HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-08-2011 Work SessionSTA TE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( )( The City Council met in a Public Participation/Work Session at 5:00 p .m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 8 August 2011. Present were Council President Lonni e L. Mi xon , Co uncilm embers: D eb bi e W. Quinn, Daniel Stankoski, Michael A. Ford , Ri ck Kin g rea, and City Clerk Lisa A . Hanks . Mayor Timothy M. Kant and City Attorney Marion E. Wynne were absent. Council President Mixon called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and explained this meeting will be infonnal and a chance to get ideas from the public. l. Hal Bro wn requested to be on th e agenda, but wa a "no show." 2. Paul Ripp , 22985 High Ridge Road , addressed the City Cou ncil regarding the approval of the Fire Station on Parker Road and need for a traffic light at Veterans Drive. He stated the ultimate goal for the Fire Station is connectivity. Councilmember Stankoski mentioned traffic lights are based on the needs now and not the future; and ALDOT is the final approval. 3. Mike Odom, The Fairhope Courier, addressed the City Counc il regarding the Utility rates and asked for an explanation of the increase. 4. Dan McCrory, Water & Sewer Superintendent, addressed the City Council regarding the gate on High Ridge Road and stated City Administrator Gregg Mims was not involved on the fence on Amick's property. 5 . Council President Mixon suggested moving public parti c ipation to 5:30 p .m . Councilmember Quinn suggested moving to beginning or ending of the City Council meeting . Mike Odom made the remark that the Fairhope Courier would advertise these meetings more often ; and suggested putting the notice of the meeting on the agenda . Councilmember Stankoski agreed with the 5 :30 p.m. time for public participation , but Councilmember Kingrea replied it should be left at 5:00 p.m . Public Participation/Work Session Monday, 8 August 2011 Page -2- 6 . Chief Press addressed the City Council on the multiple arrests on Sunday due to cock fighting. Twenty -one adults and seven juveniles were arrested ; and sixteen s ubjects are in o ur jail. There being no further bu s ine ss to come before th e C it y Co un cil , the meeting was duly adjourned at 5 :39 p.m.