HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook of Ordinances of Town of Fairhope ALCode of -1 teshfy a witness against vim, may for francs, be heed by the keurorder not —"a old '`veiny dokarse, and in default of Ordinates lamento11 fin,L aen[enca tohard labor fur Ibe fawn for pot exceeding twemy duel. OF THE TOWN OF FAIRROPE BALDWIN 'COUNTY, Ar A ADOPTED JLLY 1, idoit BE IT ORDAINED by the town cmland o Fairlell, AI . aa follows. I That t the 1011mairug be led hi is adopt ea as No Code f (1dillsonct, far he rp Pa lure, ,, gh'into little[ immediatelyP its passage and mid. afal. um Secrets If Words used in 'his coda. the pas ad ten r p clse Includethe'futn wellas , he past and present' wards sea in we nor and nsculi a genm der include the fem P ewer; the singular includes he .rural and the pbral ,lfie -insular 'I'be aaa1atur,Mlon mebbeir t ,io s c ers / ling- IbellI aa, rWnb ig thepan soap' ua ides fhrm tine, M ' r b I r` re£ns to the May- er awe all when Noting as Record. 'he word ^police' refers to the town Marshal his deputies n athl,raFscer a mammary es of a e ring the amary dutipoliceman. Sacrma X The mfifincirs of the Town of bayor anTon link sadditionirlimpe in hall beNo Treater,, a Marshal and such Depmtoo as may from time to iimic he fband necessary, xhl, Ofitesr sad a f I'owe Aaorney. al, ofiicer, to be ap pointed by the dray � , aufbjen to In..ppmval of the Conrad, and hold offic of such a from ono d,,y sop„immay ,null the e.up,rion df the term f the Mayor ny wham p{roln[5d, -bit- vim soon r Toyed by sons, of 1,yae mainline of ' t 11 Tr of he 'Penn th shall be aid eve- , I, f'he'CownI h hie SY the Town ClnkrV' to shall prat[ cat He ay on no May-, ad '11. .e pdre sivned a board ea hill s eb d such ,1 faithful 1 1 f h until, M1 tire ehConned y from t [ t+n y voficF bond Ill ate .Wee pro orde ishall he. live hundred Dallas. Selves d. No "'mail shall post ady bill, Bard, a advertisement, on any fen wall - s.., uding Nine public grounds cam rplace or Ieyuapmh,Pele m c Ib r elephone oI t :oat she t n nr f the any preprope I wul i. the limi tse thttnwn snoops, underlie penalty, nitua exceed I fIyJ it h k d y- p loCTod. 5 Wine,yt 11 Ild 'orre - rude We to bin y g k [f f I I ant Let g ,.fall n coal w11h In the place ffvna tG o on dthe l hall, SA 2 mrd d lot of l 1 nit ,[the meet ng, 111 be dead hlam al,, kanrder y ,.Pa t od1. fifty doita tivcr + I. AnI m found done k n ar ,about my street es .bit I ce i s situate ane rabom any mull" r 'e plat otbvslne,,Nfa PyyY.lic,atnra, s1, ul" p o ollion Le.,is illshchsum va[he Records r I my impose n t care, ding fihy dollars. n Serials Zo .Any perso. who a[ any time f nuer es his bands al,, of f y l ,.bill.' mountain or drinking plan,th ro to pL liI thefewf n o ' th o r c In any t P 4g with uch periodic, Ir kli g plat,, water tank do well, or or its fixtures. shall be fined ill uoh s s 'he iecorder may impose ant exceeding e fifty dollars, e geca,00 S. Any oyzrs<n who e,I II injure,to break of Or, dalonY r Y , yfence No gam.takedowp a Boar of a l iteE,' fi t to me fence or y k "Nord, plate sr card, h M1 I ' w marm, or 's n 10 rh Central I restC . y M'Mliel ° P k fPv fth Tow k Iof np .' f II ✓Sl T¢vll ANNNN of far vg on'efus ngtovLeeea,yn I or e e after same shall Lnve Leon yo declared by the Cwueil, nr the Mayor aft�r the'I, f .,a t h t m r hit, mme held,' hall spa -ction M fired e such set s 'he u dolcall rsforea hsday North bran, their filly lleue. ✓Section f„. Any person who ,all dig/ excavan or a Ir fromany( let with yl, Ilse lawn lied". hanob.. �,...�,.,..en ._,_. e osgwen4p,maa be bred, i ag + lie .,,it may be art air a, provided in me I, +1 111. It Anll be uulmvl d colonel, in the game of .,bang mIs armnance shall be Id n mmm than fell'y-five dolIn,,.i f' 4 `�Ss<namld. �Vhemveranyordipnlsca Prf madeas Am off Nell, but pmvidas utter the tenuity hall bee finest th i, of tie Resarc er no, in exceed fit y d.fir with impriso men[ r hard labor r lute d lag fifty days, iu ofa It of payment Where a penalty Is punvt d in the form of lie and tha defer l kt;on r lit �. or nbable 1. p said In,,ahe et' L eramic is to hard litho, far the r us fo such period as to the Recorder shall 9 an prome each doI] of I r not line,e,pde he Recorone d ,ay £ y h s d ' make a lumen, with uhenaCve of fine mpris ent. Secnoe 15. Sn all c s ai v dl Ppme 11.11 a e e m then vMy 'r is tot h f eyi b and by th I ly f 'h ' ith or r Paivo; f ey m C ; .]gin, orde,anad ihemupou he Barnrder eb 1all eo saivt three respectable liwo. of Ihe'wBn !h alto h OY t shall be forth difint r 'h I cc d ht's aid[ bcaPa d,lvoil to shall lby Winerdhcreu`o, 'he Reorder ten .`der requl mg the deliouncer -th th f t d Y t l y l 1 ts clarain to h th I 1 tL ed by a rer -s dtt tdlla [ 16h1y of tile Inp t Pd f tl J f y , a llor due notice of this lr Tr [ e at - of money, he shall be fired to such asa id sum h R corder may nmpose not excee ding fifty -I 'S c' f.n ID Th T list d p t ut, h ell o of bf ( t hall pre erve orde ce and , lie the laws and Candlemeaes h ow They shall h ve power sooners -a the town tormd iu 1h nd sespci aw chars to cn.,,da a d k i' fh net t t to th I k p d s they ardongml !hp hallla c nit a nhor'y maser 't n, ereal o'he, pro s jb Inc wore! .Iatemofmay➢I - "nom no ro d om va, nd hall t cl core r hsl'li Roc dri. sac M1 I l k g be in t g ,v t ..... Y mid ,hour lit oat ,be ti n.enon 1p. The Recorder's court shall'✓ be hAd daily, Sunday and Icgxl hnlidxys ex eptml, lu such bmlaiag as the oou.silshalli acdgnam Lm the purpose, a' such hour v 6he Recorder may uppuim. The Town Clerk 111 ' CI k £'h R 1d C ' {I L d$ r k Ifin "t i g II I. ll I. 11 { I he R d C [ te ll ' as to P Brf t ll tl rbf I t Rc- Jer h d e Ienae ormeu reloi any i'ers t anon iciedr n[ v olmid, P "oho upon ploperl ow. [ '/S'c'I'Ion la rl [ foe d ngs j befpr he fie der shall 1, - slsry. The I me Recorder s :be`li for p, of he City of Code of1009 but vermilion and sheriff We, of P, b p d tone row, KdI! tableance limo. dt baf,r the Ra SPan he vn>� of proceedings. dj .red the .d pl fill," led other Qpbl c 1 A `v ,4ola, I of 'y fi at"' lemg w n J to ,he captain a a fit rat It ewer �rso u in sad sPram{ mein. . char e, per. ch[hug ' lnterferingggc of 11 deny dill charge of bnsinese at the boat landing, snail too usepdelta,sd byd fine not exceeding rnenty. S'�rt li To keep. mane f ll-famb.l or fur ip m ng, a od seta of drmokepue i deaatexpw r of o e's pare le ", other disorderly sedum! •the Town rf l I:pe hCl d[ L I fl� d1 -, II uWly C to f d d sun, me dac b wired d 11 the townron' a drip a e rd labor I�i eeediug n Bred day. e5ecp'os LN.x Riots, unlsari . en ie<. dfirmy" k I d h d i d d t dbe n fh pecSire hem, Ly declared to al, v.ldisfdl, Wed every pegs=,, upon oavilti m hp'oFe the +fayor shall Lc filledain any n t less thou liva dollar. r 'line nit, hun teed dollars^. r Le enrmrand to hard Ibel far theYown , c cooding h i J 1 SxG _ It 1 b lawf f - V pew rots Jscharg art' gdo, p,,n or mfier I ton ti Pa r limi f of town f F- h pe tl r peal 1 pe e, f tl M y f ^#"h d cry - ,. pt't b f the,p t Con f p o. P P ty A d a y l Fun tin d L f rc Ili Mayer of vmlt£➢g ,his no,.nee. snail be fined It any sG not raceading fifty doh ' tars or sentence of oat more into nfty days it maid labor for the town, Sacq'tos log. [t shall be unlawful far any Qers dr peelb us to sell, h.ve for vie, or of Seruos I. No ane seen n¢vseni o 'M1e o of the e, ar od,a,wisa r�ymd soy n animal to a zidavalk tree, or silte tutor say soon nee e au wed. rva ane snauxet, ri ,g�Lark ar drawee i.any mum lain, a, alvub tlo is odav walk, syoar , aeet,� odd r plat 'he'Ibwn of Fairhnpe. ban of�'nis se don avail bep,nn nut exceediugalifly dolars. I do,in, ` ! the scent mf other at or nth ' ea nerem Wreak, Only re It in npo f it" I nc I kind th Ili t t g, f f P ddth tth i 0tsidt s ucd m W Il not L cu p 1 1 of a far _ .rural p Igt���r/on o ill oa, din es ll person rya rso 's/rivme Title naarr- o ne h ill 'late r Icmp, to ne th p os ❑ o �d i .nee, sh,I e 0 d g ilty f le �/ Le Iv'cd n ]essth fi Id II ,ho v h 11 than f£ty dQtno, a.d may be into saved or W -, d I n d I G f R f or i// t I g(Rydy I p S T Se 11 1' ll 1 fpl fq y o yIn g 1 r Ili !h -I g 'h , ' tl h 11 ' i... sballl Le netl nol ,limn o isding e dolis lar r 'h t d Ilan, or ten tenc,.J , l anal M f h t I 1' l fi ys ',tent ..ally, nr eckl dl II ,,iffIly - 1, ants all I the n. sea upnt nn afa yP I gb Y d 1 f I p ] n Rae sun, m db h k. t. it ' bl [h d d 1 f b ddC inb shade .V 11 I /S r All pytlrano No er an pal I p " t pmp 1 L U k II (,- e rye or oho defiles or , P bl t tl p. f ,]. I Ij%II� I m whaf, bull bra r bothefhall, 1 I ... d by d A b d Y dane Ikes or np fes a y Wen Ivmp acted f n Pa he i of INN cnar .hPuw wibefil ndow, ow or roor e l Lreaks vedr d `kces `raw u f balrhupe s it Le „a died to IM li sly 't g Y Vh b[ I dy f tl Tq h " h i { any ,herw I e d p bli p 1 I f t a h all , y person f Ill. [e P 4 'y h ll po Ion be fi d d by Ili I u M h l as sv I 'di J Y fh• 1 ..de, nut mo the. fifty dolla ^ h .� becmlox 1A e _ emm,zd to annual m vehicle Fau'M1oy ie who ratan with, u asa chard Pm perian ,shall dr" q alifilfer -sit ;era his Null, orb' and, at ucl therdo,�in liral nt nether abject , h aoenal, nit s ❑il -A sf Y dow- _dLnNm < W elly bsaq mare or otherw se b any plary of the M y dotles�;hanlive aJnIl.,I nor more th�f, PaY lbl�n thYndfn(ai'as per pm lofurn sh the Mayor theft i,,, dollam v S crt rva 32 llM�� ry f t `K� �f requved, Pre - Insl Sr,cmtov @tl It snap be the duty of 1hv�Clerk , Tha duties of [he 9awm teresred�fullyadvisog-hitm'. I le II Marshaanwcollectall fines article Il nfahe Codte Eal desoroibed by the mstimm` ga p,lnl", Becwder, and after such fi..a b... been im- shall Irc ro .,tend f lllp7, nine, confidmtlalemattefsrrelat owq anA all posed, woes, the same be 'mmediatel collecsivn of taxes the aesessmm�t antl To aura' h the Mz 6 Ihcrem; ,or adeyu.lely served. s _ Y Paad act as Clerk tv the rovided by law are to Yor and p5ner¢I council once ,akv the defdefe vmae stady�ll vd aecor sere Conrq arm with ^' tten satemem of mm shxll compel sail defe ant to perbmm h.nJ o �r his services he shay re v fine salary of svherem the Towo Is mmresreJ, at kastr oincc Ia Lur on the stree,a the, pvLlic works rd a hm'dred dollars per .ovum payable ,acorn year and oftever it reyacsted; onthl . ed said own until the a t rants sentence of hard Y y Section g}, The t ao pay aver all nosy collectW l Ly I,im when shill have been complied with; antl Ifm' hiss reasu.er shall receive ttorbyy for the turPma,iov tl,in bve whoever the tiecorJer shall impose a five, ervmes twetssl1y-live dollars per days after the rollectfvn thereof. he shall also impose an alternate sentence of uv °Payable at thPhnd of each yuanm. S Fm his senkes as above sm;=d he shall hartl labor. 'l Sacnnn aaashall shall r ve s/ 6aF .Nary of fifty dellen ° Sec non 3H. Nn Jng sha14 Le allvwed'at se ry cs. services fees es J.ovided for (similar 'aM1le semi -enou.11 1`cr nnnnm pav- li Lerty upon the streets of Faahope betwlen r `-s for the Sheriff Y. In addumn to the fore f Baldwin Cmyney yq �gring be shall oa the Jveceinn of the Mayor :1pri1 first and Norem first o! any year v becrpn 3a. The'dniies of 'Gown, I r Council ioso ate or cony on all acbua#nr wi,hnut a collar showing a,.1lece, fee of °`y ffi.II be a yollna.y, 'f,o :Atmnl/7nw and in eyaity, in favor of the 1'nwo m e dbllar For that as ,a paid, and 'atlea on ben aveaug."all final judgmeat. and mdefenJ ell suits brought the owner of an d ear a uy the Ma Jif o£ the Tow, when requested la;ainst tie mw,: when in, his judgment do to go at 1¢r Y o shall allow same thereof; yoq or (,onned a d tarnish eepprts, ifevse shoultl t, made, wren end for which ge withou a payment of such YI! es he shall Le ev6tled to the nsml fees license shall Le fined vot mare then twenty �O give his written o scrvic five dollars tie sentenced to hart labor sot law I. the Ma pinion on questions of as Provided by the IvluLile Bar Associetinn ceedivg Mint five da ,tees anJ Leads of general x:l, commit- p"Bill. He ,Lail also' pon tie the Ma Y Ys in discretion of Partmeno, whenever re. the Mayor sad Council reyuest of Yoe 'quests. in writing; present the eltof sI no tie1'nons3l. TM1e owner of any dead ant- TI reduce to writing all wnimcts ,,Lott- Court [o Ms C� it Coot of Bandwi,neCounI"'. red he hall knowingly permit same ,U red m him where We Town is r p:vty, and _ with untanned within [ m e antl Evr his services sM1e11 she emitted m re within a half mile thereo a rewth nmtess I, 'sarna an executed ltn co,ispcts before the cove fifty percent of t III- hours after ,heE o lodgments or lives avoided moons[ of all .hall be fined mt less '''"'111111�66666 ourf such av ale' .2- He shell also, upon reasunaLle vat kq thou [en dollars for each oRense, and mar each ppear upon reyuest in the 1<ecorder's Court day after the firs[ eighteen hours sha❑ or before the Cnumcil or vny committee there- onstitme a sepvrx,e oeffal I of in cersov, bet for so doing small racei.. [he son of ten dollars and his expenses. µ(( all Ordinances. i OF THE TOWN OF FAIRHOPF. Be,ITORDAINED by the Town Conn• cif A].., as follows: each auireal taken op_ -netva Any °Any person pe milting auy goat Cody, and twenty-five cents a day � form at large i the streets o[ Fair- for Feeding each animal. Be ghail I hope, shall on onyiebon be fined feed said animal and treat same in fifty cents per day for each animal. �a humane manner. In otdcr to re 'claim same the owner of said animal 3 q Be IT Oanefnen by the Town Conn- ('must pay the Marshal the sum off cif of Fairhope, Ala., as follows: :one dollar and al9b twenty v Any swinefoundat large upor. auy cents per day for each day of theile- street within the o poste limits of. tention, and neon failure of raid the town of Fair pe shnTl be taken owner to do so withinfive daysafrer in charge by th unshod, who shall the animal had been apprehended keep same scen ly, and shall im- lr , the shall at 1? o'elooon mediatel,y post a notice in front of the day sepcl5ed iu said notice xell the Post Ofiee sitting the time and szata a a i coal at P. bl in ora tort' lotcash 3 Place of such taking up and descri b- to the highest bidder in trout of the inn the animal impounded, and glv� Post Office, and apply the proceeds ing notice that it said animal N not of such sale, dr'st, to the fees due reclaimed within five days from the for saeln impoond lug including ,e doyofsuch takingandall legal feesfor additional fee of ovedollar for man - such impounding paid, it will be mg the sglr, and the balauee, if auy, sold at public outcry in front of the to pay over to the owrar of said sm- Post Office at noon of the fifth ,jay anal. If no owner appears to claim after sLch taking.. some the surplus shall be pairl over For his Services in impounding to the Town Clerk to be held by him said animal, feeding the same aad for thirty days, at the end of which posting notice. the Marshal shall be time, if oo owner appears, it shall entitled to a fee of $1,00 per head for but paid into the Town Treasury. .­/AA� Q �����.t„iprr,(�% � ,-/��-����'w�a�STirlrtio ti4 .vrr, �zl"✓L�iI�O; -., U 1 '3 A Town Ordinance V BE IT ORDAINED Ity the Town Council of Fairhopetth'a�',':rSeotbr Tweedy of the Codeof-.' 0rdl.apees I fbeamv,ded to reed as follae's: - Section 80. The costs for pro- ceedings before the Recorder shall be the same as those allowed to Jus- tices of the Peace and Sheriffs un- der the State law for like services. and shall be paid into the. Towa Treasw•y. The forms used in pro. ceedings before the' Recorder shall ff�� be in substance, those prescribed 'Y for before the P,ecorcler of the City o of Mobile an%set out In the Mobile City Code of 07 on pag=s 334-339, bcbsive, hot "e"tbns not of sub- Isluuce, shall not impair the va- Iidity'ofproceodiug, II. S. t`sq.EENO:tlai CP. Y. ALH8e1N'r Clerk, Town Ordinances I� RE rr OuuArNrn by till, To.ca i...m. cil of Irclrhope, Ala., as fallow.¢, Sf C. NON 41) .A II hne5 of lts'r allil nil kt e.a of htrl aud sp- 11zlIllcil li all, oilo,, i t nLl re lu ed Ic bl I tid 0 ,71 1 rt I ri'I10c tl 1 fi'tnl I f If ySl1 I 1 rl 1 r:d 7 it Ijh' •. I au..l I sand esp is � 1 1.t1 � - 11 to II , l it. I - h �d I ni'll"l tend t I c d o I n i l t I n 1 t i t h e on'a itrto t tfthe ] n 14 S GRnn11 Mayo. P. V. A•. vatmre Clerk. ��i'4 ���7J,^.rtivJtrrKL GL7O r yDs lF �T/, 13¢ rr Oat usan by the Town Oomi I � 011 '1 an I Ind. Eiieot :amc in cif of Fu;hope Ala., as follows: Ll i t 1 noll,le ti,t - That section 39 be amended to t s u tI if 1 n yypp read al, filNi s: I( n t p i, t ti 1 tl e I �UWD DLO SECTION 39. dos a bull, stallion n I i1C v t t Ir I �� � lack or ant t any s animal found at c t. •r dai ie, III 1 A /�f(. !f DT�t7`1s-op• bilge upon any s§i•Het within Lhe t ten do q n lu1 01 ul dt met lu do ul n It-e 1 I rllsr� corporate 1tmtls of tha'"fgw�-bf. Fnsr �kope shall be taken In dhalge bt I the a ual a, be, t -.�,p I 7 ell t1 e l S slnl ., 1 o cl ou the Mat .fiat wile 'pll keep sort e the day apectr 1 t -tiro mutt ll seurely aid a.l immediately �, post a notice to- root of the Pest Of - fire uoinal at pubs r nt tct,y P i aK€li C flee t ataf tug tl a time and place of, it,, ILu t F lelibel,'libel,he of t��jgiy fL such taken u and desotibbg the Yost Oth e, and a rlF-i the riot wis i g p t of s 1ch sale, lur the fee,tie and that tmf said a and giving InJ best, >�5� /'�✓"1 dice that If said nim¢I is oC re- for sneL npovnd t ucludm an r claimed i mho five dad. front tl.e adult anal lel, of o e dr lw f t nay-Wax ']p�',�pAl!,/e day u such dtktng and all legal foes the ale. Ind the 1 i e 1f i , �/ �W for such tap kfirg le puI l d will s fa "ay o oft the owl c t f i3 ae- basohlatpublic eulmy Ii ftont,,f i ail If non net alma to clmm' the Post ofcc at noon of the fifth I solart7te serious hu be jaid over dey after such trlang, to the I., c Cle,k to b- b,ily bt him For ht8 segPiees iu unp.0 dim, ho Illi't, d,ly,l at the red of nlrh aid animal m f&d• the sea . and Lit Yuo n p yr u Jl potting notice the Nat shah 1111 be be paid loco ttic 1 It ts1 ,y entitled eol a fee of $1.011 per I c for H S. ( setNI, uorp.(',p 'e c6 uu imaL taken 11and t I cus- Y. 1 Al rzai Fir, CTu k. tody,wed twenty -lice cents a cbiy - - her f1clug eneh ¢nhna,. Hen µhalls ] 6.1 -- Town Ordinance. e it Ordained, b�yt eTownCau cil as follows: tie. 41\upall Under ay virtue of thon of Seethirteen hvuducal eleven the Revised codema of 1 7, a municipal - tax ols ap, each one dol- lar otl vat tied is hereby Vleviell pr party and sub-, jeersioa ithie the mmioi- pallthe town of Fairhope for the tax y commenciug Ooo-' first, 1908, residing Septem- hirEteth 09. The proceeds d tax aI t led usrd for the' U ses of. the u whic l said and , aXa ssessm�vts up which said tax shall be levied shall a made by the T Town Cleniu upon v lulls as fixed by t state assessment did shown .1� _-n l.(/i 67 / C W in county t the th Assessor of B�idwin and Co nt Lh� assessment /3-`1l_ y'y", Qbx'Y✓t� wo Q/ �-rri r w/ of State aid County to es. due an' / `T.fjf�'pl- 1 payable October first, 19 8sltshall �'-t�q" belle duty of the To Clerk to proceed as speedily atte the pas- sage of this ordinance to Asks such // ,-, A C assessment and return sa s forth-�,0 with toa regular meeting of the Coup- oil for sc rh future action as is re-a,L/V�y/yWYr, 1onlrnd by law. A - — H. S. Greevo Mayor. P. Y.,##,',brlght Clerk. lam//r/_// AN ORDINAN '_ BE_IT ORDAINED by the'lfown CoodFil o[ Fairhope us follow nmo Ss NV;; 1t is hereby dared that: the Town Clerk shot give ten �/ 'Zp ✓LO /!'L ���ggg �',�///�-/��_ar /�%�i days', 'Pe bli publi thou in a �� �'D �C%I �" /'""/ ✓ newspaper ublished the Town l/1_-2 of Fairhope, oC theessment of Gry�1'f-fir mnicipal tazeB for said Town for R y�� G"`t- a"V the tax year CoAN, vg October 1, Y 1908, has bee.ted, a.. that the Town CopaFairhope will 61,j hear and de rmine bjectio¢s to 'l��a�ry%'y/✓E� said assess apt an M day, No- .4M reacher d, 1108, at 7: o'clock. P. M. i the council cha her; at which/tine all parties int4ested may �dppear and make such objec- tio¢s as they see proper. f H. S. GREENO, Mayor. P. Y. AtueleH'r, Clerk. Nov. 6, 1008. J 5 AN ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Town Ccuu- cit of Fairh pe That follows: Se 43. That under and by vir- tue of a provisiopa ors Lion 1336 of the c e of Alabama of 1907, a tax of four do ra per cap is hereby levied upon It male nhabitants in the corporate "mica of the town off Fairhope„who w a subject to road duty if sau w¢ were not in-% corporated, t� pr eeds of said tax shall be keo in a sefairatefund, sad shall be co acted source ce same e time and in this same manna ,@a the mu- nicipal col. - looted taxes of said towy are col- lecLed and be governed by'.�11 provi- sius of the law relatiog to wilco �li Lion of taxes for municipalities Furl " the year commencing Oct. 1st, 1908 N IL S. Gnnrxo, MaYur P. Y. ALWO-Hi. Clerk. November six. a Town Ordinance. Be Pr OaDAMD:"try' the .Town Council of Fairhope, as follows: Sec- tion 43 of Town of FairhopeOrdmao- ces is amended to read as follows: Sectidv 43: That under and by vir- tue of the provisions ofsection1336 of the Code of Alabama{ of 1907, a tax of tour dollars Per capita is hereby levied uponall male inhab- itants in the corporate limits of the town of Folrhope between the ages of 18 and 4u, for the tax year beginning Oct. 1, 1908. That said tax is due and pa} able at the office of the town treasurer on the first dayof December 1908, and on tie first day oftbesane mouth every yeartbereaf- ter. That if said tax is not.paid with- in thirty days after notice, the delin- quent tax pryer shall be warned out to work for ¢ve days on the streets Red if snub deli' quent refuses to perform s eh week he shall be guilty of violation of this ordi- nance au it shall be the duty ofthe town Ma. hal to urrest and bring him before the Mayor, and if he be found guilty of suchviolation, he shall be fined $10, which fine shall include said tax and cost of court. Shoulddelinquent then fail, refuse, or be unable to pay said five, it shall Ie,tuty of the Mayor tmientence him .hard labor upon the streets of the town for a period of ten days. All ordinances or partsofordieances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. H. S. GAEEmo, Mayor. P. Y. ALBRIDNT, Clerk. a ✓ Town Ordinance. BE it ORDAINED: by the Town Council of Fairhope, asfollows: Sec tion 43 of Town of Fairhope Ordinan- ces is amended to read as follows: Section 43: That under and by virtue of the provisions of section 1316 of the Codeof Alabama, of 1907, a tax of four dollars per capita is hereby levied upon all male inhabi- trots in the em porate limits of the town of Fairhope between the ages of 18 and 45, for the tax year begin- ning Oct. 1, 1408. 'That said tax is due and payable the office of the town treasurer the first fey grF the same .0.1 every, year theyP1 after. That if aid tux is not paid the delinquent tax payer shall be warded out n work for )ever shell on be the streets mod if such delinquent refuses to perform such work he shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance end it shall be theduty of the town Marshal to arrest sod bring him before the Mayor and if he be found guilty of such violation he shall be fined $10, which tine sball include said tax and cost of court. Should delivqueot then4a11, refuse orebe unable to Pay said fine i I � ICI A I �' , ► v , ��, r �u it shall be the duty of lams on tte C ? .0 . _ _mac ,L /?Z�L6 4 = sentence him to hard label on the yq/j/,�r'vy'tif'�-frl�/ �^'7 streets, tiretown6ro r a period of t. CY 'Y ten days, re own for a3 a parts - �i ordincordinances in conflict with this v WY/ .mot /,� ordinance are hereby' t with H. S. GREEEO, Mayor. P. Y. ALRRmer, Clerk. Febreary 22, 1909. G Ara. 16, 1909 Town Ordinance. $ Oa0 a,by that ncovn' oil of it , as fallow May 1909, That tho j8di daY old in said an electi ',hoP°h A bama,for the town of Fa d ¢lectors °f Cali e pm'pose oft q ntinq rIDon. and such muuiciP it au as to whether deciding 4he q3@ rnicipali- I- t t TZ or 11 the bond t oi,,P hree Thousand 4y in 4he amov �, at the rate of , with' terayt' and to Dollars � aen6 not more th n six hall `pe issued for 4 p'�r, rnn for 10 ears. s or boy- ,ya �/ ✓"V //t7 iZ/y� ffie Dur se ofcrosMue 'ng said , ✓� bljc school hou e in ing a nd 46a4 votiee of �' . town F Faichopa a t e Lime snch'¢laction bn given for and is the manner Presm'i yid th ,t said election bIaw," mar Prescribede b➢, v?W//0. %,f/t /'"/ ducted'In t.ie ma ➢f ayoc vVv law. H. S. Gitet."N,' Clerk. Aynnuorr•, Opw -�t+ /& r / -fQ — the town Conn- Oau.r:'s° by failows'. Fairhove, al°" °" J09, on 4he 184h daY of May'/]sa,d l ion shall ve held i}r th• ae 1 e 0 f°T01 ✓ (NT7 DY�f town a EllirhoVe, " purP°s¢0f equallded cunt ut saud such nmuiclpalit Y votieV ddin g the q�° strwhether eci or not the bOndsbf su municiPah, • ity in Lha amount of °e Thousandof Dollars with inner e eit's Cnt tan t° not mere than al a°ll , issued for run for 10 years�, or buY' the purpose of `'ff�[[''ustruot 6 t said ing a p°blie �ifo°I 4hat boos lice of town of E'air pe and time evch electio be &iven for th and in Lh mannef Prescribe Dyo tota low. Th following. electta offi shall be aPPoivted W conduct Lfie said electiov: C. E Nichols. E. B• Geaton and Davl. Shepherd, ivspec- satall. M• pileheq returning ob GaasNo, Mayor. II� floor•. P. Y. gysatour, Clerk Qtin/IlP qpf /VV 4/f -i='-� filar 1A,.19U9, �� i Town Ordinances;* ,Cor`_I Ba S'r Onoby the, bell of Fajhp ro�., 91a., ae0.dtbw•' hall not be la.�' f.D fn/'lany Pcry It. or ditch 5on tG .g any Lole.. scdo earth fr ve I om' in or rem parl ,school, yard C.! any street, c}, or public grou d wi �inor baloug�°g u s by th' consent to is townh` dr fob of the prop - and nudgr having such l, peers ec ou e oT ul Person pr eutiscs in c argtheJ� eb no dons of ylolating an o[ the 1' ictiou Lhis ordin' ca, shun uPs co thereoF, fined not less than two dollars or more Ihuu two Imndred Be I'r n Oanasn `1b he Tows. Conucil aC Fni rhbee, Ala. folio Tt shall ,,.,t be lawini for anY hack, hbgfpev carrlags to stu nearer thou 20 ft to the shenet hGd at the foot of uhyf hill, 0" 0 Tf.�°°d the passage lba8ln R' l,this m'dinance any Person vlolamng shall be Uned not more tbau ton dol- lars for such off,... H, S. Gar:ew, May". P. Y. Clerk. May to ,19U9. Nritid, of Election for School Bond Issue for Town of Fairhope, Alabama. / y :ereb Br' Onoatsen by thel�Town Coundll of k'a .etch, A la., follows: iyonic is Iy glv� tot on 19,0 Monday the 19Lh day oflTuly: o f there Will be held in the Towo o Fairhope, A,,jon. , hi Woodmen Hall au ,lectfon, which electionde- ,hall' no held for JJie Purpose of D ,hall be held fori•or but the Town bonds of Fairhope, Alp.,rW ill issue Thousand jr, the nmaid of Phoebe Thousand / �j D f Dollars, said bonds to bear interest n at the rate of five per cent peT a°- vum and to run For ten years Yrom date of issue, and, the purpose for at eh ttia bonds are nropd9ed to be issued�beivg to bons a. public school he. aeiv said town ot\Fair- hope, Alabama. �[.� ry✓r /� f 9 H. s. Gaexwo. Hayor O/ p. Y. Ar.natesr, Clerk. Jove 14, 1909. Celebrate with the Athletic Club In Fairhope'sf� JUNS IS, 1909, FAIIt H,CM C,'OD'RIjER Third District Sunday -School Convention. There will be a meeting of the Sunday -school workers of the Third Commissioners District of Baldwin county held at bapb.e on t e first Sunday In July next for f2: pur- pose of thoroughly orgagi.ing the third district associatiq Every Sunday-sohodl of the di rict ie re- spectfully urged W sfnd a repre- sentative, or a npmb of represent- atives, to this co.1v ration. As the district hay never en thoroughly organised, no for a program has been arranged, ut we hope to have Present a num r of g.Ad speakers and Sunday s 001 was kers, and all who attend a earnestly solicited Intake par 'I. the discussions of the work. Y The me mg will be called 01 der at tedo'clock a. in., and Of I jnurn at pleasure in the after.. Don't Miss It. Yours for thorough organization, J. S. lambert, Noitice of Election for School Bond Issue for Town of - Fairhope. Alabama. BE Pr ORDAINED by jte To" Council of Fairhope,. Ale/, as follows: Notice is hereby Oven that on Monday the 19th day of July, 1909, there will be held fq'the Town of Fairhope, Alaba., at Woodmen Hall an I lection, J which nle,tion shall be held for the purpose of de tarmining whetbeir or not the Town of Fairhope, Ala., will issue hoods in the amount of Three Thousand Dollars, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of five par cent per an- nPER and to run lot $so yours from it of issue, and the purpose for in the bonds are Proposed to be issued being to construct a public school house iu said town of Fair - hope, Alabama. H. S. GREEN., Mayor P. Y. ALBRIeaT, Clerk. June 14, 1909. stark Day. At Ha.lach, iv the Kivzlg Talley, In Germany, February 22 le a 6olitlsy and Gas been obeervetl a, one for hem- drade of year.. Oace upon a time, the story teller who espial. Its origin be- gin., Haalach wale overrun wlth avake¢, and ao oae knew bow to drive them out. One day a greateock of s[vrke appeared, and they war. the la asvinre of the pce. In rerog.ition Of this delivers.ce from the past, Which occurred I. February 2, the day has been kept sacred and is known as " Stork day." A. appointed vMet.] known as the "Stork Father" parade. the street., f.D.Wed by as many chit drem as care to jot. the procession. He wear. his "Sunday clothes" and a h hat, decorated with tan. afuned stohrkighl Stops are made by thi. prncesaipa at house. along the Ifne sad the children receive gift. of create aad small coins, every householder feeling pleased to show his gratitude to the stork. HOM i. ". iv V FOR Si Stnwherri W.teren.lr Sutra Bea Celery. EI STRAW'& Via TI To TA To KE r—, To NE A. m A. whnll,.11 alIM.re. est and6 Bh,''app..st BxE^ IT Igpalpsga .a �ilnla'f :mawrf. o. """• .u... i.. On, as.w .. . win - I T S,ad at Fabh,, Ala.,4, MERSHON MERCH. COMPANY. FINE SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. PER Srz. o. R.xr: very dasimbic. prop erty within five minutes' walk of the lost - office Good, two -sorry hour, 22 a 30, all celled. Detached kitchen, 12 x If, two cis- terns, fine grape arbor and other fruit barn, chicken houses, us. 7% acres of ground, about 5 acres cleared and in cultivad... Will ant very low to gaud tea.al, or evil et a. bargain. Gasrux NO FORTY ACRE FARMS FOR SALE AllRudd�erldwirefeI.— 11 1- /A- land y;/t- HOMEiPH( Fairi I�The Be TIRTTNI 1-1 -.-.ems r a a� ag� J 9 JUNp 3B, Mail. DR. W. C. MASON DENTIST Office at FAMHOPE PHARMACY The,=days and Fndayc J. K. SIMMERS MONUMENTS nll'Yhunc idsL 2W 11. P—,,o, 25 years caprria,ce MOBILE offi' t ,. e,nn A. 11. x., ,. mane. nl. C. L. Mershon, M, D. Farhope A, U:,Fhuc ,�-,.u.a, r. a p. M ,.o, FA IRHOPE Teachers' Examination. TheJoly ex.eal atioo for tusah- is will be held at the DyYphne.�tate Nm His t3<houL IVI tin ou the first da tl ouj` Julp, `J ^4ee-inning pvozoptlVy a n o'r k is the fare noon, the hm ,_ gnh'ed by law. ' Applicants will ease take notice ;md b, prescn at t v hour. All nppl1e' is must pply them selves wi the Peres ry paper (legal-caVI,, pace, ink, to., for the c.Nateinukion. These holding �etecund am9 third glade certificates`and w is h1 ng to apply for higher grades l must bring Ilwir cacti licaLes with them. very ,T, S. Ly:nj7y,,rn, Oo- Supt. v[l:J'n. Notice of Election for School Bond Issue for Town of Fairhops, Alabama. I;'. 1T ORDAINED by the T.wo ('iel:nN of Fal l'h.,r, Ala., ae fellow,: Notwh e hereby y"ven that o. Monday t elULh deypf Jnly, 1909, therewill held I the Tuwu of[ Fairer,,XA1b.ir of Waudmen S. C. JENKINS flat] as hich eletionl JoTttemw-AYL>w shall be pu rpo+e of dc. a.,:, termiuinl!nut IL, Tow. ea Minette, Alabama of Fail hopll is,m: bonds ud1h,s..�aoae ' --i--t-v;a, mwee. a eobimon ul mobn. in tLe :onrre Thn. eund Dollars, ,o -, , Iot,reSt at the vale of five per . l per an- MRS. ANNE B. CALL 'date num andLo vuo tm• ten .f ;wa I': um of i,sne, and the pl 'pose for which the heed, are to p.xvd to be. Millinery and issued heieg to eonstsnet a'.pulbhc Ladies' Furnishings school housrit, ,aid town of Fair - hope, Alabama, FAIRHOPE Id. S. Gaeeso, Mayor P. Y. ALB.eGHT, Clerk,. Sun, 1{ 1pd!I. OLU Boo Bought, Sold, Exehangetl.. it. if. 7` I AS 13 Y, Book Hunter and Broker in Books, WSJA'YAO'I', UIIIU. t,.�:.- r,�, cammg. FAIR{HOPE COURIER, F'' Notice of Election for School id Local - Bond Issue for town or Fairhope. Alabama. who Were at Bs IT ORDAINV:b by the Town ,r seveyal weeks, Council of Fairhope, Ala., as follows: he Powell home.. Notice I hereby given that on Monday the 19th tiny of July, 1909. of t. Louis, is there will bNeeVmld in the Tow. of Mx, aad Mrs. Fairbops, Alahema, 99 wooduen / Hall so election, w)/{ch election Qeic^,d recevtly shall be held for t purpose of de* 4ties who write termining whether i not the Tow. Ing to locate at of Fairhope, Ala. will sue bonds in the amount Three�,Tbcusavd rib cracked by Dollars, said b vds to bea \"t'rest n him when at the rate of ve per cent pver an - u and has been earn and to rho for ten years from ,y date of issue, and the purpose for which the bonds are proposed to be d\Ea Sheldon issued being to construct a public h I It 'd f .JULY 2, 1909. E. `S. GASTON AND SON SALES AaD RENTAL AGENTS Improvements upon Fairhope Single Tax Corporation Lands a Specialty. A FEW I M PROVED OUTLYING ROPERTIES AH`If you have µr ,'fiws m n,"t ov u, 1st mem i n It you ant to n a loin .1 . au", un `, for s . mm t tth 111. Lis, of pro,i n - nam�,n prepay .lion. se 00 Ouse m eau town o - be a coat of hO pe, Alabana. 1 tr111mai g and [1. S. GSEEBm Maye l' E. J. Br,., P F. A.TnNS]uEI NE, Cash. y P. Y. ALaatatn•, Clerlc f of whom the J°°e la, lsh9. City gank & Tri Rt Cn 7 +r e An Ordinance v Bn' TT ENACTE� by the Tow. Gouimil of Fairhope, Alabama, as follows: FIRST: Fromand aftertbisdate, any person digging up any of the streets or sidewalks of the Town of Fairhope or creating any structure or obstruction thereon without first obtaining thepermis. onoftheCouu- oil, shall be fined a less the. Five or act more than. �fty Dollars, or mprisoaed uoteiceedi.g ten days, prodded, however, that OR legit - mate and proper work in construct. ing or repairing streets and roads shalI be mmodured a violation of this ordinance. SECOND: All work wherein the streets be sidewalks of Fairhope sball be dug up or any obstruction placed theroon after permissio. shall haco 6 ...rented therefor by the Cou.e' 11 be co.d Anted under such_ a Kahle r.g.latur-e astolighting at night. length of time in which said excaatiou or ob- structiov shall remaiG and other pro- visionsintended for the benefit of the city and the safety Of the pepn- lationasthe Council shall provide. Adopted by unanimous vote ofthe Mayor and Council at a regular meeting of the Council held .lure og 1909. H, $, CrHEENO �" P. Y. 1' � B IT ORDAINED by thn Tt a 1, ' Connc of Fairhope, Alnbama. Pollows, Zhat it hall be unlawful r any ilpto iter or loaf on a pub - 1 wharf Is ii.b. labamet while dresser in a ba ng euif, or while othenvi sea fly clad; and that it shall b awful for any Person to bath from the wharf I within a half ou of the arrival and dePar[ of b ate. Any per- j ' son yiolat g`this or are, upon canvicrip}fshall ll_ it. it not Its. r - His net more than 0.00. A to by unanimous to of the Mayor and Council at eg- bar meeting of the Council In 'July 29 ]4G0 H. S. GREBNO, Mayo P. Y. ALBRIGHT, Clerk a9��-may p y ✓ Town Ordinances `PIETA: Any Per::on buil'"g,my I �1 BE IT ORDAINED by the Town eta ucturt m causing same to he Council of Foolrope, Alabama. as built in a mangqer not in cmnph-� follows: - ance -ith ihislordinsnee shall be From and otter th 'firs[ day of damned gm " of n hall be }l August ith, t 1 din shall 1 nod coon h n er, or a fined 1•d - c old w [hen the n m,e, limas not less then Ten ar more Than ;n th Toua of h the e, lowing Onl Hundred Dollars, and any Per I' ac .as a e st the following ' .oil who be ld any structure or provisimra and set folk in eau es same to be built th aman- Fet holdings In any tdhck in whit- net not in compliance with there-, other he b.,1ga are now in excstd gahemh,ll of the foregoing ordl-I^ care, nb bhe sir shall be rected none, shell remove the same within nearer to the street upon which it tap days attar being notified by is to front than the average dial the Mai admit to do sou and for each ) Yvon, from said street of the day thereafter that he neglects or I uildings already erected in sail refuses to so remove said building l lark. he shall be guilty of a separate of - SECOND: Iu bbeka where there isles. are no build age, none shall be I� RIN'rA: The Mayor shall appoint ,rectad nearer than thirty Peat to In standing committee to consist the sidewalk, except buildings) of three gent ors othe council erected for mer^an the purposes. ,�hoae the -,hail be to in, sti,ut, THIRD: All flue sh-11 be boil all complaints in regard to ciola- of br'ck or cement only, it.., of this ordinance and report FOURTH: She ,.,it 'blank^ as al. i wlat has of the same to the la d in this ordinance shall becon- ma, or tred . ,uto mean any one of the four 9doPtetl by unanimous rote o[ of a square and shalt inehcde the Mayor and Council at a reQ u N- hy that part of ao square Ping Iar TacEt leg of the Council held Ju- on one street, andh were a baud- Iv ,- f,19J 'ag is situated on' a emne:, for A. S. GREENO. Mayor the purpose. of this ordinanae it 'I P. V. ALB ENO. ill.... shall be considered only as in ire blink towards which it feces„prh- I� 'vided, however, that the side of - no corner building shall be harm than t'ifteen feet to the aide at roc t. t�y ✓�caaeii. �4 , r Town Ordinance. He it ordained by fhe Town l'onncil of Fairhope, gla., as .Iowa: Section $F nl ,Ae nope, Ala., Is amended to read as follows. Section 20. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to aell,' here fm .Is, or offer for sale, or otherwise dispoae of any spirit- t� uoue. vinous,ormalt liquors, or m- r I in if bitter or sting other locos- (A' tlrinks o any kind, within e the corporat1' its of said town; I Provided In h this ordinance /� 'Pali not b construed to pre- l cent the usf. o[ wine [or ace- ramental purposes, or the social or domestic use of liquors in private families. Any person or persons who will Violate or attempt to er'ads the provisions of this ordmn ance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon concic- tionthereof, shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $100 and may also be imprisioned or sen- tenced to hard labor for the town fora teeht not exceeding six months. I.9. Greeno, Mayor. Y. Albright, Clerk. August 12, ]9U9. J � i14 /L/T�lMugy y�jJ- �i yo7i9f>'r^y /IrJ (.{i �o'yi�ir� �"� /�+/ et�vvY� GLv /✓r�a-v 6a-t�/I / �'�/ �'-r.�-i-� Town Ordinance Be it of by the Town C'ouned of Fairhope, Alabama, as fo!lo AS. That the following atreets,roada; avenuss, public ways, highwaysand passages are accepted and adopted and are hereby designated and declared to be the public wave and passages of the said own of Fair - hope, Alabama, to -it. The entire least and width so iar 59 are with the corporate limits, of the tot wing streets, highways, end! a ones as per .plat recorded he office of the Judge of Probe at Baldwin Co., / Alabama, in Miscellaneous Rec- ords at page 244-b, to -colt. / Fairhope Avenue, Magn Dlia Ave., Delmar St., Morphy Avennr, Fels Arenas, Bay View Street, South Bay View Street, Summit Street, n Church Street, Section Street, School Street, Mobile Avenue, In- gleside Avenue, Eighth Street, Eighth Street West, Nichols St. and White Avenue, together with all portions of all other roads, highwaya, efircls' andpasaages cmoraced withm the limits of Fair - hope, Alabama, at the time of its incorporation. Adopted by unanimous cote of the Mayor and the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Ala- bama, this 27th .day of Sept- 1909. H. S. Greene, Mayor, P. Y. Albright, Clerk. An Ordinance. Be it ordained by-,tbe Town Council of Fairimpe,. Ala., as fol- Iows, Under and Dy.'virtue of the provisions of SectIA 1311 of the Recieed Code of Alabama, a muni- cipal tax oV five frills upon. each one dollar of assessed vah ation is _ - hereey levied upon all property N.¢ asubjects of taxation wAlurithe mitIZpal limits o0 the Town of Fahbops for the tax year com- ' loaning October 1 999, and end- f� 1 ing September 3 1910. The pro-ceed. of sal t aro'to be used fqqr the par, of the mm icipal- V'-' ify, and the ssessments upon which said tax shall be lecietl shot: be ads by three Town Clerk upon values as fi;ed by the state assess - men( of State and County tares due and payable October S, 1909. It shalt be the duty of the Tow �m rt: to oroe..ed 000>d:r.,ie'ifn. make such assessment and return ..me forthwith to a regular meen- ng el the Consult for such future action as is required by law, H S. Green. Mo.¢or, P. Y. Albright, Town Clerk. c'v p� ° r✓✓Z/6 �( AN ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Town Cndped of FairhoPq Ala., as fol- I lows: It is 111 e1-v ordered, that the Town C'lebk. shall 'givy,' 1 ._ `ten days n\\till by puhlica.fop n a newspapbr pubhshed in 13ta Town' of Fairhope that the assessment. of municipal taxes for said town he tax ye coenng Oct- for tcommencing ober 1, 1909, been completed' and that th own Council of Fair- hape gill he rand determme ob- ) bons to said assesament on Monday, No, 8, 1909, at 7,30 p.m.fn thr fonncil Chamber, at which time all parties interested may appear anrd make such suggestions as they see Proper. H. S. Greeno, Mayor. P. Y. Albright, Clerk. Oct. 25, 09. AN ORDINANCE. SECTION As. Be '1 ordained by the Town Council of Fairhope, At- l- abama, ae mllowe; That it shall be unlawfal for any person to ride or drive over any bridge within the own limits of Fajthope faster t a walk, Any person violating a provisions of this ordinottc s Ilnbe guilty of a misdemeanor, n upon eonvietiov .hall be fined t more than Il Adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on the 13th day. of Apr. 1910. P. Y. Albright Clerk. H. S. Greens, Mayor. 14 P ✓ Town Ordinances. � 1 See. 46. Be it ordained by the A - II T;n'ole, n Cocelil o" Pei-hAlabama a� in].": It shall be nnlan'ful fvr any Per- oa fo ride �a fe"Cle""Pon any � st et of aid"town onlo a ea t is "In"i'd With a bell an pf tha�� d n> In IL t ht i¢I a 113,in t s so s¢o" gh a t Wl npen ,ha lee P c. ntor fsteen er'f I t. . a l teen 1 pt ;11 ght �of wac. AnY pson violating any of the nrovieione of this ordinance =hall, linen r.,n et' o, the fined of 'J l•sa than $1.00 In, more than it W�'9.99.. n dpp[ed by onavimon, vott of Mayor vnd Connell this 0th day of May, 191U. P. P. ALBRIGHT, Clerk. � LTG 7 H. S. UREE\O, ;Mayor. ✓VJ 4 ` See. 49. Be it o dained by the Town Council of Pairhope, Alabama as follow., It shall be unlawful for any autos, Mobile [o he driven open any of the streets of the said town at ' night "mites such �t"tomobileej"owe two fights and any person ,iodating u �J the -dinante 71PI, upon convic- tion,be fined noc less than fl.06 nor more than $50A0. Adopted by onauimova vote of 3lavor and Council this 9th day of May, 1910. P. P. ALBRIGHT, Clerk. H. S. GREENO, Mayor. '�-a-�-r�c�L47 TAG✓ ��G>„-.w,tirr,. u-Q 74 TOWN ORDINANCE. sec. 49. Be it ordained by the Town Council of Fairhope, Alabama as follow,; It shall be unlawful for any per- at'"to dump tin can, or rubhish or garbage of any kind upon any of the streets of said town or in any Other public or private place anu no person shall th ow away any tin can in any place n said town, ez- ce i In thn p p p ground provided by t 1 townand without first perforate Vivid" so that it will pat hold water. Any person vio- lating any of the provisions of this ordinance shell, upon civin. of this fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $60.00. Adopted by unanimous vote of Mayor and Council on this 9th day of May, 1910. P. Y. ALBRIGHT, Clerk. H. S. 'GREENO, Mayor. ---a_— 19�6ir,-� An Ordinance Establishing t The Grade of Fels Avenue.l BE IT ORDAiN CD by the Layer .md ('n,mcil of the Town of Pair- hosm, 6a,¢jyM1 Corm q-. Ale Kama as� icllowe: Fels Avennc Liberty St. r conform as I o the eur- gh which at street am f the hilf iz !cut. Tho sidewalks of Fe16Av- enue arc hereby established to be sixteen (16) feet in widthon each side. This ordinance is to be iu fill( �[erce ..it effect from anu after thr date of its pnbllcstiou in the Fair- hryPe Courier. 7 pproved December'k Lh, bill. 1 H. s. GREENO. Alt. st Mayor. A. J. WOLF, Clerk. AO.r eb L(a ozo fee. z p, aril . Qae�i, aLe-L2nti a� b.aaa.e_acd ma.�,c���, �✓ �i¢ni"G�. �2wa.�C ALL er�osr �Ca�a�c"(C A,2 L, At j �La4 a�1 J o`ec.tn_Q.dILL� ..a-Cra.. / 7de LILy -elLt e//)W Z O t� �u a e,�Q, n ss �eox.v irr aya.oea�4lz:azti, to �e.�Qe.(, Q'a�..ea.a or- Ua-/Q.e..,ra`�d"�._ Z c z7e yr �c��� � l_ 7 n�-L>�` , ate• �4-tz�1..,� � �1.4.�.��Ee. �r ��.e..nf- �-�f an,-L !✓zy-2�Lfz.ai�, py�-z�'e Or�cu�<i-..mac-a�� qua y cN, In-zl�i. a_.. �Qa. �i�t.�,a�<L � fts. •�in� ,� L7�zct,�, y� � � � • SZ�ct f �h 2 3..1Lq[ / a[.e. d., �4e �-�..ae�cd, e.i. cu IT O$D9I the iiwn ..o Co d of IaAlrhaPe ad Mlow§g That a munmtPal L &-4. it'e mill on each daL9r den aR valuat � eYeb 1`� A n onsrLv subject t aaaifdtn _wYhin 1 - JS. WbLF; Town Clerk. TOWN ONOININCE BE 11T ORDAINED by the Town Council of Fairhope as follows: tat. That on and after the first day of November, Jail, it shall be unlawfulfor any person or a ,Or- lation �p hold dances nr other'en- mrtafn hsrg it an admission tee Ba charged, without first the seining a permit therefor from the favor. and. No Patina h.1 11 abe given by -, i,u Mavnr to hold a daocs or en- aov+rsamn"ee.e ..�. - --- - -J ue has sari i himself from Rho ehar9cter of a ePPlicante, aao. Fromm that information as he m 11 �orderlysend proper. iument 3rd.; For �iasuing such Permit, a fee of One Dollar shall o�hc ck gte f",,rl.'�Ibc,h entertinment. paid Into Mho Town TreasyProvided, $owever,Cheatris may issue without hergeen the Poocooda of said en[ur- (tainmzntry'e to bo docoted to sorer -Cali.gious, char itable,.or benovolenl ciuse, or to 4,c �applisd toward somE public improvement. t. For arY violation of this or dinanee, the Party or ,Paxttea con dnetiog said daocs or other onto, @amorous bhall be fined Rot lea ,tlrsn One Dollar not more than Ter Dg lure. j 1911. ""'o,-ea Octt Y1, EEN 6.OREENO. Mayo m isest, .4. J. Wolf. Clerk.._ • i� ! .�,� C�rztcti. ati• c� �u oN. nnneiMrnVRVTxP•.TOWN. come dehnqultd their colternon may be ehf%ted�by en czecutiot is suet by tlu �`l ark to belevied up - file per on it iropax.o[ the y p i a,n tg n-. wh m i*ch the 1 e ere aseseed, o &gams- lhuPrbp- i arty 5�d F3W' taxation, for '- eve amount ai;euchhaan¢ end caste [ returns blo IQ a tlda msniro,11 `t ;herein not more }hen silty days e Tram its iabul.re.J 4 h ,',shall e 11 Illy such exc cation Pon the r party of the i i di. all g tax.p er and =halt gl th (di weelAy nofivof line, all -of ti rdby sting at tb, 44 tim and pcs n 1 do rb vg the pphice ofrty tafe o be! t sold and the, rra,an t tlu: 1 P,et ee eleven oclock in the full' no and fo}}yy o e cl the of- tervo n thin /Ruarslall (shall set so much of the protecty of each de- t linquent tea payer'as as necessary i i Co pay the taxes due antl all caste and charP.es Eneideni to va,cli sale App,oved Jenuary 15. 1u12.. H. S, GRFiEti O, 1 Attest ,t C1 f.LSy�ir. TOWN WHOM, hE IT ORDALNED 11 the Town Council of Falrhepe, Ala, as 1 ol!c That Feld Avenue he fmProved I. aecordaocu with Plansand.pec- db,,itiovs submitted by P. A. Parker, Civil Engineer, ann that. the oxpense thereof be aesee- wd agaitist the owners of the abutting property. The hnprovementa contemplated are as follows: A gutter six inches deep and elgbt feet wide on in, e.uit s,Cs o fLibertystreet to discharge fn- tootackia Gully and to emend thit- feen chains therefrom. A s(milar gntter -leven chains long on the west side of Equity Street to discharge ;it the same Place. A concrete chute at Stack's Gul- ly through which said gutters Will discharge. A similar gutter eleven chain. long on the north side of Murphy Avenue; thence, five chain& outhe -at aide of Short Street to 'Fels Avenue. That at. hundred and slaty yds. of clay be taken from Fels Avenue at the top of the hill between Church St, and Liberty Street, ynd diatriLuted upon Fels Avonue, beginning at bLobile Avenue, to a depth of eve inches and to the width of eighteen feet. The plan of the proposed work can he seen at the Mayors office. The Council will inset ou the ev- ening of Fehmafy 26th to hearany objections that may be made to the Proposed work. Appm�ed Feb 1, 1912. Attest H. S. GREENO. A. J. Wolf, clerk, Mayor. �7� DOGS tiN�O��/ ` L%'Z(�L?CL4 Section 46 dr IT ORDAIL NED by � L the Town Council of Fairhope' as follows: r:- No og dshall be allowed h,pe betat ween [he tat day of Aid it and the 1st. day of November of any year witlwof a collar showing that a license fee of one dollar, ifs-'d�Q� a male, and three dollars, iG a male, for that year has been lid, and the net oY any dog, who � �n Nrall allow the same to se large of ouIt- led without the Payment of ch a es etiall be tined not morn than Twenty Five dor a, a redid ce5 to hard labor for not exceeding 2.5! days, aC the dlsceotion of the May or, The Marshal, or any of his dep- uties, shall have the right to enter Open the grounds, or into the out- 'rJ ,.,mars, but not into any residence„ of the Premises on e-hich said an- inal may be, found, for the tturPose O5Z 0&"k of rWag and fmpoonding the same. I Immediately after arch seizure Y the Marshal shall post a noeice n front of the Post Offi., thaL if the o, di of wand dog dues not the ear .... n, g d¢vs a.d pay the Isla a fer Log [t u with the ✓✓��` lr� Marshalle fee of n dll¢n . to e¢t� 1 e eenta a day [o tred- irg wad do th n laid dog will be ao13 tlui l,e uto into,Of the Pout Office at noon of th- may ..Led in said Otic,,. Should �.a. Liider appear at such saluie 3rarshal shall -kill dog :in a hu- mane manner add dlnpnse of it,,, - mains in w manner not offensfvc or detriment¢f to public heaLLh. A{proced Feb. 26, 1912. A. J. Wolf, Clerk. H. S. Green,, Mayor. '\RESOLUTION AS TO FZS A', a0UK ASSESSMENT. BE IT RE30L�,,ED by the Town Council of Fairhope,Ala. that a final psessment is hareb`levied on si .ty saoen, l87; lots eoutting an F'als Avo- iue,l2om Mobile A� aauo Chsoh Street, in pursuance of ga�d.niac as care- tofore passed by the Towel Council for the impro, emenir 40Of said A,onua. 3aio sseesmant is eight dollars -.sad ninety sia centpde.9811 oar lot,payacle in en (10)ecuel annual instalmant0• The fir nstalment oft all of the lots s($8C) si_;ty dollars together >at thr dollars interest. be 3fl B&®6➢,v Y� that the Town er_c is heraop instructed to notify tirhope Sin _, la Tax Corp oration,y a ow.I9r of all of tL,a lots so assess -a, tat this activa nas b:an tajA aad twat iii ' i6 cat' !facie June 1912. /r pprov ad May 1'a g.10y1�2.��)/ Attesty��y�/r C / L '.1 er k 16�e�, 91f ANNINANCE. BE I'F ORDAINED, by the Mayor end Council of the Town of Fairho -Is follows: S,5cT1aN ✓� SECTION. I. A Buildi& Innsec pmrf ''the town of Fairhope s all be applied - "It by the .Mayor; with approval of the Council, to hold office at the pleasure ,d the Mayor. The building Inspector I mall have authority to issue Building Permits and shall lolafter the en- lorcement of all building ordinances' :md regulations of the Town and shall collect and pay over to tire 'Iown Clerk the proper fees for all such building rcrmits, less his compensation of one Jollhr to be retained by him From each oermit fee collected by him. SECTION s. No person shall erect nr cause to be erected any house or holding in the Town of I a drape wi h- ,,et first obtaining a Building Permit lherefgr from the Building Inspector of the Tdwn, to whom a fee for such per- mit of 'Two Dollars ($2.00) shall be ' id. for any structure costing more than $5o. Fifty Dollars. SECTION 3. Any person violating this ordinance by erecting or causing n be erected any house or building resting more than Fifty Dollars, with- out first obtaining a Building Permit lherefoq shall be subjectto a fine of not less than Four Dollars nor more Than Twenty-five Dollars. Approved September 23d, 1912. A. J. Wolf. H. S. Greene, Clerk. Mayor. An Ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of F `C T/0 V AlaSias Inflows: C. Sea. I. The Peoples Railroad Company, a corporation organized under Scetior 8573 of the Code of Alatal is hereby given the right. far the tarns of thirty years from the datr hereof, to build and operate a railroad has or liars, in tom town of cairhrgre and over the streets of and town, subject tithe eondltluus ,erei unit, r slaked. Bea. 8. Sind railroad, when brill ,dl be operated for the henefit of losspublic in gal tra1, aitbmlt nd w Iroflt:m individuals. Sea... In living dicks upon Line streets of the town, the said Peoples Railroad Company shall Sec. 6. Unless bonaCfide work of conform yo the established grades of construction upon said rail rism streets its furnished by the town shallcommence within six mum the authorities, and during and after from the date of this ordinance m d construction, shall conform. W all be continued thereafter until suid regulations of the Town Council re- railroad shall as emnuleted, which garding construction and mainteo- shall be not more than eighteen li suite of its -aid lines, so that the months from its con luenee rent, same shall in the least degree inter- then this ordinance shall become' fere with the safe and satisfactory Ivoid and of no effect. nsn of the said streets for othmr I Sec. 7. The, sweets over and up - hinds of traffic. ou which the, said Peoples Rail read fbhall, by this ordinance, be entitled SI-c.. 4. F. ty, gasoline, f on build and maintain its trucks and rightci steam, ot• any other p too- by operate its service, are as follows: used said rive Wwar may be used Railrlrad Company for the ce that Fairhope Avenue from its wesl- r. of its road; provided, however. that ern terminus to the town limits; .. case steam is�whd it shall be an- Fels Avenue, from Motile Ave- car such retn)Iddoes for the priyall cue' Freedom Street Freedom lt! t ell life dproperty as the Conn- Srreeti from Fels Avenue to ma dFotn time in time prescribe. Stocks Gully; White Avenue, oil from Mobile Bay to Bay View ille. a. Any other railway Avenue, Bay View Avenue, rennlpany desiring to enter the town frllm White i into to II.h hope and securing a franchise therefor Avenue; Bndplmft Sm•eet, from from the Tow. Council. may operate Fairhope Avenue, to Idorphy its through oars or I. all operated Avenue; Morphy Avenue, flour in connection with the remainder of Banm'oft Street tb the town its system, over the lines of the said limits. - Peoples if ilruad Coln Vary within Sec. F. It is eed'."Infd butthis IJIe 'twit, to. a fill' cnrlpelou lam, froushscln's" jltc, lQYe looter ll, be. drter',nlued by all illlpl'alsment, flour the bay Ir.l or the l'nslel'n uFn emnnlIl e, of which said rail- Town 1'unil.s, and ltpt t,lle sold l ad cnm,a+ l ..it the Pealh rent Ira R tl mJ 1 c I N scab Radr of Ci�.... any T ml each -elect � w tl l " Iy bill a ", d 1'1'InIDe n o 1. nber, and the Chisel Mull be whidt of sw d ro,uu soall be taken sel,:.cted by tlmea tee. ' I//uA i M q� 0/ fJf/`f-,t;t� rr✓, %ors-,��- C� 21 l '_--- I(, Ion his services in impnu eding s3'r$', I Ati ORDINANCE. I/animal, feeding thesame andpostiug no-\ BEITORDAINED by the Towm tidethe Marshal shall beentitled toa fee, Council of Fairhope, .Alabama. that �f one dollar per head (or each animal Sec. 42 of tee code of by-laws and or-� ta ke. up and in his custody and dinances for the Town of Fairhope, betwenty-fve cents a day for feeding and the same is hereby zmemledf' each animallie shall feed said ani- so as to read as follows coal and treat same in humane manner. In order to reclaim the same, the Sec ell Any Swine, Goats. Shetow owner of saW animal must pay the Horses, ,n atlir tie withi of the cows Marshal till sum of one dollar and als. kind found f 1he own the corpor- twenty-Fl�'dcents per day for each day ate limits of the Town of halrhepa' of the detention, and upon failure of shallbe taken in charge by the Mar- said owner to do to within live days steal, who shall keep the same securely after the animal has been appre- ,od shall immediately pull a notice led 1 the Marshal shall at twelve in front of The Post 0115ce stating the o'clock on the day specified in said time and place of such taking, and nutiu, sell said animal at public out- describmg the vnimal impounded, and cry for cash to the highest bidder, in giving notice that if said animal is front of the post Office, and apply not reclaim d within file d i, s fmm the the proceeds of said sale, first, to the day..f such taking and all 119-1 fees hies due fur such impounding, Mclud- [or such impounding paid, it ill be mg an additional fee of one dollar sold at public outcry in front of the or making the Sale, and the balance, such Post Office at noon on the fifth clay if any, m pay over to the owner of the after sucM1 taking. _ nimal. If no owner appears to claim it ame, the turplo, shail be paid to.the 'f wt Clerk to be held bt_ hem for cts at the endul h: h um ' if d no loan ampp it Vhall be paid into HitJ. fawn W Neusury. F. J Sweet F IOHNtiMay ll k. Mayor �✓✓ I Fite a aendnent to beciahue a Ian j, came tst't GtV�O'i r /�lf � �07ni�✓v� � � C:dZVN-wl CI��jN 'dS�✓l �in � �/pW Lam/ �[ _20 — 1 T 13 4/1'/N� AN ORDINANCE. For his services io impounding said BE I'f ORDAINED la the 'Gown' \ animal, feeding the shall beend Pullin fee f Councl of Fairhope, Alabama, that tidethe Marshal shall be entitled to fee See, ,qi of the mrk of by-laws and or of one dollar per head for each ammat dinances for the Town of P,rhopq be', taken up and in his custody and: and the same is hereby amended twenty-five cents a day for feeding so as to read as follows'. each animaal. lie shall teed said ant. Sec , . 42. Any Swine, Gnats, Sheeptrial andtresame in humane manner. AA_Florses, Air],, or animals of the ww In ender too reclaim the same. the A -A'/ ownerof itanimal mast pay the [_ kind found at large whin the corpor t N rshal [hhee sum of one dollar and afro: L.6� ate limits of th, Town of I a rbope twenty-five cents per day for each day 1�Y az�shall be taken in charge by the Mar of the dcteneion, and upon failure of / /V/_ ital, who shalf keep the samesecurely said owner. to do so within five daps La%y •�. and shall nmediat ly post .. nonce, after the animal has been apprr: /�� �/ z t Gann of the P :n Office tirng the\ M1ended, the Marshal shall at twelve time and place of such un ed and. .'dock on the -day specifed m said l describing the animal impounded, and noyjcl, sell said animal at public out giving notice that if said animal is cry4or cash to the highest bidder, in, not reclaim d within fve d ns `min thG fronted the Post Office, and apply ✓ day of such taking and all kgal fees eke proceeds of said sale, first, to the for such impounding Paid, it will be lees due fqr such impounding, indud- sold at public outcry in front .f the in an addition al fee of one dollar -Post Oftice at noon on the 'fifth clay for milking .the salt, and the balance, Aftgr such taking. ; if any, to pay over to the owner of the _ animal. 11 no owner appears to claim s thesame, the surplus shall be paid'/% �il'LO'E over to eke Vown Clerk to he held by `Yr'✓e/ g shim fur rhtriv days. at the end of ti r�{�ytti� � which fime, if n le To . appeatf, n (/// shall be paid into tilt -, jo frcasup'. W- E. Sv: cat js I'. IOH NSDN, u�v/t�L / �. CIer6. Ala�kor.l M1/ r14 7� �z TOWN WISH[. � BE I"I' ORDAINED by the Town _ Council of Fairhope. Alabama ,�as fol- lows: SECT/ON- S _ A Section i. That no building shall be erected for use other than solely e as a dwelling on any lot fronting on either side of Section street fromo CP/ � Magnolia to F.iry avenue, and on Q. / either side of hope avenue from �yp�f, vM School street to Bay View avenue, ex- cept that same be constructed of fire-� prnnf material, such as brick, hollows - i\ tile, concrete, or metal. .f U✓> / /i �/ 1 9i_3 Section z, Any person desiring to � //✓ o �.r..G��/�� erect a business building within Ihe� fromaforesaid, shall furithin In leave, from the Council by a written applica that at ' i d string a escnpt,on of the / proposed building, and a copy of the plans thereof; nor shall such erection be commenced until said petition shall' have been passed upon favorahly, and plans approved by the Town Council. �t /1417., 91 Section B. That the work of con-. strutting said building in accordance) with said plans shall proceed under the supervision of the building inspec-' for of the Town of Fairhope, and shall be in all respects in accordance with the plans and specifications sub-i - waited and passed upon. Section q. That any person pro- ceeding to erect said building without obtaining permission from the Coun-, cil as aforesaid, or continuing to con-'. strut[ same in a manner not in actor-�� dance with the plans and specifications, submitted with the applicatioa, after his attention has been called to such, variation by the building inspector, I shall be liable to a fine of not exceed. Jag five dollars for each day that said work is continued, or the orders of said building inspector disobeyed:' • nad any' building erected contrary to i fit{ provisids of this ordinance may'' I'$e demolished, and the expense thcrcof "charged to the owner of same. J. F. Johnson, W. E. Sweet, May.,. Cle, 23 ORDINANCE. BICM. - SECTioiv f 1,. NOT TO BE RIDDEN ON CERTAIN SIDEWALKS. Be it or- dained by the Tow4 Council pf Fairhope as follows: . No person shall. ride 6 bicycleJ`or other vehicle, upon sidevralks along Fairhope Avenue, Morphy Avenue, Church Street, School Street, and Sectioh Street, in the Town of Fairhope. 2. PENALTY. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined by` -the Mayor an amount not exceeding $50.00. i j I SECTION 6 ' AN ORDINANCE Comtl h"' I. The ng 19the Mobl and Baldwin Lrnek Co.at, 1tiAl d Cottony, > Its ] 1 J. tuie •nn es 'unit easgns, thef Lh l°rxv right t b st t let i d tl t Id oV t g en . bl h'ack tw Urospert e 11 y Clv anent d' 1 ty feet 1°n Y ter It h d .id a[ slau Li ciq, ygon sees' and upon Je9t¢d W Mo e cerium dtrdeiAm rno town of Fair_ and where sal lisp°.. llxrdwta JCounty, Alabama, doe. not obt,,, ani. to opernte me came .by ale,- At its own es -BeIt .m.r wnaim p Bo n of [h T n of 9 tlo ] TI l'no O,�1tLL51ty_ On {I agt a� lase , wltl nl rnu;.. t nca uwos o In .aadt I of Shone. tlia S {I ing� 'and v�'x6r lire rai 63,p o to pr 2 get 8 tint tire O tr the Laid t sin the knopnothred wn or he . Polo- hall be I Inside f the Connell related h uanj -hall hevt e . Donee Ana wire-r time to time, at grunter, e.-imIn. icipal9n {ve All no its s 11 °elm an io. say rad.'k gaach It fret TOAt An "IE b v he F.ah . the ire v op an n along and B,a. , ets to pe: a now BID. maleft tw1cp the w.en me Phi le A Dingle A9�' The ;aid MOGII ea oa JF71 , "Llo aria Ile win County RaBroaa Company, IU [h II lta 1 successor. and asniong, ehall, i tit. "I'linin s,,hiltwo years from the data of be b.- he approval of this ordinanca by the L 1. , than it Town of Falrhope, have At least n I gtM1 1. threell a of its Iles c mpleted and I out or pro- in operation, Including that part co If the town, gyred by thin franchis9, and at no time of sixty feet 1 during the Permit Of this franchise I shall secure. 1 1_1, distention. ope'.it-. for a in- sto ,width oI }sod longer than ... month, so that for street to the town µ1yy���{1 ovill afford the said Town Of Fair- pimin ooen, �ue]ect to the ope good and nTficient passenger Cuuncll orris conditions 4 thin franchise; Q8 iwlce during ins entire term se this I Id double tracks be laid, A width grant is, Mls 1 n 'if .eighty feet throughout the entire .red to length of street fronting on such don- Be,, 19 Theprivileges and Y R ll hi. track shall m secured and made [ lot a grit [ d by this ordinance eesn An b] t to street nerp.... at the ex shall endure d cautious for the .rota p of grantee le B0thirty D SyOYears from the date I-tt. rack Sec, s The cater shall be run along and and peon the track of sold rallwmR. 'Be]6. t- [ 1 e i grantee nor e turn Ana• in conformity wiith the f.H.vidnerules it d-All-- dion- h P`i^ i'alhn�h a teFms the north, (a) No train shall be run at A rate anQ Tow.odd, of -peed exceeding twenty mile. per all t wb Pa>t nth to hour on any street inside the carper .nit L , the Arlon limits of said town, and n In Oiid tmvn..ibJett gleaule Av..A, the speed .hall noup..y'pincat.hood. e-1-Id ten us, pe. 6 hour. tow; 1­1t and (b) No trip. eha;lb. left or remat. P...e 'Enne are tomedir, O Y [ at Y t1mB equip ,ant opera -than t tee. the pose by I iT ity by U g oueeen r on {ties eY t e Itpa hall W [ I 1 {ag or unloading, the to y other I'd then only for such Ume 9s fv 'theta t Op flit oW A-q1 ,LelY veeeaggry gee 1 dt ad ( ) No train shall be d to shall red Inet awed t p on ...mg, or In X,Wt f any Ig4t used the T t. sectingr street, exec hit rry�e avoid q r ,r nnY o t o L III prevent-teidenthr dam- We I t ii-nim, and 'txor to poraona to the street, or to such ¢quire Bald tear on or let off ppxmmv "A o be moved from freight, terarh sa traffic d (d) The engineer., canauctora, And it! sit DID may require. find motormen employed by .alit c mpa.y said c Patmay require. -ball use reasonable c and dill- other of Id. gene° t0 prevent Injury are persona tracks of .aid railw.y Ana alarm shall be Bounded at all grante oa 'I to the times by thesengineers Of any and all 'grants s street of Bald trains an the approach and before ' c{lltme Be As may be at passing onto any omen street or •ultabl g tad by UI to eta. ace um Pt . i h� (e) All R P .hall be used ev th t [ d t prevent .tld y t, ;dams, carrlsgea, bile a b sl I [h ebl etsa Comps d did. (f) Each t or give, when the Tr °as running sing) o A the first Once Of tonal - P i1eiri,slall _ hiij within the tor- after t apace Ana at I. - red the nonce from the town, the Town Council shall halt the right to cause Both flathead dirt ba.etion to be ray ,d, and collect the cost thereof from said company. Sea S. Grantee hereby agrose to held the t h less as, galnst Y damages that y be oecasmned by electrolysis{ d trios from step t I t di tly indirectly ra- putting front p used by grantee, t t d by epa8ake item g t_ hall Itl town 6 1" bl • [ graphic I y delay be lexam.L1a by t ti a of .ewno, Y e of t fp or pipesor hal-onupr, I lP.Lror tin., r streetIn, the JDnPr.r,,nirot of -DY d ik provide, ll t town .halt Ordinary work:ld thing in this Illl g to bn constrr d 1 led In g h idg- 1ng tic tlight to R t free - 'he.. For ubllc bU]Bt,A or to fur- \ Bash aa,l utilities gfpelf. {9¢.. 4, The cents f the pace be- tween LIw rnlle,, nor the center or the dxylt}rht Sec, In. The taro of said company ehall be entitled to the track, and In all rD.AA who. any person or persona team or vehicle, shall meet or be stertake. by a or upon Any of the reet railway .tracks, he said town. such Per or Da.., team or ve- hicle, .Imlingive, way to .uch car. Sec. 11. Ali but. service w r .ad by said Mahn. aad lfaldwtvComity U,ulroad Company, Its lessee., auc- crmu£e said aagna, shall be thm- ...UIY insullatrta. and placed An .' noI on cam - emm e[ with any the telephone, electric light, or role - and n a guard wire or other adegmte� PImL.tnm .ball be placed by t^m^ rue"Or! b ,otley wire. Rut d tow oi tale franchise, agree.t]i It and Baldwin C ty _ ]B Y Its lessees, e shall have the flit [ a lrolt Y wore antl I" to properly operate 4' rota i In posh L t m Y b h ftev plaroch hgll b aj f a nit cbepged, li to 6 said Mobile and Bade 4 nary Railroad ComDanYr ons Ales °tessera and aeeigas, free Alp Y [ said trolley spa other wtrea. Who. by channel of wires now In laidtle. are made to aecermodete id Mobile and Baldwin County Rall- track.Arg'faid, .hall be I"" h Sec. 18 Tt Le the atc0et 9v all cease Where euc ntY RallrO ca^btu ,wben elsewhere than ces c L eo�j��,,ttddtte eGe [ itspeen Acceptance f ell D QBq¢stated bytheTownI'lulloIntlea-porn, o P r shot I.' pHo by I 9"t-, said t n itrailways Dor In Jay Lo 1 g uponled by law, l itch granteerlfvsWz ehnil Dear theand notwile ing between Ireql hch may be en IpChm on [helaw, such accE where double contract ran t bear. Also thenoes -hall. Dose a .Pace between.of the gran[& .__ bile and Baldwin ap_anj', {m leases, pb.;pgree that the pp90, np.nc abY id I Aare,Ye on b tD a OI Yost i n railways - B[ a treat street railway, If any change. Rssh shall emmU 1. the - hall titer¢ w or o a. 17. then rrigho a, it f equipment it railroad .iiSection ire, the t to take {d town °hall determtue to Interest of the C,flxen. Nothing In this ordinance.. onatrued . Is- aerial. the I. Town of Fairlm,e to to ee . r Its Designs to main - I I at grantees expense, at 'n" and curves As said Iy from time to time de- c[Dari for the Ale,, of o to abridge the right of ithis to grant A franchise t, roads or railways to In, no the tight-ol-way here nd to cruse [he track. of to use the track. and fa- grantee upon payment of penset{on therefor. within Boty day. after the r thisOrdinaries,the Me - Baldwin County Railroad hall file with the Clerk of Of FatrhoDe. its unconal o prance f Dame There ordinance shall become A binding contract between Is Rf Falrhope and the tl B.Idw{n county � pale, Ira lessee°, euc- �[[1R��pIeel1gna. W 1914. ����''rr�� armed & F. JOHNSON. Mayor 25 �r 44 it Ordinance. �rdanined, by the Town /( of the Town of Fair- 0 t it shall be unlawful for m (r to take water for pti- from any trough, school building, Aace where water is sup- public use, without per f the person properly in the water -works furnish- uoply; and any person thereof may be fined by r in any sum not exceed- W. E. Sweet, 1914. Town Clerk. 'j AN ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Town Council of Fairhope Ala., that the t rt�l cny, h (o Town of sections of the code of p / O bylaws or m'dinances for the- Tnwn of Fairhope be and the same are hereby amended so as as follgvs: to read I D PAAAF OUI WNGTHRE1 KIN 14 OF (tt ICUI]6 RES?RtUOSS. �j� All Juc sbull be built of brick j�' r'w'�"/�'L /d t only. C ohl yt rARAFa.arn 2 or secT1(N 52 or 11"EcToms, No persons shalt erect or cause) to be erected any house, huild,ngf' or other structure, or -addition r thereto, in the '!'own of Fairhope without JIM obtaining a. permit therefor, frnm the building in- s'pectorofchcToRn mwhom he shall pay a fee of Two Dollars ($2,00) for such permit for any) strucwrc costing Fi((y Dollars ($51, 9J) or more, A permit for' any stmctme or addition rosting less than Fifty D„112rs ($50.00) I or more than Ten Dollars ($10.OU) will be granted free o[ charge, but in aII cases a permit must first be obtained: -PARAGuaFs 3 oc se; T ios 52 OF t65rnCTOR.9. Any person violating this onli- nonce by erecting or causing• to be erected any house, building or other=tructurc whatever without -first obtliumg, a building permit therefore, as provided in this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine of not less than Four Dollar. ($4.00) nor more than Twenty- five Dollars (9125.00) W. E. Sweet, A. O. Ber:lin, Clerk. Mayor. March loth. 1915. AN ORDINANCE lin the corporte limits of the DOGS. iTownof Fairhope, Ala., and not Brit ordained by the Tnwn to exceed 10 miles per hour at Council of Fairhope, Ala., that crossings. Any person violating the of this ordinance Sec, 40 f t codegf -laws and provision- shall upon conviction be finest] not ordin e of Fair- hope, and the less Than Two Dollars or more same as hereby i1fended to read as fol- than Fifty Dollars. lows: e{• 0. Berglin, M. E. Sweet, Section 40. No dog shall be al-! I Mayor. r Clerk I -lowed at liberty upon the streets of Fairhope between the first day AN ORDIp1ANCF. of April and the first day of TIRE PROOF BUILDINGS. November of any year without Be it ordained by the Town acollar showing that a license fee Council of Fairhope,' Ala., teat Iof One Dollar, if a male, and Three Section 1, f Section 54 of the Dollars, if a female, for that year code of b aws and ordinances of has been paid, and the owner of the To - of Fairhope, Ala., be any dog who shall allow the, same and tv same is hereby amended .to go at large without the pay- so a§Ao read as follows: tment of such license shall be fined No building shall be erected, or not morethan Twenty -Five Doi. improved to an amount equal to 'tars, or sentenced to hard labor Fifty Dollars or more, for use for not exceeding Twenty -Five other than solely as a dwelling, on days, at the discretion of tht1 any lot fronting on either side of Mayor. Fairhope ave. from School street i The Marshal shall receive one to Bav View ave., and on either half of all license fees collected for side of Section street from Mag-. his services. nolia ave. to Morphy ave., and on A. O. Berglin, W. E. Sweet either side of what is known as Mayor. Clerk. Delamare street from section to' AN ORDINANCE. AUTOMOBILES AND ]IOTORCYCLE5. Be it ordained by the Town Council of Fairhope, Ala., that section 43 of the code of by- laws and ordinancesof the Town of Fairhope, Ala., be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: It shall be unlawful far any person to ride a motorcycle upon any sidewalk in the Town of Fairhope. Ala. Motorcycles most have a light at night and must be supplied with a horn or bell. It shall also be unlawful for any person to ride or ddl-e any motor- cycle or antomobila tester then 15 miles per IiA'r on any,-treeL with - li Church street except the same be constructed of fireproof material such as brick,. stone, hollow tile, concrete, or metal and thikrooI of such building shall also be con- structed'of fireproof material. A. O. Berglin, M. F. Sweet, Mayor. Clerk. Z9 ¶ tl,'o . ,i'! ,orm of thls srn„t F J� rj � l 411IJ An Ordinance. Be it ordained by the Town Coun- cil .f Fairhope„ Ala, as follows; That P sj(dpgran gnue be improved as follows A cemsid elk (our feet wide to be laid o e north side of the avenue, eighteep' hes bum thv property line of reside on said street, and to extend a n$ the sidewalkon the north sidz of F tthope avenue from section street to glSe footbridge across the, gully. That Fairhope Avenue be improved, further as follows: A cement side- walk Fourfeet wide be laid on then south side of the avenue eighteen inches fr.m the property line of re,i deuces on said street, and to extend along the sidewalk on the south side of Fairhope avenue, from Section street to the west side of School street, IAlso, that Section streetbe improv- ,ed as follows: k A cement sidewalk four feet wide be laidon both sides of Section street eighteen inches from the property line bF residences, and to extend along the sidewalk unpaved south to Mart Also that Church street be tmprov- ed as follows: A cement sidewalk four feet wide be laid on the west side of Church ,street eighteen inches from the proper- Ity line of residences on said streefand to extend along the sidewalk from Fairhope avenue to Morphy avenue. Also, that Mobile avenue be improv- ed as follows: A cement sidewalk four feet wide be laid on the east side of Mobile ;venue eighteen inches from the prop- irtvline of the reside... and to ex- h nd along the sidewalk from Cliff rive to the north side of Fels avenue ;ppd along till west side of Mobile 'enue from Fels avznaz Co 1Vbim enue. t thefull'de4j, Tpe n a of surveys ofsS,, .,,..ode •i s of the trill i t 4 r I:II l e red j b I.-rr. r nd aced 1 of ne 1 f ay ith. I� b am tl er re- f ++ I Fleet to is i .1 :he publm '- n e ¢ further ordained that the Council wiN meet on the evening of Sep(�ber 27th, tqt q, at [h}}j}}} hour of et [ .,lock to hear any o ctwn or rem9nStr... e that may be de to said improvement; or manner mak. mg the same, or character of Ph ma- terial to be used. Be it furtherordained that t Town Clerk shall by one advertise'int to be inserted in one paper published in 'The Town of Fairhope, Ala., ))ek for bids upon the work above de4cribed, 'the Council reserving the right• to re- ject any and all bids. Be it further%dained, that a com- petent engineer**be selected by the Mayor shall .establish the grade of Fairhope 'avenue, Section street, Church street and Mobile avenue, and the sidewalksthereon before the work Shall be commenced, and the grade thus established shall become the grade dF Fairhope Avenue and other streets mentioned and of the curb on each fide within the territory above des - Be it fur{hen' ordained, that the cost of the injprovements above des- cribedshaljae assessed against the abbutting plbperty and be payable in ten equal annual pa ments, com- mencing thirty days aft the comple- tion of the work and at deferred payments shall bear ,merest at the rate of 6 per cent per anmum. J. M. PILCHER, A. O. BIRGLIN, Deputy Town Clerk, Mayor. Ya- rat Ordinance. Be it ordainA by the Town Coun- cil of Fairhope, Ala., as follows: That Mobi Ave. be improved a follows: T a cement sidewalk b laid along [h :est side of Mobile Ave. begi n ningt�j b north side of White Ave. and can bus south to the north side of Pier Sf., thence from the south side of Pier St. on the east side of Mobile Ave. south to Fig St., said walks to be laid thirty inch,, from the residence line and to be four feet Also that Fels Ave. be improved as fol - at a cement sidewalk be la "south side of Fels Ave. t s from the residence line t t' feet wide and to extend fd yview Ave. m the intersection of p Ile Ave. with Fels Ave. thaP the full details, specifications and surveys of said work and estimates of the price thereof shall be made by a competent surveyor and placed on file at the Mayor's office within ten days from dare, there to remain for five days subject to the inspection of the pulhlj'. Be it allier-multaned (hat the Council w I meet r •the evening of October Ith at B o'clock to hear any objections That be made to said im- provementsormanner of malting same llr material to be used. ,Be it further ordained that the Yown clerk shall by one advertisement ii one lia{g¢tI published in the town of Fdittmpe'�fa, for kids upon the work above described, thr1council reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Be itfmiher ordained that a eom- Continued on last page. 'It . /iL2dit.r-u4�% 1 G� GL[�JiLwu� An Ordinance. Continued frr*rn page 4. ths wetent engineer to be selected, be Mayor shall establiA the grade of bile Ave. ant] of Fels Ave. and sidewalks thereon before the w shall be commenced, and the 1,.de thus established shall be dre grades I [hose streets, and of the curb cut each side within the territory above men- tionedi Be t further ordained that the cost Of these improvements above described ,shall be assessed against the abutting Property and be payable in ten equal annual payments co an acing thirty days after the comple�on of the work and the deferred payments shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. IBy order of the Town Council Sept. 27, 1915- A. O. Berglin, ]. M. Pitcher, Mayor. Deputy Town Clerk. An oromwee- Resolved, That that section of the Stock Law Ordinance allowing all anima-s of the cow kind to roam the I streets in the town of Fairhope be- tween the hours of 6 a. on. and an down be and is hereby repealed, the same to take effect ten days after the publication of this ordinance. By order of The Town,Coundl. Suphmber s7;,lgt5. Approved. - J..'14. Pitcher, A. O. Berglin, Dep'uly Clerk. Mayor. ��,$�Crioiy 60 iINUTES OF TIIF. MELTING OF JTHE TOWN COUNCIL OF FAIR - 'HOPE, ALABAMA, HELD ON I.THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1915, AT THE COUNCIL, CHANIHEli IN SAID TOWN,____ Tire town council of Fairhope, Bald irin County, Alabama, a municipel +haporation memporated under the taws of Alabama met in special meet- , Ing at the council chamber in said town at ]: jolo'clock p. m , en Tlmrs- day, December z, 1915, pursuant to the call of the Mayor as provided for iu Section uq8 of the Code of 41aba ma, 19oy. The meeting;was call d to 'Order by the id, yn, 11cm. A O. Berg - ]in, presiding, with the Town Clerk. !Alex. J. Melville, present and making i a record of the praceedipgs. Upon roll calathe following meat--' berp.ofdhe In" council of Fairhope, being all .1'@le members of said coun- cil. answered to their manes'and were found present- C. L. Coleman, J. 1. Murray, '1'. E. .McFarland, D. S. Magnuson and G. E. Perkins. The Mayor thereupon announced that there was a quorum of the town council presen t'aud they the meeting was open and ready,for the tramac- tien of such business as might come before it. Councilman J. 1. Murray thereupon introduced an ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE To call and order an election in the town of Fairhope, Alabama, for the purpose of submitting to the gmihfie voters of said town jor their demrmini Her by ballot whet her!, or net they will authorize the(town council of laid town irds,ae bonds of said town as follows, viz: Eight�rhousand (S,000) Dollars of bonds Ilfor the purpose tof erecting and! constructing a water- works system for andin saidl town for the purposelof supplying watento said municipal corporationland to the in habitants thereof,+ and Five Thousand (5,000) Dollars of)bonds for the spur - pose of erectinglan electric lighting plant for the purpose of supplying light to-said�munmpahty and to .the inhabitants thereof. Thereupon Councilman I.. E. Per- kins moved that unanimous consent of all themembers of the town coon to present be given for the mundiaG consideration an I anion upon the ordinance, which mnlium was seconded by Councilman ,C L. Coleman, oul upon and byla vote them taken there- on, upon call call -:the motion was. no- vnimously carried,. the following mem I rers of the town council voting yea U.C. Coleman, J. J. Murray, T. E. M- ,,land, D. S. Magnuson, C. E. Pec- s, and the Mayor, A. O. Berglin;� el Fruir.. r 'the Mayor thereuponiderlared that e motion was adapted and that raolmous consent had been given for e immediate consideration and ae- in upon the ordinance. Thereupon Councilman J. J. Minim, hved that the ordinance be placed on its second reading, and upon d by a vote ]hen taken thereon, the d ion was ummunicasky adopted by M riv., and each member of the in council voting for the motion. f'm tewn clerk then read the inch -c to the town council the second Coudcilman J. J. blurrayj thersel im moved that the!ordinance be placed Make a enei, marl. (X) beforeorafter thief an its thhIreadingl the motion was proposition you vote for.( �G5' ,secured by Councilman: C. L- Cole- —__ -, .an, and upon and by a !vote then FOR Proposed $8,000 water - taken thereon the moron was t unani- works bond issue for thepur- mously carried and igwas so ordered. Buse oferectingandconstruc- n]rK a waterworks system for The ordinance( was then tread by and in the towdof Fairlmpe, the town clerk:for the third- time at for the purposeof supplying length and inithese words and figure,: Ovate, w sa d ununidpal eon-. habi- potation and to the a AN ORDINANCE .,its thereof. To call, and order antelection in the town of Fairhope, ]Alabama, for Ihd AGAINST proposed $S,000 purpose of submittinglro the qualifier I aata,worksbond iscueforthe of erecting a col con - a voters of said town Ifor their deter p pose strutting a waterworks system urination by ballot whether I or not for and in the town of Fair -- they will authorize]tl:e town council of hove, for the purpase.of sup-. said town to issue fronds of said town plying water to said.munici- on an to the cororihe aa follows. Fight thousand ($8 000)I teof.d imhabitanta Dollars of bonds If., the purpose of+ erecting andpoostructing a waterwork OFFICIAL, BALLOT system for and in said town, for tire) Special Election Town of purpose of supplying, water to said Fairhope, Alabama. municipal corporation and f to the in- Monday, January loth, 1916 habitants theoug;Jand Five Thousand Shall the town council of Fairhope„ ($5 000) Dollarsmf bonds for. the par- Alabama, be authorised to issue bonds of pose of 'erecting as electric lighting thetownf Fairhope to the amount f F Dollars f the drting !ant for and, in said town_ far the r oTh air tric purpose of thet n !settle lighting purpose of supp!yingl light to said'plantforandf I the two of Fairhope for municipality, and to the inhabitants !tire purp se of upplyiog IiKht m id thereof r/1 G un]policyandto.theinhaliltantathere- 'd of. S b ads a to mature ten years WHEREAS the holdingplaff N�a. tromtheirdaterand are to bear interest at lion for the purposes hereinafter set 'the rate of six per conation per annnor, out is deemed necessary by the town payable semi-ammally. council: Make a cruse mark (X) before or after the Be it Ordainedby the Town Conn- proposition you vote for. cil of Fairhope, Alabama, as follows: — Sectioe I. That a special election FOR proposed 35,000 electric be and thexame is hereby ;called and I , r ,he gght a plant bond issue for unpus, of yrung an ordered to belheld in the towmof Fair- 'v electric lighting plant for sad hope, Alabama, on the pith day of in the town of Fairhope far Jatnuary, 19t6, for thelpurpose of sub- the purpose of supplying light ality nd xo sand municipality and to mittin to the qualified voters of said g q the inhabitants town for their'idetermi nation by ballot whether or not they will authorize )the town council of the down of Fairhope, AlAama, to issue bondsl61' said town asfollows: Eight(Thonsind ($8,000) Dollars of bonds; for the purpose of erecting and constructing;, waterworks system for and in said town for the purpose of supplying water to said I r ,S� no uuici pal rot perm ion(_and to the}in -� hubitaats thereof, and Five Thousand'. ($5,cro0) Dirlarspf bonds for thelpur- pose of erectinglan electric- lighting plant for and fin said towmfor tire pur- pose of supplying lightloo saidmunici o,dity and to the iiuhabitants thereof. Said bonds are to (mature ten years from their dateand @re to bear inter t,00d at the rattlef six per cenmm per annum, payable prim annuallyi Section a- 1That the Mayorlof the town of Fairhope be and is hereby I in- structed to preparelbekots to be used in such electionawhich ballots shall be in substantially]the following forma I OFFICIAL BALLOT Special Election Town of Fairhope, Alabama. Monday, January HIt1V1916 Shall the towokomail of P'anh.p,,Ala banra, be authorized tAissue bonds et the municipal c,va o;iotnodgaid pmpoalsupplving µter corporation an d to ribs inhabi- tanrs thereof. Said ban s are ro m tore ten years from their dateand are to bear interest at the raty�f sir lee 'centum!lest .mnnm; payable semi-annually. AGAINST p,.pr,-d $5,0p) electric lighting plant bond issue fan he purpose of erect- og an elect] c lighting plaaL for and in the town of Fair - hope for the purpose of sup- plying light m said unk- patty and ro m fire inhabitant thereof. � Y Its Section';., That the Mayoriof the town of Fairhope, Alanama. is hereby instructed to give go days notice of said election by publicatiom in the Fairhope Courier,, a weekly newspaper, published in the town of Fauhope, once a weals for three consecotire weeks, which said; notice shall state the purpose fors which said election shall be held and Arlie time and place of holding the sa ic;lthe rate of inter, eat the bonds are( to bear, the -time for which theylare to run and theipur- pose forwhich they are issued, and said notice shall ] be signed by r the, 1 Mayor)nf the towmof Fairhope., / t,= I Section q. That the location of - the polling place far said akection shall be the Mayor's office to said town, sad the otiv rs . of said election are ,appointed as set- out in this section, ,one manager . s far as prsetical being known to favor the issue of the bonds ,and one to be against such issue. Managers: L, S. Massey, J. M. Pil- e,,,, Joseph W. Lawrence. Clerks: C. E. Littefield, P. Y. Albright. Return- ing O(fcee G. W. Wood. Section 5. That the Mayor ofthe town of Fail hope be and i, hereby in- structed to notify said managers, 'clerks and returning officer of their ap- pointment and to deliver the boxes and ballots of said election to fire managers.. Section 6. That said dectioo- shall be held and<ondueted, and the: result thereof contested in 'accordance with the laws f:Alabama in such: cases made and providedl rrti > Section ]. That the town.t.cil Of the town Of Faidtops will meet at its,usual placetof meeting in the coun- cil chamber in said town at 3 o'clock p. On. on -the 1 nth dap cf January Igt(i, to canvass the returns and declare the result of said election] Thereupon Councilman J. J. Mur- ray moved that the ordinance as read be passed and adopted, which nmtiori was seconded by:Councolman Von 'Perkins, andalpon and by,a vote then taken upon rolhcall, the motion wasl carried and the lord in adopted, the vonstaken being as follows[ Yegs,' :J 'Mayor A. O. Bergin, Councilmen, C. L. Coleman, J J. Mnrray, T. E. Mc- Farland, D. S. Magnuson and G. E. Perkins, Noes none. The Mayor thereupon declared that the ordinance was duly passed and Adopted. Councilman G. E. Perkins moved .that the town council adjourn. the motion was seconded byeouncilman C. L. Coleman, and upon saute being put to a vote themotion was carried. The council then adjourned. Approved December a, 1915. A.O. BERGLIN, Mayor of the town of Fairhope, Ala. Attest: Alex J. MELVILLE, Town Clerk of the town of t6 1t Fairhope, Ala, �1 r s. s,id nn„au�shall rest coupons and shell be in s SEC Tl c)lv m he felt otag (bon-: 6 / Nn.-- United States of America, / Fairhope, Waterworks Bunds.'la ,�/•f— KNOW ALL MEN BY "fl- PRESENTS: That the town of lope in 3slowin County, AlabamaE MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING indebted to and for value reel OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF+ hereby promises to pay the by F" FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, HELD ON .One Thousand Dollars on the first FEBRUARY, 3,1916. of February, A. D. 1926, with inte -- thereon at the rare of six per cent The Town Council of the Town of annum, payable semi-:mnualy on rt, Fairhope, Baldwin County, . Alabama, first day of August and February'h stet in special session pursuant to the each year on presentation and surras ,all of the Mayor, Thursday February der of the annexed coupons, bear, 3rd, 19itt. fat -simile of the signatures of tt Upon roll call the following mem- Mayor and Treasurer of said Toy 1 bers of the Town Council, answered to as thay severally become due, Bc their names and were found present, principal and interest of this bond e° Mayo,, Hon. A. O. Berglin, Council- payable in lawful money of the Units men, G. E. Perkier, 1. 1. Murray, T, States of .America, at the First Natio E. McFarland, and E. D. Swift, al Bank in the City of Mobile, Sta Councilman T. E. McFarland intro-' of Alabama, and the said municipalisl doted the following ordinance entitled is hereby held and firmly bound, ar,, AN ORDINANCE. I Its faith, credit, revenue and proper. To authorize the ismance of water ate hereby pledged for the paymer works bonds to the amount of Eight, of the principal and interest thereof e g maturity. Thousand Dollars by the Town of ` 'this bond is one of the series of Fairhope, Alabama. Thereupon Councilman J.), Mur- 11 bonds of like date, tenor and effeli aggregating $8,oro, issued by ty ray moved that the unanimous consent, Town Council of said municipality 1,of all the members of the Town Co.. 'the purpose 'of eructing and rnns truth col present be given for the immediate ing a waterworks system for a', consideration and action upon the in said municipal corporation' for thi ordinance, which motion was seconded purpose of supplying water to said by Councilman E. D Swift and uponl smmicipal corporation and the inhabi- and by a vote then taken thereon, up- tarts thercoL under and by authority on roll call the motion was unam- ofand in accordance and full mmpl' mously carried, the following members ante with the General Laws of th of the Town Council voting aye, the State of Alabama, and spec eially Ao- Mayor, Hon. A.O. Rerglin, Council_j No. Ig,, approved August 26. 19o,,l men, J. J, Murray, T. E. .McFarland, and an ordinance duk and regularbl E. D. Swift and G. E. Perkins, noes, passed by the Town Council of saki none. municipality on the 3rd day of Fe! the Mayor thereupon declared that rattly, Ig16, the motion was adopted and that And it is hereby certified, recite unanimous consent had been giv- land declared that at an election orde en for the immediate consideration Id by the Town Council of said mums and action upon the ordinance. The cipality, and duly and regularly hell ordinance was then read by the Town on the tenth day of January, t9111 Clerk at length and in these words there was submitted to the qualfiec and figures: electors of said municipality the prop. .AN ORDINANCE osi tiro to issue said bonds for said Toauthorize the issuance of Water. purpose; that at said election a out- works bonds to the amount of Eight Fruity of the qualified electors voting Thousand D llars by the town of at said election were in favor of the Fairhope, Alabama. Beit Ordained by the Town tmm- / cil of Fairhope as follows: f Swriau 1. That there shall be issued by the Town of Fathom, it, negotialAn� gold bonds to the amount ofof ehou'- and Dollars for the purposert o[ erecting and constructing a waterworks system for and in said Town for the purpose of sup- plying water to "Idmmti ,pal curpara- 1 bon and the inhabitants thereoL $ectfun 2. That said bovds shall bear date of February 1, 191fi, and shall be - ten years from said date, and shall bear interest at the rate of if percentunt per n, payable semi-anmlally on if, firs, day o[ Aug or and th_ firs, day of Febru. cry is each eat, and both principal and int rest 'ball M_ payable at the First ' unnal Bank, in the City of ➢Ionic, in tl State f AI h Seltik. 3. That yd bonds full be of on, lam'ad D.11-.. each hey shall be signed by rise Move, d ro.ntyo,,,nrd by, the P a of the Town of Favho,e, and the otfirial seal Of said town slial� be affixed tO the same. Said bonds hall have interest coupons attached thereto which shall likewise be sgned by the Motor and %....surer by having the be,simifr',no- lures ofsaid Mover and Treasurer Iidm- graphed thereon. :1fy,rl•tg45ha",_ - -J; llunrp_l�rm of tLI, The The Mayor thereupon declared that motion was adopted and that the And it is hereby certified, •ecited issuance of said bonds as ascertained unanimous consent had been given for and declared that at an eleclinn order - and declared by the Bard of Canvas- the imir diate consideration and action ed by the Town Council of said muni- sere, and recorded in the minutes of upon the ordinance. in., cipa:ity, and duly and regularly bold the proceedings of said mu lity;!I. The ordinance was then read by the Toth day of January, rg16, I phat all acts conditions and Ihmgs re-' the Town Clerk at length and m these ,'ten Pere was submitted to the oval lied in be don precedent to and in words and figures d I<c nits of said municipality the prop Issuance f aid bonds have been i AN ORDINANCE i slu°n to Issue said bonds for said ruiad Operly dote have happened and To authorize the issuance of Electric 'urpose that at said election a n,� all been performed, in regular and' Light bonds ]o [he amount of Five l Ority Of the qualified electors vot- ue form, as required by law, and that I Thousand Dollars by the Town of I og at said eleetion were i,i lid indebtedness dties no[ exceed any Fairhope, as Fellows; avor of the issuance of said bonds, as aturory or constitutional limitations. Section Y. Thar there' shall be issued 'seer tained and declared by the Board TESTIMONI'WHEREOF- by the Town of Fairhope is negotiable We,' told hands of Canvassers, and recorded in the Its e undersigned officers of the Town to theammmt of Five Thoos- died Dollars for the purpose of construct-i minutes of the proceedings of said Faudml e, in Baldwin Court, Ala- Jogai Electric Lighting Plane for nod municipslit)J that SII acts, conditions being July authorized to to said municipal corporation for the put- and thin s required to be done pre- g q pr - exe 1, l [ uppl g light t t tl -. id or It fis Obhg lion in behalf I -edew to and in the issuance of said of said t ri ,lily h- I al h' d thethereof. P e hereon[- bonds have 1 een properly done, have set our Se- i That d bonds hall bear) tut -igoatur s, and impressed here- i f P ub u y 1 1916and shall be haPpeneJ,and have been performed, I in t rite official seal of s'mjm mcipalin, r a, the and payablc at the expiration i regular and due form, as required r the first day of February, A. p t t n d date, and h B y law, and that said indebtedness dg r _ t r t tl1, I'll of -i.,,r emnam I does not exceed any statutory Or cons. annualp 'abI a 11 on the Ica mtersigned I tituvonal limitation. A.O. Berglin, t f A �u t d th first' s f den Fischer, I h u. d both In TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We, pano Mayor.. I I 1 t t doll b dyable at the Treasuer. I \ I the undersigned righter, of the Town t t I ll k d City of Me Interest Coupon. b le, in the state of Alabamm. of Fa rhope, in Baldwin County, Ala - i' bama, being duly authorized to execu to xmunt- $;o.m Section 3, That said bonds shall be in . On August I, l916, the Town of dcnomirnoons of One Thousand Dollars) this obligation on behalf of said lf Pay ethe Dal dwbeancF County, Alabama, tall,] si„gl, d )of ipality, have hereunto set our ofolial `s lgmstcre,, m�u bg thn, Treasurerthe - ill pay the bearer Thirty Dollars, law - the Town and impressed hereon the of Fairhope, a d the official al money of the United States of = I of said Tmen he -iced to the racial seal of the said municipality as 1, sum America, a[ the first National Bank The said lands shall have interest the first day of February A. D. ' In the City of Mobile, State of Ala- pO1s ached thereto which hall Fke- ke- ,gib. he It Lama,beingsixmontheinterest then - �sgned bythemayor and Treasur- Countersigned. A. O. Berglin, duetheer l Maw the facsimile signatures f waterworks bond dated ill Mayor and Treasurer lithographed Be. Tischeq Mayor. February, r, t916. No.-- thereon Feb ua ,1, Treasurer. ,:"mrtersigned A.O. Berglin, Section 4. Said bonds shall have in Interest Coupon Ben Fischer, Mayor, 1 crest coupons and shall be in subseaatial- No — $go 00 Treasurer, y the following form:- On August r, 19r6, the Town of ion' Ti,at S United States of America, State of ' aid bonds shall be Alabama, Baldwin County, Town Fairhope, in Baldwin County, Alabz-� opt from all taxes to the Stare of Ata- r of Fandango, Electric Light Bond. a the County he Ina, will pay the bearer Thirty Dollars bearer Thi of Itaidwin, and the, ,qo, lawful money the States of oA Fairhope. $I,000 Dollars kmerica, at the First National Bank ""tuna 6. That noomission on ego -I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE in the rec In the City of Mobile, State of Air - of pro eedings of this PRESENTS: That the Town of Fair- ubdl in the issuanceofusaid bonds n r hope in Baldwin County, dame, being six months interest then 'ny omission or neglect of any Offmlel I 3 Alabama, due on its elecn is light bond dated ursed cod, the execution of any dutieal February 1, Ig16, No.— tl the i I m by I on ect t ---- Ibond�rd. roan[ signed A. O Berglin, e the of an yy u d t s Indebted to and for value receiv d den Fischer Mayor. ,,his a th r r I lereby promises tO Pay the bearer One said1 Treasurer . west r p " I II h if p p I housand Dollars on the first day of I tea 1 y d February, A Sect That . id b....ds shall be ex Pe it D. 1926 be ty th of hall bet 9 b with interest y w pay- [hereon at the cto t f m II taxesto the State of Santa the County Ala - rate of six per centum, • [ of all taxes and dues to the Tana' t annum, of Baldwin and the Town of Fairimpe. per able :'eini- Fairhope. pay annaa lly on xvt the first day of Augu4 and February Ile dnante f that Sertion 6. That no omission orirregu- t d record f r c ding, [the f T7wsu et each y au, on prsentation anJ sir c t AconflictP X ew't he to-. f rend Of the annexed herewith P cl th f d nghands rah be rid' p eau Ons, bear lcan t hereby Pealed j ing fac simile Of the signatures - g er " e l t f a y Po ul .I b I thth e t fay I ties of tilt �ourcilinan T. E. McFarland moved Mayor and Treasurer of said Town nO1 I p nil 1 conne.atction as .[ the ordivanc as read be passed ( they severally become doe, Both -interest Ter the hvalidity of anv F bond, issued Mode I ado d. tl Council Principal and I P man Pu M - of J. 1bond are ur '.this Sal lt I er h'-authori v� t the said bondsand in tens seconded a the motion and upon , payable in lawful money of [6e Unit "°"pans shell have rill the of c same being put to a vote the re- ed States of America, at Lhe IrirsI after mate chereofrshall bereecia arvir t was as follows; Ayes, Mayor, National Bank in the Cir of Mabiie, ed in eat of all p y.i,h of all Y Y n. A.O. Berglin, Councilmen, J. 'State of Alabama, and the said Inupi- e taxes and ducaThtitu"fowinaFes Section That Iu, t, gray, T. E. McFarland, E. D. Swift, ;Palitybound, is hereby held and firmly � all ordinances h the (if he of a Town of Fairhope, or any ,coon thereto- G, E. Perkins. Noes, no. ,bound,. and its faith, credit, revenue fore take" i leonflict herewith be rind. the -'he Mayor announced that the mo- and propertyrare hereby pledged for same is hereby repealed. a was tallied and the ordinance as the payment of the principal and in- li Councilman T. E. McFarland moved + Was passed and adopted. _ ns te[ hereof a[ maturity. I that the ordinance as read be passed ouncdclan J. J. Murray introduced Tid, bond isone of a series Of file 'bonds and ad, red. Councilman J. J. Mur- ;da1lr entitled ofhke dater tenor and effect„ ray s,, rded the motion and upon the Cce 6� issued by the Town Cau AN ORDINANCE aggregating aid same 'icing put to a vote the result 'I O au[horze the issuance of Electric impose Councilofsaidmunicipality sconsucfin was as follows: Ayes, Mayor Hon. A. O. Berglin, Councilmen, an electric 'a i bonds to the amount of Five lighting plant hrt and in J. ), Mc• ray, T. E. McFarland, E. D. Swift, said munici- Lsa ad' Dollars, by the Town Of polity. for the and G. E. Perkins, Noes, no. te purpose of supplying I `hope, Alabama. light to the said municipality and hereupon Councilman E. D Swift the . i n h a b i t a The mayor announced that the mo- n t s thereof, and red that the unanimous consent of under and by authority o tion was carried and the ordinance as e f and in I members present be given For the accordance and full read was passed and adopted. compliance with nediale consideration and action) the general laws of the State The Council then Adjourned. of Ala- on the ordinance, which moiian was! Soma, and especially Act No Approved February, 3, tg16. :coded b Councilman Y G. E. Per 1 proved August z6, tgog, and as cool- n di" A. O. Burgin, and upon and by a vale [heal nonce July and regularly passed by ns,ken ken Alex. f. Melville lie Mayor. [hereon. upon roll call the the Town Council of said municipality Town Clerk otion was unanimously carried, the) on the third day of February, igt6. (lowing members ofJdie Town Coun- -----� _-- voting aYe, Mayor Hon. A. O rglin, Councilmen inlay, h Swift, T. E. McFarland, and G. rkbiI. Noes, one. a SEC77/0/V 63 lY'1�I TOWN o1DIUNCE Re it o ained by the Tounn Council of Fairllope, Alaa.tar. bas follows; In ad.ii�t1 to Life fees allowed the Town 'AL.rol:all by Section o of t11 t% g1,1 Code o£ ordi-o.nces, the'Town uarshall wall receive for his services the su^a o£ one - i.,L_'r`-"= 9.c]]ars a Year payablelac nt'il Y. Adopted Oct, I6, 1910,/,�,Im_�, ,�.�v IIIFiyor !/ To rin Clerk. I liereby certify thv,t: tl':e forepoinz ir a correct copy of .tiie ordinance e,e passed by the Town Council of Fairhope, Alubafw- October lo, kilo and posted on the 2, day of October 1)16 by postin', three copies, F.lmx II ere in ?n a pro�dncn+, place in the Town of Fairllope, two of wl"c" w{, the Pesl; 0J,f:co ajj t1,e xayor,t office. Wi tne^; My ,Sn-'1 this FO jay of OOctoobberr II�OIo aia,.,d�..— Town Cl a rk ayor SFCTioN 5 Town Ordinance Be @ ordained by the Tawn Council of Fairhopc, 'Jobama, as Follows: Sections 3 and 5 of the Civil Code of Urdinanccs a to ameudetd to read a fol- ..r... of the Town $rock 11 of hall be to collectiao of he act a3 I deoosit all me, m Some near. wm�.� at the same ads upon signed by the Mayor and Tr He shall collmt and receive eaduefor water and electric li c, and for earmecnou with and ols tric light w and Me of material. He shall sage all the repairs to linen, mane ricers belonging to the Town, swung of connections with win s. He shall have charge and �b, pi ce all tools and materials sue firs s of q is. 74-r 7ke -,N�1•,t�u,,l-va-rse- .,,,, ia+ .�iw Of�' G�++.0 i"s'J"' . 4ndltorium. He shall nave nnarga. f the: jail and pound, and shall keep the ame in rePmt, when medeJ. He Mall I keep accurate accounts and records of nd basintss clone by his. for the Tawn, a shall maintain -ffi honrn at such time 1 nd place as shall ;nausfactory to dte Cmmd, He shall we bond for the fa; thh,1 performance of Ius dubs d n•hall II 6m» of one ne �enicen the s, and ehr ll 1 I I :u 1 _ n p p'a Lle . II be1, heu sll anc�� mmp�n=anon. 'S.AM� droltn'1FI�ii:: r.. Uyy_rutlin irrm o[ his E, �P ..cC-41 An Ordinance S E C �! O N Jr�-- W Fire proof Auil.din c • Fe it erRiel ea t,. t��. Te,..- C a,_ .47 0-' Fcr. ... r. _, - 54 Of the Code of Ay lau,G a:l Orgy,i;,,;ces of the - vm}, that Sectio amenied an:l -ie same is hereby amended to read as follows. rliope be let. llo buildi-ag s;iri7 l- be erected or improved for use otl_e-r thc. solely as a civrel.ling on any lot ironPin; o^ eiv,,ef si ie 'raa S oT street to NY view ave, and On either si9e cr Sect�oi Stre e:, from *Lagnoli,� Ave iva „0 1porplly avenue ,i,. e.r s 3e o. ur.. r S,ra n Secti or S�reet to g + a sad ��.: �� �,z^'_hl Ciurci, ,,ree., h ,,? 'Ia the f 'firenroof coat Oriel , sac;; as brick, stone, concrete or metal„ and the roof O. auc.i n2t¢xr,.a3 building slid 7. also be constructa3 of fireproof material, 2n,i, Any person 3Osiring to rOct,-a business building within the ].imi is aforesaid shall first obtaii leave from tree Cow.cil by a written application containing a deacriptiPvT . oS the proposed buildiu3 and a COPY Of tie Plans thereof; nor s2}ai1 adc.. erection be commenced until said petition shall have been passel favorably, and plans approved by the Town Council, Th', work ,of construe'tin, said building in accordance with soil plans sli,07- proceed under the su rv;Sion of the building inspector of the Town o ,jrcirhone, an3 slid be in n1.1 respects in a ocerd ante with tlie.plans,and specifications bmitted and passed upon. Any person nroce,d-., to erect sad building without obtaining Permission "rom the Cg. Cil as a.foresaia,wor con inning to construct same in a manner not,'in deco r�l:ii o wit., t:r: plans is si; tC,luG t�onu su*;1i1. e 3 :Mrlica.tion, after Jlks iL%ten`lon 'ia3lcei uled to such variation -by the building insped"tor,, shall be\11able ,0 ;:, fine of not ercee3irg hive Dollars for each day that said work is con* •-:..e9, or the- orlers of sand build I ,t.,r erected contrary to the provision_ f tl i lo�din arcs �3'.. a+iy boil :. e,-pe�_rc +,, er3ot' c'1ar,e' to tl:c oler �tiptr5eo Adop ted'<ro vember la, I' f, M. A. Povren Town e. wo ew ���—/,-�.7 A i) I SEC ri _ ,4 An Ordinance. Be it ordained 6y the Town Coun- efl of Fairhope, Alabama, . follows: I. That that part of :he streets in the Town of Fairhope, Ala., beginning on Summit street at the intersection of Fairhope avenue, thence north along Summit street to Magnolia ave.; thence west along Magnolia avenue to the top of Wharf Hill; thence east along Fairhope avenue to Bay View avenue; I thence north along Bay View averve to Oak street; also beginning on Fels avenue at the intersection of Liberty street, thence west along Fels avenue to Mobile ave.; also beginning r Mo- bile ave. at Stacks Cull-, thence south along Mobile ave. and Beach View eve. to Laurel ave.; thence east on Laurel ave. to Battles road; thence south on Battles road to southern limits of the Town of Fairhope, be constructed and improved; that is to say said streets within the limits hercinabnve mentioned shall he grad- ed, drained and surfaced with clay in semi is re with tke plans and specifi- cations of Town Engineer P. A. Parker now on file in the office of the town clerk of Fairhope Alabama. 2. That that part of the sidewalk in the Town of Fairhope beginning on the sovtlh aide of Fairhope ave. at the intersection of School street, thence west along the south side of Fairhope ave. to Section street; also beginning on the south side of Fairhope ave. at the intersection of Summit street, thence weal along the south side of Fairhope ave, to the top Of Wharf Hill, be paved with is cement sidewalk four feet wide, in seem dare, with the plans and specifications of Town En- gineer P. A. Parker now on file in the office of the Town Clerk of Fairhope, I that the expense of said con- struction and improvements to the amount not to exceed $2000,00 be assessed Droportionately against the', property abutting on said streets and the said assessments shall be levied and collected in the manner provided by law. 4. That the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope will meet on the 2(ith day of December, 1916, to hear ary obje ohs or remonstran es that may be made to said improvements and the roarer of making the same or the character of the material. it .be used. 5. That the grade of the streets above mentioned in this ordinance be and the same is hereby established by the plans and specifications of {Ise Town Engineer now on file in the aced the Town Clerk of the Town of Fairhope, Ala. 6. Should the Council after hear-' ing all objections decide definitely to proceed to the construction and im-' provern"t of streets along the route above described it shall by appropriate ordinance provide that the $2000 to be thus expended and assessed against the abutting property shall be paid in ten yearly installments, the first to be I within thirty days after said con- struction sball have been cornpleted and approved by the Town Council of Fairhope, Ala., and the remainder annually thereafter, said deferred pay- ments to bear interest at the rate of 6 j per carat per arum and to be a lien upon the abutting property as assessed until paid. 7. That the expense of improving intenections of the streets together with culverts shall be included in the cost of said streets and proportioned as such aga.inst all abutting pro perty. Adopted Dec. 11. 1916.I cMW, Mayor. P,yALBRICHT. Town Clerk. j' �r • `�% y<� ea," `;`% � I "7 Go- wpe r It `,C aat: ,-., 14�r...•-v" -%�-, •7ir^" "'.'-""``•"". �.-".-..•.,-r' ,m.w- /.,fa„< yr /yi6• .�' Gr-vs' �fN- '1 Resolved that pursuant to the ordingha1 parsed Dec, II, I916, the Town Clerk he and is hereby instructed to•d,dtertise for bide on the following110, 1 sMa streatvei 1 improvements, ts, towit,ence Iebe,lil ong MRt3n lino are tu�tue fop c£tRlwrftion Hill.; thence east alon3 rairl,cpe aYe-to Aar View ,410 Aeenat oo north $ j, nay Pi aw ave to slagnolia ave; also beginnin; ap Ft rto - I sae pion o-. Liberty street, thence west �tnenoel Bouts alor,,k Job ledle euve so Beginnin on 2iobile ave at Stacka Gull), r. nd B can't 'a 3. t3 nn ave to Laurel Ave. thence east o.lon boatel ave to Battles road; thenoe sout.h or, Battles road to-scutt:ern lima to of Tce•a of E'ai rho Ala, be Ceetruo Led and Srm]rovod, Ghat is to say oaid a saats sa nd avenues within tita limite l:ereinbcsor mentioned. n in accorlatuteawS t:d the e 1 aye^! fk.a�ix>s2>V?t �Pb-4GT+t$tZ}4f't pl.ac s and opeeificationao: Town ninglnser P. A. 2ar er s:ov: ot: file in tileV o^rt .cn of the Town Cler1- of )!airhopa, AU110-ta. '1 i�y,rovemente. to ad.vartise lnlq ti1is (,'it tit) :oll av+in3 eld.awtalY P kart o' a e 1 .tdk; t 1.10 :oven oZ Yea: Scopoi l'.arc, tt�tLeitchcn eweett, side Of Fairhope n e ai fhe intersection, ai or.x the 9 utir side f Fa rrcpe ate t Beoticn Sire, lie boginm ng on is the goutA sire f Faitl3pe 6,70 at the intersection of htTnit str-ret, turns.' wear _'on he .=Cutlx 011C of Fairhope ava t t .: top cf Yfharf H1 to nh j Te paved. w1 t'.t a ctAent sidowc6l.k 'our .cat w110 i11 tr. co rl::nee witthh thee Plea Piers eA speni'S said or.e c:' Tcvm. <<;_3'raer P. A. park-r now on iYlo in the office oS tie Tcvn Clerk o' leairl:cpe, ;kla, l t 4Mopten, Dec. 26, 1916. —a 3Eayor Clerk, �� "� i1C L7i Gc-r/f rc Zdafs ;dx,- i6 /9/Fa. :� • 'f7FwsreaP d�/ %�r SEcr/onG5 A discount of 5 percent will be allowed c'''% al ra atcr :cr:'. c-cce::nt.-: i' paid at the Clerks office when due ,. ..sou•'.:•:'.' Flares at o.', . .. tlu owner o` t.:., ,r o.. a reanonabla time the water simi l 1+c - - s0110, `•.'ountn<ins, barber shops, ,'r,'ara „t`, :cc Concrete "%a_nufacturers, and owners ':1' flvo �...- Al! on a-!! 0-f foe of 50 cent:: a:,:,ll i.e c;,..r- ip, turr,e' cn un+ of'.', . All £1;A riatc'A Urc- Icl, Y�':: artcf ,, .1+L411p 1: .. wr ie• n '-i, ,�, L.1, upo •.]: T'al .tcr� s:, l.:r 7i'1 ; .:(', d.:t-' ,u, �Crif M f C,,L r C, .,, t 0 ., a] r ,7 uc i U �. r r� 1 1 0 � �il 1 .o t� � 0 '.. , c-, t 0' c lc: .''.i. r,.d,c ,r, ::r cc f -ve out by -`1�• it ��.. rc 'u]4r .. . 7. Tl,c 9oe^l rescrvon t!'O ri �':,t to put it.. _ —4-- nr r.,Qvi a➢leter in it t.:v sWnC uhe Sec, B, Two or „pre )louses are no't permit Led oil- one c"cnri€cti89i$� , d where they now exist separate connection mus; be alade for the same. Sec. 9. No person sLd1 turn on the WatPrwMrnection without authcritf and any pc: •tn.'.:,. l., ij, j3lrke wi'_ be `ine" .00, I 0, °'very ..... i `. , ti ry :0 , ,..crly : r reef : to._reve.t waste, °er 1T `:c Sunerlr: matt cr a,.j person lelaute'l ty ,i' , or any Of Vie t-ublic Fecvice ro:rrlttee :].tall :rave free ;.cocas at - romscnatl - !.ours tc all purta of ti,a bulldic._;s or .ram isay. the purooce ce in ,cctin,,, the condition of t,te plurr:bl,:,; w., ... l ` of water, -er, 11, in the eve„t of wuato O;' water on account cf dafcetive fiYL,a er ylwnbin,,, notice aril] be •Sve,: usera to nt.vc t,a 86ni6 r.. t. t' upon failure to do so within two •luyc after s,r;,. tioti:.. vratcr rill be M.ut rff:ro-: L,.o herds m wail raj,:., have ?sec:: a•ni u:: c.d3l Llon;il Oite.r„e of 5G cents £cr tarn: ePP t;:e wu of •sus he .id before t.,e xuter ¢177 a.;a.,, tllrnci on. `cc, 12 'To n,_retllsexaeyt Auly aut..orize.l e=k>loyoes of tau w_tcrworlu deoartolent ?hull bo ;ecCdttet to Luri,, oa wa Ler without fir:t recurinr• a per -It rro,a t;ic wutcr worpe office; tiny person: VIOL. t7d.s• rule 'sill be fined :-b.uu. °00, I4. n11 lersone. dean ri,r] rater service t.re required be :nuke appli- cation for t..e stw:o t;:rcu,{n tlu office c•;: t:,er water lopartoont vaere permitc will ha issued, Io, n or sons wi anti n; to dl sconti nue t:w use oi' t_te wester ::ivaL Ill written rrntlep :.ereof at tac olficc of t,:a water departm�ttr . fr33ore to 3e f..1 v_1 ren'.er t::�! eliatla for ttte payment of �+�sx6c�-�e1ak,_:u,ntil KA notice 1m,I bee:. ivl;A,,.... -cc. Iti, "'c crernor ?;i1'1"t'e• ":bTMi'tL> "r7""te :Y"'('o""4 litYac for mprin1_1I 1 twno or ra^1;in„ carriu,�es or jLLcr vel,iclem wiLa nor Treater '.'.cr I/-. inc;: i,l �is-:het r, '*e person e;;t23 i:4,bita.77y penal 2t•o t:mra it 1%0ily, to Unc vt.ter fro-n C.eir p1Wan, r,tl Litt» rule wJ11 ie finod not lees t,,A 4.:.Lo See `,is. RTr...00cupiof prd-34e:+ o tt Tn1Tr.- 1,Ltni t$y nuoetss a+'1 Ol.1 c.' uac3 ' rill ba ci y L cej re rynL OGneC tC+. Un It t-e dervice S . 1, cd me c nt c^ rater rant 1111 to ullore'l by r 'llsuec or tirtinirlt„1 us,-, or or. vtcunt erelli"of t eft nt t e walcr efflce a Vr. :"Cli cht:r o tStYYa plpg%, '*O, ycrner, e!,;17 cprikecle any e:reoL Or 01,::.4 � carks Ry to . - rgrerl�i '1Y:: firs rrlu,a r irawi r 7 &ter from ta"Sin g t nr; fire +uroo»na for}i l lc t-.i,y r:Or69a vgOlRt TOO niga11 he fin l not lc+ 1 -c. <<, ° 1 c tan Pi n: O1►d11 �a,to c vl..Lrr pie" n a VV' rctreor, t...rldemall alv;ll9uly t,utiori^oJ a ,glO,OO et tO r,aLerr rksi and all sf"r tOiteJ by t1iA 4%-cater ecCe"ee A»• rcrof . ffi't Or by t,:1�Wt ,-..t c t u ronert, si¢_11 to ;el re ,mleltic fcr the. ar re rt, c 14, It ='ALIT 1.0 unlawful f,r a,,j ;.ersor, to : Ocr:tinuoualy frvn wit it, lre.nt, r:aLcr r.'Itetlrar 1,1 yar,i or h.il lin{ .aria; to sr. -e t froe ,nr or *wrest✓t„ of ri.,ac cr f 'umbi n:; OLP 1 to oo t.rrn e.i witi atop to i w" - t.:. l,ioc:a WY 1,c t r u_•lil;r rr,3 ne.^, r.'.� O •c fO wt.i viol tir, titA7 le t c)O:.t11 t fir u n lO9O L:,p.r. e ri ir' tr rI.,- t r rules r.Les r rc •ul wt ` oo:,Lza!:e; u 74" y �v J INIS NOD ' �Lv-r Ti`-.•i-r —+-N.7 BIDS WANTED. Pursuant to an ordinance passed by Pursuant to an ordinance passed by the Town Council of Fairhope, Ala., the Town Council of Fairhope, Ala., December 11, 1916, bids for hauling Dec. 11, 1916. bids for concrete side- and spreading l { walks in the Town of Fairho e. will be preag clay upon the public received at the office of he Town streets of Fairhope will be received at Clerk of Fairhope until Jan. 8; 1917, the hope until of the To n 1917, the of work Fair - the work to be done under the to be done under the direction of the direction of the Town Engineer. Bids Town Engineer. Bids will be opened will be opened at 8 P. M., Jan. 8, at 8 P. M. Jan. 8, 1917. The Town 1917. The Town reserves the right "reserves the right to reject any and alll to reject any and all bids. For fur- bids. For further information inquire that information inquire of P. Y. Al- of P. Y. Albright, Town Clerk, Fair - bright, Town Clerk, Fairhope, Ala- hope, Alabama. 19-2t. harass.. 1199-2t ,T f 42w'./ r, f�w��-_-c✓�w..`K+.t.�-C.s�..-+I -.-... �T++7 �ss.s+2-.iL...a ,..a.�...+e �✓ � P !Ge->/ �'4/��� """ ""'' !L �'�iGr:'iy.`-i �'t's�/-+o-� cA .-•J e'�C+-.->• 2�eJ6tD � /�A-lA...s,. � i. - Y. ,4ezvo% sue-[ AD-a.c_ 7 ! - I 0 1 SHOPE, ALABAM.A AtotICC of Street [m- provement Assessment. Notice is hereby given that an assessment book for local improve- ments containing a list of properly owners, together with amounts asses - sad against each parcel of land, has been completed and is open for inspec-' firm in this office, and on the 14th day of May 1917 the Town Council of Fairhope, Ala., will meet and listen to objections and defences by those inter- ested in the same; said assessment be- ing for the following street and side- walk improvements; a cement side- walk four feet wide rn the south side of Fairhope ave. between School street and Section street; also on the south side of Fairhope avenue between Sum- mit street and Bay View avenue; also....// flaying, ditching and culverts on the following streets: Magnolia 6e- avenue tween Summit street and top of Wharf! hill; Fairhope avenue between top off'`-Oi"'"`�� Wharf hill and Bay View avenue; Bays-r�.Cw/ View avenue between Fairhope v M avenue and Magnolia avenue; Fels avenue be- tween Liberty Mobile street and ave- nue; Mobile avenue between Stacks galley and Pier street; Beach View avenue between Pier street and Laurel Laurel J street; street between Beach View avenue and County road; Coun- ty road between Laurel street and southern limits of Town. P. Y. ALBRIGHT, Town Clerk, Fairhope, Ala. Date of publication April 13. 1917. SECTI o14 C) ORMNAACL An orlinanee to =and Section 40 of the Code of ordiewicns a., Far'hope, Al aharvz, eawtrte"09r,, Pe it ordtiaed by th•a Town Council Of Balrf:ope, Ala aI 'oiiorrs; Section 40 of the Code of Ordinances of Fairiwps, Ala, 1s licret,y amendo, to read as follows; Section 40, 170 dog shall. he allowed Its at liberty upon tue streets Or Rtirhope between the Iet day off, April and the let day of Novannaer of any year without a collar Showt%t.3 that a license fee of one dollar 1 f a mcO a, and two dollars if a fenmie , for that year itas been paid. The e4arshal shall. have the ri ht to ailso and I g)ound any dos Sound at iar;e '.:pen the streets of Fairliops thout a license tag;,, Immediately after such seizure -the 'rarsha,post a notice in frFt of the • averts office that *# the owner of asap said dos does .not appear within three -says 4oA pay tits license fee to-;sti.er with the •tarshallf, foe of one dollar, and in addition twenty five cents a lay 'or feedin; said,40,1 than said do,3 will be sold at public aucti n in rent or t`ie Ma,,��gqraa office at noon of the day stated In sr l}tr+6°c1 2�tl.�ion�°X4%ff 3Sj*aV=fat 49.$ltse@le tt,w;narsi.al shawl kill said As, in a hwsans manner and disyose of Its remains In a manner not offensive or detrimental to public aWth, a Adopted April 28,Z917 M. A. Posen Mayor " P. Y. plbrl.+lit Town Clerk, c.-r..•,,-Gv�ts,ca 3x; 7, 0q., 12', Gtliyr'.yya, ,yi7 �,�,t �fi.•sz,�r rr zCv 7- a­ ofaz � -ze' ,7a-...,., �,4,, d SCcriow 66 An oMinance to re RMIWANC8 ' t ,slate fire operation o'•Automobil se in the Town of Fairliope, Alabama, p Section 1, 'Oe it ordained by- the Town Council oi' fire To qn of ly That the term '4o for +Vhiole ac seed in this ordinance s,:a11 except L where otherwlee expressly provided, Include all vehicles prop gilled �G." an., other power than muscular power, except traction engines, road _A' rollers, enClnes, and other vehicles as run Section 2, That it shall be unlawful to upon rails and tr¢ake, vehicle upon tile hi r3hwaoperate or run any motor ye in the Town of Faidops recklessly, or at a rate 0- speed treater than is reasonable and proper, having re�ard to t'le width traffic an_i use of the hi,ylway, or no as to • ed,lanjer property or the life or limb of any person, Section P. That it shall be unlawfuYfor any person within title Town or to run or drivetn¢ motor vehicle on or across any intersection of, two more p st mile" an hour, our. reets or hill aye at a -;roster speed t:an fifteen : Section 4 ^^lat it shall be unlaw:'Ql. for any persomtap operat2 moto vehicle - 14� to operate or run_//file game en or across any Intersection Of-f t+ro or more public street f 111:�1ways in said town at such Speed as to be unable to prevent r �n6ine over or into or etriki,i, aqy yy Pedestrian, or other vdli of Ttruidi n, on or ac rp se t::a lri gr:way, or acroSsin.? at such intersection, Section 5, "_Ile speed omotor vehicles aiirall at all tines be contro}«c wi tin fie conditions,- aril suci: speed may be deemed rookies *Lhougb within the' bovc defines sp`eed limits 'Section 6, That it aha7. he unlawful to make wi t:r an, horn or whi atl.e er ether ievice�d in connection wi ttr any motor vslriale, any unusual, or unnecessary loud noise, or to l.ermit ally motor vehic"e to be operated without a muffler, or with '11e muffler cut out or open, Section 7, That it iha7] be unlawful for e s years or a±e to operate any motor vehicle the Pubon liceStreetsen o r thi a to to permit a y motor v licl.s to be , or for any adult I Mile town b n oPOrated on tic public streets of y person under sixteen yours o: a- - Section 8, That it shall be unlawful f'or all, person 71,r11e in a Statc Or intoxication or under the influence of all intoxicant to operate Sectiany rotor vehicle upon the public streets O$hie bows, Section 9, ")'at it Shall be unlawf,.Q for any parson w110 llas caused on ur to another, or to property, while in the operation of ¢ otor�vehdcl e, to leave fife i an' ,bvinq his name an9 a�ldreaae anox ac minjury, accident without etmppind ' parson, d 11cen(enumber to llr,a injured section 10, To motor ellcle e:1a]7 so occupy any street ao VoLl(f oFFirc`%�; aistruct traffic, as to J rec Sio1i11. It sL..11 be un]a to violate ally of the provisions o Inanoe, an' any person who viola.tea any o^ its provisions must + upon con liotlon be fined not less t;:at one nor more than one hundred 9 o+lar.�-� ,pay a7.eo be flip ri sponed in the'1'own jail or put to hard labor or the town for net more tiler, six menthe, r S. ]lower,, ,Sayoi• Y, Albright, Tqwn Clerk, 7%.f %�r fin, Grp 6i e, ,3.c� Cyr 27 17 � ,<c,,,.e ?sa. —,. - -- -- 39, AN ORDI NANCE _ Be it ordained by the Town Council of F€t3rhope, Ala„ as follows. Any parson who takes or uses temporarily any animal, vehicle, bout, or any personal property owned or controlled by another, without the con- sent 3oFFtkx or assent of such owner or person another, thereof, must on conviction be fined not less than having she control 0 one hundred dollars I,00, nor more than Adopted June II, I9I7, ?d. A. Bowan, Mayor P. Y, Albright, Town Clerk GXLLg7 .c-.-•.r�. 4.�e ��, �Y'/ ,- GY-"p�-/ sa:Lt O�, � • F1� SEC-rlory 68 Bo it or AN ORDINANCE Ordained by the Town Council of Failli 0.00, Ala, as follows; It shall be the duty o- the Marshal to cause a,.+y bitch Pound running at large in heat, to be taken up and impounded, or the owner notified, if known by the Marshal, And if such bitch is not claimed and taken out within three days after the same has been impounded or the owner notified if known, he shall sell the some forthwith at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at such place as lie may designate In the evert no bid is made for a sufficient a;rount to pay the costs and expensesof taking up and riaintaining such bitch, the 'darshal or any one authorized by him may bid in such bitch for and in the name of the Town of lRairhope for the costs and expenses of impounding, and thersapon he shall cause such bitch to be killed, The Marshales fee for taking up such arien,j shall be 91.00, and 20 cents a a day for fedding same, . Adopted June II, I9I7, M. A. Bowen My 0 P. Y. Albright,Town Clerk /✓i /� -yam �/ ib Gt, L+"r-/Uf .� �✓�a-s.� .�.,� 'J'!c� �o�7v/��� y�/ .�ts+�f�e^�. , G?2�w %t-w, C-1 y �r p ?!�• yam/"„_ 40 ... - i SECTlolv 6 9 Be it ordained by the Town ToHDINANCS, + Council of Fairl v ..' It sn2nli- he unlaw to 7O-°` � Ala, , as follows' horn or whistle ° make "'u' Zoud nazi or wrusual noise -vita a OF rev!ce, or to operate all engine unmuffled, or with the muffler cutout or open. Anyperson shall he fined not more violating this ordinance than one hundred dollars,and may also be 'imprisoned or put to kiard labor for tTowne Ton for not more tars - six months Adopted June 11, 19I7 M. ABorren, Mayor P. Y,, Albright, Town Clerk, h or r-H .�n�a JZp Y�i'oroo��2 J � '�'I ✓Z v)vlt,P /� /�N -�5�.° % ��-, an r>7 / ��n 6/•.7GGvr�6�¢L. CCP oRDAIMED Av ORDIHAva SECT-[ D N 70 By I- MUM BY Tf'." TnWR COMICIL nF FAIRH^PR, ALABAMA, as follows: That WHFREAS, by an ordinance adopted by the Town Council of Fairbope or, Deoembor llth, 1518, certain Street ar:d sidewalk improvements have been n.acla in the Town 'I of Fairbope, af: fol:oas; , I� Street L::,Lroveaente. "That that part of the streets in the Town of Fairhope, Alabama beginning on Suntit Street at the interaectSon of Fairhope Avenue, thence north along Summit Street to Magnolia Avenue; thence west along Magnoila Avenue to the top of Wharf Hill; thane east along Fai o j thonee north along Bay Avenue Avonua to Say piety Avenue; � n8 Y lieu Avenue to Oak Street; also be- ginning on Vale Avenue at the intersection of Liberty Street, thnce west along Fels Avenue to ;:otile Avenue; also beginning on Mobile Avenue at Stacks Gully, thence south along Mobile Avenue and Beseh Avenue to Laurel Avenue- thence east or, Laurel Ave- nue to Battles Road; thence toutt on Pat -lee Road to South,.rn limit Of the Town or Fairhope; be constructed and improved, that is to eey said streets within the limits herein above men- , tioned shall be graded, drainad and surfaced with clay, in a cordance with the plans and speoifieatione of Tqwn Engineer Fairhope, Alabama.■ file inL7;r> of^ioe of the Tcwn Clerk of Sidewalk Iaprsaverran�, *That that part of the sidewalk in the Town of 6airhope beginning on ue south aide of Fairhope Avenue at the intersec- tion of School Streat, thence west along the south side of Fair- I hope Avenue to Section, Street; also beginning on the south side E of Fainc�pe Avenue at tho Snterseet:on of Summit Vrest, thence west along thG/ south side of Fairhope Avenue to the top of Wharf Hill; lye paved with a cement sidewalk four feet wide, in accordance with the plans and specifications of Torn Engineer �®.i A. parker, r:o'a c�: "ile in the ofrice of the Town clerk of Fairhope, Als!:..:;.a." e 41 And >R1;°PrAS, pursuant to said resolutions and subsequent :mots II Of acid Council, bide were advertised for, submitted and accepted and full compliance made with al' the requirements of Article 28 Of Chapter 33 of the Code of Alabama, relative to such improve - Tents, :which have been completed and approved, and the coats Of such improvements assessed a ai t g r'�' the abutting property field - ere as provided by law; HOIf, TH^P7?rnPr.., for the of purpose haying for euoh'im- provements, a bond issue of-r1n , THnUSAAD DOLLARS is hereby or- dered, 8u1 i issue to consist of tan bonds Of the par value of Two Hundred Dollars each, dated dune Ath, 1917," bearir_ interest at the rate Of six ;�r cent,.payable semi-annually, same to be secured by a lien or charge hereby fixed agair.at the property im- -proved and facing upon eaid improvem.ente, a. set, out above, sad'against tha.funds eoiieoted frm. assessments levied against the inproved property, all of which is specifically set out a" j described with the names of the property Ferty holders and the amount all es,ed gainst each in Assessment Book for Local Improvements tic. 1, pages LO to - Lam, inclusive, slid book being a part Of the public records of the Town of Fairhope. Such bonds when ier;ued shall convey ana transfer to the owners thereof all of the right, title ar' interest c" the Town of Fairhope In and to the aseessx�ents set out in such Book, a.; aforesaid, and the 11en upon th<a respective lots or }-parcels of ground therein do - scribed with the -full prover in th-: holder of such bonds and the coupons ther of tc enforce thy: collection ct auoh asr,asaments _ aecerding to Jill by foreclosure in any court of competent Jurisdiction an,i in accordance with Section 1411 of file Code of Alabama of 1907. i ti That the proceeds from the sale of auoh bonds shall be ap- plied only to the payment of the cost of improvements made in aocQr- dance with to terms of the (3rdinanoe of December llth aforesaid, and- such assessments when so ool.eoted *hull be kept in a sepa- rate fund until applied to the repayment of such bonds or the interest tii:,reon. That any one or Hinrs of this is',us of bonds may to paid aY�� Off at any interest period, in ,which event the Town *hall not be �_ liable for inter at beyond said intsres P0r1Q4 provided that '�' W =;42 notice of such intention be given not lees than three weeks prior to such iotcroat Period In writing ad:ireseed to the holder l of such bond at his last known place o,f address an,I deposited in the post office at Fairhope, Alabama, so addressed, and with Postage filly pro, aid. In the event that the name and ad.ireaa cf the holder of such bond shall not be known, thr!n such notice shall be given by publication once a we f,;r three consecutive wake in a newspaper Dubliahed in th,; To.n of Fairhope, describ- ing the bond by nua,barr provided furth::r that said bends shall be retired in their revureed num:erioal order. That the wording of said bond be eubet:+ntielly as follows; 4200.00. No. In" OF' FAIRHOPF. STREET IMPROVFA9x:NT BOND, SERIFS NO. a. $FOW ALL MTN BY TRFSE PR^S^NTS, that the Town of Fairhope, Alabama, for value received, proe;lees to pay the. bearer hereof at the First NTational Pank in th, ^ity of %'obile, Alabama, the Bum of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of Aneeeifn on the 15th day of June, 19a7, togethnr with intarast on om the data hereof at the rate of six par Cant per eami-ann payable ually in the same money ant at the same 1„nnum, Dana as the principal hereof on the 15th daya of December and June of each year on the preaentation ant surrender of the coupons hereto at - series ed, as they severall y become due. This i.ond is one of a on tan bonds, numbored consecutively from 1 to 10, in - elusive, of even Sate harewith, uniform in all respects except as to nur.bor• Said bonds are iecued under and by authority of an ordinance of the Town Uunoil of Fai.Thope, Alabama, passed June 14th, 1917, and after due compliance with all logsl re- quirements as to the isaus of bond• for Dublin improvements pro - Tided for in Article 36 of Chapter as of the Code of Alabama for 1907. This bond is secured by assessments made a000rling to law and the provisions of said Chapter an-! caption on the property said fronting upon the streets so improved as set out in wild ordinance, the owners penis with the description of th^ property ani name of a n6 eipecifically set out in Asseeiment Book No. 1 h for local iz.Provene nts of te 'own of Fairhope, pages /o to Y inolusivs, now on record It the Cla the Mayor an. ^lark of the Town of Fairhop s bond shall be erke office odd Town. hiffective only ahen properly signed by e and the corporate 1. meal of said town af'lxed, but, when 90 executed, is declared to be a valid, negotiable obligation transferable by delivery witb- out endorsement or other form of transfer. IN NITNFS`' gHe'RF'''iF, the Town of Fairhope, Alabama had Caused this bond to ce executed at Fairhope, Alabama ant its corporate seal affixed by its yayor ant ^lerk on this the 15th day of June, 1917. s TOWN nF FAIRHnpr, • 'w By M or By i, - - - - - -- - - - - - - s _ _ _ \ � A ylI �l'nWN OF FAIRHnPI:, ALABAEA, STR7'7 IM- ` PpnVFaigNT BOND, SERIES NO. a. COUPON. The Torn of Fairhops Alabama will pay to bearer on the 15tIl day of December19177,.SIX DOLLARS in lawful United States at the First, Money of tha National Bank of mobile, Alabama, h being semi—annual interest then dug on Street Irprovee,ent Bond, Series No. 8, number (Facsimile signature) M. A. BOB81P, YAYOBN Endorsement on outside of Bond No. Town or FaUnited States of America, State of Alat.cc:a, irhope, Street Improvement Bond Series No. '. Said bonds aeiseued shallbe executed in the name of the Town by the gayor an; Cl::rk and the seal of the Town af— fixed thereon, but t,ha Coupons th.-roon may bear a facsimile signature of the Mayor. On or before Cash interest period, a sum adequate to pay the interest on all outstanding bonds shall be deposited in + the First National Bank of Vobile with instructions to said Bank to apply same to the payment of bond coupons of this series for such interest period when presented on of after the day of the late of euoh interest period. Yy , -1 zY J �2/'r'1�svyr���/e iti L'cr�"v.1 G6 �'�( � ��iy�a',-nA2 GLq ��d�r-92YaL �r-c 7lzi ✓�oZ�ry '(p o-7�✓ice-� � �6tvi dog,-n Oj .�G�r�ae�i<. �cn- �oY <9 GFo�->-✓ ,/.fir-�D �-a-V�c�� z,�;may zv� 6L p J 6hJ;z 4 MCTION 52 _ s to it ordained by the %own Council of rairhope,, J abama, that Section 52 of the Code of Ordinances for the Town of rairhops be Land the eama is hereby w-iondeA to road as follevat 1 at, The To mt Clerk eiiall. perform the duties of Building inspector for the Town of yatrhope, and lie shall have autmrity } to,i us wilding permits end collect file fees for the seas, and 7�q QW! look after the onforeement of a2-1 building ordinances and rewlatiene of the Town, 2nd. to person small erect or cause to be orected,any-Louts, , building or otlidr structure, or addition or Saprovement thereto, army reuodolinj of the same without first obtaining a pormit Z AAarefere from the building inspector of the %awn. Yhen,tho cost of such hones, building or oti,er structure or addition or improve - mat thereto, or any remodolin-- of the swop is leas than 4X5,00 as fee shoal. be charged; when the no at is over 425.00 and under $200.00 a fee of t1,00 nlialk.be charged and w.ion the cast is over 4%b0.OU a fee of 42,00 4WI-be. charged. Any person violating tl4s ordinance sha?1 be :'fined trot exceeding Twenty rive Dollar%. �- 19 SECTIUa 5®, O -' Pa it ordaireA by the Town Council of Pai}kepb, labesa that Section 54 of the Code of ordinances for the T4wn'of roirlope be / cr.4 t?ie scum is Hereby mended to road as falls lot. Ho building Jim - mh#0 1 be erected moved, romodeled or ice- p roved on any lot fronting on oitriar skis of 7oirhepo Avenue Iran • / Sohool Street to Ray !blow Avenue and on eltlier side of Section S Street frog Yarsollo Avenue to sdorphy Avonuo, sal on sits,es eggs of what is known as Dela.wr Street from Section Street to Church Street except the some be oonstructed of fireproof material, such a%brick. stone, hollow -tile, concrete or motor, and the roof of r such building shell else be constructed of fireproo.^ materi ol Lin provided gist one:.third of the repairs to a frame building wl the B ove described limits nay be mado of ti,e s",to material in any . one, calander year, J ., 2nd, Any person desiring to erect a buil(Mg, or remodel or move or improve the sass within the limits aforesaid, shall first obtain leave .'ram the Council by a writtop a;�pllcatien containing a description of the proposed buildlot�f and a cepr of tin plans there- of; nor shall. such erection, remodeling o; Wvins os improvint.We said shall :lave loon upon favorably eom vsosd until petition passed G -and the plans approved by the Town Council, Tha work of romodsl- MA oenstructing, moving or isiirsving said building in occcrdmnoo ( h said p',ans ehal.l proceed under the supervision of the build- . mik)octir of the Town of pairhops, and shall in all respects 4;,mccordcnce with the plans and specifications submitted arui ,. ¢n, m 1 lyd. Any person proceeding to oroct or remodel or improve, or move aeq building without obtoinial permission from the Town Council as a-aroeaid, or m utinuing to construet, remodel, improve or wove sans in a manner riot in accordance with the plans and s eeilicvtione submitted with the c.plieation after his attoution ,,,as been ealIad in writing to such variation by, the buildlnC In- :shall be liable to a fine of not exooding five do7l.ars for . e ach flay that said wort is continued, or tke orders of said buildin inspector dioebeyed, and eny building orooted, romedeled, *Vroved, or,mved contrary to t►e provisions of Chia ordinanoe MF be d.e- ,aolished and the expense thersof caur,ed to tho owner of the saw. eA - AX ORDINANCE TO PUNISH MAIFTENANCE OF UNSAN- ITARY CONDITIONS AS DEF11ED BY TO NY HFALTII OFFICER. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Ala., as follows: Section 1. Any person failing to comply with any reg- ulations or requirements of the duly constituted Health Offi— car of the Town of Fairhope, or who maintains on any premi- ses under his control, conuitions declared by such Health after notice by the marshal thereof, Officer to be dangerous to public healthy shall be fined, on 7u'e conviction t f, not less than-07 nor more than twenty dollars. ;section 2. Be it further ordained, that this ordin- ante shall be in effect from and after its adoption and pub- lication. clu7 N 4u y •pia r rj i �. �, �C �.-..f.-,! b 'fie% i, 14 See- 4. :soh ' /' Pleood on �opooitio r the or:nq a oc reto ballot +f � HaY be initiated ' Kate; po i�m tl :;h<Ql be -:nova as the r Ptzblla o, fj4 t on whioh the l,amoo 00 6 _Zittle 3:11ot1, _ The n "rJntod, rinah d �1 m Umbor Of votes o o lar elcetioa eriieiala a' -all . he Joritp op the 0 acainet ..uc tabalato the lapin tile rotor,. '.th'oposic;on aa�3oPted: oposytion. itot}�lhe little b;.,llot�h'nd ifs all p tUnd Ito Arovy tons anc, Cho11 be ao'nod to c e i tl*1„a b� the oitoto 4�22 coanoil a 'nano or aa. a�r,1 otherbe enforoed by tAll foroo and f o at k he cal- fe eo. G _ Po:_itioa ,i town orplciels ya •, ro °pre "soh ProPooltio saod by the town be Dot ' than ono* a year nc :;hall be :)laced �. ayty rate upon at an.7 one tiloo moro then five �, Lltc ballot not be Placed anon th ne Offered, the -1rat fivo fllo he' a be mo ro tea tj s ' hall ballot. wlth the 9C V—D-Do_ P Icy. 9 1 i "'Q1lL.J „�`. � �' l�-ec..f�+ /�[ ,%� list .• i �� . is • raC n P, -o 1 �rlr, lk P Be it ordained by the Town Jouncil of the' Town of r'airhope: • sepU 1. That , ordinance, order or resolution, for or in C +�br�u �+/ �2et`�q+�. m �'�v,�w�,.ae. �p '7 tv o-��+ _e C bohz,lf of the town of 2t-irhopa:may be initirted by a petition si nod b riot less than fiftcon � 8 percent of the reEi;;t%red voter of i.irhoyo. - - Sec. 2. —.'uch �2%4i4iot4 eh�:l]1 be a�tdrosAwn C"' sed to the o+ • • 4 +?e JAoPC.wM" doll "0 ftvih*c text* oil the JArier order or resolution, souVhi'for ad "- a petition that it be placed on tt:' tlon for the r. ov_1 or Cicap— in the follovrifl- form: To the 'ity dlcr " ,e, the ander of tl.o ';owr you to r' upon t ��,ad�•.d4 0,,, wu.�w. dr ccl�c Z1_�,,.,.,�.�_y � AN ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the Town Council III of Fairhope, Alabama, as follows: 1. That that part of the sidewalks in the Town of Fairhopo, Alabama, he-e- buface enumerated, be. paved with ce- ment walks four.(4) focc wide, and that cross walks at all intersections be paved with cement walks four (4) feet wide and six (6) inches ended et set grade in the center, both walks ea3 cross walks to be provided with culveate sufficient to take care of all drainage: The north side of Fairhope Avenue from School Street west to Bay View Avenue. The west side of Section Street from Magnolia Avenue south to -con- nect with the cement walk of W. P. Middles. The west side of Church Street from Fairhope Avenue south to Mor- phy Avenue. The Best side of Summit Street from Fairhope Avenue north in E. D. Swift'. north line. The east side of Bay View Avenue from W. S. Getty's north tine south to Fels Avenue. The north side of Fels Avenue from Bay View Avenue weld :o Mobile Avenue. The south aide of Cliff Drive from Bay View Aven. a west, to Mobile Avenue. The south aide of Magnolia Avenue from Summit Street west to Bay View Avenue. 2. That a competent engineer be employed to prepare full details, drawing Flans, specifications and mr- veya, which shall he on file in the of- fice of the Town Clerk. 8. That the expense of said con-struction and improvements be asaea- aed proportionately against the prop- erty abutting said streets and the said assessment shall be levied and collected in the manner provided by law. 4. That the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope; Alabama, will meet on the lath day of Afar., 1921, to hear any objections or remonstrances that may be made to said improvements and the manner of making the same or the character of the materials to be used. 5. Should the Council, after hear- ing all objections decide definitely to proceed to the construction and Im- provement of Streets along the routes above described it shall, by approprt- all be paid in ten Invents, the first to rty (30) days after shall have been traced by the Town Coven of Fafrhope, remainder annual - deferred payments at the rate of six anrium andto be a citing property as Wm. CALL, Mayor. GLADYS L LOWELL, Town Clerk. 29-2t. AN ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope, Ala- bama, as follows: I` It shall be unlawful -for any persom to skate or coast with roller skates, ns wago, ,unatei or other vehicles, upon any cement sidewalk now or hereafter laid in the Town of Fair - hope, Alabama. Any person violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than One Dollar or :Wore than Five Dollars. ' Attest: William Call, Mayor.39 It . Gladys Lowell, Clerk. IS V✓ El &Lt , A/7 13 W AN ORDINANCE. " BE IT ORDAINED by the Town 1/ Council of the Town of Fairhope,. Alaama, that section 47 of thecode!ofFairhope, Alabama be and the samTO-e1s hereby amendedsoas to read $s fol-tlows: aIt shall be unlawful forasZC i#�i person to ride a bicycle or motom cis j upon the streets „s sva:_•.___ _. i o. - + gnaw a tight in front 8.It shall be Unlawful wfol for any per- son to ride a 62yele or -motorcycle — �R (Bv on any aidewalk in the Town of Fair- hope, Alabama. _ if this ordinan er;hall the provisions ne fined not less than pen conviction, nore than Fifty Dollars. Dollar or \ttest: William call, Mayor .ladys Lowell, Clerk. 3yor. AN ORDINANCE Be IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of Fairhope, Alabama, as fol- lows: It shall be unlawful for any person above the age of twelve years to sp. pear on Fairhope Avenue, east of Bay View Avenue, ry� the Town of Fair - hope, Alabama, attired in a bathing suit unless the y2me is concealed by a coat or Cloak gqxtendiis from the neck to the knee5l, Any person vioon- l ]sting this ardinan shall, upon c- iction, be as qot as than One Dol- lar or more than $i ty Dollars. Attest: William Call, Mayor. Gladys Lowell, Clerk. I 39-it AN ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Town yo, .+moama, it., aecnon bs of the code of by-laws s.1d ordinances oI the Town of £airhoye, Alabama be and the same is hereby amended ea (e as to read as follows: Sallies 1. No person shall wilfully, '''�' //jjj intentionally, or recklessly ride iva,. driVe any animal on the streets' o Pr Fairhope at such speed, or in sachr,12 17 manner as to endanger any person or proSearty.ction 2. No pariah shall ride drive any animal within the Town - Limits that is unfit for such - maamark by reason of lameness, illness, rk ed emaciation or weakness afflicted with ;ores, collar galls or saddle galls. Section l No person shall cruelly or inhumanly beat, mime or otherwise; maltreat any dumb animal within the Town Limits. Section 4. Any Person violatingg any provision of this ordinance shall, V CiL,/N zzu e C rL. vv� (�711Y C onvmtmn, be fined not exeeed ve Dollars. William Call, Mayor. Lowell, Clerk. 39-1t. —r r AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE to regulate San - its arrangements at bathing beach- es, Pavilions end piers in Feirhope, Alabama. Be it ordained by the Town Coun- cil £-the Town of Feirhope, Ala., as ` follows: Section 1. Be it ordained that it shall Pe unlawful for any person, per - tons, firm, or corporation, to own, tun, control, operate or cause to be operated any bathing beach, pier, bath house, danemg hall, pavilion or like place, in the Town of Fairhope unless complying with regulations as here- inafter provided. Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation operating a dance Of,rtx..— pavilion, bathhouse bathing pie'f like place where suits are rented bathing or rooms or lockers prov' for bathers shall provide adeq eanitary toilets or privy mrm manta. Section 3. Where there is s cient elevation or sand dunes reg Pjt Privies may be allowed at dsscretion of the Health Officer, . erwiee case pool or septic tank r water flash toilet to be eyproved Mayor or Health O6cer, .hall be , strutted. Section 4. It shall be the duty the Town Marshal to patrol crm at pavilions, piers, bathing beat and like places to report to the M or or County Health Officer any, serrations as to insufficient to space. Xp AS OR AN Section 5, Every pflvilion„ Pier, dance hall, bath house, or like place shall be provided by the owner, man 'ager, or operator with separate to, lets for MEN and WOMEN, with conspicuous signs or placard. to di- rect to such toilet-. The placards, as well as the toilets must be lighted at night. The owner, manager or operator of any such place used by the public shall keep it in a clean and sanitary condition. Section 6. The County Health Of- ficer shall make frequent inspections and report to the Mayor and Town Council. Section 7. Any person, firm ,or corporation, violating any clause or section of this ordinance, shall up- on conviction be fined not to exreedl $50.00 for each offense , after written; Be it ordained the Town of 1 N Q� Section 1. It �person, Pere D introduce n u otter, any nt .the by er o£ t hope. Section 2. It c any yerson to c any bath house, in the water 0 1000 yards of a. house, or betbinl lice Jurlediction hope. Section 3. .4 any section of - upon conviction teed $60.00 for _ Section 4. B that copies of c,. ad in coneptcuou. ` ov. and near the beach picre and like l4 - places. r Section 6. All ordinances. parts of ordinances, or clause. thereof in con flict with this ordinance arc hereby repealed Approved May g, 19 I. M. Galbraith, M-Yoe. Attest: Gladys I. Lowell, Clerk. a AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE to re So, Italy arrangements at bathing beach- es, Alaba.ma.m..one and piers in Fairhope, Be it ordained by the Town Coun- follows: Town of Fairhope, Ale., As Section 1. Be it ordained that it I aooral pthm,Ia0, for any Person, per - run or corporation, to own control, operate or cause to n, be house, dancied ng hAlb,th,g beach, pier, bath -lace, to the To hall' Pavlhoa or like' nnmPlyin Town of F-'-r f g- with regain Section Sboth vbo se or like Place .hall be Pror ovided by the owner, men- lek " or MENtoand with sepstar e toi-, Conspicuous siggns WOcy with teat Co such toilet-.orTh. placard., Alacmda to la well as the toilets must be lighted at night. The owner, manager or operator of any such Place used by the public shall keep it in a clean and sanitary condition. flcartion eshall0makeThe frequent insap¢CG'oO>e and report to the Mayor and Town Council. coon 2. Any pe !ration operating s ia-, bathhouse b -lace where suits - ng or rooms or III !.there shall pro' !cy collate or pe than a. Where t elevation or sand rieles may 6e al :ion of the Health aces pool or aept _ flush toilet to be - - or Health Officer, on 4. It -hall he and like �o a' Pieta, bait or like to report - nervations Y Health Off , space. As to !naafi ' fir/ %�!cr'•!c �'•- ` l _ _. _._ ti �4 6 AN OR3 1 ,i/ r%( (/ /;I-/ pollutin ao�.;.: / r , %'L r v Be it ord, of the Tow Section 1, Section 2. t any person any bath h I. the waf 1000 yards 1 jhouse; or but lice luriedict hope. Section 3. any section f upon convict-,. ceed $50.00 for each offense. Section 4. Be it further ordained that copies of this ordinance be post- ed in coneptcuoue places at, around placeend near the beach pier. and like .. Section b. All ordinances, part, of ordinance., or claue,s thereof in can flict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved May g, 1022, I. M. Galbraith, Mayor. Attest: Clad vs I. Lowell, Clerk. E Town Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE to regulate Priv-+ is. and the Means of Disposing of Human Excrement in the Town of: Fairhope, Alabama. 1. Be it ordained by the Town�i Council of the Town of Fairhope, Ala-, hams that it shall be unlawful for any i person, firm or corporation to build, have, maintain own or use, any Privy or house or pace of like purpose in the Town of Fairhope, that is un- sanitary or is likely to become a men- ace to Public Health. 2. Any Privy, house or place of like purpose in the Town of Fairhope is m be considered as unsanitary till it be approved and passed as sanitary by the County Health Officez, who is me chin, City Health Officer of Fair - hope. 3. All privies, houses or places of like purpose in the Town of Fairhope ball be so constructed as to exclude - flies, vermin and an other animals; fTown Council of the Town of Fair- end built and constructed as not hope, Alabama. (' to pollute, soil or contaminate the sur- V face of the ground. 8. All Pit -type of privies n- 1. All privies, houses or places of trusted in the Town of Fairhope shall like purpose constructed or built in be built according to plans, specific-- 'fro 4, r the Town of Fairhope shall be built bons and blue prints on file at the J office of the Town Clerk, Fairhope, over a pit or bole dug in the ground of not less than 5% feet deep, 3% Alabama. a-u feet wide and 5 feet long; said pit to 9. Any person, firm, individual or be dark and fly tight, the seat holes corporation violating any of the pro- 1/�uni CEO-eNt.eel� �ly(i(/-k x provided with covers, and any ven- visions of this ordinance shall upon (� tilator or flue to be screened, and the iorovictimi be fired not more than / \ Z 7 - dirt dug out of the pit shall be piled $50.00 and may be sentenced to. hard up and banked around the top oY the labor for the Town of Fairhope FJt pit so as to prevent the entrance of a period of 30 days at the discretion rain water, and in soil where needed, of the Court. (� Y sufficiently curbed to prevent caving. IB. All laws or Ordinances of the 5. Every such pit shall have added Town of Fairhope, or parts of same, i1KrlE�'Gjt^f/ly to it at least twice a month a small in conflict with. any section or sec - can of concentrated caustic potash or time of this ordinance are hereby re - lye by theuser, and the or shall pealed. likewise be responsible for in 11. Should any section sections the seaa c t, house and floor in a cleaan f this ordinance be declared void, rt, ands All se condition. legal or unconstitutional force any court, Q 6. All septic tanks, pose pools and o shall not affect the Yorce or validity t y� slikehall water service disposal systems of the remainder. shall be so constructed asa to be free so 12. Every person, firm or cotpor shall from odor and offensive not vapors, and to lion in the Town of Fairhope shall built and used as not t, contaminate within 30 days after ish the passing, li- the ground surface or to be a menace proving and publishing of this ordi- to Public Health. nanre, comply therewith. 7. All pees pools, septic talcs and 13. The emergency of the case de - like water service disposal systems mantling it, this ordinance shall go shall be approved by the Health 0&- into eRect nomediatoly after its adop- per after due mospect�on; and R so_ lion. Approved Was. Call, Mayor Attest Gladys I. Lowell, Cheek. - and r i J �✓"r' l �F" a ilk � �� L(AK �YL 'fil/ Iz ✓ (/Az/G�G[,(w j/-pc,d-Pi�rrgp '7� �-z%.+-��.•e c , /�y ir.�-cyf-iw c+ - e� I ---- - - � — --���� -:� , off✓ �2� . J AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE to regulate San- - etaey arrangements at bathing beach- es, Pavilions and piers in isireach Alabama. Be it ordained by the Town Coun- fOil of -the Town of Fairh ollow.: ope, Ala., as Section 1. Be it ordained that it .hall firm lawful for any person, per. sona, or corporation, 0 , control, operate or o °1V°' operated any bathingcause to be house, dancing ball pbea. , pier, bath Place in the Town of Favih°n or like comp{yin eirhope unless B with regulations ae here- inafter provided. Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation operating a dance hall or' pavilion, .bathhouse but pier or like place where suits are rented for far bathing or thers am or lockers provided sanitary t- shall provide adequate meats.y t°tleis or privy arrange tion aitent elevation o�sandere tdare ea lregn di.lar rre en of the be allowed at the erwise teas Health Ot6cer, nth. water ft Paul °to abets tam with j Mayor . Health OtRcer, shall bed by e Mayor be coa- at3ection 4. It shall be the duty. of e pav n sea III to patrol crowds . and like pier., bathing beaches or or Countcea to report to the Mayy II 'I eervetione y Health Officer any T space. to insu6icicnt tailed) Section 6. Every pgvilion,. Pier, dance hall, bath house, or like place shall be provided by the r like man .agar, or operator with separate toi- lets for MEN and WO1'rYEN, with conspicuous signs or placards to dl- rect to such toilets. The plararda, as well as the toilets must be lighted at night. The owner, manager or operater of any such place used by the public shall keep it in a clean and sanitary condition. Section 6. The County Health Of - free shall make frequent inspection. and report to the Mayor and Town Council. rson, firm ,or any clause or nee, shall up - not to ve..nd Section S. An a .r'nenrs.t Of ordinances in confii,t swithpthda are hereby repealed. Section 9. Should any section oej clause of this ordinance be declared. .all or ill.gsl by any court, it shelll not affect the any o4 the meat ofj the ordinance. Section 10. The Health and Wel-� fare of the public demanding it this ordinance shall go into effect immed- tion. iately after its passage and publica- Approved:; May g, 1922, I. M. Galbraith, Mayor. Attest: Gladys I. Lowell, Clerk. ,,- '67 � AN ORDIT'AdgCE AN ORDINANCE to prevent faced Pollution of beach and water at Bath- ing Beaches in Fairhope, Alabama. Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Fairhope as follows: Section I. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons or' other party to mte.duce human excreta or fecal matter, by any means whatsoever, in- to the water of the Bev at env rrirf 2. It n to Section S. Any person violating any section of this ordinance shall l upon conviction be fined not to ex- ceed $50.00 for each offen.e. Section4. Be it further ordained Oink copies of this ordinance be post- ed in cons ppm place.. uous places 'at, around ' and near the beech piers and like Section 6. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, or clauses thereof in con 0ict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approve) May g, 3922, I. b(. Galbraith, Mayor. Attest: Gladys I. Lowell, Clerk. @ Lr On-i; - C (zyo) AN ORDIN..NCE Be it ordained by the Town Council of Fairhopc, dlabama the Section 14 of the code of erdinances be ammended to read 5 as follows. Section 1. That no building or structure, other than a fence not to exceed the heighth of four feet; except in ao- oordance with the following provisions and restrictions. Section 2. In blocks where there are no buildings, none shall br erected nearer than thirty feet from the siaoialk es- eept buildings erected:for Mercantile purpos -s. Section 3. All flues shall be built of brick or cement only. Section 4 The word "block" as used in this ordinance s shall be construed to mean any one of the four sides of a egnare facing on one street. Where a building is situated on a corner, it shell -be considered, for the.purpose of this ordinance, to be in the block from which it faces, provided, however, that the side of no corner building, shall be nearer than fifteen rest to the side street. � .:✓t.�.�. rf'�uf.'�u a ru/ `^�r��i. �dei��zr��-e l.�-.-..e kfl Il j1y` TOWN ORDINANCE IT' ORDAINED BY THE I `s '!SOWN COUNCIL BY IALABAMA as follows: F` That WHEREAS the Tee�vt gro qr 4, i e i" ryyyyy �����/ and development of the Town'of Fwph- Lope is such that the capacity i Town electric light plant is made-�r quate to properly keep pace with the /+ " r C' needs of the mhabitanta and: WHEREAS to properly supply the C�/'"' ` C.II-! CCCSS�L✓✓✓ residents of the Town and keep pace ))t with the growth logical]gggggg'to be aa- tic ipated, it is pseessaaZ that said / Therefore: be added to, .enlarged. ,-U,-' , Therefore: BE IT ORDAINED that an election {' be held ov Monday, the the qua day R,G •G( ewe el April, 1923, where y the qualified elect of Fairl/bp may decide hether or not bgf�de £the muinci- / parity shall be iAsued1 a the dextent d.1- of not exceydce' welve oueavd dal- lags. the prhe a of th same to used far the 'Purpose f obtaia5ng additional re inery an labor and material 'net scary to nlarge the present light plant, said ands to he the denomination of a hundred rousts seer'( to bear rote est at the VVV��r ��_ ''' _�7or C' rate of six per cent per a nuts , pay- able semi-annually, and stoI ten yeana, ' re in BE IT FURTHER O�DAINED that the Mayor of Fairhope shall at net give the notice prescribed by law sad appoint such election oNicers and take such other steps toward the. proper and orderly rondact of such electiomas is provided by the raw, of Mob me and in a ccrdaa,c with the practices Of bond elections in maniei- palities. in canfli twithte or this e,didavice sof t here .by repealed. _ Adopted March 22, 1923.� GLADYS LOWELL,RCIerT, Mayor. a An Ordinance. Irish the isstmnes of Elee- Heads to the amount of would dollars by the Tow, c, Alabama. Be it ordained by the Town Fairhope as follows: That be issued by the Town of ditl7o�e.l. machinery and labor and ma- µµ•a�$i'nece0sary to enlarge the present clip¢r h,%hghting plant for and in said mttddcipal corporation. t. Sec. 2. That said bonds shall bear •'�d$ty of May 1, 1923 a4d shall become (� a and payable at the expiration of ten years from said data, and shall A' bear interest at the rate of six percen- tom per annum, payable semi-annual- ' b• on the first day of Nov. and the first dev of May in each Year, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the Bank of Fairbope in the Town of Fairhope, Stale of Alabama. said Town ne. The signst,. turee of sand ➢layer and Treasurer lithographed thereon. See. 4. Said bonds shailthave in- terest coupons and shall be`substan- tially in the following form: United States of America State of Alabama Baldwin County Town of Fairhope Vo...._. Electric Light Bond $500.00 Know All Men By These Presents: that tote Town -of Fairhope in Baldwin County, Alabama, is indebted to and for value received hereby promises to pay the bearer five hundred dollars on the 1st day of May, 1923,. with in- terest thereon at the rate of six per- centum per annum, payable semi-an- nually on the lst,day of Nov. and tat day of May each year, on presentation and surrender of the annexed cou- Fairhope, State of Alabama, and the said municipality is hereby held and firmly bound, and its faith, cred- it, revenue and property are hereby pledged for the payment of the prin- cipal and interest hereofat maturi- ty: This bond is one of a series of twenty four bonds of like date, tenor effect aggregating twelve thous- dollars. is-ned be the Town Coun- `of said municipality for the far, pass of obtaining additional machin- ery and 'labor and material necessary to enlarge the -present electric light ng plant for and in said municipal corporation, under and by authcon of and in accordance and full com- rliance with the Genera] Laws o{ the State of Alabama and eepevi0 f Act No lob approved Agnat 26th 1909 and rdinand a„n, .... _.._.,__ own Umme l of the con the 22d day of and on Ir at ffist recited declared that ebt anelections,. dered by the Town Council of said munfcipailty and duly and regularly held on the 30th day of April 1923. there was submitted to the qualified electors of said municipality the prap_ exotica to issue said bonds for said Purpose- that at .said election a majority of the said electors voting at said election were in favor of the issuance of said bonds, es as- certained and declared by the Board of Canvassers, and recorded in the minutes of the proceedings of said municipality: that all acts condi- tions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of said bonds' have been properly done, have happened and been per- formed, and in regular and due formas ' by the law add that said indebtedness does not ez eed any stat- utory limitations. In testimony wherepof Wde.der- signed officers of the'Town of Fair - hope, in Baldwin Coor% Alabama be_ Ing duly authorized to execute this obligation on behalf of the said mu- nicipality, have hereunto set our ofi- cis] signatures and impresxed hereon the official seal of said municipality as of the 1st day of May, A. D. 1923, Countersigned interest Coupon pe Nov. 1. win the Town la ama hope in Baldwin County, Alabama, will pay to the bearer fifteen dollars lawful money h the United States of America, at the Hank of Fairhope. Athe Town of Fairhope, State of Alabama. being six mouths interest due on its electric light bold dated May NO. Countersigned d _...___..._Treasurer, .._..... ._.....Mayor. Sec. 5. That said bonds shall be ex- empt from all taxes to the State of Alabama, the County of Baldwin and Sec. 6. That no omission o1• irregu- larity in the record of proceedings of the Council in the issganee of said bonds nor any omission or neglect of any o0ichd charged with the exeeu- tion of any duties imposed upon him by the law in the connection with the issuance of aid hands shall effect the validity of any bond issued under this authority: the said bond and in- terest coupon sball have all the prop- erties of commercial paper and ,after maturity thereof shall be re- main' of all taxes and dues to tIP. Town of Fairhope: - Towo 7 That n of FafrbaneloI say O'dinortion heree t.fare taken iq onfiiet herewith be and the same is hereby repealed. I. M. Galbraith, Diaygr, t� Glgdys Lowell, Clerk. i z4 a, tC� 2L JJ F9 0 ® ORDINANCE Governing the inspection of fresh) .l aw fish oysters, markets and ap-I antes. e it Oouncill ofBF Irh pe,ned by the Alabama, Tthatl the oErce of Impactor of fresh m] for the Town of Fairhopeeats , cash and the same is hereby created. Sec. 2. That immediately after the 1, passage and publication of this Ordi-I nonce the, Town Cannon shall sleet a at" his and competent person as meat Inspector, and such Inspector shall hold office daring the time of Council electing him, or Iuntil his avccefiaoeod shall have been elected and qu...am{ ri which thehMeyorrend Council shall be +ote edge, he may at any time be dismissed se from rvice. See. I It sFrlt be the duty a? such Inspector to inspect all animals If every kind, nature and description, after slaughter, when same is slough-. tered by or for any butcher or deal - limits Im doing besides. in the corporate limits of the Town of Fairhope Alae burns, And judge as to the fitness of such animal or animals for human consumption. Further, all animals or carcasses subject to this inspection shall be intact with such organs as Inspector may designate, atS t twice . 4. The Inspector shall visitI shops, meat markets, and othat places Where fresh meats, fish , and oysters are kept for sale, and inspect stock on hand with all appliances theused in handling of same. Re shall re- quire at all times wholeeome meats, fish and oysters, and a sanitary con- dition of markets, shops tools and othetrgpplihmA. - But. 6. AD persons peddling or de_ liverinring meat shall have their con- veyance equipped with a fly proof dust proof box. , Sec. 1, The Inspector's sole coni Placation for animals or .amass-in- spectom shall be Ope dollar and Fifty cents for each be, and seventy-five cents each for other animals inspect- ed. Said fee to be paid by the batch - era or dealers. For market inspec- tions he shall charge and collect fifty mate per week from each deals, in fresh meat, fish and oysters, or any or of these prodgcts. c.7. Be it fmthm m-dapse tnit} any Inspector failing or timing to' inspect, or, passing an onal u fii for human food, or in any way I - gross neglect of- duty, allow_ do' h'c .- some products under his '-perils*onl sold or food, shall be deemed a-Ity f a misdemeanor and ,on con, Iclion, For same shall be fined not less than' ten, and not more than fifty dollars) for each each offense: I Sec. 8. All persons, firms or car-' porationa retailing or healing in fresh ..is within the corporate limitf Is the Town of Fairhope, Alabama she,,. be under the terms of this ordimm-c, classed as butchers, and be governed, by the same regulations; provided however, that persons ay sell .f ' their own raising, dressed hogs, kiz and mutton whole, after the same `a been passed upon by the Inspector and classed good, and a fee of mv- emy-five cents far each such dressed animal has been paid for said idspm- tlen. Sec. 9. Any person, firm or cor- poration dealing in fresh meats, fish and oyster., or any of these products, shall be required at all times, to keep shops, wagons, appliances and stock in trade in a sanitary condition, and to permit inspection of same when pilled upon for that purpose. See. 9. It shall be unlawful for fay party or parties to sell or offer for sale, for human food, any animal sr mrcaes condemned by the Inspm 1cr. Further, any party or partlex Failing or refusing to eemply with spy of the provisions of this ordi- nance, shall be deemed guilty of a mademeanor and upon conviction for lame, be fined not less than ten o noro than fifty dollar. for each such See. 10. Be it further that all ordinances and pe diced... emulating the he selling ofr fresh meats, fial tees and heretofore in fm rows of Fairhope. Alaban s passage by , of Fairhope, pubjication in� oI papers.I I. M. GALBRAITH, Mayor, Attest; GLADYS LOWELL, Clerk AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED BY TR TOWN COUNCIL OF FAIR$OPE ALABAMA; that it shall be unlawfu t roof or cover any home, building shed or structure paw standing o hereafter to be erected within the murubipal limits of al lips wfith wooden shingles or any wooden ma- , h arial or any covering other than a aon-infmmmable material ouch as elate, tile, asbestos, romposltian roof- ing or other material of like eF.nrac- J ter not subject to be ignited by parks. PROVIDED thnt nothing in this ordinance shill prohibit the repair to at amount not it one-tent m extent during any calendar year to Any shingle or wDfidor roof now law- �Ifu11 a *sting when proper permit to tllf� affa.1 hall have been gsan'ted 1 h Clerk, c V ^O i y 7- ,frr� SECT'011 2. BE IT FU ORDAINED that any person, assI R E ation or corporation who shall violate' the provisions of. this ordinance shall - // /a 1 / 1 think fined not less , a five net more ca'INrO/ t-r: GCt./f.OeJ 42re7 /V„Lyy� {� than fifty dollars, and each day y y% r continuance or maintenance of e any q t shingle a wooden roof erected r 4..+4 caa(en 'i constructed in violation of this ordi- Imote shall be deemed a separate' wal.,yriOr� itfrty -z offense and punished e such. eII 4 SECTION 8. s 0.. IT FURTHER t�2 ORDAINED that any ordinance in conflict with this is hereby repealed. SECTION 4, This ordinance abell it If23 Isidore effective upon its passage. I, LB H, Mayor.Attest, Gladys 1. Lowell, Clerk M.•t�� QQ.. / �/,�4 tl� r z . ti 'i rJiYiPs ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT TEE DISCHARGE P OF DENSE SMOKE INTO THE OP- EN AIR. SECTION 1: Be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town o' Faisfiope that the emission oe dis_� charge into the In air of denoel smoke within the orp... te limits the Town of Fahluipe. when the esm,. to the comfort Or muses dams t, tat Pro perty of the cuts,,, o£ the Town of Wairhppe, is heehv prohibited and made unlawful. The owners111-t. le=sees.ny build nts, man seers or .,eats of a building, establishment or aremiscs, arivate dwellings ex rptwl f nhich dnse smoke is o iniurieoclo fine o£ not less than T,-Il,i a tars, net more than One Hund ed Died tars. Each and every day whereon) such dense smoke, as first above de- fined. shall be emitted r discharged into the ooan air in the Town of Fair - hope, shall constitute a separate of - it or provided however, that in any it shall eooaeadings under this sectioe. son, firm. good _;£epee if the par alter or agents, w to the Ccharged with vio_ lotion thereof shall shoourt or jury trying the facts with the curt essary probative effect, according to n- the rules of evidence established u der the laws of the State of Alaba- ma. that there is no practical device, anpliance, "are. fuel. way or meth- od by the application or use•.of whic'{t w his Or its building, er rhaN.�nery, engine or boiler, establiahmavc ar, denseplor,s,oismoke, injurious oto ithe healthf comfort or property Of tI citizen, Of the Tocm ,.e c.:_i___ - could have been rn that prnceeding, SECTION 2: B everted. ed that v e it further ordain - at a new fire being built, or fire bnx leaned, this ordinance shall not apply for a period o4 time). If to mbiatea. SECTION e is Be it further ordain-� thi s this ordinance shall exoressh• epee) all ordinances bearing upon. this subject. SECTION 4: Be it further ordain -I ed that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days af- ter its adoption and publication 'n eome newspapf1er published in the Town Of Fair One Adopted August 27, 1M I. b1. GALBRAITH, M.viw Attest: GLADYS LOWELL, Clerk. l �Q gi O$DINANCE SUBDIVISION E: It shall be the BE IT ORDAINED BY TgE / dots cf the town oarsaa] TOWN COUNCIL OF FAIRHOPE deputies tp impound an and his AS FOLLOWS:t far. y dog found be upon the streets without a That Section 40, raK or in a diseased condition, or thaE of the-'Vivnicipall is vicious or egg_sucking, and immed- Ordinances o£ the town � FairhopeI' be amendad_Io gead-se � ixt t upon sneh seizure to past no- SEC,'V N 40. ems' lice thereof in ft'out of the Post Office, That no do SUBDIVISION A Riving the time and place of taking g shall be allowed at Gh r an', a heserintion of the oniony If ty upon the streets of Fail hope hat) the .carts,. of said dog does not ap- does not wear a calla,. to which shall) Pear within three days thereafter and be attached a numbered tag issued by the Towv.Chok, secure an identification tag if the cicrein get oat under -`the roydi__ animal is onidontified, or make prop 1 ngemente for reatraining the S'ciout } y'fi B-.l No dog, whath`=1 am °'a1 i£ diseased, vicious or addicted or rveexi.9 a license or not, shall run 1O r'gg-suckivg, and at large upon the streete of nPense n£ sneh t pay the cost and hope that is a8lictad Fair- marshal's {ee o{ ak'ng, including the such as Jistem er, with any disease) one dollar and the P rabies, mange or, loom o£ twenty-five cents per day for other canine ailments or known to be feeding the animal, vicious or irritable, or -hall be sold at thou ouch dog a 'e6'nggs-- addiN.ed to Pound at noon of then thrir at the SUBDIVISION C: No tag shall the date day from be issued except upon the written haul of acisim 9hon] d no bid be made daring said sale audieient to %signed application of the h.�nce of Pay the marshal's £se and costa, the the dog, stating the age color, marshal shall kill such do and breed, together with the na ne mane mariner, end disposeof its re - and adhu- dress of the owner, and away- mains in away not offensive i deb rantY that"such dog 1s not diseased, / rimental to public health. vicious or addicted to =uckin- I The marshal and his deputies, for 'which information shall be Leptg bye the purpose of talon the Clerk in a well bound book and at large in the streets contra dog sang numbered to correspond with the num- I I Proviaiohs of to the this ordinance, rn oNer bar of the to issued and the informs- S to capture such do me tin. thus furnished shall the g• Y enter upon .red be ronairt geomda or into out -house, of any prima facie er�i,ence in any court a private property. but no should question arise as to the owner- •!A/)/a reaidence. tbto any ship, condition and habits.£ the said SUBDIVISION dog. 1,or the isc ue of such tag a terferih 6f Any person in feecfcone dollar shall be paid to the I g with ou obstructing the mar- chul: r the use f the town ar.d Ishal or his deputies in the disehargi, said tug shall bs valid for the eaten- ( der ima, Tags issued shay ba of duty under this ordinance, shall be the calendar year. but, i Rood furl [guilty of a misdemeanor and p portion o£ fused for any conviction be fined not ty-fiveexceeding calendar year, a nro- itei"tnate charge for the unexpired hard labor act seconding twenty H a ,term shall be node at the rate of days at the discretion twenty -flue cents foe each of the Court, £ractipA,thercof. 9uarter or, SUBDIVISION H: This ordinance SIGN D: The owner of I ll shall go into effect January I, 1924. any dog permitting same to \ Adapted August 24, 1923' n�rge u on g° al I. M. GALBRAITH, 5fay.,, a the streets without an s\ ` Attest: Glad eeimication tag as ,herein provided,) 1 Gladys Lowell, Clerk. r contrary to the peovisio' of Ili.. B shall be I d of held 'no., laboe _ ,n doll. o enter d t,haxd i I cteti of to a eel ten at the dis-� - \\� l% o Sc-�7loN .�- a7 9 � 1 , W e:G' P6IO ORDINANCE To Prevent G the Maina ntence of Grose or Weeds Over. One Foot r ` Be ft ordained by the Town Council SPAY �� CL 04 Fairhope, Alabama, as follows: !� Section 1. It shell be ` for or any owner or occupant off any any lot parcel of ground within the corporate Gloof the Town of Fairhope, to love allow or maintain thereon any. `�j�frn.�v 7 �✓// /J +�\ a wthover 0fweeds or grass to to heighfb, /_ �/ clusters over one foot, except that small / Aa r a / 'VYi clusters of l s , may grasses sued I. (i(' 9 (�� eo pampas glass, may be maintained For ornamental purposes, or grass Two For hay crop; and any person. firm, asaoriafion or corporation who /D shall violate the provisions of this `-b�yp ordinance shall he fined net less than ( / one dollar our more than fifty dollars O. .. and the Town will have said grass hOr e weeds at and charge same to the o properiY,� - Secthis 2. Be c further, k, cffed:t That this more ce shall tales effect /CN rfLfJ and be in force fr"o.+"-.E;'Ler its 'adoptiov and puklp. s - Adopted.,June 9, 1 I. M. GALI*',Te. Mayot4 . Attest; Gladys Lowe O}rgs '3UILDf,tIRDINANCE� VI,' Be it ordained by the Town Coun-' I cil of the Town of Fairhope, Alsy ne-e b edi.thatSectiondeofthecodeofOrdinances be emended t0 read es Sol-Section-1. That no building or'structure,other than a fence eat 11be ere the exiepth of four feetshahr be erected except in accordance with the following provisions and restric- tions. J Seed n 2. No building shall et erected nearer than 30 feet totheloll r1 be line except buildings ere teat for mer candle purpos_ where a buildingT is situated he a corner, it shall be not n a an,nearer that the building shah on not nearer than 30 ft, to the lot line on. eiti,ee street. rp Section 3. All offlue.b shall be bent 13£ ��12 y iuSe the ground of brick shall cement v ( J Section 4. Be it further ordained teat any person, l violate a or- `- visions who shall violate the pr0- rsfons of this ordinance shall be fined not less than five ear more than fifty d.11and a and each day continnce and maintenance structure in violation with anyy y provision uaprovision of this ordinance shall be deemed a separate offense and punished as such. Section 5 Be it further ordained) than say ordinance in conflict with Vila ordinance is hereby repealed. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be come effective upon -its adoption and publlcatfcn. - Adopted June 9,.1924rr11,,-� 1, M, RA11H, Mayor. Attest: Gladys t.. g, J 1) .� STOCK LAW AMENDMENT III -�'— Be it ordained b y' animal and treat same in hur ail of the Town of P the Torte Coun- 'harmer, jn .• order d reel that section 42 o me OPe, Alabama' s me• the oA$ea of said animal'- '-noes of the f the code of Ord- paf the Marshal the sum amended to read ne to Of FT-rhope bel lar and also fifty cents of�nee each day of the' • per day Any Swine, Goats, Shee farlm'e of said a d-tentbm and r Jacks, Moles or animals of the cowl jive days after the atO do ao wl rate 31. . at large within- he torpo-, - vrpheaded, the Marehal came tg. Of the m.,.,.. _ to hsl __ y ana ehaFl immediatel past re tme in front of y past a no. bidder, in frost of the asit in h gheat Yore stating the Mayor's Office Eakin g the time and Pleee o4 Office '4Od aPnly the proceeds of said sale first to such g and describing the animal in pounded, and the £ -'-due far such im- Rly,nk notice that if mid animal is not recla,med within five days from the da F'nundinR. includin f one dollar fo Ran additia- fce ing and all Ira al Y of such Cak. R fcea for such im- rile r making the asle, and balance if say, to pav over Poundin ,c '-tog Paid, it will be sold at Dub- rY in front of the M Mfice at Mayor's weer of the sa mal. If no owtbt ner' apepears to claim same the noon on the fifth da Buck taking. y afteF a shh it be Paid over to the Town Clerk to be held by For his service in i - animal, feedin '-Pounding said R the her at the end Of Which he time thirty days. if no owner appears it shall 1ngg notice, same and post- HHed callthe Marshal shall be _ eP be Town Paid into the i&acury. a fee It one dollar for each animal taken Per head Adopted September, eth 1924 Attest up and in his 'ne"' Y and fifty cents a day for feed- iuR each animal. I. M. Galbraith) GladLowejl- lie shall feed said Mayo, I D-1 1 ^ �,� .✓ - '� •AN OR117� RE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Foope, Ala- bama as follows: i Sec. 1. That the salary of the May- or shall be three hundred dollars per anmm., payable >donthly. Sec. 2. The the salary of the Clcuk shall bg' seven hundred eighty dollars per num, payable monthly. Sec 3. A"y amanee or part of ordinance in conflict with this ordi- nanc0� hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance to take a- fect October 1, 1924, Adapted September30, 1924. Attest: Gladys Lowell, Clerk I. M. Galbraith, Mayor. C�y�''L2�cy�T CA,7'- `�,Jp ' /•1 fY��.-._2.�. ��(/fy' � I/ 4 �`• r/ O' 'V v-4-•Cr-•-a 2t:Y yy �CJ<-a-�C_¢/�['� ...,_� °''atb.�`>t ANMIDINANGE BE IT DFDAINED P. 4he Town Council of the Town of Fatvhope; Ala- U A' Lama as follo� ,: 1. That curb and gutter. Culverts and stern, s he cansteacted o rover that p.r4 of the sttnels 1n Cho Town of Y)tirhnye, Alabama as fall.,.,: on FIN Ave. at the Intel - section Fels Ave. and Summit St. thence. West on the North and South sidesofFels Ave. to Mobile Ave. Beginning at Stack's Gulley Bridge - South on the Est sad Week aides of Mobile A,e to Pier St B,,irali, at the inteseftic. of Fan hot c A,, n l Bay View Ave. on the Fast aho West sides of Bay View A vs. to 1 Is Ave Beginning at the intersection ofil the W st side of Section St. to ! With sldewalirs- on the streets as follows Beginsg at the' mtereection of In Gabel a at West ov the e Ave. from mpe Ave. an at side of I _s l 3.-Tsb tlicsb�mipimSeFnet—tis-sshiall be made under the sapmvhe of llu- rant Engineering Campavy. 4. That the expense of said con- strocfion and imprcwements to the amount of not to 'creed $25,in000.00 be, assessed proportionately,. agast the property abutting on said streets and the said assessments shall be levied and collected in the maraca. Provided by law. 'Y. That the Town Council of the Town of Faih pe will et on. the lath day of Jan..,,, 1925, to hear may bject as of merit costhat may be mad, to said improvements and the ma et of making the same or the usedchar. t of the materiels to be . G. That the grade of the streets ab nest 1 n let,,, ordinance ed and the ms s he eby established by the plans end 1 tfofShe ➢t Hang �; Company moday, now on file the old, of the Town Clerk tag all .objections decide definitely to proceed totheibanstruction add h proveIndent of attacks along the route above described it shall by appropriate ordinance provide that the A25,000.00 In be thus expanded pad assessed . against the abutting property stall be paid in ten yeurly mstal..... the first to be paid' within thirty days after said construction shall have. b�en cam- platcd and annrwca hd 'Es m...,m rmw eve.; Meuse eoutn on red East . "'^""' , ar m.ay Inerrant, side of Bay View from the interece- said deferred payments to bear inter- tion of Bay 4isw Ave. and Fairhope eat at the rate of six per cent per Ave. to Fels e¢ve.; thence West on ...ad, and to be a hen upon the the South gddp;'of Fels Ave, from in- ➢a sting property sv assessed unt➢1 - y tcreection of `Bay View Ave. and Fels g. 'That the ease o£ improving Ave. to Mobile Ava., with cross walks e p at the intersection of Bay View Ave. interaectiovs of the streets togethm and Fels Ave. on the South side of v:ith-culverts shall be included in the Fels A,.. and at the 'vtets,rde. f � cost of said streets and proportioned Bay View(Ave and Fela'Avc. on the as such against all abutting praperty. East Bidet of Bav View Ave. 9. Any ordinance op Part of ordi- That a Steel Bridge of ten (10)ton Hance in conflict wit91 this .ordinance carrying capacity beconstruoted on u herehy repealed, Ba 'Iayji@y. Adopted December 22, 1924. 2. at thesb-i dvech p a shall I. M. GALBRAITH, Mayor. be made in an arms witty plans and Attu: Gladys Lowell, Clerk. apse,ficatied. of" "rant Engineering � Company now o file in the lfice of - the Town Clerk �f Fairhop ,Alabama. G�t Cc Ct cv'vuc./ Gv� l fJu �t(,�j" tau ��� e� �., 40, k.� i P.Ga->,1,QP.w a %I r y 42 y Qom. UU.w` Lii,c �ccvL lAuru.Pit, d�L ca-- .,��th a. A/ / 9.2 4 lnn/ oi. r�, r9zy 9 AN ORUINANCE That anyy�g" ur moro'of th' issue _,*, aP bonds map be paid off at any in - Be itrdial ined by the TL cpn ,d terest period in which event thOrTo'a of Town of Fairhope, Alabameeq,fol-' shall 'apt be liable 'or interest be - was low t yand:ea9d interest period; provided That ursvant to an saline a� that notice of such intention he given,. - sed DO,. 22, 1904, tfi it the foPowing not less then three weeks prior to, Street and Sidewalk improvemen Ls such intery� ¢rind in writing ad - are to be made as follows: dressed to'M� holder of such bond at 1. his last knbfvjt ylaec of addresa and STREET IMPROVEMENTS deposited in the Post Office at Fair- j Heginnir�g nt the intersection ai ' hope, Alnbema, an addressed, and with' Fairhope Ave, and Section 9t. Somh postage fully Prepaid. In event last, m the West side -f Section 9t, to, the address up f fielder of 9acb bond) florally Ave., a amb and butter anal shall not be known, then such notice will pav to bearer on the first day of sWrm s ms. - shall be given by pablication once a AprilDew Also I.egbning at Stack's Colley Iweek far three seautive asks m nlawful lvdney of the United States w bridge, South on hoth aides of Moil a newspaper pnb iehed the Town at the Bank of Fairho a Fairho bile Ave. to Pier St., u Garb and, got- �uumberhopa, describing the bond by Alabama, being annual interest due ter and storm §ei-0`ers, provided further that said on Street Improvement Bond Series Also been pipgg..ggt the mtat Wthal bonds shall be retired m their rever- No. 4, Number _ of Summit t and b'e]s Ave Wbst on ' and at I rical order. Facsimile Signature I. M. Galbraith both sides fFels p ¢ to fobilu..1 +'9aE the ancia q�--asid hoed Mayor. a orb and Rutter id t s ers icha u substaaeiel9y as follows: I i a eprcaaec wilh chaos and sae $ Np ENDORSEMENTONificatiois of Durant Engineering, TOWN OF FAIREOPE STREET OUTSIDE OF BOND CompenyTmi file in office f Town IMPROVEMENT BOND, SERIES Bond No. United State. of Clerk..T0 0 of Fairhope, Alabama. 7N�Os. 4. America, State of Alabama, Town of SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS IJE,N,NOW ALL k�/ By THESE PRES Fairhope. Street Improvement Bond t Beginnhg at the West Eide-of Sec ANTS, that the own Ofd-Fairhope,) I Seri idNb a. 4. shall be executed id the thin St. West oa the North -aide o£. promisee Fahb. Ave. to the West side of to pay the bearer hereof, st the Banks name of. the Town by the Mayor and Town Kmpmg, Station, g&Oui foe: of Fairhope, in the Town of Fairhope � Clerk and the seal of the Town affixed' roncmto walk with Grose walks a[ Alabama, the- sum of thereon, brit the coupons thereon may Church St,-Summi4St. and Bay View Dollars in lawful money of the United bear the facsimile signature of the Ave, States of America, on the first day Mayor. Also beginning at the South side of of April, 1935, tagether with later - On or before such interest period, Magnolia Ave., South no the West e t on same from the date thereof at a sum adequate'to pay the interest side of Section St. to Fairhope Ave.. the rate of six percent per mmum: on all outstanding bonds shall be its, aa fear foot,concrete walk. Payable annually, payable in the same'! Posited in the Bank of Fairhope, of j Also beginning at the South aide of money and at the sang place as the Fairhope Alabama with inatmetiona "Nium, Ave:. South n the West; Principal thereof, on'"Um first'day o£ to salt' Bank to apply same to the side of Section St, to South side APeil Of each year on the presentation Payment of bond coupons of this series lot owned. by Mrs. Elizabeth Ga and surrender of the coupons fierate for such interest ueriod when y a.cnt- A six foot walk:. attached as they severally become due. ed on or after the day of She date Ale- beginning on Fels Ave. etwlhe' This bond is one of a series of 168. 'of such interest period. East side of Bav�[rhew Ave., West on bonds, numbered consecutively from _ Mayor the South side of Fels Ave. to Mobile one hi one hundred sixty eight inelu- Clerk Ave., a four foot walk. sire, of even date herewith, uniform in Adopted February Spy 1925 In accordance with plans and spec- all respects except in number mad de- Alto.' 1. M. Galbraith MV.r,. ifications of. Durant Engineering nomination. Said bonds are issued Gladys Lowell Clerk. Company on'file; in nffi3O of Town, under and by authority of an ordi-.. t Clerk, Town of Fmobdpe, Alabama; sauce of the Town Council of Fatr- Now therefore £or paying for such hope, Ala`M1ama1 passed December 22, improvements, .bond issue of twen-, 11924 and after due compliance with .Vivo thousand dollars is ordered. ell legal, requirements. as. to. the issue issue to consist of twenty+eight. of bonds for public improvements bonds at a par value of Five hundred Provided for in Article 33 Chapter 43 dollars ($500.00). Eighty bonds ail of the Code of Alabama 1923. Par value of. One hundred dollars This bond is secured 4y assessments ($100.00). And sixty bonds at par made according to law add the provi value of Fifty dollars ($50,00). Dated) shins of said Chapter and Section on April 1, 1925, bearing interest at the the property fronting upon the streets; rate of six per cent payable annually so improved as set out in said ordi-I same to be secured by a lien or charge nonce. This bond shall be effective I to be fixed g.umt the property im- only when properly signed by the Proved,andd facing upon said improve- Mayor and Clerk of the Towarof Fai, anemias set out .boys. hope Alabama sad the Corporate seal Such bonds when issued shall con- Of said Town affixed but, when so al vey and transfer to the owners there- execvtesj is de'rdared Ito be a valid, Of all of the right, title and interest I negotiable obligation, transferable by of the Town of Fairhope in and to ' delivery without endorsement or other assesyatents to be made on propeH;y from of transfer. fadriR such mrprovements and the In witness thereof the Town f lied -.}lion the lots or parcela of ground Fairhdpa, Alabama has caused this! facing each improvements with thu �ba d to be executed at Fairhope, Ala -I full power in the holder of such bonds bama and the Corporate seal affixed and coupons there to enforce the ''by LM1n Maydr sad Clark on the Eirst collection f such assessments ac- day oLApallTyp2 6, eordin�p 550 law by foreclosure in any TOWN OF FAIRHOPE CoureV competent jurisdiction and Us Clerk in poldrdonee with Section 2227 of the COUPONS Code:o Alabru. 1923.. That the pro- The Town of Fairho evade from the sale of soup bands I pe, Alabama shall be applied only to the cost of - improvements made in accordance with terms of the Ordinance passed Dec. 22, 1929. And such assessments when collected shall be kept in a sep- arate Land until applied to the rep sy-, 1 sent of such duds it the inter at" i r thereof. • ` `�� OYd�,.s... ed x.L 1 V c� o-c.riv. C�ssz 'JO�x, ///• / r_'�LQ_ /Dell' G% /`, /�,Z f � 62 AN ORDINANCE RESOLVED that owing get from Rabies in this it is necessary for III doge on the Street-, within the limits of the Town Of F wear a muzzle during the July and. August, and ow urgency in this ease this o; adopted by special tesolut on the nigh ul 1926 1. That it be an uh for or animal of the do t o ml the streets or. on de -of e Yard, tvhetIV, on ash or not, a muzzle =4. - ' That any do 'or animal of oind whicB.doe upppcax on the ,f the Town o£ air on In on will he taken up n Marshal and immediate rased of. This ordinance to be effetti, :s pasaa and publication. Amsted my 13, 1925. M. Galbraith, Mayor. ladys Lowell, Clerk, don- at 1NED Wn of �'LG l t . -' hout �I'i' d'tvst dog ;reefs (! ;Of e. Q1 the -y �wt-✓Lt-Luna t.(�td, / r dis- upon 0 �p d �'fi AN ORDINANCE Seoti 6: Said Bonds and Eater -~ - BE IT ORDAINED by the Town at Coup ve shall be in substantially INTERE6T COUPON Council of Fairhope, Alabama as fol the Poll mug farm: Onl Au E36.00 Iowa, that: No..__ snot 1, 1926, the Town of United States at Amerlca, State Fairhope 'd6 Baldwln Cou ty, Ala. WHEREAS, [hat issue oI bonds bees. w will 'MY the bearer Fifteen heretofore made ov the let day oYl of Alabama, Baldwin County, $500.00 Dollars, lawful money of the United February, 1916, for the purpose at Town of Fabrication, Waterworks bonds. States of America. at the Bank of constructing and equipping the Town' KNOW ALL MEN BY .THESE Fairhope, in the Towv of Fairhope, of Falrhope with water, matures upon. PRESENTS: That the Town of Fair- State of Alabama, being six months the first day of February, 1926, at ]hope in Baldwin County, Alabama, is interest tie. due on the waterworks which time there is due the sum of I Indebted to and for value received bond dmaiLl ebruary 1, 1926 No._..__ Eight Thousand Dollars and interest) hereby Diromisea to pay the bearer Cmmterelgned I. M. Galbraith [or bonds issued for water works and Five Hundred Dollars on the first day equipment; and of. February, 1936, with Interest there- Cindy. Lowell, Mayor WHEREAS, the Town of Falrhope 'bn at the rate of six percent per an- Treasurer be at the present time without ads- num, Payable semi-annually on the Section ]: He it Further Ordained note hinds to pay the principal of first day of August and February in l that said bands shall be exempt Prom aid bond. but deafres to refund the each year on presentation and surren- all tease [o the State be Alabama, the indebtedness secured thereby; der of the annexed coupon., bearing .County of Baldwin, end the Town of Section 1: Be It Ordained that the Ifaosimfle of the signatures of the Fairhope. Mayor of Falrhope be and he hereby iMayor and Treasurer of said Town, as Section 8) Be it Further Ordained is authorized to issue bonds of the they, severally become due. Both Town of Fairhope for the amount Drivefpal and interest of this bond are that no omission or irregularity in the necessary to pay such fudebtedneas, Payable iv lawful money of the United record of proceedings of this Council namely, Eight Thousand Dollars oP States f Amerlca, at the Book of Iv the Issuance of seld bonds nor any bonds to pay the Outstanding water Fairhop In the Town of Fairhope. om...... or neglect of any official works bond.. State of\Ahbama, and the said mu- charged with the execution of any nicipallty is hereby held and firmly delta- Imposed upon him by law In Section 2: Be It Further Ordained bound, and Its faith, credit, revenue "..action with the issuance of eaid that B.id bgnde shall be in We denomi and property are hereby pledged Por bonds. shall affect the validity of any nation of Five Hundred Dollars each. - the payment of the principal and inter- bard Issued under this authority; the shall be in date February let, 1926, set thereof at maturity- -- said bonds and interest coupons shall shall bear It. percent interest, pay- have all the properties of commercial able semi-annually, and shall be pay. to hand is sue of the secure of limper, and after maturity thereof shall able in, ten years; interest and Drinci- 16 bonds of Yke date, tenor end effecp .i be received to payment of all taxes Pat payable at the Bank of Fairhope, - aggregating g8,000, issued by the 1 and does to the Town of Fairhope. Fairhope, Alabama Town Council of aid municipality by Settle- 9: Be It Forth er Ordamed virtue of av Ordinance passed don-'ithat all ordinances o[ the Town. of Section S: Be It Further Ordained nary 26, 1926. for NI purpose of re-''Fabrho that the Mayor of Fairhope is author-' funding there Domain bonds beaued } Pe or any action heretofore tak. ized to execute a mortgage up. the L. unit.[ and by viNue of an ordinance ;en in conflict herewith be and they water works and equipment P the Passed February 8, 1916 by the Town ba.reby are repealed, annulled and re Town to secure this I ... I, sold moat- Co ell of Falrhope, Alabama, for the shaded. - gage to cover the property securing erection and con )ruction of a water- Section 10: Be It Further Ordained the bond issue maturing February lot, orka system for and in said munich that this ordinance shall be and be - and such additional yroDerty oY sold pal corporation; under authority of mine of force end effect upon adop- water works as may have been sub- the General Laws ' f the State of lion and Publication as provided by eequentl) added but sublect to such Alabama. x ]aw. Prior liens as may be upon machinery I IN TESTIMONY +HEREOF, We. subsequently purchased and not yeti ithe undersigned offlc-n of the Town completely paid for. of Fairho, 1. Bald. County, pIa- Section 4: Be It Further Ordained I human, beipeng duly out rized to axe. that the proceeds of the sale of such lent. this obligation in {mhalf of the bond. shall be applied solely to the 1. said mu�icbpfliity, have !hereunto ee payment and settlement of the bonds your official signatures, and Impree-e �outstanding for water works and for 'hereon the official a,m] of said muvlc- the expenses of such bond issue and ioality, ae jpr the first day of Feb-1 for no other purpose. ruary. 1926. Section 5: Be It Further Ordained Countersigned 1. M. Galbraith'' that all rights, privileges and securf- Gladys Lowell, Mayor ties now attaching to the present bond Troa.[ee. er Issue sue shall inure to and be conveyed j� s part of e security of toe band 1' issue thus proposed the same a it Adopted January 25, 1926.'--�.I4yf. *oat47;tP/?A4 - set out here, and the May- or I. carrying or arrying out the purposes of this 1 ordinance is invest d with at ty to all necessary acts to validate said Dropesed bond issue. 721, A DI A BE IT RD ED by the Town e. Alabama as fop 00 At the late, of six Percent per 8r auto , payable semlln-ually on the first day of August and February b WHEREAS, that Isaua nP bonds each year on presentation and eI... A heretofore made on the tat da oP der ➢f the annexed coupons, bean, February, 1916, Por the ❑urpose o[ con- fec-simile of the signatures of tht strutting avd equipping the Towv of 'Mayor and Treasurer of -aid Town ea they severally become due. Bott Fafrho➢g with glectrio lights, matures" principal and Interest of this bond Own the first day of February, 1926 are Payable to "wind money or the at which time there le due Me spot of United States of America, at the Hank Five Thousand Dollars and Interest of F-IIIOPw e, in the Ton oP Fairhope, ,for bonds issued for electric light State of Alabama, and the sold mumcl- Plant and equipment; and DAIRY is hereby held and firmly bound, WHEREAS, the Town of Fafrho a and its faith, credit, revenue and Prop - Is at the present time without ado- arty are hereby Pledged for the pay. quate funds to Pay the principal of ment of ,the Principal sad interest said bonds but desires to refund the thereof at maturity. indebtedness secured thereby; This bond f- eve of the series of 111 Section 1: Be It Ordained that the bonds of like date, tenor and effect,' Maya, of-Fairhope be and he hereby aggregating $6,500.00, Issued by the is authorized to issue bonds of the Town Council of said mu.lctpality by Town of Fairhope for the amount. virtue of An Pell nan➢e passed Sarne,y -necessary to pay such indebtedness, 26, 1926, for the Purpose issued 0P refunding namely, Five Thousand Five Hundred" 111 those certain bontle iesuatl under end Dollars to pay the outstanding Elec- by virtue of an ordinance passed Feb. tric Light plant bonds. rusty 3, 1916 by theTown Council of Fairhope, Alabama for the purpose of Section 2: Be It Further Ordained constructing an electric lighting plantthat said bonds shall be in the denomi- for and In said munielpal corporation; nation of Five Hundred Dollar. each, under uthorlty of the GeneralLaw. shall be )n date February let, 1926, the State of Alabama. .hall bear six Percent interest, pays - his semi-annually, sad .half be pays. IN the u TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We. his In ten year.; Interest and p,facl- fined .Airs" of the Town Pal Payable at the Bank of Fafrbope,. oP Fairhope. in Baldwin County, Ale- Fairhope, Alabama. bacon, being duly authorized to eze- Section 3: Be It Further Ordained cute this obligation In behalf of the that the Mayor of Fairhope is author- snid municlpallty, have hereunto set ized to execute a mortgage upon the O1j} °fficI AI signatures, and set electric eieclric light plant and equipment of hereon the oQlc[al A. of .aid ifi.mti- the Town to secure this Issue, Bald Dallty, e. [or the ❑est day of February, mortgage to cover additional proper-. A. D. 1928. C' 01 all electric light plant As may, I Countersigned L M. Galbraith. havq been subsequently added but sub- Gladys Lowell, Mayor Jett to such prior liens as may be Treasurer. upon machinery subsequently par - chased and not yet completely paid INTEREST COUPON for. Section E: Be It Further Ordained !N0 - -- $15.00 i that the Proceeds of the sale of such On August I, 1926, the Town of Fair - bonds shall be applied solely to the, 'hope' in Baldwin Coe-ty, Alabama nt paymeantl settlemenHt t of the heads will pay the bearer Feen Dollars outstanding for electric light plant lawful money of the United State. of I and for the expenses of each bond America; at the Bark of Fairhope, he issue aT for vo other purpose. .the Town of Fairhope, State of Ala-i Section 5: Be It Further Ordained due o being six months interest than that all rights, privileges sad escort. due on the Electric Light bond dated) i ties now attaching to the present bond February 1, 1926 No._. __ issue .hall Inure to and be conveyed Countersigned L M. Galbraith.. An part of the security of the bead Is. Gladys Lowell, Mayor sue thus proposed the same a. It ex- Treasurer. Pressly eat out here. and the Mayor In carrying. out the purpose DI this Section y: Be It Further Ordained' ordinance fi ]tweeted with authority that Said bond- shall be exempt from to do all veEQ889ry act. to validate all taxes to the State Of Alabama, the said propound bond Issue. County Of Baldwin antl the Town of Seotlan 6: 6aW Pend. and Inter Fairhope. out COuptod.. shall basin substantially Section S: Be It Further Ordained the lolipla farm; tlipt no °misaV°n or Irregularity in the re d of the proceeding. of this Conn-' No. .. E600.00 cLL In the issuance of .altl bontle Or Unitbd States of AmeNca, State Of and oxt)sslon or neglect of Try OIIto I Alabama, "Baldwin CouWyr Town of 'barked w)th the execution of any du- FairhoDe. Electric Light Rpnds. tie. Impoeatl up0v Ilim by law in one. KNOW ALL MEN BY> HUSE necti°n with the la-uance of acid RESENTS: That the Town Sp Fafr- bonds, -hall aIIset the validity of any hope In Baldwin County, Alabama, Is bond 1a.uT u>Kler this authority; the plaided to and for value received Sold ban antl lhparent coupon. shall Araby promises to Dag the bearer Ave all the properties of commercial Five Hundred Dollars on the first day paper, and after maturity tIleree Ag ,.I February, 1936, with interest there be received Iv payment o[ ell1 [saA es d dues to [he Town oI Fairhope. ection.9: Be It F@ther Ordained t all °rdinevicea oI the Town E ' hope or any aetfon heretofore t of cf e in sonOfct he scirewith be and they pergdad. by are repealed, anvalled and re Spetion 10:..Be It Further Ordained that this ordinance shall be sad be- enme If force antl effect,ylPon adop- ties antl publication a3 p bvided by law. Ado t d d IL J p e anuary 25, 1926. 66 c�?ELC�(jGJ,�.f M ar. Ct +c..dGt�lveA LM �e�-a(e/..�..,.i�O•'C 5-'y2l r,-' AN ORDINANCE 'BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of FairhaDe, Alabama as fol- Iowa: Section 1: That improvements be Imade ov the streets of Fairhope, Al. l bama as follows: l Curb and gutter on both sides of i Cliff Drive from Be, View Ave. West to the intersection of Cliff Drive avdl Mobile Ave. On both sides of White Ave from Bay View Ave. West to to interae te ties of White Ave. and Mobil. Ave. On both aides of Bay View Ave. from the North aide of White Ave. North to the intersection of Oak end Bay View Aves. Ov both aide. of Church Street from the South side of Fahhope Ave. South to the inorsection of Church St-, and Fels Ave. On both sides of Fels Ave., from the meat aide of Summit St., Eaat to the intersection of Fels Ave., and Section On both aides of Magnolia Ave., East from the lnter6ectRm of Fairhope Ave., and Magnolia Ave., to about o ne- hundred feet East of Summit St. On both aide. of Morph, Ave. West from the West side of Section St., In the East aide of Church St. On both .idea of Fairhope Ave., East from the East aide of Seulma to the West side of Moreno. St. On the Pest side of Section St., from South side of Fels Ave., to the North aide of Murphy. To extend the gutter three (3) feet Ion North side of Fairhope Ave., from the West side of Magnolia to t'.;,mm. lion of the present getter. To extend the gutter three (3) feet on the South' side of Fairhope Ave., from the West side of Mobile Ave., to the termination of the present go cul I W. North"",,.' Morph, Ave., Ifr Me Went aide of Section to the East aide McChurch St. On the East aide of Summit St., from the North aide of Magnolia Ave., to the South side of Oak St. With all intervening crosswalk.. Section 2: That these improve ments shall be made in accordance with the plans and specification. of P. H. Porter now on file in the affice of the Town Clerk of Fairhope, Ala. bama. Section 3: That the expense of l said construction and improvements to the amount of not to exceed $50,000, be ......ad proportionately against the property abutting on said street., 'Ud.he said sesessmente shall be levi. ad 9p collected In the manner prov(tl. Nntion 4: That to Town Council of the Town of Fairhope will meet on the 15 day of February 1926 to hear any objections or removetrm ca. that may be made to the making of said 'Improvements or the manner of ..it. ins aam., or the character of the ma. lariats to be used Section 5: That the grade. of the streets above mentioned in this or. dhmnce be and the ease is hereby established by the plena and apsel. fication of P. H. Porter now on file is the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Fairbope, Alabama. Section S: Should the Council af. ter hearing all objections decide defi- nately to proceed to the construotto. and improvements of streets along the mute above d.... ibed It shall by appropriate ordinance_ provide that the $50.000 to be the; expended and assessed against the abutting property .hall be paid in ten yearly h atal- menta, the first to be paid In thirty dove after said construction shall have been completadand approved by the Town Council of the Towv of Fair hope, Alabama, sad the: remainder 'annually thereafter, said deferred pay- ments to bear interest at the rate of 6% per ...um and to be a lien uposi the abutting property, so assessed un- til;, paid. Section y: That the expense of Improving Intersections df the streets together with culverts .hall be in- cluded In the cost of said street. and proportioned as sum against all abut- ting property. Section g: Any ordinance or part of ordinance In conflict with this or- dinance Is hereby repealed. Adopted January 25, 1926. 14�9_z d� Z, , y2 65 AN ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Town ' Cmmcil of the Tana of Fafrbope. Ala bare'-, an Indiana, Ihat Sectloa $yU of Ithe Code of Ordlints"' of the Tavpn of Falrhope be and Is hereby amevded ito read as follows: Lr fa.. SE.. afte 1—That any person or / by ad sr being Ixken Into cuetmly �[•po7aXLG( /µ/i by ad officer "the Town v[ lim,haps who escapes or attempts to eecxpe, ��/ or any prlsnrler sen(encad la hard Ix- "U1�r�+" ✓ 2 Y. �.�� 2 C /. M1or Gm Lha Tnwn of Fxlrhope who es- _ r capxa or ores away Lrom any guard,' pullcemen nr mf loer haing him in d LI�f.FI�/a�t- charge. or Neope9 or go,' away to I teak, shall D fined vat exceeding. ON ere HUNDRED DOLLARS or at: exSECT g six month herd labor SECT 2—qny ordinaxme, or part R Lr of ordiv'-a re in confilct with this m+ dismwin. Is barely repealed. 31I.Bu N q—Thie ordinance ge take cif �w eRe}t immediately upon rd ones to ands (y �/� pabllcaHpn.�� A pled: June 28, 1926. Attest: Gladys Lowell, Clerk. { M [•d LHRAITH, Mayor. -'%N ORDINANCE SE IT ORDAINED bywp J Council of Town pC Fairhop a;pl-� owe; that Radios 96 of the- df PhD dinxnces oI Fairhope be a f read as fvllowe: A S (log 1—That it be unlawful for q any do¢ or euimsfll oY the dog kind to appear on the [reefs the owner'" Yard, whether nn a as, C% nr sop without muzzle on: excelitthat' any dog which has beau vaccinated vilh Rubies Vaccine by r Ion .-it Gw�-N 'O y Physician or pecte[inmy Burgeon and C%%e :elifil [e o[ va e,.ation filed wiry Como Clerk, may ran at large without)-- ¢uzzla. during the months of JulyAult, I l /J�'� Ll�i PCT tjiV 2--That any Clog or an} 't of t}t's dag kind wbiuh does ap- n the street'- aP the Tawn of Lope without a muzzle on or for h a certificate oI vacefnatiou has been filer) wit) [he Tnwn Clerk, be taken tip by the Town Mar- nd I.,. "lately and in a bananas and be dlapassit of. CTICN 3—This ordmancd to be .ire upon its ➢'-same mad poll I. tea: Jove 28, ]922. - t: Gladys Lowell. Clerk. L M. GALLHRAITH. Mayor. 66 -tRESEITE Tha.j t s a be' submitted to thpPasilHede) `I`,/ -, day Town of 3F�p'tFp at ��+y�%iaL c+r cC to be held fm the Paso o �✓ Q. C.P ✓� p .c/q// �W[ .day of August at the p place of the action far/y4,/ /✓W- -[�_ and other riftcere, and the offiam* a ✓/ whirh shall be the same as " an pchr by the Probafe Ju1.dge n.tot the primary election, the fFairhops, Alo, in sitirgr: Shall the Town of Felrhope, Aia:' 'bama be authorised to issue be.& .4, � the Town o sad (4,0 to the amount' ape of Four Thousand la dollars. the Proceed. of same to be used for the ,Purpose of bus a building of dye sistin resisting material be used as May- material t a Office, Sail. Recreation eaan Room for the the Volunteer Fire Department and b,P Fire Engine House; said bonds to be In the denomination of one hundred L•%Y' //r'�`J _�1(// (100) dollar. eacb, to bear interest at o the rate of four (4) percent per annum, Payable semi-annually and mature 14 ten years. Adapted: June 28, 1926. Attest Gladys Lowell, Clerk. 1. M. GALLHRAITH,_W r. { 17 T �. ^AN ORDINANCE To authorize the issuance of Town ruilding Bonds to the amount of Foul Thousand Dollars by the Town of Fair - hope, Alabama. Be it required by the Town Council of Fairness, .s follows: SECTION 1 That there shall be issued by the Town of Fairhope Its negotiable gold bonds to the amount of Four IThmrsantl Dallurs for the purpose of .erecting a Town Building, to be used as Mayor's Office, Covnoll Chamber, .Jail. House for Fire Equipment and c-ueatlon room for Volunteer Fire Department. 'ECTION 2 That said heads shall bear t the date of October 1, 1926 and shall become due antl payable at the ..pit. - Ban of ten years from data and shall bear interest at the rate of four pea cent par ....M, patients annually ors the first day of October in each year,. wd both principal and Interest shall a, payable at the Bank of Fairhurst, Iry Town of F.Irhope, State of Alabama IECTION 3 That said bonds shall b .d the denomination of One Hundre Sellars ereb, that they Shall I aigpe by the Mayor .,,it cbmrtarefgned by the ms< at the Towu of Fairhope, and' the cttural seal of said town shall be d'ixed to the game, said bonds shall have Interest coupons attached there. ito which shall likewise besigned by the Mayor and Clerk by having the facsimile signatures of the Maybe apd Clark lith.gragphed thereon. SECTION 4 Said bonds shall have in - latest coupons and shall be substan- tially in the folltwing form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 'STATE OF ALABAMA BALDWIN COUNTY TOWN OF FAIRHOPE BUILDINGBOND KONW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Town of Fair- `rope..in Baldwin County. Alabama, is indebted to and far value received hereby promises to par the bearer Gna'Hdndred Dollars on the first day of Obtober, A. D., 19.96 with interest thereon at the rate,of four per cent per annum, payable annually an the firstone of October in each year on the signature of the Mayor and Clerk of said Town, as they severally become duo. hotti principal sad interest of this hard are payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the Park of Fairhop=_, it the 'Cow. of Fairhope, State of ah^lam., ,,it the sn[d municipality is Lnro'.,y held and t' rmdo sound, and its faith credit regbuae and property are hereby pledged far the payment of the prin- cipal'and interest hereof at maturity. This hard I. one of a ..rise of forty (40) bonds of litre date, tenor and af- fect aggregating $4,000, issued by the Town Carroll of Said municipality for the purpose of erecting a Town Build- ing to be used as Mayor's Office, Conn- :dI Chamber. Sall, H... a far Fire nipr.ent and Ron ... it.. Room for Volrmteer Fire Department under and by authority of and in accordance and 1ft ll edam➢liunce with the General Law. ifu, State of Alabama and especially Article 35, Chapter 43 of to Code bf ,Alabama. 1923 sad an urbanite duly and regularly passed byi the Town mmcll of ad 'municipality on the l And II la lierehq certified, recited and declared tat at so election or -I I der. ; by ihn Tnwn Council of said 'muNeditOur and duly and repelsr held on the loth day of August 19!R there was su initted to the qua11f1eW .lecture of sold municipality the Drop entries in issue sold hands for Bald p.r- pose; that at said election a majority �oqff the gnaliOed electors vntla. at eel electkra were in favor of the lneunnc of said bonds as aacertalpad asd de flared by the Dnanl of Cxnvaxeere 'and recorded in the mlvutea a[ th proceedings oP aeld municlpallty: that all acm, conditions and things requir. 'ad to be done precsd.ct to and in thei issuance of said beads have been prep - .try done, have happend and been per- formed, to regular and due form, as -required by law, and that said indeht 'steers, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limitation. . In testimony whereof We the under- signed officers of the Town of Fare - hope, in Baldwin County, Alabama be - tag duly authorized to execute this ob- Ilgatfda on behalf of said municipality, have hereunto set our official signa- tures and impressed hereon the offi- c'at seal of said municipality as of the day of October, A. D., 1926.. INTEREST COUPON No._-_— _ $4.00 On October 1, 19 [he Town of Fair - hope in Baldwin runty, Alabama, will pay the bearer Four Dollars law - NI money of the United State. of America at the Bank of Faithfuls, m Town of Fairhope, State of Alabama, being one year. interest due, on its Town Building bond dated Orbited 1, 11926. Clerk Mayor SECTION 6 That said bond. shall be exempt from all tax.. to the State of Alabama, the County of Baldwin and he frown of Fairhope. ICECTION 6 That no omission or irreg- ularity In the record of proceeding. of the Connell I. the issuance of said bond. nor any omission ar neglect of any official charged with the execu. ties of any duties Imposed upon him .by law In connection with the issuance P said bonds shall affect the validity ji f any bend'Issued under this su thori- E. the said bonds and interest coupons arl have all the properties of cam- �erctal paper and after maturity ,.rotor shall be received in payment for all taxes and dues to the Town of ,Fairhope. SECTION 4 That all the ordinances lot the Town of Fairhope or any action heretofore taken in restrict herewith and the same is hereby repealed. Adopted: August 23, 1926. I. M. Galbraith, Mayor. !Gjadys Lowell, Clerk. / 0 01, Parking Ordinance I3E IT ORDAINED by the Town Coun- 'it of the Town of Fatrhope, Alabama, a:' fp'T 8' SUCTION 1. Oa Fairhope Ave., be - tweet\ the wharf and School street, vehic a shall not reverse direction eace➢t at the intersection of North end So in streets, but no reverse turn - .hall ads at Fatrhope Avenue and Seet'on St. Vehicles moving east on Fatrhope Ave. shall Dark diagonally with the curb and net more than eight inches therefrom, in the direction ti a, eled. Vehicles moving West on Fair - hope Ave. shall park parallel with the curb but not \more than eight in tes therefrom 1. he .,on tzavele1 SECTION 2., On Section St be- tween Magnolia Ave. and Morphy Ave. veh'cles shall Dot revenue she ctlon except at intersecton o[ UGH East and West Streets. ehlclea-moy icg South ou Section Stm all park ic,'led with the curb but got more I than eight Inches ihm'efrom in the direction traveled, and these moving "orth on Section Street .he 11 park Parallel with the curb 11Vqe but not more than eight inches therefrom, in the direction traveled. SECTION 3. No vehials shall park on either Fairhope Ave. or Section St. within less than twenty feet of either of the four comers formed by later setting streets, measured from the curb or curb line. And no vehicle shall park on either F:; rhopel Ave, or Church St. within Jess than, twenty Cost of either of thefor comets fm'm- ed by intersecting street., measured from the curb or cArb line. I ,;SECTION 4, bn all streets. and avenues vehiclen moving East and West shall have the right of way over those moving ndrm and soaps. / SECTION u That pay pereon\or Persons who shall violate any pert or section of this ordinance shall, upon conviction. b fined not less than one dollar von a than fifty dollar.. SECTION 6. That any ordinance or part oI dinance In conflict with this ordialre is hereby repealed. , Attest M. F. Nor rop, Mayor I Gladys Lowell, Clerk 416 !j e �; r - _ ____-- -. __ I1 � - .i-�_� _ ____ _- 1J 77 1 t; �; ti S2 84 J li SSG V(y y0 .� 91 `2 e 9 :1 94 96 I �Gvn ��9i r ,yam Sto, !ihown, toov v 4041n„ /%'4 Ant, , o 4 00 )-e //IGYj7 AN.0 Y� 1 7n�iv�Cu/ do / y l 7i7Gho�iaG! ., / 0o 'r26 V 15lw l0 l5u, aCG�M 5�wti i wrrs. r To IIr J 103 IWi ' 107 k0) 1 !l 1.1.4 115 11G G '. ! i20 :, �e 12.4 C 132 �c)a3 P✓LC,LL:. Nm � ✓��� / f/L(,'N (14.,�.�"..-4 LI/lh� 1 GC -tl(. `G(,Ll �irv/•-F ��/� .�G..c �tc+_..�c.c �.-tv �-�+ �-«.weC,�-.,•y .�'ri+-'-� «...�./c, 2H �..�.� -� _ cv a-�..,. L �...,,.ct • 6 3. � �/ Yjtu �-�-r.��-+. �.,. :.GC, /i c�-�-.-•�..-. f eta-..h ed , c .O � Ord r(,��.,� �cv.n. ate. w �z �✓-�+�1 J� -� .�..� c.-n.0 �4��, -u,-wn cie.en�7`f( G.(,.L %tn..w„a , �M C�u..,c�-1 ..��.._.u.Q �. �j�uy taa �' �,n• :emu, 4( '1- 1 ✓� , �—�-y c.-! w-- •-L � c. �.�_ f .� �o..ua—.C.�..a �vc�u (_.vcwi-c.,C f t (/. �. � Yts�� �atcWLw f e....1 G•......w.-.�t.,�. / %ila. �� ��iu.� 2.,.,,a,vt �: V� .. ...,...c -C.Xt.--�. .a d, ✓ a . 9 ✓— 6d u-t�oG..- -L! G.�o..0 .r/ �-�+_..r •l-.�..-.,...awn �L.. %iLl w.t w.. d.4 c.lw-r ,P... f.lu..[w c�-...a,. �-�„- ..._+...� •.. �,.� -LLB Nov 26 1919 Th proiLosl:lor. mAda by Gho 1.iiherd Te..n Cevncil eb its meeting. Nov 24th. in ,ru.ler to the applicctier. of llr. risers for elaetyle li;;hLx service for the rs;iCent, a:; :S.s: °.irhope if, th=t the Te'r.n Till larai«n ,i-s ramminJ ?rem actin 6t, slen4 FtI1hepe Ave. to Ingloside avc., vhsnce north to the resiCunce of Jae. Edwards, and sex::h "rcm Fsdrhope to Maryhy vs. On r'alrhoF.e E.vF. at chc nay- cxl.vart :r' at and Foir- hope rvac. All bw placuG polus on which rill be plasm eloctrie lights. The sect of rsch sexvicu -.rill be 4ga.sm, -+hich It is prepesed .o ant in h.lve:, the Town -:sttmino •:5eo.em,nd the residonts th.; b.lanca. For the p!•ymont e' 2:01C amtrmt it is pro- posed to ;;Sve 'Tc-.M r:rrr•nis ruunin, 12 months rnd dre,iny 8j in- torout an money i7dv:ncii by the realdsn:r. /1� �� {f'nrnFc.- , _w ' ..,.�.•. 3 0 .R.�„ _..� _..rLti.,,( -t �.. �.....6 e +..a.f. ..L. f .rn.,.,,.t.t -4� a 4L`, .w .-� n -ua..� a y.. -L ..,J:.G �'..� .GX--f � . • : %._ o�-�-fi h /J 2 • J 7 cz` ` 7� lot IJ—;?- uo7, cz u 1- £rZ 6G� o0 /3, ' o 7 9 7X-�/ 137 r .. 140 I 2u 36 ,S1 I 3 2L Asa 37 •.r a8 M e7¢rtl%ern.a�i of d 2 3 y� 13 � af- oC/2t oQw•C`l�_, ovr1. �+.�d�� a A� 1 w 26- q6 ,I i l� �3z :ti It /. 1- Sac. 20 3 Sa. _C.iaG aaLIQ2. .Z �" / i pQ2.C/i(/2,e�a o�Rt_ULtite� u8 iz S2 /s10Q2 2 k/I 14 i N I I k' 150 r ,z 152 I i 3 .rya :?Cl f,P P y-tA d y� / a iN %/iro r� m• �`rzrwysrC /Ll 2A DX e r��ee 5C, A,a ' /oo / 00 / 00 / 00 . ao ,sn /00 / OD / OD / as /o0 /0D / CJo 153 d