HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-16-2012 Tree Committee Meeting MinutesFairhope Tree Committee Agenda Thursday, February 16th, 2012 3:30 PM -Nix Center Approve minutes of November gt\ 2011 meeting Complete Trees Program Progress Report: Kent: Developing an inventory, assessment, and maintenance regimen for Fairhope's public and ordinance-protected trees. Kent, Harriett, Jennifer Landfills to Parks Program: Progress Report: Bobby: Next steps in possibilities of landfill conversion. Jennifer, Walt, Paul, Bobby. Ruby Tuesday site Tree Removals Jennifer: Outcome of court proceedings. Requests for Tree Removal Jennifer: Update of Policy regarding "requests for removal" stemming from insurance concerns. ALDOT /County right of way Jennifer: developing a policy to insure tree preservation on right of ways. Arbor Day 2012 Progress report: Jennifer Old Business New Business Adjourn The Tree Committee of the City of Fairhope met Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 3:30 p.m. at the James P. Nix Center in Fairhope. Present: Bobby Green, Chairman; Skip Jones, Rick Kingrea-City Council Representative, Paul Fontenot, Kent Schwartz, JoAnne Hogan, Maria Gwynn and Harriett Gutknecht. Guests: Kate Fisher-Fairhope Art Center and Officer John Hamrick-Fairhope Police Department Absent: Walt Bolton and Jennifer Fidler Chairman Bobby Green called the meeting to order. The minutes from the meeting on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 were reviewed and approved by 1st motion by Skip Jones, and 2nd by Harriett Gutknecht and unanimously carried. Complete Trees Program Kent gave an update; he was unable to reach Jennifer for discussion prior to the meeting, to discuss the possibility of having a computerized tree program. He mentioned a program called Tree Keeper, it is to very user friendly, but wasn't sure if something was already in place. Bobby suggested that Kent, Harriett, and Jennifer meet to discuss and report back to the group in April. Landfills to Parks Initiative Bobby gave an update, stating that he toured the city dump with Paul and Jennifer. They toured 40-60 acres, the portion of the landfill that has reached its height and fill capacity is owned bythe Baldwin County Board of Education, it is a 4-6 acre site, the location is South of the Haven.Bobby spoke with Bob Callahan, school board representative, he mentioned he was in favor of apark on this site and proposed the idea to the City a couple years ago, but nothing happened.There was discuss on going before the council for approval before moving forward with thisproject, Rick noted that the group should assume that the council will support this project, noneed to meet with the council until a plan and estimated costs are in place. Rick doesn't believethat there is any money in the budget for a study at this time, he suggested talking with Jenniferso she can put something in her budget for next year or determine the proper budget. Rick alsostated that when submitting a request, to allow money for the study as well as work to be downwithin a reasonable amount. Skip committed that the committee needs to work with the city andADEM to see what's able to be placed on th<r land, ie: trees, fences, etc. as well as costs involvedthen approach the council. Jennifer, Bobby, Paul, and Walt will meet for further discussion andreport back to the group.There was also discussion of the process of using a landfill and how much more the Fairhope landfill can hold. Rick noted that the council was told by the Mayor and Jennifer in 2010,that the landfill would reach capacity in approximately five month, as the date got closer the landfill was revaluated and it was determined that it was able to gain height by another 20-40 feet. Allowing it to grow in height will give the city another five years for filling. Bobby mentioned that since the initial project site is owned by the school board, the city would perhaps lease the designated park area since it is not suitable for anything other than a park or landfill, the school board would not want the liability of the property, if a park is built. Ruby Tuesday site Tree Removals As Jennifer was not able to attend the meeting, Bobby and officer Hamrick gave an update for her regarding the court proceedings, the case was dropped when Mr. Corte planted replacement trees within the commercial landscape. Mr. Corte also removed trees from the ALDOT right of way by Ruby Tuesday in Fairhope without ALDOT or Jennifer's permission. The trees on this property are the responsibility of ALDOT. Skip made a motion to request that Jennifer work with the county and state to create a policy to develop tree preservation on county and ALDOT right of ways. 1 st motion by Skip Jones, and 2nd by Maria Gwynn and unanimously carried. An amendment of completion of this policy within a two month period motioned 1st by Skip Jones, and 2nd by Maria Gwynn and unanimously carried. Request for Tree Removal Paul gave an update; he stated that Jennifer has a new policy in place for tree removal, an individual is to complete a request for tree removal form and submit to Jennifer for her review, she then goes to the site and accesses the tree and determines if the removal is necessary, then contacts the individual with an approval or denial of the request and explains the restitution, if the tree is removed. Rick asked if the individual had a right to appeal, if a denial for removal was determined, Paul confirmed that individuals can appeal. Arbor Day Bobby gave an update; per Jennifer that Arbor Day will be Saturday, February 25, 2012 at the John Borom Science Building on the campus at Faulkner State Community College on Bancroft. The beautification awards will be presented, as well as the poster contest winners. Harriett added that the presentation will begin at 10 a.m. and the trees that will be given away are: American Snowbell, Silky Dogwood, Slash Dogwood, Slash Pine, Green Ash, Red Oak and Dahoon Holly. There will be a variety of activities available for the public as well. Old Business Bobby mentioned a letter discussed at the last meeting from Ms. Davis of Fairhope News regarding a large over hanging ef-a tree, she hired someone to do the pruning of the tree and wondered if she would receive any reimbursement from the City. Ms. Davis e-mailed Bobby about the status of the reimbursement. Bobby replied by email that the committee didn't have the authority any longer to assist with this and noted that Jennifer would be in touch with her shortly. New Business Harriett shared with the group that she had been contacted by Sandy Hunt of the Fairhope Garden Club regarding the landscape at the Fairhope Public Library. She will keep the group posted. Gullies to Trails Karin Wilson approached Bobby to see what the committee might think of a trail to begin at the bay and end at volanta park. Bobby suggested additional trails to run though the gully that begins behind the Art center and ends at intersection ofFairwood and Fairhope Avenue-most of the gully is owned by the city, the other parts are owned by the school board. Bobby noted it is a feasible project to make a trail through the gully from the Art Center to Fairwood Blvd. This idea was mentioned in a 2003 National Resources Study the city was part of. Officer John Hamrick mentioned that 20 years ago there was a trail in place through the gully. JoAnn is going to contact Karen for further discussion and report back to the group. There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned at 4:25 p.m. Minutes taken and submitted by Gayle Fogarty, City of Fairhope Executive Assistant.