HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-14-2015 City Council Meeting Minutes6907 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council,City of Fairhope,met in regular session at 6:00 p.m.,Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street,Fairhope,Alabama 36532,on Monday,14 December 2015. Present were Council President Jack Burrell,Councilmembers:Rich Mueller, Diana Brewer,Michael A. Ford, and Kevin Boone,City Attorney Marion E.Wynne, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Mayor Timothy M. Kant was absent. There being a quorum present, Council President Burrell called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Barkley Gannon, Pastor of The Way Community Church, and the Pledge of Allegiancewas recited. Councilmember Brewer moved to approve minutes of the 23 November 2015, regular meeting; minutes of the 23 November 2015,work session;and minutes ofthe 23 November 2015,agenda meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Mueller, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The following individual spoke during Public Participation for Agenda Items: 1) Bob Riggs, 114 Chestnut Ridge,addressed the City Council regarding Agenda ItemNumber6; anOrdinanceto declarethat certainreal property (the building and property situated at Sea Cliff Drive known as the Boatyard)of the Cityof Fairhope is not needed for public or municipal purposes in response toanofferto lease property by Eastern Shore Marine, Inc.; and mentioned numerous yachts at the Marina and his concern about the impression boaters would get coming intothe City.Mr.Riggs showed photosofthe marina not being maintained.Hesaidthe marinais notup to Fairhope standards. Council President Burrell mentioned the lease section for repairs and maintenance requirements.He asked the Harbor Board to stayon top of these items and make suggestions to the City Council.Councilmember Brewer suggested the Citygetthe marina upto standards andtenantthen must maintain. Councilmember Brewer mentioned the Education Advisory Committee and the first presentation for the Education Study was on December 9,2015 with the second presentation scheduled for December 16,2015 atthe Library. Councilmember Ford said the Recreation Board is doing well. City Clerk Lisa Hanks recognized Council President Jack Burrell for obtaining the designation of Certified Municipal Official ("CMO").City Clerk Hanks read the following statement and then presented Council President Burrell with his CMO Certificate: 6908 14 December 2015 The Alabama League of Municipalities offers a Certified Municipal Official Program which is voluntary and open to all elected municipal officials.Any official who earns 40 credit hours in the program will be awarded the designation of Certified Municipal Official ("CMO").Officials must complete a core curriculum of 10 credit hours and 30 additional hours of approved training to complete the program. Council President Jack Burrell is a member of the 20th graduating class of Certified Municipals Officials and was recognized for his accomplishments during graduation ceremonies held in Montgomery on December 9, 2015. He is also already three-fourths of the way towards his designation of Advanced Certified Municipal Official. Ms. Hanks said "I would now like for all of you tojoin me in recognizing Council President Burrell who has earned this professional designation as Certified Municipal Official." Councilmember Boone moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 1559, an ordinance to zone the property of Grand Properties, LLC to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) concurrent with annexation into the City of Fairhope. This property is generally located on the northwestcorner of the intersection of Twin Beech Road and Battles Road, Fairhope, Alabama. Parcel No.05-46-09-30-0-000-062.000 and 05-46-09-30-0-000-062.001.Pointe Place. Phase II.(Introduced at the November 23, 2015 City Council Meeting) Secondedby Councilmember Ford, motion for final adoption passed by the followingvoicevotes: AYE- Burrell, Mueller, Brewer, Ford, and Boone.NAY -None. Councilmember Boone introduced in writing an ordinance to declare that certain real property (the building and property situated at Sea Cliff Drive known as the Boatyard)oftheCityof Fairhope isnot needed forpublicor municipal purposes in response to an offer to lease property by Eastern Shore Marine, Inc. beginning on January 1, 2016 and ending at midnight on October 14,2017.All other terms and conditions are set forth in the lease agreement. In order to take immediate action, Councilmember Boone moved for immediate consideration.The motion was seconded by Councilmember Mueller. Councilmember Brewer commented we need to work on getting the marina fixed beforesigningoff onthe leaseandthenleasethepropertyover. CityAttorneyWynne stated that we need to discuss before final document is signed and work together to repair and get the marina how we would like it. After further discussion,Councilmember Boone withdrew his motion for immediate consideration.Due to lack of a motion for immediate consideration,this ordinance willlayoveruntilthe December 28,2015 City Council meeting. 6909 14 December 2015 Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing,and moved for the adoption of the following resolution,a resolution accepting the public streets,public right-of-ways, and all of Fairhope's public utilities located in public right-of-ways within Pointe Place Phase I for maintenance and to authorize Mayor Timothy M.Kant to execute the Maintenance and Guaranty Agreement between the City of Fairhope and Grand Properties,LLC.Seconded by Councilmember Boone,motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO.2453-15 WHEREAS,the Owners of Pointe Place, Phase 1 desire to have all public streets and public right-of-ways dedicated on the plat filed for record in the Probate Records of Baldwin County, Alabama, on Slide 2538-D, and all Fairhope public utilities located in public right-of-ways accepted for maintenance by the City of Fairhope, Alabama, and; WHEREAS,the City of Fairhope,Alabama,has received notice from the engineers of the project that the design and capacity of the public improvements have been designed in conformance with City requirements,and; WHEREAS,the Public Works Director has indicated that the improvements meet City requirements,and; WHEREAS,the City of Fairhope,Alabama,has received from the owners of Pointe Place, Phase 1,maintenance bonds for the public improvements constructed for a period of 2 years, and; NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE,ALABAMA that the public improvements indicated herein for Pointe Place, Phase 1are hereby accepted for public maintenance subject tothebond posted;and authorizes Mayor Timothy M.Kant to execute the Maintenance and Guaranty Agreement between the City of Fairhopeand Grand Properties,LLC(the"Subdivider"). Adopted, this 14th day of December, 2015 Attest: (^LisaX Hanks<MMC City Clterk 6910 14 December 2015 Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing,and moved for the adoption of the following resolution,a resolution to award Bid for the Annual Contract for Hydrated Lime and Gas Chlorine Chemicals for the Water &Sewer Department (Bid Number 003-16)to DCP Enterprises with a bid proposal of $10.50 per 50 lb. bag of Lime and $97.50 per 150 lb.cylinder of Gas Chlorine.Purchasing Manager Dan Ames answered questions and explained that DCP is actually the manufacturer and distributor of the product;and this is the main reason we only received one bid. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Boone. After further discussion,motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO.2454-15 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA,as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope did request, receive,and open bids for the Annual Contract for HydratedLime and Gas Chlorine Chemicals for the Water& SewerDepartment(Bid Number 003-16) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2]Atthe appointed timeand place,the following bidwas opened and tabulated as follows; no other responses were received: DCP Enterprises Lime $10.50 per 50 lb. Bag DCP Enterprises Gas Chlorine $97.50per 150lb.Cylinder [3]After evaluating thebid proposal with the required bid specifications,DCP Enterprises, LP, is now awarded the bid for the AnnualContractfor Hydrated Lime and Gas Chlorine Chemicals. Adopted on this 14thday of December, 2015 Attest: L^Lisa A>Hank<<MMC City Clerk 6911 14 December 2015 Councilmember Ford introduced in writing,and moved for the adoption of the following resolution,a resolution to award Bid for Crowd Control Barricades for the Public Works Department (Bid No. 007-16) to Friedrichs Custom Manufacturing,Inc. with a bid proposal of 625 units at $88.00 each (no to exceed $55,000.00 total). Seconded by Councilmember Boone,motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Council President Burrell commented this proposal is approximately twenty-five percent lower than the second bid. RESOLUTION NO.2455-15 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE,ALABAMA,as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope did request,receive,and open bids for Crowd Control Barricades for the Public Works Department (Bid Number 007-16) at 555 South Section Street in the City of Fairhope offices, Fairhope, Alabama. [2]At the appointedtime and place,the following bids wereopened and tabulatedas follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation for the Crowd Control Barricades [3]After evaluating thebid proposals with the required bid specifications,Friedrichs Custom Manufacturing,Inc., withthe bid proposal of 625 unitsat $88.00each(notto exceed$55,000.00total), is nowawardedthe bid for CrowdControl Barricadesforthe Public Works Department. Adopted on this 14thday of December, 2015 Attest: /^£isa"A.>Hanks,MMC City Clerk 14 December 2015 CfTY OFFAIRHOPE BidTabulation i»N"c.007-18 : fhrw:Crowd-Conttol Barricades ;.i LTENED:Decembwl,201510:00 a.m. 6912 VENDOR BidResponse forms Executed/ Signed / o^= Cost of each 8ft X43 inch steelbarricade ( F2-B-FFor equivalent) Price breaks (if any) Price break*(if any) Price break* (If »y) Price breaks (if any) 1 Make/Model .. 3msports Yes 1Mby 1112.26 BSNiz'asas — FrWrtetaCretan Kb,lets M (5 ugtutOniSil.VM <io.ortH1.iio <MHWM 'jooiay.ixi 5K) Of more safl.DO F.J.flFFe'7" I TNLINF bakkiujlS &METAL PROtHOS.INC.in rcssDrist Abbam»BairicMC,Int ^0 ftSpona niTAMISCORPDRAriON iv respinw STANDARD EQUIPMENT COMPANY no i l'^ij'li: ,- ttFWMAN SIGNS.INC.rviresponse K SOLUTIONS,LLC rx:iikvji M CmwICcntrslStorcsEH n:rr*jnra! j ^ . - —. -_.-_..._.. amiimim Mwd bid lo FrlnClllchs Custoir Mfg,.Int 7%J~»/i lh 111< j ifcCtcr :f?jHc Works To mykiMifatto His isaracarfltatuslfcr Daniel P.Ames Pirchnsirn W.naijar Councilmember Brewer moved to approve the Schedule of the 2016 City Council Meetings.Seconded by Councilmember Boone,motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Brewer moved to appoint Diane Thomas to the Personnel Board for a one-year term which will expire December 2016.Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Brewer moved to appoint Fran Morley and reappoint Judy Culbreth to the Sister Cities Committee for a three-year term which will expire October 2018.Seconded by Councilmember Ford,motion passed unanimously by voicevote. Council President Burrell commented that the appointments were vetted and recommended by the Committee. 6913 14 December 2015 Councilmember Brewer moved to appoint Frank "Chip"Groner to the Fairhope Airport Authority to complete term for Charlie Bassett which will expire March 2019. Seconded by Councilmember Ford,motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Council President Burrell commented that Mr.Groner has a highly impressive resume and was recommended by the Airport Authority. Councilmember Brewer moved to approve charge-off of Uncollectible Utility Accounts for the fiscal year 2010 - 2011 in the amount of $123,695.63.Seconded by Councilmember Boone,motion passed unanimously by voice vote.Council President Burrell said this does not stop the City to collect these funds. The following individuals addressed the City Council during Public Participation for Non-Agenda Items: 2) Erik Cortinas, 9790 Terrace Drive,addressedthe City Council and thanked them on behalf of the Fairhope Football and Fairhope Booster Club. Councilmember Boone moved to adjourn the meeting.Seconded by Councilmember Brewer,motion passed unanimously by voice vote. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was duly adjourned at 6:35 p.m. lanks City Clerk <B^>&^C^f ouncil President