HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-22-1982 Regular Meeting428
The City Council, City of Fairhope, met in regular sess-
ion at 5:30 p.m., Fairhope Municipal Complex, 161 North Section
Street, Fairhope, Alabama 36532, on Monday, 22 November 1982.
Present were Mayor James P. Nix, Councilmembers Sam E.
Box, Roy C. White, and David E.•Bishop; City Attorney Jim
Reid and City Clerk Evelyn Phillips. Councilwoman Trisha
Nelson was out of town on vacation.
(Note - All unanimous votes recorded in these
minutes include a vote by the Mayor.)
Mayor Nix called the meeting to order and Councilman
White gave the invocation.
Minutes of the 8 November 1982 regular session were
duly approved.
The following bids were opened on a backhoe for the
Water & Sewer Department:
Case Power & Equipment
Case 580D
Birmingham, Al.
Foley Tractor Co.
Foley, Al.
Ferguson 50D
Grant Tractor Co.
Ford 545
Robertsdale, Al.
Ford 555
Port City Tractor
Mobile, Al.
Deere 310A
Leroy Jordan Ford
Ford DD311X
Mobile, Al.
Ford DF311F
Councilman Box moved to accept the low bid, provided all spec-
ifications are met. Seconded by Councilman Bishop, motion
passed unanimously.
Councilman White moved to approve a Restaurant Liquor
License application by Tim Mulcahy, dba THE MAGNOLIA BAR
AND GRILL, 800 North Section Street. Seconded by Councilman
Box, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Bishop introduced, and moved for the
adoption of, the following Resolution. Seconded by
Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously:
Be it Resolved by the Mayor and Council of the
City of Fairhope that the Mayor and City Clerk are
hereby authorized to execute a Six-month General Ob-
ligation Note in the amount of Three Hundred Fifty -
Seven Thousand Dollars($357,000) as temporary financing
for the 1982 Public Improvements Assessments Project
at an annual interest rate of , said Note to be
secured by the full faith and credit of the City.
ADOPTED this 22nd day
City erk
Councilman Box moved to authorize advertisements offering
for sale to the highest bidder a 66' X 125' parcel of land
located next to the Fairhope Yacht Club on Volanta Avenue.
Council will reserve the right to reject all bids and Build-
ing Official Lunsford will prepare the descriptive information
to be used in the ads. Seconded by Councilman White, motion
passed unanimously.
Councilman Whito§ introduced an Ordinance to amend
Section 11-4 of the City Code of Ordinances to allow the
sale of Fireworks in the Police Jurisdiction.
Councilman Bishop introduced, and moved for the adoption
of, the following Resolution. Seconded by Councilman Box,
motion passed unanimously:
Resolution No. 63-82
Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of
Fairhope that Mayor James P. Nix, be and hereby is author-
ized in the name and on the behalf of the City of Fair -
hope to cause to be entered in the Probate Records of Bald-
win County, Alabama, notice to MAJOR HOMES, INC., as owners
of COVERED BRIDGE subdivision, that the responsibility for
maintenance and protection from erosion of lands designated
as fifteen(15) foot sloughing easements within said sub-
division and as shown on the recorded plat thereof shall be
exculsivelythat of Major Homes, Inc.,(an Alabama Corporation)
and its successors and assigns and that the City of Fairhope,
Alabama, expressly disclaims such responsibility.
Adopted this 22nd day of Nov er, 1982.
M y40or
City qlerk
Councilman Box introduced.an Ordinance to establish new
water rates for all water customers outside the corporate limits
all water customers inside the corporate limits, and to elimi-
nate the West Baldwin water customers rate by amending Section
21-38 of the City Code of Ordinances; and to repeal Section
21-39 of said Code as no longer applicable.
Councilman Bishop moved to approve the Spring Fever Chase
to be held on April 2, 1983, as outlined by Mr. Tim Simmons
provided the route is approved by the Police Chief. Seconded
by Councilman Box, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman White advised Council that the Vounteer Fire
Department is trying to obtain a lower Fire Rating for the City
by updating their equipment. Even though there is no guarantee
that a lower rating will be obtained, the Department is re-
questing the City to purchase an aerial truck and some mis-
cellaneous fire -fighting equipment which they need. Estimated
costs are $30,000 - $60,000. After some discussion, Council-
man White moved to authorize advertisements for bids on a
used aerial truck and some miscellaneous equipment. Seconded
by Councilman Bishop, motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Nix stated the recent death of Councilman McCawley
placed a sad duty upon him and the Council. By State law,
the governing body must appoint a person to complete the
late Councilman's unexpired term of office. The Mayor then
opened the floor for nominations. Councilman Box nominated
Michael A. Ford. There being no other nominations, Council-
man Box moved the nominations be closed. Seconded by Council-
man Bishop, motion passed unanimously. Councilman Box then
moved to appoint Michael A. Ford as Councilmember for the un-
expired term of the late Councilman McCawley. Seconded by
Councilman White, motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Box introduced, and moved for the adoption of,
the following Resolution. Seconded by Councilman Bishop,
motion passed unanimously:
Resolution No. 64-82
Be It Resolved By the Mayor and Council of the
City of Fairhope that the following persons be
and hereby are authorized to sign checks and
conduct all City business with Central Bank
of the South(formerly First National Bank of Bald-
win County),.Fairhope, Alabama, and Merchants Nat-
ional Bank, Mobile, Alabama, until such authoriza-
tion be revoked by this body:
1. James P. Nix, Mayor
2. Evelyn P. Phillips, City Clerk -Treasurer
3. Trisha Nelson,
in the absence
the City Clerk
of the Mayor or
Adopted this 22nd day of November, 1982.
ity Jerk
Meeting was -duly adjourned.
Mr. Ford was advised of his appointment by telephone
and arrived at the Council Chamber at this time. City
Attorney Jim Reid, as a Notary Public, administered the
following Oath of Office:
"I, Michael A. Ford, solemnly swear that I will
support the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution of the State of Alabama
so long as I continue a citizen thereof; and
that I will faithfully and honestly discharge the
duties of the office upon which I am about to en-
ter, to the best of my ability, so help me.God."
Sworn to and subscribed before James H. Reid, Jr.
Notary Public, State"of Alabama, on'this 22nd day of
November. 1982 1 n
My Commission expires
Oath was administered in the presence of the Mayor
and Council, the City Clerk, and members of the
local news media:
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