HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-28-1998 Regular Meeting2160 STATE OF ALABAMA )( COUNTY OF BALDWIN )( THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF FAIRHOPE, MET IN A REGULAR SESSION AT 5:30 P.M.; FAIRHOPE MUNICIPAL COMPLEX COUNCIL CHAMBER; 1 6 1 NORTH SECTION STREET; FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA 36532; ON THURSDAY, 28 MAY 1 998. PRESENT WERE MAYOR JAMES P. NIX; COUNCILMEMBERS JOHN V: DUCK, MICHAEL A. FORD, DEBBIE W. QUINN, JEANETTE PUCKETT, AND WILLIAM H. JONES; AND CITY CLERK GENIECE W. JOHNSON. CITY ATTORNEY MARION E. WYNNE WAS ABSENT. THERE BEING A QUORUM PRESENT, MAYOR NIX CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER. COUNCILMEMBER JONES SO MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE I I MAY 1 998 REGULAR MEETING. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER QUINN, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. A PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD AS ADVERTISED ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE 557. COUNCILMEMBER DUCK INTRODUCED ORDINANCE No. 1029. THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THIS ORDINANCE. THE ORDINANCE WILL REZONE KEVIN BOONE PROPERTY FROM R- I DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO R-6 MOBILE HOME PARK DISTRICT, 1 8.34 ACRES AT 10200 GAYFER ROAD EXTENSION. NO ONE WAS OPPOSED TO THE AMENDMENT. IN ORDER TO TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION, COUNCILMEMBER QUINN MOVED TO SUSPEND THE RULES. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION TO SUSPEND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYE - DUCK, FORD, QUINN, NIX, PUCKETT, AND JONES. NAY -NONE. COUNCILMEMBER DUCK MOVED FOR FINAL ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 1029. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION TO FINAL ADOPT PASSED UNANIMOUSLY BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYE -DUCK, FORD, QUINN, NIX, PUCKETT, AND JONES. NAY -NONE. COUNCILMEMBER FORD INTRODUCED IN WRITING, AND MOVED FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER DUCK, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 2161 Ulm u/i ILel-1 l RESOLUTION NO. 594-98 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA, THAT MAYOR JAMES P. NIX IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY AND ALABAMA MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC AUTHORITY (AMEA) FOR THE PURCHASE OF A SCADA SYSTEM FOR THE THREE UTILITIES (ELECTRIC, GAS, AND WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENTS) IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 1 24,637.40 TOTAL. EACH UTILITY DEPARTMENT WILL PAY $4 1,545.80 EACH PLUS 5% INTEREST, OVER A I O-YEAR TERM. DULY APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28T" DAY OF MAY 1998. Nix, A GENIECE W. JOHNSONJCITY CLERK MS. CHARLENE LEE WITH THE FAIRHOPE PRESERVATION COMMITTEE ADDRESSED THE COUNCIL TO DISCUSS THE NEED FOR A CONSULTANT. MS. LEE EXPLAINED THAT THE COMMITTEE HAS BEEN EDUCATING THEMSELVES ON THE MANY BENEFITS OF PRESERVATION, BY CONTACTING OTHER CITIES WITH ESTABLISHED PRESERVATION DISTRICTS. THE PRESERVATION COMMITTEE RECENTLY HELD A HISTORICAL HOMES TOUR. THE RESULTS OF THE TOUR INDICATED THAT FAIRHOPE CITIZENS ARE INTERESTED IN PRESERVING THE HISTORIC AREAS. MANY OF THE OLD HOMES AND BUILDINGS IN FAIRHOPE ARE BEING DESTROYED. MS. LEE CONTINUED TO EXPRESS THAT THE BEST WAY TO BUILD COMMUNITY SUPPORT IS TO HIRE A CONSULTANT. THE PRESERVATION COMMITTEE HAS SELECTED A CONSULTANT THAT IS KNOWN FOR HIS ABILITY TO BUILD THE SUPPORT OF LOCAL COMMUNITIES. A COMMON QUESTION ASKED WITH REGARDS TO HAVING A PRESERVATION DISTRICT WAS WHAT SIZE WILL THE AREA BE? THIS QUESTION CANNOT BE ANSWERED UNTIL A CONSULTANT CAN EVALUATE ALL POSSIBLE AREAS. COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT EXPRESSED, "THAT THE FEELING OF THE CITIZENS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED, SO THE CITIZENS WILL NOT FEEL THAT THE COUNCILMEMBERS ARE PUSHING THIS ISSUE DOWN THEIR THROATS." OTHER PERSONS PRESENT EXPRESSED THAT TIME IS OF THE ESSENCES TO PRESERVE OUR HISTORICAL AREAS. 2162 28 MAY 1 998 COUNCILMEMBER DUCK INTRODUCED IN WRITING, AND MOVED FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. RESOLUTION NO. 595-98 WHEREAS, our project is designed to identify the historic areas of Fairhope and provide education on the many benefits of preservation. Also our goal is to build community support consensus for the adoption of a preservation ordinance, adding Fairhope to the growing list of Certified Local Governments in Alabama which fulfill the Alabama State plan of encouraging preservation at the local level. WHEREAS, the City Council created the Fairhope Preservation Committee to study and make recommendations concerning preservation. The consultant we have selected is known for his ability to build support of the local community. Grass roots support is already being given. WHEREAS, preservation plans will include a section that makes specific recommendations concerning the administration ordinance. Excellent feedback has been obtained from the systematic networking with other Alabama Certified Local Governments. Many questions were asked concerning administrative management. Much was learned about how to address administration issues. WHEREAS, the preservation plan will consider all historic assets. When the ordinance is adopted, the preservation plan will be integrated into Fairhope's Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS in the present 1990/2000 atmosphere, affluence is changing our character and neighborhoods. Fairhope originally started as a weekend retreat area for Mobilians coming across Mobile Bay to get away from the City. Due to the resort atmosphere, most of the earliest homes were cottages and bungalows. Today the historic cottages and bungalows are being destroyed and replaced with massive structures that are not in keeping with the neighborhoods. Although we currently have two National Registry Districts, the lack of enforcement ability associated with nationally designated property will not enable us to save the unique character of the City. Property values in the historic areas have escalated putting the cottages and bungalows at risk since they are now being viewed as liabilities. 2153 28 May 1998 WHEREAS, Fairhope has a small number of archaeology sites that are protected by the City of Fairhope and the Fairhope Single Tax Colony. For purposes of this grant, we are primarily interested in our historic areas that currently have no protection. WHEREAS, the project will be designed to reach the broad community and build consensus during a series of public meetings. We are very aware that such consensus is necessary to garner political support for this preservation effort. Our networking with other Certified Local Governments has been helpful in understanding the importance of broad -based support for passage of the initial ordinance as well as future enforcement of the design review criteria. WHEREAS, we consider the proposed budget for this project to be relatively modest compared to the value of the property to be protected. WHEREAS, the City of Fairhope will provide a competent financial accounting for this project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA that the Council agrees to match the funds of an emergency grant given by the Alabama Cultural Resources Preservation Trust Fund, Alabama Historical Commission, Montgomery, Alabama in the amount of $ 7,500.00, in order that a consultant may be provided to assistant in achieving the goal of the Fairhope Preservation Committee. ADOPTED this the ATTEST: Geniece W. Johnso , City Clerk COUNCILMEMBER FORD MOVED TO UPDATE THE RESERVE POLICE ROSTER. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. COUNCILS TOOK ACTION ON THE FOLLOWING BIDS: 21:64 28 MAY 1 998 Identification: TRANSFORMERS-150, 500, TRANSFORMERS -STOCK Bids to be opened on: May 11, 1998 at: 11:00 a.m. 3 -150 KVA TRANSFORMERS VENDOR: TOTAL PRICE.T_ DELIVERY.- MAYER ELECTRIC SUPPLY Actual Total Cost: Dothan, AL $13,713.00 Evaluated Total Cost: $22,353.00 98-112 Days Mfg: Pauwels ALTERNATE BID: Actual Total Cost: $13,404.00 105-119 Days Evaluated Total Cost: $23,350.80 Mfg: Cooper Power BRASFIELD SALES Actual Total Cost: Birmingham, AL $13,872.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $20,757.00 Mf : Howard Industries HATFIELD & CO. Actual Total Cost: Mobile, AL $12,351.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 80-Days $21,649.80 Mfg: ABB STUART C. IRBY CO. Actual Total Cost: Pensacola, FL $14,025.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 126-Days $23,032.20 Mf : GE HUGHES ELECTRICAL Actual Total Cost: SUPPLY $16,050.00 Dothan, AL Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $24,690.00 Mf : Pauwells GENERAL MACHINERY NO RESPONSE Mobile, AL It is recommended to accent the bid of Brasfield Sales. Birminaham. Alabama for the Actual Total Cost of S 13_972-00 and the Evaluated Total Cost of $ 20,757.00 with all specifications being met. 2165 28 MAY 1 998 COUNCILMEMBER FORD MOVED TO ACCEPT THE BID OF BRASFIELD SALES, BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER JONES, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. -'i - Relln KVA-rPANCFn GMFf7C 1 7n_7nn Vnl T VENDOR: TOTAL PRICE: DELIVERY.' MAYER ELECTRIC SUPPLY Actual Total Cost: Dothan, AL $22,506.00 Evaluated Total Cost: $47,275.80 98-112 Days Mfg: Pauwels ALTERNATE BID: Actual Total Cost: $23,001.00 105-119 Days Evaluated Total Cost: $50,287.20 Mfg: Cooper Power BRASFIELD SALES Actual Total Cost: Birmingham, AL $26,556.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $46,374.00 Mf : Howard Industries HATFIELD & CO. Actual Total Cost: Mobile, AL $21,600.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 80-Days $46,148.40 Mf : ABB STUART C. IRBY CO. Actual Total Cost: Pensacola, FL $22,800.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 126-Days $49,098.00 Mf : GE HUGHES ELECTRICAL Actual Total Cost: SUPPLY $26,340.00 Dothan, AL Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $51 109.80 GENERAL MACHINERY [NO RESPONSE Mobile, AL It is recommended to accent the hid of HOTFIR n R Cn Mnhilo Alahama rnr rho s c34 enn nn ,. a •k Evaluated Total Cost of $46,148.40 with all specifications being met. 2166 28 MAY 1998 COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT MOVED TO ACCEPT THE BID OF HATFIELD COMPANY, MOBILE, ALABAMA PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER QUINN, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 1 - Fn['f KVA TRANSFn RMFR_ 977- ARn Vni T VENDOR: TOTAL PRICE: DELIVERY.• MAYER ELECTRIC SUPPLY Actual Total Cost: Dothan, AL $7,464.00 Evaluated Total Cost: $15,513.60 98-112 Days Mfg: Pauwels ALTERNATE BID: Actual Total Cost: $7,428.00 105-119 Days Evaluated Total Cost: $14,723.40 Mfg: Cooper Power BRASFIELD SALES Actual Total Cost: Birmingham, AL $8,852.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $14, 597.60 Mf : Howard Industries HATFIELD & CO. Actual Total Cost: Mobile, AL $7,300.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 80-Days $14, 820.40 Mf : ABB STUART C. IRBY CO. Actual Total Cost: Pensacola, FL $7,300.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 126-Days $15, 005.80 Mfg: GE HUGHES ELECTRICAL Actual Total Cost: SUPPLY $8,700.00 Dothan, AL Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $15 995.40 GENERAL MACHINERY NO RESPONSE Mobile, AL It is recommended to accept the bid of Brasfield Sales, Birmingham, Alabama for the Actual Total Cost of .$ 8,852M and the Evaluated Total Cost of $ 14,697.60 with all specifications being met. 2167 28 MAY 1998 COUNCILMEMBER FORD MOVED TO ACCEPT THE BID OF BRASFIELD SALES, BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER OUINN, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. I _ 9K. LLVA TRAMS,MPMM 1 9n - Peln VOIT VENDOR: TOTAL PRICE. DELIVERY.• MAYERSLECTRIC SUPPLY Actual Total Cost: Dothan, AL $9,982.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $23,188.60 Mfg: Pauwels ALTERNATE BID: Actual Total Cost: $10,782.00 105-119 Days Evaluated Total Cost: $24,789.60 Mfg: Cooper Power BRASFIELD SALES Actual Total Cost: Birmingham, AL $ 10,202.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $ 22,949.60 Mf : Howard Industries HATFIELD & CO. Actual Total Cost: Mobile, AL $9,400.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 80-Days $22,428.40 Mf : ABB STUART C. IRBY CO. Actual Total Cost: Pensacola, FL $10,650.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 126-Days $23,626.20 Mf : GE HUGHES ELECTRICAL Actual Total Cost: SUPPLY $11,690.00 Dothan, AL Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $24 896.00 GENERAL MACHINERY NO RESPONSE Mobile, AL It is recommended to accept the bid of Hatfield & Co., Mobile, Alabama for the Actual Total Cost of $ 9,400.00 and the Evaluated Total Cost of $ 22,428.40 with all specifications being met. 2168 28 MAY 1998 COUNCILMEMBER JONES MOVED TO ACCEPT THE BID OF HATFIELD & COMPANY, MOBILE, ALABAMA PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PUCKETT, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. n ou co �7� _wolf vnlT VENDOR: TOTAL PRICE. DELIVERY.• MAYER ELECTRIC SUPPLY Actual Total Cost: Dothan, AL $9,805.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $20,759.80 Mfg: Pauwels ALTERNATE BID: Actual Total Cost: $9,728.00 105-119 Days Evaluated Total Cost: $22,700.60 Mfg: Cooper Power BRASFIELD SALES Actual Total Cost: Birmingham, AL $8,584.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $20,451.40 Mfcr Howard Industries HATFIELD & CO. Actual Total Cost: Mobile, AL $9,890.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 80-Days $20,873.60 Mf : ABB STUART C. IRBY CO. Actual Total Cost: Pensacola, FL $9,240.00 Evaluated Total Cost: 126-Days $21,820.00 Mf : GE HUGHES ELECTRICAL Actual Total Cost: SUPPLY $11,480.00 Dothan, AL Evaluated Total Cost: 98-112 Days $22,434.80 GENERAL MACHINERY NO RESPONSE Mobile, AL It is recommended to accept the bid of Brasfield Sales, Birmingham, Alabama for the Actual Total Cost of $ 8,584.00 and the Evaluated Total Cost of $ 20,451.40 with all specifications being met. Aaron Norris, Wayne Smith, Electrical Supt. Purchasing Agent 2169 28 MAY 1998 COUNCILMEMBER FORD MOVED TO ACCEPT THE BID OF BRASFIELD SALES, BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, PROVIDED ALL SPECIFICATIONS ARE MET. SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER QUINN, MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. MR. ERIC RYAS ADDRESSED THE COUNCIL ASKING IF AND WHEN WILL THE ORDINANCE NO. 1 027 (LOCATION, SIZE, FREQUENCY OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM STREETS) AND ORDNANCE NO. 1 028 (GREEN SPACE) (BOTH ORDINANCES WERE PASSED I I MARCH 1 998) BE AMENDED. MAYOR NIX EXPRESSED THAT IF THE ORDINANCES ARE AMENDED THEY WILL GO BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ZONING AND THEN GO BEFORE THE COUNCIL, A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD AT THAT TIME. HOWEVER, AT THIS TIME WE DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO PRESENT. THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE COUNCIL THE MEETING WAS DULY ADJOURNED AT G: 1 8 P.M. i