HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-27-2011 Work SessionST A TE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( )( The City Council met in a Work Session at 5:31 p.m., City Hall , Delchamps Room, 161 orth Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Tuesday, 27 December 20 11 . Present were Council President Lonnie L. Mixon , Councilmembers: Debbi e W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Rick Kingrea , Mayor T im othy M. Kant, and Ci ty Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Councilmember Michael A. Ford and City Attorney Marion E . Wynne were absent. Council President Mixon call ed the meeting to order at 5:40 p .m. The following topics were discussed : • C harlen e Lee with Smart Coast addressed the City Co uncil r egardin g s triping for safety for all citize n s. She mentioned Dan Burden being available as a consultant for the C ity. Mr. Burden will be in town January 4 , 2012 and is available to come to Fairhop e for a consultation. Tedson Meyers who is a member of the AARP s tated that the AARP has offered to help b y paying $1 ,500 toward the con sultation fee which is $2,950 per day. Jeff Hudson , who is a cyc li st, stated he was concerned with the lane s . Mr. Hudson said the speed limit is 25 mph and people are still passing him . Ms . Lee stated she wants the City's support for the remainder of the fee wilich is $1,450 ; and would like for Mr. Burden to meet with staff for a consultation regarding walkabi li ty and bike lanes . • Ed ucation Advi so ry Co mmittee was mentioned an d Co un ci lm e mber Kin gre a stated he wanted to wait until January 20 12 before appointing th e Co mmitte e. • Council Presid ent Mixon discussed adding a motion to approve Part-Time Positions, such as the Lifeguard request on the agenda tonight, that are permanent positions with the same rate of pay and job description s without having to keep con-ung back to the City Council. • Council Pre s id ent Mixon also mentioned the Sales Tax and to keep the same path as we have for the Sales Tax moni es. Mayor Kant sugges ted c uttin g o ut a one cent Sales Tax because it would h e lp the merchants ; and use moni es if we need. Counci lm ember Stankoski stated intere st rate s are at an all time low ; we want to redu ce our debt ; better shape to carry on like we are now ; and do pay as you go projects. Council Pres id e nt Mixon also stated that if you take away a one cent tax , it is hard to put it back o n . • Bob Griffin addressed the City Counci l regarding the Medical Overlay District. He stated the Mayor was supp osed to draft language to help with his concern. Counci lm ember Quinn replied that our attorney wrote a letter advising the Co uncil regarding changing the language . Coun cilmember Kingrea stated that you have a year to replace the building as it is ri ght no w if something happen s to the buildin g. Co uncilmemb er Quinn sa id s he wo uld get in to uch with Mr. Gr iffin to make s ure he ha s documentation need ed if anyth in g happened to hi s buildin gs in the futur e . .... Work Session Tuesday, 27 December 2011 Page -2- There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting was duly adjourned at 5:56 p.m.