HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 Audit Continued1985 Audit continues........... 29 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 8 REVENUE BONDS, NOTES AND WARRANTS PAYABLE - PROPRIETARY FUNDS (continued) September 30, 1985 1984 (c) Water, gas and wastewater revenue bonds series 1978 dated December 1, 19'/8, interest rate 6% on $75,000 and 6.2% on $285,000, payable semi annually, principal payable December 1, 1487 through December 1, 1994 $ $ Nonrcurrent 360,000 360,000 Total 360,000 360,000 (d) Water Revenue Bond, dated April 4, 1982, issued to the United States of America, Farmers Home Adminis- tration, interest rate 5%, interest payable January 1, remaining principal payable Januaryy 1, 1985 through January 1, 202Z Current 10,000 7,000 Non current 2,168 100 2,1 2,185,000 2,192,000 (e) Water Revenue Bond, dated May 5, 19831 issued to the United States of America, Farmers Home Administration, interest rate 5%, interest payable January 1, principal payments start January 1, 1986, bond matures January 1, 2022 Current 3,000 - Non current 335,000 338,000 338,000 338,000 TOTAL BONDS, NOTES AND WARRANTS PAYABLE - PROPRIETARY FUNDS $3,951,801 $4,121,075 NOTE 9 GENERAL OBLIGATION LONG TERM DEBT The general obligation refunding warrants warrants dated 6-1-83, recreational and various purpose warrants and general obligation public improvement bonds are general obligations of the City of Fairhope, Alabama and are secured by a pledge of its full faith and credit. The general obligation recreational warrants and interest are being retired with the funds from the Recreation Capital Improvement Fund in the Recreation Fund. The general obligation, public improvement bonds and $115 500 of the general obligation various purpose warrants (dated 12-1-74) principal and interest are being retired with funds from the 1977-1978 Public Improvement Assessment Fund. The mortgage payable to Central Bank of the South is secured by certain parcels of land located at the City of Fairhope Municipal Airport. $350,062 of the general obligation warrants dated June 1, 1983,,will be retired from the 1982 Public Improvement Assessment Fund. PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN A HANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS--- 30 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 10 SUMMARY OF ALL LONG TERM DEBT OUTSTANDING - ALL FUNDS September 30, 1985 1984 PROPRIETARY FUNDS General obligation electric warrants $ 139,000 $ 181,000 First mortgage revenue bonds - 1961 series 315,000 360,000 Water Revenue Bond (dated 5-5-83) 338,000 338,000 Water Revenue Bond (dated 4-4-82) 2,178,100 2,192,000 First mortgage revenue bonds - 1972 series 530,000 570,000 Special obligation revenue bonds - 1973 series 80,000 100,000 Revenue bonds - 1978 series 360,000 360,000 Note payable - Central Bank of the South 11,701 20,075 Total Proprietary Funds 3,951,801 4,121,075 GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES General obligation refunding warrants (dated 4-1-82) -250,000 290,000 General obligation recreational warrants (dated 7-1-76) 155,000 175,000 General obligation various purpose warrants (dated 12-1-78) 275,000 330,000 General obligation public improvement bonds (dated 12-1-78) 160,000 200,000 General obligation warrants (dated 6-1-83) 1,355,000 1,395,000 Mortgage payable, Central Bank of the South 12,000 15,000 Total Governmental Fund Types 21*207,000 2,405,000 TOTAL LONG TERM DEBT OUTSTANDING -ALL FUNDS $6,158,801 $6,526,075 - •-•-- - PARKER.PICKLING, HARTMANN♦1 HANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC 31 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 11 CHANGES IN GENERAL LONG TERM DEBT The following is a summary, for all funds, of all long term debt transactions of the City for the year ended September 30, 1985: Note & (Memorandum Revenue General Obligation Mortgage Only) Bonds Warrants Bonds Payable Total Balance at October 1, 1984 $3,920,000 $2,371,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,075 $6,526,075 New bonds and warrants issued Principal retired (118,900) (197,000) (40,000) (11,374) (367,274) BALANCE AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 $3,80111100 $2,174,000 $ 169,000 $ 23,701 $6,158,801 PARKER, FICKIING, HARTMANN & NANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 12 SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS TO MATURITY The following is a summary of debt service requirements to matur- ity of general long term debt of the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service and Special Assessment Funds as of September 30, 1985, in- cluding interest payments: Year Ending September 30, 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 General Obligation Warrants Principal Interest 165,000 156,084 195,000 145,822 195,000 133,335 195,000 120,670 205,000 107,816 100,000 95,870 75,000 88,620 80,000 82,433 45,000 75,633 45,000 71,718 50,000 67,758 50,000 63,258 60,000 58,708 65,000 53,188 75,000 47,175 75,000 40,238 80,000 33,300 90,000 25,900 90,000 17,575 100,000 9,250 General Obligation Bonds Principal Interest 40,000 8,240 40,000 5,920 40,000 3,580 40,000 1,200 TOTALS $2,035,000 $1,494,351 $ 160,000 $ 18,940 PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN 6 HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 32 (Memorandum Only) Mortgage Payable Total Central Bank of Principal The South Total and Principal Interest Principal Interest Interest $ 12,000 $ 960 $ 217,000 $ 165,284 $ 382,284 235,000 151,742 386,742 235,000 136,915 371,915 235,000 121,870 356,870 205,000 107,816 312,816 100,000 95,870 195,870 75,000 88,620 163,620 80,000 82,433 162,433 45,000 75,633 120,633 45,000 71,718 116,718 50,000 67,758 117,758 50,000 63,258 113,258 60,000 58,708 118,708 65,000 53,188 118,188 75,000 47,175 122,175 75,000 40,238 115,238 80,000 33,300 113,300 90,000 25,900 115,900 90,000 17,575 107,575 100,000 _ Li 109,250 $ 12,000 $ 960 $2,207,000 $1,514,251 $3,721,251 FARKEM, FICKUNG, K4ATMANN A HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 33 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 13 INSURANCE COVERAGE The Utility Funds casualty insurance coverage on electrical sub stations, natural gas facilities, water and wastewater facili- ties is included in a blanket policy with the Governmental Funds general fixed assets building and facilities. Comprehensive general liability $ 500,000 Natural gas liability $ 500,000 Vehicle bodily injury and property damage liability $ 20,000 Crime and employee dishonesty $ 25,000 Public officials errors and omissions liability $1,000,000 Excess public officials errors and omissions liability $1,000,000 NOTE 14 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT - PROPRIETARY FUNDS Changes during the year in property, plant and equipment were as follows: Natural Water and Electric Gas Wastewater Fund Fund Fund Balance, October 1, 1984 $331377,296 $2,003,235 $7,861,239 Additions: Self constructed: Labor 36,260 29,550 20,914 Material 149,053 31,403 41,371 Vehicles and equipment purchases 21,565 8,221 6,867 Retirement of equipment (1,340) BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 $3,584,174 $2,072,409 $7,929,051 _.--PARMA. FICKLINa,MAF.TMANNItHANAK, PC. CEATIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT 34 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 15 INFORMATION REQUIRED BY BOND INDENTURES Electric Fund A. The following information provided by City employees: Natural Water and Gas Wastewater Fund Fund Number of customers 3,887 4,532 5,726 Number of metered customers 3,887 4,532 5,726 Number of unmetered customers - - - Number of wastewater connections 3,203 B. All requirements of the respective bond indentures appeared to have been com- plied with by the City. NOTE 16 SALARIES - PROPRIETARY FUNDS The following is a summary of employees' salaries by Utility Fund for the years ended September 30, 1985 and 1984: Natural Water and Electric Gas Wastewater Fund Fund Fund Year ended September 30, 1985: Total salaries $325,990 $251,800 $277,147 Less: Salaries capitalized for plant additions (36,260) (29,550) (20,914) Amount of salaries charged to operations $289,730 $222,250 $256,233 Year ended Se tember 30, 1984: ota salaries $282,875 $234,476 $249,513 Less: Salaries capitalized for plant additions (26,901) (27,459) (17,190) Amount of salaries charged to operations $255,974 $207,017 $232,323 - ._. - PAAKIIR, FICKLINC. MAKTM"M A NANAK. P.C. CERriFIiiv PUBLIC 35 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 17 ELECTRIC ENERGY FURNISHED OTHER FUNDS The selling price of electric energy delivered without charge by the Electric Fund to various other funds (except the Water and Wastewater Fund), boards and offices of the City of Fairhope is charged to the Electric Fund's operations as electric energy furnished other divisions of the City of Fairhope. The Water and Wastewater Fund purchases at cost from the Electric Fund, electric energy it receives. NOTE 18 DEPRECIATION The rates used in recording depreciation of plant and equipment of the utility funds are annual straight line rates as follows: Electric system 3.0% Natural gas system 2.5% Water and wastewater system 2.5% Vehicles and equipment 12.5% to 33.3% Depreciation expense on assets acquired from contributions in aid of construction from U. S. Grants, customers and developers is transferred to those respective capital accounts on the balance sheet and not retained earnings. NOTE 19 INDIVIDUAL FUND INTERFUND RECEIVABLE AND PAYABLE BALANCES Individual fund interfund receivable and payable balances at September 30, 1985 were as follows: Interfund Interfund Receivable Payable General Fund $ 28,431 $ - Special Revenue Funds: Recreation Operating Fund - 8,212 Special Assessment Funds 835 3,576 Capital Project Fund 5,796 Enterprise Funds: Electric Fund - 261,784 Natural Gas Fund 185,967 4,458 Water and Wastewater Fund 71,044 2,451 TOTALS $286,277 $286,277 -- - PARKER.FICKLINO, HARTMANN& NANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC 36 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 20 LITIGATION The City of Fairhope at September 30, 1985 was named as a defendant in the following law suits: The City of Fairhope's attorney has referred the following cases to the insurance companies for the City of Fairhope. These cases which in- volve damage to persons or property and generally allege negligence on behalf of the City are being handled by the City's insurance carrier: Cecile V. Rogers vs City of Fairhope; Lois E. Velte vs City of Fairhope; Susan Dreading vs City of Fairhope, and, Wilma Carpenter vs City of Fairhope. The suit filed by Philip S. Stenzel and Joan F. Murphy as plaintiffs, naming the City of Fairhope as defendant, alleges that the City of Fair - hope has breached a written agreement entered into by the parties on the construction and permanent easement granted by the plaintiffs to the City of Fairhope over real property owned by the plaintiffs for the con- struction and maintenance of a sewer line by the City. The Plaintiffs are claiming that the City has allowed erosion and slough off to occur to Plaintiff's injury, and are requesting as damages the sum of $30,000. The City has filed a counterclaim in the amount of $15,000 due to the fact that the plaintiffs have not allowed the agents, servants, or em- ployees of the City to maintain a concrete flume running from its sewer plant down to the natural stream bed and out to Mobile Bay. Other cases handled by the City's attorney are James E. Nowell vs City of Fairhope and it's Harbor Board and John C. Glover and Margaret G. Glover vs Board of Adjustment of the City of Fairhope and the City of Fairhope. The former only requests costs and attorney's fees while the latter does not specifically request damage. Also, the City of Fairhope filed suit vs Fairhope Clay Products to col- lect an unpaid bill for natural gas usage in the amount of $24,484. The defendants have filed a counterclaim against the City for $100,000 for an alleged failure of the City to pass along refunds to the defendants, which were paid to the City by United Gas Pipe Line Company. PARKER, FICKLIH... MARTM/..4H A HkK^K. P C. CC ATIFIE0 PUBLIC ACCOUNT 37 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 NOTE 21 RETAINED EARNINGS ADJUSTMENT A retro active adjustment as of October 1, 1983 was made to retained earnings to reclassify the cumulative amount of depreciation expense that had been charged to retained earnings in previous years on assets acquired from contributions in aid of construction from U.S. Grants, customers and developers to those respective capital accounts. The adjustment does not affect the amounts of net income (loss) re- ported on previous years statements of income or the total capita- lazation on each fund's balance sheet. The adjustment was made to reflect charges to retained earnings for depreciation expense only on assets acquired with the City's own funds. -- PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN & HANAK. RC. CERTIFIED SUPPORTING SCHEDULES ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION INDIVIDUAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN B HANAK, PC CEPTIFIFn OUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 38 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS 1985 1984 CASH On hand $ 200 $ 225 In banks (Note 5) 354,391 224,404 Total cash _ 354,591 22_ 44,,6_29 RECEIVABLES Federal Emergency Management Agency 1211737 - Street improvement assessments 5,522 8,323 Miscellaneous receivables 8,997 4,537 Due from other funds of the City of Fairhope: Airport Capital Project Fund - 10,000 Street Drainage Capital Project Fund 5,796 - Natural Gas Fund 4,458 5,526 Public Improvement Assessment Fund 2,741 52,250 Water and Wastewater Fund 2,451 5,754 Recreation Fund 8,212 8,621 Electric Fund 4,773 12,291 Allowance for doubtful accounts (5,077) (31980) Total receivables 50,610 103,322 TOTAL ASSETS $ 405,201 $ 327,951 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable, trade $ 102,996 $ 49,757 Payroll taxes payable 7,619 6,511 Employees' retirement payable 8,394 7,048 Sundry payables 30 1,276 Due to other funds of the City of Fairhope: State Gasoline Tax Fund - 252 TOTAL LIABILITIES 119,039 64,844 FUND BALANCE 286,162 263,107 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 405,201 $ 327,951 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN a HANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT 39 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR General Fund Revenues General Fund Expenditures Excess revenues over expenditures FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR 1985 2630107 2,103,827 2,080,772 23,055 $ 286,162 1984 177, 95 2,033,592 19�4788800 85,712 $ 263,107 T The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. -. - —PARKER, FICKLING, NAA-MANN a NANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS • - 40 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 1984 Revised Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget Actual LOCAL TAXES Real estate $ 319,343 $ 319,000 $ 343 $ 312,800 Automobile tags and tax 56,810 55,000 1,810 52,094 Beer tax 46,320 43,000 3,320 45,503 Liquor tax 23,247 21,700 1,547 21,625 Wine tax 8,294 8,300 (6) 8,018 Dog tax 369 _ 375 (6) 354 Total 454,383 447,375 7,008 440,394 LICENSES AND PERMITS Business licenses 152,677 151,000 1,677 132,266 Beer and liquor licenses 9,068 14,000 (4,932) 8,170 Job license fees 2,845 2,800 45 1$07 Building permits and inspection fees 17,054 16,600 454 11,309 Rezoning permits 2,312 2,500 (188) 1,430 Insurance company franchise 46,433 46,433 - 51,806 Cable T. V. franchise 9,699 9,699 - 8,920 Total 240,088 243,032 2,944 215,408 FINES AND FORFEITURES 138,208 135,000 3,208 100,567 STATE OF ALABAMA Share of state liquor profits 12,910 12,777 133 12,651 ABC store sales tax 8,292 9,000 (708) 9,537 Financial institution excise tax 24,567 15,000 9,567 14,922 Motor vehicle licenses 2,754 2,500 254 3,265 Oil production privilege tax 4,401 4,200 201 3,525 Total 52,924 43,477 9,447 43,900 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Federal Emergency Management Agency 12,737 - 12,737 - I - PARKER, FICKLING, NARTMANN • NANAK. P.C. 41 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 1984_ Revised Over Under Actual Budget Budget Actual INTEREST AND RENTS Interest - bank deposits $ 17,719 $ 15,600 $ 2,119 $ 21,060 Interest - street assessments 208 200 8 340 Municipal airport lease 7,286 8,000 (714) 6,049 Municipal pier lease 13,084 13,000 84 3,124 Fishing dock stall rentals 10,275 15,000 (4,725) 16,090 Civic Center building - rentals 25,898 24,000 1,898 23,227 Other rents 7,712 7,156 556 3,724 Airport mineral lease - - - 6,900 Total 82,182 82,956 774) 80,514 CHARGES FOR SERVICES Telephone collection fee 5,000 5,000 - 9,333 Subdivision fees 854 719 135 538 Burglar alarm fees 2,750 2,700 50 3,780 Sanitation collection 119,066 119,250 (184) 116,743 Dog pound fees 1,193 1,100 93 2,000 Total 128,,863 128,769 94 132,394 OTHER REVENUES Beach revenue 21,863 21,000 863 17,724 Donations: Civic Center 10,100 10,100 - 10,000 Trees 3,120 2,885 235 4,663 Sale of fixed assets 9,848 9,848 - 1,000 Grant, South Alabama Regional Planning Commission 3,972 3,972 - 4,164 Insurance claims 3,445 2,856 589 3,928 Sales of materials and miscellaneous income 6,094 3,529 2,565 6,936 Total 58,442 54,190 4,252 48,415 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS State Gasoline Tax Funds 20,000 - 20,000 72,000 Electric Fund 458,000 458,000 - 440,000 Natural Gas Fund 458,000 458,000 - 440,000 Water and Wastewater Fund - - - 20,000 Total 936,000 916,000 20,000 972,000 TOTAL REVENUES $2,103,827 $2,0502799 $ 53,028 $2,033,592 �� The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. _.. MARKYR ►ICKI.1NG,NARTMANN A NAPIAN. >•.C.CEF'+FIE.1, PV&L,t ACGUJnT ANTS 42 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Salaries: Mayor and council $ City clerk and assistants Building inspector, janitor mechanics and Civic Center City attorney City judge Convention, travel and continuing education Audit fees Legal fees General supplies and maintenance Office supplies and postage Telephone Computer service Publications in newspaper Dues and memberships Insurance, casualty Colony rent Payroll taxes Employees' retirement Employees' medical insurance Municipal airport operating expenses Professional services Employees' Christmas bonus Miscellaneous Shuttle bus expense Freight Musiac City computer expense Maintenance - Adult Recreation Center Maintenance - Fishermans Wharf Maintenance - Church St. Building Maintenance - Civic Center - Church Street Christmas decorations Municipal code Trustee fees Municipal election expense Chamber of Commerce Bad' debts Capital purchases - general Capital purchases - Civic 1985 1984 Revised Over (Under) Actual Budget. $udget Actual 18,400 $ 18,400 $ - $ 9,600 67,840 68,432 (592) 61,022 44,148 44,129 19 419254 7,140 7,140 - 7,140 7,646 7,646 - 7,213 14,858 13,000 1,858 11,355 4,575 4,575 - 4,270 4,276 5,000 (724) 4,046 27,364 27,000 364 22,009 17,173 14,121 3,052 10,614 18,942 18,000 942 16,498 1,552 1,600 (48) 1,652 1,460 1,500 (40) 777 6,520 4,440 2,080 4,519 50,291 50,319 (28) 37,859 3,401 4,200 (799) 4,373 8,251 84360 (109) 12,973 6,746 9,680 (2,934) 7,083 7,973 8,000 (27) 9,848 6,030 5,635 395 3,522 3,666 3,300 366 5,114 6,060 6,060 - 6,210 2,023 1,951 72 1,105 3,315 3,600 (285) 2,871 440 300 140 394 540 540 - 540 2,028 1,987 41 280 984 679 305 315 466 189 277 401 200 - 200 - 100 100 - 143 349 349 - 1,500 1,281 1,281 - 600 465 466 (1) 1,448 - - - 1,777 1,200 1,200 0 - 1,200 1,097 - 1,097 55,236 55,236 - 14,560 Center Complex - - Total 404,036 398,415 - 92,989 5,621 409,074 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. .._ PARKER, FICKLINGT, HARTMANN i KANAK. 0.C. CENTMED PUDUC ACCOUNTANTS--�---. 43 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 BEACH DEPARTMENT Salaries Beach repairs and maintenance Beach decals Payroll taxes Total SANITATION DEPARTMENT Capital purchases Trash contract Sanitation contract Landfill charges Rent Total POLICE DEPARTMENT Salaries Gasoline and oil Auto repairs and maintenance Maintenance of radio equipment Court supplies Radio lease Jail and police supplies Uniforms Training City computer Prisoners' meals Payroll taxes Employees' retirement Employees' medical insurance NCIC data system Miscellaneous Repairs and general maintenance Capital purchases Total 1985 1984 Revised Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget Actual $ 4,031 $ 3,700 $ 331 $ 4,345 11032 8,917 2,415 12,480 3,490 3,490 - 51 325 300 25 304 19,178 16,407 2,771 17,180 1,099 84,152 103,133 24,264 100 212,748 1,099 83,600 103,050 23,700 75 211,524 552 83 564 25 1,224 8,664 82,840 101,572 21,787 120 214,983 312,405 310,500 1,905 284,570 14,932 15,000 (68) 13,003 8,792 10,000 (1,208) 7,481 935 565 370 1,112 1,225 650 575 - 800 2,400 (1,600) 2,200 6,849 7,500 (651) 6,504 3,256 3,600 (344) 3,285 387 387 - - 186 7,489 7,000 489 3,730 22,197 22,060 137 19,725 18,200 16,370 1,830 16,336 30,421 31,800 (1,379) 26,629 3,600 3,600 - 3,600 100 100 - 7 4,519 4,200 319 2,986 23,750 23,750 - 25,790 4559,857 459,482 375 417,144 (continued) The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. -PARKER, FICKLINO, HARTMANN A HANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 44 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 1984 Revised Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget Actual FIRE DEPARTMENT Salaries $ 75,997 $ 76,000 $ (3) $ 73,399 Gasoline and oil 3,566 3,500 66 3,370 Supplies 5,209 5,000 209 24,159 Vehicle and equipment repairs 19,470 20,000 (530) 12,052 Repairs and general maintenance 4,030 4,500 (470) 3,869 Training 2,775 2,775 - - Insurance - Volunteer Fire Dept. 1,076 1,076 - 1,031 Miscellaneous 225 225 - - Payroll taxes 5,404 5,035 369 5,032 Employees' retirement 4,379 3,400 979 4,263 Employees' medical insurance 8,020 8,400 (380) 7,318 Capital purchases 5,401 5,400 1 48,552 Total 135,552 135,311 241 1832045 STREET DEPARTMENT Salaries 265,623 264,000 1,623 216,536 Gasoline and oil 37,411 40,000 (2,589) 30,453 Repairs and maintenance - Vehicles and equipment 77,276 70,000 7,276 59,925 Materials, supplies and landscaping 71,735 82,000 (10,265) 48,863 Equipment rental 2,750 400 2,350 479 Uniforms 5,309 5,200 109 5,380 Payroll taxes 18,883 19,000 (117) 15,008 Employees' retirement 15,873 13,000 2,873 12,143 Employees' medical insurance 32,684 35,500 (2,816) 29,021 Sidewalks 13,704 14,000 (296) - Capital purchases 19,208 18,858 350 7,099 Total 560,456 561,958 (1,502) 424,907 (continued) The notes to the financial statement are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, FICKLING. NARTMANN i NANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 45 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 STAFF AGENCIES AND OTHER Staff agencies: Industrial Board Planning Board Harbor Board Other: Fairhope Public Library: Monthly transfer Other expenses Fireworks Committee Baldwin County Civil Defense Total DEBT SERVICE Transfers to debt service funds OTHER EXPENDITURES Drainage project L-SP-PF-82-126 Transfers to the Street Drainage Capital Project Fund Transfers to Airport Improvement Capital Project Fund Total TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1985 1984 Revised Over Under Actual Budget Budge` _ Actual $ - $ - $ - $ 651 5,137 10,000 (4,863) 66 745 745 - 218 37,159 39,159 (2,000) 29,246 - - - 150 4,393 4,393 - 1,676 144 144 144 47,578 54,441 6,863) 32,151 202,724 203,000 (276) 2351829 2,475 36,168 38,643 2,475 8,030 5,537 36,168 - 38,643 13,567 $2,080,772 $2,040,538 $ 40,234 $1,947,880 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. --- PARK!R, FICKLINO. NART ►tA-04 A .WANAK. P C. CtRTIFIEG NJYLIC AGCOUNTANTS 46 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS 1985 1984 CASH In bank $ 1 $ 1 xemwi O LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES $ - $ - FUND BALANCE 1 1 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 1 $ 1 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, fICKL1NG, hAR TV ANN A rf;N AK. a C. CERTIP CEO PUSLIC+CCOUNTANTS 47 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 1984 Over Under Actual Budget Budget Actual REVENUE Federal Entitlement - U. S. Revenue Sharing $ 46,316 $ 44,316 $ 2,000 $ 50,104 EXPENDITURES Transfers to the Fairhope Public Library Board 46,316 44,,316 2,000 50,104 EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES - - - - FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $ 1 1 $�� $� 1 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. ------ PARKER, FICKLINO. MARTMANN A HANAK. P,C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 48 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND STATE OF ALABAMA GASOLINE EXCISE TAX FUNDS BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS CASH RECEIVABLES Due from City of Fairhope, 1977-1978 Public Improvement Assessment Fund Due from General Fund Total receivables TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable, trade FUND BALANCE TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 1985_ 1984 $ 109_044 $ ll,679 67,991 252 - 68,243 $ 104 $ 7�9�9�2 $ 238 $ 1', 385 108,806 78,537 $ 109,044 $ 79,922 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, FICKLINO, NARTYANN & NANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 49 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND STATE OF ALABAMA GASOLINE EXCISE TAX FUNDS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 1984 Over Under Actual Budget Budget Actual REVENUES State of Alabama Petroleum inspection fee $ 6,305 $ 6,200 $ 105 $ 1,599 Gasoline excise tax (7 ) 32,556 32,000 556 32,651 Gasoline excise tax (4 ) 18,032 18,000 32 18,453 Interest earned 2,261 - 20261 - Total revenues 59,154 56,200 2,954 52,703 EXPENDITURES Street materials and supplies 8,885 - 8,885 3,741 Transfers to General Fund 20,000 - 20,000 72,000 Total expenditures 281885 - 281885 75,741 EXCESS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 30,269 56,200 (25,929) (23,038) FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 78,537 78,537 �` 101,575 FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $108,806 $134,737 $t>(25,929) rs� $ 78,537 �.... The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, RCKLINO, HART MAHN A NAHAK,P.C, CBRT01E0 PUSUC ACCOUNTAN73- 50 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND RECREATION OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS ' 1985 1984 Cash On hand $ 60 $ 180 In bank 20,961 20,190 TOTAL ASSETS 21 $ 2`0,3 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable, trade $ 1,793 $ 1,022 Payroll taxes payable 36 73 Due to City of Fairhope - General Fund 8,212 8,621 Deposits held in escrow - Eastern Shore Pathway 10,383 - TOTAL LIABILITIES 20,424 9,716 FUND BALANCE 597 10,654 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 21,021 $ 20,370 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, FICKLINO, HARTMANN • HANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS----.----- 51 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND RECREATION OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 REVENUES Cigarette tax Beer tax Transfer from Recreation Improvement Fund Parking at stadium Miscellaneous Fairhope High School Total revenues EXPENDITURES Employee medical insurance Salaries Payroll taxes Athletic equipment Repairs, maintenance and supplies Telephone and utilities Arts and Crafts, Clinics Gasoline and oil Audit Adult and tourist recreation program Tennis director Golf Course Colony rent Rental Football parking attendants Miscellaneous Insurance Capital purchases Retirement expense Christmas bonus Donation - Reserve police TOTAL EXPENDITURES (carried forward) 1985 1984 Over Under Actual Budget Budget Actual $ 24,457 $ 28,000 $ (3,543) $ 27,790 45,919 46,000 (81) 45,761 - - - 9,935 3,294 3,000 294 4,020 1,623 200 1,423 2,868 2,100 1,800 300 1,800 77,393 79,000 (110607) 92,174 2,804 1,700 1,104 2,633 24,228 26,500 (2,272) 22,461 1,714 23P700 (986) 2,207 917 2,500 (1$83) 2,390 22,178 18,000 4,178 18,199 2,394 2,000 394 1,817 3,589 2,000 1,589 1,540 3,164 3,500 (336) 3,273 650 600 50 525 3,345 3,000 345 219700 - - - 857 4,912 - 4,912 - 2,236 2,300 (64) 2,236 640 - 640 213 - 900 (900) 132 88 1,150 (1,062) 516 925 800 125 806 12,339 9,000 3,339 20,450 977 900 77 880 350 250 100 300 - 1,200 (1,200) 600 87,450 79,000 8,450 84,735 (continued) - - #'AWKEW PICKLING, NAgTIKANN Ai-ANAK.? C.^.FATWEOPIISOC A C.rOII+1T 52 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND RECREATION OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 1984 Over Under) Actual Budget Budget _ Actual TOTAL EXPENDITURES (brought forward) $ 87,450 79,000 8,450 84,735 EXCESS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (10,057) - (10,057) 7,439 FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING YEAR 10,654 ,102654 - 3,215 FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $ 597 $ 10,654 $0 0,057) $ 10,654 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. - - PARKER, FICKLINO, HARTMANN A NANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 53 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS 1985 1984 CASH IN BANK r- Recreation Project Improvement - checking $ 44,614 $ 29,569 Recreation Project Improvement - savings 15,788 14,982 Total cash 60,402 44,551 TOTAL ASSETS $ 60,402 $ 44,551 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES $ - $ - FUND BALANCE 60,402 44,551 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 60,402 $ 44,551 e �e The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. -------PwNKQH, AICKLiNG NAPTASANM 6 MANAk.P.G. CERTIFIED PUOLIC ACCOUNTANTS 54 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND RECREATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 REVENUES Cigarette tax Beer tax Interest earned Total revenues EXPENDITURES Transfers to debt service fund Transfer to Recreation Operating Fund Capital purchases Miscellaneous Total expenditures EXCESS REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR 1985 1984 Over Under Actual Budget Budget Actual $ 12,226 $ 13,000 $ (774) $ 13,603 30,613 27,000 3,613 30,517 3,174, - 3,174 2,427 46,013 40,000 6,013 46,547 30,162 30,000 162 30,162 - 9,935 10,000 (10,000) - 5 30,162 40,000 (9,838) 40X102 15,851 - 15,851 6,445 44,551 44,551 - 38,106 $ 60,402 $ 44,5.51 $ 15,581 $ 44,551 �s ®� - �� The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. ... PARKER, MCKLING, HARTMANN 4 HANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 55 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND CITY OF FAIRHOPE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS 1985 1984 CASH NOW account $ 17,286 $ 12,215 Flexifund account 29,319 23,656 Total cash 46,605 35,871 RECEIVABLES State Department of Industrial Relations 887 1,307 State Social Security 130 - Total receivables 1,017 1,307 TOTAL ASSETS $ 47,622 $ 37,178 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Accounts payable, trade $ 1,461 $ 1,426 Payroll taxes and retirement payable 473 585 TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,934 2,011 FUND BALANCE 45,688 35,167 TOAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 47,622 $ 37�178 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. - - PARKER. PICKLING, HARTMANN 4 NANAK. PC.C2RTIF15O PUIL.IC ACCOUNTANTS 56 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND CITY OF FAIRHOPE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 1984 Over Under) REVENUES Actual Budget Budget Actual Transfers from other funds of the City of Fairhope $ 83,475 $ 83,475 $ - $ 79,350 Fines 4,618 3,200 1,418 3,972 Lost books 481 - 481 385 Gifts and memorials 7,005 4,000 3,005 3,549 Copier receipts 252 - 252 112 Memberships - out of city 4,280 3,200 1,080 3,310 Interest income 21475 1,000 1,475 2,308 State - Govenor's Discretionary Funds 1,500 - 1,500 - Lease income 1,425 1,500 (75) 1,350 Miscellaneous income 575 - 575 599 Total revenues 106,086 96,375 9,711 94,935 EXPENDITURES Salaries 46,310 47,000 (690) 44,676 Payroll taxes 3,650 4,200 (550) 2,891 Book purchases and repairs 18,722 161250 2,472 179670 Periodicals, film and microfilm 3,661 3,800 (139) 4,548 Supplies and postage 3,005 2,800 205 2,243 Telephone 838 750 88 666 Utilities 5,009 5,000 9 3,765 Repairs and maintenance 1,727 1,400 327 1,023 Janitorial service 1,475 1,500 (25) 1,500 Audit and legal services 695 650 45 595 Miscellaneous 923 975 (52) 1,426 Travel and conventions 288 350 (62) 311 Audio visual 896 1,750 (854) 664 Bookkeeping 1,750 1,750 - 1,750 Furniture and equipment - 800 (800) - New library 2,198 Childrens' programs 546 900 (354) 475 Employees' hospitalization insurance 2,900 3,300 (400) 29739 Employees' retirement 2,198 2,200 (2) 1,873 Property taxes 972 1,000 (28) 898 Total expenditures 95,565 96,375 (810) 91,911 EXCESS REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES 10,521 - 10,521 3,024 FUND BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 35,167 35,167 - 32,143 FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $ 45,688 $ 35,167 $ 10,521 $ 35,167 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PANklA, f1CKL7NG, NAAYMANN A NANAK, P.C. C&AYIFIFD PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 57 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SCHEDULE OF ACTIVE AWARDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 GRANT TITLE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Community Development Block Grant DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING TOTAL FEDERAL GRANTS STATE AND OTHER NONFEDERAL AWARDS TOTAL FEDERAL I. D. NUMBER L-SP-PF-84-034 3-01-0029-01-83 01-2-002-004 AMOUNT OF AWARDS RECEIVED $103,500 266,511 46,316 416,327 3,972 $420,299 - -- - - - - PARKER. FICKLINA, HARTMANN& NANAK. 58 PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN & HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SAMUEL F. PARKER LESLIE T. FICKLING XAVIER A. HARTMANN, III MEMBER, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF J. KENNETH HANAK CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS WAYNE A. GRUENLOH RUCKER T. TAYLOR, III ROBERT E. GRANT, JR. CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT NO. L-SP-PF-84-034 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PROJECT NO. 3-01-0029-01-83 AUDITOR'S COMMENTS ON COMPLIANCE December 11, 1985 Honorable James P. Nix, Mayor, and Members of the City Council Fairhope, Alabama We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of Fairhope, Alabama for the year ended September 30, 1985, as listed in the table of contents and have issued our report thereon dated December 11, 1985 on page 1. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; the pro- visions of Circular A-102, Attachment P, "Audit Requirements"; Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities and Functions promul- gated by the U. S. Comptroller General, as they pertain to financial and com- liance audits; Guidelines for Financial and Compliance Audits of Federally Assis- ted Programs; the provisions of the office of Management and Budget's Compliance Supplement for Single Audits of State and Local Governments; and accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other audting procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Based on our examination, we found that, for the items tested, the City of Fairhope, Alabama complied with the material terms and conditions of the Federal award agreements. Further, based on our examination and the procedures referred to above, nothing came to our attention to indicate that the City of Fairhope, Alabama had not complied with the significant compliance terms and conditions of the awards referred to above. This report is intended solely for the use of the City of Fairhope, Ala- bama, the cognizant audit agency, other Federal audit agencies and the Alabama Department of Economic.and Community Affairs, and should not be used for any other purpose. Certified Public Accountants -- - PARA[A, ►1CY.LINn HAhYMANNA HANAK. P.C. CkRTIMED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN & HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA SAMUEL F. PARKER LESLIE T. FICKLING XAVIER A. HARTMANN, III MEMBER, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF J. KENNETH HANAK CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS WAYNE A. GRUENLOH RUCKER T. TAYLOR, III ROBERT E. GRANT, JR. CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT NO. L-SP-PF-84-034 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PROJECT NO. 3-01-0029-01-83 AUDITOR'S REPORT ON INTERNAL ACCOUNTING CONTROL December 11, 1985 Honorable James P. Nix, Mayor and Members of the City Council Fairhope, Alabama We have examined the combined financial statements of the City of Fairhope, Alabama for the year ended September 30, 1985 as listed in the table of contents and have issued our report thereon dated December 11, 1985 on page 1. As art of our examination, we made a study and evaluation of the system of internal accounting control of the City of Fairhope, Alabama referred to above to the extent we consi- dered necessary to evaluate the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the Circular A-102, Attachment P, "Audit Requirements", Standards for Audit of Govern- mental Organizations, Programs, Activities and Functions, Guidelines for Financial and Compliance Audits of Federally Assisted Programs, and Compliance Supplement for Single Audits of State and Local Governments. For the purpose of this report we have classified the significant internal accounting controls in the following categories. Accounting Applications -Billings -Receivables -Cash receipts -Purchasing and receiving -Accounts payable -Cash disbursements -Payroll -Inventory control -Property and equipment -General ledger Our study included all of the control categories listed above. The purpose of our study and evaluation was to determine the nature, timing and extent of the auditing procedures necessary for expressing an opinion on the City of Fairhope, Alabama's combined financial statements. Our study and evaluation was more limited than would be necessary to express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control taken as a whole or on any of the categories of controls identified above. (continued) PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN & HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 59 Honorable James P. Nix, Mayor, and Members of the City Council Page 2. The Mayor and City Council of the City of Fairhope, Alabama are responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of internal accounting control. In ful- filling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of control procedures. The object- ives of a system are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assur- ance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because of limitations inherent in any system of internal accounting con- trol, errors or irregularities may neverless occur and not be detected. Also, projection of any evaluation of the system to future periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. Our study and evaluation, made for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph, would not necessarily disclose all material weaknesses in the system. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the system of internal accounting con- trol of the City of Fairhope, Alabama taken as a whole or on any of the categories of controls identified in the first paragraph. However, our study and evaluation disclosed no condition that we believe to be a material weakness. This report is intended solely for the use of the City of Fairhope, Alabama, the cognizant audit agency, or other Federal audit agencies and the Alabama Depart- ment of Economic and Community Affiars, and should not be used for any other purpose. pa-IL14, ��4 ,� Certified Public Accountants PARXER. FiCXLIN D. HARTMANN E NANAX. P,C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC 60 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA STREET DRAINAGE CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT NO. L-SP-PF-84-034 BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS 1985 1984 Cash 7,355 T — TOTAL ASSETS $ 7,355 $ - LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Due to City of Fairhope - General Fund $ 5,796 $ - FUND BALANCE 1,559 - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 7,355 $ - The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. .. PARKED, FICXLING, HAR nwA iNaI HANAX.P.C. CRATIfIQC PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS-��-.—....�-.�..�..—_ 61 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA STREET DRAINAGE CAPITAL PROJECT FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT NO. L-SP-PF-84-034 STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 REVENUE Federal grants - CDBG EXPENDITURES Administration Drainage improvements Total expenditures EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES Fund balance at beginning of year FUND -BALANCE AT END OF YEAR 1985 Over Under 1984 Actual Budget Budget Actual $103,500 $103_ ,500 $ - $ - 13,600 13,600 - 8810341 88,341 101,941 101,941 - - 1,559 1,559 - - $ 11,559 $ 1,559 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, FICKLINO, HARTMANN i NANAK. A.C. CERTIFIED w 62 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT NO. L-SP-PF-84-034 STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND STATUS OF FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 Grant Amount Total program year 1984 funds allocated to recipient $200,000 Less: Total program year 1984 funds drawn down by recipient 103,500 Funds still available from HUD - Program year 1984 96,500 Total program year 1984 funds drawn down by recipient 103,500 Less: Funds applied to program year 1984 101,941 Total program year 1984 funds held by recipient 1,559 Total program year 1984 funds available for disposition $ 982059 Additional Funding Additional City funds allocated to program: Force account Labor and equipment $ 75,079 Total City funds applied to program 75,079 Less: Additional City funds applied to program 75,079 Additional City funds available for disposition Total Funding Total funds allocated to program $275,079 Less: Total funds applied to program 177,020 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR DISPOSITION $ 98,059 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER,PICKLING,NARTYIN!!%4ANAK.PC.CERTiftEDPUSLICACLOUNTANTS 63 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT NO. L-SP-PF-84-034 STATEMENT OF PROGRAM COSTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 Authorized Costs Expenditures PROGRAM ACTIVITY Administration $ 23,500 $ 13,600 Drainage improvements 166,500 88,341 Contingencies 10,000 - Total 200,000 101,941 CITY OF FAIRHOPE-IN-KIND Force account labor and equipment 75,079 Total 75,079 TOTAL PROGRAM COSTS $ 200,000 $ 177,020 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, FICKLING. HARTMAN►I R HANAK. P.C. CERTIFIZO 64 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PROJECT NO. 3-01-0029-01-83 CASH TOTAL ASSETS BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE LIABILITIES Due to City of Fairhope - General Fund FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 1985 1984 $ 1 $ 2,562 $ 1 $ 2,562 $ - $ 10,000 1 (7,438) $ 1 $ 2,562 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER, FICKLING, HART A �kkk : HANAK. A.C. CERT IF140 PUBLIC AGC GJNTANTS - 65 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PROJECT NO. 3-01-0029-01-83 STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 REVENUE Federal grants - FAA Donation - 24.2 acres real estate Transfers from General Fund Program income - fee for plans Total revenues EXPENDITURES Administration Preliminary Architectural engineering - basic fees Other architectural engineering fees Appraisal, legal and land survey Land acquisition Land development Donated land In -eligible costs Total expenditures EXCESS REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES Fund balance (deficit) at beginning of year FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) AT END OF YEAR 1985 Over Under) 1984 Actual Budget Budget Actual $266,511 $266,511 $ $ 64,966 65,504 65,504 - 36,168 36,168 - 550 550 - 368,733 266,511 102,222 64,966 2,403 2,403 3,000 25,985 45,063 45,063 24,938 704 704 12,049 7,347 7,347 - 239,920 239,920 - - 6,432 65,504 65,504 - 353 353 - 361,294 295,790 65,504 72,404 7,439 (29,279) 36,718 (7,438) (71438) (7)438) $ 1 $(36,717) $ 36,718 $(7,438) The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. PARKER. FICKLING, HARTMANN A NANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS .�.-_ 66 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PROJECT NO. 3-01-0029-01-83 STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND STATUS OF FUNDS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 Grant Amount Total program year 1983 funds allocated to recipient $1,700,000 Less: Total program year 1983 funds drawn down by recipient 331,477 Funds still available from FAA - Program year 1983 12368,523 Total program year 1983 funds drawn down by recipient 331,477 Less: Funds applied to program year 1983 331,477 Total program year 1983 funds held by recipient - Total program year 1983 funds available for disposition $1,368,523 Additional Funding Additional City funds allocated to program $ 188,889 Less: Additional City funds applied to program 36,168 Additional'City funds available for disposition $ 152,721 Additional Match funds allocated to program $ 65,504 Program income $ 550 Total Funding Total funds allocated to program $1,954,943 Less: Total funds applied to program 433,699 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR DISPOSITION $1,587,298 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. --- - -- PARKER, FICKLINO,NAATMANN IN HANAK.P,C.CERTIRIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 67 CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PROJECT NO. 3-01-0029-01-83 STATEMENT OF PROGRAM REVENUE AND COSTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985, 1984 and 1983 Program Income Federal Aviation Administration City of Fairhope, Alabama TOTALS Years ended September 30, Total 1985 1984 1983 $331,477 $266,511 $ 64,966 $ - 36,168 26,168 1_0,000 $367,645 $292,6679 $ 74,966 - Program Activity Authorized Years ended September 30, Costs Total 1985 1984 1983 Development other than land $1,456,513 $114,142 $ 48,170 $ 65,972 $ - Land acquisition 432,376 253,699 247,267 6,432 - TOTALS $1,888,889 $367,841 $295,437 $ 72,404 $ - The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. - - GA gKlA, P�CKIlNp,MMTMANNIMIMAK.RC.Ci1glRitp V4A1�C CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA ELECTRIC FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash: Operating - checking and Money Market Passbook savings accounts Certificates of deposit Sinking fund - general obligation electric warrants Total cash Receivables: Alabama Power Company Utility customers Accrued interest Federal Emergency Management Agency Miscellaneous Allowance for uncollectible accounts Total receivables Materials inventories Prepaid operating expenses Total current assets PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (at cost) Electric plant and distribution system Vehicles and equipment Accumulated depreciation Total property, plant and equipment - net OTHER ASSETS Unamortized debt issue cost TOTAL ASSETS 1985 1984 $ 525,179 $ 573,000 59,115 19,856 385,637 263,376 12,614 14,362 982,545 870,594 - 83,876 473,959 392,263 7,126 705 13,798 - 223 19,030 (65,753) (46,320) 429,353 449,554 96,552 87,287 12,711 7,948 1,521,161 1,415,383 3,2489351 3,063,038 335,823 314,258 3,584,174 3,377,296 (1,330,888) (1,200,653) 2,253,286 2,176,643 139 324 $3,774,586 $3,592,350 PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN i HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS LIABILITIES AND CAPITALIZATION 1985 1984 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable, trade $^ 359,930 $ 345,345 Accrued expenses and taxes: Payroll taxes 2,140 1,822 Utility taxes 3,528 - Employees' retirement contribution 2,534 1,929 Interest 1,807 2,353 Insurance withholding - 151 Total accrued expenses and taxes 10,009 6,255 Utility customer deposits 350,676 311,431 General obligation electric warrants 45,000 42,000 Note payable, Central Bank of The South 9,200 8,371 Total current liabilities 774,815 713,402 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES General obligation electric warrants 94,000 139,000 Note payable, Central Bank of the South 2,501 11,704 Inter fund loans payable, City of Fairhope: General Fund 4,773 12,291 Natural Gas Fund 185,967 1994351 Water and Wastewater Fund 71,044 43,516 Total non current liabilities 358,285 405,862 TOTAL LIABILITIES . 1,133,100 1,119,264 CAPITALIZATION Contributions in aid of construction 86,310 83,696 Retained earnings 2,555,176 2,389,390 Total capitalization 2,641,486 2,473,086 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITALIZATION $3,774,586 $3i592,350 The notes to the financial statement are an integral part of this statement. - PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN III NANAK. P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA ELECTRIC FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget 1984 Actual OPERATING REVENUES Sales of electric energy $4,492$23 $4,343,000 $ 149,323 $4,080,283 Other charges, sales and receipts 40,569 37,000 3,569 37,248 Total operating revenues 4,532,892 4,380,000 152,892 4,117,531 OPERATING EXPENSES Chamber of Commerce contract Purchased power Operating, maintenance and administrative salaries (Note 16) Audit fees Bad debts Bond issue expense Christmas bonuses Computer expenses Electric energy furnished other divisions of the City (Note 17) Dues and memberships Engineering services Gasoline and oil Insurance - casualty Insurance - employees' group Legal fees Plant maintenance and operating supplies Maintenance vehicles and equipment Miscellaneous Office supplies and postage Payroll taxes Professional services Employees' retirement Telephone Travel, training and school Uniforms Total operating expenses EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS BEFORE DEPRECIATION, OTHER INCOME AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS (carried forward) 1,200 1,200 - - 3,232,824 3,154,000 78,824 2,850,595 289,730 278,950 10,780 255,974 3,245 3,200 45 3,055 20,004 20,000 4 20,004 185 185 - 185 1,380 1,560 (180) 1,560 3,508 2,500 19008 3,135 81,513 80,000 1,513 68,443 30,961 10,000 20,961 9,166 24,791 18,000 6,791 21,838 7,085 5,000 2,085 6,043 27,375 23,000 4,375 23,261 25,779 28,000 (2)221) 22,442 212 - 212 375 57,586 13,994 42 8,107 25,754 3,197 19,035 4,179 4,471 2,497 3,888,654 17,000 12,000 200 7,000 20,700 600 16,200 4,000 3,500 3,000 3,709,795 644,238 670,205 40,586 1,994 (158) 1,107 5,054 2,597 2,835 179 971 (503) 178,859 (25,967) 34,298 16,156 120 9,984 19,972 1,865 15,953 3,982 3,897 2,611 3,394,914 722,617 PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN & NANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1985 1984 Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget Actual EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS BEFORE DEPRECIATION, OTHER INCOME AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS (brought forward) $ 644,238 $ 670,205 $ (25,967) $ 722,617 OTHER INCOME (DEDUCTIONS) Federal Emergency Management Agency 13,798 - 13,798 - Interest expense (10,494) (.14,000) (3,506) (13,357) Interest income 103,268 50,000 53,268 60,758 Earnings transferred to the General Fund of the City of Fairhope (458,000) (458.1000), - (440,000) Total other income (deductions) (351,428) (422,000) (70,572) (392,599) NET INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION 292,810 2483*205 44,605 330,018 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE (Note 18) On assets acquired with own funds 127,024 1180177 On assets acquired from contri- butions in aid to construction 3,211 2,922 Total depreciation expense 130,235 118,000 12,235 121,099 NET INCOME 162,575 130,205 32,370 208,919 Add credit arising from transfer of depreciation to contributions in aid to Construction Account (Note 18) 13,211 3,211 2,922 Net Income Transferred to Retained Earnings 165,786 $ 13�5 $ 3�1 211,841 Retained earnings at beginning of year: As previously reported 2,162,982 Adjustment (Note 21) 14 567 Restated 2 =_ 2,177,549 �— RETAINED EARNINGS AT END OF YEAR $2,555,176 $2,389,390 ..� I The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. -. - PARKER, FICKLINO, HARTMANN&NANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NATURAL GAS FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash: Operating accounts Savings account Certificates of deposit Bond sinking fund Total cash Receivables: Bulk gas customer - Town of Daphne Miscellaneous Allowance for doubtful accounts Total receivables Materials inventories Prepaid operating expenses Total current assets SINKING FUNDS First mortgage revenue bonds, 1961 series, reserve and replacement funds PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (at cost) Natural gas plant and distribution system Vehicles and equipment Accumulated depreciation Total property, plant and equipment - net OTHER ASSETS Inter fund loans receivable, City of Fairhope: Electric Fund TOTAL ASSETS 1985 1984 $ 36,009 $ (828) - 411 226,882 206,677 43,860 �44,688 306,751 250,948 46,986 59,838 1,619 4,324 (687) (1,860) 47,918 62,302 70,576 69,568 6,596 5,455 431,841 388,273 176,628 172,274 1,867,321 205,088 2,072,409 (1,124,570) 947,839 185,967 $1,744 2,2�75 1,806,367 196,868 2,003,235 (1,055,768) 947,467 199,351 $1, 707 36655 PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN 6 HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 70 LIABILITIES AND CAPITALIZATION 1985 1984 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable, trade $ 63,104 $ 71,968 Accrued expenses and taxes: Payroll taxes 1,632 1,460 Employees' retirement contribution 1,859 1,643 Interest 4,200 4,800 Insurance withholding - 267 Total accrued expenses and taxes 7,691 8,170 First mortgage revenue bonds, 1961 series 45,000 45,000 Total current liabilities 115,795 125,138 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES First mortgage revenue bonds, 1961 series 270,000 315,000 Inter fund loans payable, City of Fairhope: General Fund 4,458 5,526 Total non current liabilities 274,458 320,526 TOTAL LIABILITIES 390,253 445,664 CAPITALIZATION Contributions in aid of construction 156,445 148,486 Retained earnings 1,195,577 1,113,215 Total capitalization 1,352,022 1,261,701 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITALIZATION $1,742,275 $1,707,365 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statements. PARIM. PICKLMD, HARTMANN Y NANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBUC ACCOUNTANTS CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA NATURAL GAS FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget 1984 Actual OPERATING REVENUES Sales of natural gas $2,463,463 $2,660,000 $ (196,537) $2,674,396 Miscellaneous sales and receipts 372 500 (128) 392 Total operating revenues 2,463,835 2,660,500 (196,665) 2,674,788 OPERATING EXPENSES Natural gas purchases 1,492,180 1,768,000 (275,820) 1,844,465 Chamber of Commerce contract 1,200 1,200 - - Professional services 2,175 2,650 (475) - operating, maintenance and administrative salaries (Note 16) 222,250 203,550 189700 207,017 Audit and accounting fees 4,310 3,200 1,110 4,230 Christmas bonuses 1,540 1,400 140 1,38 Computer expenses 1,988 1,800 188 2,339 Dues and memberships 897 1,000 (103) 987 Engineering services 11,775 12,000 (225) 13,60? Gasoline and oil 8,929 7,000 1,929 7,315 Insurance - casualty 12,504 12,000 504 12,439 Insurance - employees group 24,771 27,500 (2,729) 23,111 Legal fees 5,890 5,000 890 9,990 Plant maintenance and operating supplies 18,246 17,000 1,246 18,651 Maintenance - vehicles and equipment 19,360 6,000 13,360 6,762 Miscellaneous 165 50 115 44 Office supplies and postage 12,879 4,000 8,879 2,832 Payroll taxes 17,936 18,000 (64) 16,431 Employees' retirement 15,228 15,400 (172) 14,586 Telephone 3,010 2,800 210 2,864 Utilities 1,355 1,500 (145) 1,250 Travel, training and school 1,868 3,500 (1,632) 4,696 Trustee fees 500 500 - 500 Uniforms 2,523 2,600 (77) 2,608 Distribution of joint revenue -net 3,666 - 3,666 11,648 Total operating expenses 1,887,145 2,117,650 (230,505) 2,209,752 EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS BEFORE DEPRECIATION, OTHER INCOME AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS (carried forward) 576,690 542,850 33,840 465,03( PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN A HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 71 EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS BEFORE DEPRECIATION, OTHER INCOME AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS (brought forward) OTHER INCOME (DEDUCTIONS) Interest expense Interest income Earnings transferred to the General Fund of the City of Fairhope Purchased gas refunds Total other income (deductions) NET INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION DEPRECIATION EXPENSE (Note 18): On -assets acquired with own funds On assets acquired from Contributions in aid to construction Total depreciation expense NET INCOME (LOSS) Add credit arising from transfer of depreciation to contributions in aid to construction account (Note 18) Net Income transferred to retained earnings Retained earnings at Beginning of Year: As previously reported Adjustment (Note 21) Restated RETAINED EARNINGS AT END OF YEAR 1985 1984 Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget Actual $ 76,690 $ 542,850 $ 33,840 $ 465,036 (12,900) (13,590) (690) (14,700) 39,587 35,000 4,587 33,936 (458,000) (458,000) - (440,000) 1,267 11267 _ 90,239 (430,046) (436,590) (6,544) (330,525) 146,644 106,260 40,384 13411511 64,282 61,271 4,5520 -3,968 68,802 65,000 3,802 65,239 77,842 41,260 36,582 69,272 4,520 - 4,520 3,968 82,362 $ 41,260 $ 41,102 73,24,0 1,1131215 $1,195,577 1,024,112 15,863 1,039,975 $1,113,215 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statemeut. --- -- -r-- PAPICER, MKLING. NA9"I MANN A NAW,K. P.C. CIRRI IFILU PUBLIC ACCOL NTAN Ca' CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND BALANCE SHEET SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 ASSETS 1985 1984 CURRENT ASSETS Cash: Operating account $ 25,040 $ 18,543 Passbook savings accounts 3,461 161 Construction accounts - restricted - 6,900 Bond sinking funds 226,436 205,814 Certificates of deposit 76,595 49,102 Total cash 331,532 2` 80,20 Receivables: Miscellaneous 2,150 1,365 Deposits on equipment 5,966 5,966 Allowance for doubtful accounts (979) 7,137 (1,076) � 255 Total receivables Materials inventories 400906 37,743 Prepaid operating expenses 12,609 7,618 Total current assets 392,184 332,136 SINKING FUNDS Reserve and replacement funds 137,429 110_999 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (at cost) Water and Wastewater systems 7,761,887 7,699,601 Vehicles and equipment 167,164 161,638_ 7,929,051 7,861,239 Accumulated depreciation (2,040,042) (1,826,711) Total property, plant and equipment - net 5,889,009 6,034,528 OTHER ASSETS Unamortized debt cost Receivable - Electric Fund Total other assets TOTAL ASSETS 29,931 71,044 100,975 31,442 43,516 74,958 $6,519,597 $6,55�2,621 PARKER, FICKUNG, HARTMANN i HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 72 LIABILITIES AND CAPITALIZATION 1985 1984 CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable: Trade $ 16,581 $_9,� 621 Accrued expenses and taxes: Payroll taxes 1,702 1,506 Employees' retirement contribution 1,969 1,738 Interest 111,510 113,182 Employee insurance - 38 Total accrued expenses and taxes 115,181 116,464 Water revenue bond payable 13,000 7,000 First mortgage revenue bonds payable 65,000 60,000 78,000 67,000 Total current liabilities 209,762 193,085 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Water revenue bonds payable 2,503,100 2,523,000 First mortgage revenue bonds payable 905,000 970,000 3,408.1100 3,493,000 Inter fund loans payable, City of Fairhope: General Fund 2,451 5,754 Total non current liabilities 3,410,551 3,498,754 TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,620,313 3,691,839 CAPITALIZATION Contributions in aid of construction: United States Government 818,570 846,005 Customers and developers 971,024 911,159 Other funds of the City of Fairhope 38,147 38,147 Retained earnings 1,071,543 1,065,471 Total capitalization 2,899,284 2,860,782 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITALIZATION $6,51� 7 $6,552,21 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. ""` - •-••^ PARKER, FICKLING. HARTMANN R AANAK• F.C. CPATMOD "LIC ACCOUNTANTS CITY OF FAIRHOPE, ALABAMA WATER AND WASTEWATER FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS WITH YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 BUDGET FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 1984 1985 1984 Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget Actual OPERATING REVENUES Sales of water $ 733,345 $ 730,000 $ 3,345 $ 709,668 Wastewater charges 219,130 220,000 (870) 211,702 Wastewater connection charges 29,975 20,000 9,975 14,925 Other charges, sales and receipts 64 100 (36) 145 Total operating revenues 982,514 970,100 12,414 936,440 OPERATING EXPENSES Chamber of Commerce contract 1,200 1,200 - - Electric power 150,864 140,000 10,864 136,348 Operating, maintenance and administrative salaries (Note 17) 256,233 246,450 9,783 2329323 Audit fees 3,245 3,000 245 3,055 Bad debts - 500 (500) - Bond issue expense Christmas bonuses 1,511 1,600 1,511 1,350 - 250 1,511 1,345 Computer expenses 1,988 2,000 (12) 2,352 Legal - 500 (500) - Dues and memberships 395 400 (5) 385 Engineering services 9,942 8,000 1,942 91550 Gasoline and oil 8,548 9,000 (452) 8,450 Insurance - casualty 27,682 23,000 4,682 23,164 Insurance - employees' group 32,123 36,000 (3,877) 27,912 Plant maintenance and operating supplies 95,035 66,000 29,035 101,280 Maintenance -vehicles and equipment 18,207 10,000 8,207 9,881 Miscellaneous Office supplies and postage 43 1,302 600 4,700 (557) (3,398) 612 8,106 Payroll taxes 20,051 18,000 2,051 17,104 Professional services 4,949 1,000 3,949 1,546 Employees' retirement 16,759 16,000 759 15,173 Rental 112 400 (288) 412 Telephone 4,641 4,500 141 4,405 Travel, training and school 1,448 1,200 248 866 Uniforms 2,836 2,500 336 2,652 Trustee fees 1,320 1,510 (190) 1,510 Total operating expenses 662PO34 599,321 62,713 609,942 EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS BEFORE DEPRECIATION, OTHER INCOME AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS (carried forward) 320,480 370,779 (50,299) 326,498 PARKER, FICKLING, HARTMANN & HANAK, P.C. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 73 1985 1984 Over (Under) Actual Budget Budget Actual EARNINGS FROM OPERATIONS BEFORE DEPRECIATION, OTHER INCOME AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS (brought forward) $ 320,480 $ 370,779 $ (50,299) $ 326,498 OTHER INCOME (DEDUCTIONS) Interest expense (180,437) (186,000) (5,563) (184,464) Interest earned 26,595 20,000 (6,595) 27,144 Earnings,transferred to the General Fund of the City of Fairhope (20,000) Loss on sale of asset (341) 341 - Total other income (deductions) (154,183) (166,000) (11,817) (177,320) NET INCOME BEFORE DEPRECIATION 166,297 204,779 (38,482) 149,178 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE (Note 18): On assets acquired with own funds 160,225 156,895 On assets acquired from contributions in aid to construction 53,955 51,468 Total depreciation expense 214,180 200,000 14,180 208,363 NET INCOME (LOSS) (47,883) 4,779 (52,662) (59,185) Add credit arising from transfer of depreciation to contributions in aid to construction account (Note 18) 53,955 Net income transferred to Retained earnings 6,072 Retained earnings at beginning of Year: As previously reported Adjustment (Note 21) Restated 1,065,471 RETAINED EARNINGS AT END OF YEAR $1,071,543 - 53,955 51,468 $�4,7799 $1, 93� (7,717) 766,904 306,284 1,073,188 $1,065,471 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. ^�-+-PARKER, F:C;K;.IN6,NAk MAhNI NANAK, D.C. CEA TIFIED PUSUC ACCOUNTANTS