700-0083 Kev Brand Double Jacket Hose 50 ' Length , 1.5', 800PSI $ 233 .00 7700-0084 Hard Suction Hose Rack 6" Hose (Each). $ 549 .00 7700-0089 Booster Reel Hose Sha l be install on Reel. $ 128.00 7700-0090 Adaptor, hose and strainer package . For use with vacuum pump system . For use with 3000 to 4000 aallon tanks . $ 3 654 .00 7700-0091 Floating strainer. For use with vacuum pump system . $ 1,024 .00 7700-0092 One !11 50' Section of a storz coupled Preconnect hose. $ 369 .00 7700-0093 Adaptor, hose and strainer package . For use with vacuum pump system . For use with 2000 gallon tan k . $ 3 654.00 7700-0094 Adaptor, hose and stra iner package. For use with vacuum pump system . For use with 2000 lhru 4000 ganon tank. $ 3 654 .00 7700-0095 Adaptor, hose and strainer package. For use with vacuum pump system . For use with 2500 aallon tank. $ 5 25 1.00 Soft Suction Hose 20ft 5" with 4 .5" long handle female coupler on one end and a 4.5" long handle male coupler on the 7700-0097 other end . $ 2,288 .00 7700-0098 Hard Suction Hose 6" x 6' with Pyrolite Couplings $ 1,250 .00 7700-0099 Akron Aoollo (3431) High Rise Monitor w/5" storz lnlel $ 8,879 .00 2019 Equipment Form E 5 of 10 375 7700-0100 Adarrtor, hose and strainer package , For use with vacuum pump system . For use with 2000 thru 4000 gallon tanks only. $ 3,654 .00 7700-0101 Aluminum 6" storz x 5" NH female thread swivel adaptor. For use with AP50 Pump Inlet $ 422 .00 7700-0102 Aluminum 6" storz x 6" NH female thread swivel adaptor. For use with MBP/DSD Pump Inlet. $ 422 .00 7700-0103 Nozzle Elkhart SM-3FG Pistol Grip, 1" hose reel . $ 1,015.00 7700-0104 Booster Hose 100' x 1" Niedner Hots top fabric booster hose with couplings . $ 908.00 Hose, double jacket 50 ' length 1.75" hose with 1.5" couplings. Service test 400 PSI , kink test 600PSI , proof test 800 PSI , 7700-0105 burst test 1200 PSI. $ 292 .00 7700-0106 Kochek PVC Hard Suction Hose 6" x 8' with Pyrolite Couplings. $ 1,182.00 7700-0107 Kochek PVC Hard Suction Hose 4" x 10' with Storz Pyrolite Couplings. $ 779 .00 7700-0108 Hose booster rubber 1" X100' Red in color with couplings Darley part number AC696 . $ 937 .00 7700-0109 Nozzle, Ansul dry Chemical , 1" FNST , 7 LBS per sec. $ 679 .00 7700-0110 Akron 1.5 pistol grip nozzle pre-set 150 GPM model 1763 wide-range turbojet nozzle . $ 1,1 16.00 7700-0111 Nozzle, Fire Combat dry chemical, 1 • NPT, 5 to 7 LBS per sec. For use with drv chemica l hose reel application . $ 1,469.00 7700-0112 Ai r Hose .25 x 7511 Coupled with Male National Pioe Thread Ends. $ 88 .00 7700-0113 PVC suction hose 4• x 10' with Pyrolite couplings. $ 633 .00 7700-0114 Hard suction hose 6" x 8' with Pvrolite couPlinas . $ 1,247 .00 7700-0115 Kochek PVC Hard Suction Hose 6" x 10' with pyrolite Couplings. $ 1 282 .00 7700-0116 3" Double Jacket Hose with 2.5" couplings 50' Length 600PSI $ 600.00 7700-0117 Hose, single jacket 50' length 1.5 $ 306 .00 7700-0118 Akron Brass stacked tips w/stream shaoer. Base stvle 3-485 & Stacked Tips stvle 2499. $ 894 .00 Soll Suction Hose 20ft 5" with 6" long handle female swivel coupler on one end and a 4 .5" long handle female sw ivel 7700-0119 coupler on the other end . $ 2,287.00 7700-0120 Nozzle Piston Grip 2 .5" with (5) seleactable flow setting 95 to 250gpm TFT NH Threads. $ 1,526.00 7700-0121 TFT low level 6" Storz strainer. For use with vacuum pump svstem. $ 1 367 .00 7700-0122 TFT 1• Uftimatic Pistol Grip Nozzle 1. Flow range 10-125gpm. $ 1,309 .00 Akron model 1495 ladder pipe with (3) style 489 tips (1 -1/8", 1-3/4", 2j. Includes mounting bracket#350 for deluge tips . 7700-0123 Ship loose . $ 8,228.00 7700-0124 TFT low level 6" strainer -NST swivel. For use with vacuum pump system . $ 1 328 .00 7700-0128 Hose PVC Suction Hose 6" x 12' with Action Pvrolite CouPlinas. $ 1,684.00 Akron model 1495 ladder pipe with (3) style 489 tips (1-3/8", 1-1/2", 1-3/4"). Includes mounting bracket #350 for deluge 7700-0127 tips . Ship loose . $ 8,228.00 7700-0128 Adaptor, hose and stra iner packaae. For use with vacuum pump system . For use with 2000 thru 4000 gallon tanks only. s 3654.00 7700-0129 Booster hose 200' x 1 • UHP 1500 psi, for use with UHP booster reel $ 1,873.00 7700-0130 Akron Model 48080015 UHP HL Nozzle? 20 GPM / 1100 PSI $ 1 347 .00 Akron model 1496 ladder pipe with (3) style 489 tips (1-1/8", 1-3/4", 2i with NYC threads on Ladder Pipe Intake . includes 7700-0133 mounting bracket #350 for deluae tips , Ship loose. $ 8,228 .00 7700-0134 Elkhart 284A stream shaper with ST-185 triple stack tiPS Eik-0-Lite. $ 878.00 7700-0136 TFT low level 6" strainer. NST swivel. $ 1,588.00 7900-0007 Chrome Barrel Strainer 2.5" $ 401 .00 7900-0008 Chrome Barrel Strainer 5". $ 501 .00 7900-0009 Strainer Bracket 5" s 146.00 7900-0010 Chrome Barrel Strainer 6" NST. $ 501 .00 7900-0011 Strainer Bracket 8". $ 158.00 7900-0012 Galvanized Strainer Basket 8" $ 572 .00 7900-0013 Ramaev Portable Winch 5k $ 1,537 .00 7900-0016 Femo Wuhinoton Model 71 Stokes $ 1,578.00 7900-0041 Ramsey Qt.19000 , 9000 lb. portable wlneh . $ 2403.00 7900-0043 Firecom UH-40 headset $ 646 .00 7900-0044 Chrome Barrel Strainer 3" $ 405.00 7900-0045 Poly Box 6" hlah x 8" wide x 22· deep , $ 273 .00 7900-0054 Handheld Flashlight, Orange Streamliaht Survivor LEO flashlight with holder and AC/DC charger . Ship loose. $ 248.00 7900-0055 Ferno Mlllenla 18" wide Backboard $ 300.00 7900-0058 Akron discharge pipe (3488). Ship loose. $ 608.00 7900-0060 Monitor Akron #3426 $ 1 924.00 7900-0061 Firecom UH-10 headset $ 646.00 7900-0062 Firecom UH-10S headset $ 646 .00 7900-0063 Firecom UH-20 headset. $ 646.00 7900-0066 Shoreline extension cord 50 ' of 12/3 black. (1) end 20A male household , (1) end 20A female auto eiect. $ 280 .00 7900-0070 Jack 12 tons . $ 159.00 A 9000 lb Wam multi-mount (portable) electric reversible winch with 125' or 5/16" galvanized aircraft type cable and a 7900-0100 replaceable clevis hook shall be installed and ahafl be controlled with a 12' remote control switch. $ 2,824 .00 7900-0102 Manual cord reel for 200' or 10/3 wire and a 20amp twist lock connection. $ 1,043.00 7900-0104 Ramsey Qt.18000 8000 lb portable winch $ 2 286.00 7900-0106 Fold down computer tray. $ 968.00 7900-0114 Angus Red Chief fire hose 50' x 1.5" NST DJ . $ 470.00 7900-0115 A Met-L-X 30# Extinguisher with mounting bracket $ 387 .00 7900-0116 A 1.5" TFT FoamJet Mid Force Series expansion tube supplied in Loose Equ ipment $ 269.00 7900-0119 Jack 12 tons . $ 263 .00 7900-0122 Paratech leak sealina pluas Three (3) Wood and Three (3) Neoprene $ 536 .00 7900-0123 FAN 16" PPV FAN 120V, 60HZ-CFM $ 3,015 .00 2019 Equipment Form E 6 of 10 376 7800..0130 A Foam transfer pump 12VDC , 15 GPM with 10' 1.5FNST x 1.5 Hose shall be supplied . $ 539 .00 7900-0132 A Safetv Vision DVR hard drive reader shall be supplied . On ly one per location is needed . $ 419.00 7900-0133 Wabco diagnostic software. provided at delivery. $ 171 .00 7900-0135 Vest , traffic safetv orange nylon mesh . $ 22 .00 7900-0137 2000 Gallon portable foldina tank. Ship with unit stored in storage tank rack . $ 887.00 7800-0138 2500 Gallon portable folding tank . Ship with unit stored In storage tank rack. $ 1 198.00 7900-0139 3000 Gallon portable foldina tank . ShiD with unit stored in storage tank rack . $ 1 361 .00 7900-0140 3500 Gallon portable foldina tank. Ship with unit atored in storage tank rack . $ 1,434 .00 7900-0141 4000 Gallon portable folding tank. Ship with unit stored in storage tank rack . $ 1 538.00 7900-0143 Mon itor Akron 3416 Apollo Single Inlet Portable and Deck Mon itor, 4• Storz Ground Base and Truck mountina flanae only. $ 5,360 .00 TFT XFC 52 Package Crossfire Monitor, SAFE-TAK, Storage Bracke~ MasterStream , Quad Stack Tips , Stream 7900-0144 Straightener. $ 6 ,766 .00 7900-0145 Aluminum box 8'W x 1 B'L x 6'H, ship loose . $ 697 .00 7800-0146 Aluminum tool box size 6 wide x 18 Iona x 4 hiah and Ship Loose. $ 697 ,00 7900-0150 One (1l 24 ' two section fiberalass extension ladder shall be supplied. $ 1,411 .00 7900-0151 Shoreline extension cord 50' of 12/3 black. (1) end 20A male household , (1) end 20A female auto eject. $ 280 ,00 7900-0152 Cord reel manual with 150' of 12/3 black cable. Shipoea loose. $ no.oo 7900-0153 Super Vac 120 volt 16" smoke ejector fan . $ 2 319.00 7900-0154 Map Box Rectangular Short. $ 719 .00 7900-0155 Junkin model JSA-300PCW stokes baskel Ship loose. $ 1,129.00 7900-0156 Multiplex adapter kit Includes 6' harness with 9 pin plug/Deutsch ends and a USB to CAN interface module. $ 435.00 Junction box Circl&-D with four (4) 3-wire NEMA L5-20 110 volt 20 amp twist lock receptacles . Includes 3' pig tall with 20A 7900..0157 TL connector. $ 1,070.00 Junction box Circl&-0 with (2) 15 amp straight blade and (2) 20 amp twist lock receptacles . Includes 3' pig tail with 20 amp 7900-0158 twist lock connector. $ 1,35 1.00 Junction box Circle-0 with (2) 15 amp straight blade and (2) 20 amp twist lock receptacles. Includes 20 amp twist lock 7900-0159 inlet connector . $ 1,35 1.00 7900-0161 Akron 3125 Portable PVro lite Foam Eductor 125 gpm with 2.5" Swivel Connection . $ 983.00 7900-0163 HeartStart OnSlte Automated External Defibrillator. Ship loose unmounted . $ 3,501 .00 7900-0166 Computer Panasonic Touahbook 30 . $ 7,259.00 Junction box Circl&-0 with (1) 20 amp straight blade and (3) 20 amp twist lock receptacles . Includes 3' pig ta il with 20 amp 7900-0167 twist lock connector. $ 1,351.00 7900-0170 Zico helmet holder model UHH-1 (EAJ . Ship loose. $ 92.00 7900-0171 Cummins Quick Check QC5800 Kit. Ship loose . $ 2 648.00 7900-0172 28 ' orange traffic cone with (2\ reflective stripes . $ 83 .00 Junction box Woodhead with four (4) NEMA LS-15 110 Volt 15 Amp twist lock receptacles . Includes 12• pig tail with 20A 7900-0173 TL connector. $ 2 125.00 7900-0176 Poly box to be located : 2 on forward upper shelf and 2 on forward lower shelf in R2 . $ 1,883.00 7900-0177 3500 Gallon Alumi num frame portable folding tank . Ship with unit stored in swrage tank rack . $ 1,434 .00 7900-0178 Generator Honda 2'1<M/ model EU2000iA with 1.8'1<M/ continuous output Shipped loose . $ 2,279.00 Akron Apollo (3418) Ground Mount and truck mounting flange , Pyrolite stream shaperand stacked tips base to have 7900-0179 single 4' FNST inlel $ 5,445.00 7900-0180 Cascade model CT-PSS1 one piece taoered stainless steel Pro Series stokes basket. Ship loose . $ 1,832.00 Removable Aluminum Speedlay Tray with slotted floor to prevent the accumulation of water end allow for ventffation of 7900-0181 wet hose . This 11 an additional lrllY to be shiPi>ed loose with the truck. $ 868.00 Removable Poly Speedlay Tray(s). This is in add ition to the standard speedlay are to be shipped loose . Design to match 7900-0182 the speedlav travs installed in the truck. $ 793 .00 Wheel chocks 44' NFPA 1906 -06 complaint, pair (PR) of Zico SAC-44 with Wildland adapters and horizontal holders. Up 7800-0187 to 44 " diameter tires . lncludea mountina braekets, all shin""d loose . $ 846 .00 A 6000 lb Warn multi-mount (portable) electric reversible winch with 50' of 5/16" wire rope and a replaceable clevis hook 7900-0188 shall be lnat.illed and shall be controlled with a 12' remote control switch . $ 2 624 .00 Junction box Circle-0 with four (4) 3-wire 120Volt 20 Amp duplex r8(;8ptacles with reset breakers . Includes 12• pig tail with 7900-0189 L14-30 TL connector. For use with 10/4 240V reel . $ 1.351 .00 7900-0191 3000 Gallon steel portable fold-a-tank . Ship with unit stored In storage tank rack . $ 1,361 .00 7900-0192 Bracket SCBA Lifeguard SmartDock Gen2 restraint system . Location : Sh iD Loose. $ 717 .00 Junction box Clrcl&-0 3-wire 11 0V with (2) 20 amp stra ight blade and (2) 30 amp twist lock receptacles . Incl udes 12• pig 7900-0193 ta il with 30 amp twist lock connector. $ 1,351 .00 7900-0197 Map box suspended with droo-down doors. 34-W x 9.50"H x 12'0 . Shipped loose. Map box to be Zolatone gray . $ 831 .00 7900-0198 2) .090 blank aluminum licenses plates. Ship loose. $ 394 .00 7900-0199 1) 29-alece Turtle Plastics Crib Kit A, color black. $ 1,016.00 (2) hitch receiver mount tow eyes constructed of forged steel , 2-1/2 inch 10 , 5 inch OD on the ring with black powder coat 7900-0200 finish . (2) 3/4' hitch pin assemblies shall also be provided and all items shall be shipoed loose. $ 228.00 Junction box Clrcle-0 with four (4) 3-wire 120Volt 20 Amp Hubbel model HBL73108 twist lock receptacles . Includes 12• 7900..()201 pig tail with L 14-30 TL connector. For use with 10/4 240V ree l. $ 1 351 .00 Junction box Clrcl&-0 with four (4) 4-wire 240Volt 20 Amp Hubbel model HBL7310B twist lock receptacles . Includes 12• 7800-0202 pig tail with L 14-30 TL connector. $ 1,351 .00 Junction box Clrcle-D 'Nilh (3) NEMA 5-20 120V GFCI duplex and (1) NEMA L6-20 220V twist lock receptacle . Includes 3' 7900-0203 cio tall with L 14-30P TL connector. ShioDed loose . $ 1,351 .00 7900-0204 Drop sh ip spare (loose equ ipment) nitrogen bottle direct to the end user, approximately 4 weeks prior to unit arriving . $ - Junction box Akron w ith (4) 5-15 120v 15 Amp duplex recepts . Includes 12" pigta il with Hubbel L5 -20 connector. Ship 7900-0206 loose. $ 989 .00 2019 Equipment Fonm E 7 of 10 377 7900-0207 (Obsole1e from vendor; use 7900-0291)FireCom wireless headset One (1) model UHW-51 (intercom ordered separately). $ 1,152.00 7900-0208 !(Obsolete from vendor; use 7900-0285)FireCom wireless heedset. One (1) model UHW-54 (intercom ordered separately). $ 1152.00 7900-0209 FireCom slotted dome headset One (1) model UH-51S, {intercom ordered separately). $ 735.00 7900-0210 FireCom headset One (1) model UH-51 (intercom ordered separately). $ 735.00 7900-0211 FireCom headset One (1) model UH-52 (intercom ordered seoaratetvl . $ 735.00 7900-0215 FireCom headset. One (1) model UH-54 (intercom ordered separateM . $ 735 .00 7900-0216 Naderman exhaust transmitter. ShiDDed loose $ 1 295 .00 7900-0217 Wheel Chocks 32" NFPA Compliant• Pair of Zico AC-32. Up to 32" diameter tires. $ ◄17 .00 7900-0218 Wheel chocks 44• NFPA complaint , pair (PR) of Zico SAC-◄◄. Up to 44" diameter tires. $ 678.00 7900-0219 AdaDter for Airbao. E-ONE part numbers 706372 and 360231 . $ 111 .00 7900-0220 Tag/Label . $ 766.00 Junction box Clrde-D with four (4) 3-wlre 120Volt 20 Amp duplex receptacles with reset breakers. Includes 12" pig tall with 7900-0221 L 14-20 TL connector. For use with 10/4 240V reel. $ 1 351 .00 7900-0222 Diagnostic sottware for Allison transmission. $ 1 653 .00 Front and rear wheel trim kit (ship loose). Includes Real Wheels stainless steel "Cover-Up" covers with E-ONE logo for 7900-0223 front IFS and rear tandem axle . $ 1,637.00 7900-0224 Licht Fire Research Spectra LED 110V p0rtable model SPA700-K20-703-0N. Locatlon(s): shipped loose . $ 3602.00 7900-0225 Bostrom SecureAII mechanical air pack bottle bracket (EA) 0ncluded in loose equipment). $ 742 .00 Junction box Akron with four (4) 3-wlre Nema l.S-20 110Volt 20 Amp twist lock receptacles. Includes 12" pigtail with LS-20 7900-0226 connector. Ship loose. $ 989 .00 Front and rear wheel trim kit (ship loose). Includes Real Wheels stalnlau steel 'Cover-Up" covers with E-ONE logo for 7Q00-0227 front and rear single axle . $ 1,637 .00 7900-0228 V-MUX Electrical system diaanostlc kit. $ 1,251 .00 7900-0229 Zinc Plated Strainer Basket 6" $ 360 .00 7900-0230 2500 Gallon Huskv brand partable folding tank . Ship with unit stored in storaae tank rack . $ 1,780 .00 7900-0231 Additional set of P!Jmp panel taos. $ 278 .00 Hosebed divider(s) short To run above enhanced extended body to the rearol hose bed approximately 17" long x 22 .25" 7900-0232 high . Divider(&) to be shinDAd as loose equipment. $ 116.00 7900-0233 Setcom headset One (1 l model CSB-900 radio transmit capable (intercom system ordered separately)_ $ 729 .00 7900-0234 Setcom headset. One m model CSB-901 Intercom only (intercom system ordered separately). $ 729 .00 Setcom wireless headset with base . One (1) model CSB-900W3 radio transmit capable (intercom system ordered 7900-0235 separately). $ 1,572.00 7900-0236 Setcom wireless headset 'Mth base. One (1) model CSB-901W3 Intercom only (intercom system ordered separatelYl . $ 1 572 .00 Junction box with 2' pigtail. Daniel Woodhead with two (2) NEMA LS-20 11 0V 20A twist lock and two (2) NEMA 5-20 11 0V 7900-0237 20A duplex receptacles . Includes 2' Dlatail wired direct with a male LS-20 plua . Shinned loose. $ 2 ,002 .00 7900-0238 Air bag rack for (8) air baas. Rack onlv Cdoes not Include Paratech air baas). $ 1 817 .00 7900-0239 Poly box aPPrOX. 11in. Wide x Bin . Hiah x 18in. Deep to be located on the lowest mountlna surface of !#LOCI. $ 848 .00 Junction box Circle-D with four (4) 3-wire Nema 6-20 110Volt 20 Amp duplex household receptacles. Includes 3' pig tail 7900-0242 with 20A TL connector. $ 1 070.00 Removable Poly Speedlay Tray(s). The floor of the tray(s) to be slotted to prevent the accumulation of water and allow for 7900-0244 ventilation of wet hose. Ship loose. $ 793 .00 Junction box Clrcle-O with three (3) LS-20 120v 20 Amp tv.llst lock receptacles and one (1) 5-20 120v 20 Amp straight blade duplex receptacle. A Clrcle-D model PF51G four ouijet electrical junction box shall be provided and shall have an Integral pilot light to Indicate electrical current Each receptacle shall be equipped with Individual 20A breakers . 12" Pigtail 7900-0245 with a L 14-20 ◄ wire connector. Ship loose . $ 1 351 .00 Removable aluminum speed lay tray(s)for 1. 75" DJ hose. The floor of the tray(s) to be slotted to prevent the accumulation of water and allow for ventilation of wet hose . This Is In addition to the standard speedlay trays and are to be shipped 7900-0246 loose . $ 868.00 Speedlay tray loose equipment -removable . Tray Includes a 1.25" extruded alum handle low on each end of tray and slots down each side to facilitate lifting . The floor of the tray shall have poly slides and be slotted to prevent the accumulation of 7900-0247 water and allow for ventilatlon of wet hose. $ 884 .00 7900-0246 Pro-Link hand held diagnostic kit Cummins engine . $ 6 ,896.00 7900-0249 Extinguisher water 2 .5 gaUon pressurized. $ 188.00 TFT XFC 52 Package Crossfire Monitor, SAFE-TAK, Storage Bracket, MasterStream , Quad Stack Tips, Stream 7900-0250 Straightener $ 6 ,766 .00 7900-0252 Angus Red Chief fire hose 50' x 1.5" Storz DJ . $ 426 .00 Junction box Clrcle-D with (2) 3-wire NEMA LS-20 110V 20A twist lock receptacles and (2) 3-wire NEMA 5-20 110V 20A 7900-0253 household receptacles . Includes 3' pig tail 'Mth 20A TL connector. $ 1,070.00 7900-0254 6" Storz special Intake cap. WaterMaster only. $ 214.00 7900-0256 3000 Gallon Aluminum frame portable folding tank. Ship with unit stored in storage tank rack . $ 1,760 .00 Soft Suction Hose 15ft 6" with 6" long handle female swivel coupler on one end and a 4 .5" long handle female swivel 7900-0257 coupler on the other end . $ 1,846.00 Removable aluminum speedlay tray(s)for 1.75" DJ hose. Tray includes a 1.25" extruded alum handle low on each end of tray and slots down each side to facilitete lifting . The floor of the tray shall have poly slides and be slotted to prevent the accumulation of water and allow for ventilation of wet hose. Th is is In addition to the standard speedlay trays and are to be 7900-0259 shipDed loose. $ 864 .00 Junction box Circle-O v,;tt, (2) 15 amp straight blade and (2) 15 amp twist lock receptacles. Includes 3' pig tail with 20 amp 7900-0260 twist lock connector. $ 1,351 .00 7900-0261 Shoreline extension cord 50' of 10/3 black. (1) end 30A NEMA 5-30P , C1l end 30A NEMA 5-30R . $ 466 .00 7900-0263 Storz 4" mount bracket to be located , and mounted at final lnsnection . $ 179.00 2019 Equipment Form E 8 of 10 378 7900-0264 Poly box with approx aize 6" W x 10" T x 69" D to be located on the lowest mounting surface of [#LOCI . $ 474 .00 2100 Gallon Aluminum frame por1able folding tank . FDTA 2100 H2 alum w/22 oz . sides and 32 oz. Sh ip with unit stored in 7900-0265 storage tank rack. Color to be yellow. $ 2,217 .00 7900-0267 3500 Gallon portable folding tank . Ship with unit stored in storaae tank rack . Color to be : Blue $ 1.434 .00 7900-0272 Ramsey QM9000 , 9000 lb. port.able winch with 100' of 3/8" synthetic rope in place of steel. $ 3,976 .00 Junction box Circle-D with four (4) 3-wire NEMA L5-15 110 volt 15 amp twist lock receptacles . Includes 12• pig tall with 7900-0273 15A TL connector. $ 1,070.00 Junction box Circle-D with (2) 20 amp straight blade and (2) 20 amp twist lock receptacles. Includes 12• pig tall with 20 7900-0274 amp Daniel Woodhead twist lock connector. $ 1,351 .00 7900-0275 TFT AB3ST-NX Intake Valve 6"NST x 5" Storz With Cap $ 2 944.00 TFT XFC 52 Package Crossfire Monitor, SAFE-TAK, Storage Bracket, MasterStream , Quad Stack Tips , Stream 7900-0276 Straightener. $ 6 766 .00 7900-0277 Wheel chocks 44• NFPA compliant, pair (PR) of Zico AC-44 . Up to 44 " diameter tires. $ 766 .00 7900-0283 David Clark battery pack (4). s 463 .00 Wheel chocks 45 • NFPA compliant, Checke1$ lndustr1al heavy duty Model #AT3514-AC-Y (PR) color.ye llow. Up to 46" 7900-0264 diameter tires . Includes aluminum traction cleats and mounting brackets. $ 1 396 .00 7900-0285 Junkin model JSA-200 stokes basket Ship loose. $ 1,378.00 Speedlay, removable poly speedlay double stack tray(s). Tray to accommodate 150 feet of 2-1/2 In. hose . The floor of the 7900-0267 trav(a) to be slotted to prevent the accumulation of water and allow for ventilation of wet hose. Locate: L 1/R1 . $ 793 .00 Junction box Circie-D with (4) 3-wire NEMA 5-15110V 15A household receptacles . Includes 3' pig tail with 20A straight 7900-0288 blade connector. $ 1 070.00 7900-0289 Wheel Chocks Alum inum Worden HWG Super Gricoer. $ 428.00 Removab le Aluminum Speedlay Tray(s) with slotted floor to prevent the accumulation of water and allow fer ventilation of wet hose . Includes vertical slotted hand hold cutouts on each end to facilitate easy removal of the hose tray. No lip, No 7900-0290 grab rod . This tray is In addition to the standard and shall be shiooed loose with the truck . $ 664 .00 7900-0291 FireCom model UHW505 under helmet wireless radio transmit headset $ 1,555 .00 Removable Aluminum Speedlay Tray(s) with slotted floor to prevent the accumulation of water and allow for ventilation of wet hose . Includes vertical slotted hand hold cutouts on each end to facilitate easy remova l of the hose tray. Th is is in 7900-0294 add ition to the standard speedlay trays and are to be shipped loose. $ 684 .00 7900-0295 FireCom model UHW503 under helmet wireless Intercom only headset. $ 1,516.00 7900-0296 VinYI [#COL) hose bed cover with attached rear ftap(s). Shipoed Loose $ 1 077.00 7900-0297 Vinyl [#COL) soeedlay aide covers. Shiooed Loose $ 208 .00 Junction box Akron with (2) 6-20 125v 20 Amp duplex recepta and (2) LS-20 125v 20 Amp twist tock recepts. Includes 12· 7900-0298 IPiatail with Daniel Woodhead LS-20 connector and rubber feet. Shiooed loose. $ 644 .00 7900-0299 TFT Crossfire model XFT-NJ monitor with master stream 1250 nozzle . Include truck mount adaoter. $ 6 622 .00 A 9000 lb Pierce (PS9000) multi-mount (portable) electric reversible winch with 92' of 5/16" galvanized aircraft type cable 7900-0307 and a replaceable clevis hook shall be installed and shall be controlled with a 11' remote control switch . $ 1,775.00 Junction box Circle-D with four (4) 3-wire Nema 5-15 110Volt 15 Amp duplex household receptacles . tncludes 3' pig ta il 7900-0309 with 20A TL connector. $ 1,070.00 Junction box Akron with (4) 5-15120v 15 Amp duplex recepts . Includes 12" pigtail with Hubbel 5-15 connector. Ship 7900-0310 loose . $ 989.00 Junction box Circle-D with (1) 15 amp straight blade and (3) LS-15 amp twist lock receptacles. Includes 3' pig ta il with 15 7900-0312 amp twist lock connector. $ 1 351 .00 TFT Crossfire model XFC-32 monitor package con1i1tlng of the monitor top, master stream 1250 nozzle and portable 7900-0313 base . $ 6 ,622.00 Junction box Circie-D with (1) NEMA 5-20 120V GFCI duplex receptacle, (2) NEMA LS-20 120V twist lock receptacles and 7900-0314 1(1) NEMA L&-20 220V twist lock receptacle. Includes 3' pig tall with L 14-30P TL connedor. Shipped loose. $ 1 368 .00 7900-0315 Akron 7982 inlet valve with a• FNST X 4" STORZ swivel. $ 3 953 .00 7900-0316 David Clark wired headset. One (1) model H3442 behind the head , dual ear headset (intercom ordered separately). $ 735 .00 David Clark wireless headset One (1) model H9940 behind the head , dual ear wireless headset with one (1) model 7900-0317 U91l10-BSW belt station (intercom ordered separately). $ 2,094 .00 7900-0316 David Clark wired headset One (1) model H3432 over the head , dua l ear headset 0ntercom ordered separately). $ 735 .00 David Clark wireless headset. One (1) model H9941 behind the head , single ear wireless headset with one (1) model 7900-0319 U9910-BSW belt station (intercom ordered separately). $ 2,094 .00 David Clark wired headset One (1) model H3341 behind-the-head , single-ear, slotted dome headset (intercom ordered 7900-0320 separately). $ 735 .00 Junction box Circle-D with (2) 3-wire NEMA LS-20 11 0 volt 20 amp twist lock receptacles and (2) 3-wire NEMA LS-15 11 o 7900-0321 volt 15 amp twist lock receptacles . Includes 2' pig tail with 30A TL connector. $ 1,070 .00 7900-0322 Additional hose bed cover and rear flap and rear flap . Ship loose . $ 2,748 .00 Junction box Clrcle-D with (2) NEMA 5-20 120V duplex receptacle , (2) NEMA LS-20 120V twist lock receptacles . Includes 7900-0323 3' pia tail with L 14-30P TL connector. Shipped loose. $ 1 368 .00 Wheel chocks 46" NFPA compliant, Checkers Industrial heavy duty Model #AT3514-AC-Y (PR) color.yellow. Includes (2) 7900-0324 AT2514 horizontal mounting brackets. Ship loose. $ 1 319 .00 TFT stacked tips w/stream shaper. Model #MST-4NJ includes (4) fou r stacked tips: 2", 1.75", 1.5" & 1.375" with stream 7900-0325 stra ightener model XF-SS5. $ 993 .00 Wheel chocks 46" NFPA compliant, Checke1$ Industrial heavy duty Model #AT3514-AC-Y (PR) cotor:yellow. NO 7900-0326 BRACKETS INCLUDED. Ship loose. $ 956 .00 2019 Equipment Form E 9 of 10 379 A 10000 lb Wam multi-mount (portable) electric reversible winch with 100' of 3/8 " synthetic cable and a replaceable clevis 7900-0327 hook shall be installed and shall be controlled with a 12' remote control switch. $ 2 828 .00 7900-0328 FlreCom headset One (1) model FH-51 !intercom ordered separately). $ 847 .00 7900-0329 FireCom headset. One (1) model FH-52 (intercom ordered separately). $ 847 .00 7900-0330 TFT AB 1 ST-NX Intake Valve 6 x 5 storz w/oao $ 2,944 .00 Task Force Tips model# UE-095-NJ-NF in line portable foam eductor with 2.5' Swivel Connection FNST X 1.5" MNST 7900-0331 oulet.. $ 1 087 .00 7900-0332 Mon itor Akron 3416 ADOIIO Deck Monltor,and Truck mountina flanae onlv. (without Ground Base) $ 2,740.00 7900-0333 Cord connector. Daniel Woodhead 3 wire NEMA L6-20 twiat lock female . $ 173.00 7900-0334 Cord connector. Daniel Woodhead 3 wire NEMA 6-20 atralaht blade female. $ 173 .00 Junction box Clrole-D with four (4) L6-20 240V 20 Amp twist lock receptacles . A Cirole-D model PF51G four outlet electrical Junction box shall be provided and shall have an Integral pil ot fight to indicate electrical current 12" Pigtail with a 7900-0335 L 14-20 4 wire connector. Ship loose . $ 1,351 .00 7900-0336 FireCom headset One (1 l model FH-54 (Intercom ordered separately). $ 847 .00 Wheel chocks 46' NFPA compliant, Checkers Industrial heavy duty Model #AT35 14-AC-Y (PR) color.yellow. Includes (2) 7900-0339 AT2514 horiZontal mounting brackets. Mounted per customer requ irements. $ 1,386 .00 7900-0340 FireCom headset One (1) model FH -51S (intercom ordered separately). $ 847 .00 Junction box Circle-0 with (2) 5-15 straight blade and (2) LS-15 twist lock receptacles . Box to have individual circuit 7900-0341 breakers on box. Sh ip loose . $ 1 351 .00 7800-0346 Junction box Circl&-0 with (4) 15 amp twist lock receptacles. Incl udes 3' pig tall with 20 amp twist lock connector. $ 1,351 .00 7800-0347 Ferno Washington Advantage Plastic Stretcher Model RE1125 . Color: Red . $ 1 637.00 2019 Equipment Form E 10 of 10 380 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope has voted to procure Tyler Technologies Time and Attendance Software as a replacement to Kronos System from Tyler Technologies as Sole Source; and authorizes procurement based on the option allowed by the Code of Alabama 1975 , Section 41-16-51(13). The cost will not-to-exceed $117 ,113 .00. ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore 381 City of Fa irh ope Project Fund ing Request COF Project No . 2381 Issuing Date : ---'-1-'-0/~1-=2~/2~0-=2-'-3 __ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by . ___ A=S-'-A"-P __ _ Project Name : Aoorove the Procurement of Tvler Technoloales Time and Attendance Software Project Loca tio n: IT . (Al l City Departments) Resolution # : Presented to City Council : __ .c..1 0cc/.=2.::.3/c::2c:0.=2.::.3 __ Ap proved _____ _ Funding Request Sponsor : Jeff Montgomery, Director of Information Techno logy Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Project Ca sh Requirement Requested . Cost: $ 117 113.00 Not-to-<!xceed Amount --~OCT1 G'23PH2:l ? ~/ Vendor: Tyler Technologies (Vendor #28589) ProJect Engineer : -'-n"-/"'a ____________________________________________ _ Order Date : n/a Lead Time : n/a --------------------- Department Funding This Project General 0 Gas C Electric C WateO Wastewater 0 Sanitation C Cap Project Department of General Fund Providing the Funding Admin-10 0 Bldg-13 [_ Poli ce-15 C Fire -20 C ECD -24 C Rec-25 C Civic-26 C Fleet-46 C Go lf-SO C Golf Grounds -55 D Museum-27 C NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv ice -85 C Marina-34 C ProJ ect will be Fund ing Source ; Expensed XXX 0 Operating Expenses Capitalized C Budgeted Cap ital Inventoried C Unfunded Expense Code ; 001100-50300 GIL Acct Name: General Government -Computer Exeense Project Budgeted : $ 117 113 .00 Balance Sheet Item-C-Included in projected cash flow Bond : Over (Under) budget amount: $ Loan : App rove the request for the procurement of the Tyler Technologies Time and Attendance Software for the not-to~xceed amount of $117 ,113 .00 . This is a so le source purchase and therefore does not ha ve to be let out for bid . City Council Prior Approval/Date ? _______ _ Senior Accountant Capital Lea se : City Treasurer Purchasing Me mo Date : ___ 1~0~/~1 ~1 /-=2=0=23~-- Reques~ovJd Date : ~d_ ~m\W XXX C Impact C. Gas Tax C Street-35 C Meter-19 Plan/Zone-12 C Adult Rec-30 IZ C C Federal -not to exceed amount State City Local Title Title Payment Mayor Fed Grant [_ C IT-16 [. 0 HR-1 7C Year Year Tenm 382 of fAIH& -<> tr '(!\ dt,ABA~~ Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) 251 -928-6776 (f) www .fairhopeal.gov MEMO To : From : Date : Re : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager October 11 , 2023 City Council Approval for Procurement of Tyler Technologies Time and Attendance Software The I.T. Director , Jeff Montgomery , requests approval for the procurement of Tyler Technologies Time and Attendance Software as a replacement to the Kronos system . This is a sole source purchase in that the Tyler Technologies Time and Attendance Software is only available from Tyler Technologies . This software has been developed in conjunction with and is highly integrated with Tyler software products that the City uses , including Tyler Enterprise Resource Planning Software. The cost for this software is One Hundred Seventeen Thousand One Hundred Thirteen Dollars ,($117 , 113.00) and includes Tyler License Fees , Saas , Tyler Services , and Third- party hardware, software and services. This is a sole source purchase and therefore does not have to be let out for bid . Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for the procurement of the Tyler Technologies Time and Attendance Software for $117,113.00. CC : Jeff Montgomery , Clint Steadham 383 Sales Quotation For: City of Fairhope 161 N Section St Fairhope AL 36532-2426 Phone:+1(251)928-2136 Tyler Saas and Related Services Quoted By : Quote Expiration: Quote Name : Quote Description : Saas Term Brad Reed 09/11/23 City of Fairhope -ERP -Time and Attendance Time and Attendance 1.00 Description Qty Imp. Hours Annual Fee Human Resources Management Advanced Scheduling w Mobile Access -Up to 50 Employees Time & Attendance w Mobile Access -Up to 500 Employees Professional Services TOTAL 1 1 56 144 200 $5,086.00 $19,668.00 $24,754.00 Description Quantity Unit Price Ext Discount Extended Price Maintenance Project Management Remote Implementation 2023-393521-K2J4W9 TOTAL 28 200 $ 175 .00 $ 175.00 CONFIDENTIAL $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $4,900.00 $35,000.00 $39,900.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Page 1 384 3rd Party Hardware, Software and Services Unit Unit Unit Maint/SaaS Total Description Qty Unit Price Discount Total Price Maint/SaaS Discount Maint/SaaS Touchscreen 10 : Proxim ity Reader (HID) Summary Total Tyler License Fees Total Saas Total Tyler Services TOTAL Total Third-Party Hardware, Software, Services Summary Total Contract Total 19 $2,510.00 One Time Fees $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $39,900.00 $47,690 .00 $87,590.00 $117,113.00 $ 0 .00 $47,690 .00 $ 251.00 $47,690.00 Recurring Fees $ 0 .00 $24,754.00 $ 0.00 $4,769.00 $29,523.00 Unless otherwise indicated i n the contract or amendment thereto, pricing for optional items will be held For six (6) months from the Quote date or the Effective Date of the Contract, whichever is later. Customer Approval : Date : Pr i nt Name : P.O.#: All Primary value s quoted in US Dollars 2023 -393521 -K2J4W9 CONFIDENTIAL $ 0 .00 $4,769.00 $4,769.00 Page 2 385 Comments Client agrees that items in this sales quotation are, upon Client's signature or approval of same, hereby added to the existing agreement ("Agreement") between the parties and subject to its terms. Additionally, payment for said items, as applicable but subject to any listed assumptions herein, shall conform to the following terms: • License fees for Tyler and third party software are invoiced upon the earlier of (i) deliver of the license key or (ii) when Tyler makes such software available for download by the Client; • Fees for hardware are invoiced upon delivery; • Fees for year one of hardware maintenance are invoiced upon delivery of the hardware; • Annual Maintenance and Support fees, Saas fees, Hosting fees, and Subscription fees are first payable when Tyler makes the software available for download by the Client (for Maintenance) or on the first day of the month following the date this quotation was signed (for Saas , Hosting, and Subscription), and any such fees are prorated to align with the applicable term under the Agreement, with renewals invoiced annually thereafter in accord with the Agreement . • Fees for services included in this sales quotation shall be invoiced as indicated below . Implementation and other professional services fees shall be invoiced as delivered . • Fixed-fee Business Process Consulting services shall be invoiced 50% upon delivery of the Best Practice Recommendations, by module, and 50% upon delivery of custom desktop procedures, by module. • Fixed-fee conversions are invoiced 50% upon initial delivery of the converted data, by conversion module, and 50% upon Client acceptance to load the converted data into Live/Production environment, by conversion module. • Except as otherwise provided, other fixed price services are invoiced upon complete delivery of the service . For the avoidance of doubt, where "Project Planning Services" are provided, payment shall be invoiced upon delivery of the Implementation Planning document. Dedicated Project Management services, if any , will be invoiced monthly in arrears, beginning on the first day of the month immediately following initiation of project planning. If Client has purchased any change management services, those services will be invoiced in accordance with the Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated above , the following payment terms shall apply to services fees specifically for migrations : Tyler will invoice Client 50% of any Migration Fees listed above upon Client approval of the product suite migration schedule . The remaining 50%, by line item, will be billed upon the go -live of the applicable product suite. Tyler will invoice Client for any Project Management Fees listed above upon the go-live of the first product suite. Unless otherwise indicated on this Sales quotation, annual services will be invoiced in advance, for annual terms commencing on the date this sales quotation is signed by the Client. If listed annual service(s) is an addition to the same service presently existing under the Agreement, the first term of the added annual service will be prorated to expire coterminous with the existing annual term for the service, with renewals to occur as indicated in the Agreement . Expenses associated with onsite services are invoiced as incurred . Tyler 's quote contains estimates of the amount of services needed , based on our preliminary understanding of the scope, level of engagement, 2023-393521-K2J4W9 CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 386 and timeline as defined in the Statement of Work (SOW) for your project . The actual amount of services required may vary, based on these factors . Tyler 's pricing is based on the scope of proposed products and services contracted from Tyler . Should portions of the scope of products or services be altered by the Client, Tyler reserves the right to adjust prices for the remaining scope accordingly. Unless otherwise noted, prices submitted in the quote do not include travel expenses incurred in accordance with Tyler 's then-current Business Travel Policy . Tyler's prices do not include applicable local, city or federal sales, use excise, personal property or other similar taxes or duties, which you are responsible for determining and rem itting. Installations are completed remotely but can be done onsite upon request at an additional cost . In the event Client cancels services less than two (2) weeks in advance , Client is liable to Tyler for (i) all non-refundable expenses incurred by Tyler on Client's behalf; and (ii) daily fees associated with the cancelled services if Tyler is unable to re-assign its personnel. The Implementation Hours included in this quote assume a work split effort of 70% Client and 30% Tyler . Implementation Hours are scheduled and delivered in four (4) or eight (8) hour increments . Tyler provides onsite training for a maximum of 12 people per class . In the event that more than 12 users wish to participate in a training class or more than one occurrence of a class is needed, Tyler will either provide additional days at then-current rates for training or Tyler will utilize a Train -the-Trainer approach whereby the client designated attendees of the initial training can thereafter train the remaining users . Standard Project Management responsibilities include project plan creation , initial stakeholder presentation, bi-weekly status calls , updating of project plan task statuses, and go-live planning activities. Your acquisition of clocks and/or clock maintenance is subject to the following terms: https :/ /www.tylertech .com/terms/executime-clock-terms . 2023-393521-K2J4W9 CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 387 ERP a tyler portfolio Time & Attendance provides small and large organizations with incredible cost savings and increased efficiency. In most loca l government entities , payroll processing , time tracking, and benefits accrua l tracking place an unnecessary strain on staff efficiency and limited budgets. Time & Attendance fixes those issues while providing the highest ROI on the market. How do we do that ? • Easily handle complex time tracking ru les and pay codes • Seamless, automated integration and synchronization with your IT environment and payrol l software • Powerful and user-friendly, web-based interface for supervisors and staff • Solid integration with numerous time co ll ecting interfaces (web browsers, time clocks, phone , text messaging , IVR , proximity readers , biometrics, and more) • Dedicated technical and tra ining support Time & Attendance makes it easy for managers and staff of every department to enter and track time types, manage time-off requests, and app ly job costing, al l while handling multiple pay periods and FLSA guide l ines. REDUCE COSTLY ERRORS Time & Attendance drastically reduces errors by eliminating several of the manual tasks associated with co llecting and entering time and data into the payroll system . For more information visit tylertech.com "From the first discussion through training, implementation , and the transition to support, the Time & Attendance team offered excellent customer service and software support ." -Ashley Hickman Director of Human Resources City of Claremore, Oklahoma 388 Electronic capture of employee time offers a more accura t e account of actual time worked and automates the process of collecting , calculating, and entering emp loyee hours each pay period. You generate precise timesheets for both hourly and sa laried personne l and have access t o historical data through audit trails and reports to ensure secure and effective management. AUTOMATED ATTENDANCE CALCULATION • Improves accuracy • Improves timeliness of informat ion • Configurable overtime policies • Configurable clock in/out policies • Manua l tim e-editing ab ility • Accounts for shift differentials and 24/7 operations • Complete audit log and reporting on cha nge s, additions, and edits to employee time KEY FEATURES • Electronic c lock in /out • Time tracking and exception reporting • Work order , project, and job numbe r track in g • Employee benefit time request and management • Time-off scheduling ca lendar • Electronic t imesheet approvals • Integration with payro ll software on any p l atform INTUITIVE INTERFACE • Web-based interface • "Who is here " inquiry screen • Benefit hours inquiry and manage ment • Integrates with Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology • Supports a range of col lection devices: electronic time clocks , biometri c , web browser , text messag in g, and more • Full integration with your payrol l app li cation ADDITIONAL BENEFITS • Multip le pay period support • Graphica l ca lendar for time-off sc heduling • User-specific secur ity leve ls • Time-zone sensitive time and date stamp records all transac t ions fo r auditi ng purposes • Eliminates antiquat ed time clock hardware and handwr itten time sheets THE TYLER DIFFERENCE • Integration with any payroll/HR app on any p latform • Unlimited supervisors • Un limited workstations and PCs • Unlimited technical support • Configurable notifications and alerts • Abso l ute lowest cost of ownership • Browser , tab let, and smart phone supported •• • Empowering people who serve the public • •• •• •• 389 CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT P URCHASING REQUEST FORM Name : Jeff Montgomery Date : 10/5/2023 Department : IT ------------------------ Expenditure Threshold ** Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5,00 0 No restri ct ions Not Req uire d N/A N/A Uti lities $5,001 -$10,000 Op erati o nal NON -Budge ted Three Tre as ure r/May o r N/A Gr eater than : Operatio nal NON -Budgeted Three Co uncil Reguired Gen Govt -$5 ,00 1 Utiliti es -$10,001 Gen Go vt -$5,001 -$15 ,000 Op era t ional Budge t ed Th ree Tr eas u rer N/A Utilities -$10 ,001 -$15 ,000 Ov er $15 ,000/$50,000 Op era t iona l Budget * Sta t e Bid Li st or Treas urer/M ay o r N/A Buying Group Ove r $1 5,000/$50 ,000 Op erati o nal Budgeted Bids Cou nci l Reguired Pro f essi o nal Servi ce Ove r $5 ,000 Budgete d o r Non -Budg et ed M ayo r Sele ct Co unci l Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired *Budgeted items th at meet ar are under budget may be purchase d with th e Mayor and/or Treasurer's ap proval if the y are on th e State Bid list or from an approved bu ying gro up . It ems that are over budget must go to Council fo r approval and will re quire a green sheet and resol uti on . **Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, including materials provided by the City . If the total amount is within $10,000 af the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases . Vendor Name 1. Tyler Technologies 2. Cl ick or tap here to e nter text. 3. Cl ick or tap here t o enter text . QUOTES $ 117,113 $ $ Vendor Quote ---------------- Check any applicable boxes : D State Contract D ALDOT D Pu rch as i ng Group 1:8:1 Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justifi cation) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? Time and Attendance to replace KRONO S 2 . What is the total cost of the item or service? 117 ,113 3 . How many do you need? Click or tap here t o en ter t ex t . 4 . Item or Service Is : 1:8:1 New □ Used D Repla cement D A nn ua l Reque st 5 . Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Tyler Tech 6 . Vendor Number: Clic k or tap here t o e nter t ext. If you do not have a Vendo r Nu m ber, please go to the City of Fairhope page : www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Pur chasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? 1:8:1 Ye s D No D Emergency Request ,/ 2 . If budgeted, what is the budgete,d amount? 130000 i-.J 3. Budgetcode:001100 -50300 .:;f Email completed form with quotes and other supporti ng do cumentation to Erin .Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda .Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR -()()4 • 082522 390 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the FY2024 Annual Flower Procurement. The total cost not-to-exceed $111 ,353 .36 . This cost exceeds the limit requiring City Counci l approval. There are multiple vendors and the times of procurement vary. [2] The budgeted amoun t for this procurement is $105 ,366.00 , inclusive of a contingency for unforeseen events . [3] This procurement is allo wed pursuant to Resolution No. 1650-10 adopted in May 2010 that declares flowers as Unique "Like Items " and the extension of this categorization to include any cultivated varieties , differentiated by scientific name. ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martiin Council President Pro Tempore 391 Issuing Date : ___ 10~/_1_2/_2_0_2_3 __ City of Fairhope Project Fund in g Request Project Name : Approve the Procurement of Annual Flower Purchase for Public Works Department Project Loca ti on : Landscape • Citywide Presented to City Council : ___ 10_/_2_3_/2_0_2_3 __ Funding Request Sponsor . Jamie Rollins , Supervisor Horticulture George Ladd, Assistant Public Works Director Richard Johnson, Public Works Director ProJect Cash Requirement Requested : Cost: $ 111 353.36 NoHo-exceed Am ount Vendor: Ruigrok Flowerbulbs (Vendor #23298) Billy Harris & Associates (Vendor #22600) COF Project No . 2379 Please retu rn this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by · ___ A_S_A_P __ Resolution # : Approved _____ _ Changed ______ _ Rejected ______ _ 0CT16'28PM2:17 ~ Project Engineer: -'-n"-/-"a ____________________________________________ _ Order Date n/a Lead Time : n/a --------------------- Department Funding This Project General 0 Gas C Electric C Wate C Waste water D Sanitatio n C Cap Project C Impact C Gas Tax C Fed Grant ,_: Department of General Fund Providing the Funding Landsc-36 ✓ Ad m m•10 C: Bldg -13 Pohce -15 C Fire-20 C ECD-24 [_ Rec-25 C Civic-26 C Street-35 C Meter-19 r IT-16 L Fleet-46 [_ Gol f-50 r Golf Grounds -55 D Museum-27 C NonDeptFac -75 D Debt Serv,ce -65 C Manna-34 C Plan/Zone-12 C: Adult Rec-30 -:J HR-1 L Proiect will be Funding Source : Expensed XXX IZ Operat ing Expenses XXX L!J Capitalized C Budgeted Capital C Inv entoried ,-Unfunded C ~ Expense Code : 001360-51400 Federal -not to exc eed amo un t G/L Acct Name : Landscape Dept -Flowers State City Local Pro ject Budgeted : $ 105 366 .00 Balance Sheet Item-C Included in proJected cash flow Bond : Title Year Ove r (Under) budget amount : $ 5 987 .36 Loan : Title Year Approve the procurement of flowers for the Landscape Department for the not-to-exceed amount ot $145 ,987.36 . Original FY24 budget amount of S140 ,000.00 is reduced by P0#20235499 Issued in the amount of $34,634.00 for annual bu lb purchase appro-ved by Council on 07124/2023 for Fall of 2023 delivery. Capital Lease : Payment Term City Council Pr ior Approv al /Date? _______ _ Senior Accountant City Treasurer Mayor Purch asin g Mem o Date ___ 10~/_1~1~/2~0~2~3~-Purchasing Memo Date : ___ 1~□~/~11~/=2=02~3~-- Signatures Reque~ved Date : i<lintrWcY' 392 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Counc i l Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A . Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Tr easurer 161 North Section St. PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) 251 -928 -6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To : From : Date : Re: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager October 11 , 2023 Green Sheet and City Council Approval of Procurement of Annual Flower Purchase for Public Works Department The Public Works Streets Department's Horticulture Supervisor, Jamie Rollins , has requested the annual procurement of flowers for FY2024 for landscaping throughout the City . The budgeted amount for this procurement is $105,366.00, inclusive of a contingency for unforeseen events . And, in agreement with City Council Resolution No. 1650-10, which designated "like item" flora exceed the $15 ,000 .00 state bid limit (see attached quotations summary and quotations). The cost of this annual Procurement is estimated to be One Hundred Eleven Three Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand Dollars and Thirty-Six Cents ($111,353.36), see attached. This cost exceeds the limit requiring City Council Approval. There are multiple vendors and the times of procurement will various , dependent in part on the growing time . Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request to approve this FY2024 flower procurement for the Public Works Department, with a not-to-exceed budget of $111,353.36 . CC file, Jamie Rollins , Richard Johnson , George Ladd, Clint Steadham 393 Ruigrok Flowerbulbs since 1910 Item Code 52065010 52110010 52220001 52035010 52112510 City Of Fairhope P .O. Box 429 Fairhope AL 36533 USA Quantity Description 1 .500 Red Flash 800 Tapestry 1 .800 White Wings 1 .600 Freida Hemple 1 .600 Royal Flush Size Jumbo Jumbo Jumbo Jumbo Zilkerbinnenweg 58 2191 AD De Zil k The Netherlands T +31(0) 252 515821 F +31(0) 252 519489 USA : 1 877 -240 -8630 Canada : 1 877 -783 -7984 info @ruigrokflowerbulb5.Com www .ru igrokflowerbulbs.com Order confirmation Our order nr. Date Pag 156351 Oct-03-2023 1 / 1 ------- Delivery dzte Delivery Conc itions Feb-26-2024 Ex Warehouse Florida Paymert 30 Days end of Month net ----- Your Reference 1 Caladium 2024 rCustome-r -----Ph;-;:;------: I CU406400 ____ 334-929-0353 ---II ~Rep. I I . . Caladium Fancy Leaf Caladium Fancy Leaf Caladium Strap Leaf Caladium Fancy Leaf Caladium Fancy Leaf Philipp Laagland >------------- Shipping Ad dress City Of Fairhope 555 South Section Street Fairhope AL 36533 USA Price Per Price Per USO 1,360.00 /1000 1,360 .00 /1000 880 .00 /1000 1,360 .00 /1000 1,360.00 /1000 7 Total USO 9,064.00 USO Goods Subtotal ----- 9,064.00 USO Amount 9,064.00 USO Rabobank : 3469 00 212 Bank code : RABO Sw i ft / BIC code : RABONL2U IBAN : NL47RABO0346900212 BTW Nr: NL809 598 978 B0l Export Nr : E0113 394 Billy Harris & Associates, Inc. Sales by Customer Detail September 1 , 2022 -November 1, 2023 DATE TRANSACTION NUM PRODUCT/SERVICE MEMO/DESCRIPTION QTY SALES AMOUNT BALANC E TYPE PRICE City of Fa i rhope 09/12/2022 Invoice 98897 Calibrachoa Superbells® Lemon Calibrachoa Superbells® Lemon 2 .00 96 .76 193 .52 193 .52 Slice® 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.21 Slice® 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.21 (deleted) 09 /12/2022 Invoice 98897 Color Bowls 193 .52 09/12/2022 Invoice 98897 Bundled Comb ination Evening In Bundled Comb inat ion Evening In 1.00 279 .62 279.62 473 .14 Paris LMT FEE 0.195 (deleted -1) Paris LMT FEE 0.195 09/12/2022 Invoice 98897 Subs for shocking blue that could not 473 .1 4 be supplied 09 /12/2022 Invoice 98897 Freight:fr Freight and Handl i ng 0.00 122.90 0.00 473 .14 09 /12/2022 Invoice 98897 Order Changed due to n/a on items . -473 .14 09 /12/2022 Invoice 98897 PO# 20225641-00 473 .14 09 /12/2022 Invoice 98897 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 165 .88 165 .88 639 .02 09 /1 2/2022 Invoice 98897 Vis Seed Company:VS Vis Seed 50 Cell Tray Combo Confetti 0.00 81 .17 0.00 639 .02 Company Shocking blue 4 req-Could not supply 10/03/2022 Invoice 8923 PO # 20225634 -00 639 .02 10/03/2022 Invoice 8923 Freight:fr Freight and Handl ing 34.00 9.45 321 .30 960 .32 10/03/2022 Invoice 8923 Bed Fillers 960 .32 10/03/2022 Invoice 8923 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed DIANTHUS TELSTAR MIX 288/280 34 .00 27.30 928.20 1,888 .52 Company 10 /1 1/2022 Invoice 99253 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 125 CELL TRAY DUSTY MILLER 25.00 24 .99 624 .75 2,513 .27 Company CIRRUS 10/11 /2022 Invoice 99253 Bed Fillers 2 ,513 .27 10/11/2022 Invoice 99253 PO # 20225635-00 2,513 .27 10/11 /2022 Invoice 99253 Freight:fr Freight and Hand ling 1.00 385 .00 385 .00 2,898.27 10/17/2022 Invoice 501044 PO #20225638-00 2,898 .27 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 PO # 20225636-00 2,898.27 10/17/2022 Invoice 501043 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 18.00 18.00 2 ,916 .27 10/17/2022 Invoice 501044 Freight:fr Freight and Handl ing 1.00 375 .00 375 .00 3,29 1.27 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 288 Cell Tray Viola Colormax Icy Blue 36.00 24 .36 876 .96 4,168.23 Company 10/17/2022 Invoice 501043 Knox Nursery Pl ug 23-24 :PETUNIA PETUNIA PRETTY GRAND RED 6.00 38 .63 231 .78 4 ,400 .0 1 PRETTY GRAND RED 144/142 144/142 (deleted) 10/17/2022 Invoice 501044 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 128 CELL TRAY POPPIES 17.00 28 .50 484 .50 4 ,884.51 Company CHAMPAGNE BUBBLES MIX 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 288 Cell Tray Viola Colormax Yellow 36.00 24 .36 876 .96 5,761.4 7 Company 10/17/2022 Invoice 501043 Green boxes 5,761.47 10/17/2022 Invoice 501044 Bed Height 5,76 1.47 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 Border 5,76 1.47 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 Fillers 5 ,761.47 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 1,033 .50 1,033.50 6,794 .97 10 /17/2022 Invo ice 99328 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 288 Cell Tray Viola Colormax Beacon 6.00 24 .36 146 .16 6 ,94 1.13 Company Rose 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 White Boxes 6 ,941 .13 10/1 7/2022 Invoice 99328 6,94 1.13 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 288 Cell Tray Viola Colormax 18 .00 24.36 438 .48 7,379.61 Company Popcorn 10/1 7/2022 Invoice 99328 Green Boxes 7,379.61 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 7,379 .61 10/17/2022 Invoice 99328 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 288 Cell Tray Viola Sorbet White 34 .00 24 .36 828 .24 8 ,2 07.85 Company Jump Up 10/17/2022 Invoice 501043 PO# 20225637-00 8,207 .85 t-r:crual 62r .. Thur~d .. y, Septembi;r 1'8. :>0:>3 10:45 l,W. Gr«T-0o:00 ·;10 395 Billy Harris & Associates, Inc. Sales by Customer Detail September 1, 2022 -November 1, 2023 DATE TRANSACTION NUM PRODUCT/SERVICE MEMO/DESCRIPTION QTY SALES AMOUNT BALANCE TYPE PRICE 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 South Mobile Beds 8,207 .85 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 288 CELL T RAY VIOLA COLORMAX 22.00 24.36 535 .92 8,743 .77 Company BEACON ROSE 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 Downtown around tre es 8,743.77 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 Vis Seed Company:VS Vis Seed 288 CELL TRAY VIOLA COLORMAX 11 .00 24 .36 267 .96 9,011.73 Company CITRUS MIX 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 9,011.73 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 Vis Seed Company:VS Vis Seed 288 CELL TRAY VIOLA COLORMAX 22.00 24 .36 535 .92 9,547 .65 Company LEMONBERRY PIE 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 Clock 9,547.65 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 519 .75 519 .75 10,067.40 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 10,067.40 10/24/2022 Invoice 99550 PO # 20225639-00 10 ,067 .40 11/11/2022 Invoice 249395 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 140 CELL TRAY VIOLA COLORMAX 9.00 26.20 235 .80 10,303.20 Company TRUE BLUE 11/11/2022 Invoice 249395 Hanging Baskets 10,303 .20 11 /11/2022 Invoice 249395 PO # 20225640-00 10,303.20 11/11/2022 Invoice 249395 Vis Seed Company :VS Vis Seed 140 CELL TRAY VIOLA SORBET 9.00 26.20 235 .80 10,539.00 Company DEFT BLUE 11 /11/2022 Invoice 249395 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 170 .10 170 .10 10,709.10 11/21/2022 Invoice 249522 Knox MISC :Knox-Misc 6.5" POINSETTIA RED 1,225.00 6 .75 8,268 .75 18,977.85 11/21/2022 Invoice 249522 Knox MISC :Knox-Misc 6.5" POINSETTIA WHITE 500 .00 6.75 3,375.00 22,352 .85 11/21/2022 Invoice 249522 Knox MISC :Knox-Misc 6.5" POINSETTIA PINK 300.00 6.75 2,025.00 24,377.85 11 /21/2022 Invoice 249522 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 658.50 658.50 25,036.35 11/21/2022 Invoice 249522 PO# 20225541 -0 0 25,036 .35 12/12/2022 Invoice 502613 Knox Nursery Plug 23-24:SAL VIA SAL VIA VICTORIA BLUE 288/280 23.00 31.88 733 .24 25,769 .59 VICTORIA BLUE 288/280 (deleted) 12/12/2022 Invoice 502613 PO # 20230562-00 25,769 .59 12/12/2022 Invoice 502613 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 271.40 271.40 26 ,040 .99 12/12/2022 Invoice 502613 Knox Nursery Plug 23-24 :SALVIA SALVIA VICTORIA WHITE 288/280 23.00 31 .88 733.24 26,774.23 VICTORIA WHITE 288/280 (deleted) 01/09/2023 Invoice 503734 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-SUNPATIENS COMPACT BLUSH 46.00 64 .95 2,987 .70 29,761 .93 24:SUNPATIENS COMPACT PINK 102/100 BLUSH PINK 102/100 (deleted) 01/09/2023 Invoice 503734 Fillers 29,761 .93 01/09/2023 Invoice 503734 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-LOBELIA TECHNO ELECTRIC BLUE 23 .00 71 .95 1,654.85 31,416.78 24 :LOBELIA TECHNO ELECTRIC 102/100 BLUE 102/1 00 (deleted) 01/09/2023 Invoice 503734 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-LOB ELIA TECH NO LILAC 102/100 23 .00 71 .95 1,654.85 33,071 .63 24:LOBELIA TECHNO LILAC 1 02 /1 00 ( deleted) 01 /09/2023 Invoice 503734 Freight:fr Fre ight and Handling 1.00 702.40 702.40 33 ,774.03 01 /09/2023 Invoice 503734 PO # 20230560-00 33 ,774.03 01 /13/2023 Invo ice 100425 Nemesia Aromance® Pink 1 04 Nemesia Aromance® Pink 104 Liner 3.00 93 .67 281 .01 34,055 .04 Liner LMT FEE 0.2 (deleted) LMT FEE 0.2 01/13/2023 Invoice 100425 WHITE BOXES 34,055 .04 01 /13/2023 Invoice 100425 Petunia Supertun ia Vista® Petunia Supertunia Vista® 8.00 93 .32 746 .56 34 ,801.60 Bubblegum® 104 Liner LMT FEE Bubblegum® 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.21 (deleted) 0.21 01 /13/2023 Invoice 100429 Bundled Combination Bayberry Bundled Combination Bayberry LMT 14.00 285 .99 4,003 .86 38,805.46 LMT FEE 0.2133 (deleted) FEE 0 .2133 01/13/2023 Invoice 100429 PO# 20230561-00 38,805.46 01/13/2023 Invoice 100425 i='etunia Supertun ia® Mini Vista TM Petunia Supertunia® Min i Vista™ 14 .00 91 .28 1,277 .92 40,083 .38 Indigo 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.19 Indigo 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.19 (deleted) Accrual Bai i£ Thursd.::y, September ?8. ?0?3 10.45 At✓, GM1-m,:00 210 396 Billy Harris & Associates, Inc . Sales by Customer Detail September 1, 2022 -November 1, 2023 DATE TRANSACTION NUM PRODUCT/SERVICE MEMO/DESCRIPTION QTY SALES AMOUNT BALANCE TYPE PRICE 01/13/2023 Invoice 100429 Freight:fr Freight and Handling Super Saver 1.00 306 .80 306 .80 40,390 .18 (Changed Ship Date for Super Saver Freight Rate thus ditterence in freight amount on original PO) 01/13/2023 Invoice 100425 GREEN BOXES 40,390 .18 01 /13/2023 Invoice 100429 Petunia Supert uni a® Mini Vistan• Petun ia Supertun ia® Mini Vista™ 10.00 91 .28 912 .80 41,302 .98 Ind igo 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.19 Indigo 104 Liner LMT FEE 0 .19 (deleted) 01 /13/2023 Invoice 100425 Sedum Lemon Cora l® 104 Liner Sedum Lemon Cora l® 104 Liner LMT 66 .00 109 .71 7,240.86 48,543 .84 LMT FEE 0 .185 (deleted) FEE 0.185 01 /13/2023 Invoice 100425 BORDERS 48,543 .84 01 /13/2023 Invoice 100425 PO# 20230559-00 48,543 .84 01 /1 3/2023 Invoice 100425 Freight :fr Freight and Handling Super Saver 1.00 720 .96 720.96 49,264 .80 Week 01 /13/2023 Invoice 100425 Nemesia Bluebird 104 Liner LMT Nemesia Bluebird 104 Liner LMT FEE 3.00 92.14 276.42 49 ,541 .22 FEE 0 .185 (deleted) 0.185 01 /16/2023 Invoice 504222 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 70.80 70 .80 49,612.02 01/16/2023 Invoice 504222 PO 20230562-03 49,612 .02 01 /16/2023 Invoice 504222 Downtown around trees 49 ,612 .02 01 /16/2023 Invoice 504222 Sub for White Sunpatiens not ava il 49 ,612 .02 from Knox --covering downtown around trees 01 /16/2023 Invoice 504222 Petunia Supertun ia® Mini Vista™ Petunia Supertunia® Min i Vista™ 10 .00 91 .28 912.80 50 ,524.82 White 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.19 White 104 liner LMT FEE 0.1 9 (deleted) 01 /16/2023 Invoice 504222 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-SUNPATIENS COMPACT PINK 10.00 64 .95 649.50 51 ,174.32 24:SUNPATIENS COMPACT PINK CANDY 102/100 3 t rays shipped 1 /3 CANDY 102/100 (deleted) and 7 shipped 1/16 01 /30/2023 Invoice 505252 Knox Nursery Cutting 23 -SUNPATIENS COMPACT HOT PINK 14.00 64 .95 909 .30 52 ,083 .62 24 :SUNPATIENS COMPACT HOT 102/100 PINK 102/100 (deleted) 01/30/2023 Invoice 505252 Knox Nursery Cutt ing 23-SUNPATIENS COMPACT PURPLE 12.00 64.95 779.40 52,863 .02 24 :SUNPATIENS COMPACT 102/100 PURPLE 102/100 (deleted) 01/30/2 023 Invoice 505252 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-SUNPATIENS COMPACT CLASSIC 8 .00 64 .95 519 .60 53 ,382 .62 24 :SUNPATIENS COMPACT WHITE 102/100 CLASSIC WHITE 102/100 (deleted) 01/30/2023 Invo ice 505252 South Mobile Beds 53,382 .62 01 /30/2023 Invoice 505252 Clock 53,38 2.62 01 /30/2023 Invoice 505252 Freight :fr Freight and Handl ing 1.00 394 .00 394.00 53,776.62 01/30/2023 Invo ice 505252 PO # 2023 0563 00 53 ,776.62 01 /30/2023 Invoice 505252 Knox Nursery Cutting 23 -SUNPATIENS COMPACT CLASSIC 6.00 64.95 389 .70 54 ,166.32 24:SU NPATIENS COMPACT WHITE 102/100 CLASSIC WHITE 102/1 00 (deleted) 03 /13/2023 Invoice 33135 Boxing Charges :Bxi ng Box i ng Charges 2.00 9.50 19.00 54 ,185.32 03 /13/2023 Invoice 33135 Freight:fr Freight and Handlin g from Michigan 1.00 155.00 155 .00 54,340.32 03 /1 3/2023 Invoice 33 135 Sunbelt Greenhouse 23-24 :Tri xi Trixi Out of the Blue 50 SB Trixi liner 7.00 84.50 591 .50 54 ,93 1.82 Out of the Blue 50 SB Tri xi liner (Short 1 tray ) (de leted-1) 03/1 3/2023 Invoice 33135 PO 2023 183500 54,931.82 04/03/2023 Invoice 511964 Freight :fr Freight and Handling 1.00 542 .80 542 .80 55 ,4 74 .62 04/03/2023 Invoice 51 1501 20231837-00 55.474 .62 04/03/2023 Invoice 51 1964 20231 83 4-00 55,474.62 04/03/2023 Invoice 511501 Bed Height 55 ,474.62 l>ccru,J Fas-if Thum:!ily, Septembecr ?8, ?073 10:45 /UJ, GrJ:T-0o :00 :::1c, 397 Billy Harris & Associates, Inc. Sales by Customer Detail September 1, 2022 -November 1, 2023 DATE TRANSACTION NUM PRODUCT /SERV ICE MEMO/DESCRIPTION QTY SALES AMOUNT BALANCE TYPE PRICE 04/03/2023 Invoice 511964 Fillers 55,474 .62 04/03/2023 Invoice 511501 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-SUNPATIENS VIGOROUS WHITE 21 .00 64 .95 1,363.95 56,838 .57 24 :SUNPATIENS VIGOROUS IMP 102/100 WHITE IMP 102/100 (deleted) 04/03 /2023 Invoice 511964 Pentas Sunstar™ Lavender 104 Pentas Sunstar™ Lavender 104 Liner 41 .00 117.86 4,832 .26 61 ,670.83 Liner LMT FEE 0.25 (deleted) LMT FEE 0 .2 5 04/03/2023 Invoice 511501 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-SUNPATIENS VIGOROUS 21.00 64 .95 1,363 .95 63 ,034.78 24 :SUNPATIENS VIGOROUS TROPICAL ORANGE IMP 102/100 TROPICAL ORANGE IMP 102/100 (deleted) 04 /03/2023 Invoice 51 1964 Pentas Sunstar™ Rose 104 Liner Pentas Sunstarn• Rose 1 04 Liner 41 .00 117 .86 4 ,832 .26 67 ,867.04 LMT FEE 0 .25 (deleted) LMT FEE 0 .25 04/03/2023 Invoice 511501 Knox Nursery Plug 23-24 :SALVIA SALVIA VICTORIA BLUE 144/142 8.00 34.06 272 .48 68 ,139 .52 VICTORIA BLUE 144/142 (deleted) 04/03/2023 Invo ice 511964 Lantana Luscious® Citron TM 104 Lantana Lusciou s® Citron TM 1 04 10 .00 117.31 1,173 .10 69,312 .62 Liner LMT FEE 0.215 (de leted) Liner LMT FEE 0.215 04/03/2023 Invoice 511501 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 328.60 328 .60 69,641.22 04 /17/2023 Invoice 102829 Lantana Luscious® Grape 1 04 La ntana Luscious® Grape 104 Liner 3.00 112.58 337 .74 69,978 .96 Liner LMT FEE 0.215 (deleted) LMT FEE 0.215 04 /17/2023 Invoice 102829 White Boxes 69 ,978.96 04 /17/2023 Invoice 102829 Mecardonia Gold Dus t® 104 Liner Mecardonia Gold Dust® 104 Liner 3.00 95.30 285.90 70,264.86 LMT FEE 0 .19 (deleted) LMT FEE 0 .19 04 /17/2023 Invoice 102829 Hanging Baskets 70 ,264.86 04 /17/2023 Invoice 102829 Vis Seed Company:VS Vis Seed Helianthus Yellow Spirit (subbed for 5.00 54 .524 272 .62 70,537.48 Company Suncredible Saturn ) 04/17/2023 Invoice 102829 Bundled Combination Sum mer Bundled Combination Summer 14 .00 273.69 3,831 .66 74 ,369.14 Rendezvous LMT FEE 0.1967 Rendezvous LMT FEE 0.1967 (deleted) 04 /17/2023 Invoice 102829 Green Boxes 74,369 .14 04/17/2023 Invoice 102829 Petunia Supertunia® Mini Vista™ Petunia Supertun ia® Mini Vista™ 34.00 91.28 3,103.52 77 ,472.66 White 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.19 White 104 Liner LMT FEE 0.19 (deleted) 04/17/2023 Invoice 102829 Evo lvulus Blue My Mind® 104 Liner Evolvulus Blue My Mind® 104 Liner 34 .00 108.15 3 ,677.10 81 ,149 .76 LMT FEE 0.21 (deleted) LMT FEE 0.21 04 /17/2023 Invoice 102829 Bidens Goldilocks Rocks® 1 04 Bid ens Goldilocks Rocks® 104 Liner 8.00 96.97 775.76 81,925 .52 Liner LMT FEE 0.24 (deleted) LMT FEE 0 .24 04/17/2023 Invoice 102829 Calibrachoa Superbells® Red 104 Calibrachoa Superbells® Red 104 8.00 94 .38 755 .04 82 ,680 .56 Liner LMT FEE 0.2 (deleted) Liner LMT FEE 0 .2 04/17/2023 Invoice 102829 Borders 82 ,680 .56 04/17/2023 Invo ice 102829 Helianthus Suncredible® Saturn™ Helianthus Suncred ible® Saturnn• 50 0.00 69 .86 0.00 82,680.56 50 Line r LMT FEE 0.525 (deleted) Liner LMT FEE 0.525 (Crop Failure) 04/17/2023 Invoice 102829 20231833-00 82 ,680 .56 04/1 7/2023 Invoice 102829 Fre ight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 849 .60 849 .60 83 ,530 .16 05/05/2023 Invoice 76312 Freight :fr Freight and Handling 1.00 147 .50 147 .50 83 ,677 .66 05/05/2023 Invoice 76312 Clock and South Mobile Beds 83 ,677.66 05 /05/2023 Invoice 76312 Knox MISC:Knox-Misc VINCA VALIANT MIX 144/142 25 .00 59 .51 1,487.75 85 ,165.41 05/05/2023 Invoice 76312 PO# 20231832-00 85 ,165.41 07/24/2023 Invoice 515201 PO 2023-3815-00 85 ,165.41 07/24/2023 Invoice 515201 Freight:fr Freight and Handl in g 1.00 131 .90 131.90 85,297 .31 07/24/2023 Invoice 515201 Height 85 ,297.31 07/24/2023 Invoice 515201 Knox Nursery Plu g 23-ANGELONIA SERENA WHITE 4.00 65.46 261 .84 85 ,559 .15 24 :ANGELONIA SERENA W HITE 144/142 144/142 07 /24/2023 Invoice 515201 Green Boxes 85 ,559 .1 5 07/24/2023 Invoice 515201 Knox Nursery Plug 23-ANGELONIA SERENA WHITE 7 .00 65.46 458.22 86 ,017 .37 24:ANGELONIA SERENA WHITE 144/142 Accru21 Paris ThL•r~d~ y. Seplembtr ?8, ?0?3 10:4~ AM GMT-0&:00 t/6 398 Billy Harris & Associates, Inc. Sales by Customer Detail September 1, 2022 -November 1, 2023 DATE TRANSACTION NUM PRODUCT /SERVICE MEMO /DESCRIPTION QT Y SALES AMOUNT BALAN CE TYPE PRICE 144/142 07/24/2023 Invoice 515201 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-COLEUS ALABAMA SUNSET 10 .00 49 .31 493 .10 86 ,510.47 24 :COLEUS ALABAMA SUNSET 102/100 102/100 (de leted ) 07 /28 /2023 Invoice 103960 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 566.40 566.40 87 ,076 .87 07 /28/2023 Invoice 103960 HANGING BASKETS 87 ,076 .87 07/28/2023 Invoice 103960 Vis Seed Company :FOUR STAR Fired Up ! 306 Bundled Combination 12.00 286.54 3,438.48 90 ,515 .35 23-24 :Fired Up l 306 Bu ndled LMT FEE 0.2167 (306-3 trays per kit) Combination LM T FEE 0.2267 07 /28 /2023 Invoice 103960 PO# 2023-3818-00 90 ,515.35 07/28 /2023 Invoice 103960 Vis Seed Company:FOUR STAR Coleus ColorBlaze® Chocolate Drop 2.00 94 .02 188 .04 90 ,703 .39 23-24 :Co leus ColorB laze® 104 Summer Spacer LMT FEE 0.17 Chocolate Drop 104 Summer Spacer LMT FEE 0.17 07/28/2023 Invoice 103960 Vis Seed Company :FOUR STAR lpomoea Sweet Caroline Sweetheart 1.00 105.42 105 .4 2 90 ,808 .81 23 -24 :lpomoea Sweet Caroline Lime 104 Summer Spacer LMT FEE Sweetheart Lime 104 Summer 0.21 Spacer LMT FEE 0.21 07 /28/2023 Invo ice 103960 WHITE BOXES 90,808 .81 07/28/2023 Invoice 103960 Vis Seed Company :FOUR STAR Impatiens Double Rockapulco® Coral 2.00 90.41 180 .82 90 ,989 .63 23 -24:lmpatiens Double Reef 104 Summer Spacer LMT FEE Rockapulco® Coral Reef 104 0.17 Summer Spacer LMT FEE 0.17 07 /3 1/2023 Invoice 515382 PO# 2023 3814 00 90 ,989.63 07 /31/2023 Invoice 515382 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-AL TERNANTHERA TRUE YELLOW 68 .00 44 .75 3,043 .00 94 ,032 .63 24 :AL TERNANTHERA TRUE 102/100 YELLOW 102/100 (deleted) 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515381 Knox Nursery Plug 23-24:ZINNIA ZINNIA PROFUSION MIX 144/142 66 .00 52 .01 3,432 .66 97 ,465.29 PROFUSION MIX 144/142 07/31 /2023 Invo ice 515382 Freight:fr Freight and Handl ing 1.00 423 .00 423.00 97 ,888.29 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515381 97 ,888.29 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515382 Borders 97 ,888 .29 07 /3 1/2023 Invoice 515381 Fillers 97 ,888 .2 9 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515381 Freight:fr Freight and Handling 1.00 279 .00 279 .00 98 ,167.29 07/3 1/2023 In voice 515381 PO # 2023-38 16-00 98 ,167 .29 07 /31 /2023 Invoice 515381 Knox Nursery Plug 23-24:Z INN IA ZINNIA PROFUSION 3 COLOR MIX 15.00 52.01 780.15 98 ,947.44 PROFUSION 3 COLOR MIX 144/142 144/142 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515381 Downtown around trees 98 ,947.44 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515382 Knox Nursery Cutting 23-CROSSANDRA ORANGE 22.00 78 .52 1,727 .44 100 ,674 .88 24 :CROSSANDRA ORANGE MARMALADE 102/100 MARMALADE 102/100 (deleted) 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515381 Green Boxes 0.00 100 ,674 .88 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515381 Knox Nursery Plug 23 -24 :ZINNIA ZINNIA PROFUSION ORANGE 6.00 52 .01 312 .06 100 ,986 .94 PROFUSION ORANGE 144/142 144/142 07/31/2023 Invoice 515381 Knox Nursery Plug 23-24 :ZINNIA ZINNIA PROFUSION YELLOW 6.00 52 .01 312 .06 101 ,299 .00 PROFUSION YELLOW 144/142 144/142 07 /31 /2023 Invoice 515381 101 ,299 .00 07/31 /2023 Invoice 515382 Height 101 ,299 .00 08/1 4/2023 Invoice 114342 Knox Nursery Plug 23 -MARIGOLD FR BONANZA DEEP 12 .00 30.78 369 .36 101 ,668 .36 24 :MARIGOLD FR BONANZA ORANGE IMP 144/142 DEEP ORANGE IMP 144/142 08/14/2023 Invoice 114342 PO 2023-3817-00 101 ,668 .36 08/14/2023 Invo ice 114342 South Mobile Beds 101,668,36 08 /14/2023 Invoice 114342 Freight:fr Freight and Handli ng 1.00 159 .30 159 .30 101,827.66 08/14/2023 Invoice 114342 101 ,827.66 Accrual Bcri£ Thurrday. Sepl<'mbe.r ?8. ?0?3 10,4b AM Grf.T-0b:00 t;1-=-399 DATE TRANSACTION NUM TYPE 08/14/2023 Invoice 114342 08/14/2023 Invoice 114342 08 /14/2023 Invoice 114342 Total for City of Fairhope TOTAL Billy Harris & Associates, Inc. Sales by Customer Detail September 1, 2022 -November 1, 2023 PRODUCT /SERVICE MEMO/D ESCRIPTION Clock Knox Nursery Plug 23-MARIGOLD FR BONANZA YELLOW 24 :MARIGOLD FR BONANZA 144/142 YELLOW 144/142 Knox Nursery Plug 23-MARIGOLD FR BONANZA DEEP 24:MARIGOLD FR BONANZA ORANGE IMP 144/142 DEEP ORANGE IMP 144/142 Accrual E'.irie Thurtd1;y. September ?8. ?073 10:4ti M,' GfJiT-0L:00 QTY SALES AMOUNT BALANCE PRICE 101,827.66 11.00 30 .78 338.58 102,166.24 4.00 30 .78 123 .12 102,289 .36 $102,289.36 $102,289.36 400 Name: Jamie Rollins CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: 10/02/2023 Department: Landscape ----'--------------------- Expenditure Threshold** Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5,000 No restrictions Not Required N/A N/A Utilities $5 ,001-$10,000 Operational NON -Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than : Operational NON-Budgeted Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5,001 Utilities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5,001-$15,000 Operational Budgeted Three Treasurer N/A Utilities -$10,001 -$15,000 Over $15 ,000/$50,000 Operational Budget* State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayor N/A Buying Group Over $15 ,000/$50,000 Operational Budgeted Bids Council Reguired Professional Service Over $5,000 Budgeted or Non-Budgeted Mayor Select Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired *Budgeted i tems that meet or ore under budget may be purchased with the Mayor and/or Treasurer's approval if they are on the State Bid list or from an approved buying group . Items that are over budget must go to Council for approval and will require a green sheet and resolution . **Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases. QUOTES Vendor Name Vendor Quote 1. Multiple Vendors $ _____________ _ 2. Click or t ap here to enter text. $ ---------------- 3. Click or tap here to enter text. $ _____________ _ Check any applicable boxes: State Contract □ ALDOT D Purchasing Group □ Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? Annual Flower Program 2. What is the total cost of the item or service? $145,987.36 ($140,000 Budgeted) 3. How many do you need? Click or tap here to enter text. 4. Item or Service Is: D New □ Used □ Replacement IXI Annual Request 5. Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Multiple Vendors 6. Vendor Number: Click or tap here to enter text. If you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page: www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information . BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? IXI Yes □ No □ Emergency Request 2. If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? 140,000 3. Budget code: 01360-51410 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin. Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda .Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR -00 4 • 082522 401 5377 24 May 2010 Councilmember Stankoski introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City Council approves and declares the attached list of flowers as Unique "Like Items," and the extension of this categorization to include any cultivated varieties, differentiated by scientific name. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 1650-10 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the City Council approves and declares the attached list of flowers as Unique "Like Items ," and the extension of this categorization to include any cultivated varieties, differentiated by scientific name . Attest: Adopted on this 24th day of May. 2010 ~ Homoodll\'w"• l•thoonkirtyol.,,,lO.caUon Uld.MmbiaoCplu.tt. P'lu.t-.t.a\Clal)'k "-•v.lMI &alccn 1otdmtUypJantalmotJ11lrCOff'Otl d1.JSUICAtiool or ~IMD, l'INUJ ••«.11J>OIOd oCdilrerCllft(ftiltta: 101.vca, •t.ms. buds, and root&. Flo...,.. aroJwtbctelu,lQe4 by IJf• cyd-, •iacual Pant. an1oew.. prodafflou, 914 ~•t)'JtM. P1&nt ailiJ.w&td vldoU• fflo1\Ml•dltl'ca-cnoc:a such u helPi. color, imd ,:n:,Mb.babl.L Wbeod~fda,,t dJ.m:n:occ,, tboboW\licaJ nomonclMYNw., termt NCb N ....._ apoc(e., n.r:id)'MdculUvu.11te1IOJ'MMlatunltwriWM.ial.atia,,a-J-Nllm.-.a., Otltlvalodwri.tl1N.,..l'IOt'Uko'ft.cmaand~'ldct~•d~An:du~ntioblilowMimtt M.U- laoludvoll•orOowonu&ed lbrthe aiiy, ll\ll'ddhiooiofba]llhDtlirf.foudWow, thoacqulaldo11of"ne1UkJ COONmW.t-a1d •1.-ul to ao")'·euJt1Yt1wci,.MicUoa. 402 RESOLUTION NO. --- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BOD Y OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as fo ll ows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procuremen t of the Annual Renewal of the Microsoft 365 Licenses that is on Omnia Partners (Contract #20 18011-02) with SHI Internationa l Org. and therefore doe s not have to be let out for bid . The total amount not-to-exceed $80,961.73. ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa Hank s, MMC City Clerk Corey Martin , Counci l Presi dent Pro Tempore 403 City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Project No. 2388 Issu ing Date : ---'1"-0/'-'1-=2:..:/2:..:0.=2.c.3 __ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by · ___ A_S_A_P __ ProJect Name : A ro ve t he Proc urem ent of th e Ann ual Renewal of Li cen s es f o r Mi cro soft 365 Pro ject Location : IT • Va rious Departmen ts Resolution # : Presented to City Council : __ 1'"'0""/2=-3"-/=20.c.2=-3'---Approved _____ _ Funding Request Sponsor : Jeff Montgomery, D irecto r o f Information Technology Changed _____ _ Re jected------=....,. ~ , t DCJ 16 ,23 AMR:4.0 ~ Pro ject Cash Requirement Requested · Cost: $ 80 347 .52 Not-to ... xcee d Amount Vend o r : SH I Int erna ti onal (Vendor #1024) Project Engineer. ~n~/a'-----------------------=------------c------- Order Date : ____ n'-'/-"a'--- De partme nt Fu nd in g This Projec t Genera/ IZ Gas C Electric 0 Wate C Departmen t of G eneral Fund Provid ing t he Funding Adm•n-10 Fleet-46 C Bldg-13 Pol•ce -15 C Fire-20 C C Golf-SO r Golf Grounds-55 D Museum-27 C Project wtll be . Expensed Capitalized Inventoried XXX IZ -------c _______ c Expense Code . Vario us • 50 300 GIL Acct Name · Co mputer Ex pens e Proiect Budgeted : ....,_$ __ ....c.80=3-'-47""."-5=-2 Balance Shee1 Item- Included in projected cash flow r -------- Over (Under) budget amount:-"$ ______ _ Lead Time · ___ n_/_a ________ _ Wastewater C Sanitation 0 Cap Project O Impact C Gas Tax C Landsc-36 C ECD-24 C Rec-25 C Civic-26 C Manna.34 C Street-35 C Meter-19 C Plan/Zone-12 C Adult Rec-30 0 NonDeptFac-75 0 Debt Service-BS C Funding Source : Operating Expenses XXX IZ Budgeted Capital ------C Unfunded C ______ Federa l· not to exceed amount .------State ______ City Local ------ Bond : ------Loan : _____ _ Titie Tit le Appro ve the procurement of the annual license renewal for Microsoft 365 users for a t otal of $80,347 .52. Capital Lease : _____ _ Payment City Council Prior Approval/Date? _______ _ Senior Accountant City Trea s urer Mayor Purchasing Memo Date : --~10"-/-'1=3/~2~0=2=3 __ Purchasing Memo Date : ___ 1'"'0~/~13"-/=2=02=-3'---- Fed Grant C IT-16C HR-1 L 404 0 ~: d1.,ABA~'ti Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928 -2136 (p) 251-928-6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To : From : Date : Re : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager October 13 , 2023 City Council Approval for Procurement of the Annual Renewal for the Microsoft 365 Licenses The I.T. Director, Jeff Montgomery , requests approval for the procurement of the Annual Renewal for the licenses for Microsoft 365. The cost for the annual renewal for the licenses from SHI will include the following: Defender 365P1 User Qty : 300 $21 .94 each Office 365 EntE3 User Qty : 274 $252 .26 each AudioCnfrc Addon Qty : 5 $29 .88 each Office 365 EntE1 User Qty : 46 $109.68 each AADP P1 Per User Qty : 1 $65 .81 each Total cost is Eighty Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-One Dollars and Seventy-Three Cents ($80,961 .73) This will be purchased through the purchasing coopera tive Omnia Partners contract (Contract #2018011-02) with SHI and therefore does not have to be let out for bid . Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for the procurement of the Annual Renewal for the licenses for Microsoft 365 for $80,961.73. CC : Jeff Montgomery, Clint Steadham 405 AL-City of Fairhope Jeff Montgomery 555 South Section street P.O . Drawer 429 Fa irhope , Al 36533 UNITED STATES Phone : (251) 990-0135 Fax : Email : jeff.montgomery@cofairhope .com All Prices are in US Dollar (USD ) Product Defender 365P1 User Microsoft -Part#: AAA-12611 Contract Name : Omnia Partners -IT Solutions Contract#: 2018011-02 Coverage Term : 12/1/2023-11/30/2024 Note: MPSA 0005750530 , 12 Months 2 Office 365 EntE3 User Microsoft -Part#: AAA-04073 Contract Name : Omnia Partners -IT Solutions Contract#: 2018011-02 Coverage Term : 12 /1/2023 - 11/30 /2024 Note: MPSA 0005750530 , 12 Months 3 AudioCnfrc Addon Microsoft -Part#: AAA-28173 Contract Name : Omnia Partners -IT Solutions Contract#: 2018011-02 Coverage Term : 12 /1/2023-11 /30 /2024 Note: MPSA 0005750530 , 12 Months 4 Office 365 EntE1 User Microsoft -Pa rt#: AAA-04151 Contract Name : Omnia Partners -IT Solutions Contract#: 2018011-02 Coverage Term : 12/1/2023 -11/30/2024 Note: MPSA 0005750530 , 12 Months 5 AADP P1 Per User Microsoft -Part#: AAA-10382 Contract Name : Omnia Partners -IT Solutions Contract#: 2018011-02 Coverage Term : 12 /1/2023 -11/30/2024 Note: MPSA 0005750530 , 12 Months Pricing Proposal Quotation #: 23942818 Created On : 9/14/2023 Valid Until : 10/31/2023 Inside Account Manager Lucas Distefano 290 Davidson Ave Somerset , NJ 08873 Phone : 888-744-4084 Fax : Email : Lucas_DiStefano@SHl .com Qty Your Price Total 300 $21 .94 $6 ,582 .00 274 $252 .26 $69 ,119 .24 5 $29 .88 $149.40 46 $109 .68 $5 ,045 .28 $65 .81 $65.81 Total $80 ,961 .73 406 Additional Comments Hardware items on this quote may be updated to reflect changes due to industry wide constraints and fluctuations. Thank you for choosing SHI International Corp ! The pricing offered on this quote proposal is valid through the expiration date listed above . To ensure the best level of service , please provide End User Name , Phone Number, Email Address and applicable Contract Number when submitting a Purchase Order. For any additional information incl uding Hardware , Software and Services Contracts , please contact an SHI Inside Sales Representative at (888) 744-4084 . SHI International Corp . is 100% Minority Owned , Woman Owned Business. TAX ID# 22-3009648 ; DUNS# 61-1429481 ; CCR# 61-243957G ; CAGE 1 HTF0 The products offered under this proposal are resold in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract referenced under that applicable line item . 407 CITY OF FA IRHOPE PURCHASING DEPA RTMENT P URCHASIN G REQUE ST FORM Name : Jeff Montgomery Date : 9/28/23 Department: IT ------------------------ Expend itu re Threshold ** Distinctions Quote s Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5,000 No restrictions Not Required N/A N/A Uti lities $5,001 -$10,000 Op erati o na l NON -Budget ed Three Treas urer/M ayor N/A Greater than : Operational NON -Budgete d Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5 ,001 Utili t ies -$10,001 Gen Go vt -$5,001-$15 ,00 0 Op erati o nal Bud geted Three Treasurer N/A Uti lit ies -$10 ,001 -$1 5,000 Ov er $15 ,000/$50,000 Operational Budg et* State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayor N/A Buying Group Over $15 ,000/$50,000 Operational Bud geted Bids Council Reguired Pro fessional Servi ce Over $5,000 Budgeted o r No n-Budgete d Mayor Select Co uncil Reguired Resolut ion N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired *Budgeted items that meet or are under budget may be pu rchased with t he Mayor and/or Treasurer's approval if they are on th e St ate Bid list or from an approved buying group . Items that are over budget must go to Council for approval and will require a green sheet and resolution . **Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases . Vendor Name 1. Shi.com - 2 . Click or tap here to enter text. QUOTES $ 80,961.73 $ Vendo r Quote ---------------- 3. Click or tap here to enter text. $ ---------------- Check any applicable boxes : D Sta t e Co nt ract □ ALDOT ~ Purchasing Group D Sole Sourc e (Attach Sol e Source Justificat ion) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase ? Mi cro soft 365 Licenses 2 . What is the total cost of the item or service? 8096 1. 73 3 . How many do you need? Click or tap here to enter text. 4 . Item o r Service Is: □ Ne w □ Used □ Repla cement ~ Annual Request 5 . Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): shi 6 . Vendo r Number: 1042 If you do not h ave a Vendo r Numb er, please go t o t h e City of Fairh ope page: www.FairhapeAL.gov, Dep artmen ts, Purchasin g, Vend or Regis t ration, and co m plete the required information . BUDGET IN FORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? ~ Yes □ No □ Em erg enc y Requ est 2. If budgeted , what is the budgeted amount? 800 97 3 . Budget code :Vario us-50300 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin. Wolfe@FairhopeAl.gov and Rhonda .Cunninqham@FairhopeAl.gov. PUR -004 -082522 408 RESOLUTION NO. --- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement for FY2024 Potting Soil Sungro MM830-F3B FB RSi from Sungro Horticulture Inc. as sole source and manufacturer. The cost will not-to-exceed $69 ,634 .60. [2] Authorizes procurement based on the option allowed by the Code of Alabama 1975 , Section 41-16-51(13): "Contractual services and purchases of commodities for which there is only one vendor or supplier and contractual services and purchases of personal property which by their very nature are impossible to award by competitive bidding." ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore 409 t City of Fa irhope Project Fund in g Req uest COF Proj ect No . 2382 Issuing Date . __ c..10"-/-"'12='-/-=-20"'2""3'--_ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by . ___ A_S~A_P __ _ Project Name : Aoorove the Procurement of Pottlna Soil for t he Landscape Department Project Locat ion: Landscape -Citywide Pre sent ed to City Coun ci l: __ 1~0c../2~3~I-=-20c..2~3'--_ Fu nding Request Spon so r: Jam ie Ro ll ins , Supervisor Horticulture George Ladd, Assistant Public Works Director Richard Johnson, Publ ic Works Director Project Cash Requirement Reque sted : Cost: $ 69 634.60 Not -to -e xcee d Amount Vendor: Sungro Horticulture (Vendor #4914) Res olution # : App roved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ ProJect Engineer: ..:.n::./a=------------------------------------------- Order Da te · ____ n~l_a __ _ Department Funding Th is Project General 0 Gas C El ectric C Wale Department of General Fund Provid i ng the Fund i ng Adm•n -10 Fleet-46 C Bldg-13 C C Go lf-50 l Poli ce-15 C Fire-20 C Go lf Grounds-55 0 Museum-2 7 C ... Pro1ect wi ll be Expe nsed XXX 12] Cap italized C Jnve ntoned C Expense Co de: 001360-51410 GIL Acct Name · Landscape • St. Materi al & Landscaping ProIect Budg eted: $ 69 634 .60 Ba lance Sheet Item-C Included in projected cash flow Over (Under) budget amount $ Lea d Time: Wastewater C Sanitation C ECD-24 CJ Rec-25 C NonDeptFac-75 0 Debt Serv,ce-85 C Fundin g Sourc e; Operating Ex penses Budgete d Capital Un funded Bond : Loan: Approve the req uest for the proc ureme nt of potti ng soil from Sungro Horic ultu re, Inc . for th e not-to...eJCceed amou nt of $69,634 .60. This ts a so le source product and will be deli ve red througho ut the year for a tota l of five (5) load s. Capital Le ase : City Council Prior Approval/Date? _______ _ Sen ior Accountant City Treasurer n/a ------------ Cap Project C Civic-26 C Manna-34 C XXX -., Impact C Gas Tax C Landsc-36 .J Street-35 C Meter-19 Plan/Zone -12 C Ad ul t Rec-30 -·- 0 C C Federa l -not to exceed amount Slate City Loca l Title Title -- Payment Mayo r Purchasing Memo Date : __ '-10~/~1~1/~2~0"'2~3 __ Purchasing Memo Date : ___ 1'-'0"-/1'-1'-'-/"'20"'2"'3"---- Fed Grant C C IT-16 C 0 HR-1 7C .. -.-. Year Year " ~ Term 410 or fAifi(t. .<i u '(1\ dt,ABA~~ Sherry Sull ivan Mayor Council Members : Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St. PO Drawe r 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) 251 -928 -6776 (f) www .fairhopeal.gov MEMO To : From : Date : Re : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager October 11 , 2023 Green Sheet and City Council Approval of Procurement of Potting Soil for Public Works Department The Public Works Streets Department's Horticulture Supervisor , Jamie Roll ins , has requested the procurement of potting soil to be used for various plantings throughout the City . The Sungro MM830-F38 FB RSi potting soil is from Sungro Horticulture Inc ., which is the sole source and manufacturer of th is product. The cost is Twelve Dollars and Ninety Cents ($13 .07) per fifty (50) pound bag . In addition , each load will have a fuel surcharge of One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00). The cost per load will be Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty-Six Dollars and Ninety-Two Cents ($13 ,926 .92). There will be five (5) loads ordered throughout the year. The annual estimated cost for this purchase is Sixty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Thirty- Four Dollars and Sixty Cents ($69,634.60). Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request to approve this FY2024 potting soil procurement for the Public Works Department, with a not-to-exceed budget of $69,634.60. CC file , Jamie Rollins , Richard Johnson , George Ladd , Cl i nt Steadham 411 s 770 Silver Street Agawam, MA, USA 01001 Phone : 1-800-732-8667 (Option 1) Fax : 1-413-789-3425 orders@sungro .com Customer#: 214244 Sold to: City of Fairhope Address: PO Box 429 Address 2: City: Fairhope State/Province: AL Zip /Postal Code: 36532 Phone: 251-929-0346 Contact: Randy Wheeler ap@fairhopeal.gov,Randy.Weaver@Fairhopeal.go Email: v Requested Delivery Date: 9/29/2023 Customer PO Number: Program: PRO WINTER/SPRING (Standard) Terms: 2% 10, 1% 30 Days, Net Due 90 Days Ava ila ble to qualified Sun Gro customers only . Orders must ship during the promotiona l shipping period and are subject to current production leadtime guidelines . Comments or Special Instructions ROD TBD Qty Item Number Item Description: 5,280 5102 .CFL002 .8P MM830-F3B RSi Accepted By : QUOTATION Quote Date: 9/29/2023 Prepared by: Blythe Leisher blythe .leisher@sungro .com (205)234-3224 Customer#: 214244 Ship to: City of Fairhope Address: PO Box 429 Address 2: City: Fairhope State/Province: AL Zip /Postal Code: 36532 Phone: 251-929-0346 Contact: Randy Wheeler Email: ap@fairhopeal .gov,Randy.Weaver@Fairhopeal.g ov Program Details Order after September 15, 2023 Requested De li very Date 1/2/24 -6/28/24 Terms: 2% 10, 1% 30 Days , Net due 90 Days Products: All Sunshine, Fafard & Metro-Mix Professional Mixes(Excludes contract orders and bulk mixes) UOM # Per Pallet BalY/N Unit Price Total Pallets CFL002.8 48 $13.07 110 Total Pallets : 110 Fuel Surcharge: $125 Date: 8/3/2023 All Prices quoted are subject to change du e to ovoilability, surcharges and/or price increases, and expire on : 412 October 2, 2023 Randy Weaver Purchasing Agent City of Fairhope Randy, s This is to confirm that Sun Gro ® Horticulture is the manufacturer and sole source of the 51027.CFL002.8P-MM830-F3B FB RSI product used by the City of Fairhope . We are the only manufacturer producing growing media products with the incorporation of RESILIENCE ®, our tradename for silicon . Best Regards, Blythe Leisher District Sales Manager AL MS TN KY Sun Gro Horticulture (205 )234-3224 blythe.leisher@sungro.com 413 Name: Jamie Rollins CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: 10/06/2023 Department: _La_n_d_s_ca_,p,_e ___________________ _ Expenditure Threshold** Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5 ,000 No restrictions Not Required N/A N/A Utilities $5 ,001 -$10,000 Operat ional NON -Budgeted Three Treasurer /Mayo r N/A Greater than : Operational NON -Budgeted Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5,001 Util ities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5 ,001 -$15,000 Operational Budgeted Three Treasurer N/A Util ities -$10 ,001 -$15 ,000 Over $15 ,000/$50,000 Operat ional Budget * State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayo r N/A Buy ing Group Over $15 ,000/$50,000 Operational Budgeted Bids Council Reguired Profess ional Service Over $5,000 Budgeted or Non -Budgeted Mayor Select Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired *Budgeted items that meet or are under budget ma y be purchased with the mayor and/or Treasurer 's approval if the y are on the State Bi d list or f r om an approved buying group. Items that are over budget must go to Coun cil for approval and will requ ire a green sheet and r esolution . **Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases. Vendor Name 1. Sungro Horticulture 2. Click or tap here to enter text. QUOTES $ 69,634.60 $ Vendor Quote 3. Click or tap here to enter text . $------------- Check any applicable boxes: State Contract □ ALDOT D Purchasing Group 1:8:1 Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? Annual dirt purchase 2. What is the total cost of the item or service? 69,634.60 3. How many do you need? Click or tap here to enter text . 4. Item or Service Is: □ New □ Used □ Replacement 1:8:1 Annual Request 5. Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Sungro Horticulture 6. Vendor Number: 4914 If you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page : www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? 1:8:1 Yes □ No □ Emergency Request 2. If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? 3. Budget code: 01360 -51410 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin.Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda .Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR-004 • 082522 414 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: 1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the 2023 Lighting of the Trees stage , miscellaneous equipment, and labor cost to Sound Associates , Inc. with a total not-to-exceed cost of $13 ,000 .00 for the City ofFairh ope's Lighting of the Trees Celebration on November 16 , 2023 . ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin Counci l President Pro Tempore 415 City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Proj ect No. 2385 Issuing Date : __ ..:.1.:,;0/c.:1-=2'-'/2:..:0-=2-=3 __ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by ; ---'A'-=S'-'A'--P __ Project Name . A rove the Procurement for 2023 "LI htln of the Trees" Sta e Miscellaneous E ul ment and Labor Project Location : -=D:..:o:..:w"'n"'t:.::o..:.w:..:n'--------------------------- Presented to City Council : __ 1c..c0:..:/=.23=.c/-=2-=0=-23=---- Reso lution # : Approved _____ _ Fund ing Request Sponsor: Paige Crawford, Director of Community Affairs Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Project Cash Requirement Requested : Cost: $ 13 000 .00 Not-to◄xceed Amount OCT 16 '23 AM8:4o Vendor: Sound Associates , Inc . {Vendor #20049) n/a Order Date : ____ n.:,;/.:,;a __ _ Lead Time : n/a ------------ Department Funding This Project General ~ Gas D Electric D Wat eO Wastewater D Sanitation C Cap Project C Impact Q Gas Ta x _ Adm1n-10 Fleet-46 Department of General Fund Providing the Funding C Blag-13 C C Golf-50 C Po lice-15 C Fire-20 C Golf Grounds-55 0 Museum-2 7 D Project will be · Expensed Capitalized Inventoried XXX 0 -------c _______ c Expense Code : 001240-50490 Landsc-36 C ECD-24 0 Rec-25 C Civic-26 C Manna •J◄ 0 Street-35 C Meter-19 C Plan/Zone-12 C Adult Re c-30 0 NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv,ce-85 C Funding Source · Operating Expe nses XXX l2i Budgeted Capital ------,.C Unfunded G GIL Acct Name : Economic & Community Development -Community Events ______ Federa l -not to exceed amount ______ State Project Budgeted : _$~--1~3~0-'0-'0-'.0_0_ Balance Sheet Item- Included in projected cash flow C -------- Over (Under) budget amount:~$ ______ _ Approve the procurement for the 2023 Lighting of the Trees st.age , miscellaneous equ ip ment and la bor cost in the noMo--exceed amount of $13,000 .00 from Sound Asso cia tes , Inc . City Council Prior Approval/Da te? _______ _ Senior Accountant City Treasurer ______ City ______ Local Bond :------'- Loan : _____ _ Capital Lease : _____ _ Title Tit le Payment Purchasing Memo Date : __ ..:.10~/..:.1..:.1/~2=0~2~3 __ Purchas ing Memo Date : ___ 1-'0~/~1.:,;1/~2=-0=23=----- ------- Mayor Fed Grant C Term IT-16 L HR-1 7L 416 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St. PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928 -2136 (p) 251-928 -6776 (f) www .fairhopeal.gov MEMO To : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer From : Date : Re: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager October 11, 2023 Green Sheet and City Council Approval for the Procurement of Stages, Equipment, and Labor for the 2023 Lighting of the Trees Event The Director of Community Affairs , Paige Crawford , is requesting approval for the procurement of the following equipment and services for the Lighting of the Trees event on November 16 , 2023. The services would include : Main Stage : 40'x36'x5 ' stage with 2 stair units, skirted on all sides ; handrails on all sides 8'x12'x3 ' stage section with 16 ' ramps 8 x Little Blizzard snow machines with rigging gear 18 moving LED lighting fixtures/supported on 6 vertical trusses 8 x JBL VRX 932 speakers with audio mixing console , choir and instrument mies Audio engineer and lighting engineer All necessary labor De La Mar Stage : 40 'x28 'x4 ' skirted stage with 2 stair units , handrails on all sides All necessary labor Sound Associates , Inc . has submitted a proposal for Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13 ,000 .00). This professional service is exempt from formal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975 , Section 41-16-51 (a)(3) Contracts for which competitive bidding not required , which states : "Contracts for securing services of attorneys, physicians, architects, teachers, superintendents of construction, artists, appraisers, engineers, consultants, certified public accountants, public accountants, or other individuals possessing a high degree of profession al skill where the personality of the individual plays a decisive part," Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request to approve the procurement for the 2023 Lighting of the Trees stage, miscellaneous equipment and labor cost to Sound Associates, Inc. for $13,000 .00 . CC file , Paige Crawford , Clint Steadham 417 Purchaser: City of Fairhope Sound Associates Inc. 5675 Rabbit Creek Dr. Theodore, AL 36582 251-443-5001 Fax 251--443-8724 Service Contract #111623COF Contact: Paige Crawford 251-510-7075 Event/ Artist: Lighting of the Trees; downtown Fairhope, AL Event Date: November 16, 2023 {Partial Load-In November 15) Total Contract Price: $13,000.00 Deposit: $6500.00 check due to Sound Associates on September 28, 2023 Balance: $6500.00 check due at load-in to Sound Associates on November 16, 2023 SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY SOUND ASSOCIATES INC: Main Stage: 40' x 36' x 5' stage with 2 stair units, skirted on all sides / handrails on all sides 8' x 12' x 3' stage section with 16' ramp for band load-in/load-out 8 x Little Blizzard snow machines with rigging gear for attachment to traffic light posts 18 moving LED lighting fixtures/ supported on 6 vertical trusses 8 x JBL VRX 932 speakers with audio mixing console, choir and instrument mies Audio engineer and lighting engineer All necessary labor De La Mar Stage: 40' x 20' x 4' skirted stage with 2 stair units, handrails on all sides All necessary labor P. 1 418 THE FOLLOWING SERVICES MUST BE PROVIDED BY THE PURCHASER AT NO COST TO SOUND ASSOCIATES: Purchaser to provide assistance from City of Fairhope electrical staff for the rigging and testing of snow machines On the evening of November 15, ~~ and again for loading the snow machines out after the event on ovember 16, 2023. Purchaser will provide limited storage in Welcome Center for 3-4 pieces of equipment the night of November 15. Purchaser Initial: ----- CANCELLATIONS/ SIGNATURES By signing this contract, the purchaser agrees to all terms listed in this contract, unless agreed to in writing by Sound Associates and the Purchaser. The employer also agrees that the contracted event is "rain or shine," and that the full balance of contract is due to Sound Associates regardless of inclement weather or other factors beyond the control of Sound Associates. Any cancellation of the contract must be agreed to in writing by both the purchaser and Sound Associates. The purchaser also agrees that the contract deposit is non-refundable after 30 days before the start of the contracted event, even in the event of cancellation. Purchaser Signature ______________ _ Date: SAi Signature Date: 419 Name: Paige Crawford CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: 10/9/2023 Department: Economic and Community Development Expenditure Threshold** Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5,000 No restrictions Not Required N/A N/A Utilities $5,001-$10,000 Operational NON -Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than : Operational NON-Budgeted Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5 ,001 Utilities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5,001-$15,000 Operational Budgeted Three Treasurer N/A Util ities -$10,001 -$15,000 Over $15 ,000/$50,000 Operational Budget * State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayo r N/A Buying Group Over $15,000/$50,000 Operational Budgeted Bids Council Reguired Professiona l Service Over $5,000 Budgeted or Non -Budgeted Mayo r Select Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired *Budgeted i tems t hat meet or are under budge t may be purchased w ith the Mayo r and/or Treasurer's approval if they are an the State Bid list or from an approved buying group. Items that are over budget must go to Council for approval and will require a green sheet and resolution . **Expenditure Threshold is a combined total af labor and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cast increases. Vendor Name 1. Sound Associates 2. Click or tap here to enter text. QUOTES $ $13,000 $ Vendor Quote 3 . Click or tap here to en t er text. $-------------- Check any applicable boxes: D State Contract □ ALDOT □ Purchasing Group D Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? Production Services for the Lighting of the Trees 2. What is the total cost of the item or service? $13,000 3. How many do you need? Click or tap here to enter text. 4. Item or Service Is: □ New □ Used □ Replacement C8:I Annual Request 5 . Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Sound Associates 6. Vendor Number: 20049 If you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page: www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? C8:I Yes □ No □ Emergency Request 2. If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? $13,000 3. Budgetcode:0012400-50490 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin.Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda.Cunninqham@FairhopeAl.gov. PUR-()()4 -082522 420 RESOLUTION NO. ---- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: [1] That the City Council approves a three (3) month extension of the Osprey Initiative , LLC contract for a not-to-exceed cost of $3 ,136 .26; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute the contract extension. [2] The original contract cost of the litter boom in stallation and debri s reports for the first twel ve (12) months was quoted and approved for $27 ,000.00 . Council approved contract during August 8, 2022, regularly scheduled meeting. The actual cost for the twelve (12) month s of service and in stallation of litter boom totaled $23,863.7 4 . [3] We are reque sting a contract renewal to use the remaining monies originally approved for this project to expand the timeline of services . ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin , Council President Pro Tempore 421 I City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Project No . 2380 Issuing Date : __ 1""0"'/1'-=2'-"/2"'0~23~_ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by . ___ A_S_A_P __ Project Location : Wi n n-D ixie Po nd (Morphy Avenue} Presented to City Council: __ 1_0_1_2_3/_2_0_2_3 __ Funding Request Sponsor: Nic o le Lo ve Gran ts Co ord i na t or Kim Burme i ster Pro ject Cash Requirement Requested : Co st : ~$ ____ 3~, 1_3_6_.2~6_Not -to ◄xceed Amount Resolution # : Approved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Ve nd o r : OCT 16 '23 AM8:4O "°' .~ _O~s~p_r_ey~l n_lt_la_t_lv_e~, _L _LC~(V_e_n_d_o_r_#_7_92_9~)____________________ ,...,,_,.- Project Engineer:-'n"l"'a ____________________________________________ _ Order Date : ____ n_/a ___ _ Lead Time : --~""la~--------- Department Fu nding Thi s Pro j ect General (; Gas 0 Electric 0 Wale □ Wastewater 0 Sanitation D Cap Project C Impact C Gas Tax C Fed Grant C Adm,n-10 Fleet-46 Department of Gener al Fu nd Provid ing the Fundi ng C Bldg-13 L C Golf-50 C Police-15 [J Fire-20 C Golf Grounds-55 D Museum-27 0 Proiect will be Expensed Capitalized Inventoried _______ c --~x~x~x ___ lZ ________ !:: Expense Code : 001 35 0-50 47 5 ECD-24 C Rec-25 C Civic-26 C Manna-34 C Street-35 IZ Meter-19 NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Service-BS C Plan/Zone-12 C Adult Rec-30 0 Funding Source : Operat ing Expenses C Budgeted Capital ___ X_X_X ___ IZ Unfunded C G/L Acct Name Public Works Streets -Capital Im provemen t s ___ ,--___ Federal -not to exceed amount State -------______ City ______ Local ProJect Budgeted : $ Balance Sheet Item-C Included in projected cash flow Bond : _____ _ -------Year Over (Under) budget amount: $ 3,136.26 Loan : ------- Title Title _______ Year Approve the request for a three (3) month contract extension with Osprey Ini tiative, LLC in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,136.26. The original contract cost of litter boom ins tallation and debris reports for the first twelve (12) months was quoted and approved for $27,000.00. Council approved con tract during August 8, 2022, regularly scheduled meeting. The actual cost for the twelve (12) months of service and installation of litter boom totaled $23 ,863 .74 . We are requesting a contract renewal to use the remaining monies originally approved for this pro;ect to expand the tlmeline of service,. Authorize Mayor to execute contract extension. City Council Prior Approval/Date? 06/06/2022 -Reg ularly Schedu led Me et ing Senior Accoun tant City Trea surer Capital Lease : ______ _ Purchasing Memo Date : __ ~10=/~1~1/=2=0=2~3 __ Purchas ing Memo Date : ___ 1~0~/~11~/=2~02=3~-- Request~ed Date : IN'.\I\ 10/13/2023 eech • Payment _______ Term IT-16 C: HR -17C 422 O~ fAI!fo_ ~ t; t'I\ d lA. BA 'm 't, Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members : Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell , ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Rob i nson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) 251-928 -6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To : From : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager Date : October 11 , 2023 Re : Green Sheet and City Council Approval request for Extension of Contract with Osprey Initiative The Grants Coordinator, Nicole Love , is requesting approval for the extension of the contract for tactical cleanups of litter booms from Osprey Initiative . In August , 2022 , the City Council approved the procurement of litter booms from Osprey Initiative , LLC . Osprey Initiative , LLC is a specialty environmental contractor who is a sole source provider of the Litter Boom , a floating barrier designed to tactically prevent litter from floating downstream . Osprey Initiative manufactured and installed 300 feet of Litter Boom at Winn-Dixie Pond . They collected the litter and debris twice each month and provided a report on the types of litter and debris. The original cost of the twelve-month contract was $27 ,000 .00 , which included the manufacture and installation of the Litter Boom , along with the collection of the litter, plus the monthly reports analyzing the debris . The cost of the installation and reports for the first 12 months was less than quoted. We are requesting an extension to the contract for three more months at a cost of One Thousand Forty-Five Dollars and Forty-Two Cents ($1 ,045.42 ) per month , or a total of Three Thousand One Hundred Thirty-Six Dollars and Twenty-Six Cents $3 ,136 .26) Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request to approve this three (3) month extension of the contract with Osprey Initiative, LLC for $3,136.26 . CC file , Nicole Love , Kim Burmeister, Clint Steadham 423 INITIATIVE Osprey Job #J22-018 City of Fairhope 161 North Section St. Fairhope, AL 36532 Attn: Nicole Love Subject: Time extension for Maintenance of the Winn-Dixie Pond Boom Scope of Work Osprey Initiative will continue maintenance of the Litter Boom located at the Winn Dixie Pond on Morphy Avenue in Fairhope, AL to utilize the remaining budget from the original project. -Tactical cleanups will continue to be performed at Big Mouth Gully Basin. -Any litter or debris collected will be weighed and the Osprey modified ET AP methodology will be utilized to produce a litter profile over the extent of the project. -This data will be tracked on ETAP field data sheets and recorded in Osprey Initiative 's database. The data will be provided to the City of Fairhope monthly . -All materials collected will be disposed of according to local regulations and applicable materials will be recycled. -Additionally , under the scope of services, Osprey will meet with the City of Fairhope at a frequency to be determined to discuss data , field observations and how to utilize this information for education and outreach efforts . Litter Boom and Tactical Cleanups Includes labor, materials , mileage Elinor Mallon Osprey Initiative, LLC 10/05/2023 Date Cost Estimate Units Cost Sub-total Quantity 3 months $1,045.42 $3,136 .26 Total $3,136.26 Sherry Sulliv an Mayor of Fairhope Date 2350 H all s Mill Rd • Mobile, AL 36606 WWW .OSPREY. WORLD I f @ w in 424 Nam e: Richard Johnson CITY OF FAIRHOPE P UR CHASING DEPA R TMENT PUR CHASING REQ UEST F ORM Date: October 5, 2023 Department : Public Works ------------------------ Expenditure Threshold ** Distinctions Quot es Required Approval Green Shee t Unde r $5 ,000 No restricti on s Not Requ ired N/A N/A Utilities $5 ,001 -$10,00 0 Operat ional NON -Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than : Operational NON -Budgete d Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5 ,00 1 Utilities -$10,00 1 Gen Go vt -$5,001 -$30 ,000 Op eratio nal Budg eted Three Treasu rer N/A Ut ilities -$10,001 - $30 ,000 Over $30 ,000 Operational Bud get * State Bid List o r Treasurer/Mayor N/A Buy i ng Grou p Over $30,000/$100 ,00 0 Op erational Budg eted Bids Co unci l Reguired Profess iona l Service Over $5,000 Budgeted o r No n-Budg ete d Mayo r Select Council Reguired Reso luti on N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired *Budgeted i tems that meet or ore under budget may be pu rchased wi th the Mayor and/or Treasure r's approval if the y ore on the State Bi d list or from on appro ved buying group. Items that ore over budget must go to Council for approva l and will requ ire a green sheet and resolution . **Expenditure Threshold is o combined total of labor ond materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases . Vendor Name 1. Osprey Init iative 2 . Click or tap here to enter text . QUOTES $ $3,136.26 $ Vendor Quote 3 . Click or ta p here to enter text. $------------- Check any applicable boxes : D State Con t ract D ALDO T D Purch asing Gro u p C8J Sol e Sourc e (Atta ch Sole Sou rce Justific at io n) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase ? Mo nt hly main t en ance of litter boo m thro ugh De cembe r 20 23 2 . What is the total cost of the item or service ? $1,045 .42/month 3 . How many do you need ? 3 4. Item or Servi ce Is : D Ne w C8J Us ed D Repl ac em e nt D Annual Re quest 5 . Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Osprey lnititiave 6 . V endo r Number: Click or tap here to enter text. If you d o no t ha ve a Vendo r Num ber, please go to t he City of Fairho pe pa ge: www.FairhopeAL.gov, Depa rtments, Purchasing, Ven do r Reg istration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMAT ION 1. Is it budgeted ? C8J Yes D No D Em e rgency Request L. Jo, 'Bu..DG~-r~o) 2. If budgeted, w h at is the budgeted amount? $27 ,000 .00 total awarded . $23,863 .74 expended. $3,136.26 leftover 3. Budge t code : Click or tap here to enter text . Email completed f orm with quotes and other sup p orting do cum entation to Erin. Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov a nd Rhonda . Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR--004 -082522 425 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That the City Council authorizes and approves the hiring of the new Mechanic/Clerk to allow the current Mechanic/Clerk (Pay Grade 6), who is retiring at the end of January 2024 , to work with and train the new employee prior to his leaving. This will be beneficial to the City as well as the new hire . The temporary position will expire upon retirement of the current Mechanic/Clerk. ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Corey Martin, Council President Pro Tempore 426 Job Title : Department: FLSA: CITY OF FAIRHOPE JOB DESCRIPTION Mechanic/Clerk Public Works Grade: 6 Safety Sensitive Job : Security Sensitive Job : Job Description Prepared : May 2021 Yes No Note : Statements included in this description are intended to reflect in general the duties and responsibilities of this job and are not to be interpreted as being all-inclusive. The employee may be assigned other duties that are not specifically included . Reports to: Subordinate Staff: Internal Contacts : External Contacts : Relationships Mechanic Maintenance Supervisor None All City Departments Vendors ; Part Suppliers ; GovDeals Sales Site Job Summary Under the supervision of the Mechanic Maintenance Supervisor , the employee performs sk illed clerical work in maintaining efficient operat ions of the Mechanical Maintenance Division of Public Works . The employee performs general clerical duties such as initiating work orders , track and processing invoices , and monitoring bench stock and part inventories . The employee also provides more advanced support for the division by preparing surplus vehicles and equipment for sale on GovDeal sales site . The employee works independently and exercises independent judgment , initiative , and understanding in interpreting rules and regulations in meeting daily situations . Work is performed in accordance with established rules , regulations , and instructions from supervisor , and work is reviewed upon completion . This job is considered a safety-sensitive and subject to a pre-employment background check and random drug screens . 1 427 Essential Functions ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: The following list was developed through a job analysis ; however, it is not exhaustive and other duties may be required and assigned. A person with a disability which is covered by the ADA must be able to perform the essential functions of the job unaided or with the assistance of a reasonable accommodation. ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Clerical Operations. Performs clerical and record management duties to facilitate the efficient administrative functions of the Mechanical Maintenance Division. 1. Prioritizes Division work orders to ensure work is accomplished in the most productive manner. 2 . Maintains and updates vehicle and heavy equipment functional condition records. 3. Verifies vehicle and equipment serviceability ; complies with state vehicle reporting requirements. 4. Assists in maintaining shop and equipment in a clean safe manner. 5 . Initiates and processes work orders into the City work order system . 6. Generates and submits purchase order requests. 7 . Provides purchase order information to vendors and fleet mechanics . 8. Tracks Division purchase orders and invoices to ensure timely receipt of items and prompt payment by the City. 9. Performs periodic audits of inventory and bench stock. 10. Reorders and restocks inventory and bench stock to maintain availability . 11. Coordinates transfer of vehicles to outside vendors to perform certain work. 12. Maintains data in the fleet software consistent with policies and procedures . 13 . Reviews/corrects all completed work orders with printed material list to be charged out. 14 . Monitors back orders and warranty claims. 15. Tracks transferred units , mileage , fuel , parts , etc . ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Surplus Vehicle and Equipment Sales. Employee prepares documentation and sales information to facilitate the sale of surplus City vehicles and equipment through public sources. 1. Generates the list of surplus vehicles and equipment ; submits through supervisor to the City Council for approval to sell. 2. Prepares the documentation and photos of surplus vehicles and equipment for posting to the GovDeal and other sales sites ; travels throughout City to photograph items. 3 . Answers queries from potential buyers regarding any City items posted on GovDeal site . 4 . Processes the winning bid and prepares the sale item and required documentation to facilitate transfer of the item to the buyer. 2 428 NON-ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: 1. Assists with City special events such as placing barricades and barriers . 2 . Responds to emergency calls dur ing hurricanes , inclement weather , o r other emergency situations . 3. Performs othe r job-related duties as requ ired or assigned . Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (* Can be acquired on the job) 1. *Knowledge of City rules , regulations , policies , and procedu res . 2. *Knowledge of City geography. 3 . Knowledge of vehicle and heavy equ ipment operations and service . 4 . Knowledge of general office practices and procedures . 5 . Knowledge of general procurement guidelines and practices . 6 . Knowledge of inventory control. 7. Knowledge of files systems and recording keeping methods and techniques . 8 . Knowledge of customer service policies. 9 . Knowledge of computer and office applications. 10 . Communication skills to effectively communicate internally and externally , both orally and in writing . 11 . Reading skills to understand operato r manuals , directives , procedures , and instructions . 12. Verbal skills to communicate effectively with supervisor , c o-workers , and general publ ic . 13 . Writing skills to clearly and neatly complete routine forms , records , and other materials using correct English , grammar , punctuation , and spelling . 14. Math skills to perform basic calculations (add , subtract, multiply , divide). 15. Ability to read , understand and follow w ritten and/or oral safety regulations and City policies and procedures . 16. Ability to use standard office equipment. 17 . Ability to use computers and office productivity software . 18 . Ability to use a multiline telephone and two-way communication devices . 19 . Ability to deal with all contacts in a courteous and patient manner. 20 . Ability to ca lmly assist irate visitors and help resolve compla ints . 21 . Ability multi -task ; organize and prioritize responsibilit ies . 22 . Ability to maintain accurate and concise records . 23 . Ability to solve problems and make sound decisions . 24 . Ability to keep and maintain legible records on vehicle maintenance . 25 . Ability to work with minimal supervision . 26. Ability to set up and ma intain a standard filing system . 27 . Ability to maintain professional attitude. 28 . Ability to maintain good public and employee relations . 29. Ability to handle and account for monies. 3 429 30 . Ability to use a multi-line telephone . 31. Ability to drive . Minimum Qualifications 1. Possess high school diploma or GED . 2 . Minimum of three (3) years of work experience in vehicle and fleet maintenance ; or any combination of education , training and experience that demonstrates the above listed knowledge , skills , and abilities commensurate with the requirements of this job. 3 . Possess a current and valid driver's license ; must be insurable . 4 . Ability to work non-standard hours. 5 . Ability to travel throughout the City . 6 . Ability to pass a pre-employment background check and an initial drug screen . Physical Demands The work requires considerable and strenuous physical exertion such as frequent climbing of tall ladders , lifting heavy objects over 50 lbs ., crouching , or crawling in restricted areas. Work Environment The work environment involves high risks with exposure to potentially dangerous situations or unusual environmental stress which require a range of safety and other precautions , e.g., working at great heights under extreme weather conditions , or similar situations where conditions cannot be controlled . 4 430 RESOLUTION NO. ---- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A DIRECTOR TO THE EDUCATIONAL BUILDING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA-ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA (the "City Council"), as follows: Section 1. declare as follows: The City Co uncil has found and determined and does hereb y find , determine and (a) The City Council has heretofore authorized the incorporation , and appointed the directors , of The Educational Building Authority of the City of Fairhope , Alabama -St. Michael 's Catholic High Schoo l (the "Authority"). (b) The current term of Mr. Jame s C . Bailey as a director of the Authority will expire on the seco nd Monday of November, 2023 . (c) It is in the best interests of the Authority and the City to reappoint Mr. Jame s C . Bailey as a director of the Authority . Section 2 . Pursuant to Section 16-17-5 of the Code of Alabama 1975 , the City Council does hereby appoint the following perso n as a director of the Authority for the term ending on the date and year set opposite the name thereof: End of Term Mr. Jame s C . Bailey Second Monday of November, 2026 Section 3 . All ordinances , resolution s, orders , or parts of any thereof, of the City in co nflict, or inconsistent, with any provision of thi s re so lution hereby are , to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency , repealed . Section 4 . Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk This resolution shall take effect immediately .. Duly passed and adopted thi s 23rd day of October, 2023 Corey Martin Council President Pro Tempore 431 Jenny Wilson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lisa, Jenn ife r Olmstead Thursday, October 5, 2023 11 :53 AM Lisa A. Hanks , MMC Jenny Wilson ; Richard Johnson ; Stephanie Hollinghead; Corey Martin Street & Traffic Control Committee The Street & Traffic Control Committee met on October 4, 2023 and made the following recommendations to present to Council for their consideration : • Install a speed table on Summe r Lake Street between Twin Beech Road and the tree median. • Lower the speed limit in the downtown business area to 15 mph ; boundaries being Oak Avenue to Morphy Avenue (North & South) and Mershon Street to Summit Street (East & West). • Change the intersection of South Summit and Nichols Avenue to a right-turns only using a safety island . Regards , of fAIN{J. -<i u '(rt ~lABA~~ Jennifer Olmstead Revenue Manager/ Magist r ate PO Drawer 429 Fairhope AL 36533 Phone :251/990-0190 jennifero@fairhopeal .gov www .fairhopeal.gov 1 432 Jenny Wilson From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lisa, Jenn ife r Olmstead Thursday, October 5, 2023 11 :53 AM Lisa A. Hanks , MMC Jenny Wilson ; Richard Johnson ; Stephanie Hollinghead; Corey Martin Street & Traffic Control Committee The Street & Traffic Control Committee met on October 4, 2023 and made the following recommendations to present to Council for their consideration : • Install a speed table on Summe r Lake Street between Twin Beech Road and the tree median. • Lower the speed limit in the downtown business area to 15 mph ; boundaries being Oak Avenue to Morphy Avenue (North & South) and Mershon Street to Summit Street (East & West). • Change the intersection of South Summit and Nichols Avenue to a right-turns only using a safety island . Regards , of fAIN{J. -<i u '(rt ~lABA~~ Jennifer Olmstead Revenue Manager/ Magist r ate PO Drawer 429 Fairhope AL 36533 Phone :251/990-0190 jennifero@fairhopeal .gov www .fairhopeal.gov 1 433 City of Fairhope Approval Special Event Request 1 0 I 05 I 2023 I Date complete application submitted to Rental Facilities Department Event: Jolly Jog Person Re questing: Lindsey Si mmons (Eastern Shore Junior Auxiliary) Date of Event: 12/10/2023 Locati on: Bancroft St fro m the intersection of Fairhope Ave to Oak Ave D Approval/Disapproval supporting documentation attached. Approval: StefJhattie HoU1}1ahead 10/9/2023 1-st .... eD =lhan=k=Ho=lli=nQ=hea=d= (IOc"-'--'t 9=2=02.;;..a3 trh=:2""-SC=DT'-'--") ----Date: App rox. security cost Police Chief/Designee $ 675.00 ,..,G£.....,;,r.,..�...,0ct...,.9w,2Q..,.n"""10 -;29....,cp""-n _______ Date: 10/9/2023 Approx. cost city services $ 350 • 00Director of Public Works/Designee ....... raC ........ � ....... t�""""�.......,�=�c=on ____ Date: 10/9/23Director of Community Events Disapproval: _____________ Date: ____ _Police Chief _____________ Date: ____ _Director of Public Works/Designee _____________ Date: ____ _Director of Community Events □Route back to rental facilities department for application package finalization NOT ES: ____________________________ _ Rev. 01/20 MS/CM 434 APPLICATION FOR USE OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE SIDEWALKS AND/OR STREETS We the undersigned hereby apply for the use of certain sidewalks and/or streets within the City of Fairhope and in connection with said application, furnish the following: Bancroft Ave. 1.Which street and/or sidewalk do you wish to use? _______________________ _ 2.Date R equested: December 10, 2023 Hours requested from: 12:00 p.m. 3.Ren ter's Name: Eastern Shore Junior Au xiliary Address: P.O. Box 2061 City: Fairhope State: _A_L __ _ Phone Numbers: (205) 218-4667 (Lindsey Simmons) to 5:00 p.m. Zip: 36532 4 Purpo fu . Jolly Jog -half-mile Fun Run/Event for families. seo se. _________________________________ _ 5.Number of persons expected to attend (adults and minors): _A_p _p_r_o_x _im_a_te_l_y_1_5_0 __________ _ 6.Will there be alcohol on the premises during the event'? No If requested. the Fairhope City Council may allow alcoholic bevernges. If alcohol is allowed, the user must adhere to all rules of the Alabama Beverage Control Board and its pennitting p�. All permits required must be submitted to the City of Fairhope Police Chief at least 12 weeks prior to the event. 7 De ·be .a--u· te ts d . t, ...,.,.;., port lets, etc . The event will begin and end at The Mill, . sen any """'vra ons, n , soun cqu1pmen "'"'&"'g, -o- .. _______________ _ with the closure of Bancroft to be for the .5 mile run. Rental Company: _________ _ 8. Will you need electricity?Yes Yes For. ________________ _ Will you need water?For. ________________ _ INDEMNITY AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT In consideration oflhe permission granted to me by the City of Fairhope to use the sidewalks and/or streets, I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the City ofFairhope, its agents, servants and employees from any and all claims and causes of action that may arise from injury to me or third parties using the sidewalks and/or streets who arc injured or suffer property damage that is in any way caused by my use of the sidewalks and/or streets. This indemnity and hold harmless agreement is given to the City of Fairhope to protect the City and its agents, servants and employees from cost of defense and claims for injuries and damages that may be caused either directly or indirectly by my use of tbe sidewalks and/or streets. CLEANING AND CANCELLATION POLICIES L)At the conclusion of the event, the area will be inspected by a representative of the City. If the user has not cleaned up thepark and restored it to its original condition, the City will clean up the park and charge the user for the services. b.) All cancellations and/or date changes must be in writing and signed by the same person who signed the application and paid the rental fees, and must be given to the Site Manager not less than 30 days prior to the event. No fee refunds will be made for cancellations made less than 30 days prior to the event. Fee refunds will be made by check, and delivered by mail, less the cost of City services, as assessed by the appropriate City staff for cleaning, or a 20% handling charge for cancellations. We the undersigned have read and understand the Indemnity Agreement, as well as alt rules and regulations contained in City Ordinance No. ID§ as set forth by the governing body of the City of Fairhope, and will abide by these rules and regulations, which include but arc not limited to the Ca�Uation and Cleaning policies. We also understand that if, at any time, the City-appointed Law Enforcement Personnel fee /tHp t saic n les and regulations arc not being followed, the function will be termillllted. j � • Renter'sSignature: ti-. 1 ll Date: q\,sh'.:? IV \ --��i�------- City Personnel: � -----Fees Paid: Yts,. Date: q f IS l l 3 Ck.#: lo ( I I .qJlb °" Or,IJ,-/ Application �__LhntdllDqo,lt Fees L/imlu«l in Cale,rda,-_L__435 - -�JUNIOR AUXILIARY oft he Eastern Shore P.O. Box 2061 Fairhope, AL 36532 (251) 210-8849 Event Contact: Lindley Simmons Phone: (205) 218-4667 September 19, 2023 VIA HAND DELIVERY Fairhope City Council c/o Lisa Hank, City Clerk 161 North Section St. Fairhope, AL 36532 RE: Permit Request-Road Closure Event date -December 10, 2023 Dear Council Members: The Eastern Shore Junior Auxiliary proposes to host a half-mile fun "run" known as the "Jolly Jog" for families on Sunday, December 10, 2023 from 1pm to 4pm We are requesting a road closure of Bancroft St. from the intersection of Fairhope A venue to Oak A venue. We are not requesting that Fairhope Avenue be closed in any manner. We request a one-hour buffer on each side for set-up and clean-up, so the total time for this event/road closure would be 12:00pm to 5:00pm. The proposed run is an "in-and-out", with the start line and end line beginning at the same spot directly in front of The Mill. We are not asking for any alcohol allowance. Based on this same event hosted by the Junior Auxiliary the past two years, we estimate attendance to be approximately 150 people. The goal of the event is to host a family-friendly activity that will raise funds for the Eastern Shore Junior Auxiliary. Our organiution exists to help the children of the Eastern Shore through various service projects including two of our largest projects, Project Prom and Blessing Bags,just to name a few. We appreciate your consideration of our request, and will be happy to answer any further questions as the Council sees fit. lO,incifly, Ll1}JS�ons JABS Project Contact 436 •251 Central Business District Pro�ed Expansion ,..,_ i.a-, ...... __ ...... ....._,._.__ □-.. -ClnOffAallOPfm.ttG -,,, __ .............. 0.. ..... .., ..... Ill! .. ..., __ _ ...,,. __ ........................ ,...--.. ...... ... __ ..... -..... -.,_,.,_...._a.. -·--.., ......... a..--�----- .... ,... ... 11..__ .... Dalt .................... _.. ............ -·- N A 437 Internal Revenue Service District Director P-0• BOX 941, RM 1112ATLANTA, GA 30301 Oa.te: OGT 281986 EASTERN SHORE JUNIOR AUXILIARY INC ROUTE 3 BOX 192' FAIRHOPE, AL 36532 Dea.r Appl lcantc Department of the Treasury Employer Identification Number, Contact Person:JERRY FINKLIN Cont.ct Telephone Numbers (40-4) 331-6040 Accounting Period Ending• Apr 11 30 Form 990 Required: Ye-s Cav•a.t App t i •111 Ves Based on Information supplied, and assumins your operations wll I be aa stated In your appl I cation for recognition of aKemption, we hava deta�mlned you a.re exempt from Federa I Income ta.x under sect I on '501 <c> (3) of' the Int_erna Revenue Coda. We have further determined that you ar• not a private foundation within the meanins of section 509(a) of the Cod•• b•cau�• you are an orsanlzation descrlbed in sectton5 !509(a.) <1> and 170(b) <1) (A) (vi). If your sourca9 of 1upport, or your purposasY cha.ractar, or method ot operation change, please let us know so we can considar the effect of the chan9• on your eKempt 9tatus and foundation statu�. In the case of a.n amendm•nt to .. ·yolw or9ani%ational document or bylawa, pl•ase send us a copy of' the amended doc�ment Dr byla.w5. Also, you should inform us of a.II changes In you1 na.me or addregs. As of Janu ry 1, 1984, you are liable for taxes und•r th• Federal Insurance Contributions Act (social security taxes> on remuneration of •100 or mor• you pay to each of your employ••• durln9 a cal•nd&r year. You &re. not I lable tor the ta.x Imposed under the Federal Unamployment TaK Act (FUTA>. Since you &ra not a private foundation, you are not subJact to the eKcl� taKes under Ch&pter 42 of �h• Code. However, you are not automat�cal ly eKNIP' from other Federa. I eKc I•• ta>ee<a. If you ha.ye a.ny quest f on• -about · it,_(c I 11e, employment, or other Federal taKes, please let us .know. Donors may deduct contribution• to you·as provided in section 170 of �h•Code. Bequests, legacies, devlse9, transfers, or gifts to you or for your us, ara deductible for Federal estate and gift taK purposes if they meet the a.pp I icable .provisions of Code sttctions 205�, 2106, and 2!522. The headins of this latter Indicates wheth•r you must file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax. If Yes Is Indicated, you are required to f'i le Form 990 only if ·your gross receipts each year are normally mote than $2�,ooo. It � return is required, it must be filed by the 15th day ., Letter 947(00/CG) 438 DATE: ____ _ SIGNATURE of BUSINESSES & RESIDENCES Dat e of Street Closing: December 1 Times: 12:00 p.m. --5:00 p.m. Type of Ev ent: Eastern Shore Juni r Auxiliary's Jolly Jog -.5 Mile Fun Run & Family Event street(s) to be closed: Bancroft Str et, from the intersection of Fairhope Avenue to Oak Avenue bZJ INSIDE CBD: Signatures of ap roval from 75% of biz/res whose store fronts are directly affected by street to be closed (12 weeks prior) AND otification to 100% of bus/res within 300 ft. of the event (30 days prior)* D OUTSIDE CBD: Signatures of 7 % of businesses and residences within 300 ft. of street to be closed (12 weeks prior), AND notification to 1 % of bus/res along the street to be closed (30 days prior)• *NOTIFICATIONS MUST BE GIVEN VI U.S. MAIL, E-MAIL, OR DOOR-TO-DOOR, 4 WEEKS BEOFRE TO YOUR EVENT. ALL SIGNATURES ARE DUE NO LATER AN 12 WEEKS PRIOR TO EVENT DATE. NAME The Mill Mar aret River Lee A Kiss of S le Salon Scardamia Builders A in In Alabama Soul Bowlz MD Referral Pro IV Liquid Assets McSharry's Irish Pub Soul Shine Yoga Southern Veranda PHONE SIGNATURE 251-333-0211 251-377-8498 251-928-0066 251-281-8120 251-210-6999 100 N. Bancroft St. 251-929-7088 100 N. Bancroft St. 855-234-9355 101 N. Bancroft St. 251-990-5100 103 N. Bancroft St. 251-225-4597 105 N. Bancroft St. 251-928-4433 Person(s) responsible for collecting a authenticating above signatures: Name _______ _ Phone ______ _ 439 . -.- NAME \ Jj) ,J { t, �CAtR!�. A J 'L l!,MIVVV 1t'MA t .\-� ---J/1 /;#,, ..:�J)J��·• io�u� fv\D Al g wt, CS '°'°li L,Jfvihe, One ll>i>. , Person(s) responsible for collecting c ADDRESS (( �<¼�lk ,4 - 'l�\I /J--'Yl11T �;jifftt r1VO'r-t'tel V 80/l -n, fu,1€LUUlr /OJ DATE: PHONE ;l < 1 'ft3 9 2fl.f� �)-� � & --� -� -, f -, '/ ��6\1·10� i�I �l '{11lf �5"/-t/'M-t/)JJ nd authenticating above signatures: Name Phone ,.. �lr.iNATUftJ ,,, ��-4-0 � ���Ao/-1t/ ��a,: �,rt2111� (l>f<!l) ¥#� I -- 440 Jolly Jog Packet 12.10.23 Final Audit Report Created: By: Status : Transaction ID : 2023-10-05 Nick Martin (nicholas.martin@fairhopeal.gov) Signed CBJCHBCAABAA 1 UNRWwNrOF-A9xlctSNISSjghEP5bdXy "Jolly Jog Packet 12.10.23" History � Document created by Nick Martin (nicholas.martin@fairhopeal.gov) 2023-10-05 -5:09:14 PM GMT � Document emailed to stephanie.hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov for signature 2023-10-05 -5:09:57 PM GMT � Email viewed by stephanie.hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov 2023-10-05 -5:29:46 PM GMT 2023-10-09 � Signer stephanie.hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov entered name at signing as Stephanie Hollinghead 2023-10-09 -3:24:58 PM GMT � Document e-signed by Stephanie Hollinghead (stephanie.hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov) Signature Date : 2023-10-09 -3:25:00 PM GMT -Time Source: server � Document emailed to George Ladd (george.ladd@fairhopeal.gov) for signature 2023-10-09 -3:25:02 PM GMT � Email viewed by George Ladd (george.ladd@fairhopeal.gov) 2023-10-09 -3:28:32 PM GMT � Document e-signed by George Ladd (george.ladd@fairhopeal.gov) Signature Date : 2023-10-09 -3:29:37 PM GMT -Time Source: server � Document emailed to paige.crawford@fairhopeal.gov for signature 2023-10-09 -3:29:39 PM GMT � Email viewed by paige.crawford@fairhopeal.gov 2023-10-09 -3:41 :02 PM GMT � Signer paige.crawford@fairhopeal.gov entered name at signing as Paige Crawford 2023-10-09 -3:41 :42 PM GMT II Adobe Acrobat Sign 441 � Document e-signed by Paige Crawford (paige.crawford@fairhopeal.gov) Signature Date: 2023-10-09-3:41:44 PM GMT -Time Source: server 9 Agreement completed. 2023-10-09 • 3:41 :44 PM GMT ill Adobe Acrobat Sign 442 City of Fairhope Approval Special Event Request 1 O l 12 I 2023 ! Date complete application submitted to Renta I Facilities Department Event: Pirate Dash Person Requesting: Fairho pe K-6 Parent Teacher Corporatio n Date of Event: 03/02/24-------------------------Location: See attached maps _J Approval/Disapproval supporting documentation attached. Approval: 1""st=§=te=;�=H�=11�=}=h{e{=�=!ofjo=t1=2�=2l=2�=�='�=�D""""1i .... 4 ____ Date: 10 / 12/23Police Chief /Deslgnee Approx. security cost s 1,620.00 ,a,;cR,>111e...,� .... � ....... 0ct,...12...,2 .... 02..,.u�4;5§....,c .... pn.,__ ______ Date: 10/12/23 Approx. cost city services $ 350.00Director of Public Works/Designee ...,_Pai�-� ...... Z� ....... =--�co.....,n ____ Da te: 10/13/23. Director of Community Events Disapproval: ______________ Da te: ____ _Police Chief ______________ Da te : ____ _Director of Public Works/Designee ______________ Date: ____ _Director of Community Events □Route back to rental facilities department for application package fina lization NOTES: _____________________________ _ Rev. 01/20 MS/CM 443 APPLICATION FOR USE OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE SIDEWALKS AND/OR STREETS We the undersigned hereby apply for the use of cenain sidewalks and/or streets within the City of Fairhope and in connection with said application, furnish the following: 1.Which street and/or sidewalk do you wish to use? _.,.H ... -_e,_� ____ f'.,.·�-·1t-_EJc ___ t1_t'f-:--. _· ---�----�-r-"--------------2.Date Requested: 0 �, 0 z_ / 10 2.�Hours requested from: "' : 00 a 1,11, to l O : 00 a WI3.Renter's Name: __ f..,_...a,""""\'r,__\\�o�-e,,=--__,\l�· �----__,P.___.1�C.. _____________ _Address:_,.__4'-'-, _:a!oll!l',a•�' �t�!l -'-,.._I ------------- City: --IL-4u.a-......,,_.,""""'_,_ _______ _ State: A1-Zip: 3fo5�2Phone Numbers: :121 • 1J "" !1J11[4.Purpose ofUse:l?,ratc bash -"n 5.Number of persons expected to attend (adults and minors): ___ ,_..;._��----------------6.Will there be alcohol on the premises during the event? \J Q If requested, the Fairhope City Council may aliow alcoholic beverages. If alcohol is allowed, the user must adhere to all rules of the Alabama Beverage Control Board and its permitting process. All pcnnits required must be submined to the City of Fairhop,= Police Chief at least 12 weeks prior to the ev.mt. 7. Describe any decorations, tents. sound equipment, staging, port-o-Iets, etc.: \)OfT -0 -\t!, I SoM!l'ld fl\!Al pwvr\-Rental Company: __________ _ 8. Will you need electricity?/ Yes No Will y.>u need water?Yes _/_No For: __________________ _ I.DEMNITY AND HOLD HAR ILESS AGREEMENTIn consideration of the pennission granted to me by the City of Fairhope to use the sidewalks and/or streets, I hereby indemnify and hold ham1less the City of Fairhope, its agents, servants and employees from any and all claims and causes of action that may arise from injllt)' to me or third parties using the sidewalks and/or streets who are injured or suffer proper ty damage that is in any way caused by my use of the sidewalks and/or stri=ets. This indemnity and hold bannless agreement is given to the City of Fairhope to protect the City and its age,1ts, servants and employees from cost oF defense and claims for mjuries and damages that may he caused either directly or indireclly by my use of the sidewalks and/or streets. LLEAl\11\G AND CANCELLATION POLICIES a.) At the conclusion of the event, the area will be inspected by a representative of the City. IF the user has not cleaned up the park and restored it lo its original condition, the City will clean up the park and charge the user for the services. b.) All cancellations and/or date changes must be in writing and signed by the same person who signed the application and paid the rental foes, and must be given to the Site Manager not less than 30 days prior to the event No fee refunds will be made for cancellations made less than 30 days prior to the event. Fee refunds will be made by check, and delivered by mail, less the cost of City services, a� assessed by the appropriate City staff for cleaning. or a 20% handling charge for cancel lations. We the undersigned have read and understand the Indemnity Agreement, as well as all rules and regulations contained in Qty Ordinance No. lfil§ as set forth by the governing body of the City offairbopc, and will abide by these rules and regulations, which include but are not limited to the Cancellation and Cleaning policies. We also understand that if, at any time, the City-appointed Law Enforcement Personnel fe at said rules and regulations are not being followed, the function will be tenninated. Renter's Signature: ---===::z,-�-LA-)�--h-�----------Date: CJI I J.1 fl 3> Fees Paid: �S Date: 'f / "Z 7 / 1 .> Ck. #: Z. 0City Personne / -QJf'" !Ar 0,,/y-/ Application Sig,,NL'DcW----d,_Pmtlir/DrpOllt Fees __JL__Ent,ml in Calendar .L 444 August 15, 2023 To whom it may concern within the City of Fairhope: We, the Fairhope East K-6 Parent Teacher Corporation in collaboration with the Fairhope West Parent Teacher Partnership and J. Larry Newton Parent Teacher Organization, are requesting permission to close the streets in downtown Fairhope on Saturday, March 2, 2023, from 6:00 am to 10:00 am. We are planning our stti annual "The Pirate Dash.ff This is a SK Run and 1 miles Fun Run to raise money for the educational needs of all three Fairhope elementary public schools. The SK race will begin at 8:00 am and the 1-mile fun run will begin at 9:00 am. The race will begin and end at the same location on Magnolia Avenue by the bluff. We will need electricity at the starting/ending point of the race on the bluff. We are requesting barricades at major road intersections to protect our runners. We will have a minimum of three porta potties at the of the race. Attached you will find a copy of the race routes. If there is anything else you need from us, please contact Taylor Woolbright (Fairhope East) at 228-236- 4378 or twoolbright1103@gmail.com. Mamie Brett (Fairhope West) at 662-607-1960 or Mamie dbrett@gmait.com. or Savannah Hannon (J. Larry Newton) at 251-623-2164 or Mooresk123@gmall.com. We look forward to hearing from you and the City Council for final approval. Sincerely, Taylor Woolbright Fairhope East Mamie Brett Fairhope West �� Savannah Hannon J.Larry Newton 445 Pirate Dash-SK and Fun Run Saturday, February 12, 2022 Mumcipal Pter 1 106-Leld ear 1 I �Olio..-Car J. F�,;,J Stack Gully Sta �rt in Clift q.�tJa. z i 21 Volunteers Eleme1 12 Officers Group has follow car PD has lead car Meet at Fairhope bluff overlooking the pier at 7a.m. 5K starts at 8a.m. Transition to new post for Fun Run at 9a.m. tl O Good opportunity toa I r place vehicles at the Panini Pete's bluff before and after the races and interact with the kids 12 officers 7a.m.-10a.m. $45 per hour Please pay officers Individually $1 620 total 446 INTERN�L REVENUE SERVICE DISTRICT DIRECTOR C -1130 ATLANTA, BA 30301 .. Datec OCT 2 8 1992 FAIR�O?E PARENT-TEACHER CORPORATION PO BOX 452 FAIRHOPE, AL 36533 Dear Appl icant1 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Enployer Identiflcatio� Number; Contact Person: ERIC C. HYLTON Contact Telephon• Number: (404)331-0193 Accounting Period Ending: June 30 Foundation Status Classification: 509 (a) (2) Advance Ruling Period Begins: July 13, 1992 Advance Ruling Period Ends: J1ine �o, 1992 Addendum Applies: '/es Based on Information you supplied, and asiumlng your operations wil I be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined you are exempt from federal Inc ome taK under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Cod� as an organization described In section 501Cc><S>. ,. Because you are a newly created organization, we are not now making a final determluatlon of your foundation status under section 609Cal of th• Code. However, ►1e have determ I ned that you can r-easonab I y expect to be .a pub I I c I y supported organization �escribed In section 509(a)C2). Accordingly, during an advance ruling period you will be treated as a pub I lcly supported organiza�ion, and not as a private fou�dation. This advance ruling period begins and ends on the dates shown above. Within 90 days after the end of yoar advance ruling period, you must send us the Information needed to deter1lne whether you have met the requlreaents of the applicable support test during the advance ruling period. If you establ ish that you have been a publ icly suppor�ed organization, He will classify you as a section 609(1)(1) or 609(a)(2) orga nization as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the applicable support test. If you do not meet the public support requirements during the advance rul Ing period, He will classify you as a private foundation for future periods. Also, If we classify you as a pr ivate foundation, we wlll treat you as a private foundation from your beginning date for purposes of section 507(d) and 4940. Grantors and contributors may rely on our determination that you are not a private foundation until 90 davs after the end of you� advance ruling period. If you send us the required Information within the 90 days, grantors and contributors may continue to rely on thli .advance-determination unti I w& make a final determination of your foundation status. Letter 1045(OO/CG> 447 Pirate Dash 03.02.24 Packet Final Audit Report Created: By: Status: Transaction ID: 2023-10-12 Nick Martin (nicholas.martin@fairhopeal.gov) Signed CBJCHBCMBAAFVTmAeeuSjzcB9bEo76VCRSn-5Hv_3DU "Pirate Dash 03.02.24 Packet" History � Document created by Nick Martin (nicholas.martin@fairhopeal.gov) 2023-10-12 -4:10:33 PM GMT Po. Document emailed to stephanie.hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov for signature 2023-10-12 -4:11:18 PM GMT � Email viewed by stephanie.hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov 2023-10-12 -7:35:50 PM GMT 2023-10-13 � Signer stephanie.hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov entered name at signing as Stephanie Hollinghead 2023-10-12 -7:40:40 PM GMT � Document e-signed by Stephanie Hollinghead (stephanie.hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov) Signature Date: 2023-10-12 -7:40:42 PM GMT -Time Source: server Po. Document emailed to George Ladd (george.ladd@fairhopeal.gov) for signature 2023-10-12 -7:40:43 PM GMT � Email viewed by George Ladd (george.ladd@fairhopeal.gov) 2023-10-12 -7:55:36 PM GMT � Document e-signed by George Ladd (george.ladd@fairhopeal.gov) Signature Date: 2023-10-12 -7:56:33 PM GMT -Time Source: server Po. Document emailed to paige.crawford@fairhopeal.gov for signature 2023-10-12 -7:56:35 PM GMT � Email viewed by paige.crawford@fairhopeal.gov 2023-10-13 -8:59:04 PM GMT � Signer paige.crawford@fairhopeal.gov entered name at signing as Paige Crawford 2023-10-13 -8:59:48 PM GMT a Adobe Acrobat Sign 448 � Document e-signed by Paige Crawford (paige.crawford@fairhopeal.gov) Signature Date: 2023-10-13-8:59:50 PM GMT -Time Source: server 9 Agreement completed. 2023-10-13 -8:59:50 PM GMT fJ Adobe Acrobat Sign 449 April 5, 2023 City of Fairhope 161 N. Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 Dear Mayor Sullivan and Fairhope City Council: Thank you for all you have done for the past Fairhope Film Festivals. By working in a partnership , Fairhope's film festival is the "Best of the Best" and spotlights the City of Fairhope to over 4 ,000 film enthusiasts. Together we are "Creating Community Through Film". FFF requests the following from the City of Fairhope to ensure another great 4-day event for the 2023 Fairhope Film Festival. We hope you will continue to support u s in our ELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY. 1. We wish to renew the contract between The Governing Body of the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Film Festival , a 501(c)3 in that the City of Fairhope will include the sum of $6 ,000.00 in its 2023 /2024 Budget. The Fairhope Film Festival brings sustained economic growth from the film industry and regional movie goers to the Alabama Gulf Coast area . 2. The Fairhope Film Festi val requests the use of the Welcome Center on Section Street to use as our "box office" and information booth from Wednesday November 8th through Sunday , November 12th 2023 . Official FFF Box Office hours : Wednesday 10:00 a .m. to 5:00 p.m., Thursday 9:00 a.m . to 6:00 p .m., Friday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m .; Saturday 10 :00 a.m . to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 10 :00 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m . 3. We request use of the public area (10 N . Section) near the Fairhope Clock ~ adjacent to the flower bed and near the NE comer of Fairhope Avenue and Section Street. The area will need to be large enough for a 10' x l0 'promotional tent with a couple of 6' tables underneath. 4 . Banners : We are requesting signage and additional publicity in City notifications from October 1, 2023 through November 12 , 2023. We request a minimum of 6 Pole Banners to be hung 14 days prior to & during Festival ~hung October 26 , 2023 through the end of November 13 , 2023. 1st choice: N Section St. NW of Flower Clock; 2nd Volanta Ave. & N Section; 3rd Comer of Oak & N Section St (next to ESA C); 4th N Section at City Hall ; 5th Morphy Ave & S Section St ; 6th Fairhope Ave @ School St (near Coastal). We welcome suggestions as to how we can better market the City of Fairhope for future Fairhope Film Festivals. Thank you for your consideration of our requests. Sincerely, Mary M . Rise Executive Director 450 Revised 09/2013 CITY OF FAIRHOPE P.O. ORA WER 429 FAIRHOPE, AL 36533 251/928•2136 SEP 26 '23 AM9: 25 ~ ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPPLICATION PLEASE PRINT We hereby apply for a license to sell Alcohoric Beverages in the City of Fairhope or its Police Jurisdiction. We agree to abide by all applicable Ordinances of the City , or any amendments to same , and to promptly furnish all reports required by the City . APPLICANT'S NAME ~~0-..n ~{UJei( SSN# _______ _ AGE __ 0ATE OF BIRTH _ _ PLACE OF 81RTH _/4r._1_·-~------- MAIUNG ADDRESS___,.(p~(......;N'--......;Se,;:c..=...of,~=--· o1\.._-=~------------ HOME# __________ WORK# ___________ _ CELL#_ ____ FAX# ____________ -.-_ C/Bfl Stt/1eh1cib~ LtJu.._ 1omtoiUlL ,J1:= ,,315 RESIDENCE ADDRESS _____ _ NO .YEARS AT PRESENT ADDRESS /0 NO .YEARS AT PREVIOUS ADDRESS --- PREVIOUS ADDRESS ____________________ _ NAME AND ADDREss oF susrNEss -PI ane..,, OP-d.. kv-e..1.. (iJ IN S-R.chtJYJ .:5:r. @rh.of-f=< fl-L o f_53;;t NAME oF coRPORATION k.&r.J;"l,,{__ ~Yo BUSINESS LOCATION t+ou...s~ -y;:_ HAS APPLICANT EVER HAD AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE BEFORE yes 1F so, WHERE ·( e,KP:-5 UNDER WHAT NAME -Plo..nt:... 4-L:eJJd HAS APPLICANT EVER BEEN ARRESTED /JO IF SO , WHERE. _______ _ WHEN _____ WHATWAS CHARGE. _____________ _ DISPOSITION ______________________ _ LIST THREE REFERENCES : NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 451 City of Fairhope Alcoholic Beverage License Application Page-2- PLEASE SELECT TYPE OF LICENSE APPL YING FOR: Revised 09/2013 __ 011 -PACKAGE STORE LICENSE-Allows sale of liquor, wine , or beer at Retail, TO GO only . No one under age 21 allowed on premises. A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. 010-LOUNGE LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor , wine, or beer for on and off consumption. No one under age 21 allowed on the premises . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 1Q1h of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . 031-CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE-Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer but must meet ABC --Board's "club" regulations . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. / 020 -RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or bee, for on-premises consumption only and 51% of gross receipts must come from the sale of food . A liquor tax of 10% City limi1s or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . 140 -SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE __ 160 -SPECIAL RETAIL LICENSE -More than 30 days __ 040 -BEER ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, on and off consumption. __ 050 -BEER OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, TO GO only . __ 060 -WINE ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE-Allows sale of Wine Only, on and off consumption . __ 070 -WINE OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Wine Only , TO GO, only . 100 -WINE WHOLESALER LICENSE 210 -WINE IMPORTER LICENSE 200 -WINE MANUFACTURER LICENSE 240 -NON -PROFIT TAX EXEMPT LICENSE I STATE ALL THE ABOVE TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE . ~ C(____ (J'o~dn ~-;)S:-d-3 NATE(FULl NAME) DATE NOT APPROVED ____ ____..__DATE _~_ fti"1Qi~~~~OATE /D/j/"Jd BY COUNCIL _____ DATE __ _ City Clerk APPROVED BY COUNCIL _____ DATE __ _ City Clerk ... The Chief of Police is only acquiring a background check on the owners, partners, or corporate officers of the business for the City of Fairhope . The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board does a thorough Federal and State background check before issuing the License . 452 INCORPORATION MEMBERS Applicant: --F-&~r 1_.:;,..;'CuJ=-r--.......,&~Jt{)-CLL~~--'·d/blaJ /J/~ aJ U&-1 The following persons have a proprietary of profit interest in this business: (not needed for corporations whose stock is traded on a recognized stock exchange) Name & iu...n Ca/fL.Je,i f_ • Social Security Number_--'--- ----Date of Birth _ _Age ____ Place of Birth / ~ 5 Mailing Address Cj ~ 1 I .:s±n I) e bri d * ( a I< I..... IQry-,ba_f I, IX '71315 Position with the Busi ness__;:O~W"'-'='-._OL.-t;/C.=....l.3,,,..------------------ Telephone Number Driver License N'umber ,State ·--rx-________ . ----- Name ______________ SociaJ Security Number ________ _ Date ofBirth _________ Age ____ Place of Birth ________ _ Mailing Address __________________________ _ Position with the Business ------------------------ Te I e phone Number _________ Driver License Number _____ State ___ _ Name ______________ Social Security Number ________ _ Date ofBirth _________ Age ____ P!ace of Birth ________ _ Mailing Address __________________________ _ Position with the Business ------------------------- Telephone Number _______ __;Driver License Number _____ State ___ _ Name ______________ Social Security Number ________ _ Date ofBirth _________ .Age ____ Place ofBirth'---------- Mailing Address ___________________________ _ Posit ion with the Business ------------------------ Telephone Number ________ Driver License Nurnber _____ State ___ _ 453 Revised 09/2013 CITY OFF AIRHOPE P.O. DRAWER 429 OCT 16 '23 PHl:49 ~ FAIRHOPE, AL 36533 251/928-2136 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPPLICATION PLEASE PRINT We hereby apply for a license to sell Alcoholic Beverages in the City of Fairhope or its Police Jurisdiction . We agree to abide by all applicable Ordinances of the City , or any amendments to same , and to promptly furnish all reports required by the City. It, . APPLICANrs NAME I< B ,s±r:qN is+t~ider ssN#_· __ AGE _oATE oF s1RTH _ _PLACE oF s1RTH .Pi-HsJ,w--j~J :PA -J( MAILING ADDRESS NOW HOME#_ /42.+ g, Ver ~a_d Sc) kicKi N :I 1215Z _______ WORK# ___________ _ CELL # ___________ FAX# ____________ _ REs10ENcEAooREss /15 No(#-t Av~ ttl.(rh_~AL 3(p53Z. NO .YEARS AT PRESENT ADDREss J.a._ NO.YEARS AT PREVIOUS ADDRESS----'-'-- PREVIOUS ADDRESS /424-42,Ver ~[ Se.Jk·v:::t,_, N'i NAME AN □ ADDREss □• sus,NEss ~ BI.SJ:Co ' ~/(JJ 112 7 d5:S C<,,u.(.. /twtt '1 g fui c b,ope_, A L ,31, s 3 Z ~ l<l.f 1 -;B NAMEoFcoRP0RATroN R B,·stroJ U.c.,, BUSINESS LOCATION._--=~=Ct_.,_.(Y)...,__.__£..-..4 ______________ _ HAS APPLICANT~E~ HAD AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE BEF~RE~ IFS0,WHERE t--CA.rrh...ooe...... UNDERWHATNAME f2 B,sfnf! LL(_ r l f / HAS APPLICANT EVER BEEN ARRESTED f\L O IF SO , WHERE. _______ _ WHEN _____ WHATWAS CHARGE. _____________ _ DISPOSITION ______________________ _ LIST THREE REFERENCES : NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 454 Revised 09/2013 City of Fairhope Alcoholic Beverage License Application Page -2- PLEASE SELECT TYPE OF LICENSE APPL YING FOR : ___ 011 -PACKAGE STORE LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine , or beer at Retail , TO GO only . No one under age 21 allowed on premises . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . 010-LOUNGE LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor , wine , or beer for on and off consumption . No one under age 21 allowed on the premises . A liquor ta>< of 10% City limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 1o'h of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . 031 -CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer but must meet ABC Board 's "club" regulations . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. __2(_ 020 -RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer for on-premises consumption only and 51% of gross receipts must come from the sale of food . A liquor tax of 10% City Lirni1s or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . 140 -SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE 160 -SPEClAL RETAIL LICENSE -More than 30 days __ 040 • BEER ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, on and off consumption. __ 050 -BEER OFF-PREMISES LICENSE-Allows sale of Beer Only, TO GO only . ___ 060 -WINE ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Wine Only , on and off consumption . __ 070 -WINE OFF -PREMISES LICENSE-Allows sa le of Wine Only , TO GO, only . SI 100 -WINE WHOLESALER LICENSE 210 -WINE IMPORTER LICENSE 200 -WlNE MANUFACTURER LICENSE 240 • NON-PROFIT TAX EXEMPT LICENSE VE TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. /D -4 -2 3 DATE NOT APPROVED 8 Y COUNCIL ______ DATE __ _ City Clerk APPROVED BY COUNCIL--::------,---DATE __ _ City Clerk ... The Chief of Police is only acquiring a background check on the owners, partners, or corporate officers of the business for the City of Fairhope . The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board does a thorough Federal and State background check before issuing the License . 455 INCORPOllA TION MEMBERS Applicant: -....R'---->---'1£B-"'"1s--·Th~o)~L-=-L-_____,,~=----''d/b/a/ :ts 13 i s-h--D The following persons have a proprietary of profit interest in this business : (not needed for corporations whose sleek is traded on a recognized stock exchange) Name )A I.St'--/ ~de("" • Social Security Number ________ _ J . . Age __ Place _ofBirth Hl-\sbu.y~PA Mailing Address 142-4: R,vec@£r:(6l.J N'/ l~S~ Date of Birth Position with the Business-1,.,~.....:..:::....:.--==------------------------ Te!ephone Number ___ ~ _____ -Driver License N'umber_-____ State N j Name _______________ SociaJ Security Number ________ _ Date ofBirth __________ Age ____ Place of Birth _________ _ Mailing Address ___________________________ _ Posit ion with the Business ------------------------- Tdephone Number ________ __;Driver License Number _____ State ___ _ Name _______________ Sodal Security Number ________ _ Date of Birth __________ Age ____ Place of Birth. _________ _ Mailing Address ___________________________ _ Position with the Business ------------------------- Telephone Number Driver License Number State -------------------- Name _______________ Social Security Number ________ _ Date ofBirth __________ Age ____ Place of Birth __________ _ Mailing Address. ____________________________ _ Position with the Business. ________________________ _ Tele phone Number Driver Licen se Nu mber State -------------------- 456 CITY OF FAIRHOPE P.O. DRAWER 429 FAIRHOPE, AL 36533 251/928•2136 Revised 09/2013 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPPLICATION PLEASE PRINT We hereby apply for a license to sell Alcoholic Beverages in the City of Fairhope or its Police Jurisdiction . We agree to abide by all applicable Ordinances of the City, or any amendments to same, and to promptly furnish all reports required by the City . APPLICANT'S NAME jloi '1\ 0\ \ C oh S\v1 hti n e SSN# AGE ___ OATE OF BIRTH .PLACE OF BIRTH Bif \( OJ2j'.,aifoe,l.,,t1h o V1 MAILINGADDRESS ilJ-O Mo[-ft-t+-\?<ivt4 Mo!P1lf' Av 3vvlf' > HOME# ___________ WORK # ____________ _ CELL# ___________ FAX# _____________ _ RESIDENCE ADDRESS 15 3 1 W 11 \ e,yy ( I Ye-\-{ M (,~I \( A 'v--,v lP CJ S NO .YE ARS AT PRESENT ADDRESS d--(J r NO.YEARS AT PREVIOUS ADDRESS --- PREVIOUS ADDRESS _____________________ _ NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS lPVltbe vn ~lA ~ r rs G y 0V] µ , LL-(.,, l-\ 11 u \v\ u H-<-rt ~ "' -~ M (,, 1,,:, 1 1 e , A 1v ~L, v \ t NAME OF CORPORATION J}q~(/4:J! pc sus1NEss LocAT10N _jJJJ__~e,, ~ie .. 1.b,i~ LLhri.uz z HAS APPLICANT EVER HAD AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE BEFORE_~~f...,.S'---- IF SO, WHERE 'r I~ 1 I~ VV i ~ ~ )'-J UNDER WHAT NAME 'M<'A\'\ h I\'.:) 11,. \ n C. • HAS APPLICANT EVER BEEN ARRESTED \Jb IF SO , WHERE _______ _ WHEN _____ WHAT WAS CHARGE. ______________ _ DISPOSITION. ________________________ _ LIST THREE REFERENCES : NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER \) V'\ Y\ \'\ ~ ~G-\~l'\\V\ VJ S" q '1 () \a-IA th r Y tCA--~ L&fVJ e tQ\\if\n lnl "l,. ~"'S'3.r \[ {\"\ ~Yuwn 1$ w -1~~,~eVV\(C ~e--1 l"\v"11\e f\'v '3uvo.V CI'\~\ <, ~\(ftC.\:,VY\vY' "-\ \-t'IYI.~ t,,ve \?,i,.'-IM\nOI\('. A1., ?J1..t~<Jl 457 City of Fairhope Alcoholic Beverage License Application Page -2- PLEASE SELECT TYPE OF LICENSE APPL YING FOR: Revised 09/2013 __ 011 • PACKAGE STORE LICENSE -Allows sa le of fiq uor , w ine , or beer at Retail , TO GO only . No one under age 21 allowed on premises . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisd iction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price pa id for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. __ 010 -LOUNGE LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquo r, wine , or beer for on and off consumption . No one under age 21 allowed on the prem ises . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . __ 031 -CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine , or beer but must meet ABC Board 's "club " regulations . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . __ 020 -RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of li quor, wine , or beer for on-premises consumption only and 51% of gross receipts must come from the sale of food . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisd iction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price pa id for all liquor for use / or resale by the licensee . __ 140 -SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE __ 160 -SPECIAL RETAIL LICENSE -More than 30 days __ 040 • BEER ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, on and off consumption . __ 050 -BEER OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only , TO GO only . __ 060 -WINE ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Wine Only , on and off consumption . __ 070 -WINE OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Wine Only , TO GO , only . 100 -WINE WHOLESALER LICENSE 210 -WINE IMPORTER LICENSE 200 -WINE MANUFACTURER LICENSE 240. NON -PROFIT TAX EXEMPT LICENSE I STATE ALL THE ABOVE TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IGAURE(FUU..N ME) y DATE NOT APPROVED B Y COUNCIL _____ DATE __ _ City Clerk APPROVED APPROVED BY COUNCIL --,-----DAT E __ _ City Clerk -The Chief of Pol ice is ly acquiring a background check on the owners , partners, or corporate officers of the bus iness for the City of Fairhope . The Alabama Alcoholic Beve rage Control Board does a thorough Federal and State back.ground check before issu ing the License . 458 INCORPORATION MEMDERS Appl icant: Sc \Atb e yr , f.>V\\j e vs G (v lf\ r I L L l--,dlblal p I~ lJ h1 W i ~ j I "J W ! he VV?t 1 \C- The following persons have a proprietary of profit interest in this business : (not needed for corporations whose stock is traded on a recognized stock exchange) • Social Security Number -------- Date of Birth 1 / I k I sr Age ____ P!ace of Birth pe V] ~ Ci/ C cA (A I P:L--- M.i-lo 1,l e A l-°3l.A.a acr ' Telephone Number _______ _ Driver License N'umber ~~--State A l,, SociaJ Security Number -------- Date of Birth _~-,__~ ___ Age~ ___ Place of Birth ~!£ ~ Pl\{ 0, l,,{' k70 vi vVJ Mailing Address --1-J ~S ....:..31...l-~W~d ..:.;l l;,.,c.VV~C::::...:t..:...V~l (:..:::t __ N--___:_1.1_:_l, l:...!.l..:,f,,-..!.!~-=:.L--_1;::..::l.O~v --l.c,t..::::5 ____ _ Position with the Business ~V _ _;;;,,,_:=...:..-----=-------------------- Te I e phone Number _ ____;__..;_ ___ ----"-_.Driver License Number~ ____ ;tate AL-- Social Security Number_;..._ _____ _ Date of Birth __ ~_ _ __ Age ____ Place ofBirth N--.v~ d i" fl v Mailing Address 1 S" q -, 3 \uvi S \ h g ±vn \A ,1{A,j n 0 vb b:fj A k: '3 VS I' k Position with the Business.---l,CJ\AIYVYt..:!..::::.--------------------- Telephone Number--'-Driver License Number State /r L----------'----- Name Social Security Number --------------------- Date of Birth _________ .Age ____ Place of Birth. ________ _ Mailing Address _________________________ _ Position with the Business _____________________ _ Tele phon e Number ________ Driver L icense N umber _____ State ___ _ 459