HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-12-2011 Work SessionST A TE OF ALABAMA
The City Co uncil met in a Public Part ic ipati on /Work Session
at 5:00 p .m ., Fairhop e Municipal Co mple x Council C hamb e r,
16 1 ort h Section Street , Fairhope , A labama 36532 , on
Monday , 12 September 20 11 .
Prese nt were Co un c il Presi de nt Lonni e L. Mi xo n, Co uncilm embers: De bbi e
W. Quinn , Daniel Stankoski , Michae l A. Ford , a nd Rick Kin grea , Ma yor Timothy M.
Kant , and City Clerk Lisa A . Hank s. C it y Attorn ey Marion E. Wynne was abse nt.
Co un c il Presi dent Mixon ca ll ed the meet in g to o rd e r a t 5:00 p.m .
The following topic s we re disc ussed:
• C it y Admi ni strator Gregg Mim s add ressed the City Counci l and brought up th e
fo llo w in g item s:
(1) Dan McCrory, Water & Sewer Superinte nd ent, discussed the Fairhope
monitoring program of the City of Fairhop e's water . He stated th e beach ha s
bee n s hut down 5 times this easo n. Mr. McCrory introduced Dr. Yucheng Feng,
Pro fesso r of Soil Microbio logy , Dep artment of Ag ronomy & Soils, A uburn
Uni ve rs it y who gave a brief pr ese ntation on a quantitat ive dete rmin atio n of feca l
po lluti on sources a t Fai rhop e municipal beach. The followi ng is he r Power Point
Wo rk Sess io n
Mo nd ay , 12 Se pte mb er 20 11
P age -2 -
Qua ntitative determinati on of fe cal
po llution sou rce s at Fa ir ho pe
mun icipal bea c h
Yu d1tng f e n~
tldcnika Wij csingh,·
W!!.i W,iod
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Microbi al so urce track ing
, What is micro bial source track,ng?
Oetern11na tt on of the 01i g1ns or enlenc
1111croo,garnsms in the envrronmen lal sa mples
Microbial source tra cking approaches
• L,brary-dependant methods
• L1br ary -rndependent metnods
• Hos1 speaf1c gene markers
Host speofic markers
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DNA lingerpnnung
Fecal indica tor bacteria
Fecal strep tococc i
Col iform s
-T olal cohforms
, FeCJ.I collforms
-E <O-•IIOf hesnwa<e 1:
Ba cteroidales
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Grarn-negahve anaerob ic. nonsporeforming .
and rod-shaped bacteria lt ving ,n numan and
animal mt est1 nes
-Ma',e up 25-JCl',o ol baclr:ria 1n hcjfnan yu1s
Obhgate anaerobes
Regrowth 1n tne environment is less hkel:,
Hos t spec1ftc markers general, hllt'Tlan. bovine l Alternative 1nd1cator organisms
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Sa mpling
site s
Work Se ss ion
Mo nd a y, 12 Se pt ember 20 11
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10-12'10 11
E~~.>lf C.1t1~1 gr.o H l l'IO stJgull r~hr\
Cokel tt'dmwnl Jnd .. 11,r 5~IU !of OH:. f.-,QtrpmlltitJ ti
Budg et
To i,I 011 1c1Co,1t
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Expected out co mes
1 Determ ,n e whether and to what exteni humans.
bovin es . Canada gees e. and sea gu lls
con lnbul e lo fecal pollullon at the Fa 11hope
municip al bea ch.
Determine 1f sediment at the munic ip al beach 1s
a sourc e or Enterococcus species found 1n the
_______ J
Th ank you!
Wo rk Sess io n
Monda y, 12 Se pt ember 2011
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Mayor Kant said we need to move forward with a plan by the next C ity Co un c il
meeting . Co un cilme mb er Kin g rea asked if the st ud y would make
recommendations on how to correc t. Dr. Feng rep li ed if we ask we co uld get
recommendations . Co uncilm e mb er Quinn stated we have been battling this from
200 I a nd ne ed to move forward.
(2) Pav in g Proj ec t for 20 11 , Mayor Kant stat e d th at he had rece ive d seve ra l
telephone ca ll s re gardi ng the Pavin g Proj ect s a nd streets to be po ss ibl y added :
Deferriet Co ur t, Morphy Exten s ion , We s le y Street , Ba y Bree ze Alle y, a nd Druid
• ancy Wilson addresse d th e C it y Council an d sa id RFQs were sent o ut to 13
bank s and had severa l goo d res pon ses . Ms. Wilson stated she wo uld be
reco mm endin g EB Y A-Compass for th e Genera l Obli ga tion Warrants, but wo uld
lik e to hold off on the Utility Reve nu e Wa rrants until the ne xt meeting. There
wer e severa l re s pon ses th at needed to be re v iewed wh ic h w ill take a few mor e
da ys.
• Mayor Kant mentioned a s ubdi vis io n that the Ci ty a ppro ved needs some
impro ve me nt s. He met w ith the Co un ty regarding ta kin g over the mai nt enance
of the road. Mayor Kant recom me nd ed not putt ing in the h1rn lane a nd usi ng
th e $ l 00,000 for improv e me nt s to th e ma int e nan ce of the road ; wh ic h wo uld
keep th e s peed limi t dow n.
• Ma yor Kant asked the C it y Cou ncil to cons id e r taking over th e draina ge
(ret e ntion) pond at Winn Di xie . He said there were Count y and Stat e
co nversa tion s that neede d to be mad e. The ow ne r of th e prop erty needs to deed
the prope1ty to the City after th e wo rk o n the detention pond has been bro ught up
to co de. Th en , the C it y wo uld tak e over the ma int e nanc e . Councilmember
Kingrea stated th at a ll parti es nee d to sit down and have so me ge neral agree me nt
before go ing forward.
• Jim Brock addre ss ed the Ci ty Co un c il re ga rdin g th e new wa lk wa y s igns. He said
it lowers th e qualit y of o ur str eet s.
• Charl ene Lee , Smatt Coas t/Co mpl ete Streets , addresse d th e City Co un c il
regarding Comp lete Str ee ts. The C it y of Fa irhop e was the first City to have a
Com pl ete Streets Policy. She asked the Ci ty Co un c il to consi der the
Co mpr ehen s ive Plan and ho w res urfacin g effec ts Co mpl e te Streets and all user-
gro up s. Oth er Citie s w ill be fo ll ow ing our lea d on Co mpl ete Streets a nd safety
feat ur es add ed . Ms . Lee a lso mentioned Octobe r is a ti onal Walk Your Child to
School. With adult vo lunt eers, we a re goin g to tr y wa lkin g on a dail y ba s is a nd
th e yie ld s igns will help w ith afet y.
Work Sessio n
Monday , 12 September 20 11
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• Charl es Lake , 55 So uth Ba y View , addressed the Ci ty Council regarding hobo s
li ving in th e gu lly near hi hou se. Mr. Lake sa id he had ca ll ed the Police
Depa rtm ent and wa s told there is no va gran cy law for the C it y. H e sa id ther e is
litt er being thrown in th e g ulli es alon g with drinkin g. The Po li ce Department
was as ked to get with Mr . Lake o n thi s iss ue .
There bein g no further bu si ness to come before th e Ci ty Council , the mee tin g
was duly adjourned at 5 :49 p.m .
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Ci ty C l rk