HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-27-2015 City Council Meeting MinutesSTATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( The City Council , City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 6:00 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope , Alabama 36532, on Monday, 27 April2015 . 6732 Present were Council President Jack Burrell , Councilmembers: Rich Mueller, Diana Brewer, Michael A. Ford, and Kevin Boone, City Attorney Marcus McDowell , and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Mayor Timothy M . Kant and City Attorney Marion E. Wynne were absent. There being a quorum present , Council President Burrell called the meeting to order at 6:06p.m. The invocation was given by Reverend Mike McKnight, pastor at Fairhope United Methodist Church , and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Councilmember Brewer moved to approve minutes of the 13 April 2015 , regular meeting ; minutes of the 13 April 2015 , work session ; and minutes of the 13 April 2015, agenda meeting . Seconded by Councilmember Boone , motion passed unanimously by voice vote . The following individuals addressed the City Council during Public Participation for Agenda Items: 1) John Propp, Patlynn Drive , addressed the City Council regarding Agenda Item No. 12: the recommendation from the Street and Traffic Control Committee requesting from the City Council authorization to place two speed calming devices with the correct miles per hour for Patlynn Drive to help with traffic. He mentioned the petition signed by all residents on and around Patlynn except for one; and said the main concern is with the s-curve and speeding. Councilmember Mueller addressed the City Council and mentioned the retirement of City Treasurer Nancy Wilson. Councilmember Brewer addressed the City Council and announced the Community Education Forum being held on May 12 , 2015 at 6 :00p.m. The location is the Fairhope United Methodist Church Life Center with the Education Advisory Committee hosting the event. Councilmember Brewer also asked the entire Community to keep the family and those who are missing from the Regatta in our thoughts and prayers . Councilmember Ford addressed the City Council and stated the Recycling Committee gave a wonderful report during the Work Session and recognized Nancy Anderson as the Chair. 6733 27 April 2015 Councilmember Boone addressed the City Council and stated he would be abstaining on Agenda Item No. 8 regarding the Bid Award to Summit Industries. Council President Burrell addressed the City Council and mentioned the Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Aviation Academy on Saturday May 2, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. Two of the speakers will be Governor Robert Bentley and Congressman Bradley Byrne. He also said our City Treasurer Nancy Wilson will be retiring at the end of June. Jill Cabaniss, Finance Director, addressed the City Council and presented the second quarter financial report via a Power Point Presentation for the quarter ending March 31,2015. Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing an Ordinance to Provide for the Public Health , Safety, Welfare and Aesthetic Beauty of the City of Fairhope, Alabama known as the Sign Ordinance. Jonathan Smith, Planning Director, addressed the City Council and briefly explained the need for a stand-alone ordinance which will also affect the Police Jurisdiction as well as the City limits. Councilmember Mueller questioned if this was advertised for this meeting. Councilmember Brewer replied that it was not required. Mr. Smith and City Clerk Lisa Hanks both agreed it was not required for this ordinance, but it was mentioned in a Work Session and printed in the agenda. Due to lack of a motion for immediate consideration , this ordinance will layover until the May 11, 2015 City Council. Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution that the City Council approves the proposed Title VI Program for the City of Fairhope/James P. Nix Center in order to comply with the Title VI federal requirements. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Boone. Sarah Smith addressed the City Council and briefly explained the need for this resolution and Title VI Program for the City of Fairhope. She stated that this is a requirement for the City due to having a grant with the Alabama Department of Transportation for the bus used at the James P. Nix Center. After further discussion, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. * * * 6734 27 April2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2354-15 WHEREAS , the CITY OF FAIRHOPE/JAMES P. NIX CENTER is a recipient of federal financial assistance from the Alabama Department of Transportation in support of transit services which imposes certain obligations upon the recipient, including complying with the Title VI federal requirements; and WHEREAS, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance; and WHEREAS , the CITY OF FAIRHOPE/JAMES P. NIX CENTER commits to assure that no person shall , on the grounds of race , color , national origin or sex , as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Ci vil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (PL1 00.259), be excluded from participation in , denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under an y program or activity regardless of the funding source ; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: The CITY COUNCIL approves the proposed Title VI Program in order to comply with the Title VI federal requirements. ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL , 2015 ATTEST : 6735 27 April2015 Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to Award Bid for Base and Pavement for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 for the Recreation Department to Summit Industries , LLC , with the total bid proposal of $582 ,726 .25 (Bid No. 0 13-15). The motion was seconded by Councilmember Ford. Andy Bobe with Preble-Rish, LLC briefly explained all four bids and recommendations for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project. Mr. Bobe stated all references were checked; the recommended companies are General Contractors licensed by the Alabama State Licensing Board; and are the lowest responsive and responsible bidders . Council President Burrell mentioned that all four bids were approximately $80,000.00 under budget. After further discussion, motion passed b y the following voice votes: AYE -Burrell , Mueller, Brewer, and Ford. NAY -None. ABSTAIN-Boone. RESOLUTION NO. 2355-15 BE IT RES OLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRH OP E, ALABAMA , as follows: [ 1] That the City of Fairhope , by and through Preble-Rish , LLC , Project Engineer, did request , receive , and open bids for Base and Pavement for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015, (Bid Number 0 13-15), for the Recreation Department (Project No. RECOO 1- 15). [2] At the appointed time and place , the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation Summary for Base and Pavement for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 "The Complete Bid Tabulation is on file in the City Clerk 's Office" [3] After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications, Summit Industries, LLC , with the total bid proposal of $582 ,726 .25 , is now awarded the bid for Base and Pavement for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 for the Recreation Department. Adopted on this 27th day of April, 2015 Attest: ~~L City Clerk 27 April 2015 Pf10JH.o NO. RE<Xl01-15 N~W FAIR HOP[ .SOCCER COMPLEX l015 LOWEST Bl OS SUM MARY BID NO. 013-15 BAS E AND ~AVE ME NT SU M MIT I NOUSTR I ES, lLC BID NO. 014-15 GRASSlNG AND lltrtiGA"riON STIWART ENVIRONMENTAL CONST., INC BID NO. OlS-15 FENCING G ULF COAST FENC E COM~ANY 810 NO . 016-1~ GRADING AND Df<AINAGE S.A. GRAHAM CO., INC. TOTAL FOR BASE I'ROJECT 6736 $ ~S2 ,126.25 $ 894,017 .so s 73,401 .00 $ 869.o7s.3o s 2,419,820.05 Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to Award Bid for Grading and Drainage for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 for the Recreation Department to S. A. Graham Company , Inc., with the total bid proposal of$869,675.30 (Bid No. 016-15). Seconded by Councilmember Boone, motion passed unanimousl y by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 2356-15 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: (1] That the City of Fairhope, by and through Preble-Rish, LLC , Project Engineer, did request, receive , and open bids for Grading and Drainage for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 , (Bid Number 016-15), for the Recreation Department (Project No. REC001-15). (2] At the appointed time and place , the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: 6737 27 April2015 Please see attached Bid Tabulation Summary for Grading and Drainage for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 "The Complete Bid Tabulation is on file in the City Clerk's Office" [3] After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications, S. A. Graham Company , Inc ., with the total bid proposal of $869,675 .30, is now awarded the bid ·for Grading and Drainage for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 for the Recreation Department. Adopted on this 27th day of April, 2015 Attest: City Clerk PllOJEt:T NO. REaJ01-15 N•w FAIR HOP( SOCCER COMPLEX 2015 LOWEST SICS SlJM MARY 810 NO. OH-15 BASE ANO PAVEMENT SUMMrT INDUSTRIES, l..LC BID NO, 014·1!; GRASSING AND lf<RIGATION STIWART ENIIIRONMENTAL CONS T., INC BID NO. 01>15 F£NCING GULFCOA5J'FENCE COMPANY BiD NO. 01&-1~ GRADING AND Of<AINAGE S.A. GRAHAM CO .. INC. TOTAL FOR BASE PROJECT -$ ~112.726 .25 s .8~,017 .50 s 7'1,401 .00 $ 869,675,30 s 2,419,820.05 6738 27 April 2015 Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing , and moved for the adoption of the following resolution, a resolution to Award Bid for Fencing for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 for the Recr eation Department to Gulf Coa st Fence Compan y, with the total bid proposal of $7 3,401 .00 (Bid No . 0 15-15 ). Seconded by Councilmember Mueller, motion passed unanimousl y by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 2357-15 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows : [1] That the City of Fairhope , by and through Preble-Rish, LLC , Project Engineer, did request, receive , and open bids for Fencing for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 , (Bid Number 015-15), for the Recreation Department (Project No . REC001- 15). [2] At the appointed time and place, the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: Please see attached Bid Tabulation Summary for Fencing for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 "The Complete Bid Tabulation is on file in the City Clerk 's Office" [3] After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications, Coast Fence and Materials , Inc., d/b/a Gulf Coast Fence Company , with the total bid proposal of $73 ,401.00 , is now awarded the bid for Fencing for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 for the Recreation Department. Adopted on this 2 7th day of April, 2015 Attest: ~N City Clerk 27 April2015 Pf10Jt:t.-r NO. REC001-15 N~W FAIR HOP( SOCCER COMPLEX 2015 LOWEST SIDSSlJMMARY BID NO. OH-15 SASE AND PAVEMEr-rT SliM MrT INDUSTRIES, llC BID NO. 014-15 GRASSING AN D lf(RIGATION STIWART ENVIRONMENTAL CONST., INC BID NO. D1S-15 I'ENCING GULf COAST FENCE COMPANY BID NO . 01&-15 GRADING AND Df(AINAGE S.A. GRAHAM CO., INC . TOTAL FOR BA5E PROJECT 6739 $ ~82,126.25 s 8!)4,017 .50 5 73,401 .00 $ 869,675.30 $ 2,419,820.05 Councilmember Brewer introduced in writing, and moved for the adoption of the following resolution , a resolution To Award Bid for Grassing and Irrigation for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 for the Recreation Department to Stewart Environmental Construction, Inc., with the total bid proposal of $894,017.50 (Bid No. 014-15). The motion was seconded by Councilmember Mueller. Council President Burrell thanked Preble-Rish, the Recreation Board , Sherry Sullivan, and the Councilmembers that have labored over this many times; and this project was a long time coming. After further discussion , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. RESOLUTION NO. 2358-15 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, as follows: [1] That the City of Fairhope, by and through Preble-Rish, LLC , Project Engineer, did request , receive, and open bids for Grassing and Irrigation for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 , (Bid Number 014-15), for the Recreation Department (Project No. REC001-15). [2] At the appointed time and place , the following bids were opened and tabulated as follows: 6740 27 April2015 Please see attached Bid Tabulation Summary for Grassing and Irrigation for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 "The Complete Bid Tabulation is on file in the City Clerk's Office" [3] After evaluating the bid proposals with the required bid specifications, Stewart Environmental Construction, Inc., with the total bid proposal of $894,017.50, is now awarded the bid for Grassing and Irrigation for the Fairhope Soccer Complex Project 2015 for the Recreation Department. Adopted on this 27th day of April, 2015 Attest: City Clerk PAOJ(l.l NO. RE<DDl-15 NI:W FAIR HOP( SOCCER COMPLDC 2015 LOWEST BIDS SUMMARY BIO NO~ 01:J-1.5 BASE ANO IJAVEMENT SUM Mrr INDUSTRIES, U.C BID NO. 01.4-lS GRASS~NG ANO lrUtiGATION STEWART t;NVIROIII MENTAL CONST. INC BID NO. 01>15 FENCING GULF COAST FENCE COMPANY BID NO. 016-1 ~GRADING AND Df<AINAGE S.A. GRAHAM CO .• I NC. TOTAl. FOR BASE PROJECT $ ~82~1'26 .25 $ 894,01.7.50 s 73,401 .00 $ 869~07S .30 2,419.320.05 6741 27 April 2015 Councilmember Boone moved to approve the recommendation of the Street and Traffic Control Committee for the following item: •!• Requesting from the City Council authorization to place two speed calming devices on with the correct miles per hour for Patlynn Drive to help with traffic. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Ford. Council President Burrell mentioned that the speed calming devices would be engineered to correct the speed limit for that street. He also stated this was the worst traffic study he has seen for consideration from the Committee. Chief Petties said the speed at the s-curve in the road averaged from 45 mph to 49 mph ; and the speed on Patlynn is 25 mph. After further discussion, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Boone moved to appoint Scott Douglass , Skip Jones, and Margaret Meyers and to reappoint Tony Chavers , John Henry , Jr., Bob Riggs, and Tom Yeager to the Harbor Board for a two-year term which will expire April 2017. Seconded by Councilmember Brewer, motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Councilmember Brewer moved to reappoint Hubert Hinote to the Industrial Development Board for a six -year term which will expire April 2021 . Seconded by Councilmember Boone , motion passed unanimously by voice vote. The following individual addressed the City Council during Public Participation for Non-Agenda Items: 1) Cecelia Muzik, Atlanta, GA resident with parents living at 705 Cedar A venue , addressed the City Council regarding her concerns with drainage issues and the house flooding on Cedar A venue. She wanted the City Council to take action regarding this issue ; and also mentioned the rainstorms from April 14 , 2014 and April 29 , 2014 . Councilmember Ford stated Mayor Kant addressed this at the last meeting and it is in the hands of the Governor and State Grant/Mitigation Funds. Council President Burrell stated this is informational and not action ; and with a grant out there, we should not act at this time. Councilmember Brewer moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Boone , motion passed unanimously by voice vote . 6742 27 April2015 There being no further business to come before the City Council , the meeting was duly adjourned at 7:01 p .m.