HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22-2009 Special MeetingCommittee: Public Meeting Notice SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor and City Council Date & Time: Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers 161 North Section Street Subject: Special City Council Meeting -Appointments Notice must be stamped, dated and initialed before posted on bulletin board. POSTED d</41 . J~~~~ -~~~x-r,N. NAT URE 22 January 2009 NOTICE AND CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING Notice is hereby given of a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Fa irhope , Alabama , to be held at the Fairhope Mun ic ipal Complex on Thursda y, 22 January 20 09, at 6:00 p.m., for the purpose to: I. Appointm ent of Interim Ch iefof Pol ice 2. Author ity to Appoint a Search Committee for Ch ief of Police 3. Appo intmen t of Municipal Judge CONSENT TO HOLDING OF MEETING The undersigned membe rs of the City Co un cil of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, do hereby acknowledge service of the Noti ce and Ca ll of Spec ial Meeting hcre inabout set forth and do hereby cons ent to the ho ldin g of such meeting as such ti me in such place fo r the purpose set forth there in. Attest: 4866 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BA L DWIN )( The City Council , City of Fairhope , met in special session at 6 :00 p .m ., Fairhope Mun icipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on · Thursday, 22 January 2009 . 4867 Present we re Council President Debb ie W . Quinn , Councilmembers: Daniel Stankoski , Lonnie L. Mixon , Michael A . Ford, and Rick Kingrea, Mayor Timothy M . Kant , City Attorney Marion E . Wynne, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. There being a quorum present, Council President Quinn called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by City Attorney Marion E . Wynne and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited . Councilmember Stankoski addressed the City Council and stated that Chief of Police Mike Comalander was appointed in December 2006 after the res ignation of Browning. The C ity Council and citizens of Fairhope appreciate h is two years of work as the Chief of Police . Councilmember Stankoski said Chief Comalander desired to return to the rank of Captain with the Fairhope Police Department. After further discussion, Councilmember Stankoski introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a reso lution to appointment Terry Sanders as Inter im Chief of Pol ice. Councilmember M ixon seconded the motion, but Councilmember Ford asked to be heard on the matter. Councilmember Ford stated that Chief of Police Comalander was under scrutiny. He said there are two men on the police force that could do the job just as good. Councilmember Ford sa id "what does it say to the police force or their morale." Councilmember Ford said he received several phone calls and they were upset about the Chief. He said we have had no talk about it and I was out of town . No one should tell me who I can pick for Chief of Police. He said this disgust me and what we have come to in Fairhope. After further discussion, Councilmember Ford moved to go into Executive Session to discuss why the Chief is being replaced and the character of Terry Sanders. Council President Quinn asked City Attorney Wynne if they needed a letter to go into the Executive Session and since there was already a motion and a second to that motion , would they need to rescind the motion. City Attorney Wynne replied if you decide to go into Executive Session , the letter can be signed later and the Executive Session motion would be a secondary motion. He said the motion to appoint the Interim Chief of Pol ice would remain until the secondary motion was voted on . Councilmember Kingrea seconded the motion to go into Executive Session , motion failed by the follow ing voice votes: A YE -Ford and Kingrea . NAY -Quinn , Stankoski, and Mixon . 4868 22 January 2009 The motion to appoint Terry Sanders as Interim Chief of Police passed by the following voice votes : A YE -Quinn, Stankoski, Mixon, and Kingrea. NAY -Ford. RESOLUTION NO. 1485-09 RESOLUTION FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A TEMPORARY CHIEF OF POLICE. WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Fairhope has adopted an ordinance vesting the City Council with the power to appoint a Chief of Police for the City of Fairhope and to establish the term of employment and the compensation for the Chief of Po lice; and WHEREAS, the City Council has detennined that it is in the best interest of the City of Fairhope to appoint a temporary Chief of Pol ice for a limited term to facilitate the City Council's search for a regu lar Chiefof Police ; OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAJRHOPE, ALABAMA , in spec ial-called sess ion on January 22, 2009, as follows : The City Council will appoint Terry Sanders, as temporary Chief of Police, for a term of three (3 ) months and, in the sole dis cretion of the City Council , continuing thereafter until the City Council appoints a regular Chief of Police. The duties of the temporary Chief of Police shall be those previously establ ished for the City of Fairhope 's Chief of Police . The salary will be l/ 12 per month of the designated salary for the Fairhope Chief of Police including all employee benefits and a police vehicle . Upon the completion of the three month term of office, the temporary Chief of Police may be dismissed by the City Council in its sole discretion and the City Council shall have no obligation to appoint a temporary Chief of Police to any employment position with the City of Fairhope . APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22NDDAY OF JANUARY, 2009 ATTEST: 4869 22 January 2009 Councilmember Stankoski addressed the City Council and stated he wanted to fonn a search committee to review the Chief of Police job description and come up with a fonnalized description to publish, post, and review . Then, interview applicants and bring the top three to five applicants to the C ity Council. Councilmember Ford said the Beverly Thomas came to h im and wanted to be on the committee. Councilmember Qu inn mentioned Valerie Chaney to be on the committee and told Councilmember Stankoski to come back Monday night to the City Counc i l with committee members and they would vote on committee. Councilmember Kingrea asked if the Chief of Police position was open to all. Councilmember Stankoski replied if the person meets the requirements deemed by committee , he or she will certainly be considered for the job. Councilmember Kingrea addressed the City Council regarding the appointment of the Municipal Judge . He received letters from the District Attorney and Sam Crosby, fonner President of the Alabama State Bar Association , both highly endorsing Haymes Snedeker . He stated that Mr. Crosby was impres sed with our Municipal Judge and that our Municipal Court was the best Mr. Crosby had seen in Baldwin County. After further d iscussion, Councilmember Kingrea introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to appoint Haymes Snedeker as Municipal Judge . Seconded by Councilmember Ford , motion passed by the following voice votes : A YE -Quinn, Mixon, Ford, and Kingrea . AY -None . ABSTAIN -Stankoski. RESOLUTION NO . 1486-09 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, That HAYMES SNEDEKER is he reby appointed as Municipal Judge . The term of the Municipal Judge shall serve a two-year term (January 1, 2009 -January 1, 2011) and until a successor is elected by the council and qualified . Section 12 -1 4-30, Code of Alabama, 1975 . ADOPTED 22ND DAY OF JANUARY, 2009 ATTEST : 4870 22 January 2009 Council President Quinn asked Haymes Snedeker and Terry Sanders if they would like to say a few words. Haymes Snedeker addressed the City Counci l and told them it · was a privilege to serve as the City of Fairhope 's Municipal Judge . He promised the Mayor to have the best court in the county. Mr. Snedeker said that without the help of City Prosecutor Wynne and his assoc iates, Betty Stevens and Sandy Kelly, he could not do it. We have the court dates down to 2-1/2 to 3 hours . People that cannot pay, we work out a payment plan. Mr. Snedeker mentioned that Councilmember Kingrea has over 25 years of practicing law and really appreciated the endorsement from h im . He also thanked his family and friends for their support . Finally, Mr. Snedeker said he had an open door policy and everyone is welcome. Terry Sanders addressed the City Council and said it is tough to follow the Judge. Mr. Sanders said he would approach this as a full time job, has 25 plus years of experience, and Police Chief the last five years . His wife Amy is a registered nurse and he also has a son and a daughter. Mr. Sanders stated he loved law enforcement and as a little boy knew what he wanted to be . He also stated to have an open door policy and he doesn 't hide from telephone calls or in his office . He believes in mutual respect and likes to have people work for him . He will give it his all and work with the Council. Mr. Sanders thanked the City Council for his appointment. Council President Quinn stated that the Munic ipal Insurance Company and the Mayor of Calera spoke highly of Terry Sanders . .;;, Councilmember Mixon moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Kingrea, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 6 :21 p .m. Debbie W . Quinn, Council President