HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-10-2011 Public Participation / Work SessionSTATE OF ALABAMA C OUNTY OF BALDWIN )( )( The City Council met in a Public Participation/Work Session at 5:00 p.m ., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, l O October 20 11 . Present were Council Pres ident Lonnie L. Mixon , Coun ci lm embers: Debbie W. Quinn , Daniel Stankoski , Michael A . Ford , and Ri ck Kingrea , Mayor Ti m oth y M. Kant, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. C it y Attorney Marion E. Wynne was a b sent. Council President Mi xon called th e meeting to order at 5:00 p.m . The following topi cs were discussed : • Mayor Kant addressed the City Coun c il and di sc u ssed Coun ty Ro ad 13 and su ggested this iss u e be turn ed ove r to th e Planning Commission to decide on the type of road a nd then co me back to the Coun ci l wi th a recommendation . • Mayor Kant a lso mentioned the rete ntion pond at W inn Dixie and to work w ith Baldwin County Commission regarding BRA TS drainage iss u e; and work with the property owners to possibly work out an agreement. Taylor Rider, Director of Trans portation for B a ldwin County, and Jake Gibbs with Thompson E ngi neering answered questions from the Council. Mayor Kant sa id the C ity would maintain once corrected and it would be a positive imp act fo r residents downstream . • Mayor Kant announced that Pandora Heathcoe wo uld be the new Human Re so urces Administrator. • Jason Co lee addressed th e City Coun c il with an update on the fo ll owing iss ues: 1) Co mputer system up grade was exp lained in detail and procedures 2) Harbor Communication s is puttin g in access points and a ntennas; free W iFi for public safety and e mployees; SCADA system wil l tie into this system; citize ns wi ll have access to free WiFi with 30 fr ee minutes per day . • Co uncilm e mb er Quinn addressed the C ity Counci l rega rdin g the garbage RFP; reviewed w ith other Cities and we do not ha ve enough in format ion to mo ve forward . She mentioned the need to hire a cons ulta nt to look at the who le department. Ms. Qui1m requested that Environme nta l Bu s in ess Services be added to the agenda as the consul ta nt to perform thi s ta sk. Mayor Kant stat ed that this should fo llow the procedure we have by goi ng out for a Request for Qualification s to hir e a consultant. Counci l President Mixon agreed we should follow o ur policy . • J enni fe r Galloway, C hair for Plannin g Event fo r Christ ia n C umbi e and Raylee Odom, both w ith Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, to raise money to he lp their parents . T he event w ill be on April 7 , 20 12 and s he was req ues tin g to u se the Civic Center; and ask th e Council to waive the fees. Co un c il President Mixon exp lai ned the City's fee waiver reso lution a nd sai d it is in place ; 50 l (c)3 entities rece ive a 50 percent di sco unt. • Jim H o rn er, Fairhope E nv ironme nta l Advisory Board, addressed the City Counci l and gave an upd ate on the meetings regardin g a feca l stud y ; this wi ll be addressed in phases. The first stage with CH2MH ill a nd the seco nd phase with Dr. Feng wi th A uburn U ni ve rsity. Work Se ss ion Monday, 10 October 2011 Page -2- • Paul Ripp addressed the City Council on the following issu es: 1) Fire D e partm e nt on Parke r Road and requested the Finance Committee to review. Counci l Presi de nt Mixon state d again that the C ity Co uncil has nothin g to do with the Fire Departme nt. 2) U-Turn sign s we re p laced a t P la ntation Pines rece ntl y for safety reasons . 3) Mayor's sa la ry s hould be looked at aga in. 4 ) Debris Remo va l Contract sho uld also be reviewed again. There being no further business to come before the C ity Council , the meetin g was duly adjourned at 5:56 p .m . Lonnie L. Mixon , Council Presi dent ~41/4L LisaK.llanks, MMC City Clerk