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City Council_Regular Session_Packet_10_09_2023
CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA MONDAY, 9 OCTOBER 2023 – 4:30 P.M. – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 1. Presentation on the Litter Getter Project and Osprey Initiative – Kim Burmeister 2.Presentation on the Demo of Heil RevAMP Electric Side Loader (Hybrid EV Garbage Truck) -Sanitation Department 3.Water Well Expansion Discussion – Krebs Engineering 4.Committee Updates 5.Department Head Updates City Council Agenda Meeting – 5:30 p.m. on Monday, October 9, 2023 – City Council Chamber Next Regular Meeting – Monday, October 23, 2023 – Same Time Same Place 1 ,C) ffi: RevAMP '" • ·=- d ;.r.~!!~cl City of Fairhope, AL June 19,,1 20 -23 ° m c.;...;;.a,:.~....::.=..;..~=..====~--~-="'=-~=~-~_..:;;..-~-~-~-~'"'·-........ = 2 Heil RevAMP eASL Route -June 19th • Demo Driver: • Site: Fairhope, AL • Starting Mileage: 8369 • Ending Mileage:8387 • Total Mileage: 18 • Battery state of charge (Start): 96% • Containers Serviced: 120 • Battery State of charge (EOD): 86% • Avg. # cans in single charge-1200 • Type of Service: Trash/Waste • Daily Payload Tonnage: PROPR IETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 3 CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Environmental Solutions Croup I 2016 Environmental Solutions Group Aft Rights Reserved 4 CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Environmental Solutions Group A 2 DDVlllj'COM .... Y I 2016 Environmental Solutions Group Al Rights Reserved 5 • Total Number of Containers Serviced:120 Times on route: 8:30 AM to 9:36 AM • Total Hours: 1.1 Hours • Container Serviced per Hour : 109 CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Mobile •rople~ at :rookley q IIIOOKlt't' AUOPLU MOfJILI DOWNTOWN 41ROORT Gaillard Island HOUSTOtfVllll R a ttlo o Wh~rf Environmental Solutions Group Wale s West RV Re son & I ,"ht 0 -.,lu, .... CID (BJ Sllverh l ml I 2016 Environmental Solut io ns Group Al Right s Reserved 6 CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Spring Run Or Southern Endodonttcs a Minto Oral Surgery T & Dental Implants Wolfe-Bayview Funeral Hom -Fairhope Chapel ~ 0 s .., C ~ Au tumn Or Spring Run Sprong Run Dr Oakwood Ave Spring Run Dr 8 ;. .. "' CL a, 8 ;. " "' CL Song Grove Bl\ Environmental Solutions Group I 2016 Environmental Solutions Group Al Rights Reserved 7 06119/202J 08 25 31 AM Event: 3315e91106 V.hlclo: 3rd Eye ESG Demo I RevAMP I ASL-PDt868RH-RV0001 Stop 10#: 0 Name: Type: Illus: Ir""°"" 00 Roule : Stop Address: 212 Southch,se ct Fatrhope Al 36532 Contract: Cu.iomer Numbor: Confidence Level: - I CONFIDENTIAL -Do Not Reproduce Environmental Solutions Group I 2016 Environmental So lutions Group Aft Rights Reserved 8 Heil RevAMP eASL 7 PROPR IETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 9 Heil(,:) RevAMP"~ Electric Automated Side Loader Tho Future of Rofuso Colloctton 1s Now. Discover What Sets The Heil AevAMP™ Apart UGER 8 PROPf; m 10 mfro Connected ~ Collections "' Benefits Key Benefits of an Electric Body d Efficiency d Flexibility Eliminate Hydraulics d Quiet Operation Electric arm and auger reduces the energy required. This means you use less fuel and increase your chassis range. Onboord battery opt ion con be paired with any chassis fuel type. Or choose the integrot d pow r configuration with your pr ferred EV chassis. Eliminate leaks on route that generate expensive clean -ups and angry customers. Homeowners and drivers both agree that a quieter garbage truck is a better garbage truck. RevAMP Electric ASL delivers benefits that a hydraulic body cannot 11 IMPROVE YOUR SUSTAINABILITY. IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE. The Heil RevAMP electric side loader is more environmentally friendly than any other standard automated truck on the market . I) 100% eledric on-route -NO hydraulics -NO hydrau l ic leaks I) Fuel sav i ngs of up to 35% on d iesel chass is; 100% fuel savings on electr ic chass is I) Eas ily charge overn ight with plenty of energy for a day 's work I) GHG reduct ion of 41 tons /year/truck on d iesel chass is I) Lighter body (less than 16 ,400 lbs .) -less fuel consumed -better payload 12 GET AMPED ABOUT FUEL SAVINGS -- Fuel Consumption When the RevAMP body is configured with a diesel-fuel chass is, fuel consumption is reduced by up to 35% when compared to an hydraulic body. Th is pa iring can result i n dramat ic fuel savings per year . -- When the RevAMP body is configured with an electr ic-powered chassis , range is extended due to elim i nat ion of the power take off from the EV chassis . 13 INFINITELY CUSTOMIZABLE CONFIGURATIONS TO MAXIMIZE YOUR ROUTE PRODUCTIVITY Ava i lable w ith electric powered chass is, w ith the option 1o i ntegrate i nto the chass is 1o use a c ommon battery pac k Ava ilable w ith conventional d iese l chassis Ava i lab le with CNG chass is 14 DISCOVER WHAT SETS THE HEIL REVAMP APART EJECTION PANEL d n clcdr c motor ,s vscd ·o dr vc • c c,cc· on panel d ·,oc -t roug nno ,a· on (p ·cnt pending) orov,ccs ·u -c_:cc capao,l,ty lno ,It •o- durnp) d ull-cicc· des gn ,morovcs slab I, at t"c land f d Boo, I, d to ramc al ows or shortening w,r ng s,mpl, ,cd body ins•allahon d Lilrgc ent1ancc po,n ·s o' easy access bch, d •he CJCCtor LIFT ARM d as 8-sccond eye c 11nc a~d prcc,sc ar mo· O" enables h gh y p•oouc·r,.: re use collcc 1011 w ,le on rou·c d S c--re'-', smooth oocr • reduces d 1vcr =a,·gue d o r , c •.-out allows •or ·he co lcct,on o · refuse in allcyv,a)'S and o · e· I gh a,cas d •ully clcctr,c arm ,s rc,nar doly qu,e · ano has no hyd raulic hoses o· tubes tha• can cal or brea 15 ENERGY Ba" ry, Up o 400 ~ ' ore than 1,200 con amcrs on n 0\/Crmgh .. ry c argc ( per 6-8 hours o C rgc) power required rom a ch· s s diesel cng,ne d Type 2 C c rg ng • 208/240 VAC shop PQY«!' AUGER auger, apcrcd rom 30 inches lo 24 1 c cs, requires less energy • an a typ,c compac01 r tJ Scl < c tng hopoc· o aY01d ; S urdy endless i!U9Cf design ral br dg,ng oocra · o , so • • he hopper de rs qu c ly d S r•ace •• tmc~• on hopoe • nd auger rs d signed spec, cally ►or ma •eria 16 &connected ~ Collections '" ' One Drop Every 10 Seconds fill Gallons Per Day: 0.11 ~ Gallons Per Year : 27.S Cost Per Gallon: $8.SO 1s Cost Per Year: $234 No More Hydraulic Leaks The Cost Of Hydraulic Leaks '''''' One Drop Every Second Stream fill Gallons Per Day: 1. fill Gallons Per Day: 24 ~ Gallons Per Year : 27 ~ Gallons Per Year : 6,000 Cost Per Gallon: $ fj Cost Per Gallon : $8.SO I S Cost Per Year: IS Cost Per Year: $51,0 oj 17 m.f& Connected ~ Collections '" Charging Time ,_ Cost Infrastructure Charging Charging Consideration·s Heil RevAMP uses level 2 120V AC 220/240 AC I 480V DC Slow 6-8 hour s Fastest $ s $$$ n/a Available Consult your power company 18 3rd Eye Digital 17 17 PROPR IETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 19 Safety-How it Works: Triggered Events • Event Recording Device • Records all installed cameras • Audio is recorded as desired • Gathers Information From: • Outside the vehicle • Live tracking of truck (GPS) • J 1939 Information -Speed, Telemetry 8 Seconds Before 18 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 4 Seconds After 18 20 Public Safety-Exoneration 19 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL 21 20 Verif-Eye-Positive Service Verification Failed Set-Outs ti Property Damage Claims Blocked Containers Overloaded Containers Identifying Container Location Recycling Contamination 22 uantifyiitg a Fleet in • Tracks key data points about the vehicle's activity and travels ® . Engine Hours-Total time the engine was r unning "I gnition On " DI•I•I•Jtff . 0dometerValue-Current Odometer reading ~\_9 Distance Traveled-Total miles driven ib . Fuel Consumed-Total gallons burned • All values are summarized by: • Data can be consumed via: • Hourly • Reports • Daily • State/Province • Delimited data file (csv} • API Feed • On/Off Road 23 ESG Pursuing Patent Protection for Ideas & Cone ESG Proprietary & Confidential I © 2018 I Environmental Solutions 24 CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, 09 OCTOBER 2023 - 6:00 P.M. – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 1. Approve minutes of 25 September 2023 Regular City Council Meeting and minutes of 25 September 2023 Work Session. 2.Report of the Mayor 3.Public Participation – Agenda Items – (3 minutes maximum) 4.Council Comments 5.Final Adoption – Ordinance – Annexation – Utility Board of the City of Foley d/b/a Riviera Utilities and the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation (containing 1.7 acres, more or less), property located on Gayfer Road Extension, Fairhope, Alabama. Tax Parcel 46-06- 14-0-000-001.521. (Introduced at the September 25, 2023 City Council Meeting.) 6.Final Adoption – Ordinance – An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1510 known as the Personnel Rules, Policies and Procedures Ordinance, Section 7 Time Off From Work, amending Section 7.04 Sick Leave Pay Upon Retirement; Option to Convert Unused Sick Leave to Retirement Service. (Introduced at the September 25, 2023 City Council Meeting.) 7.Resolution – To approve the 2023-2024 Holidays. 8.Resolution – That the City Council approves the following list for the Fairhope Police Reserve: Justin Rogers, Drew Craze, Allen Bishop, and Chris White; and Police Chaplains: Arthur Bosarge, Micheal Kouns, and Reggie Whiddon. 9.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Downtown Fairhope Business Association for an appropriation of $24,000.00 to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope. 10.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with the Eastern Shore Art Center for use of City Facilities and for an appropriation of $20,000.00 for funds to support and sponsor the educational programs through The Art Center’s Academy of Fine Arts. 11.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Ecumenical Ministries Incorporated for an appropriation of $10,000.00 to support the needs of Fairhope residents. 12.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Trailblazers for an appropriation of $5,000.00 to support the Smart Walks and the Walking School Bus Program. 25 City Council Meeting 09 October 2023 Page –2– 13. Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club for an appropriation of $57,000.00 to help manage and operate the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club facility which includes cleaning supplies (not-to-exceed $2,000.00 which is included in total amount). 14.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Care House, Inc. for an appropriation of $5,000.00 to help with continuing support for children who are victims of sexual and severe physical abuse; and to help with the distribution of the child abuse prevention curriculum. 15.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and The Fairhope Film Festival for an appropriation of $6,000.00 to help bring sustained economic growth from the film industry to the Alabama Gulf Coast through its Fairhope Film Festival. 16.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Mobile Bay National Estuary Program for an appropriation of $15,000.00 to support activities related to Stormwater education and watershed management. 17.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce for an appropriation of $23,500.00 (which includes $15,000.00 for the Annual Leaders Council Program and $2,500.00 for Centennial Celebration) to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope. 18.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin Pops for an appropriation of $3,000.00, in-kind services in the amount of $8,400.00, and resources including personnel, but not security after normal business hours. 19.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Pirate Booster Club, Inc. for an appropriation of $10,000.00 to be used to assist and benefit all sports athletic programs; and to approve the use of the Fairhope Civic Center for the Annual Drawdown and Silent Auction. 20.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance for an appropriation of $20,000.00 to support economic development facilitation within the City of Fairhope. 21.Resolution – Authorizing Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract between the City of Fairhope and Safe Harbor Animal Coalition, Inc. for an appropriation of $5,000.00 to help Trap, Neuter & Return “TNR”) local area cats. 22.Resolution – That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute a contract between the City of Fairhope and Thomas Hospital for use of the City facilities (rental and cleaning fees), including streets and parks, depending on availability and permission from the Rental Facilities Manager; but they would be responsible for any incidentals, damages, or security if necessary. 26 City Council Meeting 09 October 2023 Page –3– 23. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Intelligent One Field GPS Paint Robot from Turf Tank for a not-to-exceed amount of $52,700.00. 24.Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Subscription for Weather Forecast and Warning Service from USA Coastal Weather Research Center with a not-to-exceed amount of $4,200.00; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a contract. 25.Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Support Renewal for the Kronos Timekeeping System from Kronos Inc. with a not-to-exceed amount of $28,810.99. 26.Resolution – That the City Council approves the selection of Axis Engineering Group, LLC for Professional Services for Design Services for Utility GIS Interface – Phase I (RFQ PS24-002); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $17,000.00. 27.Resolution – That the City Council approves the selection of Krebs Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for Water Distribution System Capacity Expansion (RFQ PS23-031); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $495,000.00. 28.Resolution – That the City Council approves the selection of Jackson Thornton Certified Public Accountants & Consultants for Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Wastewater System Development Charges (RFQ PS24-001); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $12,000.00. 29.Resolution – That the City Council approves the selection of Sawgrass Consulting, LLC for Professional Engineering for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak Repair (RFQ PS24-003); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not- to-exceed amount of $21,900.00. 30.Resolution – That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute Extension No. 1 for RFQ No. PS019-22 Professional Consulting Services for Grants and Grant Management with Grant Management, LLC with all terms and conditions as original bid award; and extends the contract until October 17, 2024 with a not-to-exceed amount of $24,000.00. 31.Resolution – That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute Extension No. 1 for (Bid No. 039-21), Three Year Pest Control for City Buildings, with Redd Pest Solutions, for an additional one year to extend the referenced contract until October 20, 2023, with same terms and conditions as original bid award. The cost not-to-exceed $12,371.04. 32.Resolution – That Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation’s (FEEF’s) request to allow its 2023-2024 Annual Premium Sponsors limited use of the pavilion located on the leased K-1 Center premises is approved as outlined in the attached 2023-2024 Sponsorship form for Bronze, Silver or Gold. 27 City Council Meeting 09 October 2023 Page –4– 33. Request – Marsha P. Jordan, Executive Vice President, Baldwin County Home Builders Association requesting permission to put up directional signs for their annual Parade of Homes scheduled for two weekends, October 14th, 15th, and October 21st, 22nd, 2023. 34. Request – Eastern Shore Optimist Club – Requesting an in-kind donation ($2,000.00) to use the Fairhope Civic Center for the Dogwood Trail Pageant and Scholarship Program. 35. Request - Golf Green Fees and Cart Fees for the Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation (“FEEF”) Golf Tournament as an in-kind donation ($2,500.00). 36. Public Participation – (3 minutes maximum) 37. Adjourn Next Regular Meeting – Monday, October 23, 2023 – Same Time Same Place 28 STA TE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( )( The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p .m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope , Alabama 36532 , on Monday, 25 September 2023 . Present were Council President Jay Robinson, Councilmembers: Jack Burrell , Corey Martin, Jimmy Conyers , and Kevin Boone, Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. There being a quorum present, Council President Robinson called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. The invocation was given by Senior Pastor Matt McCollum of Trinity Presbyterian Church and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Councilmember Burrell moved to approve minutes of the 11 September 2023, regular meeting; and minutes of the 11 September 2023, work session. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers , motion passed unanimously by voice vo te . Mayor Sullivan addressed the City Council regarding the following items: 1) Recognized the Fairhope High School, Student Government Association and the students for the great parade and bonfire ; 2) Announced Councilmember Conyers' daughter Anna Bowler Conyers is the SGA President and was crowned Fairhope High School 2023 Homecoming Queen; 3) Thanked City Treasurer Kim Creech and her staff, Department Heads , and City Council for working on the FY 2023 -2024 Budget; 4) Mentioned the first mural by Hannah Legg is almost done; and 5) Recogni zed the Fairhope Junior City Council by having them introduce themselves by stating their name , grade level , and school they attend. She said they will be attending Committees and City Council meetings as well as doing projects for the City. No one spoke during Public Participation for Agenda Items. Councilmember Martin stated that he and his family went down to the Homecoming ("Hoco") parade and bonfire; and said it was hot. Councilmember Conyers said the parade and bonfire was a fantastic event. He said the Junior City Council is a great group of kids; and outstanding students. 29 25 September 2023 Councilmember Boone said it was great seeing kids involved in government. Council President Robinson stated he heard the homecoming parade and bonfire was a great event and had a good turnout. Councilmember Martin moved to postpone indefinitely Agenda Item Number 5 until the City Council 's questions have been answered : an Ordinance to require annexation for property outside the City Limits but contiguous to the City Limits for new connection to the City of Fairhope's Water System. (Introduced at the August 29 , 2023 City Council Meeting.) Seconded by Councilmember Burrell , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Burrell introduced in wntmg an ordinance to annex the property of the Utility Board of the City of Foley d/b /a Riviera Utilities and the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation (containing 1.7 acres , more or less), property located on Gayfer Road Extension, Fairhope , Alabama. Tax Parcel 46-06-14-0-000- 001 .521. Planning Director Hunter Simmons ; and answered any questions if needed . Due to lack of a motion for immediate consideration, this ordinance will layover until the October 9, 2023 City Council meeting . Councilmember Burrell introduced in wntmg an ordinance to amending Ordinance No. 1510 known as the Personnel Rules , Policies and Procedure s Ordinance , Section 7 Time Off From Work, amending Section 7.04 Sick Leave Pay Upon Retirement; Option to Convert Unused Sick Leave to Retirement Service. Mayor Sullivan explained the ordinance; and answered any questions if needed. Due to lack of a motion for immediate consideration, this ordinance will layo v er until the October 9 , 2023 City Council meeting . Councilmember Boone introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City of Fairhope elects to come under the provisions of §36-26-36.1 , Code of Alabama 1975 , authorizing employees the option to convert unu sed sick leave to retirement service credit or take a one-time lump sum payment according to the City of Fairhope Personnel Rules , Policies and Procedures. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers , motion passed unanimously by voice vote . * * * 30 25 September 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4846-23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , that the City of Fairhope elects to come under the provisions of §36-26-36 .1, Code of Alabama 1975 , authorizing employees the option to convert unused sick leave to retirement service credit or take a one-time lump sum payment according to the City of Fairhope Personnel Rules , Policies and Procedures . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that by electing to come under the provisions of §36-26-36.1 , the City of Fairhope agrees to assume the cost of benefits provided by said Act with regards to its employees who are members of the Employees ' Retirement System of Alabama. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of §36-26-36 .1 shall become effective on the date of adoption of said Resolution. Adopted on this 25th day of September, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council Pre sident Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution to authorize submission of Pre-Application for FY2024 Airport Impro v ement Program and Airport Infrastructure Grant Projects for H.L. "Sonny" Callahan Airport (KCQF). Seconded by Councilmember Boone , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. * * 31 25 September 2023 RES OLUTION NUM BER 484 7-23 A RES OLUTION TO AU THORIZE SU BM ISSI ON OF PRE-APPLICATION FOR FY20 24 AIRP ORT IMPRO VEMENT PRO GRAM AND AIRPORT INFRA ST RUCTURE GRANT PROJECTS FOR H. L. "S O Y" CALLAHA AIRPORT (KC QF) WHEREAS , the City of Fairhope, A labama, as the designated Sponsor for H. L. "Sonny" Callahan Airport (KCQF) intends to apply for Federal and State matching funds for an Airport Improvement Program Project (A.IP) and an Airport Infrastructure Grant Project (AIG) during fiscal year 2024; and WHEREAS , the overall scope of the A.IP and AIG projects is expected to be runway rehabilitation, replacement of runway lighting, replacement of taxiway lightin g, an d parking lot construction for a terminal building; and WHEREAS, the pre-application submission deadline is no later than September 29 , 2023. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Fairhope, Alabama as follows: I. That the City of Fairhope is authorized to make pre-applicatio n/ Application for Federal Assistance for the A.IP and AIG projects for FY2024 for the purpose of eeki ng Federal funding through the AIP and AIG programs for each of the projects described above. 2. That the pre-app lication be su bmitted for and on behalf of the City of Fairhope by its Mayor, as designated by the City Council, who is authorized by this Resolution to sign the pre- application and any related forms or documents on behalf of the City of Fairhope. 3. That the final grant agreement, if A.IP and/or AIG funds are awarded based on the pre-application , shall remain subject to the approval of the City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Fairhope, in reliance upon an appropriate resolution from Fairhope Airport Authority, hereby affirms that the local matching share of funds in the amount required for the A.IP and/or AIG project funds during FY2024 shall be the responsibility of Fairhope Airpo1t Authority, and no t th e City of Fairhope. I, the undersigned qualified and acting as the City Clerk of the City of Fairhope, Alabama hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of a resolution lawfully passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Fairhope named therein , at a regular meeting of such body held on the 25th day of September, 2023, and that such resolution is on file in the office of the City Clerk, City of Fairhope, Alabama . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Fairhope on this 25th day of September, 2023 . ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robin son, Council President 32 25 September 2023 Counci lm ember Conyers introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of a New Replacement Roof for the Quail Creek Cart Barn from Roof Doctors with a not-to-exceed amount of $22 ,000.00. Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimo usly by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4848-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of a New Replacement Roof for the Quail Creek Cart Barn from Roof Doctors with a not-to-exceed amount of $22,000.00 . [2] Three (3) quotes were obtained for this procurement and Roof Doctors provided the lowest quote. ADOPTED ON THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the procurement and installation of a New Fire Alarm Control Panel for the Civic Center from Hunter Security with a not-to-exceed amount of $11 ,494.00 ; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sulli van to execute an installation agreement. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 33 25 September 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4849-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows : [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement and installation of a New Fire Alarm Control Panel for the Civic Center from Hunter Security with a not-to-exceed amount of $11 ,494 .00 ; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute an installation agreement. [2] Three (3) quotes were obtained for this procurement and Hunter Security provided the lowest quote. ADOPTED ON THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City C lerk Jay Robinson , Council President Counci lm ember Boone introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a reso lution that the City Council hereby amends Resolution o. 3859-20 that established the Pedestrian and Bicycle Committee for the City of Fairhope ; Rules of Procedure , Section C. The Committee shall meet every other first Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm at the Fairhope Museum of History beginning January 2024. Seconded by Counci lm ember Conyers , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. * * 34 25 September 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4850-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That the City Council hereby amends Resolution o. 3859-20 that established the Pedestrian and Bicycle Committee for the City of Fairhope; Rules of Procedure, Section C. The Committee shall meet every other first Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm at the Fairhope Museum of History beginning January 2024. ADOPTED ON THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President Councilmember Conyers introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the proposed FY 2023-2024 Budget presented and reviewed this 25th day of September 2023 , be hereby approved and adopted for the FY2023-2024 . Seconded by Counci lm ember Boone , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Burrell commented when some of these expenditures come up; there will be some lively discussions. RESOLUTION NO. 4851-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the proposed Budget presented and reviewed the 25th day of September 2023, be hereby approved, and adopted for the FY 2023- 2024; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Annual Salaries of City Personnel shall be as shown on a list entitled Annual Salaries of All City Personnel ; and said list filed in the Office of the City Treasurer and of Human Resources; and 35 25 September 2023 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the portion of the Sales and Use Tax revenue for FY 2023-2024 that is restricted in the General Fund Debt Pre-Payment Account can be used for General Fund operations up to the $2 ,900 ,000 .00 reduction; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the portion of the Sales and Use Tax revenue FY 2023-2024 that is restricted in the Capital Projects Fund (Infrastructure Improvements Special Fund) can be used for General Fund operations up to the $2 ,900 ,000.00; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the City Treasurer to perform Administrative Budget Transfers, as needed throughout the Fiscal Year. Administrative Budget Transfer include transfers from one line item to another within a department 's operating budget or within a capital project. More specifically: Budget transfers less than $20 ,000.00 requires approval by the Mayor and City Treasurer. All Administrative Budget Transfers are documented and tracked in the City's financial management system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves 2% set aside for Cost of Living Allowance ("COLA") and up to 3% merit raises for City of Fairhope employees as defined in the proposed budget will become effective the first payroll in December 2023. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other salary changes adopted in the budget will become effective the first payroll after the passage of the budget. ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President Councilmember Burrell introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City Council hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to expend Impact Fees for projects designated from the Impact Fee Account for services for the "Police", "Fire", "Transportation", and "Parks and Recreation" Benefit Areas. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers , motion passed unanimously by voice vote . 36 2 5 Septemb er 2023 RESOLUTI O N NO. 4852-23 WHEREAS, th e C ity of Fair hop e ado pted Ordin an ce No. 1625 , An Ord in ance repealing an d rep la cing Ord ina nce o. 1331 to es ta bli sh Imp act Fees on new deve lopment in the City of Fairhop e on Octo ber 13, 2018 in accordance w ith Act o. 200 6-300 enacted by the Legis lature of A labam a o n April 4, 2006; and WHE REAS, th e City desires to use fund s for "Po li ce" whi ch is a B enefit Area for (i) th e cost recovery of the City's cost and ex pense re lated to the construction, deve lopment and improvement of it s j ust ice cent er, (ii) the cost recovery of the City's cost an d ex pense related to the constru ctio n, deve lopment an d impro ve ment of it s anima l shelte r, (iii) th e acquisition of police ve hicl es, and (iv) th e acq uis iti on of poli ce-related app aratu s and equipm ent , an d (v) th e po li ce co mpon ent of th e "Imp act Fee Stud y" prepared by T isc hl erBi se; and WHEREA S, the City de ires to use fun ds fo r "Fire" wh ic h is a Benefit Area for (i) the constru ct ion, deve lopment and/or imp rove ment of fire stations, (ii) th e acq uisition of fire fighting ve hicl es , and (iii ) th e acq uis ition of fir efi ghting app aratu s, and (iv) th e fi re co mponent of the "Impact Fee Stud y" prepared by Ti sc hl erBi se; and WHEREAS, the C ity desires to use fun ds for "Transportation" which is a B enefit Area for the cos t of intersect ion improvement s made to address additi ona l demand generated by ew Deve lopm ent and th e trans po rt ation component of th e "Imp ac t Fee Stud y" pre pared by Ti schlerBi se; and WHEREAS, the City desires to use fun ds for "Parks an d Rec rea tion" wh ich is a Benefit Area for (i) th e acq ui s ition of new publi c par ks lands, (ii) the constru ction, development and/or impro ve m ent of pub lic rec reational fac iliti es, (iii) th e co nstructi o n, deve lop ment and/o r impro ve m ent of publi c park am eniti es, (i v) th e acqu isitio n of new park ve hi c les , an d (v) th e parks an d rec reation co mp onent of the "Imp act Fee Stud y" prepare d by Tiscb le rBi se; and WHEREA S, tbe following proj ect sha ll be paid from the Imp ac t Fees Account and have met the cri teri a stated to be paid from sa id Ac co un t: TRANS-PARKS AN D POLICE FIRE PORTATlON R ECREATIO FY2024 BUDGET PROJECTS 2024 W-Onw HR 100 Ae rial Ladder Truck I, 180 ,443 .00 Bleacher Seating for Ne w Fo unders Track 135 ,000 .00 Scoreboard for New Track 21,000.00 New Police Tahoe with Equipment 79,418.00 Pick leba ll Lights 37 ,250 .00 Resurfac e 266 ,000.00 Im pact Fee s for FY 2024 $79 ,418.00 $1,180 ,443.00 $266,000.00 $193 ,250.00 37 25 Septemb er 2023 NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to expend Impact Fees for the above projects as designated from the Impact Fee Account for services for the "Police", "Fire", "Transportation", and "Park and Recreation" Benefit Areas. DULY ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Han.ks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President Councilmember Conyers introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City Council approves and adopts the recommendations to fund new positions and approve pay grades: reclassify positions; transfers; defund and delete positions as pre sented in the FY2024 Budget and in said resolution . Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION 0. 4853-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That the City Counci l approves and adopts the recommendations to fund new positions and approve Pay Grades; reclassify positions ; defund ; and delete positions as presented in the FY2024 Budget as follows : Positions Department Status Pav Grade New Positions and/or Title Changes Staff Accountant Treasury FTE 10 GIS Supervisor Planning FTE 1 l Building and Fire Plans Examiner Building FTE 10 Police Training Sergeant Police FTE 10 Police Officer (2) Police PTE 8 HR Coordinator HR FTE 8 Code Enforcement Officer Revenue FTE 8 Customer Service Rep I Revenue FTE 5 Meter Operations Supervi sor Meter FTE 9 Parks Maintenance Worker Recreation Seasonal 7 38 25 September 2023 Youth Sports Program Coordinator R ec rea tion FI E Marina Worker Marin a/Harbor PIE Citv En gin ee r/General Suo erintendent Publ ic Works FIE Gardner II Publ ic Works FI E Park Range r/U rb an Fo rester Publ ic Works FI E Mechanic Fl ee t FI E Golf Shoo Attendant (3) Golf Ooerations PTE Proiect Ma nager Ga s FIE Line Crew Chi ef Electr ic FIE Water Oo erator Train ee Water FT E Water Op era tor II Wate r FIE Eauioment Oo erator IV Sanitation FIE Defunded and /or Deleted Positions ROW Con stru ction In soector Bui ldin g FTE Polic e Corporal Pol ice FIE HR Coordin ator HR PTE Custom e r Se rv ice Re p I Reve nu e PIE Meter Rea der II M eter FTE Emergenc y Mana ge ment Coo rdinator Adult Rec reation FTE Gardener I Publi c Works FTE Starter/Marshall Golf Op eration PTE Eauioment Operator III Sanitation FTE GIS Technici a n Plannin g FTE Transfers: ROW Con struction Sup erv isor-Buildin g Public Works FT Uti litv Billing Suoervi sor Re venue FT ADOPTED THIS 2 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBE R, 2023 ATTEST : Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council Pres ident 9 4 16 7 9 7 4 11 14 4 7 9 9 9 8 5 6 9 4 3 8 10 10 9 Councilmember Martin introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City of Fairhope approve s the selection of Krebs Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for (RFQ PS23-031) Water Distribution System Capacity Expansion Project; and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. Seconded by Councilm e mber Conyers , motion pa ssed unanimously by voice vote. 39 25 September 2023 RESOLUTION NO. 4854-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the selection of Krebs Engineering for Professional Engineering Services for (RFQ PS23-031) Water Distribution System Capacity Expansion Project; and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. DULY ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President Councilmember Boone introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution that the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of one (1) 2023 Toyota Tacoma Truck or equivalent for the Police Department from Toyota of Montgomery with a not-to-exceed amount of $29,500.00. Seconded by Councilmember Burrell, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 4855-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of one (1) 2023 Toyota Tacoma Truck or equivalent for the Police Department from Toyota of Montgomery with a not-to-exceed amount of $29 ,500.00. [2] This purchase is under the new Purchasing Threshold and does not require formal bids. 40 25 September 2023 [3] A Request for Quote (RFQ) was submitted to three potential vendors for purchase . [ 4] The funds for thi s purchase will be from: • Insurance fund s $17 ,267 .00 $12 ,233 .00 • DEA Fund ADOPTED ON THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2023 Jay Robinson, Council Pre s ident Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Councilmember Martin moved to grant the request of Rita Daniell with Fairhope Sunset Rotary Club , requesting permission for the use of the City streets for a fundraising event that will benefit lo cal charities on Saturday, January 13 , 2024 for the 5th Annual 0.5K Run in Fairhope from 2 :30 p.m. to 3:30 p .m . Seconded by Counci lmember Burrell, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The following individuals spoke during Public Participation for Non-Agenda Items: 1) Mayor Sulli van addressed the City Council with two more comments : announc ed Constitution Week and th e 75th Anniversary of New Era Missionary Church. 2) Stephane Durnin, 209 Hemlock Dri ve, addressed the City Council regarding her opposition to some books in th e teen section of the Fairhope Public Library . Sh e mentioned two years ago walking around the Teen Section with books on a table ; and handed out pictures she took. She sugge sted they look at the appropriation to the Fairhope Public Library . 3) Jonah Elliott , student from Bayshore Christian , addressed th e City Council regarding a mi sunderstanding from the last meeting. He said th ey were not banning th e books just asking for those to be moved to the Adult Section . 41 25 September 2023 4) Wendy Pickering, Private Investigator from Orange Beach, addressed the City Council and said she does social media investigations. Ms. Pickering stated that several people requested her to investigate books in the Fairhope Public Library; especially "It's Perfectly Normal." She said ba sed on the Federal Law ; thjs is child pornography . Ms . Pickering said she read the book and looked at the law. She told the City Council , "you are now aware of it ; and had time to review the books . This is a serious issue." Councilmember Burrell asked if these books were moved to the Adult Section , would it still be illegal. Ms. Pickering replies yes. At the request of the City Attorney , Marcus E . McDowell , the City Council will rise from the meeting to go into Executive Session based on Alabama Code Section 36-25A-7(a)(3) to discuss imminent, potential, and pending litigation. The approximate time to be in Executive Session is 45 minutes. Councilmember Burrell moved to go into Executive Session. Seconded by Councilmember Conyers , motion passed unarumously by voice vote. Exited the dais at 6:43 p.m. Returned at 7:30 p .m. Councilmember Martin moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Burrell , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:30 p .m. Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 42 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN ) ( ) ( The City Council met in a Work Session at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 25 September 2023. Present were Council President Jay Robinson, Councilmembers : Jack Burrell , Corey Martin, Jimmy Conyers, and Kevin Boone (arrived at 4:50 p.m.), Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Council President Jay Robinson called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The following topics were discussed: • The first item on the agenda was the Piper Sandler Introduction by Walter Lewis who told the City Council he an investment banker. Mr. Lewis thanked the City Council for the opportunity to introduce himself and Jonathan McCoy who was in the audience . Mr. Lewis said "since 1895 , Piper Sandler has been a leading financial services company committed to delivering integrity, insight and impact to each and every relationship. Collaboration and candor have always been and still remain the cornerstones of our promise to clients and to one another--enabling us to inspire confidence by exceeding expectations." • Judge Haymes Snedeker began the Discussion for creating an appeals process for the Sign Ordinance and violations of a Planned Unit Development. He said there should be a different avenue for appealing these . Councilmember Martin said it should be more flexible and a better process for citizens. Planning Director Hunter Simmons commented we could put back into the Zoning Ordinance; and they would appeal to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Councilmember Burrell questioned how prevalent these appeals are. Councilmember Martin reiterated we need another avenue due to rigidity of these . Council President Robinson stated he was not against rigidity but should not go to Municipal Court. City Attorney Marcus McDowell explained the denial of the Sign Ordinance ; there is no relief in Municipal Court. Councilmember Burrell to Mr. Simmons that he and his staff know the Ordinance best. • Judge Snedeker said we need to increase the Corrections Fund Assessment to match what the County charges. He suggested an additional $25 .00 per case ; and said the Correction Fund cannot operate as a deficit anymore . Judge Snedeker said he would make a recommendation to the City Attorney. The consensus of the City Council was to move forward with the increase. Councilmember Burell asked if we are able to process all case s now . City Attorney McDowell said they start cases at 3 :00 p.m .; one police shift on one date and one police shift on the other date . Judge Snedeker commented that when he sees Code Enforcement Officers Kim Burmeister or Christina Lejeune in Court, they have given everyone the benefit of the doubt. 43 Monday , 25 September 2023 Page -2- • The next item on the agenda was City Treasurer Kim Creech with Budget Discussions . Ms . Creech presented a Power Point Presentation titled "City of Fairhope Budget Highlights" and answered any questions . (See attached presentation) Mayor Sherry Sullivan briefly went over Personnel and said we are only 85 percent staffed. Councilmembers Burrell and Martin agreed that if we were at 100 percent in 2025, we would be in a deficit. The consensus of the City Council was concern about eliminating the cushion in the budget it will be tight. Councilmember Boone commented we have no choice ; we must be competitive. Mayor Sullivan tated the merit raises will not go into effect until December; but the two percent Cost of Living Adjustment will go into effect after adopting the budget. Councilmember Conyers said he wou ld like to see us more aggressive on revenues and conservative on personnel. • Council President Robinson said we need to setup a Work Session for the Historic Preservation Ordinance discussion. • Mayor Sullivan addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item No. 16; and answered any questions if needed. • Chief Stephanie Hollinghead addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item No. 17; and answered any questions if needed. There being no further bu siness to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 5:58 p.m. Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 44 CITY OF FAIRHOPE BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 45 FY 2024 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS I. Investments in critical infrastructure to maintain and improve quality of life in the City of Fairhope continue to be our primary focus, by utilizing external funding sources where applicable and the strategic use of our reserves . • $42.6 Million in Utility System Improvements • $2.3 Million in road resurfacing, on-street parking and drainage projects • $1.8 Million in traffic improvement projects • $2.6 Million in sidewalk construction projects 2. Protecting our natural environment for the enjoyment of all patrons by maintaining safe, clean, aesthetically pleasing City parks and designated recreation areas and facilities . • $6.1 Million in parks & recreation facility investments Quality of life projects: • $2.5 Million investment for K-1 Center 3. Personnel Costs Salaries are budgeted flat in comparison to FY23 Budget as we continue to have unfilled positions and our current staffing level is around 86%.Although being understaffed is a definite challenge , at this point it allows us some latitude to absorb costs for new positions, as well as Merit and COLA increases in the coming year. 16 New positions between Utilities and General Government 46 FUND DESCRIPTION General Fund Sanitation Fund Gas Fund Electric Fund Water/Sewer Fund Capital Projects Fund Impact Fees Fund Gas Tax Fund Rebuild Alabama Fund Municipal Capital Improvement Fund TOTAL FY 2024 BUDGET AMOUNT 48 ,579 ,239 3,923,975 12,718,816 29,441,368 46,860,282 14,444,753 1,719,111 104,000 160,000 212 ,000 $ 158 ,163,544 FY 2024 TOTAL BUDGET BY FUND 47 Year to Year Budget Comparison by Fund General Fund Sanitation Fund Gas Fund Electric Fund Water/Sewer Fund C apital Project Fund Impact Fees Ga s Tax Fund Rebuild Alabama Fund Municipal Capital Improvement Fund Totals FY 2023 37,811 ,606 4,473 ,908 10 ,609,866 28 ,280,169 37,665,059 8,740 ,621 1,994 ,480 93 ,000 130 ,000 200 ,500 129,999,209 FY 2024 % Change 48,579,239 28.2 % 3,9 2 3,975 -12.3 % 12,718,816 19.9% 29,441,368 4.1% 46,860,282 24.4% BUDGET COMPARISON BY FUND 14,444,75 3 65.3 % 1,719,111 -13.8 % 104,000 11 .8% 160,000 23 .1% 21 2,000 5.7% 158,163,544 21.58 % 48 ■ Ad Valorem Tax ■ Local Taxes ■ Licenses and Permits ■ Charges for Services ■ Intergovernmental ■ Recreation ■ Other Revenue ■ Transfers FY 2024 General Fund Revenues By Source Other Revenue 13 % Recreation '"\ 5% \ Intergovernmental -------., 1% Charges for Services 9% Licenses and Permits 12% Transfers Ad Valorem T ax 20% Local Taxes 35% 49 FY 2024 Budgeted Expenses by Function of Government ■ General Government ■ Public Safety ■ Public Works ■ Culture and Recreation ■ Economic & Community Dev ■ Debt Service ■ Transfers ■ Staff Agencies & Appropriation Staff Agencies & Appropriation Transfers 8% Debt Service 1% l Economic & Community Dev -----\ 2% Culture and Recreation 24% Public Works 16% 3% I General Government 21% Public Safety 25% 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 p;c UTILITIES INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE 57 GAS DEPARTMENT ($4.46M) Cast Iron Pipe Replacement -Phase I Creek Crossings Meters & Regulators Additional upgrades and improvements 58 ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT ($6.SM) 44 KV Loop for Redundant System Downtown Underground Service Automated metering infrastructure Dyer Road Pole & Wire Replacement Replace 4-lane Lights (Greeno Rd) Additional upgrades and improvements 59 WATER DEPARTMENT ($18.62M) Water main upgrades Water Distribution system main replacement Water tank maintenance NewWells Water plant and well upgrades Additional upgrades and improvements 60 WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT ($26.1 SM) Force main upgrades Headworks System Upgrades Sewer lift station upgrades Generators and Bypass Pumps Additional upgrades and improvements RESTORE Grant Reimbursement ($ I 3M) 61 INVESTMENT IN EQUIPMENT 62 63 64 65 INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Gas Department ($47K) Vehicles Electric Department ($562K) Vehicles Mini Excavator Self-loading Trailer and BullWheel Tensioner (5) Toughbook's for Vehicles 66 INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Water Department ($171 K) Vehicles Excavator Ground Penetrator Radar Locator Trailers and other equipment Wastewater Department ($787K) Vehicles Portable generators and Lift Station Bypass Pumps Drill Rods for Boring Machine Line Inspection Camera Sanitation ($212K) Trash Loader Pressure Wash Pump System 67 Totaling more than $1 . 7 million • Library ($9 I 9K) • The Haven ($ I 59K) • RotaryYouth Club ($57K) • Airport Authority ($320K) • Community Partners ($152K) • Eastern Shore Arts Center • Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce • Downtown Fairhope Business Association • Ecumenical Ministries • Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance • Mobile NEP • Others 68 16 New positions • I New General Government position • I New Revenue position • I New PT Marina position • I seasonal & I FT Recreation Department position • 2 New PT Police positions, Community Policing PERSONNEL • 2 New Public Works positions • I New Fleet Maintenance position • 2 PT Golf positions • I New FT Gas position • I New FT Electric position • 2 New FT Water positions • Includes several reclassifications (PT to FT), promotions, etc . 69 ORDINANCE NO. WHEREAS, UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF FOLEY D/B/A RIVIERA UTILITIES AND THE FAIRHOPE SINGLE TAX CORPORATION, the owner of the hereinafter described property , did, in writing , petition the City of Fairhope, a municipal corporation , for an nexa tion und er Section 11-42-2 1 of the Code of A la bama , 1975, as amended; and WHEREAS , a map of said property is attached to said Petition as an exhibit; NOW , THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOP E, ALABAMA, that the following described property, lyin g contiguous to the corporate limi ts of the City of Fairhope, Alabama ; and not within the corporate limi ts or the police jurisdiction of any other municipa lity ; be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Fairhope , A labama , to-wit: Prop ert y is located on Gayfer R oa d Extension , Fa irhop e, A laba ma. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TAX PARCEL 46-06-14-0-000-001.521 From the NW Comer of Northeast Quarter (NE ¼) of Section 14 , run East 332 .5 ft. to a point, run thence South 33 ft . to the Southern margin of Gayfer Rd. Extension , for P .O .B ., run thence South 228 ft. to a point ; run thence East 332 ft . to a point; run thence North 228 ft. to a point; run thence West 332 ft. to P .O.B.; lands of the Fairhope Single Tax Corporatio n, Section 14 , Township 6 South , Range 2 East, Baldwin County, A labama , containing 1.75 acres , more or less. This property shall be zoned R-1 , Low Den s ity Sing le-Famil y Residential Di strict. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED t hat a certified copy of this Ordinance, with a copy of the Petition and the exhibit, be recorded in the Office of the Probate Jud ge , Baldwin County, Alabama . This Ordinance sha ll take effect imm edi ate ly upon its du e adoption and publication as required by law . Adopted and approved thi s 9th day of October, 2023 . By: -------------Jay Robinson , Council President Attest: By: ------------ Lis a A . Hanks. MMC City C lerk Adopted and approved thi s 9th day of October, 2023 . By: ------------Sherry Su lli van , Mayor 70 ST A TE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN CITY OF FAIRHOPE P.O. DRAWER 429 FAIRHOPE, AL 36533 251/928-2136 PETITION FOR ANNEXATION )( )( We , the undersigned PETITIONER(S), owner(s) of the lands in fee simple described in the attached EXHIBIT A, such property being without the Corporate Limits of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, but being contiguous to the said Corporate Limits ; and such property not lying within the corporate limits or police jurisdiction of any other municipality , do, by these presents , hereby petition the City of Fairhope , a municipal corporation , that said property be annexed into the City ofFairhope, Alabama . The subject land is delineated on the map attached hereto as EXHIBIT B that will be prepared by the City of Fairhope to verify property is contiguous . This petition is filed under authority of Section 11-42-21 , Code of Alabama, 1975 , as amended. 18. This petition is for R-1 Zoning D The condition of the Petition is that zoning be established as _______ _ Concurrent with Annexation. (Zoning Request) ls this property colony property X Yes ___ No. If this property is colony property, the Fairhope Single Tax Office must sign as a petitioner. ~~ ~ f\ ~ Utility Board of the City of Foley d/b/a Riviera Utilities ~ ~ · wtQ/Y\~ Gia S. Long, Interim CEO Signature of Petit' ner Print petitioner's name FSli Signature of Petitioner Print petitioner 's name Physical Address of property being annexed : _______________ _ Petitioner's Current Physical Address: Petitioner's Current Mailing Address: 413 East Laurel Avenue 413 East Laurel Avenue Foley, AL 36535 Foley , AL 36535 Telephone Number(s): 251-943-5001 Home Work Tax Parcel ID Number: 05-46-06-14-0-000-001 .521 Size of Property: 1.75 Acres 71 . ' r ... -. Petition for Annexation Page-2- __::==-=:c..c..+~~-,...---r------1--a Notary Public in and for said State and County, hereby ..._.~_jo<c,__"""""'-"'---+------whose name(s) is/are signed to the forgoing Petition and who is/are kno to me, this day appeared before me and, being first duly sworn, acknowledge that he/she/they have voluntarily executed this Petition on this day same bears date . (Seal) I, _____________ a Notary Public in and for said State and County , hereby certify that ____________ whose name(s) is/are signed to the forgo ing Petition and who is/are known to me, this day appeared before me and, being first duly sworn, acknowledge that he/she/they have voluntarily executed this Petition on this day same bears date . Given under my Hand and Seal this ___ day of ____ _, 20 __ , (Seal) Notary Public My commission expires ________ _ 72 Zoning District Ill B-1 -Local Shopping District B-2 -General Business District .. B-3a -Tourist Resort Lodging District ... B-3 b -Tourist Resort Commercial Service District 1111 B--4 -Business and Professional District 1111 HTD -Highway Transition District -M-1 • Light Industrial District -P-1-Parking PUC -Planned Unit Deveklpment R-1 -Low Density Single-Family m R1(a) -Residential Uncertain ~ R1 (b) -Residential Uncertain e:"ZJ R1 (c) -Residential Uncertain 1111 R-2 -Medium Density Single-Farrily -R-3 • High Density Single-Family R-3PGH -Patio/Garden Single-Family D R-3TH -Townhouse Single Famfly .. R-4 -Low Den51ty Multi-Farrily R-5 -High Density DwelNng Residential R-6 -Mobile Home Park District Ill R-A -ResidentlaVAgriculture District ~ TR -Tourist Resort Exhibit A: FST and Utilities Board of The City of Foley and a Corporation Annexation and Zoning to R-1 73 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1510 KNOWN AS THE PERSONNEL RULES, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAIN ED BY THE CITY OF F AlRHOPE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows: Section 1. The ordi nance known as the Personnel Rul es, Policies , and Procedures Ordinance (No . 1510), ado pted 14 April 20 14 , together with th e Personnel Handbook of the City of Fairhope , be and the same hereby is changed and altered in respect to the certain sections below: Add the following to: VII. TIME OFF FROM WORK SECTION 7.04 SICK LEA VE Sick Leave Pay Upon Retirement Employees are not paid for accumulated s ick leave upon termination of employment, excep t for employees who retire under th e RSA retirement program . An employee who retires in good standing has th e option to convert unu sed sick leave to retirement service or will be paid in a lump sum payment for acc umulated paid sick leave as follows: Length of Service with the City of Fairhope At least 10 years but less than 20 years 20 years or more Payment 50% of Accumulated Sick Leave, up to a maximum of 960 hours. 100 % of Accumulated Sick Leave, up to a maximum of 960 hours . An employee who is unable to continue working for the City as a result of a permanent and total disability wi ll be paid 100% accumulated sick leave , up to a maximum of 960 hours , upon termination of employment for that reason. Section 2. The sections , paragraphs , sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severa bl e, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance sha ll be declared un constitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, then s uch ruling sha ll not affect any other paragraphs and sections , since th e same wo uld have been enacted by the municipality council with out the incorporation of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its due adoption and publication as required by law . Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City C lerk Adopted thi s 9th Day of October, 2023 Jay Robinson, Council President Adopted this 9th Day of October, 2023 Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 74 Vacation Pay Hourly paid employees will be paid their regular rates of pay for the number of hours regularly scheduled to work as vacation pay . Salaried employees will be paid their regular salaries while on vacation. Employees must take vacation in four (4) hour increments. Scheduling of Vacation Because vacation is to provide employees time off with pay to rest and relax , the City encourage eligible employees to take at least one full week off as vacation. The remaining vacation days can be taken separately in four (4) hour increments. The Mayor must approve in advance vacation requests of more than two consecutive weeks. While the City seeks to grant vacation leave on the dates the employee requests , circumstances may arise that necessitate denying a vacation request or withdrawing approval of a request previously granted . The employee should schedule vacation through his or her supervisor and Department Head. Vacation requests s hould be completed and submitted at least two (2) weeks before the requested vacation date(s). Each Department Head is responsible for scheduling employee's vacation without undue disruption to City operations and services. Employees may be denied permission to take vacation if the dates requested will, in the judgment of the Department Head , unduly disrupt operations. Length of continuous service generally will determine granting requests for vacation leave if two or more employees timely request the same dates and, in the judgment of the Department Head , the City cannot grant all requests. Vacation will not be granted in excess of accumulated vacation eligibility. Vacation Pay Upon Termination of Employment Employees who resign in good standing with two weeks prior written notice of resignation , who retire or who are dismissed for reasons other than misconduct, will be paid for accumulated but unused vacation . If an employee dies, accumulated vacation will be paid to the employee's spouse or as otherwise allowed by law . 7.04 SICK LEAVE Regular full-time employees and Appointed Officials accumulate paid sick leave at the rate of four hours for each pay period the employee is actively employed. Employees do not accumulate paid sick leave during a leave of absence without pay in excess of thirty (30) days. There is no maximum number of hours an employee may accumulate. Part-time employees and temporary employees are not eligible for paid sick lea ve. The City does not allow donations of sick leave from one employee to another. 31 75 Allowable Uses of Sick Leave An employee may use accumu lated paid sick leave if absent from work due to: 1. Emp loyee's own health conditi on (i lln ess, injury or other physical or mental disability , pregnancy or chi ldbirth and related medical conditions); 2. The need to care for a member of the emp lo yee's immediate family with a health condition described above (see definition of "immediate family" under Personnel Rules Section 1.06 ); 3. Medical or denta l appointments for the emp loyee or a dependent child , provided that the emp loyee must make a reasonable effort to schedule such appointments at times that minimize interference with the em ployee's scheduled work day ; 4. Leave of absence due to use of a prescription drug that impairs safe job performance ; Sick Leave and Atte ndance Policies Treatment of an absence as paid "s ick leave " does not affect an employee's obligation to adhere to the City's attendance policy. If an employee requests paid sick leave , the employee may be required to provide a doctor 's certificate to confirm the reason for the absence. Employees who use all accumu lated paid sick leave and require additional tim e off work due to illne ss or injury wi ll be required to use any accumulated vacation and may request a leave of absence without pay after exhausting these benefits. (See Other Leaves of Absence Policy, Personnel Rules Sec tion 7.10.) An employee may be se nt home and be required to use sick leave if a su pervi sor determine s that the emp loyee's job performance or safety is impaired by his/her temporary short term medical condition. Sick Leave Pay Upo n Retirement Emp loyees are not paid for accumulated sick leave upon termination of emp loyment, except for emp loyees who retire under the RSA retirement program. An employee, who retires in good standing and has an accumulated sick leave balance of at least 960 hours, w ill be paid in a lump sum payment for accumulated paid sic k leave as follows: Length of Service with the City of Fairhope At least 10 years but less than 20 years 20 years or more 32 Payment 50% of Accumu lated Sick Leave, up to a maximum of 960 hours. 100% of Accumulated Sick Leave, up to a maximum of 960 hours. 76 An employee who is unable to continue working for the City as a result of a permanent and total disability will be paid 100% accumulated sick leave, up to a maximum of 960 hours, upon termination of employment for that reason. 7.05 FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE Eligibility. To be eligible for family and medical leave or servicemember leave under this policy , you must meet all of the following eligibility requirements: (1) you must have worked for the City for at least 12 months (52 weeks), which need not be 12 consecutive months; and (2) you must have worked at least 1,250 hours for the City during the 12 months immediately preceding the family and medical or service member leave. Reasons for FMLA Leave. Eligible employees may request up to 12 weeks of unpaid family and medical leave during a 12-month period: • For the birth of your child (mother and/or father) or the placement of a child with you for adoption or foster care, and for childcare after the birth of your child or the placement for adoption or foster care. If both a husband and wife are eligible employees of the City, they may take only a total of 12 weeks. Leave to care for a child after birth or after adoption or placement with you for foster care must be taken within one year after the birth or placement of the child . • To care for the employee's spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition. • For the employee's serious health condition. • For "any qualifying exigency" if an employee's spouse, child or parent is activated to deploy or deployed to any foreign country with the U.S. Armed Forces, the National Guard or the U.S. Reserves . A "qualifying exige ncy" leave must be related to the activation for deployment or deployment to a foreign country and includes: (i) notice of a deployment (limited to seven calendar days beginning on the date a covered military member is notified of deployment); (ii) military events and related activities; (iii) childcare and school activities; (iv) making or updating financial and legal arrangements; (v) attending counseling related to the military call-up ; (vi) rest and recuperation to spend with a military member on short-term leave (limited to fifteen days per leave); (vii) leave to care for a military member's parent who is incapable of self-care when the care is necessitated by the member's covered active duty and (viii) post-deployment activities (within 90 days following termination of active duty status). Computing FMLA Leave Entitlement. In detennining whether an eligible employee has taken his or her full entitlement to 12 weeks unpaid leave of absence during a 12-month period, we use a "rolling" 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee would begin a requested FMLA leave . 33 77 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, THAT THE FOLLOWING 2023 -2024 HOLIDAYS WILL BE OBSERVED BY ALL CITY PERSONNEL EXCEPT EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES: Veterans Day Holiday Thanksgiving Holidays Christmas Holidays New Year's Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Mardi Gras Day Memorial Day Juneteenth Day Independence Day Labor Day Friday,Novemberl0,2023 Thursday & Friday, November 23 & 24, 2023 Monday & Tuesday, December 25 & 26, 2023 Monday, January 1, 2024 Monday, January 15, 2024 Tuesday, February 13, 2024 Monday, May 27, 2024 Wednesday, June 19, 2024 Thursday, July 4, 2024 Monday, September 2, 2024 DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City C lerk Jay Robinson, Council President 78 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the following list for the Fairhope Police Reserve : Justin Rogers , Drew Craze, Allen Bishop , and Chri s White ; and Police Chaplains : Arthur Bosarge , Micheal Kouns , and Reggie Whiddon. Attest: Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City Clerk Adopted on this 9th day of October, 2023 Jay Robinson , Council President 79 Lisa A. Hanks, M MC From: Sent: To: Subject: Good Morning Lisa Stephanie Hollinghead Thursday , September 28 , 2023 9:21 AM Lisa A. Hanks, MMC Updated Police Reserve List The following is an updated list of the current reserves for the Police Department. After meeting the Terry Sanders w ith our Safety Risk Loss Control, it was recommended that we update our reserve po lice officers insurance coverage under the MWCF Volunteer Program . I know the Council needs to approve the list. Please let me know if I need to send you anything else. Justin Rogers Drew Craze Allen Bishop Chris White Also, we have 3 active Police Chaplains. I am assuming since they also Volunteer and often come out and ride with officers, they need to be documented as well. Arthur Bosarge Micheal Kouns Reggie Whiddon ~S~'ll~ Fairhope Police Department 251-928-2385 Stephanie .hollinghead@fairhopeal.gov The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review , retransmission , dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited . If you received this message in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from all computers . 1 80 RESOLUTION NO. __ WHEREAS , the Downtown Fairhope Business Association serves a public purpose and the publicity that the Downtown Fairhope Business Association gives the City of Fairhope is a public service; and , WHEREAS , We, the Downtown Fairhope Bu siness Association agree to work with the Mayor, and/or her agent(s); advertise regionally and promote the City of Fairhope. WHEREAS, the term of said contract shall be for one ( 1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made in the total amount of $24,000.00 from the City of Fairhope. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Downtown Fairhope Bu sines s Association. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 81 C ONTRACT ST A TE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars ($24 ,000.00), to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation , duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA , on the 9th day of October, 2023; We , the DOWNTOWN FAIRHOPE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION, agree to work with the Mayor and/or her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope. The term of this contract sha ll be for the Fiscal year of 2023 -2024 . This contract may be cancelled at any time . Pursuant of the motion of this appropriation , a one-time payment shall be made in the amount of 24 ,000.00 from the City of Fairhope, until contract either expires or is cancelled. Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2023 DOWNTOWN FAIRHOPE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION By: ---------------- Alex Robinson , Exec utive Director CITY OF FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA By:-------------- Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 82 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Eastern Shore Art Center for contract funding educationa l programs through the Academy and Community Outreach Program which provides art education and hands-on learning, on and off site, to all elements of our community: children, youth , adu lt s, seniors, and special needs audiences, making an appropriation of $20,000 .00 ; and WHEREAS , the Eastern Shore Art Center must continue First Friday Artwalk and all publicity as a community event; continue to provide summer art program for the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club (formerly known as the Boys and Girls Club); and provide low cost art classes for local youth and senior citizens ; and WHEREAS , the City of Fairhope approves the request from the Eastern Shore Art Center to use the streets (Section Street north of Magnolia to Oak Street and Oak Street to Bancroft and Equality) during their Outdoor Art Show, which is he ld during the annua l Arts & Crafts Festiva l, to use the streets (Fa irhop e Avenue from Bancroft Avenue to Church Street and Section Street from De La Mare to Magnolia A venue) for the annual Grand F es ti val of Art in October; and requesting closure of the streets at 5:00 p .m . on the Friday before the festival for set-up; and security to be provided , after hours, by the Fairhope Police Department; and WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one ( 1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice ; and WHEREAS, payment shall be made quarterly in the amount of $5 ,000 .00 ; until contract either expires or is cance ll ed. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Eastern Shore Art Center for funds to support and sponsor the educational programs through the Art Center 's Academy for Fine Arts. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 83 CONTRACT ST ATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, ($20 ,000.00), to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation , duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OFF AIRHOPE , ALABAMA, on the 19th day of October, 2023; We , the EASTERN SHORE ART CENTER, agree to work with the Mayor and/or her agent(s) of the City of Fa irh ope on the Academy and Community Outreach Program which provides art education and hands-on learning , and off site, to all elements of our community: chi ldren, youth , adu lts, seniors , and specia l needs audiences . The Eastern Shore Art Center must continue First Friday Artwa lk and all publicity as a community event ; continue to provide summer art program for the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth C lub (formerly known as the Boys and Girls Club); and provide low cost art classes for lo cal yo uth and senior citize ns. The City of Fairhope approves the request from the Eastern Shore Art Center to use the streets (Section Street north of Magno li a to Oak Street and Oak Street to Bancroft and Equality) during their Outdoor Art Show , w hi ch is held during the annual Arts & Crafts Festival ; to use the streets (Fai rh ope A venue from Bancroft Avenue to Church Street and Section Street from De La Mare to Magnolia Avenue) for the annua l Grand Festiva l of Art in October; and requesting closure of the streets at 5 :00 p.m. on the Friday before the festival for set-up ; and security to be provided , after hours , by the Fairhope Police Department. The term of this contract sha ll be for the Fiscal year of 2023 -2024. This contract may be cance ll ed at any time . Pursuant of th e motion for a ppro va l of this appropriation , payment is to be made quarterly in the amount of $5 ,000.00 from th e City of Fairhope ; until contract either expires or is cancelled. Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City C lerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2023 EASTERN SHORE ART CENTER By ___________ _ Pelham Pearce, Executive Director CITY OF FAIRHOPE By _____________ _ Sherry Su lli van , Mayor 84 RESOLUTION NO. --- WHEREAS , in Fairhope, Alabama, Ecumenical Ministries Incorporated (EMI) 1s a public , non-profit , non-denominational , United Way social service agency; and , WHEREAS , EMI's mission is to improve the quality of life in Baldwin County by meeting basic needs , encouraging personal growth , effecting social and economic justice and celebrate our common life ; and , WHEREAS , EMI provide serv ices to the socio-economic and those in crisis situations and have no place to tum for help on the Eastern Shore , including Fairhope and South Baldwin County. The services rendered include : • Emergency Aid -Direct assistance for medical, food , utilities , rent , clothing , childcare, transportation and other emergency needs. • Meals on Wheels (MOW'S) -Volunteer's deliver nutritious , warm meals six days a week. Meals are subsidized based on need and funding -Fairhope area has nine routes. • Home Repair -These projects include plumbing , electrical work, rebui lding floors , installing windows and doors , roofing , building wheelchair ramps and more. This program is for the elderly and disabled . • Food Pantry -Our pantries provide a week's supply of food based on the size of the family and their situation. • Prescription Assistance -This program allows under-insured and non-insured persons to receive life sustaining medications at reduced or no cost through pharmaceutical companies' indigent care program. EMI also provide prescription assistance through the Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy in Mobile. • Church-based Commun ity Organizing -This program empowers poor and moderate income families to participate effectively in our democratic system and a llo w community members the opportunity to address the issues affecting their lives: paved streets, lighting , sewage, recreation , and drainage . • EMMY'S Thrift Shop -Through our emergency aid center vouchers are given at no cost. With th ese vouchers, people can receive such items as appliances , furniture, clothing , etc. 85 Resolution No. Page -2- WHEREAS , Ecumenical Ministries Incorporated has served Fairhope residents since 1969 on a continuous basis and successfull y demonstrated the capacity to operate a neighborhood based on social serv ic e agency improving co untl ess lives. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Su lli van is hereby authorized to establi sh a contract for services between the City of Fairhope and Ecumenic a l Ministries Incorporated to appropriate the sum of $10,000.00 to be used for the needs of Fairhop e residents. DULY ADOPTED THIS THE 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Counci l President 86 CONTRACT ST A TE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars , ($10 ,000.00), to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation , duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA, on the 9th day of October, 2023 ; We , ECUMENICAL MINISTRIES INCORPORATED of Fairhope , agree to work with the Mayor and/or her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to continue helping with the operation of our ministry and its mission to help families in need in the City of Fairhope. The term of this contract is for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but contract may be cancelled at any time. Pursuant of the motion of this appropriation , a one-time payment shall be made in the amount of $10 ,000 .00 from the City of Fairhope , until contract either expire s or is cance ll ed. Attest: Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2023 ECUMENICAL MINISTRIES INCORPORATED By _____________ _ Sally Deane, Executive Director CITY OF FAIRHOPE By------------ Sherry Sulli v an , Mayor 87 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Trailblazers , making an appropriation of $5,000 .00 to help people shape their communities to be vigorous , healthy, and flourishing for generations to come by implementing a model Walking School Bus program that can positively reduce the soaring rate of childhood obesity by giving parents a supportive solution for assisting their chi ldren with walking to school instead of taking a bus or riding in a car. WHEREAS , Baldwin County Trailblazers will continue its monthly Smart Walks to area schools that involves over 100 students and an equal number of parents and grandparents. The Smart Walk program has been a success . WHEREAS , the outcome the program will achieve is to have a significant percentage of students participate in the daily Walking School Program and to be a model for use with other schoo ls . WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notic e . WHEREAS , payment shall be made in the amount of $5 ,000 .00 from the City of Fairhope . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Trailblazers . DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City C lerk Jay Robinson, Council President 88 CO N TRACT ST ATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars , ( 5,000 .00), to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation , duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA, on the 9th day of October, 2023 ; We, BALDWIN COUNTY TRAILBLAZERS, agree to work with the Mayor and/or her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to help people shape their communities to be vigorou s, healthy , and flourishing for generations to come by implementing a model Walking School Bus program that can positively reduce the soaring rate of childhood obesity by giving parents a supportive solution for assisting their children with walking to school instead of taking a bus or riding in a car. Baldwin County Trailblazers will continue its monthly Smart Walks to area schools that involves over 100 students and an equa l number of parents and grandparents . The Smart Walk program has been a success. The term of thi s contract shall be for the Fiscal year of 2023 -2024. This contract may be cance ll ed at any time . Pursuant of the motion for approval of th is appropriation, a one-time payment shall be made in the amount of $5,000.00 , unt il contract either expires or is cancelled . Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2023 BALDWIN COUNTY TRAILBLAZERS By_.------------- Casey Rodden , Treasurer CITY OF FAIRHOPE By ___________ _ Sherry Sullivan , Mayor 89 RESOLUTION NO. --- WHEREAS, a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope- Point Clear Rotary Youth Club , making an appropriation of $57 ,000.00 to help support the programs and activities to better serve our community and its youth by helping to manage and operate the Fairhope-Point C lear Rotary Youth Club facility and for facility maintenance which includes cleaning supplies (not-to-exceed $2 ,000 .00 which is included in total amount); and , WHEREAS, the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club , agrees to work with the Mayor, and/or her agent(s), to better meet the needs of our community 's youth through programs and activities ; i .e., quality after schoo l and summer programs which is an absolute necessity for our community. WHEREAS , the term of said contract sha ll be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made quarterly in the amount of $14 ,250.00 from the City of Fairhope ; until contract either expires or is cancelled. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope-Point C lear Rotary Youth Club to help support the programs and activities to better serve our community and its youth by helping to manage and operate the Fairhope-Point C lear Rotary Youth Club facility and for facility maintenance which includes cleaning supplies. ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 90 CONTRACT STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars, ($57,000.00), to be paid as per resolution for approval of this appropriation, duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, on the 9th day of October, 2023; We, the FAIRHOPE-POINT CLEAR ROTARY YOUTH CLUB , agree to work with the Mayor, and /or her agent(s), to better meet the needs of our community's youth through program s and activities; i.e. quality after school and summer programs which is an absolute necessity for our community by helping to manage and operate the Fairhope-Point Clear Rotary Youth Club Facility and for facility maintenance which includes cleaning supplies (not-to-exceed $2 ,000 .00 which is included in total amount). The term of this contract is for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023-and ending 30 September 2024; but contract may be cancelled at any time . Pursuant of the motion for approval of this appropriation, payment is to be made quarterly in the amount of $14 ,250.00 from the City of Fairhope; until contract either expires or is cancelled. Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Signed this 9th day of October, 2023 FAIRHOPE-POINT CLEAR ROTARY YOUTH CLUB By ________________ _ Tracey Miller, Executive Director CITY OF FAIRHOPE By ________________ _ Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 91 RESOLUTION NO. __ WHEREAS, a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and Care House, Inc., making an appropriation of$5 ,000.00 to help with continuing support for children who are victims of sexual and severe physical abuse; and to help achieve normalcy through our counse lin g and advocacy program for children and families who come to us after being victimized. This appropriation wi ll also help with the distribution of the child abuse prevention curriculum , "Keeping Our Kids Safe" and prevention presentation held throughout Baldwin County. WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one ( l) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made in the total amount of $5 ,000.00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OFF AIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and Care House, Inc. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 92 CONTRACT STA TE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Five Thou sand Dollars , ($5 ,000 .00), to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation , duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, on the 9th day of October, 2023 ; We , CARE HOUSE , INC ., agree to work with the Mayor and/or her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to help with continuing support for children who are victims of sexual and severe phys ical abuse; and to help achieve normalcy through our counseling and advocacy program for children and families who come to us after being victimized. This appropriation will also help with the distribution of the child abuse prevention curriculum , "Keeping Our Kids Safe" and prevention presentation held throughout Baldwin County. The term of this contract shall be for the Fiscal year of 2023 -2024 . Thi s contract may be cancelled at any time . Pursuant of the motion for approval of this appropriation, a one-time payment shall be made in the total amount of $5 ,000.00 , until contract either expires or is cancelled. Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2023 CARE HOUSE , INC. By ______________ _ Niki Whitaker, Executive Director CITY OF FAIRHOPE By _____________ _ Sherry Sullivan , Mayor 93 RESOLUTION NO. __ WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Film Festival, making an appropriation of $6 ,000 .00 , to help bring sustained economic growth from the film industry to the Alabama Gulf Coast through its Fairhope Film Festival. WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS, payment shall be made in the total amount of $6 ,000.00 from the City of Fairhope. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Film Festival. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 94 CONTRACT STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Six Thousand Dollars , ($6 ,000.00), to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation, duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OFF AIRHOPE , ALABAMA , on the 9th day of October, 2023; We , THE FAIRHOPE FILM FESTIVAL, agree to work with the Mayor and/or her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to help bring sustained economic growth from the film industry to the Alabama Gulf Coast through its Fairhope Film Festival. The term of this contract shall be for the Fiscal year of 2023 -2024 . This contract may be cancelled at any time. Pursuant of the motion of this appropriation , a one-time payment shall be made in the amount of $6,000.00 from the City of Fairhope , until contract either expires or is cancelled . Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2022 THE FAIRHOPE FILM FESTIVAL By __________ _ Mary Riser, Executive Director CITY OF FAIRHOPE By _____________ _ Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 95 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program , making an appropriation of $15 ,000 .00 to su pport expanded activities related to Stormwater education and watershed management. The Mobile Bay ational Estuary Program continues to support City environmental re source managem ent efforts: Fairhope Gullies , Create a Clean Water Future, and Watershed Management Plan for the Volanta Gully Watershed. WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice . WHEREAS , payment shall be made quarterly in the amount of $3 ,750 .00 , until contract either expires or is cancelled. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program . DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 96 C ONTRACT ST ATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in co n sid eration of the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars, ( I 5,000 .00), to be paid as per motion for approval of thi a ppropri a ti on, duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOP E , ALABAMA, on the 9th day of Octob er, 2023; We, MO BILE BAY NATIO AL ESTUARY PROGRAM , agree to work with th e Mayor a nd/o r her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to support expand ed activities related to Stormwater education and watershed management. The Mobile B ay National Estuary Pro gram continues to support City environmental re ource management efforts : Fairhope Gullies , Create a Clean Water Future, and Watershed Management Plan for the Volanta Gully Water hed. The term of thi s contract shall be for th e Fiscal year of 2023 -2024 . This contract may be cancelled a t any time . Pursuant of th e motion for approval of this appropriation, pa yme nt is to be made quarterly in the amount of $3,750 .00 fro m the City of Fairhope ; until co ntract e ith er ex pir es or is cancell ed . Attest: Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City C le rk Signed this 10th d ay of October, 2023 MOBILE B AY NATIONAL ESTUAR Y PROGRAM B y _____________ _ Roberta A . Swann, Director CITY OF FAIRHOPE By _____________ _ Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 97 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce serves a public purpose and the publicity that the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce gives the City of Fairhope is a public service; and , WHEREAS, We, the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce, agree to work with the Mayor, and/or his agent(s), advertise (regionally and nationally) and promote the City of Fairhope and to enhance City revenues through economic development including sales & use taxes , lodging taxes, business licenses, etc.; and to promote public arts and crafts for residents and visitors through the annual arts and crafts festival. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that the Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce to promote the City of Fairhope . The contract shall be for one year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but may be canceled at any time. The contract shall call for a one-time payment to the Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce in the total amount of $23 ,500.00 ($23 ,500.00 which includes $15 ,000.00 for the Annual Leaders Council Program and $2 ,500.00 for Centennial Celebration) from the City of Fairhope. ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Adopted this 9th day of October, 2023 Jay Robinson, Council President 98 CONTRACT ST ATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Twenty-Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, ($23,500 .00 which includes 15 ,000.00 for the Annua l Leaders Counci l Program and $2 ,500 .00 for Centennial Celebration), to be paid as per resolution for approval of this appropriation , duly approved and adopted by the GOVER ING BODY OF THE CITY OFF AIRHOPE , ALABAMA, on the 9th day of October, 2023 ; We , the EASTERN SHORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, agree to work with the Mayor, and /or her agent(s), to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope and to enhance City revenues through economic deve lopment including sales & use taxes, lodging taxes , business licenses , etc.; and to promote pub lic arts and crafts for residents and visitors through the annua l arts and crafts festival.; and The term of this contract is for one ( l) year, beginning l October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but contract may be cancelled at any time . Pursuant to resolution for approval of this appropriation and request for usage of the City faci Ii ties ; and resources described above, a one-time payment hall be made in the total amount of $23,500 .00 (which includes $15 ,000 .00 for the Annua l Leaders Council Program and $2 ,500 .00 for Centennial Celebration) from the City of Fairhope, unt il contract either expires or is cancelled. Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2023 EASTERN SHORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE By ________________ _ Casey Gay Williams, President CITY OF FAIRHOPE By ________________ _ Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 99 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, contract shall be exec uted betwee n the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin Pop s, making an appropriation of $3,00 0.00 , in-kind services, and resources including personnel, but not security after normal business hours; and provides an exception to the Sign Ordinance by allowing banner for their Citywide events and to be displayed 10 days prior those events to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope ; and to provide free concerts yearly for the residents of Fairhope, also performs at the City's July 4th celebration and the Founder 's Day Concert and when available participates in the Veteran Day parade. The following is the breakdown of the two concerts [total in-kind services $8,400.00]: July Concert, Bluff $3000 Concert fee $200 Facility rental fees (in-kind services) $4000 [staging, sound , portables] Total: $7200.00 October Concert, Bluff -$200 Facility renta l fees (in-kinds services) -$4000 [staging , sound, portables] Total: $4200.00 WHEREAS , the term of said contract sha ll be for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment shall be made in th e amount of $3,000.00 from the City of Fairhope. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin Pop s. ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk ADOPTED thi 9th day of October, 2023 Jay Robinson, Council President 100 CONTRACT ST ATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( )( For and in consideration of the sum of Three Thousand Dollars , ($3 ,000 .00) and use of the Bluff for two concerts to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation ; resources including personnel , but not security after normal business hours ; and provides an exception to the Sign Ordinance by allowing banners for their Citywide events and to be displayed 10 days prior those events, duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA, on the 9th day of October, 2023 ; We , the BALDWIN POPS , agree to work with the Mayor, and /or her agent(s), to advertise and promote the City of Fairhope; and to provide free concerts yearly for the residents of Fairhope, also performs at the City's July 4th ce lebration and the Founder's Day Concert and when available participates in the Veteran Day parade . The following is the breakdown of the four concerts [total in-kind services $8,400 .00]: July Concert, Bluff $3000 Concert fee $20 0 Facility rental fee s (in-kin d services) $4 000 [staging , sound , portab les] Total: $720 0.00 October Concert , Bluff -$200 Facility rental fees (in-kind servic es ) -$4 000 [staging, sound , portables] Total: $42 00.00 The term of this contract shall be for the Fiscal year of 2023 -2024 . This contract may be cancelled at any time. Pursuant of the motion for approva l of this appropriation , a one-time payment shall be made in the amount of $3 ,000 .00 , until contract either expires or is cancell ed . Attest: Li sa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2023 BALDWIN POPS By _____________ _ Anne Brooks CITY OF FAIRHOPE By ___________ _ Sherry Sulli van, Mayor 101 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Pirate Booster Club , Inc., making an appropriation of $10 ,000.00 to be used to assist and benefit all sports in both men's and women's athletic programs. This also includes the use of the Fairhope Civic Center for the Annual Drawdown and Silent Auction (date to be announced) which includes the use of associated rooms as needed, placement of a tent in the parking lot (all rental expenses paid by the Club), and use of the facility's tables and chairs in the tent. WHEREAS , the term of sa id contract shall be for one ( 1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice . WHEREAS , payment sha ll be made quarterly in the amount of $2,500.00, until contract either expires or is cancelled. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OFF AIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Pirate Boo ster Club, Inc. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council Pre sident 102 CONTRACT STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars , ($10 ,000.00), to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation, duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE , ALABAMA, on the 9th day of October, 2023 ; We , THE FAIRHOPE PIRATE BOOSTER CLUB , INC ., agree to work with the Mayor and/or her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to assist and benefit sports in both men's and women's athletic programs . This also includes the use of the Fairhope Civic Center for the Annual Drawdown and Silent Auction ( date to be announced) wh ich inc lu des the use of associated rooms as needed, placement of a tent in the parking lot (all ren tal expenses paid by the Club), and use of the facility's tables and chairs in the tent. The term of this contract shall be for the Fiscal year of2023 -2024. This contract may be cancelled at any time. Pursuant of the motion for approva l of this appropriation, payment is to be made quarterly in the amount of $2 ,500.00 from the City of Fairhope until contract either expires or is cancelled. Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City C lerk S igned th is 10th day of October, 2023 FAIRHOPE PIRATE BOOSTER CLUB , INC . By _____________ _ Genie Frazer, President CITY OF FAIRHOPE By _____________ _ Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 103 RESOLUTION NO. __ WHEREAS, a contract s hall be executed between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance , Inc., making an appropriation of $20 ,000 .00 to assist with economic development facilitation within the City of Fairhope. BCD EA is pleased to continue its relationship with the City of Fairhope. BCEDA 's charge is to de ve lop and facilitate new job creation opportunities for all communities in Baldwin County. BCEDA will work with City Leadership to continue to develop new job creation opportunities in but not limited to the following: IT , Software Development, Aerospace , Aviation and Medical sectors . We will continue to work with the Mayor, City Staff and City Council to identify , develop and promote designated areas of Fairhope for future job creation. BCEDA will continue to promote and market the City of Fairhope, advising national and international corporate decision makers of all that Fairhope has to offer them as a top site-selection loc ation. BCEDA will continue to advise and assist the Mayor and City Leaders in developing a place and atmosphere in Fairhope that encourages , foster , and facilitates entrepreneurship. BCEDA will work with local , regional , and statewide workforce de ve lopment partners to communicate current and future training and education requirements to Coasta l A labama Community College and The Academy at the Fairhope Airport. WHEREAS, the term of sai d contract shall be for one (1) year, beginning l October 2023 and endin g 30 September 2024; but the contract shall be cance lled at any time upon notice. WHEREAS , payment i to be made quarterly in the amount of $5 ,000.00 from the City of Fairhope. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance , Inc . DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council Pre si dent 104 CONTRACT ST ATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars , ($20 ,000 .00), to be paid approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OFF AIRHOPE, ALABAMA, on the 9th day of October, 2023 ; We , the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance , Inc. ("BCEDA"), agree to work with the Mayor, and /or her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to assist with economic development facilitation within the City of Fairhope . BCD EA is pleased to continue its relationship with the City offairhope. BCEDA 's charge is to develop and facilitate new job creation opportunities for all communities in Baldwin County . BCEDA will work with City Leadership to continue to develop new job creation opportunities in but not limited to the following : IT , Software Development, Aerospace , Aviation and Medical sectors. We will continue to work with the Mayor, City Staff and City Council to identify, develop and promote designated areas of Fairhope for future job creation . BCEDA will continue to promote and market the City of Fairhope , advising national and international corporate decision makers of all that Fairhope has to offer them as a top site-selection location. BCEDA will continue to advise and assist the Mayor and City Leaders in dev eloping a place and atmosphere in Fairhope that encourages , fosters , and facilitates entrepreneurship. BCEDA will work with local , regional and statewide workforce development partners to communicate current and future training and education requirements to Coastal Alabama Community College and The Academy at the Fairhope Airport. The term of this contract is for one (1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but contract may be canceled at any time. Pursuant of the motion for approval of this appropriation , payment is to be made quarterly in the amount of $5 ,000 .00 from the City of Fairhope until contract either expires or is cancelled. Attest: Lisa A . Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 10th day of October, 2023 BALDWIN COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE, INC . By ______________ _ Lee Lawson , Presiden t/CEO CITY OFF AIRHOPE By ______________ _ Sherry Sullivan, Mayor 105 RESOLUTION NO. --- WHEREAS , a contract shall be executed between the City of Fairhope and Safe Harbor Animal Coalition, Inc. ("SHAC"), making an appropriation of $5,000.00 to help Trap, Ne uter & Return ("TNR") local area cats. The City has found that it is a good and useful purpose of public funds to enter into a contract with SHAC to assist in the growing feral and community cat populations within the City. Trap-Neuter-Return is the humane, effective approach for controlling free-roaming community cats. TNR results in significant, measurable, and po sitive outcomes for cats , communities, and organizations such as City she lters and animal control. WHEREAS , the term of said contract shall be for one ( 1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 202 4 ; but the contract shall be cancelled at any time upon notice . WHEREAS , payment shall be made in the total amount of $5,00 0 .00. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OFF AIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to sign a contract between the City of Fairhope and Safe Harbor Animal Coalition, Inc. DULY ADO PTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 106 CONTRACT ST A TE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( For and in consideration of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars , ($5 ,000 .00), to be paid as per motion for approval of this appropriation, duly approved and adopted by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, on the 10th day of October, 2022; We , SAFE HARBOR ANIMAL COALITION, INC ., agree to work with the Mayor and/or her agent(s) of the City of Fairhope to help Trap , Neuter & Return ("TNR") local area cats. The City has found that it is a good and useful purpose of public funds to enter into a contract with SHAC to assist in the growing feral and community cat populations within the City . Trap- Neuter-Retum is the humane , effective approach for controlling free-roaming community cats . TNR results in significant, measurable , and positive outcomes for cats , communities , and organizations such a s City shelters and animal control. The term of this contract shall be for the Fiscal year of 2022 -2023. This contract may be cancelled at any time . Pursuant of the motion for approval of this appropriation, a one-time payment shall be made in the total amount of $5 ,000 .00, until contract either expires or is cancelled . Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 11th day of October, 2022 SAFE HARBOR ANIMAL COALITION , INC. By ____________ _ Steve Solomon, Chairman CITY OF FAIRHOPE By _____________ _ Sherry Sullivan , Mayor 107 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, Thomas Hospital serves a public purpose and the health education that the Thomas Hospital gives the City of Fairhope is a public service; and , WHEREAS, We , Thomas Hospital , agree to work with the Mayor, and /or her agent(s), to promote the City of Fairhope and to contribute time, employees , and other resources putting on health related programs, meetings and programs affiliated with Thomas Hospital, throughout the year in the Fairhope community, schools or at the hospital facilities. Many events , schools , and Fairhope programs are sponsored by Thomas Hospital. The Thomas Hospital Auxiliary provides hours of service to the hospital that benefit Fairhope citizens ; and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , that Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute contract between the City of Fairhope and Thomas Hospital for use of the City facilities (rental and cleaning fees), including streets and parks , depending on availability and permission from the Rental Facilities Manager; but they would be responsible for any incidentals , damages, or security if necessary. ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 ATTEST: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 108 ST ATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN C ONTRACT )( )( For and in consideration of the use of the City facilitie s (rental and cleaning fee s), including street s and parks , depending on av ailability and permis s ion from the Rental Facilities Manager; but they would be responsible for any incidentals , damages, or security if necessary. We , the THOMAS HOSPITAL , agree to work with the Mayor, and /or her agent(s), to promote the City ofFairhope and to contribute time , employees , and other resources putting on health related programs , meetings and programs affiliated with Thomas Hospita l, throughout the year in the Fairhope community, schools or at the hospital facilitie s. Many events , schoo ls, and Fairhope programs are sponsored by Thomas Hospital. The Thomas Hospital Auxiliary provides hours of service to the ho spital that benefit Fairhope citizens . The term of this contract is for one ( 1) year, beginning 1 October 2023 and ending 30 September 2024 ; but contract may be canceled at any time . Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Signed this 9th day of October, 2023 THOMAS HOSPITAL By ________________ _ Ormand Thompson III , President CITY OF FAIRHOPE By ________________ _ Sherry Sullivan , Mayor 109 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , as follows : [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Intelligent One Field GPS Paint Robot from Turf Tank for a not-to-exceed amount of $52 ,700.00. [2] Purchase includes total cost for robot , installation, allotment of paint, and one year of customer care. [3] Turf Tank is sole source for the robot and is exempt from formal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975 , Section 41-16-57 Municipal or County Contract for Certain Services Exempt from Competitive Bid Requirements which states: "The government body can document that the sole source goods or services are of an indispensable nature , all other viable alternatives have been explored , and it has been determined that only these goods or services will fulfill the function for which the product is needed. ADOPTED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 110 City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Project No. 2370 Issuing Date : ___ 9~/=-27-'/~2_0_23 __ _ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by ; ___ A~S_A_P __ Project Name : Aoo rove the Procurem en t of t he l nte lllaent One Field GPS Pa i nt M a r kin□ Robot for Athleti c Fiel ds at Citv Soo rt Co mo lexes Project Location : Rec rea t ion Department Resolution # : Presented to City Council : __ ...c1c.::0.:c/9:.:./=-20::.:2::.:3=---Approved ______ _ Funding Request Sponsor; Pat Wh ite Recreation Director Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Project Cas h Requirement Requ est ed : Cost: $ 52 7 00.00 Not-to.-exceed Amount Vendor: Turf Ta nk (Ven dor #TBD) Proiect Engineer: ~n_,,t.,,a ____________________________________________ _ Order Date : -----'n=-/=-a---Lead Time : ----'n.::.l.:,a ________ _ Department Fundi ng This Pro j ect General 0 Gas 0 Electric D Wale Wastewater C Sanitation C Cap Project O Impact C Gas Tax Fed Grant C Admm-10 Fleet-46 Department of Ge ne ral Fu nd Providing t he Funding C Bldg-13 C 2 Golf-SO C Po l,ce-15 C Fire-20 [j Go lf Grounds-55 D Museum-27 C ProJect w,11 be Expensed Capitali zed Inventoried ________ c ___ ..c.x=-x=-x'--__ G ________ c Expense Code : 001 250 -50470 ECD -24 C Re c-2 5 fI. Civic-26 C Manna-34 C Street-35 C Meter-19 C Plan/Zone -12 C Adult Rec-30 :J NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv,ce-85 C Funding Source : Operating Expenses ______ C Budgeted Capital XXX 0 Unfunded C GIL Acct Name : Rec r eation -Pu rchas es Vehicles & Equ i pme nt _______ Federa l -not to exceed amount ______ State ProJect Budgeted · $ Ba lance Sheet Item- Included in projected cash flow 52 ,700 .00 FY24 B ud get C -------- ______ City _______ Local Bond : _____ _ -------Year Over (Under) budget amount._..:.$ ______ _ Loan . ______ _ Tit le Title -------Year Approve the procurement of the In tellige nt One Field GPS Paint Robot from Turf Tank in the not to~xceed amount of $52,700.00 which includes the cost of purchase , inst alla tion and one year of customer care . The purchase price also provide& for an allot ment of paint . This item is a sole source purchase and therefo re does not need to be le t out for bid . City Council Pr ior Approval/Date? _______ _ Senior Accoun tan t City Trea su re r Capital Lease : ______ _ Purchasing Memo Date · ___ 9~/=2~6~/2~0~2~3~-Purchasing Memo Date : --~9~/=2~6/~2~0=2~3 __ _ Reque~ved Date : 9/26/2023 ~t_~~ Payment _______ Term Mayor IT-16 L HR-1£ 111 of fAINO. .<i t.> '(!'i dt.,t\BA'm'C, Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell , ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928 -2136 (p) 251 -928-6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To : From : Date : Re : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager September 26 , 2023 Green Sheet and City Council Approval for the Procurement of a One Field GPS Paint Robot The Director of Parks and Recreation , Pat White , is requesting approval for the procurement of a One Field GPS Paint Robot from Turf Tank . The One Field Marking Robot is a field painting robot controlled by GPS that will be used to paint all field markings for the athletic fields at all City sport complexes . Turf Tank is the Sole Source for this robot. The total cost for the robot , installation and one year of Customer Care is Fifty-Two Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($52 ,700 .00). This purchase is exempt from formal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975. Section 41-16-57 Municipal or County Contract for Certain Services Exempt from Competitive Bid Requirements which states : "The government body can document that the sole source goods or services are of an indispensable nature, all other viable alternatives have been explored, and it has been determined that only these goods or services will fulfill the function for which the product is needed." Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request to approve this sole source procurement of a One Field GPS Paint Robot for $52,700.00. CC file , Pat White , Clint Steadham 112 Quote created: September 20, 2023 Reference: 20230920-072715065 [AL] Fairhope Park and Recreation 701 Volanta Ave Fairhope, AL 36532 United States Pat White pat.white@fairhopeal.gov (251) 990-0151 Comments Customer Care Plan is included in Year One and available after at $3,999/year. Hunter Pratt -Gulf Coast Regional Territory Manager Turf Tank l:;jSender avatar Products & Services US -Turf Tank Two Plus Package -Outright Purchase Includes: -GPS Paint Robot + GPS Package (Includes Android Tablet) -Continuous Software Improvements -Free Form Text Creation -Standard Geometry Package - Extended Geometry Package -Paint: $2,000 Allotment of Paint (White) -(2) Robot Batteries -Customer Support : Normal Business Hours (Mon-Fri) -Hardware Warranty Program: Limited (Excludes Consumables) -Standard Turf Tank Accessories US -Turf Tank Two Plus Package -Upfront Implementation Cost Includes: -Configuration & Shipping of Robot -Secure Inventory & Lock in Installation Date -Product Training & Online Resources US -Turf Tank Two Plus Package -Customer Care Plan Includes: -Customer Support : Normal Business Hours (Mon-Fri) -Hardware Warranty: Limited (Excludes Consumables) -Continuous Software Improvements -$2,000 Allotment of Paint (White) Annual subtotal $3,999.00 One-time subtotal $52,700.00 Year One Customer Care Plan Discount ($3,999.00) Total $52,700.00 Signature 1 X $51,000.00 1 X $1 ,700.00 1 X $3,999.00 I year 113 Signature Date Printed name This quote expires on December 19, 2023 Purchase terms Invoice TY.~ Invoice Details lmplementatlon Fee Invoice must be paid prior to the shipment and installation of Implementation Fee Invoice the robot. The invoice for Implementation Fee should be available within 24 hours after the contract has been signed and returned. The invoice will be emailed to the billing contact on file and will be from billing@turftank.com . First Invoice will be emailed and made available within 24 hours after the robot First Invoice has been shipped . Payment will be due at the installation and training of the robot. The invoice will be emailed to the billing contact on file and will be from billing@tyrftank.com . -sales Tax is 11Q!_included in the above quote. If you are not tax-exempt you will be subject to sales tax on your invoices . If you are tax-exempt, we will need to collect and validate your tax-exempt certificate . Questions? Contact me [;"..,Sender avatar Hunter Pratt Gulf Coast Regional Territory Manager hunter.pratt@turftank.com +12254 089 450 Do wn load There was a problem downloading the quote. Please try again. Print quote Turf Tank 3330 Cobb Parkway NW Suite 324-380 Acworth GA 30101 United States 114 DocuSign Envelope ID : 0CF9ACB9-D458-4687-A962-E7O3761810CA TA ® .T 0 l/l/2023 To whom it may concern - Please accept this letter as our assurance and validation that: Sole Source Statement: Turf Tank is the exclusive sole distributor in North America for the Intelligent One Field Marking Robot manufactured by Intelligent Marking. In addition , this product is considered a "sole source" provided product in that only the ION Robot incorporates the integration of an on-site ground base station , eliminating the reliance of a 3rd party network provider to operate. Additionally, this product is designed as a 4-wheeled autonomous GPS robot, creating the highest level of accuracy and stability for the consumer. Additionally, Turf Tank is the sole source of providing the warranty, service, support and upgrades which is built in to the Customer Care Plan that is billed annually to the customer. Sincerely, Ryan Stubbe VP of Sales Turf Tank 877-396-4094 (Office) 1/3/2023 ryan.stubbe@turftank.com I wwwJurCTank.com 115 Name: Pat White CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPA RTMENT P URCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: 9/26/23 Department: _R_e_cr_e_a_ti_o_n __________________ _ Expenditure Threshold** Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5 ,000 No r es t rictions Not Requi r ed N/A N/A Utilities $5 ,001 -$10,000 Operational NON-Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater t ha n : Ope rat ional NON -Budgeted Thre e Counci l Reguired Gen Govt -$5 ,001 Utilities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5 ,001 -$15,000 Operat io nal Budgeted Thre e Treasurer N/A Ut ilit ies -$10,001 -$15,000 Over $15 ,000/$50,000 Operational Budget * State Bid Li st or Treasurer/Mayo r N/A Buy ing Group Over $15,000/$50,000 Operational Budgeted Bids Council Reguired Profess ional Service Ove r $5 ,000 Budgeted or Non -Budgeted Mayo r Se lect Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired "'Budgeted items that meet or are under budge t ma y be purchased with the Mayo r an d/or Tr easurer's approval if t hey ar e an th e State Bid list or from an approved buying group. Items that are over budget must go to Council for appro val an d will require a green sheet and r esolution . "'"'Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases. Vendor Name 1. Turf Tank 2 . Clic k or tap he r e to ente r te xt. QUOTES $ 52,700.00 $ Vendor Quote 3 . Click or tap here to enter text. $-------------- Check any applicable boxes: □ State Contract □ ALDOT □ Purchasing Group IXl Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? Turf Tank -GPS Paint Robot 2. What is the total cost of the item or service? $52 ,700.00 3. How many do you need? 1 4 . Item or Service Is : IXl New □ Used □ Replacement □ Annual Request 5 . Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): Turf Tank 6. Vendor Number: Clic k o r ta p he r e to enter te xt. If you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page : www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departmen t s, Purcha sing, Vendor Registration, and complete the requ ired information. BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? IXl Yes □ No □ Emergency Request 2 . If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? $52 ,700.00 J/ 3 . Budget code : 1250 / 50470 LJ~t:: '10 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin. Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda.Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR-004 -082522 116 RE SOLUT IO N NO . ---- BE IT RESO LVE D BY THE GOVERNING BOD Y OF THE CI TY OF FA IRHOP E, ALABAMA , as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Subscription for Weather Forecast and Warning Service from USA Coastal Weather Research Center with a not-to-exceed amount of $4,200.00; and authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a contract. [2 ] Services in clude the fo ll owing: • Interactive pin-point forecasts twice daily Monday through Friday. • otification of severe weather including but not limited to thunderstorm , tornado wind , and freeze events. • Tropical weather information. • Unlimited access to the Coastal Weather Research Center website. • Consu lting and special weather reports upon request. ADOPTED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Co u ncil President 117 Issuing Date . ---'-9/-=2...:8-=/2~0_2_3 __ City of Fairhope Project Fund ing Request Project Name· Approve the Procurement of a Weather Forecast and Warnlno Service Project Location : ..:E"-le:..:c:..:t::.:ric.::c-=D:..:e:.,p:..:1 _________________________ _ Presented to City Council : __ ...:1;;.0/o..:9::..:/2:..:0:..:2:..:3 __ Funding Request Sponsor. Roscoe Safley, Assistant Ele ctric Superintendent Ben Patterson, Electric Superi ntendent Project Cash Requirement Requested : Cost: ~$ ____ 4-2_0_0_._00_Not-to~xceed Annual Amount COF Project No. 2376 Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by ASAP Resolution # : Approved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Vendor: -'U'-'S"-A'--'C"-'o'-"acc.st""a"-1 W'-'-"-ea"'t'-'-he"'r-'-R-'-'ecc.sccea"'"r"'"'ch-'-C-"-e"'n-'-'t-'-'er_,(-'-V-'-'en"-'d'-'o-'-r -""#8~5~5-'-4)~ _______ S_E_P-=2=-9=-·__.'2 ... ,,..'3 PM 12: 29 ~ Project Engineer: ..:;n::.:/a=------------------------------------------ Order Date : ---~n/...:a~--Lead Time : Department Funding This Project General C Gas C Electric 0 Wale□ Wastewater D Sanitation Department of General Fund Provid i ng the Fund ing Adm •n-10 Fleet-46 C Bldg-13 C C Golf-50 C Po lice -15 C Fire -2 0 D ECD -24 0 Rec-25 C Go lf Grounds-55 D Museum -27 D NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv ,ce-85 C Project w ill be : Fund ing Source : Expensed XXX IZ Operat ing Expenses Capitalized C Budgeted Capital Inventori ed C Unfunded Expense Code : 003 -50390 G/L Acct Name : El ec tric -Dues -License-Subscri ption Project Budgeted : $ 4 200.00 FY24 Budget Ba lance Sheet Item-G Included in projected cash flow Bond : Over (Under) budget amount: $ . Loan . Appro ve the procurement of a weather forecast and warning system fro m the University of South Alabama's Coastal Waather Research Center and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for the not-to-e xceed amount of S4 ,200.00 for the annual subscription. Capital Lease: City Council Pr ior Approval/Date? _______ _ Sen ior Accountant C ity Treasurer n/a ------------ Cap Project D Civic-26 D Manna-34 C XXX . Impact C Gas Tax C Street-35 C Meter-19 C Plan/Zo ne-12 C Adult Rec-30 0 E C C Federal • not to exceed amount State City Local Title Titl e Payment Purchasing Memo Date . --~9~/2~7~/2=0=2=3~-Purchasing Memo Date: --~9~/2~7~/2=0=2=3~-- Signatures: Fed Grant C Year Year Term IT-16C HR-1 7C 118 of fA1no. ~ (.) ~ d l11 BA:~ <t, Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) 251 -928-6776 (f) www.fairhopea l.gov MEMO To : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer From : Date : Re : Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager September 27 , 2023 Green Sheet and City Council Approval of Procurement of Forecast and Warning Service The Assistant Superintendent of the Electric Department , Roscoe Safley , is requesting procurement of forecast and warning service . The total proposed cost from University of South Alabama 's Coastal Weather Research Center is Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($4 ,200.00) per year . The services will include : • Interactive pin-point forecasts twice daily Monday through Friday. • Notification of severe weather including but not limited to thunderstorm. Tornado , wind and freeze events . • Tropical weather information . • Unlimited access to the Coastal Weather Research Center website . • Consulting and special weather reports upon request. Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request to approve the Mayor to execute the contract for this procurement of forecast and warning service for $4,200.00. CC file , Sherry Sullivan , Ben Patterson , Roscoe Safley , Clint Steadham 119 UNIVE R SITY O F SOUTH ALABA M A Price Quote DA TE: September 21 , 2023 TO : Roscoe Safley Assistant Director, Fairhope Electric Dept. City of Fairhope FROM: Corey Bunn, Manager Coastal Weather Research Center University of South Alabama Science Laboratory Building Room 110 Mobile, Alabama 36688 Forecast and Warning Service : 1 year subscription (October 1, 2023 -September 30 , 2024) Service includes : Interactive pin-point forecasts twice daily Monday through Friday . Notification of severe weather including but not limited to thunderstorm, tornado , wind and freeze events . Tropical weather information . Unlimited access to the Coastal Weather Research Center website . Consulting and special weather reports upon request. Cos t: $4,200 .00 COASTAL WEATHER RESEARCH CENTER SLB 110 I 6041 USA South Drive I Mobile. Alobomo 36668-0002 TEL : (251) <160 -6915 I weolhercenter@)soulholobomo.edu 120 AGREEMENT Coastal Weather Research Center University of South Alabama 307 University Boulevard Mobile, Alabama 36888 This Agreement of even date below is made and entered into between the University of South Alabama , on behalf of its Coasta l Weather Research Center ("CWRC"), and City ofFairhope ("Client"). WIT ESS For consideration hereinafter specified , CWRC agrees to provide weather information services to Client on the terms and conditions listed below . I. DURATION OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of twelve ( 12) months , beginning on October 15 , 2023 , and ending at midnight on October 14 , 20 _1i . 2. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement and all its terms and conditions shall automatically be renewed from year-to-year without further action by either party; provided , however, that either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving the other party hereto at least sixty (60) days ' written notice before the end of any term . 3. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED During the term of this Agreement, CWRC agrees that it will furnish to Client such weather reports , forecasts, and other weather data at such times and by such means as shall be contracted by the Client. 4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Client fully understands and accepts the fact that meteorology is not an exact science and that the CWRC, and its agents and employees, makes no express or implied warranties, guarantees, or affirmations that weather will occur as the weather reports of the CWRC may suggest and that it shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever to Client or any other person or entity for any damages caused or claimed as a result of an inconsistency between the weather reports and weather which actually ensues. Client agrees further that the CWRC shall not be held responsible for any failure or malfunctions in power or communications nor its inability to perform occasioned by such or by labor strife, war, riot , epidemic, pandemic, natural disaster, or other events beyond the control of the CWRC. 5. EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT The parties hereto agree that the services contracted for hereunder are for the exclusive use of the Client and that services will not be resold , assigned , or transferred by Client without the express written permission of the CWRC. 6. INDEMNITY Client agrees that it will indemnify and hold harmless the CWRC from all manner of suit, action , damages , charges, or expenses, including attorney's fees , that the CWRC may sustain by reason of Client 's breach of this Agreement or any terms hereof. 1 Template Approved by GCO {4.21 .2022) 121 7. JURISDICTION This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Alabama, and the invalidity of any paragraph or portion of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of any other paragraph or provisions hereof. This Agreement is completed and embraces the entire understanding between the parties , all prior understandings, either written or oral , having been merged herein . 8. SERVICE D Tropical Weather Service. Tropical weather information will be available to the Client via e-mail and the Coastal Weather Research Center website . Tropical weather information will also be available to the Client during normal working hours through telephone consultation from 8:00 a.m. to 4 :30 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. However, if a tropical weather system threatens the Client at other hours , then extended office hours for consultation will be provided so long as the CWRC, in its sole discretion , judges the tropical weather system to be a threat to Client. [2] Forecast and Warning Service. Weather information will be available to the Client through telephone consultation from 8:00 a.m . to 4:30 p.m . CST , Monday through Friday . When the CWRC determines that a major severe weather system is a threat to the Client at other hours , the CWRC will remain open for consultation as long as the CWRC , in its sole discretion , judges the severe weather threat to the Client to exist. The latest computerized weather information stored at the CWRC will be available to the Client 24 hours a day , 7 days a week. Forecast and Warning Service includes Stormcheck forecasts , tropical weather information , severe weather warnings , telephone consultations , and climate and data reports , upon request. 9. TERMS OF PAYMENT D Tropical Weather Service. C lient agrees to pay the CWRC a fee of$ ____ per year, payable in one lump sum on or before June I of each contract year . 0 Forecast and Warning Service. Client agrees to pay the CWRC a fee of$ 4 ,200 per year, payable in one lump sum on or before November I of each contract year or in twelve (12) monthly payments of $ 350 .oo due on the first day of each month of the contract year. Payment will be considered past due at the end of the month of service . If this Agreement is cancelled before maturity , fees for the actual months of service will be recomputed . Charges will be retroactive and based on the applicable rate card . ACCEPTED CLIENT By: ______ _ Its : ---------Date : _______ _ Template Approved by GCO (4 .21.2022) UNIVERSITY OF SO TH ALABAMA 09 /2 1/2023 By :-,------------------ Corey Bunn Date Manager, CWRC By:----------------- Trae Catrett Contract Officer 2 Date 122 Name: Roscoe Safley CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: Sept 22, 2023 Department: _E_le_ct_r_ic ____________________ _ Expenditure Threshold** Disti nct ions Qu otes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5,000 No restrictions Not Required N/A N/A Utilities $5,001 -$10,000 Operational NON -Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than : Operational NO N-Budgeted Three Council Regu ir ed Gen Govt -$5 ,001 Utilities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5 ,001-$30,000 Operational Bud geted Three Treasurer N/A Utilities -$10,001 -$30,000 Over $30 ,000 Operational Budget* State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayor N/A Buying Group Over $30,000/$100,000 Operational Bud geted Bids Council Reguire d Professional Service Over $5,000 Budgeted or No n-Budgeted Mayor Select Council Regu ired Res olution N/A N/A Regui red N/A N/A Reguire d Reguire d *Budgeted items that meet or are under budget may be purchased with the Mayor and/or Treasurer 's approval if they are on the State Bid list or from an approved buying group . Items that are over budget must go to Council for approval and will require a green sheet and resolution . **Expenditure Threshold is o combined total of lobar and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is w ithin $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cos t increases. Ve ndor Na me 1. Coastal Weather Research Center 2. Click or tap here to enter text. Q UOTES $ 4200 $ Vendor Quote 3. Click or tap here to enter text. $------------- Check any applicable boxes: D State Contract D ALDOT D Purchasing Group D Sole Source (Atta ch Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SER V ICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need t o purcha se? Forecast and warning service 2. What is the total cost of the item or se rvice? 4200 annually 3. How many do yo u need? 1 4. Item or Service Is: C8J New D Used D Replacement D Annual Request 5. 6. Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): USA Co astal Weather Research Center Vendor Number: 8554 If you do not have a Vendor Number, p lease go to the City of Fairhope page : www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? C8J Yes D No D Eme rgency Request 2 . If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? 4200 3. Budgetcode:50390 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin. Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda.Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR-004 -082522 123 RESOL UTION N O. __ _ BE IT RESO LVE D BY TH E GO VERNIN G BOD Y OF THE CITY OF FA IRHOP E, ALABAMA, as fo ll ows: [1] That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of the Annual Support Renewal for the Kronos Timekeeping System from Kronos Inc. with a not-to-exceed amount of$28,810 .99. [2 ] Purchase is through Omnia P art ners (Contract #18220) and therefore does not need to be let out for bid. [3] FY24 Renewal Cost represents an 8% increase over the FY23 Annual Support Renewal in the amount of $26 ,655 .65. ADOPTED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Ro binson , Council President 124 City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Project No. 2371 Issuing Date : ___ 9_/2_7_/_20_2_3 __ _ Please return this Routing Sheet to Trea surer by · ---'-A~S~A-'-P'---- Project Name : Approve the Procurement of Annual Support Serv ices for KRONOS Timekeepi ng System Project Location : _C_lt~v·w_l_d_e __________________________ _ Resolution # : Presented to City Council : ___ 1_0/_9_/2_0_2_3 __ Approved _____ _ funding Request Sponsor: Jeff Montgomery, Director of Information Technology Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Project Cash Re quirem ent Requested : Cost : $ 281810 .99 Not-to~xcee d Amount Vendor : Project Engineer: -'n"-/a"------------------------------------------ Order Date : --------n/a Lead Time : --~"~'a'---------- Department Funding This Project Genera/ [Z Gas C Electric D Wale □ Wastewater 0 Sanitation C Cap Project C Impact [j Gas Tax C Fed Grant C Department of General Fund Providing the Fund ing VARIOUS Adm,n-10 [! Bldg-13 C Police-15 C' Fire-20 0 ECD-24 0 Rec-25 0 Civic-26 0 Street-3 5 C Meter-19 C IT-16 C Fleet-46 0 Golf-50 C Golf Grounds-55 D Museum -27 D NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Servrce-85 D Manna-34 D Plan/Zone-12 C Adult Rec-30 D HR-17C ProJect will be-Funding Source : Expensed XXX [Z Operating Expenses XXX 0 Capitalized C Budgeted Cap ital C Inventoried C Unfunded C Expense Code : XXXXX-50300 Various Departments Federal -not to exceed amount GIL Acct Name : Computer Expense State City Local ProJect Budgeted : $ 28 ,014.00 FY24 Budget Balance Sheet Item-C Includ ed in projected cash flow Bond : Title Year Over (Under) budget amount: $ 796.99 Loan : Title Year Approve the procurement of the Annual Support Services Renewal for the KRO NOS Timekeeping System in the not-to,.,cceed amount of $28 ,810.99 from Kronos Inc. This purchase is throug h the Omnia Partners (Contract #18220) and therefore does not need to be let out for bid . The FY24 Renewal cost represents an e•;. increase ove r the FY23 Annual Support Renewal amount of $26 ,655 .65 . Capital Lease : -Payment Term City Council Prior Approval/D ate? 10 /24 /2022 -Approved FY23 Annual Support Serv ices Sen ior Accountant City Treasurer Mayor Purchasing Memo Date : __ ..:9,_,/2'"'6"'/2"'0"'2'"'3'--_ Purch asing Memo Date : --~9~/2~6~/2~0~2~3 __ _ 125 of fAIHQ. ~ t..l t'.S\ dlll.BA~b Sherry Sull ivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope , AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) 251 -928-6776 (f) www.fairhopea l.gov MEMO To : From : Date : Re : Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer ~~ Erin Wolfe , Purchasing Manager September 26 , 2023 City Council Approval for Procurement of the Annual Renewal for the Kronos Timekeeping System The I.T. Director, Jeff Montgomery, requests approval for the procurement of the Annual Renewal for the Kronos Timekeeping System. Kronos is available through the Omnia Partners contract. The cost for the Kronos renewal through UKG is Twenty-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred Ten Dollars and Ninety-Nine Cents ($28 ,810 .99 ) This will be purchased through the purchasing cooperative Omnia Partners contract (Contract #18220) with UKG and therefore does not have to be let out for b id . Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for the procurement of the Annual Renewal for the Kronos Timekeeping System for $28,810.99 . CC : Jeff Montgomery , Clint Steadham 126 V l<G Payment Terms: Net 30 Days USD Currency: Customer PO Number: Bill To: CITY OF FAIRHOPE PO DRAWER 429 FAIRHOPE AL 36533 UNITED STATES Contact: JEFF MONTGOMERY Email: jeff.montgomery@cofairhope .com Support Services Quote Quote Type: Customer: Solution ID: Contract#: Date: Prepared by: Renewal CITY OF FAIRHOPE 6109223 1194509 R31-AUG-23 01-SEP-2023 Sydney Margolis I US PublicSector1 Ship To: CITY OF FAIRHOPE 555 SOUTH SECTION ST FAIRHOPE AL 36532 UNITED STATES Page 1 of 2 CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract Period: 30-DEC-2023 -29-DEC-2024 Annualized Contract Value: 28 ,732 .28 The Annualized Contract Value is the value of the contract if all services are priced for 365 days. The Annualized Contract Value does not include estimated tax. Please note that this quote may include services priced for prorated periods. IMPORTANT NOTES Like many organizations , UKG has experienced significant cost increases for infrastructure , energy , labor , and from our suppliers. We have been absorbing these rising costs to date . However, as we continue to confront inflationary pressures , UKG is in a position where we must offset a portion of these costs by charging a one -time economic adjustment fee .... .This order entered into between the Customer and Kronos Incorporated , a UKG company is subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement Reference #18220 dated March 18th , 2019 between the Lead Agency (acting as "Owner") and Kronos Incorporated (as the "Contractor") (collectively referred to as the "US Communities Agreement #18220 "). Support Services are subject to applicable taxes . The tax amount shown on this quote is only an estimate . The actual tax due will be reflected on the in voice . CITY OF FAIRHOPE KRONOSINCORPORATED Signature : _________________ _ Signature : _________________ _ Name : ___________________ _ Name : __________________ _ Title: ___________________ _ Title : __________________ _ Date: __________________ _ Date : ___________________ _ UKG Kronos Incorporated, A UKG Company 900 Chelmsford Street Lowell, MA 01851 +1800 225 1561 127 V l<G Payment Terms: Net 30 Days USO Currency: Customer PO Number: Bill To: CITY OF FAIRHOPE PO DRAWER 429 FAIRHOPE AL 36533 UNITED STATES Contact: DEFAULT EMAIL CONTACT Email: ap@fairhopeal.gov Quote Type : Customer: Solution ID: Contract#: Date: Prepared by: Support Services Quote Page 2 of 2 Renewal CITY OF FAIRHOPE 6109223 1194509 R31-AUG-23 Sydney Margolis / US PublicSector1 Ship To: CITY OF FAIRHOPE 555 SOUTH SECTION ST FAIRHOPE AL 36532 UNITED STATES SOFTWARE SUPPORT SERVICES f?.s.·.~,/1SupportServlce "--. -~~• .. t•.,_t,.~ •~..1.,i~ •• "i--;:1-•...,._,, .... _: •i_;,t ~!r':}1./•l''•,tJf~License I 1t•~·-·--· .... ,\•-·>,,"'tJ' :t;~•".:~,i ,..;. ... --::,~•tr(I ·:•.' .. "•t,r,f' ··~~ ~Cine ...,_,L • 1 -•,'< .. -.' .• _Covered Product :"'-. ~!/'., , i·c ·· -t ,;.; .' Start Date :_,,.,::,End .Date ·. ;:]Duration ,(days), ~-, "eve ·•~ -{'~ ~. ,),.-. ... , .. ,_.,f~ oun . , , .,,.~,,-'",. .,,_ .... 1 Gold WORKFORCE ABSENCE MANAGER V8 485 30-DEC-2023 29-DEC-2024 366 2 Gold WORKFORCE EMPLOYEE V8 485 30-DEC-2023 29-DEC-2024 366 3 Gold WORKFORCE INTEGRATION MANAGER V8 485 30-DEC-2023 29-DEC-2024 366 4 Gold WORKFORCE MANAGER V8 65 30-DEC-2023 29-DEC-2024 366 5 Gold WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER V8 485 30-DEC-2023 29-DEC-2024 366 6 UKG ECONOMIC WORKFORCE TIMEKEEPER V8 400 30-DEC-2023 29-DEC-2024 366 ADJ , : • , • • • : '-• ~ • ~ ' .. • • • • Ji Support • • • • • .: -~-' • •. : ·, · • • ·1 : ,. ' '-; • • ·\services • ll E~ti:nat~d Tax • ,Subtot~I ,,,,;;J , -. . 4Software"SupportServices 1~----~ EQUIPMENT SUPPORT SERVICES EDUCATIONAL SERVICES UKG Kronos Incorporated, A UKG Company 900 Chelmsford Street Lowell, MA 01851 + 1800 225 1561 128 CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Name: Jeff Montgomery Date: 9/25/23 Department : Expenditure Threshold** Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5 ,000 No restrictions Not Requ ired N/A N/A Utilities $5 ,001-$10,000 Operational NON-Budgeted Three Treasurer/Mayor N/A Greater than : Operational NON-Budgeted Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5 ,001 Uti lities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5 ,001-$15,000 Operational Budgeted Three Treasurer N/A Utilities -$10,001 -$15,000 Over $15,000/$50,000 Operational Budget * State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayor N/A Buying Group Over $15 ,000/$50,000 Ope rat ional Budgeted Bids Council Reguired Professional Service Over $5,000 Budgeted or Non -Budgeted Mayo r Select Council Reguired Resolution N/A N/A Reguired N/A N/A Reguired Reguired *Budge t ed items that meet ar are under budget may be purchased wi th the Mayor and/or Treasurer's approval if they are an the State Bid list or /ram an approved buying group. Items that are aver budget must go to Coun cil for approval and will require a green sheet and resolution . **Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, including materials provided by the City. If the total amount is within $10,000 of the listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due to potential materials cost increases. Vendor Name 1. UKG 2. Click or t ap here to enter text . QUOTES $ 28810.99 $ Vendor Quote 3. Cl ick or t ap here to en t er text . $-------------- Check any applicable boxes: □ State Contract □ ALDOT □ Purchasing Group D Sole Source (Attach Sole Source Justification) ITEM OR SERVICE INFORMATION 1. What item or service do you need to purchase? Yearly Renewal for Kronos 2. What is the total cost of the item or service? 28810.99 3. How many do you need? Click or tap here to enter te xt . 4 . Item or Service Is: □ New □ Used □ Replacement C8l Annual Request 5 . Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): UKG Kronos 6. Vendor Number: 2225 If you do not have a Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page : www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMATION 1. Is it budgeted? C8l Yes □ No □ Emergency Request 2. If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? 28972 .58 3 . Budget code: Various 50300 Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin. Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda.Cunninqham@FairhopeAL.gov. PUR -004 -082522 129 I KRONOS ® Kronos Incorporated 900 Chelmsford Street Lowell , MA 01851 November 13 , 2020 Jeff Montgomery City of Fairhope PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 Dear Mr. Montgomery : phone + 1 978 250 9800 fax + 1 978 367 5900 url www .kronos .com This letter is to confirm that Kronos® equipment and software is sold and serviced only through Kronos district offices or Kronos authorized dealers . There are no district offices , or authorized dealers in Alabama. The nearest Kronos ' authorized sellers and maintenance providers of Kronos equipment to Alabama are the Kronos district offices located at: 1725 Windward Concourse Suite 250 Alpharetta, GA 30004 T : 770-619-3443 5405 Cypress Center Drive Suite 300 Tampa , FL 33609 T: 813-287 -0555 Kronos ' goal is to handle questions regarding the sole sourcing of Kronos products in a consistent manner, which is why this letter format is utilized . If there may be any questions relating to anything in this letter, please feel free to contact me . Ch ief Revenue Officer 130 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BOD Y OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the selection of Axis Engineering Group , LLC for Professional Services for Design Services for Utility GIS Interface -Phase I (RFQ PS24-002); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $17 ,000.00 . DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 131 City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Proj ect No. 2373 Iss ui ng Date : --~9~/2~8~/2~0~2_3 __ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by : ___ A_S_A_P __ _ Proiect Name: Approve the Procurement of Professiona l Serv ices for Design of Utility GIS Interface (RFQ PS24-002\ Project Loca tion: ..,U:..:t"'ll:..:ltl:..:ec=s ___________________________ _ Presented lo City Council : ___ 1_0_19_/2_0_2_3 __ Funding Request Sponso r: Daryl Morefield, Water & Sewer Superintendent Sherry Sullivan, Mayor Project Cash Requirement Requested : Cost: $ 17 000.00 Not-to-exceed Amount Resolution # : Approved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Vendor: _A_xl_s _E_ng~ln_e_e_rin~g~G_r_ou~e~, _LL_C~(_Ve_n_d_or_#_T_B_Dl~ _________ S_E_P_2_9_'23 PH 12 :2 9 <::Y.tJ Project Engineer· ~n~la'------------------------------------------ Order Date : ----'-'nl:..:ac.... __ Lead Time : ----"n'-'la'--------- Department Funding This Project General C Gas 0 Electric D WateO Wastewater 0 Sanitation □ Cap Pro ject O Department of General Fund Provid i ng the Funding Admrn-10 C Bldg-13 C Fleet-46 C Go~-50 C Polrce-15 C Fire-20 D Golf Grounds-55 D Museum-27 C EC0-24 C Rec-25 □ Civic-26 C NonOeptFac-75 D Debi Servrce-85 C Manna-34 0 ProJect will be Funding Source: Expensed XXX 0 Operating Expenses XXX Capit alized C Budgeted Capital Inventoried C Unfunded Expense Code . 004020-50290 GIL Acct Name : Waste Water -Professional Services Proiecl Budgeted : $ 17 000.00 FY24 Budget (Line 70) Balance Sheet Item- C Included ,n proiected cash flow Bond : Over (Under) budget amount $ Loan : Ap prov• the selec tion by Mayor, Sherry Sullivan, for RFQ Ps2•-002 Professional Serv ices for design Hrvlce5 for Utility GIS Interface• Phase 1 to be provided by Ax is Engineerin g Group, LLC . Authorize the Mayor to execute contract wRh above ve ndor for the not-to•xceed amount of $17,000.00. Capital Lease : Ci ty Council Prior Approval/D ale? _______ _ Sen ior Accountant City Treasurer Purchasing Memo Date · __ _,9"'/2=-7'-'/:c20"'2"'3=---Purchasing Memo Date : --~9/=2'-'7~/2~0=2=3 __ _ Requer11oved Dale :• 9/28/2023 ~W\~ Impact [' Gas Tax C Slreel-35 C Meler-19 C Plan/Zone -12 0 Adult Rec-30 □ 0 □ C Federal -not lo exceed amount State City Local Tille Title Pa ym ent Fed Grant C Yea r Year Term IT-16 C HR-17C 132 of fAINO. ~ ,<i ti\ dt.,ABA.'~b Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St. PO Box 429 Fairhope , AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) MEMO To: Lisa Hanks, City Clerk Kim Creech, Treasurer From: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: September 27, 2023 Re: RFQ PS24-002 Professional Services for Design Services for the Utility GIS Interface -Phase 1 The Mayor, Sherry Sullivan , is requesting the procurement of Professional Services for design services for Utility GIS Interface -Phase 1. Mayor Sullivan has selected Axis Engineering Group , LLC to perform the professional services to design the utility GIS Interface . This service will include : 1. Existing Utility Survey a. Investigation of existing infrastructure and other existing utilities contained within the requested area . b. Sewer investigation includes sewer manhole locations , sewer main locations , sewer service line locations , inverts , and pipe type and sizing . c . Water investigation includes water line locations , water valve locations , hydrant location , and service line locations (meters). 2. GIS Mapping a. Import collected survey data and provide city Axis Engineering Group , LLC has proposed a not-to-exceed cost of Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($17 ,000 .00) for these services . This professional service is exempt from formal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975 , Section 41-16-51 (a)(3) Contracts for which competitive bidding not required , which states : "Contracts for securing services of attorneys, physicians, architects, teachers, superintendents of construction, artists, appraisers, engineers, consultants, certified public accountants, public accountants, or other individuals possessing a high degree of professional skill where the personality of the individual plays a decisive part." Please place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for City Council to approve the selection by the Mayor for RFQ PS24-002 Professional Services for design services for Utility GIS Interface -Phase 1 and to execute a contract with Axis Engineering Group, LLC for the not-to-exceed amount of $17,000.00. Cc : file , Daryl Morefield , Mayor Sherry Sullivan 133 August l l , 2023 Ms . Sherry Sullivan , Mayor City of Fairhope P.O. Drawer 429 Fairhope, Alabama 36533 RE: Proposal for Professional Services City of Fairhope -Utility GIS Interface -Phase 1 Dear Mayor Sherry: Ax is En gineering Group, LLC 200 W. Laurel Ave nue, St e. 2 75 Fo ley, AL 0 251-233-1988 www .a.x b-en ggroup.com We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal for providing the following professional design services for the above referenced project. Axis Engineering Group (AEG) can provide a full array of design services needed to successfully complete this project. The different phases or components of engineering services for this project have been outlined along with the cost for these services . Please review this proposal carefully. It is our desire that you have a complete understanding of the scope of services. After you review, please let us if you would like to add, delete, or amend any aspect of this proposal. BASIC SERVICES INCLUDED: I . Existing Utility Survey A. Investigation of existing infrastructure and other existing utilities contained within the block shown in Utility Exhibit sheet 2 & 3. B. Sewer investigation includes sewer manhole locations, sewer main locations, sewer service line locations, inverts , and pipe type and sizing. C. Water investigation includes water line locations, water valve locations , hydrant location , and service line locations(meters). COST ........................................................................................................................ $10 ,000 2. GIS Mapping A. Import collected survey data and provide city with a user-friendly GIS interface for City use. COST .......................................................................................................................... $7,000 134 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Axis Engineering Group, LLC 200 W. Laurel Avenue, Ste. 275 Foley, AL 0 25 1-233-1988 www.axisen ggrou p .com It is recognized that additional work may be requested by you and if so desired , additional costs can be mutually agreed upon at that time. A copy of our hourly rates is attached for your information . SUMMARY OF PHASES AND COST l. 2. 3. EXISTING UTILTY SURVEY GIS MAPPING ADDITIONAL SERVICES (IF NEEDED) $10,000 $7,000 Hourly Total: $17,000 Please return a signed copy of this letter to our office if the tenns of this proposal are suitable . We are looking forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please call. Sincerely, Cl WVIAVI.-<. 11-- Hayden Kai II, P.E., Principal $(fl[/~:>_ Date Sherry Sullivan, Mayor, City of Fairhope Date 135 Ads Engineering Group, LLC 200 W. Laurel Avenue, Ste. 275 Foley , AL 0 251-233-1988 www .axisen ~roup .com AXIS ENGINEERING GROUP, LLC 2023 HOURLY BILLING RA TES HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE 1. Period: January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 2. Classification Principal Engineer Engineering Manager Senior Project Engineer Project Manager Engineer/Planner Senior Designer Engineer Intem/Engineering Designer Senior Resident Project Representative (RPR) Resident Project Representative (RPR) GIS Analyst GIS Technician Graduate Engineer Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician ll Project Accountant Oerical Su.tVey Manager Survey Coordinator Survey Crew -2 man 3man ATV/UTV AutoCAD Services Robot/GPS Equipment Photogrammetty Servtces UAS LiDAR Survey Hydrographic Survey Hourly Rate $200.00 $165.00 $150.00 $125.00 $110.00 $105.00 $105.00 $90.00 $85 .00 $90.00 $75.00 $90.00 $70.00 $80 .00 $75.00 $65.00 $135.00 $90.00 $160.00 $180.00 $40/day $20.00/hour $160/day $80/half day $155.00 $1,500/half-day $1,500/half day 3. Hourly rate specified above shall constitute total compensation for services rendered. The hourly rate shall include salary paid our employees plus direct expenses associated with payroll such as federal and state payroll taxes, workmen's compensation, fringe benefits and profit. 4. The rate indicated herein will remain constant for the period indicated. Rate adjustments for following penods will not exceed five (5%) percent increase without prior approval. 136 Axis Engineering Group, LLC 200 W. Laure l Aven ue, Ste. 27 5 Foley, AL 0 251-233-1988 www.axisen•grQ411.com DEFINITION OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES The tenn "Reimbursable Expenses" as used herein is defined to mean additional reasonable expenditures incurred by the ENGINEER in connection with previously defined services which shall include the following: I. Transportation -Transportation (at economy rates) and reasonable living expenses of CONSUL TANT's principals and employees, the identity, number and responsibility(s) of whom shall be approved in advance, for trips which are approved in advance by Client. Vehicle mileage rate shall be the current IRS rate per mile for the period in which the expense was incurred. 2. Receipts for Reimbursable Expenses -Receipts are required for all Reimbursable Expenses. The Client reserves the right to require complete documentation of Reimbursable Expenses . 3 . Internal Charges -All internal charges, including, but not limited to, blueprint and reproduction costs, shall be documented in detail with reference to the Project, initiator, date and unit price. For the purpose of this agreement, the following unit prices will apply; Black and White photo copies@ $.10 per 8.S"xl J", $.SO per 11" x 17'' copy; Color photo copies@ $1.00 per 8.5" x )]", $2.00 per 11" x 17" copy; Computer plotted original bond @ $3.00 per 24" x 36" sheet and color 24" x 36" @ $5 .00. 4 . External Charges -All external charges including, but not limited to blueprint and reproduction costs, transportation and lodging costs and long distance telephone charges, shall be documented in detail with a copy of the invoice noting the Project, initiator, date and unit prices . Charges for Sub-CONSULT ANTs will be charged at a rate of 1.05 times the invoice amount. 137 RESOLUTION NO. ---- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the selection of Kreb s Engineering for Profe ssional Engineering Services for Water Di stribution System Capacity Expansion (RFQ PS23-031 ); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $495 ,000 .00 . DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 138 City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Project No. 2375 Issuing Oate : ___ 9_/2_8_/2_0_2_3 __ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by; ___ A_S_A_P __ _ ProJect Name : Approve the Selection of Krebs Engineering to Provide Professional Englneerlna Services for RFQ PS23-031 • Water Distribution System Capacity Expansion Project and Authorize Mayor to Execute Contract Pro ject Location : Various Citywide Locations Presented to City Council : ---'1""0/'-'9""/2cc0cc2cc3 __ Funding Request Sponsor: Daryl Morefield, Water & Sewer Superintendent Sherry Sullivan, Mayor Resolution # : Approved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ ProJect Cash Requirement Requested : Cost: $ 495,000.00 Not-to-exceed Amount SEP 29 '23 PM3: 15 ~ Vendor: Krebs Engineering (Vendor #7057) Proiect Engineer: _n~/a~-------------------------------------------- Order Date . ----"n'-'/a'------Lead Time : --~n~/a~--------- Department Funding This Project General C Gas D Electric D Wate G Wastewater C Sanitation D Cap Project D Impact D Gas Tax C Fed Grant C Department of General Fund Providing the Funding Admrn -10 C Bldg-13 C Pol ice-15 D Fire-20 0 ECD-24 D Rec-25 D Civic-26 0 Street-35 C .- IT-16 C Meter-19 L.., Fleel-46 C Golf-50 C Golf Grounds-55 □ Museum-27 D NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Servrce-85 C Manna-34 0 P lan/Zone-12 0 Adult Rec-30 □ HR-1 7C Project will be; Funding Source : Expensed D Operating Expenses C Capitalized XXX 0 Budgeted Capital XXX 0 Inventori ed C Unfunded C Expense Code : 004010-59500 Federal • not to exceed amount GIL Acct Name : System Improvements-Distribution State City Local Pro1ect Budgeted : $ 495 ,000.00 FY24 Budget Balance Sheet Item-C Included rn projected cash flow Bond : Title Year Over (Under) budget amount: $ . Loan : Title Year Approve the selection of Krebs Engineering to provide professional services for RFQ PS23-031 for the Water Distribution System Capacity Expansion Project and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract in the not-to-exceed amount of $495,000.00. This project encompasses several items which Krebs will de\l'elop bid packages and facilitate procurement process for each. Th is amount is leas than 10•1. of the estimated and budgeted overall project costs. Capital Lease : . Payment Term City Council Prior Approval/Date? _______ _ Sen ior Accountant City Treasurer Mayor Purchasing Memo Date : --~9~/2~7~/2~0~2~3~_ Delivered To Date : __ 9_/~28~/~2~02~3~- 139 of f:AIN0, ~ u ~ d ltt BA.:~ b Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members : Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St . PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) MEMO To: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kim Creech, Treasurer From: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: September 27, 2023 Re: RFQ PS23-031 Professional Engineering Services for the Water Distribution System Capacity Expansion Project The Mayor , Sherry Sullivan, and the Superintendent of the Water/Wastewater Department, Daryl Morefield, is requesting the hiring for Professional Engineering Services for the Water Distribution System Capacity Expansion Project. Mayor Sullivan has selected Krebs Engineering for this project. Krebs Engineering has been working as the engineer for several water projects that are related to this project, including the Water System Planning Project and the Engineering and Design Services for Treatment Plant #3 and Well #3-11. Due to the necessary timeline for this project , the Mayor requests an expedited process for contracting the Professional Engineering Services . The work to be performed with the project , and the estimated timeline for completion of each item , will include : • Production Well Development for Well No . 8B , May 2024 • Production Well Development for Well No . 13 , April 2024 • Pilot Bore Well Exploration • Water Treatment Plant No . 1 Expansion , May 2024 • Water Distribution Hydraulic Model, May 2024 Krebs will develop four bid packages and facilitate the procurement process for each . They will also provide Construction Review Services for each project item . The negotiated not-to-exceed amount will be Four Hundred Ninety -Five Thousand Dollars ($495 ,000 .00). Please place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for the City Council to approve negotiated not-to-exceed amount of $495,000.00 for this project and allow the Mayor to execute a contract with Krebs Engineering. Cc: file , Daryl Morefield , Sherry Sullivan 140 RES OLUT IO N NO. __ BE IT RE SOL VE D BY TH E GO VERNING BOD Y OF THE CITY OF FA IRHOPE, ALABAMA, That the City Council approves the selection of Jackson Thornton Certified Public Accountants & Consultants for Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Wastewater System Development Charges (RFQ PS24-001); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $12,000.00. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 141 Ci ty of Fa irhope Pro ject Fund in g Request CO F Pro ject No . 2377 Issuing Date: ___ 9-'/2_8_/2_0_2_3 __ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by : ---'A-'-S"'A'-"-P __ ProJect Nam e: Approve th e Selection of Jackson Thornton Co. PC CPA 's for RFQ PS24-001 Profes si onal Services to Evaluate Water and Sewer Svstem Devel ooment Charges and Authorize Mayor to Execute Contract Project Locat ion: Water & Sewer Departments Presented to City Councii: __ -'-10"-'/-'-9/'-"2""0=-23=--- Funding Request Spon sor: Daryl Morefield, Water & Sewer Superintendent Sherry Sullivan , Mayor Project Cas h Requirement Requ es ted : Cost: $ 12,000.00 Not-to-ex cee d Amount Resolution # : Approved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Reje cted _____ _ Vendor: SEP 29 '2 3 ~,., :·: ·: ~ Jackson Thornton Certified Publlc Accountants & Consultants (Vendor #554) -•·-'-' Project Eng ine er : ..,_n"-/=-a ___________________________________________ _ Order Date : ---~n~/a~ __ _ Lead Time : Department Fund ing Th i s Project General Ci Gas C Electric 0 Wate B Wastewat er 0 Sanitation C Departme nt of General Fund Providing the Fu nd in g Adm rn-10 Fleet-46 C Bldg -13 C C Goll-50 C Police-15 C Frre-20 C ECD -24 C Rec-25 C Golf Grounds-55 D Museum-27 Ci NonOeptFac-75 D Debt Service-85 C ProJect will be . Funding Source : Expense d XXX 0 Operating Expenses Capitalized C Budgeted Capital Inventoried C Un funded Expe nse Co de: 004010-50290 & 004020 -50290 GIL Acct Nam e: Water & Wa ste Water . Profess ional Services Project Budg eted : $ 12 000 .00 FY24Budget Balance Sheet Ite m-C Included in proj ected cash flow Bond : Ov er (Under) budget amount: $ . Loan : Approve the sele ct ion of Jackson Thornto n Certified Public Acc ountan ts and Con sultant s fo r RFQ PS24-001 Professio nal Se rv ic es to e valuate Water an d Sewe r Syat em De velopment Charges an d to autho rize the Mayor to e xec ute a con trac t for $6,000.00 per system for a tota l not-to-excee d am ount of $1 2,000 .00 . The propose d con tract does not include co•ts for tra ve l time, which will be bill ed at on e-half sta ndard billi ng rates (capp ed to six (6 } hour• per person, per round trip). Capital Lease : City Council Prior Approval/Date? _______ _ Seni or Accountant City Treasurer n/a ------------- Cap Project C Civic-26 0 Manna-34 0 XXX Impact C Gas Tax C Street-35 C Meter-19 C Plan/Zone -12 C Adult Rec-30 □ 0 C C Federal • not to exceed amount State City Local Title Title Payment Mayor Purchas ing Memo Date : --~9~/2=7~/=20=2=3~-Purchasing Memo Da te: --~9~/2~7~/2=0~2~3~--Delivered To Date: -~9/~2~8~/2=0=2=3 __ Fed Grant C Ye ar Year Term IT-16 C HR-17C 142 ~1 ~~ :1 lt1~A~'b Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St . PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) MEMO To: Lisa Hanks, City Clerk Kim Creech, Treasurer From: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: September 27, 2023 Re: RFQ PS24-001 Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Sewer System Development Charges The Mayor, Sherry Sullivan, is requesting the hiring for Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Sewer System Development Charges. Mayor Sullivan has selected Jackson Thornton Certified Public Accountants & Consultants to perform the professional services to determine the fairness of the existing capacity fees for the Water/Wastewater Utilities Services . Jackson Thornton has proposed a not-to-exceed cost of Six Thousand Dollars ($6 ,000 .00) per utility . This professional service is exempt from formal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975 , Section 41-16-51 (a)(3) Contracts for which compet it ive bidding not required , which states : "Contracts for securing services of attorneys, physicians, architects, teachers, superintendents of construction, artists, appraisers, engineers, consultants, certified public accountants, public accountants, or other individuals possessing a high degree of professional skill where the personality of the individual plays a decisive part." Please place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for City Council to approve the selection by the Mayor for RFQ PS24-001 Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Sewer System Development Charges and to execute a contract with Jackson Thornton Certified Public Accountants & Consultants for the not-to-exceed amount of $12,000.00. Cc: file , Daryl Morefield , Mayor Sherry Sullivan 143 JACKSON THORNTO Ce rtified Public Accountant s & Consultants July 13 , 2023 Mayor Sherry Sullivan City of Fairhope 161 North Section Street Fairhope , Alabama 36532 Re : Proposal to Evaluate Water and Sewer System Development Charges for the City of Fairhope Dear Mayor Sullivan : Thank you for this opportunity to provide professional services to you and the City of Fairhope ("the City "). As we understand , you would like for Jackson Thornton 's Utilities Consulting Group(" JTUC "/"JT") to assist the City in determining the fairness of the existing capacity fees . This letter is to confirm our understanding of the objectives of our engagement and the nature of the services we will provide . The procedures that will by employed by us for this project will be based on the M-1 Manual (Principles of Water Rates, Fees and Charges) as prescribed by the American Water Works Association . We will follow these industry prescribed analyses so as to support the recommended fees that we believe should be charged by the City . CONFIRMATION OF MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY Mayor Sherry Sullivan will oversee our services , and you have indicated that Mayor Sullivan possesses suitable skill , knowledge , and experience to understand the services to be performed sufficiently to oversee them . You have also agreed that you will assume all management responsibilities for subject matter and scope of the services under this arrangement letter. You have agreed to evaluate the adequacy and results of our service performed and you accept responsibility for the results and ultimate use of the services . FEES AND COSTS We believe that we can complete this service for a cost not to exceed $6 ,000 per system . We are allowing for one (1) meeting with management to review and discuss the results of the analysis. All reasonable travel and out-of-pocket expenses will be billed at cost. The above fees do not include travel time , which will be billed at one-half our standard billing rates and capped to six (6) hours per person , per round trip . Should additional presentations or meetings be required , we reserve the right to estimate how much time and effort will be required and will offer such as a change order to meet the needs and desires of your management team . We will submit monthly bills to you , which will be based on our current hourly rates . Such bills are payable on presentation and a late charge of 1 ½ % per month will be imposed for any portion of the bill amount not paid within 30 days of the bill date . We reserve the right to suspend our work and/or terminate the engagement if any bill is not paid within 30 days of the bill date . In the event of suspension of our work or Jackson Thornton Certified Public Accountants & Consu ltants 200 Commerce Stree t , Montgom ery, A labama 36 104-2591 P.O. Box 96, Mont gomery, Alabama 3610 1-0096 334 834 7660 jacksonthornton .com A PROFESS I ON AL CO R PORAT ION 144 termination of our engagement , such work shall not be resumed and such engagement shall not be reinstated , as the case may be , until the account balance and all the late charges are paid in full. CLAIM RESOLUTION It is agreed by the City and Jackson Thornton & Co ., P.C. or any successors in interest that no claim arising out of services rendered pursuant to this agreement by or on behalf of the City shall be asserted more than two years (2) after the date of the completion of services by JT pursuant to this engagement. JT and the City each acknowledge that there are risks involved with communicating and storing data via electronic means . Accordingly , to the fullest extent permitted by law , JT and the City each waive and acknowledge that neither party shall have any claim against the other based upon , relating to , or arising from the use of electronic systems (including , but not limited to, email and cloud computing systems). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing , neither party shall be liable for any damages arising from any and all data breaches , the delivery of communications , data , or documents to unintended recipients , or the interception or viewing of communications , data , or documents by unintended or unauthorized individuals or entities . ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES AND COUNTERPARTS Each party hereto agrees that any electronic signature of a party to this Agreement or any electronic signature to a document contemplated thereby (including any representation letter) is intended to authenticate such writing and shall be as valid , and have the same force and effect , as a manual signature . Any such electronically signed document shall be deemed (i) to be "written" or "in writing ," (ii) to have been signed , and (iii) to constitute a record established and maintained in the ordinary course of business and an original written record when printed from electronic files . Each party hereto also agrees that electronic del ivery of a signature to any such document (via email or otherwise) shall be as effective as manual delivery of a manual signature . For purposes hereof, "electron ic signature " includes , but is not limited to , (i) a scanned copy ((as a "pdf' (portable document format) or other replicating image)) of a manual ink signature , (ii) an electronic copy of a traditional signature affixed to a document, (iii) a signature incorporated into a document utilizing touchscreen capabilities , or (iv) a digital signature . This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts , each of which shall be considered an original instrument , but all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement. Paper copies or "printouts ," of such documents , if introduced as evidence in any judicial , arbitral , mediation or administrative proceed ing , will be admissible as between the parties to the same extent and under the same conditions as other original business records created and maintained in documentary form . Neither party shall contest the admissibility of true and accurate copies of electronically signed documents on the basis of the best evidence rule or as not satisfying the business records exception to the hearsay rule , statute of frauds , or any other evidentiary objection or theory premised upon the execution and/or del ivery of the document by electronic means . Any and all documents executed by electronic signatures shall be retained in a readily accessible format in accordance with the respective party's document retention policy . In the event that either party shall lose or otherwise be unable to produce its original document , such party may request the other party to produce the original document in whatever format it is currently stored , and reimburse the producing party for its cost and expense incurred in providing such documents . CONFIRMATION OF AGREEMENT This engagement letter constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between JT and the City of Fairhope superseding all proposals , oral or written , and all other communications , with respect to the terms of the engagement between the part ies . 145 Please sign and return this letter to indicate your acknowledgment of, and agreement with , the arrangements set forth herein including our respective responsibilities . Sincerely , JACKSON THORNTON & CO ., P.C. .,J'rua4Jlt!ittv1clkJ / Sarah V. Chandler Principal Principal Confirmed on behalf of the addressee : Signature 146 oi 'fAino. ~ u t1\ ~ lt-. 'Jj , .. ;~ ~ Sherry Sullivan Mayo r Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Ji mmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Rob i nson Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St . PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251 -928-2136 (p) MEMO To: From: Lisa Hanks, City Clerk Kim Creech , Treasurer Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: September 26, 2023 Re : RFQ PS24-001 Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Sewer System Development Charges The Mayor, Sherry Sullivan , is requesting the hiring for Professional Services to Evaluate Water and Sewer System Development Charges. Per our Procedure for Procuring Professional Services , the Mayor and I are providing this firm for the Mayor to select for the work. The company provided below has historically provided this particular consulting service for the City . Please move this procurement of profess ional services forward to the Mayor fo r the selection of a professional service provide r. The short list is: Sep 26 , 2023 Jackson Thornton Certified Public Accountants & Consultants None . Submit another li st Cc: file , Mayor Sherry Sullivan 147 RESOLUTION NO. __ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That the City Council approves the selection of Sawgrass Consulting , LLC for Professional Engineering for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak Repair (RFQ PS24-003); and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a Contract with a not-to-exceed amount of $21 ,900.00. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 148 COF Project No. Issuing Date · ___ 1~0~/3~/2_0_2_3 __ ~ity of Fairhope Pro je ct Fund ing Request Project Name : A rove Selection of Saw rass Consultln LLC for RFQ PS24-003 Professional En ineerin Serv ic es for D'Ollve Creek Cross in Project Location : D'Ollve Creek Cross ing Presented to City Council : ___ 1_0_/9_/_20_2_3 __ Funding Request Sponsor: Wes Boyett, Interim Gas Superintendent Sherry Sullivan , Mayor Project Ca sh Requirement Requested . Cost: $ 21 1900 .00 Not-to-exceed Amount Vendor: Sawgrass Consulting , LLC (Vendor# Resolution # : Approved _____ _ Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Proiect Engineer : -'n"-/""a _________________________________________ _ Order Date : ___ __;_:n/:..:a:.._ __ Lead Time : __ __:_:n:..:/a:._ _______ _ Department Funding This Project General 0 Gas 0 Electric D WateO Wastewater 0 Sanitation D Cap Project D Impact C: Department of General Fund Providing the Funding Adm ,n-1 0 C Bldg -13 C Pol ,ce -15 C Fire-20 C ECD-24 C Rec-25 C Civic-26 D Street-35 0 Fieet-46 r Go lf-SO C Golf Grounds-55 D Museum-27 0 NonDeptFac-75 D Debi Serv,ce-85 C Marina-3 4 C Plan/Zone-12 0 L. Proiect will be : Funding Source : Expensed XXX 0 Operating Expenses XXX IZ Capitalized C Budgeted Capital C In ve ntoried C Unfunded C Gas Tax C Meter-19 Adul t Rec-30 Expense Code : 002 -50365 Federa l -not to exceed amount GIL Acct Name . Gas -Maintenance Plant State City Local Pro1ect Budgeted : $ 21 ,900 .00 FY24 Budget Balance She et Item-C Inc luded in projected cash flow Bond : Title Over (Under ) budget amount: $ Loan : Title Approve the selection of Sawgrass Consult ing, LLC, for RFC PS24-003 Professional Eng ineering Services to for the O'Oli ve Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for the noMo ... xceed amount or $21 ,900.00. Capital Lea se : Payment City Council Prior Approval/Date? _______ _ Sen ior Accountant City Treasurer Purchas ing Memo Date . --~1:..:0~/2"-/=20~2"'3~_ Purchasing Memo Date : __ ___,1..:0:..:/2"-/2"'0""'2"'3'--- 2378 Fed Grant C C tT-16 C 0 HR-1 7C Year Year Term 149 of f:A1no. ~ u {'I\ '{jlABA~b Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St. PO Box 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) MEMO To: Lisa Hanks, City Clerk Kim Creech, Treasurer From: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 2, 2023 Re: RFQ PS24-003 Professional Engineering Services for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak Repair The Superintendent of the Gas Department , Wes Boyett , is requesting the hiring for Professional Engineering Services for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak Repair . Per the City 's "Procedure for Procuring Professional Services for Projects Under $100K", under the section for "Variants to the Procedure", the Mayor exercised Option 1 and chose Sawgrass , LLC to perform the professional service . The work to be performed is to professional services associated with the project , which will include: • Topographic Survey $10 ,900 .00 • Utility Coordination/As-Builts Collection/Meetings $2,500.00 • ALDOT Permitting $5 ,800.00 • Daphne Permitting $1 ,200.00 • Environmental Concurrence $1 ,500.00 Sawgrass, LLC has submitted a proposal for these services for Twenty-One Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($21 ,900 .00). Please place on the next available City Council Agenda this request for City Council to Approve the selection by the Mayor for RFQ PS24-003 Professional Engineering Services for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract with a not-to-exceed amount of Twenty-One Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($21,900.00). Cc: file, Wes Boyett, Mayor Sherry Sullivan 150 September 22, 2023 Honorable Mayor Sullivan City of Fairhope 161 North Section Street Fairhope, AL 36532 RE: D'Ollve Creek Crossing-Gas Main Dear Mayor Sullivan, 30673 Sgt. E. I. ~aoots u Thomas Drive , Spanish Fort , AL 36527 202 Government Street , Suite 225 , Mobile, AL 36602 P: 251 -544-7900 sawgrassllc.com Sawgrass has been asked to provide a proposal for survey and permitting services for retirement and replacement of a leaking 6" Gas Main under D'Olive Creek . Our scope provides the professional services for site assessments, topographic survey, environmental permitting (as needed), and plan development for permitting submittal to replace approximately 700 LF of Gas Main. Enclosed you will find an attached Scope of Services and corresponding fees that will be required to accomplish this project. In summary, the following cost for the project is as follows : Topographic Survey Utility Coordlnation/As-Builts Collection/Meetings ALOOT Permitting Daphne Permitting Environmental Concurrence (Hourly NTE) $10,900.00 $2,500.00 $5,800.00 $1,200.00 $1,500.00 We appreciate the opportunity to partner with the City of Fairhope on this Project and please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or need to discuss this Proposal in more detai l. Approval Date 151 ~ ~~ (11.ABA~'h Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A . Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 61 North Section St . PO Box429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) MEMO To: From: Lisa Hanks, City Clerk Kim Creech, Treasurer Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: October 2, 2023 Re: RFQ PS24-003 Professional Engineering Services for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak The Superintendent of the Gas Department , Wes Boyett , is requesting the hiring for Professional Engineering Services for the D'Olive Creek Crossing Gas Main Leak Per our Procedure for Procuring Professiona l Services , Wes Boyett and I are providing firms for the Mayor to select from for the work. The work to be performed is to professional services associated with the project , which will include : • Topographic Survey • Utility Coordination/As-Builts Collection/Meetings • ALDOT Permitting • Daphne Permitting • Environmental Concurrence Please move this procurement of profess ional services forward to the Mayor for the selection of a professional service provider . The short list is : Oct 2, 2023 Sawgrass , LLC ____________ None. Submit anothe r list Cc: file , Wes Boyett, Mayor Sherry Sullivan 152 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute Extension No . 1 for RFQ No . PS019-22 Professional Consulting Services for Grants and Grant Management with Grant Management, LLC with all terms and conditions as original bid award; and extends the contract until October 17 , 2024 with a not-to-exceed amount of $24 ,000.00. ADOPTED ON THIS 10TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 153 City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Project No . 2374 Issuing Date; __ ..:.9'"'/2'-"8'"'/2~0~2_3 __ Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by ; ___ A_S_A_P __ Project Name : Approve Extension No. 1 for RFQ No. PS019 -2 2 Professional Consultlno Services for Grants and Grant Manaaement Project Locat ion : -'T..:.re.:ca::cs:..:u::..:Irv...._ __________________________ _ Resolution # : Presented to City Counc il : __ .;.1.:c0/""9'-'/2'-'0-=2-'-3 __ Approved _____ _ funding Request Sponsor: Nicole Love Grants Coordi nator Changed _____ _ Rejected _____ _ Pro ject Cash Requ irement Requested : Cost: S 24 1000 .00 NoUo-exceed Amount --.~SEP 29 '23 PM12:29 ~ Vendor: Grant Management, LLC (Vendor #5843) Project Engineer: ..:.n::.;/a=-------------------------------------------- Order Date : -----'n-"-/-=a---Le ad Time : ___ n_/a ________ _ Department Funding This Project Genera/ 0 Gas 0 Ele ctric D WateO Wastewater D Sanitation C Cap Project O Impact G Gas Tax □ Fed Grant C Department of General Fund Providing the Fundi ng Admln-10 Q Bldg -13 C Pollce-15 D Fire-20 D ECD-24 C Rec-25 C Civic-26 C Street-35 C Meter-19 C IT-16 C Fleet-46 C Golf-SO C Golf Grounds-55 D Museum -27 D NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv•ce-85 C Manna-34 D Plan/Zone-12 D Adult Rec-30 D HR-1 7C Project will be · Funding Source : Expensed XXX 0 Operating Expenses XXX 0 Capital ized 0 Budgeted Capital D Inventor ied C Un fun ded D Exp ense Code : 001100-50290 Federal• not to exceed amount GIL Acct Name : General Ad min • Professional Services State City Local Project Budgeted : s 24 000 .00 FY2' Budget (Line 10) Balance Sheet Item-C Included in projected cash flow Bond : Title Year Over (Under) budget amount. $ Loan : Title Year Approve Extension No . 1 for RFQ PS019-22 Professional Consulting Services for Grants to Grant Ma nagement, LLC for the same terms and conditions as the original RFQ contract. Authorize Mayor to execute Contract Extension No. 1. Capital Lease : Payment Term City Council Prior Approval/Date? 08/22/2022 • RFQ PS019-22 to Grant Management, LLC Approved Sen ior Accountant City Treasurer Purchas ing Memo Date : --~9~/2=7..:./2=0~2=3~-Purchasing Memo Date : --~9'-'/2~7~/2=0'-'2~3 __ _ 154 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks, MMC Ci ty Clerk Kimberly Creech City Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope , AL 36533 251 -928 -2136 (p) 251 -928 -6776 (f) www.fa i rhopea l.gov MEMO To: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, City Treasurer From: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date : September 27, 2023 Re : Requesting Green Sheet and Approval by City Council for Extension No. 1 for RFQ PS019-22 Professional Consulting Services for Grants and Grant Management The Grants Coordinator, Nicole Love , is requesting Extension No . 1 for RFQ PS019-22 Professional Consulting Services for Grants and Grant Management. The original contract was executed on October 18 , 2022 and awarded to Grant Management , LLC . The request for Extension No . 1 will extend the referenced contract until October 17, 2024 . The Vendor has agreed to Extens ion No. 1, with all terms and cond it ions of the bid award . Please place on the next City Council Agenda this request to approve the Extension No. 1 for RFQ PS019-22 Professional Consulting Services for Grants and Grant Management to Grant Management , LLC for the same terms and conditions as the original RFQ contract. Enclosure Cc : Nicole Love , Clint Steadham 155 City of Fairhope RFQ PS019-22 On-Call Professional Consulting Services For Grants and Grant Management 2022 Contract Extension No. 1 This EXTENSION NO .1 of CONTRACT ("Extension") is made this __ day of __________ ,2023, for the purpose of extending the agreement known as RFQ PS019-22 On-Call Grants and Grant Management 2022, dated October 18, 2022, ("Original Contract") between the City of Fairhope and Grant Management, LLC (the "Parties"). 1. Extension 1 of this agreement, which is attached hereto as a part of this Extension, is described below : RFQ PS019-22 On-Call Grants and Grant Management 2022 and will end on October 17, 2023 at midnight. 2. The Parties agree to extend Extension 1 agreement for an additional period, which will begin immediately upon the expiration of the original time period October 18, 2023 and will end on October 17, 2024. 3. This Extension binds and benefits both Parties and any successors or assigns . This document, including the attached Original Contract, is the entire agreement between the Parties. All other terms and conditions of the Original Contract, including pricing, remain unchanged . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract Extension as of the day and year first above written . THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA BY : Sherry Sullivan, Mayor NOTARY FOR THE CITY STATE OF ALABAMA} COUNTY OF BALDWIN} ATTEST: BY : Lisa A. Hanks, MMC, City Clerk I, the undersigned authority in and for said State and County, hereby certify that Sherry Sullivan as Mayor of the City of Fairhope whose name is signed to the foregoing document and who is known to me , acknowledged before me on this day , being informed of the contents of the document she executed the same voluntarily on the date of the same bears date. Given under my hand and Notary Seal on this __ day of ________ , 2023 . Notary Public ___________ _ My Comm iss ion Expires: _____ _ 156 If Corporation, Partnership, or Joint Venture Name of Corporation, Partnership, or Joint Venture By: _____________ _ Signature of Officer Authorized to Sign Bids and Contracts for the Firm Email Address Business Mailing Address City, State, Zip Code General Contractor's License Number NOTARY STATE OF ___________ _ COUNTY OF __________ _ Position or Title Foreign Corporation Entity ID (Required of out-of-state vendors) I, the undersigned authority in and for said State and County, hereby certify that ________________ ,as __________________ _ Type or Print Name of Bid Signer Type or Print Bid Signer Title Respectively, of _____________________________ _ Type or Print Company Name Whose name is signed to the foregoing document and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day, that, being of the contents of the document they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date . Given under my hand and Notary Seal on this ___ day of _____ ~ 2023. Notary Public ___________ _ My Commission Expires _______ _ 157 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA , That Mayor Sherry Sullivan is hereby authorized to execute Extension No . 1 for (Bid No. 039-21 ), Three Year Pest Control for City Buildings , with Redd Pest Solutions , for an additional one year to extend the referenced contract until October 20 , 2023 , with same terms and conditions as original bid award. The cost not-to-exceed $12 ,371.04. ADOPTED ON THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks , MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 158 Ci ty of Fa irhope Project Fund ing Re que st COF Proj ec t No . 2372 Issuing Date . ---"9'-'/2'-'7'-'l2'-'0c.=2cc3 __ Ple ase return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by : ___ A_S_A_P __ _ Project Name : Aoorove Extension No . 2 for Bid No. 039-21 !Th ree-vear Pest Control Services! for Cltv Properties Project Loca tio n: City Owned Properties Presented to City Coun cil : __ ~1~0~I9~I~20~2~3~_ Fun ding Request Sp onsor: George Ladd, Assistant Pub lic Works Director Richard Johnson, Public Wo rks Director Res olution # : Ap proved _____ _ Cha nged _____ _ Rej ecte d _____ _ Project Cas h Requireme nt Req ue st ed : Cost: $ 12 371 .04 Not-to-e xceed Amount SEP 29 '23 PMl?.'.:29 C:iJ) Vendor: Redd Pest Solut ions of the SE Inc. (Vendor #4780) Proiect Engineer: -'-n"'la=-------------------------------------------- Order Da te : ____ nl_a __ _ Lead Time : --~n~/a~-------- Department Funding Th is Project General 0 Gas IZ Electric 0 Wate lZ Wastewater 0 Sanitation □ Cap Project C Impact D Gas Tax C Fed Gr ant C Depa rtment of General Fund Providing the Fu nd ing VARIOUS Admln -10 0 Bldg-13 Ci Police-15 0 Fire-20 G ECD-24 □ Rec-25 0 Civ/c-26 0 Street-35 IZ Meter-19 C IT-16C F/eet-46 0 Goff-SO 0 Go~ Grounds-55 D Muaeum-27 0 NonDeptFac -75 0 Debt Serv•ce-85 0 Marina --3-4 0 Plan/Zone-12 C Adult Rec-30 0 HR-1£ Project will be . Funding Source : Expensed XXX 0 Operating Expenses XXX 0 Capitali zed C Budgeted Cap ital D Inv entoried C Unfunded 0 .. Expense Cod e: XX XX XX-50360 Vario us Departments Federa l -not to exceed amount Gil Acct Name : General Maintenance State City Loca l ProJect Budg eted: $ 12 371 .04 FY24Budget Balance Sheet Ite m- C Included in projected cash flow Bond : Title Year Over (Und er) budget amo unt: $ Loan : Title Year Approve Extension No. 2 fo r Bid No. 039-21 (Thre e•year Pest Control Se rvi ces ) prov ide d by Redd Pest Sol utio ns, Inc . In the not -tO ◄)(Ceed amou nt of $12,371.04. Thia e xte ns ion Is fo r th e same terms and conditio ns as th e original bid award an d will cover th e ti me period of October 21, 202 3 through October 20 . 20 24 . Capital Lease : . Payment Te rm City Council Pr ior Approval/Date? 1011 012022. Extens io n No . 1 f o r Bid No . 039 -21 Approved Sen ior Acco untant City Treasurer Mayor Purchasing Memo Date : --~9~/2=6~/=20=2=3~-Purchasing Mem o Date : --~9~/2~6~/2=0~2~3 __ _ Re quwove d Dat e: 9/26/202 3 ~~ CA.-J 1 LA 1, 159 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech City Treasurer 161 North Section St . PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251 -928-2136 (p) 251-928-6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To: From: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, City Treasurer Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: September 26, 2023 Re: Requesting Green Sheet and Approval by City Council for Extension No. 2 for Bid No. 039-21 Three Year Pest Control The Assistant Director of Public Works , George Ladd , is requesting Extension No . 2 for Bid No . 039-21 Three Year Pest Control. The original contract was executed on October 21 , 2021 and awarded to Redd Pest Solutions. Extension No. 1 extended the original agreement until October 20 , 2023 . The request for Extension No. 2 will extend the referenced contract until October 20 , 2024. The Vendor has agreed to Extension #2 , with all terms and conditions of the bid award . Please place on the next City Council Agenda this request to approve the Extension No. 2 of the contract for Bid No . 039-21 Three Year Pest Control to Redd Pest Solutions for the same terms and conditions as the original bid award and a not to exceed annual cost of $12,371.04. Enclosure Cc : Richard Johnson, George Ladd, Clint Steadham 160 CITY OF FAIRHOPE Bid No. 039-21 Pest Control 2021 Contract Extension No. 2 This Extension No . 2 of CONTRACT ("Extension ") is made this __ day of __________ __, 2023, for the purpose of extending the agreement known as Bid No. 039-21 Pest Control 2021, executed on October 21, 2021 ("Original Contract") between the City of Fairhope and Redd Pest Solution of the S.E., Inc. (the "Parties"). 1. The Original Agreement, which is attached hereto as a part of this Extension, is described below : Bid No. 039-21 Pest Control 2021 And was to end on October 20, 2022 . 2. The Parties agreed to extend the Original Contract for an additional period, Extension No. 1, which began immediately upon the expiration of the original period, October 20, 2022 and will end on October 21 , 2023 . 2. The Parties agree to extend the Original agreement fo r an additional period, which will begin immediately upon the expiration of Extension No. 1 time period October 21, 2023 and will end on October 20, 2024. 3. This Extension binds and benefits both Parties and any successors or assigns . The document, including the attached Original Contract, is the entire agreement between the Parties. All other terms and conditions of the Original Contract, including pricing, remain unchanged . 161 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Contract Extension as of the day and year first above written . THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA by: Sherry Sullivan, Mayor NOTARY FOR THE CITY STATE OF ALABAMA} COUNTY OF BALDWIN} ATTEST: BY : Lisa A. Hanks, MMC, City Clerk I, the undersigned authority in and for said State and County , hereby certify that Sherry Sullivan as Mayor of the City of Fairhope whose name is signed to the foregoing document and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day, being informed of the contents of the document she executed the same voluntarily on the date of the same bears date . Given under my hand and Notary Seal on this __ day of __________ _, 2023 . Notary Public ________________ _ My Commission Expire s: _________ _ 162 If Corporation, Partnership, or Joint Venture Name of Corporation , Partnership , or Joint Venture By : _____________ _ Signature of Officer Authorized to Sign Bids and Contracts for the Firm Email Address Business Mailing Address City, State, Zip Code General Contractor's License Number NOTARY STATE OF ____________ _ COUNTY OF __________ ~ Position or Title Foreign Corporation Entity ID (Required of out-of-state vendors) I, the undersigned authority in and for said State and County, hereby certify that _________________ as __________________ _ Type or Print Name of Bid Signer Type or Print Bid Signer Title Respectively, of _____________________________ _ Type or Print Company Name Whose name is signed to the foregoing document and who is known to me, acknowledged before me on this day , that, being of the contents of the document they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date . Given under my hand and Notary Seal on this ___ day of _____ ~ 2023. Notary Public ___________ _ My Commission Expires _______ _ 163 RESOLUTION NO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation's (FEEF's) request to allow its 2023-2024 Annual Premium Sponsors limited use of the pavilion located on the leased K-1 Center premises is approved as outlined in the attached 2023-2024 Sponsorship fonn for Bronze, Silver or Gold. DULY ADOPTED THIS 9TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson , Council President 164 FE EF 2023-2024 SPONSORSHIPS FAIRHOPE EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT FOUNDATION Investing i n Students. Pre pari ng th e Fu t u r e. Annual Premium Sponsorships ~ ~ * * Donation Amount $7 ,500 .00 $5 ,000 .00 # of Premium Tickets to Jubil ee , i ncludes 12 Spon sors hip lounge # of Golf Players for Apr i l 5, 2024 t ourn 8 Recognit ion on all Promotions for 1 year X (Schoo l Marquees and FEEF Webs ite) Prom inent Logo Placement at FEEF events X Schoo l Grant Check Sponsor and Presenter X Tee Marker for 1 Year at Quail Cree k X Tee S igns 2 Wa ived Rental fee for 1 t ime event at Pavilion X -50 % Rental fee 1 time event at Pav ili on Jubilee -Party at the Pavilion Donation Amount # of Tickets to Jubilee # of Premium tickets to the Sponsorship Lounge Recogn it ion by FEEF on one Soc ial Med ia Post ELITE $1 ,000 .00 4 4 X GENERAL $500.00 2 Name Listed on all Event Promot ions X X Donation Amount # of Persons on Team Name Listed on all Event Promot ions Tee Marker for 1 Year Tee Sign Mayor's Golf Tournament 4 Person 2 Person 1 Person Team Team $1 ,250 .00 $650 .00 $325 .00 4 2 2 X X 10 8 X X X X 1 X TEACHER SPONSOR $100 .00 2 Course Sponsor $500 .00 1 X ~ $3,500 .00 8 4 X X X X GENERAL ADMISSION $100.00 Tee Sign $150 .00 0 X 165 BALDWIN COUNTY Affiliated With HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION 916 PLANTATION BLVD. •FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 36532 September 21 , 2023 Mayor Sherry Sullivan City of Fairhope 161 North Section St. Fairhope, Alabama, 36532 Dear Madam Mayor: (251)928-9927 • (251) 928-9929 Fax Web Site: www.BCHBA.com As you know, our organization is a trade association for the building industry and we are based in Fairhope. We are comprised of 911 companies and individuals representing 22,385 employees. Our members are builders, bankers, Realtors, carpenters, electricians, auto dealers, utility providers and a wide spectrum of professional service and material suppliers of the building industry. These members give back to their communities regularly in many ways. Our annual Parade of Homes is scheduled for two weekends, October 14, 15 and October 21, 22. We invite the public from all over to view our homes and learn of the many new techniques and products available that homes safer and more energy efficient. The proceeds received from viewing our Showcase Home are given to local charities. We take pride in showing visitors the amenities our county offers. On behalf of our Board of Directors, I request permission to place tasteful directional signs to assist the public in finding the homes they wish to view. The signs will be picked up immediately after the parade concludes. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, fV!ftl,!fu � Marsha P. Jordan Executive Vice President 166