HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-14-2011 Public Participation Work SessionST A TE OF ALA BAMA
The C it y Co un ci l met in a Publi c Pa tiicipation/Wor k Sess io n
at 4:30 p.m., Fa irhope Mun icip al Comp lex Co un c il Chamber,
16 1 Nort h Section Street, Fa irhope, A labama 36532, on
Mo nd ay, 14 November 20 11.
Pr ese nt were Co unci l Pre s ident Lonni e L. Mi xo n, Co un cilmembers : D e bbi e
W. Quinn , Dani e l Stankosk i, Michael A. Ford , and Ri ck Kin grea, Mayor T imothy M.
Ka nt , and C ity C lerk Lisa A. Hank s. Cit y At t orney Marion E. Wynne was abse nt.
Co un cil Pr es id ent M ixo n ca ll ed th e meet in g to o rd er at 4 :30 p.m.
The fo ll owin g topi cs were discu ssed :
• Dav id Stejskal , P .E. with C H2MHILL pre se nte d a P owe r Point Presentation on the
Water a nd Sewer Proj ect ; "Fai rh ope Water Reclamation P lan t Facility P la n ." The
o bj ecti ve is to eva lu ate existin g Water Reclamation Pl ant capacity, de ve lop
reco mm e nd ation for s hort-term a nd long-term fac il it y needs, a nd to develop a plan to
sys te mati cally address nee d s. T h e approach was to prepare s ix (6) technical
m e morandums documenting th e faci lity plan process. The fac ili ty plan 's obj ect ive is
to address s hort-te rm needs w hil e con s id eri ng lon g -te rm need s. The facili ty plan 's
approach is layout s ite to add ress long-term n eed s a nd th e n consider sca lin g back
work to address short-te rm n eed s. (See attached Powe r Point Presentat io n) The
recommende d updates to the existi n g Water R ec lamatio n P lant wo u ld keep up w ith
th e fac ility for at least 15 yea r s.
• Rob e rt Seaborn a long with Di a na Brewer a nd Mac Wo lcott a ddressed th e Ci ty
Co un ci l regarding Fai rh ope City sc hools . He mentioned the fundin g in e ducation is
low a nd reducing eve n more . The lack of a stra teg ic pl a n at the County leve l is
a noth e r probl em. The sc ho o l sys te m is looked at County w id e and not loca ll y. A n y
improve m ent wi ll have to be d ea lt w ith at the local leve l. The City needs to be
reactive a nd say what we can do now. Di ana Brewer presented a proposal to the
Mayo r and City Co uncil ; a nd gave a bri ef overv iew of the proposal and timeline .
• City Admini strato r G regg Mims a ddressed the C it y Co un c il o n the followi ng iss ues:
I . Jason Colee was thanked for a ll he has done w ith the C ity over the pa st
three yea rs .
2. Linc Services w ill be disc ussed at the next Work Session regarding
retrofitting light fixture and equipment fo r energy sav ings.
3 . Our Off-Duty Offi cer Reso lu tion is being upda te d with the h lp of
Ch ief Press , Assistant C hi ef Sanders, Gregg Mims , a nd Mayor Kant.
4. Th e reso lution regardin g the $7,500 ca p was di sc ussed and the C ity
Administration is recomm e ndin g raisi ng th e cap to $15 ,000; a nd
anything over $7,500 to $15 ,000 wo uld requ ire a g reen sheet with fo ur
s ig na tures. This would be for budgeted item s o nl y.
• E il een Burke add ressed the C ity Co un cil re garding a tree located at 108 N. Section
Street. She requested the C it y to consider mo v in g t he tre e and ment io ned that
T a m ara W in tz e ll also want the tree mo ved.
Work Session
Monday, 14 Nove mb er 20 11
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• Gregg Mim s addressed th e C it y Council rega rding the reso lu tion on the agenda to
amend the Poli ce General Order 3.400 and a Motion to approve Deputy Chief Jame s
Barb er from the City of Mobile Po li ce Department as the Departm ent Review Officer
fo r the City of Fairho pe.
• Co un c ilmemb er Quinn menti oned the parkin g downtown at the East end of Fai rh ope
Aven ue near Faulkne r. It is e ith er students or other bu s in esses parking in the
downtown merchants ' parking spaces. Mayor Kant re plied that he ha s spoke n to Dr.
Branch and th ey a re looking at deca ls for stud e nt s. He a lso me nti oned the possibi lity
of parking behind the librar and to encourage s taff to park on another street.
• Co un c il member King rea asked about the striping of st reets. M ayo r Kant replied it
was sc hed ul ed for ton ight but d ue to the weather an d we hope to be completed with
the paving by Christmas.
Th ere bein g no further bu s in ess to come before th e C it y Council , the meeting
was dul y ad journed at 5:44 p .m.
Ci ty C lerk