HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-11-2012 Public Meeting Notice - Public Participation / Work Session MinutesPublic Meeting Notice
Committee: City Council and Mayor
Date & Time: Monday, June 11, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.
Place: Council Cha1nbers
161 North Section Street
Subject: Public Participation/Work Session
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The City Council met in a Public Participation/Work Session
at 5 :00 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Comp lex Council Chamber,
161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on
Monday, 11 June 2012.
Present were Counci l President Lonni e L. Mixon , Councilmembers: Debbie
W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski , Michael A . Ford , and Rick Kingrea, Ma yor Timothy M.
Kant, City Attorney Marion E. Wynne, and City Clerk Lisa A . Hanks .
Counci l President Mixon called the meeting to order at 5 :00 p.m .
The fo ll owing topics were discussed:
• Mike Odom, The Fairhope Courier, addressed the City Counci l and reques ted an update
on pending legal cases and legal expenses. Counci lmember Kingrea re spo nded that
legal expe nses were $246,160.16 which is approximatel y $45,000 le ss than last year
which is 49 percent of projected budget. Co uncilmember Kingrea briefly gave an
update on the pending and sett led cases.
• The Disaster Debri s Conh·act was discu ssed next and Ken Eslava, Projects and
Maintenance Manager, briefly went through the process used to award the bid. The
process used Hurricane Ivan 's debris totals as estimates for dollar amounts. Thi s
contract will expire in mid July. Council President Mixon read the following statement;
"the contract shall be awarded to the lo west re s ponsive and responsible bidder."
City Attorney Wynne stated that the lo west responsible bidder is defined to be
competent , experienced, and financia ll y able. The law requires u s to give the bid to
Pittman Tractor. Mr. Es lava's opi nion was the most qualified bidder with technical
experience and manpower. The consensus of the City Counci l was to follow the law and
award the bid to the lowest bidder who meets specifications. Mayor Kant said both
companies would do an excellent job and the State has to approve the contract.
Councilmember Stankoski mentioned that the Ethics Commiss ion and Alabama League
were contacted ; and asked City C lerk Hanks what was their respon ses . City Clerk
Hanks replied that the Ethics Commission said that if the Alabama State Bid process
was followed and the lowest responsive and responsible bidder was Pittman . There is
no reason why Pittman could not be awarded the bid. The A lab ama League's answer
was they did not see any reason why Pittman co uld not be awarded the bid as long as the
bid process was done according to State law , but to check with the Ethics Co nunission .
Work Session
Monday, 11 June 20 12
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Mike Odom que st ioned th e bid ta bulati ons not be in g o n the page. Dan Ames ,
Purc h asing Manage r , replied that Iva n was u sed as a benchmark; c ubi c yard s of
ma te rial. If you u se the numb e rs from Ivan, th e ratio w ill not c han ge. This was just an
analysis of numbers. Jeff from U nifi ed R ecovery Group stated th at eve ryo ne's pri ces
are differe nt and yo u never kno w w hat thi s contract would be. Gary Gover comm e nte d
th a t normall y you wo uld te ll th e bidder th e cost co mputation ; s uc h as us in g Iva n .
Coun ci l President Mixon s tated the resolution to award the bid wo uld be o n th e next
City Co un ci l agenda .
• Counc ilm e mb er Quinn reques ted a sta tu s on Dr. Feng's re port and remedies . D a n
McCrory, Water & Sewer Superintendent, re plied h e would get with the Fairhope
Environmental Adv isory Boa rd fo r su ggestions.
• Mayor Kant di sc u ssed the Metropolitan Planning Organi zation ("MPO") and said th e
criteria u se d woul d not co nn ect the Eastern S ho re w ith Mobile . Therefore, we can do
our own MPO ; a nd Spanish Fort, Daphne, Fairhope , a nd Lox ley co ul d be a MPO . Thi s
would be a joint gro up with other Mayors , County Co mmi ss ion , and citizens . The MPO
wo uld primaril y dea l with s ur face transportatio n an d we mu st go thro ug h the State for
fund s. The plannin g segm ent wou ld cost $160,000 plu s and th ey wou ld like the MPO
up a nd running by October . Mayor Kant also mentioned the BP mon ey statu s and
R esto re Act update. H e said it is still under the transportation bill.
• Coun c ilme mb er Quinn said sh e s poke with Vince Calam etti a nd John Cooper regardin g
a turn-lane at th e inte rsection b y Rub y Tu esd ays and Greeno Road . Th e State would go
in hal ves with th e City w hich wo uld b e around $100 ,000 each .
• Vince Valentin1, re s ident of Fairhope , addressed the C ity Counc il regarding the Fairhope
Hi gh School B aseba ll team. This is a s p ec ial team who h e ld a Heart H ealth D ay for
their coach. H e su ggested th e City Council proclaim a day just for them .
There bein g no further bu s ine ss to come before the City Council , the m eetin g
was dul y adjourned at 5:50 p .m .