HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-2011 Special Work SessionCommittee:
Date & Time:
Public Meeting Notice
City Council and Mayor
Monday, November 7, 2011 at 10:00 a.m.
Delchamps Room
161 North Section Street
Evergreen Solutions, L.L.C. Presentation
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DATE MMtlu ~
The City Council met in a Special Work Sess ion at 10 :00 a.m.,
City Hall , Conference Room, 161 North Section Street,
Fairhope, A labama 36532 , on Monday, 7 November 201 1.
Present were Counci l President Lonni e L. Mixon, Councilm e mbe r s: Michael
A . Ford, a nd Rick Kingrea, Mayor Timoth y M . Kant, and C it y Clerk Li s a A. Hanks.
Lorenz o Howard and Diane Thomas from the Personnel Board were in attendance .
Counc ilmembers: Debbie W . Quinn and Daniel Stankoski , a nd City Attorney Marion
E. Wynne were absent.
Counci l President Mixon ca ll ed the meeting to order at approx imate ly 10:00
a.m . after moving from the Delchamps Room into the Conference Room to hold the
meeting via a telephone conference with Brian Wo lfe , the repre s entative from
Evergreen So lution s , LLC .
Counci l President Mixon asked when the final report would be complete. Mr. Wolfe
replied they were still waitin g on surveys from other entities which should take about
two more weeks. Within three to four weeks, the final report should be completed.
Mr. Wolfe briefly explained that the data obtained is used to prepare pa y plans , s ome
position s do not have data from peers , pa y ran g e s wil l be a con s olidation ; and the
City's blue co ll ar workers do more than one job and their ski ll s are unique .
Lorenz o Howard mentioned the Personnel Board had fo und the s ame issues with
grades and pays. Some emp lo yees took the salary with moved to lower grade jobs.
Mr. Wolfe stated the City may want to make internal equity and compression as the
reason for a one-time adjustment to correct this issue. He also said the City may have
to red circle any over paid emp lo yees. Mr. Wolfe commented there are pockets of
morale cha ll en ges: emp loyee anxiety issues, job secur it y , perception of Counci l to
employees , and budget cuts .
Diane Thomas asked if the draft report would be information used a s th e foundation
for the final report. She asked if the draft cou ld be possibly sent in a week . Mr.
Wolfe stated the draft could possibly b e sent next Monday or Tuesday, but he would
be traveling a good part of November.
The draft w ill be s ent to the Counci lm embers, the Personne l Board, May or Kant,
Gregg Mims , and Department Heads for th e ir re view and comm e nts . Mr. Wo lfe
stated this wou ld be a s preadsheet with a proposed pay plan and ho w jobs will fit.
Special Work Session
Monday, 7 ovember 20 11
Page -2-
Mayor Kant suggested putting a date on th e ca le ndar for the ne x t meeting w ith Bri an
Wolfe around the first week in D ecember . Mr. Wolfe stated he was available
N o ve mber 29, 2011 , November 30, 2 011 , D ecembe r l , 20 11 , a nd D ecember 2, 20 11.
The solution would be a pprov e d at thi s time in ord e r fo r Ever gr een Solutio ns to go
forwa rd w ith the final report.
There be in g no further bu s in ess to come before th e C it y Counci l, the m ee tin g
was dul y adjourned at 10 :32 a.m.
~w City Cl rk