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June 8, 1908 To October 16, 1916
0 -.0 u �' 4 f �.4 Ila A� ate- �,., %� � ✓`� . �v, � 14C rc,�, �, �-i . �.-�L%ice v r ' � le, ze �cj' Cyr /7, Az Wv R d �%i .��� ua��e� � a`-��� �i' ✓����-moo, • ,� L��-eQit/�/�✓ 05.�Z�li(�Y/ `C/i�Q/Y7 2�-�✓ ./YID/ 'd2l�L�j-�-zAt��/ �¢ �� I Zit-/-e;i�r�v� ���C�,-,.� �-►1 ; �!'�-fir oo z-► ; M� 2 7t,v, /C L.., � � 1-1 � �rj '�i ern -- -�i-� . � �%jT//j'if/ii"/ U � �,.�',;; �I�.,{/� �� ��� ��IYY�/Ai;,-y�G�t/(.c�[, ��-�G�'�'vC/(/✓i�il.s �J�-G�D I % `a.%7 '�- ''V✓�-�l✓i1/ `'✓�' � �� «' •�� � v -1%�� �v�y " ✓� �/ Z� �-il ��s"�-- � ✓ `%'Y �'Z'i�/�G G2� <2%j�� � �,; �W�(/ (v �'ij'�l�✓ Gl/Y G/i %t?iyt.�Gt�/ %��vU � U , �; fir'' � ram`'' �%'✓i'�'v�'.!�'t� � ��Y1�Y�L��G%�X � ?�-i �� ���.°r� "" ...: ::-:ice--" �'2�1.���� � ��� �'% � i :��JILG�I�YiI✓f/" f� G�!^(.� " " ' �`! r'�� G� 0 / ��-j% � � ' 'v �, / � �GfiGf%�Y'Y2'L.v�i✓�, �✓t�f'�G'� G�-elm, �,v, ".� mot_..- .� �✓jr.l t-y �r�1, LL�'�'r�r- ZGL' _ �.I 6 L Ll A)' el"o Ile& ,9 rti y, �, �J ��1i �a-�C,e� Dom' GL�o � r����( IGL/ '"'V 7'a /7V 7,0 7Z V oovl- MeIl-kc, ul CV ni" .10V �4 dt7a off) t ell) Code of I testify as a witness 0 gainst him, may for SECTION 19. The Recorder's court shall cruelly beat, injure or otherwise abuse any such offence, be fined by the Recorder pot be held dailyIl Sunday and legal holidays ex- dumb animal, shall, upon conviction be fined exceeding twenty dollars, and in default of ceptd, in such building as the council shall not less than five dollars nor more than fifty Ordinalaccs• payment of such fine, be sentenced to hard designate for the purpose, at such hour as dollars. labor for the town for not exceeding twenty the Recorder may appoint. The Town Clerk SECTION 29. It shall be the duty of the days. shall act as Clerk of the Recorder's Court, Marshal to collect all fines imposed by the C 0. The Central Trust Corn an with authority to approve bonds, take affida- Recorder, and after such fines have been im- O,SE ' SECTION I p y . t 511obile'and the Bay 'dinette Bank of. Bay 'i s and s. gn all process, civil or criminal. posed, unless the same be immediately paid V TI I E, TOWN OF -FAIRHOPE, Minette are designated as &epositoties of all The procedure in Lhe Recorder's Court shall or adequately secured, said Marshal shall at monies nies of the Town of Fairhobe as nearly as practicable that before justi- It A Ill) WI N COUNTY, ALA. pe. once take the defendant into custody, and SECTION 11. Any person, corporation, or ces of the Peace in analogous cases. The Re- shall compel said defendant to perform hard )I I I` I; 1) J U LY 1, 1908. association failing or refusing to abate any , corder may reduce or remit any fine or sen- labor on the streets or other public works of nut sauce after same shall have been so declared tence or pardon any person convicted of vi.olatinToordinance, said town until the alternate sentence of hard IIV I I'(40 )A I N FD by the town council of by the Council, tor the Mayor, after the time g any Town nance, upon proper. whenever the Recorder shall imlabor shall have been complied with; and Alit., as follows. for its abatement has been fixed, shall upon cause shown to h-mpose a filne, conviction 'o iction be fined in such sum as the Re- SECTION 20. The costs for proceedings he shall also impose an alternate sentencelof III -following be and hereby is adopt- corder er shall deem just not exceeding fifty before the Recorder shall be the same as hard labor. Oil 4% it I' -,de of Oidinances for the Town of dollars for each day such nuisance shall con- circuit court fees and sheriff fees of Baldwin SECTION 30. No dog shall be allowed at 1"al' 110110 14, g,) into effect immediately upon tinue. county, and shall be paid into the town Trea- Its plosage kind publication. SECTION 12. Any person who shall sury. The forms used in proceedings before liberty upon the streets of Fairhope between AW111M 1. di April fist and November first of any year Words used in this code in 19' -the Recorder shall be in substance those pre- without collar showing that a license fee of excavate or remove earth from any lot within - 1110 present tense include the future the town limits, leaving an exposed hole or scribed for proceedings before the Recorder one dolla"r for that year has been paid, and 04 WrIl 11% Ilke past and present; words used of the City of Mobile asset out in the City if, 111c, nutilictiline gender include the fernin- depression in which water settles and.stands Code of 1907, on pages 834 to 339, inclusive, the owner of any dog who shall allow same 4 herein mosquitoes may be bred, is guilty of sIve, to go at large without the payment of 11 1# sold Aieuter-, the singular includes the w but variations not of substance shall not im- sue - III and the plural the singular. The committing a nuisance and may be fined up- license shall be fined not more than twenty - committing Includes a corporatick, aswell on conviction as provided in the preceding pair the validity of proceedings. five dollars or sentenced to hard labor, not 0 prilion; "writing,, includes print- section. SECTION 21. No one shall without the exceeding twenty-five days in discretion of "J.- includes affirmation, SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful for any consent of the owner of the adjacent lot the Mayor. v. 'order" refers to the May- person to engage in the game of base ball, hitch or otherwise fasten any horse or other SECTION 31. The owner of any dead art I I as Xecord. foot ball, tennis or any other game on the animal.to. a sidewalk tree, or use, cut or oth- mal who shall knowingly permit same to erwise in any such tree except as herein remain unburied within the town limits or er; the word "police" refers to the town' Public streets of katrhope; and any person Marshal, his deputies or other officer exec• violating this ordinance shall be fined not above allowed. No one shall cut, fell, break, within a half mile thereof more than high- - cising the customary duties of a policeman. more than twenty-five dollars. ring, bark or damage in any manner, any tree, teen hours after the death of such animal, f SECTION 2. The officers of the Town of SECTIONI4. Whenever a❑ ordinance pro- plant, or shrub which is lamed in n P bl Y shall be fined not less than one nor more `, Y P walk, square, street, road or other public than ten dollars for each offense, and each Fairhope in addition to the Mayor and "Town pounces an offense, but provides no penalty, place, in the Town of Fairhope. Any viola - Clerk shall be a Treasurer, a Marshal and the penalty shall be a fine at the discretion lion of this section shall ai ope. d b a flue day after the first eighteen hours shall such Deputies as may from time to time be of the Recorder not to exceed fifty dollars not exceeding fifty dollars. P Y constitut6 a separate offense. found necessary, a Health Officer and a with imprisonment or hard labor not exceed- SECTION 32. The salary of the Mayor Town Attorney. 'These officers to be ap ing fifty days, in default of payment. SECTION 22. Any person boarding a boat shall be one hundred dollars per annum pointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval Where a penalty is provided in the form of a after being warned by the captain, mate, or PP Y per - of in charge, and an Payable quarterly, of the Couni�loffice , and hold oce from the time fine and the defendant upon conviction re- other pperson P of such appo' tment until the expiration of fusee or is unable to pay said fine, he may be sisting in interfering with the orderly dis- SECTION 33. The duties of the Town , the term of the ;Mayor by whom appointed, sentenced to hard labor for the town for charge of business at the boat landing, shall Clerk in addition to those described by unless sooner removed by order of the Mayor. such period as to the Recorder shall seem be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty- article 11 of the Code of Alabama of 1907, proper not exceeding one day for each dollar five dollars. shall be to attend to the assessment and SECTION 3. The Treasurer shall be thecollection of -taxes as provided by law and to custodian of all funds of the Town, which of the fine, and the Recorder may in his dis- SECTION 23. To keep a house of ill -fame, act as Clerk to the Recorder's Court and shall be paid over to him as soon as practica- cretion make a sentence with alternative of or for gaming, and acts of drunkenness, lewd- for his services he shall receive the salary of ble by the Town Clark. He shall pay out fine or imprisonment. ness, indecent exposure of one's person, or one hundred dollars per annum payable same only upon warrants signed by the SECTION 15. In all cases where any dis- other disorderly conduct in the Town of monthly. Mayor and Town Clerk, and shall give bond puts shall arise as to the necessity for repair Fairhope, are each declared' to be unlawful for the faithful performance of his duties in or its extent, or the sum of money to be paid and every person guilty of either one of said SECTION 34. The treasurer shall receive such sum as the Council may from time to by either party for the erection, building or offences, shall, upon conviction, be fined in a for his services twenty-five tlollaso time require, which bond until otherwise repairing of any partition fence or wall, the sum not exceeding one bundred dollars, or annum payable at the end of each qualter. '%TN provided shall be Five Hundred Dollars. party aggrieved may complain to the lie- imprisoned or sentenced to hard labor fur SECTION 35. The Marshall shall receive corder, and thereupon the Recorder shall ap- the town not exceeding one hundred days. for his services fees as provided for similar SECTION e No person shall post any bill, services for the Sheriff of Baldwin County. card, or advertisement, on any fence or wall Point three respectable citizens of the town SECTION 4. .Riots, unlawful assemblies, surrounding any public grounds, cemetery, as inspectors, whose duty it shall be forth- affrays, assaults, assaults and batteries, SECTION 36. The duties of Town Attor. place or park, or building, or on any tree, with to examine into said matter and report drunkenness, lewdness or other disorderly ney shall be as follows: To investigate all to the Recorder the sum to be paid, and to conduct, and breaches of the peace, are here- titles on behalf of the Town, when requested telegraph, electric light, or telephone pole, or, without the consent of the owner, on any and by whom. 'Thereupon, the 'Recorder by declared to be unlawful, and every person, nY the Mayor, or Council and furnish reports t private property, within the limits of the town shall make an order requiring`°the delinquent• upon conviction before the Mayor, shall be' thereof; of Fairhope, under such penalty, not to exceed within the term of ten days .t -pay to the fined in any sum not less than five dollars To give his written opinion on questions of fifty dollars, as the Recorder may impose. Person to whom the same may" be due the .nor more than one hundred dollars, or be law to the Mayor, General Council, commit - SECTION 5: Whoever shall disturb, or dis- sum so reported by a majority of the inspec- sentenced to hard labor for the town not ex- tees and heads of departments, whenever re - quiet any public meeting met fors lawful is- tors, and two dollars to each inspector, and, ceeding one hundred days. quested in writing; pose in the town, by making a noise, orb if the delinquent shall neglect or refuse af- SECTION 25. It shall be unlawful for any To reduce to writing all contracts submit- ? ter dtte notice of this order to pay said sum person to discharge any gun, pistol or other ted to him where the Town is a party, and rude or indecent behavior, or profane dis of money, he shall be fined in such Sum as fire -arms within the corporate limits of the approve such written contracts before the course within the place of meeting, or on the the Recorder may impose not exceeding fifty town of Fairhope, without a special permit same are executed; - street or elsewhere, so near as to disturb dollars. the order and solemnity' of the meeting, shall from the Mayor, for each and every occasion; the fined in such sum as the Recorder may SECTION 16. The Town Marshal and his except it be for the protection of person or 10 furnish the Mayor with a statement in P writing, if required, previous to the trial impose, not exceeding fifty dollars. deputies with such regular or special police- property. And any person convicted before of any case pending, where the Town is in- - SECTION 6. Any person found drunk in man as may be from time to time appointed the Mayor of violating this ordinance, shall P� be fined in an terested, fully advising him of the legal points, or about any street e n found lace in the shall preserve order, peace and quiet and en- y sum not -exceeding fifty dol- the testimony necessary for the Town, and all P P force the laws and ordinances throughout the tars, or a sentence of not more than fiftydays town of Fairhope, or in or about any house or town. They shall have power to arrest all Y other confidential the matters relating thereto; place of business of a public nature, shall upon at hard labor for the town. P persons in the town found it, the act o: vio- SQFCTION 26. It shall be unlawful for an To furnish the Mayor and General Council conviction be fined in suchsum as the Recorder lating any law or ordinance, all dangerous ,person or persons to sell, have for sale or of with a written statement of suits pending, may impose not exceeding fifty dollars. and suspicious characters and all persons fee for sale, or otherwise dispose of sale, spirit- Any wherein, the Town is interested, at least once SECTION 7. person who at any ,time found under suspicious circumstances, and uous, vinous, or malt liquors, or intoxicating in each year, and oftener if requested; was, es his hands, face or feet in any public take such to the police station to be committed bitters. or other intoxicating drinks of any To pay over all money collected by him fountain or drinking -place in the town, or to the town lock -up unless they give bond ac- kind, within the corporate limits of said town; as attorney for the corporation within five obstructs the flow of water into the same, or cording to law. They, shall have the power Provided that this ordinance shall not be con days after the collection thereof. in any manner tampers with or abuses such and authority to serve and execute warrants strued to prevent the use of wine for sacra - fountain, drinking place, water tank or well, or other process for the apprehension and mental purposes, or the social or domestic For his services offifty dollarrse perannum ted he shall fountain, its fixtures, shall be fined in such sum commitment of persons charged with the use of liquors in private families. Any have a salary i-aof p P y_ as the Recorder may impose not exceeding commission of any crime or mist � meanor, or erson or able semi-annually. In addition to the fore fifty dollars. 4 p persons who will violate or at- going he shall on the direction of the Mayor violation of any law or ordinance of the tempt to evade the provisions' of this or- or Council institute or carry on all actions at SECTION 8. Any person who shall injure, towR, and shall execute such givil process, dinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- law and in equity, in favor of the Town to, break d )wn, destroy or carry away any fence, mesne or final as the Recorder: is 'authorized meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall final judgment, and to defend all suits brought gate, step or door of a house in the town, or to issue, and while making the arrest or ex- be fined not less than five dollars, nor more against the town when in his judgment de take down the fence or carry away any sign- ecuting any warrant or process, state or mu- than fifty dollars, and may be imprisoned or fense should be made, when and for which board, plate or card, which indicates the nicipal, shall be vested with all the powers sentenced to hard labor for the town for a services be shall be entitled to the usual fees name or occupation of any person doing busi• and authority conferred on lawful officers of term not exceeding fifty days. as provided by the Mobile Bar Association ness in 'the town, or who breaks, cuts or the state by the code and laws of Alabama. SECTION 27. It shall be unlawful for any Fee Bill. He shall also upon the request of injures :any shade or ornamental tree, or SECTION 17. All persons lawfully com- person to use or shoot stones, marbles, shot the Mayor and Council represent the Town hydrant, whether on public or private prop- milted by the Recorder's Court to Imprison-' or anything else with India -rubber or other in all cases appealed from the Recorder's erty, or who defiles or injures any public or went at the exp nse of the town and all per- sling; in the town or about the public streets; Court to the Circuit Court of Baldwin County, private wharf, boat house or bath house, or sons lawfully sentenced by said Record- and every person violating this ordinance and for his services shall be entitled to re breaks or injures any street lamp erected for tr's Court to hard labor for the use: of the shall be fined not less than one dollar, nor ceive fifty per cent of the amount of all the benefit of the town, or breaks or defaces town of Fairhope shall be committed to the more than five dollars, or sentenced to hard Judgments or fines awarded upon such ap any show window, of newly painted work by custody of the Town Marshal, or to any labor for the town not exceeding five days. Peals. He shall also, upon reasonable notice maliciously cutting or scratching same, or regular or special officer or policeman of the appear upon request in the Recorder's Court' otherwise damages or destroys public or pri- Town of Fairhope, or to any person appoint- SECTION 28. Whoever shall wilfully and or before the Council or any committee there vate property, shall upon conviction be fined ed by the Town Marshal as such custodian. intentionally, or recklessly drive any animal of in person, but for so doing shall recei by the Recorder not more than fifty dollars. in the streets of Fairhope so as to cause said the sum of ten dollars and his extjnenses. SECTION 18. Any prisoner sentenced to animal or vehicle attached thereto, to come SECTION 9. Any person wlio procures the hard labor for the Town of Fairhope, who in contact with, or strike another object or arrest of another by any police officer or escapes or runs away from any guard, po- person, or shall drive such animal, as is dis- Town Marshal of the Town of Fairhope, and liceman or officer having him in charge, or qualified for service, by reason of lameness, ; without good excuse therefore fails or refuses who escapes and goes away from his task, marked signs of poverty, or other inabilities to appear and prosecute, such person, or to shall he fined not exceeding fifty dollars. to perform such work, or shall inhumanly or (Ll�a.-11 r �1 )e C Ordinances. OF THE TOWN OF FAIRHOPE, �r 13E IT ORDAINED by the Town Coun- cil of Fairhope Ala., as follows: each animal taken up and in hiscus GjiyCpf B-1—( ��TI Any person permitting any goattody, and twenty-five cents a day q to run at large in the streets of Fair for feeding each animal. He shall', j hope, shall on conviction be fined feed said animal and treat same in ! fifty cents per day for each animal. a humane manner. In order to re Ni0 yY► t- v claim same the owner of said animal t, BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Coun- must pay the Marshal the sum of cilof Fairhope, Ala., as follows one dollar and also twenty -fire Any swinefoundatlarge upon any, cents per day for each day of the de- �/i/`� street within the corporate limits of!, tention, and upon failure of said the town of Fairhope shall be taken I owner to do so within five daysafter in charge by the Marshal, who shall i the animal had been apprehended im- L; the Marshall shall at l2 o'clock on keep same securely, and shall mediately post a notice in front of the day sepcified in said notice sell the Post Office stating the time and said animal at public outcry for cash place of such taking up and describ- h to the highest bidder in front of the ina the animal impounded, and giv- Post Office, and apply the proceeds ing notice that if said animal is not of such sale, nrst, to the fees due reclaimed within five days from the for such impounding including an dayof such takingandall legalfeesfor additional fee of onedollar for mak- such impounding paid, it will be ing the sale, and the balance, if and, sold at public outcry in front of the to pay over to the owner of said an- , Post Office at noon of the fifth day imal. If no owner appears to claim f - after such taking. same the surplus shall be paid over For his services in impounding to the Town Clerk to be held by him ,QC/ said animal, feeding the same and for thirty days, at the end of which postiog notice, the Marshal shall be time, if no owner appears, it shall entitled to a fee of $1.00 per head for be paid into the Town Treasury. , — --- - ----- 'Al s 7u 449q f Via. �zvtl y 00 ?P/XY lil-av-4" W ;/" way �dn�-� ,.r.C_ c o�► a 77 Zaw-�-�-�y awJ �etyo_x 41 7- 7 , )ot_ Y Fac r � r 1 � a► F YW J01;ft .Town Ordinance BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of Fairljope that Section �/1 `6wenty of the Code of Ordinances % ,( G be'amended to read as followz: 441�� L' i Section 20: The costs for pro- , ceedings before the Recorder shall be the same as those allowed to Jus- tices of the Peace and Sheriffs un- der the State law for like services, and shall be paid into the Town i Treasury. The forms used'in pro- J ceediugs before the Recorder shalt' be in substance those prescribed for before the Recorder of the City j of Mobile and set out in the Mobile City Code of 1907 on pages 334 339, inclusive, but variations not of sub- stance, shall not impair the va- lidity of proceeding. H. S. GREENO Mayor. P. Y. ALBRIGHT Clerk. Or `�� l' A4r ounctatiard upor'auy each animal taken up and -in his.cus- +�street withillhe corporate limits of, tody, and twenty-five cents a day the town of Fairhope shall be takenfor feeding each animal. He shall in charge by the Marshal, who shall feed said animal and treat same in keep sarx'. securely, and shall im- a humane manner. In order to re-! mediatel,y post a notice in front of claim same the owner of said animal I the Post Office stating the time and must pay the Marshal the sum of I place of such taking up and describ- one dollar and also twenty-five I ing the animal impounded, and giv- cents per day for each day of the Be- ing notice that it said animal is not tention, and upon failure of said reclaimed within five days from the ,I owner to do so within five days after day of such takingandall legal fees for the animal had been apprehended such impounding paid, it will be the Marshall shall at 12 o'clock on sold at public outcry in front of the the day sepcified in said notice sell Post Office at noon of the fifth day said animal at public outcry forcash after such -taking. to the highest bidde. in front of the For his services in impounding Post Office, and apply the proceeds said animal, feeding the same and of such sale, first, to the fees due posting notice, the Marshal shall be for such impounding including an entitled to a fee of $1.00 per headfor additional fee of onedollar for- mak- ing the sale, and the balance, if any, I to pay over to the owner of said an- imal. If no owner appears to claim same the surplus shall be paid over to the Town Clerk to be held by him for thirty days, at the end of which _ time, if no owner appears, it shall be paid into the Town Treasury - � 44 A)- �9 u A-j !a large upon any I the d7 sepcihed in said -notice sell each animal taken up and in his cus- said animal at public outcry for cash street within the corporate limits of ; - p Y the town of Fairhope shall be taken tody, and twenty-five cents a day.j to the highest bidde. in front of the in charge by the Marshal, who shall for feeding each .animal. He shall post Office, and apply thg proceeds keep same securely, and shall im-' feed said animal and treat same in of such sale, first, to the fees due a humane manner. In order to re for such impounding including an mediatel,y post a notice in front of p g g the Post Office stating the time and claim same�tJae owner of said animal I additional fee of onedollar for mak- must pay the Marshal the sum of intr the sale, and the balance if an place of such taking up and describ { a1 + Y, one dollar and also twenty lies to a over to the owner of said an -I i ing the animal impounded, and giv- pay ing notice that it said animal is not cents per 'day fo>i each day of the de- imal. If no owner appears to claim reclaimed within five days from the tention, and upon failure of Said same the surplus shall be paid over dayof such taking and all legal fees for owner to do so within five days after to the Town Clerk to be held by him such impounding paid, it will be the animal had been apprehended I for thirty days, at the end, of which f sold at public outcry in front of the the Marshall shall at 1� o'clock on time, if no owner appears, it shall I Post Office at noon of the fifth day I be paid into the Town Treasury. after such taking. For his services in impounding said animal, feeding the same and O-Al.. 7� posting notice, the Marshal shall be entitled to a fee of $1.00 per head for / Q.pyyyt�.,7-yt,l�yti . (�/�f�f0�i[/��'i/1-H.,;�eft— `�f-�fty_� (�i-W✓ v�''%'�.�.�r v�-�-Z,%%-r,� `��./��..'�- ��I� �-- , .. l�' ice' ��/�� ✓Y� Q/ o- �i��'Yy1/�.--,. � � ��i2� ���/l� `� �'l/ t1�.M-t/ �� �Z'l � i�(/ j j(ifiyj�� f/�1'YYIOL•/ GZ7f// I A N r,, t l ��- ��� CA -Y, Be It Ordained, by the Town Council of Fairhope as follows: Under and by virtue of the provisions of Section thirteen hundred and eleven of the Revised Code of Alabama of 1907, a municipal tax of mills upon each -one o11ar1 of assessed valuation is hereby levied upon all property and subjects of taxation within the - municipal limits of the town of Fairhope for the tax year commencing October first, 1908, and ending September thirt&fth 1909. The pro- ceeds of said tax are to be used for the purposes of the municipality and the assessments upon which said tax shall be levied shall be made by the Town Clerk upon values as fixed by the State assessment and shown by the books of the Tax Assessor of Baldwin County for the as- sessment of State and County taxes due and payable October first, 1908. It shall be the duty of the Town Clerk to proceed as speedily after the passage of this ordinance to make such assessment and return same forthwith to a regular meeting of the Council for such future action as is requir- ed by law.! aa- ,���. Ap 1Y � �'"� _l?-7�1 ',VLC/72� � / / / V✓��' ;Z� � f' / r . ,� �?�ij'G'���'I � � �P �'l/l/�v�l� rl 43 �� r / jl'% !�v 14 15 `lam/ 117 % Town Ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED: by the Town Council of Fairhope, as follows: Sec- tion 43 of Town of Fairhope Ordinan- ces is amended to read as follows: Sectiod 43: Tl,at under and by vir- tue of the provisions of section 1136 Of the Code of Alabama,] of 1907, a j tax of four dollars per capita i, hereby levied -upon all Male inhab- itants in the corporate limits of the town of Fairhope between the agres of 18 and 45, for the tax year beginning Oct. 1, 1908. That said tax is due and payable at the office of the town treasurer on the first day or December 1908, and on tte first da,y ofthesame month every yearthereaf- ter. That if said tax is not paid with- in thirty days after notice, the delin- quent tax payer _hall be warned out to work for tdays on the streets and if such deli: guent refuses to perform such work he ,shall be guilty of a violation of this ordi- uance and it shall be the dutv of the i 1,761 1,70 town Marshal to arrest and bring him before the Mayor, at,d if he be an ` found guilty of such violation, he shall be fined $10, which fine shall include said tax and cost of court.�'���( Should delinquent then fail, refuse, _I Q or be unable to pay said fine, it shall aid r<itl� be the duty of the Mayor to sentence /� y, ��� him to hard labor upon the streets `'Z/ 4 of the town for a period of ten days. . `_11 All ordinances or parts ofordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. A l � , �Z �✓"� �� �z;. ,off AtA 60 w7_A4 '�Cv i �� �� Town Ordinance. IT ORDAINED: b BE y the Town Council of Fairhope, as follows: Sec- tion 43 of Town of FairhopeOrdivar- ces is amended to read as follows: Section 43: That under and by vir- tue of the provisions of section 1336 of the Code of Alabama, of 1907, a tax of four dollars per capita is hereby levied upon all male inhab- itants in the corporate limits of the town of Fairhope between the ages of 18 and 45, for the tax year beginning Oct. 1, 1908. That said tax is due and payable at the office of the town treasurer on the first day of December 1908, and on the first dray ofthesame month every yearthereaf- ter. That if said tax is not paid *riirh+ i a W`•_.,�*; _, the delin- quent tax paver shall be warned out to work fordays on the streets and if such deli quent refuses to Iperform such work he shall be guiltyof a violation of this ordi- nance and it shall be the duty of the �— town Marshal to arrest and bring ( / !f/1117 Ak �� L him before the Mayor, and if he be found guilty of such violation, he r'' shall be fined $10, which fine shall y� include said tax and cost of court. Should delinquent then fail, refuse,—VAb"),7 6W or be unable to pay said fine, it shall 'L� ` be the duty of the Mayor to sentence him to hard labor upon the streets of the town for a period of ten days. I All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are ,hereby repealed. H. S. GREENo, Mayor. P. Y. ALRRIUHT, Clerk. vvw��� �Z�(�!� ✓60�-�� Rat-, , � ?2dTj , O� oO' , 07, rlo-" ___6 4_1 dv �v 17 lb a?-,,.� ��6 , / � o � 0 -vr►1� 14 s` lo 011f Jill'IIP jy I Zinc `��''�r-rl,� . �-► �?� �tf��.r�t , `mac � , �� ���.�t � 404d , .99 . �� ail" _ rlle"jx rd� 441 ;Ioz �t��—C_ , G�r�-,� %�G�G���, •yam, �'j' rD"f'l -A Q- �'I�G'v�(G�?�l�i. {��r�'j'i'► � ��Z�,�'',../ ,yl,� � , 20 II , 1177 1 % / 106 lf"9 voo &Poo Al -� rl�o �-��'`►-Hof-YlC . �f 1 GU� �!1 GL � C� / r.,1�rr �i�� ,� 4� !� '71 itp, 72�'i'o�`'�'��1 ? �- �CA-1 -*7 ' 21 -v,-,,� �'-e-�-� � ��•�.-� �f ��r ,�,� i'L�o-�a , 7�:��i�i- , ���ir-�'!�-n _ Gam,-ryt ,���,�f / 774 o0 d � / off, 22 -PC r7,� ate/ 2t BE IT = y the Town Council of Fairho-pe, AlaOx4a, as fol- lows, FIRST: From and after t1iis data, any ;,er7or Xak±'ms C.:c Zxd ,aiggin7; up any of the stureets or dide,valks of the Town of Fairho;-)e or erecting; any structure or obstruction the.x eon without first obtaining the per- mission of the Council, shall be fined not less than Five or more than Fifty Dollars or imprisoned not exceeding ten days provided, however, that no legitimate and proper work in constructing or rapairing streets and roads shall be considered a violation of this ordinance. SFI'll OND: All work wherein the streets or side,valks of Fairhope shall be dug up or any obstruct -ion placed therein after -,,eri:liss ion shall have been ,. ranted therefor 6y the ryouncil, shall be conducted under such reasonable .regulations as to liShting at ni, ht, length of time in which said excavation or obstruct ion shall remai:h and other ,)rovisions intended for the benefit of the city and the safety of the po pulat ion as the Count it shall -provide . Ado -,-)tea by unanimous vote of the, ?•iayor and Council at a re6ular I meeting of the Council held -- 1909• P oil" G�1.4 a- 7"4 t7,y444-�"- y% 2;6o ,mod LO LcaaZ -ni�-W c� J�v `�`v A4,e 24 7t-u.n a-,.a�-e Air �i- ��. Glf �p��2ir1� ef.�. �necs4 �fc J Z .61 -1 % TA "Al - SECTION 26. It shall be unlaw,"" for any person or persons to sell, have for sale, or of fer for sale, or -otherwise dispose of any spirit- uous, vinous, or malt liquors, or intoxicating bitters. or other intoxicating drinks of any kind, within the corporate limits of said town; Provided that this ordinance shall not he con strued to prevent the use of wine for sacra- mental purposes, or the social or domestic use of liquors in private families. Any person or persons who will violate or at- tempt to evade the provisions of this or- dinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, 1 ✓ b� be fined not less than o ars, nor more than ollats, and may to tmprtsone or sentenced t hard labor or the town for a term not ex c ediug '" Ai(N Q�yl �� 2 �, Z.r/j'--'�i71 �%7N �Y•�i L�C avi � ril i t o ` I � �� �ji{, 7�1 o'%TQ`iYN Gl/✓l�i'r.� r� cL„ �'j/y �°y_I�Yi�I,/ � - ,~. pr _441IT 5 U -"i(- Jznf Au -) a� , rec4olveJ "),7 own t. cc)uniil 01 +- , • 'e J .kJ i�:.'.L:J}L Jt4.i '`). �).. ii. �i-L _+. .. .�',t/ L%•`' ,..... _,.. �J\.. ,.L. .. �).. .. - 1,. _ . J �. .... L i..? _ � .i. J.L.v. � 'J.., .. ... •/..:.� , ..rile.,_>4,q .,.,. .h�.,.., i.J .. ,: �. ,. .; Iu%• k '..L-Ai:Q U.Z • e' .74 r 4417- 'IG '�9- ti 27 Be it c)3,•,jpied by the to habana as folloWs: 4a-' 7" hat f-f a Pt e i: e i-,u an-.7 er6c;n to en� ex to.',-L o A. in -7 "5 narie o 'he Cloic-nolclAtr', Ut3cli. o 3 a i CL e n 1v P, J lt. r u J, 0 J'_` r e, on for L r eac' aot o 'one w i t 1i�) a c, 3ar tl re r ea-1, na we htz la'61, 4v fa ILr 101)l W, 6-n c� �V_, ,-O P 7— C) d -19 eMoLia TA/ 1-7 L 04LV� 28 J NYi 07�girr�i�ru�Z �R-o F'roia an" alter the first _�,ay Of �i(/(,�j�fy�—i': �i�, 11G buil�liivz s1- 11 m erected within the, coriDorate i1f": to of the Tot' of I''ai7'ho ,O, e _ f �1 ' i1 11C 'J1r):-7.: tIII;i i:��.h,' ��.1..�,.i ;'1'C 1:�.J"i: .11 v' :11•_tr�to �.eer to 1 r 0 .:t t i i..:11 1.t+ :7 v 1' G t G 1 i — 7DlOv':s :' i'8 '.!are are _7o bu��.A;1 �O, noT:v- srlall be than thirty feet tO t118 grsmtAd IIXax0-TZ!1 z:,,t ° tXtX T"198:�t= tZ)z-t2k zz:LX BBC k* e :Ge t U._L L t1'i�3 M, T- - - , �- , - .L ;,. e ., j.9.JTTm?:?...,l'.i.:t. 1t`.Jlf ,_11 ...:. ...ii,;_.. 1>. -1:.._,... 'v'i�_.7nalYllaa D�ii.tJa .tio L::a `s�'1.wi c..iiy U._C L.'.- �__f' .... ot�... ..J ,-,..t; ..s .., .,, --ilc;..1''e ..i.i. ,:71:t".11 ' iiOt r"1 v ai:ti. r3 %.?ci 01 O''.; ytiC`ev �Li1ti i 8ia a j.)uil.:�i"_l'; is 1t11�Lta�i Oil cO=.ie:� , .O:C 'v'_ic ui: otiie of th:.i� Oiulili %iCe it shall !:0 Coills 1� Brea o 11 ]L a s i he d-lo,ck oi2LL ;:':1i Oil it face j, rOV1d2 , hot!B �Ta i' , t hat tie s 4 de o f no corner building shall be _--.ear— ,. ol, 'th•.n °iftse'n feet to the Sj- StiE'E't. F FT`_71:' t111,'-'erso;: ue 'J1.L1lt 1i. wL ::.,....:t. I1Gt 1n aZ1Ci:+ .,'1.tl� J,�,..iG les i.L.l.Zl�ii..Pi.1t�J of ttla�3 GL— J11;.L11 fJe t._eguile 0., ..L :13::.Ci:L:v4L1:O.�', ;,L-:1�'. 1: •'011 Cc;_._.'1.^. �.L.On ,- , �. .4i �. ,'ft T.-. 're Tl an",;*_'ew iGi1 .. "rho Ju1li�� :Li^: j' ;' it:t� u1a : G G i' "; L'. 3 to Ja ;?Lt1 It in 'i_ inalyneT riot COi ;' l i,._1cP with t'.'1 requ.il .i.e :t8 t,_c C1i'c 'JO1Yia Oi'( 7— rei:iove 'ha s ::._( °7 t, in u,.'f te... „c' i`yy1.. -no�tlfie.' uy t ile . arL lh1 �to -.o so j i,.l:ll, 'Jo:" each d1--1- �t,he ealte- t11a,U he• of i l y.r �vii3e. SLKTFI: The ayor sh�li a ,oint a standing committee to coi-i:a st Of fila e? ._.8' �J ."C v v moo'.'- 'a i `'''IOCE? .l"� �.:;'.1l 'Ut3 to '111VeSt1, ate all cailulaints in regard to violat-ions of tha_s ors ir:M,ce 1.i_iL to re- ter; all v io1 ,—.bolls of same to t .e .0 dop, V eu Ly V.ilal'li 1._V %.s Vote of •41 •w, C:nd C Vun'.J i.L 4.: :J ._. i egu1:4_.'. meetln7 of the council held July 1909. y 29 41-6�7� kkl Al ,14�� w �v Am 74 /Z An An el,Af � ��l.�a C/ti4. GYnl ti ,Goa-r04-/ i.evalot � hvo� an loele yea,- %Y�61-mJ �rrwro Gv Bwvt eqt-t-f 7 U 0 a4l, // " &� 30 i�4 10-Y OJ /VV rr �Irn, 0�j� ,tJ��7� '�y�'1"�.�t�-✓ L�-i-f�0�`77'� .lam �®d-� �;� J �rv� 3 4 0 <!dw Y t..-. L. _.�y_I. ��' I1- -.. � � r. _ - •L. ' ,,, _ _. _ :J r Sf+ t�.n.'.~J .. � ... i�iv F _ Ila ��, n ILL � �a�-�'-�� ��zn-yam r�°f.� ���� � �� �'� �►���1./fv� /, � o 117 -�6 Be it ordained by the Town Council" of Fairhope, Ala. as follows; Under and by virtue of the provisions of Section ISII of the Revised Code ,of Alarama, a "municipal ta-T of five mills upon each one dollar of assessed valuation is hereby levied upon al.l, property and subjects of taxation within the municipal limits of the Town of Fairiloi;e .for tile tax year corrmencin,tr October I , 19091 and. ending September ZO, I910. The proceeds of said tax are to be used for the purposes of the municipal � ity, and the assessments upon which said tax axx�xrx�txis�x?�x�tr�t� vsia shall lie Levied shall be made by the Town Clerk upon values as fixed by the 19tgte assessment and shown by the books of the Tax Assessor of Bald win County for tlhe assessment of State and County taxes due and payable October 1, I909. It shall be the duty of the Town Cleric to proceed as, sp speedily after the passage of this ordinance to make sucia assessment and return same forthwith to a regular meeting; of the Council for such future action as is required by law.% r "�.-,-y`'/ �% Imo(/ % �ii�7'� `�%l�:�f' �-b•—`i� , dy1�'Lr'��s %"'�C' `�ii✓vL was purl i stied Whereas there in the Fairhope Courier .for Septa 17, 0.9 , a deed of tkr transfer of streets of Fairhope Boom the Fairhope Single Tax Corporation to the Town of Fairhope, aXt,which deed contained certain Whereas The Town Cou 1 of Fairhope .had previously reservation ,� n3, decider that it wool lccept a transfer of the streets which contained such seeservations;amt now therefore, Be it resolved by t1le Town Council. of Fair-7-lope, Alabama, r,iia t:iie :,wi1 ;lees. be :not accepted by the Town of Fairhope 62 -7"7 Na 7-s— /9 d 9 �i @�-vt� lc.� --yam .�•i., -" �'i q�t�ALi- ��71t �� 15- t Z; '�f4 lore 4;6R L YY �j =140_4�q ez,4001 -C �/ .cal 4tio 14 lac;/ f41 f /� ' ,�/ r"i'Y►`i(i�',i"1'✓1"i'f `�7`7/� i 1'i /` La�Eyv ` / 40RIO _ VC'/� - •! CU- N .7 C C'' ��i-►-� Goo •,- 72 �"✓!/tfit. �;l ;;. � .,� e..�--t- �-t. C7��J'-�/y� ,� �`l�C%� � Gr'�C�y�"sf _Q�'� � /7 (��, Ci�t r���i--�l�„ �r✓ CCU �L �` � �//zj...,,� .�» Ae 35 a _ 7 /" i Gc sri GAL Y4-g.;Ooo, a� tLG ^ ✓�:19 � d' �-t.�7G�r -=j it 74( LiC-4;,-k 3b 'Yi'► � "yzl��yy� � � `Y1�.d�� LvTNo `7� /�0 ✓3�m ��7�i-rr�t/ ..� -- qy D-ytti4� , B�� �wzo�o=r ��i.�—�2�.�i� .wR-•- �, ,�i� ��i �2��i� J �7 1 71f Xf, CI - 77.., eA, r , �R n yrt. jGyj Cl�(i -lw l �o �.-+� �.y�r, �i y�,a-�,-+�i. �Lt,G h a�-(v , �Y1� , `i Q ��r•,c , ®-�-�C�� G�.y,.r ���; �� ram- ���r�r-�c• • vF/V�lY'f• r 1 �d �. T 756 -�� �at 10 1-4 ct� �,-�•c-�wr ,,,,tom �-r�-�-,-.,,,�,�,�-�- � U-wt. �-*�`�., 11 39 o Cif �'�i�li �.d-Vt�v� t.�.� ��/`' "„r� "j�t�'►�e� � --�i� %� I"f%'-%�'G�-c�V-'''�`l `%~%yt�' �vy�.��c.�(,C-� �� �I��C!dzt��r `/��`j'L,,L� •�fit/�/�'� G����t�1-f� Gt�Yvr� ''f/►/v /ti�'�'IMt�A 0"� Gl G�i'r'�r a���l�li`fi✓ Ywwr �vV%y�/ ��v�' f e 0 / C� rc d /•r l�Vii ) `i ,�,� �_ 417 'fJ -VVDw / ,J i?'�'✓'_ .^yam ��' ti� �c-�r%r�-►� ��{ -� . �rn,�����-►-� l'� � rn�� y" y -L,,:�-yam ,�v�/�-w�"� � .�f,•, �� ��1�.. � �.� ��'-�=�,- -2-y 1ri 1�.�./-��-wcn-C —G�rs� ` 4� / SDI / p l D OF ` , � _ �ti "Z�/Li".�' (%Yt k/i� �'Z"� ��fi"v�-C7 � ✓�Yt�l i'!if ':�/`1� " ,' )� : viL ,` . L 1�w. 1, "s��.�,;: ol %/'3' I'L ■ 40 i'v v � �(�-�%1%( �fi j�.p ,yv�,O�y1/L� � ?1� ✓L7/ to 1�P�t/iy �!/l,/ � �"x� �%�-� 'U`l'�i G�i rl �VI-V� -Y.4� 1-7 `--.�-.-�" �--���'�-,moo , �� c� �-�—a--'� l�� j � ;�'�' G�y�^ ��r ,✓" f ��1 f������i'�-� 42 12 ZIC lo Via©• � i / �- (1 AlF, I Wl 7 4 Q� Gtvr.�: �-ri � oho �Lv�✓ 'f , �, .�,.. ��,L� - , �� -�n� / J Al a �� p r� in 7�al 41 Xt/ OL t/�,7 G �D �►' Lyme �� �ti�,. �'%� `�"%��l ��� �' ��i'�c'`v � ���� /�`m� G� `��rr , 4 � . I � �t-� �� ��'% ✓Lv"�-sC ��fi�L�f �Yv� �-�r�l�l�-.-1 �' %�Gj��v� G�� _ L-e(-f y4e 44 S( �0--- — Resolved, That the town of J ;air- � 1. hat munici alities be allowed ( ) P (3.) That the constitutional limit I through its Mayor and Council, t`o make their own assessments of of 142 of 1 per cent general .property hope, to our representa- for municipal taxation oni property P Y tax for municipal purposes shall not hereby recommends in the Legislature to recommend not being bound to the State and apply to municipalities in which a ma - 'the tives I and work county assessment of the year previ- jority of qualified electors shall the approaching egialature for the of the followyig meas- ous. vote for a higher levy. ' passage to be enacted into law, or the 2. That municipalities ma by ( ) P Y. (4.) That a bill be passed by the ures submission of amendments to . the the same are vote of their citizens, exempt certain classes of property from taxation and Legislature embodying the most 4.p-" proved commission government, and State constitution, where such legislation: may tax other classes of property at providing that any municipality in.the Permit necessary top differingrates, provided that property, P P P Y' State, whose electors shall so vote, of a class shall be treated alike. j may adopt such form pf government. • v , 15 46 0 ■ yeayre-y�� al'y16110 ,' , !�-�;�/t�', aft/• �ii .�� ,, % r � 11141 71) ✓" '' '�,' 'lam ,c, � ��'�!�'f� `'YTi", R 47 flig Iola n4v�= . rG 48 iZ 74 //����v�y�Gp/�/�'� �(/Y��J . ��� �/ ��`ut-� � GtytOi �'�GC�-N� ���•3-r �`td `%, t3 ,5 C7 D 17 76 eo- /YjiL 7iV?n'7 � G'G�T�if/K... `�1/YG?%�j/� `� ir?i5!l�li✓/" .i-�?J`Tit/N �/Y1�L�L' (;��'IZ2i`� / eG4ro� Off,, /v. i4/-io Lk�� L. K �:a� �LL6L-f ` -.L�l� . �1� GL`. /.�.Z.d C-�J�tJ�-� .• �LQ.a�2 � L� i G[J`e,�¢, iL1LGv �� GLz ♦ c�, �� ! � �-2.G'1l`Q�� �� DLO L L L C � � ��a--[�� 41 . U ._ /�/PJL�!/Le�2.0 �� .L-•CSLL j GLr1�� [��Ge-.4� L�-�/'j�- Z cl �� ✓ /� , .� , qL�'4-rung �`-�' • G/� 2. /� � ��'� !'�-i�cs�Q..51� ��• v cs—� 1,3'40,�c �L L \S j L'�z-!J"�J r I �' ✓�-z7f /,,;e, 1,9 c� )p 61 •tl cam-- � � �� t `�C.'�-t C.� `�-�. vC. , .� , ��.�-.e.� �� • � ' � [,'V G(J—L L-1 ///�D� ��L � LCiI.L,.J � l/YL-LL t �'1�J'� dL, t--litiQ 1 2!/L L lLLJ'e-JL.IL. yr-I.�� Zu C �-c..�, /J � aC-cc ♦ � ,- /� � c� �y��4�4-u't�,l, l cI . c� Q / «1ti!-�-� -' ..�;L�rulz-� . OL_-c�,� c�Co G2� Q� !� / • of d � d O, , ►►���e l� 0 9 a���L l �'1l v 2. �i d ✓W � - C_L' � t,/C a../� Q2�-[,c.,[, u /��� ��u/L 1, L , G7 O f 7o' ���� � �7�.4p LLJL w4L � i � ♦ �4 C1,,.L.�.'L,r-f-V�(` ll�f.w.l� ./'� -. �-O 21�� LIOLI. bra,,, Wz�.a 2t a 4C. �-. cil��-'-.� a-�- • &ILI 2 r y. aL P 2i N AAJL .L. �' 1 a-!� z`�a. �t �i� 2c� oL � �C�-rz.�.. �% • d�-z�l...[�t.c..� �f- �1�, � `� Ae Pk,-44 ;t X, al� cza-y 4&,ao C-4,� �s,'i.L�-►Lc'd�C �i , r tl • �1 U- J ,C9e� � LG•. r��v . lJLIL .I QO � �t..i a�. Gr.e.a.aL.� Lv�.a.•e,�u�.r� �rzL,r�i,caC. G�ta�n�/ •�. ,6� ` �� 0,0 A j /�'`c� Zit'. v a �. � dh►�r�.•� U �-v�a.v q t�,LlL. Qit1 !iY' t�fl�+ !JL-1l�'►) � A G=� � � �. � ����L�l12JL-�q1 ��f�LA � • �' - ` / _`" �� � vim' e'z'�''�` �% ` i ,- &LA.) . . V"o � r ems- . L� ✓t,(rc, , ,�L� p2t a 1r� � '��`' �c � i a..L. aL � ��Z�2. 'Z� -Ir/t�11,7 c4w . Z 0. /�P// 4e4- %t�lit. .lifal. r elfGZ L �a11�y,EcL GL��c�L., U Z`�d.. �GLtiL� LL`�ZrL, C � L-�-- �s11•-cz/.�.� /� . � �L��- C-'Vv.� 9CL[�/Z�l/L C.L.O L111 � �"Z.�.. � �C ✓ Z . O V „� � at.\aL .i1�[•��G �,LFa2.e�'a-�1Q��Q,-�S'c�-G �uz�a�.► � �21. G c3 ,ems -z7;.OLA- h 4.c.cn.z-c.� L_[!-L�iC �� . �Cl •CIO. ✓f'L1 L tc �. i �C • �2IL o �,.� `�^�. �,., ...-c�. .-fie- •, zX-� ,�3a,,e/z�-,., [yam/ - � ,,/ � ' �, I A/, C/ , \ �• �/ \GAL tGGL�[.1� \�-�L.�1 _ . i✓� /� L.U-,,t- O ALL G\GoL • `J7/Z 4-ft- 4�7� /cl�zaG Z4"-Lo, 2=-ta,-,Lj 1. �iiti�c v v� &.c., O�u�c�x-oi.�f-+E , At�2\ d. L��iu,\ //� Y `, •IC��f'�- L�LL�L l�ir�t.0 �uC G'�cL. �, ,�� / G�j1 iA l 4 tv-e,� pui "L4-e" eat- I� 'tom I c x-4 %Z!L ' d✓i-�-L2U aCl_[3�. e�fL�, `;�UZ[fZ-[. � ���D �-�'�+v �D2�t�Q aC� aC�a�.aLJ Gcral2�z a e�v ALL. .�Lt•Zr Uu D ;IzL!�Z�t�j� ZLa d4-- GLiczc cn�! 2 ,flo LD 2Lc ♦ G L Ct �.�► (//Lt�l t�lLLt Lit � A 2 G Z �' y- � Z . •moo � v � � Ivo 2,6 �/. Lu 77� L 6o .-,d, i�a�1� - �� e4-r ate. ,9� 9� a d Lz, tz . HLL JL -44p, ftpAest� ,�erc� ot,sew p �Z��.e�,�e..d�'•�-I., � �!1-z.L-�-�.L��J � �OI,Y._.o.�.o GL.L` `GiLc��' Q; �!%Z/L.GL�L,� ti �.e, �i• or e�1�.G�7r2atuc. �C. .�-�i�' . -� �«�-�' r� .�i, a..��4ce,,, ��n.-��. . UX `�' \� (11� ' I � � y 19v,, �hA a--�� 16-" a-7 elr 4rr..494.�.4 �n t-v ae.� d. • �e-u� 0 e�fu . 2 e �( SAL cr7�E�i-z�tn�aC. , ..�C.!-:.o ,�i�..�1c�t.o � • ��1� �v z:_o ��t-u.,./� �.r...aC �Ga�.�c�C. �a� �,b ���� A-,L tc[. AOJ L 4-eL� 1&--l- 2:7, ccre2iL toot Ytl(z Mi AIC 1444L,�,C-& 44- a.4rLb a, acZ27r% Z7/� Z!7U /XOL.A 12 "?4 do <1 46 46 jAir A'74.o )IJO-M 10'el&Z-4 �)�ZIAIW-a do ;,7 et'-Z Zak a,,%. IL zx- dj� e z I Z_41 e_ X__W- Jb -T 1Ilk G aL.A- -e- , /Al rL�j P, ,c-,A 4e, A-" Qt-L. Vt� CZ7 ,-of, , d.a,t'uo Apt-t.� ��-�i 0�7� 7U2 �'t-/'UGcL�[ c a� d s�tj•e a.haC ;.& ".ozc,o `, 0 t IX, ain ur,�,U4.17 4�L�Z/V � d, G?�cc��C�eSZ. � dc•�,c, / t-+�, G`i�,(� �,� r 7 1-&eA--4-3 ��-u= a ti. �G •-L-C �c�, • '� A-�� Q-o mac` 7`e a� . a o . (� o147Z t I � �- �' � G IG, kQ.-� :�x ,gala, 4' IY77-L,..o v u cam' �ti �XLA-� � t u:�. %..�. /1.c; L�r;3.��.v L�-t 2l�G ♦ Q �v � a.Q. ��cr�. �v-a►�e� `y'7'i Z t � 1"W," A4-A� 4b 2'-Z7 t7tL- At 0,12� or Gz,L{ t /7V -t*LC4, A4 14-t-�AIL-44) % L� .c.ccv � �x.,�� � 1g L� G�-c-� d.� L_�-C �� �-�-ti. IL r2t-ti,-/`�L �c� ad Z�.a. j�.n, �-c . e� L�✓lw �e-Q.� �aL Q� -y 22 , 191 �d��tvu 1 ZL� oGLaG 07z12.�� a C/rc L/2 oll �, 59 G2- Z4At2 11t t:::.J 42 l t Gu`e_'.t_z IS. '0 cj rJ4i� ci �a2r, .Q Cl� t � � •� � ���:�uL / -�-z 0 �'L �O, '7.�-mod Z�c. v� � ,Q'1CC�¢.�s LG�Lc �AI' .LL t� �- dam 2 �� /* L!L iz:LCL2LLcc♦2c�/x.Q J2 J3 �, a- Zi_ V O'n / _ / Report of the co -,,mitt ee on water works aprointed at. the regular meeting of the torn ccuncil May 22. 1911. To the Ho�iorai le Mayor and Council of the. Town of Fairhope :- We,the committee of. the Council appointed to investigate. the water works and to report on. the adciswbility of accepting the proposition of the Fairhope Single. Tat Corporation to giti e, to the Town of Fairhope the sal waterworks, without cost. to the town,free from any incumbranCe,upon oondi- tion thatthe town shall maintain the system and that.the connectors shall be guaranteed the right to be supplied with water on payment of reasona,le rates.- do respectfull.7 submit the following report, From interviews 'aad with the secretary and treasurer of. the Fairhope SinFls Tax. Corporation we ha-ve learned: - That the said corporation claims to own.the said water system -which has cost $5200. -free of all incumbrances. That there are 87 water users,nearly al.l of whom are paying the re ;ulax water rates as fixed by. the executive council of said corporation. .That the greater part of. the users signed an ap_reefr:ent to .pay. the connection fee of $60. and to .also .pay the water rates. That at least one water user claims that by an agreement between him and. the secretary of the water works he was . to have water free after .hating paid the connection fee and also the cost of the material and labor employed, in making. the installation. in his house. 6U That . the receipts from wa-r er users for . the year 1910 were $194.20, the .running expenses of operating. the water works were $691.04,the receipts of the constntction department-makin�4 connections &c . -were $507i, 05, and the disbursements by that department were $248.98; all for the year 1910. That the capacity of.the pump is sufficent to supply twice.as much water as.is now pumped and used. That written contracts were made only with users of water li-ving on ' their own tamd private grounds and that no written contracts with users li,ing on colony,or corporation,land were made other than the signed agreement made by most of the users and already referred. to. That the colony,or cor�oration,claims that the water user referred to,,,, ? who refuses . to pay water ratesxbecause of an agreement mKdm whereby he was to ha-r4 free, water, is a member of the colony, or Fairhope Single.Tax. Corpor- ation,and. is therefore.. subject to its constitution and bylaws and, to the operation of. the •referendum,and that by a referendum -ote the said colony . decided to charge water rates,and that. said water user is therefore subject to the regular water rates charge. We belie,,e kk&*xkXxkkjKxXmxmxmxa in municipal ownership and operation of public utilities on general primciples,and we,therefore,fa-or.the owning and operating of the Fairhope water system by the.Town of Fairhope as soon as practicable. We belietiethat bp. the generous offer of the colony to give the water system to . the town the plan is practicable. ►� And we also believe that with careful and judicious management the water works can be made a profitable,as well as a most beneficial,munici- p al utility. We would therefore recommend that the Town of Fairhope accept the generous offer of the Single Tax Corporation, suaject,however, to. the follow* ing• conditions First. That the said Fairhope Single. Tax. Corporation secure a aye=_ viitten disclaimer from all the water users of any partnership in the water system, or . the right to free water, as well as an agreement, to pay the rates to be fixed by. the. town in the event of its acquisition of said water xmxka system,and deliver said disclaimer to the town. Second. That the said corporation furnish thetown with a map,chart, or diagram,shoxing the sizes and direction of the water mains and laterals, the location of the hydrants, connections, &c. ; also, a list of water users with a memorandum of the service being gi•en them and at what cost to the ltixxx users. Third.. That the entire .water system proposed. to be. donated. to the tam town shall include the free use of suitable sites for a water system j equipment,other than sites at street. intersections or where streets are now or are likelyto be made. In other words,that the colony shall furnish the necessary sites for wells,tank,power house &c. D . J Fourth. '1'rat all bills due, the corporation by water users for con- nections made and not fully paid for, be turned over to . the town for collect— ion; the money thus realized to be deli oted. to . the purposes of . the water system. If these. terms, conditions and suggestions shall meet with auproval by. the town council and by the Fairhope Single Tax. Corporation, we .would recommend that a committee be appointed to draft an ordinance authorizing . the acceptance of. this gift,and. to arrange a set of rules and regulations to goverm water users. Respectfully submitted, Fairhope, Ala. June 12.1911 By the Committee, Signed, W.E,Swaet, C.L.Coleman, . C.L.Nichols Supplement to the report of. the committee of. the Fairhope. Town. Council appointed to. investigate. the water works. We,the.undersigned,a majority of said committee,in addition to what we have already subscribed to in our unanimous report, do . earnestly recommend. that,before the. town shall commit. itself to accepting this offer, and assuming the responsibilities involved in such act,it shall first engage. the sere; ices of an expertto examine. the .water system and make a report upon its condition andupon the probability of having to make very soon, if not at once, costly repairs and additional construction work to the system. We further earnestly recommend, that,before the town commits itself it shall have obtained a a �;uarnteed proffer of funds from some source the repayment of which is to be secured by a bond issue or otherwise, - funds ample to meet the cost of any construction and repair work found to be necessary by the eaaming expert. Respectfully submitted,June 12.191-by a majority of the committee. C.L.Coleman C.E.Nichols. I hereby certify that the foregoing is an accurate . copy of the report of the committee .on water works and of the supplementary report of the. majority of said committee. H. F. RING, PRHSID.NT E. B. GABTON, BHOHBTART lairbope *inq1t tax (Corporation ADMINISTERING THE FAIRHOPE SINGLE TAX COLONY FAIRHOPE. BAEDWIN CO.. ALA. June 20, I9II. To the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Ala, Gentlemen: G. W. WOOD. TRRASDRHR The report of the cormnittee appointed by your body to consider and report upon the proposition of the Council of the I Fairhope Single Tax Corporation for conveying to the Town the water works ovmed by said Corporation, (which report it was understood was adopted by your body and accepted as its reply to the said prop- osition) was considered by the Executive Council of the Fairhope . Single Tax Corporation at its regular meeeting on last evening and I art directed to report to you its following action thereon: (I) That the said Council does not agree to the first con- dition of the said report, but will stand upon its proposition to warrant its title to the said water plant and its right to con- vey the same, which, as it is financially responsible, it deems to be all that the 'down needs to ask. 1 M h3 (2) The ',econd condition is accepted, (3) That as to paz condition three the Council cannot agree in advance to furnish such sites as the Town might need for the fu- ture growth of the system, which, should it be taken over by the town gould be the matter of interest of the whole town;• but will give the use rent free so long as used for water works purposes of the ground now occupied by the plant and in addition a suitable site to be agreed upon, for a location for a tank or standpipe, iv lieu of that occupied at the intersection of Fairhope Ave. and Sec- tion street. (4) That condition four cannot be accepted, but, if�e proposition for the transfer of the water works system, be'aceept- ed by the Town Council within thirty days of its next regular meeting, the Colony Council will turn over to the Townaxi all sums received for Y# connections made after the date when its proposition was first presented to the Town council, eZ..3 - less the actual cost of making such connections. x (5) That the proposition for the conveyance of the water we works, ac thus modified Trill be held open for acceptance of the Town Council, for 30 days from 1«onday, June 26, Very respectfully yours, i LL L, ,Qt pLc., u Ik _9�� z ie+_� L ea-le-o " LfIN, a_II -2. G d (M Iq' /iq/ / tom. .o -W. 64 , I �v` Q- �%'� • l/ Rd-d Q�it� � i/v �JL- ['., iLU Lf�-uri. LPL U � i.'�I' �-�� L-,O�-Gp /M" ae JU tKA- _ L G2(/Z L t (�/� �G ♦ Q-c� aL� �.1� OC. A-c qL 04, X.t.cL a P 65 l r4 c L 11 P 41rbL•lic � ILA- �Q art L L Lz��� t c c . G -J'z We JZAA Let", c� l,Ci��Lsc d 36, d A'X-) �%z .��� c o 8' i►�r� �`�� �-3 a4.176 IZ4 9 /•S(/2.6 L� �� �- L"�cc 2e�c�-�-�c • ,tea g� 6 la �3�-� �-f-�- ✓ Ly L " � .l �vv PA. cft��� aLt f Ak bb Zs< < �� � r.•� �� 1�-Q-�% �ti � f'�¢ ct�. .CL�.vL air ` � . i 'til 4I ALL L' �2�4% ✓ /V Q�t .. �t� L� �G��v�-a-c�� e. ;9 A-& �. fitC JI,t "-/c r 1912, a K /G is A2-t-� ��� � �uLo7.t.� �1 � h` 2 v , � �c2�%r�uL � a.. • c9yo PLC �o-02..�, • � Gfz1� ��cr-ems tieCt 67 l i i A- -owl Lq, Ad L L CY" 7- G,2u Lc�L ` 2 �za c taL.� a -d . ( (} L [ L24CC t ` OL L - �_ L fi L Z L l 2-1�11L L 1 ! GL L. t.06 Z- L ` L� % &4.3- 4-AN., ►i �1 f �� ��, �� c.� Q:i a� 2- • ��./ r 411 �-t�� ' o[c�C-�i�c-� mac ' t Pz t /t d xx CL AL-t't 06 41 ' 6 Qom_ ....�A-� L�l�1I f�liL dl. ,l/y = GCIx. l.� Q-�-�•�. L �.2�2�; ��// � t�/ G p zr BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of Fairhope, as follows: Mom/ 18t.M That on and after the first day of November, 1911, it shall be unlawful for any person or association to hold dances or other entertainments where an admission fee is charged, with— out first obtaining a permit therefor frohi the Mayor. 2nd. No permit shall be given by the mayor to hold a dance or entertainment of any kind where an admission fee is to be charged, until he has satisfied himself from the character of the applicants, and from such other information as he may seek, that said entertainment will be orderly and proper. �)18 P- 3rd. For issuing su 1permit, a fee of One Dollar shall be charged for each entertainment, which fee shall be maid into 1 the Town Treasury. Provided, hovTever, that permits may issue without charge when the proceeds of said entertainment are to be devoted to some religious, charitable, or benevolent cause, or 1 to be applied toward some public improvement. a 4. For any violation of this ordinance, the party or parties conducting said dance or other entertainment, shall be fined not less than One Dollar, nor more than Ten Dollars. � � r 4L I � • ��(. ��, � �-�._ was � �.. urcr-A.- 4,+r2W • ��' �-,�2.L�a� - o ,-tic,—� �� L-- ,-�. a Q a � � b� AM-4- 0 � / �y V n r ls243 4i� /jj Pam" !%L Z� � / I A 0 0 La 7 L a-A�2 c..o Lo a.�.o g-j- a 'Ze . /11- ��.�, G�v�,e�,asvdZ•e-�.-� �-1,-a..d aC.2GQ�x��—_ LID zL'LZ Laa"a'a3 ay D , tJ� EEC.-K.��►. Z � "� �- ��- ����Y L"V L l 1 lr�Ts-''�-� y �'` v -' l�l1ZLp c� 2/,L A �� �L� //_ �✓ , z-t6 c1!v, Q �'�- a2 x t �a c 11Z►'2-� 1 `� c�i`� �.�-d ,G l�-�. c�. G 2-�v �-L-�-�-�' AQL'. //. Z-erx.L Icy uu aL LtitL�lst- �� 'el #Ke i' U fb- 72 4." , / , `7 /2-1 � Le--tt,✓ �� - L� d awl '�L.. �-u- � �.."� y� , zx ems' � �r�e-•--� , � �'��,Z�.. � -� �.� Virti c Of. ':tl lJI' �1 t' x14 U aG1J tii1 �'t i7rt7ai�;' i ►.� 1 :.', wilt � '01`' 3 4 a. � _. 7,.r.0 vov: O 13i3116 i 11C3tG� Ul �.f.;l .42i 2Cd. �u� Ut 3,11..c:ei +:U1&3:�,i� � UT ;r '. )i` rl i`�iUriH or Gilti S uiu i!1 l :i111 .Y3`�3 iG 1 3r S '1l:i icy y Ur of *OL/%J it iLC .vr1111v I;iLEtL'uav G v t,i,iE3 1'_ l.(3 its L i(L',� 1 i' Cti1t • Or. 1J a iU4al of v•'Jt lltUll, illliio3:i • 0:1i:i n0ue, O.' L:E:rtti i.`.•::f,-La,to us3 .iC.:1Ct1 �1ti� ?.t v JLQ j)jeja?1L€fi � �' �.:e rl0 'Tl it U 1 Ar liope, i'or lt,ij vou,)on :)onas a.T. i)ar 1n C: aaoiaia,.t1U11a of O;ue, i-,L U-c a(I tUili 15 r Ct1 :".�Il. y rate of 91wi:(e) k:eZ £yi:G�t „ u 3Ci `vClil�l ai,e to De seta tad jy & lion a:.ion P11 lots auu, iy.111� UYI f''f3iS triV'E?11ue t' i3.:. oi:>f3� r i �.:3 of uily o,ior Udl @%rt t1 a sue rr r ) N ) ipa UI il:i.il.4a ura<a� luZllci�>>�li�l:�y'or u.. t.1 )TQ7t3._iGilu o: t1"G�i t� Ci.l a iilAtCJ, as .�'.1.cX0�;•�,�te:a' ,NE:ob'U�I:y' la'�� 1.`w'�.:?• F` 4 Or . BE IT by the Town Coun^il of Fairhope, Alaba4ns, s.s follo�s:- Thst Fels Av*nun be improvad in a^^or!ance with rlayssreci7�ir�- ti_ons submitted by P. A. Psrkmr, Civil:.Lngineer, anal that the 1mxpmnsn thar-of be assessed against- the ovnmrs of the abutting )ronerty. The imrrovments C'r,ntemrlAtCd are as follows: - A gut.ttxi, six inc�e•s �.een* nn,? ei'ht feet Mid.e� on the !sst Ri.-i- of Liberty "A. to ,�i.�.^rla.�.�e into Stack's Gully aril extM1q i?nu t4°31i2,-t-rn ^ha.inG therm,fl.o,r. :« A simi7.ar giit.ter eleven -nninq long on the WMst si,-ie of ;,�uity at., to disr-kirge at the sane A concrete chute! st Stick'.,i wily thru yhi^h said gutters wil'_ -lis- charge, A similsr g?xtter tleven chains long on the north side of Mornhy Ave, then: e five: chains on the -agt side, of Short St. to Fels Ave. That six hundred. and. sixty yards of clay be taken from Fels Ave, Pt the ton of the hill bmtw�ev ^.hurch St. snd Lirprty St. ,smj di.5trib t, upon Fels Ave, beginning st Vobile Ave, ,to a drnt3i of. '.ix inches ,snj to the wi.lth of sight-zPn feet. i 73 ; ,�--- — {.— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --- P1an, ,nf 1'A rorosml ,pork ^nn h4 GAP.n at the Iayor'� 0 1 T!*-' ",o��n^:� iT? ��at nn tha v�nina of Fr,h._ .' to hear a nv .hat, :nav h :eta t,,. to the nronosio work. C.d n � L'L'C..Q�/� / ` � ✓ ✓�'[�-LAC. � =-- v r ' f �` ��� L-C-�- �-V `�� / Ay / X31&— �� tl l L�—fLJ Z a C2tiLL ♦ Cr U DOGS. Section 4C. BE IT ORDAI4ED by the Town Council of Fairhope,as follows; No dog shall be allowed at lir.erty upon the streets of Fairhope t etween the first day of April and the first day of No- ember of any year without a collar showing that a lice_zse fee of One dollar, if a male,and Three dollars,if a female, for that year has teen paid; and the owazer of any dog who shall allow the same to go at lar a without the pa,-yaneat of such lioense shall Le fined not more than Twenty Fi, e dollars or sentenced to herd labor for not exceeding Twenty Fite days,at the discretion of the Mayor. The Mer hall, or any or his deputies, shall hs,,. e t :e riE ht. to enter upon the grounds,or into any of the oithouses,but not into any residence of the premises on which. said animal may Ice found,for the purpose of seizing and impounding the same, I-mediately after such. seizure,the Marshall mall post a notice in front of the Post Office that if the owner of said aog does not appear within three days and pay the license fee, together with the Marsrail 's fee of One dollar and -Twenty Fi.e cents a day for feeding said dog,then said dog will be sold at public auction in front of the Post Office at n. on of b the day stated in said notice. Should no bidder appear at such sale the M= Marshall kill said dog, in a humane manner and dispose of its remains in a manner not offens i- e or detrimental to 'public health. Approved February 26.1.912 75 ' s � � l ` L� l ILL ♦/�Q_ G� L�j-�Z�� L � G �L�, L � � l/L� L-=I�ZsCfL C ? w L.,ua /.,3 1, /9'/ 7---- 0�4 t 4L da�� 44r&rlC, A-l� trb <3 <) La A",Lo 11L " Y 'J� kL4 �, z �p lL�l.�!tiu � -- � coo , z � u.� �¢�iti t� �� c�`�' � " 1�• 2 8,L" It to L&L 'It Aell, I -le 79 Lk �ta a f14-c,� �C� % Q9�' . f� f / �/ �Z1iL. LZ�L '� � t/�M '. l� •�%ZiL l L�Z�I.+ / 'u--�aCJ . Ltil�L. � �L GI � � �- � �L L -t�, / 40 a- c .o a--L v ,:�e- L�- �, J_Z Z-L zt- V OL� v 7 , AY L_ l f [lam AIA- fN IiLJ� . t . J L- OL �� L - L Z� r NUB A- e n e�, l_' t �i•.'�C,_.�-� . �Y� �•-Q ter- �,�"� �C. � � ,�-��.a ���.-�' y , a'l. . �L1� C1G4 Gi L � �21712�L ��- L_.D GZ-L`Gi.. DL �LG t C.QJ GZ li Oi.Ll--�- �1.� elc 191 Av a- y /4<3 at-�- \ . ✓Q�. oC . �L.Q a-c- L �-LZ�d�G' 2 c� '` ,al ��aL�d�c � 2-��� � �� L, �.o • r 7 � �-� I a � � �� �• � . �o . .G%-- ��-s- • off- L�-�' v�L-.. L►P�-� � �o a�-�-% GEC al,f -� �.c.-�: �c-�. o�-� Z�.�, �-7C,�2-!�. ON 44 f N. 81 Y Lc , a , /Q • l�/ Z� f` al A-z L1�-t.cj— p/T � r ��V � 1��L�/LL l� f j/�. p�` v • /��.✓L�//2- LJ G�i�-L. UL. Z ff+C7 1Q� �. � �C.L. Q � Li.�t-}�i Z ✓ i�. 2 � ��F.� • � J (�c � ��-t 2 .� � QC • �G�- � ., — �L i► LL A&4A-A— -) lAa-e Lv:�,«� 1-1- uU / 0. 11 .S; v c) ' �-�► 2 �'ad aC diet LPX�� L�< G AL aC 2 2daA;ZA-_l' ALIJ At At-. a44-d 'aZ c ems? 12. oK,c,Lr-4 /�1✓c�„ 4uzs� �/ � " .ZU/L-2- Dt,."tApe.AJ — 83 �llt/� �„ �� � a.-���.y — �?��/ ��"' �L �� ��s'•- �fC ,�c-C�.rc,a�o �.Q�x �.>,�c' -t��o c� do LA 31 V LIJ LY, L \ 12 . L C C n2 ` Gi Z L c \ L-t-w (} 12.f n�L C,2 �� ✓'i-LI�C, : LfT�/'�- cfaZ L� '72. [�9 , �� LAC_ n y � _C�oL \. � ne� l Qt •v Q 2---- lot:"1j 06 La- 4 LZ'LL Z� i • �i��� _..._ � �rf o-'1-� �i 43i.-J %L \ � � — � : is � 1 Liz t: L/L/t. VL����✓l /ia-y �� n I/ '!� a e e. (J .. .a ` •• � Gid �iQ 84' LtA 04, Itp. A-L _fAk -L�. el-e 2 63& L L k cam_ 5L 4-11--Z" Zfl-A-- J7 L 85 z Cz OZ-L 'L ZeIL-VA tlx� /4(, -11,9- LO i1LV2N--,Z TUI-IDING ORDINA4CE. I E IT OCIBAIJED L y the Mayor a "ouncil Of -LkLe Too-c-L Of F5,ir"Pe: A l ui ic- i n j Inspector for tn e T own o.L- Fai rn op a shall Le &�- p oi nt- ad by the layDr,with approval of the Council, to hold office at tte Pieas- S6 urn, of the `layo.r. vThe Fuildin7 Inspact or shall hacie authority to issue uildin Permits an� shall loop after the "enforcement of all building oreinances a 're;uiation-s of t-ae town and, shall collect and pay o,ar to the town clar-: t-e proper fees for all such buildin periaits less his compensation of one dollar from each permit fee coil -cted by him. SECTION 2. No person shall erect or cause to l a erected any house or �I lu.ilciing in the Town o. Fairhopa without first oltainin; a l,uildiny Permit 1 therefor froW�the l uilding Inp .actor of th a T own,to whom a fee for such paxmt permit of Two Dollars( $2.00)shall be paid for any structure costing more than Fifty Dollars' $50.00). SECT I©N 3. Any person z,,i olatinothi s ordinance by eractin, or causin; to -be erected any nouse. or buildin; costia, more than fifty dollars,witcout first obtaining a permit th eref or, shall 1 e suij act to a fine ,,Uot less than Four Dollars nor more than Twenty Fi, e Dollars. Appro,"ed,September 23.1. 2 We'r� ;Iayor r s 9 Zt� •�1 y,� ,-�C L' ���-1� � .; � / �l.� rcraLc.?oG 6t, �sa z, _ Z ate. �Yl'lJ�f � � � G��/L d� Cf Q_� cL LT�L-� Z �/i, � L c�li�2. L���i12�4 .rC LL- L♦ �P� �7'L. I_ y AL • �C. /fie L'�2Lc . V l '� ��� G'L�L-<� Gt'�` !L2•� C'� �Z ��.'t.� �{ L!/I-v/�6�.c1 c�, �i, L� 6I LLG � tom'\�. LL 2 �� �( ` C� L t.c �� u�a � itt.. L a(, oU � J t11ut. �, �Q. 1 I L. lL�L [ ♦ /Z ` L_ � � G� � �. 4v_ � .,� C-c1"!► _ �`� 9� L� l �l'��� �G'Z � •'L_YJ `�Z � c'�.-4 �tv►_. �a�-h-� .. � G� � c.a�`.-� �G �.� o(► o1-�-Ct�� d � � � a• L� �, ri � ��'�' , Y t u.o 02�,, ✓� i v��. ,CJ�czi� cL • -L Gam. LLt �c d a2 .� rcuz.� s� ir-rv: t' �. i��•?ce «c, "try � yet �h'�.., e�- LGr�l� Q�. � � �� i. � � � j - � .� � � � L LL.t., z �a.y Lb 1«a.e. L ,_.• L �� L�2 �C. G�+ A r /jyt i r �z . d iia-r4 GcZ [rc 2 d c �, L IZ a [— `�`� L L9 G2 L Q ca it d = d L `.lzGtom, 2Ct ,��Lc ...(, � L L t v Lt z ® LL/(� Lj /i/Z C [�[- �'t�. ct Ce mod., c�-L1 . �G . ��--� � CAL � z. � Q s c:�o� L'y � �. ' �G' a2 r. c � �-� • ,�L� 2t�-'� — i-c L` cL Y2. a L-.� /�� c� I..L(1. %1 � i�i LL'L (�.��� � ct e 1 Lam �c f' CDl7 L Otis • c �x r r : t.� nG 2=7`�a fi `2 C� ct �-vt-� ��'�. �1L.0%�R-t �� ��te� 4_,.�( •/ t I L Ll L[ 1 L L f�: -� /�' AL L i L"LJ� -t_ Z C 1 Q a- t� GL L fJ?� d �itQ � 1 (�'� � L � / 7 Ul. �` �' �/ � C � C-tom �-��t !�- ♦ I���L��L' vV\ r � �'i �- � AIr Q k 4-,A � l� c , l t � � �:.��-r` _� �"� �� ;� �_ �C ..,(.-fin , ��,L �c� �G �°-�.c.-�C- • �1. ���r7-�L_, «-�z,. �.� x /�1 !' . `+ c f i I"CJ"" L- CJ-E 1 90 /49 c;L-LLJL.d i•" /n b L��Q.t v Li.c�\ (t/LlC1.t i,�l . e�t2 �, �t� �G 4)1� � �/ �/ ?�CL �tJ� t� r vLIr-&Y Gib PAL 1� cC �/' A_4, G - t14- 0 742-1 IL �, - Zy- Z. f . , A�4- -C 'ur LIuQ, %,,L,7 70-c.4- E c�•�� ter- +.'Ao �,G� !� /� y ads c ' 11AQ oY` !y [ ,' LN �Z7 L�--L ♦ ��^.�a� LJ�J �'!-2 t � � /'�� $. �u �' L.L�ZL-L'� LD `�L, 2-��� �--�-Z� a LtLJ ' L.c \ ��-Q, . L \ %�"7�L t �4c< '�SZ �`llZ" e- ill-k Of - L'L �% � /V��.-[ll�f/�c�. �'2/L�d LLL .� �, � K�-�--1 GL l/LL- �Z� �� ♦ L-�¢•O "ILA �ti1-cam.. tt� a� L. L L- c-'® �, !%2/`� 7`�r ` `'2-�j L�---L \ LG� �Z-4• DLL�CL �.'�—�-"L-"�J�4 �/�-'d'2�L�t2z � L �Q O v � ��-- L. • � i I111...� Z Z � c �e (TL—e x� LPL\ �ti �i�-z t 1i' �d 2 •n-r� ��,/ LVz�o 7+-�ICG� flr-gA, ZZ t N-3do �/ . 9�1 --lo�'�vV �/ �';'��L ,'4/"�'ya7/�-lip.--.`�t�,�2c, ✓ «:�. �/���'LL� i�`�L��,/,��j'�/ �' � 7-ral.��' "�'C°"�. 74- �117 �' .t�:� u� ` . � ��,� vvd�i`' d' � �ir✓�-%i�-�'�h.G-� c�v�v;;� � �?B�n..� s-� vYr�.-v � Y �A.`L. '(/"'�"�'. / 2�' f/(/"Z. T/G ✓ `-`. w.-✓` us� ��(�`�`�� �Qi��,_� K.! i�l.Pi�i�ZFf"r.-- �\ lJ�ii -tom 7 t�� yam- L� tiGvl2� �1NC� C4 �-Ovpx oa-7- `'��?p'Yrs'L�+�( �� . - A % ���� � � � y� / L. Sys,=.�/�ji "�Q � `-��✓!/(7✓-J 4� f t'�.� .� vJ�� � t,� �i T/N% ,�jiC/� f� t,Y �^! `y_�t�t y'Yr✓' yL . Y`.` ^ �L� '� /�'�`'-L / -�-o'`"moo �G��� �c vt�'"i' � - v✓;' t �Yy:�r�l v%-2�i- ��{ ' �.,%' � Jrl,�`:-Lt�/rU-.� ,�-- �: = �� �-✓ l � �:��P` G� :vu�-v v ; /��o �C. �rr•+.� 'ems-, tom(„ ��!%b✓' <,� •dam--=.t''y^'z��y � �%v�^ !J( u-d-�'� ��Yt�/e � _ CiJ/1'Z (/ Ji tii/y s 7i iYY �� (�7i`^ (// tlG/lf L / ^i i`i. r' L (J / G • /f -4 -t� �d�� ✓7l� cam/ vim( , "t �i71 / G��/ [%t�t%L-cJi✓✓✓.:�c�v� Yirs Gt C.�-cr.-�--Z�� Ll�ui✓' U � � �yyj'�--c=�:F 1 � ��� �.% yeiv�ir .:.�( � L w'i/vue�' lru L7�it.I /t,al�t--4..a� (f(iGL b'` y�v,�—� �"� � _✓. �- iL.�, ,/d✓` ..�/g' v ✓ � L-O^✓ <. �t-Y._�/�' — Gd/��{'l � / a-Ys-Y� t7��f".c- - r � [.Yif'-�yv�'� L'(_ �� � f �w/1/� �v(/!�_'Lr�✓l/..G-17� ',�—c _a/oYV - � (i /--f/Fi" -�Ga. !� �� - `r — !/ ^"� 2J ,. t6s l� -.�. /9_ ��j�_ .. �vG/=�,1.��. L/ "�tJ ✓i�'•�1 /fs-"Y✓l/v�l�I//ya� �..i�' � L'yh/7 � f/✓�i/'� � �� % F� ✓ "��' ✓� C�/Y � "' �A' 7/✓/ �: -r.-t /��ic �%1T z� w �. 'N'ry-' k� V/'l e � /� � u/li� vl/ �Yc�v�--� cryr'-sal !h✓-� V'�; -'.' 1/.• b'%�l+'Y%�L�/Y!`a f!i /� J V ��/I` �� �° W / �� SM'� � ✓ I `� (--��/T/^�'�/C%� l L , 3�r'�•-1--� � � •... tit/Yv , asw�/ :ijl( //�t�t✓,'...1�. � y� -� I�L�L , � r � '�N i'/l/V +�. � c�OC � LI"'' ell / / f yam sy �x .� , `d Y.c G-�✓�v�-; .�crf wy . �� � ,/P.2 ;ter - . _ `�- - �" t/�-' �-.!/�v%.�✓� f%� l�c_{.lt�.r.,.. �m-Yl-t.-iC.z-'! �`-- �fYb[�U,�� LZY" PT-•-) i��^' `"i -�7 �`-� ,j3� �� y.. � h , l'', 1 v �,n ._.�,�- �i+. <%r2�.v �rw�-- �"� Nam-,--. ,�„�,,t �•J �f-- �r�2.l�ry a2t�/l �v _ vvv✓� Jf. ,-0t �% - �v(, y sse -+�t� .1 w-, 4 i y; ,A pl /:.r.Gf! �l .'mil i ('J o�d' •/� Y `�i ��/LCL e�f�, / t/1 • �,��- �. y., �%�E( : �/Yyv-.� v� � �vl- = % � �l ✓n-�L� �� � �G _�%/CPi�P/YR-� i �,�� ,' / 1 1..+` �/t id l Y-y v-•? �fi..�yL s�+�-•-. r/�/�� fi��Yt.�- 3'?'`t/Yi��.o- c 4 J. ,AeYJ �_ E �✓ + (�2��' �C�.RL t /-ivy. C`-rn' ti o `� �,,� � -v � - � - -'� .. .. ,!Y�. 1� d, � b _; ., Z-L �-� .-6✓ ,� 1 ✓.r�'✓� r/z.�..c,,.0 tom"-' / fill:' y 6 .. � � , _�� � � .H J J-_7�'�.". Ga-f/ W7 �` % �t � �`iC'ri•Y%r� Vl� - / �/ r ;' .? U - ;� ,�,.:� ,� ' l � .�/'_ . i�-L- -✓Y y'L�--�_-�i22"v> "aim- ��.-f-�1, -Lrr✓l. e� �� s,, ), L,� 7��1 Y� F zz:. `` P Z� - � - - Z- . � ,. --) `� �( �0•-%iY'! "!iV'��1 � Y .�'1.�G3!�% i' ��7ii�G'.�>� � �.D1/�/r/;�P�� An Ordinance. _ — _ See. n. Any other railway coa-,pang desiring to enter the town ---- Peo les Railroad Company shall and securin a franchise therefor conform to the established grades of from the Town Council, may operate BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of Fairhope, Alabama, as streets as furnished, by the town I its through cars or trains, operated authorities, and during and after i in connection with the remainder of follows: construction, shall conform to ail its syctern, over the lines of the said Sec. 1. The Peoples Railroad regulations of the Town Council re- I'roples RAitroad Company within Compaov, a corporation organized garding construction and mainten- tl,,,fo,. a ftir compensation, under Section 3573 of the -Code of Alabama, is hereby the right ance of its -aid' lines, so that the least degree inter- Ij to tie d«-termined by an appraisment given fur the term of thirty years from the same shall in the fere with the safe and satisfactory „f a cotntnittee, of which ,said rail - I ,.,,col comtjany tend the People-, date hereof, to build and operate a use of the. said street§ for other i Ra,lroA Co�nfiany shall each select raiit•oad line or lines, iu tnetown of kinds of traffic. \ a. member, and the third shall b, Fairhope and over the streets of said town, hubject to the couditious Sec. 4. Electricity, gasoline, I selected by uhehe t+vo. uereinalt, r stated. steam, or any other practicable mo- !� See. 6. Unless bonarfide work of Sec. 2. Said railroad, When built, ' tive power may be used by said Railroad Company for thb�oueration � construction upon said railroad a shallcommence within six months shall be operated for the henetir, „ t its road; provided, however, that from the date of this ordinance at d the public in ganeral, and without of case steam is used, it shall beun- be continued thereafter until stud profit to individuals.- Ln dcr such 'regulations for the protec- railroad shall tie completed; which Sec. 3. In laying tracks upon Lion of life and property as the Couu- shall be not more than eighteen the streets of the town, the said oil may from time to tfine prescribe. months from . its commencernent, - then this ordinance shall become .1-1 ii .,-A .,P ......PR- Sec. 7. The streets over and up- on which the said Peoples Railroad shall, by this ordinance, be entitled to build and maintain its tracks and operate its service, are as follows: Fairhope Avenve from its west- ern terminus to the town limits; Fels Avenue, from Mobile Ave- nue to E'reedum Street Freedom Street; from Fels Avenue to Stacks Gully; White Avenue, from Mobile Bay to Bay View Ayenue, Bay View Avenue, from White Avenue to Fairhope Avenue; Bancroft Street, from - Fairhope Avenue, to tvlorphy Avenue ; Morphy Avenue, from Bancroft Street to the town limits. See. S. It i; unclerstord that this franchise covers alwrnvtive touter from the ba,y front to the eastern Town limits, and that the saLic: Peoples Railroad ConlpiD•v tihaL' wit.hiu six'.y .(tiff) days detcrmit,' which of s:ud routes shall be- taken ;. 93 TOWN TREASURER'S REPORT. Fairhope, Nov, 11, 1912. Hon. Mayor and Board of Alderman: Gentlemen: I beg to submit herewith reports of the financial condition of the town. CASH ACCOUNT Rec. 14, 1912, balance in bank _ $ 3.33 Disb. Oct. 29, Town Clerk, Fels Ave. Fund 2.35 29, " Town Tases 4.35 29, , ° " Licenses 4.00 29, Interest bearing Warrant, No. 17, 25.13 29, Prcceeds of $300 note di--C. C. B. & T. 294.00 317 Iut. Bearing Warrant, No. 18, 300.00 29, A. J. Wolf, Warrant No. 418 Salary 8.33 29, 423 " 8.33 29 • << 423 Postage 6 47 29 << ' 423 Election 2 00 29, $ose Note and Interest 72.95 31, Int. Bearing Warrant, No. 16, and int. 53�.Ut8► Balance in bank 683.16 633.16 Floating Indebtedness From Last Administration: d Int. Bearing Warrant, No. 1.7, and int. $53v.00 N Liability on unpaid ek. 1st at. Bank 5.00, a Note for fire hose and interest 72.95 Unpaid Warants, Nos. 418 8.33 419 .95 . 421 2.85 423 16.80 j Unpaid bills amounts i 424 4.50 t unknown 425 16.09 49.43 657.38 Less bank balance 3.33 Total deficit 604.05 LOAN ACCT. PRESENT ADMINISTRATION Int. Bearing Warrant, No. 17, 25.13 44 _ [4 f f {l 18, Discounted note City Bank & Trust Co. 300.00 300.00 Paid Off . Int. Bearing Warrant and Interest 53000 Hose Note and Interest 72.95 Warrants Nos, 418 and 423 25.13 Balance 651.10 1279.18 1279.18 Balance Loan Accounts 651.1( Less,BankBalance 5•11� Present Deficit 646.0 FAIRHOPE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUND Uec: Disb. Balance from Last Administration 1.84 Oct. 30, 1912, Incidental Fees 38.00 500.00 Nov. 4, " County funds 3.00 li Incidental Fees Teechers 1 0. ( 120( Janitors 'y 8` Incidentals Balance -In. Bank 308.02 3.00 311.0` In h-aud 542.84 542'.8, Respectfully yours, A. J. MELVILLE, Treasurer. NOTICE TO TR HIRS, By authority of the Town Council I notice is hereby given that the assess- ment. of taxes of the "Down for the year t9t2 has been completed _ and that the Council will hear and deter- mine objections thereto on Monday evening Nov. 25, 1912, at 8 p. m. at the Council Chamber, in the Pub- lic School building. Wm. E. Sweet, Town Clerk. 94 r f��� ' (� �/s�r.-L�-a-z--•• Y�/�-�'I�L �%P,is2/o�I^✓1 :'Y✓.= - -r� vt�� 1��'n-'��"� � Y..(/11vyv'v -�— � � f'vrirY✓� ,-�, , ,�v ��,, y�.z-r��t,�L , i/o; . -- �- � � � , ,� ✓ % l�!/,I/T-3-�-t=/i `/. i%i/u�1` C�/'�� W`.'. ,.r-/ ` �' [-�, � • -� ; �Y'� /dam`"` "-"'l ��/Q tom✓ yl�4L� r �� S, 'i,L%, � �: �'� . ,gj;iv,�v✓t�'� .✓I -idyl ��✓✓7/�lx,/C �- ;'�` Iv'' y` ,"�''G( z " ,t �--�Yvl�'i�; —;%r �c%� W ,i'v�y - ✓`%�-rv. � - :-'�I/�-l/{�L ;i�/(%(_ iYY,v�-rvr%�.Gr�. _ .s ., - �. � � /✓L,L _j'..r,✓✓,c �'�'`/i.!•ri'� ����-/Lrrz-�-�---' i��iu-�,e./j`. ,�..C� �2-PiVL-v�4-� a , / P� // ;,L. l,/ , ,._."/L� rl _ r= - t,; t%✓/�'_�� ,.r0 !��` !1 --- G : �� ,�i ✓Yh"e:,'�-: J .... � ? � . l .. � °'i a' �� � ► � J�� �' �-�GVY✓1.v� ' ;.tap' s'r7'.✓ J � ! {'=`� / JV x ice' ul �%� .G+� v� ,""�..! vYv✓ :�iv� � " � ,'� '�_ v— �'v� ��'vY� '1i1�✓' e2��r-. F``---��,y,�z,�� .."1/�•, '_�'`_. %_a� v� �� 7/�. � �✓t/2/li.vv, �� ✓�iV .2�✓, �..�/5` �"�iW� "✓�%;, 9"J--t'�%•` `r_ i�' �i. �•. �k � ��- Imo- �-• 2��t�% .t <�% i� c�v'✓�+ yi> . /riiruvv -? 95 / l �T7"t,�j '�'' 1``i f /�i' Zvi-i ��-,� �J�� fiG .0 Y-LC✓ . _ .� / r �'t� ll�iio Z�� �•Z-fi �--z.L �3 �JL..I cyGr'C�Ait �'�= v� � G`�%'� '°�� "�! `�, k'A � • •'% // `�/ �✓cif`-% /%� ��`''(� \ic /Owl &v*7,('('J—� G.r.� /cam✓+iv i c �!_�C/%c�F/%i y k ��- ( �- ✓two-" ���� �/�/✓ . '/-rivv✓'�+-� Y� _�� f�, .� J G`_. ��� �� / ,�'j / �� fLo{��-r---L �v�-:-�r� _ :,/�% ` t � I ✓r v -!�-� �, - � � � ��, �- aJMy,� G%t�'? -'y � l%G�i%�yvvZ'�"� {7/`a0, _!_, ilk✓-1 ,.,vim �..--;� �y-�, '✓ l,� �/✓✓rl �':}'`-���l�l ��L"�v"` � �-�'�'`--L. � (� '�� LIiW� i 96 (� 7 11,3 C �° .p OIL G� i'��� Ca, o tzt t � r L PL Town Treasurer's Report, L C� Fairhnpe, Ala., Mch. 24, `13. ' I Hod. Board of Aldermen. In my report of January 27th, I 1913, 1 showed a• balance in gener- al fund of $256.19 ; in the Fels - Ave -Fund $2.35 ; and a deficit, in-,/ -vim, ��� ��,� , yy'U����v_ ✓ '� �_ �_ the Road Fund of $85.32, leaving a balance in the bank of $173.22. These accounts now appear as fol- _ lows: i Fels ay. fund n same bal. 2.35 General Fund ,® Jan. 27, 13, Bal. $256.19 'Cj ,v� / s✓� ,tl�� Town taxes 134.92 _ - Sec. State automo-�� bile tax 1.20 00 f Bldg. permits 10.00 Fines 10.002-31 l J. W. Lawrence, 99.26 school Salaries 41.66 Marshal 30.00 -, t��✓� ^ j/J/ �/ Bldg inspector 6.00 Int. school bonds 75.00 t t J�- % ✓ cc//�� �� �� / [ a Balance 1.60.39 ` t Road Fund an. 27, '13 def. 85.52 -L yL✓N_ Warrants 470 �� and 483 9.63 koC <.1, Receipts 32.00 / t` J Present deficit 62.95 �' ✓( i//yi-� z-, GG-yam 94.95 94.95 l Resume � r 64� 't /� �G --4_ ,0 �j March 24,�,<� Gtisic-lry� 7�ltio�z (f u/i�✓l y I Bal. Gen. Fund 160.39 Fels av fund 2.35 ! / 1 Deficit on roast 62.9a fund Balance in bank 99.79 Road warrants still unpaid are as follows: amount 461G1 $24.00 463 .50 464 2.00 466 4.16 '!�`_, (-�G't-'�✓�-G+^-� Y� )�� r,�� �i/1/Y� v� r 471 11.00 472 7.50 > 0 477 6.21ob4.c_ us c c c v n c 4 c c ss N v° >• - c o a v2 E.o > 3 481 7.00 'o v i.E os D m c �� ay co a. c- c �s ° T Rs c b0 E = - c d ao c o a c V If it is the purpose of the c° c v o c o C1° a a O z board that these warrants be paid, Y o y° = -o o ° ° d > v °' Cr v o n ° - a 2 � c � c `�' .• a - � � o c �' � .. v=. � � b -° as well as those to be issued tOi' v - O .� ¢ 2 b � 'i � a � - �� a.� � i c ° � 0 � road work since performed, I a 8 c °� m ¢ o >,w E°> would suggest that the whole or (>.-a • > a•- c ti c c 3 �O ° u such portion of the balance in 4' ° = v �, N -° .E m ° v ° s >; E O 4= ° 2 N p E- bp•- u c V s .� v;. 0. a N c U bank as is required be transferred r- o c .6 ° s ° N �' c .b G t +..- O bA y t ,n F. C ° Ito the road fund to be re aidfrom'°' "- y x M �V M E ; P E a� a> cs ° o v °.c� y� op- o c.2 money due f rom the county . E a y c �' a ; ro „ .- c �, o a c = « �- .� �+ v: •D s,. c•3 - y c •C y ..0 N s.. 'O �+ v C 7 This sum and such small sums as ;^ o b bA'F •R N n s v° 0. � E o o � w � , u o � � y ° y y � , c v i may be received i roa{l, and - - ;C C cC .� O N L v N y �c C i i, >, 3 �-• ^p s.. p O 7 _ E ^ '�"' N town taxes and building permits,- o° .N c y L o c y c, o v c ° u ° a° > z _ n U are the only revenue now in si ht. E > L �- °' ° x c ; " " ° c o .� c E c _� g c c, v. o o o °4 c-2 F- a 'C�� o aoc ow a. 3 E os 3 0 ° cs"�°.� c cy''c��3 c ` Respectfully submitted, Alex. J. Melville. / 1 Sri V�j ley ✓--ZD 1. �- 6' /Wi r ✓ P/(,4✓Y ' pL--- i� f � .,� ' a , �a � �-, ✓ice-�-�/� dL 3 r ynzy�rr�,�-�-f�,c�.,.�/'�1.�.�-� xl v�v�i�✓ -�=v, � yv�—r�_ �G�E.c. i �/1/✓lT/y.-yL r 'p?�vZ ,�%i-r-� �� v1 '�C �....c - :�1 'C � ., �-� z i i ��1�-r am` (/ • "�'1 �i� ���(�L-� � l' 'i" `` ,'lid/%E�-- �' ✓7. tot. a�•--� �- -� ram- �� � �� �,--,. �;�'�, Za ;-&4 9:�rlv_lf &.71 WHER7k3, the present constututional limit of one half of one per ',cent of municipal taxation is entirely inadequate for the proper conduct of the municipalities of the state, including main- tenance of schools and building of school -houses, practically com- pelling resprt to a. general system of licensing occupations and industries, the most objectionable form of taxation, opposed by public sentiment end generally condemned by authorities on taxation and ViHERE.A , the practically unlimited option of license tax- do/n conferred up' zri Touvla councils might ztghk with much greater democracy and justice be extended to the voters of towns to in- crease the genern.l property "Itax in lieq of licenses, therefore, �s RESOLVED, That this cci4ncil declares in favor of the a- '� a mendment of the constitution of Alabama to provide that the limit of one-half of one per cent of ilt rn�pipa.l taxation, shall not ap- ply to municipalities where n major A ' of the qualified electors y ta, shall vote for a higher levy. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the mayor Vd clerk of this town, be directed to prsent these resolutions to toe mayors and councils of every munc ipR l ity in the state, urging their; endorsement of the same and that if endorsed by them, they bring tYem to the attention of their sen for and representative and request thei, to support such an amendment before the next legislature, and also request their publication and support by the local newspapers. toy. A4 paz� �- 'zz' t -, r, 7 tF- Z,-O� al2-lOO t4 eoc z - / piJ G +' •U v 'L7 0. 3 O y, ?, U v '6 O .N 0 '� �, i "O bA.O T7 � b0 L G_ G L u T o v C O u + C �� OL.+ cC � 'b � u a. p s-. �"'' 'C7 R C •D �"" � � ��". 'i• N "p .c3 'G cC (- �s s os� a o bA� _ �a ,• N^ G „ E TG °' D 3. u u,. ° = v o L _ o � 3� E N u•R v v° c a'v-Lv, v v v ��;�_ pn,:Y � ��_''d v �° m .. ... v y o :; G o v �• v o osF"• ti T 67 tC LL, ^-' y W L N y 4-- .L) �- 'L7 C y Q+ O •� L�• U, V O U O "C ,L C ♦+ y L y �� LLB •? d O p N N C O to `z A �°a °.n •• bA�-� c.n � au m °�,� � v.3 c r 'o-�'n v u >,�.c E E-°v 'D -o �' � �.a.u.`~�° �:� ° R o E.�,a Z � r` v 3 3 E'3'o dos > ems. 'm �— o . z o O N °° c o a G �s v a v 3 o bA� >•-m Y o ?- G E v s^ W � � ,= y ! !,G � � � � � •v � .c o N c �> .n. � c .0 y a.L v �. `� •c o ..c' ..c_ x jJ U 5ct O L E cd v, C O _ .... _ N C L C .•, O d h O_ cV E `_ bA ^p C 6J C y �+ y `� ,� '•d y av- Y 4: +-' a., C a-+ G +•' 0. L N v,. �' ,L, y y L a-. :� y y C C O .d ¢� 0. Rf U cC O > y U O cC +, O y y y W N E G"?.� 7 .Y G �y. "I G �+ 3 y N E aou �; II �^°- o' b L� p G '� c ab W O C ub�°EL E a ca a s O o T� G- 3 �; v L R y -a a a° O y a p N N °�-�'� y u C y vN� -vncvcsau� C oEuv�cs- oN p 3 0 E v .c. oc pa s�lu w C "O (n t. y -p '+-• .— .— N — [y, .Y y y ".'„ �. y s.. a-+ T N dl y y N '�7 .b y N C I' ij O 6UJ �' y O O •C RlL L . G G s. i U U $, �3 a-� u•- v �-. c .. a c o• cC 3 ca v o °• c v u @1 �• O v� cC O v� / �C G cd �-+ �+ O G a-+ N 'O O�Y a-• v, a- Q. v� . _ .�-. tc ++ a . V ^7 _ r • • �'-43 i� ol c t n rs�a ED, that cows, not of vic gerous'disposition mfay run thin the corporate limitsaytime, betVe-"r ?.;e hDurs`.N41"a-sub-clown, burr. ,�''Y�'/` � f�.�c�--cam � ���-�_ �� ` r.� �-t-�'"� . 1--, ^L ► ✓�� . �. �✓�-.�...�- r •X % , �,.�,�-�-._.�,� ,�� � i��� � ,✓�� ��, - � -ram �.� � ��`�-�� ` O .� �`v ✓� �,-,,,�v ,. �%-v+�vz_� �t fir- �v� 'I�/ -� ' � � ����-(i`yZ�� �L. '' ` I 103 04 7 qL IMr 100 - � � �-.—. + �J 'r`�i�'+'y �-t�'� ._ /� - /�� - � — � �� `�` �ii� ',✓+yt �eC�•� � 1✓J2 � � Ynco- �s-�'w+� �'�+-•ti. �� :/ �% ./ r� Ao +' / � '_ ;,'�' --7 i'y'1 �� ' .'-�`e s•`:•.-It,� � l� �' _1rl :.v "V tr- �. rY �i . - � � !iv ✓,✓, f ✓cam C/wrti . rit/✓ - ��/�p v]s. !' '�In, ✓ q/..F � �. (�` � +./PiYY'--� l//�1 Gy �-: - � _ - +'--o'D �r S� Y�''�° o'Yl _-fib. Y'� "� v(/� �+° ,-'W"�✓L -tip %L f �/� C.�'Y'^ ,! /✓ l/- l `7� 7i �' GL gT ��li� �� ./ +L/!/!' � ✓ ,:tij�F..' C ryl . :.ai�L.' � Kl � �—r � ✓ di .+ r � ,L ` _ ,> v _ � .' �. G � � � ., - �` sue- � ` s ° �?� -� _ i'✓ 6d in 900.1 pyd/f�YVc/!///J %� �_ s �{.�..1 �� �.-G�.. J� �` ✓✓"^ L . . .s. i ) .. �. � �.' L r i ..y.�i � .. _-vI'f.� y. _ u.. i . - �% r!/r/✓"vi!/!/vvY/ r l 17� '� ✓� t%� ✓T.A _ � .itiYp�-s w ✓tv.,t ✓' f ^ � .��'� � � / e, � i � l 7Y' t- C d; �t/I/✓�- i/vv✓✓�-OY e�=ilk ! 1 vk .. ._: vr� r � ? :'-/ate'. wy' '�.'_ v . ,:-,, .% .. � �, ._ vt v✓i_ J' u W `L .._�� � �( tom- 7i`� ..f/i/�✓ i/.i t-C/✓ \ �� ✓ �yy.. rJ/v s ry eiv 1l G v ✓ f ri✓ v _ tiY/ _ c r _ b. _ q _ ! +3 i Glit/t_ / ,✓a•1- " �-,� �' !i.! ,- YY� ai,� •� 'v .(/ . o':,.i°Yy� ��'� j✓�`v vIl �..0 ✓i�s3-r _ -✓ -�-- � _ .� _ ;.'�� ! � s b _ , .. .;�, , �' a' . ✓ic !' � v i � ✓� ✓ d% i/' „.. �'_- .� '�%'i"'� Y� L%t- .<'!`''f.-�i_ s- �Y � -�' .�:�� �" �' _ 'r.�� L'4 ''L� L'�'C.0 �' ` t/vcr � �� Y\� G✓a' . ty1 Ga',:%...,e'�YY Q,n- � ✓ i , , a �, '� ��„y/ �.-- //LT✓l./f"L � �"-/s�✓�✓ass r : -:i�c / �` 1`�, - r� � "°''� "r "r - '� � n � � �� GVy-.�vl v✓3 Y°9 (r-vU�`,.�'.A-yr�r .�/_..Z�ti'�r,� C°_.vtl�: -.��,, :: j � � ,�✓' ,_ /'.�•y]�'7/:i�.�lo`✓✓i I. ✓V'7 ✓i/�✓�/J/�rv!�''.�'? � '`�'"-r ✓ -• - r%' . �'9 ti y ✓L•� �� �Y �.✓.�`,% .i-� /� %%� d bf�'�!'.yL � / {a G .!'tom- r i , y`.B/ _� �,.�" .{�� •��/'_ •Y - '_/.-GL�.'� ;�- ! ( .CC I /(/L`r �,.iG✓'�G� �/' = U.✓C-/-*/c/rr'� !%I-r i < . ��f `i ,, �_ � fl "Y� � �I/illr'✓✓�:-i✓N%�----_ L' �/� i i I YID c r 107 1Vs i 0 AIq ORDINANCE Granting to the Mobile and Baldwin County Railroad Company, its les- sees, successors and assigns, the right ito, construct, maintain and operate a single or. double track railway, with all convenient and necessary turn -outs, switches and side tracks, along, over and upon certain streets in the town of Fair - hope, Baldwin County, Alabama, and to operate the same by elec- tricity by overhead trolley system or other approved method. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope: Section 1. That consent, permission and authority are hereby granted to the Mobile and Baldwin County Rail- road Company, its lessees, successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate a single or double -track railway with all the necessary and proper side-tracks, switches and turn- Oouts upon, over and along Ingleside avenue in said town, from the -north line of Section Seventeen, Township Six South, I'ange Two East, south to 1 and across Morphy .Avenue to the 0, corporate limits of said town, subject to the pilbvisions herein contained. Sec. 2. The. grantee may erect and maintain such poles arm wires as are necessary for the convenient opera- tion of its railroad by electricity, by the overhead trolley system, and shall a.lio have the right to use any other, approved method of operation now known or hereafter discovered. Such i. lcet shall be located against and inside of the curb, and the Town Council shall determine any contro- versy rcla.tcd to their location, and shall have the right to require said poles and wires to be . moved from time to time, at the - expense of ;rantee, as necessities of traffic and m+micipat improvements may require. All poloa to be kept painted. Sec. 3. Tt:;, track of said railway sha11 be la�i, a,) as to conform to the established,;rade of the street; of said town, ° or to such grades as maybe at any timo hereafter designated by the Town Council, with the proper rails F at'no point- higher than two inches above the level of the street, and in t such manner- as not to be an unneces- sary'impedirnent to the ordinary use i of the street, and passage of wagons, carriages and other vehicles upon, along and across said track at street intersections, and in any direction, with suitable provisions at all gut- ters to permit the free and unimped- ed flow of water along same. Sea 4, The : said company shall maintain and improve the space, be- tween the rails of its tracks, and also the space of eighteen inches on' -either I side .of tv tracks, so ti�at it, shall at p. all times . iorrespond with the adjoin-ing streets, and shall keep the said space, together with the openings at the crossings of gutters in good re- pair, and free from filth,' dirt and obstructions, to the satisfaction of the I Town Council; and in .case of failure of said company to do the same after five days' written notice from the ',town, the Town Council shall have the right to cause such filth and dirt or obstruction to be removed, and collect the cost thereof from said company. Sec. 5. Grantee hereby agrees to hold the town harmless as against any damages that . may be occasioned by electrolysis or induction from elec- tric current directly or indirectly re- sulting from power used by grantee, s or from fires caused by sparks from grarftees' engine, nor shall said town be liable to grantee for any delay oc- casioned, by construction ,of sewers, laying of water pipe, or pipes or mail. . for any other public. utility: or the necessary repair for same, or from the improvement of any street or sidewalk; provided, that said town shall use ordinary care in doing said work; nothing in this ordinance to be. construed as impairing or abridg- ing the town's right to grant fran- chises far public utilities, or to fur- `_ nish,: said utilities itself. See. 6, center of the space, be- .The tween the rails, or the center of the Sec. 1o. The cars of said company space between the tracks where shall be entitled to the track, and in double -tracks are laid, shall be in the all cases when any person or persons, r center of the street in all cases where team or vehicle, shall meet or be it is'practicable; when elsewher,, than overtaken by a car upon any of the in the center of the Street, its loco- street railway tracks in said town, tion shall be designated by the Town such person or persons, team or ve- Council. hicle, shall give way to such ear. Sec. 7. Should the said town deter- Sec, 11. All High service wires used dine at any time to lay paving upon by said Mobile and Baldwin County any of the streets upon which grantee 1wiiroad C'ouipany, its lessees, sue - has tracks, grantee shall bear the cessors and assiglas, shall be thor- expense of such paving between its ougniy, insulated, and placed so as tracks and for eighteen inches on the not to come in contact with any or outside thereof, and where double the telephone, electric light, or tele- tracks are laid, shall bear also the graph wires now in use in said town, expense of paving the space between and a guard wire or other adequate the double tracks. protection shall be placed by them -Sec. 8. The, right to lay a single over the trolley where any telephone, track on Ingleside Avenue and its telegraph, fire alarm or electric light projection south to the south limits wires cross above trolley wire. But of the town is subject to the proviso said town, in granting this franchise, that said avenue shall be opened be- agrees that said Mobile and Baldwin tween property lines not less than County 1:ailroatl Company, its lessees, sixty feet along the entire length or successors and assign$, shall have the said street, as now laid out or pro- right to place its trolley wire and jected to the south line of the town, other wires so as to properly operate and where said width of sixty feet its cars and other wires now in post - does not obtain, grantee shall secure, tion, or that may be hereafter placed, at its own, expense, such width of shall be so adjusted and changed, it street, which shall inure to the town necessary, as to give said Mobile and fpr street purposes, subject to the Baldwin County Railroad Company, ether conditions of this franchise; its lessees, successors and assigns, free should double tracks be laid, a width use of its said trolley and other wires. of eighty feet throughout the entire When any changes of wires now in length of street fronting on such dou- position are made to accommodate ble track shall be secured and made said Mobile and Baldwin County Rail - subject to street purposes, at the ex- road Company-, its lessees, successors pense of grantee. and assigns, the expense thereof shall Sec. - 9. The cars shall be run along be paid by the said Nlobile and Bald - its and upon the track of said railway win County Railroad Company, lessees, successors and assigns, in conformity with the following rules Sec. 12• The Mobile and Baldwin and regulations: C-'ounty Railroad Company, its lessees, (a) No train shall be run at a rate and assigns, agree that the of speed exceeding twenty miles per successors of this ordinance by said hour on any street inside the torpor- tcceptanc;e shall be an affirrrtative as- a,tion limits of said town, and on In- corfipany sumptiori by it of each and every one gleside Avenue the speed shall not of the present obligations of street exceed ten miles per hour. railways or interburban railways cre- (b) No train shall be left or remain ated by law, as if it were a street standing on any street at any, time ! railroad instead of a street railway, more than ten minutes, unless the and notwithstanding and changes saute is waiting for passengers or on wihch may be hereafter trade in the switches, or for loading or unloading, law, such acceptance shall constitute and then only for such time as is a contract that said present obliga- ebsn-lately necessary, tions shall continue as the obligations (c) No train shall be allowed to of the grantee, undiminished during stop on a crossing, or in front of any the entire term of this grant. it tersect:ing, street, except to avoid See.. 13. The said Mobile and Bald- ,;ollision, or,prevent accidents or dam-'1 win C Ioulity Railroad Company, its nge to persons in the street, or to lessees, successors and assigns, shall, take on or Iet off passengers or 'within two years, from the date of freight, the approval of this ordinance by the (d) The engineers, conductors, and said Town of Fairhope, have at least motormen employed by said company three miles of its line comple ted and � ;ahause reasonable care and dill- k3 in operat:ion, including that part cov- gen .e to pr VeDt injury to persons, hail ered by this franchise and at no time franchise ands be sounded at all during the period of this time -an n.eers of any,a.nd all >n � shall di,+contrnue operation fora Pe- r tra: s o the approach and before Plod longer than one month, so that passing ,any cross street or it will afford the said Town of Fair - streets. hope good and efficient passenger (e) A er care shall be used service during the entire term of thi: f:o" to teams, carri,%ge;, grant:. vagciiig11 ; r vehicles. Sec. 14. The rights, privileges arc (f) E —motor or engine, when franch es granted by this ordinance running single or as the first car of shall endure and 'contirwe for tit a train, si all while within the cor- term of thirty years from tho (]at porate link of said town carry"at its- of its accept,enetl. head a suitable headlight, lighted during the hours between'sunset and daylight. ' Sec. 15. The failure of grantee or its assigns to comply with the terms and,conditions herein imposed shall constitute a forfeiture of all the rights and privileges here granted, and of all the tracks, overhead equipment and right-of-way of said railroad upon the streets described in section one; and upon such forfeiture, the town shall have the right to take possession of said track, overhead equipment and right-of-way, and dis- pose of same as the governing author- ities of, said rtown shall determine to the best interestof the citizens Sec. 16. Nothing in this ordinance °SRtatl be coAftrued ttr abridge' the right of the Town of Fairhope to re- gdire grantee or its assigns to main- tain lights at grantee's expense, at such crossings and curves as said council may from time to time de- terniine necessary for the safety of its, citizens, or to abridge the right of said council to grant a franchise to other railroads or railways to lay tracks along the right-of-way here granted, and to cross the tracks of grantee or to use the tracks and fa- cilities of grantee upon payment of suitable compensation therefor. Seca 17. Within sixty days sifter the enaction of this ordinance, the Mo- bile and Baldwin County Railroad Company shall file with the Clerk of the Town of Fairhope, its uncondi- tional acceptance of same. There- after this ordinance shall become a valid and binding contract between the said Town of Fairhope and the said Mobile and Baldwin County Railroad Company, its lessees, suc- cessors and assigns. Adopted Jan, 13, 1914. signed J. F, JOHNSON, Mayor W. E. SWEET. Cleric. 14 l MM"M �� 113 6 Lp fipr, � /l�✓� An Ordinance- Be it ordanined, by the Town Council of the Town of Fair - hope, that it shall be unlawful for any person to take watefirer hydrant, for pri- vat a use, from any watering trough, school building, or othler place where water is sup- plied for public use, without per- mission of the person properly. in charge of the water -works furnish- ing such supply; and any person convicteby ooin any sum not ex the mayor fined eed- the m ing fifty dollars. Adopted W. E. Sweet, J 1 27th 1914. Town Clerk. u Y • I1) G kv-&I -- 11 Ora C� ) L J i��Yi /A 6 I '� k I 17 rWA ' a e 119 ill Voe--, 122 AWII 1�1 ,14, q _ 1-23 _ 124 0 T - ,,w„ �2., 5 1�,',0000e 2o,, xzm /,, , -, 0- z 5 1000 7 v e,4 4F� AN ORDINANCE. ' Ile rtrr d by the Tawn PARAGRAPH 3 OF SECTION 52 f 0 �--7 COUnCi! �,f O l t�Iat the ; OFINSPECTORS. 'lfAny person violating this ordi-bylaws or ordi nc sethe Hance by erecting or causing to r Town of 1 airh , be erected any house, building or yd the same other structure whatever without are hereby arfre ed so as to read I first obtaining a wilding permit �J as follows: therefore, as provided in this PAItAGRAPii THREE OF SECTION 14 ordinance, shall be subject to a c 1 OF BUILDING RESTRICIONS. ; fine of not less than Four Dollars All flues shall be built of brick ($4.00) nor more than Twenty- r only• five Dollars ($25.00.) PAIZM i(APH 2 OF SECTION 52 W. E. Sweet, A. O. llculin, a " INSPECTORS. Clerk. Mayor. No persons shall erect or, cause 'March 10th. 1915. i � ��_ • � ��j to be erected any house, building other structure, addition thereto, thereto, in the Town off Fairhope without first obtaining a permit therefor; front the building in- 31-)ec.t(,r of tl)c "Town, to whom he shrill pay a fee of Two Dollars, , ,$2,00) for such permit for any structure costing Fifty Dollars ,$5 ).00) or more, A permit for — iny structure or addition costing; ess than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) rr more than Ten Dollars ($10,00) vill be granted free of charge, but n all cases a permit must first be Ibtained. do lo, Aoq, J X _ all `I f � AN ORDINANCE 'The Marshal shall receive one �' - half of 11 u I DOGS. a ►cerise fees collected for his services. Be it ordained by the Town Council of Fairhope, Ala., that A. O. Berglin, W. E. Sweet Sec. 40 of the code of by-laws and Mayor. Clerk. ordinances for the Town of Fair- hope, Ala., be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- AN ORDINANCE. lows: AUTOMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES. Section 40. No dog stall be al- Be it ordained by' the Town Council of Fairhope, Ala., lowed at liberty upon the streets of Fairhope between the first day that Of section 48 of the code of b laws of April and the first day of and of the Town lof Fairhope, Ala., be November of any year without a collar showing that a license fee and the same is hereby amended so as to of One Dollar, if a male, and Three read as follows: Dollars, if a female, for that year It shall be unlawful for any has been paid, and the owner of , person to ride a motorcycle upon any sidewalk any dog who shall allow the same to go at large without the in the Town of Fairhope. Ala. Motorcycles must pay- ment of such license shall be fined have a light at night and must be supplied not more than Twenty -Five Dol- lars, or sentenced to hard labor with a horn or bell It shall also be unlawful for any for not exceeding Twenty -Five person to ride or drive any motor - cycle or automobile faster days, at the discretion of the X4nvnr. _ than 15 miles per h ur on any street with- in the corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope, Ala„ and not to exceed 10 miles per hour at crossings. Any person violating the provision•• of this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined not less than Two Dollars or more than Fifty Dollars. A. O. Berglin, W. E. Sweet, Mayor. Clerk AN ORDINANCE. FIRE PROOF BUILDINGS. Be it ordained by the Town Council of Fairhope, Ala., that Section I, of Section 54 of the code of by-laws and ordinances of the Town of Fairhope, Ala., be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: No building shall be erected, or improved to an amount equal to Fifty Dollars or more, for use other than solely as a dwelling, on any lot fronting on either side of Fairhope ave. from Schcol street to Bay View ave., and on either side of Section street from Mag- nolia ave. to Morphy ave., and on either side of what is known as Delamare street from section to Church street except the same be constructed of fireproof material such as brick, stone, hollow tile, concrete, or metal and the roof of such building shall also be con- structed of fireproof material. A. O. Berglin, W. E. Sweet, Mayor. Clerk. J, ITS "je) �� � / '9� / "i — /, 1 Jifi 1�Wy7 e', 0 L a 130 001 4 a ���'. _ , -' c3 -3 f n, / r r A"Yf Alt it /� -Am 132 '/f 1 X^ ' 133 6 �y y 134 C-- cam, Gr�� 1�ad y � '�=fit/ ����Gr �z-� � �w-�-�✓ � � -� 135 14 Renort of C.H.Littlefield .jMt.Irby the mayor t6 invigtigata., the matter of Electric Lights. To the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Fairhope,Ala. Your committee on the Electric Lighting of the Town of Fairhope J A- A beg to submit the following report,, of our labors. We find &n univeri , sal desire for lights as well as some power for motors klectric fan�f4 and other electrical appliances* There :as been something like.- Boo lights agreed on if rates are at all reasonableand a large number of people being absent from town, whom we believe would want the lightwhich we estimate at least Boo morel . Then we estimat*th t the town would want at least the equal 200 lights more for street liF;hting,which would make upwards of 1800 to 200016 candle power ll%ttb lamps- This estimate we submit as a maxis mum for the present conditions but we believe that a rainimum for starting should be at least I000 IC candle powerlights. We find that it will require about 14000 feet of electric mains and If direct circuit is used a 4o kilowat Dinamo could be 4� used as a start and later one more ofU-.e same dj�jjAJXXJJI dimention could be added. which would double th,:-! capacity. We suggest the/ three wire system as be.ing the best sultedfor t the, work 'ere but an alternating mir-ht be better but More C�_, W1011 j4jdeffinite data to figure from than we now have would be require It is the opinion of your committee that the pumping of tll--;e wa)w .ter could better be accomplished by electric motor than otherwise, Ve have made no estimate of material or cost as we have no consider ed we were appointed for that purpose. hespectfully submitt�d- C.E.Littlefield C.G.LeFlase Committees _/C Zl 7_7 z, 136 Ar /G �r �`l 4yZ Gf/ G2% < G�//i%Y/ ��� r/% ✓ L�%�r�G�/ Jo e'e e - 137 'l v� . � 6otd-- Gam — I2� IT"r_z' An 0, rdhiance. Be it ordained by the Town Coun- cil of Fairhope, Ala., as follows; That Fairhope avenue be ,improved as follows: A cement sidewalk four feet wide to be laid on the north side of the avenue, eighteen inches from the property line of residences on said street, and to extend along the sidewalk on the north side of Fairhope avenue from section street to the footbridge across the gully. That Fairhope Avenue be improved, further as follows: A cement side- walk four feet wide be laid on the south side of the avenue eighteen inches from the property line of resi- dences on said street, and to extend along the sidewalk on the south side of Fairhope avenue, from Section street to the west side of School street. Also, that Section street be improv- ed as follows: A cement sidewalk four feet wide be laid on both sides of Section street eighteen inches from the property line of residences, and to extend along the sidewalk unpaved south to Morphy avenue. Also that Church street be improv- ed as follows: A cement sidewalk four feet wide be laid on the west side of Church street eighteen inches from the proper- ty line of residences on said street and to extend along the sidewalk from Fairhope avenue to Morphy avenue. Also, that Mobile avenue be improv- ed as follows: A cement sidewalk four feet wide be laid on the east side of Mobile avenue eighteen inches from the prop- erty line of the residencs and to ex- tend along the sidewalk from Cliff Drive to the north side of Fels avenue and along the west side of Mobile avenue from Fels avenue to White avenue. That the full details specifications and surveys of said W k ..nd estimates of the price t h,�rc: f .hat 1 e prepared by a wpett,it �u•v, x, nd placed on iile io the ',f i.e _; ill n ayor with- in �n dav� fi-n-i rhl, date there to re- mai i f. r five days subject to the in- specttir, of the public. Be it further ordained that the Council will meet on the evening of September 27th, 1915, at the hour of eight o'clock to hear any objection or remonstrance that may be made to said improvements, or manner of mak- ing the same, or character of the ma- terial to be used. Be it further ordained that the Town Clerk shall by one advertisement to be inserted in one paper published in The Town of Fairhope, Ala., ask for bids upon the work above described, he Council reserving the right to re- ject any and all bids. Be it further ordained, that a com- petent engipeer to be selected by the Mayor shall establish the grade of Fairhope avenue, Section street, Church street and Mobile avenue, and the sidewalks thereon before the work shall be commenced, and the grade thus established shall become the grade of Fairhope Avenue and other streets mentioned and of the curb on each side within the territory above des- cribed, I Be it further ordained, that the 1 cost of the improvements, above des- cribed shall be assessed against the abbutting property and be payable in ten equal annual payments, com- mencing thirty days after the comple- tion of the work and that deferred payments shall bear inte-est at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. J. M. PILCHER, A. 0. BERCLIN, Deputy Town Clet k, Mayor. 1 I O p� r :3 ..t O or- O O O o� - O rD n -n •'-r 0 G x' CD oti IOCCD MD=C����O�cTrt�woa�oJ `'=� ,rc'U�n°7<t+�vOnr�' 74 ti r' O- 'z7 ° Oo C1. A* a-•° �+. co ri' ��'ID =• G W 17D �LO z p• b_ G r * (D M " - W = ` o r' �' N `° �1, �' rron `. " v v — 0 ro � R ate- ��� I C3 y O o ID �' CD O W P `C .'73 ro .'1. GNU DIQ zv O m Q. a �- Q "• C w W lfD. R "\'• ° Q.. c1; N• N n �.� rn roro m n i'c6n ro . -v`'' L 7 014, .z�7, /Y/5- � y a f39' L� , .31 t -1. An Ordinance It That the If, details, specifications , arid surveys said work and estimates Be it ordained by the Town Coun- 0_ the price _ hereof shall be made by cil of Fairliope, Ala., as follows: a competent surveyor and placed on That Mobile Ave. be improved as file at the Mayor's office within ten follows: That a cement sidewalk be days from date, there to remain for laid along the ,vestside of Mobile Ave. five days subject to the inspection o beginning at the north side of White i the Publiz. Ave. and continue south to the north side of Pier St., thence from the south Be it further ordained that t' side of Pier St. on th�east side �f Council will meet on the evening oi I October i ith at 8 o'clock to hear Mobile Ave. south to` Fig St., said any that be walks to. be laid thirty inches from 'objections made to said im- the residence line and to be four feet " provements or marmer of making same wide. or material' to be used. Also that Fels Ave. be improved as Be it further ordained that the follows: That a cement sidewalk be tt town clerk shall by one advertisement 'laid along the south side of Fels Ave. in one paper published in the town of ,thirty inches from the residence line Fairliope ask for bids upon the work Ito be four feet wide and to extend above described, the council reserving AV1,01711 Bayview Ave. to the intersection the right to reject any and all bids. I Mobile Ave. with Fels Ave. Be it further ordained that a com- V Continued on last page. .4 a0LUMIi"Iuer*325. 1.62 to -s-.B.arkley Too. .50 1032 '. 5'*IG Fe lit if I.Io + TIvIdwin 860 4.4-0 GmA. No .55" IC, 2 Iq 1. J . C re CI T93 97. tj 50 3. 2,5 Jno Di-wis- Jr-o D"ton 09,k 34 7nm Denton Wo I.Io C. !.Davis 7672 W.E.Davis 45o 2.7o +Vr,,,nk Davis 165 8131 1. De- 0 r an r 0 55o 2.75 goo 4.6o Ws. , n J'alek 33o 1*65 Srry R.Flo_c!,,er 75 451 I - D. Ful f ori:L 95 67 CE.Gable 24o 1.44, 7Pmarry Gable C G 33 J #T,Q ill -ore 110 66 "'iljilore Io7 65 I claern 95o 4.75 Jno.- "Okenson 192 .96 �, . J. JobMsor 265 1.32 Joc, er Too 3.5o .LC ay 633 3. J�ncy te w 55 . + If . b T, o$, s d e r. 275. 1 . * Z P T W Soo l.',,o J:L.I__ . 400 2,00 + 1,1.ary 415o 75 1 Y Nary i.-eart'lly 250 1 2'6 JRo McDonald 5o .50 7te,,r^ ","" ti 7oo 3.5o o .30 Scott 11innich 165 80 V ir , Tinist ',.iogre ioo .30 Jnc TICCOY 210 I.o5 rr + Tao McDenaild 77o 3.85 4o 20 Porter 5oo 2,5o "AR 2.29 $anf ,:.ind G. 458 7 OF . Pur"I'l 50 .25 0 17oY E. Roe 33o 1.65 Jno 1).eddy Go .30 150 75 T Shumaker I OF" 5o 110 55 Therbison SmitAOII 5*05 !4G - - 1 595 2.97 Dir,.5tewart 525o 26.25 TonsWei(nr 400 2.o(- 600 4.00 d L11"Lle Coo 3,00 `die ",11.11 rfiEi 253 1.26 -Winbert 435 2.17 S an 2to 1.05 An Ordjnalllc(!. V C� Continued from i page 4. I Petent engineer to be selected by the Mayor shall establish the grade of M,- Ov)_t bile Ave. and of Fels Ave. and the sidewalks thereon before the work (ry_� Shall be commenced, and the grade thus established shall be the grad es f those streets, and of the curb on each side within the territory above men- tioned. Be it further ordained that the cost improvements above described shal l thesee be assessed e, ,sed against the abuttirg property and be payable in ten equal annual Payments commencing thirty days after the completion of the work and the deferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. By order of the Town Cooncil Sept. 27, 1915. A. 0, Berglin, Pilcher, Mayor. 'JJPuty Town Clerk. ii 5o.int.36 tot ,,i1$6.68 500 Io. 2.22 50, 22. 5.66 50 100 5o. 4#1 f,o 50. 1.(,)5 5o 5o I.-:7 5o 15. 3.90 5o 1138 5o .84 5o 1.60 5o 33 8.55) 5o 12 3.3i2 5o 5 1.38 5o 12 3.37 5o 20 5.2o 5o 7 2,22 50 5o '9 50 r 2WOOW 5o .83 5o T : 5o 1.15 5o t; 5. 5o 5 1.51 5o 5- 1 .,,7 5o 15 4.1113 50 IS) 3.A I So .76 6 1.94 .50 5o 6 7 50 5o 6 50 5 1.80 5o 1.00 50 15 4.15 5o .60 5o 1.30 5o 1.00 5o 5 1*Go 5o 15 4,5o 50 e7o 5o io 3.io 5o 10 2,89 5o .75 5o I's 2,.23 5o So 50 1.25 5o 1.00 5o 1.05 50 is 5.73 5o 13. 3.60 50 1.171 274.92 5o_ 09 2.59 50 16 4.68 50 13 3063 50 5 50 5o I CQ to 1.0 CU r4 0000000 u-, LO in to U-3 Lo 0 0 v) 0 t- Lo C LI) 0 0) CO 0 0 t- to NO 0 U 4Z • 0 0 Ne 0 0 0 U) in 0 C_ T-4 0 LI CQ 1-4 LO CQ Cal to o,-4 CJ +1s 0 %0 0 W 0 W P rJ 0 W 0 r., ot 0 rA r-4 "-I V 0 z -_i H -4 !-r P >4 0 ;H -r4 94 +) F., 0 0 001 0+1 S�4 Q 0 MIA 0 An Ordinance. Cd ai 0 0 W 016 0 �0 cd Resolved, That that section of the Stock Law Ordina. e allowing all anima's of the cawvi�,:d to roam the streets iNthe t1d of FaIrlioDe be- tveen the hopis f 6 a. m. and sun down be a94 i . hereby repealed, the algid, ect ten days after sameN;dI\ 'ect I the is publica'�;�m this ordinance. By orA/of The Town Council. S�prmber 27, 1915. Approved. J. M. Pilcher A. 0. Berglin, Deputy Clerk. Mayor. OT4 141 dv� U2tivt c'�L /Vv� 33 QA14M to�� to - C G�c°�� , /`L c° ,¢T �vz-�c�u � %���=c�i/L �� , G� c'�t�r�co� i �=�zu-�✓� `�' t/f 0-1, s—— �— f 143 7 Gi4 Eo -Z /u/ 7�o-iC a� v-�.•n �r��.e� u-o-�� c.cs�.-a a � �/fli! L�/,'/�,G(�py� �e7�!yC.tcc� AGCiU �L�l�c.u.� l..a-2��L��_ _—sw ��•��.+�a..s0/ �-i.C!/�y`a4.��'/�'^'�"-. t /L .o i e,4PG l 00, AV � ��� �� �,��"" �a ,.��"`'�'. ��, �-.��, z_, ���� .ems ��•��" jj �IZAQ 01 e�oyEu�� a f ,m 6 145 001--�`- 71 `.. y/ t%(-�fii' hi-- d c-2--c�1 % �---c�-<-c. c.2c.�a �• ec :��.0„'G s�c..ct c, r � �4t�. 104 . � � ��u��y `""_� .e.`�/�,�'y �- aa..�� �.Q.� «�.,,► ,lam s� c�Gl-a�,� ✓J-E-+� GC Lc..d /Za��� i�� � � �-c..-c-�-c�-cc-wG' Q.�sz.-c,-O �<�e/G� i'�.O' '�F��c e�'3-�G� i e� 147 �Y /� i ✓gz 9' �cG �c� ��1 �Li.�c_��Z. Gr-� �iLc.c_Q �� �c<- i6a e-v i t� Jc.Z.c�-c.�` ,��� [.c-�`f.G ; tCh-�. c-u'�`zzc-c-�cz,./ 1I _ �' s-.c_G , f•Z-c.�s`� fi � /d-u-f�,c-c-c c--r-C.t��-c Y t �r IL.c-c. yxt<Zr'-.-�c ..�.<1 �'J'CT'¢ fjY��! eir ✓<-2-e.._<-� Lenz-e�ze-. ,�riY /'L ¢.t�� �%���i/"ee.e�-a.-e.Q�Lc--o-e--ems f�-�.' Z�"-c.Z�'�e�-� �!�ri_y <7-�- '�C-� Lr ' �c�-a= e. �a:< �_ -• � ..�.z.�- _�� �!. �-r.-� � m 1 ic..`�7-c.-cz�- 4'L'� .-�c-<�c..rfl,' �er� �a_c, f�-e.ca`� ��vc.�-�-�/`�tiF._-c.-� - � t ..- _ •. a-e i _. eT c e. d... -- � :�.. �_ � �..e-. c- - /� 1I- vL' �e..�.�- � !�-� }b <-Z_e � !L.e.>-ec-'--e �. - � c /l c � / .. !-G'�f� o-�� --,4, <-2-c_�J �z• c«. ��t -G..L► ,� z z r c :'I rz--c c G' .�Lc�p �c-t+ ��ir sc-Lp .. P; �c�'u'z-�- et-� �-Po-e:et-� •' �cs,�-ice � �%� �ez�c�� O o0 0 � �`ws-o � �-� rA-e-7 Y�/ %'_fis-L.e, ��d.f. - �. / J' , C7 L (� f .G�'� a-t.� �-y ex._u. � �T' � c_e-c-•�a�c--�e3e�<..c-to � / , F 148 lot �firEa� «� �Z�c. � � t!.z-�-�[- a► u,��-�—� sir a s..��� ���.6.4 s�...�._�__--.o.c, ,f cz-- �✓ / / — p r 0 0 CL' '�-�-�-Q-� �J , rI'v-c�-.e _ , ti,cx-f � �-...c.•mf� �y va-s-c � �a�t.�..L� ;� ) r 1 4 I 44 150 A w 7 IA- 7 ✓�Qr�-ems .c'�-�. � �`� m 153 � � � c � v�-�.c_G� Ems- �-- us-� � � 7��t� /�►ua.��.�-� uJ��soa� ae��✓ccc.�� L is �u � �� � � �� ���� � � - lea-.���- �r � ��..�� - � ►, ' �s-t�,z.� ,,y /'cam ■ tct� �c - t.�«-c-�� cz.ozc-c_t�.c.,C' a.�..c�� �_� �--f`'--'a�.�� J4 G� 6'�c� v�ooa ZA sA I, �, �--o�.� e�.�.�. ` -'✓ ��E%tea � � �-�% 62 X� hex- : 4�9/� _�, n 156 -- - - 159 57 tz 9 _ yr � (52 - - s �C�. e �i. ✓ ",e O /�J 1G+L `s.�./ 1F� �`+ Q+�,.: vf..� !iLlac-<-� N •�` G� Q.e ce' .GCiP�-p-�_.c t��crc-v � e���'�u�.cj c�-�/i�. � . i�Z¢. ���'�(��o�r•� �/iu-r� , �.(_ �Ie7���r��C. 6 r j ruc� COA �x cy��% 11rn :700, c.vuo� sc� tir _vi � � � � G, GC.0 (��C�G.�7'C-dZ-Gar-C_ '/-s.�Y I•C�L� �/�,�,p �3"'�c� O�-/ . �,.'.� �. - �Lt-p. [�A4J��-?: ��� ! /, ' '-a'vc-fff'� a 1' �L-LL� /it.t, ��`ii/� 02�c,' tT;l G��-irc,�.cz � (�.� �zt•� , �� 10 4 s 6,f , 159 1 L � UT.txc�. � /� .•-L,rz.�=� �- s�o-cc.�� ti f� � — �'J a f L ..� �� �� � �Z- - - /105 u�Gfftj Zee CA sx c o' ��•h�.y is �,y,_.. r.4.h:->",.� .'/"-i-c.. `N' ��sZ d� - - tea' d--,r �`ti +�-L GL.s- �., � �C, •'�,.�_s r ✓ /�_cs t �c s �f e3 / c 7�i� - !` t� cl- K �: u,s-1-' 69�1 Q / J I v! ``. � ✓✓w�f.�_c�f�_,,cL.+��- ` C_`Lr. ..G�c-�-k-cam vL�-2sZ y, <:.c-cc'cc_/`ti� � f-LSLsL�'`1 PLL /O 4 P loo�� �-Q cr- �T.l� 127--� ry � � y�:,� Q.c/.c`-�z�u� d-� cz-c-L -cr: �-��'"�� Lj v-c+ � � o-.._c.. •�u�-ci � .aC.00-c< i L c.t-cam/`; i.. �`a_tt� , "-"`"" a'� ✓ �" G[�C.r Q_erzrt c a, L� �rc�i G�-�� �. � �- i+�_ G�-titt�t_c -P�. � '✓ ct�'c, ���� �` 1, em�ss-- oc- .� wC�� � � ��• Q�i ,/ i�.a�.—<- ' � !i-�ii- J � fik-C 4' t7Ltt� h�. i• a`•. � .. . l ` m 161 162 on 1.63 • 164 17, k .2 16 5 4A -11 J 7- I f";J 4 7cT"�ztfi,• i���%//Eczc��. � ��_� c-�iEi !{/�/ �./!�. �4f �.�cne_ ►cam, �� ��cz-c-t� / ^ "� "` �Y( �' '` �crcz-o irc cif t�J •u� 7-17 ��./o- � C,f -,'� �✓� -�t.�ti-�.. �"u ccr�.s". , ,_-f�. a , e...�,.�e�c�f`t�c�c.c/ vY(u-7r� � �)-:_�� `��-c-.ry �c�-� ,,,,, On !� �-z-u.-�- �- -�--� D. � �� �� a�.�;+�� �7 fir- �►a-.-<� Q 04 a C 1.9 40 V� x� -��,,.��" � �-�-� �.� ✓ Asa 76-, voll Mood, :167 cl dX �� ,�cUaiY �i /z17.a� cc_u� c���y }-v-c.• �(j , Al - • 168 �G alif � Sol Jf" cp ✓`d--e.✓mil-,�.� �d ��z�� ��ar-o e e «aa C7r -MA �l�[� [�%� �rylwzG�-�or�l.GL�.GCcct �cc N�c='z�: r �QEe!��Gd�O � �cc��cc.�ct.<<- i../-�cu�• � �� --- � a.� y,-., G�-t-G�/ �� q Q-fG� � G�tdQ �U-r�l.G b�q `yt�•cJ !�, 7Y or Q. cr- 4 ��,�yL//./( ��.� /C�Gc.�G �C �r� I ✓�. �zcGa�l�Cc� �c.c � ,�ce.a,a� a+9' t72 M, 169 . 17 171 e/ ��-�c.�.a /!�- a-,F Gy •� - - — - �.�,, v,� w,�.o o���� ems' � --/_ , �. 4 \r. i72 ;. Al c4K /� C�'i D�--� vy��as,"-4c-ic_ ��� ��->z1��.1'� �--c'ri� ✓ / i• •L7 J� .!D' •--.. Gv�r-irot� o uil� 3c/t�i. �!Z0; o-o 41 IJf 2 �� ��•-c-/ q� /— f 'i-l�.r-r � �c � � to 4i � - V � � ��"/p-".y ��/7►�`R. o-�-�.. 7 �" �e%�Qy�c� J�. � � .� i G ��.�`. ���.e-i+r }fir %/'—�"'�•��c.. �,�� °�' �u�,-,�.�-� ���-�fr1 G7�r�-.o-a� � riy,� /♦ `.�,=_.za._� =��_� � � �..r.,�.�.._.��,�� a.�/.Gt".Gr,�,c�-5.. �c.�Z-v ,--cszs�v"� II 173 Il / - j j'� l�'r� -.s a � ,L9�9E�-u,c.�s�...- t�� a' v��-4ac' .�.co1 ✓J� ``44,V.�-L��,E'r `-7-L-a-�.q �(_Pc:.c� tr r L -=ra���r e-f J�.r �/f-� u� � ��� ✓L- �j <-ems _ }• s:.c. � F.c,L mecca -ems- ,.va.�,� E.i�ot-cam . i 40e, 174 C urn u ,1 �� 7 /r z� fig ��.-� �� c� ��-��- •tea _ 9 0 41 e.��y �/iG �� � tee• � �� �� � s�=c� � ; c %ate,.. op G� Q_•e�-c.c��«-nio Gee. �a�2¢��vz.-� ce..�-c /L:v-> ��rr _/� ✓at� 4"�O �C�IGk-i` r�- c��uc�, ��J/� _ � '7- � �_ -c�2 7�! uL ✓GLGt t11� 1.13 fits- Z7 a r-t •o [� o-t . Q,e /�.., � �. .� c ����o �• a l - y ��c ate, Zz- Con, 6-/ fc � CryK-- CY��/� i/J�-7` L�'�F-� £� � � �?ok�c.«-�c� � ��A-'i •c.r..c.o� �J�Ccc4..�� Gu-c./' - yr c, o %mil Gets%- ✓ is. �I ��.� �Gc F c��0 a� �ou�c- 42 ✓I r 17h 0 177 6y 179 1ERFA , Phis Council is informed the t County Com-niva ioner % *'elson, of thl�i di,:5trict, hAs Instructed ngin�gr ',Arrett to rag a '� survey of flat section of vie cro$_i-cots,*y rond between FA Irhope And 7,ilvcrhill, ~which road is, in the opinion of this . Council not second in I!npor to nee to n ny road in the County, and I 4 vir'itti; ', It, s pren rs to the rounc it obv ions Mint th i roAd should come into _T*..�rh3Nn the bu.siness center of the To€;n of Hm Irhope and by the most direct route, which .Aould be on FAirhope ~ .venue, t'.ze geo grn ph icFk l And bus inoss center of the town And tie most direct route to the most used wharf on t`ie Enstern chore, As Y,ell os the wid.ost street in the town And mA intn ining its width of eighty feet one mile east of the To%-n limits; therefore bo it RF: )OL17r➢,. '^hat, this Council e.xpresse- it.; App rec to tion of the Act of Eommis s ioner " e lson in ordering t:ie survey referred to to be made, and thAt he be esrnes;tly requested to direct Vao sureery to be nn de A long as irhop e A venue a t, len is t to Church s tre ct, In the Town of FI, Irhope, and be it further "iAt the 1ibern-1 cooperetion of t,*ie Town Of FA Irhope I)e offered the Commissioners, of `Rldwin County, in the building of this romd on #h the street referred to. �C_v e5T Ola�'C_ .1 XJ ISO f 181 -2r- /37- f82 0016 Ilk 7,n, r.�a4t�i, attz-e.--, 1v7161 aA'2'-r 40" 16 27/ 4/7 ME .;2 1.41- .0 1 2(---1 IN PPiJ,,� � c �tl '14 7 7. 7 ow IF-7 �116 183 r 0 184 mac, , ��_�.,Q,, �.• � �9 /tom cz� :�zc2t� i K /`!�-S/ 0 185 I� f86 m a crd 6ua �>,.0 TJ��O�•i7 'OOar�" Cq.��,vy^^�^OU �O CTJ w v .0 .� �3 "i+.O � O C �. y a� N a� H>� N O �_+.� C a.G cCd C a+� O.'� O Gui cd aCi �"C C,C .� b�„G 't7 +-; +U, np ^� � ❑•i7 >,-'Ji a� O' u' O v'S7 Q ++ O Y p•� •� +.+,d O rYn O C a N A Y b!1 3 (zy O .O U y .0 U > N 'C x � 3 � 'b .O �...O U -° Y m .•. p. r a cd F vi a�q •yan,.pZ aq „>�a, Rw +•�>;°-o.c c w•, �.o�i� oaa �u W in 3 0 � ni � .ti a a ,.c *• r .x a 3 � >,� ° +'•z7,^ F. +, a.y r,,, „ � o q ._� � � �t.c o.°tl' � > m... r � � �C7a �b a o o �, � � u �� O y, r•.7 F cd C N .., C O �p �'' s, U u a y U 3 d CA d l9 G1 ^y 4. m w is >+Y (d 'S7 p cq w L7. CJ FZa U y cC �.+ O'u.., C; bAi �..N, ��•+.0 d' ° .0 ,p ti U N(� N a N O"d ++ m C g UU �. ° a7 C +�� v O a0i v a.� v .b cd •.� v cd.., d °>�oo�+ aCbw ova y>3 �> n� �aqG� �i gF�p a a N v a d a G a• o v + o c` +'6 c � F a � QQ''_G�^r!i WAOF�Q+ UZ�anFfsr �QW��0.la''•.b�wNv.�m. wFOo°q3a�+a�°aa+-'cvoo°Cywy�os ao�'U'm"syd'.�^ww'Loyrom.,+�ao,°.,+, U�Co'timO°�o'Ca�>oO. vAg'"oNwa�v3;:F.'r0c,.�br°aen W W"'bMUdyYeC�"F�C[" ^y�G, �ro��Gc! .Y�C°a°,'�gC'°„�>p�aOpay.o°y�' U�Ua_��Oy°•UdcU ay-v.'.'jbyyUo w'cN°aud 4Nws°0 ' p ° " "krOvo xWzTkemmoua wo"CUo CroNN�:�r;�uGa 0o� Juu rvo P.�yaDaa'o"i �m�•��oa.ap,. >aykCC�m.°a.dwa°avOOWYydU>u gwa=Ogv�O�'Wtea. a'..�U �wo C°dooaozuooxabdacUyq cpop'p Cd O-U P. W"u4"c-o�a�C o�% pew �gwm� oG •''•w°tc^�c�o7 • U.._ T...3,. 'V.. dRS3F.,Q 0d.Y. Y�Oy'(sc1'yy.wO3Ox(� ti•aiAaO p wU0LU.cu' O N G1O Y0 4.++.Cm+1 ou.]0r000 3~«aasScwd M UpC, M°d QdM -mO CO .O 0..'�v�'.O>. tl�T7 O?teAa• C ora3 .�+'C.+u.y.00CO�'O Y �.�(CS t. aui �Y C'y 3 •yQ,.p'7 +'+' Q, csw u; ° cu ° G u �.0IU`a ° y o u aY �'� 0,a C a -° > a m cs °' G' C cd' .0 +' O O O w d U U N C'cd..,� •L7 'b cd t. C O ao E°u am 3� >cdo a y g? v uyy U ai aCi o;a � U OO •kA o a � 0.aoro� ++ C T7.� �'+:. +Y.+ a� a•ti ,� fir, �. N—� U Ox � � y t. •^ � Ch O •^ YO rn O a'�'"+ N chi O N U u •-+' p '�'' q' �%i +'�-� id u y O C N c�'C f.�1' N U ,—t O N a s. CLti ai",+ 7 •� N R.� Q" C crd N Y O C cd �. ai '7 U C M a Q .^ A .... O Z _� Y.0 +� C > w U +'� a.f. N cd 't1 O m Gy u,.0 U aJ. U'� G+., X a �_ - O u u: � C ro• Y� cd •0u'.Ow O p a Oau ° �w'b LO �+''�' M O a O C a O •��a�a+"O..aO+[.'�.�y'^C~,Oyu'�j''p'>'Is'vC"�:��.��'i.wo�wE�.•°Y'T)F'' a� m u m >,.O bq•q p U m = u 9, •� 'ts o� �•^ bGid � � tOi u � O O.� �^.� �'O ,�.o .r � � � � v ^ a � u U�—, m m >1 A �' +'' td +' U • . m a q cd cd eD ,°n .0 0 CA) N O 'ti . ..aN. a cd '�"F1 "'b y .O c3 "00 u �-• O .°b J, e O O O q O M r, .n U •'" .O F' cd .0 O O .-. O s. �„ FO'+r 6YaWYU WuYW. Yrd>3rG � rw uaa C 188 II .4P.k tm 189 r lk Ile vr"o Zr ��16 / J. ~1. 6-y fia, D cc.. /� 190 w ., I 191 �✓.���' An Ordinance. to regulate the use of the streets of ;44d, the Town of Fairhope, Baldwin ✓� County, Alabama, by automobiles, TR T, vehicles, etc. ' �/ Ile it ordained by the Town Council -Q /4 f Fairhope, Baldwin County,P,labama �� ��� �'• / �( //� � ,/`�` /a, a.Gq tat the following rules and regula- i (Ills, governing the use of the ublic streets of the Town of Fairhope, ✓3o.XQyie m labaa, are hereby adopted and are I have the force and effect of all rdinances of the Town of Fairhope, �� i .� , ,/ 9 � I'449�' taldwin County Alabama: Qom' Section t. All automobiles and �niLL ther vehicles,j except when pass-� L %�!»r�s� '?� I.1 J? O Ig a vehicle ahead, shall keep reason- bly near the right hand curb in the i� t �ae� ����/� oes� ,.fa! , irection pursued, but, when overtaken y a vehicle, shall bear off to the right` 7 � K near to the curb as practicable, 00 vhile the' overtaking vehicle shall Ass by the left side of the vehicle 2✓ /� vnen and must not return the urb G 1 C�.dy line on the right until entirely irely fear of the overtaken vehicle. O '� G LPL All vehirles left standing on the `% / treets shall be placed as near to the , to urb or gutter line as practicable and -�9 /�/(� ���5� k/ 4M +arallel to same. o ✓� Section a. No automobile or other rrlticle shall so occupy any street as %�� o interfere with or interrupt the pas- C / age of other automobiles or vehicles. Section 3. The unnecessary blow- �6 O Ink of whistles or horns, the sounding .2 / y0,5 &II of gongs and unnecessary noise made ! �6 A—;r-l/ by the misu--e of mufflers or devices i<uG�' ✓9 l /� �/ /( `j .i��. Intended to prevent detonation from the motor exhaust of motor•vehicles, / �y �%✓�. lit prohibited; and no motor -vehicle .hall be operated with the muffler J �? ✓-�d���� C��� Ihrreon cut out. • �`/(, v f�`.lor� a Section 4. The word vehicle in �,/ ihc,e regulations includes equestrians 2_ /G and evervthing on wheels or runners / �A� L wing the streets, CZ& /dam—� �� � tirction 5. Be it further ordained /j,� d/ - thrl all ordinances or parts of ordi- 61,Ar, te.un;es in conflict with this ordinance , ,u c hereby repealed. � n it further ordained I.+lanyany hperson, firm association, or .`�}.. ae_ Ld`vr_i7"ez� tirporation violating any of the pro- / vhtom of this ordinance shall be fined /2A� Ivy the Pecorder in a sum not less 111411 one dollar, nor more than ten. y a� 2-d Ale% J. Melville, A. O. Berglin, Town Clerk. Mayor, r�� oL�Y 4�� Coo �•�� "may eI -we A��o-c�. -kcc � A�e,,Wi>.v t3 YCo— Ito ;o uitacq %4f- . C.P cop C�u��-� E- �.c� rp„>>�yE F.L D oY-�- �'ac,�s�r6 � a�� �•-?� t.�c��G-t_..�� �' -A c� . �� ��.e � e7 — �aze«t�`�`sE-. � a��•j� _92 4,-,a i2-.12 6-7 C A-e- e. e_ «� �Q,C.dtl�-cc. �K <<T� � �' a�e,n.a ..,• %.�u �,� �sa�,. �,,,t I cuc v4. oz c. �Gta z��-u, �q( ��c-�.��u��c. � �=� l�f ✓'�,dc/S� up .d.�ep cl Q cx A-e6 All -X r74. N4 7 15 a e A4r- -eAX._ "-Ad 9 Em 0. IeI16 le WZAI�- '04 -c'42-e`Cf 42 100, er few 90-,1,4 44'fceYTJ� t G l�4 v a, or 67 6-1 . ar�oa OFFICIAL BALLOT Town of Fairhope,Alabama, getiular Election Monday, September 18th, 1916. INSTRUCTION :- Make an X before the name of the person for whom you wish to vote - FOR MAYOR t�,cc //► �'��� 1 (Vote for One) �L Pc r�t 4 c J7 A O BE!?Gi.IN =NI. A. BUWEN FOR ALDERMEN - t (Vote for Five) P. Y. ALBKIIzH C s�- �ALEXANDER CLAYION BALDWiN —� 1' (,EO. R. HENNIG - { AXIL JOHNSON WAL I'EEZ MASK _ } J A. PATTERSON�a.L G. E. PERIKINS /J 4 K. B. VANDERSLICE !-' 41/� r-A7 I 43 crc c if !% �I �t► �_r<.2 �.� /Q.. � ���i��4!�..r.G � 1.:_l►'c,c,t.G •iG_.��cti cc-'C.'c- ' Zt.d r L 0 w AV— 190- 196 iw 4-y�-==�- o�e�t� .� tea• `L C, ✓"'u� `tom 47 py cxAZ_ y . _ 198 II 199. I 11 1 r e ft, A Ili �i ��`Cd fit. -rya.. , .�-••-�t ��,,� �G�,� Q 700, Re it ordained -��z by the TeCouncil. c ' Fairl-lope , �;lwbama as follows;.Y Sections S and 5 of t1ie Civil Code of Ordinances are amended. to read a as follows; Section 5; The duties of the Town Clerk, in add-tion t�optg.RRcribed by articl e II of the Code of Alabalia I�07, shall to Vie as sess::.aL_zt an +_ collecticr of taxes as �;rovided. by law; to act as c7 er1F to the- Recorders Court; (-,o ' all funds o til e b e "id over to i.iau as gore as practicolle by those liavinA; posse sion of -ic same,pay out the same only upon var•rants by tl,E: Ma,yorAC4nci Town Clerk, 3-p-rV. He shall collect ai:d receive all monies due for water and electric 1iglit service, and for connection �r ith Y,a_ter mains and electric liglitz wires, a:i_l for tilt;: sale of mat er.-Ico '. He shall. superintend a1.1 repairs to 1_ines, mains and. rime— inert' belonging to the town, and. the, making of connections with wires and sins. He shall have charr,e and. keep in a safe place all. tools and riaterialzs belongcrzg to the totrn,rand of its fire apparatus. He sln21 'perform the duties of building inspector, and shall issue U1.i bL.ilding permits, and collect Vhe fees for the same. He sllall have charge of the public School build. -in- and grounds, and collect @b- all charges for the rent of the School. Auditorium. He shall have charUe of the jailand. pound, and sllall keep the same in repair when need.ed.. He shall keep accurate accounts and records o-[ all business clone by liim forthe Tovm and shall maintain office flours at ,such time and place as shall be satisfactory to tale Council, � ?Te S14,1.1 give bond for t11e fa,itllful performance of leis duties in j the sum of one thousand dollars, anJ shall recei;re for hjs services I the 04" three hundred dollars per annum, payable monthly, which sum shall be in 'Lieu o_.. ull other conpensat:ion. Ott, /G1191(Q 141 ZZ �zG/`y►�/�,1� %L-r-. �f��raa-Y� �. ��./ *')'� �y,��y� �'�i,- L��/�-r, , �s-Z,�r-v rYq- /►t.c� '"1(/ �/'�es I�i�-� �h-s /`i/ �%f' se'��i�z :✓ ' " " " _. GLy�� %h,�� �p•��' }'rc-;' yam. eY AT -y y •• I 201 INN, 7 or ems, . :1 A 1 �1 1 A, 7 r . 1 {