HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-25-2022 City Council Work SessionSTA TE OF ALABAMA
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The City Council met in a Work Session
at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532,
on Monday, 25 July 2022.
Present were Council President Pro Tempore Jay Robinson, Councilmembers:
Jack Burrell (arrived at 4:34 p.m.) and Kevin Boone, Mayor Sherry Sullivan, City
Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Council President
Jimmy Conyers and Counci lmember Corey Martin were absent.
Counci l President Pro Tempore Jay Robinson called the meeting to order at
4:34 p.m.
The following topics were discussed:
• The first item on the agenda was the Discussion to Repeal and Replace Ordinance
No . 1266 and Ordinance No . 1705, Fairhope Code of Ordinances: Article VI ,
Garbage and Trash Collection and Disposal, Section 21-75 presented by Public
Works Director Richard Johnson. He explained the changes in the proposed
ordinance specifically paragraph (f). Councilmember Burrell stated this is a good
compromise solution. Council President Pro Tempore Robinson also agreed that
paragraph (f) was a good compromise. Councilrnember Burrell said the City gives
citizens access to recycling and the landfill; and keeps the streets swept.
Councilrnember Boone commented this is fairer to living in a clean City . The
consensus of the City Council was to move forward as written.
• The next item on the agenda was the Update on Southland Place by Richard Johnson.
He mentioned the ADA Compliance issues due to mainly patio homes in the area .
Mr. Johnson said they have a hybrid system that would make it 100 percent
compliant with least amount intrusion. He said the next step is to have stakeholder
meetings to show them the plan and get their input. Mr. Johnson stated once they
begin the project it should be comp lete in approximately 72 hours. Councilrnember
Burrell asked how this happened. Mr . Johnson explained the history ADA
Compliance and Southland Subdivision. Mayor Sullivan commented we need to do it
right the first time . Mr. Johnson said we make everything comp li ant from now on and
when we upgrade, we make it compliant.
• Mayor Sullivan and City Treasurer Kim Creech addressed the City Council regarding
the Review Budget for Capital and Capital Improvements . Ms. Creech exp lained the
portal for vehicles and the need to put these in as soon as possible. She said Ford
F 150 used to be around $25 ,000 .00 and now are over $30,000.00. Ms. Creech
mentioned Impact Fees could only be used for expansion items not replacements.
Counci lm ember Burrell questioned last year versus this year's budget; and we trust
you of what is going to be reasonable . Ms . Creech said she could put vehicles and
equipment by Department for the City Council.
Monday, 25 July 2022
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• Councilmember Burrell gave an update on the Airport Authority: parcels to lease or
sale; more hangars ; realtor to market west side; couple of ways to enter property; and
concern about how many hangars .
• Councilrnernber Boone gave an update on the Harbor Board and stated they
approved the job description for the Benefit Coordinator.
• Council President Pro Tempore Robinson said the Pedestrian and Bicycle
Committee 's appointments are on the City Council agenda .
• Councilmember Burrell also gave a brief Recreation Board update .
• Gary Gover, member of the Fairhope Environmental Advisory Board, addressed the
City Council and said the FEAB and City Council should talk about things . He gave
the example of Colony Park lands and we should work together.
Council President Conyers briefly went through the Agenda Items and who
would explain if needed.
• City Treasurer Kim Creech addressed the City Council and updated them on the RFP
sent out for the Reserve Fund ; and said she went over the results with Council
President Conyers for his opinion. She said Smart Bank is using the Federal rate and
PNC Bank is using their rate. Councilmember Burrell questioned when this would be
approved by City Council. City Clerk Lisa Hank stated there is an ordinance in place
stating the City Treasurer the right to do this ; and report to the city council as
required .
• Planning Director Hunter Simmons addressed the City Council and explained
Agenda Items No. 5, No . 6, and No. 9; and answered any questions if needed.
• Parks and Recreation Director Pat White addressed the City Council and explained
Agenda Item No . 20; and answered any questions if needed . He mentioned storm
drains will be repaired too . He said the first game for Fairhope High School is August
19 , 2022.
• Building Official Erik Cortinas addressed the City Council and explained Agenda
Item No. 7; and answered any questions if needed .
• IT Director Jeff Montgomery addressed the City Council and explained Agenda Item
No. 15 ; and answered any questions if needed.
• Lieutenant Shane Nolte addressed the City Council and explained Agenda Item No.
17; and answered any questions if needed. He reminded everyone about the Back to
School Backpack Event being held Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at
Fairhope United Methodist Church.
• Public Works Director Richard Johnson addressed the City Council and gav e an
update on the following: Pecan Building West, Church Street Project, Windmill Road
sidewalk partnership with the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation, and Restroom
Design at the Park. He also explained Agenda Items No. 19 and No. 14; and
answered any questions if needed .
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• Water and Wastewater Superintendent Jason Langley addressed the City Council and
explained Agenda Items No. 12 and No. 13 ; and answered any questions if needed.
He mentioned an on-call bid for his Department for projects . Councilmember Burrell
asked about the capacity increase with the new Water Treatment Plant. Mr Langley
replied this will give us 2,800 million more per day; and the test wells will give us
another 1 million .
• Electric Superintendent Conrad Havranek addressed the City Council and explained
Agenda Item No. 18; and answered any questions if needed. He stated a new bucket
has a 65 week delay.
• Gas Superintendent Jeremy Little addressed the City Council regarding an engineer
needed for cast iron pipe replacement and the RFQ being received next Tuesday .
• Director of Golf addressed the City Council and explained Agenda Item No. 16 ; and
answered any questions if needed . He mentioned the 22 new juniors taught during the
3-Day Event. He mentioned the need for a Perry Weather system to help protect the
golfers and staff during bad weather.
• Councilmember Burrell explained Agenda Item No. 10 regarding the BIP Grant; and
answered any questions if needed.
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting
was duly adjourned at 5:50 p .m.
resident Pro Tempore