HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-1999 Regular Meeting2257 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF FAIRHOPE, MET IN REGULAR SESSION AT 5:30 P.M.; FAIRHOPE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX COUNCIL CHAMBER; 16 I NORTH SECTION STREET; FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 36532; ON MONDAY, 08 FEBRUARY 1999. PRESENT WERE MAYOR JAMES P. Nix; COUNCILMEMBER JOHN V. DUCK, MICHAEL A. FORD, DEBBIE W. QUINN, JEANETTE PUCKETT, WILLIAM H. JONES; CITY ATTORNEY MARION E. WYNNE, AND CITY CLERK GENIECE W. JOHNSON. NO ONE WAS ABSENT. THERE BEING A QUORUM PRESENT, MAYOR NIX CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER. COUNCILMEMBER JONES MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE I I JANUARY 1 999, REGULAR MEETING. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER QUINN, MOTION PASSED UNANUNANIMOUSLY. COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT INTRODUCED IN WRITING, AND MOVED FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DUCK, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS PRESENT TO MS. ERMA SHEPARD BY MAYOR NIX. 2258 08 FEBRUARY 1 999 RESOLUTION NO: 622-99 GOODWIN GREGORY "SHEP" SHEPARD WHEREAS, THE PEOPLE OF FAIRHOPE WERE SHOCKED AND GREATLY GRIEVED TO LEARN OF THE SUDDEN AND UNTIMELY DEATH OF SHEP SHEPARD; AND WHEREAS, HE LEAVES BEHIND HIM A MEMORIAL OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP. HE WAS AT ALL TIMES COURTEOUS AND CONSIDERATE OF THE WELFARE OF OTHERS; AND WHEREAS, SHEP HAS SERVED THIS COMMUNITY WELL IN MANY CAPACITIES SINCE HE AND ERMA MOVED TO FAIRHOPE IN 1 973 MOST NOTABLY HIS WORK IN THE OPTIMIST CLUB , CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SCORE PROGRAM, CITY'S PERSONNEL BOARD AND AS A MEMBER OF FAIRHOPE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH; AND WHEREAS, HE JUSTLY EARNED THE RESPECT, ADMIRATION AND HIGH REGARD OF ALL WITH WHOM HE CAME INTO CONTACT, AND THIS COMMUNITY HAS SUSTAINED A GREAT LOSS IN HIS DEATH. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE FAIRHOPE CITY COUNCIL, SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF ALL OUR CITIZENS, MOURN HIS LOSS AND EXTEND TO HIS FAMILY OUR SINCERE SYMPATHY IN THIS HOUR OF THEIR BEREAVEMENT. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT THIS RESOLUTION BE SPREAD UPON THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND A COPY GIVEN TO THE FAMILY. SIGNED THIS THE 8TH DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1 999 A JJAMs P. Nix, MAYOR ATTEST: 1t. 2259 08 FEBRUARY 1 999 MAYOR NIX RECONIZED EMPLOYEE ED NOLTE. MR. NOLTE BUILT TWO ALGA CLEANING DEVICES TO CLEAN THE SEWER PLANT CLARIFIERS. TO PURCHASE THE TWO DEVICES WOULD COST APPROXIMATELY $32,000.00. THE COST FOR MR. NOLTE TO BUILD THE TWO DECIVES WAS APPROXIMATELY $ 5 , 000.00 . COUNCILMEMBER QUINN INTRODUCED IN WRITING, AND MOVED FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION NO: 623-99 WHEREAS, the owners of IDLEWILD Subdivision Phase 3, are desirous of having the streets and utilities therein accepted for maintenance by the City Council in order that building permits may lawfully issue, and; WHEREAS, the General Superintendent of the City represents that the physical improvements in the nature of streets, drainage and utilities have been installed in substantial conformity with City requirements, and; WHEREAS, the City has received Engineer's Certified As -built Plans, test reports and service lateral locations substantially as required by Chapter 19 of the Fairhope Code of Ordinance, and; WHEREAS, the said owners have filed with the City Clerk a maintenance bond conditioned upon full warranty of materials and workmanship for a period of two years after acceptance of such improvements as required by Chapter 19 of the Fairhope Code of Ordinances, and; WHEREAS, the plat of said Idlewild Phase 3 which has been filed in the Probate Records of Baldwin County, Alabama at Slide Number 1868-A delineates thereon the subject street as a public way; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that the said street together with water distribution mains and meters, gas distribution mains and meters, sanitary sewer mains, electrical mains and transformers, and drainage facilities within the limits of the street right-of-way be and hereby are accepted for public maintenance subject to the pond posted. This Resolution specifically excludes from city maintenance all sidewalks not existing on this date, all designated "common areas" on the plat, all service laterals, all drainage facilities outside the limits of the public street right-of-way, whether or not such may be located within dedicated easements, and any other work not specifically included in this acceptance. ADOPTED THIS THE 08 DAY OF February 1999. Nix, Mayor ATTE T: klm� Geniece W. Johnson, eity Clerk 2260 08 FEBRAURY 1 999 COUNCILMEMBER DUCK INTRODUCED IN WRITING, AND MOVED FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION NO: 624-99 WHEREAS, the world is rapidly moving to a knowledge -based economy; and, WHEREAS, Our municipality needs high-speed telecommunications networks and a solid base of well- educated workers in order to compete or even participate in this new economy; and, WHEREAS, high-speed telecommunications networks may be used to furnish; (i) general high-speed data needs; (ii) high-speed Internet access; (iii) interactive distant learning; arraignment; (viii) video surveillance; (ix) automated meter reading; (x) real-time utility pricing; and (xi) new uses and services which are constantly evolving; and, WHEREAS, the ability to link schools, colleges, hospitals, business and governmental institutions into one telecommunications network or infrastructure would have the potential to position our community as a technologically "smart community" for economic development and growth that will provide for a brighter future and an improved quality of life for our citizens; and, WHEREAS, high-speed telecommunications networks are not available in all areas of Alabama and are quite expensive in some areas where they are available; and, WHEREAS, our municipality would benefit through the use of a municipal high-speed network, and would be willing to make municipal telecommunications facilities available to others in order to improve the general welfare and benefit of the community, but, lacks the statutory authorization to make telecommunications facilities available in a manner that would maximize the benefit to the public; and, WHEREAS, legislation has been introduced in the Alabama Legislature, and which has been endorsed by the Alabama League of Municipalities and would authorize the construction of a high-speed telecommunications network for our municipality, which would be made available to third parties in a way that would maximize its contribution to the welfare and benefit of our community without its competing in the provision of local telephone exchange service; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That for the foregoing reasons, the enactment of the above - described legislation is urged, endorsed and supported by the GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA. Adopted this 8'h Day of February 1999. ames P. Nix, Mayor Attest: W. Johnson, City" Clerk IGENIECE W. JOHNSON, DULY APPOINTED CITY CLERK -TREASURER OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF AN RESOLUTION PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, ON THE 08TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 1999. GENIECE W. JOHNSON, CITY CLERK TREASURER DATE 08 FEBRUARY 1 999 2261 COUNCILMEMBER QUINN INTRODUCED IN WRITING, AND MOVED FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION NO: 625-99 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, that Mayor, James P. Nix is hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement between the City of Fairhope and Alabama Power Company, allowing Alabama Power Company to construct a Capacitor Bank at Twin Beech Substation. The initial term of the lease shall be for Forty-one (41) years. The rent to be charged for the full lease term will be $87,400.00 plus appropriate CIAC taxes. The full amount of the rent is due at the beginning of the lease term. Adopted this 8' Day COUNCIL REVIEWED AN APPLICATION FOR A WINE OFF -PREMISES, LICENSE BY MARK WILSON, DBA THE "WELL" QUICK STOP, LOCATED AT 303 NORTH SECTION STREET. COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED TO APPROVE THE ISSURANCE OF THE LICENSE. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCILMEMBER FORD MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FROM THOMAS HOSPITAL TO HOLD THEIR ANNUAL SPRING FEVER CHASE ON SATURDAY, 20 MARCH 1 999, BEGINNING AT 8:00 AM. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MR. JACK WEST WITH MIDDLE BAY OUTFITTERS, ADDRESSED THE COUNCIL REQUESTING PERMISSION TO USE A SMALL PORTION OF THE CITY PARK LOCATED NEAR THE CITY PEIR TO HOLD A SEA KAYAK EVENT ON 7 MARCH 1 999, FROM 1 2:00 PM TO 5:00. COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 2262 08 FEBRUARY 1 999 MR. CLIFFORD L. WAXLER, PRESIDENT OF LARUE SPORTS INTERNATIONAL, USA & MEXICO, ADDRESSED THE COUNCIL REQUESTING PERMISSION TO HOLD A POWERBOAT RACE IN THE MOBILE BAY, ON MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND MAY 27TH, THRU MAY 19TH, 2000. AFTER MR. WAXLER EXPLAINED THE UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE RACING BOATS, AND EXPLAINED THE THREE DAY EVENT, COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM, SO THE COUNCIL WOULD HAVE TIME TO STUDY MR. WAXLER'S REQUEST. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANMIOUSLY. COUNCILMEMBER JONES INTRODUCED IN WRITING ORDINANCE NO. 1 044. AN ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE GARBAGE RATE BY $ 1 .00. IN ORDER TO TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED TO SUSPEND THE RULES. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYE - DUCK, FORD, QUINN, NIX, PUCKETT, AND JONES. NAY -NONE. COUNCILMEMBER JONES THEN MOVED FOR FINAL ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1044. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DUCK, MOTION FOR FINAL ADOPTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYE -DUCK, FORD, QUINN, NIX, PUCKETT, AND JONES. NAY -NONE. COUNCIL TOOK ACTION OF THE FOLLOWING BIDS 08 FEBRUARY 1 999 2263 Identification: "COPPER TUBING" Bids to be opened on: February 2, 1999 at: 11:00 a.m. Copper tubing, 314 and 1 inch for use in installing water services. All tllhlnn to hA mirPhAQArl Ac nAArlArl_ VENDOR: PRICE PER FOOT.• DELIVERY: HUGHES SUPPLY CO. 3/4 inch: $0.86 Stock to 4 Days Mobile, AL 1 inch: $1.11 CONSOLIDATED PIPE 3/4 inch: $0.87 Stock to 10 Days Mobile, AL 1 inch: $1.12 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, 3/4 inch: $0.90 Theodore, AL 1 inch: $1.16 G&C SUPPLY CO. 3/4 inch: $0.95 10-14 Days Atwood, TN 1 inch: $1.22 U.S. FILTER 3/4 inch: $1.00 10-Days Pensacola, FL 1 inch: $1.29 M.T. DEASON NO RESPONSE Birmin ham AL SUPERIOR PIPE & SUPPLY Pelham, AL NO RESPONSE DAVIS METER & SUPPLY NO RESPONSE Pensacola, FL CENTRAL PIPE & SUPPLY NO RESPONSE It is advised to accept the low bid of HUGHES SUPPLY CO. Mobile, AL, for the price of $0.86 per ft. for 3/4 inch and $1.11 per ft. for 1 inch with all specifications being met. Mike Rejczyk, Water & Sewer Supt. Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent COUNCILMEMBER FORD MOVED TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF HUGHES SUPPLY COMPANY, MOBILE, ALABAMA, PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER OUINN, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 08 FEBRUARY 1 999 2264 Identification: "VAN' Bids opened on: January 26, 1999 at: 11:00 a.m. Tn renlace present van used for transnortina city residence and Lunches for Shut-in citizens McCONNELL AUTOMOTIVE, Mobile, AL $25,020.00 GMC Savana 350 cu in, 5700 VB #ZP3 75-90 Days ORVILLE BECKFORD, Milton, FL $26,364.00 Ford Super Club Wagon 60-90 Days MOYER FORD, Foley, AL DID NOT MEET SPECIFICATIONS 60-Days $21, 719.00 Ford 99E 350 XL GULF CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, Foley, AL NO BID BILL STEBER CHEV., Daphne, AL NO RESPONSE BAYVIEW FORD, Daphne, AL NO RESPONSE TRAIL PONTIAC-GMC, Mobile, AL NO RESPONSE It is recommended to accept the bid from McConnell Automotive, Mobile, AL for $25,020.00 which met specifications. The low bid of Moyer Ford did not meet specifications. Wayne Smith, Purchasing Agent COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF MCCONNEL AUTOMOTIVE, MOBILE, ALABAMA, PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Identification: RE -BID / ROOF - CITY ADM. CIVIC CENTER & LIBRARY R:.ie ....a..e.i ....• Ti o1....o..v i 1000 Time• 11 •pa o m BID SENT TO: BID AMOUNT: DELIVERY: S & H ROOFING, Summerdale, Al NO RESPONSE ALL SOUTH CONTRACTORS, Spanish Ft., Al NO BID TRI-COUNTY ROOFING, Daphne, Al NO RESPONSE ROOFING CONTRACTOR SERVICES, Spanish Ft., Al NO RESPONSE KIKER CORPORATION, Mobile, Al $ 175,775.00 START 2 Wks THOMAS ROOFING, Mobile, AI S 150,314.00 ONE WEEK OPTION THOMAS ROOFING 20 YR S 8,581.00 It is recommended to accept the low bid of Thomas Roofing, Mobile, Al , and optional extended warranty for the price of $ 158,895.00 dollars, with all specifications being met. Phil Rutherford Clint Steadham General Superintendent Asst. Purchasing Agent 08 FEBRUARY 1 999 . 2265 COUNCILMEMBER JONES MOVED TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID OF THOMAS ROOFING, MOBILE, ALABAMA, WITH THE EXTENDED WARRANTY, PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. OLD BUSINESS: ONE 3-YEAR TERM ON THE PARKING AUTHORITY BOARD. COUNCILMEMBER QUINN MOVED TO APPOINT MIKE LYONS. THERE BEING NO OTHER NOMINATIONS, COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT MOVED TO CLOSED THE NOMINATION AND APPOINT MR. LYONS, BY ACCLAMATION. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCILMEMBER JONES, CHAIR OF THE STREET COMMITTEE REPORTED THAT THE COMMITTEE NEEDED MORE TIME TO GATHER DATA REGARDING THE SPEEDING ON SOUTH MOBILE AVENUE. THE COMMITTEE WILL MAKE A REPORT AT THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOVED TO HEAR THE FOLLOWING ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DUCK,MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUCILMEMBER FORD MOVED TO ACCEPT A IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT BY BAY BRANCH, L.L.C. FOR SPRING LAKE SUBDIVISION FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE STREETS. SECONDED BY CONCILEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT MOVED TO PAY BILLS AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING WAS DULY ADJOURNED AT 6: 1 4 P.M.