HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-24-2023 City Council PacketCITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA MONDAY, 24 JULY 2023 – 4:30 P.M. – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 1.Discussion of Decommissioning Substations at Nichols and Church 2.Discussion of the Naming of the Clock Corner 3. Discussion of Utilities Line of Credit 4. City of Fairhope Purchasing Policy Guidelines Discussion 5. Budget Discussions - Revenue 6.Committee Updates 7.Department Head Updates City Council Agenda Meeting – 5:30 p.m. on Monday, July 24, 2023 – City Council Chamber Next Regular Meeting – Monday, August 14, 2023 – Same Time Same Place 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, 24 JULY 2023 - 6:00 P.M. – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 1. Approve minutes of 10 July 2023 Regular City Council Meeting and minutes of 10 July 2023 Work Session. 2.Report of the Mayor 3.Public Participation – Agenda Items – (3 minutes maximum) 4.Council Comments 5.Ordinance – An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1510 known as the Personnel Rules, Policies and Procedures Ordinance, Section 7 Time Off From Work, 7.01 Paid Holidays and 7.02 Birthday Paid Day Off. 6.Resolution – That the City of Fairhope supports the Alabama Department of Transportation’s Mega Grant application to Assist in Funding I-10 Mobile River Bridge and Bayway Project and any other sources of federal funding that may become available. 7.Resolution - That the City Council hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute a contract with JADE Consulting, LLC to perform Professional Engineering Services for Pecan Avenue Watershed Management Plan (RFQ PS23-024) with a not-to-exceed amount of $52,000.00. 8.Resolution - That the City Council approves a three (3) year Elevator Maintenance Agreement on four (4) City Elevators with TK Elevator Corporation; services are available for direct procurement through the Sourcewell Purchasing Cooperative on (Sourcewell Contract #080420) with a not-to-exceed amount of $31,680.00. 9.Resolution - That the City Council approves the selection by Mayor Sherry Sullivan for (RFQ PS23-026) Southern Earth Sciences, Inc. to perform Professional Services for Sampling, Testing and Assessment of the Retired Church Street and Nichols Avenue Substation Properties; and hereby authorizes the Mayor to execute a Contract with a not-to- exceed amount of $26,000.00. 10.Resolution – That the City Council approves the Procurement of 7,300 Feet of 12-Inch Ductile Iron Pipe from Ferguson Waterworks for the Water Department with a not-to- exceed amount of $349,670.00. 11.Resolution – That the City Council approves the Annual Procurement of Tulip Bulbs for FY2024 for the Street Department to CJ Ruigrok & Sons with a not-to-exceed amount of $34,634.00. 049 City Council Meeting 24 July 2023 Page –2– 12.Resolution – That the City Council approves the Procurement of an Annual Contract for Dumpster Service for Screenings at the Wastewater Treatment Plant to Republic Services for a not-to-exceed amount of $11,331.16; and hereby authorizes Mayor Sherry Sullivan to execute the contract. 13.Application for Special Retail License – More than 30 Days by Restaurant 85 North Bancroft LLC d/b/a The Mill at 85 North Bancroft Street, Fairhope, AL 36532. 14.Application for Special Retail License – More than 30 Days by Jenna Rachal, The Venue Fairhope, LLC d/b/a The Venue Fairhope at 105 South Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532. 15.Application for Restaurant Liquor License by Dana Jewett, Sebastians Fairhope LLC d/b/a Sebastians at 901 Fairhope Avenue, Fairhope, AL 36532. 16.Application for Restaurant Liquor License by Noel Hurtado, Cozumel Mexican Grill of Fairhope LLC d/b/a Cozumel Bar and Grill at 18177 Wright Blvd. Ste. 12, 13, 14, Fairhope, AL 36532. 17.Appointments – Tree Committee 18.Public Participation – (3 minutes maximum) 19.Adjourn Next Regular Meeting – Monday, August 14, 2023 – Same Time Same Place 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 PLEASE PRINT CITY OF FAIRHOP E P.O. DRAWER 429 FAIRHOPE, AL 36533 251/928 -2136 Rev ised 09/2013 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPPLICATION We hereby apply for a license to sell Alcoholic Beverages i n the City of Fairhope or its Police Jurisd iction . We agree to ab ide by all app licab le Ordinances of the City , or any amendments to same, and to promptly furn ish all reports required by the City~ Ye)(\\Jl fb.Ay\\Gf€ 1 LLC... APP LI CANT'S NAME J e.bJ\(1 \ZQc ,,n CAL SSN # __ ---- AGE __ DATE OF BIRTH -PLACE OF BIRTH &i~~ih~~~&L MA ILI NG ADDREss Co92 I)e.v<' &v0vJL '-D°'~b-Q.-~ L 30SL~ HOME# ___ _ _____ WO R K# ___________ _ CEL L# _ __ FAX# ___________ _ RESIDENCE ADDRESS G,91.. 1>e..a.K fwe., 1 DO..fhM._ PrL 3//S'Z. (p NO .YEARS AT PRESENT ADDRESS '-f NO.YEARS AT PREVIOUS ADDRESS & ~-- PREVIOUSADDRESS ZOlo :Si\YU<&bJ\th S"f, -FcvhhCf( Prl~~S52- NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS J\t:\l. ve ,nt u.. :fru v nu fL Lc,e-' /OS CSCM-?5h Se.,~on ~t. fc,u'tY\o\?e, ~l 3tos 32- NAME OF CORPORATION __________________ _ BUS INESS LOCATION f°OA V b Of e_ HAS APPLICANT EVER HAD AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE BEFORE_y+-(._~~'----- I F so . WHERE fu.Ay n~~z_ UNDER WHAT NAME Jvu vmw fZ:Li Y h~e,Lcc HAS APPLICANT EVER BEEN ARRESTED f\J \J JF SO , WHERE -------- WHE N _____ WHAT WAS CHARGE _____________ _ DISP O SITION ______________________ _ LI ST THREE REFERENCES : NAME-ADDRESS PHONE NU M BER 133 City of Fairhope Alcoholic Beverage License Application Page -2- PLEASE SELECT TYPE OF LICENSE APPL YING FOR: Revised 09/2013 __ 011 • PACKAGE STORE LICENSE -Allows sale of llquor , wine, or beer at Retail, TO GO only . No one under age 21 allowed on premises . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on 1he purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . 010-LOUNGE LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor , wine, or beer for on and off consumption. No one under age 21 allowed on the premises . A liquor tax of 10% Ci1y limits or 5% Police Jurisdic1ion is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . 031-CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer but must meet ABC --Board 's ·club" regulations . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. __ 020 -RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine , or beer for on-premises consumption only and 51% of gross receipts must come from the sale of food . A liquor tax of 10% City limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee . 140 -SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE 7 160 -SPECIAL RETAIL LICENSE-More than 30 days __ 040. BEER ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, on and off consumption . __ 050 -BEER OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, TO GO only . __ 060 -WINE ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE-Allows sale of Wine Only, on and off consumption . __ 070 -WINE OFF-PREMISES LICENSE-Allows sale of Wine Only , TO GO, only . 100 -WINE WHOLESALER LICENSE 210 -WINE IMPORTER LICENSE 200 -WlNE MANUFACTURER LICENSE 240. NON-PROFIT TAX EXEMPT LICENSE ~PROV~offo .... ~4J.~U APPROVED ______ DATE __ _ Chief of Police DATE NOT APPROVED BYCOUNCIL _____ DATE __ _ Ci1y Clerk. APPROVED BY COUNCIL--,------DATE __ _ City Clerk ... The Chief of Police is only acquiring a background check on the owners, partners , or corporate officers of the business for the City of Fairhope . The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board does a thorough Federal and State background check before issuing the License . 134 Revised 09/2013 CITY OF FAIRHOPE P.O. DRAWER 429 FAIRHOPE, AL 36533 251/928-2136 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPPLICATION PLEASE PRINT We hereby apply for a license to sell Alcoholic Beverages in the City of Fairhope or its Police Jurisdiction . We agree to abide by all applicable Ordinances of the City, or any amendments to same, and to promptly furnish all reports required by the City. APPLICANT'S NAME 1Jd7Ja Je0-<:U SSN#: AGE.c:-....~DATE OF BIRTH_ __PLACE OF BIRTH h.4! &4mu; MAILING ADDRESS c1/35 ~ Crc-/e ,/4~, ff/ 3?£1.,;J HOME# __________ WORK# ___________ _ CELL#_ FAX# ____________ _ RESIDENCE ADDREss _ _,,_~-=--="'-'~'--'"'"e_c....__s::"-"'c. .... k~------------- NO .YEARS AT PRESENT ADDRESS _j__ NO .YEARS AT PREVIOUS ADDRESS 5 PREv1ous ADDREss ~£ ~C~h ,d'/_;;cs Ji.2. NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS_...c.~ ......... "'-'-""....e:...4..~"""'"'· r;,,c.Vl..,=,L_..,__ ________ _ ,991 ~ ;i 7!£ ~ NAME OF CORPORATION ~~/rpy: jLC Bus1NEss LocAT10N ibi&r~ k ,/?~ ./1 Y&<J>-2 HAS APPLICANT EVER HAD AN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE BEFORE /f.JC) IF SO, WHERE ________ UNDER WHAT NAME ________ _ HAS APPLICANT EVER BEEN ARRESTED ;(/CJ IF SO, WHERE. _______ _ WHEN _____ WHATWAS CHARGE _____________ _ DISPOSITION _______________________ _ LIST THREE REFERENCES: NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 135 City of Fairhope Alcoholic Beverage License Application Page-2- PLEASE SELECT TYPE OF LICENSE APPL YING FO~: Revised 09/2013 011 • PACKAGE STORE LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer at Retail, TO GO --only. No one under age 21 allowed on premises . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. 010-LOUNGE LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer for on and off --consumption. No one under age 21 allowed on the premises. A llquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. 031-CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer but must meet ABC --Board's "club" regulations. A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdidion is due the 1 oth of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. L 020 • RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer for on-premises consumption only and 51 % of gross receipts must come from the sale of food. A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. 140 • SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE __ 160 • SPECIAL RETAIL LICENSE -More than 30 days __ 040 • BEER ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, on and off consumption. __ 050 • BEER OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, TO GO only. __ 060 -WINE ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Wine Only, on and off consumption. __ 070 -WINE OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Wine Only, TO GO, only. 100 • WINE WHOLESALER LICENSE 210 • WINE IMPORTER LICENSE 200 • WINE MANUFACTURER LICENSE 240 -NON-PROFIT TAX EXEMPT LICENSE I STATE ALL THE ABOVE TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATUR (FULLNE) DATE NOT APPROVED BY COUNCIL_=-----DATE __ _ City Clerk APPROVED BY COUNCIL_=-~--DATE __ _ City Clerk •• The Chief of Police is ly acquiring a background check on the owners, partners, or corporate officers of the business fo r the City of Fairhope. The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board does a thorough Federal and State background check before Issuing the License. 136 CITY OF FAIRHOPE P.O. DRAWER 429 FAIRHOPE, AL 36533 251/928•2136 Revised 09/2013 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPPLICATION PLEASE PRINT We hereby apply for a license to sell Alcoholic Beverages in the City of Fairhope or its Police Jurisdiction. We agree to abide by all applicable Ordinances of the City, o~ any am~ndments to same, and to promptly furnish all reports required by the City. Co.2.Wtlel ~~f::rr-i// er(' fivr~e..- 1 L.L~ APPucANrs NAME Not-\ \-\µ,v-"'¼cto ssN#. ~---_ AGE-..L..oATE oF e1Rr1-1_ 1 _· PLACE oF s1RTH Me '6, to MAIUNGAooREss \5c205 ]\.£v1bev R·'-o\~e_ \)'f. {._o-,:: \ ey A\ 36~/ HOME# __________ WORK# ___________ _ CELL#_ ~---___ FAX# ___________ _ REs10ENcEAooREss \~Jo5" 1,Wl'oerR,o\ge bu.1 Loxley Al 3bSSJ NO .YEARS AT PRESENT ADDRESS ·3 NO.YEARS AT PREVIOUS ADDRESS 5' PREVI0USADDRESS l\0-f 5 :P-o.t St Lo'{. !~I e ~3fo5~ NAMEANDADDRESSOFBUSINESS ,,t§WPlcl H~iCQh Grill~ f~~ l rn \":t?t '11nt,t B\\)o\ S\e_ \'.? \ tO:w-hope ti\ 3£53.2 (..:;u'.t6 12..1 · cc I '1 ) · I I /I /1 · NAME oF coRPORAT10N d /611A:: &a 'Z--t<-m-.e-l ;Bax ~ <rrtll BUSINESS LOCATION. __________________ _ HAS APPLICANT EVER HAD AN A LCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE BEFORE "1 es 1F so. wHeRe \·~Q\: Loi\e1 uNDER wHAT NAME Noe\ \\ u.v:'tCAolo HAsAPPucANT EVER sEEN ARREsrEo \\ ~> 1F so. wHERE A \OXA,vv:>C\ /,& Id win ~1Av1 ~ WHEN ii O / 2 WHAT WAS CHARGE_..a,D--.\t\~1---________ _ DISPOSITION _____________________ _ UST THREE REFERENCES : NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER 137 City of Fairhope Alcoholic Beverage License Application Page-2- PLEASE SELECT TYPE OF LICENSE APPL YING FOR: Revised 09/2013 __ 011 • PACKAGE STORE LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer at Retail, TO GO only . No one under age 21 allowed on premises . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction Is due the 10th of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. __ 010-LOUNGE LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows &ale of liquor, wine, or beer for on and off consumption . No one under age 21 allowed on the premises. A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 1 o"' of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. __ 031-CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE-Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer but must meet ABC Board's "club" regulations . A liquor tax of 10% City Limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 1olh of each month on the purchase price paid for an liquor for use or resale by the licensee. ✓ 020 -RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE -Allows sale of liquor, wine, or beer for on-premises consumption only and 51% of gross receipts must come from the sale of food. A liquor tax of 10% City limits or 5% Police Jurisdiction is due the 10111 of each month on the purchase price paid for all liquor for use or resale by the licensee. 140 -SPECIAL EVENTS LICENSE __ 160 -SPECIAL RETAIL LICENSE -More than 30 days __ 040 · BEER ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, on and off consumption. __ 050 -BEER OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Beer Only, TO GO only. __ 060 -WINE ON/OFF PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Wine Only, on and off consumption . __ 070 -WINE OFF-PREMISES LICENSE -Allows sale of Wine Only, TO GO, only . 100 -WINE WHOLESALER LICENSE 210 -WINE IMPORTER LICENSE 200 -WINE MANUFACTURER LICENSE 240 • NON-PROFIT TAX EXEMPT LICENSE I STATE ALL THE ABOVE TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SIGNATURE (FULL NAME) ____ __._DATE __ __, ~~,bl,LJll,l,A,~~DATEjjd-'3 NOT APPROVED BY COUNCIL _____ DATE __ _ Ci1y Clerk APPROVED BY COUNCIL--,-------DATE __ _ City Clerx ... The Chief of Police is only acquiring a background check on the owners, partners, or corporate officers of the business for the City of Fairhope . The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board does a thorough Federal and State background check before issuing the License. 138 139 140 141