HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-31-1989 Regular Meeting1037 STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF BALDWIN I The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular session at 5:30 pm; Fairhope Municipal Complex Council Chamber; 161 North Section Street; Fairhope, Alabama 36532; on Monday, 31 July 1989. Present were Mayor James P. Nix; Councilmembers Roy C. White, Jeanette Puckett, David E. Bishop, and Michael A. Ford; City Attorney Marion Wynne and City Clerk Evelyn Phillips. Councilman Barney L. Shull was absent.* There being a quorum present, Mayor Nix called the meeting to order. Minutes of the 10 July 1989 regular session were duly approved. Before continuing with the business items on the agenda, Mayor Nix asked Mrs. Eugene (Leona) Bosby to come forward for special recognition. The Mayor then presented Mrs. Bosby with a handsome plaque in appreciation of the outstanding service given to the City by her and her late husband, Eugene, as the City's Garbarge Collection Contractor since 1948. Council opened the floor for comments on the proposed Ordinance to establish bike pathways in the City which was introduced at the last regular Council session. There was a number of citizens in the audience who addressed the Council, the majority of whom was in favor of leaving the regulations as is. The present regulation prohibits bikers, skaters, skateboarders, etc., from using any city sidewalk. The pro- posed Ordinance would designate certain sidewalks as pathways for use by bikers, walkers, and joggers. After considerable discussion, Councilwoman Puckett moved to table the ordinance for further study and possible modification before again giving consideration for final adoption. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously. *Councilman SHULL arrived during this discussion, at 5:36 pm. Council reviewed an application for a Lounge Liquor License by Linda F. Argo, dba THE BABY GRAND at 311 Fairhope Avenue. Advertising was done, no one present was opposed to the license, and there was police approval. Councilman Ford moved to approve the application. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion carried by the following vote: AYE - White, Puckett, Nix, Ford, and Shull. NAY - Bishop. Councilman Shull, as Chairman, presented the following progress report by the Recycling Committee (composed of himself and Councilmen Ford and Bishop) and asked that the Committee be allowed to continue their study before making a final re- commendation to the Council in the near future. Council agreed. Report follows on next page: 1038 x MEMORANDUM REPORT: FAIRHOPE RECYCLING COMMITTEE. DATE: 31 JULY, 1989.. SUBJECT: EVALUATION OF RECYCLING REQUIREMENTS. 1. THE COMMITTEE, APPOINTED TO EVALUATE RECYCLING OPPORTUNI-- TIES AND REQUIREMENTS, FINDS THROUGH VARIOUS SOURCES THAT AT THIS TIME THERE HAVE BEEN LESS THAN 1000 CITIES TO ADOPT A RECYCLING PROGRAM OF ANY KIND. 2. THAT OF THE 50 SOVEREIGN STATES 1N THE USA THERE ARE ONLY 42 THAT HAVE A RECYCLING PROGRAM. 3. OF THE 50 STATES ONLY 5 SEEM TO HAVE A MANDATORY WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WITH RECYCLING. 4. ALABAMA AT THE PRESENT DOES NOT HAVE ANY TOWN WITH A FULL FLEDGE RECYCLING PROGRAM. 5. ALABAMA DID RECENTLY, 16 MAY, 1989, ENACT A STATE LAW TO EMPOWER THE ADEM TO DEVELOP AND ADOPT A SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN. THIS STATUTE REQUIRE$ BOTH CITIES AND COUNTIES TO DEV- ELOP, ADOPT AND IMPLEMENT A COMPREHENSIVE SOLID WASTE MANAGE- MENT PLAN. THE LAW PROVIDES FOR A 11 YEAR DEVELOPMENT AND APPROVAL TIME FOR THE PLAN WITH AN ADDITIONAL 2 YEARS FOR IMP- LEMENTATION. 6. -THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN UNDER THE ADEM WILL SEEK: (1) REDUCTIONS IN THE GENERATION OF SOLID WASTE. (2) PROHIBIT LARGE LAND FILL OPERATIONS. (3) ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF SOLID WASTE REDUCTION. (A) RECYCLING PROGRAMS. (B) REFUSE INCINERATION. (4) COMBINED REGIONAL PLANNING AT CITY AND COUNTY LEVELS %. IN VIEW OF THESE ITEMS THE COMMITTEE WISHES TO RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS: (1) THAT THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON RECYCLING BE AUTHOR- IZED TO CONTINUE.WITH A MORE 1NDEPTH EVALUATION IN ORDER TO PRODUCE A DRAFT REPORT OF DETAIL NEEDS, COSTS, WAYS �•. AND MEANS FOR A MASTER PLAN IN SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. (2) THAT THE CITY SHOULD STRONGLY CONSIDER OPTIONS TO COMBI14E A PAY AS YOU GO CURBSIDE RECYCLING GOAL WITH REFUSE FIRED INCINERATION: (3) THE CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM SHOULD DE BASED UPON- i A VOLUNTARY REIMBURSABLE PICKUP 4FRVICEsS_AN EXTENSION OF THE.CURRENT TRASH AND DEBRIS SE COUPLED WITH A COMB114ED REFUSE FIRESrffCT7fTRATION AND RECYCLE PROCESS CENTER AT THE PRESENT LANIIFILL SITE. t (4) THE COMMITTEE FEELS THAT A COMBINED CENTER OF THIS TYPE COULD BE SELF SUPPORTING THROUGH RESALE OF RECYCL- ABLES AND GENERATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY AT A REASONABLE RATE. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED; FAIRHOPE RECYCLING COMMITTEE, BARN.E SHULL, CHAIRMAN. 31 July 1989 1039 Mayor Nix reported that the water & sewer rates study had been completed by St. John Engineering Company and a copy of their recommendations along with a proposed ordinance had been given to each councilmember for study. The study shows a need for increases in the water and the sewer rates due to the necessity of a new sewer collection line from Ingleside Avenue to the Sewer Treatment Plant, a new well, and a new water tank. The ordinance will increase rates in two phases: the first increase effective on first August, 1989, billing cycle, and the second increase effective on the first January, 1990, billing cycle. After discussion, Councilman Bishop introduced ORDINANCE NO. 840 establishing the rates as recommended. In order to take immediate action, Councilman White moved to suspend the rules. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion to suspend passed by the following unanimous vote: AYE - White, Puckett, Nix, Bishop, Ford, and Shull. NAY none. Councilman White then moved for final adoption of Ordinance No. 840. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion to final adopt paste —unanimously by the following vote: AYE - White, Puckett, Nix, Bishop, Ford, and Shull. NAY - none. Council took the following action on a bid report by the Purchasing Department: FOR CORROSION CONTROL PROGRAM - Chemicals for W&S Dept. Vendor Cost Delivery BENTZ ENTIC, INC Horsham, Pa. $0.77 per lb. 14 days It is recommended to accept this bid for approximately 11,670 lbs. of chemicals required by program. --Purch. Agt. Councilman Ford moved to accept the bid as recommended. Seconded by Councilman Shull, motion passed unanimously. Councilman Shull moved to authorize the Mayor to contact the Senior Bowl Committee and invite one of the teams, North or South, to use our Municipal Football Stadium as a practice field. Seconded by Councilman Ford, motion passed unanimously. Mayor Nix advised that he had received a letter from the City of EL ALTO, BOLIVIA, inviting Fairhope to be their 'Sister City'. The Mayor asked Councilman White and Councilwoman Puckett to review the invitation and make a recommendation to the Council at the next regular session. Meeting was duly adjou ned at 6:40 pm. s P. ix, Mayor City/,Clerk