HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-10-1998 Regular Meeting2i9l STATE OF ALABAMA X COUNTY OF BALDWIN X THE CITY COU.,C:L, CITY OF FAiRHOPE, MET IN REGULAR SESSION AT 5:30 P.M.; FAIRHOPE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX COUNCIL CHAMBER; 1 6 1 NORTH SECTION STREET; FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 36532; ON MONDAY, 10 AUGUST 1998. PRESENT WERE MAYOR NAMES P. NIX; COUNCILMEMBERS JOHN V. DUCK, MICHAEL A. FORD, DEBBIE W. QUINN, JEANETTE PUCKETT, WILLIAM H. JONES; CITY ATTORNEY MARION E. WYNNE, AND CITY CLERK GENIECE W. JOHNSON. NO ONE WAS ABSENT. THERE BEING A QUORUM PRESENT, MAYOR NIX CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER. COUNCILMEMBER QUINN MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE 27 JULY 1 998 REGULAR MEETING. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. A PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE 557. THE ORDINANCE WOULD RE -ZONE ALVIN CHAMBERS' PROPERTY FROM R-A RURAL AGRICULTURE TO R- I LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. THIS ISSUE WAS FIRST HEARD AT THE 13 JULY 1 998 COUNCIL MEETING. MR. CHAMBERS WAS NOT PRESENT, AND NO PLANS WERE PRESENTED SHOWING THE STORM WATER DRAINAGE. COUNCILMEMBER JONES MOVED TO DENY THE REZONING OF MR. CHAMBERS' PROPERTY. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER QUINN, MOTION TO DENY PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE AYE -DUCK, FORD, QUINN, NIX, PUCKETT, AND JONES. NAY -NONE. COUNCILMEMBER DUCK INTRODUCED IN WRITING ORDINANCE NO. 1034. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 952 (NO -SMOKING ORDINANCE) IN ORDER TO TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION COUNCILMEMBER QUINN MOVED TO SUSPEND THE RULES. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT MOTION TO SUSPEND THE RULES PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYE -DUCK, FORD, QUINN, NIX, PUCKETT, AND JONES. NAY -NONE. COUN':.:LMEMB-_R DUCK THEi; MOVED FOR FINAL ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1034. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION FOR FINAL ADOPTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYE -DUCK, FORD, QUINN, NIX, PUCKETT, AND JONES. NAY -NONE. 2192 10 AUGUST 1998 COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT INTRODUCED IN WRITING, AND MOVED FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. SECONDED BY COUNC.ILi•IEMBER JONES, M0"1'i0r4 MASSED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION NO. 602-98 WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope, Alabama is desirous of obtaining funding made available through the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) for the purpose of constructing a multi -use recreational trail to run parallel on the eastern side of Greeno Road (U.S. Highway 98) from Morphy Avenue past the Fairhope Municipal Park and turn west on State Highway 104 and end at the Montrose Trail Head, «itldn the City Limits of the City of Fairhope, and WHEREAS, local financial participation is a requirement for proposal consideration, and proof of commitment is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama as follows: SECTION 1. That the City of Fairhope, Alabama, submit a proposal of funding consideration to the Alabama Department of Economic and community Affairs (ADECA) for FY 1998 National Recreational Trail Fund (N- TF) assiEtar_ce in the amount of $100,000.00 fcr the purpose of construction a multi -use recreational trail along the eastern side of Greeno Road (U.S. Highway 98) from Morphy Avenue past the Fairhope Municipal Park and turn west on State Highway 104 and end at the Montrose Trail Head within the City Limits of the City of Fairhope. SECTION 2. That the City of Fairhope, Alabama will add bike racks and Kiosk to better utilize this space for trail users at the Downtown Community Park located at the corner of Church Street and Morphy Avenue. SECTION 3. That the City of Fairhope, Alabama, hereby commits the amount of $20,000.00 (201/6) in cash, labor and equipment toward the project for the purpose of constructing the $120,000.00 project. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this_ ATTEST: AO zx' Gcniece W. ioJohns 2193 10 AUGUST 1 998 COUNCILMEMBER DUCK INTRODUCED IN WRITING, AND MOVED FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION NO. 603-98 WHEREAS, the owners of Kensington Subdivision are desirous of having the street and utilities therein accepted for maintenance by the City Council in order that building permits may lawfully issue, and; WHEREAS, t'he General Superintendent of the City represents that the physical improvements in the nature of streets, drainage and utilities have been :. stalled in substantial conformity with City requirements, and; WHEREAS, the City has received Engineer's Certified As -built Plans, test reports and service lateral locations substantially as required by Chapter 19 of the Fairhope Code of Ordinance, and; WHEREAS, the said owners have filed with the City Clerk a maintenance bond conditioned upon full warranty of materials and workmanship for a period of two years after acceptance of such improvements as required by Chapter 19 of the Fairhope Code of Ordinances, and; WHEREAS, the plat of said Kensington Subdivision which has been filed in the Probate Records of Baldwin County, Alabama at Slide Number 1829-A delineates thereon the subject street as a public way; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that the said street together with water distribution mains and meters, gas distribution mains and meters, sanitary sewer mains, electrical mains and transformers, and drainage facilities within the limits of the street right-of-way be and hereby are accepted for public maintenance subject to the pond posted. This Resolution specifically excludes from city maintenance all sidewalks not existing on this date, all designated "common areas" on the plat, all service laterals, all drainage facilities outside the limits of the public street right-of-way, whether or not such may be located within dedicated easements, and any other work not specifically included in this acceptance. ADOPTED THIS THE 10�' DAY OF AUGUST 1998. 1 ames P. Nix, Mayor A T: Geaiece W.: -ohnson ity Clerk A PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD AS ADVERTISED ON THE REQUEST OF A PACKAGE STORE LICENSE BY G. REED PULLAN, DBA MARRIOTT GRAND HOTEL, LOCATED AT 1 7855 SCENIC Hwy 98. THERE WAS POLICE APPROVAL OF THE APPLICANT. COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED TO APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 2194 10 AUGUST 1 998 COUNCIL REVIEWED AN APPLICATION TO DOWNGRADE FROM A CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE TO A SPECIAL RETAIL LICENSE MORE THAN 30 DAYS BY G. REED PULLAN, DBA LAKEWOOD CLUB/IviARRIOTr HOTEL SERVICES, INC., LOCATED AT 1 7855 SCENIC HIGHWAY 98. COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT MOVED TO APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCIL REVIEWED AN APPLICATION TO DOWNGRADE FROM A CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE TO A RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE BY G. REED PULLAN, DBA GRAND HOTEL POOL AND CABANA CLUB/MARRIOTT HOTEL SERVICES, INC., LOCATED AT 17855 SCENIC HIGHWAY 98. COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED TO APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCIL REVIEWED AN APPLICATION TO DOWNGRADE FROM A CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE TO A RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE BY JOHN C. TAYLOR, DBA WASH HOUSE RESTAURANT/FRINK INC., LOCATED AT 1 7 1 1 SCENIC HIGHWAY 98. COUNCILMEMBER JONES MOVED TO APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCIL REVIEWED AN APPLICATION TO DOWNGRADE FROM A CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE TO A SPECIAL RETAIL LICENSE MORE THAN 30 DAYS BY GRANT B. BROWN, DBA ROCK CREEK CLUB L.L.C. LOCATED AT 140 CLUBHOUSE DRIVE. COUNCILMEMBER JONES MOVED TO APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCIL REVIEWED AN APPLICATION FOR A RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE BY CLAYTON L. STOPA, DBA CJ'S DOWNTOWN, LOCATED AT 3 1 1 FAIRHOPE AVENUE. COUNCILMEMBER JONES MOVED TO APPROVE THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DUCK, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. C`!.JNCILMEir BER FORD MOVED TO APPROVE INSURANCE COVERAGE ON THE FOLLOWING RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS: FRED KING, DAVID HALL, AND LARRY SLEDGE, AND DELETE DAVID MARTINEZ, JEREMY JONES, AND JEFFERY D. HALE. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 2195 10 AUGUST 1 998 IIID S•CIIBDULL' All:'C Project My. 0086-014 All BIDS sholl Include salts fac and all other applicable faces anti jeer. ALL BIDDOU nuaf convdy with the Cotlraclu4r flceming laws of the .Stale of Alabama (Corte I975, 1741e 34, Section 8, 1-17, c. seq.), dill uuts't be Geri jed for the type work Involver. Itea /.'+(!anted ,. Nn. nrscrhnrnn Imn1i/• 1. For J urids/ing all Plat Labor & Afafcrinl to Drill a Test Ifole to a Aladnuuu Depth of300 feel 1 Each 1. • fur I andshing All Plant labor & Materials to Drill to Tat/ Ilote llclov the 500 hoot Dcpllt. 77111 !Tice to be fit Addition to the Price lit Beal Ill,Aboe 200 L10. J. Bur a Caugticle 7is/ !Pell, Including the Necessary Pcondng, Selling Casing & Screen, Scaling liatalling & Ruroving 11unva, Punping Sanvdes & Chondcals Analyses as SpcclJ7cd by the Gtglncer & as Covered by SCC770N 67-A 1 Each J. For punvil1w Afa)ur Strata Per Hour lit Janis of (he Nght (8) llotr Period as Spccylcd /is SCC77ON 67-A.07 JJ Iloars• S. Electric Logging Services Including Callum, S11 Iuluclion I latch 111JASl: "A" TOI AL COST - (//cues• I - .S) - ChW7701. A0. 111&177110 f'IiM411:r/f..i, F'!. pr;;-7700 1 hint I'r_�cc Alm r roll Nltilt l71tII.1.InYl SJ:ItI'lr:l:. INC 11100 /1 WE .11 N0 1071I Unif Price nnnnl JJ 65017.00 a ("fM 00 /2 mm0 G.r?) yu2--,j IJU.oa 2,¢4o.ea 7,E'f Togo l,)un.iv I.zoo. 0o ZGlr 00 o?.Grn a32 s 37, 904}. do s ��l 4ilGt r� I here%c cerUJ' thar the shave ix. m the h,ect of dip Im-miedge and bt'lief, a Irue and eurrect I"h,4 /-s 4111. (lids fir the conxini Dian nja "'fun Ipel/ /'n jec! Jr the 01.1' nJ!•idr/uyte apened of 0 a.m. uu 71nrxdap, Julr J0, 00S, at the Pairhapc L7p• llall, Fodthupc, ' .. Ahtbmna. . Ach 11': 11.ore, l'.li..l'• . Al". Reg. No. .1.184 COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID BY LAYNE CENTRAL, PENSACOLA FLORIDA PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 2196 10 AUGUST 1998 COUNCILMEMBER QUINN MOVED TO ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FORD, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MS. TERI BULGER ADDRESSED THE COUNCIL REQUESTING PERMISSION FOR THE FAIRHOPE HIGH SCHOOL BAND TO HAVE A FALL FESTIVAL AT THE FAIRHOPE COMMUNITY PARK ON NOVEMBER 14TH AND 15TH, AND TO BLOCK CHURCH STREET FROM MORPHY AVENUE TO THE NORTH END OF THE PARK FROM 6:00 AM TO 7:00 P.M. ON THESE TWO DAYS. PROCESSES FROM THE FESTIVAL WILL BE USED TO HELP FINANCE THE VARIOUS ACTIVITIES OF THE 1 998-99 BAND SEASON. COUNCILMEMBER JONES HAD RESERVATION ABOUT BLOCKING THE NORTH ENTRANCE OF THE PARKING LOT AND HE ALSO HAD RESERVATION ABOUT THE FESTIVAL PARTICIPANTS USING THE PARKING LOT NEXT TO THE COMMUNITY PARK. AFTER DISCUSSION, COUNCILMEMBER FORD MOVED TO GRANT THE REQUEST FOR NOVEMBER 14TH. HE STATED THAT FURTHER DISCUSSION IS NEED BEFORE GRANTING THE REQUEST FOR NOVEMBER 15TH. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER QUINN, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MAYOR NIX RECOGNIZED JACK PRITCHETT WITH FAIRHOPE TROOP #47. MR. PRITCHETT IS WORKING ON HIS "CITIZENSHIP IN THE COMMUNITY MERIT BADGE". MIKE REJCZYK REPORTED THAT THE NEW SEWER PLANT IS IN OPERATION, BUT THERE ARE A FEW MINOR ADJUSTMENTS STILL TO BE ADDRESSED. COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT MOVED TO PAY BILLS AS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, MEETING WAS DULY ADJOURNED AT 6:00 P.M. P. Nix, MAYOR