HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-2012 Public Meeting Notice - Agenda - Public Participation / Work Session MinutesPublic Meeting Notice
Committee: City Council and Mayor
Date & Time: Monday, March 26, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.
Place: Council Cha1nbers
161 North Section Street
Subject: Work Session
See attached Work Session Agenda
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3 2.B 12..
l. Mayo r Kant -Professional Serv ices Ordinance
2. John Baldwin -First Baptist Fairho pe -Event to Celebrate the Nation's Birthday
3. Austin Lee -Celebration Church -Community Easter Egg Hunt
4. Mona Lester -Hoot Scoot
5. Willia m T. Wade -Towing Rates
6. Di scuss ion of S m a 11 Coast
The C it y Council met in a Publi c Patti c ipati on/Work Sess io n
at 5:00 p .m ., Fairhope Municipa l Co mpl ex Coun ci l C hamber,
161 otth Section Street, Fairhope , A la bam a 36532, on
Wednesday, 2 6 M arch 20 12 .
Present were Council President Lonni e L. Mixon , Councilmembers: D e bbi e
W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Michael A. Ford, and Rick Kin gr ea, Mayor Ti moth y M .
Kant and Assistant City C lerk Candace G. Antinare ll a . C ity Attorney Mari on E.
Wyn n e and City C lerk Lisa A . H a nks were absent.
Council Presi d ent Mi xo n call ed the meeting to order at 5:00 p .m.
The following topic s were discu ssed:
• Mayor Kant di scu ssed the procedure for profess ional services. He s t ate d
the current procedure passed b y R eso lution in May 2010 and he would
like th e counc il to reconsider the current procedure. Mayo r Kant wo uld
like to be ab le to nego tiate th e best serv ice for the b es t price. He asked to
be taken off the "front e nd " and to s imply be ab le to negotiate the price.
H e also would like to b e able to add a nd take off indi viduals. Coun ci l
Pres id e nt Mixon s u gges ted he di scuss this with th e Coun ci l.
• Jerry Henry and John Baldwin, F irst Bapti s t Church, di scu ssed the event
they would like to have on Jul y 1, 20 12 at Fairhope Pi er to ce le brate the
Nation's Birthday. Thi s item will b e a dd e d to th e C ity Council Agenda .
• Tom Kuhl spoke on be ha lf of Austin Lee, Ce le brati on Churc h , for a
Co mmunity Egg Hunt they wo uld like to ho ld o n A pril 7, 2012 at Vo lanta
P a rk . This item will b e added to the C it y Counc il Agend a.
• Sherry Sullivan mentioned the 2012 Hoot Scoot schedul ed for April 27 ,
2012 and s tated thi s is a budgeted event. Thi s item is on the City Council
• Dav id Hensen , Ton y's Towing, addressed t he Coun c il regarding towin g
rates a nd th e request to in crease the rates t o com pa ra bl e c iti es.
• Rick Kingrea s poke r egardin g Smart Coast and hi s m a in conce rn is the
educati on program. He s tated the number of co mplaints ha s decreased.
Signs are starting to go up to educate the public, although Mayor Kant and
other council members vo iced th e ir co nc ern for th e safet y of the c iti zens.
• Charlene Lee thanked the C it y for loo king at Co mpl e te Streets an d s he is
w illin g to assist with commun it y educatio n .
• Tedson Meyers thanked Councilmember Stankoski for taki ng the
leadership in Complete Streets.
• Gregg Mim s addressed the Council regarding a letter the Mayor rec e ived
from th e A la b a ma D e partment of Transportation regarding the tra ffic
s ignal s on Highway 98. H e stated it wo uld take $35 ,000 from the C ity 's
e lectri c fund s to comp lete this .
• Gregg Mims a ddre ssed th e Council regarding a le tte r the Mayor received
regardin g ATRIP money for road projects . Mr. M im s wou ld like to put
Fairhope's name in the hat. He said we wou ld know in May if the C ity
was se lected so that we cou ld put money in the bud get for road projects .
• Tom Hutchin s addressed th e Council regarding engineering contract s. He
s tated he wou ld like to be ab le to bid jobs and do wo rk in thi s area.
T h ere bein g no further bu s in ess to co m e b efo re th e C it y Coun ci l, the m ee tin g
was duly adj ourned at 5:55 p.m.
Candace G. Antinarella
Assistant City C lerk
Lonnie L. Mixon , Counci l President