HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-10-2023 City Council Regular PacketCITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA MONDAY, 10 JULY 2023 – 4:30 P.M. – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 1. Recommendation from Personnel Board on Paid Holidays 2. Committee Updates 3. Department Head Updates City Council Agenda Meeting – 5:30 p.m. on Monday, July 10, 2023 – City Council Chamber Next Regular Meeting – Monday, July 24, 2023 – Same Time Same Place 001 002 CITY OF FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MONDAY, 10 JULY 2023 - 6:00 P.M. – CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 1. Approve minutes of 26 June 2023 Regular City Council Meeting and minutes of 26 June 2023 Work Session. 2. Report of the Mayor 3. Public Participation – Agenda Items – (3 minutes maximum) 4. Council Comments 5. Final Adoption – Ordinance – An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 522 and repealing and replacing Ordinance No. 1727 Parking Authority; Section 20-31: adding (c) The Parking Authority or Committee may remove any member who misses more than (2) consecutive meetings. (Introduced at the June 26, 2023 City Council Meeting.) 6. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope accepts the Grant Award for Financial Assistance from the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Project in Grant Funds in the amount of $1,154,696.00 from the State of Alabama’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund. 7. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope authorizes the Mayor to submit a letter to Alabama Municipal Electric Authority (AMEA) requesting $10,000.00 to be used for the murals for the Arts Alley Transit Hub Project. 8. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope elects to come under the provisions of Act 2022- 229; and the City agrees to provide all funds necessary to the Employees’ Retirement System to cover the cost of the one-time lump sum payment as provided for by said Act for those eligible employees retired and beneficiaries of deceased retirees of the City of Fairhope with the aforementioned increase being paid in December 2023. 9. Resolution – To award (Bid No. 23-027) New Lift Station Installation at Planter’s Pointe to Hill Brothers, Inc. with a total not-to-exceed $225,100.00; and authorize Mayor Sherry Sullivan to sign the forthcoming construction contract. 10. Resolution – To award (Bid No. 23-029-2023-PWI-015) The Haven Animal Shelter Major Façade and Remodel to Thomas Construction with a total not-to-exceed $164,200.00, which includes the project contingency and the electrical contingency; and authorize Mayor Sherry Sullivan to sign the forthcoming construction contract. 11. Resolution – To award (Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWI-075) Intersection and Signal Improvements (Clock Corner) to Bagby & Russell Electric Company with a total not-to- exceed $116,789.00; and authorize Mayor Sherry Sullivan to sign the forthcoming construction contract. 003 City Council Meeting 10 July 2023 Page –2– 12. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of an Office Trailer Rental or (Equivalent) for The Haven Construction Project for the Public Works Department from United Rentals; and the Rental is on Sourcewell Contract #062320-URI and therefore does not have to be let out for bid. Total amount not-to-exceed $20,000.00. 13. Resolution – That the City of Fairhope approves the selection by Mayor Sherry Sullivan for (RFQ PS23-024) Professional Engineering Services for Pecan Avenue Watershed Management Plan to JADE Consulting, LLC; and hereby authorizes the Mayor to negotiate the not-to-exceed fee to be approved by Council. 14. Request – Lisa Dahle, on behalf of Trinity Presbyterian Church, requesting permission to use site location between Fairhope Pier and Duck Pond (North Beach – Loop) for Drive Thru Nativity Scene on December 3, 2023 from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Set-up will begin at noon and taken down after last car drives through. Also requesting Police assistance and use of public restrooms. 15. Public Participation – (3 minutes maximum) 16. Executive Session – To discuss imminent or potential litigation. 17. Adjourn Next Regular Meeting – Monday, July 24, 2023 – Same Time Same Place 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [ 1]That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids to procure services for (Bid No. 23-027) for New Lift Station Installation at Planter's Pointe at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2]At the appointed time and place, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for (Bid No. 23-027) New Lift Station Installation at Planter's Point [3]After evaluating the bids with the required specifications, Hill Brothers, Inc. is now awarded (Bid No. 23-027) New Lift Station Installation at Planter's Pointe with a total not-to-exceed $225,100.00; and authorize Mayor Sherry Sullivan to sign forthcoming construction contract. [ 4]Previous Council action approved the procurement of necessary equipment for this project from J.H. Wright & Associates in the amount of $163,786.00 (Resolution No. 4684-23) on February 13, 2023. This bid award is included as part of FY22 Capital Budget Carryover to FY23 Budget for Waste Water System Improvements in the amount of $1,000,000. ADOPTED ON THIS 10TH DAY OF JULY, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 130 I • ' . '•. City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Project No. ,,, Q;' fssuing Date: __ ...:6:.:/2=-9:.:/=2.::.02=-3'---" � 4111 ... l !Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by: __ __.c.;Ac::Sc:.A.::cP ___ '- Project Name: Award Bid No. 2 3 -027 • New Lift Station Installation at Planter's Pointe �••\"' • ;"if, Project location; _P'-"'laccnc,cte,::r'c;s:,_,_P.::o:.::inc,.t,:ec__....::::7�"":':-;::c;:;;7'-;;;�';;:;:='c;;-';;;--;;-:;:� Presented to City Council: 7/10/202 3 Funding Request Sponsor: ..!:!''.!..l!..!!���!i...!:!.2.���:.!!!:!...:�E���'!.!!--=�=-=-=:::!=-=-=-..:.:,.::-:;� Acfm,n-t0 Fleet-46 ' ' I l,J-. • Project Cash Requirement Requested; Cost: Gas C Vendor: n/a n/a Department Funding This Project Electr1c G WaterC Department of General Fund Providing the Funding Blag-13 iC 0 Golf-SO Police-1 S Fire-20 C Golf Grounds-SS O Museum-27 cJ ProJect will be· Expensed Cap11alized inventori ed ____ x_x_x ____ � ________ L, Wastewater G Sanitation C Cap Project C ECD-24 C Rec-25 C Civic-26 = Marina•34 C NonDep!Fac-7S D Debt Service-BS ½, Funding Source: Operaung Expenses---,,::-:,---­ Budgeted Capital --�X-"X'-'X'-'--- Unfunded _____ _ impact Gas Jax C Street-35 d Meter-19 C Plan/Zone-12.1: Adult Rec-30 -0 Expense Code: 004020-59501 Grant: _______ Federal -not to r,xceed amount '•\ ... l� -�i! G/L Acct Name. Sys lmpr -Lift Stations Project Budgeted:�$--��--­ Balar.ce Sheet Item­ Included in projected cash flow ------- Award Bid No. 23-027 in the .imount of S225, 100.00 to Hill Broth�rs. Inc., for the installation of new lift st3ticm at Planter's Pointe and authorize the Mayor to sign forthcomi11g construction contract. Previous Council actio1, approVed the procurement of necessary equipment for this project from J.H. Wright & Associates in the amount of $163,786.00 (Resolution No. 4684-23) on February 13, 2023. This bid award IS included as pa1t of FY22 Capital Budget Cilrryover to FY23 Budget tor Waste Wilter System Jmpro...-ement:. In the amcunt of $1,000,000. __ __:2:.:/-'-13�/-=2-=0-=2-=3 __ .;Approved selE;ct!on of J,H Wright for Procurement of necessary equipment for Planter'� Pointe Li ft SIa11on proiect (CCF No, 2280) Senior Accountan t ---------:----::=:='----__;C:..:i.:.tY'--'-T:..:re:..:a:..:s:..:u:.:r.::e:...r ________ -;�:;';;;;:-'�:--------2M'.!!a!.ly'..:o'.!.r ____ _ 6/28/2023 : 1 ' 1°• ---=====---... j. •• ,, ' :" Purchasing Memo Date, Fed Grant r IT-16=- .. . ,, 131 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech City Treasurer 161 North Section St. PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) 251-928-6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, City Treasurer From: _____________ _ Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: June 28 , 2023 Re: Requesting Green Sheet and Approval by City Council to award Bid No. 23- 027 Planter's Pointe Lift Station The Water/Wastewater Superintendent, Daryl Morefield, has requested to hire a contractor to install a new lift station at Planter's Pointe. A service bid was issued on May 26, 2023, posted to the City of Fairhope's website, and viewed by 142 of 397 vendors who select to receive e-notifications. Three (3) responsive bids were received at the bid opening on June 22, 2023 at 1 :00 p.m. The Water/Wastewater Superintendent recommends the award be made to Hill Brothers, Inc. The bid response price is a Lump Sum Total of Two Hundred Twenty­ Five Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($225,100.00). Please prepare a Green Sheet and place on the next City Council Agenda this request to award Bid No. 23-027 Planter's Pointe Lift Station to Hill Brothers, Inc. for $225,100.00. Enclosure Cc: Daryl Morefield, Clint Steadham 132 City of Fairhope Bid Tabulation Bid No. 23-027 Planter's Pointe Lift Station Opened June 22, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. Vendor W. R. Mitchell, Contractor, Inc. Hill Brothers, Inc. James Bros. Excavating, Inc. Recommendation: To the best of my knowledge this is an accurate Bid Tabulation ,, Superintendant of Water/Wastewater E ?:t� Signature Erin Woffe, Purchasing Manager Bid Documents Signed / Notarized (YIN) y y y Addendum llllnll/lV Bid Bond/ Vendor Compliance Acknowledged Certfflcate Lump Sum Price (YIN) (YIN) (YIN) y y y $520,000.00 y Check #39736 y $225,100.00 y y y $303,436.00 133 ITEM Ill BID RESPONSE FORM Date: _}Q_t _.ll.t ZL>U Bid No: 23-027 Installation of a Sanitary Lift Station at Planters Pointe Bids Due: Thursday, June 22, 2023, 1 :00 P.M. Description Lump Sum Cost Installation of a Sanitary Lift Station at Planters Pointe � 1-:;J.J-.5; ) DD• �l> Bid will include all labor, materials, equipment, shipping and postage, overhead, profit, bonds, insurance and all other costs necessary to provide the complete services outlined within this CONTRACT and scope of work. Bidder Understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Receipt of the following Addenda to these documents is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned (CONTRACTOR to complete below): ADDENDUM NO. I z_ DATE ISSUED wj1dz.3 /Qjkt/1,� ADDENDUM NO. DATE ISSUED 3 u/z,r /z.3 1,p/z1/2.-3 Each bid must give the full business address of the CONTRACTOR and must be signed by him with his usual signature. Bids by partnerships must furnish the full names of all partners and must be signed with the partnership name by one of the members of the partnership, or by an authorized representative, followed by the signature and designation of the person signing. Bids by corporations must be signed with the legal name of the corporation followed by the name of the State of Incorporation and by the signature and designation of the president, secretary, or other person authorized to bind it in the matter. The name of each person shall also be typed or printed below the signature. A bid by a person who affixes to this signature the word "president," "secretary," "agent," or other designation without disclosing his principal, may be held to be the bid of the individual signing. When requested by the City of Fairhope, Baldwin County, Alabama, satisfactory evidence of the authority of the officer signing in behalf of the corporation shall be furnished. The undersigned agrees to furnish the goods/services as requested by you for the City of Fairhope, Baldwin County, Alabama in your invitation to bid, and certifies that they will meet or exceed the specifications called for. The undersigned has read all information pertaining to this bid and has resolved all questions. It is also understood and agreed that all prices quoted are F.O.B. described in the bid documents and specifications. The undersigned also affirms he/she has not been in any CONTRACT or collusion among BIDDERS or prospective BIDDERS in restraint of freedom of competition, by CONTRACT to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding or otherwise. Witness our hands and seals this i 'l J>PI day of :S � , 2023. 134 If Individual or Partnership (Name of Individual or Partnership) (Name of Representative Authorized to sign Bids and CONTRACTS for the firm Print) (Name of Partner Print) (Name of Partner Print) Address __________________________________ _ Phone Number ( , __________ Fax Number ( E-mail address ---------------�Alabama Contractor's License No. ----- Foreign Entity ID (if outside of Alabama) ________________________ _ If Corporation or LLC Company ;../. ·11 Br{)IA-1 Cs I11 c · I Phone Number (�7 )--""--""--4--'-i"--"'-=---­Fax Number(_) ________ _ E-mail address ��� il/1,rt, .� AL Contracto r's License No . .!/1/{o 9 9 Foreign Vendor Id ___________________ _ MY COMMISSION EXPIRE't"==:'--=--�-=-=-=-=----­ JAMES T. MONTGOMERY JR. : NOTARYPUBUC,A!.ABAMA.STATEATLAAGEI MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV.�. �"16 135 ITEM IV CONTRACTOR INFORMATION This Section must be printed, completed, and turned in with your bid response to Business Organization Name of Co:Jc :�r{exactly as it appears on W-9): Lldl b��(S r:-f\t•I )....-Doing-Business-As Name of CONTRACTOR: Principal Office Address: /) 1 tf. A/ft/ 9 7.-/<rc.J,,q .l l-Yl. 1 tGbe.c15Jo-!..f.7 1-t:L 3{{6(1o 7 Telephon e Number �1§.,1{ e Fax Number �:�: i :ddress �7.�;c!'!'L�; �� Form of Business Entity [check one ("X")] Corporation � Individual Partnership __ Joint Venture Other (describe): Corporate Statement If a corporation, answer the following: Date of incorporation: 'Z._OJ_� Location of incorporation: ===-�"1"�-�}r4:J;!::fV"==�;;========================================= The corporation is held: Publicly Privately L Partnership Statement If a partnership, answer the following: Date of organization: Location of organization: The partnership is: General Joint Venture Statement If a Joint Venture, answer the following: Date of organization: Location of organization: JV Contract recorded? Yes Limited No Contact: _______________ _ Phone: Email: ------------ Fax: END OF CONTRACTOR INFORMATION SECTION 136 Revised per Addendum No. 2 April 18, 2023 ITEM Ill BID RESPONSE FORM The following items shall be constructed in accordance with the Alabama Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, Current, Non-metric Edition, except as modified herein. Notes: 1.The following unit prices shall include all labor, materials, equipment rental, overhead, profit,insurance, etc., to cover the finished work of the several kinds called for. 2.Bidder understands that the Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Acknowledgement of Addendum No. 1: ___ ✓ ___ _ Acknowledgement of Addendum No. 2: _____ _ Total Bid: 4/ J �S'""/ 00, ol J I 137 BID LIMIT: AMOUNT: u UNLIMITED STATE OF ALABAMA LICENSE NO.: 44699 TYPE: RENEWAL eStafe �imtsing !Jnarh for (fimnal Ql.onfra:cfors THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT HILL BROTHERS INC ROBERTSDALE, AL 36567 is here,by licensed a General Contractor in the State of Alabama and is authorized to perform the following type(s) of work: MIJ.S: CONCRETE PROJECTS, MlJ.S: DRAINAGE AND CULVERT, MlJ.S: EXC AVATION, MIJ.S: PAVING AND ASPHALT, MIJ.S: SEWER LINES, MlJ.S: SITE WORK GRADING, MU-S: WAlcR LINES until August 31, 2023 when this Certificate expires. Witness our hands and seal of the Board. dated Montgomery, Ala., � �;;;::.. 19th day of August, 2022 SECRETARY-TREASURER & /( ��- 187100 CHAIRl\.fAN 138 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Cfty of Fairhope, Alabama Business License THIS LICENSE EXPIRES 12/31/2023 Business Name: Address: City, State Zip: HILL BROTHERS OUT OF AREA This License is issued pursuant to Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Fairhope. License, or a copy therof, must be posted in a conspicuous place where business is cond ucted and must be presented upon demand of any authorized City of Fairhope Officer. 23 Classification: CONTRACTORS-SPECIAL TY TRADE-EXCAVATION & SITE DEVE Date Issued: 02/13/2023 License Base: CITY LIMITS By � This License is NOT Transferable• Office Copy Only This is your Business License Receipt City of Fairhope, Alabama Business License THIS LICENSE EXPIRES 12/31/2023 Business Name: Address: City, State Zip: HILL BROTHERS INC PO BOX 2200 ROBERTSDALE, AL 36567 This License is issued pursuant to Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Fairhope. License, or a copy therof, must be posted in a conspicuous place where business is conducted and must be presented upon demand of any authorized City of Fairhope Officer. Classification: CONTRACTORS-SPECIAL TY TRADE-EXCAVATION & STE DEVE Date Issued: 02/13/2023 License Base: CITY LIMITS ISSUANCE FEE License Number 3599 ID: 100037 Phone Number: 251-583-1116 License Number 3599 ID: 100037 Phone Number: 251-583-1116 ., /)/� �� SCHEDULE "E" - CITY LIMITS 14.00 2,820.66 Total: 2,834.66 139 June 22, 2023 '"� r r r ..... � r:-\ T_. ' i -=:-� , '7" ,- T _. r-:;-,. -.,) ._ �_,.,,;\... u.'--.1. .,,· i... u •. �L. ,��) RE: Bid Clarifications -Plantation Pointe Lift Station 1.All materials for the lift station will be supplied by City of Fairhope. 2.All materials including wiring and conduit for the electrical hook-up of lift station will be supplied by the City of Fairhope. 3.Concrete for pads and entrance turn-in will be provided by Hill Brothers. 4.Due to logistical advantages, fill material will be supplied by Hill Brothers and transported to the site by Hill Brothers. 5.No dewatering included. Respectfully submitted, HILL BROTHERS, INC. JAMIE MONTGOMERY General Manager 140 ,. !· United:'JBlli <,"� 'l' Refertince; Bi cf Secur i t_y ' Pay to the order o'.: .. City of Fairhope Pay: Ten Thollsantf. Dd!fla�.i ' And ziri,;'cen't�.-. , .. •·;, . c.tty ot Fafttiope ..' ... �--�,�\ .,.._ .. -:. t, '-·, -t>. J_ � =---� . -t�, . Amount: .,. "''" . /. z ;,, Check No: 06/22/2023 $10,000.00 -':.,· -\ 39736 .; gIll C 0 !! ;;; 'il 0 CTj i I • ?:-�� � , (· . '>';/.', <: ...•... •-c/'';: ,,· :, ... >' .. �.�'.: ?. -:::.'e � k--· -·--·-----�...::.. �I .0-.�� � _j 141 City of Fairhope Project Funding Request lf.SUingOate: --='1812=0a.Zaaa3 __ ., Please return this Routing Sheet to TrelllUl'llr by: ---'A:..:;SAP=-- Projec:I Name: �rocure E ul ment for Planter& Point Publix Lift Statlon Project Location: Publix Lift Station : Ptuenled to Ctty Council: _ _..;2/::..:1""3/2""0"'2;.:.3 __ i� '1 ,1' 14 Funding Request Sponaor: Jason Langley, Water & s-, Superlntlndtnt I •.I t, ��_:= ... ..i- Project C■sh Requirement Requested: Cost: s 163,786.00 Vendor: J.H. Wlfjlhl & Aaoclat,g '�-�ilf/. General Adml/\-10 □ Order Date: ----"nl __ a ____ <i_, Gas Department Fundlnp This Project Electric 0 Wal.fK D•l!!ltment of General Fund Providing the Funding Bldg-13 ,_ Pollcl&-15 0 Fil9•20 0 Fleet-46 D Golt-50 "i� Golf Gn:x.,nds-55 Cl Muoeum-27 Projeel witt be: ·'\;;,1: -�' I.• I\ • Expensed Capitalized Inventoried XXX Projact BudQ■1ed: -'�--''"''.c,3, __ 111--=.oo'-'-­ea1ance Sheet ttem- lncluded in p,ojecte<: 0 c:ash flow ______ _ 0-(Under) budget amount:""$,._ ____ _ r' City Council Prior Approval/Dale?_-"".....;.---- "' . � r, :.:� ' Wuf9wliiwQ ECD-24 -C Non()eptFae>-7,/i 0 Funding Source: City Trnsurer .' .... � .. 1, � ... ,Rejected ' " .. ' Lead Time: __ ..aMI=-------- Sanitation D Cap Project 0 Impact 'f, Rec-25Q Civie-28 Slreel-35 C C Debi SllfVice_.5 Mlli-Plan/Zone-12 " Oper•mgElcpenus __ ...,.. __ Budgalad Cap1t11 _----"$"'t=-- Unlunded ____ _ Granl: ______ F :j. .. • _____ St _____ c Bone!.----� Loan: ____ _ Capital Lease:----.:....- Tttle TIiie Purchasing Memo Date: __ ..!2/Bn.02==3,._ __ Gas Tax 0 Meter-19 r Adult Rec-30 [J ' j ' ',I IT-18C 142 RESOLUTION NO. 4684-23 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OFFAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as fol1ows: [ 1]That the City of Fairhope approves the procurement of Equipment for Planters Point Publix Lift Station from J.H. Wright & Associates for a total not-to-exceed $163,786.00 that includes equipment, shipping, and startup only, installation of equipment including piping and valves, by others. This equipment is exempt from fonnal bidding per Code of Alabama 197 5, Section 41-16-51 (b )(7). ATTEST: ADOPTED ON THIS 13TH DAY OF REBRUARY, 2023 � son, Council President riiit� City C erk 143 of fAI htt. ,d u rn � Sherry Sulli van Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson, ACMO Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech Treasurer 161 North Section St. PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 I 251-92s-2136 (p) 251-928-6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To: Aislinn Stone, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, Treasurer From: Date: Re: Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager February 8, 2023 Green Sheet and City Council Approyal for the request of Equipment for Planters Point Publix Lift Station The Superintendent of Water/Wastewater, Jason Langley, is requesting approval for the procurement of equipment for the Planters Point Lift Sta1ion. Three quotes were received for the eq uipme nt J.H. Wright & Associates provided the lowest price of One Hundred Si�• Three Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Six Dollars ($163,786.00). The equipment quot inrzjudes:• • • • • •• • • • 2 WILO Model FA1-5.97Z Sub�ersible Pump. 50HP, 1750RPM, 3/460/60, 50' Cords, Stainless Steel Lifting Chain 2 Base ElbO)NS 2 Stainless Steel Rail System 1 Primex Du lex Control Par:tel with VFD's and Flow Modulating Controller 1 ega Radar evel Senso 1 Stainless Steel Gable Hanger 1l T Wet-Well Piping, SCH10 304 Stainless Steel, 8" Flanged, includes by-pass suction line, al minum pass-thrus and link seals LT Above ground valve assembly piping, SCH10 304 Stainless Steel, 8" Flanged, in ude s AV.K. cast iron check & gate valves, ARI air release valves, pressure gauge assemblies, by-pass connection and SS pipe supports 2 Anchor scientific control float, stainless steel, 40' cord 1 USF APD300 48" x 72" aluminum hatch with grating 1 certified startup The equipment is exempt from formal bidding per Code of Alabama 1975, Section 41-16- 51(b)(7) which states: "The purchase of equipment, supplies, or materials needed, used and consumed in the normal and routine operation of any waterworks system, sanitary sewer system, gas system, or electric system, or any two or more thereof, that are owned by municipalities, counties, or public corporations, boards, or authorities that are agencies, departments, or instrumentalities of municipalities or counties and no part of the operating expenses of which system or systems have during the then current fiscal year, been paid from revenues derived from taxes or from appropriaNons of the state, a county, or a municipality." Please compose a Green Sheet and place on the next available City Council Agenda this request to approve this procurement of equipment for the Planters Point Publix Lift Station for $163,786.00. CC file, Jason Langley, Clint Steadham 144 rnJHrn I J. H. WRIGHT & ASSOCIATESP. 0. BOX 1085 QUOTATION# CATE: PSC0522-30E 2/7/2023 DAPHNE.AL PHONE 888-655-7867 / 251-621-1491 PREPARED BY: FAX 251-621-8111 PAUL COLETTA TO: JASON LANGLEY PROJECT: PLANTERS POINTE PUBLIX COMPANY: ____ F._'4 _/R_H_O __ P ___ E_U....,7i --1L-JT =1 = 'Es ____-----'"'7L7.IFT=s�r.=,11::-:7i=:10:;.N�==:!!...-- 555 SOUTH SECTION ST LOCATION: FAIRHOPE, AL ---------------------=.;.;;.;;..;:;i�=------F A/RHO PE, AL 36532 PHONE: 251-928-8003 ENGINEER: THOMPSON ENG/NE'ER/NG EMAIL:---------------CONTACT:------�NI.���.-===:.:.::.__ _ Net30 Upon CREDIT TERMS: Shipment SPECS PROVIDED VIA: FAIRHOPE UTILITIES DELIVERY: ---=Ts""'o----FREIGHT: -----;A;;:llr=o�w'."'.:e"".'ld/i�'D==-e-::/1,;.;;ve�,;..,;.ed�----QUANTITY DESCRIPTION 1LT CONCRETE LIFT STATION EQUIPMENT AS FOLLOWS: 2 WILO MODEL FA15.97Z SUBMERSIBLE PUM P, 50HP, 17�0RPM, 3/460/60, 50' CORDS, STAINLESS STEEL LIFTING CHAIN 2 BASE ELBOWS 2 STAINLESS STEEL RAIL SYSTEM 1 PRIMEX DUPLEX CONTROL PANEL AS PER F AIRHOPE SPeclFICATIONS WITH VFD'S AND FLOW MODULATING CONTR LLER 1 VEGA RADAR LEVEL SENSOR 1 STAINLESS STEEL CABLE HANGER 1LT WET-WELL PIPING, SCH10 304 STAINbESS STEEL, 8" FLANGED, INCLUDES BY-PASS SUCTION UNE. ALU lNUM PASS-THRUS AND LINK SEALS 1 LT ABOVE GROUND VALVE ASSEMBLY PIPING, SCH10 304 STAINLESS STEEL, 8" FLANGED, INCLUDES AVK C,AST IRON CHECK & GATE VALVES, ARI AIR RELEASE VALVES, PRESSURE GAUGE ASSEMBLIES BY-PASS CONNEC-TION AND SS PIPE SUPPORTS 2 ANCHOR SCIENTIFIC CONTROL FLOAT, STAINLESS STEEL, 40' CORD 1 USF APD300 48" X 72" A UMINUM HATCH WITH GRATING 1 CERTIFIED STARTUP TOT AL SELLING PRICE $163,786.00 NOTE: PRICE IS FOR EQUIPMENT, SHIPPING AND STARTUP ONLY, INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT INCLUDING PIPING AND VALVES, BY OTHERS. NOTE: ABOVE GROUND PIPING ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS WILL STOP AT THE 8" DISCHARGE WYE AND 45-ELBOWTHAT WILL TIE -IN TO THE FORCE MAIN. ALL PIPING FROM THAT POINT FORWARD TO BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. 1 Due to tooay's highly volatile materials and labor markeL pricing is guaranteed for only 30 days from the date of this quote. 2 Undef no circumstances are "Retainage Fees" allowed. 3 All material is subject to the design en�ineer's final approval or submittals. 4 Our prices do not include any Federal, State or Local sales taxes. 5 All quotations are for material only and do not include any labor or installation unless otherwise noted. 6 Manufacturer's standard warranty applies to all products. 7 JHW standard terms and cond�ions apply (see attached). 8 Should the services of a collection agency, attorney, or other legal service become necessary for collection, purchaser shall assume responsiblllty for all expenses accrued in the collection process. 9 My material held at JHWs warehouse will be invoiced based on customer's original required date and payment is due per the terms described in "Credit Terms" above. The undersigned agrees to, and has the authority to, bind purchaser to the tenns and conditions and equipment above: Page 1 of 2 145 Name: Jason Langley CITY OF FAIRHOPE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT PURCHASING REQUEST FORM Date: 02/08/2023 Department: Water /Wastewater Expenditure Threshold 0 Distinctions Quotes Required Approval Green Sheet Under $5,000 No restrictions Not Required N/A N/A Utilities $S,001-$10,000 Operational NON-Budgeted Three Treas urer/Mayor N/A Greater than: Operational NON-Budgeted Three Council Reguired Gen Govt -$5,001 Utilities -$10,001 Gen Govt -$5,001-$1S,000 Operational Budgeted Three Treasurer NIA Utilities -$10,001 -$15,000 Over $15,000/$S0,000 Operational Budget• State Bid List or Treasurer/Mayor N/A Buvine Grouo Over $15,000/$50,000 Operational Budgeted Bids \Council Reguired Professional Service Over $5,000 Budgeted or Non-Budgeted Mayor Select touncil Rtlgulred Resolution N/A N/A Reguired WA WA Reg11ired B�gyics:d ,., *Budgeted items that meet ar are under budget may be purchased with the Mayor an'd/or Treasur�r s approval if they are on the State Bid fist or from an approved buying group. Items that are over budget must go to Council for approval and will require-a green sheet and resolution.••Expenditure Threshold is a combined total of labor and materials, Including mat rials provided bythe City. If the total amount is within $10,000 ofthe listed threshold, Purchasing/Treasurer may require a formal bid due i potential terlals cost Increases. 1.JH Wri ht 2.Hydra Service 3.Jim House & Associates Vendor Name $ 163,786 $ 163,800 $ 211,895 Check any applicable boxes: D State Contract □ ALDOT D Purchasing Group D Sole Source {Attach Sole Source Justification) ITE,-1 OR SERVICE INFORMATION Vendor Quote 1.What item or service do you need to purcha se? lift Station Equipment {Pumps, Piping, Controls, Etc.) 2.What is the total cost of the item or service? 163,786 3.How many do you need? 1 complete package 4.Item or Service Is: IZl New D Used D Replacement D Annual Request 5.Vendor Name (Lowest Quote): JH Wright 6.Vendor Number: 21794 If you do not have o Vendor Number, please go to the City of Fairhope page: www.FairhopeAL.gov, Departments, Purchasing, Vendor Registration, and complete the required information. BUDGET INFORMATION 1.Is it budgeted? t8J Yes D No D Emergency Request 2.If budgeted, what is the budgeted amount? 1,000,000 3.Budget code: 004020-59501 {Line 10) Email completed form with quotes and other supporting documentation to Erin. Wolfe@FairhopeAL.gov and Rhonda.Cunningham@FairhopeAL.gov. PU/l-()04 • 082522 146 -r1. , 1 I ,.._. ' j✓ J'}!(J'({{ 1 ;_ cl l'(1 , ' ;t,U. • SPECIALIST IN FLUID MOVEMENT P.O. Bar 365, 2/04 Hwy /60, Warrior AL 35/80 Telephone (205) 647-SJ]6 Fax (205) 647-7449 TO: Roscoe Safley Fairhope PHONE: 251-331-4418 EMAIL: roscoe.safley@fairhopeaJ.gov REF: Fairhope Publix WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER 11-IE FOLLOWING QUOTATION: Q!Y DESCRIPTION PUMPS FROM: Dennis Turnipseed PHONE: 251-747-2808 DATE: QUOTE: February 2, 2023 RD0722-t28 REV PRICE EA Sulzer XFP!55J-CB2.350 PE350/6 Non.Clog Submersible Pump 2 2 2 2 50 4 50 PANEL l 2 ACCESSORJES 2 2 4 4 I 2 2 20 2 3 • 47hp 460v 3ph, PE4 frame • Wet pit installation • 49' of Cable, 1555 lbs • Duty Point: 1633 gpm@ 65.8' tdh 6" GRA w/ Integral Elbow, HD Hardware Kit, 3 t6SS (Suction Elbow to Pump) 316 SS 1GB. S" Pipe 3 16 SS Upper Guide Bracket J 16 SS Chain (2 ea @ 25') w/ Rapid Links 2" SS Guide Rails 11.S.l Duplex Control Panel VEGAPULS C 21 Radar w/Mountin� Bracket Mini Floats w/30' cables Float Hanger 8" 304ss OFFSET K" X 20' STAND PIPE 8" FLANGED 90 8" X !'SPOOL 6" BYPASS SUCTION SE 8" FLGTEE BPS6 SS OOLTl<IT w/GAS £T lll'S8 SS BOLT KIT w/GASKET 8 Cl FLG L&W SWG CHK VLV RUB DISC 8 FLG RW NRS OL GATE v�v 6" FLANGE X MALE QD FITTINGS 6"ENDCAP 8" X 6" FL�GE REDUCER 304SS Freight included Start up and Delivery LABOR FOR SHOP TOTAL PRICE TOTAL PRICE:$163,800.00 Note: The m11terial quoted is the best interpretation of the items provided for this project, and the customer shallreview to ensure no additional items are needed. The quote is good for 30 days unless otherwise noted. All material is subject to the engineer's final approval of submittal if required. Price is plus any taxes. Delivery, labor. and start-up are not included unless otherwise noted on the quote. Not included: any applicable t&>;es, installation costs, wetwell, valves, concrete work, foundation or pole for control p1111cl, electrical connections offloading, intermediate guide rail brackets. unless otherwise noted. No retainage is allowed. REVIEWED BY HSI REPRESENTATIVE DA TE OF REVIEW PURCHASER SIGNATURE DATE ACCEPTED C:\I.Jscrs\inslderdale\Desktop\QUDTE\RD0722-128 rev-OT-Fairhope Publix 147 Jim House & Associates, Inc. 140 I Georgia Road Irondale, AL 35210 PO Box 101957 (35210) (205)592-6302 (800) 292-6335 Fax: (205) 951-0291 Name / Address 1--------- -----CITY OF F AIRJ-lOPE P.O. ORA WER 429 FAIRHOPE AL 36533 Dear customer, Since 1957 Quo te Date Guff Coast Office 24312 Highway 98 Fairhope, AL 36532 (251)928-7867 (800) 919-7867 Fax: (251) 928-7804 FREIGHT Quote# 2/1/2023 ALLOWED 19199 Ship To FAIRHOPE WWTP ATTN: DENNIS SCOTT 300 NORTH CHURCH STREET FAIRHOPE, AL 36532 As requested, we are pleased to provide a quotation for the following equipment: Qty Manufacturer FLYGT Item Description, NP3202-460, 60HP, 460/3160, FM RATED FOR HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS. 6023306 5 1/2 X 6 DISCHAR E CONNECTION 3" UPPER GUIDE BAR BRACKET 3" INTERMEDIATE GUI-qE BAR'l3RACKET 3" STA�LESS STEEL GUIPE RAILS HOLDER I CABLE HOLDER 3 l 6SS STAINLESS STEEL LIFTIN G CHAIN 48 X 72 ACCESS COVER WITH SAFETY GRATE DUPLEX PUMP CONTROL PANEL FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED PUMPS RADAR LEVEL CONTROL LOT OF 304 STAINLESS STEEL PIPE UP TO AND INCLUDING THE 16" UNIFLANGE FREIGHT ALLOWED ONE DAY, <;)NE TRIP OF STARTUP ASSISTANCE Only the items mentioned specifically herein are included. Additional equipment required for installation such as main electrical service, conduit and wire, discharge piping and/or valves, concrete, or any other necessary items are not included in our proposal and are to be provided by others, Pricing is subject to the attached terms and conditions. Service is available at the per diem rates shown in the attached terms and conditions. All pricing is firm for 30 days from the above date. Sales Tax (0.0%) $0.00 Total: $211,895.00 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 RESOLUTION NO. __ _ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1]That the City of Fairhope did request, receive, and open bids to procure services for (Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWI-0075) Intersection and Signal Improvements (Clock Comer) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2]At the appointed time and place, bids were received and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for (Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWI-0075) Intersection and Signal Improvements (Clock Comer) [3]After evaluating the bids with the required specifications, Bagby & Russell Electric Company is now awarded (Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWI-0075) Intersection and Signal Improvements (Clock Comer) with a total not-to-exceed $116,789.00, and authorize Mayor Sherry Sullivan to sign forthcoming contract. [ 4]Initial base bid amount was $65,602.00 with an additive alternate amount of $51,187.00 for a total bid of $116,789.00. The bid award is party funded by Capital Project -Clock Comer Improvements budget in the amount of $56,000.00. After review of the site by City Personnel and Contractor it was determined that additional work would be necessary to ensure project work could be warrantied by contractor. ADOPTED ON THIS 10TH DAY OF JULY, 2023 Attest: Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Jay Robinson, Council President 160 • I City of Fairhope Project Funding Request COF Project No. . ' 2332 r Issuing Date: 6/29/2023 ,, • ' ------"'==='--�,,��� Please return this Routing Sheet to Treasurer by: --�A--'S=-Ac..P __ _ Project Name. Award Bid No. 02B·2022•PWl-0075 • Intersection and SI nal Im Project Location: Clock Corner (Fairhope Avenue/Section Street) Presented to City Council: ----'7-'-/1'-'0c.c./2=-0:c2:c3'-- Funding Request Sponsor: Richard Johnson, Public Works Director -►•; 1 J , l,5,--4�� :.,,;; .. � "--1 �:�-..i;::,���'?-'i';.i.C"', ; I', ); �· General.C n/a Department Funding This Project Electrlc G WaterC Department of General Fund Providing the Funding Wastewater l1 Sanitation Cap Project CZ Impact O Gas Tax C Adm,n-10 Fleet-46 C Bldg-13 '=l Golf-50 Pohce-15 0 Fire-20 C Golf Grounds-55 0 Museum-27 []T ECD-24 G Rec-25 C' Civic-26 C Manna-34 C Street-35 Meter-19 Project will be Expensed Capitalized Inventoried ---"""'x-'-x�x� __ 0 ________ c Expense Code: _1�0_3_-5_5_8�89 �--­ NonDeptFac-75 D Debt Serv,ce-85 G Plan/Zone-12 C Funding Source· C Operating Expenses---:,=:-- Budgeted Capital ___ X_X-'-X-'----� Unfunded C: ------- G/L Acct Name. -==:.:...===--"'-====:c....-=-=--=.,.....==:----::-:: --,,=-----Federal -not to exceed amount ---;:;------State Project Budgeted:..;.$ ___ 5cc6:,.0cc0:..:0c.c.0:..:0c.. Balance Sheet Item­ Included in projected cash flow _______ _ , .. ... -�,M;��f ·�;-� ... t• ,,;r=--.,.,--- City v;,_"::-;;----''-�- Local Oser (Under) budget amount· _,_$ __ --'6"'0.,_, 7"'8'-'9'-'-.0"-0'-"''-'!J'\,,-k'i\l\�'.�• Award Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWl-0075 In the amount of $116,789.00 to Bagby & Russell Electric Company for the Intersection and Signal Improvements at the Clock Corner. Initial base bid amount was $65,602.00 with an additive alternate amount of $51,187.00 for a total bid of $116,789.00. Authorize the Mayor to sign forthcoming contract. This bid •w•rd is partly funded by Capital Project. Clock Corner Improvements budget In the amount fJf $56,000. After review of the site by City Personnel and Contractor It was determined that additional worl< would be necessary to ensure project work could be warrantied by Contractor. City Council Prior Approval/Date N/A Senior Accountant Purchasing Memo Date.· --�6�/2�8�/2=0�2�3�- Req{:µ::�ved Dale: 6/29/2023 �m clJL,U,{' r �. ·'�. :;;�l � 161 Sherry Sullivan Mayor Council Members: Kevin G. Boone Jack Burrell, ACMO Jimmy Conyers Corey Martin Jay Robinson Lisa A. Hanks, MMC City Clerk Kimberly Creech City Treasurer 161 North Section St. PO Drawer 429 Fairhope, AL 36533 251-928-2136 (p) 251-928-6776 (f) www.fairhopeal.gov MEMO To: Suzanne Doughty, Senior Accountant Kimberly Creech, City Treasurer From: _____________ _ Erin Wolfe, Purchasing Manager Date: June 28, 2023 Re: Requesting Green Sheet and Approval by City Council to award Bid No. 23- 028-2022-PWl-0075 Intersection and Signal Improvements (At the Clock Corner) The Director of Public Works, Richard Johnson, has requested to procure a qualified contractor to perform intersection and signal improvements at the intersection of South Section Street and Fairhope Avenue (the Clock Corner). The improvements would include relocating one mast arm signal and install pedestrian signal features. There is also an additive alternate to rewire the entire intersection along with replacing the signal controller. A service bid was issued on May 26, 2023, posted to the City of Fairhope's website, and viewed by 140 of 397 vendors who select to receive e-notifications. One (1) responsive bid was received at the bid opening on June 22, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. Our recommendation is to award this bid to Bagby & Russell Electric Company for the base bid amount of Sixty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Two Dollars ($65,602.00) and an additive alternate amount of Fifty-One Thousand One Hundred Eighty-Seven Dollars ($51,187.00). The total recommended bid award price is in the amount of One Hundred Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Nine Dollars ($116,789.00). Please prepare a Green Sheet and place on the next City Council Agenda this request to award Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWl-0075 Intersection and Signal Improvements (At the Clock Corner) for $116,789.00. Enclosure Cc: Richard Johnson, George Ladd, Clint Steadham 162 1,L..... June 27, 2023 - NEEL-SCHAFFER Mr. Richard Johnson, P.E. Public Works Director City of Fairhope 555 South Section Street Fairhope, Alabama 36533 REF: Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWI-0075 Intersection and Signal Improvements (At the Clock Corner) Award Recommendation Dear Mr. Johnson: As you are aware, one bid was received on the project and included Bagby & Russell Electric Company, Inc. The bid contained a bid bond, Power of Attorney to bid bond, and they completed the Contractor Information page which includes their City of Fairhope Business License. The calculated bid was as follows: Bidder Base Bid Additive Alternate Total Bid Bagby & Russell $65,602.00 $51,187.00 $] 16,789.00 We have reviewed the unit prices submitted by the bidder for unbalanced bidding. All the unit prices appear to be in order. There was a site review with the City's Electrical Department and Contractor prior to the bid. The City's Electrical Depaitment recommended that the intersection be completely rewired based on the condition of the existing system. The Additive Alternate would rewire the entire intersection along with replacing the signal controller to a current controller. In addition, the Contractor will have a warranty for the wiring and the intersection for a period of time. Therefore, we recommend acceptance of the bid from Bagby & Russell Electric Company for the Base+ Additive Alternate Bid in the amount of$116,789.00. If you have any questions, please call me at (251) 545-1219. We appreciate the oppor tunity to have provided these services. Sincerely, NEEL-SCHAFFER, INC. _2Q_ o/ Shane Bergin, P.E., PTOE, PTP, RSP1 Senior Project Manager P: 251.471.2000 I F: 251.471.5997 851 East 1-65 Service R:>ad, &lite 1000 M:lbile, N...36606 www.neel-schaffer.com (/) M � ro QJ a. "O C ro iii � E C e ·5C QJ C C ro a. � ru C ·oi C QJ 163 BID TABULATION City of Fairhope, Alabama June 22nd, 2023 -· 3:00 P.M. Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWl-0075 Bagby & Russell Electric Co., Inc. Intersection and Signal Improvements (At the Clock Corner) 5500 Plantation Rd. Theodore AL 36582 Pav Item Item Descriotion Unit Quantitv Unit Price Extension Base Bid REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION LUMP 1 $ 3,000.00 2061-000 SUM $ 3,000.00 MOBILIZATION LUMP 1 $ 10,455.00 600A-000 SUM $ 10,455.00 LINEAR 20 $ 6650-002 WATTLE FOOT 15.00 $ 300.00 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY FENCE LINEAR 50 $ 674A-000 FOOT 17.30 $ 865.00 730E-002 METAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATION EACH 1 $ 11,274.00 $ 11,274.00 2", NON-METALLIC, CONDUIT LINEAR 80 $ 730L-005 FOOT 15.00 $ 1,200.00 730P-100 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD, TYPE LED EACH 8 $ 977.00 $ 7,816.00 730Q-001 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT, PEDESTRIAN PUSH EACH 8 $ 1,246.00 $ 9,968.00 BUTTON RELOCATION OF METAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE LUMP 1 730Z-000 SUM $ 8,124.00 $ 8,124.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL SCHEME LUMP 1 740A-000 SUM $ 12,600.00 $ 12,600.00 BASE BID: $ 65,602.00 Additive Alternate Bid FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP 1 $ 17,667.00 730-C000 UNIT, FAIRHOPE AVE AND SECTION ST SUM $ 17,667.00 730-K001 TRAFFIC SIGNAL JUNCTION BOX EACH 3 $ 1,500.00 $ 4,500.00 730-R001 CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, TYPE NEMA, 16 EACH 1 $ 29,020.00 $ 29,020.00 OUTPUT PHASE CHANNELS ADDITIVE AL TERNA TE BID: $ 51,187.00 TOTAL BASE+ ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID: $ 116,789.00 I certify this is a true and accurate tabulat ion of bids rece ived at 3:00 p.M., Local Time, June 22nd, 2023, for Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWl-0075 Intersection and Signal Improvements (at the Clock Corner). Shane M. Bergin , P.E., OE Alabama Reg istrationN.29113 1-L NEEL-SCHAFFER Solutions you can build upon 164 June 12, 2023 Addendum 1 Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWl-0075 Intersection and Signal Improvements (At the Clock Corner) Addendum 1 contains a new Bid Date, clarifications, additional bid items. 1.This bid will be opened at the City of Fairhope's City Services and Public Utilities Building, 555 South Section Street, Fairhope, AL 36532 at 3:00 PM on Thursday, June 22, 2023. 2.The City of Fairhope will be responsible for the removal and replacement of brick pave rs required for the completion of this project. 3.The City of Fairhope will be responsible for any directional drilling/boring required for the completion of this project. This would also include any directional drilling/boring required if the additive alternate is awarded. 4.Replace Item Ill, Bid Response Form with the new Bid Response Form. 5.Replace Sheet 3, Summary of Quantities in the plans with the attached Sheet 3, Summary of Quantities. NOTE: A SIGNED COPY OF THIS ADDENDUM MUST ACCOMPANY THE BID. ATTACH TO INSIDE OF FRONT COVER OF THE BID DOCUMENT FOR THE BID TO BE CONSIDERED VALID. Neel-Schaffer, Inc. 165 Bagby & Russett Electric Cotnpaoy, Inc. 3400 HURRICANE BAY DRIVE • THEODORE, ALABAMA 36582 • (251) 443-5902 • FAX (251) 443-S882 City of Fairhope Purchasing Department 555 South Section Street Fairhope, Al 36532 RE: Bid Bo. 23-028-2022-PWl-0075 www.bagrus.com June 21, 2023 Intersection and Signal Improvements (At the Clock Corner) Atten: Erin Wolfe I had my General Forman, Sandy Tillery attend the pre-bid meeting and along with cily personnel went to the job site to clarify some unknown issues. It was determined that there would need to be additional conduits installed to accommodate the wiring required for the Pedestrian Signals and the ADA-compliant Push Button Stations. The city will address the required conduits to be bored in as stated in Addendum # I. My concem is the Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet and related equipment is in bad condition and the existing wiling from the controller to the junction box at the Clock Corner is a rat nest of single conductor wires instead of signal cables. These two items are covered by additive alternate bid items, but there is no guaranty that you will award the additive items. I can not correctly wire this intersection and offer a warranty unless all bid items are included in a contract for this work. I can not be responsible for issues arising from existing equipment or wiring and if we touch the intersection, we are immediately responsible regardless. I would be willing to discuss alternate possibilities as to the purchasing of the controller cabinet and related controller equipment in an effort to save the city some money. If I can be of further assistance please call. Sincerely, Mat:MathewK' Louis 0. (Mat) Mathews, Ill Bagby & Russell Electric Co., Inc. 0.0.T. Project Manager 166 Special Provision No. 2022-PWI 0075-1 SECTION 206 REMOVAL OF MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS ITEM 2061-000 REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION 206.1.01 206.1.02 Description This pay item shall include all labor and materials necessary to remove existing foundation, anchor bolts frame and conduit to a depth of not less than 12 inches or as directed below the surface of existing pavement. The resulting hole shall be backfilled with material to match the existing subsurface. Basis of Payment Payment will be based on the respective unit bid prices for removal of existing concrete foundation, complete-in-place, which shall be payment in full for removing existing concrete foundation and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item. SECTION 730 TRAFFIC SIGNALS ITEM 730Z-000 RELOCATION OF METAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE 690.B.01 690.8.02 Description This pay item shall include all labor and materials necessary to relocate an existing metal traffic signal pole, arm, heads, wiring, etc. as shown in the plans. Basis of Payment Payment will be based on the respective unit price for relocation of metal traffic signal pole, complete-in-place, which shall be payment in full for relocation of metal traffic signal pole and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item. 167 ITEM Ill Date:�/ .J.L J 2C,2.3 BID RESPONSE FORM Bid No: 23·028-2022-PWl-0075 Bids Due: Thursday, June 22, 2023, 3:00 P.M. BASE BID ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM NO. UNIT EST QTY REM OVAL OF EXISTING CONCRETE 2061-000 LUMP SUM 1 FOUNDATION MOBILIZATION 600A-000 LUMP SUM 1 LINEAR WATTLE 6650-002 FOOT 20 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY 674A-000 LINEAR 50 FENCE FOOT METAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL 730E-002 EACH 1 POLE FOUNDATION 2", NON-METALLIC, LINEAR CONDUIT 730L-005 FOOT 80 PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL 730P-100 EACH 8 HEAD TYPE LED MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT, PEDESTRIAN PUSH 7300-001 EACH I BUTTON RELOCATION OF METAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE 7302-000 LUMP SUM 1 TRAFFIC CONTROL SCHEME 740A-000 LUMP SUM 1 UNIT PRICE -�r:xr>.- io. .Yss. .. , ,, .... /7, 30 11,, 7'/, .., rs."° 6Jn.oo )IJ.'lt., �. <f. ,:i 'I.°', I� /-tx>. o. AMOUNT 3� CIIO /D,1/'SS'.--�-,,,,._- II ;1'1•0 ,, JCC>. 00 7, YI'-oo �,'f,9, 00 , i /J'/.°6 , C)O l:J., �- BASE BID CONSTRUCTION COST: ,�toJ. 0• ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID ITEM DESCRIPTION ITEM NO. UNIT EST UNIT PRICE AMOUNT QTY FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TRAFFIC CONTROL UNIT, 730-C000 LUMP SUM 1 FAIRHOPE AVE AND 11,,,1,-/7 "7.0.SECTION ST TRAFFIC SIGNAL /Seo.co . JUNCTION BOX 730-K001 EACH 3 �SOC>,oo CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, TYPE NEMA, 730-R001 EACH 1 16 OUTPUT PHASE )61,t>JQ .. )'1,0)..0. � CHANNELS 'J 168 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE CONSTRUCTION COST: BASE + ADDmVE CONSTRUCTION COST: 169 Bid will include all labor, materials, equipment, shipping and postage, overhead, profit, bonds, insurance and all other costs necessary to provide the complete services outlined within this CONTRACT and scope of work. Receipt of the following Addenda to these documents Is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned (CONTRACTOR to complete below): ADDENDUM NO. DATE ISSUED ::lvJJE. 12,1)07.J I ADDENDUM NO. DATE ISSUED Each bid must give the full business address of the CONTRACTOR and must be signed by him with his usual signature. Bids by partnerships must furnish the full names of all partners and must be signed with the partnership name by one of the members of the partnership, or by an authorized representative, followed by the signature and designation of the person signing. Bids by corporations must be signed with the legal name of the corporation followed by the name of the State of Incorporation and by the signature end designation of the president, secretary, or other person authorized to bind It In the matter. The name of each person shall also be typed or printed below the signature. A bid by a person who affixes to this signature the word "president," "secretary," "agent," or other designation without dlscloslng his principal, may be held to be the bid of the Individual signing. When requested by the City of Fairhope, Baldwin County, Alabama, satisfactory evidence of the authority of the officer signing In behalf of the corporation shall be furnished. The undersigned agrees to furnish the goods/services as requested by you for the City of Fairhope, Baldwin County, Alabama in your Invitation to bid, and certifies that they will meet or exceed the specifications called for. The undersigned has read all Information pertaining to this bid and has resolved all questions. It Is also understood and agreed that all prices quoted are F.O.B. described In the bid documents and specifications. The undersigned also affirms he/ahe has not been In any CONTRACT or collusion among BIDDERS or prospective BIDDERS In restraint of freedom of competition, by CONTRACT to bid at a fixed prlca or to refrain from bidding or otherwise. Witness our hands and seals this Z, I day of J� , 2023. 170 If Individual or Partnership (Name of Individual or Partnership) (Name of Representative Authorized to sign Bids and CONTRACTs for the firm Print) Address (N ame of Partner Print) (Name of Partner Print) ----------------------------- Phone Number ( ) _________ Fax Number ( ) ________ _ E-mail address _____________ Alabama Contractor's license No.----- Foreign Entity ID (if outside of Alabama) ____________________ _ If Corporation or LLC company BAGBY & RUSS ELL ELECTRI C CO., INC.State of Incorporation __ A _L_AB_A M __ A ____________________ _Company Representative. __ RI_C _H_ARD __ A_R _U_S_S_E_L _L _-_P_RE_S _ID_E_N_T __________ _(Representative Authorized to sign Bids and CONTRACTs for the firm Print) Company Representa tive _ _,�r---------:------:---:------------­(Representative Authorized to sign Bids and CONTRACTs for the firm Signature)Richard A Russell - President Address __-=----------------=--==-=--==-=:-::::==-::-=-----------=:-:-::---------------BAGBY & RUSS ELL ELECTRIC CO., IN C.ssoo PLANTATION RDTHEODORE, A L 36582 Phone Number ( )_2_5_1-_3_44_-_5_9_87 ______ Fax Number(251)_65_3_-_63_5_3 ____ _ E-mail address RITCHIE@BAGRUS.COM AL Contractor's license No. 16370--'------- Foreign Vendor Id. ________________ _ 171 BID PROPOSAL NOTARIZATION: STATE OF ALABAMACOUNTY OF MOBILE } -------- I, the undersigned authority in and for said State and County, hereby certify that RICHARD A RUSS�LL as respectively, of BAGBY & RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO., INC. whose name is si gned to the foregoing document and who is known to me, ackn owledged before me on this day, that, being informed of the contents of the document they executed the same voluntarily on the day the same bears date. Given under my hand and Notary Seal on this 12th day of J\JYJ€, . 2023. ,,. ... ,.,,, NDTARYPUBLIC �/4� •••••�1H Cot,t.••• •• ,.� •• . . . •• '';f. •• •••.:J),�••·�&sp,,.;o�•.,f)J••MY COMMISSION EXPIRES /I() .')f'i .'1f1'1 //'l ••�-• �.... •• � kW ./...11k-\ll: •i: �OTAR )-t•, \ • • 'O' • . ,• ,_,.,� : . . .. . : :s -• -: : : � Jw:-:. .. . ,.. :-�. :�-•• � �•. ,,. \V •• • ,;,-. ••• p•:r� ••.. r U B \. •• -:r V..•" ·1t.�� .......... -�' ••• •••••r., STA-rt} •• ••• ········ .. 172 -----------·---·- SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES I£�� I� --E,,., I 2022-PWI 0075 I 2022 3 BASE BID QUANTITY ITEM NO. UNIT DESCRIPTION 1 2061-000 LUMP SUM REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION 1 600A-OOO LUMP SUM MOBILIZATION 20 665Q-002 LINEAR FOOT WATTLE so 674A-OOO LINEAR FOOT CONSTRUCTION SAFETY FENCE 1 730E-002 EACH METAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATION 80 730L-005 LINEAR FOOT 2", NON-METALLIC, CONDUIT 8 730P-100 EACH PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL HEAD, TYPE LED 8 7300-001 EACH MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT, PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON 1 7302-000 LUMP SUM RELOCATION OF METAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE 1 740A-OOO LUMP SUM TRAFFIC CONTROL SCHEME ADDITIVE ALTERNATE BID QUANTITY ITEM NO. UNIT DESCRIPTION FURNISHING AND INSTALLING TRAFFIC CONTROL UNIT, FAIRHOPE AVE 1 730-COOO LUMP SUM AND SECTION ST 3 730-KOOl EACH TRAFFIC SIGNALJUNCTION BOX 1 730-ROOl EACH CONTROLLER ASSEMBLY, TYPE NEMA, 16 OlffPUT PHASE CHANNELS it:!'$1";)\'S"•r PE, f"'"'"""' F..!�•!R, IA,..t\' SVi3lllrTAJ.. I CITY OF FAIRHOPE I I SHEfJ TITLE I Mt/TE r,l� !o.,.c, �,re, I I I NTS I I DOINTO.M Sl(;N•l'S �Alll'rt>J"O,JJ.NTlTIES 173 The PRINCIPAL (Bidder's name and address) ITEMX BID BOND Bagby & Russell Electric Company, Inc., 5500 Plantation Road, Theodore, AL 36582 The OWNER City of Fairhope P.O. Drawer429 Fairhope, Al 36533 The PROJECT for which the Principal's Bid is submitted: (Project name as it appears in the Bid Documents) PROJECT NO. 2022-PWI 0075 PROJECT NAME: Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWl-0075, Intersection and Signal Improvements (At the Clock Comer) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, the undersigned Principal and Surety, jointly and severally, hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns to the OWNER in the PENAL SUM of five percent (5%) of the amount of the Principal's bid, but in no event more than TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000.00). THE CONDITION OF THIS OBIGATION is that the Principal has submitted to the OWNER the attached bid, which is incorporated herein by reference, for the Project identified above. NOW, THEREFORE, If, within the terms of the Bid Document, the OWNER accepts the Prlncipal's bid and the Principal thereafter either: (a)executes and delivers a Construction Contract with the required Performance and Payment Bonds (each in the for contained in the Bid Documents and properly completed in accordance with the bid) and delivers evidence of insurance as prescribed in the Bid Documents, or fails to execute and deliver such Construction Contract with such Bonds and evidence of insurance,but pays the OWNER the difference, not to exceed the Penal Sum of this Bond, between the amount of the Principal's Bidand the larger amount for which the OWNER may award a Construction Contract for the same Wor1< to another Bidder, then, this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligation of the Surety under this Bond shall not in any manner be impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the OWNER may accept the Principal's bid, and the Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. SIGNED AND SEALED this _22nd __ day of CORPORA 11ON Bagby & Russell Electric Company, Inc. Name of Corporation, Partnership, or Joint Venture June ,202_3_, Bagby & Russell Electric Company, Inc. Thomas J. Gentile, Attorney-in-fact Print Name and Title Business Mailing Address: 5500 Plantation Road, Theodore, AL 36582 174 Jt(-BY: -++ig_n_a -tu-,e-o-f Offi-- oe-r _Au_thoriz ___ e_d.,...to sign Bids and Contracts for the Firm) AL lkl"lO (General Contractor's License Number) vendors) Attest: (Secretary) Harco National Insurance Company (Name of Surety) 1;vb,,J. A. Jt.'"'' I-?r.o;�+ (Position or Title) Foreign Corporation Entity Id (Required of out-o f-state- (Name of State under the laws of which Incorporated) 175 POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond# _BI_D ____ _ HARCO NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY Member companies of IAT Insurance Group, Headquartered: 4200 Six Forks Rd, Suite 1400, Raleigh, NC 27609 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That HARCO NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, and having their principal offices located respectively in the cities of Rolling Meadows, Illinois and Newark, New Jersey, do hereby constitute and appoint MIL TON A. KOPF, THOMAS J. GENTILE, JOSHUA PRICE, RENEE ELLIS, BILLIE JO SANDERS, PAUL 8. SCOTT, JR., DAVID J. DURDEN Montgomery, AL their true and lawful attorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of Indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof. which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the said HARCO NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by their regularly elected officers at their principal offices. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of the By-Laws of HARCO NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY and is granted under and by autho rity of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly held on the 13th day of December, 2018 and by the Board of Directors of HARCO NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting held on the 13th day of December, 2018. "RESOLVED, that (1) the Chief Executive Officer, President, Executive Vice President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, or secretary of the Corporation shall have the power to appoint, and to revoke the appointments of, Attorneys-in-Fact or agents with power and authority as defined or limited in their respective powers of attorney, and to execute on behalf of the Corporation and affix the Corporation's seal thereto, bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other written obligations in the nature thereof or related thereto: and (2) any such Officers of the Corporation may appoint and revoke the appointments of joint-control custodians. agents for acceptance of process, and Attorneys-in-fact with authority to execute waivers and consents on behalf of the Corporation: and (3) the signature of any such Officer of the Corporation and the Corporation's seal may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certification given for the execution of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, contract of indemnity or other written obligation in the nature thereof or related thereto, such signature and seals when so used whether heretofore or hereafter, being hereby adopted by the Corporation as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Corporation, to be valid and binding upon the Corporation with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HARCO NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY and INTERNATIONALFIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY have each executed and attested these presents on this 31st day of December, 2022 STATE OF NEW JERSEY County of Essex Kenneth Chapman STATE OF ILLINOIS County of Cook Executive Vice President, Harco National Insurance Company and International Fidelity Insurance Company On this 31st day of December, 2022 . before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said he is the therein described and authorized officer of HARCO NATIONAL INSUR ANCE COMPANY and INTERNATIONAL FIDELITY INSURANCE COMPANY: that the seals affixed to said instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies; that the said Corporate Seals and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Boards of Directors of said Companies. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Newark, New Jersey the day and year first above written. CERTIFICATION Shirelle A. Outley a Notary Public of New Jersey My Commission Expires April 4, 2023 I, the undersigned officer of HARCO NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY a�d INTERNATIONAL FIDE_LITY IN SURANCE COMPANY do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit, and the copy of the Sections of the By-Laws of said Companies as set forth in said Power of Attorney, with the originals on file in the home office of said companies. and that the same are correct transcripts thereof, and of the whole of the said originals, and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on this day, June 22. 2023 A00744 Irene Martins, Assistant Secretary 176 ITEMIV CONTRACTOR INFORMATION This Section must be printed, completed, and turned in with your bid response to Bid No. 23-028-2022-PWl-0075 Project No. 2022 PWl-0075 Intersection and Signal Improvements (at the Clock Corner) Business Organization Name of CONTRACTOR (exactly as it appears on W-9): Doing-Business-As Name of CONTRACTOR: BAGBY & RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO., INC. Principal Office Address: 5500 PLANTATION ROAD THEODORE, AL 36582 LOCAL Telephone Number: 251-344-5987 LOCAL Fax Number: 25]-653-6353 Email address: RITCHrE@BAGRUS.COM Website: WWW BAGRIIS CQM Form of Business Entity [check one ("X"] Corporation L Partnership __ Individual Joint Venture Toll-Free --------- Other (describe): _______________________ _ Corporation Statement If a corporation, answer the following: Date of incorporation: 01/08/87 Location of incorporation: MOBILE, ALABAMA The corporation is held: Publicly_ Privately .X.. Partnership Statement If a partnership, answer the following: Date of organization: _______ _ Location of organization:-:-----------------------­The partnership is: General _ Limited Joint Venture Statement If a Joint Venture, answer the following: Date of organization: _______ _ Location of organization:.-:-::-:-----:-:---------------------JV CONTRACT recorded? Yes No 177 Contact: RICHARD A RUSSE.LL Email RITCHIE@BAGRUS.COM Phone 251-344-5987 Fax_25=1�-6�5_3--6...,3...,53""------ END OF CONTRACTOR INFORMATION SECTION 178 BID LIMIT: AMOUNT: u UNLIMITED STATE OF ALABAMA LICENSE NO.: 16370 TYPE: RENEWAL �fate !iinmsiug �oar� for Oi:en:rral <!fonfra:dors THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT BAGBY & RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO INC THEODORE, AL 36582 is. hereby licensed a General Contractor in the State of Alabama and is authorized to perform the following type(s) of work: E: ELECTRICAL until November 30, 2023 when this Certificate expires. �� � Witness our hands and seal of the Board, dated Montgomery, Ala., 10th day ofFebruary, 2023 ,--... /4--, SECRETARY-TREASURER {li 1 U4-� CHAIRMAN 191879 179 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE City of Fairhope, Alabama Business License THIS LICENSE EXPIRES 12/J 1 /2023 Business Name: BAGBY & RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO INC Address: OUT OF AREA City, State Zip: This License is issued pursuant to Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Fairhope. License, or a copy therof, must be posted in a conspicuous place where business is conducted and must be presented upon demand of any authorized City of Fairhope Officer. Classification: CONTRACTORS-SPECIAL TY TRADE-ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Date Issued: 02/13/2023 License Base: CITY LIMITS By This License is NOT Transferable• Office Copy Only This is your Business License Receipt City of Fairhope, Alabama Business License THIS LICENSE EXPIRES 12/31/2023 Business Name: BAGBY & RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO INC Address: City, State Zip: PO BOX699 THEODORE, AL 36590 This License is issued pursuant to Chap ter 8 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Fairhope. License, or a copy therof, must be posted in a conspicuous place where business is conducted and must be presented upon demand of any authorized City of Fairhope Officer. Classification: CONTRACTORS-SPEC IAL TY TRADE-ELECTRICAL CO TRACTORS Date Issued: 02/13/2023 License Base: CITY LIMITS ISSUANCE FEE License Number 24 ID: 1063 Phone Number: 251-344-5987 License Number 24 ID: 1063 Phone Number: 251-344-5987 By_&� �� SCHEDULE "E" -CITY LIMITS 14.00 6,106.66 Total: 6,120.66 180 -----, BAGB&RU -01 AFOST!=S. ACORD" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE (MMIDDIYYYYJ � 1/31/2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, ANO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, IMPORTA NT: If the certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) muat have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endonied. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement onthis certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lleu of such endorsementlsl. PRODUCER ill?liF.-CT Abby Foster PGIS, LLC dba Turner Insurance & Bonding Co. PO Drawer 230789 Montgomery, AL 36123 I N SURED Bagby & Russell Electric Co., Inc. 5500 Plantation Rd. Theodore, AL 36582 fill8Nt!'o Ext): (334) 386-3609 i�,W\;.,".afoster@turnerfirsJ.com INSIJRERfSI AFFORDING COVERAGE 1NsuRER A :ZUrlch American losurance Co. INSURER e: Travelers Prooertv Casualty Co I FAX fl IAIC, Nol:(334 244-0350 NAIC# 16535 25674 JNSURERc:Transauard Insurance Companv of America 28886INSURERO: INSURER E: INSURERF: COVEDAr.lES CERTIFICATE NUMBER• REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED . NOlWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WlTH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMSEXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. •r1:TYPE OF INSURANCE A A B A C X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY -D CLI\IMS.MADE 00 OCCURx Contractual Uab.x XCU Included� GEN'LAGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: fI1 POLIC� []] rf& □ LOC 01'HER: AU.T()MOBILE LIABILITY x ANY AUTO 0--01/VNED � SCHEDULEDAUTOS ONLY -AUTOS,-�8¥��IIWl'soNLY 0--r--- X UMBRELLA LIAB � OCCUR -EXCESSUAB CLI\IMS-MADE OED I X I RETENTION$ 10,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABlLITY YIN ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE []] fi{I=;M�fiR EXCLUDED?11ory n I ��rcrfi'Mlt ��PERATION!l below Leased/Ranted 1�,.l>.,O� 1W9!:-POLICY N UMBER GL0593896713 BAP593896813 CUP-7R076893-23-NF IWC593896613 NIA IMP4000508-00 POLICYEFF POLICY.EXP LIMITS EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 2/1/2023 2/1/2024 i:/���:r9['���.£.ft-, s 100,000 MEO EXP (Anv one.=onl i 10,000 PER""NAL & ADV INJURY s.. 1,•000,000 G.ENERAL AGGREGATE s 2,000,000 PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 EBLAGG $ 2,000,000 fi:�f.!���!?,�INGL£ LIMIT s 1,000,000 2/1/2023 2/1/2024 BODILY INJURY /Per oersonl i BODILY INJURY /Per accident! J Flo?�1?AMAGE $ s .EACH OCCURRENCE $ 6,000,000 2/1/2023 2/1/2024 6,000,000 AGGREGATE $ s X l�f�m, I I g;r-2/1/2023 2/1/2024 1,000,000 E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ E.L. DISEASE • EA EMPLOYFI $ 1,000,000 E.L DISEASE • POLICY LIMIT <c 1,000,000 2/1/2023 2/1/2024 Limit 125,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/ LOCATIONS/ VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remaru Schedule, may be attached If more 11p1ce le ,equlred) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANC ELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE For Bidding Purposes Only TliE EXPIRATION DA TE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED INACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISION S. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTA llVE I /41/.J� ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORAT ION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 181 Form (Rev. October 2018) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification ►Go to www.irs.gov1FormW9 for instructions and the latest lnfonnation. 1 Name (as shown on your Income lax rotum). Name ls required on this line; do not leave this lino blank. BAGBY & RUSSELL ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC . .2 Business name/disregarded entlty name, If different from above Give Form to the requester. Do not send to the IRS. ..;1--:-:-----:----:-:--:--:--:-----:--=----:-:-----:----:----:---:---::--:--=:---:---:-----,----------­a, 3 Check appropr1ate box for federal tax classlficalion of the person whose name Is entered on line 1. Check only one of the 4 Exempllons (codes apply only to gi followlng seven boxes. certain entlUes, not Individuals; see g O lndividuaVsole proprietor or D C Corporation 0 S Corporation O Partnership D Trust/estate instructions on page 3): .; � slngle-member LLC J :8 0 Umrted Habmty company. Enter the tex classification (CsC corporation, SsS corporation, P=Partne1"6hip) ►---- .. Ii � Note: Check tho appropriate box In the fine above for the tax classlflcallon of lhc single-member owner. Do not check Exempt payee code Of any) __ _ 'Cc _f LLC II !he LLC Is classified as a single-member LLC lhal is disregarded from lhe owner unless the owner or·ttte UC Is another LLC that Is not disregarded from the owner for U.S. ledoral tax purposes. Otherwise. a t1lngl&-member LLC that Exemption from FATCA reporting code (ff anY) O...g ls disregarded from the owner should chock the appropriate box for tho tax cla,;slffcatlon of Us owner. J 1-=D-:f-;-.;o,.:1 __ he __ rf-(se __ e:-inst...;.;..ru7c--tio�n--s),_► -:--:---=---;-;:-::-;===-=-------------,r,:;-::::-�-:---....L(Appl;a,�·-••-•""""""----___:_.:.:..,_.:: . .:.:.:. .. :.=u.=SJ-.,, 6 Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) See instructions. Requester's name and address (oplionaQ :8 5500 PLANTATION ROAD "'1----,-----,,=-------------------------l 8 City, state, and ZIP code THEODORE, AL 36582 7 Lisi account number(s) here (oplionaQ Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is generaUy your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alfen, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Instructions for Part I, later. For other entities, It is your employer Identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN, later. Social security number ITO -[D -I I I I I or Note: Ir the account is In more than one name, see the instructions for fine 1. Also see What Name and Number To Give the Requesterfor guidelines on whose number to enter. [ Employer ldonllflca11on number Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this fonn is my correct taxpayer Identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the lntemal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notlfled me that I am no longer subject to backup wlthholdlng; and 3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this fonn Qr any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification Instructions. You must cross out llem 2 above If you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For roat estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid acquisition or abandonment of secured properly, cancellalion of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the Instructions for Part II, later. Sign Here Signature of U.S.person ► General Instructions Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developments. For the latest lnfonnatlon about developments related to Fonn W-9 and Its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to www.irs.gov/FormW9. Purpose of Form An indiv idual or entity (Fonn W-9 requester, who is required to file an Information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer Identification number (TIN) which may be your social security number (SSN). individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer ldentilicallon number (EIN), to report on an Information return the amount paid to you, or other amount reportable on an lnfonnation return. Examples of inlonnation returns Include, but are not limited to, the following. • Form 1099-INT Qnterest earned or paid) Cat. No. 10231X Date ► • Fonn 1099-DIV (dividends, Including those from stocks or mutual funds) • Fonn 1099-MISC (various types of Income, prizes, awards, or gross proceeds) • Form 1099-B (stock or mutual fund sales and certain other transactions by brokers) • Form 1099-S (proceeds from real estate transactions) • Fonn 1099-K (merchant card and third party network transactions) • Form 1098 (home mortgage interest), 1098-E (student loan Interest) 1098-T (tuition) ' • Form 1099-C (canceled debt) • Form 1099-A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property) Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person Qncludlng a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN. If you do not return Fonn W-9 to the requester with a TIN you might be subject to backvp withholding. See What Is backup withi10ldlng, later. Form W-9 (Rev. 10-2018) 182 -Verify ______ �-® Company ID Number: 402828 Approved by: Employer BAGBY & RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO., INC. Name (Please Type or Print) !Title ROSEMARY S LEMASTER Signature Date Electronically Signed 03/22/2011 Department of Homeland Security -Verification Division Name (Please Type or Print) Title USCIS Verification Division Signature Date Electronically Signed 03/22/2011 Page 13 of 17 E-Vertfy MOU for Employers I Revision Date 06/01/13 183 -Verify _____ •� Company ID Number: 402828 Information Required for the E-Verify Program Information relating to your Company: BAGBY & RUSSELL ELECTRIC CO., INC. Company Name 5500 Plantation Rd Theodore, AL 36582 Company Facility Address P.O. Box699 Theodore, AL 365900699 Company Alternate Address County or Parish MOBILE Employer Identification Number 630942738 North American Industry 238 Classification Systems Code Parent Company Number of Employees 100 to 499 Number of Sites Verified for 1 site(s) Page 14 of 17 E-Verify MOU for Employers I Revision Date 06/01/13 184 -Verify _____ ,.�: CompB1ny ID Number: 402828 Are you verifying for more than 1 site? If yes, please provide the number of sites verified for In each State: AL Page 15 of 17 E-Verify MOU for Employer& I Revision Date 06/01/13 185 Company ID Number: 402828 Information relating to the Program Admlnistrator(s) for your Com pany on policy questions or operational problems: Name Phone Number Fax Email Name Phone Number Fax EmaU CHRISSY FULLER 2513445987 2516536353 chrissv@baarus.com L VONS A WALSH 2513445987 2513440308 art@baarus.com Page 18 of 17 E-Verlfy MOU for Employers I Revision Date 06/01/13 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201