HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-2012 Canvass ElectionPublic Meeting Notice Special City Council Meeting Co1nmittee: Date & Time: Place: Subject: City Council and Mayor Tuesday, Septen1ber 18, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Council Cha1nbers 161 North Section Street CANVASS ELECTION Notice n1ust be stamped, dated and initialed before posted on bulletin board. DATJ (/1ktlt14£1 ~ SIGNATURE TA T E OF AL ABAM OUNTY F BALDW IN )( )( 6064 The City Counci l, City of Fa irhope, met in Special City Council meetin g at 10 :00 a.m. Fairhope Municipal Complex ouncil hamber, 161 orth Section treet, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Tuesda 1 8 Se tem ber 20 12. Present ,.ve re Co uncil Pres id ent Lonnie L. Mixon Councilmembers: Debbie W. Quinn , and M ich ae l A. Ford, Mayor Timothy M. Kant , and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. CounciJme.mbers: Daniel Stankoski and Rick Kingrea, and City Attorney Marion E. Wynne were absent. There being a quorum present , Council Pres ident 1ixon called th e meeting to order and explained th e reason for th e m eeting was to canvass the September 1 I , 20 12 Municipal E lection res ult s. Co uncilm ember President Mixon exp lained that the provisiona l ballots must be opened and counted a t this m eetin g. Councilmember Quinn moved to allow City Clerk Lisa H a nks to open and count the provisional ballots . Seconded by Councilmember Ford motion passed unanimously by voice vote. City Clerk Lisa H a nk s state d for the rec ord that 34 provisional b a llots were sent to th e Board of Registrars a nd 24 were rejected w hich left 10 to look at whether or not those cou ld b accept ed . City C lerk Lisa Hanks read the results of the provisional ballots to the City Council. She stated that one of th e ballots was not counted because it was returned incorrectly as reql1ired b y la w . C ouncilmember Ford moved to accept the provisional ballot votes and to include in the final re s ults. Seconded by Co uncilm ember Quinn, m otio n p assed unanim o us ly b voice vote. C ouncil m em ber Ford introdu ced in wr itin g , and mo ved for th e adoption of th e following res lut ion , a re so luti on to Ca nvass th e 20 12 Municipal E lection. Seconded by Councilm ember Qui1rn , motion passed un animou s ly by oice vote. * * 18 S eptem ber 2 01 2 CANVAS S RESOLUT ION RES OLU TION NO . 1975-1 2 WH EREAS , the Gene ra l El e ti on for the Ci ty of Fairhope was dul y and legally held on Tuesday . 11 Scp!c mbc r 201 2, as pro,·id ed by law; an d, WH EREAS , the Municipa l governin g body of the City of Fairhope me t on thi s 18th day of September, 20 12 , a qu onnn of the goveming body thereof bei ng present , al 10:00 o'clock a.m. and has canv assed the returns, and has asc erta ined and det ennined th e number of voters received by ea ch candi date; and, WI lE REAS , th ~ sai d municip al governing bod y has asc enained and dcte nn ined the re sul t of said election as fo ll ows: 6065 CA NDIDA TE uox BOX nox AB SENTEE SUIITOTAL.<; PROVISIONAL TOTALS NO .I N0.2 N0.3 MA CHI NE BALLOTS ' FOR MAYOR I Timothy M. Kant 527 928 1358 213 3026 7 Lon nie L. Mi xo n 285 536 682 140 1643 I j Chr is Wnmer 132 274 398 41 845 I ' I i FOR PLA CE NO. I I I Jack llurre ll 598 1180 1658 24 1 3677 5 Debbie W. Qu inn 338 551 758 146 1793 3 , FOR PLAC F. NO. 2 Rich Mue ll er 528 960 ]3 ')5 t 20 1 3084 4 Danie l R. St ankoski 395 74 2 975 18 3 2295 5 FOR PLA CE NO . 3 ' Dia na ll n:w cr 463 864 1196 197 2720 5 Mik e McP herso n 41 4 75 4 1076 171 2415 4 Vince Vulent im 45 92 120 12 26 9 0 FOR PLAC E NO. 4 Kvlc Brnd v 40') 75 0 1019 149 232 7 5 Mic ha el A. (Mike) ford 515 95 3 1352 236 30 56 4 i FO R PLACE NO. S I K~vin IJoone 585 1052 I 15 54 193 3384 4 [_Eck f; in~rea i 338 661 i 833 191 2023 5 NOW. THEREFORE , BE IT RESOL VED by the Ci ty Cc w1c il of the City of Fairhope , Al abama, as follows : I. Tl IAT TlMOT IIY M. KAN T rece ived a major ity of th e vot es casted for the office of MAYOR and is hereby declared dul y el ec ted to th at ofii ce for the term beginn ing 5 November 201 2. 2. THA T ,JACK llU RIU'.LL recei ved a maj orit y of the vott:5 cn.stcd for the offic e of Cou nci lmcm bcr PLAC E NO. I and is hereby declared duly elect ed to tha t office fo r the term beg inning 5 Nowmber 201 2. 3033 1644 846 3682 1796 3088 2300 2725 24 19 269 2332 306 0 338 8 2028 18 'epte mb e r 2 01 2 3. T!IAT HI CII MU £1,LER rece ived a maJonty of th e votes cas ted for the office of Counci lmember PLAC E NO . 2 1111d is hereby declared duly elected to that office for the term begin ning 5 Novem ber 2012 . 4. THAT DI NA 8REW ER received a maj ority of the votes casted for !h e offi ce of Cou ncih ne mb cr PLACE NO. 3 an d is hereb y declared dul y elected to th at office fo r the te rm begi nni ng 5 Nove mbe r 2012 . 5. TII AT i\llCHAE L A. FORD rec ei ed a majority of th e votes casted fo r the office of Cou nc il mcmbcr PLAC E 'O. 4 and is here by declw-ed du ly elected to th at omce for the term Ix-g in nin g S November 20 12. 6. THAT KEV I N 1100 £ received a majority of the votes cas ted fo r !he offic e ofCouncilmembe r PLACE NO . S and is hereby decla red du ly elec ted ID that office fo r th e tcm1 beginning 5 Novem be r 20 12. ADO PTED Tl 11 S 18TH DAY OF SEPTE MBE R. 20 12. 'J? .. / '..-.I. . 11ber cl91ltk Councilmember Arrest Meeti ng wa duly adjourned at ,/() .' t.S: a.m. '/IL MC Cit y Clerk 6066 6067 18 Sept e mbl:'r 2 01 2 o uncil Pres id ent Mixon asked if there was any other business lo come before the City Council. City Clerk Lisa Hanks mentioned the request for a recount; and the need for the City Council to approve an estimated cost for the recount and how they wanted the funds to be paid. Councilmember ford moved to establish a fc.::e to conduct a recount, if required, for an estimated cost of $4 ,100.00 and the money or bond for the total cost must be put up before the recount. Per the Code of Alabama , the security bond must cover the estimated co st of the recount. Seconded by Councilmember Quinn , motion passed urnrnimousl y by voice vote. There being no further business to come before the City Council. the meeting was duly adjourned at l 0: 15 a.m.