HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-2019 Work Session Meeting MinutesSTATE OF ALABAMA ) ( COUNTY OF BALDWIN ) ( The City Council met in a Work Session at 4:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber, 161 North Section Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 24 June 2019. Present were Council President Jack Burrell, Councilmembers: Jimmy Conyers, Robert Brown, and Kevin Boone, Mayor Karin Wilson, City Attorney Marcus E. McDowell, and City Clerk Lisa A. Hanks. Councilmember Jay Robinson was absent. Council President Burrell called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and announced that on the City Council Meeting agenda Item Number was pulled by the developer; and Items Number 8 and 9 were pulled by the City Council and Mayor. He also announced the first item on the Work Session Agenda had been pulled by Mayor Wilson. The following topics were discussed: • Agenda Item Number 1 was pulled at the request of Mayor Wilson. • Public Works Director Richard Johnson addressed the City Council regarding the RFP for the inspection of K-1 Center which will not be opened until July 8, 2018. Mr. Johnson said he will need a resolution for the next City Council meeting for Inspections Services with a blank for the company and a blank for the not-to-exceed. Council President Burrell asked City Clerk Lisa Hanks to add a resolution for the next agenda. • The first item on the agenda was a Presentation by Christian Preus with CPLA labeled "Set of Plans of the Transit Hub and Alley Project." (See attached hand out) Mr. Preus said that a group of City stakeholders met several times with ideas for the plans. He said the parking garage is the core of Fairhope and we looked at destination and recirculation for the garage; haphazard; stormwater issues; a second cardboard pickup; and shared space. Mr. Preus said the name of the alley will be "Arts Alley." Mr. Johnson discussed funding for this project and scheduling it around businesses and events to lessen disturbance; and we want Council and everyone's input. He said movement for the one-way is east to west; and travel space is not being cut. The consensus of the City Council was they liked the plan and one way traffic flow. Mr. Johnson said once the bid is awarded, the project would be completed in 180 days; and the contract must leave streets accessible. • Mr. Johnson mentioned a Historic Marker that was found during the Warehouse cleanup; and the need to find a place for it. • Finance Director Jill Cabaniss addressed the City Council and stated we are in budget preparations. THE TRANSIT HUB N. SECTION STREET S. SECTION STREET THE TRANSIT HUBCONTEXT MAPFAIRHOPE AVENUES CHURCH STREET MAGNOLIA AVEN BANCROFT ROAD S BANCROFT ROAD PROJECT SITECONTEXT 5 MIN10 MINTHE TRANSIT HUBWALKABLE CONTEXTCONTEXT THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS MAPANALYSIS THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - POSITIVESMIXTURE OF USESPOSITIVE THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - POSITIVESGOOD ACCESSPOSITIVE THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - POSITIVESEYES ON SPACEPOSITIVE THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - POSITIVESCOOL VIEWSPOSITIVE THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - NEGATIVESHAPHAZARDNEGATIVE THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - NEGATIVESBACK OF HOUSENEGATIVE THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - NEGATIVESRAGGED TO RIGIDNEGATIVE THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - CHALLENGESSTORMWATERCHALLENGE THE TRANSIT HUBSITE ANALYSIS - CHALLENGESSIDEWALK ENDSCHALLENGE •ORGANIZE PARKING & CIRCULATION•IMPROVE OVERALL AESTHETIC•MAKE APPEALING FOR PEDESTRIANS•MAKE FUNCTION FOR TRANSIT•IMPROVE STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE•MAKE AN ASSETT FOR ADJACENT PROPERTIESTHE TRANSIT HUBTAKE AWAYSTAKE AWAYS 1. Stacked and unorganized parking behind BB&T Bank.2.Back of house operations of Master Joe’s and others making the alley not as visually pleasing, especially with this alley being the first thing visitors will see pulling up to the transit hub.3. Trash receptacles being as hidden or visually pleasing as possible.4. Maybe determine a second day of cardboard pick-up for the businesses that back up to the alley – it tends to stack up and become an eyesore.5. Check code compliance issuesTHE TRANSIT HUBPROGRAMMINGCONCERNS •ORGANIZE BRATS / COMMUNICATION / MAPS•IMPROVE CIRCULATION•CLEAN UP ”BACK OF HOUSE”•IMPROVED SIGNAGE•DESIGNATED LOADING AREAS•PEDESTRIAN SAFETYTHE TRANSIT HUBPROGRAMMINGPROGRAM •ART & MURALS•GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE•URBAN LANDSCAPE•PEDESTRIAN GATEWAY•PUBLIC RESTROOM•ACTIVE / VIBRANT / IMPROVED LIGHTINGTHE TRANSIT HUBPROGRAMMINGPROGRAM THE TRANSIT HUBINSPIRATIONINSPIRATION“Tokens and treasures, yesterday's pleasuresCheap imitations of heirlooms of oldDented and tarnished, scarred and unvarnishedIn old Portobello they're bought and they're soldYou'll feel like a king here in the Portobello Road.” THE TRANSIT HUBINSPIRATIONPORTOBELLO ROAD THE TRANSIT HUBCONCEPT A – PORTOBELLO RD.PORTOBELLO ROAD THE TRANSIT HUBPERSPECTIVE SKETCHPORTOBELLO ROAD THE TRANSIT HUBPERSPECTIVE SKETCHPORTOBELLO ROAD THE TRANSIT HUBCONCEPT B – THE HUBINSPIRATIONTactical urbanism is an umbrella term used to describe a collection of low-cost, temporary changes to the built environment, usually in cities, intended to improve local neighborhoods and city gathering places. THE TRANSIT HUBCONCEPT B – THE HUBTHE HUB THE TRANSIT HUBCONCEPT B – THE HUBTHE HUB•IMPROVED CIRCULATION•SIMILAR ALLEY PARKING•SPACE RELATIONSHIPS DEFINED•TRANSIT HUB/ RESTROOM•STRING LIGHTS•PAVEMENT PAINT / ART THE TRANSIT HUBPERSPECTIVE SKETCHTHE HUB THE TRANSIT HUBCONCEPT C – THE HYBRIDTHE HYBRID THE TRANSIT HUBCONCEPT B – THE HUBTHE HYBRID•IMPROVED CIRCULATION•ENTRY / EXIT FROM MAGNOLIA•TRANSIT HUB•PUBLIC RESTROOM•ART CANOPY•CONSOLIDATED WASTE (3) THE TRANSIT HUBPERSPECTIVE SKETCHTHE HYBRID THE TRANSIT HUBFEEDBACKFEEDBACKDISLIKESORTA - LIKELIKE THE TRANSIT HUBFEEDBACKFEEDBACK THE TRANSIT HUBFEEDBACKFEEDBACKWE DIDN’TLIKE•LACK OF LOADING SPACE•RESTROOM ON THE EAST END•LACK OF DELIVERY SPACE•ORGANIZATION OF DUMPSTERS THE TRANSIT HUBFEEDBACKFEEDBACKWE LOVED•TRANSIT HUB LOCATED NEAR CHURCH STREET•RESTROOM ON WEST END OF PROJECT•STRING LIGHTS•PAVERS / PERVIOUS PAVERS THE TRANSIT HUBFEEDBACKFEEDBACKWE LOVED CONTINUED…•BIKE SHARE ON WEST END•WAYFINDING•COLORFUL SHADE CANOPIES•CIRCULATION LAYOUT•ONE-WAY TRAVEL DOWN ALLEY THE TRANSIT HUBPRECEDENTSAwoonerf(Dutch pronunciation:[ˈʋoːnɛrf]) is aliving street, as originally implemented in theNetherlandsand inFlanders, the Dutch-speaking northern portion ofBelgium. Techniques includeshared space,traffic calming, and lowspeed limits. WHAT WE ARE CREATING …DESIGN DEVELOPMENT THE TRANSIT HUBPRECEDENTSWOONERFDESIGN DEVELOPMENT THE TRANSIT HUBPRECEDENTSWOONERFDESIGN DEVELOPMENTWOONERF DESIGN DEVELOPMENTTRANSITIONPERMEABLE PAVER ALLEYSHOULDER & SWALETHE TRANSIT HUBALLEY CROSS SECTIONCOMMERCIAL BUILDING WALLGARAGE WALL THE TRANSIT HUBPRECEDENTSPRECEDENTS THE TRANSIT HUBPRECEDENTSPRECEDENTS DESIGN DEVELOPMENT•TRANSIT HUB / RESTROOM ON WEST END •PAVEMENT AREAS INCREASED•PARKING WITHIN CITY ROW ELIMINATED•BIKE SHARE ON WEST END BY HUB•TRASH CONFIGURATION IMPROVED•PARKING WITH CITY ROW ELIMINATED THE TRANSIT HUBPERSPECTIVE SKETCH FROM WESTDESIGN DEVELOPMENT THE TRANSIT HUBPERSPECTIVE SKETCH FROM EASTDESIGN DEVELOPMENT THE TRANSIT HUBNAMING ALLEYBRANDINGNAME THAT ALLEYARTS ALLEY COORDINATION AREAS THE TRANSIT HUBPAVEMENTDESIGN DETAILSDRIVESSWALEACCENT & CROSSWALKSTRANSITIONDRIVETHE TRANSIT HUBGARAGE WALLSWALE THE TRANSIT HUBGATEWAYDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBBIKE SHAREDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBRESTROOMDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBTREESDESIGN DETAILSJAPANESE SNOWBELLSABALPALM THE TRANSIT HUBLANDSCAPEDESIGN DETAILSLIRIOPESHI SHI CAMELLIACORAL DRIFT ROSEFLAX LILLYAZALEADWF. FAKAHATCHEE THE TRANSIT HUBLIGHTINGDESIGN DETAILSSTRING LIGHTS THE TRANSIT HUBLIGHTINGDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBLIGHTINGDESIGN DETAILSSUPPLEMENTAL LIGHTSUPLIGHTS THE TRANSIT HUBSIGNAGEDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBSIGNAGEDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBSITE FURNISHINGSDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBSITE FURNISHINGSDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBSCREEN WALLSDESIGN DETAILS THE TRANSIT HUBSCREEN WALLSBUDGETOverallItem DescriptionUnitOty.Price/UnitItem PriceGeneralMobilization LS 1 65,000.00$ 65,000.00$ Traffic Control LS 1 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ ArchitecturalTransit Hub Structure LS 1 75,000.00$ 75,000.00$ Gateway Arch LS 1 18,500.00$ 18,500.00$ HardscapeDemolition SF 20,524 2.00$ 41,048.00$ Unforeseen Conditions LS 1 15,000.00$ 15,000.00$ Grading & Site Prep CY 250 18.00$ 4,500.00$ Porous Concrete Pavers (including agg. base) SF 11,053 12.00$ 132,636.00$ Red Brick Pavers SF 1,443 10.00$ 14,430.00$ ADA Pavers SF 61 12.00$ 732.00$ Asphalt SY 389 28.00$ 10,892.00$ New Concrete Curb and Gutter on Entry LF 509 15.00$ 7,635.00$ Cobblestone Pavers (including agg base) SF 1,457 12.00$ 17,484.00$ 6' Wide Concrete Walkway SY 76 60.00$ 4,560.00$ Concrete Pads for Trash Bins SY 25 55.00$ 1,375.00$ 8" Thick Wall around Trash Bins LF 57 165.00$ 9,405.00$ 3' Gate EA 3 650.00$ 1,950.00$ Bike Rack Concrete Pad SY 18 60.00$ 1,080.00$ 12" Concrete Band SY 170 60.00$ 10,200.00$ 4" Thick Concrete Base for Pavers SY 127 55.00$ 6,985.00$ 6" Thick Finished Concrete SY 242 85.00$ 20,570.00$ Site Furnishings Allowance EA 8 2,250.00$ 18,000.00$ Electrical & Special Outlets LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ Site Signs LS 1 10,500.00$ 10,500.00$ Wayfinding LS 1 27,500.00$ 27,500.00$ Bike Share EA 5 1,000.00$ 5,000.00$ Bollard/ Planters EA 3 1,250.00$ 3,750.00$ Site UtilitiesDrainage LS 1 42,000.00$ 42,000.00$ Sewer & Water LS 1 8,500.00$ 8,500.00$ Lighting LS 1 111,500.00$ 111,500.00$ Striping LS 1 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ LandscapeShade Trees (65 Gal.) EA 7 850.00$ 5,950.00$ Sabal Palm (16' Ht.) EA 6 750.00$ 4,500.00$ Shrubs & Groundcover EA 422 25.00$ 10,550.00$ Pine Straw Mulch BALE 85 6.50$ 552.50$ Sod SY 84 6.50$ 546.00$ 6" Bed Prep Material CY 65 42.00$ 2,730.00$ Irrigation LS 1 15,500.00$ 15,500.00$ Estimate Subtotal:$743,560.5010% Contingency$74,356.05GRAND TOTAL $817,916.55 •SCHEMATIC DESIGN PRESENTATION –MARCH 12TH•DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION –APRIL 12TH•CD & BUDGET REVIEW WITH CITY& BRATS –MAY 31ST•ALDOT APPROVALS•BIDDING •CONSTRUCTIONTHE TRANSIT HUBNEXT STEPSNEXT STEPS THE TRANSIT HUB